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com - Recreational Runner Program

Dear Runner:
I want to thank you for purchasing the Recreational Runner
Program. You should also thank yourself for choosing to make a
massive and positive change in your life.
I still remember the day I made the decision to become a runner,
mainly because running was never something that came easily to
me. Perhaps you had some of the same experiences I had
when I tried to run, my heart and lungs ached,
my legs felt like they were made of rubber and I was sure Id
never make it back home,
my high school gym coach assured me that I was slack and
idle and I believed him
I knew I just didnt have the body of a runner.
I was pretty certain I wasnt going to make it all the way through, so
I didnt tell any of my friends or co-workers what I was up to. 10
weeks later and 25 pounds lighter, I crossed the finish line of the
first race Id ever run. It was a few weeks after my 40th birthday
and I felt like a million dollars.
After that, I made like Forrest Gump and just kept on running and
running and running. About a year after that first race, I completed
my first marathon.
I believe that Ive gotten a lot more out of running than feeling good
and losing 25 pounds. Since I started running, my health is great,
my sex life is fabulous, my confidence is rock solid and business is
I hope you can enjoy many of the same benefits of running.

Jim Oldfield
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The Running is Recreational Runner Program was

created by Oldfield Research Inc.
Running is Easy is a registered trademark of Oldfield
Research Inc.

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Not all exercise programs are suitable for all people. You
must consult with a physician prior to starting this or any
exercise program.
Running should not be painful or cause discomfort. If you
feel pain or undue discomfort, seek medical attention. The
expression No Pain, No Gain is not applicable to running or
other exercise programs.
My coach taught me two important rules that have served me
well throughout my running career:
1. Listen to your coach
2. Listen to your body
This is the beginning of a long and beneficial running career.
If it takes you longer than 10 weeks to achieve running for 20
minutes, thats okay. Depending on your starting level of
fitness you might require an extra week or two to finish the

You may be running outdoors, listening to the coaching on
your MP3 Player. Keep the volume low. Protect your
hearing and be aware of your surroundings. You are
responsible for your own safety. Dont take chances.


I recommend that you read this entire manual before you
start running. Its filled with valuable information to help you
succeed in the program and avoid any problems. However,
if you just cant wait, check the next page for a Quick Start
Guide, itll get you going in a hurry.

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Read Pages 10-11 for the list of critical equipment you

need to get started.


Load the recordings Week 1 through Week 10 on your

MP3 player.


Listen to the Introduction recording. It tells you what

you need to know to get started.


Get familiar with the operation of your MP3 player.

Youll want to know how to adjust the volume, switch
between tracks, pause, rewind and fast forward.


Find a nice place to start your running. It could be a

trail, indoor or outdoor track or even a treadmill at your
favorite club or living room.


Get a pair of running shoes. Id recommend going to a

running specialty store and getting your gait analyzed.
Most stores will do it free and youll wind up with a pair
of shoes that will carry you many miles.


Take your starting photo and measurements (see page

28 of this manual). Youll want to show off the
difference when youve finished the program.


Put on your running shoes and some suitable clothing.

There are some good guidelines for running clothes on
page 10.


Select the Week One track on your MP3 player and

press PLAY. Ill guide you the rest of your way.

10. After your run, give yourself a pat on the back for
making a great start.
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Section".............................................................. Page
Safety Notes".......................................................... 3
Quick Start Guide".................................................. 5
About Running is".................................. 6
Program Overview".................................................7
Overview of Recreational Runner Program"........... 9
What You Need to Get Started"............................. 10
Frequently Asked Questions".................................12
Get Committed"..................................................... 19
Before You Start"................................................... 20
Program Description"............................................. 25
Stretches".............................................................. 30
Running Log"......................................................... 32
Congratulations".................................................... 43
Next Steps"............................................................ 44
Running Injuries"................................................... 45
Notes".................................................................... 47

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I understand the difficulties of learning to run and
training for progressively longer distances. Time and
money can limit anyones ability to condition the mind
and body for new challenges.
Coaching is one of the keys to any successful fitness
regime but can easily cost $75 an hour and you still
have to adjust your schedule to meet your trainers.
I wanted to design a program that is inexpensive, easy
to use, can be used anywhere & anytime and works. I
also wanted to avoid reliance on complex timers and
equipment, memorization of training schedules or other
elements that keep the runner from the simple joy of
The result is the Running is running series of
training programs, which can take you from couch
potato to marathoner.
The program is designed using the same training
methodologies used by olympians and professional
athletes. These technologies are based on scientifically
proven training principles to learn to run and improve
running strength, stamina & speed.
Running is provides a unique method of
audio coaching not previously available to the runner. If
you have a pair of running shoes and an MP3 player,
you can learn to run, you can train to complete a
marathon or anywhere in between.

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Program Overview
Every one of the Running is Easy programs is an audio
coaching program that trains you when and where it is
convenient for you. You wont be tied to a either a clinic
or a coachs schedule.
The Recreational Runner Program lays the foundation
of the Running is Easy 497 Day Program. Heres the
layout of the 497 Day Program:
Recreational Runner Program
The Recreational Runner Program takes 10 weeks to
build sufficient base fitness to support running 20
minutes 3 times per week.
10 Kilometer Program
10 Weeks - Trains you to run 10 km. Assumes you can
already run 20 minutes. Includes an introduction to
Tempo Running, as a means to increase speed. Run 3
times per week.
10 Mile Program
10 Weeks - Trains you to run 10 Miles (16 km).
Assumes you can already run 10 km. Includes Tempo
Running and an introduction to Interval Training, as a
means to increase speed and strength. Run 3 times
per week.

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Half-Marathon Program
12 Weeks - Trains you for the half-marathon (13.1 miles
or 21.1 km). Assumes you can already run 10 km.
Includes Tempo and Interval Training to increase,
speed, stamina and strength. Run 4 times per week.
Marathon Program
18 Weeks - Trains to for the marathon (26.2 miles or
42.2 km). Assumes you can already run a halfmarathon. Includes Tempo and Interval Training to
increase, speed, stamina and strength. Run 4 times
per week.

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Overview of the Recreational Runner Program

Each week, the exercise is repeated three times.


Run 1 Minute / Walk 2 Minutes. Repeat for 20


Run 1 Minute / Walk 1 Minute. Repeat for 20


Run 2 Minutes / Walk 1 Minute. Repeat for 20


Run 3 Minutes / Walk 1 Minute. Repeat for 20


Run 4 Minutes / Walk 1 Minute. Repeat for 20


Run 5 Minutes / Walk 1 Minute. Repeat for 20


Run 6 Minutes / Walk 1 Minute. Repeat for 20


Run 7 Minutes / Walk 1 Minute. Repeat for 20


Run 8 Minutes / Walk 1 Minute. Repeat for 20



Run 10 Minutes / Walk 1 Minute. Repeat for 20


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What You Need to Get Started

Heres all you need to get started:
Running Shoes
Get a pair of running shoes. Make sure theyre really
made for running (many shoes that people call running
shoes are really made for tennis or basketball or some
other sport. Go to a running specialty store, tell them
youre a beginning runner and let them set you up with
some running shoes that work for you.
An MP3 Player
Load it with the files on the enclosed CD-ROM and
youre almost ready to go.
Running Clothes
You should have some comfortable clothes in which to
practice your new sport. You may already have the
clothes you need in your wardrobe, but pay attention to
fabric, comfort and chafing zones.
Your clothing should be made of moisture management
fabrics. Cotton soaks up moisture and holds onto it.
Moist cotton causes chafing. Chafing can make any
athletic endeavor uncomfortable.
Dont skimp on socks. Buy a pair of running socks
made of a moisture management fabric. They last a
long time and provide wonderful comfort for your runs.

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A Water Bottle
I carry water on every run, whether its 20 minutes or
over 2 hours. My performance and my health depend
on remaining properly hydrated during exercise. So
does yours. Carry water.
A Place to Run
Find a safe, preferably beautiful place to run. As a
beginning Recreational Runner, you should probably try
to find a relatively flat place to run. It will make your
runs that much easier and enjoyable.
A few words about safety. You should avoid running
where traffic or other safety hazards exist. If youre
going to be running after dark, make sure youre safe
and wear reflective materials or lighting.
Other Climate Appropriate Gear
You may also want to wear a cap and sunglasses to
protect your head and eyes from the sun. If the sun is
strong, you should also wear sunscreen with an
appropriate SPF for your skin.
If it is cold outside, wear extra layers of clothing. These
extra layers should be a quality breathable fabric, to
allow perspiration to exit, while trapping sufficient
warmth to keep you warm.

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Frequently Asked Questions

There are lots of questions about running, running gear
and clothing. The answers to all of these could fill an
encyclopedia. Ive tried to provide answers to some of
the most commonly asked questions Ive heard that are
relevant to new runners.
Do I really need to get a check up with my physician
before I begin running?
Yes. You should make an appointment for a check-up
with your physician and bring this program with you.
Most doctors will be thrilled that their patients have
decided to take up recreational running to improve their
health and fitness.
Reviewing the program with your physician will give
them an idea of what you are taking on. That way they
can determine what level of physical check-up they
should do with you. Your physician should review your
family history, ensure that you are physically able to
begin running and will be able to answer any of your
medical questions or concerns before you begin.
Running is a safe and healthy activity for most people,
but a check-up with a physician is essential to ensure
that you arent one of the few people for whom running
is not suitable.
Is running really good for me?
Running is one of the most effective cardiovascular
exercises there is. In other words, its great exercise for
your heart and lungs. Its also a fabulous way to burn
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calories, which is a critical component if you are one of

the many people looking to lose or control weight.
When you compare running against other
cardiovascular exercises, youll find that running burns
more calories per minute than virtually every other form
of exercise. If you need to burn calories as part of a
weight management program and only have a limited
amount of time in which to do it, running should be at
the top of your list of chosen exercise.
Running is also an excellent exercise to improve heart
health. Running develops strong heart muscles and
can help to undo damage caused by years of abuse or
Another great reason to run is to improve psychological
wellness. Running causes the release of endorphins, a
class of brain chemicals well know for causes feelings
of well-being. Many people are familiar with the term
runners-high, which is caused by these endorphins. In
fact, for years, psychologists have prescribed running
for some of their patients exhibiting symptoms of
depression. The feelings of well-being caused by
running have been known to reverse depression and
allow some patients to give up expensive antidepressant medication and their side effects.
I have a really comfortable pair of old cross-trainers
Ive been using at the gym for a couple of years.
Can I run in them?
I wouldnt recommend it. Athletic shoe manufacturers
make shoes for a variety of purposes. Cross-trainers
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are intended for mixed use in a gymnasium setting.

Those uses included weight lifting, aerobic workout and
other athletic endeavors. They are constructed to offer
a stable, comfortable platform suitable for a variety of
Running is high-impact activity and running shoes are
specifically constructed to offer the cushioning and
support necessary to protect your feet, knees and other
parts of your body from impact. Although each
manufacturer uses different designs to protect the body,
each method incorporates design and materials that
absorb impact and return some of the energy to a
runners stride. The result is a safe and comfortable ride
for your running.
Ive heard that my running shoes will only last a
certain amount of time, then they have to be
replaced. Im used to really wearing my shoes out,
if you know what I mean. Do I really have to replace
them before theyre totally used up?
The impact-absorbing material in running shoes has a
limited life-span that depends on a number of factors
such as distance run, runners weight and the type of
running activity. Once those materials start to wear out,
your shoes ability to protect you from impact starts to
diminish. That means you could be more injury-prone.
To put it simply, your shoes protect your body. Ive worn
out shoes in as little as 6 months (I was marathon
training) and Ive had shoes last as long as a year when
I was mainly running for fitness and recreation.
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By reserving your running shoes for running only, youll

get the most life out of them and keep your body
healthy and safe.
When you compare the cost - financial, physical and
emotional - of a pair of shoes to a running injury, there
is no comparison. Use your old runners for gardening
or donate them to a shelter. Theyll still have plenty of
life in them, just not for running.
I went to a specialty running store, where they did a
gait analysis and told me Im a pronator. What
does that mean? Is it safe for me to run?
First, congratulations on making it to a specialty store
for a gait analysis. That analysis will allow you to pick
the right shoe for the way your body works, and will
help keep you safe and healthy for years of running.
Next, pronation refers to the tendency of the foot to roll
inward when walking or running. It is actually part of
the bodys natural shock absorption process, but can be
a problem with some people.
Is it safe for you to run? Shoes and special inserts are
available to manage pronation, but probably arent
necessary for a beginning runner. You may want to
check with a physician specializing in sports medicine
to help you determine what corrective measures might
be most appropriate for you.
Doesnt running wreck peoples knees?
While running hasnt really been demonstrated to
damage healthy knees, people with existing knee
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problems can find it difficult to run. A good examination

by a physician can rule out knee problems that could be
worsened by running.
If youre worried about running affecting your knees, get
a gait analysis at a running specialty store and make
sure you have running shoes that work best for your
body. You might want to get clearance by your
Where should I run?
You should pick a place to run that is safe and
enjoyable. Traffic and other hazards can make it more
I prefer to run in quiet, beautiful places through wooded
areas, near water or along rivers near my home.
Alternately, I run on trails, through neighborhoods when
I travel or in urban parks.
In other words, you can run pretty much anywhere
youd like, but make sure you feel safe and comfortable
running there.
Its really hot. Should I be worried about
Dehydration, particularly in hot weather, is the runners
nemesis. Studies have shown dramatic decreases in
performance with dehydration. A 4% loss of body fluids
results in a 25% decrease in performance. In other
words, dehydration makes it harder to function so it
pays to remain well hydrated.

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The general guidelines for hydration and exercise are to

drink about:
1 to 2 cups up to 2 hours before exercise, and
half a cup for every 15 minutes of exercise.
In other words, when youre doing the Recreational
Runner workouts, which are 20 minutes long plus
stretching, you should have a quarter cup around the
middle of your run and another quarter cup when youve
I recommend taking a water bottle with you so you can
keep well hydrated as you run. Its a good habit to get
into, particularly if you plan to run longer distances.
Ive got some comfortable old sweats I like to work
out in at the gym. Will they work for running?
While comfy old gear might work as you get started,
you should consider investing in some running clothes
made from any of breathable, moisture-managing
technical fabrics. These clothes help to manage your
temperature, maintain comfort when sweating and can
make your runs much more enjoyable. A small
wardrobe consisting of a few well-chosen pieces can
make big difference in how you feel about running.
Im running 3 times a week according to the
program. It seems pretty easy to me. Can I speed
up the program or get in an extra run each week?
No, you really shouldnt attempt to speed up the
program or get in extra runs during the week.

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The reason the program take 10 weeks from start to

finish is that it takes a certain amount of time and
activity to build a base level of fitness. That base
training is like building a foundation before you put up a
house. If you dont do a good job on the foundation, all
the good work you do later will be at risk.
Base training, which is what the recreational runner
program is all about, develops
a strong heart and circulatory system,
improved lung capacity,
more muscle fibers in the feet and legs, and
connective tissues to strengthen joints.
Taking short-cuts undermines this important base and
puts the runner at increased risk of injury.
If youre really feeling like you can do more, add in
some cross-training. Cross-training can be strength
(weight or resistance) training, swimming, cycling or any
physical activity that isnt running. In fact, cross-training
can be an important and significant aspect of improving
running performance as it strengthens muscles and
connective tissue that are used indirectly during

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Get Committed!
What motivated you to pick up this program and learn to
run? What drives you to improve your level of fitness?
Do you have a specific health concern or perhaps a
concern for your family that drives you?
Are you concerned that a family history of heart
disease, diabetes or cancer could shorten your life or
reduce its quality?
Write down 3 reasons that motivated you to become a
Recreational Runner, that will help you stick with it to
the end:
Remember, you only have to do this program 3 times
per week to be successful. It worked that way for me,
and it can work that way for you. However, your mind
may try to take you out of the game with excuses why
youre too busy, too tired or some other reason why you
cant run.
Tell a friend or family member what youre doing, and
ask them to hold you to the commitment to finish the 10
weeks. Post your 3 motivating reasons on your fridge
or some other prominent place to remind you every day
why you are running. You can have success one day at
a time!
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Before You Start!

It is vitally important to consult with your physician to
discuss this program before you start training. Your
physician can help you establish your baseline physical
condition before you start training. Record your
statistics here.


Body Fat








HDL Cholesterol


LDL Cholesterol


Blood Pressure
Resting Heart

beats per

Photos taken before you start training can give you a

clear picture before. Take before & after pictures and
staple or paste them in this booklet to provide a pictorial
record of how far youve come.

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Guidelines for Before & After Photos

Your before and after photographs will provide a graphic
and impressive record of the results you achieve
through your running program. Taking the right pictures
will show the stunning results you can achieve through
your running program.
Get a friend to take 3 photos - front, back and side - to
show how your physique changes throughout the
Women should wear a pair of tight running shorts and a
sports bra. Men should wear a pair of tight running
shorts and no shirt. These outfits will best show off
those parts of the body - legs, bottom and stomach that improve through running.
Ensure good lighting. Take the photos in a well lit area
or outside if possible.
Try to find a plain background to help ensure you are
the subject of the photo.
Make a note of where you took the photos and when
you took them. That way, it will be easier to do a a
direct compare between your before and after

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Staple or paste your Before Photo here.

Front Shot - After

Staple or paste your Before Photo here.

Front Shot - Before

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Side Shot - Before

Staple or paste your Before Photo here.

Side Shot - After

Staple or paste your Before Photo here.

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Staple or paste your Before Photo here.

Back Shot - After

Staple or paste your Before Photo here.

Back Shot - Before

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Program Description
The Running is Recreational Runner
Program takes you from non-runner to runner over a 10
week period. Each week you will exercise 3 times, 20
minutes each time. The amount of time you will run
increases week by week.
This principle is called Progressive Resistance and is
used by all athletes to improve fitness, speed and
endurance. At the start of the program, youll run less
than half of the time. By the end of the program, youll
run 20 minutes with one short 1 minute walk break.
This is illustrated below.





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On the CD-ROM included in this package you will find

10 tracks titled Week 1 through Week 10. Each of
these tracks provides you with the following workout
Warm-Up Stretch
Run - Walk
Cool-Down Stretch
The Introduction provides a quick description of what
is included in the workout, how long you will run and
how many repeats you will perform. A repeat is a
combination of running with a walk break.
The Warm-Up Stretch guides you through a gentle set
of warm-up stretches that will enhance your workout.
You will warm-up each of the following muscle groups:
Calves, Hamstrings and Quadriceps.
The Run - Walk will guide you through the main portion
of the workout. I will coach you through the running and
walking, telling you when to start and stop. In addition,
if your running course is out and back, I will tell you
when it is time to turn around and head back to the
The length of time you spend running and walking will
change from week to week as you progress through the
program, however you can always count on being
coached through each run.
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The Cool-Down Stretch again guides you through a

gentle set of stretches - Calves, Hamstrings and
Quadriceps - to help flush out your muscles after your
workout. These stretches, completed after running, can
help prevent muscle aches caused by exercise.
Finally, the Outro is just the coaches way of making
sure you get a well-deserved pat on the back for
completing your exercise.
Every workout is made up of these workout elements,
so it will be very easy for you to get used to your
running workouts.
How Often Should I Run?
You should plan to run each workout 3 times per week.
In other words, during the first week of the program, you
should run the Week 1 track 3 times. During the
second week, you should run the Week 2 track 3 times
and so on.
You can run any day of the week that you want, but you
should take one day off between each run. This will
give your body time to recover and grow stronger
before you run again.
It is important to remember that each workout
stimulates your body to grow stronger, but it is during
the days between workouts when your body grows new
muscle fibers and becomes stronger.
These days off running are a great opportunity to do
some cross-training, such as swimming, walking or

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resistance exercise, so long as it is not an impact

exercise like running.
Plan to Progress Every Week
You should plan to advance to the next workout each
week after you have completed 3 workouts. This will
continue to challenge your body and build a base level
of fitness. The program as laid out has been shown to
achieve great results in 10 weeks.
What should you do if you find a week is just too hard to
complete? Lets say you finish Week 4 and find that
Week 5 is just proving too hard to do. You can always
repeat a week to give your body time to grow stronger.
I do recommend that you try to push through the
second repeat of any workout. Oftentimes, it is just old
patterns of behavior that try to hold you back. The
human body is amazing in its ability to develop and
grow stronger. However, you also have to listen to your
body, and - if your body says it needs an extra week to
achieve a certain level of performance - you should pay
Running Level of Effort
During the running portion of the repeats, you should
strive to maintain a running pace that is comfortable.
An easy measure of your level of effort is the speech
test: If you can carry on a conversation while running,
you are running at the right level of effort. If you cant
talk or can only utter partial sentences because you are
breathing so hard, you need to back off your pace.

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For those more technically inclined, you can invest in a

heart rate monitor to manage your level of effort. There
are many inexpensive heart rate monitors available that
measure your heart rate and give you feedback on a
wristwatch-type display. If you go this route, target
50-70% of maximum heart rate for your exercise.
Walk Breaks
The purpose of walk breaks is to bring your heart and
breathing rates back down and allow time for your leg
muscles to recover. Having said that, your walk breaks
are not the time to take a casual stroll or stop
altogether. You should walk at a very brisk pace and
keep your arms pumping.
The other purpose of walk breaks is to rehydrate. Take
a drink of water, even if its just a sip. Many people take
some time to become accustomed to taking liquids
during exercise. Consider drinking water to be part of
your training also.
Ive embedded warm-up and cool-down stretches into
the program for 2 reasons:
1. Research has shown that runners that stretch
regularly sufferer fewer running injuries, and
2. I believe in them as part of the reward for running.
There are three major muscles groups used in running
to be stretched: Calves, Hamstrings and Quadriceps.
Each of these muscle groups is stretched for 30
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The calf muscles are those
muscles located along the
backside of the lower leg
between the knee and the ankle.
The muscle is stretched by
placing the foot flat on the
ground, then stepping forward
with the other foot. Keep the rear
foot flat on the ground and press
forward from the hip. You should
feel the stretch in the calf
The hamstrings are those
muscles located along the
backside of the upper leg
between the hip and the knee.
Stretch the hamstrings by placing
the foot onto an elevated
structure (between knee and hip
level if fine), then leaning forward
gently. You should strive to be
able to touch or hold the toes, but
dont force it if your quadriceps
are too tight.

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The quadriceps are those
muscles located along the front of
the leg between the hip and the
Stretch the quadriceps by lifting
the foot behind the buttocks and
holding the ankle. Gently pulling
upward on the ankle provides a
pleasant stretch on the

Each stretch should be held for 30 seconds. During the

first 10 seconds of the stretch, hold the position where a
comfortable tightness can be felt. It is natural for
muscles to tighten when they are stretched. After a few
seconds, this response may relax allowing your to
stretch the muscles more fully. If you feel the muscles
relax, you may move slightly deeper into the stretch.
Recreational Runner Program Guide
The following pages provide a description of each
weeks program. You will also find tables where you can
record the date you complete each workout.
Remember to record some notes. How do you feel?
Whats working? What needs to improve? Remember
to acknowledge your successes!

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RUNNING IS - Recreational Runner Program

Week 1
Run 1 minute / Walk 2 minutes
Youll complete 7 Run-Walk repeats, for a total of 7
minutes running time. Focus on keeping your runs
easy and remember to hydrate during your walks.

Date Completed

Week 1
Week 1
Week 1

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RUNNING IS - Recreational Runner Program

Week 2
Run 1 minute / Walk 1 minute
This week youll complete 10 Run-Walk repeats, for a
total of 10 minutes running time. With an equal amount
of running & walking time, you should focus on bringing
your heart and breathing rates back down during your

Date Completed

Week 2
Week 2
Week 2

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RUNNING IS - Recreational Runner Program

Week 3
Run 2 minutes / Walk 1 minute
This week youll complete 7 Run-Walk repeats, for a
total of 14 minutes running time. This is the largest
increase in running time through the program, so you
may feel this is one of the toughest weeks you
complete. Stick with the program, however, giving
yourself a day off between running days and youll soon
be through the week and stronger than ever.

Date Completed

Week 3
Week 3
Week 3

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RUNNING IS - Recreational Runner Program

Week 4
Run 3 minutes / Walk 1 minute
This week youll complete 5 Run-Walk repeats, for a
total of 15 minutes running time. Starting into Week 4,
youre probably be feeling some resistance from your
body and old habits. Push through and enjoy success.

Date Completed

Week 4
Week 4
Week 4

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RUNNING IS - Recreational Runner Program

Week 5
Run 4 minutes / Walk 1 minute
This week youll complete 4 Run-Walk repeats, for a
total of 16 minutes running time. 40% of the program is
now behind you and your run intervals are 4 times
longer than when you started!

Date Completed

Week 5
Week 5
Week 5

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Week 6
Run 5 minutes / Walk 1 minute
This week youll complete 3 Run-Walk repeats, finishing
off with a short 2 minute walk for a total of 17 minutes
running time. Youre past the half-way mark this week
running 5 minute intervals. Youre doing great!

Date Completed

Week 6
Week 6
Week 6

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Week 7
Run 6 minutes / Walk 1 minute
This week youll complete 3 Run-Walk repeats, for a
total of 18 minutes running time. Youve completed
60% of the program. Im sure youre feeling better
physically, and your friends & family might be
complimenting you on looking better.

Date Completed

Week 7
Week 7
Week 7

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RUNNING IS - Recreational Runner Program

Week 8
Run 7 minutes / Walk 1 minute
This week youll complete 2 Run-Walk repeats finishing
with a short 4 minute run, for a total of 18 minutes
running time. You didnt increase your total run time
this week, however youre now running 7 minutes at a

Date Completed

Week 8
Week 8
Week 8

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RUNNING IS - Recreational Runner Program

Week 9
Run 8 minutes / Walk 1 minute
This week youll complete 2 Run-Walk repeats finishing
with a short 2 minute run, for a total of 18 minutes
running time. Again, your total run time remains static,
but youre another minute closer to your target run time
of 10 minutes.

Date Completed

Week 9
Week 9
Week 9

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RUNNING IS - Recreational Runner Program

Week 10
Run 10 minutes / Walk 1 minute
This week youll complete 2 Run-Walk repeats, for a
total of 20 minutes running time. Congratulations!
Youve made it!

Date Completed

Week 10
Week 10
Week 10

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RUNNING IS - Recreational Runner Program

Great Job!
Now that youve finished the Running is Easy
Recreational Runner program, its a great time to see
how youve changed your physical condition. Record
your statistics here and compare against the ones at
the start of the program.


Body Fat








HDL Cholesterol


LDL Cholesterol


Blood Pressure
Resting Heart

Page 42

beats per

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RUNNING IS - Recreational Runner Program

Youve now completed what only a small percentage of
people manage to accomplish: becoming a runner! In
one analysis, it was estimated that only 1 in 10 people
run 1 day per year!. It is time to give yourself a very big
pat on the back for becoming a runner, because you
have done what 90% of the population wont do.
You might be the fastest runner or you might be the
slowest runner, but it really doesnt matter how fast you
run. The fact that you took on a 10-week challenge and
stuck through it to the end is what matters.
Before I became a runner, I was broke and unhappy
and unhealthy and unsuccessful. After becoming a
runner, Im happy, healthier and wealthier. I struggled to
understand how a simple physical activity could be
involved in major improvements in my life.
Finally, however, it became clear to me. Some of the
greatest coaches of our time tell us that we can spur
our success by mimicking the physical aspects of
success. Many successful people run: athletes,
celebrities, politicians.
Where else will your new-found success take you? If
you can learn to run, what else can you learn to do? If
you can follow a 10-week Recreational Runner
program, what other 10-week programs can you
complete? Select some new goals and get going!

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RUNNING IS - Recreational Runner Program

Youve finished the program and can now proudly call
yourself runner. Maybe you finished off with a short
race, have a finish line photo to display and a finishers
shirt to proudly wear proclaiming your achievement. Its
time to think about your next steps.
Do you want to continue running for health & fitness? If
so, just keep using the Week 10 program recording.
With its warm-up and cool-down stretches and 20
minutes of running, doing this program 3 times per
week will continue to improve your physical condition.
You might want to add a 4th run every week, which will
more rapidly improve your health.
Do you want to run farther? Running is Easy has a 10
week program that will take you from the healthy base
youve achieved to be able to run 10 km. That would
take a typical runner about an hour, more than doubling
the time you spend on your feet. If you want to run
even farther - say 10 miles, a half-marathon or fullmarathon - Running is Easy has a program for you.

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RUNNING IS - Recreational Runner Program

I want to have a brief discussion with you about running
injuries to help you understand how & why some injuries
occur and what you can do about them. Of course,
physicians specializing in sports injuries have written multiple
volumes on the subject, so this will be a very limited and
general discussion.
If you have specific concerns about injuries, you should
discuss them with your physician or a physician specializing
in sports medicine.
Running is considered a high impact sport. That is, the
activity of running results in repeated impacts to the feet,
ankles, knees and legs. The impact resulting from the foot
landing on the heel can be many times higher than the force
experienced when walking.
Injuries can result in the joints of the ankles, knees or even in
the lower back as the forces of impact transfer from the
ground, through the shoe into the body.
The runner can protect themselves from impact injuries by
wearing shoes made for running that incorporate impact
absorbing materials and technologies into the heel and sole
of the shoe. Most major shoe manufacturer incorporates
proprietary technologies into the soles of their shoes to
minimize the effect of impact on runners.
The runner can also reduce impact by running on cushioned
surfaces, such as indoor or outdoor tracks made of
cushioned materials, running on grass or even gravel or
wood-chip covered trails.

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RUNNING IS - Recreational Runner Program

Repetitive Stress
People involved in data entry or document processing suffer
repetitive stress injuries (RSI) to their wrists and hands
caused by performance of the same movement over and
over again. The result can be painful inflammation of
tendons (tendonitis) that is difficult to remedy.
Runners too can be affected by RSI, since the motion of
running is very repetitive. Because the Running is
programs incorporate walking breaks, tempo and interval
training, long continuous runs can be broken up. Any
activity, such as walking, interrupts the repetitive motion of
running and can reduce the likelihood of suffering RSI.
Mechanical Issues
For running, each of us is uniquely constructed with different
feet, ankles, knees, legs and hips. The angles at which
these connect may or may not be ideal for running.
Pronation and supination are terms used to describe the
motion of our feet and ankles through our running stride.
Excessive movement can result in painful tendonitis that can
take us out of the game to recover.
The best defense is to conduct a gait analysis and select the
right shoes and/or shoe inserts. Most specialty running
stores have staff trained to conduct a basic gait analysis.
That analysis can lead you to select a shoe varying degrees
of motion control built-in.
A more detailed analysis can be conducted by a doctor of
Podiatry who can then give specific recommendations about
the type of shoes or insert that can reduce or eliminate
injuries caused by mechanical issues.

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