Introduce The Demonstration:: Insitedemoscript-07-04-1

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Introduce the Demonstration:

This demonstration provides an overview of InSite works and presents a scenario to how the
product provides information needed to improve production management.

Helps companies to drive profitability by monitoring, measuring
and analysing key mine performance indicators.
Enables better collaboration among mine planners and production
management teams.
Enables mine managers and head office to more effectively address
business issues.


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Start AVI Demo in Windows Media Player.

Note: Alt-Enter to Maximize to Full Screen Mode. Youll need to hit Alt-Enter after each Pause.

Scene 1: InSite Data Integration Overview

PAUSE: 0.33

Mining operations are Data Rich and Information Poor. Lack of data from Mine
Measurement Systems is a significant barrier to Performance Improvement. This means
Limited Proactive use of data to target key problem areas
Lack of Early Warning Measures most systems serve as lagging rather than leading
Limited Distribution of Results Data is available to only a few key people
Inconsistent Metrics Without standardization the data from diverse systems cannot be
effectively compared and analyzed
InSite Captures Data from Diverse Systems across the Mining Value Chain
InSite Standardizes Data from diverse measurement systems to Provide One Data Source
of Mine Production Information.


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SCENE 2 InSite Components

PAUSE 1.42

InSite Data Management (Left Panel)


InSite Data Management Capability: The COMPONENT of the InSite e

Data Management System validate and standardize the data.
A) OPERATIONAL DATA MANAGER (ODM)Standardized Mining Activity Data Model
Proven in More than 50 Installations.
ODM: - The InSite Operational Data Manager (ODM) applies a configurable
business rules engine to validate data from underlying systems and convert it to
effect Business Process Measures.
Measures are calculated using Reference values (typically equipment
and location refrences): For example, source data from Trucking may
only provide Loads, while KPIs are based on Volume, Dry Weight and
Contained Material. The ODM calculates Volume and Tonnes based
on Truck Factors set on the Equipment Reference. The ODM calculates
Density on from Location. In order to calculate the contained material, it
would typically use the calculated tonnes in combination with the design
grades that have been uploaded from the GMP.
ODM Stockpile Management calculates weighted average grades (WAGS)
use stockpile inputs and outputs are used to calculate the latest weighted


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grade, which gives an accurate calculation of the contained material on a
day to day basis.
ODM Reconciliation allows write back to the system which is propagated
across to the actual movements
B) INFOMAPPER - is the client interface for the InSite Integration Framework. It
allows the user to rapidly implement interfaces between InSite and external systems. The
Integration Framework configures data loading from diverse systems such as Mine
Planning Systems (GEMS, Surpac, Minex), Laboratory Information Systems, etc. The
Integration Framework also sets up rules for integrating InSite with ERP systems, such as
SAP. The Integration Framework uses custom tasks in SQL Server Integration
Services and scheduled jobs to upload data at regular intervals.
C) MULTI-DIMENSIONAL MODEL (Data Warehouse + Cube)- The multi-dimensional
model is specifically defined for mining operations. Data is optimized for reporting in
the data warehouse and the cube. The cube has predefined calculations and tools for
rapidly defining operation-specific KPIs. The Cube is built in SQL Server Analysis
D) REPORT SERVER The InSite Report Server uses SQL Server Reporting Services.
InSite Report Server delivers both Standard and Ad Hoc reports.


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InSite Portal -- Data Visualization (Right Panel):

The InSite Portal

enables users to visualize data using tools such as KPI Gauges, Scorecards, Charts, Tables, and
Pivot tables. The Portal also supports live T+RSS news feeds, links to Web Pages, and
integration with MS Office applications.
Standard Production Reports Predefined Reports Accelerate Your Project
Dashboards Monitor KPIs at a glance
Scorecards Monitor KPIs and Drill-Down to view Detail and Trends
MS Office Integration Use MS Office Tools, But Ensure all Spreadsheet Use
the Same Data, with Dynamic Links between Excel Spreadsheets & InSite Cube
Web Analytics Build Multi-Dimensional Analytics Dynamically linked to the
InSite Cube
User-Defined Workspaces - The InSite Workspace is a data view specifically
tailored to a User, Role or Discussion Topic. This presentation will show how
workspaces are set up without programming, using drag and drop tools.


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InSite Demonstration - Roles & Workflows

PAUSE: 1:52
The Usage Scenario presented in this pre-recorded presentation highlights the capabilities and
features of the InSite product to improve collaborative decision-making. This Usage Scenario
is more complex than most user set ups. Users would normally view only a single predefined
workspace tailored to their role. The learning curve for standard use is minimal. E.g. at SMD
Lero the users were only given approximately 1 hour introduction to the use of the portal.
The Roles Youll will See in this Demonstration:
Resident Mine Manager
Technical Professionals.
Head Office



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Scene 2: Mine Manager

Demonstration Scenario:
Resident Mine Manager identifies upward trend in gold prices and
tasks his team to examine feasibility of increasing mine production
to take advantage of that market trend.

Web-Browser, Secure Access

Role-Base Data Access and Data View as soon as the Mine
Manager logs in is as Resident Manager (+password), his
personalized workspace appears.
Managers Workspace Combines
Operational KPIS and Business Data




PAUSE 2.25

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1. RSS Data Support enables links to External or Internal-corporate news feeds

2. Web Links shows Metal Prices - This example shows that gold prices are
increasing and expected to continue, same issue with diesel
4. At A Glance KPIs Dashboards Gauges Show
a. Mined Grade vs Plan and Milled Grades v plan (Grades all on target)
5. Scorecard with Drill-Down Capability Enable Managers to Verify
a. Mined & Milled tonnes v plan
b. Mined tonnes below target, Milled tonnes on target
c. Wonders whats happened to the Mined tonnes
d. Drill down into Scorecard
e. Sudden drop in productivity the night before but still within tolerance
6. Checks the Waterfall financial performance report
a. Show MS Office integration
b. All values acceptable
7. Checks his Occupational Health & Safety and Environmental Data
a. MTIFR (Medically Treated Injury Frequency Rate (per million hours)
is OK
b. LTIFY (Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate also OK
c. Environmental Measures - All values acceptable
i. SO2 - Sulphur Dioxide OK
ii. CO2 Carbon Dioxide OK
iii. CO Carbon Ok
iv. Dust OK
Summary - Single Workspace view enables the manager to rapidly assess business,
production, safety, and environmental status. And then to analyse business issues and
make decisions about the mine plan.


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SCENE 3 Enabling Collaborative Decision-Making through easy

sharing of information
PAUSE 3.12
Mine Manager creates new workspace with drag & drop tools and
shares this information with the team
Play >

Drags in RSS feed

Set up KPI Gauge tracking gold production with tolerance of -5% of target for alert status
(yellow )
Add comments to the data in the workspace.
Share the workspace with operational team


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SCENE 4: Mine Accountant Tracing and Analyzing Cost Trends

PAUSE 4.48

Another example of Workspace easily set up for to view data needed by the specific role,
in this case mine accountant.
Provides At a Glance Views of Operating Costs Against Targets, Trends.



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PAUSE 5.00
Analyse Costs to Improve Mine Production Planning

The Online Spreadsheet Sheet of Mine Costs enables detailed analysis (in this
example, by Location (East vs West Pit); by Process (ore mining, waste
movement, processing) and activity Cost Group (in this case, External
Services, Internal Services, Labor, Material, etc)
Spreadsheet is dynamically linked to the InSite database, so its automatically
update. No more out of date spreadsheets floating about.


PAUSE 5:45 Accountant Responds to Managers Task with Detailed

Analysis of Cost Trends

Rapidly Generate New Reports in this case use Pivot Table tool
Augment the Workspace - drag and drop report into workspace, attach remarks
Easily share complex information with other team members


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SCENE 5: Decision Support through Integrated View of Mine

Plan, Production and Cost Data
PAUSE 7.15

InSite Portal Provides the Pit Manager/Sr Mine Engineer with an Integrated view
Mine Plans, Schedules and Production Performance (BCM Moved) against plan.


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PAUSE 7.56
Improved Workflow Enables Optimization of Mine Plans based
on Current Production & Cost Data

Updated Cost Data from Mine Accountant enables Pit Manager to run
optimization sequence based on current data
Integration of plans from Whittle enable the Team to visualize the changes to
the mine plan (everyone on literally on the same page.)



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SCENE 6 Decision-Support through Consolidated View of Plant

Performance and Mine Material Flows
PAUSE 9:11

Mine to Mill Data View Enables What If Analysis
Example: Plant Manager Investigates Capacity Utilization to determine if Plant Throughput

PAUSE 9:35


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SCENE 7: Chief Geologist Manages Material Flow to Maximize

Production with Integrated Mine Plans and Parameter Driven
PAUSE 10.07

Decision-Support through Flexible At Glance Data Views
Mine to Mill Data View Dashboards & Charts show performance against target and
Graphic Mine Plan Views.
Parameter-Driven Reports show Stockpile Data, in Chart and Detail, show
Reconciled Stockpile Movements from Operational Data Manager.
Shares WAG Stockpile Data with Mine Planning Team, by updating Discussion


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Scene 8: Improve Overall Equipment Effectiveness with

Equipment KPI Management
PAUSE 11.50
>> Fade to Maintenance Manager Screen showing discussion workspace
InSite Cube Provides Instant Access to Equipment and Production Measures
a. InSite Portal Web Analytics Enable Managers to Build Multi-Dimensional
Analytical Tables and Reports on the Fly
b. Continuously Updated Data to Data Warehouse enables Manager to Locate
spare equipment capacity
c. And communicate status on Equipment Capacity to the Mine Planning Team,
by added to the Discussion Workspace.


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SCENE 9: InSite Provides HQ with a comprehensive view of

Operations Production, Costs, Financial Performance, at Glance.
PAUSE 12:57

InSite One Data Source, Anywhere, Anytime, enables to HQ to be on the same page as Resident
Mine Managers
Enables Mine Company Business Managers to Track Performance against Plans,
Improve Timeliness and Accuracy of Revenue/Profit Forecasts
Understand whats driving decisions at the Mine Site


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Scene 10: Value Recap


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