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A. History

Petroleum, in one form or another, has been used since ancient times,
and is now important across society, including in economy, politics and
technology. The rise in importance was mostly due to the invention of
the internal combustion engine and the rise in commercial aviation.

More than 4000 years ago, according to Herodotus and Diodorus

Siculus, asphalt was used in the construction of the walls and towers of
Babylon; there were oil pits near Ardericca (near Babylon), and a pitch
spring on Zacynthus. Great quantities of it were found on the banks of
the river Issus, one of the tributaries of the Euphrates. Ancient Persian
tablets indicate the medicinal and lighting uses of petroleum in the
upper levels of their society.

In the 1850s, the process to distill kerosene from petroleum was

invented by Abraham Gesner, providing a cheaper alternative to whale
oil. The demand for the petroleum as a fuel for lighting in North
America and around the world quickly grew. The world's first
commercial oil well was drilled in Poland in 1853 Oil exploration
developed in many parts of the world with the Russian Empire,
particularly the Branobel company in Azerbaijan, taking the lead in
production by the end of the 19th century. Oil exploration in North
America during the early 20th century later led to the U.S. becoming
the leading producer by the mid 1900s. As petroleum production in the
U.S. peaked during the 1960s, however, Saudi Arabia and Russia
surpassed the U.S.

Today, about 90% of vehicular fuel needs are met by oil. Petroleum
also makes up 40% of total energy consumption in the United States,
but is responsible for only 2% of electricity generation. Petroleum's
worth as a portable, dense energy source powering the vast majority
of vehicles and as the base of many industrial chemicals makes it one
of the world's most important commodities.

The top three oil producing countries are Saudi Arabia, Russia, and the
United States. About 80% of the world's readily accessible reserves are
located in the Middle East, with 62.5% coming from the Arab 5: Saudi
Arabia, UAE, Iraq, Qatar and Kuwait. A large portion of the world's total
oil exists as unconventional sources, such as bitumen in Canada and
Venezuela and oil shale. While significant volumes of oil are extracted
from oil sands, particularly in Canada, logistical and technical hurdles
remain, and Canada's oil sands are not expected to provide more than
a few million barrels per day in the foreseeable future.

B. What is Petroleum?

Petroleum (L. petroleum, from Greek πετρέλαιον, literally "rock oil") or

crude oil is a naturally occurring, flammable liquid consisting of a
complex mixture of hydrocarbons of various molecular weights, and
other organic compounds, that are found in geologic formations
beneath the earth's surface.

C. The Materialization Process of Earth Oil

Earth crude oil is made from small animal fossils, which live million
years ago. When they died , the corpses fell down to the bottom of the
sea and trapped inside the sludge and sand. For million years, the
corpses mildewed to fossils and buried under the ocean. These fossils
consist of carbon compounds.

D. Refining Earth Crude Oil

1 Exploration

Exploration is the first step, that is finding the crude oil potential
area and estimating its reserve capacity. The information can be
gained by making topographic map from sky photograph. After
knowing the investigation area, geologist study the rock samples or
stone layers on the coral reef surface.

The research is then followed by geophysics study called seismic

process. Scientist will execute a small scale quake underground. The
vibration of the quake will result pulses to the sea bottom. The wave
will bounced back to earth surface, thus the exact position of earth
crude oil can be determined.

2 Exploitation
Exploration is a series of processes to procure the earth crude oil,
which will be refined. The main work is drilling. The result of drilling
is crude oil, that is a thick black liquid.

3 Separation

The component of crude oil, must be separated based on its boiling

points in order to apply in any use. The method is used is
fractionation distillation. This method was chosen since crude oil
content various hydrocarbon compounds. The longest carbon chain,
the higher is boiling point.

4 The Refining Process of Earth oil Fraction

The purpose of this process is converting the structure of one
fraction into the desired fraction. The conversion types are cracking,
reforming, alkylation, and cooking.

E. The Product Can be Collected from Earth Oil

a. LPG

LPG is an abbreviation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas. It’s contains

mixture of many hydrocarbons came from gas fraction of crude oil
refining. Mostly LPG contain propane (C₃H₈) and butane (C₄H₁₀).
However, LPG also contains also hydrocarbon, such as ethane (C₂H₆)
and pentane (C₅H₁₂). LPG is also known as liquefied gas fuel. It’s used
for many purpose, such as engine fuel, stove fuel, and cooler

b. Gasoline

Gasoline is earth oil fraction with outmost use in the society. It’s
contain hydrocarbon with 5 to 12 carbon atoms from naphthalene
fraction and heavy gas oil fraction of refinery. Gasoline is suitable for
non-diesel engine, such as motorcycle, and most of four-wheeled

Gasoline quality is measured with octane number. If the octane

number higher, the combustion ability of gasoline will be faster. The
octane number can be calculated using formula as follow.
Octane number = (% iso octane x 100) + (% n-
heptane x 100)
Gasoline octane number can be increased in any ways. Some of it are
by adding Tetra Ethyl Lead (TEL) and changing the hydrocarbon
structure in the gasoline. TEL was founded by American scientist,
Thomas Mildgley. Gasoline combustion with additional TEL will
decrease engine knocking.

c. Kerosene
Kerosene contains of uncolored and flammable hydrocarbon liquid.
Kerosene was used as stove fuel, conventional lighthouse fuel, and
plane fuel. The quality of stove and lighthouse fuel kerosene is
usually called household kerosene. Plane fuel is usually called avtur.
d. Solar Oil
Solar contains of earth oil fraction with boiling point at 250-340°C
(light gas oil fraction). Was used as diesel engine fuel. Its quality was
measured by cetane number. This number is measuring the rod of
flammable ability inside diesel engine. Pertamina was produced
environmental friendly solar fuel name as Pertamina DEX© (Diesel
Environmental Extra).
e. Grease Oil and Asphalt
Grease oil comes from heavy gas oil fraction. It’s used to prevent
corrosion and minimize friction. Asphalt comes from earth oil residue.
Asphalt main component is saturated and unsaturated carbon
compounds, aliphatic and aromatic which has 150 carbon atoms per
molecule. Asphalt is used to layered road surface.
F. The Use of Hydrocarbon Compounds in Daily Life
1 The Field of Food
In food industry propylene glycol is used as the material of artificial
flavoring, the solvent of food coloring, and humectants. Ethylene and
acetylene gasses are used to accelerate the ripening process of fruit.
2 The Field of Clothes
There are many kinds of fabrics made of polymers. Those polymers
are derived from hydrocarbon compounds. Some examples of clothes
made of polymers are jackets, shoes, gloves, and skirt.
3 The Field of Housing
Polystyrene can be used as cold restraint sponge set up in houses
located in cold areas. Polystyrene is resulted from the polymerization
of benzene’s derivative.
4 The Field of Industry and Commerce
• Ethenes
Ethene is raw material of polyethene plastic production.
Polyethenes is commonly used as the material of plastic bag,
bottle, and children toy. PVC plastic is usually used as water pipe
material. Polystyrene is used as plastic glass and food packaging.
• Propene
Propylene is used as raw material of polypropylene plastic
production. Propylene is also used as material substances of other
chemical production. Isopropyl can be used as fuel addictive, as
electronic cleaner, such as magnetic tape deck, CD, DVD. Acetone
used in expedition and storage process of acetylene gas.
G.The Impact of Using Earth Oil Product
Motor engine used fuel as its moving energy source. There are 2 type of
fuel combustion.
1) Particulate Impact
Particulate matter is solid or liquid dispersed pollutant in the air. The
particulates can be in the forms of dusts, ashes, soot, smoke, fume,
fog, or aerosol. One of the pollutants commonly found in particulate
form is sulfur, which contained in the solar fuel. Sulfur in particulate
form can affects people health trough mucosal membrane
inflammation process caused by irritation. This process blocks the air
circulation in the respiration vessels. The condition could be worst for
heart and lung impairment person, and also for senior citizen.
2) CO Impact
CO gas is produced from incomplete fuel combustion process.
On of the cause for incomplete combustion is the lack of oxygen
quantity. It can be caused by clogged up air filter, dirty carburetor, or
carburetor incorrect setting. Vehicle fume is the main source of
carbon monoxide in urban area. Carbon monoxide is toxin and
caused fetus weight reduction, the increase of child death number,
and brain damage.

3) Lead Impact
TEL can increase octane number, but its application within
gasoline also generates negative impact. Gasoline mixed with TEL
will generated lead-contained emission gas. Lead penetrates into
human body trough respiration passage, mouth, and skin. Inside the
body, almost all penetrated lead is accumulated inside bones, before
enter the blood stream at the end. Lead has known as neurotoxin. If it
is already infiltrated, most possibly it cannot disposed by body
According to researches, heavy metal of leads can decrease
intelligence, blockade body growing, reduce hearing and language
ability, and diminish concentration especially to children. It also
reduces adult man and woman fertility.
How big the damage of lead impact depends on its quantity and how
long it stays in human body. It also depended on the person’s age.
The younger of his age, the more serious the lead-toxin effect can be.
Therefore, it is not surprising that lead-toxin victims are children.
Seven of ten newborn babies in Mexico have high led level in its air
reaches above 2 milligram per meter cubic and 30% of school age
children heve very high level in their blood.
4) Ozone Impact
Ozone is a hazardous gas and has sharp unpleasant scent. Is
materialized when electricity sprinkling past within oxygen. Ozone
presence can be detected from electrical engine aroma emission.
Chemically, ozone is more active compared to regular ozone, and it
also a better oxidation trigger substance. Usually ozone is used in
water purification, air sterilization, and certain food bleaching
process. In atmosphere, ozone materialization is triggered by
nitrogen oxide and organic gasses reaction produced from vehicle or
industrial emission. Besides causing serious damage to vegetation, it
is also dangerous for health. Ozone especially causes respiration
diseases, such as bronchitis and asthma.
H. Methods to Manage the Impacts of Petroleum Products
(1) Lead-Free Gasoline Production
TEL has been added to increase gasoline quantity. However,
evidences of lead’s negative effect to human health cause hesitancy
in lead using in gasoline. Scientist start to explore new material to
substitute TEL, such as MTBE. It has the same function as TEL.
However MTBE is non-degradable substance. MTBE also has similar
properties to oil and make it cannot dissolved in the water. The
most apprehensive problem is scientist’s research result shows that
MTBE indicated carcinogenic characteristic.
Indonesian government has announced the Indonesia Bebas
Timbel (Indonesia lead-free) program. To make it success,
pertamina modifies their mills to produce lead-free gasoline. Each
mill has reformer instrument to generate HOMC.

(2) Bioethanol Production to Substitute Gasoline

Bioethanol is vegetation-produced ethanol, such as sugar-cane
water that usually used as basic material of sugar production.
Bioethanol can be used as vehicle fuel, in pure manner or in mixed
with gasoline.
The combustion process of bioethanol release clean CO₂ into air, the
important substance needed for vegetation cultivating as bioethanol
basic material.

(3) Biodiesel Production to substitute Solar

Biodiesel fuel generates from vegetation or animal that is reacted
with methanol to get methyl esther oil (ME) known as biodiesel.
There are more than 40 types of photo-oil that is very potential as
basic material of biodiesel in Indonesia, such as castor plant oil,
coconut oil, soybean oil, and kapok tree oil.
Biodiesel is very easy to use and can be put directly into the engine
without modified it. Biodiesel is environmental friendly proved
because it does not contain any sulfuric compound;therefore the air
pollution can ba avoided.

(4) Developing Electric Vehicle

Electric vehicle is a car using electricity as its power source. In
Indonesia, such car was developed by LIPI with the brand of Marlip.
Mechanically, Marlip was moved by electricity. Its means, the
mechanical series of its engine only function if there is electrical
current, either AC or DC, depends on the engine type. Every engine
unit has energy saver unit similar to battery. The component is
needed so that the car can run to a certain distance away from its
electrical source. Marlip car can be used as patient carriage, golf
car, police patrol vehicle, and housing vehicle for 2 person.
(5) Developing Hybrid Vehicle
The energy used to run hybrid vehicle is the combination of internal
combustion engine (petroleum-based fuel energy fuel) and
electricity (battery energy source). By combining both energy
source, the petroleum-based fuel utilization become relatively
economical. The battery can be rechargeable when the engine stop.
Another advantage the internal combustion engine emission is used
to run its generator to produce electricity which saved into the

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