History Position Paper

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Potential Super Volcano

Security Council
The Kingdom of Spain
Spain as a country itself is safe and won't be harmed no matter which super volcano
would potentially blow. We are in the middle of Europe so were far away from
Indonesia and America. If there are tsunamis caused by the eruption we will also be
safe because there are other parts of land and countries around Spain. Even though
we're safe we could still potentially fall apart if the super volcano blows up in Yellow
Stone because all of our trading partners will be affected by this super volcano. So
our economy will fall part (domino theory). UK is one of our biggest trading partners
and they trade a lot with America so if the UK falls we will most likely fall too.
This issue could potentially effect Spain in a big way. If our economy falls apart it
would be a huge mess. If we lose are big trading partners we could lose high
imports of fuel, cars, medication, and food. Spain plays a significant role in the
nations economy's trading, accounting for more than half of the GDP. Spains trade
policies are really alike to the nations of the European Union. The average tax rate
in the European Union was 1.3% in 2008, but the European Union, has more tax for
manufacturing and agricultural products. Also the European Union and Spanish
trade policy has many non-taxed barriers, especially in the primary and secondary
sectors. Some of the non-taxed barriers for example are, Subsidies and quotas.
Some more issues with Spains trading are unstable customs, regulatory
administration, and strict protection of intellectual property rights. "We have to
change economic policy: create confidence, foster investment, cut the public deficit,
restructure taxation and reform the labor laws." This is a quote from Mariano Rajoy
Spain's leader explaining what he wants Spain to do. Another quote that really
shows us more about Spain's economic system is this quote by Mariano Rajoy, "For
me, there will be no enemies but unemployment, the deficit, excessive debt,
economic stagnation and anything else that keeps our country in these critical
circumstances." The UN right now in Mauritius, Ban urges focus more on small
States to realize development targets. "We will need high-level, high-energy political
commitment. We will need a renewed global partnership for development. We will
need to go beyond traditional statistics and embrace a data revolution, this is what
the UN chief said. Spain should have a problem with them focusing more on small
countries though because if a super volcano does irrupt the bigger countries will fall
which will make all of the small countries crash too.
Spain is in deep trouble because of the potential loss of the trading partners. Spain
definitely needs to be prepared with what could possibly happen any moment.
Spain should prepare for the worse, and since you won't be able to travel on boat or
use water/fish from the water Spain should start growing a lot of crops, and try to
make use of how Spain can help their major trading partners to stop the economy
from falling apart. The positioning of some countries really mess Spain up, but also
keeps Spain safe at the same time. Portugal blocks Spain from any tsunamis that
could be sent from Yellowstone. Spain is in a very safe position but needs to work on
solving all of the economic and trading issues that could potentially occur. Spain can
also take in 20000 more refugees from affected country such as Malaysia,
Indonesia, The Spanish government would give the refugees six month of
protection, money and shelter. The Spanish government will also be able to provide

them with Spanish lessons. After six months, the refugees can stay and get a job or
move on to other countries. The transportation in Spain will also be affected as of
the suspended ash that will prevent air traffic. There will be no air traffic and people
would have to travel by ships which is safe (The Atlantic Ocean is not affected by
tsunamis as it is on the West Coast)

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