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ATP BLOG - Things to know


"atpcor por ation" Website: GODSEND Pr oducts-
Fulvic Acid ('Mir acle Molecule'), * * * *
ORGANIC , with natur ally occuring Multi
V itamins, Multi Miner als, Amino Acid &
Natur al Healing Substances ( INTERFERON) *
* * THERAPEUTIC Ef fects * * * It is Likely a
Bacterial, Anti-Vir al, Anti-Fungal, Anti-Aller g y,
Anti-Aging, Anti-Oxidant, OXYGENERATOR,
Chelate Heavy Metals,Boost the Immune
ALLOWANCE (RDA):- at least 3 capsules /day;
. . . . * * * * < > < > ! ! F R E E in the
PHILIPPINES ! ! < > < >* * * . . .. * * *
"ZEOLITES" as cer tified by UPLB Biotech, last
August 23, 2006 ! ! ! ! < > < > CONTACT US /
. . .< > < >
Things to know about FULVIC ACID!
PART 1 -
In addition to carrying essential nutrients to the cell, it has been shown that
fulvic acid may be an excellent natural chelator of toxins and can reduce
them to a harmless state. fulvic acid is effective at neutralizing and
detoxifying a wide range of toxic materials, heavy metals and other pollutants. It
is essential to wash away the waste and toxins that cells produce.
Harmful free radicals are known to circulate throughout the body, injuring
tissue, altering genes, disrupting crucial processes in the body, forming cell
mutations and making cells susceptible to infections and diseases. Free radicals
are a major contributing factor to nearly all situations of non-ideal health.
Fulvic acid is believed to bond to these free radicals, transforming them
into organic, usable substances, or if the cell is too damaged, it is eliminated as
All cells have electrical potential, when the electrical potential of a cell is
reduced, progressive weakness and illness may occur. A person's **electrical
potential may be lowered by loss of blood or fluids, overwhelming emotional
stress, accidents, lack of sleep, surgical shock, lingering infections, fatigue or an
unbalanced diet. Cells disintegrate when their electrical potential is reduced to
Scientists theorize that electrical and chemical balances at the cellular level
can be created and controlled by electrolytes (substances that are soluble in
water and are capable of conducting electrical current). fulvic acid has been
shown to be one of nature's most powerful organic electrolytes.>
Organic fulvic acid electrolytes **charge, **recharge and **restore the
potential that is or once was normal to the cell, and in doing so, balances and
**supercharges cellular life. The fulvic acid electrolytes are thought to greatly
increase the percentage rate of absorption through the digestive system of
minerals, nutrients, vitamins, herbs and amino acids into the circulatory
system. In addition, fulvic acid is considered by many to be one of
the safest and most **powerful antiviral substances known. Although not
an antibiotic in the technical sense, they provide an antibiotic-effect. A generally
accepted benefit of fulvic acid supplementation is that it can be used
indefinitely without fear of creating antibiotic resistant strains of
When **combining fulvic
acid with **nutritional supplements, you get the
benefits of improved synergistic reactions that you cannot get by
taking the ingredients individually. /end....

Part 2 - Source:

Discover the Benefits of Fulvic Acid@
What you're about to read on this page what goes hand in hand with everything
you’ve read about balancing your body, including pH.
It’s been called the 'missing link' to optimum health and nutrition by
leading scientists throughout the world.
A health miracle so wonderful that medical studies show that it has the
ability to significantly change your life for the better… so safe, powerful
and effective that medical doctors around the world have used it with
amazing results.
Scientists have discovered a missing link in our food chain. We can see that
rapidly increasing degenerative diseases worldwide may be directly
related to absence of this substance in the human diet. Now experts know
that more than vitamins and minerals are required for health, this third nutritional
element is equally important.
This breakthrough discovery is supported by little-known and even
secret medical research coming from top institutions around the world;
medical schools, hospitals, clinics, and pharmaceutical labs.
Most of the world doesn't yet know about this medical discovery for
some very good reasons:
*** 1) Until recent, they just didn't know it existed, couldn't detect it, and when
they did identify this substance it was so complex that they couldn't understand
it. It has been discovered to be the most complex substance in the world.
*** 2) Some of the medical institutions doing the research are in the business of
making enormous profits from developing synthetic patented drugs, and they
would prefer that you not know about inexpensive and natural solutions.
*** 3) Pharmaceutical companies have been rushing to patent synthetic versions
of this natural substance, and dozens of patents have been approved. Yet Mother
Nature has them all beat, they'll never be able to match her handiwork because
this substance is far too complex!
*** 4) An estimated 80% of pharmaceutical drugs are using tiny isolated synthetic
fractions of this WHOLE and COMPLETE 'missing link' from Mother Nature.
Controlling Your Body's Fragile Balance@
The various defense mechanisms produced by the body are both stimulated
and controlled by fulvic acid. It is unparalleled in its ability to act as a
**natural immunomudulator, providing balance. Fulvic acid gives the
human body the tools it needs to supercharge the immune system or suppress it
as needed.
Certain diseases are not caused by outside invaders, but by immune
system's defense mechanisms attacking the body itself. This is what
happens with the autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus,
fibromyalgia, and Graves disease.
Scientists have determined that to successfully treat many serious diseases,
including some incurable diseases caused by viruses, the immune system
needs to be controlled selectively. Amazingly, it has been discovered that
fulvic acid is able to do this naturally, suppressing certain immune
responses, while increasing others. Fulvic acid's ability to selectively,
inhibit/complement the body's immune response is one of the reasons it has
documented success in treatment and **even cure of normally incurable disease.
1) Fulvic Acid is World's #1 Electrolyte
Fulvic acid is an organic natural electrolyte that can balance and energize
biological properties that it comes into contact with. An electrolyte as we’re
concerned with it here is a **substance that is soluble in water that is
**capable of conducting electrical current.
Some of the studies are remarkable. The power of an electrolyte was
demonstrated on amoeba cells by taking its potential away and observing.
The cell ruptured and disintegrated causing death. When the electrical
potential of the cell was re-supplied the cell
reconstructed and became active and healthy. This has far
reaching implications and Fulvic acid is at the core.
The studies determined that likely results could be expected by any loss
of electrical potential, such as unbalanced diet, loss of sleep,
hemorrhage, overwhelming emotions, infections, and the shock from
surgery to name a few. All of these examples exhibit a steady decrease in
electrical potential which if unchecked would go down to 0 at
death. This shows without a doubt in our minds that the physical well
being of plants, animals and humans relies on a proper electrical supply.

Fulvic acid has shown to be a very powerful organic electrolyte which

balances life at the cellular level. If cells are restored to their correct
chemical balance life is restored where death and disintegration would
normally occur. Is this the missing link in the food chain? We believe so and
this goes hand in hand with balancing your body’s pH as well.
2) Fulvic Acid Linked to Longevity@
Isolated Cultures Longevity Linked to Humic Substances (where Fulvic Acid
comes from). Doctors in remote areas of the Northern part of the
Himalayas claim humic substances which are high in Fulvic Acid
arrest the aging process and revitalize it's users. The longevity of the cultures
using these substances are without question. Many live well past 100 years. The
physiological functions behind these claims are being proven by leading
hospitals and pharmacologists.
It is a well-known fact that a large number of individuals in the Himalayan
belt live to well over 100 years of age, and often are reported to live to
120-140 years or more, maintaining excellent health throughout their entire
lives. People of the region that use fulvic acid preparations made
from the rare humic substance not only report significant health benefits
for themselves, but for their animals as well, and most people lack the
degenerative diseases common to other cultures today.
In a scientific world that as a whole still knows very little about humic
substances, these researchers went far beyond. They accurately identified
and quantified the water soluble fulvic acid fractions. This in itself is an
amazing feat considering that fulvic acids, for the most part, are virtually
unknown to medical science and undetectable through standard testing
These scientists proved that the water soluble fulvic fraction was the
primary active constituent.
To be continued.../ END...........

PART 3 - Source:
One of the organic minerals that has been greatly diminished
through the years is fulvic acid (not to be confused with folic acid).
With less fulvic acid produced, the plants themselves will take up less
minerals and nutrients. The deficiency of fulvic acid may be the most
critical factor missing in our diets today. Fulvic acids are vital in
delivering substantial amounts of nutrients and minerals and their
energies to the living cells.
One of the functions of fulvic acid is to balance and energize all cell
life and biological properties it comes in contact with. In addition to
the diminished nutritional value of our food, and because the cell
walls get stiffer and thicker with age, they cannot get as much vital
nutrients and oxygen as they once did. Fulvic acid is reported to
relieve oxygen deficiency and increase the vital activity of cells. New
energy will be gained just by providing your stressed out cells with the
nutrients and oxygen needed.
Also, if you can restore individual cells to their normal chemical
balance and electrical potential, then you have given those cells life
and the potential to function at peak performance. Fulvic acid has
been reported to "induce revitalization" to the cells. Flooding nutrients
into your cells gives new vitality and energizes the entire body.
When fulvic acid acts upon a substance, its molecular size and
weight are altered. This reportedly enables it to pass through cell
membranes. Fulvic makes cell walls more permeable, so nutrients can
more easily enter the cell, as well as allowing waste to leave the cells
more readily.
One of the strongest advantages of fulvic minerals is the belief that
the absorption greatly exceeds traditional tablet supplements. As with
any nutrient or supplement, the only way your body can benefit is if it
is absorbed. Fulvic is believed to enhance this process. It also may
intensify the metabolism of proteins and is thought to increase the
body's ability to go after viruses, pathogens and bacterial infections of
all kinds. It therefore not only bolsters immunity, it stimulates and helps
to regulate the immune system.
We know that certain diseases are not caused by outside invaders,
but by the immune system's defense mechanisms attacking the body
itself. Fulvic acid is thought to have the unique ability to selectively
suppress or inhibit certain immune responses, while at the same time
naturally increasing the body's immune response where necessary.
This ability to selectively control, stimulate and regulate the immune
system is one of the reasons fulvic acid is being studied with such
In addition to carrying essential nutrients to the cell, it has been
shown that fulvic acid may be an excellent natural chelator of toxins and
can reduce them to a harmless state. Fulvic acid is effective at
neutralizing and detoxifying a wide range of toxic materials, heavy
metals and other pollutants. It is essential to wash away the waste and
toxins that cells produce.
Harmful free radicals are known to circulate throughout the body,
injuring tissue, altering genes, disrupting crucial processes in the
body, forming cell mutations and making cells susceptible to
infections and diseases. Free radicals are a major contributing factor to
nearly all situations of non-ideal health.
Fulvic acid is believed to bond to these free radicals, transforming
them into organic, usable substances, or if the cell is too damaged, it is
eliminated as waste.
All cells have electrical potential, when the electrical potential of a
cell is reduced, progressive weakness and illness may occur. A
person's electrical potential may be lowered by loss of blood or fluids,
overwhelming emotional stress, accidents, lack of sleep, surgical shock,
lingering infections, fatigue or an unbalanced diet. Cells disintegrate
when their electrical potential is reduced to zero.
Scientists theorize that electrical and chemical balances at the
cellular level can be created and controlled by electrolytes (substances
that are soluble in water and are capable of conducting electrical
current). Fulvic acid has been shown to be one of nature's most
powerful organic electrolytes.>
Organic fulvic acid electrolytes charge, recharge and restore the
potential that is or once was normal to the cell, and in doing so,
balances and supercharges cellular life. The fulvic acid electrolytes are
thought to greatly increase the percentage rate of absorption through
the digestive system of minerals, nutrients, vitamins, herbs and amino
acids into the circulatory system.
In addition, fulvic acid is considered by many to be one of the safest
and most powerful antiviral substances known. Although not an
antibiotic in the technical sense, they provide an antibiotic-effect. A
generally accepted benefit of fulvic acid supplementation is that it can
be used indefinitely without fear of creating antibiotic resistant strains of
When combining fulvic acid with nutritional supplements, you get
the benefits of improved synergistic reactions that you cannot get by
taking the ingredients individually.
As unfair as it may seem, you cannot expect to live a sedentary
lifestyle, eat fast food, consume gallons of caffeinated drinks, go
without exercise and be in optimal health just by adding a dietary
supplement. You must do all you can to help and support your natural
body processes. Providing your system with necessary nutrients
through supplementation is a wise step, but you must also eat healthy,
balanced meals, get at least moderate exercise and plenty of rest, and
drink beverages that hydrate your body.
Take control of your health today. A healthy lifestyle can transform
your life in ways you and your family may really appreciate for years
to come. /end....

PART 4 - Source :
science of miniaturization- is perhaps the greatest advancement in technology
of our time. It is steadily being applied in an ever-growing number of fields.
For example, if you "nanoized" a human hair, it would become 1,000
times smaller than its original size. Thus you would need an expensive
electron microscope just to see it. Recently, discoveries were made on how
to nanoize matter into a state so small it opens up a vast realm of
possibilities, such as pants that never wrinkle or stain, rooms that never
become dirty, and sports equipment that is lighter and stronger than their earlier

Furthermore, this new technology allows us to produce supplements

that can become more powerful than ever imagined. Nano technology is
what makes our products better than those of our competitors. Our manufacturer
invented a process to nanoize Humic and Fulvic acid to a state that is so
small it can pass through the cell wall. This means much more of the
supplement gets into our cells for use by the body. In summary, with
Nanoization, you have a much more effective supplement.

There has been intense questioning about how to improve the poor nutrient
quality of today’s available foods.USDA studies show a 25-to-80-percent
decline in minerals in the food we eat.Even way back in 1936, U.S. Senate
Document 264 stated, “The alarming fact is that foods, fruits, vegetables,
and grains now being raised on millions of acres of land no longer
contain necessary levels of essential minerals. These foods are starving us,
no matter how much we eat."

Professor Louis Kervran, France's former Minister of Health and a

"The present form of
member of the New York Academy of Sciences, states:
agriculture, to which our biological agriculture is opposed, leads to the
ruin of soil and health and will eventually bring about the death of

Even when minerals are supplemented, most preparations are only minutely
available to the body. Thus, our bodies cannot properly absorb the minerals.
Finally, the remedy is available! Our formula not only contains all the minerals
our bodies need, but, more importantly, the Humic Acids and Fulvic Acids in
our mixture enable these minerals to be absorbed by the human body.

Technically, these acids consist of "negatively charged metal-

complexing ligands," which act as ion exchangers, releasing metal ions
of low atomic mass and chelating heavier metals.

What this means in simple terms is that Fulvic Acid complexes enhance
mineral and trace element uptake, helping us to maintain mineral and trace
element balances in our bodies without threat of toxicity. Whenever minerals
come in contact with Fulvic Acid in a water medium, they are naturally
dissolved into ionic form. These minerals literally become part of the
Fulvic Acid itself. Once the minerals meld into the Fulvic Acid complex,
they are now bioactive, bioavailable (available for the body to use), and
Miracle Bion (Humic Acids and Fulvic Acids) is different. It is the product of
40 years of research in extracting Humic and Fulvic Acids from the richest
deposits of organic shale known. This unique process, used only by Miracle
Bion’s (Humic Acids and Fulvic Acids)manufacturer, creates a compound
with a body-friendly pH of 7.4 to 8 and never uses chlorinated water. Additionally,
Miracle Bion is made up of the best supply of humic base available.

MIRACLE BION (Humic Acids and Fulvic Acids)

HEALTH BENEFITS : When Humic Acid is consumed,

*** 1) increased energy is among the first results,

*** 2) followed by a noticeable improvement in morale.
Other *** 3) effects include decreased appetite, 4) ***
5) higher-quality sleep, and a
*** 6) lessening of pain and debility from arthritis or
physical injuries.
For anyone with a serious degenerative condition, a healing
reaction "crisis" might occur. The body will go
into a state of major cleansing and will use
all its “exit doors:” intestines, kidneys, skin,
lungs, liver, and, in women, the vagina. In other words, the
body will try to rid itself of all of its
accumulated toxins and poisons,
including heavy metals, parasites, and
Although somewhat uncomfortable, healing side effects

are temporary. Professional practitioners are aware of this

phenomenon and can guide you through it.
Fulvic Acid is the powerful
One of the most exciting aspects of

and diverse spectrum of immune system

responses it stimulates in the human body. For example,

•1. regulates the immune system; • 2.

stimulates the thymus gland;
•3. activates the production of killer T-
cells; •4. stimulates granulocytes; •5.
stimulates production of cytokines; •6.
acts as a natural immunomodulator.
MORE MIRACLE BION (Humic Acids and Fulvic

Used internally, Miracle Bion: @@ :

• acts as a free-radical scavenger; • supplies

vital electrolytes; • helps to enhance and transport nutrients; •
makes water "wetter;" • catalyzes enzyme reactions;
• increases assimilation; • stimulates metabolism; • chelates essential
major and trace elements, • chelates heavy metals
and pollutants; • reduces high blood
pressure; • increases potency of supplements; • magnifies the
effects of herbal teas; • creates an electrochemical balance; •
increases energy; and • helps rebuild the
immune system.
MIRACLE BION (Humic Acids and Fulvic Acids)
• acute upper gastrointestinal disease; • anemia; • arthritis;
• asthma; • cancer; • chronic bronchitis; • chronic fatigue
syndrome; • colon infections; • dementia; • diabetes
mellitus; • digestive disorders; • enlarged spleen; • epilepsy; •
eye diseases; • gallstones; • genito-urinary diseases; •
hemorrhages; • herpes simplex; • hormonal control, modulation of
immune system; • influenza; • jaundice; • keratitis; • hemorrhoids; •
nervous diseases; • neurological diseases; • deafness
and dumbness; • mental retardation and seizure; •
diseases; • retroviruses; • stomach ulcers; •
urinary tract viruses; • tuberculosis; • thyroid
imbalances- hyper and hypo.
USED EXTERNALLY, MIRACLE BION (Humic Acids and Fulvic Acids):

• treats open wounds and skin ulcers; • heals

burns with minimum pain or scarring; • eliminates
discoloration due to skin bruises; • acts as a
wide-range anti-microbial; • treats
rashes and skin irritations; • helps heal cuts
and abrasions; • help heal insect bites and
spider bites; and • contributes to neutralize
poison ivy. /end....
R Fulvic Acid is the most miraculous healer on the face of
Tthe earth. You haven’t heard about it because doctors, hospitals, and
drug companies have suppressed it. It has long been Mother
5Nature’s best kept secret but it was only a secret because it
- was suppressed. It probably will change your health no matter what
condition your health is in right now. There is one source far, far
Ssuperior than any other.
What exactly is this substance, and what exactly does it cure? FULVIC
oACID is a HUMIC substance. Fulvic Acid is the most highly refined
uwater soluble substance on Earth. Fulvic Acid is produced by the
action of billions upon billions of microscopic plants, refining and
r recycling all of the plant matter to ever exist on Mother Earth
csince the beginning of time. Scientists have determined that it takes
over 3 tons of fresh green plant matter for Mother Nature to produce
ejust one quart of concentrated Fulvic Acid.
: Fulvic Acid contains literally millions of kinds and combinations of
naturally occurring plant defense mechanisms. It is nature’s perfect
whealing substance. Government studies show that substances
win Fulvic Acid have the power of the antibiotics produced by
the drug companies, yet there is little chance that disease pathogens will
wever become resistant to this naturally occurring substance from mother
. nature. Fulvic Acid from Mother Nature is likely the most
important health and medical discovery ever in history.
C Nearly every plant, animal, and human disease can in some way be linked
l toresearch
the deficiency of Fulvic Acid. A well-documented scientific and medical
journal called HEALTH ALERT 2000 identified Fulvic
eAcid as the missing link in our food chain. It is seriously depleted from
aagricultural soils and almost completely lacking in the modern human diet. It
was not lacking many eons of time ago.

r does What happens when you start getting some Fulvic Acid? What
it cure? Clinical research has extremely high statistics on
wcancer, tumors, incurable viral diseases, the aids virus, infections
aof the esophagus, stomach, intestine and colon, hemorrhoids,
bleeding stomach ulcers, skin disorders, lesions, and ulcerations,
t viral pneumonia, colds, flu, lung infections, bleeding of the eye,
throat, lung and uterus, better sleep, better appetite, alleviating
edementia, arthritis, Graves Disease, and other auto-immune
r And this is just the tip of the iceberg. This is what the research
Hhas been done on SO FAR. It might fix everything on the planet, all
the ills. Earth has been degenerating because of its loss of Fulvic
eAcid. Fulvic Acid at one time was abundant and was found
earth into a beautiful, fertile paradise again can and will be done with Fulvic
Acid. It is the missing link which the lack of is now causing
pollution and disease , whereas its restoration can heal the earth
PART 6 - Scientists
and its people. Source: are saying this can be done.
The health product found by independent testing laboratories to have the
highest concentration of Fulvic Acid of any health product they had ever
tested is called FulviCare. FulviCare not only contains the highest
amount of natural Fulvic Acids of any health product ever tested, it also
containsacid's diverse
all the organic spectrum
minerals oftrace
and immune responses
minerals you will ever need to stay
Immune defense
healthy. in liquid form and tastes good. You can skip colloidal
It comes
Controlling a fragile
minerals and ionicbalance@
minerals in favor of FulviCare. Call us at 727-449-0772.
Clinical effect
Manager, of fulvic
Clearwater acid /end....
Herbs. on incurable virus@
Transfer Factor and Fulvic Factor relationships@
Phytosterol connections@
One of the most exciting aspects of fulvic acid is he powerful and diverse
spectrum of immune system responses it stimulates in the human body. It
increases the body's ability to go after viruses, pathogens, and bacterial
infections of all kinds. It not only bolsters immunity, it also regulates the immune
Fulvic acid has been shown to increase the size of the **thymus gland. The
thymus gland is most prominent at puberty, after which it disappears or shrinks
as we age. Such an increase corresponds directly with immunity,
youthfulness and longevity.

Immune defense mechanisms@

Fulvic acid contains and encourages an array of many powerful
defense mechanisms. It **stimulates the thymus gland's ability to produce
**lymphocytes, which in turn produce **antibodies which are intimately
involved in the body's immune response. .
Fulvic acid also activates and increases the body's production of
macrophages and killer T-cells. Macrophages consume foreign invaders,
while killer T-cells seek out and destroy them.
Human studies show that fulvic acid stimulates granulocytes, and the
production of cytokines, including interferon-gamma, interferon-alpha, interferon-
beta, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha.
Controlling a fragile balance@
The various defense mechanisms produced by the body are both stimulated
and controlled by fulvicacid. It is unparalleled in its ability to act as a
natural immunomudulator, providing balance. fulvic acid gives the human
body the tools it needs to supercharge the immune system or suppress it as
Certain diseases are not caused by outside invaders, but by immune
system's defense mechanisms attacking the body itself. This is what happens
with the **autoimmune diseases like 1) rheumatoid
arthritis, 2) lupus, 3) fibromyalgia, and 4) Graves
Scientists have determined that to successfully treat many serious diseases,
including some incurable diseases caused by viruses, the **immune system
needs to be controlled selectively. Amazingly, it has been discovered that
fulvic acid is able to do this naturally, suppressing certain immune
responses, while increasing others.
Fulvic acid's ability to selectively, inhibit/complement the body's immune
response is one of the reasons it has documented success in treatment and even
cure of normally incurable disease.
Clinical effect of fulvic acid on incurable virus@
Until recently there had not been any cure for Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever. The drug
cyclophosphamide, an immune inhibition agent, has recently proven to be a
promising cure. Doctors have learned to use it to carefully control the immune
system. It is also commonly used as a therapy for certain cancers. However,
cyclophosphamide can have serious side effects.
Therapies described in the Material Medica, an ancient book on Chinese
pharmacological and medical procedures, gave modern-day doctors hope that
fulvic acid may hold promise as a cure for hemorrhagic fever. Because
of that, the doctors undertook a comprehensive clinical study on infected
Fulvic acid was compared to cyclophosphamide in two parallel hospital
clinical studies. There were a total of 178 patients ranging in age from 4 to 78
years old. 100 patients were treated with fulvic acid, while 78 were given
Due to the serious nature of hemorrhagic fever, some patients went into shock,
or had difficulty urinating, were hydrocephalic, or underwent kidney failure.
Appropriate emergency treatments were applied to such individuals
Patients were carefully monitored, testing for body temperature, breathing
and pulse patterns, blood pressure, level of toxicity, degree of hemorrhage,
change in urination habit and platelet count. Some patients were given EKG,
brain vertebrate fluid tests, liver function tests, and blood tests.
Study results: Average performance of the fulvic acid group in each category
tested outperformed that of the cyclosphosphamide group by one-half day.
Various symptoms took from 2 to 8 days to return to normal. The categories
tested include body temperature, urination, platelet count, and final cure
upon disappearance of all symptoms. Only one out of the 100 fulvic acid
patients died, and 99 were cured. Two of the 78 cyclosphophamide patients
died, and 76 were cured.
Study conclusion: The study concluded that fulvic acid is able to
cure epidemic hemorrhagic fever by regulating the immune system. The
comparison of its overall therapeutic effects indicates that fulvic acid meets
and even slightly exceeds cyclophosphamide.

Laboratory studies performed by the doctors showed that fulvic

acid was able to regulate and strengthen the
immune systems in cells and in the body fluid, thus normalizing
or enhancing immune function. The weakening of the immune system at the
cellular level when patients first contracted the epidemic hemorrhagic fever could
be rectified by the use of fulvic acid.
Fulvic acid enhanced the cellular immune system by preventing the
inhibiting T-cells from lowering their activity. This in turn reduced the chance for
B-cells over-producing antibodies. The immune systems in the body fluids were
strengthened and the sedimenting of the immune complex was reduced. The
damage done on the blood vessel walls was less severe because the formation of
brittle and permeable blood vessel walls were prevented. The disease could
therefore be controlled.
The study showed that cure of hemorrhagic fever by fulvic acid was
a result of the cellular immune system being able to control and eliminate virus
toxins. Fulvic acid acted as an inhibitor for the transparent acidic
enzyme, and prevented the lowering of its viscosity. The spread of
bacterial toxin in the intercellular fluid was therefore curtailed.

Transfer Factor and Fulvic Factor

Not to be confused with commercial products of similar name, the scientific
term "transfer factor" was added to dictionaries in 1956. Merriam-
Webster's Collegiate Dictionary defines "transfer factor" as "a
substance that is produced and secreted by a
lymphocyte functioning in cell-mediated immunity and
that upon incorporation into a lymphocyte which has not been sensitized confers
on it the same immunological specificity as the sensitized cell".
immune system cells have
What this all means, is that when
battled with specific disease invaders, they produce a
substance that transfers a message of warning on to
other immune cells. The newly alerted immune cells "remember" the
warning message, producing the same substance, alerting other immune cells.
Once alerted, the immune cells always "remember"
who the specific enemy is, and how to attack it. !!
Because scientists were unable to actually identify this
unknown immune stimulating substance, they coined the
simple term **"transfer factor" to describe it. Even to this day scientists still
don't fully understand this substance. What they do know is that every mother
(human or mammal) that breast feeds her baby, passes all of the immunity gained
throughout her lifetime on to her infant.
This immunity is "transferred" through her first milk,
called colostrums. The most valuable "immunity
weapon" in colostrum is called "transfer
Transfer factor has been studied for decades by scientists from all
over the world, and thousands of studies exist. Yet to this day science
still knows very little about its makeup or the
mysterious ways in which it actually works. But they do
know that it works and can be the difference between life and death when disease
invaders attack.
When scientists remove every larger and identifiable component from
what remains last
colostrum, including milk, whey, individual cells, etc.,
of all is the ultramicroscopic transfer factor.
Transfer factor has been best described as tiny
fragments of molecules, possibly DNA fragments, that
somehow remain functional. These fragments
seem to be energized with some unknown mysterious
power of self-replicating communication.
Interestingly, in many ways the scientific studies on the mysteries and

mechanisms of fulvic acid parallel

exactly the studies on transfer factor. So
far as we know, no other scientists have actually put the two together.
Scientists working with fulvic
acid know that it also is an
ultramicroscopic substance that has a most **unique
messaging relay system that is activated when it
comes into contact with living organisms.
Just like transfer factor, fulvic acid sensitizes cells,
passing on unique information related to immunity. It
also has been shown to assist in activating protection and
defense mechanisms that are able to be passed on and
remain with the organism for life, even with just one
All living organisms produce immune stimulating
substances that help with protection from infectious disease.
This includes humans, plants, animals, and microorganisms. When you
understand that fulvic acid is the end product of
decomposition of all once living matter, it is easy to
understand how it would carry similar transfer factor-like substances.
Every plant, animal, and microscopic organism
involved in the process of decomposition, developed its own
transfer factor-like substances while fighting off microscopic invaders,
Each cycle of
infections, and viruses.

decomposition allows more such

substances to be created.
Fulvic acid is the sum total of all of this, and in that
sense is Mother Nature's "first milk" or
"colostrum", meant for giving defense
protection messages to all living
It also has the ability to pass up the food chain from one organism to the next,
just like a mother's first milk passes transfer factor to
her offspring.
Are they one in the same? As you study the miracles of fulvic
acid, and the miracle of transfer factor, you will
discover that they have a tremendous amount in
common. In fact, you will find that their effects are far too
similar to be coincidental.
And because the production cycles of fulvic acid involve such a diverse
spectrum of living organisms, it would account for its unusual
immune stimulating powers that exceed even
those of transfer factor. Science needs to look deeper, because there is a
definite and very important connection. /end....


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