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abscess (noun) 1.

a localized collection of pus

in the tissues of the body. 2. A painful rea of
inflamed tissue that is filled with pus.
abrasion (noun) 1. a scraped spot or area; the
result of rubbing or abrading. 2. an injury
caused by something that rubs or scrapes
againts the kin.
ache (verb) 1. to have or suffer a continuous,
dull pain.
2. to feel great sympathy, pity, or
the like.
alveolar bone (noun) 1. the thin layer of bone
making up the bony processes of the maxilla and
mandible, surrounding and containing the teeth,
it is pierced by many small blood vessels,
lymphatic vessels, and nerves.
acute pain (adj) 1. pain that comes on quickly,
can be severe, lasts a relatively shorter period
time. 2. is directly related to soft tissue damage
such as a sprained ankle or a paper cut.
allergic (adj) 1. of or relating to allergy. 2.
having an allergy.
anesthetic (noun) 1. a substance that produces
anesthesia, as halothane, procaine, or ether. 2.
lacking awareness or sensitivity.
antibiotic (noun) 1. any of a large group of
chemical substances having the capacity in
dilute solutions to destroy bacteria and other
microorganism. 2. a drug used to treat bacterial
apex (noun) 1. the tip, point, or vertex;
summit. 2. the top or highest point of
articulator (noun) 1. device that simulates
movements of the temporomandibular joints or
mandible, used in dentistry. 2. a person or thing
that articulates.
bacteria (noun) 1. microscopic living organism,
usually one-celled, that can be found
biofilm (noun) 1. a complex structure adhering
to surfaces that are regularly in contact with
water. 2. bacteria plaque that adheres
tenaciously to tooth surfaces, restorations, and
prosthetic appliances.
bleach (noun) 1. a corrosive oxidising
disinfectant and bleaching agent. 2. removal of
color from an object using chemicals or light.
blood (noun) 1. the fluid that circulates through
the heart, arteries, capillaries, and veins and is
the chief means of transport within the body.
bone (noun) 1. the hard, rigid form of
connective tissue constituting most of the
skeleton of vertebrates, composed chiefly of
calcium salts. 2. any distinct piece of the
skeleton of the body.
brackets (noun) 1. metal devices bonded onto
teeth for attachment of elastic bands to
reposition teeth. 2. an object that is attached to
a wall and used to support or hold up something.
burning pain (adj) 1. the pain experienced as a
result of a termal burn.
brush (verb) 1. an instrument made of some
flexible material, such a bristles, attached to a
handle or to the tip of a catheter.

bruxism (noun) 1. habit of clenching and

grinding the teeth. 2. an unconscious behavior,
perhaps performed to relase anxiety,
aggression, or anger.
canines (noun) 1. the two sharp teeth located
next to the front incisor teeth in mammals that
are used to grip and tear.
caries (noun) 1. decay of a bone or tooth,
especially dental caries. 2. instance of such
decay, especially dental cavities.
Stefania Prevete De Domenico
Primer ao seccin A

cement (noun) 1. substance used for filling

cavities or anchoring crowns, inlays, or other
2. substance that hardens to act as an adhesive.
check-up (noun) 1. a medical examination to
discover the state of a person health. 2. to
investigate to see if someone or something is
realiable, honest, true.
cheek (noun) 1. the fleshy part of either side of
the face below the eye and between the nose
and ear. 2. something resembling the cheek in
shape or position.
chewing (verb) 1. to bite and grind with the
teeth, masticate. 2. to meditate on, ponder.
composite (adj) 1. made by combining two or
more existing things, such as photographs. 2.
made up of disparate or separate partsor
cotton pliers (noun) 1. device resembling
tweezers used to grasp small objects. 2. a cloth
or thread made from cotton fibres.
crown (noun) 1. that part of a tooth that is
covered with enamel. 2. the topmost part of an
organ or structure.
cuspid (noun) 1. one of the small bonelike
structures of the jaws for biting and mastication
of food, they also help in the shaping of sounds
and formig of words in speech.
deciduous tooth (noun) 1. a tooth of the first
set of teeth. 2. one of the temporary teeth of a
mammal that are replaced by the permanent
dental floss (noun) 1. a waxed or unwaxed
thread, for drawing between the teeth to remove
food particles and prevent the buildup of plaque.
dental office (noun) 1. an outpatient facility
where patients are seen, examined, and treated.
dentin (noun) 1. the chief substance of the
teeth, surrounding the tooth pulp and covered
by the enamel on the Crown and by cementum
on the roots.
dentition (noun) 1. the makeup of a set of
teeth including their kind, number, and
arrangment. 2. the eruption or cutting of the
dentistry (noun) 1. the work done by dentist,
the creation of restoration, crowns, and bridges,
and surgical procedures performed in and about
the oral cavity. 2. the practice of the dental
profession collectively.
diagnose (verb) 1. to determine the identity of
a disease by medical examination. 2. to
ascertain the cause or nature of a problema from
the symptoms.

discomfort (noun) 1. an absence of comfort or

ease, uneasiness, hardship, or mild pain. 2.
anything that is disturbing to or interferes with
disease (noun) 1. an abnormal condition of a
part, organ, or system causes infections,
inflammation. 2. a condition or tendency, as a
society, regarded as abnormal and harmful.
dry mouth (noun) 1. Abnormal dryness of the
mouth resulting from decreased secretion of
enamel (noun) 1. a glassy substance, usually
opaque, applied by fusin to the surface of
metal, pottery, as an ornamento r for protection.
endodontics (noun) 1. the branch of dentistry
that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of
diseases and disorders of the tooth root, dental
pulp, and surrounding tissue.
enzyme (noun) 1. any of various proteins,
originating from living cells and capable of
producing certain chemical changes in organic
substances by catalytic action, as in in digestin.
epidemiology (noun) 1. the branch of medicine
dealing with the incidence and prevalence of
disease in large
populations and with detection of the source and
cause of epidemics of infectious disease.
eruption tooth (noun) 1. passage of a tooth
through the alveolar process and perforation of
the gingiva. 2. a breaking out, especially the
appearance of lesions on the skin.
extraction (noun) 1. the process or act of
pulling or drawing out. 2. the preparation of an
filer (noun) 1. a party who files a notice with a
law court.
2. a clerk who is employed to maintain the files
of an organzation.
filling (noun) 1. something used to fill a space,
cavity, or container. 2. any of various substances
for inserting into the prepared cavity of a tooth.
flap (noun) 1. a piece of tissue that has been
partially detached and used in surgical grafting
to fill an adjacent defecto r cover the cut end of
a bone after amputation.
fluoride (noun) 1. any of several substance
containg fluorine, especially one wich helps to
prevent tooth decay.
fracture (noun) 1. the breaking of a bone,
cartilage, or the like, or the resulting condition.
2. the characteristics appearance of the surface
of a broken mineral.
frenulum (noun) 1. a strong bristle or group of
bristles on the hind wing of some moths and
other insects, by wich the forewing and hind
wing are united during flight.
gauze (noun) 1. a thin, transparent fabric with a
loose open weave, used for curtains and
clothing. 2. a thin, loosely woven surgical
dressing, usually made of cotton.
gargle (verb) 1. to force exhaled air through a
liquid held in the back of the mouth, with the
head tilted back, in order to cleanse or medicate
the mouth or throat.
germ (noun) 1. a small mass of protoplasm of
cells from which a new organism or one of its
parts may develop. 2. the earliest form of an
organism, a seed, bud, or spore.

gingivitis (noun) 1. inflammation of the gums,

characterized by redness and swelling.
gloves (noun) 1. a covering for the hand made
with a separate sheath for each finger and for
the thumb.
gum (noun) 1. any of various viscid, amorphous
exudations from plants, hardening on exposure
to air and soluble in or forming a viscid mass
with water. 2. any of various similar exudations,
as resin .
habits (noun) 1. customary practice or use.
handpiece noun. 1. Dental instrument, either
air driven or electrically driven, that holds
various disks, cups, used to prepare a tooth to
receive a restoration or to contour, clean.
head (noun) 1. the part of the body containg
the brain, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. 2. a
person who has a specified mental or emotional
healed (verb) 1. to restore to health or
soundness, cure. 2. to ease or relieve.
hygiene (noun) 1. the science that deals with
the promotion and preservation of health. 2.
conditions and practices that serve to promote
or preserve health.
hypertrophy (noun) 1. abnormal enlargement
of a part or organ due to an increase in the size
of its cells. 2. excessive growth or accumulation
of any kind.
implant (noun) 1. an artificial tooth root that is
placed into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth
or bridge.
to improve (verb) 1. to raise to a more
desirable or more excellent quality or condition,
make better. 2. to increase the productivity or
value of land or property.
incisor (noun) 1. a tooth adapted for cutting or
gnawing, located at the front of the mouth along
the apex of the dental arch.
increasing (verb) 1. becoming greater or larger.
2. to multiply, reproduce.
infection (noun) 1. the invasion of bodily tissue
by pathogenic microorganisms that proliferate,
resulting in tissue injury that can progress to
disease. 2. an agent or a contaminated
substance responsible for ones becoming
inflamed (verb) 1. to arouse to passionate
feeling or action. 2. swollen, red and painful as a
result of disease or injury.
inflammation (noun) 1. the act of inflaming or
the state of being inflamed. 2. the reaction of
living tissue to injury or infection.
injection (noun) 1. the act of injecting. 2.
something that is injected, especially a dose of
liquid medicine injected into the body.
intraoral (adj) 1. inside the mouth. 2. within
the oral cavity.
intravenous (adj) 1. within r administered into
a vein. 2. a drug, nutrient solution, or other
substance administered into a vein.
jab (noun) 1. informal a hypodermic injection
jacket crown (noun) 1. dental appliance
consisting of an artificial crown for a broken or
decayed tooth.
jaw (noun) 1. any opposable articulated
structure at the entrance of the mouth, typically
used for grasping and manipulating food. 2. the

mandible or maxilla or the part of the face

covering these bones.
joint (noun) 1. a place or part at which two or
more things are joined. 2. a point of articulation
between two or more bones, especially such a
connection that allows motion.
juncture (noun) 1. the act of joining or the
condition of being joined. 2. a place where two
things are joined, a junction or joint.
key tooth (noun) 1. an instrument that was
used in dentistry to extract diseased teeth.
keyway attachment (noun) 1. a frictional or
mechanically retained unit used in fixed or
removable prosthodontics, consisting of closely
fitting male and female parts. 2. attachment
that may be rigid in function or may incorprate
a movable stress.
kit (noun) 1. a set of articles or implements
used for a specific purpose. 2. a container, such
as a bag for storing or holding such a collection.
knife (noun) 1. a cutting instrument consisting
of a sharp blade attached to a handle. 2. to cut
slash a way through something.
labial (adj) 1. relating to the lips or labia.
lateral (adj) 1. of, relating to, or situated at or
on the side. 2. Pertaining to or entailing a new
but generally equivalent position.
layer (noun) 1. a single thickness of a material
covering a surface or forming an overlying part
or segment. 2. a usually horizontal deposito r
expanses, a stratum.
lesion (noun) 1. any of various pathological or
traumatic changes in a bodily organ or tissue,
including tumors, ulcers, sores, and wounds. 2.
any physical damage to the body caused by
violence or accident fracture.
left (adj) 1. of, belonging to, located on, or
being the side of the body to the north when the
subject is facing east. 2. the direction o position
on the left side.
lips (noun)1. either of two fleshy structures that
surround the opening of the mouth in humans
and other mammals. 2. in humans, the smooth
brownish to reddish border of the lip.
local anesthesia (noun) 1. anesthesia
characterized by the loss of sensation only in the
area of the body where an anesthesic drug is
applied or injected. 2. loss of sensation in a
small area of the body.
lower jaw (noun) 1. the jaw in vertebrates that
is hinged to open the mouth. 2. small identation
in the middle of the lower jawbone.
mask (noun) 1. a covering worn on the face to
conceal ones identity. 2. a protective covering
for the face or head.
mirror (noun) 1. an instrument commonly used
for viewing occlusal and distal surfaces of teeth.
2. device that has a reflecting mirrored surface
at its working end to view tooth surfaces that
cannot be directly visualized.
malformations (noun) 1. the condition of being
malformed, deformity. 2. a body part that is
maxillary sinus (noun) 1. one of a pair of
sinuses forming a cavity in the maxilla. 2. any of
various air-filled cavities especially in the bones
of the skull.
moderately (adv) 1. being within reasonable
limits, not excessive or extreme. 2. to a degree

that excedes the bounds or reason or

molar (noun) 1. a tooth with a broad crown
used to grind food, located behind the
premolars. 2. capable of cgrinding.
mouthwash (noun) 1. a solution for rinsing the
mouth. 2. A medicated liquid used for cleaning
the mouth and treating diseased states of its
mucous membranes.
muscle (noun) 1. a tissue composed of fibers
capable of contracting to effect bodily
movement. 2. a contractile organ consisting of a
special bundle of muscle tissue, wich moves a
particular bone, part, or substance of the body.
neck (noun) 1. the constricted part connecting
the head with the trunk of the body. 2. the
constricted part of an organ or other structure,
called also cervix and collum.
needle (noun) 1. a slender, pointed implement
used for sewing or surgical suturing, made
usually of polished. 2. a slender piece of jewel or
steel used to transmit vibrations.
nerves (noun) 1. the sensitive tissue in the pulp
of a tooth. 2. one or more bundles of fibers
forming part of a system that conveys impulses
of sensation, motion.
novocain (noun) 1. a trademark for an
anesthetic preparation of the drug procaine. 2. a
brand of procaine.
occlusion (noun) 1. the alignment of the teeth
of the upper and lower jaws when brought
together. 2. the process of occluding.
odontologist (noun) 1. person who study the
structure, development, and abnormalities of the
odontology (noun) 1. the science dealing with
the study of the teeth and their surrounding
tissues and with the prevention and cure of their
oral hygiene (noun) 1. practice of keeping the
mouth clean and healthy by brushing and
flossing to prevent tooth decay and gum
odontopediatric (noun) 1. are those performed
on infant patients . 2. treats infant patients
integrally from the earliest age stage to
ortodonthics (noun) 1. the branch of dentistry
dealing with the prevention and correction of
irregular teeth, as by means of braces.
painful (adj.) 1. full of or givin pain. 2. requiring
care and labor, difficult or irksome.
palate (noun) 1. the roof of the mouth in
vertebrates having a complete or partial
separation of the oral and nasal cavities and
consisting of the hard palate and the soft palate.
2. the sense of taste.
palatine bone (noun) 1. either of two
irregularly shaped bones that form the back of
the hard palate and helps to form the nasal
cavity and the floor of the orbits.
parotid glad (noun) 1. either of the pair of
salivary glands situated below and in front of
each ear. 2. a large salivary gland, in man
situated in front of and below each ear.
patient (noun) 1. one who receives medical
attention, care, or treatment. 2. obsolete who

periodontics (noun) 1. the branch of dentistry

that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of
diseases and disorders of the gums. 2. affect the
tissues and structures that sorround the teeth.
plaster (noun) 1. a mixture of lime or gypsum,
sand, and water, sometimes with fiber added,
that hardens to a smooth solid and is used for
coating walls and ceilings.
porcelain (noun) 1. a hard, white, translucent
ceramic made by firing a pure clay and then
glazing it with variously colored fusible
probes (noun) 1. a dental instrument formally
known as a periodontal probe.
pulp (noun) 1. the richly vascularized and
innervated connective tissue inside the pulp
cavity of a tooth.
radiology (noun) 1. the branch of medical
science dealing with use of x-rays, radioactive
substance, and other forms of radiant energy in
diagnosis and treatment of disease.
radiologist (noun) 1. a physician trained in the
use of radioactive subastance, x-rays, and other
imaging techniques to reach a diagnosis.
relaxed (adj.) 1. freed from tensin, being at
ease, as applied to muscles and the mind.
resines (noun) 1. a solido r semisolid organic
substance exuded by plants or by insects
feeding on plants. 2. a compound made by
condensation or polymerization of lowmolecular-weight organic compounds.
restaurations (noun) 1. used to restore the
function, integrity and morphology of missing
tooth structures. 2. the structural loss typically
results from caries or external trauma.
rinse (verb) 1. to wash lightly with water. 2. to
remove by washing lightly in water, as by
pouring water overo r by dipping in water.
risk (noun) 1. the possibility of suffering harm or
loss, danger. 2. a factor, thing, element, or
course involving uncertain danger.
right (adj.) 1. of belonging to, located on, or
being the side of the body to the south when the
subject is facing east.
root (noun) 1. the embedded part of an organ
or structure such as a nerve, that serves as a
base or support.
rough (adj.) 1. having a surface marked by
irregularities, protuberances, or ridges not
smooth. 2. difficult to travel over or through.
rotated (verb) 1. to turn around on a axis or
center. 2. to proceed in sequence, take turns or
saliva (noun) 1. the watery mixture of
secretions from the salivary and oral mucous
glands that lubricates chewed food, moinstens
the oral walls, and contains ptyalin.
salivary glands (noun) 1. paired glands in the
mouth and cheeks, they produce saliva, which
moinstens food and starts the process of
scalped (noun) 1. a small straight knife with a
thin sharp blade used in surgury and dissection.
2. a surgical knife with a short thin blade.
sealant (noun) 1. a substance, such as sealing
wax, used to seal a surface to prevent passage
of a liquido r gas. 2. a plastic resin used in
dentistryo coat the chewing surfaces of the back

teeth to prevent the growth of cavity-causing

second molar (noun) 1. seventh permanent or
fifth deciduous tooth in the maxilla and mandible
on either side of the midsagittal plane of the
head following the arch form.
sensitivity (noun) 1. the state or quality of
being sensitive, often used to denote a state of
abnormal responsiveness to stimulation or of
responding quickly and acutely.
smile (noun) 1. a facial expression
characterized by an upward curving of the
corners of the mouth and indicating pleasure,
amusement, or derision.
socket (noun) 1. an opening or a cavity into
which an inserted part is designed to fit. 2. the
concave part of a joint that receives the end of a
spit up (verb) 1. saliva, especially when
expectorated, spittle. 2. to eject matter from the
mouth, expectorate.
surface (noun) 1. the outer or the topmost
boundary of an object. 2. a material layer
constituting such a boundary.
suture (noun) 1. the fine thread or other
material used surgically to close a wound or join
tissues. 2. the stitch so formed.
surgeon (noun) 1. a medical officer who is
specializes in surgury. 2. A medical practitioner.
surgery (noun) 1. the branch of medicine that
deals with the diagnosis and treatment of injury,
deformity, and disease by the use of
syringe (noun) 1. a medical instrument used to
inject fluids into the body or draw them from it.
2. a hypodermic syringe.
therapy (noun) 1. treatment of illness, injury, or
disability. 2. the treatment of physical, mental or
social disorders or disease.
third molar (noun) 1. one of four rearmost
molar son each side of the upper and lower jaw
in humans. Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to
erupt, typically in early adulthood.
tissue (noun) 1. a group or layer of similarly
specialized cells that together perform certain
special functions.
tongue (noun) 1. a muscular organ on the floor
of the mouth, it aids in chewing, swallowing, and
speech, and is the location of organs of taste.
tooth (noun) 1. one of the small bonelike
structures of the jaws for biting and mastication
of food, they also help in the shaping of sounds
and forming of words in speech.
toothache (noun) 1. any pain or soreness
within ora round a tooth, indicating inflammation
and possible infection.
tooth brush (noun) 1. a brush used for cleaning
teeth. 2. a bristled or filamented home-care
dental device intended to clean teeth, gums, and
toothpaste (noun) 1. a paste for cleaning
teeth. 2. containing a fine abrasive poder, such
as chalk, a little soap or detergent, some
flavouring, often peppermint, and some
sweetening agent and fluoride salt.
toxin (noun) 1. a poisonous substance,
especially a protein, that is produced by living
cells or organisms and is capable of causing
disease when introduced into the body tissues.

2. a poisonous or harmful nonbiological

substance, such as a pollutant.
treatment (noun) 1. the act manner or method
of handing or dealing with someone or
something. 2. the agent, procedure, or regimen
so used.
tweezers (noun) 1. small pincers or nippers for
plucking out hairs, extracting splinters, picking
up samll objects. 2. Small pincer-like instrument
for handling small objects.
ulcers (noun) 1. a lesion of the skin or a mucous
membrane such as the one lining the stomach or
duodenum that is accompanied by formation of
pus and necrosis of surrounding tissue, usually
resulting from inflammation or ischemia.
ulcerated area (noun) 1. is a sore on the skin
or a mucous membrane , accompained by the
desintegration of tissue.
upper jaw (noun) 1. the jaw in vertebrates that
is fused to the cranium.
vaccine (noun) 1. a suspension of dead,
attenuated, or otherwise modified
microorganism for inoculation to produce
immunity to a disease by stimulating yhe
production of antibodies.
virus (noun) 1. any of various submicroscopic
agents that infect living organisms, often
causing disease and that consist of a single or
double strand of RNA o DNA surrounded by a
protein coat.

viscera (noun) 1. the soft internal organs of the

body, especially those contained within the
addominal and thoracic cavities.
vision (noun) 1. the faculty of sight, eyesight.
2. something that is or has been seen.
vital signs (noun) 1. body temperatura, heart
rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure as
measured to assess health or dysfunction.
vomit (verb) 1. the acto r an instance of
ejecting matter from the stomach through the
waiting room (noun) 1. a room, as in a railroad
station or physicians office, for the use of
people waiting.
wax (noun) 1. any of various natural, oily or
greasy heat-sensitive substances, consisting of
hydrocarbons or esters.
wisdom tooth (noun) 1. any of the four molar
teeth, one at the back of each side of the jaw,
that are the last of the permanent teeth to erupt.
wire (noun) 1. metal that has been drawn out
into a strand or rod, used chiefly for structural
support, as in concrete.
x-rays (noun) 1. a photon of electromagnetic
radiation of very short wavelenght.

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