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PEG_AZ Bill 2281 Ethnic Classes 051210
Copyright © 2009 UNLOCKDOCS.COM. All rights reserved. Patent Pending

Arizona is adding two sections (15-111 and 15-112 below) to change state laws under
Title 1, chapter 15 [Education, General Provisions].

Students in the public school system should be taught to value other races and classes of
people, not to hate or resent them.

No public school, or charter [tax-supported] school, in Arizona can hold classes that:

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PEG_AZ Bill 2281 Ethnic Classes 051210
Copyright © 2009 UNLOCKDOCS.COM. All rights reserved. Patent Pending

1. Promote the overthrow of the US government

2. Promote racial hatred
3. Are designed for only one specific ethnicity
4. Encourage ethnic alliances

If a school is in violation:

1. Notice will be given to comply within 60 days.

2. If the violation continues, a 10% reduction in monthly state funding can occur.
3. Once the school complies, monthly funding will return to the full amount.

The Department of Education will pay all expenses in any hearing on this matter.

Decisions can be appealed according to Title 41, chapter 6, article 10

[Uniform Administrative Hearing Procedures]

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PEG_AZ Bill 2281 Ethnic Classes 051210
Copyright © 2009 UNLOCKDOCS.COM. All rights reserved. Patent Pending

This doesn’t mean Arizona prohibits:

1. Classes for Native American students required by federal law
2. Classes where students are grouped together by learning levels, or ability to
speak English
3. Courses that include the history of specific ethnic groups, and are open to all
4. Courses that discuss the controversial aspects of history

This doesn’t mean Arizona prohibits courses about:

1. The Holocaust
2. Genocide
3. Any other historical oppression of a specific group of people

Arizona is also revising a portion of this existing section (15-843) regarding student
disciplinary proceedings.

In a hearing where a student might be expelled, suspended, or face other disciplinary

action, the rules of Title 38, chapter 3, article 3.1 [Public Meetings and Proceedings] don’t
apply, other than the school board must post a notice of the hearing and take minutes
[formal meeting notes].

The school board will meet with teachers and parents to create rules for disciplinary
action. The rules will be in line with the students’ constitutional rights, and will include:

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PEG_AZ Bill 2281 Ethnic Classes 051210
Copyright © 2009 UNLOCKDOCS.COM. All rights reserved. Patent Pending

1. Penalties (fail, suspend, expel) for a high number of absences

2. Corporal punishment, if allowed there
3. Reasonable physical force by certified or classified personnel
(self defense, defense of others, or property)
4. Procedure for students who commit a crime, or are suspected of crime
5. Procedure for a hearing when suspension is longer than 10 days
6. Procedure for a returning student expelled or suspended longer than 10 days
7. Appeal process for a student expelled or suspended longer than 10 days
8. Appeal process for a hearing officer’s recommendation

There will be no penalty for excessive absences if the student has completed course
requirements, or is confirmed to be sick or injured by a licensed medical professional.

The board will:

1. Help teachers apply and enforce these rules
2. Develop procedures that allow teachers and principals to recommend suspending
or expelling a student
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Copyright © 2009 UNLOCKDOCS.COM. All rights reserved. Patent Pending

3. Develop procedures that allow teachers and principals to temporarily removing a

disruptive student from class
4. Give principals the authority to remove disruptive students from class

Even if a student drops out of school during a procedure to expel or suspend, the board
can complete the process and enter the results in the student’s permanent file.

When it comes to expelling a student:

1. The board will be notified of plans to do so.

2. The board will either:

a. Hold a hearing, or appoint an officer to hold the hearing and bring
recommendations to the board. The board will also decide if the hearing
should be held in executive session [private meeting, not in public]; or
b. Follow a policy established at its annual meeting that all expulsion
hearings will be handled by officers selected from an approved list.

3. The board will give the student(s), parents or guardians written notice of the
hearing 5 or more days ahead of time. If the hearing is set up to be heard in an
executive session, parents, guardians, or a student who is an independent minor,
can object in writing.

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If the student and parents object to the hearing being held in an executive session, the
hearing will be held in an open meeting. However:

1. If only 1 student is involved, and no one can agree upon an open meeting, the
board will make the final decision.
2. If several students face expulsion and not all agree upon an open meeting,
separate hearings will be held for each accordingly.

This doesn’t mean that parents, attorneys, and students can’t attend the executive
session, have access to minutes, or record the meeting at their own expense.

If there is a superintendent or principal, either has the authority to suspend a student.

If none exists, a teacher can do it.

Suspension always has to be for good cause, and reported to the board within 5 days.

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Copyright © 2009 UNLOCKDOCS.COM. All rights reserved. Patent Pending

No disciplinary rules, suspension or expulsion, will violate rights that protect against
discrimination. If Arizona determines this did happen, the district will have 90 days to
correct it or the state will hold back funds until it is resolved.

The principal of each school will distribute a copy of these rules to parents when the
student enrolls, and will share the rules with the student body at the start of each school


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