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( Copy for Hor.

18, 1972


y ^

( Written Jan. 17, 1972 by Alva A. Philippe, Black Forest Christian

Mission, West Germany.)
Alva A. Phillips; " We have found Mission Services a great help to us in
being able to put the "Black Forest Christian Mission" and her needs
before the people.

It has done this through the use of the mission

packet, her film strip programCslides), the printing of our biannual

newsletter " The Living Water" and through the placing of various
news items in Horizons informing the Christians in America about
the Lord's work here.

We have also appreciated its willingness to

help us in all situations regarc^lC^less of what our need might- have

been at the time.

This type of service really means a lot to one serving

on a foreign field.

I say this because sometimes this means of

contact is all that some interested |P churches receive about the

Lord's work in the Black Forest.

" It is our sincere prayer that God will continue to bless the
wonderful work which Mission Services is doing."
n II If


2 -11972

April 17, 1972

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus,
Praises be to our wonderful Lord, His work is moving slowly
forward. Oh how wonderful it would be if we could say that there
has been 10 baptisms during this past monthbut that we can not

say. The devil has been working very hard to see that the baptisms
remain "zero". BUT your faithful prayers for these lost souls and
on our behalf, that God will grsint us wisdom in each situation can
and will change this statistic. Our Lord has certainly been opening
doors for more contacts and closing doors especially in connection
with the Children's Bible Hour.

We held our last Children's Bible Hour the last Wednesday in' T|
March. This made us sad, and the children even more so, but that j
we're trying to interest all the young people to attend the Junior //
or Senior youth groupsaccording to the age levels, so that we'll
be able to teach them step by step.
WEDDIHG BELLS!! WEDDING BELLS I ! When the "lovebug" bits he
really does a complete jobl! If you haven't guessed already, both
of our adopted daughters, co-workers in the Lord, Miss Lela McCauley
and Miss Betty Welliver are engaged and are making plans for their

weddiggs., -"^tty Welliver and Lloyd Thomas, who is stationed in Mainz,

sf^rman^ are planning a July wedding here in the'area. Lela

^ McCauley an^Bill Rosnett, a graduating student at Lincoln Christian

^ College and a last summer intern (he visited Lela mostly and all

^ of us someover Easter), are making their wedding plans. We truly

" rejoice with both of the young ladies, that God has sent such wonder
ful future mates each of their ways. Please remember both of these
future couples in your prayers, that God's will may be done each
step of the way. Lord willing Betty and Lloyd will be remaining
here one year during our furlough to help Rick and Delia Deighton
carry on the youth work and the German worship services. If the
Lord works it out as presently planned, Bill and Lela will be re

turning to Germany with us in June of '73.

Please pray along with

each of us that God's will may be done.

Time has come for us to return home!

It doesn't seem possible

that ^ and a half years will have past since we left the U.S.A.


funds allow and the Lord willing, we'll be returning home toward
the end of August. We plan to be in the Colorado area the first part
of September. Anyone desiring for us to speak in your area, please
contact us as soon as you decide the desired date. We ill try our
best to fulfill each request. We truly believe that the trip home
is the Lord's leading. John and Nancy Montgomery are planning to
take over our apartment and furniture while we're gone. In this
we truly rejoice. Since our apartment will also be used for youth
meetings and worship services, we will continue to pay one half the

\ rent,

which is $100 a month. If at all possible, we'd like to pay

this off before we leave for the States. Please be in prayer about
this matter, then do as the Lord leads you. Please designate all

gifts by marking them (1) travel funds, (2) rent expenses, or (3)

May God truly bless and strengthen each of you, as you have us.

Because of Christ,

e 8c, Debbie Phillgip"!



IN the'^idst of a desert
July.December 1972
Volume 8, Number 2

Greetings From Betty

News Of Leia

U,e is



rs n^o .eate. i-v .ante-

'-sti-VeSriSSS M,ss teia .cca-iev^-as ^

faithfully laboring
of Germany,

^ Lord here, she rapidly

she labo e

came to realize that

like typing - but many jo

past three years she h

study, doing

During the

Vacation Bible

"d%n "m German and in English,

Schools, teaching the ch'id^enj^

writing up German

helping to

draw up workbooks for childre

doing dishes, keeping house, y

part of the cooking,

leading games

in the youth '"eatings, leading

to other

' oplies serving as camp cook

rn-'^ors^^po^;-:- larjTn't-e capacity at a weiite^a=r;iuS

to t-/;--,ron"-pif4'.;T^re
present for Bill
that this is Leia's future
reason this was so wort^
husband. He came to

ten days over Easter

^ ipye the work here

and "popped" the quest, n - Do you^

or mshe
found It extreme y natd to ieave the wot^k gill
loves so very

are planning


both of them, that Gd

wedding. Please pray for

^^gp gj the

turn to Germany in June

ri97Ta/;-r?lC alL Pia to .etu,n at that time.

iliUS thetomost
Shrfo^unll hJrself'taking
D^Uv Vacation Bible School,

language study, t^'P'"SP^" aid in English, writing up

teaching children '"Jl^^tories helping to draw up the

German Bible lessons en

workbooks for chddren, f

dishes, keeping

youth groups,

panion to two


cooking, doing

to lead the

4--f; i4"ppl

being handicraft direct

L^^gamo translati


Important -

stories and

^ Pf a 'well-rounded Christian.

and Lloyd

fjfv 22nd. Of course, this

planning their wedding


far away. Bet^ hop .1,^05
^to ma^ke^her
dress, if time P'J"'^*
for a German wedding,
prayers as they try to P'PJ? \ ^g pniUipses' furlough

'They plan to stay on ^

I; Ju^ f


and then return J ^ ^ g ^ lay in God's hands. May

of these plans
""L-lnJ each step of the way.
He grant them wisdom and blessings eacn si y

the binkele families

H. B.^3lr:S?S:S?
we meet) have really grown too Mrs Einlfpi'^h'^^"'

^ncl his famHrrth"" ih'

Christian Service Camp

and answers

In Memory

siderably. One time we may have ten or twelve, the next

time perhaps twenty-five persons present. We must
patiently and prayerful ly work on, continually spreading

Christ Jesus! The apostle Paul said, 'For me to

the seeds of Good News. God will bring the increase and
do the transforming of lives, if we will steadily work on

l ive is Christ, to die is gain." Brother Wi lbur

for Him.

True Victory is only known in and through

Saph, the late husband of our forwarding agent,

Mrs. Betty Saph, truly knows what the apostle Paul

was talking about. He lived his life here on earth,
first for Christ, secondly for his family and fellow-

man, and thirdly for himself. He let his light

brightly shine for Christ until our Heavenly Father
cal led him home to take his rest. He passed away

the 28th of April, leaving behind his faithful,

dedicated wife, three married daughters and a son.

We request your prayers of encouragement on
behalf of Betty, as she strives to carry on in spite
of the surrounding discouragements. Betty has
done a most outstanding job as our forwarding
agent, for which God alone can justly repay her.
Your prayers on her behalf would be most appre

The senior youth group has caused us many heart

aches at times, but it has also caused us much encourage
ment. The girls and boys are separated for the devotional

and Bible study time. It certainly works great! The girls

really have a hunger for the Gospel Truths. They have

been studying the different women mentioned in the Bible.

Each has learned so very much from this study. It has
helped each life to be drawn closer to the Lord, and to
strive to have or avoid the different virtues shown forth

in the different women. One evening, after our Bible

study, we played "cut the cake." Sieglinde had to repos

sess the coin. This was a lot of fun. They really enjoy

the little things and justly so. It's the little things in
Christ, such as each small deed for someone else, that

draws us one step closer to Home!



Praises are truly going up to our Heavenly Father for

The Lord has truly been blessing His work here. We

deeply appreciate all who have shown concern, who
have prayed and financially helped the work here to show
progress. We are happy to be able to report that regular
services every two weeks have been started for the

the doors which He has opened unto the preaching of

Stammheim-Gechingen area in our living room with the

His word. We finally have a picture of one of the worship

services which take place in our living room every two
weeks. Angelo and Maria (to the far right) Romano are

immersed believers, who meet regularly with us. Rosetta

(standing next to Maria in dark dress), and her husband

adults. Through Christ's guidance we have been able to

continue having the Junior and Senior youth groups. How
ever, much to our sorrow, we have had to discontinue
the Children's Bible Hour because of no place to meet.

We are glad, though, that we have had the privilege of

Franco (who took the picture) are also very faithful in

holding Bible School services on Sundays in our home

the services and are immersed believers. Both of these

for the children of those parents who come to Sunday

families come from Italy and work in Gemiany to make

enough money to bui ld a new home in Italy. The wages are

services. Along with these meetings, we come together

much, much higher here.

We are so grateful to God for making it possible that

Germany; we try as often as possible to call on the Bruckners, baptized believers in Stuttgart, and as well we

worship services may be held in our living room. This

has its inconveniences, but they are far outweighed by the

strive to visit the Schneider family near Freudenstadt,

Germany, about once a month. As you can see, the Lord

spiritual blessings. The adult worship services vary con-

through your prayers, is opening doors of service.

once a month with the Binkele families near Tuttkingen,

Answer To Prayers
God has once again answered our prayers and has
provided a dedicated young couple to be in charge of the
mission work while we are on furlough. This is theRichard
Deightons, who are with the "Alpine Christian Mission"

and have been laboring with us for about two years. They
will be working with the youth groups, calling and con
ducting the Lord's Day services in our absence. The

John Montgomerys.ayoung couple who are school teachers,

will be staying in our home and assisting the Deightons
in every way possible.

Upon our return to Germany we hope to be able to

take over where Brother Richard Deighton leaves off and

start regular worship services in as many areas aspossible.

We hope to once again begin a Children's Bible Hour.
We have found it also to be a real effective way to reach
many of the parents.


Before many of these things can become a reality,

there are some needs which must be met.

1. More prayer is needed that God will continue to

open doors and give all of us the wisdom to be able to
reach the German people for Christ,




Mrs. Wilbur Saph

4760 Curtis Avenue

Dearborn, Michigan 48126

2. A building is a definite need before the work can


3. The financial means necessary to meet all of the

mission's needs are a MUST!


Mr. and Mrs. Alva Phillips

7261 Stommheim/Calw^
Postfach 15, West Germany

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