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RIBA Stage



Outline Proposals


Cost Plan

Budget is the total expenditure authorised by

the client which is the responsibility of the
design team at the end of the feasibility stage.



Cost Plan at the outline proposals is a

statement of the probable cost of the project
at design stage C which sets out the cost
targets for the main elements of a building,
together with their approximate quantity &
quality parameters.

Preliminary Estimate:
Unit, Cube, Superficial.

Information /
Cost Plan / Cost Plan Updation / Cost Checking

Scheme / Sketch Design

Cost Plan at the scheme design stage is a

statement of the cost of a selected design
stage D which details the cost targets for all
elements of a building, together with the
quantity & quality parameters described by the
scheme drawings and specifications.


Bills of

Tender Action

Action after receipt of tenders is that required

at the tender stage (Design Stage H) in
analysing each tender and updating
information for the client and consultants.

Elemental Estimating.

Brief Procedure Establish cost limit.

Cost studies - feasibility report, establish


Cost studies, Prepare cost plans of possible

solutions, prepare outline cost plan.


1. To describe. Together with the outline proposal

drawings, the chosen districbution of the
1. To establish the limit of expenditure necessary
resources within the budget to provide a balanced
to meet the client's brief. 2. To provide the client
design to meet the client's needs
2. To
with a statement of the likely area and quality of
set cost targets for the main elements so that, as
building, which is achievable within the limt of
the design develops, the targets can be checked
expenditure. 3. To provide a statement of the
and adjustments made so that the overall cost of
recommended methods of construction and of the
the project is managed within the budget 3. To
contractual procedures to achieve the required
provide the design team with controls which
occupation date. 4. To provide the client with
communicate the costs, quantity, quality and time
alternative budget for different occupation dates
parameters to be followed
4. To
and qualities of building, if appropriate.
provide the opportunity for consideration of lifecycle costs.

1. To set out for the design team the actual

distribution of resources described by the scheme
design 2. To set cost targets for all the elements so
that, as the design develops, the targets are
checked and adjustments made in order that the
overall cost of the project is managed within the
budget 3. To provide the design team with a control
document which describes, in detail, the costs,
quantity, quality and time parameters which have
been adopted.

1. To obtain a contract sum within the approved

budget 2. To provide suitable analyses for future

From Client

1. Location of the site; availability of the site for

commencement of construction work 2. Names of
other similar buildings of broadly suitable quality if
appropriate 3. The required occupation date or
phased occupation dates 4. Any specific
requirements relating to life-cycle costs
5. Any specific requirements as to specifications
and / or procedures 6. Requirements in relation to
the treatment of inflation 7. Health & safety, tax
information, etc.

1. The budget. Where alternative budgets have

been quoted in the budget report, the client
should state the preferred alternative
Confirmation of the programme for design and
construction times stated in the budget report
3. Confoirmation of the brief 4. Acceptance
or variation of any other matters within the budget
report 5. Authority to proceed.

1. Confirmation or otherwise that the cost plan

prepared at the outline stage is accepted
2. Confirmation of the brief 3. An indication of any
preferred alternatives in a previous cost plan
4. Acceptance or variation of any other
matters within the previous cost plan report 5.
Authority to proceed.

1. Acceptance of potential savings, if required

2. Details in respect of any analyses required
3. Permission to submit analyses to BCIS if

From Designer /

1. Approximate location of the building on site 2.

Advice on necessary heights for any specialist
areas shown on schedule of accomodation
3. Advice on statutory regulations 4. Advice on
routes to public sewers and the like 5. Designer's
concept of building.

1. Outline drawings of the building and site works

indicating alternative solutions
2. An
Scheme drawings and scheme specifications.
indication of the preferred specification for the
main elements.

From Structural

1. Advice on probable ground conditions

2. Advice on probable floor loadings
3. Any information on structural solutions.

Outline proposals or alternative structural


1. Scheme drawings and scheme specifications

2. Confirmation of floor loadings and the like
3. Provisional indication of reinforcement
weights, where appropriate.

From Services

1. Advice on areas of building which will require

specialist engineering services 2. Any information
on the types of systems 3. Advice on availability
of public utility services.

1. Outline proposals for installations, indicating

any alternative systems 2. An indication of the
preferred specification, after acceptance by the
designer of its visual implications.

1. Scheme drawings & scheme specifications

2. Detailed design parameters, e.g. heat loads,
and electrical loads.

Prepare cost plan based on final sketch design.

Prepare cost
Bid evaluation.

Information Requirements

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1. A provisional list of potential areas of saving (to

be considered during tendering period and before
tender acceptance) 2. A detailed list of drawings
and other sources of data from which to
determine actual savings, if required.


Information /
Scheme / Sketch Design
Cost Plan / Cost Plan Updation / Cost Checking

Bills of

Tender Action



Outline Proposals


Cost Plan

From QS to
Client (in report

1. The budget, with alternative proposals if

appropriate 2. A statement of the basis of budget
calculation including any important assumptions
made 3. A statement setting out the programme for
design & construction on which the budget is
based 4. An outline cash-flow forecast
5. A statement of any items not included
6. Assumptions in respect of inflation forecasts
and current / future market conditions.

1. A statement of cost 2. A broad indication of

specification 3. A statement of floor areas
4. A request for decisions on any alternative
proposals and/or procurement routes, with advice
thereon 5. An updated cash-flow forecast 6.
Allowances for contingencies and design reserves
7. An update of inflation projections.

1. A statement of cost 2. A statement of the

specification 3. A statement of floor areas
4. A statement of the proposed design and
construction programme 5. A cash-flow forecast 6.
A statement of life cycle costs 7. An update of
inflation forecasts.

1. A statement of the cost reconciled to the latest

budget 2. Any further information in respect of the
construction programme
3. An updated
preliminary cash-flow forecast.

From QS to
Design Team

1. A copy of the report sent to the client

1. A copy of the report sent to the client
2. 1. A copy of documents sent to the client
A more detailed statement of the quantity and
The cost plan with target costs for each element. The cost plan with target costs for each element.
quality parameters included in the calculations.

1. A copy of documents sent to the client

A detailed reconciliation between the tender and
the latest cost plan.

From QS to

Such quantity and quality parameters as relate to

their area of design.

Such quantity and quality parameters as relate to Such quantity and quality parameters as relate to
their area of design.
their area of design.

Such information as relate to their area of design.

Build-up an elemental budget. This can be based

on the cost information from previous projects,
BCIS, other published sources, or an appropriate
cost model.

1. By measurement of approximate quantities from

the proposed scheme drawings. Some elements
The method of preparation should be appropriate may still be most suitably priced on an elemental
to the level of details available for each element
unit rate basis, where the cost significance is low.
and may be 1. The measurement of approximate 2. The preliminary engineering and specialist
quantities and the application of the rates to the
services scheme drawings and outline specification
quantities generated 2. Comparison of the
notes will be required from the consulting
requirements with analyses of previous projects of engineers, from which approximate quanities of
a similar character 3. Use of appropriate cost
equipment can be measured and priced using allmodel 4. A mixture of the above methods.
in rates. Pipework and cables will normally still
need to be priced on an overall basis relating to
floor area or service points at this stage.

RIBA Stage

Methods of

Statement of Quantity and Quality Parameters



1. In addition to the brifed areas, a statement of

the allownaces (e.g. circulation) used to calculate
a gross floor area 2. The nr of storeys of a possible
solution 3. Storey heights 4. The square index or
wall/floor ratio 5. The proportion of window area 6.
Floor loadings 7. Thermal resistance values of
fabric 8. Air change rates
9. Heating &
Hot water loads 10. Lighting levels 11. Total
Electric Load 12. Road area and nr of car parking
spaces 13. Length of boundary walls and fencing.

Confirmation of the information provided at

budget stage with the addition of: 1. The areas of
the accomodation divided into use classifications,
Confirmation of the information provided at outline
totalled to give GFA
2. A schedule of
proposal stage.
those items for which lump sum allowance have
been incorporated and a note on the sources of
this information.

A general statement of quality & specification

which relates to the rates used for the budget
calculation covering all BCIS elements.

A statement of quality & specification, in similar

format to that provided at budget stage, expanded
to incorporate additional information. The
parameters should follow those included at the
budget stage, and where possible, be based upon
the outline drawings and preferred specifications.

A statement of quality & specification based on

scheme drawings in sufficient detail to provide
control of the production information drawings by
the designer and consultants.


Cost checking is the process of calculating the costs of specific design proposals and comparing them with the cost plan during the whole design prcess ( Design Stages D-F). The objectives of cost checking are:- 1. To confirm that as the design develops, the cost remains
within the budget 2. To reduce the abortive design work and lost time causde through proceeding too far in the design process before realisation that the budget will gbe exceeded. 1. The methods will vary according to the stage reached in the design process. Normally, however,
this takes the form of measurement of approximate quantities from the consultant's drawings to provide a check on the quantity and quality of parameters set down in the appropriate cost plan. The GFA should always be the first check at any stage.

Controlling Changes to the Cost Plan - Should a change be propose to the outline cost plan, or to the scope of the work, the following procedures should be implemented: 1. All relevant members of the design team should be informed 2. The designer should confirm his
agreement, in principle, to the proposal 3. No proposal should be incorporated into the cost plan without the agreement of the quantity surveyor, and his confirmation or otherwise that the proposal can be met within the elemental target 4. Where the proposal involved additional
cost over the elemental target, or would cause the total budget to be exceeded, the quantity surveyor should identify to the design team alternative savings that are available in order to maintain the overall budget 5. The QS should take into account, when considering a proposed
change, any likely effect on the design & construction programme 6. In all considerations of alternative proposals, the use of consultants for additional work should take into account any consequential addition to professional fees. In particular, this applies to consulting engineers,
whose fees are calculated only on specific parts of the project 7. Upon the determination of a proposed change, the QS should communicate to the client and all members of the design team, the effects of such change and provide an updated cost plan.

Inflation - 1. The prediction of future inflation may not be necessary for some clients, and a statement of cost at current prices may be adequate. Where an assessment of inflation is required, a range of probable inflation is best provided. This can be calculated using predictions
published. The assumptions upon which the prediction is made should be stated. 2. Some clients, particularly in the public sector, have their own inflation controls. Where a client requies that a particular level of inflation be included in the budget, the quantity surveyor should
inform the client if he or she belives it to be unrealistic. 3. Any change in inflation forecasts should be reported periodically.

Cost Reporting - If at any time during the deign process it becomes apparent that the agreed budget is likelt to be exceeded without the brief being changed, the client should bge informed and instructions requested. Likewise, if it becomes apparent that the whole of the agreed
budget will not be required, the client should be informed.

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