League of Women Voters of The Rivertowns Bulletin May 16 2016

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P.O. Box 142, Hastings on Hudson, NY 10706



Saturday, June 4, 2016

Meeting at 10:30 AM; Luncheon at 12:00 Noon

Home of Jean Howell, 189 Broadway, Dobbs Ferry

Election of new LWVR officers and directors

A Breath of Fresh Air

Our luncheon speaker is

Virginia Martin,
Democratic Election Commissioner of Columbia County
Who with her Republican counterpart has been conducting
Full head counts of paper ballots


Bring a Friend

Please return the form on the back page of this Bulletin with your check for $20.00 per
person payable to LWV the Rivertowns or call Jean (914 693-6755) by MAY 27 to reserve
your place.


April: We discussed plans for upcoming eventsvisits to our state senator, Andrea
Stewart-Cousins and assembly-persons Tom Abinanti and Sandy Galef, the County
Convention on June 2nd, the National Convention in Washington, D.C, on June 16, and our
Annual Meeting on June 4th. We plan to add Health Care to Voter Registration and
Affordable Housing currently listed in the Issues and Actions section of our web site.


Legislation for a single payer system of healthcare for all is in play for New York State.
Assemblyman Richard Gottfrieds bill New York Health Act (A.5062) has PASSED the
Assembly and the LEAGUE is lobbying for its passage in the Senate (Bill Perkins S.3525).
The LWVUS has had a position favoring a single payer system for a long time, but NOW is
the time for us to put our shoulders to the wheel and make the calls, emails and visits to
our State Senators to convince them that passage of the bill would be a boon for the state
and serve as an example for the country.

TUESDAY, May 10 at 8:30 at the Eldorado Diner West (across from the Doubletree Hotel,
(480 South Broadway, Tarrytown) FIND OUT ALL ABOUT IT at our next HOT TOPICS
BREACFAST. Elizabeth Rosenthal, MD, will be the featured speaker. Invite friends and
RSVP to (914) 332-1301 or www.lwv-rivertowns.org.

The video FIX IT is worth watching. https://iemso.com/143233923. Use the password

FIX IT to access the film.

GET OUT THE VOTE (Tarrytown Music Hall)

Get out the Vote was the message at the Use Your Voice campaign at the Tarrytown Music
Hall on Saturday, March 12. This was part of a 39-city concert tour by weill-known
performers Patty Griffin, Sarah Watkins and Anais Mitchel in collaboration with the League.
Before the musicians hit the stage our own Lisa Cohen stepped up and urged the packed
audience to update their voter registration if needed and to vote. The audience cheered.
After the performance Patty gave impassioned pleas to voters to participate in this years
elections. Susan Schwarz and Susan Goodwin were in the lobby distributing voter
registration forms and answer questions about voting.


Although LWVR by-laws stipulate that the League does not support parties of candidates, a
more explicit Local Nonpartisan Policy is needed. Lindsay Feinberg and Susan Maggioto
will work on this during the summer.


Susan Goodwin

Nominating Committee
Vice President:
Emma Lou Louis


Pat Rodriguez

to be chosen at the meeting
Susan Maggiotto


Rhoda Barr

Lisa Cohen

Barbara Dannenbring
Lindsay Feinberg

Monica Getz

Lynn Levine

Susan Schwarz

Miriam Mauzerall, Director Emerita

Nominations from the floor are accepted provided you have the consent of the nominee.

Continuing in office to 2016: Vice President Jean Howell and Director Sue Weisfeld

Susan Goodwin has requested a Leave of Absence to allow her to campaign for her
favorite candidate in the upcoming national election. It was granted and she will
return to her LWVR position in November. Emma Lou Louis will be President pro
tem in the interim.

PROPOSED LOCAL PROGRAM 20162017 (Unchanged from Last Year)

1. Continue outreach plan for new residents to introduce them to League programs and
2. Periodically review Master Plans of each of the villages.
3. Develop a program to stimulate citizen participation in government. Outlook for work:
continue an LWVR book club based on League issues.
4. Support land use planning that provides for affordable housing, open space, and
waterfront access.
5. Support village libraries and provide educational and informational forums related to
community needs.
6. Support measures to increase local fair housing initiatives.
7. Continue outreach to students. Work with schools to encourage student participation in
Students Inside Albany and Running & Winning.
8. Continue to monitor and support riverfront planning in each of the villages. Determine
ways in which the League can promote riverfront planning that balances local land use,
environmental, and revenue generating concerns.
9. Promote awareness of the League of Women Voters of the Rivertowns positions and
activities through periodic statements to village boards and letters to the editors of local
newspapers; encourage observation and reporting of school and government meetings;
develop contacts with other civic organizations; lobby local elected officials on issues on
which the League has positions.
10. Explore consolidation of services among villages and school districts.
11. Support county-wide re-assessment.
12. Study Poverty and hunger in our villages.


After much discussion and tweaking the guideline package (for candidates debates) was
recently adopted by the LWVR board. If you have recommendation, please contact Lindsay
Feinberg. (478-0566 or

1. The content of this forum is owned by the League of Women Voters of the
2. Only the videographer authorized by the League may record this forum.
3. Any use of the authorized recording requires the advance approval of the League of
Women Voters of the Rivertowns. except other local leagues may post the
recordings on their websites. Only licensed media, including TV, radio and
newspapers are entitled by FCC regulations to air portions of this recording.
Anyone else who airs this recording may do so only in its entirety.
4. No one is permitted to edit footage for campaign purposes.
5. The League of Women Voters of the Rivertowns will post recordings of forums in
their entirety on League media.
6. All party chairs and candidates will sign a release form stating that they have read
and accepted the conditions above.


Its that time of year! On April 14th Jean Howell, Ruth Kotecha, Miriam Mauzerall and
Sue Weisfeld lobbied LWV positions with Senator Andrea Stewart Cousins, and Emma Lou
Louis, Selma Thackeray and Christine Verber interviewed Assemblyman Thomas
Abinanti. George Calvi is visiting Sandy Galef (We cover a wide geographic area.)
Topics discussed with Stewart-Cousins included infrastructure, nature centers and parks,
education, raising the age of criminal responsibility, recent judges salary increases, human
trafficking, limiting prison solitary to 15 days, and potential school ancillary services (a
special interest of the senator). The state is committing $300 million to the EPA which will
be used to continue preservation efforts and investment in more open spaces, and natural
resource protection. These funds include $250,000 for the Hudson River Valley Trail
Grants Program and $5million for the Hudson River Estuary Plan. Nature Centers and
Preserves are supported locally. However, the infrastructure, which is in disorder, gets
little maintenance since local communities have little available money and politics takes a
Assemblyman Abinanti agrees with most League positions. Topics discussed at length
included election campaign finance reforms, whistle blower protection, government
transparency, environment, over-development. He emphasized technical difficulty
enacting change; statutes must be carefully drawn. He favors in-person early voting and
streamlining absentee ballot procedure; a task force may be needed to consolidate political
and special district elections. Says that NY corruption problem is due more to enforcement
lapse than problems with law.

Only one suggestion came from our (bulletin) request for suggestions for possible change to our
ten year old Waterfront Consensus or its companion Development Criteria. This suggestion
will be submitted for discussion and adoption at the June 4 LWVR annual meeting:

Residential development should include a non-negotiable 15% requirement

for affordable housing.
non-negotiable 15% requirement for added.

(Clarification: Environment has been folded into the Riverfront Group.)


One by one they filtered down the aisle as their names were called. Dressed in their
Sunday best, many beamed from ear to ear as they shook hands with Supreme Court Judge
Linda Jamison and Westchester County Clerk Tim Idoni. From four corners of the globe,
Central America, South America, the Middle East, Japan, China, Africa, Southeast Asia,
Ireland, even Bermuda;, this was the day anticipated for so long , and now it had arrived.

As I stood at my post with colleagues from the Rivertowns LWV, Daughters of the American
Revolution and Jewish War Veterans, 123 new citizens passed by to shake hands: cold
hands, warm hands, sweaty hands, and nervous hands. Some came alone, some had
entourages. One young fellow sporting a yarmulke seemed to have brought an entire
cheering squad. While some took time to exchange pleasantries and actually glance at our
publications, others rushed by to excitedly greet families or get to an offsite celebration.
Some had outgoing personalities, many were shy. The whole spectrum of ages were
represented. So overwhelmed at the significance of what had just occurred, some were at a
total loss for words. Mere words were superfluous anyway. Their faces said it all: it was a
perfectly wonderful day for new citizens - and old ones too. If you would like to represent
LWVR at Naturalization Court, contact Rhoda Barr (478-1144 or


At a March 8 HOT TOPICS BREAKFAST arranged by new LWVR member Sherry Saturno
who used her extensive geriatric social work experience to explain the web of medical, financial
and social issues involved as we age. Attorney Elizabeth C. Friand (Bleakley Platt law firm)
explained legal issues (there are plenty); Susie Rush from the office of NYS Assemblywoman
Amy Paulin covered right to die legislation in New York and elsewhere. Our heads were
spinning. Recommended reading: Being Mortal by Atul Gawande.


Without accent, Chris (Ardsley) is far from her birthplace in Bradford, Yorkshire, England.
We know her as champion of single payer health care, and women-and-girls at the UN.

How did this happen? Some memories: I was four when my 10 month old brother died of
Diphtheria! 1933. It was around that time that I declared I was going to be a midwife!!!!
(because the district nurse/midwife lived in a lovely house!) After a visit from American
relatives, her father vowed, Next year we go to America, but died suddenly that year, at
age 55, of leukemia leaving a small bequest, enough to pay my one-way boat fare to NY.

I came to America in January, 1951, age 21, already a British Nurse, expected to stay for a
year and Im still here 65 years later. I worked at Paterson General Hospital, NJ, for two
years, getting licensed, than moved to NYC, where I attended Hunter and Columbia two
nights a week . . . , worked in various positions, got married and had three children. I got
my BS in 1964, later a doctorate in Adult Education from Columbia. Our house (built by
Chris and Selwyn) is one of our best achievements . . . Still working on it, its never
finished. Meanwhile I took a year off in England, 1974, to become a British midwife.

My mother visited when Id been here a couple years and we traveled by Greyhound bus
as far as Florida, California, and Michigan, then by car with family, across Canada to
Calgary. When she left on the Queen Elizabeth on July 4th, 1953, I had $28 in my wallet.

Britain has had National Health since after WW2. I started nursing in 1947 and didnt
know anything different until I came here.

The Rivertowns League is covering the registration fee for two lucky members to attend the
upcoming US League Convention in Washington DC, June 16-19. Transportation to the
conference and hotel room are not included in this offer and will be at your own expense. The
rates for rooms are $200 and up per night plus tax. If you would like to represent our League at
this important conference, or have questions, please reply to rtownsleague@mail.com ASAP.
We look forward to hearing from you!


Condolences to Emma Lou Louis of the passing or her daughter, Julie. Julie contributed
greatly to the accuracy of the Bulletin with her careful proofreading.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Monica Getz who is recuperating from surgery.

With regret, we have accepted Inez Jacklins resignation from the Board, but are happy
that she will remain a LWVR member.

Looking ahead - IMPORTANT DATES!

Thursday, May 5: Hastings School Board Candidates Forum Hillside School Cafe 120
Lefurgy Avenue, Hastings, 7:00 p.m.; co-sponsor Hastings PTSA
Tuesday, May 10, Hot Topics Breakfast, Elizabeth Rosenthal, M.D. of Physicians for a
National Health Program will discuss pending legislation and how NY can lead the
way in providing health care for all. Eldorado Diner, 480 South Broadway,
Tarrytown (across from the Doubletree Hotel), 8:30 a.m.

Saturday, May 14: Rivertowns LWV Board Meeting Hastings Community Center -
10:00 a.m. Board meetings are open and we welcome your participation.

Tuesday, May 17: School District Elections - Budget and Board of Education all
districts 7:00 a.m. 9:00 p.m.

Thursday, Jun 2: County Convention Scarsdale Womens Club, 37 Drake Road,

Saturday, Jun 4: Annual Meeting and Luncheon home of Jean Howell, 189 Broadway,
Apt C (facing Hudson River. Virginia Martin of Columbia County will discuss how
elections are stolen and how voting has been made inaccessible to many people..
10:30 a.m. -2:00 p.m. This is a very important topic in this presidential election
year!! DONT MISS IT!


Name: ___________________________________ Phone _________ E-mail:_______________
Name(s) of Guest(s): ____________________________________________________________
Number attending ____

Total enclosed ($20.00) per person) $________

Mail to: LWV the Rivertowns, P.O. Box 142, Hastings-on-Hudson, NY 10706
RETURN BY May 27, 2015
Please make checks payable to: LWV the Rivertowns
Mail to: LWV The Rivertowns, P.O. Box 142, Hastings-on-Hudson, NY 10706


P.O. Box 142
Hastings-on-Hudson, NY 10706


A committee comprised of directors, Inez Jacklin, Susan Schwarz and Jean Howell have
been studying our by-laws and suggested changes, most quite minor, to bring them in line
with our current practices and recommendations of LWVUS. The proposed changes have
been approved by the board but must be voted on by the membership at the annual
meeting. Copies of the by-laws will be available at the meeting. Highlights are below.

Article II, Purposes and Policy
Section 1. Purposes: change good government and political to civic responsibility.
Section 2. Policy: add the word Political before Policy

Article III Membership minor re-wording

Article V, Board of Directors
Section 1. Selection, Qualification and Term. In addition to the officers the board may
consist of up to eight (8) directors elected . . . and up to eight (8) appointed each
increased from six (6).
directors should assume responsibility for an assignment, administrative portfolio or study
the nominating committee may recommend voting member to be an emerita director in
recognition of service to LWVR.
Section 3, Executive Committee: Drop the words the Board may appoint an executive
committee consisting of no fewer than three (3) members of the board. It is inconsistent
with Article IV, Section 1 which defines the executive committee as 'the officers of LWVR.

Article VII, Nominations and Elections
Section 2. Report of the Nomination Committee. The report of the nominating
committee may be sent to the members by mail or electronic means.

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