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Bixby Knolls Christian Church, (Disciples of Christ) (562) 426-0428

MAY 17, 2016



and religions

Dear Church,
In high school, I took Spanish as a second language. At



helped make our musical Pentecost ser-

best Christian I could, I didnt

vice special. Our choir members, hand-

understand other religions

bell ringers, Samantha K on guitar and

and I didnt want to. They

narrator Madison K. Everyone did a ter-

were dumb and false.

rific job and the Spirit was felt by one

I think differently now. As

lem learning nouns and simple

I learn about other religions,

phrases like Como est?

I am more likely to think,

Then I learned that, in Span-

How fascinating! I find my-

ish, adjectives usually followed

self wanting to learn more;

nouns, unlike English in which

and the more I learn, the

adjectives usually come first.

more I am fascinated by the

After that, we started conjugat-

differences, as well as the

ing verbs, which was sometimes


confusing. And THEN, the hard-

Portuguese and English

est thing of all for me: learning

are very different languages;

when and how to use preposi-

yet they have the same pur-


pose: to enable communication among people.

sense to me. It was all so differ-

Christianity is very differ-

ent. I said to my teenage self,

ent from other religions, yet

this is dumb! and I gave up

all religions Christianity,

learning Spanish.

Islam, Judaism, and others

Now Im trying to learn Por-

all seek to find meaning and

tuguese. Im running into many

connection in a world cre-

of the same challenges I en-

ated by a benevolent, loving

countered when I tried to learn

power that we call God.

Spanish. But this time, instead of

The more we learn, the

saying, this is dumb! I say,

more we understand; and

How fascinating! And instead

the more we understand, the

of giving up, I say, This is going

more likely we are to find

to take me awhile, but Im going

peace in our world. See you

to keep trying!

in worship!

I like to think the difference

is that Ive matured a bit since
high school.
In the same way, my attitude

Thanks so much for everyone who

Growing up, trying to be the

first it was easy: I had no prob-

The rules didnt make any

Just a fire note!

and all.
Youth choir starting this Sunday May
22. We will meet and sing right after
service and then have our snack. We
have several people helping and we
look forward to making great fun music
JOYOUS Handbells are looking for more
ringers. No need to read music we
make it easy and fun! We will even start
you on the smallest bells if that helps!
Come talk to Barb or she will come find
Get ready for summer by joining praise
team! We are always looking for people who want to help over the summer.
Talk to Barb and she will get you involved!

Pastor Danny
We recently said goodbye to Thunder,
Amy, and Chrysan who moved back to
Burma. May the people of Burma be
blessed by them just as we have been!

Get Ready for CAVE QUEST VBS 2016!

Last summer I was the Sherpa who helped guide an amazing group of hikers climb to the top
of Mt. Everest (ok, in Fellowship Hall). It was an exciting adventure, and this year plans are
underway for yet another VBS expedition: CAVE QUEST Following Jesus, The Light of The
World! The week of July 18-22, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, well all be Spelunkers cave explorers! Cave Crews will be discovering the mysteries within underground rooms and deep passages of caves. Although some caves are very dark or have little light that shines through
cracks in their rocky walls, well be following Jesus Light of the World, and learning about His
unfailing love for us!
Some caves are small, but theres room enough for anyone of any age who would like to be a
part of our VBS CAVE QUEST Crew: Leaders, Youth Helpers, and of course the children, are
all needed. Once again, the program connects a variety of fun and meaningful activities that
reinforce daily Bible points, such as Sing & Play Rock Start, Deep Bible Quests, Imagination
Station, KidVid Cinema & Bible Buddies, Spelunker Sports & Games, and snacks at the Cavern
Caf! Prayerfully consider booking this trip with me for a one-of-a-kind vacation, Vacation Bible School. Itll take quite a crew and many items to pack as we Prepare for the Quest. I
guarantee many unexpected blessings and lots of fun J
Registration forms for children K-6th grade and Youth Helpers now available in the Narthex
and church office (turn them in to me or Monica). Upcoming Leader & Youth meetings/
preparation dates will soon be scheduled. Thank you in advance for your prayers and support.
Your Spelunker Buddy,
Scheri Dubon

Alice Hoffman
Sumbal Sardar
Keri Clark (daughter of M. Lanz)
Grace Kobel
Porter Family, Ruthie Atkin (friends of B. Smith)
Nargis & family in Pakistan (family of Sumbal Sardar)
Keri France (family of A. Hillig)
Venus (friend of A. Hillig)
Chrystal Gay (A. Hilligs sister)
Linda (sister of S. Dubon)
We had several new helpers at this months cooking for Christian Outreach in Action! If you would
like to help, the next opportunity is Thursday, June
9 at 10:00 a.m.

On Friday, May 13, Tristan Bradfield gave his final

presentation as a participant in the regions YIM
program. YIM stands for Youth Immersion Ministry and is a leadership program for high school
students with a focus on pro-recilication/antiracism. Tristan will continue with the program for
the coming year, which will include a trip to
Puerto Rico in July.

Now is the time to let the office know of any

graduations or promotions coming up!

Advice for Grads

The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be
useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to
have it make some difference that you have lived
and lived well.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

This Sunday, May 22, Pastor Danny will lead a Blessing of the Bikes shortly before the 1:00
p.m. Kidical Mass Bike ride. This will be the fifth consecutive year that the Blessing has taken
place. The Blessing will take place in the parking lot of Georgies Place, at the corner of
Roosevelt & Atlantic. Note that this Sunday is also a litter pickup Sunday, so those doing
both events should plan accordingly. Those not participating in the litter pickup can ride
over to Georgies Place early, as pre-ride activities there will be starting around noon.

A little church mouse news!

Chrysan says Hi to all! She is fine but says it is very hot in Burma! Chrysan can still be reached at her same
email address.
LaWahna Eldred sent an aloha greeting! She still misses everyone but is so grateful for the memories!

June Celebrations
Birthday Blessings go to:
Gretchen Rugh on June 1

The memorial service for our long time member, Hattie Johnson will be held here at BKCC
on Friday, May 27, 11:00 a.m.

Betsy Hilling on June 15

Christine Perkinson on June 17

Wise Words

Sunbal Sardar on June 21

Only a life lived for others in a life worthwhile.

-Albert Einstein

I remember my mothers prayers, and they have

always followed me. They have clung to me all my
-Abraham Lincoln

Biology is the least of what makes someone a

- Oprah Winfrey

Dwell as near as possible to the channel in which

your life flows.
-Henry David Thoreau

Ken Kobel on June 26

Earlene Thomas on June 27

Anniversary Blessings go to:

Ken & Margo Brown on June 1 - 20 years
Ken & Sandy Jeglum on June 26 - 52 years
John & Earlene Thomas on June 30 - 44 years

Congratulations one and all!

Taken from The Newsletter Newsletter

Bixby Knolls Vision Statement

To know what the Lord requires of us;
to do justice, and love kindness,
and walk humbly with our God. (Micah 6:8)


May 22 - Luke 9:18-27

May 29 - 1 Kings 18: 20-39

Check us out on Facebook

Every 2nd Sunday is FOOD



your nonperishable food

items and place them in the
box in the narthex.

The Fellowship News

Help cook food for Christian

A publication of
Bixby Knolls Christian Church of
Long Beach (a Disciples of Christ
1240 E. Carson Street
Long Beach, CA 90807

Outreach in Action (COA).

Monica Lanz
fax 562-426-0429
Daniel Bradfield
The Fellowship News is published
twice monthly.

Every 2nd Thursday at 10:00

a.m. in our church kitchen.

Our prayer circle meets every

2nd and 4th Tuesday at 10:00
a.m. in room 115. Join this
dedicated group in praying
for our church, community, &


(Disciples of Christ)

9:00 a.m. Sunday School for Adults
10:15 a.m. Morning Worship and Childrens Church
Monday - Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Friday closed

Monthly 30-minute litter

pickup: every 4th Sunday at
11:45 a.m. The next litter
pickup is May 22.

Wednesday Night Dinners:

join us every Wednesday at
6:00 for this pay-what-youcan meal.


Leo Dittemore
Pastor Daniel Bradfield
-Board President
Scheri Dubon
Monica Lanz
-Vice President
-Church Secretary
Pat Cohen
Barbara Neal-Peebles
-Music Director/Organist Angela Hillig
Suzie Romero
- Treasurer
- Custodian
Sandy Jeglum
- Financial Secretary
-Church Clerk

Submit your articles for

the next newsletter by

May 27 due to
Memorial Day

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