Upland Unified, Upland Teachers Association Contract

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Tentative Agreement

By and Between the

Upland Unified School District and
Upland Teachers Association
The Upland Unified School District and Upland Teachers Association hereby enter into
the following Tentative Agreement:
Compensation: Appendix "A" & Appendix "B"
For the 2015-16 school year, all certificated bargaining unit members will receive a salary
increase as follows:

Effective July 1, 2015, all certificated unit members shall receive a 10% onschedule salary increase applied to the certificated salary schedule set forth in Appendix


All certificated unit members employed by the District between July 1, 2015 and the
effective date of this agreement, shall receive a 6% off-schedule, lump-sum salary
payment, on a one-time basis, based upon and limited to their base annual salary
available in the 2014-15 certificated salary schedule.

In addition, the longevity increments previously available at years 30-32, 33-35 and 36+ will be
removed from the certificated salary schedule in Appendix "A," and the longevity increment
previously available at year 36+ will be available at year 30. The BA column (Column A) and
BA +15 column (Column B) will also be removed. All references in existing CBA articles and
Appendix "A" to pay based on Column A, Step 1, will continue to be based on Column A, Step
1, after the salary schedule has been restructured.
The Summer School Hourly Salary Schedule set forth in Appendix "B" will be increased by the
same amount as Appendix "A," and will be adjusted as follows: (1) the BA (Column A) and the
BA + 15 (Column B) will be removed; (2) the BA +30 (Column C) will be the new Column A;
and (3) all other columns will be re-lettered accordingly.
For the 2016-17 school year, certificated unit members will not receive an on-or-off schedule
salary increase, other than normal step and column advancement.


Contingency-Based Raise on Projected Revenues

For the 2017-18 school year only, all certificated unit members will be eligible to receive a
salary increase based upon projected revenues for 2017-18, as specified in the District's second
interim report approved by the Board and submitted to the County Office of Education in March
2016. The amount of the estimated 2017-18 LCFF revenue limit on Line A1 of the District's
multiyear projection is $93,008,093. If the state budget enacted in June 2017 for the 2017-18
year provides an increase to this single number, the parties agree that 50% of that increase will
be used to increase certificated unit member salaries, effective July 1, 2017.


Contingency-Based Raise on H&W Savings

In addition to the contingency-based salary increase specified above, all certificated unit
members will be eligible to receive an additional increase to their applicable salary schedule, as
determined by ongoing savings achieved through the Health Benefits Committee ("HBC")
pursuant to the formula below:

The term "savings" means reductions to the dollar amount the District would be required
to contribute toward certificated unit member health and welfare benefits.

The term "ongoing" means that the "savings" are designed to continue year-to-year.

The salary increase available under this provision shall be calculated as follows:
Comparison One: In May 2017, the parties will compare the actual dollar amount the
District is contributing toward certificated unit member health and welfare benefits for
2015-16, with the renewal rates provided by the District's broker for 2017-18 for the
same plans. This comparison determines the increase to the District's contribution absent
any plan changes agreed to through the HBC process.
Comparison Two: The parties will then compare the renewal rates provided by the
District's broker for 2017-18, with the changes achieved through the HBC process.
"Achieved" means the changes have been recommended by the HBC and adopted by the
parties by the HBC process set forth below. The difference in costs between Comparison
One and Comparison Two will constitute the "ongoing savings" available to be applied to
certificated unit member salaries.
Calculation: The parties agree that 50% of the "ongoing savings" generated in
Comparison Two will be used to increase the certificated salary schedule, effective July
1, 2017.

It is the parties' expectation that this incentive will provide sufficient time to agree on
long-term, ongoing savings to health and welfare benefits. After October 1, 2017, the
HBC will continue to meet as specified below, but no further ongoing savings achieved
through the HBC process will be applied to certificated unit member salaries, unless
otherwise agreed by the parties.

The parties acknowledge and agree that the foregoing provisions close salary negotiations for the
2015-16, 2016-17, and 2017-18 school years. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, salary will
be reopened for 2018-19 negotiations.
Health and Welfare Benefits: Appendix "C"
Until the parties agree otherwise through the HBC process below, the District will continue to
provide health and welfare benefits to employees and retirees as set forth in Appendix "C."
Health Benefits Committee
The parties agree there is an urgent need to address anticipated increases in District health and
welfare costs for employees and retirees, and to agree on health and welfare cost containment
measures designed to reduce the risk of future deficit spending. To this end, the parties agree to
take the following immediate steps:

The District and Association will jointly participate in a standing HBC to review health
and welfare benefits provided to certificated bargaining unit members and retirees. The
HBC will consist of three (3) representatives from the Association, three (3)
representatives from the District, and, if agreed upon, a neutral facilitator mutually
selected by the parties. District and Association representatives may also bring outside
health benefits consultants and brokers to attend HBC meetings. Stakeholders from other
employee groups may be included in this HBC.


Unless otherwise agreed by the HBC representatives, the HBC will meet monthly,
beginning the month following ratification of this agreement. The meetings will, to the
extent possible, take place at regularly scheduled dates and times, and may take place
during regular work hours and employment break periods. The District will grant
Association members on the HBC with as much paid release time as needed to fulfill
their HBC roles in good faith.


The primary purposes of the HBC meetings will be to:

Collaboratively develop recommendations to achieve feasible ongoing savings to

the District's current and future health and welfare contributions for certificated
unit members (and, if stakeholders from other employee groups are on the HBC,
health and welfare contributions for those employees as well). The HBC's goal
will be to recommend ongoing savings designed to maintain fiscal solvency and
reduce the risk of deficit spending. To this end, the HBC will thoroughly review
and discuss health and welfare programs, including, but not limited to, brokers
and trusts, plans, plan designs and options, co-payments and deductibles, and
District and employee contributions.

Ensure certificated unit members continue to receive excellent health and welfare
benefits. To this end, the HBC will strive to maintain or improve the quality of
health and welfare programs provided to certificated unit members (and, if

stakeholders from other employee groups are on the HBC, health and welfare
programs provided to those employees as well), to the extent possible.

Upon reaching a consensus, the HBC shall promptly provide its recommendations to the
parties' designated bargaining teams. Those teams will then meet and negotiate without
delay for the purpose of adopting the HBC's recommendations, or agreeing on revised
measures based on the HBC's recommendations. If necessary and appropriate, the
bargaining teams may jointly direct the HBC to reconvene and revise its
recommendations in a timely manner.


As stated under the 2017-18 contingency-based raise above, the parties agree that the
HBC will continue to meet after October 1, 2017, for the same purposes specified above.

The parties acknowledge and agree that the foregoing procedures will govern health and welfare
negotiations from the effective date of this agreement through the end of the 2017-18 school
year, and will continue after that time unless otherwise agreed by the parties.

Term of Agreement
The parties agree that this agreement closes negotiations for the 2015-16 school year, including
all tentative agreements and MOUs already agreed to, and that no other issues are outstanding.
The parties further agree that this agreement closes negotiations for the 2016-17 school year,
except for calendar and existing MOUs.
The parties further agree that this agreement extends the current CBA term from the effective
date of this agreement through June 30, 2018. For the 2017-18 school year, the parties may each
select two (2) articles to reopen for negotiations, in addition to calendar and existing MOUs,
which will be subject to the reopener negotiation procedures currently set forth in the CBA. The
articles selected by the parties may not include compensation or health and welfare benefits
(Appendix "A", "B" and "C"), except for Article 21.6.
For the 2018-19 school year, the parties will engage in negotiations for a successor CBA,
pursuant to the successor negotiations procedures currently set forth in the CBA.
Negotiations Due to Financial Changes
The parties agree that this agreement relies on the state maintaining the current financial
apportionment system for schools, the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). If, during the
term of this agreement, the state makes material changes to its school funding system, the parties
agree to re-open the entire CBA for the purpose of ensuring that neither party is advantaged or
disadvantaged by the subsequent action of the state.

In the event the District experiences adverse financial conditions that cause the County Office of
Education to downgrade the District's financial certification to a "negative" certification, the
parties agree to re-open the CBA for the purpose of negotiating changes necessary to ensure
District solvency. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to waive or otherwise limit the
parties' rights and obligations under the Educational Employment Relations Act and Education
This agreement shall be effective upon the ratification of both parties. Except as specified herein
or otherwise agreed upon by the parties, the existing CBA language and term will continue in
force. Upon ratification of this agreement, the District will make all necessary and appropriate
revisions to the CBA to reflect the modifications agreed-upon herein, which the District shall
promptly provide to the Association.

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