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Learn OBIEE Answer

Amit Sharma

Provided By: BISP

Reviewed By : Amit Sharma

BISP | Learn OBIEE Answer

Hello All,
Today well develop our first BI Answer Request and convert it into BI Publisher.
This guide will give you step by step to create Answer request, process request,
conver it to BI Publisher and finally integrate it to Dashboard.
Step #1 Loging it to BI Answer to create out first Answer Request.

Step #2 Once you login to the Server, you can see the list of Subject Areas. Select
the subject to start building the first Answer Request. In our case I have taken
sample sales.

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Step#3 Select the dimension members and facts from Sample Sales Subject Area.
You can find the selected Dimension members appear in Columns sections.

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Step#4 Once you select all dimensions and filters. The screen may look like this.In
the given below screenshot I havent selected any filter so the Filters section is
empty. However you could select one by Ctrl+Select to place the filter in screen.
Click the view button to view how does your request output look like. Save the
below Answer Reques. I have given as Report16_V1 name.

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Step# 5 . In the below screen I have selected[Ctrl+Select] Customer Name as

Filter so it opens Create/Edit Filter Dialog box.Here we can specify the Customer
name as default filter.

Step#6 Answer Query processed output

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Step#7 Your Answer Request is ready now. We are going to convert it to BI

Publisher. Open MS Word and Click on Oracle BI Publisher Log On Screen. Same as
given in below screen.

Step#8 Once your user and password get authenticated, you can see the below
screen. Select Oracle BI from Workspace Dropdown and select your BI Answer
Request you created.

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Step#9 Double click the file, it will open the SaveAs dialogbox.

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Step#10 Once file saved to the desired location, open BI Publisher.

Step#11 Open the folder where you saved your file[Report16_v1]. Click view
button to view the file.

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Step#12: This will open the Report. Later I addes the Customer Name as Filter so
you can see the customer name as dropdown filter. You can notice one thing the
Template Dropdown is empty now. Well upload the layout and publish it in later
screen shots. Select the Data in next dropdown and click view to generate the XML
file from Answer Request.

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Step #13 Click the Export button to export this XML file so that this XMl could be
used as source to cerate Template.

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Step#14 : Next Load this XML file as Data Source. Select Data->Load XML Data.
We are using simple tabular format in our first example to make it simple.

Step#15 Now well create the Template to Publish this report in a given Template
format. Select Table Wizard as given in screen.

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Step#16 Select Table from the list and follow the steps given in screen shots

Step#17: Select your desired columns from the list.

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Step#18 Specify the Group by Option to group the Records based on certain
criteria[i.e Product Category]

Step#19 Select the sort criteria to order the records based on certain column.

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Step#20 Select what label you want to display to the business. The two rectangle
says the Technical Name Vs Business Name

Step#21 Once selected it may look like this.

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Step#22 To preview the output select Preview->RTF, this will prompt you to save
the Template before previewing it.The save the Template and give Demo_Report.rtf
file name. The file has to be in rtf format only.

Step#23 The report output look like this in tabular format. In the advance
tutorials well see how to use custom more complicated template.

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Step#24 Well Publish this Template so Business Users can see it in Dashboard.

Step#25 Click Edit Click Report->Data Model->data, You can see the Default Data
Source is Oracle BI EE as apposed to any RDBMS.

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Step#26 Now well upload this template and Business Users will see the report in
this Template format.

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Step#27 Select Upload Template:->Browse Select the file we save named as

Demo_report.rtf and upload it.

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Step#28 Once layout got selected its time to select the XML Data File. Select
Upload Sample Data->Browse and Upload and upload the XML file we svaed last
time[in Step#13 ].

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Step#29 Name the Template Demo Report

Step#30 View the report to make sure the uploaded template iw working file.

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Step#31 Now well place the BI Publisher report in Dashboard and give final view
to Business Users. Log In to Dashboard.

Step#32 Select Dashboard Link.

Step#33 Drag and Drop Text to Specify the Heading Text.

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Step#34 Select Text Property to Write Heading in Bold <B>This is an Example of

BI Publisher Report</B>

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Step#35 Finally Drag and Drop the BI Publisher Report.

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Step#35 Now you can Save the Dashboard and view the result in Dashboard.

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