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Creative English 3 A
New Drugs
Herceptic is a new cancer drug (1) _____________ by Singapure Health Authority in 1999. doctors have
(2) ________________ this drug for patients who suffered from advanced-stage of breast cancer in which it has an
Recent (3) ________________ trials show this drug has good result for patients who are in early-stage of HER2
positive breast cancer. Test shows Herceptic could improve (4) ______________ rate of patients remarkably.
However, Herceptic does have (5) _______________ effect on heart failure. Clinical test also show 4 percent of
patients treated with Herceptic (6) _______________ severe heart failure and 14 percent have drop in heart function.
Therefore, new drugs must be take with (7) ________________caution. We must carefully evaluate the complica.
Tion, healing power and long term effect of the new drug before (8) ______________whether to user or not.
Section K : Writing Assignment Discussion
Write a discussion text of the following topic
The Use Of Animals In The Laboratory

Use the following points to guide your writing assignment :


Have a clear topic sentence to ourline your idea.


Present your views briefly (for and against) for Using animals testing in the laboratory.


Explain in detail what are the advantages of using animal experiments.


Helps in progress in medical science.

Imparting knowledge to students.

What are the disadvantages of animal testings ?

Practices butchery.

Conflicting with the moral teaching compassion and kindness.


The conclusion sum up the, whole discussion and offers your opinion whether you are in favour of the use of
animals in the laboratory or against it.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this unit, you should be able to:
Understand the features of the review.
Grammatical features related to review.
Solve problems in creative ways.
To comment and evaluate events, books, books, plays, and write a review.

Section A : Reading
Read the text below and answer the following questions.
Harry Potter

Within five years Harry Potter movie has entered

into its fourth installment, THE GOBLET OF FIRE.
The story is written by the original famous Author J
K Rowling, and it is the first time directed by a British
Director, Mike Newell (Four Weddings and a Funeral).
In the British Franchise, does an incredible job.
The three leading roles for Harry Potter and his best
friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley are played
by Daniel Radeliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint,
respectively. These three teenagers who have becoe
famous for their

Initial roles in Harry Potter movies have already signed Fon

for the fifth installment. .ORDER OF THE PHOENIX.
The GOBLET OF FIRE is undoubtedly the best of the
J K Rowlings Herry Potter Movie at present. In this fourth
series it shows the funniest, scariest, and perhaps the most
emotional and sensational of all the Herry Potter series.
The clever arrangement of the ever expanding cast coupled

with special eye-popping and sound effects creates an onscreen magical scene that will make you spellbound but

Creative English 3 A

In GOBLET OF FIRE everything is so excellently arranged from the grand entrance of the foreign
exchange students to the incredible action being pieces to the horrific appearance of fiennes appropriately
Serpentine and eerie Voldemort. Not all are creepy, some parts are comical showing the awkward of
Being a teenager like jealously and angsty mood swings. There is a part where a cheeky bathtub
Visitation, by ghostly Moaning Myrtle, also provides much fun. Perhaps, the most
Interesting soene in GOBLET OF FIRE is Herrys mid air battle with a ferocious
Fie-breathing Hungarian Homtail dragon will surely make you ducking to avoid
Being hit.
The moral story of this Movie tells us in every teen wizards inner demon
-- magic cant even help them. Cinema adjudlcator rated the Goblet of Fire

1. how many series of Harry potter's shows have?

a. They made four series.
b. They made five series.
c. They are making the fifth series.
d. The author is writing sixth series while the movie side is making the fifth series.
2. who are the leading characters?
a. They are JK Rowloing, Mike Newell, and Rupert.
b. Hermione Granger, Emma wtson, and JK Rowling.
c. They are Harry potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley.
d. Voldemort, Fiennes, and Mike Newell.
e. Daniel Radcliffe, Emma watson, and Rupert Grint.
3. what is the difference between an Author and movie Director?
a. The author is a person who writes the story and the director is a person who directs the
Author what to write.
b. The only difference is the author is a women and the director is a man.
c. The difference is the author uses pan to work and director uses camera to work.
d. The difference is the author writes the story and the director makes it into a movie.
e. Author's pay is hig her than director's pay and that's the difference.
4. who writes Harry potter?
a. Mike Newell writes Harry potter.
b. JK Rowloing is the author for Harry potter.
c. Harry potter is written by Daniel Radcliffe.
d. Ron Weasley writes Harry potter.
e. Emma Watson is the author for Harry potter.
5. which is the latest of Harry potter series made into a movie?
a. The latest of the Harry potter made into a movie is "Order of the phoenix".
b. It is "Four weddings and a funeral".

c. "Harry potter" is the latest movie .

d. The latest of Harry potter movie is "Goblet of fire".


6. Which is the best of the Harry potter series and why?

a. "Four wedding and a funeral" is the best of all Harry potter series because it was directed by
Mike Newell.
b. "Order of the phoenix" is the best of all Harry potter series because it is the fifth series.
c. The "Goblet of fire" is the best of the Harry potter series because it's funniest, scariest, and
The most emotional and sensational series.
d. "Voldemort" in Harry potter is the best series because it's scary and eerie.
e. "Hungarian Horntail" is the best of the Harry potter series because it will make you ducking to
Avoid being hit.
7. In "The Goblet of fire" what will make you spellbound?
a. The clever arrangement of cast together with special eye-popping and sound effects crates an
On-screen magical scene that will make you spellbound.
b. The funniest and scariest will make you spellbound.
c. The grand entrance of foreign exchange students will make you spellbound.
d. The mid air battle with a ferocious fire-breathing Hungarian Horntail dragon will make you
e. The part were a cheeky bathtub visitation by ghosely moaning myrtle will make tou spellBound.
8. Which of the statement is true?
a. "Order of the phoenix" is written by voldemort.
b. Mike Newell is an American.
c. Mike Newell is a Director.
d. "Order of the phoenix" is the fourth installment of Harry potter series.
e. "Goblet of fire" is written by Harry potter.
9. What is the communicative purpose of the above text?
10. What is the main idea of paragraph 5?
11. Label the following organization of the text next to the passage on the right.
a. Orientation
b. Interpretive recount
c. Evaluation
d. Evaluation summation
12. Explain the meanings of the following words/phrases as they are used in the passage.
a. Incredible (paragraph 2)

b. Respectively (paragraph 3)

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