TPM PD Guide

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Provisioning Manager

Version 7.1.1

Problem Determination and

Troubleshooting Guide

Provisioning Manager
Version 7.1.1

Problem Determination and

Troubleshooting Guide

Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices on page 553.

Last updated: June 2011

This edition applies to IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager 7.1.1 and to all subsequent releases and modifications until
otherwise indicated in new editions.
The material in this document is an excerpt from the Tivoli Provisioning Manager 7.1.1 information center and is
provided for convenience. This document should be used in conjunction with the information center.
Copyright IBM Corporation 2003, 2011.
US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.

Chapter 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . 1
Support information . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Searching knowledge bases . . . . . . . . 2
Obtaining fixes . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Contacting IBM Software Support . . . . . . 5
General data to collect for IBM Software Support 7
Problem classification . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Product maintenance . . . . . . . . . . 11
Using log files for troubleshooting . . . . . . . 12
Setting up IBM Support Assistant and the Tivoli
Provisioning Manager data collector . . . . . 12
Collecting data with IBM Support Assistant . . 13
Trace logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Log locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Installation directories and other paths . . . . . 32

Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade

problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Recovering from installation problems (custom
installation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Recovering from installation problems (default
installation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Recovering from upgrade problems . . . . . .
Recovery steps for problems during the agent
manager upgrade . . . . . . . . . . .
Slow verification and copying of NFS mounted
images during core component installation of
WebSphere Application Server . . . . . . .
DB2 transaction log error during the base
services upgrade of Tivoli Provisioning Manager .
Using the integrity checker tool. . . . . . .
Problems during middleware installation . . . .
Links in the launchpad do not work . . . . .
Errors with the middleware installer . . . . .
DB2 installation fails when configured names do
not match . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Database error during installation . . . . . .
Error when extracting DB2 package during
installation . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cannot connect to Tivoli Directory Server . . .
Cannot connect to the database server during
installation . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Installation of DB2 client on Windows 2003 fails
Tivoli Directory Server installation step fails
during Tivoli Tivoli Provisioning Manager
installation . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Microsoft Active Directory configuration fails
Error configuring database during middleware
installation . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Tivoli Provisioning Manager installation fails
with incorrect certificate value . . . . . . .
WAS_HOME error when using login window
manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Base services installation does not accept LDAP
names with spaces . . . . . . . . . . .
Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2011




Java runtime error on Linux . . . . . . . .

Encountering error CTGIN9042E . . . . . .
Uninstallation of WebSphere Application Server
Network Deployment fails after unsuccessful
binding to the LDAP directory . . . . . . .
Problems during base services installation . . . .
Links in the launchpad do not work . . . . .
Recovering from problems during the base
services installation . . . . . . . . . . .
Deployment of MAXIMO.ear fails . . . . . .
Error CTGIN2252I during base services
installation . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Errors CTGIN2381E or CTGIN2489E during
Maximo database upgrade . . . . . . . .
The base services installation fails . . . . . .
base services installer fails to validate the
installation . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Problems removing PortalLogTraceAnalyzer.war
Maximo business objects from the deployment
engine gets out of sync with the ones in the
application server . . . . . . . . . . .
CWLAA6003: After CCMDB installation the
portlet cannot be displayed . . . . . . . .
Problems during core components installation . . .
Recovering from problems during core
components installation . . . . . . . . .
Error when configuring WebSphere Application
Server to run as tioadmin. . . . . . . . .
Errors during Tivoli Monitoring agent installation
Errors creating the agent manager profile . . .
Agent Manager installation fails . . . . . .
The common agent and the agent manager
cannot be installed . . . . . . . . . . .
Installation fails after WebSphere Application
Server is uninstalled . . . . . . . . . .
Problems with the device manager service . . .
Installer exits unexpectedly on AIX . . . . .
Core components or Web components installation
hangs during Cygwin installation . . . . . .
DB2 BIND warning during Tivoli Provisioning
Manager for OS Deployment installation . . .
Tivoli Provisioning Manager installation fails
with invalid directory name . . . . . . . .
Silent installation exits before installation is
completed . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Disk space check failure during silent installation
of Tivoli Provisioning Manager . . . . . . .
Installation fails because of unrecognized font . .
Cannot use hyphen in domain name suffix field
Installation of the dynamic content delivery
management center fails . . . . . . . . .
Installation of dynamic content delivery fails . .
The device manager service cannot communicate
with Oracle . . . . . . . . . . . . .






Core components installation of Tivoli

Provisioning Manager fails when creating
tioadmin user. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cannot create user tioadmin on Linux . . . .
DMS configuration fails on Solaris during
relaunch of the Tivoli Provisioning Manager
installation . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Core components installation fails during the
dependency check . . . . . . . . . . .
Tivoli Provisioning Manager core installation fails
if Oracle policy requires passwords greater than
3 characters . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Problems during Web components installation . . .
Recovering from errors during a default
installation . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Recovering from errors during Web components
installation . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Node agent not started during Web components
installation . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Log files forprocess solution installer . . . . .
Core components or Web components installation
hangs during Cygwin installation . . . . . .
Silent installation of Tivoli Provisioning Manager
fails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
First discovery fails after installing Cygwin . . .
Cygwin installation fails . . . . . . . . .
Missing tools from Cygwin installation . . . .
Collecting information about installation problems


Error when user adds a task to a plan . . . . .

Duplicate records in provisioning group
application . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Error when using special characters to create a user
or role . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
User is not logged out of session on time out . . .
New access group is not displayed in group list
Web browser has SSL security warnings . . . .
Cannot change the user password . . . . . .
Error when importing a key or certificate to a
keystore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Error after updating the . . .
GSKit key manager does not recognize CMS key
database type . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Removing users from Tivoli Provisioning Manager


Chapter 6. Discovery problems . . . . 119





Chapter 3. Logging on or logging off

problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Unable to log on to the web interface . . . .
Problems logging on to computer with Turkish
locale . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
User cannot change password . . . . . .
User is not logged off when session expires .
Logging off disables SOAP and distribution
infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . .
New user cannot see Start Center . . . .
The base services shortcut does not work . .

. 99


. 99
. 100
. 101


. 102
. 103
. 103

Chapter 4. Web interface problems


Pop-up windows do not display properly . . . .

The user interface is not displayed in a Traditional
Chinese installation . . . . . . . . . . .
Web interface slows down . . . . . . . . .
Errors when using the web interface while a local
firewall is enabled . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cannot load the web interface on a Solaris
computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Exception error prevents the user interface from
being viewed . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Web interface has slow response time . . . . .

Chapter 5. Security problems


. . . . 111

VMMSYNC cron task does not synchronize

information . . . . . . . . . . . .
The VMMSYNC cron task does not run. . .
Provisioning groups can be modified without
permission . . . . . . . . . . . .




. 111
. 111

. 112

Log file for troubleshooting inventory discovery

Lack of information from Initial Discovery . . .
Incorrect value for cpu.type in data model. . . .
Microsoft Active Directory discovery only displays
short names . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
No hardware report information from Microsoft
Active Directory discovery . . . . . . . . .
Inventory scan fails if Tivoli Common Agent is not
installed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Discovery of Linux on zSeries is overwriting the
record for another Linux on the same hostplatform
in the data model . . . . . . . . . . . .
Common agent cannot be installed using Microsoft
Active Directory . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cannot run Microsoft Updates discovery on UNIX
Wrong locale discovered on Linux computers . .
Deadlock problems during a discovery . . . . .
Dual computer information after agent installation
on provisioning computers . . . . . . . . .
Windows Vista computers cannot be discovered by
the network discovery using their IPv6 addresses .
Windows 2003 computers cannot be discovered
using their IPv6 addresses . . . . . . . . .
Cannot discover Windows XP 32-bit computers
with IPv6 only enabled . . . . . . . . . .
Virtual servers are not discovered by the HMC
discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wrong version displayed for Web logic 10.X
computer discovered from TADDM . . . . . .
Deployment engine exception when running
discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Chapter 7. OS management problems


Deployment error messages . . . . . . .

Problems and limitations . . . . . . . .
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . .
Windows Service Troubleshooting for
provisioning server . . . . . . . . .
PXE bootrom not detected . . . . . . .
The bootrom displays DHCP... and times out
The bootrom displays MTFTP..., and an error
message . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deployment is locked in an endless loop . .

. 129
. 130
. 130

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

. 130
. 131
. 133
. 133

Windows 2000/2003/2008/XP/Vista reports

that it has discovered a new device . . . . .
Occasional MTFTP timeout (on multihomed
server). . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Linux deployment fails because a file cannot not
be downloaded . . . . . . . . . . . .
Windows Vista/2008/7 prompts you for an
Administrator user name during deployment. .
OS deployment server stops responding . . .
Larger swap partition than expected . . . . .
Incorrect fonts on the target screen . . . . .
Rerunning an image capture task fails . . . .
Deployment fails on some Broadcom network
adapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
PowerPC does not reboot on hard disk at the
end of a deployment . . . . . . . . . .
SLES deployment on PowerPC switches to
interactive . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Web interface extension is not detected . .
Firmware error during Linux deployment on
PowerPC . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Linux deployment of unattended setup image
fails with space error . . . . . . . . . .
Error message COPCOM730E on Windows . .
Physical to physical operating system migration
of Linux might stop . . . . . . . . . .
Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment
installation discovery on zLinux fails with
permission error . . . . . . . . . . .
Importing Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS
Deployment Clients . . . . . . . . . .
Wake on LAN does not work on Linux systems
Images captured from double-byte character
operating systems install as English . . . . . .

Software stack installation fails



Chapter 8. Software distribution and

installation problems . . . . . . . . 143
File distribution between a dual stack computer
and a computer supporting only IPv4, fails . . .
File distribution times out if the device manager
service timeout is set to one hour. . . . . . .
Software package distribution overwritten by
installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Software product distribution to target computers
fails when filtered by group . . . . . . . .
Software publish task fails . . . . . . . . .
Installation of a software package on some 7.1
UNIX or Linux targets does not work correctly . .
Software product distribution fails on HP-UX
target computer . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deleting and re-creating the depot causes
distributions to fail . . . . . . . . . . .
Canceled task does not cancel jobs in progress . .
Task status is not updated when distributing or
installing software products . . . . . . . .
Problems associating discovered software resources
with software definitions . . . . . . . . .
Linux on IBM System z fails to import a software
signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Out of memory when querying for software
signatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. 149



Chapter 9. Compliance problems . . . 151

Compliance checks are duplicated if computer
belongs to multiple groups . . . . . . . .
Compliance checks are duplicated if computer
belongs to a group . . . . . . . . . .
Compliance inventory scan will not run . . .
Compliance check settings cannot be modified .
EMAILTYPE translation errors. . . . . . .
Compliance check does not recognize that
Windows Native firewall is running . . . . .
No recommendation after Linux System Logging
check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Remediation task cannot be run . . . . . .
Incorrect recommendation generated by password
security check . . . . . . . . . . . .
IBM WebSphere Application Server configuration
generates incorrect recommendation . . . . .
Compliance log file locations . . . . . . .

. 151


. 153
. 154
. 154
. 154
. 155
. 155

Chapter 10. Patch management

problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Multiple patch installation times out and fails . .
Duplicate patch recommendations from OS Patches
and Updates. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Error when downloading Windows 2003 Service
Pack 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Web interface problems . . . . . . . . . .
Installation of Service Pack 2 fails on Windows
2003 and Windows XP targets . . . . . . . .
Windows Update Agent scan incorrectly reports
missing patches . . . . . . . . . . . .
Windows Update Agent installation fails . . . .
Windows Update Agent installation fails on
Windows Vista and Windows 2008 computers . .
Cannot scan for missing patches on Windows 2008
Windows patches are not installed . . . . . .
Patch installation fails on Windows computers . .
Cannot publish approved patches to depot . . .
Parsing error when running Microsoft Updates
Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Installing a technology level also installs the latest
service pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Replacing AIX patches . . . . . . . . . .
Patch download and distribution fails on AIX . .
Cannot scan for missing patches on AIX . . . .
Cannot connect to Linux update site . . . . .
Wrong link for Linux update site . . . . . . .
Errors during patch installation on Solaris 10 . . .
The agfa-fonts-2003.03.19-32.6 patch cannot be
installed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Default patch information displayed in SLES Linux
Patch installation error on SUSE Linux . . . . .
Endpoint scan times out and fails . . . . . .

Chapter 11. Virtualization problems



VMware value error when upgrading . . . . . 169

Error creating a VMware virtual server using ESX
server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

Error Running HostPlatform Resource and Virtual

Machine Discovery . . . . . . . . . .
Create LPAR Fails . . . . . . . . . . .
Error Running VMware VI3 - Virtual Center
Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The creation of a dedicated WPAR fails. . . .
Installation on an AIX WPAR fails . . . . .
Installation of a software package on some 7.1
UNIX or Linux targets does not work correctly .
Cannot synchronize an AIX WPAR . . . . .
Tivoli Common Agent installation fails on a
shared-IP Solaris zone . . . . . . . . .

. 170
. 170
. 171
. 171
. 172

Chapter 14. Reporting problems . . . 195

. 172
. 172


. 173

Chapter 12. Provisioning task

problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Provisioning tasks cannot be scheduled and
submitted from web interface . . . . . . .
Cannot delete shared provisioning tasks . . .
Provisioning tasks remain in progress after
recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SSH error occurs during task . . . . . . .
Install software task fails for extracted installable
file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Task error after using the clean-up-deploymentrequests command . . . . . . . . . .

. 175
. 175
. 176
. 176
. 177
. 178

Chapter 13. Provisioning workflow

problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Troubleshooting provisioning workflows . . .
Compilation errors . . . . . . . . .
Deployment engine logs . . . . . . . .
Workflow log globalization . . . . . . .
Troubleshooting scripts . . . . . . . .
Getting workflow execution logs . . . . . .
DB2 error occurs when you deploy resources . .
DB2 creates a database state error . . . . .
DB2 Universal Database deadlocks occur during
logical operations . . . . . . . . . . .
A provisioning workflow does not install . . .
The UnzipSWDCLI provisioning workflow times
out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Viewing workflow execution status from the web
interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Provisioning workflow cannot be exported . .
Cannot run provisioning workflows in Tivoli
Provisioning Manager . . . . . . . . .
Shell command error: Resource temporarily
unavailable . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Shell command error: Exit value=1, Error
stream="", Result stream="no bash in ..." . . .
COPCOM123E A shell command error occurred:
Exit code=1, Error stream="Command: `su tioadmin` failed. ", Output stream=" su: incorrect
password" . . . . . . . . . . . . .
File name limitation when using the
Device.CopyFile provisioning workflow . . .
Updating an automation package fails . . . .
A workflow hangs while calling the
Lock_DCM_Object object . . . . . . . .


SDI_Agent_setHostconfig workflow not running on

dynamic group . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Cannot allocate memory error running a scriptlet



. 185
. 186
. 186
. 187
. 188
. 188
. 189
. 190

. 190
. 190
. 191
. 191

Corrupted text when importing non-English CSV

reports to Excel . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Garbled text displayed when exporting reports into
CSV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Missing information when reports are saved in
CSV format . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Error when importing reports . . . . . . . .
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 hangs when viewing
multiple report results . . . . . . . . . .
Cannot open report after generating request pages



Chapter 15. Web Replay problems


Common problems with Web Replay . . . .

Pop-up window in Web Replay scenarios is not
visible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Web Replay scenarios do not work with different
browsers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Microsoft Internet Explorer errors in Web Replay
Highlight disappears when creating a scenario .
Errors when typing data in scenarios . . . .
Performance problems with Web Replay . . .
Web Replay has slow response time . . . . .
Highlight box is not placed properly for menus
Category does not exist in Web Replay . . . .
User cannot play or edit Web Replay scenarios .

. 199
. 199
. 199
. 200
. 201
. 201
. 201
. 202
. 202

Chapter 16. Software Package Editor

troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . 205
Problem Determination Tools . . . . . . . .
Verifying the Software Package Editor installation
Problems running eclipseLauncher.bat . . . . .
Performance problems when accessing remote
drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
OutOfMemoryError error when software package
is too large . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Software package block corrupted on Windows
Cannot save software package block if file name
contains DBCS characters . . . . . . . . .
Cannot upload software package block if file path
contains DBCS characters . . . . . . . . .
Software Package Editor does not start from web
interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Software Package Editor does not start using JRE
1.5.0_u16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Error when uploading migrated software packages
to file repositories . . . . . . . . . . . .
Information for troubleshooting software package
blocks on Tivoli Common Agent computers . . .
Installation of PackageExample software package
block stalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Installing a software package block manually using
the Agent SIE . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Listing the software catalog . . . . . . . .
Uninstalling a software package block manually
using the agent SIE . . . . . . . . . . .

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide


Cannot uninstall a software package block

manually using the agent SIE on Windows
computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bypassing the maximum size of software package
blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cannot import a software package block using the
wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cannot open a software package block from
repository . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cannot uninstall a software product . . . . . .
Software import fails but software product is
added to data model . . . . . . . . . . .


Chapter 17. Activity Plan Editor

troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . 217
Activity Plan does not start . . . . . . . .
Activity Plan editor displays bad magic number
error message . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity plans are displayed only in English . .
Activity Plan Editor logs and traces . . . . .
Activity Plan Editor startup trace file . . . .

. 217


Chapter 18. Agent Manager

troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . 219
Cannot access registry . . . . . . . . . .
Security certificate error when logging on from
Firefox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cannot connect to agent manager . . . . . .
Agent Manager connection problems on UNIX . .
Changing ports for the agent recovery service . .
Enabling or disabling agent manager tracing . . .
Cannot start certificate authority . . . . . . .
Cannot start the agent manager . . . . . . .
Cannot install agent manager . . . . . . . .
Agent Manager server does not install or start
properly when registry is in a database . . . . .
JDBC connections used by Common Agent Services
Manually encrypting a password . . . . . . .
Uninstalling the agent manager from the
WebSphere Application Server runtime . . . . .
Uninstalling the agent manager from the
lightweight runtime . . . . . . . . . . .
Cannot register requests for registration . . . .
Agent Manager cannot be contacted . . . . . .
Verifying the agent manager service . . . . . .
Determining agent manager version . . . . . .
Registration request rejected by agent manager . .

Chapter 19. Common agent problems



Authentication errors after common agent

installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Common agent cannot register on HP-UX . . . .
Manually uninstalling the common agent . . . .
Installing the common agent on Security-Enhanced
Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
IP address change at NAT server not detected by
common agent . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Common agent is unable to read GUID upon
startup on Linux . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cannot install common agent on Solaris . . . .


Cannot register target computers in firewall . . .

Common agent installation failure on Red Hat 5
Determining the common agent version . . . .
Collecting common agent diagnostic information
Incorrect information after Tivoli Common Agent
installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Useful commands . . . . . . . . . . . .
Collecting target computer logs . . . . . . .
Error during Tivoli GUID installation . . . . .
Common agent reinstallation failure on Windows
Common agent installation fails when using
commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
UAC not supported for common agent installation
on Windows 7 target computers . . . . . . .
Failures during manual uninstallation of common
agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Log files for the common agent . . . . . . .
The computer name is not updated after the
common agent is upgraded. . . . . . . . .
Common agent security error during registration
Common agent registration and uninstallation
errors on Windows . . . . . . . . . . .
SSLHandshakeException error when installing . .
TCA_PingAgent workflow hangs . . . . . . .
Verifying that the common agent is running . . .
Common agent files deleted after installation . . .
Reregistering a common agent. . . . . . . .
Cannot register common agent or resource
manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Manual uninstall does not automatically update
the data model . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tivoli Common Agent installation fails with invalid
password . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tivoli Common Agent installation fails if agent is
already installed . . . . . . . . . . . .
Common agents cannot communicate with agent
manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tivoli Common Agent installation fails on Solaris
SPARC target computers . . . . . . . . .
Registration of device manager causes Out of
Memory error . . . . . . . . . . . .


Chapter 20. Dynamic content delivery

troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . 255
Configuring dynamic content delivery . . . .
Changing the data source password . . . . .
Dynamic content delivery depots . . . . . .
Cannot reinstall depot servers after removal . .
Setting up default log cleanup . . . . . . .
Verifying that a file was published . . . . .
Logging and tracing . . . . . . . . . .
Silent installation of the management center fails
The service access points for software distribution
were not created automatically . . . . . .
Published task files saving on different depot
server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Depot stack not removed on uninstall . . . .
Incorrect value for the used space on a depot .



. 262
. 262
. 263



. 262


Chapter 21. Device manager service

troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . 265
Log file locations for the device manager console
HTTP Unauthorized (401) response code . . .
Installation, migration and removal log file
locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Device manager log files . . . . . . . .
Lightweight device manager log files . . . .
Lightweight management server generates
exceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Manual installation of device manager hangs . .
Device manager service configuration . . . .
Troubleshooting device manager jobs . . . .
Device manager job timing . . . . . . . .
Device manager tracing . . . . . . . . .
Device manager trace log files . . . . . . .
Using the device manager console . . . . .
Verifying the device manager service installation
Jobs not reaching target computer . . . . .

. 265
. 265
. 266
. 266

. 272

Chapter 22. Remote Execution and

Access (RXA) troubleshooting . . . . 275
Enabling RXA on Windows target computers . . . 275
Enabling RXA logging . . . . . . . . . . 275
RXA cannot connect with UNIX target computers 276

Chapter 23. Administrative console

troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . 277
Agent Manager log files on the WebSphere
Application Server runtime . . . . . . . . .
Cannot run backup tool with WebSphere
Application Server . . . . . . . . . . .
Installation or upgrade of agent manager fails with
embedded version of IBM WebSphere Application
Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
WebSphere Application Server JVM memory
settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Verifying the installation of WebSphere Application
Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Chapter 24. Other problems . . . . . 283

Cannot create graph containing data model objects
Error when primary Tivoli Provisioning Manager
server is disabled . . . . . . . . . . . .
Missing information for
Turning on Admin mode is slow . . . . . . .
Turning on auditing causes configdb script error
Tivoli Provisioning Manager does not install when
terminal server is enabled . . . . . . . . .
Database lock timeout error . . . . . . . .
Upload server times out on idle connections to
Oracle server . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Embedded messaging feature does not work on
Windows 2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Logs exceed the file system capacity on UNIX . .
The provisioning server does not start on Windows
The provisioning server does not start on Linux



Remote connection to database hangs when

database server is on a multiprocessor computer
Java exceptions from incorrect SOAP parameters
Cannot import XML . . . . . . . . . .
Slow response time on Windows 2003 Enterprise
Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The information center for non-English languages
is displayed in English . . . . . . . . .
Password policy is set to never expire during base
services installation . . . . . . . . . .
Troubleshooting router and switch login failures
Object selection is cleared after searching for
another object . . . . . . . . . . . .
Default insert site configuration does not take
effect or is not persistent for the user . . . .
Error running the versionInfo command . . .
The network discovery fails . . . . . . .
Logged errors after using the tio.cmd command
Error messages are displayed in English while
working in a non-English locale . . . . . .
Editing text files changes permissions . . . .
COPCOM618E error for Windows computers
configured with Federal Desktop Core
Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . .
Shell command error when running workflow .

. 289
. 290
. 290
. 291
. 291
. 292
. 292
. 293
. 293
. 294
. 294

. 295
. 296

Chapter 25. Messages . . . . . . . . 297

Message logs . . .
Message elements .
Message ID format
Messages . . . . .
BTC . . . . .
COPAPM . . . .
COPCOM . . .
COPDEX . . . .
COPDSC . . . .
COPDSE . . . .
COPGRP . . . .
COPINF . . . .
COPJDS . . . .
COPJEE . . . .
COPNET . . . .
COPOSD . . . .
COPPCH . . . .
COPQLX . . . .
COPSRV . . . .
COPSWD. . . .
COPTCA . . . .
COPTDM . . .
COPTMF . . . .
COPTSK . . . .
COPUTL . . . .
COPVIR . . . .
CTGCFG . . . .
CTGDEA . . . .
CTGDED . . . .
CTGDEE . . . .
CTGDEG . . . .
CTGDEI . . . .
CTGDEJ . . . .
CTGDEM. . . .




IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide
























Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553



IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 1. Introduction
Identify and resolve problems that might occur when you are using the product.
Problem determination, or troubleshooting, is a process of determining why a product is not functioning
in the expected manner. This guide provides information to help you identify and resolve problems that
you encounter when using Tivoli Provisioning Manager.
There are a number of options available for problem determination, and they are described in this
section. The options include:
v Obtaining support to help identify your problem.
v Consulting the overall product overview.
v Using the log files for troubleshooting.

Support information
If you encounter a problem with the product, first look for help at the Tivoli Provisioning Manager
Support Web site. This site contains a searchable database of Technotes and frequently asked questions
relating to current issues.
This site also contains presentations, fixes, fix packs, and white papers. Access the Web site, at the
following address:

In addition, IBM provides the following ways for you to obtain the support you need:
v Searching knowledge bases: You can search across a large collection of known problems and
workarounds, Technotes, and other information.
v Obtaining fixes: You can locate the latest fixes that are already available for your product.
v Contacting IBM Software Support: If you still cannot solve your problem, and you need to work with
someone from IBM, you can use a variety of ways to contact IBM Software Support.

Troubleshooting is the process of finding and eliminating the cause of a problem. Whenever you have a
problem with your IBM software, the troubleshooting process begins as soon as you ask yourself what
happened? A basic troubleshooting strategy at a high level involves:
v Recording the symptoms.
v Recreating the problem.
v Eliminating possible causes.
If you cannot identify the cause of a problem, you might want to seek the assistance of the IBM Tivoli
Support team, who will be able to pinpoint the cause of the problem and suggest ways to recover from
specific situations. For more information about how to contact the IBM Tivoli Software Support, refer to
Contacting IBM Software Support on page 5.
Recording the symptoms of the problem
Depending on the type of problem you have, whether it be with your application, your computer, or
your tools, you might receive a message that indicates something is wrong. Always record the error
message that you see. As simple as this sounds, error messages often contain codes that make more sense
Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2011

as you investigate your problem further. You might also receive multiple error messages that look similar,
but have subtle differences. By recording the details of each one you can learn more about where your
problem exists. Sources of error messages:

Web interface
Command-line interface
Log files
Error dialog boxes

Recreating the problem

Think back to what steps you were doing that led you to this problem. Try those steps again to see if you
can easily re-create this problem. If you have a consistently repeatable test case, you can have an easier
time determining what solutions are necessary.
v How did you first notice the problem?
v Did you do anything different that made you notice the problem?
v Is the process that is causing the problem a new procedure, or has it worked successfully before?
v If this process worked before, what has changed? The change can refer to any type of change made to
the computer, ranging from adding new hardware or software, to configuration changes you might
have made to existing software.
v What was the first symptom of this problem that you witnessed? Were there other symptoms occurring
around that time?
v Does the same problem occur elsewhere? Is only one computer experiencing the problem or are
multiple computers experiencing the same problem?
v What messages are generated that can indicate what the problem is?
Eliminating possible causes
Narrow the scope of your problem by eliminating components that are not causing the problem. By using
a process of elimination, you can simplify your problem and avoid wasting time in other areas. Consult
the information that comes with the product and other available resources to help you with your
elimination process.
v Has anyone else experienced this problem? See Searching knowledge bases
v Is there a fix you can apply? See Obtaining fixes on page 4.
At all times during the problem determination process, keep the following points in mind:
v The IBM WebSphere Application Server is central to Tivoli Provisioning Manager and its components.
All components, IBM Tivoli Directory Server, SOAP, deployment engine, policy engine, command line
tools, interact with the WebSphere Application Server. If you do not know where to start with a
problem that you have encountered, start with WebSphere Application Server. Check the SystemOut.log
file for errors. The log file is located in the following directory:

: %WAS_HOME%\logs\<server-name>

: $WAS_HOME/logs/<server-name>
v Isolate the root error using the proposed troubleshooting methods to find a resolution.
v Take screen shots of specific steps and errors received along the way.

v Use the knowledge bases.

Searching knowledge bases

You can often find solutions to problems by searching IBM knowledge bases. Learn how to optimize your
results by using available resources, support tools, and search methods and how to receive automatic

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Available technical resources

In addition to this information center, the following technical resources are available to help you answer
questions and resolve problems:
v Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment Support Web site
v Tivoli Redbooks Domain
v Tivoli support communities (forums and newsgroups)

Searching with support tools

The following tools are available to help you search IBM knowledge bases:
v IBM Support Assistant (ISA) is a free software serviceability workbench that helps you resolve
questions and problems with IBM software products. Instructions for downloading and installing the
ISA can be found on the ISA Web site:
v IBM Software Support Toolbar is a browser plug-in that provides you with a mechanism to easily
search IBM support sites. You can download the toolbar at:

Search tips
The following resources describe how to optimize your search results:
v Searching the IBM Support Web site
v Using the Google search engine
v Search the information center for more information about error messages that you encounter while
using the product.

Receiving automatic updates

You can receive automatic updates in the following ways:
v My support. To receive weekly e-mail notifications regarding fixes and other support news, follow
these steps:
1. Go to the IBM Software Support Web site at
2. Click My support in the upper-right corner of the page under Personalized support.
3. If you have already registered for My support, sign in and skip to the next step. If you have not
registered, click Register now. Complete the registration form using your e-mail address as your
IBM ID and click Submit.
4. Click Edit profile.
5. Click Add products and choose a product category; for example, Software. A second list is
6. In the second list, select a product segment; for example, Data & Information Management. A
third list is displayed.
7. In the third list, select a product subsegment, for example, Databases. A list of applicable products
is displayed.
8. Select the products for which you want to receive updates.
9. Click Add products.
10. After selecting all products that are of interest to you, click Subscribe to email on the Edit profile
11. Select Please send these documents by weekly email.
12. Update your e-mail address as needed.
13. In the Documents list, select the product category; for example, Software.
14. Select the types of documents for which you want to receive information.
Chapter 1. Introduction

15. Click Update.

v RSS feeds. For information about RSS, including steps for getting started and a list of RSS-enabled
IBM Web pages, visit

Obtaining fixes
A product fix might be available to resolve your problem. To determine what fixes and other updates are
available, search for downloads on the IBM Software Support Web site.
Support for Tivoli Provisioning Manager
When you find a fix that you are interested in, click the name of the fix to read its description and to
optionally download the fix.

Receiving weekly support updates

To receive weekly e-mail notifications about fixes and other IBM Software Support news, follow these


Go to the IBM Software Support Web site at

Click My support in the upper right corner of the page.

3. If you are already registered for the My Support feature, sign in and skip to the next step. If you are
not registered, click Register now. Complete the registration form using your e-mail address as your
IBM ID and click Submit.
4. Click the Edit profile tab.
5. In the Products list, select Software. A second list is displayed.
6. Select a product subsegment, for example, Systems and Asset Management. A third list is displayed.
7. Select a product subsegment, for example, Change & Configuration. A list of applicable products is
8. Select the products for which you want to receive updates, for example, Tivoli Provisioning Manager.
9. Click Add products.
10. After selecting all products that are of interest to you, click Subscribe to e-mail.
11. Update your e-mail address as needed.
12. In the list, select Software.
13. Select the types of documents for which you want to receive information.
14. Click Update.

If you experience problems with the My support feature, request help in one of the following ways:
Send an e-mail message to, describing your problem.
By phone
Call 1-800-IBM-4You (1-800-426-4968).
For information about types of fixes, see the IBM Software Support Handbook at http://

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Contacting IBM Software Support

IBM Software Support provides assistance with product defects.
Before you submit your problem to IBM Software Support, ensure that your company has an active IBM
software maintenance contract, and that you are authorized to submit problems to IBM. The type of
software maintenance contract that you need depends on the type of product that you have:
v For IBM distributed software products (including, but not limited to Tivoli, Lotus, and Rational
products, and IBM DB2 Universal Database and WebSphere products that run on Windows, Linux, or
UNIX operating systems), enroll in Passport Advantage in one of the following ways:
Online: Go to the Passport Advantage Web site at
WebDocs/Passport_Advantage_Home, and click How to Enroll.
By telephone: For the telephone number to call in your country, go to the Contacts page of the IBM
Software Support Handbook at, and click
the name of your geographic region.
v For customers with Subscription and Support (S & S) contracts, go to the Software Service Request Web
site at
v For customers with IBMLink, CATIA, Linux, Linux on IBM System i, Linux on IBM System p, Linux
on IBM System z, and other support agreements, go to the IBM Support Line Web site at
v For IBM eServer software products (including, but not limited to, DB2 and WebSphere products that
run inLinux on IBM System i, Linux on IBM System p, Linux on IBM System z, environments), you
can purchase a software maintenance agreement by working directly with an IBM sales representative
or an IBM Business Partner. For more information about support for eServer software products, go to
the IBM Technical Support Advantage Web site at
If you are not sure what type of software maintenance contract you need, call 1-800-IBMSERV
(1-800-426-7378) in the United States. From other countries, go to the Contacts page of the IBM Software
Support Handbook at and click the name of
your geographic region for telephone numbers of people who provide support for your location.
To contact IBM Software Support, follow these steps:
v Determine the business impact of your problem.
v Describe your problem and gather background information.
v Submit your problem to IBM Software Support.

Determine the business impact of your problem

When you report a problem to IBM, you are asked to supply a severity level. Therefore, you need to
understand and assess the business impact of the problem that you are reporting. Use the following
Severity 1
The problem has a critical business impact: You are unable to use the program, resulting in a
critical impact on operations. This condition requires an immediate solution.
Severity 2
This problem has a significant business impact: The program is usable, but it is severely limited.
Severity 3
The problem has some business impact: The program is usable, but less significant features (not
critical to operations) are unavailable.

Chapter 1. Introduction

Severity 4
The problem has minimal business impact: The problem causes little impact on operations or a
reasonable circumvention to the problem was implemented.

Describe your problem and gather background information

When describing a problem to IBM, be as specific as possible. Include all relevant background
information so that IBM Software Support specialists can help you solve the problem efficiently. To save
time, know the answers to these questions:
What software versions were you running when the problem occurred?
Do you have logs, traces, and messages that are related to the problem symptoms?
Can you re-create the problem? If so, what steps do you perform to re-create the problem?
Did you make any changes to the system? For example, did you make changes to the hardware,
operating system, networking software, or other system components?
v Are you currently using a workaround for the problem? If so, be prepared to describe the workaround
when you report the problem.


Submit your problem

You can submit your problem to IBM Software Support in one of two ways:
v Online: Go to the Submit and track problems tab on the IBM Software Support site at Type your information into the appropriate
problem submission tool.
v By telephone: For the telephone number to call in your country, go to the "Contacts" page of the IBM
Software Support Handbook at and click
the name of your geographic region.
If the problem you submit is for a software defect or for missing or inaccurate documentation, IBM
Software Support creates an Authorized Program Analysis Report (APAR). The APAR describes the
problem in detail. Whenever possible, IBM Software Support provides a workaround that you can
implement until the APAR is resolved and a fix is delivered. IBM publishes resolved APARs on the
Software Support Web site daily, so that other users who experience the same problem can benefit from
the same resolution.

IBM Support Assistant

The IBM Support Assistant (ISA) is a free local software serviceability workbench that helps you resolve
questions and problems with IBM software products. ISA provides quick access to support-related
information along with serviceability tools for problem determination.

How can IBM Support Assistant help?

IBM Support Assistant will help you get the information you need quickly. ISA provides this quick access
using its concurrent Search tool that spans across the bulk of IBM documentation and returns the results
categorized by source for easy review.
ISA also provides a product information feature that has key product information links that are essential
to self-help. These include:
v Product support pages
v Product home pages
v Product troubleshooting guides
v Product education roadmaps and the IBM Education Assistant
v Product recommended updates
v Product newsgroups and forums

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

ISA has a new Tool workbench that provides you with the problem determination tools that IBM Support
uses to resolve issues.
Included in ISA, is a Service feature with an automated system and symptom based collector. The system
collector gathers general information from your operating system, registry, and other important locations.
The system based collection provides the unique ability to collect specific information relating to a
particular problem that you are having.
You can also use ISA to enter your entitlement information once and have it saved for future sessions.
This enables you to create a problem report for IBM and attach the collector file at the same time.

Downloading IBM Support Assistant

You can download ISA at, it can be downloaded for any
platform where you will install IBM Support Assistant. You will need to login using your IBM Web
identity; if you do not already have one, you can complete the free registration process to obtain one.
Download the compressed archive file and uncompress it. The archive contains an installer program and
the Installation and Troubleshooting guide which should be used to install ISA.

Using ISA plug-ins to collect data

You can download and install the plug-in for the Tivoli Provisioning Manager data collector and the Log
Analyzer using the ISA built-in Updater component. TheLog Analyzer plug-in is included in the list of
plug-ins for Common Component Tools.
The Tivoli Provisioning Manager data collector enables you to collect problem determination information
specific to Tivoli Provisioning Manager.
With the Log Analyzer, you can gather system and performance data from local and remote systems. The
data can be used for problem determination should a less than optimal system event occur.
You can use the Log Analyzer to create resource sets. Resource sets are sets of definitions that contain the
path locations of the logs that you need to examine and the levels of information that they contain. You
can keep customized definitions to reuse. The definitions provide the same set of instructions about
where to find a log, and what kind of information to gather from the log, saving time during subsequent
log imports.
The Log Analyzer also makes it possible for you to download and store symptom database catalogs to
your local system. These catalogs provide detailed diagnostic solutions to a variety of scenarios, which
can give direction to your troubleshooting tasks.

Training material for IBM Support Assistant

v IBM Support Assistant comes with a built-in user guide.
v The installation image that you download includes an HTML Installation and Troubleshooting Guide.
v IBM Education Assistant available at
provides training modules that have been created to show how to install and use IBM Support

General data to collect for IBM Software Support

Before you call IBM Software Support for assistance, gather the required data so that they can efficiently
diagnose and resolve your issue.

Chapter 1. Introduction

For the most current version information, see the document called Collect troubleshooting data for Tivoli
Provisioning Manager:
Use the configuration examiner as described in Built-in troubleshooting features to collect the following
information and make it available to IBM Software Support so that they can solve the problem as quickly
as possible:
v A brief description of the class of problem, such as installation, configuration, audit, system failure, or
v Language or locale information.
v Server information for these servers: Tivoli Provisioning Manager, LDAP, DB2, IBM Tivoli Directory
Server, WebSphere Application Server. The information must include the systems on which they are
located, network connectivity to these systems, and the version number (including fix packs) of the
v Time frame in which the problem occurred (in relation to the log entries).
v Proper contact information - your IBM Passport Advantage or Tivoli Customer ID, appropriate
telephone number or e-mail address, your preference of return correspondence: by phone or e-mail,
alternate phone number (if possible), and if not responding to you, the name and contact information
for the person Tivoli Customer Support needs to contact.

Built-in troubleshooting features

The Tivoli Configuration Examiner tool collects the configuration files and log information that you
require to troubleshoot problems in your provisioning environment.
Tivoli Provisioning Manager records system activity and events in message logs and trace logs. You can
use the configuration examiner to view system environment variables, Java properties, product versions,
Tivoli Provisioning Manager configuration files, agent manager and IBM Tivoli Device Manager Service
status, runtime logs (Tivoli Provisioning Manager, WebSphere Application Server, IBM Tivoli Provisioning
Manager for Dynamic Content Delivery) , and installation logs (Tivoli Provisioning Manager core
components, Tivoli Provisioning Manager web components, middleware installer, base services installer).
You can also use the configuration examiner to package installation or runtime logs together with system
properties and Tivoli Provisioning Manager product information.

Tool location
v If theTivoli Provisioning Manager installation failed, you can find the configuration examiner in the
TPMConfigUtil folder, where or was extracted.
v If you successfully installed Tivoli Provisioning Manager, you can find the configuration examiner in

Running the configuration examiner

v For real-time configuration files and logs, run:




v For archived configuration files and logs, run:



ArchiveViewer.cmd archive-file extract-location


./ archive-file extract-location

archive-file is the path of the archived file
extract-location is the folder where the archived files are to be extracted to. If this option is not
specified, the files are loaded in the memory. If this option is specified, the files are saved for future

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

v To package installation or runtime logs together with system properties and Tivoli Provisioning
Manager product information, go to File > Archive All or File > Archive Install or File > Archive
To archive logs for a given time period, set the log start and finish date under Logs > Archive - Log
start time and Logs > Archive - Log finish time.
v To switch the log level between info and debug, go to Logs > Set Log Level > info or Logs > Set Log
Level > debug.

PackageLog ZIP tool

The packageLog tool can also be used to collect log information. The Tivoli Configuration Examiner is the
recommended tool to use though because it gathers more information.
The packageLog tool is a command line utility that packages Tivoli Provisioning Manager logs into a
single compressed file that you can send to the IBM Tivoli Software Support team. The compressed file
includes the log information that Tivoli Support representatives need to access so they can help diagnose
a problem.

Where %TIO_HOME% is the Tivoli Provisioning Manager home directory.

Where$TIO_HOME in the Tivoli Provisioning Manager home directory.

The packageLogs tools automatically determines the default location of the logs.
The packageLogs tool automatically determines the default location of the logs.
Returned file: The tool produces a compressed file, located in the current
directory, where timestamp is a time stamp assigned by the system when the packageLog tool completes
the compressed file.

Enabling traces for software package block installation errors

Enable software installation engine traces so that you can collect the data to send to IBM Tivoli Software
Support team. This will help the team to troubleshoot installation or uninstallation problems with
software package blocks.
Follow these steps to enable traces and collect the information:
1. Log in to the computer and edit the following file:


Chapter 1. Introduction


2. In the MOBILE section of the file, find the property trace_level. Set the property to trace_level=5.
3. Note the value of the property prodcut_dir. The default value is the following directory:


4. Run the software package block installation again to reproduce the problem.
5. Find the value of the property prodcut_dir. Collect the content of the directory that product_dir now
The data you collect can be sent to the IBM Tivoli Software Support team for troubleshooting assistance.

Where %TIO_HOME% is the Tivoli Provisioning Manager home directory.

Where $TIO_HOME in the Tivoli Provisioning Manager home directory.

Level Reporting tool for the WebSphere Application Server platform

The Level Reporting tool is a command line utility that scans your system for WebSphere Application
Server platform products, and then builds a report file that details the products that it found as well as
their respective maintenance levels. The tool is not intended to displace the current native level utilities
such as versionInfo and db2level that are provided by the individual products. Rather, the tool is
designed to produce a report file that includes the software level information that IBM Tivoli Software
Support representatives need to access so they can help diagnose a problem.
Prerequisites: This utility assumes that you have set the JAVA_HOME and WAS_HOME environment
variable appropriately. For example:

set JAVA_HOME=C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\java
set WAS_HOME=C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer


export JAVA_HOME=/opt/WebSphere/AppServer/java
export WAS_HOME=/opt/WebSphere/AppServer

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/java
export WAS_HOME=/usr/WebSphere/AppServer

Where %TIO_HOME% is the Tivoli Provisioning Manager home directory.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide


Where $TIO_HOME is the Tivoli Provisioning Manager home directory.

versionInfo.bat ([ -format text | html | xml ] [ -file output_file ] -debug) | ([-help |

-? | /help | /? | -usage])
UNIX ([ -format text | html | xml ] [ -file output_file ] -debug) | ([-help |

-? | /help | /? | -usage])
v -format outputs the report in normal text or HTML or XML
v -file output_file writes the report to the file rather than to standard out (console)
v -debug generates the versionInfo_n.trace trace file that includes debug information
v -help displays a terse description of each parameter
v -usage display the usage string
Returned file: The returned report file is located in the current directory.

Problem classification
This guide provides information about Tivoli Provisioning Manager tools, resources, and techniques that
can help you identify and resolve the following types of problems:

Installation problems
Login problems
Provisioning workflow problems
Other common problems
Problems with the distribution infrastructure

Product maintenance
Problems can often be avoided with planning and preparation before you deploy Tivoli Provisioning
Manager. Before you install the software, review the Tivoli Provisioning Manager Release Notes, the Tivoli
Provisioning Manager Installation Guide, and the Tivoli Provisioning Manager Coexistence and Migration Guide.
These documents contain the following important information:
v Supported operating system levels

Prerequisite software requirements

Required software fix packs
Minimum and recommended memory requirements
Disk space requirements
Upgrade considerations
Known problems, limitations, and recovery procedures

Backing up the system

After you have installed the product, ensure that you have a comprehensive backup and system recovery
strategy in place. Because Tivoli Provisioning Manager does not include tools for backing up or restoring
Chapter 1. Introduction


your system, you must back up your system in accordance with the documentation that is provided with
your operating system or with any specialized backup and restore software that you use.
You might want to consider the following general recommendations for backing up your Tivoli
Provisioning Manager system:
v Back up your existing DB2 or Oracle database. For more information, see theDB2 documentation and
the Oracle documentation for your database version.
v Back up your directory server database. For more information, see the documentation provided for
your directory server.
v Back up your automation packages (.tcdriver files) using any of the standard backup and restore
tools that you are using. For more information, see the Provisioning Workflows Guide.

Performing periodic checks and maintenance

In addition to the preceding backup guidelines, here are several best practices that can help you do even
more to prevent problems:
v On Windows, periodically back up the user registry following the instructions provided by the user
registry vendor.
v Periodically check that all systems that are running Tivoli Provisioning Manager have sufficient disk
space for runtime and problem determination data. As your security policy grows, and the number of
users, groups, and protected objects increase, the space requirements for the policy databases, message
logs, trace logs, and any auditing information can increase as well. For more information, see the topic
on using log files for troubleshooting.
v Regularly check for the availability of fix packs and install them as they become available. Information
about fix packs and other information can be found on the Tivoli Provisioning Manager support Web
site, at:

Using log files for troubleshooting

Tivoli Provisioning Manager records system activity and events in message logs, and trace logs.
You can view the contents of log files in a text editor. Some log files are also supported by IBM Support
Assistant (ISA), a free local software serviceability workbench that helps you resolve questions and
problems with IBM software products.

Setting up IBM Support Assistant and the Tivoli Provisioning Manager

data collector
IBM Support Assistant (ISA) helps you to find support resources for problem determination. It also
includes tools to help you collect logs and other data about your system and installed IBM products.
ISA includes an automated system and symptom based collector. The system collector gathers general
information from your operating system, registry, and so on. The symptom based collection provides the
unique ability to collect specific information relating to a particular problem that you are having.
After you have installed ISA, you can install the data collector for Tivoli Provisioning Manager.

1. Installing ISA on the Tivoli Provisioning Manager computer is recommended to make it easier for the
tool to collect system and product logs. Download and install the latest version from You will need to log in using your IBM Web identity;
if you do not already have one, you can complete the free registration process to obtain one.
Uncompress the downloaded archive file and follow the instructions included in the archive to install
ISA. You only require the ISA workbench, not the ISA agent.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

2. Start ISA Workbench


Click the IBM Support Assistant on the Windows desktop or from the Start menu under
Start > All Programs > IBM Support Assistant.

Click IBM Support Assistant "Other" group of the Application Browser or run the
following command:




Run the following command:


3. Click File > Preferences.

4. Click Update > Find new... > Product Add-ons. Perform the following steps:
a. Click Tivoli Products > IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager 7.1.
b. Click Next.
c. Accept the license agreement and click Next.
d. Review the summary and click Finish.
5. Click OK to restart ISA Workbench.

What to do next
IBM Support Assistant is now configured to collect data for Tivoli Provisioning Manager. If you need
assistance with problem determination, you can use the data collector to gather log files into a single
archive that you can submit to IBM Software Support.

Collecting data with IBM Support Assistant

If you need assistance with problem determination, you can use the Tivoli Provisioning Manager data
collector to gather log files into a single archive that you can submit to from IBM Software Support.
The data collector gathers logs in the TIO_LOGS directory.

1. If you want to collect logs for a managed computer, you can run a provisioning workflow to collect
the logs and store them on the provisioning server. You can then package these logs with other logs
on the provisioning server using ISA. You can only collect logs from a computer where the IBM
Tivoli Common Agent is installed.
a. Log on to Tivoli Provisioning Manager.
b. From the Start Center, find the data model ID of the computer.
c. Click Go To > Administration > Provisioning > Provisioning Workflows.
d. Search for the provisioning workflow called TCA_Collect_Logs and run it.
e. When the provisioning workflow is complete, the log is stored in the provisioning server in the
TIO_LOGS/tivolicommonagent directory. The log can now be included with other logs collected
by ISA.
2. If you want to collect logs for base services, use a compression tool to add the following log files to
an archive.
a. On the computer where the base services is installed:
v c:\ibm\smp\logs, where c:\ibm is the default installation location.
v c:\ibm\smp\solutions\logs
v c:\ibm\smp\maximo\tools\logs
v c:\program files\ibm\common\acsi\logs
v If your problem occurred during installation validation, logs can also be located under
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Configurable Fields.
Chapter 1. Introduction


b. On the computer where WebSphere Application Server is installed.

v Logs under the application server directory. For example C:\IBM \WebSphere\AppServer\
v Deployment manager logs in the deployment manager directory. For example
3. Start ISA Workbench

Click the IBM Support Assistant on the Windows desktop or from the Start menu under
Start > All Programs > IBM Support Assistant.

Click IBM Support Assistant "Other" group of the Application Browser or run the
following command:




Run the following command:


4. Click Analyze Problem in the ISA welcome page.

5. On the Collect Data tab, click the Select Collectors tab.
6. Expand IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager 7.1 and then select General Problem. For collecting
LDAP, database and install logs, you can also use the following targets
v LDAP problem
v Database Problem
v Install Problem
7. Click Add.
8. Click Collect All to start the data collector.
9. When prompted, enter the location of TIO_LOGS and click OK. The default location is:


C:\Program Files\IBM\tivoli\common\COP\logs

10. When prompted, enter the WebSphere Application Server profile directory.



Note: You will not be prompted for the WebSphere Application Server profile directory if you have
WebSphere Application Server installed in the default location.
Click Proceed to Data Collection, and click OK in the next window to confirm your selection.
When prompted, enter information for the base services and click OK.
a. Specify the user name and password that you use to log on to the Tivoli Provisioning Manager
a. Specify the host name of the computer where base services is installed.
a. Specify the HTTP port of the base services computer. The default is 80.
In the window that confirms the location of the resulting log package, click OK
When prompted for feedback, click Yes and type your feedback, or click No to skip this step.

15. Check the status of the data collection on the Analyze Problem > Collect Data > Current Status tab.
16. View the resulting log package by clicking the link next to Collected Result in the Current Status

What to do next
The logs are now saved you can click the name of the log to open the package or you can submit it to
IBM Software Support.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Trace logs
Tivoli Provisioning Manager provides configurable tracing capabilities that can help you determine the
cause of a problem. Trace logs and first-failure data capture (FFDC) are built into the software to assist
the IBM Customer Support for Tivoli software personnel in gathering information to determine why a
problem is occurring, and might be requested as part of diagnosing a reported problem.
v Trace logs capture operating environment details, including the starting and stopping of processes, data
transfer between software components, activity that occurs while the software is running, and errors
that occur when the code fails to operate as intended.
v First-failure data capture captures and stores the tracing information preceding an error message.
Trace logs are used to determine the causes of Tivoli Provisioning Manager problems and to debug
errors. Error messages can include information about the cause of the error and possible resolutions for
the error. Trace logs are intended to be used by Tivoli Customer Support service engineers or developers.
If you encounter an issue, Support representatives might ask you to obtain information from trace logs so
that they can review the details.
Trace logs have the file name trace.log, and are stored in the subfolder for each software component.
Trace logs are in English only, multicultural support is not provided for trace entries. By default, tracing
is enabled at the minimal level that is required for FFDC, and can be changed as required.

Log locations
To provide a consistent mechanism for locating serviceability information, Tivoli products and
applications have implemented the Tivoli Common Directory. The Tivoli Common Directory represents a
central location on systems running Tivoli software for storing serviceability-related files.
The location of the message logs and trace logs for Tivoli Provisioning Manager follow the Tivoli
Common Directory standard. The log locations are shown in the table.
Directory name




WebSphere JVM

v %WAS_HOME%\profiles\ctgAppSrv01\
v %TIO_LOGS%\j2ee


Deployment Engine JVM and





Installation logs are documented

within Tivoli Provisioning Manager
installation logs on page 16.


Uninstall process



Activity plan



Java core and heap dump


Chapter 1. Introduction


Directory name



where%TIO_LOGS% takes these default values:




C:\Program Files\IBM\tivoli\common\COP\logs

and where %WAS_HOME% takes these default values:




C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer

The log files that are generated by all the utility scripts, such as %TIO_LOGS%\tools\cancel-all-in-progress.cmd,
%TIO_LOGS%\tools\changepassword.cmd, are located in the %TIO_LOGS% directory on Windows systems ($TIO_LOGS
on UNIX or Linux).

Log directory files

Each Tivoli Provisioning Manager JVM directory includes the following log files:
Stores all event logs including messages, traces, and debugging information.
Stores the globalized event messages so the user can understand a problem and take action to try
and resolve the problem.
Stores errors that are reviewed by IBM Tivoli Support.

Installation logs
Tivoli Provisioning Manager installation logs:
Because multiple components are installed during installation, there are several log files that you might
need to check to resolve an installation error. If you need to troubleshoot the installation of a specific
component, check the log file associated with the component. Ensure that you check any referenced log
files for additional information. For example, the log file for component that failed during installation
might point to a log for more information. The WebSphere Application Server might reveal an incorrect
WebSphere Application Server setting that caused the component installation to fail.
The listed log files are located on the Tivoli Provisioning Manager computer. If you installed Tivoli
Directory Server on a separate computer, the log files for Tivoli Directory Server are located on that


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Table 1. Log files for product components


Log files



v %MWI_workspace%\mwi.log
v %MWI_workspace%\mwi.err

v $MWI_workspace/mwi.log
v $MWI_workspace/mwi.err

v $MWI_workspace/mwi.log
v $MWI_workspace/mwi.err
Deployment engine log files


v $MWI_workspace/hostname/deploymentPlan/logs/

v $MWI_workspace/hostname/deploymentplan/
v $MWI_workspace/hostname/deploymentPlan/

WebSphere Application Server


v %MWI_workspace%\hostname\deploymentplan\
v %MWI_workspace%\hostname\deploymentPlan\
v C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\logs\install\

v $MWI_workspace/hostname/deploymentplan/
v /usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/logs/install/

v $MWI_workspace/hostname/deploymentplan/
v /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/logs/install/
Tivoli Directory Server

v $MWI_workspace/deploymentplan/MachinePlan_hostname/
v $MWI_workspace/hostname/deploymentPlan/
v $MWI_workspace/hostname/deploymentPlan/

Chapter 1. Introduction


Table 1. Log files for product components (continued)


Log files

Base services


v C:\ibm\SMP\logs\si_inst.log
v C:\ibm\SMP\logs\CCMDB_install.log
v C:\ibm\SMP\logs


v /opt/IBM/SMP/logs/si_inst.log
v /opt/IBM/SMP/logs/CCMDB_install.log
v /opt/IBM/SMP/logs

v C:\cygwin\var\log\
v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\downloadCygwinSetup.log
v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\downloadCygwinRep.log
v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\instCygwin.log
v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\cygwin_ssh_config.log
v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\cygwin_ssh_config.err

Tivoli Provisioning Manager core


v $TEMP\tclog_wrapper\tcinstall.log

Tivoli Provisioning Manager engines

v $TEMP/tclog_wrapper/nonUI_install.log
v $TEMP/tclog_wrapper/nonUI_install_err.log
v $TEMP/tclog

The agent manager


v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\amtrace.log
v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\amtrace.err
v C:\Program Files\IBM\AgentManager\logs


v $TEMP/tclog_wrapper/amtrace.log
v $TEMP/tclog_wrapper/amtrace.err
v /opt/IBM/AgentManager/logs
Dynamic Content Delivery Management
Device manager federator

v $TEMP/tclog_wrapper/CDSinstall-stdout.log
v $TEMP/tclog_wrapper/CDSinstall-stderr.log

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\dmsinstalltrace.log
v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\dmsinstalltrace.err
v C:\Program Files\IBM\DeviceManager\log


v $TEMP/tclog_wrapper/dmsinstalltrace.log
v $TEMP/tclog_wrapper/dmsinstalltrace.err
v /opt/IBM/DeviceManager/log
Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS

v $TEMP/tclog_wrapper/tpmfosd.log
v $TEMP/tclog_wrapper/tpmfosd.err
v $TEMP/tclog_wrapper/tpmfosd-installation.log


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Table 1. Log files for product components (continued)


Log files

The monitoring agent for Tivoli Provisioning


v $TEMP/tclog_wrapper/itmtrace.log
v $TEMP/tclog_wrapper/itmtrace.err
v $TEMP/tclog_wrapper/itmInstall.log

Tivoli Provisioning Manager Web



v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\psi_tpm.log
v C:\ibm\SMP\solutions\logs


v $TEMP/tclog_wrapper/psi_tpm.log
v /opt/IBM/SMP/solutions/logs

v %TEMP% - the Windows temporary directory.
v $TEMP - the Unix temporary directory.
v %MWI_workspace% - the Windows directory path whose default value is C:\ibm\tivoli\mwi\
v $MWI_workspace - the Unix directory path whose default value is /root/ibm/tivoli/mwi/workspace
For more information about path variables, see Path Variables
Tivoli Provisioning Manager uninstallation logs:
When you uninstall Tivoli Provisioning Manager, the log files are located in




Tivoli Common Directory:

The Tivoli common directory is a common parent directory that stores log files from multiple Tivoli
products. Each product stores logging information in a separate subdirectory within the Tivoli common
If you are installing Tivoli Provisioning Manager for the first time as the first Tivoli software product on
your system that uses the Tivoli common directory, the installation wizard prompts you to specify a
location for it. This location is used by Tivoli Provisioning Manager and other Tivoli products. The
default location is:

C:\Program Files\ibm\tivoli\common\

Chapter 1. Introduction




Collecting FIPS configuration data:

If you encounter errors with Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 configuration during
Tivoli Provisioning Manager installation, use the packageFipsInfo tool to collect configuration data that
you can send to IBM Tivoli Software Support to diagnose the cause of the errors.

Where %TIO_HOME% is the Tivoli Provisioning Manager home directory.

Where $TIO_HOME is the Tivoli Provisioning Manager home directory.

packageFipsInfo.cmd -cellname cell_name

Where cell_name is the cell name of the Agent Manager.

packageFipsInfo.cmd -cellname cell_name

Where cell_name is the cell name of the Agent Manager.
Returned file: The tool produces a compressed file with the collected data.





Component logs
Tivoli Provisioning Manager start and stop log:
When you start Tivoli Provisioning Manager, the application creates a log file, tio_start.log. The
tio_start.log file is located in:




When you stop Tivoli Provisioning Manager, the application creates a log file, tio_stop.log. The
tio_stop.log file is located in:



IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide



Log files for the web interface:

Tivoli Logs
Log files for the web interface and data model changes, and other operations associated with the web
interface are stored in the %TIO_LOGS%\j2ee directory.
Table 2. Tivoli web interface logs
File name




This log file stores all event logs for

the web interface including messages,
traces, and debugging information.

UNIX or Linux


This log file stores the globalized

event messages for the web interface
and data model changes.

UNIX or Linux


This log file stores error messages

that can be reviewed by Tivoli
Software Support.

UNIX or Linux

Maximo Logs
web interface events are also included within Maximo logs. These logs are stored in
UNIX or Linux
Table 3. Maximo web interface logs
File name



This log records events from the Maximo server start



This log records events during from the Maximo server

stop process.


This log records errors that occur in the Maximo user



This log records operations that occur within the Maximo

user interface.

v DMSMsg.log

These log files contain other web interface log entries

including messages, traces, and debugging information.

v native_stderr.log
v native_stdout.log
v serverStatus.log
v TraceDMS.log

Chapter 1. Introduction


Log files for Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment:

General log files for Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment are stored in the following

where <datadir> is the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment data directory specified during
the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment installation.
Table 4. Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment logs
File name



This log file stores all information about the PXE Proxy
service, the PXE Boot Discovery service and the MTFTP


This log contains information about all multicast file

transfers between Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS
Deployment and the target computer.


This log contains information from the use of the Tivoli

Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment Web interface.


This log stores information from the processing of Tivoli

Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment jobs.


This log contains information about the group and host

parameters, the authentication requests, and the NT
domain join requests.


The log stores information about the unicast file transfers

between Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment
and the target computer.


This log contains events generated by background tasks

running on the computer.

Deployment specific logs for Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment:

This log contains information generated by TTivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment
from the execution of tasks on the target computer. The target computer is identified by the
This log stores information generated by Tivoli Provisioning Manager from the execution of tasks.
The task is identified by the <deployment_request_id>
Log files for Common Inventory Technology:
Logs files are created when you run the Tivoli Provisioning Manager Inventory Discovery on a target
computer where Common Inventory Technology and Tivoli Common Agent are installed.
The output XML files of the Common Inventory Technology scan are located in the following directory
Table 5. Tivoli Provisioning Manager Inventory Discovery logs
File name



This log file stores all information about hardware results

from the last time the Tivoli Provisioning Manager
Inventory Discovery ran.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Table 5. Tivoli Provisioning Manager Inventory Discovery logs (continued)

File name



This log file stores all information about software results

from the last time the Tivoli Provisioning Manager
Inventory Discovery ran.


This log file stores all information about software

signature results from the last time the Tivoli
Provisioning Manager Inventory Discovery ran.


This is the Common Inventory Technology file name that

is configured in ../tivoli/cit/config/

The input files for the Common Inventory Technology scan can be found in the following location:
Table 6. Output files of the Tivoli Common Agent
File name



The XML file that converts the scan output into the
Tivoli Provisioning Manager database schema.

The log level can be configured in the



Deployment engine log files:

Log files for workflow and deployment requests are stored in the %TIO_LOGS% directory.
Table 7. Deployment engine logs
File name

UNIX or Linux



This log file stores all event logs for
workflow and deployment requests
including messages, traces, and
debugging information.
This log file stores the globalized
event messages for the deployment
engine component.

UNIX or Linux


This log file stores error messages

that can be reviewed by Tivoli
Software Support.

UNIX or Linux


This log file pings the engine every

five seconds to ensure that the engine
is still running.

UNIX or Linux

Chapter 1. Introduction


Workflow logs:
If you want to determine why a particular provisioning workflow has failed, you can use the Web
interface to display the run history for that provisioning workflow. You can also export the log files of
your provisioning workflow history using the workflowLogExport command, as described in
workflowLogExport command.
Automation package files:
Users can run the tcdrivermanager utility if they have installation and uninstallation issues and look in
the %TIO_HOME%\tcdrivermanager.log for details. Messages and errors for provisioning workflows that
have run are logged in the deployment engine logs files in TIO_LOGS\console.log.

Middleware prerequisite log files

WebSphere Application Server logs:
The WebSphere Application Server log files are located in the following directories:
v %WAS_HOME%\logs
v %WAS_HOME%\logs\server1
v %WAS_HOME%\tranlog
v %WAS_HOME%\profiles\ctgAppSrv01\logs\MXServer
where %WAS_HOME% is the WebSphere Application Server home directory.
The default value for WAS_HOME is:

C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer



Check the following log files for errors:
v SystemOut.log
v startServer.log
v stopServer.log
v SystemErr.log
This is the log file for WebSphere output. It contains messages that are generated when the
applications running inside the WebSphere Application Server are being started or stopped. You
might want to refer to this file when WebSphere does not start. You can find the log files in the
following locations:




$WAS_HOME/profiles/ctgAppSrv01/logs/MXServer/SystemOut.log on UNIX

or Linux
After the provisioning server is started, use the tail -f SystemOut.log command to monitor this
log file for any problems that might occur.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

This is the log file for the startup of the WebSphere Application Server, located in the following





Look for Open for e-business for a successful startup of the WebSphere Application Server.
This is the log file for the shutdown of the WebSphere Application Server. WebSphere Application
Server is the last service to stop when you shut down the provisioning server, so this log file is
useful for verifying whether the shutdown completed. You can find the log files in the following
v Windows
v $WAS_HOME/logs/server1

Look for Server <server-name> stop completed for a successful shutdown of the WebSphere
Application Server.
This is the log file that contains Java exceptions and stack traces caused by the enterprise
applications. You can find the log files in the following locations:
v Windows
v $WAS_HOME/logs/server1

DB2 Universal Database logs:

The DB2 error logs are stored in the %DB2_HOME%\DB2ADMIN directory on Windows systems
($DB2_HOME/db2dump on UNIX or Linux), where %DB2_HOME% is the default DB2 home directory.
Check the following log file for errors:
When an error occurs, the db2diag.log is updated with information about the error. This is the
primary log to use when debugging DB2 problems.
If an error is determined to be an alert, then an entry is made in the db2alert.log file and to the
operating system or native logging facility
dump files
For some error conditions, additional information is logged in external binary dump files named
after the failing process ID. These files are intended for DB2 Customer Support.
trap files
The database manager generates a trap file if it cannot continue processing because of a trap,
segmentation violation, or exception. Trap files contain a function flow of the last steps that were
executed before a problem occurred.
Other useful DB2 commands include:
db2trc This command gives you the ability to control tracing.
This command collects environment information and log files and places them into a compressed
archive file.
Log locations for database connection problems:
Chapter 1. Introduction


Logs can be of assistance when troubleshooting database connection issues.

Certain logs record error and informational messages related to database connections. It is important to
check these log locations for information that will assist in troubleshooting database connection problems.
These problems can occur during different stages in the installation, configuration and use of the product.
The log that needs to be examined can depend on the stage in which the problem occurs.
Installation and migration database connection logs
The log to check for installation and migration issues is located at TIO_HOME/config/dcm.xml.
See Path Variables for the most current definition of the TIO_HOME directory variable.
Websphere and middleware database logs
For the database connection errors that show up within Websphere logs and the logs under
TIO_LOGS/j2ee, the file in WAS_HOME/profiles/ctgAppSrv01/installedApps/ctgCell01/
MAXIMO.ear/properties.jar can contain information about the database connection configuration issue.
See Path Variables for the most current definition of the TIO_LOGS and WAS_HOME directory variables.
Other database connection logs
For the database connection problems identified in logs in the TIO_LOGS directory, the
file under TIO_HOME/lwi/runtime/eclipse/plugins/tpm_pmp/properties can contain further log messages
about the connection problem.
See Path Variables for the most current definition of the TIO_LOGS and TIO_HOME directory variables.
Tivoli Agent Manager logs:
Trace logs for the agent manager are stored in the Agent_Manager_install_dir\logs directory, where
Agent_Manager_install_dir is the installation directory for the agent manager. The log files for the Tivoli
Provisioning Manager installed on a managed server are stored in the installation directory on the target
Tivoli Common Agent log file collector:
The Tivoli Common Agent log file collector is a workflow that collects logs from the common agents. The
device ID of the computer is passed to the workflow. It runs a service command on the target computer
and brings the common agent logs back to the %TIO_LOGS%/tivolicommonagent folder.
The workflow uses the default service access point to run the service command and copy the resulting
file back to Tivoli Provisioning Manager.
To use the log file collector, run the workflow TCA_Collect_Logs (<DeviceID>).
The logs are returned to the Tivoli Provisioning Manager server. The logs can now be reviewed or sent to
IBM Tivoli Support.
Tivoli Directory Server logs:
Trace logs for the LDAP server are stored in the <Directory_server_instance_name>\logs directory. These
logs files can be viewed using either the Web Administration Tool or the system command line.
Check the following log files for errors:


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

v ibmdiradm.log: The administration daemon error log. View status and errors encountered by the
administrative daemon.
v adminaudit.log: The administration daemon audit log. Use the records in the log to check for
suspicious patterns of activity in an attempt to detect security violations.
v audit.log: Audit logging is used to improve the security of the directory server.
v bulkload.log: The idsbulkload log command is used to load entries. The bulkload log allows you to
view status and errors related to bulkload.
v idstools.log: The configuration tools log contains status and error messages related to the
configuration tools.
v db2cli.log: This log records database errors that occur as a result of LDAP operations.
v lostandfound.log: This log archives entries that were replaced due to replication and conflict
resolution. The log allows you to recover the data in the replaced entries, if necessary.
v ibmslapd.log: The server error log contains status and error messages related to the server.
For more information about the IBM Tivoli Directory Server Version 6.0 logging utilities, see

Log configuration
Logging levels:
This section details the behavior of Tivoli Provisioning Manager logs based on how the logging levels are
The logging level hierarchy for Tivoli Provisioning Manager is shown in the following table:
Logging level



Extended for message logs


Extended for message logs


Extended for message logs


Default log4j level trace logs


Default log4j level trace logs


Default log4j level trace logs


Default log4j level trace logs

The extended logging levels are the highest levels in the logging hierarchy. These levels are set
exclusively for the messages, which are globalized and distinct from the trace logs. Trace logs are
available only in English.
Configuring logs with log4j:
Log data in Tivoli Provisioning Manager is managed by log4j, an open source logging tool. This section
details the default log4j settings, the customized Tivoli Provisioning Manager settings, and how you can
modify settings dynamically. For complete log4j documentation, go to
The data from the console.log, msg.log, trace.log, and cbe.log files are recorded based on the default
logging levels and configuration parameters set in the log4j.prop file or in the log4j-util.prop. Use the
Chapter 1. Introduction


log4j-util.prop file to configure the logging for all scripts located in the %TIO_HOME%\tools directory.
Some scripts in automation packages also use the logging settings in log4j-util.prop.
Configuring log4j dynamically:
The log4j files are in the following locations:





To change the log4j.prop or log4j-util.prop files:

1. Open the properties file in a text editor.
2. Edit the settings as required. For example, in the following lines:, console, file, console, file

It is possible to change the INFO variable into WARNING, ERROR, or DEBUG, depending on the type
of logging information needed. For example, DEBUG has a higher threshold than INFO.
3. Save the file.
The provisioning server automatically reloads the log4j configurations 60 seconds after you save the
properties file. You need to restart the provisioning server for the changes to take effect. The updated
log4j configuration will implement after 60 seconds.
To enable the automation package manager to append to its log file located in the TIO_LOGS\
tcdrivermanager directory, complete these steps:
1. Open log4j-util.prop in a text editor.
2. Change the default log4j.appender.file.append=false to log4j.appender.file.append=true.
3. Save the file.
Configuring logging levels within the web interface:
You are able to change the logging level of any of the loggers from within the web interface.
Before you begin
You can discover the definitions of each logging level within the topic Logging Levels.
Logging levels can be set for each logger within the web interface. In order to change the logging level of
a logger:
1. Click Go To > System Configuration -> Platform Configuration -> Logging.
2. Within the Log Level column, click the Select Value button for the logger to be configured. A dialog
for selecting the log level is displayed.
3. Within the Select Value dialog, select the logging level to use for the logger.
4. Click the Save Logger button within the action menu bar.
The logger is now configured to produce logs at the selected level.
Note: This change will not occur immediately; see Configuring log4j dynamically for further information.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

The log4j.prop file:

The log4j.prop file, shown below, defines the default configuration for message and trace logs.
The location of this file is as follows:



# output directory. Can be overwritten with -Dkanaha.logs=<directory>
# message formats
# normal used to write to console.log
# error used to format error messages (prints location of a problem)
# module is meant for messages written module specific files
output.normal=%d{ISO8601} %-5p [%t](%13F:%L)%c{2}: %m%n
output.error=%d{ISO8601}%-5p[%t](%13F:%L}: %m%n
output.module=%d{ISO8601}%-5p[%t](%13F:%L): %m%n
#Do not configure the root category - that is configured
by the Maximo framework
#, consolefile, errorfile, consolefile, errorfile
#everything goes to console.log
#rolling by log size. For other rolling options, see
#errors to trace log file, for FFDC
#rolling by log size
#globalized message log to msg.log (user log)
#rolling by log size
Chapter 1. Introduction


#suppress annoying messages from datacentermodel
#suppress annoying messages from dataaquisition
#suppress annoying messages from org.apache
#write heart beat messages to heartbeat.log only (not console.log)

For examples on how to use log4j, refer to

Setting log levels for Tivoli Common Agent:
The messages that are logged into the common agent log file are based on the combination of the log
level defined in the agentcli.bat file and the level defined in the file.
Follow these instructions to change the log level for Tivoli Common Agent:
1. Edit the CA_HOME\conf\overrides\ file and add the following line:<value>

where the possible values for <value> are FINE, FINER, and FINEST.
2. Restart the agent service or run the following command:
CA_HOME/bin/[bat] -refresh

3. Use the trace command on the managed server. The following is the syntax for this command:
agentcli.bat trace <command> <level>

where <command> is either getlevel or setlevel.

v The getlevel command returns the current trace level.
v The setlevel command changes the current trace level.
The available values for level are: off, low, medium, and high.
For example, entering this line gives information about the trace command:
CA_HOME\runtime\agent\bin>agentcli.bat trace help

This line sets the log levels to low:

CA_HOME\runtime\agent\bin>agentcli.bat trace setlevel low

Log level defaults:

Information on different logging levels for each log file type.
The initial log4j.log level configuration for each log file is set to info. As defined in the log4j.prop file,
each log file is set to a unique log level for Tivoli Provisioning Manager using the
log4j.appender.<filename>.threshold= parameter, where the most common values for <filename> are
consolefile, errorfile, and messagefile.
The following is a list of the default logging levels for each of the log file types:


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide


If you want more log information for troubleshooting purposes, set the log level to debug.



RollingFileAppender defaults:
The RollingFileAppender defines the autoarchiving behavior of the log4j tool. As defined in the
log4j.prop file above, the default settings for each Tivoli Provisioning Manager log file are:
v Maximum number of archived log files: 10
v Maximum log file size: 100MB
v Maximum number of archived log files: 10
v Maximum log file size: 10MB
v Maximum number of archived log files: 10
v Maximum log file size: 10MB
v Maximum number of archived log files: 10
v Maximum log file size: 10MB
Enabling expect tracing:
There are two methods to enable Expect tracing for Tivoli Provisioning Manager.
1. Change the file on the provisioning server:


Edit header.expect, or header.expect_local if it is a local Expect scriplet, launch.bash_local, and
launch.ksh_local by changing:
log_user 0
exp_internal 0

log_user 1
exp_internal -f <filename> 1

For example, the change for a UNIX file might look like the following:
Chapter 1. Introduction


log_user 1
exp_internal -f /tmp/expect.log 1

All of the Expect information will be stored in /tmp/expect.log.

To disable logging, change header.expect, or header.expect_local, back to its original state: log_user
0 and exp_internal 0
2. Add the logging statements to the Expect scriptlet code that is in the provisioning workflow. Change
the following:
log_user 0
exp_internal 0

log_user 1
exp_internal -f <filename> 1

Adding these statements to the scriptlet code will enable logging to the specified file name.

Installation directories and other paths

The following variables are used to represent installation and other directory paths. In some cases, the
variable name matches the name of an environment variable that is set in the operating system. For
example, TIO_HOME represents the environment variable $TIO_HOME on UNIX and Linux, and
%TIO_HOME% for Windows. In other cases, the variable is used only in the documentation to represent
the directory path.
Table 8. Path variables
Path variable


Default directory


The agent manager




Automation Package



C:\Program Files\IBM\AgentManager








on IBM System z: /opt/IBM/db2/V9.5

SystemDrive:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB



SystemDrive is the disk drive that contains the

hardware-specific files used to start Windows. Typically, the system
drive is C.


Defined by the user







Java Runtime

C:\Program Files\IBM\HTTPServer


v For Automation Package Developer Environment,

v For IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager, WAS_HOME/java


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Table 8. Path variables (continued)

Path variable


Default directory


base services







Middleware installer
Oracle Database





The value of $ORACLE_BASE is the directory in which all Oracle
Database software is installed.




(for Oracle 10g)





(for Oracle 11g)





common agent

Tivoli Directory Server

Tivoli Provisioning








Tivoli Provisioning
Manager runtime logs v


C:\Program Files\tivoli\ep
C:\Program Files\IBM\LDAP\V6.2


C:\Program Files\IBM\tivoli\tpm


C:\Program Files\IBM\tivoli\common\COP\logs



Windows directory for When logged on as Administrator, C:\Documents and

temporary files
Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp


Application Server




C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer


Chapter 1. Introduction



IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems

This section describes how to recover from Tivoli Provisioning Manager installation problems.

Recovering from installation problems (custom installation)

Follow the steps below to recover from problems that you might encounter when installing
Tivoli Provisioning Manager for the first time.

For information about uninstalling components, see Uninstalling Tivoli Provisioning Manager.
Log files
Step during installation where the
problem occurs

Resolving the problem

Cygwin installation and


1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.
2. Resolve the cause and then try

TEMP represents %TEMP% for

Windows and /tmp/ for UNIX and
v C:\cygwin\var\log\
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/

DB2 client installation (if using

remote database)

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/

2. Resolve the cause of the problem.

v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/

3. Uninstall the DB2 client and then

try again.

v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/db2installstdout.log
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/db2installstderr.log

Tivoli Provisioning Manager

installation, DB2 backup

Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2011

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/

2. Resolve the cause and then try


v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/


Log files
Step during installation where the
problem occurs

Resolving the problem

Tivoli Provisioning Manager

installation, WAS backup

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.
2. Resolve the cause and then try

TEMP represents %TEMP% for

Windows and /tmp/ for UNIX and
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/

Tivoli Provisioning Manager

installation, WAS configuration, JVM

If you plan to use the same values in

the WebSphere Application Server
Network Deployment Configuration
panel after the failure:
1. Check the log files to determine
the problem.

v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/

2. Resolve the cause and then try

If you plan to use different values in
the WebSphere Application Server
Network Deployment Configuration
panel after the failure:
1. Check the log files to determine
the problem.
2. Resolve the cause of the problem.
3. In the WAS console, remove the
JVM parameter for the old values
that were used in the WebSphere
Application Server Network
Deployment Configuration panel.
4. Try again.
Tivoli Provisioning Manager
installation, engines installation

Agent Manager installation, profile


1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/

2. Resolve the cause of the problem.

v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/

3. Restore the database and then try


v TEMP/tclog

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/

2. Resolve the cause of the problem.

v WAS_HOME/AppServer/profiles/

3. Clean up the agent manager

profile and then try again.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Log files
Step during installation where the
problem occurs
Agent Manager installation, actual

TEMP represents %TEMP% for

Windows and /tmp/ for UNIX and

Resolving the problem

If only the agent manager installation v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/amtrace.log

fails and the agent manager profile is
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/amtrace.err
removed successfully:
v TCA_HOME/logs
1. Check the log files to determine
v TCA_HOME/toolkit/logs
the problem.
2. Resolve the cause and then try
If the failure occurs during removal
of agent manager profile:
1. Check the log files to determine
the problem.
2. Resolve the cause of the problem.
3. Clean up the agent manager
profile and then try again.

Dynamic Content Delivery

installation, registration with the
common agent

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/

2. Resolve the cause and then try


v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/

Dynamic Content Delivery

installation, SSL configuration

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/

2. Resolve the cause and then try


v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/soapsslconfig.log
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/soapsslconfig.err

Dynamic Content Delivery

installation, actual installation

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/

2. Resolve the cause of the problem.

v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/

3. Uninstall the dynamic content

delivery and then try again.

v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/CDSinstallstdout.log
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/CDSinstallstderr.log
v CDS_HOME/log

Device manager service installation,

actual installation

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/

2. Resolve the cause of the problem.

v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/

Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


Log files
Step during installation where the
problem occurs

Resolving the problem

TEMP represents %TEMP% for

Windows and /tmp/ for UNIX and

Device manager service installation,


1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/

2. Resolve the cause of the problem.

v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/

3. If the device manager service

database was installed
successfully, Uninstall the device
manager service and then try

v DMS_HOME/logs/
v DMS_HOME/logs/dms_config.log

4. If the device manager service

database was not installed
successfully, then try again after
resolving the cause.
Device manager service installation,
SSL configuration

Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS

Deployment installation

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/

2. Resolve the cause of the problem.

v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/tpmfosd.log

2. Resolve the cause of the problem.

v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/

3. Uninstall Tivoli Provisioning

Manager for OS Deployment and
then try again.
Tivoli Monitoring agent installation

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/tpmfosd.err

v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/

2. Resolve the cause of the problem.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

3. Uninstall the Tivoli Monitoring

agent and then try again.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\
Tivoli Monitoring for


v $TEMP/tclog_wrapper/ITMconfigstdout.log
v $TEMP/tclog_wrapper/ITMconfigstderr.log
Tivoli Monitoring for


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Log files
Step during installation where the
problem occurs
Configure WAS to run as tioadmin

TEMP represents %TEMP% for

Windows and /tmp/ for UNIX and

Resolving the problem

See Error when configuring
WebSphere Application Server to run
as tioadmin on page 69.

v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/

Restart DB2 (if using local database)

Database backup

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/

2. Resolve the cause of the problem.

3. Restart DB2 manually.

v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/

2. Resolve the cause and then try


v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/

Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


Log files
Step during installation where the
problem occurs
WAS backup

Resolving the problem

1. Check the log files to determine
the problem.
2. Resolve the cause and then try

TEMP represents %TEMP% for

Windows and /tmp/ for UNIX and
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/
v TEMP/tclog_wrapper/

Recovering from installation problems (default installation)

Follow the steps below to recover from problems that you might encounter when
installing Tivoli Provisioning Manager for the first time.

For information about uninstalling components, see Uninstalling Tivoli Provisioning Manager.
Step during installation where the
problem occurs

Resolving the problem

Log files

Cygwin installation and


1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v C:\cygwin\var\log\

2. Resolve the cause and then try


v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\
v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\
v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\
v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\
v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Step during installation where the

problem occurs
Middleware installation

Resolving the problem

Log files

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v C:\ibm\tivoli\mwi\workspace\

v C:\ibm\tivoli\mwi\workspace\
3. Remove the failed component and
then try again.
Deployment engine log files
2. Resolve the cause of the problem.

v MWI_workspace\hostname\
DB2 log files
v MWI_workspace\hostname\
v MWI_workspace\hostname\
WAS log files
v MWI_workspace\hostname\
v MWI_workspace\hostname\
v C:\Program Files\IBM\
ITDS log files
v MWI_workspace\hostname\
v MWI_workspace\hostname\
v MWI_workspace\hostname\

Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


Step during installation where the

problem occurs

Resolving the problem

Log files

Base services installation, actual


1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v Run the following command:

2. Resolve the cause of the problem.

3. Uninstall the base services.

Base service installation, backup

Tivoli Provisioning Manager

installation, DB2 backup

Tivoli Provisioning Manager

installation, WAS backup




4. Restore the deployment engine

database and try again. For more
information, see Backing up and
restoring the deployment engine

v Find the [current

date]_[timestamp].zip file in the
MAXIMO_HOME\debug directory.

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

2. Resolve the cause and then try


v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

2. Resolve the cause and then try


v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

2. Resolve the cause and then try


v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\
v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\
v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

Tivoli Provisioning Manager

installation, WAS configuration, JVM

If you plan to use the same values in

the WebSphere Application Server
Network Deployment Configuration
panel after the failure:
1. Check the log files to determine
the problem.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\
v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

2. Resolve the cause and then try

If you plan to use different values in
the WebSphere Application Server
Network Deployment Configuration
panel after the failure:
1. Check the log files to determine
the problem.
2. Resolve the cause of the problem.
3. In the WAS console, remove the
JVM parameter for the old values
that were used in the WebSphere
Application Server Network
Deployment Configuration panel.
4. Try again.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Step during installation where the

problem occurs

Resolving the problem

Log files

Tivoli Provisioning Manager

installation, engines installation

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

2. Resolve the cause of the problem.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

Agent Manager installation, profile


3. Restore the database and then try


v %TEMP%\tclog

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

2. Resolve the cause of the problem.

v WAS_HOME\AppServer\profiles\

3. Clean up the agent manager

profile and then try again.
Agent Manager installation, actual

If only the agent manager installation v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

fails and the agent manager profile is
removed successfully:
v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\
1. Check the log files to determine
the problem.
v TCA_HOME\logs
2. Resolve the cause and then try
v TCA_HOME\toolkit\logs
If the failure occurs during removal
of agent manager profile:
1. Check the log files to determine
the problem.
2. Resolve the cause of the problem.
3. Clean up the agent manager
profile and then try again.

Dynamic Content Delivery

installation, registration with the
common agent

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

2. Resolve the cause and then try


v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\
v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\
v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

Dynamic Content Delivery

installation, SSL configuration

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

2. Resolve the cause and then try


v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\
v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\soapsslconfig.log
v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\soapsslconfig.err

Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


Step during installation where the

problem occurs

Resolving the problem

Log files

Dynamic Content Delivery

installation, actual installation

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

2. Resolve the cause of the problem.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

3. Uninstall the dynamic content

delivery and then try again.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\
v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\
v CDS_HOME\log

Device manager service installation,

actual installation

Device manager service installation,


1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

2. Resolve the cause of the problem.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

2. Resolve the cause of the problem.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

3. If the device manager service

database was installed
successfully, Uninstall the device
manager service and then try

v DMS_HOME\logs\
v DMS_HOME\logs\dms_config.log

4. If the device manager service

database was not installed
successfully, then try again after
resolving the cause.
Device manager service installation,
SSL configuration

Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS

Deployment installation

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

2. Resolve the cause of the problem.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

2. Resolve the cause of the problem.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

3. Uninstall Tivoli Provisioning

Manager for OS Deployment and
then try again.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\
v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

Tivoli Monitoring agent installation

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

2. Resolve the cause of the problem.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

3. Uninstall the Tivoli Monitoring

agent and then try again.

Restart DB2 (if using local database)

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

2. Resolve the cause of the problem.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

3. Restart DB2 manually.


Tivoli Monitoring for

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Step during installation where the

problem occurs
Database backup

WAS backup

Resolving the problem

Log files

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

2. Resolve the cause and then try


v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

2. Resolve the cause and then try


v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\
v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\
v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

Process solutions installer

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

v %TEMP%\tclog_wrapper\

2. Resolve the cause of the problem.

v MAXIMO_HOME\solutions\logs\

3. Restore the database.

4. Restore WAS.
5. Restore base services backup and
DE database backup from after
the base services installation.
6. Try again.

Recovering from upgrade problems

Follow the steps below to recover from problems that you might encounter when upgrading Tivoli
Provisioning Manager version 7.1 to 7.1.1.
For information about uninstalling components, see Uninstalling Tivoli Provisioning Manager.
Step during upgrade where the
problem occurs
Environment check

Resolving the problem

Log files

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.


2. Resolve the cause and then try

Image preparation - preparing
common agent image

1. Remove /tmp/CAS_Update or


2. Check the log files to determine

the problem.
3. Resolve the cause and then try
Image preparation - preparing
dynamic content delivery image

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.


2. Resolve the cause and then try

Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


Step during upgrade where the

problem occurs

Resolving the problem

Log files

Image preparation - preparing data

management server image

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.


2. Resolve the cause and then try

Copying Tivoli Provisioning Manager 1. Check the log files to determine
for OS Deployment binary files
the problem.


2. Resolve the cause and then try

Tivoli Provisioning Manager

1. Rename or delete the existing

TIO_HOME directory.


2. Restore the TIO_HOME backup.


3. Restore permissions:

Tivoli Provisioning Manager

postinstallation - configuring file

Use Cygwin to
restore permissions

User and
group is tioadmin. Mode is 755.

1. Restore the TIO_HOME/tools/|cmd file.


2. Restore the TIO_HOME/config/

crypto.xml file.
3. Restore the TIO_HOME/config/
user-factory.xml file.
4. Try again.

Tivoli Provisioning Manager

postinstallation - data migration,
schema migration, and installation of
automation packages, importing
software signatures, runstats

1. Restore the database.

2. Check the log files to determine
the problem.
3. Resolve the cause and then try


Tivoli Provisioning Manager

postinstallation - importing software

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

Tivoli Provisioning Manager

postinstallation - Runstats

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.

2. Resolve the cause and then try


2. Resolve the cause and then try

Data Management Server upgrade

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.
2. Resolve the cause and then try


If trace is enabled, also see the

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Step during upgrade where the

problem occurs
Agent Manager upgrade

Dynamic Content Delivery upgrade

Resolving the problem

Log files

See Recovery steps for problems

during the agent manager upgrade
on page 48.

For the agent manager: AM_HOME/logs

1. Verify all updated log files from

$CDS_LOGS to ensure that there
were no errors during the
upgrade. Logs to reference
include CDSUpdateAPP.log,
MC-DB-update.out, and

For the common agent:

TCA_HOME/logs, TCA_HOME/runtime/





2. Collect all logs from $CDS_LOGS

and copy them to a location on
your computer.
3. Check the log files to determine
the problem.
4. Resolve the cause and then try
Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS
Deployment upgrade




Run the .msi file

from the fp_temp/TPMFOSD


the binary file from the
fp_temp/TPMFOSD folder to the
installation directory for Tivoli
Provisioning Manager for OS
Deployment. The fp_temp
directory is where you
extracted the core component
upgrade package files.

2. Continue the upgrade using the

paramater -SkipTPMFOSD.
Tivoli Monitoring Agent upgrade stopping the agent

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.


2. Resolve the cause and then try

Tivoli Monitoring Agent upgrade installing the agent

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.


2. Resolve the cause of the problem.


3. Uninstall the agent and then try

TMA upgrade - installing the
language pack

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.


2. Resolve the cause and then try



Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


Step during upgrade where the

problem occurs

Resolving the problem

Log files

Tivoli Monitoring Agent upgrade starting the agent

1. Check the log files to determine

the problem.


2. Resolve the cause and then try

Running master tcdriver

1. Start WAS.
2. Check the
workflow execution log and
determine which migration
workflow failed.


3. Check the log files to determine

the problem.
4. Resolve the cause of the problem.
5. Stop WAS.
6. Try again.

Recovery steps for problems during the agent manager upgrade

See the following information to recover from problems during the agent manager upgrade.

The upgrade of the agent manager fails during the Tivoli Provisioning Manager upgrade from version 7.1
to version 7.1.1.

Resolving the problem

Perform the following steps:
1. Uninstall the agent manager. For more information, see the Installation Guide. If the agent manager
cannot be uninstalled, delete the AM_HOME directory and then remove the agent manager entries
from the vpd.script file:





Remove the following lines:

INSERT INTO INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_OBJECT VALUES(1,4886af1c5eb4f6c75d84991853b6aa2f,
product1,Agent Man-ager,NULL,"_uninst" "uninstall.jar" "uninstall.dat" "assembly.dat"
"run.inf" "C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\InstallShield\\Universal\\common\\Gen2\\
engine\\1.0\\engine.jar" "C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\InstallShield\\Universal\\
common\\Gen2\\engine\\1.0\\ext" "" "",true,true,1.0.18)
INSERT INTO INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_OBJECT VALUES(2,eef68f520521fc598b01e2c8daa709c6,
Agent Manager Core Compo-nents,NULL,NULL,false,false,1.0.18)
INSERT INTO INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_OBJECT VAL-UES(3,3d60d0422dd1b2b8340e40a0eccf770e,
Agent Manager Windows,NULL,NULL,false,false,1.0.18)


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide





2. Install the agent manager again using the agent manager image file:
a. Extract the agent manager image <fp_temp>/CAS/AM_V142_PLATFORMS.[zip|tar] into a location on
your computer.
b. Run the setupPLATFORM.[exe|bin] file.
c. Select Custom for the installation type and click Next.
d. Select the agent manager installation directory.
e. Select the Install from relocation image check box.
f. Select the backup file in the Relocation Image File Name field.
g. Select an empty temporary folder in the Relocation Temporary Storage Directory Name field.
3. Perform the rest of the steps in the wizard to complete the installation.
4. Run the following command:
MigrationClosureTool -close force

This tool is located in the AM_HOME/toolkit/bin directory.

5. Restart the agent manager server.

Slow verification and copying of NFS mounted images during core

component installation of WebSphere Application Server
Checksum validation can be skipped.

NFS mounted images are used and the checksum validation is slow.

Resolving the problem

Remove the md5 directory under<DVD_ image_ location>/install.

DB2 transaction log error during the base services upgrade of Tivoli
Provisioning Manager
See the following information to recover from problems during the base services upgrade.

DB2 transaction log error causes a failure of the base services upgrade.

The upgrade of the base services fails due to transaction log for the database is full during the Tivoli
Provisioning Manager upgrade from version 7.1 to version 7.1.1.

Resolving the problem

1. Increase the transaction log by running the following commands:
db2 update db cfg for maxdb71 using LOGFILSIZ 20000
db2 update db cfg for maxdb71 using LOGPRIMARY 50
db2 update db cfg for maxdb71 using LOGSECOND 100

2. Try the upgrade again.

Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


Using the integrity checker tool

The Maximo integrity checker tool can produce false error messages, and can corrupt the database if
used with the fix option.

Ignore error messages

The Maximo integrity checker tool reports spurious errors when run against Tivoli Provisioning Manager
database tables. These errors can be ignored safely, because they do not impact the functioning of the
Tivoli Provisioning Manager. The error messages can still be used to diagnose errors in other tables
within the database.

Avoid the fix option

The Maximo integrity checker tool must not be used with the fix option against the Tivoli Provisioning
Manager database, because this will cause corruption. If the integrity checker is run against the database,
the database will need restoration from a clean backup.
For more information about the integrity checker, see the Maximo Migration Manager Guide in the Tivoli
Provisioning Manager information center.

Problems during middleware installation

See the following information to diagnose and resolve middleware installation errors.

Links in the launchpad do not work

If the installation binary files are copied in a Windows mapped network drive, and the launchpad.exe file
is run from there, the following links in the launchpad do not work:
v 1.3 Back up WebSphere Configuration,
v 2.4 Back up base service Home Directory
v Start backup

Resolving the problem

1. Copy the launchpad.exe , launchpad.ini files, the launchpad folder and the install/tools folder to
your local hard disk directory.
2. Run the launchpad.exe file from your local hard drive directory to back up the WebSphere
Application Server and base services.

Errors with the middleware installer

Solutions to installation errors regarding insufficient disk space and the middleware installer.

On AIX, the middleware installer reports that you have insufficient disk space.
2. The solution installer is included with some IBM products. If the middleware installer detects an
existing installation and the service is not started, an error is displayed.

Resolving the problem

1. If the middleware installer reports insufficient disk space, make more disk space available on the
computer, and then restart the middleware installer program. Check the disk space requirements in
the installation guide.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

2. If the solution installer was previously installed by another product, you must start it manually before
running the middleware installer.
a. Check for an existing installation of solution installer. The default installation location is:


C:\Program Files\IBM\Common\acsi

b. If an installation exists, check that the deployment engine is working:



Run the command setenv.

2) Run the following command from the solution installer directory.




If the deployment engine installed correctly, you receive output similar to the following :
UUID: DDCE934782398B3E81431666515AC8B5 Name: DE Extensions
Interfaces CLI IU
Version: 1.3.1
UUID: C37109911C8A11D98E1700061BDE7AEA Name: Deployment
Engine IU
Version: 1.3.1
RootIU UUID: D94240D11C8B11D99F2D00061BDE7AEA
Install IU
Version: 1.3.1

c. If solution installer is already installed, start the service.


Check the Services control panel. If the IBM ADE service is not running, start it.


1) Type ps -ef|grep acsisvc.

2) If the service is running, you the process and an associated PID are displayed. If the
service is not running, run the command:
/usr/ibm/common/acsi/bin/ -start

DB2 installation fails when configured names do not match

The node name and host name must match when installing DB2.

DB2 installation stops halfway when the configured node name is different from the configured host

The DB2 installation uses the uname -n command to obtain the node name of the computer. Typically, the
node name is the same as the host name that is returned with the hostname command. Tivoli Provisioning
Manager installation requires that the host name and the node name of the computer are identical.

Resolving the problem

Check the value of the host name and node name. You must change the node name if it does not match
the host name.
1. Run the command hostname to obtain the host name.
2. Run the command uname -n to obtain the node name.
3. If the node name is different than the host name:
Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


a. Log on as root.
b. Change the node name to match the host name. For example, to change the node name to
myserver, run the following command:
uname -S myserver

Database error during installation

You might receive an error stating that the DB2INSTANCE variable is missing, but it can be disregarded.

v You receive this error during installation.
SQL1390C The environment variable DB2INSTANCE is not defined or is

v The following message appears in the DB2 installation log called db2inst.log:
1: WARNING:A minor error occurred while installing "DB2 Enterprise Server
Edition" on this computer. Some features may not function correctly.

This is a known issue. This error occurs because Tivoli Provisioning Manager is initially deployed
without any DB2 instances. The DB2INSTANCE variable is defined later in the installation process.

Resolving the problem

This error message can be disregarded.

Error when extracting DB2 package during installation

The tar utility cannot extract files with very long paths. If this limitation occurs when extracting the DB2
package on Solaris 10, use the GNU tar utility instead.

While attempting to extract the DB2 package on Solaris 10, the workflow might generate the following
tar: ././@LongLink: typeflag L not recognized, converting file.

This problem is caused by a limitation of the tar utility, which prevents extracting very long paths.

Resolving the problem

Use the GNU tar utility instead. Download and install the GNU tar utility for your Solaris version and
platform (SPAC/x86). After installation, make sure that the new version of tar will be used by default by
adding it to the PATH variable. For example: PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH. You can check the tar version
that is used by default by running the command: <i>tar --version.

Cannot connect to Tivoli Directory Server

Tivoli Directory Server must be installed and running before you install Tivoli Provisioning Manager.

During the Tivoli Provisioning Manager installation, the system might indicate that it cannot connect to
the IBM Tivoli Directory Server.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

This error occurs because Tivoli Directory Server was not started before running the installer. Tivoli
Directory Server must be started before you install Tivoli Provisioning Manager so that the installer can
connect to it.

Resolving the problem

1. Ensure that Tivoli Directory Server is installed:
a. If the installation destination directory was created, check the installation log file for the directory



: C:\IBM\LDAP\ldapinst.log

: /usr/ldap/ldapinst.log

After the installation of the directory server is complete, an LDAP database must be created within
DB2. For more information, refer to the Installation Guide for Tivoli Provisioning Manager 7.1.1.
The ldapcfg.stat file shows the syntax that was used at the time of the database creation:
C:\IBM\ldap\bin\ldapcfg -n -a db2inst1 -w password -d LDAP -l
C: -c -f C:\IBM\ldap\tmp\ldapcfg.dat

The ldapcfg.stat file is located in the following directory:



: C:\IBM\ldap\tmp\ldapcfg.stat

: /usr/ldap/tmp/ldapcfg.stat
2. Verify the status of the directory server, using the ibmdirctl tool, located in the C:\IBM\ldap\bin
, or in the /usr/ldap/bin directory on
. Type the following
directory on Windows
command to check the directory server status:

ibmdirctl -D cn=root -w <password> status

3. If the directory server is not started, start it by using the following command:
start: ibmdirctl -D cn=root -w <password> status

Cannot connect to the database server during installation

The database server must be installed and running before you install Tivoli Provisioning Manager.

During the installation, the system indicates that it cannot connect to the database.

This error occurred because the database was not started before running the installer. The database server
must be started before you install Tivoli Provisioning Manager, so that the installer can connect to it.

Resolving the problem

Ensure that the database server is installed. Verify the status of the database server. If it is not started,
start it. Use the following commands to start the DB2 server:



: DB2 - <instance_name>
: $db2start

If the database server was successfully started, you can see the following output:
db2start 12-21-2004 14:44:01 0 0 SQL1063N
DB2START processing was successful. SQL1063N
DB2START processing was successful

Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


You must also verify whether the required port is available:

netstat -an |grep 50000

Installation of DB2 client on Windows 2003 fails

The version of DB2 Administration Client that is designed for 64-bit systems is not supported on
Windows 2003 operating systems. Use the 32-bit version instead.

Installing the DB2 client on Windows 2003 fails.

The CD used for installing the DB2 client, DB2 Administration Client, Version 8.1 on 64bit systems, is
not supported on Windows 2003 operating systems.

Resolving the problem

Use the DB2 Administration Client, Version 8.1 for Windows operating systems on 32bit systems CD

Tivoli Directory Server installation step fails during Tivoli Tivoli

Provisioning Manager installation
The Tivoli Directory Server instance creation will fail if it cannot write files to the home directory of the
LDAP instance user or if the home directory does not exist.

During the Tivoli Management Agent installation, the Tivoli Directory Server installation step fails. The
log file /tmp/itds60/idsicrt.log has an error message similar to the following:
GLPICR058E: The specified directory, /home/ldapinst,
is not a valid directory, does not exist, or is not writable.

The LDAP instance user was manually created but the associated home directory does not exist. This
causes the Tivoli Directory Server instance creation to fail because it cannot write files to the home
directory of the LDAP instance user.

Resolving the problem

If the LDAP instance user is manually created, check to ensure that the home directory exists and that it
is writable by the LDAP instance user.

The Microsoft Active Directory configuration fails

The Microsoft Active Directory SSL certificate must be generated and configured manually.

The Microsoft Active Directory configuration fails.



IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

The Microsoft Active Directory SSL certificate is missing. If you run the Tivoli Provisioning Manager
installer without the SSL certificate, the Microsoft Active Directory configuration will fail.

Resolving the problem

This is a manual configuration step that you must complete before you install Tivoli Provisioning
1. Generate the SSL certificate on the Microsoft Active Directory server.
2. Install the SSL certificate on the client.
3. Import the schema.ldif and ldap.ldif files into the Microsoft Active Directory server. Instructions for
this step are found in Tivoli Provisioning Manager Installation Guide Version 7.1.1

Error configuring database during middleware installation

An error occurs during the database configuration because of missing XML files when installing the

File corruption leads to missing XML files.

Older versions of Winzip causes an incompatibility problem.

Resolving the problem

Use a newer version of Winzip.

The Tivoli Provisioning Manager installation fails with incorrect

certificate value
If your Tivoli Provisioning Manager installation fails with error code 1005, it is because your Microsoft
Active Directory certificate value is incorrect.

The Tivoli Provisioning Manager installation exits with error 1005.

The Microsoft Active Directory certificate is missing but the user enters a value for the certificate location
during the install. If the file does not exist, then the error occurs. There is no other information available
with this error code.

Resolving the problem

Ensure that you have a correct certificate value.

WAS_HOME error when using login window manager

If you use a login window manager like Common Desktop Environment (CDE), it might bypass the user
profile file for tioadmin. When the profile file is bypassed, the system cannot create a complete login
environment, causing an error.

Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


When starting Tivoli Provisioning Manager using a login window manager such as the Common Desktop
Environment (CDE), a message informs you that WAS_HOME is not set.

The login window manager might have bypassed the required user profile file.
The tioadmin user uses the bash shell as the login shell, which is supported for a line-mode login (for
example, using telnet). If you use a login window manager, it might bypass the .profile file for
tioadmin. When the profile file is bypassed, the system cannot create a complete login environment.

Resolving the problem

1. Create the .bashrc file in the tioadmin home directory, and insert the following line: $HOME/.profile
2. Save the file.
3. Edit the .dtprofile in the tioadmin home directory and remove the comment from the line:
DTSOURCEPROFILE=true. This file is created automatically when user tioadmin logs in to the login
window manager for the first time.
4. Login as tioadmin again to the login window manager.

Base services installation does not accept LDAP names with spaces
Add quotation marks (" ") around the LDAP distinguished names if you need to include spaces.

Manually entering the User base entry and Group base entry LDAP information during the base services
installation causes the LDAP validation to fail.

Spaces in the LDAP distinguished names are not supported.

Resolving the problem

Add quotation marks (" ") around the LDAP distinguished names. For example, if the distinguished
names for your User base entry is Test Users and LDAP Test, add quotation marks around the
distinguished names.
ou="Test Users",ou="LDAP Test",DC=mydomain,DC=tod,DC=ibm,DC=com

Java runtime error on Linux

The Tivoli middleware installer fails on Linux with an error stating that Java Runtime Environment was
not found.

The Tivoli middleware installer fails on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Systems with SELinux enabled display
an error message stating that the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) was not found on the system.

Resolving the problem

Implement one of the following solutions:
v Temporarily disable SELinux by using the setenforce 0 command, run the install, and then re-enable
SELinux by using the setenforce 1 command.
v Manually issue the chcon -R -t textrel_shlib_t <install_dir/jvm/jre> command.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

v Edit the /etc/selinux/config file and set SELINUX to either permissive or disabled. This solution,
however, affects the level of security for the entire system.

Encountering error CTGIN9042E

During middleware installation using the middleware installer, you might encounter error CTGIN9042E
which occurs during the install step for WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment 6.1.

Before you begin

Provisioning Manager
If you encounter error CTGIN9042E during the normal use of the middleware installation program, it
might be related to stale entries in the CEI registry.
In order to troubleshoot this error, complete the following steps:

1. First check de_processreq.log for failures related to VerifyLogsInInstallLogs Action. The
de_processreq.log file can be found at:
<workspace>\<machine name>\deploymentPlan\MachinePlan_<computer shortname>

So, for example, if the workspace is located at: C:\ibm\tivoli\workspace, the computer name is
mycomputer, and the is created as a date_timestamp, then the de_processreq.log
would be located in:

2. Next, check for any stale WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment entries:
a. Extract the native image of WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment:


b. Open the console window.

c. Navigate to the bin folder of extracted image. For example:

d. List registry entries:

installRegistryUtils.bat -listProducts
UNIX -listProducts
e. Check for WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment related entries. If any WebSphere
Application Server Network Deployment entries are listed, even if you have successfully
uninstalled WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, you will need to clean the
registry entry.
3. Clean the registry entries:
a. Clean WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment entries from the registry:
installRegistryUtils -cleanProduct -offeringID ND -installLocation
<WAS installation location path>

Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


b. Edit the file, remove any WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment
entries, and then save the file. The file is located in the installation directory of the operating
C:\WINNT directory or C:\windows directory
UNIX /usr/lib/objrepos/
4. After cleaning the registry, run the middleware installation program again and Restart the plan.
WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment will now be successfully installed in the default
location, for example, C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer for Windows.

Uninstallation of WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment

fails after unsuccessful binding to the LDAP directory
You encounter an error during the installation of WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment
using the middleware installation program and then when you attempt to undeploy the middleware
deployment plan related to unsuccessful binding to the LDAP directory.

Before you begin

When using the middleware installation program, you encounter the option to configure WebSphere
Application Server Network Deployment security with an existing remote LDAP directory. The remote
LDAP directory can be hosted by either Microsoft Active Directory or by IBM Tivoli Directory Server. In
order to configure WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment successfully, you need to provide
the credentials to access the remote LDAP server. The set of credentials include:
v Host name or IP address
v Port in which LDAP server is running
v LDAP base entry
v User, Group and Organization suffix
v Bind DN and password
Also the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Administrator user ID and password must
have existing entries in the remote LDAP Directory. If you provide the middleware installation program
with the wrong credentials, the installation will fail at the WebSphere Application Server Network
Deployment configuration step. Once the initial installation has failed, the uninstallation (undeployment)
of the deployment plan will also fail due to incorrect credentials given at the time of installation.
WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment will not be able to issue the stopManager command
in order to stop the ctgDmgr01 profile. This will result in the following error:
SECJ0305I: The role-based authorization check failed for admin-authz operation
Server:stop:java.lang.Boolean:java.lang.Integer. The user UNAUTHENTICATED
(unique ID: unauthenticated) was not granted any of the following required roles:
operator, administrator.

To resolve the problem:

1. For UNIX systems, complete the following steps:
a. List Java processes.
ps -ef | grep -i java

b. Locate the process-id of the Java thread: <WebSphere Install Location>/java/bin/java and then
kill the process.
kill -9 <process-id>

c. Restart the middleware installation program to undeploy the plan.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

2. For Windows systems, complete the following steps:

a. In Services control panel, change the startup type of the following WebSphere Application Server
Network Deployment entries from Automatic to Manual.
IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.1 - ctgCellManager01
IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.1 - nodeagent

b. Restart the system.

c. Restart the middleware installation program to undeploy the plan.

Problems during base services installation

See the following information to diagnose and resolve base services installation errors.

Links in the launchpad do not work

If the installation binary files are copied in a Windows mapped network drive, and the launchpad.exe file
is run from there, the following links in the launchpad do not work:
v 1.3 Back up WebSphere Configuration,
v 2.4 Back up base service Home Directory
v Start backup

Resolving the problem

1. Copy the launchpad.exe , launchpad.ini files, the launchpad folder and the install/tools folder to
your local hard disk directory.
2. Run the launchpad.exe file from your local hard drive directory to back up the WebSphere
Application Server and base services.

Recovering from problems during the base services installation

If the base services installation fails, restore WebSphere Application Server and the database to their
previous states, and then start the base services installation again.

Installation failed during the base services installation with the error message Failed to install IBM
Tivoli Provisioning Manager base services.

Resolving the problem

1. Uninstall the base services. For more information, see Uninstalling the base services and web
2. Log on to the computer where WebSphere Application Server is installed and recover the backup
a. Stop WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment.


WAS_HOME\profiles\ctgAppSrv01\bin\stopServer.bat MXServer -user <wasadmin_user> -password <wasadmin_password>

WAS_HOME\profiles\ctgAppSrv01\bin\stopNode.bat -user <wasadmin_user> -password <wasadmin_password>
WAS_HOME\profiles\ctgDmgr01\bin\stopManager.bat -user <wasadmin_user> -password <wasadmin_password>


WAS_HOME/profiles/ctgAppSrv01/bin/ MXServer -user <wasadmin_user> -password <wasadmin_password>

WAS_HOME/profiles/ctgAppSrv01/bin/ -user <wasadmin_user> -password <wasadmin_password>
WAS_HOME/profiles/ctgDmgr01/bin/ -user <wasadmin_user> -password <wasadmin_password>

b. Restore ctgDmgr01 configuration. Enter the command on a single line.


Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


WAS_HOME\bin\restoreConfig.bat c:\backups\ -logfile

c:\backups\restore_dmgr.log -user <wasadmin_user> -password <wasadmin_password> -profileName ctgDmgr01


WAS_HOME/bin/ /var/tmp/TPMInstallBackup/ -logfile

/tmp/restore_dmgr.log -user <wasadmin_user> -password <wasadmin_password> -profileName ctgDmgr01

c. Restore ctgAppSrv01 configuration. Enter the command on a single line:


WAS_HOME\bin\restoreConfig.bat c:\backups\ -logfile

c:\backups\restore_appSrv01.log -user <wasadmin_user> -password <wasadmin_password>
-profileName ctgAppSrv01


WAS_HOME/bin/ /var/tmp/TPMInstallBackup/ -logfile

/tmp/restore_appSrv01.log -user <wasadmin_user> -password <wasadmin_password>
-profileName ctgAppSrv01

3. Log on to the database server as the database instance owner and recover the database. The following
instructions are for DB2. For Oracle database recovery, see your Oracle documentation.


Run the following commands:


b. Run the command to restore the database. Enter the command on a single line.
db2 restore database MAXDB71 user ctginst1 using <instance owner password> from <DB2_BACKUP_DIR>
with 3 buffers buffer 1000 without rolling forward without prompting

4. If you are using the base services for other products that are installed in the same environment as
Provisioning Manager, restore the deployment engine database to the state before installing the base
services. For more information, see ../
5. Log on to the computer where WebSphere Application Server is installed and start WebSphere
Application Server.

WAS_HOME\profiles\ctgAppSrv01\bin\startServer.bat MXServer


WAS_HOME/profiles/ctgAppSrv01/bin/ MXServer


Restart the base services installation. For more information, see Installing the base services.

Deployment of MAXIMO.ear fails

The port settings need to be properly set up on both the provisioning server and on the administrative
workstation where the base services are installed.

The base services WebSphere Application Server trace logs indicate that there was a file transfer error for

The port settings might not be properly set up.

Resolving the problem


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Verify the port settings on both the provisioning server and on the Windows computer where the base
services are installed. On both computers, ensure that the port speed settings for the network interface
card and for the port switch match. Setting the port speed to bidirectional communication on both the
network interface card and on the port switch is recommended.

Error CTGIN2252I during base services installation

If you did not encounter other installation errors for the Web components and you can successfully log
on to the web interface, you can continue with installation.

At the end of base services installation, the following error is displayed:
CTGIN2252I: Can not access to base services web application.

At the end of the base services installation, the installer tries to connect to the Web application. The
connection might fail if the Web application is not yet running on the application server.

Resolving the problem

If you did not encounter other installation errors for the Web components and you can successfully log
on to the web interface, you can continue with installation. To log on to the web interface, open a
browser window and type https://host_name:port/maximo, where host_name is the fully-qualified
domain name of the provisioning server and the default port number is 9443.

Errors CTGIN2381E or CTGIN2489E during Maximo database upgrade

By failing to commit environmental changes when installing a second ISM family product on a system
that already hosts another ISM family product, this error might be displayed during middleware

One of the following error messages can occur either in an installation panel, or the
CTGInstallTrace00.log file:
CTGIN2381E: Maximo Database upgrade command failed. Command: Database Upgrade command validation failed.
CTGIN2381E: Maximo updatedb utility would fail.

The following message can occur in the CCMDB_install.log file:

CTGIN2489E: The Maximo database contains backup tables that must be manually
removed before this update can be applied. Please refer to the readme information
that came with this update or the upgrade section of the guide for Planning and
installing the product for more information.

This message indicates that there were changes made in your environment that need to be committed in
the database before new products can be added into the database.

Resolving the problem

To commit the pending database changes:
1. Click Go To > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Database Configuration.
2. From the Select Action menu, click Manage Admin Mode.
Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


Click Turn Admin Mode ON.

Click OK, then wait for about five minutes for the change to take effect.
From the Select Action menu, click Apply Configuration Changes, then monitor to completion.
Click Go To > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Database Configuration.
From the Select Action menu, click Manage Admin Mode.


Click Turn Admin Mode OFF.

Stop the MXServer.
In the directory c:\ibm\smp\maximo\tools\maximo, run configdb.bat once, and dropbackup.bat twice.
If you get any error messages, run these scripts again.
Continue with the installation.


The base services installation fails

Make sure the deployment engine is running when installing the base services.

The following message is displayed at the end of the base services installation:
The installation is finished, but some serious errors occurred during the install.

The error message tells you to check the file CTGInstallTrace00.log. The log file contains an error similar
to the following example:
** ERROR: Autonomic Deployment Engine installation/upgrade failure.
Return code: 3
Failure: DE in use or general failure
See the CCMDB si_inst.log and DE logs for additional information.

If you continue with Web components installation on the same computer, the installation fails.

There are several possible causes for this error.

Resolving the problem

Verify the following:
1. Change to the following directory.

C:\Program Files\IBM\Common\acsi


2. Clean up any existing .lck files.


Note: If you created images after completing stages of the Tivoli Provisioning Manager installation,
the lock files might have been present in an image of the computer that you recovered before running
the Web components installer.
3. Verify that the deployment engine is running. Check the Services control panel. If the IBM ADE
service is not running, start it.


Set the environment:


5. Run the following command from the solution installer directory.




IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide



If the deployment engine engine installed correctly, you receive output similar to the following
UUID: DDCE934782398B3E81431666515AC8B5 Name: DE Extensions
Interfaces CLI IU
Version: 1.3.1
UUID: C37109911C8A11D98E1700061BDE7AEA Name: Deployment
Engine IU
Version: 1.3.1
RootIU UUID: D94240D11C8B11D99F2D00061BDE7AEA
Install IU
Version: 1.3.1

6. If the deployment engine is not running properly:

a. Copy %TEMP%\CCMDBTaskStore (Windows) or /tmp/CCMDBTaskStore (UNIX) to the Maximo_HOME
directory to back it up because sometimes it gets deleted. The default location is:





b. In Maximo_HOME\de directory, reinstall the deployment engine.




c. Run the listIU command again.

d. If the deployment engine is still is not running properly, restart the administrative workstation and
copy Maximo_HOME\CCMDBTaskStore back to %TEMP% or /tmp.
e. Ensure that the deployment engine service is running.
f. Run the listIU command again to verify the deployment engine installation.
7. Change to the Maximo_HOME\bin directory and run the following command:
solutionInstaller -action showinstalled -type all

8. Continue the base services installation. In the Maximo_HOME\scripts directory, run the following
command: Windows


base services installer fails to validate the installation

When you have more than one middleware node installed and you import the middleware configuration
information, the base services installation fails.

Middleware installed on different computers, with multiple middleware installer workspaces contain
fragments of the middleware configuration information. When you run the base services installation, it
fails because it does not have the complete set of data.

Resolving the problem

When running the base services installation, deselect the Import data from Middleware Installer
workspace check box, and type all the middleware information.
Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


Problems removing PortalLogTraceAnalyzer.war

If the language pack installation fails to remove PortalLogTraceAnalyzer.war, follow these steps to
remove it manually.

During language pack installation, the installation fails to remove PortalLogTraceAnalyzer.war. The
following log files indicate this error. The Maximo_HOME directory is the default installation directory for
the base services. The default location of Maximo_HOME is:


C:\Program Files\IBM\Common\acsi

v Maximo_HOME\solutions\logs\LTA_WAR_Package\Lang_Pack_Remove_Portal_LTA_WAR.err
This file indicates that PortalLogTraceAnalyzer.war was not found. Example error:

Failure to remove old WAR install directory:


v Maximo_HOME\solutions\logs\LTA_WAR_Package\Lang_Pack_Remove_Portal_LTA_War.out
This file indicates that PortalLogTraceAnalyzer.war was not removed. Example error:
Removing old WAR Install directory:
Checking for success of removal operation...
Failure: old WAR Install directory "/usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/systemApps/
isclite.ear/PortalLogTraceAnalyzer.war" still exists.
ERRORLEVEL was 1 from command.

Resolving the problem

1. On DVD 1, extract the files CTGPSIDeploymentServices.jar and from
2. Copy the CTGPSIDeploymentServices.jar to C:\ibm\SMP\lib and replace the existing file.
3. Copy the appInstall.pyr to Maximo_HOME\scripts\was and replace the existing file.
4. Complete the following steps to remove all references to the partially installed Log Analyzer WAR
file. The following steps are the general .war recovery procedure.
Note: Elements of your specific .war may not be present in all the XML files below. In these cases,
you can continue to the next step.
a. Stop WebSphere Application Server.
b. Navigate to WAS_HOME/profiles/DmgrProfileName/config/cells/CellName/applications/
c. Open the deployment.xml file and remove the entries for your deployed war files. Remove
everything between <modules> and </modules>. Save and close. For example:
<modules xmi:type="appdeployment:WebModuleDeployment" xmi:id="WebModuleDeployment_1210297381781"
deploymentId="1" startingWeight="10000" uri="PortalLogTraceAnalyzer.war">
<targetMappings xmi:id="DeploymentTargetMapping_1210297381781" target="ServerTarget_1210284539078"/>
<classloader xmi:id="Classloader_1210297381781" mode="PARENT_LAST"/>

d. In the same directory, delete the directories for the corresponding .war deployment that failed.
e. Navigate further down to the /isclite.war/WEB-INF directory.
f. Open the components.xml file and remove the entries for your deployed WAR files. Remove
everything between <registry:component> and </registry:component>. Save and close. Example:
<registry:component contextRoot="cells\ctgCell01\applications
\WEB-INF" id="" version="">
<base:nls-ref key="javax.portlet.title"


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

<registry:portletApplication id=""

g. Open the navigation.xml file and remove the entries for your deployed WAR files. Remove
everything between <navigation:nav-element> and </navigation:nav-element>. Save and close.
<navigation:nav-element isWscNode="false"
moduleID="" nodeType="page"
uniqueName="" wscRole="Maximo Administrator,
<base:nls-ref key="javax.portlet.title"
<navigation:parentTree ordinal="100"

h. Open the portletEntities.xml file and remove the entries for your deployed WAR files. Remove
everything between <portletentities:application-definition> and
</portletentities:application-definition>. Save and close. Example:
<portletentities:portlet-entity uniqueName=
<base:nls-ref ey="about_lta"
<portletentities:access-control application-role="Maximo Administrator"
role-type="Privileged User"/>
<portletentities:access-control application-role="administrator"
role-type="Privileged User"/>

i. If the WAS_HOME/systemApps/isclite.ear/WarFileName.war directory exists, delete it.

j. Remove all files in the WAS_HOME/profiles/DmgrProfileName directory as well so the wasdmin user
has no record of the deployment. It will rebuild what it needs to on server restart.
k. Restart WebSphere Application Server.
5. Reinstall PortalLogTraceAnalyzer.war:
a. Extract the contents of to a temporary location. The default location of
the file is C:\ibm\SMP\pmp\ The variable temp_base will be used in
these instructions for the location where you extracted the files.
b. Copy PortalLogTraceAnalyzer.war from temp_base/FILES to C:\ibm\SMP\temp
c. In the C:\ibm\SMP\jacl\solutions directory, deploy the PortalLogTraceAnalyzer.war. For example:
ISCHandler.bat <WASDeploymentManagerHostName> <WASRemoteAccessUserName>
<WASRemoteAccessPassword> <Base Services Install
Location>/temp/PortalLogTraceAnalyzer.war <WASInstallLocation>
<WASAdminUserName> <WASAdminPassword> <PortalLogTraceAnalyzer.war

6. In the Maximo_HOME\bin directory, refresh the language packs by running the following command:
solutionInstaller.bat -action refreshLangs
pkgpath C:\ibm\SMP\pmp\ license accept
wasuser <wasuser> -waspwd <waspwd> -wasrxauser <wasrxauser> -wasrxapwd <wasrxapwd>

Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


Maximo business objects from the deployment engine gets out of sync
with the ones in the application server
The Maximo business objects that the deployment engine uses need to be in sync with the Maximo
business objects deployed in the application server. A desync can potentially break the production
deployment engine.

If you install a fix pack for a different base services product in a base services environment, then the fix
pack is only deployed on the application server. Because of this, the Maximo business objects that the
deployment engine is using might desync with the ones in the application server, causing errors.

The Maximo business objects that the deployment engine uses need to be in sync with the Maximo
business objects deployed in the application server. A desync can potentially break the production
deployment engine.

Resolving the problem

If you have Tivoli Provisioning Manager deployed with other base services products, you must re-create
and copy the Maximo business objects used by the Web application to the deployment engine. To do this,
follow these steps:
Note: These file paths are for Windows only. For UNIX, the same procedure applies but use the
corresponding UNIX file paths.
1. Enter these commands in the command prompt:
cd "C:\ibm\SMP\maximo\deployment\default"
unzip maximo.ear businessobjects.jar

This will generate a file named businessobjects.jar.

Note: The businessobjects.jar file is extracted from the maximo.ear file that is created after
deploying any fix pack from the C:\ibm\SMP\maximo\deployment\default directory.
2. Copy the businessobjects.jar file into the following directories:
v %TIO_HOME%\eclipse\plugins\tpm_pmp\maximoLibs
v %TIO_HOME%\lwi\runtime\tpm\eclipse\plugins/tpm_pmp\maximoLibs
If there is already a businessobjects.jar file in either directory, overwrite it.

CWLAA6003: After CCMDB installation the portlet cannot be displayed

To display the portlet, you must reinstall the ISC.

After the Change and Configuration Management Database (CCMDB) installation, the Manage Users and
Manage Groups in the ISC (Integrated Solutions Console) display the following error:
CWLAA6003: Could not display the portlet, the portlet may not be started.

this is due to the corrupted ISC after CCMDB installation

Resolving the problem


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide


reinstall the ISC:

Backup the current environment.
Stop the Server1 stand alone profile or dmgr (deployment manager process)
Clean up the old logs, and workspace directory content of <WAS Server1 or dmgr>\profiles\
profileName\logs and <WAS Server1 or dmgr>\profiles\profileName\wstemp.
4. Run the following command:


WAS_HOME\profiles\profileName\bin\wsadmin.bat -conntype NONE -f remove


<WAS Server1 or dmgr>/profiles/profileName/bin/ -conntype NONE -f remove

ISC ear was removed successfully.

5. Run the following command:


<WAS Server1 or dmgr>\profiles\profileName\bin\wsadmin.bat -conntype NONE -f install


<WAS Server1 or dmgr>\profiles\profileName\bin\ -conntype NONE -f install

Check ISC reinstalled successfully.

6. Restart Server1 or dmgr process.

Problems during core components installation

See the following information to diagnose and resolve Tivoli Provisioning Manager core components
installation errors.

Recovering from problems during core components installation

If the core components installation fails, restore the WebSphere Application Server and the database to
their previous states, and then start the core components installation again.

Installation fails during the core components installation.

Resolving the problem

1. Uninstall the core components. For more information, see Uninstalling Tivoli Provisioning Manager
core components.
2. Log on to the computer where WebSphere Application Server is installed and restore the backup data:
a. Stop WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment:


WAS_HOME\profiles\ctgAppSrv01\bin\stopServer.bat MXServer -user <wasadmin_user> -password <wasadmin_password>

WAS_HOME\profiles\ctgAppSrv01\bin\stopNode.bat -user <wasadmin_user> -password <wasadmin_password>
WAS_HOME\profiles\ctgDmgr01\bin\stopManager.bat -user <wasadmin_user> -password <wasadmin_password>

WAS_HOME/profiles/ctgAppSrv01/bin/ MXServer -user <wasadmin_user> -password <wasadmin_password>

WAS_HOME/profiles/ctgAppSrv01/bin/ -user <wasadmin_user> -password <wasadmin_password>
WAS_HOME/profiles/ctgDmgr01/bin/ -user <wasadmin_user> -password <wasadmin_password>

b. Restore ctgDmgr01 configuration. Enter the command on a single line:


WAS_HOME\bin\restoreConfig.bat c:\backups\ -logfile

c:\backups\restore_dmgr.log -user <wasadmin_user> -password <wasadmin_password> -profileName ctgDmgr01

Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems




WAS_HOME/bin/ /var/tmp/TPMInstallBackup/ -logfile

/tmp/restore_dmgr.log -user <wasadmin_user> -password <wasadmin_password> -profileName ctgDmgr01

c. Restore ctgAppSrv01 configuration. Enter the command on a single line:


WAS_HOME\bin\restoreConfig.bat c:\backups\ -logfile

c:\backups\restore_appSrv01.log -user <wasadmin_user> -password <wasadmin_password>
-profileName ctgAppSrv01


WAS_HOME/bin/ /var/tmp/TPMInstallBackup/ -logfile

/tmp/restore_appSrv01.log -user <wasadmin_user> -password <wasadmin_password>
-profileName ctgAppSrv01

3. Log on to the database server as the database instance owner and restore the database:
a. Open the file TIO_HOME/config/dcm.xml to verify the database name and user name. The
name element contains an alias for the database name, and the username element contains
the user name.
b. Change the user to your DB2 instance owner. The default database owner is ctginst1. For
su - ctginst1

c. Log on as Administrator and open a DB2 command window.

d. Run the following command to check for other running applications
db2 list applications

e. If the command lists other applications, run the following command to disconnect them
db2 force applications all

f. End the DB2 session:

db2 terminate

g. Stop DB2:
v If the server does not have a virtual IP address: db2stop
v If the server has a virtual IP address: db2gcf -d -p 0 -i ctginst1
h. Stop all DB2 interprocess communications by running ipclean.
i. Start DB2:
v If the server does not have a virtual IP address: db2start
v If the server has a virtual IP address: db2gcf -u -p 0 -i ctginst1
j. Delete and uncatalog the existing database:
db2 drop db db_name

where db_name is the name of the database.

k. Attach to the local host alias:
db2 attach to LHOST0 user user_name using password

l. Restore the database backup:

db2 restore db db_name user user_name using password from location

v db_name is the name of the database
v user_name is the user name of the user restoring the database
v password is the password of the user
v location is the full path location of the backup


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

a. Switch to the user tioadmin.

b. Open the file TIO_HOME/config/dcm.xml to verify the database name and user name. The
name element contains an alias for the database name, and the username element contains
the user name.
c. Switch to the user oracle.
d. Connect to the database as the sys user:
sqlplus "user_name/password@db_name as sysdba"

v user_name is the user ID that has sysdba privileges on the database
v password is the password for the specified user
v db_name is the database name
e. Run the following command to locate all the Oracle Database data files that are in use:
select name from v$datafile;

f. Ensure that the Oracle Database database instance and listener are offline.
g. Delete the .dbf files listed by the select command.
h. Delete the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory.
i. Change the current work directory to the backup directory that was created during the
j. Get the locations of the .dbf files from the text file that was created during the backup.
k. Copy the .dbf files locations listed in the text file.
l. Copy the entire dbs directory to $ORACLE_HOME.
m. Bring the database instance and listener back online.
4. Log on to the computer where WebSphere Application Server is installed and start WebSphere
Application Server:

WAS_HOME\profiles\ctgAppSrv01\bin\startServer.bat MXServer


WAS_HOME/profiles/ctgAppSrv01/bin/ MXServer


Restart the core components installation. For more information, see Installing Tivoli Provisioning
Manager core components.

Error when configuring WebSphere Application Server to run as

To recover from installation errors when failing to install Tivoli Provisioning Manager core components,
you need to perform some recovery steps to bring the computer back to a consistent state.

Tivoli Provisioning Manager core components installation failed. The /tmp/tclog_wrapper/tcinstall.log
log file contains one of the following error messages:
v Failed to configure the Agent Manager profile to run as tioadmin
v Failed to change the ownership of the Agent Manager profile

Resolving the problem

Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


If you encounter an installation error when configuring WebSphere Application Server to run under the
user tioadmin, you need to perform some recovery steps to bring the computer back to a consistent state.
v If the log contains the error Failed to configure the Agent Manager profile to run as tioadmin:
1. Check the file cas_runastioadmin.log for a detailed error message, and then fix the problem.
2. Click Back to the Summary panel, then click Next to continue installation.
v If the log contains the error Failed to change the ownership of the Agent Manager profile:
1. Log on as root.
2. Run the following commands:
chown -R tioadmin:tioadmin <CAS_PROFILE_HOME>
chown -R tioadmin:tioadmin <WAS_HOME>/logs/manageprofiles/<PROFILE_NAME>
chown -R tioadmin:tioadmin <Agent Manager Install Location>

The default value for <PROFILE_NAME> is casprofile and <CAS_PROFILE_HOME> is

3. Switch to the tioadmin user.
4. Start the agent manager.
<Agent Manager Install Location>/bin/

5. Click Back to the Summary panel, then click Next to continue installation.
v If the log contains the error Failed to configure the WebSphere Application Server Network
Deployment to run as tioadmin:
1. Check the wasND_runastioadmin.log log file for a detailed error message, and fix the problem.
2. Click Back to the Summary panel, then click Next to continue installation.
v If the log contains the error Failed to change the ownership of the WebSphere Application Server
Network Deployment:
1. Log on as root.
2. Run the following commands:





and <DM_PROFILE_HOME> are ctgAppSrv01, <WAS_HOME>/profiles/ctgAppSrv01, ctgDmgr01 and
3. From tioadmin, start WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment.
<WAS_HOME>/profiles/<APP_PROFILE_NAME>/bin/ MXServer

4. Click Back to the Summary panel, then click Next to continue installation.

Errors during Tivoli Monitoring agent installation

Useful resources when troubleshooting installation errors.

You encounter an installation error with the Tivoli Monitoring agent installation.

Resolving the problem


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Refer to the following resources:

v Troubleshooting information in the Tivoli Monitoring agent for Tivoli Provisioning Manager User Guide in
the Reference section of the Tivoli Provisioning Manager information center.
v Troubleshooting information in the Tivoli Monitoring information center.

Errors creating the agent manager profile

If the agent manager installation fails, you might need to remove the WebSphere Application Server
profile manually before reinstalling the agent manager.

During installation of the core components, one of the following errors occurs for the WebSphere
Application Server profile for the agent manager. The profile name is casprofile by default.
1. The installer checks the computer to verify that it can create the profile, and the validation fails.
2. The validation is successful, but the profile is not successfully created.

When the core components installer installs the agent manager, it automatically removes the WebSphere
Application Server profile for the agent manager if the agent manager installation fails. In some
situations, the automatic removal might not work and the profile must be removed manually before you
try to install the agent manager again.

Resolving the problem

Perform the following steps to address the error. The instructions use the default profile name
Validation failed
The installer checks for the following requirements:
v A profile with the same name does not already exist.
v If a directory for the profile already exists, it must be empty.
v The cell name is the same as WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment cell name.
If the validation fails, check the log files:



%TMP%\tclog_wrapper\validation_casprofile.log (or validation_casprofile.err)

/tmp/tclog_wrapper/validation_casprofile.log (or validation_casprofile.err)

To resolve the error:

1. If a profile with the same name already exists, specify a different name in the installer or
remove the existing profile. To remove casprofile, run: WAS_HOME/bin/manageprofiles.[bat|sh]
-delete -profileName casprofile
2. If the profile directory already exists, check for an existing casprofile directory by running:
WAS_HOME//bin/manageprofiles.[bat|sh] -listProfiles. If casprofile is not listed, remove the
directory WAS_HOME/profiles/casprofile. If casprofile is listed, specify a different profile
name or remove the existing profile as described in step 1.
Validation passed but the profile cannot be created
1. Check the following log files to identify the reason why the profile cannot be created.



2. Fix the error described in the log.

Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


3. Click Back in the core components installer to go to the panel before the installation preview.
4. Click Next. The installer verifies the requirements to create the profile again. If the validation
is successful, the installer tries to create the profile again. If the validation fails, perform the
steps described in the previous section for a failed validation.

Agent Manager installation fails

Multiple causes of agent manager installation failure, and their solutions.

The installation of the agent manager fails during the Tivoli Provisioning Manager installation.

Consult the agent manager logs to identify the cause of this problem. The agent manager log files are
located in the AM_HOME\logs directory. Possible causes might include:
v The port required for the agent manager installation might be busy.
v The agent manager has already been installed on your system.

Resolving the problem

Solution 1
If no agent manager installation has been performed on the provisioning server before the Tivoli
Provisioning Manager installation, follow these steps:
1. Consult the agent manager log files and make all the necessary changes following the instructions in
the logs.
2. Try the Tivoli Provisioning Manager again. The provisioning server installer will detect that Tivoli
Provisioning Manager is already installed and will install only the agent manager.
For more details on the agent manager reinstallation, refer to the Tivoli Provisioning Manager Installation
Solution 2
If the agent manager was previously installed on the provisioning server, you must uninstall the agent
manager first, and then run the Tivoli Provisioning Manager installation again.
Uninstalling the agent manager: Uninstalling the agent manager uninstalls the application from your
operating system and removes the agent manager servlets from WebSphere Application Server. The
uninstallation wizard does not remove the registry. Removing the registry is an optional step that you can
perform after running the wizard. The wizard also does not uninstall WebSphere Application Server or
DB2 Enterprise Server Edition, even if those prerequisite products were installed along with the agent
Important: To prevent the loss of data:
v Do not uninstall the agent manager until all products that use it have been uninstalled.
v Do not clean the agent manager tables from the registry or drop the registry database until all products
that use the registry are uninstalled.
To uninstall the agent manager, follow these steps:
1. 1. Stop the agent manager server if it is running:
v As a Windows service:


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

To stop the agent manager server if the installation program created a Windows service, use the
Windows Services window or the Services folder in the Microsoft Management Console to stop the
service with the following name:
IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.1 - Tivoli Agent Manager

v On Windows but not as a service:

To stop the agent manager server if it is not a Windows service:
a. Open a command prompt window.
b. Run the following command:
WAS_HOME\bin\stopServer app_server_name

where app_server_name is the name of the application server where the agent manager is
installed. By default, this is AgentManager. The server name is case-sensitive.
When the agent manager server is stopped, the following message is generated:
ADMU4000I: Server app_server_name stop completed.




To stop the agent manager server, run the following command:

WAS_HOME/bin/ app_server_name

When the agent manager server is stopped, the following message is generated:
ADMU4000I: Server app_server_name stop completed.

2. Optionally, remove agent manager objects from the registry database.

v If the registry database is used only by the agent manager and is not shared with another program,
drop the database using the database administration tools for your type of database. If the registry
is in a remote database, you might have to perform this step on the remote database server instead
of on the agent manager server.
v If the database is shared with other programs, remove the agent manager-specific tables from the
database by following the procedure for your database type. You can do this step on the agent
manager server, even if the registry is in a remote database:
DB2 Universal Database
a. In a command line window, change to the AM_HOME/db/db2 directory.
b. Run the following command:


db2cmd /c /i /w "RemoveCASTables.bat database_password"





Replace database_password with the DB2 database password.

a. In a command line window, change to the AM_HOME/db/oracle directory.
b. Run the following command:


./RemoveCASTables.bat database_password




./ database_password

Replace database_password with the Oracle database password.

3. Start the uninstallation program for your operating system:

Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


Use either the Add/Remove Programs window to uninstall the agent manager, or run the
following command from a command prompt:





Run the following command from the AM_HOME/_uninst directory:

java -jar uninstall.jar

Or, to uninstall silently:

java -jar uninstall.jar -silent

The program does not delete the registry database or files created in the agent manager installation
directory after installation.
4. If the agent manager application server is not named AgentManager, determine whether other Web
applications are using that application server. If no other applications are using that application
server, you can optionally delete the application server.
5. If you do not need the uninstallation logs, optionally delete the agent manager installation directory.
By default, this is the following directory:



: C:\Program Files\IBM\AgentManager


: /opt/IBM/AgentManager

You might have to restart the system before you can delete the agent manager
Tip: Windows
installation directory.
6. If the registry is in a remote database, run the following command on the remote database server to
uninstall the agent manager from that system:

java -jar "Agent_Manager_install_dir/_uninstDS/uninstall.jar" -silent

7. If you do not need the uninstallation logs on the remote database server, optionally delete the agent
manager installation directory. By default, this is the following directory:



: C:\Program Files\IBM\AgentManager


: /opt/IBM/AgentManager

You might have to restart the system before you can delete the agent manager
Tip: Windows
installation directory.
8. If you will not be reinstalling the agent manager on this system, remove the definition of
TivoliAgentRecovery from your DNS servers.

The agent manager is now uninstalled.

Reinstalling Tivoli Provisioning Manager: Install Tivoli Provisioning Manager again. The installer will
detect that Tivoli Provisioning Manager is already installed, and will install only agent manager.

The common agent and the agent manager cannot be installed

The common agent cannot be installed on the provisioning server if the agent manager is also installed
on it.

The common agent and the agent manager cannot be installed.



IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Installing the common agent on the provisioning server, where the agent manager is also installed, is not

Resolving the problem

Manually uninstall the common agent.

Installation fails after WebSphere Application Server is uninstalled

If the WebSphere Application Server installation directory remains after it was uninstalled, the Tivoli
Provisioning Manager installation might fail.

The installation of Tivoli Provisioning Manager installation fails if WebSphere Application Server was
uninstalled. The following message is displayed in the %TEMP%\tclog\tcinstall.log file
(/tmp/tclog/tcinstall.log in UNIX or Linux):
WebSphere Application
Server does not appear to be installed on the system.
ACTION: Install WebSphere Application

If WebSphere Application Server was uninstalled but the WebSphere Application Server installation
directory was not removed, the Tivoli Provisioning Manager installer might identify WebSphere
Application Server as installed, and then fail during theTivoli Provisioning Manager installation.

Resolving the problem

If WebSphere Application Server was uninstalled on the computer, perform the following steps:
v Ensure that the WebSphere Application Server installation directory is removed. The default location is:




C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer


v Click Back in the installer until you reach the Configure the target servers panel. Click Next so that
the installer can check again for installed components. On the Validation Summary panel, the Found
column displays No if WebSphere Application Server is fully uninstalled. You can now continue with
the installation.

Problems with the device manager service

Solutions to problems encountered when installing, configuring, or starting the device manager service.

The device manager service installation or configuration failed, or the device manager service fails to

Resolving the problem

v If the device manager service installation failed:

Verify that all the device classes and job types are registered. Type the following

Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


/opt/IBM/DeviceManager/bin/ -list

The command lists all device classes that are registered.

Test auto-enrollment for a device. You can install and start a Windows 32-bit agent to test
the auto-enrollment. Test submitting a job using the console to an enrolled device. Test running a
job on an enrolled device. You can connect to the server with a Windows 32-bit agent to test if a job
runs on a device.
v If device manager service configuration failed, check these items:
1. Verify the configuration parameters. Configuration parameters used by the installer are in the file The file is located in:



C:\Program Files\ibm\DeviceManager


2. Ensure that the dmsadmin user ID was successfully created on the database server.
Ensure that the password is not set to expire at the next login.
Verify that the passwords provided to the device manager database installation are correct by
connecting to DB2 with the user name and password specified. Run the following DB2

db2 connect to dms user dmsadmin USING password

Note: This command only works if the device manager database was created when the database
configuration was completed.

Ensure that the DB2 instance specified is correct. To list the valid DB2 instances, type db2ilist
from a DB2 command environment.

Ensure the DB2 port is correct. Open the following file:




Locate the following line:

db2c<instance> <port>/tcp #Connection
port for DB2 instance <instance>

v If there are problems starting device manager service, check the following items:
If you receive the message DYM2794E: Failed to create the database connection pool in the
WebSphere Application Server SystemOut.log file, ensure that DB2 is started and that the DB2 client
is configured correctly.
If you receive a message about no protocol found in the WebSphere Application Server
SystemOut.log file, verify the values for the proxy settings that are used to construct the Tivoli
Provisioning Manager for Job Management Service federator server URL (DMS_PROXY_PROTOCOL and
DMS_PROXY_HOSTNAME have not been changed. Restart the DMS_AppServer after making any changes to
the WebSphere environment variables.
If you receive an AccessControlException error that references a JDBC driver for the database, check
your security settings in WebSphere Application Server.
- If Global Security was enabled, which, Java 2 Security is enabled by default.
- If Java 2 Security is enabled, the device manager server servlet gets an AccessControlException
error when it starts. The servlet calls the JDBC driver to access a system resource for which it
does not have permission. To eliminate the AccessControlException message and start Tivoli
Provisioning Manager for Job Management Service federator, follow the steps for enabling
security as described in the WebSphere Application Server documentation.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Installer exits unexpectedly on AIX

The InstallShield installer has a known problem that causes errors regarding the native library

During installation on AIX, installation of the management center fails. The installer exits with a Java core
dump that includes the following error message:
SIGSEGV received at 0xda6be0ec in /tmp/ismp002/ Processing terminated

This error is a known problem for the InstallShield installer. It is caused by a problem with the native
library, which is used by the AIX platform pack.

Resolving the problem

Download a new version of and set the value of the AIX_LIB_LOC variable as described in
this article: When you have completed
these steps, try the installation again.

Core components or Web components installation hangs during

Cygwin installation
Problems with your Cygwin installation might cause the installer to hang during prerequisite verification.

While the installer verifies prerequisites during Tivoli Provisioning Manager core components or Web
components installation, the following message appears:
The Installation Wizard is checking the system prerequisites.

After waiting a few minutes, the installer seems to hang and the Next button remains disabled.

There might be a problem with your Cygwin installation.

Resolving the problem

1. Close the installer.
2. Verify if Cygwin is installed.
3. If Cygwin is not installed, install it manually. If Cygwin is installed, uninstall and then reinstall it
manually. For more information, see Installing Cygwin manually.

DB2 BIND warning during Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS

Deployment installation
You need to perform the BIND commands if your DB2 client and server are 9.5 and 9.1 respectively.

The following message appears in the installation panel:
WARNING: DB2 bind warning occurred during Tivoli Provisioning Manager
for OS Deployment installation. You must bind again after the installation.
For more information, see the Troubleshooting Guide.
Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


If you have a DB2 client version 9.5 and a DB2 server version 9.1, the IBM Data Server Runtime Client
cannot be used to bind the database utilities and DB2 CLI bind files.

Resolving the problem

Perform the BIND commands from an IBM Data Server Client (or other DB2 database product) that is
running on the same operating system and the same DB2 version and fix pack level as the Data Server
Runtime Client.
1. To get access to perform the BIND commands, run the following command:




where DB_INSTANCE is the DB2 instance that was used to install Tivoli Provisioning Manager. The
default instance is ctginst1 for both Windows and UNIX.
2. To BIND, run the following commands:


where path is the full path name of the directory where the bind files are located, such as
INSTHOME\sqllib\bnd where INSTHOME represents the home directory of the DB2 instance. db2ubind.lst
and db2cli.lst contain lists of required bind files used by DB2 database products. Packages that are
already bound will return an SQL0719N error. This is expected.
3. Verify that the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment is running. For more information, see
Starting and stopping Tivoli Provisioning Manager components.

Tivoli Provisioning Manager installation fails with invalid directory

Tivoli Provisioning Manager installation will fail if its installation directory name is longer than eight
characters and the Windows short name capability is disabled.

Tivoli Provisioning Manager fails with an error message that is similar to the following:
D:\Program is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

This error occurs when all of the following conditions are true:
v You chose a different installation directory from the default directory.
v The selected path contains a space, and the folder name with the space does not exist.
v Short name capability is disabled.
By default, Windows supports the ability to create short names for directories whose names contain more
than eight characters. These abbreviated names contain the first six characters of the original name and
then a two-character extension. For example, D:\Program Files can be abbreviated by the system as


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

D:\Progra~1. This capability must be enabled if you want to install Tivoli Provisioning Manager in a
directory other than the default directory, and if the directory name contains spaces.

Resolving the problem

To check the current configuration of short name capability, run the following command:
fsutil behavior query disable8dot3

The command returns one of the following messages:

disable8dot3 = 0
Short name capability is enabled.
disable8dot3 = 1
Short name capability is disabled.
If short name capability is disabled, run the following command to enable it:
fsutil behavior set disable8dot3 0

Silent installation exits before installation is completed

The silent installation of Tivoli Provisioning Manager will exit prematurely if WebSphere Application
Server is not running.

The silent installation program for Tivoli Provisioning Manager exits before the installation is completed.

WebSphere Application Server was not started before the silent installation started.

Resolving the problem

Before you run the silent installation:
1. Ensure that WebSphere Application Server is started.
2. Ensure that WebSphere Application Server security is not running.

Disk space check failure during silent installation of Tivoli

Provisioning Manager
The silent installation of Tivoli Provisioning Manager will exit prematurely if disk space check fails.

The silent installation of core components for Tivoli Provisioning Manager exits before the installation is
completed. The tcinstall.log file contains the following error message:
[timestamp] ERROR DiskSpaceCheckWizardAction - Disk space check failed.
[partition]- [required space] MB of disk space is required, but only [free space] MB is available

There is insufficient free space on the partition mentioned.

Resolving the problem

Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


Increase the amount of free space on the partition. If the required free space and available free space are
different by a margin of 1000 MB, run the following command to bypass the disk space checks:

Command example:
install/bin/setupSolarisSparc64.bin -options <response file path and name>
-silent -W"false" -W"False"

Installation fails because of unrecognized font

An installation error occurs if a recognized font cannot be resolved on startup. This can be fixed by
changing the font settings in Reflection X.

During installation, the installation fails with the following error:
An error has occurred. See the log file

The log file also contains an error that begins with org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: Font not valid.

This error has been observed when accessing a remote computer with Reflection X. The error occurs if a
recognized font cannot be resolved at startup time.

Resolving the problem

You can fix the problem by changing font settings in Reflection X.
1. In the Reflection X Client Manager, navigate to Settings > Fonts. Change Sub directories and font
servers to 100dpi 75dpi misc hp sun ibm dec.
2. Reconnect to the computer that you are doing the installation on, and then run the installer again.

Cannot use hyphen in domain name suffix field

You cannot use the hyphen (-) character in the Domain Name Suffix field when specifying WebSphere
Application Server settings on the Tivoli Provisioning Manager configuration tab. If you must use a
hyphen, do a silent installation with a modified response file.

The DNS suffix does not accept hyphens.

This issue applies to a custom installation. When you specify WebSphere Application Server settings on
the Tivoli Provisioning Manager configuration tab of the installer, you cannot use the hyphen (-) character
in the Domain Name Suffix field.

Resolving the problem

If you need to include a hyphen in the domain name suffix, perform a silent installation with a modified
response file.
1. Create your response file for a silent installation. Omit any hyphens from the domain name suffix. See
the appendix in the Tivoli Provisioning Manager Installation Guide instructions on creating a response
file for silent installations.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

2. Open the response file in a text editor and modify the domain name suffix so that it includes the
hyphen character. Save your changes.
3. Perform a silent installation. See the appendix "Performing a silent installation" in the Tivoli
Provisioning Manager Installation Guide for instructions.

Installation of the dynamic content delivery management center fails

Extra messages are displayed when the su - command is used to switch users, and the extra text is
included in the command output that the installer receives. This causes the installation to fail.

An error occurs when installing the dynamic content delivery component of Tivoli Provisioning Manager
on a UNIX server. A warning message similar to the following example is in the log file cdsisxtrace.log.
Warning: internal error parsing Java arguments. Launcher command may be
missing Java Arguments.

The response file for installing the dynamic content delivery management center might be corrupted.
Extra messages are displayed when the su - command is used to switch users, and might cause
corruption as a result.
The installer uses standard output to obtain the output of commands. If the profile is configured to
display extra messages when you switch to another user with the su - command, this extra text is
included in the command output that the installer receives. This causes the installation to fail.

Resolving the problem

Check for settings that generate messages when you switch to a user with the su - command. For
v Check the profile file for the root user and other users required for installation. Required users are
listed in the Tivoli Provisioning Manager Installation Guide for your operating system. If it includes
any commands to generate messages when a user logs on, comment out those lines or direct the
output to the /dev/null device.
v Check for a message of the day in /etc/motd.

Installation of dynamic content delivery fails

If the PATH variable does not properly indicate where Java is installed, the dynamic content delivery
installation will fail.

Installation of the dynamic content delivery service fails. In the log file /opt/ibm/tivoli/ctgde/logs/
cds_upgrade.txt, the following error is displayed:
INSTALLER_PATH=/extra/ibm/tivoli/tio/CDS/scripts/./setup.binChecking the environment
variables specified in the JVM files to find the JVM...
Verifying... /bin/java -cp /tmp/istemp7613004171417/Verify.jarVerify java.vendor
java.versionVerification passed for / using the JVM file /tmp/istemp7613004171417/
JavaHome is not resolved correctly in the jvm file /tmp/istemp7613004171417/
Failed to launch the application.


Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


The location of Java cannot be found by the installer. This error occurs when Java is installed in the
/bin/java directory, when /bin is the directory listed in the PATH variable.

Resolving the problem

To fix the error, update the PATH variable so that the java command does not contain the /bin directory.
1. To confirm the location of Java, run this command:
which java

If this command is not available on your system, run the following command instead:
type java

2. If the returned value is /bin/java, run the following command to display the contents of the PATH
echo $PATH

3. If the first part of the path is /bin, update the PATH variable so that /bin does not resolve the java
command. There are several options for making this change:
v Move /bin to the end of the list of paths in the PATH variable. Normally the java command will
resolve to /usr/bin/java.
v Create a symbolic link for /bin/java under another directory and add that path to the front of the
PATH variable. For example, if you have a link in /usr/bin to the java command, ensure that
/usr/bin is at the front of the PATH variable, or place /usr/bin before /bin in the list of paths.

The device manager service cannot communicate with Oracle

A Java just-in-time compiler (JITC) optimization stops the device manager service from communicating
with Oracle.

When the device manager service attempts to communicate with the JDBC driver on an Oracle
server, a java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException error is generated.

This error is caused by a Java just-in-time compiler (JITC) optimization in the IBM JDK 1.4.2 provided
with Tivoli Provisioning Manager. To avoid the error, disable this optimization.

Resolving the problem

To disable the JITC optimization that causes this error, run the following command:

Core components installation of Tivoli Provisioning Manager fails

when creating tioadmin user
Creating the tioadmin user fails if the computer has a GSA cell with same username.

The Installation of core components fails with an error message indicating that the tioadmin user already
exists. However, /etc/passwd does not have any references to the tioadmin user.



IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

If the tioadmin user is not mentioned in /etc/passwd, then the user account was not created locally on
the computer. The computer might have a GSA client installed and the GSA cell has a user account with
the name tioadmin.

Resolving the problem

Comment out the GSA stanza in /usr/ and run the Tivoli Provisioning
Manager core components installation again.

Cannot create user tioadmin on Linux

If you cannot create the tioadmin user on Linux, it might be because the tioadmin group already existed
before the install. Both the user and group must exist or do not exist at the same time.

The installation appears to proceed successfully, but when you check for the user tioadmin, it has not
been created.

On Linux, the tioadmin user creation fails if the tioadmin group already exists before you install. No
error appears, so the installer cannot detect that the user creation operation has failed. The system cannot
return to a previous stage of the installation.
Because the user tioadmin is not created, the server environment is unstable. Various elements of the
installation require tioadmin to exist. For example, because WebSphere Application Server is configured
to start with tioadmin, WebSphere Application Server cannot start.

Resolving the problem

Ensure that the tioadmin user and tioadmin group either both exist or both do not exist, and then install
Tivoli Provisioning Manager again.

DMS configuration fails on Solaris during relaunch of the Tivoli

Provisioning Manager installation
You need to uninstall the core component installer before relaunching the installation for the second time.

After installing a core component, relaunching the installer to install the rest of the core components will
fail at the DMS configuration.

ISMP registry in the system cause this problem.

Resolving the problem

After exiting the first installation, you need to uninstall the core component installer. To uninstall the core
component installer, run the uninstaller.bin file under the <TIO_HOME>/_uninst/_uninstWrapper
If the file cannot be found, run the following command:
<WAS_HOME>/java/bin/java -cp <TIO_HOME>/_uninst/_uninstWrapper/uninstaller.jar run

Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


Relaunch the installer to complete the second installation.

Core components installation fails during the dependency check

The core components installation exits with an error message during the dependency check.

The following error message appears:
ERROR: Installation did not complete successfully.
View the log at \tclog_wrapper\tcinstall.log for more details.

There are multiple versions of Cygwin on the system registry which interfere with the dependency check.

Resolving the problem

1. Uninstall Cygwin and install the correct version. For more information, see Installing Cygwin.
2. Restore the database backup taken after installing the base services. By default, the backup is stored





where <backup_dir> is the directory that you selected at the end of the base services installation.
3. Select Back followed by Next to try again.

Tivoli Provisioning Manager core installation fails if Oracle policy

requires passwords greater than 3 characters
Turn off Oracle password policy before Tivoli Provisioning Manager core component installation

The following message can appear in thesql.log file in the <Agent Manager Install Location>/logs/
datastore/ directory:
DDLFileExecutor execute
WARNING: CTGEM0576W The following SQL exception occured:
ORA-28003:password verification for the specified password failed
ORA-20004: Password must be at least 6 characters long.

An Oracle policy restricts user passwords to greater than 3 characters.

Resolving the problem

Turn off Oracle password policy before Tivoli Provisioning Manager core component installation:

Problems during Web components installation

See the following information to diagnose and resolve Tivoli Provisioning Manager Web components
installation errors.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Recovering from errors during a default installation

If the default installation fails, remove the installation and try the reinstall again.

Installation failed during a default installation with the error message Failed to install IBM Tivoli
Provisioning Manager Web components.

Resolving the problem

The following steps describe how to remove a default installation when:
v The default installation failed during Web components installation.
v The installation completed successfully.
The following variables are used in the steps:
The directory you specified in the Backup Files Location field of the default installation installer.
The password you specified in the Generic Password field of the default installation installer.
The timestamp of the most recent database backup file in the %BACKUPDIR% directory. An example file
name is:

In this example, 20081009193807 is the timestamp.

1. Restore the base services folder and open a DOS command prompt.
a. Exit the default installation installer and if it is still running.
b. Delete the C:\ibm\SMP folder.
c. Extract the contents of %BACKUPDIR%\ to C:\
d. Open a DOS command window.
2. Stop WebSphere Application Server. Run each command that starts with call on a single line.
call "C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\ctgAppSrv01\bin\stopNode.bat"
-username wasadmin -password %PASSWORD%
call "C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\ctgDmgr01\bin\stopManager.bat"
-timeout 1200 -username wasadmin -password %PASSWORD%

3. Restore the DB2 database:

a. Open a DB2 command window by running the following command at the command prompt:

b. Run the following command in the DB2 command window: set db2instance=ctginst1
c. Restart the database.
Server does not have a virtual IP
Run the following commands:
db2stop force

Server has a virtual IP

If you are using a virtual IP address for the DB2 server, use the following commands. In
this example, the database instance is ctginst1.
db2gcf -d -p 0 -i ctginst1
db2gcf -u -p 0 -i ctginst1
Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


d. Restore the database. Enter the entire command on a single line.

db2 "restore database MAXDB71 user db2admin using %PASSWORD% from %BACKUPDIR% taken
at %DBTIMESTAMP% with 3 buffers buffer 1000 without rolling forward without prompting"

e. Close the DB2 window.

4. Restore WebSphere Application Server configurations. Run each command that starts with call on a
single line.
call "C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\ctgAppSrv01\bin\restoreConfig.bat"
%BACKUPDIR%\ -location C:\Progra~1\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\ctgAppSrv01\config\
-logfile %BACKUPDIR%\restore_ctgAppSrv01.log -username wasadmin -password %PASSWORD% -profileName ctgAppSrv01
call "C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\ctgDmgr01\bin\restoreConfig.bat"
%BACKUPDIR%\ -location C:\Progra~1\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\ctgDmgr01\config\
-logfile %BACKUPDIR%\restore_ctgDmgr01.log -username wasadmin -password %PASSWORD% -profileName ctgDmgr01

5. Restore the deployment engine registry. Run the following command at the command prompt:
call "C:\Program Files\ibm\Common\acsi\bin\de_restoredb.cmd" -bfile "C:\ibm\SMP\DE_BACKUPS\AfterActions<timestamp>"

6. Remove the deployed information center. Run the following command at the command prompt:
rmdir /S /Q "C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\systemApps\isclite.ear\tpm_olh.war"

7. Start WebSphere Application Server. Run each command that starts with call on a single line.
call "C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\ctgDmgr01\bin\startManager.bat"
call "C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\ctgAppSrv01\bin\startNode.bat"

8. Run the default installation again. You must use the same user name and password that you used to
run the default installation previously.

Recovering from errors during Web components installation

If the Web components installation fails, you must restore the provisioning server back to its previous
state, before installing the Web components.

The Web components installation has failed with the error message Failed to install IBM Tivoli
Provisioning Manager Web components.

Resolving the problem

1. Log on to the administrative workstation as the Administrator user.
2. Restore the base services folder:
a. Exit the installer if it is still running.
b. Delete the base services directory. The default values are:


c. Restore the backup of the base services home directory to the removed base services folder. The
backup name is backup_folder/, where backup_folder is the location that
you specified in the launchpad after installing the base services.


3. Restore the deployment engine registry. Enter the following command on a single line:

call "C:\Program Files\ibm\Common\acsi\bin\de_restoredb.cmd" -bfile



/usr/ibm/common/acsi/bin/de_restoredb -bfile base_services_folder


where base_services_folder is the directory where the base services are installed.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

4. Log on to the computer where WebSphere Application Server is installed as tioadmin and recover the
backup data:
a. Stop WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment.

-user was_adminID -password was_admin_pwd
-user was_adminID -password was_admin_pwd


-user was_adminID-password was_admin_pwd
-user was_adminID -password was_admin_pwd

The WebSphere Application Server profile.
The WebSphere Application Server administrator ID. If you are using read-only LDAP
authentication, the default user ID is wasadmin.
The password for the WebSphere Application Server administrator. If you are using read-only
LDAP authentication, enter the password for the wasadmin user.
The deployment manager profile.
b. Restore the deployment manager profile configuration. Enter the following command on a single

WAS_HOME\bin\restoreConfig.bat backup_folder\ -logfile
backup_folder\restore_dmgr.log -user was_adminID
-password was_admin_pwd -profileName dm_profile


WAS_HOME/bin/ backup_folder/ -logfile
backup_folder/restore_dmgr.log -user was_adminID
-password was_admin_pwd -profileName dm_profile

where backup_folder is the backup directory where the backup data is stored.
c. Restore the application server profile configuration. Enter the following command on a single line:

WAS_HOME\bin\restoreConfig.bat backup_folder\ -logfile
backup_folder\restore_appSrv01.log -user was_adminID
-password was_admin_pwd -profileName app_profile


WAS_HOME/bin/ backup_folder/ -logfile
backup_folder/restore_appSrv01.log -user was_adminID
-password was_admin_pwd -profileName app_profile
Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems



Remove the deployed information center if it exists using the Administrator user. To do this, delete
the file WAS_HOME/systemApps/isclite.ear/tpm_olh.war.




Log on to the database server as the database instance owner and recover the database.


Run the following command:

set DB2INSTANCE=<db2instance>

The default value for <db2instance> is CTGINST1 db2cmd.

b. Restore the database. Enter the following command on a single line:
db2 restore database MAXDB71 user db_adminID using db_admin_pwd
from backup_files_location/DB2Backup_AfterTPMCore/ with 3 buffers
buffer 1000 without rolling forward without prompting

The database instance owner that was used to install Tivoli Provisioning Manager.
The password of the database instance owner that was specified during Tivoli Provisioning
Manager installation.
The directory specified in the Backup Files Location field in the Directories for Core
Components panel.
Recover the Oracle database. For information, see your Oracle documentation. The location
of the backup is backup_files_location/OracleBackup_AfterTPMCore, where backup_files_location is the
directory specified in the Backup Files Location field in the Directories for Core Components panel.
8. Log on to the computer where WebSphere Application Server is installed and start WebSphere
Application Server.






Node agent not started during Web components installation

If you are able to log on to the WebSphere Application Server, but you receive this error, the problem
might be a mismatch between data that is stored in the properties for the installation and the values you
are providing.

An error is displayed, indicating that the node agent was not started during Web components installation.

This error can be created from a variety of causes. Check the following items:
1. Verify this that the node agent is started. Log on to the WebSphere Application Server console for the
node agent and see if the status is green. You can also run the startNode.bat command to check if the
node agent is started.
2. If the node agent is running, check the node agent logs for an error that indicates that the node agent
is not started. The following error is an example:


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Oct 8, 2008 3:09:18 PM runJythonScript

INFO: NOTE ^[runJythonScript] Result: 105
Oct 8, 2008 3:09:18 PM runJythonScript
FINE: NOTE ^STDOUT: WASX7246E: Cannot establish "SOAP" connection to host "MYMACHINE" because of an authentication failure.
Ensure that user and password are correct on the command line or in a properties file.
Exception message (if any): "ADMN0022E: Access is denied for the getProcessType operation on Server MBean because of
insufficient or empty credentials."
WASX7213I: This scripting client is not connected to a server process; please refer to the log file
C:\IBM\SMP\wasclient\logs\wsadmin.traceout for additional information.

In this example, the start script cannot determine if the node agent is running because it cannot access
the server due to incorrect credentials. If you are able to log on to the WebSphere Application Server,
but you receive this error, the problem might be a mismatch between data that is stored in the
properties for the installation and the values you are providing.

Resolving the problem

If the error is what was described above, then follow these steps:
1. In <Maximo_HOME>\maximo\en\script, back up the V7110_props.xml.
2. Modify the V7110_props.xml file so that it only includes values that do not exist in your MAXPROP
table. Query the MAXPROP table to see what properties have been added to the database. For
example, if the property mxe.db.logSQLTimeLimit is already in the table, remove the
<Add_property.....> tag for that entry in the XML file.
3. Rename the file to V7110_props.dbc.
4. Import the base services properties located in <Maximo_HOME>\maximo\en\script\V7110_props.xml.
5. In the \ibm\SMP\maximo\tools\maximo\ directory, run the updatedb command.
6. After importing the properties successfully, rename the V7110_props.dbc file so that it will not be
imported again.

Log files forprocess solution installer

A chart of log file descriptions and locations.
The process solution installer is called by the Web components installer to deploy the Web components.
The following log files are associated with installation of Web components.

Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


Table 9. Log file information

Log type



Package log

These files contain the StdOut and

StdErr output of external commands
launched by the package as it is
processed by the deployment engine.
These log files are typically vital to
the proper debugging of package


For instance, if PSI encounters an

error in the Change package, and
Tivoli Provisioning Manager is
installed to C:\IBM\SMP, then the logs
for the Change Package would be
In general, logs will have two parts, a found in: C:\IBM\SMP\solutions\
.out and .err file, both with the
same pre-extension file name. The
.out files contain the contents of the
Standard Output stream as generated
by the external command. The .err
files contain the contents of the
Standard Error stream. It is common
for one part to be blank, provided
there was no error output (or if there
were only error outputs).
Note that you might discover
numerous (10-20) package log files
generated for any particular package

Tivoli Provisioning Manager log

These are logs kept by the PSI


XX is a two digit number such as 00.
These logs contain the trace output of
the PSI subsystem.
Note: You might encounter messages
similar to the following in the
MAXIMO_DEPLOY_ERR.err file found in
the <Maximo_HOME>\solutions\logs
directory for a process manager once
it has been installed:
v sys-package-mgr: processing new
jar, C:\IBM\SMP\lib\icl.jar
v sys-package-mgr: processing new
jar, C:\IBM\SMP\lib\
v sys-package-mgr: processing new
jar, C:\IBM\SMP\lib\
Although these messages appear in
an error log file, they are
informational only, and do not
represent deployment errors. These
messages can be safely ignored.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Table 9. Log file information (continued)

Log type



Solution Install/Deployment Engine


These are logs kept by the IBM

Solution Installer/Deployment engine
runtime. PSI utilizes the IBM
technology as the means to install
and keep track of installed packages.
This runtime has its own logging

C:\Program Files\IBM\Common\acsi\

These are logs kept of connections,

exceptions, and other failures
experienced by the WebSphere
Application Server in its day-to-day
running. These logs are often helpful
in the diagnosis of errors in
particular EAR files or other
back-end operations, such as
database connections.


C:\Program Files\IBM\Common\acsi\

So for instance, if you installed under

the user name tioadmin, the logs
be found under: C:\Program
Note: After an installation these logs
will contain sensitive credentials. It is Files\IBM\Common\acsi\logs\
strongly recommended that these
logs be removed after a successful
WebSphere Application Server Logs

For example, if your WebSphere
Application Server is installed in the
C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\, your
profile name is AppSrv01, and your
server name is server1, your logs
would be in this location:

Maximo Logs

There are also a few logs kept by

Maximo itself. These are useful in
tracking the progress, success, and
failure of a few back-end commands
provided by Maximo.

For example, if your Maximo install
location is C:\IBM\SMP\Maximo, and
that you executed ththe "UpdateDB
command on April 19th at
approximately 5:06:07PM, the logging
information would be written to
these files: C:\IBM\SMP\Maximo\tools\

Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


Table 9. Log file information (continued)

Log type



WAS Thin Client Logs

The WAS thin client is the

mechanism by which the process
manager packages communicate with
the WebSphere Application Server. If
this automated deployment fails, the
exact actions the Thin Client took
and the associated responses from the
WebSphere Application Server are
stored in logs.

For example, if your Tivoli
Provisioning Manager install location
is the C:\IBM\SMP directory, then the
following log files would contain the
Thin WAS Client tracing information:

It is a good practice to rename existing logs before attempting a package install. It is useful to have a log
that consists only of the information related to the success or failure of current package installation to
facilitate problem determination.

Core components or Web components installation hangs during

Cygwin installation
Problems with your Cygwin installation might cause the installer to hang during prerequisite verification.

While the installer verifies prerequisites during Tivoli Provisioning Manager core components or Web
components installation, the following message appears:
The Installation Wizard is checking the system prerequisites.

After waiting a few minutes, the installer seems to hang and the Next button remains disabled.

There might be a problem with your Cygwin installation.

Resolving the problem

1. Close the installer.
2. Verify if Cygwin is installed.
3. If Cygwin is not installed, install it manually. If Cygwin is installed, uninstall and then reinstall it
manually. For more information, see Installing Cygwin manually.

Silent installation of Tivoli Provisioning Manager fails

A silent installation of Tivoli Provisioning Manager will fail if Cygwin is not installed.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

The silent installation of Tivoli Provisioning Manager fails.

Cygwin is not installed. Tivoli Provisioning Manager requires Cygwin, and required Cygwin settings are
configured during the installation process. Cygwin is not automatically installed during the Tivoli
Provisioning Manager silent install.

Resolving the problem

Install Cygwin manually before running the silent installation.

First discovery fails after installing Cygwin

After installing Cygwin, the first discovery fails because of a missing directory. Create the directory and
then proceed normally.

During the first discovery target server validation after installing Cygwin, an error message similar to the
following is displayed:
First discovery failed: /home/administrator does not exist

After Cygwin is installed, no /home/Administrator directory is created. When the first discovery does not
detect this directory, the error message is displayed.

Resolving the problem

1. Click OK to close the error window.
2. Double-click the Cygwin icon on the Windows desktop on the Tivoli Provisioning Manager computer.
This will create the missing directory.
3. Click Next in the installer to continue with the installation.

Cygwin installation fails

Cygwin installation will not work if the download site is unavailable. Choose a different download site
and try again.

The Cygwin installation fails.

The download site that you chose for the Cygwin install might be unavailable.

Resolving the problem

1. Click Back.
2. Select a different download site from the Cygwin Download Mirror Sites list.
3. Click Next to continue with the installation.
If the problem persists, cancel the installation, uninstall Cygwin, and then attempt to install Cygwin
manually. For more information, see Installing Cygwin manually.

Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


Missing tools from Cygwin installation

If you installed Cygwin manually, you might be missing some of the required Cygwin installation
packages and be missing tools such as Telnet or FTP as a result.

You receive an error message that refers to missing tools, such as Telnet or FTP.

If you installed Cygwin manually, you might be missing some of the required Cygwin installation

Resolving the problem

Verify that you have a fresh Cygwin installation with all the required Cygwin packages. For more
information, see Installing Cygwin manually.

Collecting information about installation problems

Use this list to collect information when contacting IBM Tivoli Software Support.
If you need to contact IBM Tivoli Software Support, collect the following information.
v Operating system type and version, including service packs and fix packs.
v Hardware description.
v The installation log files. You can use the IBM Support Assistant to collect log files. For information
about IBM Support Assistant, see Using log files for troubleshooting on page 12.
Note: Log files are encoded in UTF-8 format. When you are viewing log files, ensure that you are
using a text editor that supports UTF-8, for example Windows Notepad.
v The version of WebSphere Application Server. Run the following command from the WAS_HOME/bin

The command generates a report called versionReport.html, which identifies the installed version of
WebSphere Application Server and all installed maintenance packages.
v The version of the database server.

To check the version of DB2, run db2level

Oracle To check the version of Oracle Database, run the SQL command select * from v$version
v The version of Java. Change to the WAS_HOME directory and run:


java -version


./java -version

v Installation media type (disks or electronic download) and level.



Any Windows event log relevant to the installation error.

Windows services that were active during the installation, for example, antivirus software.
v Windows
v If you are logged on to the computer locally. Running the installation using Remote Desktop is not


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

v If you are logged on as a local administrator or a domain administrator. Cross-domain installation is

not supported.

1. If you performed a default installation, review information about the values used for the installation.
You might need this information to perform some recovery actions. You can also use these values if
want to reinstall the product using the custom installation option.
2. Middleware installation: See The middleware installer logs for information about the middleware
installation logs.
3. Discovery: The installer uses discovery software to identify software and hardware on your computer.
Table 10. Discovery logs
Type of information


Installation of Inventory

If there are installation errors, check



Inventory discovery scan



The results of discovery

The files are located in:



/tmp or /var/tmp

Results are stored in XML files with the fully qualified domain name in the file name.
For example if the fully qualified domain name is, the file
names include:

For some errors, for example, insufficient disk space, you can click Back in the installer to go to the
panel before the error occurred, resolve the problem by making more space available, and then click
Next to continue with the installation.



4. Software installation: The following log files are created during the software installation:

Table 11. Log files for product components


Log file


Log files are located in %TEMP%\cygwin-logs

Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


Table 11. Log files for product components (continued)

Tivoli Provisioning
Manager core components

Log file
UNIX or Linux
Logs for the Tivoli Provisioning Manager core component installer are located in
If these logs are not available, you can also check the following locations:
%TMP%\tclog and %TMP%\tclog_wrapper
UNIX or Linux
/tmp/tclog and /tmp/tclog_wrapper

WebSphere Application

WebSphere Application Server

v Windows: %TEMP%\was-logs\was-ismp-install.log
v UNIX or Linux: /tmp/was-logs/
WebSphere Application Server SystemOut log
v Windows: %WAS_HOME%\profiles\ctgAppSrv01\logs\MXServer\
v UNIX or Linux: $WAS_HOME/profiles/ctgAppSrv01/logs/MXServer/
Logs created by WebSphere Application Server
Logs are stored in the following locations:
v Windows:
v UNIX or Linux
v where <user_root> is the WebSphere Application Server profile installation
path. The default is:
Windows: %WAS_HOME%\profiles\profile_name\logs
UNIX or Linux: $WAS_HOME/profiles/profile_name/logs


The main installation logs are located in:

UNIX or Linux
Search for additional log files that start with db2 for other log information.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Table 11. Log files for product components (continued)


Log file

Agent Manager

Agent Manager
UNIX or Linux
where AgentManager is the Agent Manager installation directory.
Agent Manager certificate generation

Dynamic Content Delivery

Check the following location:

UNIX or Linux
The key log files include:
v trace_manager_install.log
v trace_isx_install.log
v *.out
v *.err
Ensure that you check the *.out and *.err files, even if they are 0 kb.

Tivoli Provisioning
Manager for Job
Management Service

The following log files are in TIO_HOME\DeviceManager\log:

Contains information about the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Job
Management Service federator installation.
Contains detailed installation information when Tivoli Provisioning Manager
for Job Management Service federator server and database is configured. It
also contains trace information after running the DMSconfig or
DMSremoveconfig command with the showtrace option
Contains messages after running the DMSconfig or DMSremoveconfig
Values used for configuration are in:

Chapter 2. Installation and upgrade problems


Table 11. Log files for product components (continued)


Log file

The base services

Collect the log files from the computer where the base services are installed:
v Run the following command:





v Find the [current date]_[timestamp].zip file in the MAXIMO_HOME\debug directory.

v CTGInstallMessage[nn].log and CTGInstallTrace[nn].log in the following




C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator

The root home directory /
The root home directory /root

Collect the log files from the computer where WebSphere Application Server is
v Logs under the application server directory, for example, C:\IBM
v Deployment manager logs in the deployment manager directory, for example,
Tivoli common directory

The Tivoli common log directory:




C:\Program Files\IBM\tivoli\common\COP\logs


5. Starting Tivoli Provisioning Manager. When you start Tivoli Provisioning Manager, the file
tio_start.log is created in the default location


C:\Program Files\IBM\tivoli\common\COP\logs

6. Uninstallation: When you uninstall Tivoli Provisioning Manager core components, the log files are
located in



If the logs are not available in this location, check the following location:






IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 3. Logging on or logging off problems

This section describes how to recover from Tivoli Provisioning Manager logon problems.

Unable to log on to the web interface

If the LDAP server is shut down, you cannot access the web interface.

You are getting errors when trying to access the web interface.

The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server might be shut down.

Resolving the problem

Solution 1
Check the status of the LDAP server. On the LDAP server, from the LDAP_install_dir/appsrv/bin
directory, run the following command:
ibmdirctl -D user_name -w password status

If the LDAP server is running, a confirmation message is displayed. If the LDAP server is not running,
start the LDAP server by running the following command:
ibmdirctl -D user_name -w password start

Solution 2
Run the Tivoli Directory Server Web Administration tool to check the status of the LDAP server.
1. Make sure that the Tivoli Directory Server Web Administration tool is installed on the WAS server.
For information on how to install it, go to
2. In a Web browser, go to http://host_name:9080/IDSWebApp/IDSjsp/Login.jsp
3. Log in with the appropriate user name and password. The Tivoli Directory Server Web
Administration tool starts.
4. If you cannot log in, you need to start the LDAP server. On the LDAP server, from the
LDAP_Install_dir/appsrv/bin directory, run:
startServer [.sh|.bat] server1

5. In the Tivoli Directory Server Web Administration tool, in the navigation bar, click Server
administration. The status of the LDAP server is displayed.
6. If the server is not running, click Start or Restart to start the LDAP server.

Problems logging on to computer with Turkish locale

You cannot log in if English language characters are not supported.


Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2011


After successfully installing Tivoli Provisioning Manager on a computer running a Turkish locale, you are
unable to log in.

Tivoli Provisioning Manager can be installed on a computer running any locale but the user will see
English if the locale is not one of the supported languages. Turkish is not one of the supported languages.
When the user logs in, the default Turkish locale does not recognize the English language.

Resolving the problem

To fix the problem, configure the WebSphere Application Server Java Virtual Machine (JVM) argument to
recognize and handle the English language characters.
To configure the WebSphere Application Server Java Virtual Machine (JVM) argument:
1. Log in to the WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console.
2. Navigate to Servers > Application servers > server1 > Java and Process Management > Process
Definition > Java Virtual Machine.
3. Add the following at the end of the Generic JVM arguments field:

4. Click Apply > Save to save your configuration changes.

5. Restart WebSphere Application Server to refresh your configuration changes.

User cannot change password

When changing your password, you must follow all password policy parameters, such as length and
number of alphabetic characters.

You cannot change your password.

The password policy parameters are incorrect (such as minimum length, minimum number of alphabetic
characters, and other parameters), so the LDAP server cannot validate the password.

Resolving the problem

Run the Tivoli Directory Server Web Administration tool to check the password policy.
Tip: Use this method for a two-node directory server installation.
1. From LDAP_Install\appsrv\bin, run:





: startServer.bat

and use the following syntax:

startServer server1

2. In a Web browser, go to http://hostname:9080/IDSWebApp/IDSjsp/Login.jsp

3. Log in with the appropriate user name and password. The Tivoli Directory Server Web
Administration tool starts.
4. In the navigation bar click Server administration and then click Manage security properties.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

5. In the main window:

a. Click Password policy to check whether the password syntax is enabled or not.
b. Click Password validation to check the password syntax.
6. Change your password again based on the specified password syntax.

User is not logged off when session expires

Any user is able to work from an expired session in Tivoli Provisioning Manager without logging on
until the configured LTPA timeout occurs.

If a session in Tivoli Provisioning Manager is left idle until it expires, any user is then able to access the
session without validating their credentials. Some pages might have exception messages because the user
is not validated.

This is a security issue. If users log on to Tivoli Provisioning Manager and leave the session idle for
longer than the HTTP Session timeout value configured in WebSphere Application Server, user
information is not invalidated and user credentials remain available until the configured LTPA token
timeout occurs.

Resolving the problem

To fix this behavior so that the user is automatically logged out after the HTTP session timeout period,
you must install fix PK25740 and then configure WebSphere Application Server.
The user who is installing the fix must:
v Be logged on as a user with Administrative rights.
v Have version or later of the update installer. Check the version number in the C:\Program
Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\updateinstaller\version.txt file.
The update installer can be downloaded from the following link:
To install the fix and configure WebSphere Application Server:
1. Copy the file pk25740.pak to the WAS_HOME\updateinstaller\maintenance directory.
2. Stop WebSphere Application Server.
3. Change to the WAS_HOME\bin directory and run the following command:

: setupCmdLine.bat

: . ./ Notice the space between the periods. The special form for this command
sources the command to make the setting active for all processes started from the command shell.
4. Start the update installer. Change to the WAS_HOME\updateinstaller directory and run the following

Chapter 3. Logging on or logging off problems



: update.bat

: ./
5. In the installer, enter the installation location of WebSphere Application Server and select Install
maintenance package.
6. Enter the file name of the fix: pk25740.pak.
7. Install the maintenance package.
8. When the installation is complete, log on to the WebSphere Application Server administrative
console as tioadmin at the following URL: http://<hostname:port>/admin.
where hostname is the fully-qualified domain name of the Tivoli Provisioning Manager computer and
port is the WebSphere Application Server Admin host secure port that you defined during
installation. The default port number is 9044. For example:

9. Click Security > Global Security.

10. Under Custom Properties, click New.
In the Name field, enter
In the Values field, enter true.
Click Apply and Save to save the changes to your configuration.
Restart WebSphere Application Server.


Logging off disables SOAP and distribution infrastructure

Do not log off the user that started Tivoli Provisioning Manager, or else all tasks related to SOAP and the
scalable distribution infrastructure will fail.

If the user that started Tivoli Provisioning Manager logs off of Windows, all tasks that use the scalable
distribution infrastructure fail. All SOAP services are stopped.

On Windows, when the user that started Tivoli Provisioning Manager logs off, the SOAP services are
stopped and the scalable distribution infrastructure will not function. This will cause all related tasks to
fail. Tivoli Provisioning Manager will then attempt to run the tasks using the deployment engine as an
alternate method.

Resolving the problem

1. Login as tioadmin.
2. Open a Windows command prompt
3. Change directory to the tools folder using the following command:
cd %TIO_HOME%\tools

4. Enter the following command to restart the SOAP services:



IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Note: Do not close the command window.

When SOAP is restarted, the scalable distribution infrastructure is functional again. To avoid this
problem, ensure that the user that starts Tivoli Provisioning Manager stays logged on.

New user cannot see Start Center

When changing your password, you must follow all password policy parameters, such as length and
number of alphabetic characters.

You add a new user using the WebSphere Administrative Console and then log on as that user shortly
after the user account is created. Logon is successful, but you cannot see the Start Center for the user.

The Start Center is created for users in the Maximo database. The following settings influence how often
user information is updated in the database:
v The WebSphere Application Server Virtual Member Manager synchronization interval.
v WebSphere Application Server search cache timeout. WebSphere Application Server uses the cache to
save data retrieved from the LDAP server to improve performance.
By default, synchronization occurs every 5 minutes and the cache timeout interval is 10 minutes. Because
the cache timeout is longer than the synchronization interval, new user information is not provided to the
Maximo database until the cache timeout expires.

Resolving the problem

The WebSphere Application Server search cache helps to improve performance. If you do not need users
to log on immediately after creating the new user account, you can ask users to wait for 10 minutes
before logging on.
If you want to change the synchronization interval or the cache timeout, perform the following steps:
v To view or change the WebSphere Application Server VMM synchronization interval:
1. Click Go To > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Cron Task Setup..
2. Type VMM in the Cron Task field, and press Enter.
3. In the search results, click VMMSYNC.
4. In the Cron Task Instances section, change the synchronization interval in the Schedule field as
v To change the search cache timeout:
1. Login to the WebSphere Administrative Console, then navigate to Security > Secure
administration, applications, and infrastructure.
2. Locate the User account repository section and pick Federated repositories from the Available
realm definition field, and then click Configure.
3. Click the repository link in the Repository identifier, for example ISMITDS.
4. In the Caches section, ensure that Cache the search results is enabled and change the value of
Cache times out to the required value.

The base services shortcut does not work

The base services shortcut does not work after the core components installation.

Chapter 3. Logging on or logging off problems


After the installation of Tivoli Provisioning Manager , the Maximo Console shortcut from the Start menu
of the administrative workstation does not work.

The shortcut was created during bases services installation. During the core components installation, the
port is updated to the port provided by the user.

Resolving the problem

Update the shortcut to point to the following Web address:

where host_name is the host name of the provisioning server, and port is the port specified by the user
during core components installation. The default value is 9443.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 4. Web interface problems

This section describes how to recover from web interface problems.

Pop-up windows do not display properly

This is a known limitation with Internet Explorer Version 6.0. Use a different browser or a newer version
of Internet Explorer.

In the web interface, pop-up windows and dialog boxes might not display properly when they are
located above select boxes. The select boxes might cover the options that are displayed in the pop-up
window or dialog box. You cannot choose the options that appear in the pop-up window or dialog box
because they are covered by the select boxes.

This is a known limitation with Internet Explorer Version 6.0.

Resolving the problem

Use Internet Explorer Version 7.0. or Firefox 2.0. This is only a limitation with Internet Explorer Version

The user interface is not displayed in a Traditional Chinese installation

The navigation in a Tivoli Provisioning Manager installation in Traditional Chinese cannot be seen if
Javascript is not enabled in your Web browser.

The left hand navigation in the user interface of a Traditional Chinese installation of Tivoli Provisioning
Manager is missing.

JavaScript is not enabled in your Web browser.

Resolving the problem

Enable JavaScript in your Web browser and reload the page to see the correct user interface.
For Internet Explorer, perform the following steps to enable JavaScript:
1. In your Internet Explorer Web browser, clickTools > Internet Options > Security.
2. Select the appropriate Web content zone, for example, Local Intranet, and then click Custom Level.
3. In the Security Settings list, enable the following options: Active Scripting, Allow paste operations
via script, and Scripting of Java applets.
4. Click OK.
Depending on your version of Mozilla Firefox, use one of the following methods to enable JavaScript:
Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2011



In Firefox, select Edit > Preferences.

Click the arrow next to Advanced.
Click Scripts & Plugins.
Beneath Enable JavaScript for, click Navigator.
Click OK.

6. Refresh your Web browser to see the changes.

1. In Firefox, click Tools > Options > Content.
2. Select Enable JavaScript.
3. Click OK.
4. Refresh your Web browser to see the changes.

Web interface slows down

Add a dedicated port for the web interface to avoid slow performance if you expect a large volume of

The performance of the web interface is slow.

There is a high volume of traffic in the web interface.

Resolving the problem

Add a dedicated port for the web interface. The existing SSL mutual authentication port (9046) will still
be used for communication with the targets.
To configure a dedicated port for the web interface:
1. Log on to the WebSphere Application Server administrative console at:

2. Click Environment > Virtual Hosts.

3. Click TPMVirtualHost > Host Aliases.
4. Click New. The new page is displayed.
5. Specify the following values:
v Host name: *
v Port: Specify an available port. For example, port 9049.
6. Click OK. The Host Aliases table is updated with the new port.
7. Save your changes and log out of the console.
8. Restart Tivoli Provisioning Manager.
The dedicated port is now configured. You can now access the web interface with the following URL:

The fully-qualified domain name of the Tivoli Provisioning Manager server.


The new dedicated port number that you have configured.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

For example,

Errors when using the web interface while a local firewall is enabled
Some desktop firewall applications that are running locally on the client computer might conflict with the
Tivoli Provisioning Manager web interface.

When you try to do administrative tasks from the Tivoli Provisioning Manager web interface while
firewall applications are running on the client computers, certain features of the desktop firewall might
interfere with the user interface functions and cause errors.

Some desktop firewall applications that are running locally on the client computer, such as Zone Labs
Integrity Client, can remove the HTTP Referer field from the header of the HTTP request. In Zone Labs
Integrity Client, this feature is enabled using the Remove private header information setting.
When enabled, this setting automatically replaces the value of the HTTP Referer field with the XXXXXXX
string. As a result, a number of functions in the Tivoli Provisioning Manager web interface will not work.
The error messages that are displayed are not descriptive.

Resolving the problem

Before logging in to Tivoli Provisioning Manager, ensure that the HTTP Referer field removal does not
apply to the Tivoli Provisioning Manager Web site.
The following are Zone Labs Integrity Desktop-specific instructions to customize the privacy settings for
the Tivoli Provisioning Manager Web address so that they no longer interfere with the Tivoli Provisioning
Manager user interface.
1. Open the Zone Labs Integrity Desktop.
2. Click Privacy. The Main tab is displayed. Click the Site List tab.
3. Click Add. The Add Site window is displayed.
4. Type the URL of the Tivoli Provisioning Manager server, and then click OK.
5. Verify that the Web address of the Tivoli Provisioning Manager server is now added to the site list,
and that check marks indicate that all of the settings are enabled for this particular site. A pencil icon
in the Edited column indicates that you have customized privacy settings for this site, and that the
site will remain in your list.

Cannot load the web interface on a Solaris computer

This issue is caused by a Java problem on Solaris.

On a Solaris computer, the web interface does not load. The following error is generated:
The system is out of resources.
Consult the following stack trace for details.
at Method)
Chapter 4. Web interface problems



This issue is caused by a Java problem on Solaris.

Resolving the problem

Do the following steps:
1. Stop the provisioning server. For more information, see the instructions in the topic called Starting the
provisioning server (UNIX or Linux) in the Tivoli Provisioning Manager Administrator Guide.
2. Open the $TIO_HOME/.tools/ file and remove the following text: tcWebUI.war

then save your change.

3. Run the following command to precompile all JavaServer Pages:

4. Restart the provisioning server using the instructions in the Starting the provisioning server (UNIX or
Linux) topic.

Exception error prevents the user interface from being viewed

This error occurs because the amount of detail in the database tables is too large. Edit the database table
display limit.

An exception error occurs preventing the user from viewing the affected part of the user interface.

This error occurs because the amount of detail in the database tables is too large.

Resolving the problem

Edit the database table display limit.
1. In the directory where you installed Tivoli Provisioning Manager, open the ui.xml file. For example,
the file might be in the ...\IBM\tivoli\tpmfsw\config\ directory.
2. Find <db-truncation>500</db-truncation> and edit the truncation size. A display limit of 500 or
smaller is recommended.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Web interface has slow response time

For better performance in high traffic, consider dedicating a port to the web interface in WebSphere
Application Server.

The WebSphere Application Server web interface has slow response time.

Your computer is experiencing a high volume of traffic.

Resolving the problem

Consider dedicating a port to the web interface in WebSphere Application Server. The existing SSL
mutual authentication port will still be used for communication with targets. The default SSL mutual
authentication port is 9046. For more information, see the WebSphere Application Server documentation.

Chapter 4. Web interface problems



IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 5. Security problems

This section describes how to recover from security problems.

VMMSYNC cron task does not synchronize information

Use debug mode on the cron task to determine whether this problem is because of incorrect LDAP setup,
incorrect credentials, or because administrative mode is turned on.

When you run a VMMSYNC cron task, the information from LDAP does not get synchronized into the
Tivoli Provisioning Manager system. No records created in LDAP can be seen in the user interface.

There are several possible causes for this:
v incorrect LDAP setup
v incorrect user credentials
v administrative mode is turned on for database configuration

Resolving the problem

To determine the cause of the problem, turn on debug mode for the cron task by following the
1. Click Go To > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Logging.
2. In the Logger field, type crontask.
3. For each instance of crontaskmgr and crontask, select DEBUG in the Log Level field, and activate them
by clicking the check box.
4. Save the settings by clicking the Save Logger button, and in the Select Action drop-down list, choose
Apply Settings to activate the debug logging.
The debug information can be found in the SystemOut.log file in the %WAS_HOME%\profiles\ctgAppSrv01\
logs\MXServer directory.

The VMMSYNC cron task does not run

The task will not run if the LDAP distinguished names in the GroupMapping and UserMapping
parameters contain quotation marks.

When you request the VMMSYNC cron task to run, the task does not work.

The LDAP distinguished names in the GroupMapping and UserMapping parameters contain quotation
marks (" ").

Resolving the problem

Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2011


Remove the quotation marks from the GroupMapping and UserMapping parameters.
1. Navigate to Go To > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Cron Task Setup.
2. In the list, find the VMMSYNC cron task.
3. Click on the VMMSYNC cron task.
4. Click the Parameters tab and expand the GroupMapping parameter.
5. In the Value field, find the LDAP information within the <basedn> tags and remove any quotation
marks around the distinguished names.
6. Expand the UserMapping parameter and remove any quotation marks around the LDAP
distinguished names within the <basedn> tags.
7. Click Save.
8. Restart the provisioning server.

Provisioning groups can be modified without permission

Security groups created on the basis of provisioning groups can be modified by users who do not have
permission to change it.

A Tivoli Provisioning Manager user other than MAXADMIN has update permissions to provisioning groups
applications, and can change provisioning groups created for the purpose of security.

The security groups that are created on the basis of provisioning groups have no security constraints set

Resolving the problem

To restrict security groups so that they can only be accessed by authorized users, group together the
provisioning groups created for the purpose of security, and then restrict the group's access by
performing the following actions:
Group together the provisioning groups with security functions:
1. Click Go To > Deployment > Provisioning Groups.
2. Create a static provisioning group by clicking the
3. Add the groups you want to protect by clicking Add Groups button, and then save the settings by

Restrict the user access to the newly created group by creating appropriate conditions for the group:
1. Click Go To > Administrator > Conditional Expression Manager.
2. Add a new condition by clicking the New Row button.
3. Define the name for the condition by choosing the EXPRESSION as its Type, and then type in the
following Expression:
(EXISTS (select 1 from group_membership gm, tpgroup g where =
new_group_name AND and
is_nested_group=Y and gm.dcm_object_id=:id))
OR (:name = new_group_name)

where new_group_name is the name of the group defined in the step above.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

4. Check the Always Evaluate? check box, and then click

Create a data restriction with the new condition Once the condition is created for the group, add a
READONLY data restriction to it with the following actions:
1. Click Go To > Security > Security Groups .
2. Select the security groups that you created.
3. Click the Data Restrictions tab, and then select New Row to create a data restriction.
4. Define Object as TPGROUP, and Type as READONLY.
5. Choose Select Value from the Detail Menu drop down list.
6. Select the newly selected condition name.
7. Save the settings by clicking

You have now set a data restriction that will restrict the access to security groups you want to protect.

Error when user adds a task to a plan

If the message BMXAA0024E - ADD is not allowed on WOACTIVITY is displayed, a default site is not
configured for the user.

The message BMXAA0024E - ADD is not allowed on WOACTIVITY is displayed when a user attempts add a
task to a plan in a work order using the Work Order Tracking application.

A default site is not configured for the user.

Resolving the problem

As a prerequisite, at least one site must be enabled and configured in the deployment. The user or
administrator can configure the default site for the user from the Profile > Default Information panel for
the user or via the Users application.

Duplicate records in provisioning group application

These are valid distinct function options. For example, one might be used in a menu and the other in a

Some records are listed twice when looking at provisioning applications in the Security Groups

Applications have the same labels for different sign options (option names) when displayed in the
Security Groups > Applications tab. These are valid distinct function options. For example, one might be
used in a menu and the other in a button.

Resolving the problem

Chapter 5. Security problems


You can modify this by enabling or disabling the options for a particular security group. This change is
typically done in pairs.

Error when using special characters to create a user or role

The Distinguished Name (DN) syntax supported by the directory server does not support special
characters. Use a backslash before using special characters in an attribute value in a distinguished name

If you include special characters like comma (,), equals (=), plus (+), less than (<), greater than (>),
number sign (#), semicolon (;), backslash (\), and quotation marks () in the user name or role name, the
following error occurs:
COPCOM132E An error occurred during the LDAP operation: cn=#dffded:
[LDAP: error code 34 - Invalid DN syntax].

The Distinguished Name (DN) syntax supported by the directory server does not support special
characters. This is a known problem with the IBM Tivoli Directory Server and is described in detail in the
Tivoli Directory Server Administration Guide that is available in the Tivoli Software Information Center.

Resolving the problem

Enter a backslash (\) before using special characters or other characters in an attribute value in a
distinguished name string.

User is not logged out of session on time out

The user is not automatically logged off when using basic authentication. Use the form base
authentication instead.

When a session times out, the user is not logged off if basic authentication is being used.

The user is not automatically logged off when using basic authentication. If you click Refresh or press F5
after getting the timeout message, you will be taken back to the console without a password prompt.

Resolving the problem

Use the form base authentication instead of basic authentication.

New access group is not displayed in group list

It can take up to one minute to refresh the page. To see the new group immediately, refresh the page

When you add a new access group in a one-node Microsoft Active Directory (MSAD) setup, the group is
not displayed immediately.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

It can take up to one minute to refresh the page because the refresh interval for the MSAD server is one

Resolving the problem

To see the new access group immediately, refresh the page manually.

Web browser has SSL security warnings

Security warnings appear if you access Tivoli Provisioning Manager with an outdated version of a Web

When you access Tivoli Provisioning Manager using secure socket layer (SSL), not all content is SSL
enabled. After you submit the user name and password, you receive a warning message asking if content
that is not encrypted with SSL during the initial login can be displayed.

The Web browser that you used to access Tivoli Provisioning Manager is outdated (for example, Internet
Explorer 6). Use a new version of the Web browser to avoid the security warnings.

Resolving the problem

The Web browsers that you use to access Tivoli Provisioning Manager must be of the following versions
or newer:
Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer 7
Mozilla Firefox
Firefox 2
For more information, see the topic Configuring the Web browser to use the Tivoli Provisioning Manager
certificate in the Tivoli Provisioning Manager information center.

Cannot change the user password

User passwords cannot be changed in the provisioning Web interface.

Errors occur when you try to change the user password in the provisioning Web interface.

Changing the user password in the Web interface is not supported.

Resolving the problem

Microsoft Active Directory
Users can log on to the LDAP server using their user name and password to change their own user name
and password.
Chapter 5. Security problems


Tivoli Directory Server

Tivoli Directory Server provides a Web Administration Tool for users to update their information and
change passwords. The tool is not installed by default. See the documentation for details on how to
install the Web Administration Tool:
After the Web Administration Tool is installed, change the user password:
1. Start the Web Administration Tool using the following command:




where install_path is the directory where you installed Tivoli Directory Server. For detailed
instructions, see the topic called Starting the Web application server to use the Web Administration
2. Users can launch the tool using the following Web address:

where hostname is the host name of the Tivoli Directory Server.

3. Log on to the tool with your user name.
4. Click User properties > Change password.
If users receive the following error when they try to change their password, they do not have
permission to update their own password:
The password cannot be changed. The user does not have
the authority to modify the password.

The LDAP administrator can update the permissions by running the following command:
ldapmodify -D <adminDN> -w <AdminPwd> -i <modifyACL.ldif>

For example:
ldapmodify -D cn=root -w password -i modifyACL.ldif

where the modifyACL.ldif file contains the following information, for example:
dn: cn=tioappadmin,dc=ibm,dc=com
changetype: modify
add: aclentry
aclentry: access-id:cn=this:at.userpassword:rwsc

Replace cn=tioappadmin,dc=ibm,dc=com with your user dn.

After the command is run, users must correct permission to update their own passwords.

Error when importing a key or certificate to a keystore

Error when importing a key or certificate to a keystore.

When importing a key or certificate in to a keystore or truststore, the following error may be shown: Error in loading the keystore: Private key decryption error:
( Illegal key size)


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

The error is caused by the restricted policy on the JCE that is installed by default.

Resolving the problem


download the unrestricted version:

Go to:
Log on.
Select Unrestricted JCE Policy files for SDK for all newer versions Version 1.4.2+ .

4. Click Continue to continue the download process.

After the zip file is downloaded, there are 3 files in the zip:
v readme.txt
v local_policy.jar
v US_export_policy.jar
Update the JCE policy in the JAVA_HOME directory in the Windows environment:
1. Click Start > Control Panel > System
2. Under the Advanced Tab > Environment Variables
3. Note the value of the JAVA_HOME variable.
4. Replace the local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar in the %JAVA_HOME%\lib\security folder.
Note: Do not rename or overwrite the original files, backup the original files to another location
before replacing.
5. Go to the iKeyman or GSKit location.
6. Start iKeyman.exe or gsk7ikm.exe.
Update the JCE policy for Tivoli Provisioning Manager environment:
1. Stop Tivoli Provisioning Manager.
2. Replace the local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar in %WAS_HOME%\java\jre\lib\security.
3. Start Tivoli Provisioning Manager.

Error after updating the

Error after updating the

After updating the, when starting the TPM, an error similar to the following can be
seen in the SystemOut.log.

The problem is caused by the editor that is being used for updating the The editor
adds an extra character into the encrypted password section.

Resolving the problem

In order to avoid the addition of the new character, it is recommended to use notepad to edit the

Chapter 5. Security problems


GSKit key manager does not recognize CMS key database type
When configuring DB2 for SSL communication, the GSKit key manager does not recognize the CMS key
database type. Because of this, you cannot generate a new keystore file.

The GSKit key manager does not recognize the CMS key database type. You receive an error message
stating that the CMS Java native library is not found.

This problem might occur if you have an older JDBC version that was installed with DB2 v 9.5 FP3a.

Resolving the problem

To resolve this problem, upgrade your JDBC version to the latest available version.

Removing users from Tivoli Provisioning Manager

You might receive an error if you try to remove users from Tivoli Provisioning Manager using the
Maximo user interface.

You cannot delete users from Tivoli Provisioning Manager using the Maximo user interface. You receive
the following error message when you try to delete users:
DMXAA0026E - The method cannot be called because application server security is enabled.

You are using LDAP to manage the user repository.

Resolving the problem

Complete the following steps to remove users from the Tivoli Provisioning Manager database:
1. Click Go To > Security > Security Groups.
2. Click Select Action->Security Controls.
3. Check if login tracking is enabled. Enable login tracking if it is not enabled. Information about how
to enable login tracking is available in the Maximo online help.
4. Stop Tivoli Provisioning Manager.
5. Enter the following SQL command:


Start Tivoli Provisioning Manager.

Ensure that the user is removed from the LDAP server.
Click Go To > Security > Users.
Click the user that you want to remove.

10. Click Select Action->Delete User.

11. Enter the following SQL command:

12. Restart Tivoli Provisioning Manager.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 6. Discovery problems

This section describes how to recover from Tivoli Provisioning Manager discovery problems.

Log file for troubleshooting inventory discovery

Check the log files if you encounter problems running an inventory discovery on a target that does not
have Tivoli Common Agent installed.
If you encounter problems when running an inventory discovery on a target that does not have Tivoli
Common Agent installed, you can check the log files using the following steps:

Check the contents of the following directories:
v On the Tivoli Provisioning Manager server:
Note: By default this directory is deleted. You should set a property to keep it.
v On the computer on which the common agent is not installed:

Lack of information from Initial Discovery

User credentials are needed to access full information about the discovered computers. Otherwise, very
little information is provided.

When running Initial Discovery, very limited information about the discovered computers is returned if
no user credentials are provided.

User credentials are needed to access full information about the discovered computers.

Resolving the problem

To retrieve detailed information about the discovered computers, it is recommended that you provide
user credentials. If you do not provide them, only limited information about the computer (such as the
host name and operating system) is returned, and the discovered computers are added into the
Unknown Resources page.

Incorrect value for cpu.type in data model

The discovery populates a 32-bit value in the data model by default. If the target computer has a 64-bit
processor, manually change the value of cpu.type to 64-bit.


Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2011


After running a Rembo Hardware Discovery against a target computer, the value for cpu.type is not
correctly inserted into the data model.

The discovery cannot always determine whether the target computer has a 32-bit or 64-bit processor. The
discovery populates a 32-bit value in the data model by default, but with this value it is not possible to
install a 64-bit operating system image on the target computer.

Resolving the problem

Manually change the cpu.type value from 32-bit to 64-bit.

Microsoft Active Directory discovery only displays short names

Microsoft Active Directory discovery only displays the short names of the discovered computers because
it only detects the information which was defined in the Microsoft Active Directory registry.

Microsoft Active Directory discovery only displays the short names of the discovered computers, and not
their fully qualified host names.

Microsoft Active Directory discovery only detects the information which was defined in the Microsoft
Active Directory registry.

Resolving the problem

Set a fully qualified host name as the computer name on the target computer before running a Microsoft
Active Directory discovery.

No hardware report information from Microsoft Active Directory

A Microsoft Active Directory discovery only detects the information which was defined in the Microsoft
Active Directory registry.

No hardware information is returned after running a Microsoft Active Directory discovery against a

A Microsoft Active Directory discovery only detects the information which was defined in the Microsoft
Active Directory registry.

Resolving the problem

Go to the Variable tab of the discovered computer to display more attributes found by the Microsoft
Active Directory discovery.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Inventory scan fails if Tivoli Common Agent is not installed

The inventory scan fails because the service access point is not defined for this computer.

An inventory scan on a computer discovered by Microsoft Active Directory discovery fails if the
computer does not have Tivoli Common Agent installed.

The operation fails because the service access point is not defined for this computer.

Resolving the problem

Perform a network discovery on that computer to define the RXA Service Access Point, or install Tivoli
Common Agent on the target computer.

Discovery of Linux on zSeries is overwriting the record for another

Linux on the same hostplatform in the data model
For Linux on zSeries, all the virtual computers on the same hostplatform share the same MAC address.
The discovery uses the MAC address to identify the discovered computers. If two or more computers
share the same MAC address, they are considered as one computer. You can update the MAC for the
layer 2 mode device so that the Linux virtual machine is assigned a unique MAC address. The virtual
machine MAC address must be unique within the same hostplaform.

The discovery of a first machine is completed successfully. The discovery of a second machine on the
same hostplaform is completed with a message stating that the machine exists in the data model. All data
from the previous discovery is overwritten by the second one.

The operation fails because the virtual computers on the same hostplatform have the same MAC address.

Resolving the problem

To change the MAC address on SuSE on zSeries systems, perform the following steps:
1. Create a hardware device configuration file in /etc/sysconfig/hardware/hwcfg-qeth-bus-ccw-0.0.#:
2. Set the value for parameter QETH_LAYER2_SUPPORT to 1.
3. Set the value for parameter QETH_OPTIONS to 1. The following example shows a hardware device
configuration file:
CCW_CHAN_IDS="0.0.7868 0.0.7869 0.0.786a"

Chapter 6. Discovery problems



4. Create an interface configuration file in /ect/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-qeth-bus-ccw-0.0.#:

5. Set the value for parameter LLADDR to the MAC address you want, for example 00:01:02:03:04:05. The
following example shows an interface device configuration file:

6. Test the configuration files:

#> hwup qeth-bus-ccw-0.0.#

The following result is displayed:

hwup: module qeth already present in kernel

7. Restart the system.

8. Use the following commands to change the MAC address to the value you want.
a. Stop the network interface:
ifconfig eth0 down

b. Run the command for changing the MAC address:

ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:01:02:03:04:05

c. Start the network interface:

ifconfig eth0 up

To change the MAC address on Red Hat on zSeries Systems, perform the following steps:
1. Create the configuration file in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:

2. Add or verify the alias in /etc/modprobe.conf:

alias eth0 qeth

3. Restart the system.

4. Use the following commands to change the system MAC address to the value you want.
a. Stop the network interface:
ifconfig eth0 down

b. Run the command for changing the MAC address:

ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:01:02:03:04:05

c. Start the network interface:

ifconfig eth0 up


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Common agent cannot be installed using Microsoft Active Directory

Before trying to install the Tivoli Common Agent, perform a network discovery on the target computer.

Tivoli Common Agent cannot be installed on a computer using Microsoft Active Directory.

This operation fails because the service access point is not defined for the target computer.

Resolving the problem

Before trying to install the Tivoli Common Agent, perform a network discovery on the target computer to
define the service access point.

Cannot run Microsoft Updates discovery on UNIX

A workaround is available if a Microsoft Updates discovery fails.

When running a Microsoft Updates discovery on UNIX target computers using Tivoli Provisioning
Manager, the operation fails.

Resolving the problem

As a workaround, perform these steps for UNIX target computers, except AIX-based computers:
1. Click Go To > Administration > Provisioning > Provisioning Global Settings.
2. Click the Variables tab.
3. Create a variable using cabextractcommand as its key.
4. Set the value for this key to:

5. Install the cabextract utility on the UNIX target computers you want to discover using the Microsoft
Updates discovery:
a. Download cabextract-1.2.tar.gz from the Web site.
b. Perform the following actions to install the cabextract utility:
1) Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the rpm cabextract utility.
2) Run the following command to install the cabextract rpm package:
rpm -ivh RPM_NAME

Perform these steps for AIX-based computers:

1. Download the following packages:
v #rpm -ivh gcc-4.2.0-3.aix5.3.ppc.rpm
v #rpm -ivh libgcc-4.2.0-3.aix5.3.ppc.rpm
v #rpm -ivh libstdcplusplus-4.2.0-3.aix5.3.ppc.rpm
v #rpm -ivh libstdcplusplus-devel-4.2.0-3.aix5.3.ppc.rpm
v #rpm -ivh gcc-cplusplus-4.2.0-3.aix5.3.ppc.rpm
v #/usr/sbin/updtvpkg
2. Click Go To > Administration > Provisioning > Provisioning Global Settings.
Chapter 6. Discovery problems


3. Click the Variables tab.

4. Create a variable using cabextractcommand as its key.
5. Set the value for this key to:

6. Install the cabextract utility on the AIX target computers you want to discover using the Microsoft
Updates discovery:
a. Download cabextract-1.2.tar.gz from the Web site.
b. Run the following commands to install the cabextract utility:
v $ gzip -cd < cabextract-1.2.tar.gz | tar xf v $ cd cabextract-1.2
v $ ./configure
v $ make
v $ make install

Wrong locale discovered on Linux computers

The computer locale is not discovered correctly because the computer locale variables are not set.

The inventory discovery does not detect the correct locale of Linux computers if Tivoli Common Agent is
not installed on them.

The computer locale is not discovered correctly because the computer locale variables in the
etc/environment file are not set.

Resolving the problem

Ensure that you have set the appropriate LC_* and LANG variables according to your computer locale in
the Windows
/etc/environment or 2000
~/.ssh/environment file depending on your computer

Deadlock problems during a discovery

The AM.Discovery.Thread.Count variable specifies how many threads to use when processing discovery
data. The default value is 8, but it can be set to 1 if problems occur.

When running a discovery, some deadlock issues arise.

The AM.Discovery.Thread.Count variable specifies how many threads to use when processing discovery
data that is returned from the agent manager during an agent manager discovery run. If no value is
specified, then the default value is used, which is 8.

Resolving the problem


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

As a workaround for deadlock situations during a discovery run, the value of the
AM.Discovery.Thread.Count variable can be set to 1, which means that only one thread is processing the

Dual computer information after agent installation on provisioning

If the host names specified for the target computer in the DNS and on the operating system do not
match, then the network discovery creates two separate data model records for the same target computer.

After discovering a computer with network discovery and then installing the common agent on it,
another data model record is created for that computer but it displays a different computer name.

If the host names specified for the target computer in the DNS and on the operating system do not
match, then the network discovery creates two separate data model records are created for the same
target computer.

Resolving the problem

Ensure that the computer host name configured for DNS and the host name configured in the operating
system are the same.

Windows Vista computers cannot be discovered by the network

discovery using their IPv6 addresses
A workaround is available if Windows Vista computers cannot be discovered.

Windows Vista target computers cannot be discovered using the discovery wizard provided to perform a
network RXA-based discovery.

Resolving the problem

As a workaround for this discovery issue, set up theWindows Vista target computers of your
environment as follows:
1. If you are a member of a local administrators group and you use a local user account, complete the
following three steps to be able to perform administrative tasks on the target computers:
a. Enable the built-in Administrator account and use it to connect. To enable the built-in
Administrator account, open the Windows Control Panel and click Administrative Tools > Local
Security Policy > Security Settings > Local Policies > Security Options . Then double-click
Accounts: Administrator account status and select Enabled.
b. Disable the user account control if a different administrator user account is to be used to connect
to the Windows Vista computer. To disable the user account control, open the Windows Control
Panel and click Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy > Security Settings > Local Policies
> Security Options . Then double-click User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin
Approval Mode and select Disabled. Changing this setting requires a reboot of the computer.

Chapter 6. Discovery problems


c. Disable the user account control if you administer a workstation with a local user account
(Security Account Manager user account). Otherwise, you will not connect as a full administrator
and will not be able to perform administrative tasks. To disable the user account control perform
the following steps:
1) Click Start > Run.
2) Type regedit, and press Enter.
3) Locate and click the following registry subkey:
4) Right-click LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy, and click Modify. If the
LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy registry entry does not exist, follow these steps:
a) From the Edit menu, click New, and then click DWORD Value.
b) Type LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy, and then press Enter.
5) In Value enter 1 , and click OK.
6) Restart the computer.
2. The target computers must have the Remote Registry service started, which represents the default
configuration, in order for Remote Execution and Access (RXA) to connect to the target computer.
Verify the service status clicking Administrative Tools > Services and start the Remote Registry
service if needed.

Windows 2003 computers cannot be discovered using their IPv6

Windows 2003 Server computers are not discovered if the discovery configuration specifies their IPv6

After running the network RXA-based discovery, the discovery might fail and the workflow log might
display an error message similar to the following:
CTGRI0001E The application could not establish a connection to

If the IPv6 addresses of the computers have been used in the discovery configuration, the Windows 2003
Server Enterprise SP2 target computers cannot be reached when doing a network RXA-based discovery.

Resolving the problem

As a workaround for this discovery issue, complete the following steps for each Windows 2003 Server
Enterprise SP2 target computer in your environment.
1. Create the CNAME record for the file server on the appropriate DNS server, if the CNAME record
does not exist.
2. Apply the following registry change to the file server:
a. Start the Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).
b. Locate and click the following key in the registry:

c. On the Edit menu, click Add Value, and then add the following registry value:
DWORD key IPv6Protection
Add with hex value 00000014 (0x00000014).


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

DWORD key IPv6EnableOutboundGlobal

Add with hex value 1 (0x1).
d. Locate and click the following key in the registry:

e. On the Edit menu, click Add Value, and then add the following registry value:
Value name: DisableStrictNameChecking
Data type: REG_DWORD
Radix: Decimal
Value: 1

f. Quit the Registry Editor.

3. Restart your Windows 2003 Server Enterprise SP2 target computer.
After completing these steps on the target computers, run the network RXA-based discovery again.

Cannot discover Windows XP 32-bit computers with IPv6 only enabled

IPv6 addresses on Windows XP 32-bit computers cannot be discovered using RXA-based network

After running the RXA-based network discovery against a Windows XP 32-bit computer with only the
IPv6 protocol enabled, the computer cannot be discovered.

The RXA-based discovery uses the Microsoft SMB protocol to communicate with a managed computer.
On Windows XP 32-bit computers, SMB only supports IPv4 communication and IPv6 addresses are not
supported. This is a known Microsoft limitation.

Resolving the problem

v If you need to use the Windows XP 32-bit operating system on the computer, you must communicate
with the computer using IPv4. Ensure that an IPv4 address is configured on the computer.
v If you want to use an IPv6 address to communicate with the computer, use a Windows operating
system version with SMB protocol support for IPv6 addresses. Versions with support include Windows
XP 64-bit, Windows 2003, Windows Vista and Windows 2008.

Virtual servers are not discovered by the HMC discovery

When you perform a Hardware Management Console (HMC) discovery, virtual servers are not
discovered and added if they have the same name, even if they are physically located on different host

The HMC discovery can detect all the details for the virtual servers having the same name, but these
virtual servers are not added to the data model due to limitations in the data model integrator.

Resolving the problem

When creating a new virtual server, check if the virtual server name already exists.

Chapter 6. Discovery problems


Wrong version displayed for Web logic 10.X computer discovered from
When discovering from TADDM a computer with Web logic version 10.0 installed, on the Software tab of
the discovered computer the Web logic version displayed is 10.3, even if the actual version is 10.0.

Resolving the problem

TADDM discovers the correct version, even if the wrong version is displayed by the Tivoli Provisioning
Manager Web interface.

Deployment engine exception when running discovery

When running a workflow or performing a discovery, the following exception might be displayed:
COPDEX040E An unexpected deployment engine exception occurred:
psdi.util.MXApplicationException: BMXAA4017E - Object TPSERVER Id=
server_id is not qualified according to the data restriction of this user.

This error is due to the discovered computer which might be created. During the creation of the
computer, a security check is performed to verify if the user has access to the new computer. If the user
has no access, the exception is thrown.

Resolving the problem

There are two different solutions to workaround this issue:
v The first solution consists of performing the following steps:
Identify a provisioning group containing the objects to which you have write access. This
information can be found on the Provisioning Permissions tab of the Security Groups application.
When you define the discovery configuration, select this provisioning group as a value for the Add
Computers to Group option.
Run the discovery logged on as the user with the write access.
v The second solution consists of performing the following steps:
Create a dynamic group using a query to identify the computer to be created. For example, if the
new computer to be discovered has the host name, you can create a
query based on the domain name, so that you have access to all computers with
that specific domain name. For details about how to create a dynamic group, see Creating dynamic
Add the dynamic group that you created to the security group of the user with write permissions
using the Provisioning Permissions tab of the Security Groups application. For details about how
to assign write permissions to a security group, see Lesson 1: Assigning read/write type of
permissions to security groups.


After it is added, the user will have write access to the computer to be created. Run the discovery
logged on as the user with the write access.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 7. OS management problems

This section describes how to recover from OS management problems.

Deployment error messages

Error messages that can occur on a target during a deployment are displayed in a red panel, in the center
of the screen, and are logged to the ODBC database.
SoftwareProfile and SoftwareItem tables must use the same ODBC source
This message should never appear with a standard OS configuration. It will appear if you split
the SoftwareItem and SystemProfile tables into two different ODBC sources.
Invalid destination folder for software copy/system snapshot
The destination folder that you specified during the software module creation does not exist.
Unexpected end of deployment job
One of the required tasks failed during the deployment.
You are not authorized to use this machine (off-line)
This message appears when the process of authentication fails. The cause might be that the
network is down.
There is no known OS configuration for this target
You are running without being connected to the network and the database entry for the target to
deploy does not contain a valid OS configuration.
This OS configuration was not intended...
The deployment scheme has the setting Never edit parameters. The target is not the same model
as the system profile deployed.
No entry found in the BOM for this target
There is no entry in the Bill of Material table (no target definition) matching the target computer
MAC address, UUID, and serial number and the deployment settings have been set to disable
manual edition of the Bill of Material.
No system partition has been defined...
This error should never occur unless you have tampered with the definition of a system profile. It
results from a system profile definition that has no bootable partition (OSPart is zero in the
Invalid Software Item in the database
This error should never occur, unless you have tampered with the definition of software items. It
results from a an unknown software module type.
Cannot process... software items in pass zero
A floppy-disk or partition software module is scheduled for use in pass zero, conflicting with the
Sysprep process. To avoid this error, either schedule these software items with negative pass
numbers (before Sysprep) or with positive pass numbers (after Sysprep).
Cannot process... software items before pass zero
A software module that involves writing to the operating system partition is used before pass
zero, when the operating system partition is formatted. To avoid this error, always schedule these
software items with a positive or zero pass number.
Required file has not been enumerated
This AutoCD-specific error message should never occur. A CD-set has not been generated
correctly, probably because of an error of the program. If the message occurs, send a report to
your reseller, with a copy of the CD-set.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2011


There is not enough space in partition... to download the images

A system profile partitioning scheme is not compatible with . The hard disk partition scheme
must be created so that the sum of the unpartitioned disk space and of the free space in the last
partition is large enough to store all compressed partition and software images.
System setup has not been properly completed
This error results from a previous serious error in the Sysprep process, that has prevented the
mini-setup to complete (or even to start).
Connection refused... in sql.rbc
The TCP to ODBC gateway service that should be running on the OS deployment server is not
accepting connections. This service is typically automatically started when the provisioning server
service is started. Check (using the service manager) that the TCP to ODBC Gateway service is
installed and running on the computer hosting the provisioning server.
Network not initialized
This error results from an abruptly stopped deployment, followed by a hard-disk boot that tries
to restart the deployment. However, because the computer has not been started on the network,
this is not possible. To restart the deployment, reboot the computer on network boot.
This computer has been interrupted during a deployment
This message appears (on a black background) when you reboot on the hard disk after a stopped
deployment (typically because of an error or to the user pressing Cancel). The deployment was
not completed, and must be restarted because the operating system is not fully installed.
Partitions do not fit on this hard disk
The system profile to be deployed on this target is bigger than the size of its hard disk.
Alternately, a protected partition on your disk might not have enough space on the disk for the
current profile.
Fatal error, No hard disk detected!
This message will appear if you try to deploy a target without hard disk.

Problems and limitations

This section provides troubleshooting guidance and information about product limitations for operating
system deployment.

v For Windows golden master image, because of Sysprep limitations, it is not possible to change the
administrator password during the deployment if the system profile contains a non-empty
administrator password. This limitation only applies if you run Sysprep yourself manually.

Windows Service Troubleshooting for provisioning server

If your provisioning server does not work correctly, or you suspect that something is wrong, you have
several options to collect debugging information from the provisioning server:
v If your service works but you want more debugging information, you can also check the Server log
files where all log types are displayed. The log verbosity level can be increased if necessary from the
Configuration tab on the Boot Servers page.
v If the web interface cannot contact the OS deployment server, check that the service and processes are
Windows: Use the service manager
Linux/FreeBSD/OS X: type ps aux | grep rembo
Solaris: type ps -elf | grep rembo


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

v Check the deployment server. The provisioning server logs unrecoverable errors messages into event
v If the service does not start, run rembo.exe from the command-line with the following options: rembo
-d -v 4. This will run the provisioning server as a console application, with all debugging output
redirected to your command window. You can increase the debug level (the -v parameter) to 6 for
maximum detail. See OS deployment server command-line options for more on command line
arguments. If the error message is related to your network configuration, try to fix your network
configuration and run the server again. In particular, you must change the Interfaces global
parameter if your computer has more than one network interface.
If it still does not work, contact your IBM Software Support representative.

OS deployment server command-line options

rembo [-d] [-v

loglevel ] [-c configfile ] [-cert

rembokey ]

v -d prints debug info to the standard output, does not run as daemon (do not detach)
v -v sets the verbosity level (default: 2)
v -c specifies the config file name (the default is rembo.conf)
The verbosity levels are defined as:



no output
log error messages only
log error and warning messages
log error, warning and info messages
same as 3, but also log notice messages

v 5 : same as 4, with debug output

v 6 : same as 5, with network trace

PXE bootrom not detected

During the boot process, there is no message about the PXE bootrom, and the computer boots normally
(on the floppy, hard disk or CD).

Resolving the problem

Check that your network card is correctly installed, and that a PXE bootrom is installed on the network
card. To verify that the network works, run Windows or Linux, and configure the operating system so
that you are able to ping other computers (or you are able to see other computers in the network
On certain network cards, the PXE bootrom is not be activated by default. Read the product
documentation to find the key combination to press to enter the PXE setup menu at boot time. On Intel
EPRO100, the key combination is Ctrl-S, or Shift-Shift (press both Shift keys). These keys must be pressed
during the boot process, when the computer is powered on. Some cards do not have a configuration
Enter your BIOS setup during boot time (DEL, or F2 key on most systems), and configure the BIOS boot
process so that the network card is the first entry in the boot list. In some BIOS, there is an option to
enable boot on network. On other BIOS, you must manually set the LAN (also called NET, or Other) as
the first device of the boot order.

Chapter 7. OS management problems


If all of these steps fail, try to obtain a flash memory upgrade from your network card vendor, and flash
the network card rom with the newest upgrade. If the flash process fails, there is a chance that no
bootrom is installed on your network card.
If you are still not seeing the PXE messages, ask for support from your network card manufacturer.
Alternatively, you can create a network boot media to enable your target to connect to your OS
deployment server.

The bootrom displays DHCP... and times out

The following message is displayed:
The bootrom does not receive enough information to proceed further.
Either the DHCP server or the OS deployment server
is not correctly configured.

Resolving the problem

Check that your DHCP server is correctly configured as explained in DHCP server OS configuration. In
particular, check that option 60 is set to PXEClient if you are running the DHCP server and the PXE
server on the same target only.
If the DHCP server and the OS deployment server are on the same target, try to stop both servers, and
restart the two servers in the following order: DHCP server first, then the OS deployment server. If the
OS deployment server is started first, it might reserve the DHCP port, thus preventing the DHCP server
to start.
Check your DHCP configuration: run Windows or Linux on your remote-boot target, and configure the
network to use dynamic configuration instead of fixed IP address. If this works (run winipcfg or
ipconfig on a Windows computer, ifconfig on a Linux computer), then the DHCP server is correctly
configured for this target. Otherwise, check your DHCP server OS configuration, so that the remote-boot
target is assigned an IP address, a netmask and a default gateway.
If your server is correctly configured (including option 60), and the target still displays DHCP... followed
by an error, check your OS deployment server OS configuration. Stop the OS deployment server, then run
rembo.exe -d -v 6, and start the remote-boot target. When starting, the server displays a line saying
whether it is acting as a DHCP Proxy or a BINL Proxy. If the DHCP server and the OS deployment server
are on the same target, the OS deployment server acts as a BINL proxy. If they are on different hosts, the
server acts as a DHCP proxy. If the server displays a message saying it acts as a BINL proxy, but the two
servers are not on the same target, it means that there is a DHCP server installed on the computer where
you have installed .
When a target starts, and DHCP is correctly configured, the OS deployment server (in debug mode)
displays Valid discovery from... followed by target... found in group.... If the server displays the
first line, but displays target... not found in any group instead of the second line, it means that your
configuration file does not contain a default group, and that the remote-boot target is not declared in any
group (the target must be declared with its hardware address, not its IP address).
If the server does not display the message Valid discovery request from..., then option 60 on the
DHCP server is not correctly set, or the OS deployment server and the DHCP server are not on the same
subnet. If you have installed on a multi-homed target (a computer with more than one network card, or
with a dialup adapter), use the Interfaces option to specify which network interface to use.
If it still does not work, send a report to your IBM Software Support representative with the following


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide


All the files from the logs directory of the OS deployment server
The OS configuration information for your DHCP server
The OS configuration information for your OS deployment server
A memory dump of the network traffic between the servers and the remote-boot target (use the MS
Network Monitor on Windows NT/2000)

The bootrom displays MTFTP..., and an error message

The following error message is displayed:
The bootrom was unable to receive the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment
bootstrap from the server.

Resolving the problem

If the delay between the MTFTP.. message and the error message is short, and the message explains that a
file was not found, then the target you have installed on already runs a TFTP server (and this TFTP
server answers request for the OS deployment server). If you are using Windows 2000/2008/XP/Vista on
the server, check the list of services, and disable services related to TFTP or Boot protocols (including
Intel LCM and Microsoft PXE,).
If the delay between the MTFTP.. message and the error message is long, the multicast TFTP datagrams
sent by the provisioning server are not being received by the remote-boot target. If you have installed on
a multi-homed computer, use the Interfaces parameter to specify which network interface to use for
multicast packets.
If it still does not work, send a report to your IBM Software Support representative with the following
v All the files from the logs directory of the provisioning server
v The OS configuration information for your DHCP server
v The OS configuration information for your OS deployment server
v A memory dump of the network traffic between the servers and the remote-boot target (use the MS
Network Monitor on Windows 2000/2008/XP/Vista)

Deployment is locked in an endless loop

Some erroneous manipulations might put the deployment process in an endless loop, for instance, if a
deployment process does not finish.

Resolving the problem

During the three seconds where the screen is displayed before continuing, click Abort and Restart. This
breaks the loop and allows the computer to resume working on the data left on the hard disk or network.

Windows 2000/2003/2008/XP/Vista reports that it has discovered a new

In some cases, Windows 2000/2003/2008/XP/Vista/7 might report the detection of a new device and ask
for a reboot after restoring an image using , even if the image was made on the same hardware.

Chapter 7. OS management problems


Resolving the problem

There are two causes of a Windows redetection of hardware:
v Restoring an image on the exact same kind of hardware but on another computer. Some components
(including the hard drive) include a unique serial number. This is not visible when deploying an image
in Sysprep because Sysprep handles the redetection silently, but this can affect a restoration if Sysprep
mini-setup had not been used during the creation of the image.
v A change in the partition size. Windows 2000/2003/2008/XP/Vista/7 stores information regarding the
operating system partition layout in the registry, and might need a reboot if the partition has changed.
This is typically not visible when deploying an image in Sysprep because Sysprep handles the
redetection silently, but it can affect a plain restoration. In some cases, it can affect a typical
deployment, if the operating system partition goes to the end of the disk, because needs to resize it
temporarily to store its image files during the deployment. The workaround is to have another
partition after the operating system partition, so that the operating system partition itself is not resized
during the deployment.

Occasional MTFTP timeout (on multihomed server)

When a server network connection is lost and then recovered, the targets report an MTFTP timeout after
receiving their DHCP lease.

Resolving the problem

This is because Windows 2000 automatically closes all sockets when a network connection is lost. A
workaround is to restart the provisioning server after the network is up again. A long-term fix is to
disable the Windows 2000 media sensing on the network card, on the server.
More information about this topic can be found in Microsoft knowledge base, under the title How to
Disable Media Sense for TCP/IP in Windows 2000.

Linux deployment fails because a file cannot not be downloaded

When deploying a Linux profile, the deployment fails with a message indicating that a specific file cannot
not be downloaded and then providing you with the expected path to this file.

Resolving the problem

In some cases of Linux deployment, the OS deployment server algorithm designed to discover the name
of disk devices does not provide an accurate answer. You can try to set another disk device name in the
profile configuration.
1. Go to Deployment > OS Management > Images. Select the image, then the image Properties tab.
2. Click Edit in the Fixed UNIX-specific properties banner.
3. Set Disk device to a name not mentioned in the file path of the error message.
4. Run the deployment again.
If these steps do not solve the problem, repeat the steps once more but choose another disk device name.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Windows Vista/2008/7 prompts you for an Administrator user name

during deployment
Problem description
Windows Vista/2008/7 prompts you for an Administrator user name during deployment.
Problem resolution
If Windows Vista/2008/7 prompts you for an Administrator user name, it is because Windows
Vista/2008/7 requires a new local account when starting for the first time. If you want to avoid being
prompted for an Administrator user name, provide it in the image properties.

OS deployment server stops responding

The OS deployment server might stop responding if too many ports are already in use and it does not
have any left for communication.

Under Windows, the OS deployment server stops responding without any apparent cause.

This might be due to the limited number of port and sockets available by default on Windows operating
systems. Use of the Java API might cause to reach this limit.

Resolving the problem

You can try to solve this problem by allowing TCP to assign higher port numbers than the default 5000
and providing a smaller waiting time, in seconds, before TCP can release a closed connection. To do so:
1. Stop the OS deployment server
2. Edit the following registry keys and provide the values suggested
"HKLM/system/CurrentControlSet/Services/TcpIp/Parameters/MaxUserPort" = 65534
"HKLM/system/CurrentControlSet/Services/TcpIp/Parameters/TCPTimedWaitDelay" = 30

3. Restart you OS deployment server.

Larger swap partition than expected

Sometimes, when installing a Linux operating system using unattended setup, the swap partition created
is larger than the value which was set in the system profile.

The size of the swap partition on a Linux operating system after unattended deployment is larger than
the size set in the unattended system profile.

The unattended installation uses the swap partition and requires a larger space than set on the system
profile details.

Resolving the problem

There is no workaround. You must consider that the size of the swap partition set in the system profile is
the minimum size on the installed target, and not the exact size.
Chapter 7. OS management problems


Incorrect fonts on the target screen

Names appearing correctly in the OS deployment server cannot be properly viewed on the screen of the

Underscores _ appear on the screen of the target instead of the expected name which displays correctly
on the OS deployment server.

The correct fonts are not loaded to the target because the language of the OS deployment server does not
use these fonts. The problematic characters are shown as underscores _.

Resolving the problem

Use names with fonts that are compatible with the language of the OS deployment server.

Rerunning an image capture task fails

You receive the error COPDEX123E A InvalidImageID exception occurred. The exception was caused by
the following problem: Invalid image ID when you rerun an image capture task.

Rerunning of image capture tasks is not supported.

Resolving the problem

Create a new image capture task.

Deployment fails on some Broadcom network adapters

On some Broadcom network adapters, a firmware defect prevents successful deployment or

Deployment or redeployment fails during network transfers on some targets with either one of the
following Broadcom chips:
v BCM5700
v BCM5701
v BCM5702
v BCM5703
v BCM5704
These Broadcom chips can be potentially included in the following IBM servers, among other IBM and
non-IBM servers:
v HS20
v LS20
v x335
v x355


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

v x3655

This is a firmware defect which cannot be fixed in Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment.

Diagnosing the problem

On the target, you see a message starting with BROKEN FIRMWARE DETECTED FOR YOUR

Resolving the problem

This issue can only be fixed by an update of your firmware with the correct PXE level. Table 12 indicates
which PXE level must be updated and the minimal PXE level to be reached.
Table 12. PXE levels
Problematic PXE level

Correct PXE level


9.0.13 or above


10.4.10 or above


10.4.10 or above


11.4.0 or above

Contact your hardware support to obtain a new firmware version with the required PXE level.

PowerPC does not reboot on hard disk at the end of a deployment

At the final reboot of a PowerPC deployment, the target sometimes reboots either in the SMS menu or
in the Open Firmware prompt instead of on the hard disk.

The origin of the problem seems to reside in the version of the firmware and in the operating system
which was previously deployed on the target.

Resolving the problem

v If the target boots into the SMS menu at the end of the deployment:
1. Select Boot options
2. Select Boot device
3. Select Hard drive
and your target will boot on the hard drive.
v If the target boots into the Open Firmware prompt at the end of the deployment, run boot disk and
your target will boot on the hard drive.

SLES deployment on PowerPC switches to interactive

A SuSE Linux Enterprise Server deployment on a PowerPC with multiple network cards switches to
interactive installation when it is not registered with its first network card in the OS deployment server.


Chapter 7. OS management problems


You are deploying a SuSE Linux Enterprise Server system profile on a PowerPC target with more than
one network card. The deployment starts, searches for a DHCP address for its first network card and
does not find it. The message Sending DHCP request for <firstnetworkcard> is displayed, where
<firstnetworkcard> is the name of the first network card of the target. The target switches to interactive

You have registered you target with a network card which is not the first.

Resolving the problem

2. Select Unix.
3. Click Edit to edit the Fixed UNIX-specific prop..
4. Update the field Net boot device to reflect the network card which was used when registering the
target in the OS deployment server.
5. Once your configuration is updated with the appropriate network card, you can start the deployment

The Web interface extension is not detected

Sometimes, the Web interface extension is not correctly detected on UNIX and Linux OS deployment

The Web interface extension is correctly installed and is running, but it is not detected by the OS
deployment server. A red icon for the Web interface extension is displayed.

The OS deployment server is not listening to the correct interface and cannot therefore detect the Web
interface extension.

Resolving the problem

1. Open rbagent.log and find the last occurrence Connect xx.xx.xx.xx -> yy.yy.yy.yy where
xx.xx.xx.xx and yy.yy.yy.yy are both IP addresses of the OS deployment server.
2. Take note of the yy.yy.yy.yy.
3. Edit /etc/hosts.
4. Move or add the line with the yy.yy.yy.yy before the line with the localhost interface (
5. Restart the OS deployment server daemon.
Now, the OS deployment server can resolve the host name properly and detect the Web interface

Firmware error during Linux deployment on PowerPC

SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 10 deployment fails on PowerPC, after the files are copied on the
target and the target is restarted. The installation process cannot continue because a firmware exception is



IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

When deploying a SLES 10 on PowerPC, the deployment starts correctly. The YAST installer installs files
on the target and correctly restarts the target to continue the installation process with target
configuration. However, when the target restarts once more, the installation process stops because a
firmware exception is caught. The target hangs.
When using the same media to install the target manually, the installation proceeds smoothly.

This seems to happen only on old firmware.

Resolving the problem

Update the firmware of the target and try deploying again.

Linux deployment of unattended setup image fails with space error

When deploying a Linux profile, the deployment fails with the message No space left on device.

Resolving the problem

To work around this, increase the size of the swap partition on the hard drive of your target computer.

Error message COPCOM730E on Windows

If you are working on Windows and your target system does not expose the cpu.type property under
hardware resources, you will receive this error message.

You receive the error message: COPCOM730E: The target computer does not satisfy the requirements for
the configuration template.

If you are working on Windows and your target system does not expose the cpu.type property under
hardware resources, you will receive this error message.

Resolving the problem

For information about how to work around this error, see: Creating child OS deployment servers

Physical to physical operating system migration of Linux might stop

When performing a physical to physical operating system migration of Linux, the migration might stop
due to ACPI issues.

Resolving the problem

When performing a physical to physical operating system migration for Linux platforms, ensure that the
base architectures of the source computer and target computer are similar as much as possible. In
particular the ACPI / APIC architecture of both computers must be the same to ensure that the migration
ends successfully.
Chapter 7. OS management problems


Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment installation discovery

on zLinux fails with permission error
When the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment installation discovery is run after the
installation of Tivoli Provisioning Manager on zLinux, the following error occurs:
COPDEX123E A TPMfOSdDiscoveryError exception occurred.
The exception was caused by the following problem:
Unable to discover parent boot server for server at id: <server_id>.
Ensure this discovery is run first against the parent boot server
before discovering child servers.
Error message: ./ line 49: return:
can only `return from a function or sourced script
cat: /opt/IBM/tpmfos/rembo.conf: Permission denied.

Resolving the problem

Ensure that the permissions of the opt/IBM/tpmfos directory are set to 0755 before running the discovery.

Importing Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment Clients

In an integrated environment, importing targets from a file into Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS
Deployment and have them replicated to TPM is not feasible since this requires that the user knows the
UUID for each target.

Resolving the problem

A solution for this is to insert targets from an xml file using the TPM web interface. You also need to
ensure that computers MAC address is filled in and that the flag Net boot enabled is set. Once the
targets are inserted from the xml file into TPM, the replication to Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS
Deployment will occur during the first deployment/capture operation on the target.

Wake on LAN does not work on Linux systems

Before shutting down a Linux computer, a command needs to be run on each port in order for Wake on
LAN to be enabled.

When installing an image using Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment on a computer that
supports Wake on LAN, Tivoli Provisioning Manager supports powering on the computer using Wake on
LAN. Wake on LAN does not work on some Red Hat Linux and SLES systems after the computer was
shut down normally.

Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment can be installed on the following platforms that might
be affected by this limitation:
v Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL): version 4 (i386)
v SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), version 9 and version 10 (i386)

Resolving the problem


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

To enable Wake on LAN, run the following command for each port that supports Wake on LAN before
shutting down the Linux computer:
ethtool -s <target_port> wol g

Where <target_port> is the ethernet port. For example, eth0 or eth1.

This can be done in a network startup script.
This command enables the Wake on LAN on the target port.

Images captured from double-byte character operating systems install

as English
To resolve this problem, the configuration template for the image needs to be changed.

When images of UNIX, Linux, and Solaris operating systems are captured on computers displaying
double-byte characters (DBCS), they are installed as English to a target computer. For example, an image
of a Japanese Red Hat operating system is installed as English.

Resolving the problem

To resolve this problem:
1. Capture the image.
2. Click Go To > Deployment > OS Management > Images.
3. Select the new image.
4. Click the Software Stack link.
5. Expand the Configuration Templates section and then expand the available template.
6. Edit the template.
a. Find the Language parameter. Click Actions and select Edit Parameter.
b. Set the language locale to the correct value. Save your changes.
When the image is installed, it will display in the original language.

Chapter 7. OS management problems



IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 8. Software distribution and installation problems

This section describes how to recover from software distribution and installation problems.

File distribution between a dual stack computer and a computer

supporting only IPv4, fails
File distribution between a computer with dual stack configuration and a computer supporting IPv4
addressing only fails with the following error:
Error while attempting file transfer:
Cannot obtain an InputStream to a file after download failed.,
cause: Cannot obtain an InputStream
to a file after download failed.

The depot server is inactive and the download plan must include a peer from the zone. The dual stack
computer is registered in the dynamic content delivery administration console with IPv6 address format.
The dynamic content delivery administration console only records the IPv6 address format of the dual
stack computer, and this information is used in the download plan for the IPv4 computer. The IPv4
endpoint is not able to download the file from the peer even though the peer has a dual stack
configuration. The dynamic content delivery administration console continues to prepare the download
plans until the dynamic content delivery timeout occurs (the dynamic content delivery default timeout
value is set to approximately 2 hours). Because the IPv4 endpoint is not able to download the file, the
task fails.

Resolving the problem

To avoid this issue, choose one of the following options:
v Restart the depot server and Tivoli Common Agent Services.
v Distribute the file to an IPv4 computer first or to a dual stack computer on which the IPv4 address
format is registered in the dynamic content delivery administration console.

File distribution times out if the device manager service timeout is set
to one hour
The file distribution times out if the device manager service timeout value is set to one hour.

The depot server is inactive. The target computer is not able to connect to the peers which contain the file
to be downloaded. Therefore, the file download does not take place and the task times out.

Resolving the problem

Consider one of the following options to resolve this problem:

Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2011


v From the provisioning global settings, change the value for the variable DMS.Job.Interval.In.hours to 2
hours or more.
v Restart the depot server and then restart the Tivoli Common Agent services.
v Distribute the file to an IPv4 computer or to a dual stack computer registered with an IPv4 address in
the Dynamic Content Delivery management center.
To check the endpoint IP address registered on the Dynamic Content Delivery management center, follow
the next steps:
1. Open the Dynamic Content Delivery properties file:





Red Hat



C:\Program Files\tivoli\ep\runtime\agent\subagents\
v Windows
2. In the properties file, ensure that the key value pair of user_ip is IPv4 address. If you change the file
key value pair, then you must also change the value initial_login_done=true to false.

3. In <Tivoli Common Agent installation directory\runtime\agent\bin, run restart or

endpoint.bat stop
4. Run endpoint.bat start

Software package distribution overwritten by installation

When you manually do a distribution first before installing a software package, a second software
package is created even though the files have not changed since the first packaging, and the manual
distribution is overwritten.

If you manually do a distribution of a software package before you install it, the software package
redistributes automatically during installation, overwriting the first distribution in the process and
making it unnecessary.

Software packages (but not software package blocks) are distributed and installed at the same time by
default. They normally do not do the two tasks separately. When you manually do a distribution first
before installing a software package, a second software package is created even though the files have not
changed since the first packaging. Because this second software package was created with a different
MD5 hash, the result is that the whole software package gets redistributed, overwriting the first
distribution in the process.

Resolving the problem

Use software package blocks (SPBs) instead of software packages, because software package blocks are
not affected by this limitation and allow you to distribute and install separately.
Note: While the default software packages have this limitation, it is possible to design your own
workflows that do not have this problem, even without using software package blocks.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Software product distribution to target computers fails when filtered

by group
The software products do not have logical management operation implemented, the target computers
were not enabled for scalable distribution infrastructure , or the target computer filtering was done using
the By Group option.

Distribution of software products that do not have the SoftwareInstallable.Distribute logical
management operation implemented on target computers that are not SDI enabled fails with the
following error if the target computers were filtered using the By Group option:
COPDEX137E: There is no workflow that implements the VALUE_0 logical operation
associated with device VALUE_1.

The following factors contribute to this failure:
v The software products that have been selected for distribution do not have the
SoftwareInstallable.Distribute logical management operation implemented.
v The computers targeted for distribution are not SDI enabled, which means that they have do not have
an SDI-SAP defined.
v The target computer filtering was done using the By Group option.

Resolving the problem

Do the software product distribution by first filtering the target computers By Computer, and then
consider the following behavior when making the software and computer selections on the Distribute
Software Products page:
v If no software product is selected in the Selected Software section, the list of target computers under
Selected Targets displays only the computers that have an SDI-SAP defined.
v If one or more software products that do not have the SoftwareInstallable.Distribute logical
management operation implemented are selected, then only the computers that have an SDI-SAP
defined are listed.
v If one or more software products that all have the SoftwareInstallable.Distribute logical
management operation implemented are selected, then all the target computers are listed, regardless of
whether they are SDI-enabled or not.

Software publish task fails

The software publish task fails

After successfully migrating the server, the File Publish operation does not work. One or more error
messages similar to the following messages might be displayed:
COPDEX040E An unexpected deployment engine exception occurred:
COPINF002E Failed to publish file: /opt/IBM/tivoli/tpm/repository/TCA_upgrade_SPB/spb/TCA_upgrade_AIX.spb
with id 46210 to CDS depot servers.
CTGDEC029E The file, TCA_upgrade_AIX.spb, could not be uploaded successfully to any of the depot servers
chosen by the management center.
CTGDEC035E The upload proxy certificate was denied by the depot server.
The file, downloadGridtmp15101073668464212321247841674319, could not be uploaded to server:

Chapter 8. Software distribution problems


This problem is due to the time difference between the depot and the server.

Resolving the problem

Align the time on the depot with the time on the server.

Installation of a software package on some 7.1 UNIX or Linux targets

does not work correctly
You try to install a software package on a 7.1 UNIX or Linux target computer and the installation
apparently completes correctly. However, the software package is not present on the target computer.

You upgrade the Provisioning Manager server from version 7.1 to version 7.1.1. You also upgrade the
depot from version to version You then try to install a software package on a 7.1 UNIX or
Linux target computer and the installation apparently completes correctly. However, the software package
is not present on the target computer.

This problem is due to an internal defect in the subagent code which is resolved in Provisioning
Manager, version 7.1.1.

Resolving the problem

Upgrade the agent to Provisioning Manager, version 7.1.1 and repeat the installation.

Software product distribution fails on HP-UX target computer

When trying to install a software package block (.SPB file) on a HP-UX target computer with Tivoli
common agent (TCA) version, the following error is displayed:
COPINF050E Failed to install software product PackageExample with error:
Installation of package PackageExample failed with return code [137], and message:
sh[3]: SHLIB_PATH: not found
sh[3]: SystemDrive: not found
/usr/lib/hpux32/ Unable to find library
sh[3]: 5792 Killed; return code = 137

This is a known issue with the 7.1 software package block handler.

Resolving the problem

It is recommended that you upgrade the HP-UX target computers to TCA version to resolve this


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Deleting and re-creating the depot causes distributions to fail

You delete and re-create a depot. The operation completes successfully but subsequent distributions fail.

When you try publish a file after re-creating the depot, a series of messages like the following messages
is returned:
COPDEX040E An unexpected deployment engine exception occurred:
COPINF002E Failed to publish file:
C:/Program Files/IBM/tivoli/tpm/repository/testtextfile5.txt with ID
16444 to CDS depot servers.
CTGDEC030E The management center was unable to find potential depot servers to upload the file.
The file, testtextfile5.txt, could not be uploaded. Make sure that there is at least one
active depot server available,
that it has enough space to store the file, and that it is not in
an unreachable or restricted zone.

If you delete a depot without uninstalling the depot stack, then re-create the depot, the correct server
version and disk space information are missing in the management center administrative console

Resolving the problem

You can perform one of the following operations:
v Uninstall the depot stack before reinstalling the depot.
v Restart the depot after reinstalling if you have not uninstalled it

Canceled task does not cancel jobs in progress

When a task is canceled, its job is canceled only on the provisioning server.

When a file distribution task is canceled, agents that have already started processing the job will continue
processing it. Results for the additional jobs that are in progress to finish the (now canceled) job are
communicated back to the provisioning server.

When a task is canceled, its job is canceled only on the provisioning server. This does not stop any agent
that has already begun processing the job.

Resolving the problem

To cancel the additional jobs that are run by the agents, restart the corresponding endpoints.

Task status is not updated when distributing or installing software

Database lock time-outs might occur when submitting a software product distribution or installation task
with over 10000 targets.

Chapter 8. Software distribution problems


When you are distributing or installing software products, database lock time-outs occur and the task
status is not updated.

Database lock time-outs might occur when submitting a software product distribution or installation task
with over 10000 targets.

Resolving the problem

1. Stop Tivoli Provisioning Manager.
2. Connect to the database from a DB2 command window.
3. Increase the LOCKTIMEOUT configuration parameter to 10 minutes: db2 update db cfg using
4. Restart the database.
5. Start Tivoli Provisioning Manager.
6. Allow the status of the existing task to finish updating. If the task does not complete successfully,
cancel it and submit a new task.

Problems associating discovered software resources with software

You can only associate a discovered software resource with a software product, patch, or operating
system software definition.

When you manually associate a discovered software resource on a computer with a software definition,
you can only select a software product, patch, or operating system software definition.
The following scenario is described:
v You manually associated a discovered software resource on a computer with a software stack
v When you look at the properties of the software stack, no software modules are displayed.
v Compliance checking also incorrectly defines the software stack as missing when the software stack is
included in the server template.

You can only associate a discovered software resource with a software product, patch, or operating
system software definition. Associations with a software stack or distributed application are not

Resolving the problem

Avoid associating software stacks or distributed applications with identified software resources on a


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Linux on IBM System z fails to import a software signature

The 1024MB that is required for the task to run is too large for the Java virtual memory (JVM). Change
the amount of required memory.

You cannot import a software signature when using Linux on IBM System z.

An out of memory exception occurs because the 1024MB that is required for the task to run is too large
for the Java virtual memory (JVM).

Resolving the problem

Change the required memory and then manually run the script to import a software signature. To change
the memory, follow these steps:
1. Open a terminal window and go to the tools directory by typing cd $TIO_HOME/tools.
2. Open the script for editing.

3. Replace Xmx1024m with Xmx900m.

4. From the $TIO_HOME/tools folder, run the script to import the software signature

Out of memory when querying for software signatures

To avoid this problem, you need to manage your large object (LOB) locators appropriately.

Running a query using the JDBC type 2 driver to pull all Windows software signatures might cause the
computer to run out of memory.

Resolving the problem

To avoid this problem, you need to manage your large object (LOB) locators appropriately. To do this,
add the following line to the sqllib/cfg/db2cli.ini file:

This entry ensures that the command line interface frees a LOB locator when the next LOB is to be

Software stack installation fails

During the installation of a software stack, more than one status update appears in the status update
window and installation fails.
The following is an example of the error that might be logged in the console.log file:
2008-06-20 09:28:01,022 DEBUG [Status Updater] ( dms.DmsService:
Dms Status Count=2
2008-06-20 09:28:01,023 DEBUG [Status Updater] ( dms.DmsService:
2008-06-20 09:28:01,041 DEBUG [Status Updater] ( dms.DmsService:
Chapter 8. Software distribution problems


tm != null
2008-06-20 09:28:01,058 DEBUG [Status Updater] (
djs completion status = STARTED for agent 142579
2008-06-20 09:28:01,077 DEBUG [Status Updater] (
2008-06-20 09:28:01,081 DEBUG [Status Updater] (
tm != null
2008-06-20 09:28:01,084 DEBUG [Status Updater] (
djs completion status = OK for agent 142579
2008-06-20 09:28:01,095 ERROR [Status Updater] (
Failed to process job results: Job Id = 121395021637614776
2008-06-20 09:28:01,097 ERROR [Status Updater] (


Resolving the problem

Update the Oracle JDBC driver from version to by performing one of the following
procedures. You can download the Oracle JDBC driver version from the Oracle website.
There are two ways to update the Oracle JDBC driver.
Method 1
Using this method, all components that were using the version driver now use the version driver. Perform the following steps:

In the Oracle installation JDBC directory, backup the ojdbc14.jar file as ojdbc14_10201.jar.
Copy the new ojdbc14_10202.jar to the Oracle installation JDBC directory and rename it to ojdbc14.jar.
Restart the ./ server.
Restart Oracle.

Method 2
Using this method, only DMS uses the version driver. All other components will use the version driver. Perform the following steps:

Copy the ojdbc14_10202.jar file to the Oracle installation JDBC directory.

Open the WebSphere Administrative Console from http://localhost:9061/ibm/console.
Expand the Environment section.
In Environment, click the WebSphere variables link.
In the variables table, click the DMS_ORA_JDBCPATH variable.

6. In the Value field, specify a path to the ojdbc14_10202.jar.

7. Click Apply and Save.
8. Restart the ./ server.
9. Restart Oracle.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 9. Compliance problems

This section contains known limitations regarding compliance checks and compliance recommendations.
On the Compliance tab of the Provisioning Computers application, the filter of the Compliance Checks
field is disabled.
On the Recommendations tab of the Provisioning Computers application, the filter of the Compliance
Recommendations field enables you to filter the recommendations only by Recommendation ID. This
limited filtering option is due to the following behavior of the base services: the base services
infrastructure does not allow you to filter non persistent objects.

Compliance checks are duplicated if computer belongs to multiple

If a computer belongs to more than one group, the compliance checks of those groups might conflict with
each other.

A computer has a compliance check listed more than once.

This occurs when a computer is a member of more than one group and two or more of these groups
define the same compliance check. Because each compliance check has specific settings, they can be set
up differently from each other, and there might be conflicting compliance checks.
For example, one group might require that a certain software product be installed, and another group,
that the computer belongs to, might prohibit the same software.

Resolving the problem

This can be resolved by using the Ignore action on one of the recommendations associated with the
duplicate check, or by changing the group memberships of the computer to avoid the conflict.

Compliance checks are duplicated if computer belongs to a group

If a computer is part of a group, the compliance checks of the computer and of the group might conflict
with each other.

A computer has a compliance check listed more than once.

This occurs when the same compliance check is defined for a computer and also for at least one group to
which that computer belongs. Because each compliance check has specific settings, they can be set up
differently from each other, and there might be conflicting compliance checks.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2011


For example, one group might require that a certain software product be installed, and one of the
computers in the group might prohibit the same software.

Resolving the problem

This can be resolved by using the Ignore action on one of the recommendations associated with the
duplicate check, or by changing the group memberships of the computer to avoid the conflict.

Compliance inventory scan will not run

The common agent must be installed on the target machines when running certain compliance checks.

The compliance inventory scan will not finish successfully.

If you are running a compliance inventory scan on a target computer or group for any of the following
compliance checks:
v AIX Activity Logging
v AIX Remote Root Login
v Linux System Logging

UNIX File Permissions

UNIX Services
Windows Antivirus
Windows Event Logging
Windows File Permissions
Windows Firewall



Screen Saver
Unauthorized Guest Access
User Password

then the common agent must be installed on the target machines. If the common agent is not installed,
then the compliance inventory scan will fail.

Resolving the problem

To resolve this problem, run the compliance inventory scan again after installing the common agent.
Alternatively, you can remove any of the compliance checks listed above from your computer or group,
and then run the inventory scan again.

Compliance check settings cannot be modified

If a computer is a member of a group, it inherits all of the compliance checks of its parent group. You
cannot modify an inherited compliance check directly.

You cannot modify a compliance check directly when it is inherited from another group.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

If a computer is a member of a group, it inherits all of the compliance checks of its parent group. These
compliance checks are listed in the Compliance tab for the computer, but you cannot modify an inherited
compliance check directly.

Resolving the problem

To edit inherited compliance checks, you must work directly with the group they are inherited from. To
access the parent group for a compliance check, click its name in the Group column.

EMAILTYPE translation errors

The WORK keyword was translated in some languages which break the security code on non-English
install of Tivoli Provisioning Manager

New users are created successfully. But those users are not listed in the user interface. This can only
happen on a non-English installation of Tivoli Provisioning Manager.

The value of the EMAILTYPE domain was translated.

Resolving the problem

Workaround on non-English provisioning server:
1. Login to Maximo UI as a admin user
2. Go To > SystemConfiguration > Platform Configuration > Domains > Emailtype
3. Change the entry to WORK
4. Restart the server and any outstanding VMMSync tasks.

Compliance check does not recognize that Windows Native firewall is

This is a known limitation if the computer is the member of a domain. It can be ignored.

The following message is given when you run a Windows Firewall compliance check on a computer that
is using Windows Native Firewall, and when the Track traffic setting is set to Yes:
Change the value of the "Track traffic" setting for the firewall
software "Windows Native Firewall" to match the compliant value "true"

This occurs even when the firewall is active.

This occurs if the computer is the member of a domain. This is a known limitation.

Resolving the problem

You can ignore this recommendation by selecting it in the Recommendation page and clicking Ignore.
You can also specify the reason you have chosen to ignore the recommendation.
Chapter 9. Compliance problems


No recommendation after Linux System Logging check

The SCM collector agent of the common agent does not collect syslog information on SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server 10 (x86 32-bit).

You receive no recommendation after running a Linux System Logging check on SUSE Linux Enterprise
Server 10 (x86 32-bit).

The SCM collector agent of the common agent does not collect syslog information about SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server 10 (x86 32-bit).

Remediation task cannot be run

You cannot perform a remediation task if you have not approved the related recommendation from the
web interface.

You attempt to perform a remediation task but you receive the following error message:
The recommendation with ID: ID_number is not in a valid state for the run action

You cannot perform a remediation task if you have not approved the related recommendation from the
web interface.

Resolving the problem

Verify the compliance recommendation state and, if needed, approve the recommendation before trying
to run the remediation task.

Incorrect recommendation generated by password security check

When the BIOS properties of a specific computer do not contain the power-on password setting value, it
cannot be detected by Tivoli Provisioning Manager Inventory Discovery, and an incorrect
recommendation is generated.

When you define a Windows Power-On Password security check in the Compliance tab and run a scan
and check task on a computer, the following incorrect recommendation might be generated:
Run an inventory scan to discover information about
the "Windows Power-on Password" setting for this computer

This error occurs when the BIOS properties of a specific computer do not contain the power-on password
setting value. In this case the information about the power-on password cannot be detected by the Tivoli
Provisioning Manager Inventory Discovery and a wrong recommendation is generated.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

IBM WebSphere Application Server configuration generates incorrect

To ensure that the WebSphere Application Server configuration compliance is correctly checked, create the
software configuration template check using the Profile: default installation option.

When you create a software configuration template for a WebSphere Application Server installation,
selecting IBM WebSphere Application Server - xxx for both creating the template and defining the
software configuration check, the recommendation generated after running a compliance scan and check
might become incorrect, and cause the following message to be displayed:
Define the configuration settings on the computer for the software installation
"Profile: default" to match the compliant value.

The TADDM discovery populates the data model with IBM WebSphere Application Server - xxx as the
base WebSphere Application Server installation. This object contains only some installation parameters.
When the compliance check is run, the parameters are checked also against Profile: default as the base
WebSphere Application Server installation. This generates recommendations that are incorrect.

Resolving the problem

To ensure that the WebSphere Application Server configuration compliance is correctly checked, create the
software configuration template check using the Profile: default installation option.

Compliance log file locations

List of compliance log file locations for troubleshooting purposes.

Web interface errors

If you encounter compliance management errors in the Web interface, check the following log for details:
v Windows: %TIO_LOGS%\j2ee\console.log
v All other platforms: $TIO_LOGS/j2ee/console.log

Compliance and remediation processing errors

If you encounter compliance and remediation processing errors, check the following log for details:
v Windows: %TIO_LOGS%\console.log
v All other platforms: $TIO_LOGS/console.log

Using SCM collector and SCMCollectorSubagent result XML files

The subagent and collector output XML files can be used for troubleshooting compliance related
problems. In order to obtain them, you must turn on debugging for the common agent:
1. Open the plugin_customization.ini file:
v Windows: C:\Program Files\tivoli\ep\runtime\base\rcp\plugin_customization.ini
v Linux or Solaris: /opt/tivoli/ep/runtime/base/rcp/plugin_customization.ini
v AIX: /usr/tivoli/ep/runtime/base/rcp/plugin_customization.ini
2. Change the value of WARNING to ALL.
3. Restart the common agent and run the inventory scan.
Chapter 9. Compliance problems


XML files will be generated on the target computer in the common agent installation directory. The files
will have the following name patterns: scm_<hostname>_collectors<timestamp>.xml and


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 10. Patch management problems

This section describes how to recover from patch management problems.

Multiple patch installation times out and fails

This is a known limitation. See Microsoft Support for more information.

When trying to perform a multiple patch installation, some patch installations might fail. The following
error message is displayed:
COPCOM116E The operation timed out.

Microsoft limitations regarding multiple patch installation can cause some patch installations to fail.

Resolving the problem

If you are having problems installing a particular patch, you might need to perform some steps manually
to finish the installation. See Microsoft article 296861 for more information at http://

Duplicate patch recommendations from OS Patches and Updates

You can either ignore the duplicate recommendations, or you can remove one of the compliance checks in
OS Patches and Updates and then run the check again.

Duplicate patch recommendations are listed in the OS Patches and Updates compliance check.

If your computer has compliance checks from both OS Patches and Updates and from its provisioning
group, then the patch recommendations for it will be generated twice.
For example, if your computer has 20 patch recommendations because of the OS Patches and Updates
compliance check being run, these issues will be listed twice in the Recommendations tab (once for each
check) and a total of 40 patch recommendations will be listed in the General tab for the computer.
However, if you access the Issues and Recommendations tab for a specific check, the patch
recommendations will only be listed once.

Resolving the problem

You can either ignore the duplicate recommendations, or you can remove one of the compliance checks in
OS Patches and Updates and then run the check again.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2011


Error when downloading Windows 2003 Service Pack 2

This is a known issue that is acknowledged by Microsoft. If you encounter this error, install the service
pack manually.

If you are using a Windows XP computer as your Microsoft patch download server, you might receive an
Out of Disk error when attempting to download the 32-bit version of Windows 2003 Service Pack 2.

There is a maximum download size restriction on the WinHTTP COM object that Microsoft provides with
some versions of Windows, and is a limitation that is acknowledged by Microsoft.

Resolving the problem

Install the service pack manually:
1. Click Go To > IT Infrastructure > Software Catalog > Software Products.
2. Click the product name.
3. Click New Installable.
4. Type a name for the installable.
5. Set File Repository to LocalFileRepository.
6. In the Installable Path field, type $TIO_HOME/repository/wua/updates/<installable_ID>, where
<installable_ID> is the software installable ID. For example, if the <installable_ID> is 3603, the path
is $TIO_HOME/repository/wua/updates/3603.
7. Under Software Installables, click the software installable name.
8. Set the installable path to the relative path of the location from Step 6 (for example,
/wua/updates/3603) and click Save
As an alternative to installing the service pack manually, use Windows Server 2003 as the operating
system on the Microsoft patch download server.

Web interface problems

This section describes how to recover from web interface problems.

Installation of Service Pack 2 fails on Windows 2003 and Windows XP

The installation of Service Pack 2 (KB914961) on Windows 2003 and Windows XP (64 bit) target
computers fails when running a script remotely on the target computer.

The installation of Service Pack 2 (KB914961) on Windows 2003 and Windows XP (64 bit) target
computers fails when running a script remotely on the target computer. You receive the following error:
Error Code: 0x800705B3
Error Desc: This operation requires an interactive Windows station.



IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

This problem is due to a Microsoft limitation. The Service Pack 2 installer requires an interactive
Windows station when installing on Windows 2003 and Windows XP (64 bit) targets.

Resolving the problem

Currently, there is no resolution for this problem.

Windows Update Agent scan incorrectly reports missing patches

This known issue is caused by a WUA problem.

When attempting to install certain Windows patches, the installation reports success, but the Windows
Update Agent (WUA) scan does not find the patch installed. This problem might occur when attempting
to install patches that have been superseded by newer ones.

This known issue is caused by a WUA problem.

Windows Update Agent installation fails

Before installing Windows Update Agent (WUA) on the target computer, Provisioning Manager checks
for unsupported versions of WUA to uninstall them. The uninstallation might fail because Windows
Update Agent files are being used by another process.

The uninstallation of Windows Update Agent fails. A messages similar to the following might be
Windows Update Agent installation has failed because
some files are being used by another process.
Please reboot the endpoint and try to install WUA again.

The uninstallation might fail because Windows Update Agent files are being used by another process.

Resolving the problem

To solve this problem, perform the following steps:
1. Restart the target computer.
2. Install Windows Update Agent following the standard procedure.

Windows Update Agent installation fails on Windows Vista and

Windows 2008 computers
Before installing Windows Update Agent (WUA) on the target computer, Provisioning Manager checks
for unsupported versions of WUA to uninstall them. The uninstallation might fail because the version of
the Windows Update Agent installer is wrong.


Chapter 10. Patch management problems


Provisioning Manager is trying to uninstall an unsupported version of Windows Update Agent from the
target computer before installing a supported version. The following versions are not supported and must
be removed:
v 7.1.6001.65
v 7.2.6001.784
v 7.2.6001.788
The uninstallation of Windows Update Agent fails. One of the following messages, or a similar message,
might be displayed:
Cause: WUA version 7.1.6001.65 and the operating system Microsoft Windows
Server 2008 Enterprise are installed on the computer 52297. The supported
WUA located in the directory /wua/windowsupdateagent cannot be installed
with the Force option.
COPDEX123E A InstallationError exception occurred.
The exception was caused by the following problem:
Could not uninstall the unsupported WUA 7.2.6001.788 from the target computer.
To resolve the problem:
1. Reboot the target and run the WUA installation again.
2. Verify that the installer for WUA 7.2.6001.788 exists in
the directory /wua/windowsupdateagent/7.2.6001.788 in the file repository 1450.

The uninstallation might fail because the version of Windows Update Agent installer is wrong.

Resolving the problem

To solve this problem, perform the following steps:
1. Download and store the correct version of WUA in the /wua/windowsupdateagent/
WUA_version_number directory.
2. Restart the target computer.
3. Install Windows Update Agent following the standard procedure.

Cannot scan for missing patches on Windows 2008

After uninstalling an unsupported version of Windows Update Agent (WUA) from the target computer,
restart the target computer before scanning for missing patches.

You have uninstalled an unsupported version of Windows Update Agent, either manually or by
Provisioning Manager. When you try to scan for missing patches, the scan fails with the following error
COPCOM123E A shell command error occurred:
Exit code=1,
Error stream="",
Output stream="valid WSUS in registry
valid WUStatusServer in registry
Class doesnt support Automation
The scan operation has failed with the error code: 0x1AE
A possible cause might be that the system cannot connect to the
WSUS server or the Internet.
Also verify that TPM and/or WSUS is properly configured.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Uninstalling the unsupported Windows Update Agent automatically downgrades it to a supported

version. However, the scan fails because you must restart the target computer to complete the installation.

Resolving the problem

To solve this problem, perform the following steps:
1. Restart the target computer.
2. Run the scan again.

Windows patches are not installed

A patch that is approved on the web interface is not necessarily approved on the Microsoft Windows
Server Update Services (WSUS) server.

In a small Windows environment, after the following tasks are performed:
1. Acquire patches
2. Set up compliance
3. Scan for missing patches
4. Generate the list of recommendation for the target computers
5. Install the patches
When scanning for missing patches again to verify the compliance results, the patches that were installed
are still displayed in the recommendations list. Also, if running an inventory scan on the target
computers, the result of the scan shows that patches are not installed on the target computers.

The provisioning server does not communicate with the Microsoft Windows Server Update Services
(WSUS) server. As a result, a patch that is approved on the web interface is not necessarily approved on
the WSUS server.

Resolving the problem

There are two ways that you can resolve this problem:
v When you acquire the patches, make sure that you only acquire patches with an initial patch status of
APPROVED. This way, you only acquire the approved patches from the WSUS server and bring them into
the data model.
v If you already acquired all patches, make sure that after you approve a patch from the web interface,
you also to log on to the WSUS server, search for that patch that you approved and approve it on the
WSUS server as well.

Patch installation fails on Windows computers

Windows Update Agent 2.0 requires both BITS and Windows installer 3.1 to be installed to run properly.

Patch installation on Windows target computers fail and no patches are listed in the Add/Remove
Programs panel. Error messages are generated in the %WINDIR%\windowsupdate.log file that read similar to
the following: FATAL: MSI DLL version is 2.0. Version 3.1 is required.

Chapter 10. Patch management problems


The installation of the Windows Update Agent is a requirement for managing patches in Windows
environments. Windows Update Agent 2.0 requires both BITS and Windows installer 3.1 to be installed to
run properly.

Resolving the problem

Download BITS and Windows Installer 3.1 from the Microsoft Web site and install them on the target
computers. A restart might be required so that the Windows Update Agent works properly.

Cannot publish approved patches to depot

The patch installable cannot be downloaded to the Tivoli Provisioning Manager repository.

When doing Windows offline patch management using the scalable distribution infrastructure, the task of
publishing approved patches to a depot fails. Errors indicate a problem running the workflow
MS_SOA_InstallPatchStack. The following error might be generated:
COPINF029E The system failed to run the workflow MS_SOA_InstallPatchStack
in order to process execution through the infrastructure.

The patch installable cannot be downloaded to the Tivoli Provisioning Manager repository.

Resolving the problem

1. On the provisioning server, run the workflow MS_Patch_Generate_Offline_Script with no
2. Using a DVD or another media, copy the ms_offline_patch_scripts.tar or file (located in /tmp or /cygwin/tmp) from the Tivoli Provisioning
3. On that computer, extract the ms_offline_patch_scripts.tar or
archives. After that, run the command or
ms_patch_download_offline.cmd, which creates a file called offline_patches.tar or
4. Using a DVD or another media, copy the file offline_patches.tar or from the
computer that is connected to the Internet to the provisioning server in the directory
5. On the provisioning server, run the workflow MS_Patch_Process_Offline_Download.

Parsing error when running Microsoft Updates Discovery

If this happens, restart the Microsoft patch download server, remove all files from the Tivoli Provisioning
Manager host name directory, and then run Microsoft Updates Discovery again.

When doing Windows patch management in large environments in the configuration where UNIX or
Linux is installed on the provisioning server and a Microsoft patch download server is used, errors are
generated when running Microsoft Updates Discovery. The following error might be generated:
COPDEX123E A ParsingFailure exception occurred. The exception was caused by
the following problem: A Parsing Failure has occurred. xmlSource is located:

Resolving the problem


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

1. Restart the Microsoft patch download server.

2. Remove all files from the %SystemDrive%\<Tivoli Provisioning Manager host name> directory.
3. Run Microsoft Updates Discovery again.

Installing a technology level also installs the latest service pack

If approving the recommendation to install only the technology level on the target computer, both the
technology level and the latest service pack for that technology level are installed on the target computer.

You are managing patches in an AIX environment. When specifying the updates to scan for, you select
Latest Level for the Maintenance Strategy Model field to scan for both technology levels and service
After following the steps in the information center to generate the patch recommendations, two
recommendations are displayed for your target computers:
v the latest technology level, for example AIX_TL 5300-07
v the latest service pack, for example, AIX_TL 5300-07-02
If approving the recommendation to install only the technology level on the target computer, both the
technology level and the latest service pack for that technology level are installed on the target computer.

Replacing AIX patches

You need to clean up the data model before acquiring the patches again.
If the downloaded AIX patches got corrupted or were inadvertently deleted from the data model, you
need to clean up the data model and acquire the AIX patches again.


Click Go To > IT Infrastructure > Software Catalog > Patches.

Select the TLs, or SPs that you want to delete and click Delete
Click Go To > IT Infrastructure > Software Catalog > Patch Acquisition.
Click Refresh TL/SP Definitions to bring all available AIX patches into the data model.
Under Technology Levels and Service Packs, select the check boxes corresponding to the patches that
you want to acquire and click Download Patches.

Patch download and distribution fails on AIX

The files that are being transferred are too large for AIX default settings. You need to change the settings
before trying again.

The task of downloading and distributing patches fails on AIX target computers.

The problem is caused by the large size of the files that are transferred, approximately 2-3 GB, between
the AIX satellite server and the provisioning server. This also occurs in large file transfers between the

Chapter 10. Patch management problems


provisioning server and target computers. The default settings for the file size prevent large files from
being transferred, and causes the patch download and distribution to fail if the files being transferred are
too large.

Resolving the problem

Do the following steps:
1. On the AIX target computer, modify the /etc/security/limits file so that
fsize = -1

in both the default and root sections.

2. On the provisioning server, if UNIX or Linux is installed as the operating system, make sure that fsize
is set as
fsize = -1

Cannot scan for missing patches on AIX

Because the scan was not done on the target computer, there is no discovery associated with the target

You have added new AIX target computers to the data model, but you have not run a scan on the target
computer yet. If you install the patches from the Patch Installation page instead of the Recommendations
tab for the target computer, then the scan does not run for missing patches.

Because the scan was not done on the target computer, there is no discovery associated with the target

Resolving the problem

Run the scan at least once for a target computer so that the scan works from the Patch Installation page
as well.

Cannot connect to Linux update site

You are trying to connect to the update site, but an error message is returned.

When you try to connect, a message like the following message is returned:
COPDEX123E A UniqueCatalogNameError exception occurred.
The exception was caused by the following problem:
Error adding catalog catalog_name service.
catalog_name exists in the service list.
Please try a unique catalog name.

One of the parameters you entered is incorrect.

Resolving the problem


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Provisioning Manager checks all the parameters you provided for the command and stops at the first
error it encounters. If you receive this error message, check all the parameters you entered to ensure that
they are all correct. In the example provided, the user entered the name of a catalog existing in the

Wrong link for Linux update site

You are trying to connect to the update site, but an error message is returned.

When you try to connect SUSE Linux update site in running the SUSE Linux patch scan, a message like
the following message is returned:
Error getting refreshing the catalog service SLES10-Updates. RETURNCODE:1,
ERROR-MESSAGE:ERROR: Failed to parse XML metadata: Cant add repository at
Unknown source type for
COPDEX123E A UniqueCatalogNameError exception occurred.
The exception was caused by the following problem:
Error adding catalog catalog_name service.
RETURNCODE:1, ERROR-MESSAGE: The catalog name catalog_name exists in the service list.
Please try a unique catalog name.

The link provided in the SUSELinux.Update.Server.url variable might be outdated.

Resolving the problem

Note: The site specified for the SUSELinux.Update.Server.url variable might change over time. In this
case, try and connect to the Novell Web site for mirror sites (
downloads/ftp/int_mirrors.html), or contact your SUSE Linux representative.

Errors during patch installation on Solaris 10

These errors are caused because the target computers do not meet certain requirements.

Patch installation fails on Solaris target computers. Error messages might look similar to the following:
Failure: Cannot connect to retrieve detectors: / Not Found
The resource identified by / could not be found

Failure: Cannot connect to retrieve Database/ / Not Found
The resource identified by / could not be found.

The problem is caused by requirements that are missing from the target computers.

Resolving the problem

Ensure that the following requirements are met for the target computers:
1. The UpdateConnection client package 1.0.10 or higher is installed on the target computers.

Chapter 10. Patch management problems


2. The patch 121118-13 is installed on thetarget computers. To download the patch, go to
3. The /usr/jdk/latest directory exists and points to jdk1.5.0_12.
4. The /usr/java directory points to /usr/jdk/jdk1.5.0_12.
5. The /usr/bin/java directory points to /usr/java/bin/java.

The agfa-fonts-2003.03.19-32.6 patch cannot be installed

This problem is caused by a third party license agreement that you must accept manually. Install the
patch manually and manually set the patch status to Implemented.

On a target computer where the SUSE Linux 10 base image is installed (without any service pack), the
patch called agfa-fonts-2003.03.19-32.6 cannot be installed.

This problem is caused by a third party license agreement that you must accept manually.

Resolving the problem

Install the patch manually, outside the provisioning server. After installing the patch, manually update
the patch status to Implemented in the recommendation list. When running the next inventory scan and
compliance check scan, the patch will no longer be displayed in the recommendations list.

Default patch information displayed in SLES Linux

The ZENworks Linux management server does not provide patch information.

If managing patches for SLES Linux environments using the ZENworks model, after scanning the SLES10
or SLES10 SP1 target computers, the patch information displays default values: Description, Category,
and Release Date are blank, and Reboot is false.

The ZENworks Linux management server does not provide patch information.

Patch installation error on SUSE Linux

This problem is caused by a known issue with the rug tool.

Patch installation on SUSE Linux environments fails with the following error:
COPDEX123E A PatchInstallError exception occurred. The exception was caused by
the following problem: Error installing patches. Please refer
/tmp/temp11428.log file for more details.
RETURNCODE:1 ERROR:ERROR: Dependency resolution failed:
Resolvable id 116289 does not exist.



IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

This problem is caused by a known issue with the rug tool.

Resolving the problem

1. Log on to the target computer.
2. Find all the zmd-related processes by running:
ps -ef |grep zmd

3. Stop all the zmd-related processes by running:

kill -9 <pid>

where pid is the process ID of the zmd processes.

4. Stop the zenwork daemon by running:
rczmd stop

5. Start the zenwork daemon by running:

rczmd start

6. Verify that the status of the service is active by running:

rug sl

7. Run the patch installation again.

Endpoint scan times out and fails

When trying to perform an endpoint scan, the operation might fail.

The timeout setting might be too restrictive.

Resolving the problem

If you are having problems when performing the scan, you can configure the HPpatch.timeout variable at
either Computer, Group, or Global Settings level. The timeout value is expressed in seconds. If the
variable is configured at multiple levels for a computer, then the timeout value is considered in the
following order:
1. Computer
2. Group
3. Global Settings

Chapter 10. Patch management problems



IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 11. Virtualization problems

This section describes how to recover from virtualization management problems.

VMware value error when upgrading

An error occurs during the upgrade to version 7.1.1 because the VMware value was not changed. The
value needs to be changed manually.

During the upgrade from Tivoli Provisioning Manager 7.1 to 7.1.1, the following error occurs:
A required pre-defined value was not changed from VMWare to VMware.

The VMWare value in version 7.1 is changed to VMware during the upgrade to version 7.1.1. If the error
occurs, the value was not changed.

Resolving the problem

After the upgrade, manually change the value in the provisioning database.
To change the value, open a database command window and run the following command:
update requirement_predfn_value set value=VMware where value=VMWare

After the command runs, the value is corrected.

Error creating a VMware virtual server using ESX server

An error will happen when creating a VMware virtual server using a ESX server that has run the
inventory discovery.

An error will happen when creating a VMware virtual server using a ESX server that has run the
inventory discovery. If the inventory discovery has been run for a ESX server and it is selected to create a
virtual server. The creation workflow might fail with the following error:
An unexpected deployment engine exception occurred:
COPCOM606E The system cannot find managed memory type
hardware resource on host platform {ESX server name}.

This limitation is caused by the fact that inventory discovery can not discover the memory that is
allocated to the virtualization management.

Resolving the problem

In general, user must not run the inventory discovery against a ESX server. As this will cause some
unexpected failure on virtualization management. If user has run the inventory discovery against a ESX
Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2011


server, remove it from TPM DCM, then start "VMware VI3 - HostPlatform Resource and Virtual Machine
Discovery". The ESX server will be added in by "VMware VI3 - HostPlatform Resource and Virtual
Machine Discovery" and be configured properly to manage the virtualization.

Error Running HostPlatform Resource and Virtual Machine Discovery

VMware VI3 - HostPlatform Resource and Virtual Machine Discovery do not work if inventory discovery
is run before it. The error is: COPDEX172E The CPUResID variable is a single value variable, cannot
assign an array value to it.

For a ESX server with multiple CPUs, "VMware VI3 - HostPlatform Resource and Virtual Machine
Discovery" will not work if the inventory discovery against it has been run before it. The error is:
COPDEX172E The CPUResID variable is a single value variable, cannot assign an array value to it.

This limitation is caused by the fact that VMware virtualization expect only one CPU resource when
allocating the resource allocations to virtual machines

Resolving the problem

In general, user must not run the inventory discovery against a ESX server. As this will cause some
unexpected failure on virtualization management. If user has run the inventory discovery against a ESX
server, remove it from TPM DCM, then start "VMware VI3 - HostPlatform Resource and Virtual Machine
Discovery". The ESX server will be added in by "VMware VI3 - HostPlatform Resource and Virtual
Machine Discovery" and be configured properly to manage the virtualization.

Create LPAR Fails

Error creating a VirtualServer with error COPCOM123E A shell command error occurred

Create LPAR failure with error message: COPCOM123E A shell command error occurred:....

It might be caused by the fact that virtual I/O server name does not conform with the DNS naming rule.
TPM requires virtual server name to be defined in DNS and resolved to IP address. Therefore it needs to
conform to both HMC and DNS naming rules.

Resolving the problem

Modify the Vitual I/O server name to conform to the following rule:
v must be between 1 and 63 characters long.
v only contains letters 'a' through 'z' (case-insensitive), the digits '0' through '9', and the hyphen.
v must begin with a letter.
v must end with a letter or a number.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Error Running VMware VI3 - Virtual Center Discovery

Cannot connect error message when running VMware VI3 - Virtual Center Discovery, no trusted
certificate found

The following error displays when running VMware VI3 - Virtual Center Discovery:
Cannot connect to URL https://<Virtual Center IP Address>/sdk
using user <user name> because:;
nested exception is: NO trusted certificate found.

The keytool command was run in a wrong directory. It needs to be run in $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security.
In this directory you find an existing cacerts file.

Resolving the problem

Make sure the SSL certicate was imported to $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security For more details see
Importing the SSL certificate.

The creation of a dedicated WPAR fails

This error is because the /usr and /opt file system sizes are too small. You can increase the sizes

When you create a dedicated WPAR and specify the values for the /usr and /opt file system sizes in the
virtual server template, the creation of the WPAR fails with the following error message:
mkwpar: 0960-287 Error: /usr requires at least 2288096 blocks

The /usr and /opt file system sizes are too small. The sizes must be large enough to copy all of the
required files from the /usr and /opt directories of the host platform server.

Resolving the problem

Increase the WPAR.size.usr or WPAR.size.opt values in the virtual server template to be equal to or
greater than the number specified in the error message.
The number in the error message, for example, 2288096 blocks, is displayed in 512KB blocks. When you
set the WPAR.size values, convert the size to megabytes (MB).
Tip: To calculate the minimum size required, divide the number in the error message by 2048. For
example, if the size on the host platform server is 2288096 blocks, use the following calculation:
2,288,096 / 2,048 = 1,117MB

So, the minimum file size required for the dedicated WPAR is 1,117MB.

Chapter 11. Virtualization problems


Installation on an AIX WPAR fails

Tivoli Common Agent cannot be installed on shared zones. Install Tivoli Common Agent on a dedicated

When you try to install Tivoli Common Agent on an AIX WPAR, the installation task fails with the error
message COPDEX123E.

Tivoli Common Agent cannot be installed on shared zones. Shared or non-shared (dedicated) WPARs are
determined by the value of the WPAR.privateusr variable in the virtual server template. To view the
virtual server template, navigate to Go To > IT Infrastructure > Provisioning Inventory > Virtual Server
Template and then select the server template that was used to create the WPAR. A value of no for the
WPAR.privateusr variable means that the server template will create a shared WPAR. Installing Tivoli
Common Agent to a WPAR that has been created with this setting will fail.
Note: Because Tivoli Common Agent cannot be installed on any shared zones, this issue also applies to
shared Solaris zones. However, if the installation fails with Solaris, no error message is given.

Resolving the problem

Install Tivoli Common Agent on a dedicated AIX WPAR.

Installation of a software package on some 7.1 UNIX or Linux targets

does not work correctly
You try to install a software package on a 7.1 UNIX or Linux target computer and the installation
apparently completes correctly. However, the software package is not present on the target computer.

You upgrade the Provisioning Manager server from version 7.1 to version 7.1.1. You also upgrade the
depot from version to version You then try to install a software package on a 7.1 UNIX or
Linux target computer and the installation apparently completes correctly. However, the software package
is not present on the target computer.

This problem is due to an internal defect in the subagent code which is resolved in Provisioning
Manager, version 7.1.1.

Resolving the problem

Upgrade the agent to Provisioning Manager, version 7.1.1 and repeat the installation.

Cannot synchronize an AIX WPAR

This is a known limitation with AIX 6.1 LPARs.

An attempt to synchronize an AIX WPAR with its host LPAR fails with the following error message:


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPCOM123E A shell command error occurred:

Exit code=70, Error stream="syncroot:
ATTENTION, Root part is currently synchronized,
but there are other SWVPD inconsistencies.
Please execute "/usr/bin/lppchk -v" for more information.
syncroot: Returns Status = FAILURE
/usr/lib/wpars/wparinstcmd: 0960-231
ATTENTION: /usr/sbin/syncroot -X failed with return code 1.
syncwpar: 0960-264 Error synchronizing workload partition nc117195.
Return Status = FAILURE.", Output stream="*****************
Synchronizing workload partition nc117195 (1 of 1).
Executing /usr/sbin/syncroot -X in workload partition nc117195.
syncroot: Processing root part installation status.".

This is a known limitation with AIX 6.1 LPARs.

Resolving the problem

To work around this issue, remove any file sets from the LPAR that you do not want to install on the
From the LPAR, run the following command to remove the file sets:
swvpdmgr -p <fileset>

After the file sets have been removed, run the synchronization again.

Tivoli Common Agent installation fails on a shared-IP Solaris zone

The Tivoli Common Agent installation fails because the globally unique identifier must also be installed.

When you try to install the common agent on a shared-IP Solaris zone, the installation fails and an error
message similar to the following is displayed:
COPDEX123E An AgentInstallException exception occurred.
The exception was caused by the following problem:
Agent installation failure.
Agent install return code log file contents:
An error during the GUID installation.

The Globally Unique Identifier (GUID), version 1.3.3, packaged with Tivoli Common Agent needs to
query the network interface MAC address at installation time. In a shared-IP Solaris zone, the network
interface MAC address is not accessible, so the GUID installation fails.

Resolving the problem

A GUID, version 1.3.4, developed for shared-IP zone is available in the Quick Start DVD. You can either
install the GUID 1.3.4 before installing the Tivoli Common Agent to avoid the problem, or install GUI
1.3.4 after Tivoli Common Agent installation fails, then re-install the Tivoli Common Agent again to
recover the problem
To install GUID 1.3.4, perform the following steps:
Chapter 11. Virtualization problems


1. On a shared-IP Solaris zone, create a temporary folder, for example, newguid.

2. Copy the guid_solaris_sparc.tar or guid_solaris-ix86 file from the solaris_tivguid folder located
on the Quick Start DVD to the newguid folder.
3. Browse to the newguid folder.
4. To untar the installation binary, run one of the following commands:
v tar xvf guid_solaris_sparc.tar
v tar xvf guid_solaris-ix86
5. To install the GUID, in the newguid folder run one of the following commands:
v # ./
v # ./
When the GUID is successfully installed, a message similar to the following is displayed:
Tivoli GUID utility - Version 1, Release 3, Level 4.
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2002, 2009 All Rights Reserved.
BTATG0005I A GUID entry was not found.
The program is generating a new one.
Guid:<GUID_number> Tivoli GUID utility - Version 1, Release 3, Level 4.
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2002, 2009 All Rights Reserved.
BTATG0005I A GUID entry was not found. The program is generating a new one.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 12. Provisioning task problems

This section describes how to recover from provisioning task problems.

Provisioning tasks cannot be scheduled and submitted from web

This limitation is caused if the activity plan was saved as a draft which can only be done in the Activity
Plan Editor.

A provisioning task cannot be scheduled and submitted from the web interface.

The activity plan was saved as a draft, which can only be done in the Activity Plan Editor.

Resolving the problem

Use the Activity Plan Editor to save the plan as a template instead of a draft. To do this, perform the
following steps in the provisioning task application:

Select a task with type=Activity Plan.

Click the Task tab.
At the Mark activity plan as option, click the Template radio button.
Click Template and then save the task.

After this is done, use the following steps to run the provisioning task.
1. Click Go To > Task Management > Provisioning Tasks > Provisioning Task Definitions.
2. Click Activity Plan from the list of provisioning task definitions.
3. From the Select Action menu, click Run Provisioning Task.
4. Click Select to select the target computers on which you want to run the provisioning task.
5. Click Schedule to specify some scheduling options for the provisioning task.
6. Click Submit to run the provisioning task.

Cannot delete shared provisioning tasks

You cannot directly delete shared provisioning tasks that were created by other owners.

You cannot delete multiple provisioning tasks in the Provisioning Task Definitions application and
instead receive an information message that tells you that shared provisioning tasks can only be deleted
by their owners.

Shared provisioning tasks can only be deleted by their owners. If the provisioning tasks that you have
selected include shared provisioning tasks created by other owners, you cannot delete them directly.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2011


Resolving the problem


work around this problem, perform the following steps:

Click Go To > Task Management > Provisioning Tasks > Provisioning Task Definitions.
From the list, identify the shared provisioning task that you cannot delete.
Click the Detail tab of the shared provisioning task.

4. From the Select Action menu, click Remove Shared Task.

This action will unshare the provisioning task for the current user, and the shared provisioning task will
be removed from the current list.

Provisioning tasks remain in progress after recovery

When the provisioning server is reset, tasks that are in progress will fail with a Java Virtual Machine

If the Tivoli Provisioning Manager server was interrupted in any way (for example, due to a power
failure or the deployment engine being stopped) while a task is in progress, that task remains in progress
even after Tivoli Provisioning Manager recovers. Any objects that the task is holding will not be released.

When the provisioning server is reset, tasks that are in progress will fail with a Java Virtual Machine

Resolving the problem

Run the clean-up-deployment-requests command to clean up unfinished deployment engine requests
and to release any objects being held.
Note: You do not need to restart the provisioning server after the command has run. Refresh the
provisioning server web interface, and the unfinished task will be changed to the failed state with an
appropriate message error.

SSH error occurs during task

This is a built-in SSH mechanism that prevents access from other computers that try to impersonate a
known computer.

The following error occurs when a task is running:


Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed.
The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Please contact your system administrator.
Add correct host key in /home/tioadmin/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.
Offending key in /home/tioadmin/.ssh/known_hosts:3
RSA host key for has changed and you have requested strict checking.
Host key verification failed.

This error occurs when SSH between the provisioning server and the target computer detects a change in
the RSA key. For example, this might occur when a particular target computer is re-imaged, because then
the SSH keys would no longer match with the keys from the provisioning server. It is a built-in SSH
mechanism that prevents access from other computers that try to impersonate a known computer. This
error message tells the system administrator that the target computer is no longer the same. If the system
administrator determines that the computer is not an offending computer (which is the case when
re-imaging) then the provisioning server provides a convenient way to solve this.

Resolving the problem

In the Provisioning Workflows application, run the workflow called RemoveSshKey.
1. Click Go To > Administration > Provisioning > Provisioning Workflows.
2. In the Provisioning Workflow list, find the workflow called RemoveSshKey.
3. Click Run
This workflow will remove the existing keys of the target computers from the provisioning server. After
running this workflow, the error will not occur when the task is run again.

Install software task fails for extracted installable file

On Windows computers with Cygwin installed, use .tar archives instead of .zip archives.

If you do an install software task using the following steps, the task will fail:
1. Go to IT Infrastructure > Software Catalog > Software Product Import.
2. Enter the data for all of the fields.
3. Select Windows OS.
4. Select Custom Extract and Install.
5. Set the Configuration template parameter for the created software product as:
Extract command - unzip <file name>
Install command - <file name> -q

6. Run the task on a Windows computer with Cygwin installed.

The following message appears:
COPCOM123E A shell command error occurred:
Exit code=1, Error stream="Access is denied", Output stream=""

v The file will extract using the unzip command but the extracted file does not have read and run
Chapter 12. Provisioning task problems


v The workflow will assign the required permissions for the extracted file.

This is caused by the coexistence of Windows and Cygwin while using the extraction utility. The
extraction utility will not correctly set the permission of unpacked files when Cygwin is installed.

Resolving the problem

On Windows computers with Cygwin installed, use .tar archives instead of .zip archives.

Task error after using the clean-up-deployment-requests command

If you receive this error, it means another user has already run the clean-up-deployment-requests
command on the provisioning server.

After you run the clean-up-deployment-requests command, the following deployment task error
message occurs:
COPDEX029E The system cannot continue the deployment request
from a previous deployment engine JVM session.

Another user has already run the clean-up-deployment-requests command on the provisioning server.

Resolving the problem

No action is needed.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 13. Provisioning workflow problems

This section describes how to recover from provisioning workflow problems.

Troubleshooting provisioning workflows

There are a number of different reasons why a provisioning workflow might fail. If your provisioning
workflow fails to complete, consider the following actions:
1. View the results of the workflow execution and check for errors. Error messages can help you to
identify the source of the problem. For example, an error message might tell you that the error is
related to a service access point, a data model error, or a database error.
In the web interface, you can look at the workflow executions history and review the error messages.
In Automation Package Developer Environment, review the results of the provisioning workflow in
the Execution Results view. If an error message appears, you can double-click it to view additional
2. If the error is related to running the Device.ExecuteCommand logical management operations try the
following steps:
a. Look at the syntax of the command string being passed to the remote device. Attempt to re-create
the command string and run the command from the command prompt to reproduce the problem.
b. If you need to see exactly what command the provisioning workflow is sending, modify the
workflow that calls the Device.ExecuteCommand logical device operation. To do this, follow these
1) Open a shell prompt, and then run the following commands:
db2 connect to tc user <user name> using <password>
db2 update workflow 4 set is_editable=Y
where workflow_name=<workflowname>

This makes the workflow editable.

Note: You do not need to follow this step if you edit the workflow in Automation Package
Developer Environment.
2) Open the workflow in the web interface and then look for the Device.ExecuteCommand call. It
looks similar to the following:
Device.ExecuteCommand(DeviceId, ExecuteCommand, WorkingDirectory,
CredentialsKey, TimeoutInSeconds, TreatTimeoutAs, ReturnCode,
ReturnErrorString, ReturnResult)

3) ExecuteCommand is a workflow variable that contains the exact string to be executed. To make
this string visible in the execution history, add the following line just above the
Device.ExecuteCommand call:
log debug ExecuteCommand

The workflow code will then look like this:

log debug ExecuteCommand
Device.ExecuteCommand(DeviceId, ExecuteCommand, WorkingDirectory,
CredentialsKey, TimeoutInSeconds, TreatTimeoutAs, ReturnCode,
ReturnErrorString, ReturnResult)

4) Save and compile the workflow. Run the workflow again and then observe the clear text
command in a debug statement in the execution history.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2011


3. Follow good provisioning workflow programming techniques by implementing log elements in your
program. Logs are generated from provisioning workflow log elements. To add log elements to a
workflow, do the following steps:
a. Make the workflow editable by running these commands in the shell prompt:
db2 connect to tc user <user name> using <password>
db2 update workflow 4 set is_editable=Y
where workflow_name=<workflowname>

b. Add log statements into the workflow above the commands that you want to log. For example:
Log info "Starting execution"
Device.ExecuteCommand (DeviceId, ....

Log statements use the following syntax:

log <type> "<log_message>"


Is the type of log statement. The available types are debug, info, warning, and error.

Is the log message that you want displayed when the log statement is triggered. You can
enter a text message, or a variable name that leads to a text message.
With log statements implemented, the workflow history log displays your specified messages after
each workflow is run. Log messages are displayed according to the log level selected in the web
interface. For example, no log warning messages are displayed if warning was not selected in the
workflow history web interface window.
Note: Log error messages do not stop workflow executions from completing.
See log for more information about log elements.
4. The properties of the log.level global variable, determine if the message text of a log element is
recorded in the provisioning workflow run history. To define the log.level global variable:
a. Click Go To > Administration > Provisioning > Provisioning Global Settings.
b. Click the Variables tab.
c. Click Edit > Add Variable.
d. Name the variable log.level in the Key field, with a component of Deployment engine, and a
value of debug|info|warning|error.
When a provisioning workflow is run, the logs generated inside a provisioning workflow are filtered
based on the value of this variable, with debug having the lowest priority and error having the
highest priority.
For example, if log.level is info, then you can see only the output from log info, log warnings and log
error. You cannot see the output from log debug statements. If the log.level is error, you will see the
output from log error only.
All provisioning workflows must use an appropriate log level for each situation. You can turn on
verbose logging by changing the global variable.
For example, a provisioning workflow that does a file copy might have the following log statements:
v If the source file is not found: log error file not found.
v If the source file is larger than one GB: log warning Large file: It will take some time to
v For debugging: log debug file my_file.exe is being copied from hostA to hostB using scp,
username Administrator.
If you set the log.level variable to warning, debug messages are not recorded in the log. You might see
the warning message if the file is large. If you suspect that there is something incorrect in your
provisioning workflow, you can switch to log debug so that you can see all messages.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

5. If you created a new global variable for your provisioning workflow, make sure that you had selected
Deployment engine for the component. If you select Entire system, the provisioning workflow will

Compilation errors
You can use the following information to help resolve compilation errors.

You might receive the following compilation error:
Workflow line: 11
Error Code = COPDEX049EwiNoSuchOperand
ERROR MESSAGE = COPDEX049E The "language" operand
does not exist for instruction ID: 49368.

There is an entry for instruction ID 49368 in the WORKFLOW_INSTRUCTION table, but no corresponding
LANGUAGE operand for that instruction in the WORKFLOW_INSTRUCTION_OPERAND table.

Resolving the problem

Recompile the provisioning workflow to repopulate the tables. If the provisioning workflow is part of an
automation package, reinstall the automation package (which compiles the provisioning workflows
included on your system automatically).

Deployment engine logs

All deployment engine runtime results are logged to the TIO_LOGS\console.log file. If you are looking
for additional details to help determine why a particular provisioning workflow has failed, review this
log and the workflow execution log first.
It is important that you understand exactly which commands are being issued by the deployment engine
at run time (for debugging purposes). To do this, you need to enable the debug mode in two places:
v The log4j.prop file in the TIO_HOME\config directory must have lines that read:

You must also edit the following lines. Change the INFO parameter into DEBUG:, consolefile, errorfile, consolefile, errorfile

The edited lines must look like this:, consolefile, errorfile, consolefile, errorfile

This is not a default function. Debug mode is not enabled for console.log files for a standard
After you have completed the changes to enable Debug mode, you must restart the Tivoli
Provisioning Manager server for the changes to take effect. For information see Starting or stopping
the provisioning server on UNIX or Linux or Starting and stopping the provisioning server on
v When you only configure the log4j settings, it does not log commands issued by the deployment
engine. To log commands issued by the deployment engine, you must enable full debug mode.
Chapter 13. Provisioning workflow problems



Click Go To > Administration > Provisioning > Provisioning Global Settings.

Click the Variables tab.
Click New Row..
Name the variable debug in the Key field, with a component of Deployment Engine, and a value of

Note: Full debug mode enables logging of deployment engine commands in both the user interface and
the log file. The logging change takes effect immediately for each instance when a provisioning workflow
is run.
For security reasons, a method is provided to obscure passwords and other sensitive data that appears in
product logs. For more information, refer to the Obscuring sensitive data topic.
This log file stores all event logs for workflow and workflow executions including messages,
traces, and debugging information.
This log file stores the globalized event messages for the deployment engine component.
This log file stores error messages that can be reviewed by Tivoli Software Support.

Workflow log globalization

If non-English strings are logged in a workflow using Jython, they are not displayed correctly in the
provisioning workflow status log. If non-Enlish strings are logged in a workflow without Jython, they are
printed as they are written in the 'Provisioning Workflow status' log.

Resolving the problem

You can work around this by not using Jython. To do so, use the command log debug/info/error/
warning instead of log debug/info/error/warning Jython.

Troubleshooting scripts
The Device.ExecuteCommand logical operation and Scriptlets both run on managed computers. In this case,
there are three areas that can potentially cause problems:
v The managed computer environment is not configured properly
SSH will use the PATH defined at SSH server compilation time, and not the PATH that was defined by
the user who is running the command. The following table lists the compilation time paths for
supported operating systems.
Table 13. Compilation time PATHs for supported operating systems
Operating System


Solaris 8 and 9


AIX 5.2 and 5.3


Red Hat 3




If the system path has been modified on your system, this setting overrides the default SSH server
compilation time PATH. To verify this setting, from the command line run:


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

ssh -l username IP_address <command>

v There are problems with the data model configuration.

Check your SAP configuration:
SAPs must be defined.
SAPs must have credentials. Scriptlets must have RSA credentials defined.
SAPs must have workflows associated with them.
A SAP must be associated with the Device.ExecuteCommand logical management operation.
A matching credential must exist on the server.
Check your computer data model definition:
You must have a management IP assigned.
Verify that the correct network configuration (network interface cards and interfaces) exists.
v The command itself is not running as expected: Retrieve the script from the /tmp directory and debug
it locally. If the command is not found, verify that Expect is installed on your managed computer and
is defined in your PATH.

Getting workflow execution logs

How to get workflow execution logs if they were requested by IBM Tivoli Software Support.

workflowLogExport tool
This command line utility exports the run history of one or more specified provisioning workflows to a
log file that can be either in XML format (the default option) or in any other file format of your choice.
This command line utility exports the workflow execution logs into an XML file. The tool simplifies the
process of sending provisioning workflows to IBM Tivoli Software Support so that they can access the log
information that they need to diagnose a provisioning workflow problem without accessing your
computer remotely. The user can export the run history of individual provisioning workflows, or the run
history of several logs into a log file whose name, file format, and location you can specify.
The command line utility is available at the following location:


where %TIO_HOME% is the Tivoli Provisioning Manager home directory.



Syntax for Windows: Enter the following command on one line:
workflowLogExport.cmd (-n <workflow_name>* | -r <request_id>)
[-f <export_filename>] [-i <input_filename>]

[-n <workflow_name>*]
Is a command option that specifies the name of the provisioning workflow whose run history
you want to export to a log file. The asterisk (*) indicates that you can include multiple
provisioning workflow names in this variable. If you do not specify one or more provisioning
workflow names, workflowLogExport generates the provisioning workflow run history for all
provisioning workflows.

Chapter 13. Provisioning workflow problems


[-r <request _id>]

Is a command option that indicates the deployment request identifier.
[-f <export_filename>]
Is a command option that specifies the fully qualified path and file name of the provisioning
workflow log. By default, the file format for the exported log file is XML, and the default file
name is workflowLogExport.xml. If you do not specify a different file format, the provisioning
workflow log file is exported by default to XML. Also, if no file location is specified, the log file
is exported by default to the %TIO_LOGS% directory.
[-i <input_filename>]
Is a command option that specifies the name of the file that lists the names of all provisioning
workflows whose run history you want to export to the same log file.
workflowLogExport.cmd -n MyWorkflow1 -n MyWorkflow2 -r 10017 -f
"c:/myDirectory/ myWorkflowExport.xml" -i
"c:/myDirectory/myExportWorkflowList.txt" workflowLogExport.cmd -i
workflowLogExport.cmd -i "c:/myDirectory/myExportWorkflowList.txt"
-n MyWorkflow101

Syntax for UNIX:

workflowLogExport.cmd (-n <workflow_name>* | -r <request_id>) [-f <export_filename>]
[-i <input_filename>]

where the command options are the same as the command options for Windows.
Returned file: The provisioning workflow run history is exported into a log file with a file name and
format that you can specify. If you do not specify them, the provisioning workflow run history is
exported by default to the workflowLogExport.xml file in the %TIO_LOGS% directory.
Log content structure: provisioning workflow > deployment request > workflow execution log >
workflow execution log detail
This is a sample provisioning workflow log export:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<workflow id="21" name="Test Workflow 99999">
<execution-log id="21" date="Mar 10,2005 11:48:54 AM" position="1"
<call-stack-level="1" lo
<log-details position="2" name="Test Details Name"
Test Details Values</log-details>

DB2 error occurs when you deploy resources

This error can occur when the application heap size is not large enough to process the request. Increase
the application heap size, rebind the packages, stop all connections, and restart the provisioning server.

When you run a provisioning workflow to deploy resources, you see a DB2 error telling you that an SQL
exception has occurred.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

This error can occur when the application heap size is not large enough to process the request.

Resolving the problem

Increase the application heap size, rebind the packages, stop all connections, and restart the provisioning
server. To do this:
1. Log on to the DB2 server as the DB2 instance owner.
2. Open a DB2 command window and enter the following command to increase the application heap
db2 update db cfg for $DB2_DB_NAME using applheapsz 3072

where $DB2_DB_NAME is the name of the database that you want to modify.
3. Under the sqllib\bnd directory, run the following command to rebind the packages:
db2 connect to $DB2_DB_NAME db2 "bind @db2ubind.lst blocking all grant public"
db2 "bind @db2cli.lst blocking all grant public CLIPKG 6"

4. Run the following command to terminate all connections:

db2 force applications all

5. Restart the provisioning server.

DB2 creates a database state error

Keep the length of your provisioning workflow variables at less than 4000 bytes, to prevent DB2 errors.

Tivoli Provisioning Manager displays a DB2 error. For example
COPDEX038E A persistent/database state error: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT]
SQL0302N EXECUTE <DB text> SQLSTATE=22001 occurred.

The provisioning workflow variable values are limited to 4000 bytes. When a scriptlet or Java plug-in
returns a value longer than 4000 bytes, an error occurs.

Resolving the problem

Keep the length of your provisioning workflow variables at less than 4000 bytes.

DB2 Universal Database deadlocks occur during logical operations

Deadlocks might occur if the DB2 database configuration parameter (lock list) value is not large enough.

DB2 Universal Database deadlocks occur when the computer runs a logical operation.

The DB2 database configuration parameter (lock list) value is not large enough.

Resolving the problem

Chapter 13. Provisioning workflow problems


Adjust the lock list size value from 50 to 2000. Depending on the volume of traffic on the servers and the
size of your data model, you might want to select a more appropriate value.
For more information about setting the lock list value, search the DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Support page:

A provisioning workflow does not install

Make sure that you use valid names for provisioning workflows, parameters and variables to avoid
installation errors.

A provisioning workflow does not install.

This can occur when provisioning workflows, parameters, and variables are not named correctly.

Resolving the problem

Make sure that you use valid names for provisioning workflows, parameters and variables.
Workflow names only support alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), and periods (.).
v The first character in the name can only be a letter or an underscore. Numbers or periods are not
v The last character in the name cannot be a period (.)
v Characters between the first character and the last character in a workflow name can consist of
alphanumeric numbers, underscores, and periods.
v Provisioning workflow names can be up to 255 characters in length.
A provisioning workflow name can consist of only alphanumeric characters and underscores.
v The first character can be only letters or underscores. Numbers are not allowed.
v The remaining characters can be alphanumeric characters and underscores.
Provisioning workflow keywords cannot be used for variable names. If your provisioning workflows
contain variables with any of the following names, you must rename them.
in, inout, catch, catchall, CheckDeviceLocale, credentialskey,
DCMDelete, DCMInsert, DCMQuery, DCMUpdate, do, done, encrypted,
else, endif, endtry, error, finally, foreach, if, implements,
info, java, Java, Jython, language, LocaleInsensitive, log,
out, noop, parent, rethrow, scriptlet, then, timeout, try,
target, throw, var, warning, while, workflow

Tip: Any Unicode character can be used to enter comments in provisioning workflow scripts.

The UnzipSWDCLI provisioning workflow times out

The UnzipSWDCLI provisioning workflow times out due to a missing prerequisite.

The UnzipSWDCLI provisioning workflow times out with the following error message:
COPCOM116E The operation timed out.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

As a consequence, also the MS_SOA_GetWindowsUpdateAgent provisioning workflow might fail with

the following error message:
<tio><log level="debug">"Local Scriptlet: running as tioadmin (the user that started DE)"</log></tio>
cp: cannot access /opt/IBM/tivoli/tpm/sie/
script to run is: /opt/IBM/tivoli/tpm/sie/
./ line 1: wdcrtsp: command not found
<tio><setvar var="retCode">127</setvar></tio>

This problem can occur when the coreutils package is missing. This package is a prerequisite of Solaris,
version 10.

Resolving the problem

To solve the problem, perform one of the following operations:
1. Browse to the Provisioning Workflow Status page.
2. Check the status of the UnzipSWDCLI provisioning workflow. If the failure is due to a timeout
problem, apply the following workaround:
a. Switch to tioadmin user:
su - tioadmin

b. Browse to the TIO_HOME/sie directory:

cd /opt/IBM/tivoli/tpm/sie

c. Run the following command to extract the file:
tar -xvf /opt/IBM/tivoli/tpm/sie/bundles/solaris2.tar

Alternatively, you can perform the following steps:

1. Connect to
Note: This website might change over time. For up-to-date information, check with your Solaris
2. Install the following package coreutils-6.4-sol10-sparc-local.gz:
3. Browse to Provisioning Workflows.
4. Run the UnzipSWDCLI provisioning workflow again.
stty is now available in the /usr/local/bin directory.

Viewing workflow execution status from the web interface

You can display workflow execution status to check the status of a provisioning workflow that is
running, or view the history of provisioning workflows that have already run.
To display the run history (or execution log) for an individual provisioning workflow:

1. Click Go To > Task Management > Provisioning Tasks > Provisioning Workflow Status.
2. Search for the workflow executions that you are interested in:
v To search for workflow execution for a particular provisioning workflow, click the arrow icon next
to the workflow name.
v To search for workflow executions for a specific day, type the date in the Start Date field.
Chapter 13. Provisioning workflow problems


v To view a particular workflow execution, click its Deployment Request ID.

The search results display workflow executions that match your criteria. If you did not search for a
specific workflow execution ID, all workflow executions that match the specified name, status, and
date criteria is displayed.
3. To view the details of a workflow execution, click the workflow execution ID. The log for the
workflow execution are displayed:
v The Parameters list displays all the input and output parameters specified for the selected
workflow execution. Click the plus button to expand the parameter list. Click the minus button to
collapse the parameter list. Where applicable, the encrypted value for the listed parameters is also
v The execution log table lists each step in the provisioning workflow and the time that the command
ran. You can filter the type of messages displayed in the log by selecting or clearing the checkboxes
for each message type (Error, Warning, Information, Debug). The displayed messages are
v For a large number of log entries, click the plus button located at the top right corner of the log, to
expand the log entry list. The log file is divided into sets of 200 log entries. The number of log
entries that are loaded by the page is defined by the db-truncation-execution global variable. The
default number of entries is 1000.
You can also select the displaying order for the log entries:
Chronological Order
Displays the least recent entries first.
Reverse Chronological Order
Displays the most recent entries first.
For a large number of log entries, you can click Previous or Next to navigate using the log pages.
v Where available, you can click the icon in the rightmost column of a log entry for additional details
(associated parameters, values).

Provisioning workflow cannot be exported

If a provisioning workflow cannot be exported using Internet Explorer 6, try turning off the software that
blocks pop-up windows.

When using an application server URL with Internet Explorer 6, provisioning workflows cannot be
exported in the Export Workflow pull-down menu in the Provisioning Workflows window. This problem
does not occur with web server URLs or with Internet Explorer 7.

The software to block pop-up windows on Internet Explorer is conflicting with the menu.

Resolving the problem

Turn off the software that blocks pop-up windows on Internet Explorer and hold the Control key while
exporting the workflow.

Cannot run provisioning workflows in Tivoli Provisioning Manager

When running scriptlets in Tivoli Provisioning Manager, the system expects that the command prompt
ends in the $, #, or > symbols. The PS1 environment variable governs this.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

When running scriptlets in Tivoli Provisioning Manager, the system will expect that the command
prompt ends in the $, # or > symbols. The PS1 environment variable governs what your prompt looks
like. If you change this variable on your target computer or on the provisioning server, you might have
problems when running provisioning workflows.
For example, on most UNIX systems, when you are logged in as tioadmin, by default, you see the
following command prompt:

If you change the PS1 variable for tioadmin to be tioadmin, you will see the following as the command

Resolving the problem

To run scriptlets in Tivoli Provisioning Manager, ensure that the command prompt ends in $, # or >.
Here are examples of acceptable command prompts:

For more information about troubleshooting provisioning workflows, see the Developing automation
packages section in the information center.

Shell command error: Resource temporarily unavailable

This error is caused when you exceed the number of processes allowed by your operating system.

If you get this error: bash: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable, it might be accompanied by this
COPCOM123E A shell command error occurred:VALUE_0 Exit code=VALUE_1,
Error stream=VALUE_2, Output stream=VALUE_3.

You have exceeded the number of processes allowed by your operating system.

Resolving the problem

Increase the maximum number of processes allowed for each user on your operating system. For
instructions on how to do this, see the documentation for your operating system.

Chapter 13. Provisioning workflow problems


Shell command error: Exit value=1, Error stream="", Result

stream="no bash in ..."
This error might mean that the automation package that you are running requires bash on the target

When you are running a provisioning workflow, you might see the following error:
COPCOM123E This shell command error occurred: Exit value=1, Error stream="",
Result stream="no bash in /bin/usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin . /usr/bin /
etc /usr/sbin /usr/ucb /usr/bin//usr/java131/jre/bin /usr/java131/bin / nmlprod
/common/scripts /nmlprod/common/bin /opt/seos/bin".

Resolving the problem

The automation package that you are running requires bash on the target computer.

COPCOM123E A shell command error occurred: Exit code=1, Error

stream="Command: `su - tioadmin` failed. ", Output stream=" su:
incorrect password"
A shell command error can occur if the tioadmin user is not a member of the wheel group.

When you are running a provisioning workflow, you might see the following error:
COPCOM123E A shell command error occurred: Exit code=1,
Error stream="Command: `su - tioadmin` failed. ", Output stream=" su:
incorrect password "

Resolving the problem

Within a command prompt, enter the following command:
> usermod -aG wheel tioadmin

This adds the user tioadmin to the wheel group. This allows provisioning workflows to run without

File name limitation when using the Device.CopyFile provisioning

Ensure that the file name does not include double-byte characters when using this provisioning

Copying a file from the provisioning server to a managed computer using the Device.CopyFile
provisioning workflow fails if the file name includes double-byte characters (DBCS).



IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Depending on the placement of double-byte characters in the file name, the file will be copied with a
corrupted file name, and might also be copied to an unexpected file path. This issue also applies when
copying files from a managed computer to the provisioning server.

Resolving the problem

Ensure that the file name does not include double-byte characters when using the provisioning workflow.

Updating an automation package fails

Use the fid command to force install the automation package, and add the -skimport option.

An automation package that was installed in a previous version of Tivoli Provisioning Manager can be
updated to a newer release. The updating process might fail with an error message stating that the data
model object for the automation package to be updated already exists.
For example, updating the VMware_Virtual_Infrastructure automation package to a newer release of
Tivoli Provisioning Manager might fail with the following error message:
ERROR COPCOM557E The system cannot create a discovery object
VMware VI3 - HostPlatform Resource and Virtual Machine Discovery,
because it already exists.

Resolving the problem

Use the fid command to force install the automation package, and add the -skimport option to avoid
importing the XML file that defines the object that already exists in the data model.
For example, you can run the following command to update the VMware_Virtual_Infrastructure
automation package without errors:
$TIO_HOME/tools/ fid VMware_Virtual_Infrastructure<br/>

A workflow hangs while calling the Lock_DCM_Object object

The required object might not have been released correctly by the last workflow that used it.

A workflow hangs when it tries to call the Lock_DCM_Object object. Several workflows (such as
Sun_UCE_Assemble_Client) call this object.

The required object (Lock_DCM_Object) was not released correctly by the last workflow that used it. This
can occur because of system failure or because the deployment engine was reset during a task execution.

Resolving the problem

To resolve this problem, you can run the clean-up-deployment-requests command, then rerun your task
or workflow.

Chapter 13. Provisioning workflow problems


SDI_Agent_setHostconfig workflow not running on dynamic group

The SDI_Agent_setHostconfig provisioning workflow accepts as parameter only the device ID of a

The workflow fails with an error stating that the ID you specified is not a system ID. For example:
COPDEX123E An IllegalArgumentException exception occurred:
The exception was caused by the following problem:
No system defined with ID <system_ID>.

The SDI_Agent_setHostconfig provisioning workflow accepts as parameter only the device ID of a
computer. The workflow checks that the ID provided corresponds to an existing computer in the

Resolving the problem

Specify the device ID of a computer. To run the workflow on a group of computers, add the workflow as
a provisioning task definition. For more information about creating provisioning task definitions, see
Creating provisioning task definitions.

Cannot allocate memory error running a scriptlet

An error occurs when you run a provisioning workflow that contains a scriptlet.

The following error message occurs:
COPCOM123E A shell command error
Cannot allocate memory Exit code=0, Error stream="", Output stream=""

This error occurs when there is insufficient system memory or the configuration of the connection-pool
setting is incorrect.

Resolving the problem

Complete the following steps to eliminate the error:
1. Increase the physical memory on the provisioning server.
For environments under 5000 endpoints, the recommended values are 4GB times (x) the number of
CPU cores, for example, 4 cores = 16 GB memory.
2. Enable the connection-pool settings.
a. Stop the provisioning server.
b. Open the $TIO_HOME/config/dcm.xml file, and verify that the following information exists:
<connection-pool size = "200" idle="20" max-wait = "20000"/>

If the information does not exist, add it to the dcm.xml file.

Start with these values in the dcm.xml file and monitor and adjust the idle value in increments of
10 (up to a maximum of 50) to improve performance. This needs to be monitored.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

c. Restart the provisioning server.

The connection-pool size value should be close to the maximum number of concurrent provisioning
workflow executions. The idle value should be close to the maximum number of provisioning workflows
that are started at the same time. The max-wait value should remain as the default value unless you want
the application to wait longer or shorter before throwing exceptions indicating that no more database
connection is available.
For more details and best practices about the procedures to optimize Tivoli Provisioning Manager, see the
publication called White Paper: Tivoli Provisioning Manager 7.1: Capacity Planning Cookbook. The document
can be downloaded at the following link:

Chapter 13. Provisioning workflow problems



IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 14. Reporting problems

This section describes how to recover from reporting problems.

Corrupted text when importing non-English CSV reports to Excel

CSV files are written in UTF-8 format, which is not currently supported in CSV format in Excel.

Reports that are exported to Comma Separated Values (CSV) file format can then be imported to
spreadsheet applications, such as Microsoft Excel. When trying to import non-English CSV reports into
Excel , the text becomes garbled.

CSV files are written in UTF-8 format (abbreviation for Universal Transformation Format). UTF-8 converts
16-bit unicode characters into 8-bit ASCII characters. Microsoft Excel does not currently support UTF-8 in
CSV format.

Resolving the problem

CSV files are written in UTF-8 format to support multiple language scripts in a single report. CSV files
can be imported into spreadsheet applications, but can also be imported into the database using custom
applications. The following procedures are solutions that have been tested for various languages. In
addition to these solutions, there are operating system and Excel requirements that must be met in order
for the characters to be displayed properly.
User response: Solution 1:
1. Open the <Report_name>.csv file in Notepad, and then save it as Unicode. Rename the file to
2. Open the <Report_name>_unicode.csv file in Excel. The Text Import Wizard is displayed:
a. In the first step, select Delimited and ensure that all other options are clear.
b. In the second step, clear Tab and select Comma.
c. Click Finish before going to step 3.
After performing the steps described previously, the CSV report can be opened in Excel with all
characters displayed properly.
Solution 2:
1. Open the <Report_name>.csv file in Notepad, and then save it as ANSI, renaming it to
2. Open the<Report_name>_ansi.csv file in Excel. The characters are properly displayed.
Solution 3:You can convert the CSV file from UTF-8 to native encoding using a code conversion tool. You
can use the native2ascii command line utility that is provided with the Java JDK toolkit. The tool can be
found in the %WAS_HOME%/AppServer/java/bin directory.
1. Open a command prompt window, and change directories until you reach the location of the
native2ascii tool. Alternatively, you can set the value of Path, the system variable for the operating
system, to include the location of the Java JDK toolkit.
2. Enter the following command:

Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2011


native2ascii -encoding UTF-8 <Report_name>.csv | native2ascii -reverse -encoding

<Language_code> > <Report_name>_output.csv

where<Language_code> is the locale code for the language that you are interested in. For example,
GB2312 is the code for simplified Chinese.
3. Open the <Report_name>_output.csv file in Excel.
All characters are properly displayed.
Instead of running the previous command more than once for converting more CSV files, you might
want to create a script file that uses the command in step 2 and specifies the names of all the CSV files
that require conversion. You can run the script to convert all the required files at once.
In addition to the solutions described previously, the following operating system and Excel requirements
must be met before the characters are displayed properly:
Operating system requirements
Try matching the language of the imported CSV report with the operating system language. For
example, for Japanese, try importing the file on a computer that is running a Japanese operating
system. If you cannot meet this requirement, set the user locale of your system to the language of
your choice, so that you can use the standard settings for that language. To do this, perform the
following steps:
1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel, and then open Regional Options.
2. On the General tab, change the user locale to the language you are interested in.
3. Click OK.
Excel requirements
You can set the Microsoft Office language settings to the language of your choice by performing
the following steps:
1. Click Start > Programs > Microsoft Office Tools > Microsoft Office XP Language Settings
2. On the Enabled Languages tab, set the Default version of Microsoft Office to the language
of your choice.
3. Ensure that the language that interests you is on the Enabled languages list:
a. In the Available languages list, click the language that interests you.
b. Click Add to add the selected language to the Enabled languages list.
c. Click OK.

Garbled text displayed when exporting reports into CSV

The CSV report files use the UTF-8 encoding. When opening those reports with some commonly used
applications, such as Microsoft Excel, non-readable characters appear.

Unknown characters appear when generating a report that contains double-byte characters (for example,
Cyrillic, Chinese, or Japanese characters) after exporting the report as CSV file.

Some applications do not support UTF-8 encoding or open CSV files (that use UTF-8) using ASCII
encoding, which results in garbled text being displayed.

Resolving the problem


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Use an application that supports UTF-8 encoding, such as Notepad. Alternatively, open the CSV report
using Microsoft Excel 2003. To open the report result file:
1. After the download is completed, change the file extension to .txt. Ignore the prompted warning.
2. Open the text file in Microsoft Excel 2003.
3. In the Text Import Wizard select Delimited in Original Data type, then select Unicode UTF-8 in File
4. Click Next.
5. Specify the comma character as the file delimiter.
6. Click Finish.
You can also change your Web browser language preferences to see the language display correctly.
1. In Internet Explorer, click Tools > Internet Options.
2. Click Languages > Add.
3. In the list, select the language that you want to add and click OK.
4. In the Language field, select the new language and click Move Up. Click OK and then close the Web
5. Open the Web browser and log on to Tivoli Provisioning Manager.
The new language will now be displayed in your Web browser.

Missing information when reports are saved in CSV format

Other result fields for a report are created in sub-reports under the top-level report. To see the report
information in more detail, these sub-reports must also be saved in CSV format.

When you run a report that provides detailed information, only some of the results are printed in the
exported report in Common Separated Value (CSV) format.
For example, if you run the report called tp_serverDetails.rptdesign to see server details (including
networking and other resource details) the exported CSV formatted report results only provide the server
name and server ID details.

The other result fields for a report are created in sub-reports under the top-level report. In this example,
the hardware resource and networking details are provided in the sub-reports.

Error when importing reports

This error message is incorrect and can be disregarded.

Running the importreports.cmd command to import a report results in the error Unable to locate

An extra library is referenced in the environment script.

Resolving the problem

Chapter 14. Reporting problems


Disregard this error message. The importing of the report completes successfully even though you receive
this error.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 hangs when viewing multiple report

There is a memory leak in Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7 that will eventually cause it to hang if
viewing many report results. Close and reopen the browser occasionally to avoid this.

Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7 hangs if you are using the Web browser to view multiple report

There is a memory leak in Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7. The memory usage of the iexplore.exe
file grows even after you have closed the report results.

Resolving the problem

Close Microsoft Internet Explorer Internet Explorer version 7 occasionally if you are viewing many report
results (to free up the leaked memory), or use Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.

Cannot open report after generating request pages

The request pages did not generate properly if you cannot open the report. Check the log files and
resolve any problems before generating the request pages again.

When you click Generate Request Pages, the action seems to perform correctly but you cannot open the

The request pages did not generate properly.

Resolving the problem

Check the SystemOut.log and SystemErr.log files on the MXServer. Resolve any database connection or
other problems for the reports and then generate the request pages again.
The logs are located in the following locations:


: $WAS_HOME/profiles/ctgAppSrv01/logs/MXServer




: $WAS_HOME/logs/server1

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 15. Web Replay problems

This section describes how to recover from Web Replay problems.

Common problems with Web Replay

Web Replay problems regarding saved changes, the Rewind icon, and importing scenarios.

v If two persons logged on with the same user ID are modifying the same scenario, the most recent
changes are saved in the scenario.
v Clicking the Rewind icon goes back only a number of steps in a scenario.
v Importing an existing scenario creates a duplicate scenario on the interface.

Pop-up window in Web Replay scenarios is not visible

If the pop-up window is not visible in Web Replay, try to make more space for the web interface by
enlarging the browser window.

The pop-up window that is used to provide instructions to users is not visible because Web Replay is not
running in a full-screen browser window.

The browser window is too small, which makes the pop-up window appear off-screen.

Resolving the problem

Try the following solutions:
v Enlarge or maximize the browser window to work with the scenario in full-screen mode.
v Hide the scroll bars on your browser window to provide more space for the web interface.
v Use the scroll bar to make the pop-up window visible.
v Re-create the scenario. When in edit mode, move the pop-up window so that it is visible on smaller
browser windows.

Web Replay scenarios do not work with different browsers

Web Replay scenarios that are created in one Web browser might not work properly if you run them in
another Web browser.

Web Replay scenarios do not work with certain Web browsers.

Web Replay scenarios that are created in one Web browser might not work properly if you run them in
another Web browser. For example, Web Replay scenarios that are created in Internet Explorer might not
work properly in Firefox, and vice versa.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2011


Resolving the problem

It is recommended that you run your scenario in the same browser that the scenario was created with.
If you need to run scenarios that were created in another browser:
1. In the new browser, right-click on the scenario and select Edit.
2. In the sequence of steps, highlight the step that is causing the problem, right-click and select Add
variation. This option is only available if you are not recording.
3. On the interface, click the new item to update it in the scenario.
4. After you have made all the changes, click Save. You are now ready to run the scenario with the new

Microsoft Internet Explorer errors in Web Replay

If you get a stack overflow error in Internet Explorer, delete the browser cache. This problem does not
apply to Firefox.

When creating or running a scenario, Microsoft Internet Explorer ends the session with one of the
following errors:
Microsoft Internet
Explorer stack overflow

Explorer Cannot Open the Internet Site - Operation Aborted

You do not have this problem if you are using Firefox.

The Web browser is running out of memory.

Resolving the problem

In Microsoft Internet Explorer, delete the browser cache. Alternatively, use Firefox.

Highlight disappears when creating a scenario

This problem is caused by the browser cache. Refresh the browser cache.

When creating a Web Replay scenario, the highlight appears and disappears too fast, which might result
in recording the wrong element on the web interface.

The browser cache contains data which causes this behavior.

Resolving the problem

Refresh the browser cache.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Errors when typing data in scenarios

If you do not type data when required to, the Web Replay scenario advances to the next step after
displaying an error. Enter your data and then click Rewind.

When running a scenario, if you do not type data when required to, an error message is generated on the
web interface, but the Web Replay scenario advances to the next step.

Resolving the problem

Type your data and click the Rewind icon.

Performance problems with Web Replay

Computer performance might be slow if there are a large number of scenarios available, or if an interface
page has a large number of items.

v When running scenarios, interface pages with a large number of items might take a long time to
v If there are a large number of scenarios available, it might take a long time for Web Replay to respond
to user commands.

Web Replay has slow response time

Internet Explorer might run out of memory when creating scenarios with many steps. If this happens,
save the scenario and then close and reopen Internet Explorer to continue editing.

When creating a scenario with many steps in Microsoft Internet Explorer, Web Replay takes a long time
to respond.

An issue with how Microsoft Internet Explorer handles memory with javascript might cause the browser
to run out of memory.

Resolving the problem

1. Click Save to save the current scenario.
2. Right-click on the scenario and select Edit to continue adding steps to the scenario.

Highlight box is not placed properly for menus

If you want to record menus and menu items in your scenario, you must record the navigation steps as
all manual steps or all automatic steps.

When running a Web Replay scenario, the highlight box is not placed properly for menus if the previous
step is an automatic step.

Chapter 15. Web Replay problems


This behavior is expected because all menu items, such the Go To menu items, need be recorded either as
all manual steps or as all automatic steps.

Resolving the problem

If you want to record menus and menu items in your scenario, you must record the navigation steps as
all manual steps or all automatic steps. If you mix manual and automatic steps when recording menu
items, the resulting scenario might not highlight the elements properly. To make your scenario as
automated as possible, record all actions for menu items as automatic steps.

Category does not exist in Web Replay

A new category needs to be assigned to a specific scenario, or else the category will give the impression
that it exists when it does not exist.

After creating and removing some categories in Web Replay, the removed categories that were not
assigned to a scenario appear to exist, but do not actually exist.

In Web Replay, a category is created only when a scenario is assigned to it. A new category needs to be
assigned to a specific scenario, or else the category will give the impression that it exists when it does not

Resolving the problem

Currently, there is no way to edit or delete categories directly. To work around this issue:
1. Remove the category from all scenarios present. This will automatically delete the category.
2. Create a category with your edited or new values and then reassign its scenarios to that category.

User cannot play or edit Web Replay scenarios

The Tivoli Provisioning Manager security groups have access to the Maximo Web Replay applications,
but permission is needed in order to play or edit some scenarios.

A user can log in but cannot access the Web Replay link. If access is granted, permission to play or edit a
particular scenario is denied.

In order to run or re-create Web Replay scenarios, you must be a member of one of the following security
groups, depending on whether Run , Re-create, or access to all operations permission is needed:
These groups are documented in the Web Replay User's Guide. The Tivoli Provisioning Manager security
groups have access to the Maximo Web Replay applications, but permission is needed in order to play or
edit some scenarios.

Resolving the problem


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Access to playing provisioning-related scenarios is available for appropriate security groups by default.

Chapter 15. Web Replay problems



IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 16. Software Package Editor troubleshooting

This section will help with troubleshooting Software Package Editor problems.

Problem Determination Tools

A list of logs and resources to help when troubleshooting the Software Package Editor
If you are having problems with the Software Package Editor, the following problem determination tools
are available to help you solve the problem:
v A Software Package Editor trace file named swdisGUI.trcX is located in the Eclipse installation path.
v Software Package Editor servlet logs are located on the Tivoli Provisioning Manager server, in the
%TIO_LOGS%\console.log file (in a WebSphere Application Server environment).
v Workflow status can be viewed in the Tivoli Provisioning Manager web interface by clicking Go To >
Task Management > Provisioning Tasks > Provisioning Workflow Status.
v Workflow execution error details can be found in the deployment engine log file in

Verifying the Software Package Editor installation

Steps to make sure that the Software Package Editor is installed and running correctly.
These steps verify that the Software Package Editor is up and running correctly.

1. Check the installation of the Software Package Editor.
The Software Package Editor launched from the web interface requires that the Java Web Start tool is
installed on the workstation. Java Web Start is contained in the Java Runtime Environment Version
1.4.2 or later releases. The Eclipse-based Software Package Editor is launched from an Eclipse
installation only on supported Windows platforms.
2. Verify that the deployment engine is up and running.
Check the log files for provisioning workflows stored in the path %TIO_LOGS%\console.log.
3. Verify the information located on the preferences panel of the Eclipse interface (Window >
Preferences > Software Package Editor).
v Type the following Web address in a Web browser: https://Web_Server_hostname.port/root_path/
SPEListPackages. For example,

If the information specified on the preferences panel is correct, then an unformatted list of software
packages is displayed similar to the following output. Boldface is used to highlight software
package names and versions:
VivPackage#lab133094-region 1.0
"Java IBM Windows Installable 1.4.2ptTCA Solaris Installable FOR
TMA TCA Windows
Installable FOR TMA New1Viv#lab133094-region 1.0#
Java IBM Linux390 Installable 1.4.2

v If Use SSL is selected and your provisioning server uses HTTPS over SSL, ensure you have
imported the SSL certificate in the cacerts keystore.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2011


v Verify that the password specified for the user is correct, and that the user has been created on the
provisioning server. To verify the creation of the user from the Tivoli Provisioning Manager web
interface, select System Management > Manage User.
Note: During installation, a system administrator user (tioadmin) and a web interface administrator
user (admin by default) are created. The web interface administrator has all permissions for all
objects in the data model. The tioadmin user is not assigned to an access collection by default, and
therefore you must manually assign the permissions to the user. To assign all permissions for all
objects in the data model:
a. Log on to the web interface with the user tioadmin.
b. Click System Management > Manage Users.
c. Click the tioadmin user.
d. Select Edit > Assign Access Permissions.
e. Under Available Access Groups, select sample:all-objects.
f. Under Available Permissions, select sample:all-permissions.
g. Click Save.

Problems running eclipseLauncher.bat

Ensure that the latest Microsoft service pack is installed.

An error occurs when you run eclipseLauncher.bat to start the Software Package Editor on a Windows

You do not have the latest Microsoft service pack.

Resolving the problem

Ensure that the latest Microsoft service pack is installed.

Performance problems when accessing remote drives

Software Package Editor performance might be degraded if remote drives were mapped to the computer
after Software Package Editor was launched.

The Software Package Editor runs running slowly when accessing remote drives.

Performance of the Software Package Editor might be degraded if remote drives were mapped to the
computer after Software Package Editor was launched.

Resolving the problem

Restart Software Package Editor after mapping remote drives to the computer.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

OutOfMemoryError error when software package is too large

This error might occur if the software package being processed is too large.

An operation launched from the Software Package Editor returns an OutOfMemoryError error.

Error might be returned if the software package being processed is too large.

Resolving the problem

To correct the problem, tune the following parameter to improve performance:
v Software Package Editor launched using Java Web Start: Tune the default value mx100m of the
max_heap_size parameter in the spe.jnlp file located in the Web Start cache directory of the Java
Virtual Machine to improve the memory size. Increase the value gradually by small increments until
you find the optimal value for your environment.
The cache directory is located in the %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\javaws\
cache directory. You can verify this location from the Java Web Start Application Manager main
window by clicking File > Preferences. Select the Advanced page from the Java Web Start Preferences notebook. The cache directory location is specified in the Applications Folder field.
v Software Package Editor in an Eclipse environment: In the eclipse.ini file located in the Eclipse
install directory, tune the default value -Xmx256m to increase the heap size. Increase the value gradually
by small increments until you find the optimal value for your environment. For example, replace
-Xmx256m with -Xmx300m and then continue to increase this value until computer performance improves.

Software package block corrupted on Windows

This problem only occurs with SPBs created using Tivoli Provisioning Manager version 5.1, and has been
resolved in later versions.

If you download a software package block (SPB) containing platform-dependent variables (for example,
file paths of source files) on Windows when the SPB was originally created in UNIX or Linux, the SPB
gets corrupted.

This problem only occurs with SPBs created using Tivoli Provisioning Manager version 5.1, and has been
resolved in later versions.

Resolving the problem

Re-create old SPBs with Tivoli Provisioning Manager or Tivoli Configuration Manager version 5.1.1 or

Chapter 16. Software Package Editor troubleshooting


Cannot save software package block if file name contains DBCS

Cygwin does not support DBCS characters in software package block names. Rename the software
package block.

Uploading and downloadingsoftware package blocks (SPB) to and from the file repository on the Tivoli
Provisioning Manager server fails if the name of the software package block contains double-byte
character set (DBCS) characters.

Cygwin does not support DBCS characters in software package block names.

Resolving the problem

Rename the software package block so that its name does not contain DBCS characters.

Cannot upload software package block if file path contains DBCS

Cygwin does not support DBCS characters in the file path to the repository. Rename the file path.

Uploading and downloadingsoftware package blocks to and from the file repository on the Tivoli
Provisioning Manager server fails, if the name of the file path to the repository contains double-byte
character set (DBCS) characters.

Cygwin does not support DBCS characters in the file path to the repository.

Resolving the problem

Rename the name of the file path to the repository so that it does not contain DBCS characters.

Software Package Editor does not start from web interface

The software to block pop-up windows in your Web browser might be preventing the Software Package
Editor from opening, or Java Web Start might not be installed.

The Software Package Editor does not start when performing the following steps on the web interface:
1. Click Go To > IT Infrastructure > Software Catalog > Software Products.
2. Select Start SPE from the Select Action menu.

The software to block pop-up windows in your Web browser might be preventing the Software Package
Editor from opening.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Alternately, the Java Web Start tool might not be installed on the workstation.

Resolving the problem

If the software to block pop-up windows is turned on in your Web browser, perform the following steps
to deactivate it:
If using Microsoft Internet Explorer:
1. Click Tools > Internet Options.
2. Click the Privacy tab.

Clear the Block pop-ups check box.

Click the Advanced tab.
Clear the Do not save encrypted pages to disk check box.
Click OK.

If using Mozilla Firefox (only supported in Tivoli Provisioning Manager 7.1.1):

1. Click Tools > Options.
2. Click the Content tab.
3. Clear the Block pop-up windows check box.
4. Click OK.
If Java Web Start is not installed on the workstation, then install it.
Note: Java Web Start is included in Java Runtime Environment versions 1.4.2 or newer.

Software Package Editor does not start using JRE 1.5.0_u16

The Software Package Editor does not start when performing the following steps on the web interface:
1. Click Go To > IT Infrastructure > Software Catalog > Software Products.
2. Select Start SPE from the Select Action menu.
The following error message is displayed by the web interface:
An error occurred while launching/running the application
Title: Software Package Editor
Vendor: IBM
Category: Unexpected Error
Unexpected exception: java.lang.NullPointerException

The Java Web Start 1.5.0_u16 might be installed on the workstation.

Resolving the problem

When installing a different level of JRE 1.5, such as for example JRE 1.5.0_u18, the Software Package
Editor is launched successfully.

Chapter 16. Software Package Editor troubleshooting


Error when uploading migrated software packages to file repositories

To resolve this error, change the Source Location of the affected add_directory command before
uploading the package to the file repository.

You will receive an error when you try to upload a migrated software package containing at least one
add_directory command for which the source path contains a variable whose value depends on the
platform where there package was built. For example, a definition of the add_directory command in the
location = $(source.$(os_name)) and the software package block (SPB) contains the default_variable
drive = c:
source.Windows_95 = $(drive)$(source_path)
source_path = /demo
source.Windows_NT = $(drive)$(source_path)
source.AIX = $(source_path)

If you build this software package on AIX and it is downloaded and unpacked with the Software
Package Editor on a Windows computer, the variable Windows definition prefix is added to the
source_path of the contained add_directory stanza. In this example, the source_path location attribute
from the built package is resolved as /demo but the Windows definition has added a prefix and stored
the source_path as c:/demo inside the resulting package. When the Software Package Editor attempts to
rebuild the package before uploading it to a file repository, you will receive an error message that the
path is not recognized.

Resolving the problem

To resolve this error, change the Source Location of the affected add_directory command in the Software
Package Editor before uploading the package to the file repository.

Information for troubleshooting software package blocks on Tivoli

Common Agent computers
File paths and log file locations for troubleshooting software package blocks on Tivoli Common Agent

Default installation directory





C:\Program Files\tivoli\ep


Log and configuration information

All log files for the common agent can be collected by running the following command:
This command creates an archive file named in the install directory. More information on file can be found at the following link: Collecting common agent diagnostic
information on page 242


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Main log location

All log files for the common agent and a description of each can be found at the following link: Log files
for the common agent on page 246

Installation of PackageExample software package block stalls

Run the TCA_PingAgent to make sure there are successful communications.

Installation of the Package Example software package block has the status of Submitted for a long time.

Resolving the problem
Run the TCA_PingAgent to make sure there are successful communications.

Installing a software package block manually using the Agent SIE

Step-by-step instructions.
The following steps will install a software package block manually using the Agent SIE:

1. On the target computer, change directory to/opt/tivoli/ep/runtime/agent and run the following
agentcli spbhandler install -n "Linux TestPackage".1.0 -f -R y

Check what is reported in the error log error-log-#.xml. You can check the agent log files by
following the instructions at the following link: Information for troubleshooting software package
blocks on Tivoli Common Agent computers on page 210
2. InstallPackageWithVariables is used to pass the user variables needed by the software package block
(SPB) to be installed properly.
The usage flow is:
v Create a software module containing an SPB installable (from the Tivoli Configuration Manager
migration or from the Software Package Editor).
v Run the SOA task ( that starts the
SoftwareModule.Install workflow using java code, which creates the software installations for each
v If the SPB contains the default_variables section, the contained variables and their default values
are stored inside the software module software resource template with the leading % sign to
distinguish them from the operational variables such as FORCE or
v When the software module is required to be installed using SOA, the JES job is created (in
DmsSoftwareService) and the keys-values arrays are filled in with these variables and passed as job
item attributes.

Chapter 16. Software Package Editor troubleshooting


Listing the software catalog

The command to list a software catalog.
This procedure lists the software catalog of a computer.

On the target computer, go to the /opt/tivoli/ep/runtime/agent directory and then enter the following
agentcli spbhandler state -n *
This should produce the following output::
*** Exit code = 0
*** Extra data = ----*** Standard output:
DISSE0164I Name : PackageExample
DISSE0165I Version : 1
DISSE0166I State : IC------------------------------------DISSE0164I Name : TPM End User Interaction Service Installable
DISSE0165I Version :
DISSE0166I State : IC------------------------------------*** Standard error:

Uninstalling a software package block manually using the agent SIE

The command to uninstall a software package block.
This procedure will manually uninstall a software package block using the agent SIE.

On the target computer, go to the /opt/tivoli/ep/runtime/agent directory and run the following
agentcli spbhandler remove -n "TPM End User Interaction Service Installable."

Cannot uninstall a software package block manually using the agent

SIE on Windows computers
When an uninstall operation is triggered from the console, the real operation performed at the agent level
is an undo operation (rollback) instead of a physical remove operation.



IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

When uninstalling a software package block (.SPB file) on Windows target computers, the operation ends
successfully but the software product is not removed from the target computer.

When an uninstall operation is triggered from the console, the real operation performed at the agent level
is an undo operation (rollback) instead of a physical remove operation.

Resolving the problem

To solve this problem, you can choose one of the following options:
v When installing the software product, perform these steps:
1. Click Advanced.
2. Deselect the Enable rollback check box.
v Before uninstalling an SPB file, modify it by adding the during_undo stanza inside the
execute_user_program and copying the details from the during_remove stanza.

Bypassing the maximum size of software package blocks

A way to work around the default software package block of 4 GB.
A software package block bundles all the resources necessary to run the actions contained in the software
package into a standard zipped format. The maximum size of a software package block is 4 GB. There are
several ways to work around the default software package block size.

v You can use multiple software package blocks. Produce a set of correlated .SPB files which contain the
software product split in several packages.
v In case of remote images, you can reference them in the .SPB file using the is_image_remote option. By
enabling this option, you can specify whether image files are obtained from a directory on a remote
server at installation time.

Cannot import a software package block using the wizard

Any software package block you import using the product wizard does not get the right template and the
right definition. Do not use the product wizard to import software package blocks.

When importing a software package block (.SPB file) into Tivoli Provisioning Manager using the Import
Software Product wizard, the definition and the template for the software package are not correctly set.
This information is also not displayed by the Software Package Editor on the repository.

Any software package block you import using the product wizard does not get the right template and the
right definition.

Resolving the problem

Do not use the product wizard to import software package blocks. The only way to set and display this
information is by importing the .SPB file using the Software Package Editor.

Chapter 16. Software Package Editor troubleshooting


Cannot open a software package block from repository

This problem is caused by a permission issue related to the destination path of the file repository.

When opening an already created software package block (.SPB file) from a file repository using Software
Package Editor on AIX platforms, the operation fails and displays the following error:
The file access permissions do not allow the specified action.

This problem is caused by a permission issue related to the destination path of the file repository.

Resolving the problem

Before trying to open the software package block on AIX computers, first modify the file permissions for
the file repository destination path.

Cannot uninstall a software product

Install the software product using a software package block with Tivoli Common Agent.

You cannot uninstall a software product using Tivoli Provisioning Manager and the following error
message is displayed:
DISSE0026E Software package package_name was not found in the catalog.
DISSE0005E Operation unsuccessful.; return code = 9

The uninstallation fails if the software product was installed as a software package block (SPB) without
Tivoli Common Agent.

Resolving the problem

Install the software product using a software package block (SPB) with Tivoli Common Agent (TCA).

Software import fails but software product is added to data model

This will happen if you entered an incorrect file name in Software Product Import page.

If attempt a software import but entered an incorrect file name in the Software Product Import page, the
software import fails but a software product is still added to the data model.

If you entered a file path that specifies where the file is going to be imported, an import task is generated
to copy the file from the root of the file repository to the specified file path. If the file does not exist in
the root of the file repository, this task will fail, and generate an error message similar to the following:


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPDEX123E A ExecuteCommand exception occurred.

The exception was caused by the following problem:
/bin/cp: cannot stat `/cygdrive/C/Program Files/IBM/tivoli/
No such file or directory.

Despite this error message, a software product was still created in the data model, but will contain an
installable that is not working because the import task failed.
Note: If the package path in the Software Product Import page was a / symbol, which specifies the root
of the file repository, then no import task is generated.

Resolving the problem

Choose one of the following options:
v Select the new software product, select the installable, and then correct the installable name and file
path values.
v Delete the new software product, place the file in the root of the selected file repository, and then try
the import again.
Note: If you do not have access to the file repository, then use the Upload button from the Import
Software Product panel to upload the file from the local computer instead.

Chapter 16. Software Package Editor troubleshooting



IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 17. Activity Plan Editor troubleshooting

This section will help with troubleshooting Activity Plan Editor problems.

Activity Plan does not start

A limitation with Eclipse prevents the activity plan from starting.

After you submit a request to start an activity plan, the activity plan does not start. The following
information can be found in the log located in the activity plan engine OSGi configuration folder
!ENTRY org.eclipse.update.configurator 2006-09-22 09:47:22.422
!MESSAGE Could not load from shared install
at org.eclipse.update.internal.configurator.ConfigurationParser.processConfig
at org.eclipse.update.internal.configurator.ConfigurationParser.startElement
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.startElement
(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLNSDocumentScannerImpl.scanStartElement(Unknown Source)

This issue is caused by a limitation of Eclipse 3.1.2 that prevents it from starting multiple applications.

Resolving the problem

To work around this problem, remove the TIO_HOME/eclipse/tpmconfig folder. This folder is used by
Tivoli Provisioning Manager Eclipse applications to store the specific OSGi configuration files. You will
not lose any required information if you remove this folder.

Activity Plan editor displays bad magic number error message

The Activity Plan Editor only supports Sun JRE versions 1.5.0 or newer.

When saving or exporting an activity plan using the Activity Plan Editor, the following error message is
bad magic number at offset=0

The Web browser is using a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version that is incompatible with the
Activity Plan Editor. The Activity Plan Editor only supports Sun JRE versions 1.5.0 or newer.

Resolving the problem

To work around this problem, perform one of these actions:
Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2011


v Uninstall JRE. The Activity Plan Editor will automatically download the appropriate JRE version the
next time the tool is used.
v Uninstall JRE and then manually install Sun JRE version 1.5.0 or higher.

Activity plans are displayed only in English

The display language of the Activity Plan Editor is based on the browser locale setting. Change the locale
setting defined in your browser.

Activity plans created using the Activity Plan Editor are displayed only in English.

The display language of the Activity Plan Editor is based on the browser locale setting and not on the
locale setting of Tivoli Provisioning Manager.

Resolving the problem

Change the locale setting defined in your browser.

Activity Plan Editor logs and traces

You can use the logs and traces to define and troubleshoot problems with Activity Plan Editor.
Use the Settings > Trace Level menu in the Activity Plan Editor web interface to change the trace level.
The change is applied at runtime, so no restart of the Activity Plan Editor is necessary.
The Activity Plan Editor can write information to a variety of log and trace files. In most cases, you can
control whether the information is written, and where it is stored.
Note: If you do not have write access to the folder where the web interface traces are written, the trace
information is written to the home directory of the user.
Most of the files are controlled using keys in the apm.ini file.
You can also specify the maximum number of trace files to be created by adding the trace_files_num=3
parameter to the apm.ini file. You can set this parameter to any positive integer. If this parameter is not
specified, the default maximum number of trace files is 3.
Note: The tracing function is intended for debugging purposes. If enabled for extended periods of time,
tracing can decrease performance and slow the processing of the product considerably.

Activity Plan Editor startup trace file

The Activity Plan Editor startup trace file is called apmed.log.
The Activity Plan Editor startup trace file is called apmed.log. This file can be found in the following





IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 18. Agent Manager troubleshooting

This section will help you resolve problems with the agent manager.

Cannot access registry

The registry needs to be correctly configured and available.

You get errors when you try to access the registry.

The registry might not be available, or might not be correctly configured.

Resolving the problem

Verify that the registry is correctly configured and available.
1. Open the WebSphere Administrative Console.
Note: If you use the embedded version of IBM WebSphere Application Server, you must install the
administrative console first.
2. In the WebSphere Administrative Console, expand Resources and then click JDBC Providers.
3. In the Server field on the JDBC Providers panel, type the name of the application server where the
agent manager is installed or click Browse to select it from a list. The default name is Agent Manager.
4. Click Apply to list the JDBC providers for the agent manager application server.
5. In the list of providers, click AgentJDBCProvider.
6. In the Additional Properties area at the bottom of the Configuration page of the JDBC provider, click
Data Sources.
7. On the Data Sources page, check the box next to AgentRegistry and then click Test Connection.
8. Review the status message at the top of the Data Sources panel. A message similar to the following
indicates that the JDBC connection is correctly configured:
Test connection for datasource AgentRegistry on server server1 at node
WAS_host_name was successful.

The message contains server1 as the application server name even if the agent manager is installed in
a different application server.

Security certificate error when logging on from Firefox

A certificate security error will occur if you try to log on to another instance of Tivoli Provisioning
Manager with another instance of the agent manager.

The following security error is generated by the Firefox Web browser when a user tries to log on to Tivoli
Provisioning Manager:
Your certificate contains the same serial number as another certificate issued
by the certificate authority.
Please get a new certificate containing a unique serial number.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2011


The certificate generated by an agent manager instance has been trusted before and the certificate is
stored locally on the customer side. When the user tries to log on to another instance of Tivoli
Provisioning Manager with another instance of the agent manager, the agent manager will generate
another certificate, but with the same serial number.

Resolving the problem

Remove the certificates. In the Firefox Web browser, navigate to Tools > Options > Advanced > Security
> View Certificates and click on Web Sites. Delete the certificates that appear in that section.

Cannot connect to agent manager

Multiple issues might prevent communication with the agent manager, even if the passwords are correct.

The common agent or resource manager cannot register or communicate with the agent manager despite
having the correct passwords.

This can be caused by any of the following problems:
v Agent Manager configuration files, such as or Authorization.xml, are
missing or have been altered.
v Security credentials are not valid, have expired, or have been revoked.
v A common agent is being installed on a computer that already has a common agent installed on it, and
the agent manager is configured to prevent duplicate registration.
v A common agent is attempting to reregister, but that feature is not available.
This problem can be caused when trying to reinstall a common agent after uninstalling a release before
version 1.3. In earlier releases, uninstalling the common agent did not change its registry entry, and as
a result the common agent appears to be reregistering when it is reinstalled.
The same problem can occur if the common agent cannot contact the agent manager when it is
uninstalled. This might happen if the common agent is uninstalled while it is not connected to a
v The clocks on the common agent or resource manager and the agent manager are not synchronized.
v The common agent cannot connect to the agent manager during the agent installation.

Resolving the problem

A variety of connectivity and registration problems can sometimes be resolved by forcing the common
agent to register with the agent manager again. Before you begin, make sure that you know the current
agent registration password.

force the common agent to reregister:

Make sure that the agent manager is configured so that you can reregister.
Stop the common agent.
Delete the contents of the CA_HOME/cert directory on the common agent.
Copy the agentTrust.jks file from the AM_HOME/certs directory on the agent manager server to the
CA_HOME/cert directory on the common agent.
5. Change the agent registration password, which is saved in an encrypted format, in the file on the common agent.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

6. Restart the common agent.

If the common agent cannot connect to the agent manager, perform the following checks:
v Ensure that all common agents can resolve the IP address of the agent manager.
v Connect to http://TPM server name :9513/AgentMgr/Info. This page displays information about the
agent manager version and configuration.

Agent Manager connection problems on UNIX

Operating system limitations might cause problems when connecting to the local DB2 database on UNIX

Operating system limitations might cause problems when connecting to the local DB2 database on UNIX

The agent manager installer creates a local DB2 database named IBMCDB by default. In the local DB2
client, the entry exists under the same alias as the database name (that is, IBMCDB), which can be
displayed as follows:
db2 => list db directory
System Database Directory
Number of entries in the directory = 1
Database 1 entry:
Database alias = IBMCDB
Database name = IBMCDB
Database drive = /home/db2inst1
Database release level = a.00
Comment =
Directory entry type = Indirect
Catalog database partition number = 0
Alternate server hostname =
Alternate server port number =

Resolving the problem

Resolve these problems by making the DB2 client connect to the database using a local TCP/IP loopback
and by creating an alias on the DB2 client.
An alias to the local DB2 server is created by the installer. The alias name is LHOSTX, where X is a number
starting from 0, until a unique name is found. The local default DB2 database manager is aliased under
the name LHOST0 as shown in the following information:
namdb2 => list node directory
Node Directory
Number of entries in the directory = 1
Node 1 entry: Node name = LHOST0
Directory entry type = LOCAL
Protocol = TCPIP
Hostname = localhost
Service name = 50000

The created database is then aliased under a new name in the same way, a number is appended to its
name until an unique name is found. By default, the local database is created under IBMCDB0, and the
original database name is used to alias this database, but on a virtual node (because it is local) listed
previously. This results in the following output:
Chapter 18. Agent Manager troubleshooting


db2 => list of db directory

System Database Directory
Number of entries in the directory = 2
Database 1 entry:
Database alias = IBMCDB
Database name = IBMCDB0
Node name = LHOST0
Database release level = a.00
Comment =
Directory entry type = Remote
Catalog database partition number = -1
Alternate server hostname =
Alternate server port number =
Database 2 entry:
Database alias = IBMCDB0
Database name = IBMCDB
Database drive = /home/db2inst1
Database release level = a.00
Comment =
Directory entry type = Indirect
Catalog database partition number = 0
Alternate server hostname =
Alternate server port number =

The agent manager application is still accessing the IBMCDB database, but the connection uses a local
TCP/IP loopback. Typically when connecting to the local database, no credentials are needed because the
authorization is verified on the basis of the user system account. In this case, when aliases are created,
the user will always be asked for credentials of the authorized database user. The problem might also
arise when someone wants to drop the agent manager database. The agent manager uninstaller does not
remove the database, and therefore the aliases remain unchanged. However, to properly remove the
database manually the following commands need to be run:
db2 => uncatalog db IBMCDB DB20000I The UNCATALOG DATABASE command
completed successfully.
DB21056W Directory changes may not be effective until the directory cache
is refreshed.
db2 => catalog db IBMCDB as IBMCDB DB20000I The CATALOG DATABASE command
completed successfully.
DB21056W Directory changes may not be effective until the directory cache
is refreshed.
db2 => uncatalog db IBMCDB0 DB20000I The UNCATALOG DATABASE command
completed successfully.
DB21056W Directory changes may not be effective until the directory cache
is refreshed.
db2 => uncatalog node LHOST0 DB20000I The UNCATALOG NODE command
completed successfully.
DB21056W Directory changes may not be effective until the directory cache
is refreshed.

After issuing these commands, the database can be freely dropped using the drop db IBMCDB command.

Changing ports for the agent recovery service

If you have another application that uses port 21080 on the same computer as the agent manager, or if
you want to run the agent manager on WebSphere Application Server as a non-root user on UNIX and
Linux systems, you can configure the agent recovery service so that it does not use port 21080.
These steps will configure the agent recovery service so that it does not use port 21080.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

1. Open WebSphere Administrative Console.
Note: If you use the embedded version of IBM WebSphere Application Server, you need to install the
administrative console first.
2. Expand Environments.
3. Select Virtual Hosts.

Click Agent Manager Hosts.

In the Additional Properties area, click Host Aliases.
Select the check box in the table row for port 21080 and click Delete.
In the Messages field, click Save to save the configuration change, and then click Save again to
confirm the change.

The agent recovery service is now configured not to listen on port 21080 for recovery requests.

Enabling or disabling agent manager tracing

These instructions show you how to enable or disable agent manager tracing.
Tracing is turned off by default. You can adjust whether trace information is captured, and the amount of
detail that is traced.

1. Start the administrative console.
Note: If you use the embedded version of IBM WebSphere Application Server, you need to install the
administrative console first.
2. Click Servers > Application Servers > <app_server_name> > Logging and Tracing > Diagnostic
where <app_server_name> is the name of the application server where the agent manager applications
are installed (for example, AgentManager).
3. In the General Properties area of the Configuration page, make sure that Enable Trace is checked.
4. In the Trace Specification field on the Runtime page, type one of the values specified in the
following table:

Value in Trace Specification text box

Turn on all tracing


Turn on the entry and exit tracing


Turn on the highest level of tracing


Turn on tracing for warnings


The Trace Output area shows the name and path of the file that contains the trace information. A
typical location is ${SERVER_LOG_ROOT}/trace.log, where the WebSphere environment variable
${SERVER_LOG_ROOT} represents the runtime log directory, such as app_server_root/logs/
5. Click OK.
6. In the Taskbar, click Save to save the change to the master configuration.
7. In the Save to Master Configuration area, click Save again to confirm the change.

Chapter 18. Agent Manager troubleshooting


Cannot start certificate authority

Replace your certificates if cannot start the certificate authority.

Logs indicate a problem starting the certificate authority.

A common cause is a problem with the certificates.

Resolving the problem

Replace your certificates.

Cannot start the agent manager

There are multiple causes of this problem that range from conflicting port usage to incorrect permissions.

You cannot start the agent manager application server.

There are multiple possible causes of this problem:
v Ensure that you are not running an application besides the agent manager server that also uses port
21080, such as a Web server application like Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS). Such
applications cause the following error when starting agent manager server, regardless of whether you
are starting it manually or as part of the installation:
Error 100: Cannot create another system semaphore.

If you see this message, stop the conflicting application and then start the agent manager server again.
v If you get a NoServerDefinedException when you use the StartServer command to start the agent
manager application server, ensure that you specified the correct server name. Although the default
name of the agent manager application server is AgentManager, the agent manager might be in a
different application server, such as server1.
v If you configured WebSphere Application Server on UNIX or Linux to run as a user other than root
and get a FileNotFoundException exception or a Permission denied error, ensure that the user ID that
runs the WebSphere processes has permission to read the agent manager files, particularly the files in
the AM_HOME/certs directory.

Diagnosing the problem

v If the agent manager is running on WebSphere Application Server, check the logs in the
app_server_root/profiles/profile_name/logs/application_server_name directory for details about the
v If the agent manager is running on the embedded version of IBM WebSphere Application Server, check
the logs in the app_server_root/agentmanager/logs/application_server_name directory for details
about the problem.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Cannot install agent manager

Multiple causes and solutions to agent manager installation errors.

The agent manager fails to install.

Diagnosing the problem

There are three possible causes to this problem. Check for the following entries in the logs and error
The error log contains message SQL1092N.
If the db_stdout.log file contains message SQL1092N, then the user who is installing the agent
manager does not have sufficient authority to create DB2 databases.
On Windows systems, the error log contains the exception: java.lang.Exception: 231628952
On Windows systems, the program that creates the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the
agent manager server fails if the network connection for TCP/IP is not configured to enable
NetBIOS over TCP/IP. Because the GUID is used as part of the name of the security certificates
for the agent manager, the certificates cannot be generated without a GUID.
WebSphere configuration gives the return code 255
If the logs in the log/jacl directory indicate that a WebSphere Application Server configuration
program returned the value 255, then the length of a command run by the wsadmin.bat command
exceeds the Windows operating system maximum length.

Resolving the problem

Once you have determined the source of the problem, follow the appropriate response below.
The error log contains message SQL1092N
1. Make sure that the DB2 user that is used to install the agent manager has the authority to
create databases. You can either increase the authority of the DB2 user that was specified or
you can specify a different use.
2. Uninstall the agent manager before attempting to reinstall.
3. Start the agent manager installation again.
The certGen_stderr.log contains the exception: java.lang.Exception: 231628952
1. Change the TCP/IP properties for the network connection to set the Enable NetBIOS over
TCP/IP property.
2. Uninstall the agent manager.
3. Start the agent manager installation again.
The logs in the log/jacl directory indicate that a WebSphere Application Server configuration
program returned the value 244:
1. Edit the setupCmdLine.bat file in the C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\bin
directory. Locate the following lines in the file:
SET WAS_HOME=C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer
SET JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\java

The path name C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer is the directory where WebSphere

Application Server is installed.
2. Modify the file to shorten the length of the generated commands. Use the SUBST command to
map the installation directory to an unused drive letter. This example uses the drive W.
Chapter 18. Agent Manager troubleshooting


Change the file as follows:

SUBST W: "C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer"
REM SET WAS_HOME=C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer
REM SET JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\java

3. Save the file.

4. Uninstall the agent manager.
5. Start the agent manager installation again.

Agent Manager server does not install or start properly when registry
is in a database
Errors might occur if DB2 Enterprise Server Edition was not installed properly or if the server that
controls the registry database is not running.

The agent manager server does not install or start properly when the registry is in a database, or you
receive errors when accessing the registry.

DB2 Enterprise Server Edition might not be installed properly or the DB2 server that controls the registry
database might not be running.

Resolving the problem

To verify that DB2 Enterprise Server Edition installed properly, refer to the DB2 documentation for your
operating system. The installation documentation contains information about verifying the installation
using either the command line processor (CLP) or the First Steps graphical user interface (GUI). The
general procedure is the same for both methods:
1. Create the SAMPLE database.
2. Connect to the SAMPLE database.
3. Run a query against the SAMPLE database.
4. Drop the SAMPLE database.

JDBC connections used by Common Agent Services

A list of JDBC driver configurations and settings.
The agent manager uses Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) to access the data in the registry. The type of
JDBC driver depends on your configuration, as follows:
v On the embedded version of IBM WebSphere Application Server, or WebSphere Application Server:
A local registry:
A type 2 JDBC driver provides connectivity to a local database.
A remote registry that is accessed using a database client on the agent manager server:
A type 2 JDBC driver provides connectivity to the remote database, using the database client on the
agent manager server. This type of connection can be used for either a DB2 or Oracle Database.
A remote registry, if you do not have a database client on the agent manager server:


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

A type 4 JDBC driver lets the agent manager connect to a remote database without requiring a
database client or server on the agent manager server. This type of connection is used only with a
DB2 database.
The following table summarizes how the location of the registry influences the type of database
software required and which JDBC driver is used.
Table 14. Determining what type of JDBC driver is used
Location of registry

Is a database client or server

required on agent manager server?

JDBC driver


Database server required

Type 2

Local access using a database client

to a remote database

Database client or server required

Type 2

Remote access without a database



Type 4

v On the lightweight runtime:

A DB2 or Oracle Database:
A type 4 JDBC driver is used to access a DB2 or Oracle Database, whether on the same computer as
the Agent Manager or on a remote database server.
v For installing and preconfiguring the registry database on a remote database server, a type 2
connection is used for all database types.

Manually encrypting a password

You can manually encrypt a password if you cannot use the commands that replace passwords in the
Authorization.xml or files.
On the agent manager server, you can manually encrypt a password to replace a value in the
Authorization.xml or file, or to verify an encrypted password. Do this only if
you cannot use the commands that replace passwords in those files. The following table lists the
preferred commands for updating passwords in those files.
To encrypt passwords in this file:

Use this command




To encrypt a password to manually replace a password in a text file:

v On the embedded version of IBM WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere Application Server:
1. Use the EncryptPW command to encrypt a password in the WebSphere Application Server runtime.
The command takes a single argument, the clear text password you want to encrypt. For example:
SCRIPT_HOME/bin/EncryptPW mynewpassword

The command returns a single output string, which is the encrypted password.
2. Copy the encrypted password from the display and paste it into the password field of the file.
3. Save the file.
v On the lightweight runtime:
1. Use the lwiEncryptPwForWCT command to encrypt a password in the lightweight runtime. The
command takes a single argument in which you enter the clear text password that you want to
encrypt. For example:
LWI_HOME/bin/lwiEncryptPwForWCT mynewpassword

Chapter 18. Agent Manager troubleshooting


The command returns a single output string, which is the encrypted password.
2. Copy the encrypted password from the display and paste it into the password field of the file.
3. Save the file.

Uninstalling the agent manager from the WebSphere Application

Server runtime
This is done if the agent manager uninstallation wizard did not complete successfully.

Before you begin

This manual uninstallation task is done if the agent manager uninstallation wizard did not complete
Some of the following steps might not be necessary, depending on how much of the uninstallation wizard
completed. To remove the agent manager from your environment manually:

1. Stop the agent manager server if it is running.
2. If you have not already run the agent manager uninstallation wizard, run it now to remove the
agent manager entries from the installation program registry in the file.
3. Remove the agent manager entries from the InstallShield MultiPlatform list of installed products.


a. Locate the agent manager directories in the Solaris product registry. The following command is
one technique:
grep -i manager /var/sadm/pkg/*/pkginfo | grep -i agent

This generates a list similar to:

casbvt-sol1: [/] grep -i manager /var/sadm/pkg/*/pkginfo | grep -i agent
/var/sadm/pkg/IS072d1af/pkginfo:DESC=Tivoli Agent Manager
/var/sadm/pkg/IS072d1af/pkginfo:ISJE_NAME=Agent Manager Unix
/var/sadm/pkg/IS35a3f07/pkginfo:NAME=Agent Manager Component Unix
/var/sadm/pkg/IS4886af1/pkginfo:DESC=Tivoli Agent Manager
/var/sadm/pkg/IS4886af1/pkginfo:ISJE_NAME=Agent Manager
/var/sadm/pkg/IS4886af1/pkginfo:NAME=Tivoli Agent Manager

b. b. Delete the agent manager directories.

v On all other operating systems, remove the AgentManager and AgentManagerRegistry entries from
the file with a text editor. Look for statements that begin with the following

The location of the file varied by operating system:


%WINDIR%\, where %WINDIR% is the Windows installation directory,
typically C:\WINNT or C:\Windows.




IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

4. If the agent manager server is configured to start automatically after a Windows system restarts, run
the following command to delete the Windows service for the agent manager.
app_server_root\bin\WASService.exe -remove "Tivoli Agent Manager"

5. Ensure that the WebSphere application files were deleted. If the following files exist in the
app_server_root/installedApps/cell directory, delete them.
v AgentManager.ear
v AgentRecoveryService.ear
6. If the agent manager server is configured to start automatically after an AIX, Linux, or Solaris system
restarts, remove the entries in the /etc/inittab file that start the server.
v Remove the following entry that starts the agent manager server. This entry exists on all systems.
In this example, WebSphere Application Server is installed in the /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
am:2345:once:/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ >/dev/console 2>&1

v If the registry is in a local DB2 database, remove the entry that starts the DB2 Server. The entry is
not created if the registry is in a remote DB2 database, or a local or remote Oracle database. In this
example, db2inst1 is the DB2 user name for accessing the registry:
amdb:2345:once:su - db2inst1 -c db2start >/dev/console 2>&1

7. Remove the agent manager from WebSphere Application Server.

a. Open WebSphere Administrative Console.
b. In the navigation tree on the left side of the console, expand Environment, click Virtual Hosts,
and then delete AgentManagerHost.
c. Expand Security, click SSL, and then delete AgentManagerSSL and AgentManagerClientAuthSSL.
d. Expand Resources and click JDBC Providers. Using the filter table, set the scope to the server
AgentManager, and then delete AgentJDBCProvider.
e. Expand Applications, click Enterprise Applications, and then uninstall AgentManager and
f. In the Message(s) area of the console, click Save to save the changes to the configuration.
g. In the Save to Master Configuration area, click Save again to exit the Master Configuration
8. If no other Web applications are using the application server, you can delete them if you want.
9. Optionally, remove the agent manager objects in the registry database.
Note: Remove the agent manager tables from the database or drop the registry database only if all
products that use the registry are uninstalled.
10. Delete the agent manager installation directory. By default, this is the following directory:



C:\Program Files\IBM\AgentManager



Note: On a Windows system, you might have to restart the system before you can delete the agent
manager installation directory.

Uninstalling the agent manager from the lightweight runtime

Step by step instructions.
These steps show you how to manually uninstall the agent manager from the lightweight runtime:

1. Optionally, remove the agent manager objects from the registry database.

Chapter 18. Agent Manager troubleshooting


Note: Only remove the agent manager tables from the database or remove the registry database if all
products that use the registry have been uninstalled.
2. If the database is shared with other programs, remove the agent manager-specific tables from the
database by following the procedure for your database type. You can do this step on the agent
manager server, even if the registry is in a remote database.
3. Delete the LWI_HOME/runtime/agentmanager directory.
4. If no other programs are using the lightweight runtime, you can optionally delete the
a. Remove the entries for the agent manager ports from the LWI_HOME/conf/
file. For example, remove the statements shown in bold face type to delete the configuration for
the default ports 9511, 9512, and 9513:
#Web Container SSL configuration properties
#Mon Jun 05 22:53:38 CDT 2006[xor] /Mqp9w\=\=[xor] 9MW08GTL+uut1b0\=[xor] /Mqp9w\=\=
../agentmanager/eclipse/plugins/AgentManager/certs/agentManagerKeys.jks[xor] /Mqp9w\=\=[xor] /Mqp9w\=\=
sslEnabled=true[xor] 9MW08GTL+uut1b0\=

b. Delete the entries for the agent manager ports from the LWI_HOME/conf/overrides/ file. The statements to delete are shown in bold face type:
#LWI port configuration properties
#Fri Jun 02 17:23:04 CDT 2006

c. Change the default launch profile for the lightweight runtime in the file in the
LWI_HOME/conf directory. In the following example, bold face type indicates the line that must be
# Default Launch Profile used for LWI
# LWI Launch Profile definitions


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Select one of the other profiles defined in the lightweight runtime launchprofile section of the file.
The default value of the profile for the lightweight runtime is profile.UIFoundation. To restore
that value, change the profile specification as shown in this example:
# Default Launch Profile used for LWI

The agent manager is now removed from the lightweight runtime.

Cannot register requests for registration

The agent manager will reject these requests if you gave incorrect information or if the resource manager
does not have proper permissions.

The agent manager rejects requests for registration.

Either of the following issues will cause the agent manager to reject requests for registration:
v You gave an incorrect resource manager user name or password.
v You specified a resource manager user that does not have the authority to register the specified type of
resource manager.

Resolving the problem

Make sure you have the correct user name or password and that you specified a resource manager with
the proper permissions.

Agent Manager cannot be contacted

Contact will fail if the agent manager was configured with a host name that cannot be resolved by the
common agent or resource manager.

The common agent or resource manager can initially contact the agent manager but then fails farther
along in the contact process.

The agent manager was configured with a short host name instead of a fully qualified host name, or is
otherwise configured with a host name that cannot be resolved by the common agent or resource

Resolving the problem

To correct the problem:
1. On the agent manager server, change the property in the file to
specify a host name that can be resolved by all common agents and resource managers.
2. Restart the agent manager.
Chapter 18. Agent Manager troubleshooting


3. Restart the common agent or resource manager.

Alternately, you can bypass the problem on a single common agent or resource manager by updating the
/etc/hosts or %WinDir%\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts file. Add an entry that resolves the host name
provided by the agent manager to the fully qualified host name.

Verifying the agent manager service

If you suspect that the agent manager is not running, you can check its status.
If you suspect that the agent manager is not running, you can check its status.

Use the health check tools that are available in the toolkit/bin subdirectory of the agent manager
installation directory (AM_HOME).
Note: Do not use theWebSphere Application Server serverStatus command to determine whether the
agent manager is running. An application server can start even if it is not fully operational. For example,
if the registry database is inaccessible because of a network or authorization problem, the serverStatus
cannot register common agents or process database queries from resource managers without access to the

Determining agent manager version

Commands to display version numbers.

v To display the version of the agent manager application, run the following command:


AM_HOME\bin\GetAMInfo.bat AgentManager





AM_HOME/bin/ AgentManager
Note: The application name, AgentManager, is not related to the name of the application server in
which you install the agent manager. For example, if you install the agent manager in to the
application server named server1, the application name remains AgentManager.
v To display the version of the agent recovery service, run the following command:


AM_HOME\bin\GetAMInfo.bat AgentRecoveryService





AM_HOME/bin/ AgentRecoveryService

Registration request rejected by agent manager

The wrong agent manager or resource manager password causes the agent manager to reject the request
for registration from the common agent.

When installing a common agent, the agent manager rejects its request for registration.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

The wrong agent manager or resource manager password causes the agent manager to reject the request
for registration from the common agent.

Resolving the problem

To correct the problem:
v Uninstall and then reinstall the common agent.
v Make sure the agent manager is configured to allow reregistration or reinstall registration.
v Update the password on the common agent:
1. Run the following command to change the agent registration password that is saved on the
common agent:
encryptPwdInConfFile.bat agent_registration_password

The variable agent_registration_password is the correct agent registration password.

2. Restart the agent manager.

Chapter 18. Agent Manager troubleshooting



IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 19. Common agent problems

If you encounter problems with the common agent, use the information provided in this documentation
to diagnose and troubleshoot the problems.

Authentication errors after common agent installation

Errors can be caused by incorrect passwords or corrupted authentication files.

Authentication errors occur after installing the common agent.

Authentication errors can be caused by the following:
1. Incorrect password.
2. Corrupted or missing authentication files in agent_installdir\cert directory, where agent_installdir is
the agent installation directory.

Diagnosing the problem

Following installation of the common agent, the agent is unable to register with the agent manager.
Authentication errors are logged in msgAgent.log.

Resolving the problem

1. Verify that you are using the correct password.
2. Change the registration password on the common agent. This password is stored in encrypted form,
so a special command is required to change it.
a. Change directory to the agent installation directory.
b. Use the following command to create and store a new encrypted registration password in the file using the registration key Registration.Server.PW. In the command,
password represents the registration password.
jre\bin\java -cp lib\ep_install.jar;lib\ep_common.jar
com.tivoli.agent.install.EncrPwdInConfFile config\
Registration.Server.PW password

jre/bin/java -cp lib/ep_install.jar:lib/ep_common.jar
com.tivoli.agent.install.EncrPwdInConfFile config/
Registration.Server.PW password
3. Restart the common agent.

Common agent cannot register on HP-UX

The logs show a Java exception #231628960 error, which means that the GUID shared library cannot be

When the common agent is installed on HP-UX, the agent ID cannot be read, preventing the common
agent from registering. This problem is intermittent. The following information is written to the log:
Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2011


java.lang.Exception: 231628960
at com.tivoli.agentmgr.resources.GUIDHelper.getHostId
at Method)
at com.tivoli.agent.system.SMFLauncher.startSMF(
at com.tivoli.agent.system.SMFLauncher.main(
Caused by: 231628960
at com.tivoli.srm.guid.GuidOFactory.<init>(
at com.tivoli.agentmgr.resources.GUIDHelper.getHostId
... 10 more

Java exception #231628960 means that the GUID shared library cannot be read.

Resolving the problem

Uninstall the common agent and then install it again. If the problem persists, remove the agent ID and
add it again with using the following steps:
1. Run the command swremove TIVGUID.
2. From the common agent installation image in the GUID directory, run

Manually uninstalling the common agent

How to remove the common agent manually if the uninstallation wizard does not complete successfully.
This section describes how to remove the common agent manually if the uninstallation wizard does not
complete successfully. Some of the following steps might not be necessary, depending on how much of
the uninstallation wizard completed. This procedure removes all instances of the common agent from the
1. Stop the common agent.
v Windows operating systems: In the Windows Services window, find the Tivoli Common Agent
service, right-click on it, and then select Stop.
v Other operating systems:
./ stop

If more than one common agent is installed, stop each one.

2. Verify that the common agent processes are all stopped by checking for the nonstop process. If the
common agent stopped properly, the nonstop process will not be running. However, if the processes
are still running, stop them as follows:
v Windows operating systems:
Using the Windows Services window to stop the common agent typically cleans up any remaining
processes. No additional action is required.
v AIX operating systems:
ps -ef | grep nonstop
ps -ef | grep java


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Use the kill -9 command to stop both processes. Stop both processes quickly, to prevent them
from starting each other up again.
v Other operating systems:
ps -aef | grep nonstop
ps -aef | grep java

Use the kill command to stop the process ID with the lowest number for each process. (Linux
has multiple process IDs shown, pointing up to lowest starting ID).
3. Use the uninstallation wizard to uninstall all common agents on the workstation. If more than one
common agent is installed, run the wizard for each one. For any common agent that you can not
uninstall, delete the common agent installation directory, including all files and subdirectories.
4. Clean up the ep.reg file and, if it exists, the ep.bak file:
v If you are uninstalling all common agents from the system, delete both files.
v If you are uninstalling a specific common agent, delete the line in each file that lists the
installation directory of the common agent you are uninstalling. For example, to uninstall the
common agent installed in the /opt/tivoli/ep1 directory, delete the line that begins like this:
0 | cygnus0317b | /opt/tivoli/ep1 | | 0 | 1.4.2 | IBM Corp...

The files are in the following directory:

v Windows operating systems: %ProgramFiles%\Tivoli
v AIX operating systems: /usr/tivoli
v All other platforms: /opt/tivoli
5. On Windows operating systems, delete the Windows service for the common agent. Use one of the
following methods:
v Run the srvinstw.exe command, which is available in the Windows Resources Toolkit. This
command launches a window in which you select the service to be deleted.
v Download the InstallUtil utility.
Run the following command:
InstallUtil uninstallservice service_name

v Manually edit the Windows Registry.

Important: Be careful when editing the Windows Registry. An incorrect change can damage the
operating system.
a. Make a backup copy of the registry.
b. In a registry editor such as regedit or "regedit32", expand the following keys:
My Computer
IBMTivoliCommonAgentn, where n is an integer starting with 0 for the first common agent
that was installed on the system.
c. Check the value of the Image Path key for the IBMTivoliCommonAgentn entry. This value
specifies the directory in which the common agent was installed. Use the value to make sure
you are deleting the registry entry for the correct common agent.
d. Delete the IBMTivoliCommonAgentn key for each common agent that you are removing.
e. Save the changes to the registry.
6. On UNIX and Linux, delete the s71 and k71 scripts from the /etc/rc.d directory.
7. If a Windows account was created for the common agent and you will not need it when reinstalling
the common agent, delete the account.

Chapter 19. Common agent problems


8. Remove the entry for the common agent in the registry. On the server, use the RetrieveAgents,
PurgeAgents, and LogicallyDeleteAgents utilities to identify and remove registry entries for the
common agent.
9. On Windows operating systems, restart the operating system to remove the Windows service.
10. Optionally, delete the common agent installation directory.
11. Optionally, uninstall the Tivoli GUID. On Windows, use Add or Remove Programs to uninstall
The common agent is removed from your system.

Installing the common agent on Security-Enhanced Linux

This section describes how to install the common agent on Security-Enhanced Linux.

Before you begin

Check if the Linux security is on by running the following command at a Linux command line:

If you obtained an enforcing as an output, it means that the security is on.

You can also check the security status in the configuration file in the /etc/selinux/config directory.
To install the common agent on Security-Enhanced Linux:

1. Switch off the security enhancement using either of these commands:
setenforce 0
echo 0 > /selinux/enforce
2. Install the common agent.
3. Turn on the security enhancement back using either of these commands:
setenforce 1
echo 1 > /selinux/enforce
4. Restart the computer.

What to do next
The common agent is now installed.

IP address change at NAT server not detected by common agent

When you change the IP address on the NAT server, the common agent cannot automatically detect that
the address has changed. An agent status update is required for the change to be registered.

The common agent does not detect the IP address change.



IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

The common agent discovery does not detect the change.

Resolving the problem

1. Stop the common agent.
2. Restart the common agent.

Common agent is unable to read GUID upon startup on Linux

The common agent cannot read the GUID if the GUID failed to install.

After installation, the common agent is unable to read the GUID upon startup on Linux x86 and Linux
ppc. The following message is logged in the traceAgent.log file when the common agent is starting up
and tries to read the GUID:
getEndpointId main java.lang.Exception: 231628950

The GUID failed to install. During the installation of the common agent, the Tivoli GUID is installed.
After the common agent is installed, it attempts to read the GUID upon startup. If the agent cannot read
the GUID, it will fail to start.

Resolving the problem

Rebuild the RPM database, then reinstall the common agent. RPM is the package manager for Linux.
User response: The commands to rebuild the RPM database are:
rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db*
rpm -vv --rebuilddb

Cannot install common agent on Solaris

Due to a known limitation, you cannot install the common agent on Solaris if you are using certain

You cannot install the common agent on a Solaris computer system.

Due to a known limitation with Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for Solaris 1.3.1, you cannot install the
common agent on a Solaris computer system if you are using any of the following locales:

Resolving the problem

Chapter 19. Common agent problems


Set the locale of the Solaris system to a non-UTF-8 locale to perform the installation. Use the export LANG
command to set the locale. For example, run the command export LANG=fr_FR.ISO8859-1 to change the
locale to fr_FR.ISO8859-1. After the installation is complete, reset the system to the original locale. You
can use common agent commands to check and change the locale:
1. Ensure that the common agent is running.
2. Change to the directory where the common agent is installed.
3. Run the following command to check the current locale setting:
agentcli logmgr getlocale

4. To set the locale, run the following command:

agentcli logmgr setlocale language region

where language is a two-letter lowercase code defined by ISO-639 and region is a two-letter
uppercase code defined by ISO-3166.
For example, to set the location to United States English, use the following command:
agentcli logmgr setlocale en US

Cannot register target computers in firewall

The target computers cannot complete their registration with the provisioning server when the firewall
toolkit is used.

You cannot register target computers with the provisioning server in a firewall environment.
This issue has been described in an environment where a firewall is used between the provisioning server
and the target computers. The updated firewall toolkit from Tivoli Provisioning Manager (Fix Pack
1) has been used.
This behavior has been consistently described in firewall environments, and occasionally in non-firewall

The target computers cannot complete their registration with the provisioning server when the firewall
toolkit is used.
The process appears to work properly up to the final step when the target certificate is passed back to the
target computer. The certificate is not created on the target computer (only three files are created in the
cert directory on the target, namely agentTrust.jks CertificateRevocationList, and pwd). When the
provisioning server attempts to create a target, it is able to connect to the target, install the common agent
binaries, and start the agent. The agent is able to communicate back to the provisioning server, but the
final certificate file (target key file) is not created on the target computer.

Resolving the problem

To avoid this issue, the following requirements must be met:
v Port 9510 is required for TCA_PingAgent.
v RXA ports (445 TCP and 139 RPC) are enabled.
v Use the standalone agent when a firewall is between the provisioning server and the target computers.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Common agent installation failure on Red Hat 5

The firewall needs to be disabled before installing the common agent.

Common agent installation fails on Red Hat 5 with the following error message:
COPDEX123E A AgentInstallException exception occurred.
The exception was caused by the following problem:
Agent failed to Install with install error:
The installation process was cancelled by the user.

In the workflow logs, the following error is reported by Tivoli Provisioning Manager:
std err:
Log: common_agent_1.4.2.0_200902171611_linux.tar has been extracted into /tmp/tcatemp
Log: common_agent_1.4.2.0_200902171611_linux.tar has been removed from /tmp/tcatemp
Log: agentTrust.jks copied to: /tmp/tcatemp/cert
No Java Runtime Environment (JRE) was found on this system

Red Hat 5 has the Security-Enhanced Linux firewall utility enabled by default. This firewall prevents
Tivoli Provisioning Manager from installing the common agent.
Note: You can manually check if the firewall is enabled by entering the getenforce command at a Linux
command line. If enforcing is returned, it means the firewall is enabled.

Resolving the problem

The firewall needs to be disabled before installing the common agent. There are two ways to do this:
v Switch off security enhancement by entering the following command:
setenforce 0

v Edit the configuration file on the Linux computer. The file is found in the /etc/selinux/config
directory. In the file, find this line:

Modify the line into the following:


Save the file and restart the computer.

With the firewall disabled, the common agent can now be installed. After the installation has completed,
you can turn the firewall back on.
v If you disabled the firewall using the setenforce 0 command, you can re-enable it by entering
setenforce 1 in the command line.
v If you disabled the firewall by modifying the configuration file, you can re-enable it by editing the
configuration file again and setting the SELINUX variable back to enforcing. Remember to restart the
computer to apply these changes if you use this method.

Determining the common agent version

A command that displays the version, major release, minor release (modification level), and fix pack level
of the common agent

Chapter 19. Common agent problems


To determine the version of the currently installed common agent, run the following command:
v On


operating systems:

%CA_HOME%\endpoint.bat version

v On other operating systems:

$CA_HOME/ version

The output of the command indicates the version, major release, minor release (modification level), and
fix pack level of the common agent. It also includes a build identifier.

Collecting common agent diagnostic information

The service command automatically collects diagnostic information into a file named
which can then be sent to IBM Software Support.
To run the service command to collect diagnostic information:
1. Open a command window.
2. Change to the Install directory.
3. Run the script for your operating system:



The script creates an archive file named file in the Install directory.

If you have more than one common agent on a managed system, run the tool in the Install directory of
the common agent for which you want to capture diagnostic information.
Note: If you plan to send multiple files to IBM Software Support, rename the files so that
they each have unique names.

Incorrect information after Tivoli Common Agent installation

A remediation workflow calls the provisioning workflow SoftwareModule.Install against Tivoli Common
Agent 1.4.2, but the result that it produces is incorrect.

If the compliance check Require Tivoli Common Agent (TCA) 1.4.2 is created and the end file does not
have Tivoli Common Agent installed, a recommendation to install Tivoli Common Agent 1.4.2 will be
provided. After installing Tivoli Common Agent 1.4.2, TCA 1.4.2 will show up in the installed software
list of the target computer but has not actually been installed.

A remediation workflow calls the provisioning workflow SoftwareModule.Install against Tivoli Common
Agent 1.4.2, but the result that it produces is incorrect. It creates a Tivoli Common Agent 1.4.2 installation
on the provisioning server, but does not install Tivoli Common Agent 1.4.2 on the target computer.

Resolving the problem


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

To verify that the Tivoli Common Agent is installed, create a compliance check against the Tivoli
Common Agent stack instead of against Tivoli Common Agent 1.4.2.

Useful commands
A list of common agent commands, including commands for uninstalling and logging.

Uninstall the common agent and subagents.
1. Change to the following directory:



: C:\Program Files\tivoli\ep\_uninst

: /opt/tivoli/ep/_uninst

: /usr/tivoli/ep/_uninst
2. Run the following command


uninstall.exe -silent -W CASInstall.forceUninstall=true



./uninstall -console

List the bundles and their state

1. Change to the following directory:


: C:\Program Files\tivoli\ep\runtime\agent

: /opt/tivoli/ep/runtime/agent/
2. Run the following command:

agent cli deployer list bundles state

Retrieve all of the common agent logs

1. Change to the following directory:


: C:\Program Files\tivoli\ep\runtime\agent

: /opt/tivoli/ep/runtime/agent/
2. Run the following command:





The file will be created in the runtime/agent directory.

Collecting target computer logs

When common agent problems occur on a target computer, you can use the TCA_Collect_Logs.wkf
workflow to collect logs from the target computer.
When common agent or subagent problems occur on a target computer, you can use the
TCA_Collect_Logs.wkf workflow that is provided with Tivoli Provisioning Manager version (Fix
Pack 2) to collect logs from the target computer.

Chapter 19. Common agent problems


In the event of a common agent or subagent problem, you can either schedule a task using this workflow
or run the workflow to collect the target computer logs. The workflow provides information regarding
the target computer on which the common agent is running.
For each target computer that the workflow is run against, the %TIO_LOGS%\tivolicommonagent directory
($TIO_LOGS/tivolicommonagent for UNIX or Linux) on the Tivoli Provisioning Manager server receives an
archive (.zip or .tar) with the file
name. The archive contains all the startup and console logs for that target computer, and can be used for
troubleshooting or sent to IBM Software Support for analysis.

Error during Tivoli GUID installation

Errors will occur if Windows Installer is turned off when you install the common agent.

On Windows, Tivoli GUID fails to install properly and the following error is given in the
runtime/agent/logs/guid_install.log log file:
Failed to connect to server. Error: 0x80070422

An additional error message might also be given in the same file:

Failed to grab execution mutex. System error 258

If you install the common agent, the installer also installs the Tivoli GUID component. On Windows
platforms, the Microsoft Windows Installer is responsible for that. For this reason, the Windows Installer
system service cannot be turned off, or else the first error will be caused. Moreover, when installing Tivoli
GUID there cannot be any other MSI installations in progress, which is the cause of the second error.

Resolving the problem

Make sure that the Windows Installer system service is enabled and all other MSI installation processes
are finished before running the common agent installer.

Common agent reinstallation failure on Windows

Restart the computer before you reinstall the common agent to ensure that all services marked for
deletion are actually deleted.

You cannot reinstall the common agent on Windows.

The Windows computer was not restarted after the previous Tivoli common agent was uninstalled. In
some cases, if Windows cannot delete a service, it will mark that service for deletion on the next restart of
the computer. In these cases, the common agent installer will not be able to install the common agent
because the installer detects the previous common agent which, although marked for deletion, still exists
until the next restart.

Resolving the problem

Restart the computer before you reinstall the common agent.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Common agent installation fails when using commands

These commands might fail if the /tmp directory is full.

An installation on a UNIX operating system fails when using copy or put file commands.

The /tmp directory or device might be full on the UNIX computer. The common agent installation copies
files to the /tmp/tcatemp directory.

Resolving the problem

Run the df -k/tmp command to determine if the disk is full. If the disk is full, create the necessary space
required in order for the installation to succeed.

UAC not supported for common agent installation on Windows 7

target computers
On Windows 7 computers, the default level of the UAC mechanism for the Tivoli Common Agent
installation is not supported. You cannot use the default level of the Windows user access control
mechanism for installing the Tivoli Common Agent on Windows 7 target computers.

The Tivoli Common Agent installation fails. You cannot use the default level of the Windows user access
control mechanism for Windows 7 target computers.

There are four security levels for Windows UAC on Windows 7 computers. Level 3, which is the default
level, does not allow Tivoli Common Agent to be installed.

Tivoli Provisioning Manager v7.1.1 and Windows 7 target computers.

Resolving the problem

To resolve this issue, disable Windows user access control on Windows 7 target computers.

Failures during manual uninstallation of common agent

If you manually delete the Common Inventory Technology (CIT) directory from a target computer when
uninstalling the common agent, all products and technologies that rely on CIT will fail.

The IBM Tivoli Common Agent discovery scan fails after manually removing the C:\Program
Files\tivoli\cit directory (opt/tivoli/cit for UNIX). For example, you might have removed this
directory manually when uninstalling the common agent and then encountered this failure after
reinstalling the common agent.

Chapter 19. Common agent problems


Common Inventory Technology (CIT) is a shared component that must not be removed manually. If you
manually delete the CIT directory from a target computer, all of the products and technologies that are
installed on that computer and are reliant on CIT will fail.

Resolving the problem

If you decide to remove the CIT directory manually, you also need to manually remove the cit.ini file
from the %WINDIR%\cit directory (/etc/cit for UNIX). In an environment where no manual removal of
files is performed, if no exploiter product uses CIT, the CIT uninstaller removes the CIT native code and
cit.ini file.

Log files for the common agent

The following table lists the logs created during the installation and uninstallation of the common agent.
The locations of the logs are
v For Windows: C:\Program Files\tivoli\ep
v For UNIX: /opt/tivoli/ep
v For AIX and Solaris: /usr/tivoli/ep
Table 15. Runtime logs for the common agent
Log File (located in $CA_HOME/logs/)



Error messages generated during agent runtime.


The log of the nonstop process.


The log for the nonstop bundle.

trace-log-2.xml, or

Trace messages generated during agent runtime.

The following table lists the runtime logs for the common agent and subagents.
Table 16. Installation logs for the common agent
Log File



The log for agent command line.


Processing information collected during common agent



Return codes for the installation of the common agent.

$CA_HOME/runtime/agent/logs/install/epPreinstall.log Processing information collected before the common

agent installation has started.

Processing information collected during common agent



Return codes for the uninstallation of the common agent.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Table 16. Installation logs for the common agent (continued)

Log File



Logs for steps run in the installation or uninstallation

process. A * symbol indicates that there might be more
than one instance of the log file with an associated
timestamp instead of the * symbol.

The computer name is not updated after the common agent is

After upgrading the common agent, the correct host name (related to the NIC used for communication, if
present) is not registered in the data model.

After upgrading the common agent, the computer name is not updated. If there was already a system
with a name in the data model, the name does not change on subsequent discoveries, even if the host
name reported by the agent changed.

The computer name is not updated

Resolving the problem

To register the new computer name in the data model, delete the computer from the data model and run
the discovery. This operation brings in the host name associated with the NIC that is routable to the
agent manager.

Common agent security error during registration

Security errors will occur if system clock on the agent system does not match the clock on the agent
manager computer.

A security error (for example, SSLHandshakeException) occurs when:
v The common agent attempts to register with the agent manager.
v The common agent is contacted by another entity (for example, a resource manager) already registered
with the agent manager.


Chapter 19. Common agent problems


The system clock on the agent system does not match the clock on the agent manager computer. The
agent manager compares the clocks in Universal Time Coordinated (UTC).

Resolving the problem

Reset the system clock on the agent system to match the clock on the agent manager computer.

Common agent registration and uninstallation errors on Windows

Restart the computer to ensure that the file is deleted before reinstalling the common

The file is truncated (approximately 6-8 lines long instead of approximately 20). The
common agent cannot register and cannot be uninstalled.

Windows was not restarted after uninstalling the common agent. This problem can occur in the following
1. The user tries to uninstall the common agent, but the common agent uninstaller on Windows cannot
delete the file if it is locked or in use. It therefore queues deletion for the next
2. The user installs a new common agent in the same directory, which creates a new file that must not be deleted, but the file is still queued for the next restart.
3. When the user reboots the computer, the file is deleted from the newly installed
common agent.
4. When the common agent starts, it tries to register and creates a truncated version of the file. The common agent cannot work properly. It cannot register because the
port value is missing in file, resulting in a parsing error. It also cannot be
uninstalled because the uninstaller is looking for values in the file that are not

Resolving the problem

Ensure that the file is deleted when you uninstall the Windows common agent. You
need to restart the computer before reinstalling the common agent in the original installation directory.

SSLHandshakeException error when installing

This error will occur if signer certificates do not match.

You receive an SSLHandshakeException exception while installing a resource manager or common agent.

The signer certificate on the resource manager or common agent do not match the certificates offered by
the agent manager server when the two computers attempt to set up a secure SSL connection. If the
certificates do not match, the resource manager or common agent cannot determine whether it is
communicating with the correct agent manager server.

Resolving the problem


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

1. If you just created new certificates for the agent manager server, make sure that the agent manager
server was restarted after the new certificates were created. The agent manager server will not start
using the new certificates until it restarts.
2. Make sure that the resource manager or the common agent have a copy of the current truststore file
for the agent manager server. The truststore file contains the signer certificate for the agent manager
server. A simple way to do this is to copy the file to the resource manager or the common agent
3. Try the program that failed again.

TCA_PingAgent workflow hangs

This might happen if a nonstop process is still running because the previous uninstall did not remove all

Testing communication with the TCA_PingAgent workflow hangs on Windows computers.

A nonstop process might still be running because the previous uninstall did not remove all components.

Diagnosing the problem

Check theSystemErr.out file on the Windows computer for an error message similar to this error:
com.tivoli.agent.system.SystemStreamMgr$LogPrintStream println(String)
SEVERE: NOTE ==><4> Server socket failed to accept incoming connections.
[ SSL session object is null.
Socket resource may not be available.]

This error might indicate that the common agent cannot open the port, which means that it is already
open by something else.

Resolving the problem

Determine which type of the error is causing the problem and follow the appropriate steps to resolve the
v Access privileges are missing for the local administrator (error -121): The local administrator account
for the Windows computer is missing the required privileges.
1. On the Windows computer, navigate to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Local Security
Policy > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment.
2. Ensure that the following policies are assigned to the administrator:
Act as a part of the operating system
Log on as service
v Ports specified for install are already in use (error -124): To successfully install the common agent on
target computers, you must ensure that ports 21080 (WebContainerPort) and 21443
(WebContainerSSLPort) are free on the target computers. If the common agent installation is attempted
on an target computer that already uses these ports, the common agent installation will fail.
For more information, you can refer to the preinstall.log file, located in the C:\Program
Files\tivoli\ep\runtime\agent\logs directory.
v A user action was not successful (error -101): This error, in the preinstall.log file might occur when
you use the InstallUtil tool. This tool manipulates the system user. Launch the tool manually in the
same way to reproduce the error. For example, C:\tcatemp\utility\InstallUtil.exe" - userexists
-user <user_name>.
Chapter 19. Common agent problems


Verifying that the common agent is running

A list of log files and commands that you can use to verify that the common agent is installed and
running correctly.
Follow these steps if you need to know whether the common agent is installed and running correctly.

v Check the msgAgent.log file in the agent_installdir\logs directory for any errors that might have
occurred during installation.
v On a Windows endpoint, you can open the Windows Services control panel and look for a service
called IBM Tivoli Common Agent. Make sure that the service is started.
v At a command prompt, run the following command from the common agent installation directory:

agentcli connector alive



./ connector alive

If the agent is running, the message The agent is alive. is displayed. If the agent is not running, the
message CLI command failed. A communication error occurred. Verify that the agent is
registered and active on port agent_port is displayed.

Common agent files deleted after installation

Files are marked for deletion upon restart when the common agent was uninstalled. These files are
deleted on restart even if they were replaced by a reinstall.

Files from a recently installed Tivolicommon agent are deleted after the computer is restarted.

In some cases, Windows will mark files for deletion upon the next restart if it cannot delete those files
during the uninstallation process. If a user uninstalls Tivoli Common Agent and Windows cannot delete
all the files immediately, it will mark them for deletion upon restart. If the user installs another version of
the common agent on that computer without restarting, the files that were marked for deletion will be
deleted upon the next restart of that computer.

Resolving the problem

Try to uninstall the Tivoli common agent. If the uninstall fails, follow these steps:
1. Remove the common agent service from the Windows Registry using one of the following methods:
v Method 1 (Recommended): Use the common agent utility to remove the common agent service.
agent_installdir\InstallUtil -uninstallservice -service service_name

where service_name is the name of the service listed in the Windows Services control panel. The
default service name is IBMTivoliCommonAgent0.
v Method 2: Use the Regedit program to delete the service from the Windows Registry.
2. Remove the common agent entry from the common agent registry (located in %ProgramFiles%\tivoli\
ep.reg). You might have more than one entry if you have more than one common agent on that
computer. Remove only the entry for this common agent, which you can identify by its installation


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

3. Delete the installation directory.

4. Restart the computer.
5. Reinstall the common agent.

Reregistering a common agent

You might want to perform this operation if you are experiencing multiple connectivity or registration
problems which do not have obvious causes.
Various connectivity and registration problems can be resolved by forcing the common agent to reregister
with the agent manager. You might want to perform this operation if you are experiencing multiple
connectivity or registration problems which do not have obvious causes. Two methods are available for
performing this operation:
1. Change directory to agent_installdir/runtime/agent/bin.
2. Run the security renew cert command.
You can also perform the following steps:

1. Stop the common agent.
2. Delete the contents of agent_installdir/runtime/agent/cert.
3. Verify that the parameter is set to true in file
located in agent_installdir/runtime/agent/config.
4. Restart the common agent.

Cannot register common agent or resource manager

This can happen if configuration regarding the agentTrust.jks is incorrect.

You cannot register either the common agent or the resource manager.

This can happen if you select the installation option to provide a copy of the agentTrust.jks truststore
file to the common agent or resource manager, and then point to the wrong file. For example, you might
point to the agentTrust.jks file in the cert directory of the installation image instead of pointing to the
real file on a network share. Another possible cause is that you pointed to the agentTrust.jks file of your
production environment when the common agent or resource manager is connecting to a test

Resolving the problem

1. Copy the agentTrust.jks file from the AM_HOME/certs directory on the agent manager server to the
CA_HOME/certs directory on the common agent.
2. Restart the common agent.

Manual uninstall does not automatically update the data model

To work around this issue you will need to either run an Agent Compliance Scan or run the discovery
configuration called IBM Tivoli Common Agent Discover Device against the computer.

Chapter 19. Common agent problems


Uninstalling the common agent manually results in the status being refreshed to display stopped. The
status must be updated as uninstalled.

The common agent status will not be updated to uninstalled. The common agent uninstall will not send
a message to the provisioning server. The Agent Manager is updated.

Resolving the problem

1. To work around this issue you will need to either run an Agent Compliance Scan or run the discovery
configuration called IBM Tivoli Common Agent Discover Device against the computer. Either option
will update the common agent status and clean up the common agent information from the computer.
This is only an issue for a manual uninstall initiated from the common agent system and does not
affect the common agent uninstall initiated from the computer.

Tivoli Common Agent installation fails with invalid password

The installation will fail if the password on the target computer contains a double quotation mark.

The installation of the common agent on a target computer fails.

The password for the common agent on the target computer contains a double quotation mark. The
double quotation mark is not a valid character.

Resolving the problem

Do not include double quotation marks in the password.

Tivoli Common Agent installation fails if agent is already installed

This will happen if the target computer already had an agent installed that is not the currently supported
agent version.

The installation of the common agent returns the following error:
The response file parameter CASInstall.InstallType
contains an unsupported value or is not specified.
The value must be install or upgrade.

The target computer already had an agent installed that is not the currently supported agent version.

Resolving the problem

Uninstall the current agent from the target computer, or modify the software configuration to use an
alternative installation location. The configurations can be found on the Tivoli Common Agent Stack
software catalog entry. The software configuration can also be modified for a particular installation using
the Advanced options on the agent installation user interface.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Common agents cannot communicate with agent manager

Improper setup or failed installations can prevent common agent computers from being able to resolve
the fully qualified name of the agent manager server.

Communication problems between the common agents and the agent manager might include, for
example, a failed ping agent, or failed subagent installations when installing the common agent.

The Domain Name Server (DNS) was not set up properly. By default, the agent manager requires the
common agent computers to be able to resolve the fully qualified name of the agent manager server.

Resolving the problem

If the target computer that you want to install the common agent on cannot resolve the fully qualified
name of the agent manager server, follow these steps:
1. Stop the provisioning server.
2. On the provisioning server, edit the file that is located in the following

a. Find this line:<fully qualified name>

where <fully qualified name> can be, for example,

b. Replace the IP address with the fully qualified name, for example, The resulting line is:

c. Restart the agent manager.

d. Try installing the common agent on the target computer again.

Tivoli Common Agent installation fails on Solaris SPARC target

Installation will fail if the target computers are missing required SUNW packages.

Tivoli Common Agent installation fails on Solaris SPARC target computers with the following error
COPDEX123E A AgentInstallException exception occurred. The exception was caused by the following problem:
Agent failed to install with install error: The installation process was cancelled by the user.

The target computers are missing required SUNW packages, such as SUNWxcu4.

Resolving the problem

Review the required packages for Solaris target computers listed in the Requirements for Solaris targets
topic in the Tivoli Provisioning Manager Information Center and ensure that all packages are installed. You
can verify this by running the following command on the Solaris target computers:
Chapter 19. Common agent problems


pkginfo -i | grep <package-name>

Registration of device manager causes Out of Memory error

Too many open connections or too large a heap size will cause errors in WebSphere Application Server.

Registration of device manager targets causes an OutOfMemory error. The error appears in the WebSphere
Application Server log file %WAS_HOME%\profiles\ctgAppSrv01\logs\MXServer\SystemOut.log in Windows
($WAS_HOME/profiles/ctgAppSrv01/logs/MXServer/SystemOut.log in UNIX or Linux).

Resolving the problem

Reduce the maximum number of open connections and change the heap size.
1. Log on to the WebSphere Application Server administration console at:

where host_name is the WebSphere Application Server host name and port is the secure host port. The
default port number is 9443.
2. Change the number of open connections.
a. Navigate to Servers > Application servers > server_name > Ports.
b. Click View associated transports for the appropriate port.
c. Change the Maximum open connections setting to 2500.
3. Change the maximum heap size:
a. Navigate to Servers > Application servers > server_name > Process Definition > Java Virtual
b. Change the Maximum Heap Size setting to 1024 MB.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 20. Dynamic content delivery troubleshooting

This section will help you resolve problems with the dynamic content delivery.

Configuring dynamic content delivery

Information regarding the Dynamic Depot Selection (DDS) algorithm in dynamic content delivery.

The Dynamic Depot Selection (DDS) algorithm in dynamic content delivery determines the best depots in
which to cache a file when it is passed into a list of target computers. It uses a configurable ratio between
depots and target computers to figure out how many depots to put in the target list.
It generates a custom target list for the deployment. You will not see this target list in the list of user
defined target lists. The default ratio between depots and target computers is 50. If you do not have more
than 50 target computers, it will only put the file on a single depot. For example, if you have 100 target
computers, and CDS_DDSS_RATIO=20 then it will try to publish to 5 depots. That is, if 5 depots have been
You can change this ratio by creating a variable with the name CDS_DDSS_RATIO under Systems
Mangement > Global Settings.

Retry window
The retry window represents the time, in seconds, that a distribution is set to expire. The distribution will
expire so that the client can keep retrying the download if it fails (for example, if the management center
is too busy or the depot servers are too busy during the first try). By default, Tivoli Provisioning Manager
sets the retry value to 7200 seconds.
You can change this window by creating a variable named retryWindowSec under Systems Management
> Global Settings. The value of maxRetryIntervalSec is the maximum time to wait between retries, in
seconds. The default for this value is 30 seconds. You can change the default value by creating a variable
with name maxRetryIntervalSec and specifying its value in seconds.

Changing the data source password

Instructions on how to change the data source password in WebSphere Application Server.
These steps show you how to change the data source password in WebSphere Application Server.


Log on to the WebSphere Application Server console.

On the Security tab, click Global Security.
Expand JAAS Configuration and select J2C Authentication Data.
Click CDSDataAuth.

5. Enter the new password. Click Apply > OK.

6. Save your changes.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2011


Dynamic content delivery depots

Information regarding dynamic content delivery depots.

When you create a depot, ensure that you specify a directory relative to the subagents directory. If you do
not, you will receive the following error:
CTGDEC119E The cache manager sub-component detected a failure
during an I/O operation.
The error was: Unable to create directory.
The file was: C:\Program Files\tivoli\ep\subagents\cds\C:\data

Resolving the problem

Verifying that the depot is active
To check if depot is active from the dynamic content delivery management console server:
1. telnet depot-server 2100.
2. Run the command syst from the management console. The response will be:

Publishing files to an unavailable depot

If you try to publish a file to a depot (Depot A) that is unavailable, the dynamic content delivery
management console will look for an available depot (Depot B) from the list of depots. It will temporarily
place the published file in the available depot (Depot B). When the dynamic content delivery
management console scans all the depots, and it detects that depot (Depot A) that you tried to publish
the file to is now available, it will copy the file from the original depot (Depot B) to the intended depot
(Depot A). It will also delete the temporary file from the Depot B.

Cannot reinstall depot servers after removal

If the depot server reinstallation fails, remove GUID first and try again.

The reinstallation of a depot server, which has been previously deleted from the Manage Depots page
using the Remove option might fail with the following exception recorded in the agentInstall.log file:
com.tivoli.cas.install.common.InstallGUID, err, java.lang.Exception:
Cannot get system GUID
java.lang.Exception: Cannot get system GUID
Caused by: java.lang.Exception: 231628960


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

The depot server was deleted and unregistered from the dynamic content delivery management center,
but the GUID is still present. The depot needs to be completely removed from that computer

Resolving the problem

Removing the GUID is recommended as a workaround to solve this problem. Follow these steps:
1. Check whether the GUID still exists by running the following command:
rpm -qa ] grep TIVguid

2. If the GUID exists, run the following command to remove it:

rpm -evv TIVguid-1.3.0-0

3. Attempt to install the depot server again.

Setting up default log cleanup

To prevent cluttering the directory in a production environment, you can enable default log cleanup of
the %TIO_HOME%\SCMCollectorAgent directory.
Log files accumulated in the %TIO_HOME%\SCMCollectorAgent directory are useful for testing purposes, but
clutter the directory in a production environment. To remedy this, you can enable default log cleanup of
the %TIO_HOME%\SCMCollectorAgent directory.
Log properties are defined in the %TIO_HOME%\config\log4j.prop file. The log cleanup in the directory
above is specified by the log level of the category in the log4j.prop file.
To enable cleanup of the %TIO_HOME%\SCMCollectorAgent directory:

1. Add the following line to the %TIO_HOME%\config\log4j.prop file:
ComplianceHelper=<LOG LEVEL>

2. Set the value of <LOG LEVEL> to anything higher than DEBUG. For example, OFF, FATAL, ERROR, or WARN
are all valid entries.

Verifying that a file was published

You can check log files to verify whether a file has been published to the depot server.
After a file has been published to a depot server, you can verify whether the file was published. To do
so, look at the following logs on the endpoint:

v cds_trace_depot.log: Search for addFile: It will indicate if the file was published.
v error-log.#.xml: This log will verify if it received a job to process. Look for a message that is similar
to this:
2006.04.24 15:08:43-05:00 JES023I Processing job: name = SPBDistribute,
requestId = 20dc8ea1d3ce11dabc68000d609d5a54

All log files for the common agent can be collected at Log files for the common agent on page 246
v tmp.log: This log will verify if it received a call, copyFile, to the FileManagementService. Look for a
message that is similar to this:
Chapter 20. Dynamic content delivery troubleshooting


2006.04.24 15:08:43-05:00 TPMFMS001I File copy:

source file: cdss://CDS_Administrator:@
target file: file:C:\WINNT\TEMP\CitScannerAgent_w2k.jar
2006/07/14 0:49:48
copyFile INFO: TPMFMS005I File copy: Copied 711 bytes.

Logging and tracing

The file contains the logging and tracing properties for each component and
The logging and tracing properties for the dynamic content delivery depot server, management center,
and client are stored locally on each component in the file. This file contains the
logging and tracing properties for the component and its subcomponents.

Enabling and disabling logging and tracing

Logging and tracing for any component is determined by the component_name.logger.message.logging
property in the file of that component. By default, logging and tracing is enabled for
all components, meaning that the component_name.logger.message.logging property is set to true by
default. To disable it, change the value to false.
For example, to disable logging and tracing for a client, set the client.logger.message.logging property
in the client file to false as shown in the following example:

Setting logging and tracing levels

Table 17. Tracing levels



Only error messages are logged. No tracing is logged.


Only warning and error messages are logged. No tracing is logged.


All messages (informational, warning and error) are logged. No tracing is logged.


All messages are logged. Minimal tracing information is logged.


All messages are logged. Moderate tracing information is logged.


All messages are logged. All tracing information is logged.

By default, the logging and tracing level of all components is set to DEBUG_MIN. To configure the logging
and tracing level of a component, set the component_name.logger.level property for that component in
the file to the required level.
For example, to set the logging and tracing level for a depot server to the maximum setting, set the
server.logger.level property in the depot server file to DEBUG_MAX as shown in the
following example:

Configuring the size and number of files

The default size for log and trace files is 8192 KB (8 MB). When a file reaches 8 MB, it is renamed and a
new file is created. By default, three copies of each file are created:
The current log file.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

The log file previous to file_name.log.
The log file previous to file_name1.log.
For example, the depot server writes messages to msg_depotserver.log. When that file reaches 8 MB, it is
renamed msg_depotserver1.log and a new msg_depotserver.log file is created. When that file reaches 8
MB, msg_depotserver1.log is renamed msg_depotserver2.log, msg_depotserver.log is renamed
msg_depotserver1.log, and a new msg_depotserver.log is created.
To configure the maximum number of log and trace files for a component, set the
component_nameFileHandler.maxFiles property for the component in the file. For
example, to set the maximum number of log and trace files for the depot server to 5, set the
serverFileHandler.maxFiles property in the depot server file as shown in the
following example:

To configure the maximum size of log and trace files for a component, set the
component_nameFileHandler.maxFileSize value for the component in the file. Specify
the value in KB.
For example, to set the maximum size of log and trace files for the depot server to 10 240 KB (10 MB),
set the serverFileHandler.maxFiles property in the depot server file as shown in the
following example:

Setting logging and tracing levels

Table 18. Tracing levels



Only error messages are logged. No tracing is logged.


Only warning and error messages are logged. No tracing is logged.


All messages (informational, warning and error) are logged. No tracing is logged.


All messages are logged. Minimal tracing information is logged.


All messages are logged. Moderate tracing information is logged.


All messages are logged. All tracing information is logged.

By default, the logging and tracing level of all components is set to DEBUG_MIN. To configure the logging
and tracing level of a component, set the component_name.logger.level property for that component in
the file to the required level.
For example, to set the logging and tracing level for a depot server to the maximum setting, set the
server.logger.level property in the depot server file to DEBUG_MAX as shown in the
following example:

Configuring the size and number of files

The default size for log and trace files is 8192 KB (8 MB). When a file reaches 8 MB, it is renamed and a
new file is created. By default, three copies of each file are created:
The current log file.
Chapter 20. Dynamic content delivery troubleshooting


The log file previous to file_name.log.
The log file previous to file_name1.log.
For example, the depot server writes messages to msg_depotserver.log. When that file reaches 8 MB, it is
renamed msg_depotserver1.log and a new msg_depotserver.log file is created. When that file reaches 8
MB, msg_depotserver1.log is renamed msg_depotserver2.log, msg_depotserver.log is renamed
msg_depotserver1.log, and a new msg_depotserver.log is created.
To configure the maximum number of log and trace files for a component, set the
component_nameFileHandler.maxFiles property for the component in the file. For
example, to set the maximum number of log and trace files for the depot server to 5, set the
serverFileHandler.maxFiles property in the depot server file as shown in the
following example:

To configure the maximum size of log and trace files for a component, set the
component_nameFileHandler.maxFileSize value for the component in the file. Specify
the value in KB.
For example, to set the maximum size of log and trace files for the depot server to 10 240 KB (10 MB),
set the serverFileHandler.maxFiles property in the depot server file as shown in the
following example:

Management center log and trace files

This section describes the log and trace files that are stored on the dynamic content delivery management
Location of files
By default, the management center log and trace files are stored in the following locations:
By default, the logging properties file for the management center is stored in the following location:
Description of files
The following log and trace files are stored on the management center:
Table 19. Log and trace files for the management center
File name


The logging properties for the management center.


Message and trace information for the administration user interface.


Message and trace information for download plans as well as general

message and trace information.


Message and trace information for security.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Table 19. Log and trace files for the management center (continued)
File name



Message and tracing information for the distribution agent.


Message and tracing information for the monitoring agent.


Message and tracing information for the download applet.


Message and tracing information about the installation of the management



Logging information about the installation of the management center



Logging information about the WebSphere Application Server settings

configured during installation and uninstallation.


Message and tracing information about the WebSphere Application Server

settings configured during installation and uninstallation.


Tracing information about the installation and uninstallation of the

management center.


Logging information about the Remote Execution and Access (RXA)



Logging information for the DB2 installation.

The log and trace files are in ASCII format. If an .err file displays 0 KB as file size, the file might not
necessarily be empty.

Silent installation of the management center fails

The silent installation will fail if the value of the LICENSE_ACCEPT_BUTTON parameter is not set to

The silent installation of the dynamic content delivery management center fails.

The value of the LICENSE_ACCEPT_BUTTON parameter is not set to TRUE.

Resolving the problem

To change the value of the LICENSE_ACCEPT_BUTTON parameter, follow these steps:
1. Open the cds_manager_opts file in a text editor.
3. Save the cds_manager_opts file.
4. Try the silent installation of the management center again.

Chapter 20. Dynamic content delivery troubleshooting


The service access points for software distribution were not created
This will occur if the tpmserver.xml and infrastructure.xml files were not successfully imported as part
of the agent installation.

The service access points on the Tivoli Provisioning Manager server, the file repository for the dynamic
content delivery management center, and the variables that are required for software distribution using
the scalable distribution infrastructure are not created automatically.

The tpmserver.xml and infrastructure.xml files were not successfully imported as part of the agent

Resolving the problem

1. Ensure that the tpmserver.xml and infrastructure.xml files are imported successfully as part of the
agent installation.
You can check the following log files for error or warnings. These files are located in the following
locations:%TIO_LOGS%\install (Windows) or $TIO_LOGS/install (UNIX) folders:





Published task files saving on different depot server

If the first depot server does not have enough space, published task files will also be saved on the next

There are two servers on Tivoli Provisioning Manager server. When a file is published on the first server,
it is also published on the second depot server.

There is not enough space on the first depot server to save a file.

Resolving the problem

Make enough space on the first depot server to store a file.

Depot stack not removed on uninstall

The uninstallation of the depot does not automatically remove the depot from the dynamic content
delivery system. The depot needs to be removed manually.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

After successfully uninstalling the depot agent stack, you find that the entry for the depot stack in Tivoli
Provisioning Manager has not been removed.

The uninstallation of the depot does not link with the removal of the depot from the dynamic content
delivery system. It will cause the depot to still exist in Tivoli Provisioning Manager even though the
depot is not available. Any files published to this depot will not get to the depot until a new depot is
installed again for the same depot instance on the same computer.

Resolving the problem

1. Navigate to the dynamic content delivery configuration page in the Tivoli Provisioning Manager web
interface. Delete the entry of the depot server where the depot agent stack is to be uninstalled.
2. Click Go To > IT Infrastructure > Provisioning Inventory > Provisioning Computers. Select the
computer where you want to uninstall the depot from. From the Select Action menu, click Uninstall
> Software Installation.
3. To verify whether the depot stack is uninstalled, go to the computer and change the directory path to:
<tca-install-dir>/runtime/agent/subagents/eclipse/plugins. If the uninstall was successful, you
will not see the file any longer.

Incorrect value for the used space on a depot

The value for the used space is refreshed every 24 hours. If you do not want to wait, then the refresh can
be done manually.

On the Depot page, if the data directory limit value is changed, the used space value is not updated

The value for the used space is refreshed every 24 hours.

Resolving the problem

To resolve the problem, do one of the following tasks:
v After the change is made, wait for 24 hours so that the refresh is done automatically.
v Click Refresh on the Depot Server Details window. To do this, start the Dynamic Content Delivery
console from the Select Action menu, click the Depot tab, and then click Refresh under Cache Size.
v Change the MA_DEPOT_SPACE_CHECK_INTERVAL_HOURS parameter in Management Center
Configuration to a smaller value so that the refresh is done automatically.
Note: We recommend that the last task be done by the Tivoli Provisioning Manager administrator, and
not by the user. This is because setting the MA_DEPOT_SPACE_CHECK_INTERVAL_HOURS variable to a
smaller value might have an impact on performance.

Chapter 20. Dynamic content delivery troubleshooting



IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 21. Device manager service troubleshooting

This section will help you resolve problems with the device manager service.

Log file locations for the device manager console

Errors and messages are logged in the C:\console_install_dir\logs\DMconsole_stdout.log and
C:\console_install_dir\logs\DMconsole_stderr.log files.
The following log files are used by the device manager console for logging errors and messages:
v Standard out information from the device manager console is located in the C:\console_install_dir\
logs\DMconsole_stdout.log file.
v Standard error information from the device manager console is located in the C:\console_install_dir\
logs\DMconsole_stderr.log file.

HTTP Unauthorized (401) response code

The agent needs to connect on the port that is configured for SSL client authentication. and the client
certificate provided as part of the SSL handshake must be valid.

Agent receives an HTTP Unauthorized (401) response code.

Agent can receive an Unauthorized (401) response code for a number of reasons, including:
v The agent did not provide a client certificate as part of the SSL handshake, which can be caused by the
agent connecting in on the wrong port.
v The client certificate provided as part of the SSL handshake was revoked.

Resolving the problem

If the agent connected to the wrong port, then the agent needs to be configured to connect on the port
that is configured for SSL client authentication.

Installation, migration and removal log file locations

Locations and descriptions for log files that are used during the device manager installation.
These log files are used during the device manager installation:
Table 20. Log file locations
File name



Contains information about the device manager



Contains information about the uninstallation of the

device manager.


Contains detailed installation information for device

manager server and device manager database

Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2011


Table 20. Log file locations (continued)

File name



Contains information about the device manager


Device manager log files

These log files contain important information, warning, and error messages and must be monitored by
the administrator. These files are self propagating and are limited in size.

Device manager log file locations

The administrator must monitor the device manager log files, which contain important information,
warning, and error messages. These files are self propagating and are limited in size.
The files are named DMSMsgn.log and DMScareMsgn.log, where n indicates the number of the message
log file that wraps between numbers 1, 2, and 3. The number of each log file indicates how new each
message is, with log files ending with 1 containing the newest device manager device managermessages
and the log files with 3 containing the oldest.
The log file contains messages from the device manager servlets. The log is located in the
WAS_PROFILE_DIR/logs/DMS_AppServer/DMSMsgn.log (where the n at the end is 1, 2, or 3,
and WAS_PROFILE_DIR is the WebSphere Application Server profile directory).
Log messages are also added to the trace log files so it is easier to trace the flow of actions.
This log file contains messages from the device manager care applications. The log is located in
WAS_PROFILE_DIR/logs/DMS_AppServer/DMScareMsgn.log (where the n at the end is 1, 2, or
3, and WAS_PROFILE_DIR is the WebSphere Application Server profile directory).

Lightweight device manager log files

Log file locations for the Lightweight device manager.

Log file location

Lightweight device manager log files: These log files are located at: lwi_Install_Location\runtime\

Lightweight management server generates exceptions

Some device classes (plug-ins) are not configured to run with a lightweight device management server.
You might receive exceptions for the missing device classes.

Running a lightweight management server with DB2 generates some exceptions.

Some device classes (plug-ins) are not configured to run with a lightweight device management server.
You might receive exceptions for the missing device classes. However, a lightweight device management
server will start and run normally with its more limited set of device classes. You might also receive
exceptions if the database cannot be accessed.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Manual installation of device manager hangs

This can happen if the SSL configuration is incorrect. Ensure that the properties files are on the correct
drive and that any use of a backslash on Windows is escaped with a preceding backslash.

A manual installation of device manager service hangs for an indefinite amount of time without an error

The SSL configuration is incorrect. Ensure that the properties files are on the correct drive and that any
use of a backslash (\) on Windows is escaped, (\\). For example, here is a correct file:

Resolving the problem

Ensure that the SSL configuration is corrected and then manually run the device manager service
installation again.

Device manager service configuration

How to change the polling interval for lightweight runtime, and how to change runtime values.

Changing the polling interval

To change the polling interval for lightweight runtime:
1. Open the file C:\Program Files\IBM\tivoli\tpm\lwi\conf\overrides\
2. Edit the WAS_DMS_FEDERATED_AGENT_POLL_INTERVAL_IN_MINUTES property to reflect the interval that you
3. Restart the provisioning server.
To change the polling interval for WebSphere Application Server:
1. Open the WebSphere Application Server admin console.
2. Click Environment > WebSphere Variables > server1 and the click Apply.
3. Edit the DMS_FEDERATED_AGENT_POLL_INTERVAL_IN_MINUTES property to reflect the interval that you
4. Click Apply, then click Save twice.
5. Restart the provisioning server.

Changing the runtime value

The workflow JES_Parameter_Set takes three parameters:
v device id
v parameter name
v parameter value
The valid parameter names are: PollingEnabled, PollingEnd, PollingInterval, PollingStart.
Chapter 21. Device manager service troubleshooting


The current values for these parameters are located in the file in the common agent.
When you run the workflow, the target computer will update the property file and then set the runtime
value without restarting the common agent.
If the common agent is not able to save the change to the property file, the workflow will fail and the
runtime value will remain unchanged. The property file has to be updated, or else restarting the common
agent or rebooting the computer will revert the file to its original value.

Troubleshooting device manager jobs

What to do if device manager jobs did not publish, submit, or process successfully.
If you encounter problems while submitting jobs, it might be because they have not been published,
submitted, or processed successfully. Follow these steps to troubleshoot any problems that you encounter:

1. Check if publishing was successful. Look at the TIO_LOGS\console.log file on the Tivoli Provisioning
Manager server. The file might need to be replicated to the depot server. Verify that the file is on the
Note: If you do not publish explicitly, then the dynamic publishing will be used.
2. Check if the job was submitted successfully. Look at the TIO_LOGS\console.log file on the Tivoli
Provisioning Manager server.
3. On the target computer, check if a job is received for processing. Look at the ep_install_dir
error-log-#.xml file. You can check the agent log files by following the instructions at the following
link: Information for troubleshooting software package blocks on Tivoli Common Agent computers
on page 210. The debug mode must be turned on to see the following: INFO: JES023I Processing job:
name = SPBInstall, requestId.
4. Look for a call to the FileManagementService, copyFile: INFO: TPMFMS001I File copy:...
5. Check to see if the job has been processed, and the related status is success.
6. Check the status of the job completion event sent back to the device manager: INFO: ****RECEIVED
7. Check the dynamic content delivery cds_trace_client.log file. Verify the following:
a. JES requests the file from the dynamic content delivery:
getInputStream JES Job Processor

b. The package ID that is being requested:
getFile JES Job Processor CDS Client URL File id is: 1183614987043

c. The file was downloaded successfully:$CDSListener
downloadComplete Thread-45 Transfer completed. Job status=4

d. JES opens a file stream to the downloaded file:
getInputStream JES Job Processor

e. The file has been used by JES: releaseFile JES Job

8. Check TIO_LOGS\console.log to see if the results were received on the Tivoli Provisioning Manager
server. Check the SDI Status Updater thread to see if the DMS Status Count is bigger than zero.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide





Device manager job timing

A formula that helps you understand the amount of time that a job will take before it is completed.

Device manager job time formula

The scalable distribution infrastructure jobs will take some time to get to the target and return. Here is a
formula to help understand the time the job will take before it is completed:
(2 * DMS_F_Pi ) + JES_Pi + JT = + (optional) DI

v DMS_F_Pi is the device manager federated polling interval set in the WebSphere Application Server or
the lightweight runtime.
v JES_Pi is the job execution services polling interval on the common agent. This is set in the Tivoli
Common Agent stack or in the file on the target computer.
v JT is the time it takes the scalable distribution infrastructure job to run. This can include the time it
takes to download files, run scans, and upload results.
v DI is the time it takes the dmsresultserver to process the incoming results from all of the target
computers. It is typically a quick process, but it can take some time, depending on the number of
target computers.

Device manager tracing

How to turn on device manager tracing to collect logs that can be submitted to IBM Tivoli Software

Before you begin

The device manager logs to collect for IBM Tivoli Software Support are:
v TraceDMSn.log
v DMSMsgn.log
v SystemOut.log
v SystemErr.log
Logs are recorded in the $TIO_HOME/tioprofile/logs/server1/TraceDMS<number>.log file.

Chapter 21. Device manager service troubleshooting


Turning on tracing for the device manager involves editing the file by doing the
following steps:

1. Locate the file.
v Location of the device manager only:

v Location of the device manager (includes all of the device manager servers in a cluster):
/opt/ibm/tivoli/tpmfsw/DeviceManager/config/dmserver.war/ WEB-INF/classes/

2. Set the following values in the file:

v TraceLevel: Set this value to 3. The default value is 1. There are four possible TraceLevel values: 0, 1,
2, and 3, where 3 gives the most detail and 0 means that no trace messages will be shown.
v DISPLAY_ENTRY_EXIT: Set this value to true.
v MaxFileSize: Sets the maximum file size of each file. Set this value to 55555.
v MaxTraceFiles: Sets the maximum of files. When the maximum is reached, the oldest file is deleted.
Set this value to 10.
v Set tracing for all of the following device manager components to true:



What to do next
When the changes have been implemented, restart the server so that the changes will take effect.
Note: If you think there are problems, copy the trace files to another location so that they are not

Device manager trace log files

Lists of log file names, their locations, and what information they record.

Device manager trace file

The device manager trace files are named TraceDMSn.log, where n indicates the number of the trace file.
The full file path is WAS_PROFILE_DIR/logs/DMS_AppServer/DMSMsgn.log, where


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

WAS_PROFILE_DIR is the WebSphere Application Server profile directory.

Application server log files

The following log files are produced for device manager byWebSphere Application Server. These message
logs include messages found in the device manager log files, WebSphere Application Server messages and
possibly device manager messages (which are not logged in the device manager log files). These
application server logs might become very large, so you should frequently check them and manage their
This log file gathers standard out information from the DMS_AppServer application server. The full
file path is WAS_PROFILE_DIR/logs/DMS_AppServer/SystemOut.log. You can use this log file to
determine whether DMS_AppServer was started without exceptions and to view trace messages
when tracing is active.
This file gathers standard error information from the DMS_AppServer application server. Use this
log file to view exceptions by device manager servlets that were added to the standard error
stream. The full file path is WAS_PROFILE_DIR/logs/DMS_AppServer/SystemErr.log.

WebSphere Application Server log files

The directory in which WebSphere Application Server log files are placed is determined by the
WAS_LOGS_DIR variable. This parameter is set in the Common Properties tab of the WebSphere
Application Server console. The /DMS_AppServer directory is the correct directory for an unmanaged
server deployment (single computer), unmanaged server with remote database deployment (single
computer with remote database), and proof of concept deployment.
Note: For a managed server deployment, the log files for the first device manager server in a cluster are
located in the WAS_PROFILE_DIR/Server directory.

Using the device manager console

Using the device manager console to view your jobs.

Before you begin

Ensure that the device manager application server (server1) and the TPMVirtualHost match.
The following steps describe how to use the device manager console.

1. Log on to the WebSphere Application Server console.
2. Navigate to Servers -> Application Servers -> server1 -> Web Container Settings -> Web container
transport chains.
3. Record the WCInboundDefault port number.
4. Navigate to Environment ->Virtual Hosts -> TPMVirtualHost -> Host Alias.
5. Ensure that there is an entry for the host name and port. This is the port from step 3.
6. Restart WebSphere Application Server.
7. Launch dmconsole and specify the device manager server. For example:

where port is the port number from step 3.

Chapter 21. Device manager service troubleshooting


8. Change the directory to dmconsole_dev and run the DMconsole.bat file. For the user name and
password, use dmadmin / dmadmin. Leave the other fields with their default values. Ignore the error
that appears.
9. In the left navigation pane, click Jobs and then click Submit.

You will now be able to view your jobs. Click View > Refresh to update the data.

Verifying the device manager service installation

A command and log file that use to verify that the device manager service was installed and configured
Follow these steps when you want to make sure that the device manager is installed and configured

v Run the command:

If the installation is successful, the command returns SUCCESS!

v Check the log files for errors. The log files are located in the %WAS_HOME%\profiles\ctgAppSrv01\
logs\MXServer directory, in the DMSMsgn.log and TraceDMSn.log files (where the last n is replaced by

Jobs not reaching target computer

This might happen because the device manager client is not polling. You might need to change the device
manager client configuration to solve this problem.

New jobs are not reaching the target computer.

The device manager client might not be polling.

Resolving the problem

You need to stop the device manager agent, remove the OSGiAgentTree.bin and OSGiAgentTree.bin.bak
files, then restart the agent. To view and change the device manager client configuration:
1. Extract the osgiagentservlet.jar file from the dms-client-subagent.tcdriver automation package.
2. Navigate to the appropriate directory for installing the osgiagentservlet.jar file:



where <agent_install_dir> is by default C:\Program Files\tivoli\ep.

where <agent_install_dir> is by default /opt/tivoli/ep.
3. Install the osgiagentservlet.jar file using the agentcli command:


agentcli deployer install file:C:\bundles\osgiagentservlet.jar


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

If the installation completed successfully, you will see a message similar to the following:
The file:C:\bundles\osgiagentservlet.jar bundle
was successfully installed.

4. Start the osgiagentservlet.jar file using the agentcli command:

agentcli deployer start file:C:\bundles\osgiagentservlet.jar

If the startup is successful, you will see a message similar to the following:
BTC3146I The file:C:\bundles\osgiagentservlet.jar bundle was
successfully started.

5. Use a browser that is in the same system as the agent to navigate to http://localhost:21080/
osgiagentservlet. The OSGi agent control panel will be displayed.
6. On the Device Information screen, check that Polling enabled is selected.
7. To change the agent account configuration, select Edit Account Configuration from Admin
Functions, on the left.

Chapter 21. Device manager service troubleshooting



IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 22. Remote Execution and Access (RXA)

This section will help you resolve problems with Remote Execution and Access (RXA).

Enabling RXA on Windows target computers

How to set up Remote Execution and Access (RXA) on Windows computers.
To use Remote Execution and Access (RXA) on Windows computers, do the following steps:

1. Check if you can access c$ on the target computer. You need to be able to access \\servername\c$ to
2. Check that Windows Firewall is not blocking the required ports. See the online help for more info on
RXA and requirements to connect to Windows target computers.
3. Use Telnet to connect to port 139. If the port is listening, you will get a blank screen because port 139
does not support Telnet. If the port is not listening, the computer will pause for a short time before
generating an error message.
4. If port 139 is listening, run the command netstat -an on the target. Ensure that both TCP 135 and
TCP 139 are listening. If TCP 139 is not listening, the network interface card (NIC) must be set to
Enable NetBIOS over TCPIP.
5. Disable Simple File Sharing by doing these steps:
a. In a Windows Explorer window, click Tools > Folder Options, and then click the View tab.
b. In the Advanced settings list, clear the Simple File Sharing check box.
c. Click Apply and then click OK.
6. Enable file and printer sharing by navigating to Control Panel > Network Connections > Local Area
Connection > Properties and then selecting File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks.
7. Verify that the remote registry service is running.
8. Check for blocked traffic:
a. Navigate to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy.
b. Right-click IP Security Policies on Local Computer and then select Manage IP filter lists and
filter actions.
c. Select the blocked items and then click Remove.

Enabling RXA logging

To enable Remote Execution and Access (RXA) logging, edit the $TIO_HOME/config/ file
and follow the instructions in the comments.

1. Edit the $TIO_HOME/config/ file.
2. Make the appropriate changes as indicated by comments inside the file.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2011


RXA cannot connect with UNIX target computers

RXA does not supply SSH code for UNIX machines. You must ensure SSH is installed and enabled on
any target computer you want to access using SSH protocol.

Remote Execution and Access (RXA) cannot establish connections with any UNIX target computer that
has all remote access protocols (RSH, REXEC, or SSH) disabled.

RXA does not supply SSH code for UNIX machines. You must ensure SSH is installed and enabled on
any target computer you want to access using SSH protocol. Versions of OpenSSH that are version 3.71 or
newer contain security enhancements that were not available in earlier releases. In all UNIX
environments except Solaris, the Bourne shell (sh) is used as the target shell. On Solaris targets, the Korn
shell (ksh) is used instead, due to problems encountered with sh.

Resolving the problem

Ensure that you are using OpenSSH 4.4 or newer. A known issue in version 4.3 can cause problems when
the provisioning server runs Expect scripts on a target computer.
In order for RXA to communicate with Linux and other SSH targets using password authentication, you
must edit the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config file on the target computers and set: PasswordAuthentication
yes (the default is no). After changing this setting, stop and restart the SSH daemon using the following
/etc/init.d/sshd stop
/etc/init.d/sshd start

In order to use SFTP for file transfers, in addition to calling SSHPProtocol.setUSESFTP(true), make sure
that the SFTP server is enabled on the target computer. Note that the location of the sftp-server directory
is dependent on your operating system. It is typically found in the following locations:


: /usr/lib/ssh/sftp-server


: /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server



: /opt/ssh/libexec/sftp-server
: /usr/sbin/sftp-server

The ssh_config file contains a line similar to the one below. Make sure the line that enables the
sftp-server subsystem is not commented out, and that it points to the operating system-specific location
of the sftp-server subsystem. For example:
Subsystem sftp /one_of/the_paths/shown_above


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 23. Administrative console troubleshooting

This section will help you resolve problems with the administrative console.

Agent Manager log files on the WebSphere Application Server runtime

Log file names and descriptions regarding the agent manager

Agent Manager installation log files

The log files generated during the installation and initial configuration of the agent manager are located
in the AM_HOME/logs directory.
Table 21. Agent manager installation log files
Log File



Summary of return values of the steps of the agent

manager installation. If the agent manager was installed
silently, check this log for the results of each step of the
installation. If you installed using the agent manager
installation wizard, this information is displayed
automatically. If you are performing a silent installation,
check this log for a step-by-step summary of the
installation's results.


InstallShield MultiPlatform (ISMP) log for installing the

agent manager. Check this log first to verify that the
agent manager installed properly and that the agent
manager server is started.


Information about whether a new installation was

performed or an existing version of the agent manager
was upgraded.


Standard output and standard error logs for the

AuthXMLUpgrade program.


Standard output and standard error logs for generating

the root certificate for the agent manager certificate


Log of the Data Definition Language (DDL) script that

creates and initializes the registry database.


Standard output and standard error logs for creating and

initializing the tables in the registry database.


An ISMP log for installing the files necessary to create

the registry database.


Standard output and standard error logs for creating the

registry database.


Standard output and standard error logs for the

EncryptAMProps program.


Standard output and standard error logs for installing

the Tivoli globally unique identifier (GUID).


Messages and trace information generated during the

installation and configuration of the agent manager
applications in WebSphere Application Server.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2011


Table 21. Agent manager installation log files (continued)

Log File



Standard output and standard error logs for starting the

application server for the agent manager.


Standard output and standard error logs for starting the

agent manager application server under WebSphere.


Standard output and standard error logs generated while

installing the AgentManager and AgentRecoveryService
applications and WAR files. These logs are generated by
the EPMInstallApp.jacl configuration script.


Standard output and standard error logs generated while

installing the application server for the agent manager.
These logs are generated by the EPMAppServer.jacl


Standard output and standard error logs for verifying the

cell for the WebSphere Application Server configuration.
These logs are generated by the EPMValidate.jacl script.


Standard output and standard error logs for verifying the

node for the WebSphere Application Server
configuration. These logs are generated by the
EPMValidate.jacll script.


Standard output and standard error logs for configuring

the WebSphere Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
provider, data source, and J2C Authentication Data Entry.
These logs are generated by the EPMJdbcProvider.jacl


Standard output and standard error logs for Secure

Sockets Layer (SSL) configuration. These logs are
generated by the EPMSSLConfig.jacl script.


Standard output and standard error logs for creating the

WebSphere virtual host. These logs are generated by the
EPMVirtualHost.jacl script.

Agent Manager uninstallation log files

The log files generated when you uninstall the agent manager are located in the AM_HOME/logs directory.
Table 22. Agent manager uninstallation log files
Log File



InstallShield MultiPlatform (ISMP) log for uninstalling

the agent manager.


Summary of return values of the steps of the agent

manager uninstallation.


Messages and trace information generated when

uninstalling the agent manager applications in
WebSphere Application Server.

Remote registry installation log files

If the registry is on a system other than the agent manager computer, install a subset of the agent
manager files on the database server to create and initialize the registry database.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Table 23. Remote registry installation log files

Log File



A log of the SQL statements that are run to create the

registry database and its tables.


An ISMP log for installing the files necessary to create

the registry database.


Standard output and standard error logs for creating the

registry database. Check db_stdout.log first to see if the
registry was created successfully.

Other log files

The runtime logs for the agent manager running on WebSphere Application Server are located in the
app_server_root/profiles/profile_name/logs/app_server_name' directory, where app_server_name is the
name of the application server. By default, the name is AgentManager.
The runtime logs for the agent manager running on the embedded version of IBM WebSphere
Application Server are in the app_server_root/agentmanager/logs/app_server_name directory.
The runtime logs for WebSphere Application Server are in the app_server_root/profiles/profile_name/
logs/server1 directory.
Additional logs are in the app_server_rootprofiles/default/logs/ffdc directory, but no such directory
exists for the embedded version of IBM WebSphere Application Server.
DB2 provides several First Failure Data Capture (FFDC) facilities that log information as errors occur. The
DB2 FFDC facilities are used with command-line interface and DB2 traces to diagnose problems. The
information captured by DB2 for FFDC includes:
When an error occurs, the db2diag.log file logs information about the error. This is the primary
log to use when debugging DB2 problems.
If an error is an alert, entries are made in the db2alert.log file and in the operating system or
native logging facility.
dump files
For some error conditions, additional information is logged in external binary dump files that are
named after the failing process ID. These files are intended for DB2 Customer Support.
trap files
The database manager generates a trap file if it cannot continue processing because of a trap,
segmentation violation, or exception. Trap files contain a function flow of the last steps that were
executed before a problem occurred.
Other useful DB2 commands include:
db2trc This command gives you the ability to control tracing.
This command collects environment information and log files and places them into a compressed
archive file.
On WebSphere Application Server, the agent recovery service logs are in the log for the application server
server1. This is the SystemOut.log file in the app_server_root/profiles/default/logs/server1 directory.
This is true even if the WebSphere Application Server is installed in an application server other than
Chapter 23. Administrative console troubleshooting


server1. However, this is not true for the embedded version of IBM, on which the agent recovery services
logs are not supported.

Cannot run backup tool with WebSphere Application Server

The backup tool might not run if the agent manager is installed with WebSphere Application Server in a
version earlier than You need to manually run the wsadmin command to run the backup tool.

The WebSphere Application Server backup tool will not run.

If you have the agent manager installed with WebSphere Application Server in a version earlier than and then upgraded to the version required, it might not be possible to run the backup tool
(receiving a message saying that the control service is not available instead). You can check if this is the
cause of the problem by looking in the WebSphere Application Server wsadmin.traceout log file.

Resolving the problem

You need to manually run the wsadmin command from the location AM_HOME/tools/resources as shown in
the following line:
/wsadmin.ext -conntype NONE -lang jython -f

This command refreshes .jar files, and you will be able to run the backup tool after running it.

Installation or upgrade of agent manager fails with embedded version

of IBM WebSphere Application Server
If you install or upgrade the agent manager with the embedded version of IBM WebSphere Application
Server, you need to ensure that there is enough disk space for the operating system temporary directory.

Agent Manager fails to install or upgrade with the embedded version of IBM WebSphere Application

If you install or upgrade the agent manager with the embedded version of IBM WebSphere Application
Server, you need to ensure that there is enough disk space for the operating system temporary directory.

Resolving the problem

Ensure that your have at least this much disk space::

Windows operating systems: 200 MB

AIX operating systems: 220 MB
HP-UX 1A64: 310 MB
Linux operating systems: 200 MB
Solaris: 260 MB

User response: To correct the problem, change the location of the operating system temporary directory.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

WebSphere Application Server JVM memory settings

The EPMAppServerMemParam.jacl script allows you to set the WebSphere Application Server JVM
parameters after installation.

Default settings
By default, the following parameters of the WebSphere Application Server JVM are set during the

This also applies to the embedded version of IBM WebSphere Application Server.

Changing the memory settings

The EPMAppServerMemParam.jacl script allows you to set the WebSphere Application Server JVM
parameters after installation.
An example of its usage on WebSphere Application Server is listed below:
"C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\bin\wsadmin.bat"
-lang jacl
-conntype NONE
-wsadmin_classpath "C:/Program Files/IBM/AgentManager/install/lib/install.jar;
C:/Program Files/IBM/AgentManager/install/lib/jlog.jar"
-f "C:\Program Files\IBM\AgentManager\install\jacl\EPMAppServerMemParam.jacl"
-logDir "C:/Program Files/IBM/AgentManager/logs"
-propfile "C:/Program Files/IBM/AgentManager/install/"
-initialHeapSize 111
-maximumHeapSize 1234

Verifying the installation of WebSphere Application Server

User the First Steps tool to verify the installation of WebSphere Application Server.
To verify the installation of WebSphere Application Server, use the First Steps tool. This tool is located in
the app_server_root/firststeps directory. Run the appropriate file for your operating system:







Chapter 23. Administrative console troubleshooting



IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 24. Other problems

This section describes how to recover from miscellaneous Tivoli Provisioning Manager problems.

Cannot create graph containing data model objects

If the graph is based on DCMOBJECTTYPE.DESCRIPTION in the Chart Options tab, then this is a current

In a portlet of type All DCM Objects (generally named Data model object finder), the graph that
represents the result set is not created.

This is a base services limitation.

Resolving the problem

Click the pencil icon to open the portlet options, and then see the Chart Options tab. If it shows that the
graph is based on DCMOBJECTTYPE.DESCRIPTION, then this is a current limitation. To restore the original list
view, select a different Display By Attribute, for example Type_id, and select List View from the graph.

Error when primary Tivoli Provisioning Manager server is disabled

The file system does not release the lwi.lck file after the primary server is disabled. Reboot the
secondary server and then restart Tivoli Provisioning Manager.

When the primary Tivoli Provisioning Manager server is disabled and the user attempts to manually
open Tivoli Provisioning Manager from the secondary server, the following message appears:
ALR0027I: Waiting for the currently running lightweight run time to exit.

The file system does not release the lwi.lck file after the primary server is disabled.

Resolving the problem

Reboot the secondary server and then restart Tivoli Provisioning Manager.

Missing information for TPDEPLOYMENTREQUEST and WORKFLOW

The missing information does not need to be entered. No further action is necessary.

There is no information for Where Clause and Remarks in the DEPLOYMENTREQUESTSTATUS relationship and
Remarks information is missing from the WORKFLOW relationship when you do the following steps:
1. Click Go To > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Database Configuration.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2011


2. In the Object field, search for TPDEPLOYMENTREQUEST or WORKFLOW.

3. Click the Relationships tab.

The Where Clause is not needed for this relationship and the Remarks information is not mandatory.

Resolving the problem

Because the missing information does not need to be entered, no further action is necessary.

Turning on Admin mode is slow

Interactive user sessions or background processing might be occurring at the same time Admin mode is
turning on. It will eventually turn on if left alone, but you can also use it immediately by running the
configdb command.

Turning on Admin mode from the Database Configuration application takes a long time.

Interactive user sessions or background processing might be occurring at the same time Admin mode is
turning on.

Resolving the problem

Typically, if left alone, Admin mode will eventually turn on. However, if you need to quickly apply
database configuration changes, you can manually run the configdb command to get into Admin mode
without waiting.
Note: You must have login access to the installation admin workstation to run the configdb command.
Follow the steps below to quickly turn on Admin mode:
1. Stop the application server, WebSphere MX server, either using the WebSphere Administrative
Console or the command line.
2. Stop the deployment engine using the tio.cmd stop command.
3. Run the configDB command. For more information about this command, see the section called
Configuring the database in the System Administrator Guide.

Turning on auditing causes configdb script error

Turning on auditing can cause an error to occur when executing the configdb script.

After turning on auditing within Maximo, running the configdb script results in the following error

Resolving the problem

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

After auditing is enabled, the name of the auditing table is displayed in the Audit Table field.
1. Copy and paste this name in the Find field and search for this audit table.
2. Click on the audit table name in the search result.
3. Click on the arrow beside the Storage Partition field and select IBM32KSPACE.
4. Click the Save toolbar button.
5. Stop the server.
6. Run the configdb script again.
Now the script will run without error.

Tivoli Provisioning Manager does not install when terminal server is

The terminal server needs to be stopped before installing Tivoli Provisioning Manager, or else adb2.exe
application error will occur and the installation will fail.

The Tivoli Provisioning Manager installation fails with DB2 when the terminal server is enabled. There is
a db2.exe application error. The DB2 command will not work.

Resolving the problem

Stop the terminal server, restart the computer, and then install again.

Database lock timeout error

Frequently committing to a database will cause a lock timeout error. This possibility can be reduced by
changing the database registry settings.

You receive the following error:
COPCOM093E The JDBC driver caused an SQL exception.
COPJEE272E (Problem ID: UI449932). com.thinkdynamics.kanaha.datacentermodel
COPCOM093E The JDBC driver caused an SQL exception

This is caused by frequency committing to a database, causing a lock timeout. In the $TIO_LOGS/j2ee
file, you will find this information:
Caused by: com.thinkdynamics.kanaha.util.exception.DatabaseDeadlockException:
DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -911, SQLSTATE: 40001, SQLERRMC: 68

The error 68 indicates that a lock timeout occurred

Resolving the problem

To reduce the possibility of database lock timeouts, run the following commands to configure the
database registry: db2set DB2_SKIPINSERTED=YES db2set DB2_SKIPDELETED=YES and db2set

Chapter 24. Other problems


When you turn on these settings, remember to recycle the instance (that is, stop the database and then
start it again).

Upload server times out on idle connections to Oracle server

Firewall timeout for idle connections might sever a connection. This can cause JDBC applications to hang
while waiting for a connection.

The upload server might time out on an idle connection to the Oracle server if the following conditions
are met:
v The provisioning server runs on Solaris with a remote Oracle database.
v The upload server is on a separate server that connects to the Oracle server using a firewall.
If the timeout occurs, the following error message is displayed:
COPCOM093E The JDBC driver caused an SQL exception.

Firewall timeout for idle connections might sever a connection. This can cause JDBC applications to hang
while waiting for a connection.

Resolving the problem

You can perform one or more of the following actions to avoid connections from being severed due to
firewall timeout:
v If you are using connection caching or connection pooling, then always set the inactivity timeout value
on the connection cache to be shorter than the firewall idle timeout value.
v Pass as connection property to enable read timeout on socket. The timeout
value is in milliseconds.
v For both JDBC OCI and JDBC Thin drivers, use a net descriptor to connect to the database and specify
the ENABLE=BROKEN parameter in the DESCRIPTION clause in the connect descriptor. Also, set a lower
value for tcp_keepalive_interval.
v Enable Oracle Net DCD by setting SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME=1 in the sqlnet.ora file on the server side.

Embedded messaging feature does not work on Windows 2000

The embedded messaging feature is missing the msvcp60.dll file on Windows 2000 Server platforms. The
Vcredist.exe installer will put this file into the correct location on your computer.

The embedded messaging feature does not work on Windows 2000. Instead, you see a message similar to
the following example:
Unable To Locate DLL The dynamic link library MSVCP60.dll could not be found
in the specified path...

The embedded messaging feature is missing the msvcp60.dll file on Windows 2000 Server platforms. The
prerequisite checker in the installer program does not check for this DLL file on the Windows 2000 Server
platform. If you select the Windows 2000 Support Tools during Windows 2000 Server installation, the


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

installation program for Windows 2000 Server installs the DLL file in the C:\Program Files\Support
Tools directory. The DLL file is installed during the installation of Windows 2000 Advanced Server in the
C:\WINNT\system32 directory.

Resolving the problem

From the Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 Support Web site, follow the instructions to download the
Vcredist.exe installer. The installer will place the msvcp60.dll file in the correct location on your

Logs exceed the file system capacity on UNIX

When the log directory is on the same file system as Tivoli Provisioning Manager, it can reach or exceed
the capacity of the file system. This can prevent the application from creating new log files.

When the log directory is on the same file system as Tivoli Provisioning Manager, it can reach or exceed
the capacity of the file system. This can prevent the application from creating new log files.

The capacity of the file system is not large enough.

Resolving the problem

Try one of the following solutions:
v Determine whether other processes are using the file system on which the logs are located. If so, create
a dedicated file system for logging so that the file system is not affected by any process other than
logging. Refer to your operating system manual for the required procedures.
v Extend the size of the file system on which the log is located. Alternatively, free up space on the same
file system to resolve the problem for the time being.
v If current messages in the logs require attention, resolve the problems so that the messages will not be
displayed again. To prevent this problem from occurring in future, investigate and modify the size of
the file system as required.
v Manually archive the log files to increase the amount of available storage space on the file system.
v Set the maximum log file size for the console.log file and the msg.log file to a smaller value.

The provisioning server does not start on Windows

In this configuration, IBM Tivoli Directory Server might treat DB2 as if it has started, even if it has not.

The provisioning server does not start on Windows, and a message appears in the WebSphere
Application Server log (SystemOut.log in the %WAS_HOME%\logs\server1 directory) similar to the
3c450cad LdapRegistryI E SECJ0352E: Could not get the users matching the pattern
wasadmin because of the following exception javax.naming.AuthenticationException:
[LDAP: error code 49 - Invalid Credentials]

In this configuration, IBM Tivoli Directory Server might treat DB2 as if it has started, even if it has not.
Chapter 24. Other problems


Resolving the problem

Try stopping your IBM Tivoli Directory Server service and then starting it again. Then start the
provisioning server again.
To prevent this problem from occurring each time you reboot:
1. Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services
2. Right-click the IBM Tivoli Directory Server service and select Properties.
3. In the Start type list, select Manual.

The provisioning server does not start on Linux

When using a non-login shell on Linux, make sure that the .TCprofile script is sourced.

When using a non-login shell on Linux, the provisioning server does not start from GNOME or KDE
terminals. The following symptoms might appear:
1. The output of the tioStatus command shows that the deployment engine, policy engine, and the
DMS result server did not start:
ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file
ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the tioprofile profile
ADMU0500I: Retrieving server status for server1
ADMU0508I: The Application Server "server1" is STARTED
2007-10-20 21:13:29,824 INFO log4j configureAndWatch is started with
configuration file: /opt/ibm/tivoli/tpm/config/log4j-util.prop
2007-10-20 21:14:00,115 INFO COPCOM422I The deployment engine is not started.
2007-10-20 21:14:00,986 INFO COPCOM424I The policy engine is not started.
2007-10-20 21:14:00,989 INFO COPCOM484I The agent shell server is started.
2007-10-20 21:14:01,000 INFO COPCOM560I The activity plan engine is started.
2007-10-20 21:14:01,002 INFO COPCOM585I The SOAP service is started.
2007-10-20 21:14:01,018 INFO COPCOM588I The DMS Result Server is not started.

2. Displaying the value of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable from a command shell (for
example, echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH) returns null.
3. A message appears in the $TIO_LOGS/console.log file:
COPCOM093E The JDBC driver caused an SQL exception.
COPCOM093E The JDBC driver caused an SQL exception.
Caused by:
Failure in loading T2 native library db2jcct2
at org.apache.commons.dbcp.DataSourceConnectionFactory.createConnection
at org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolableConnectionFactory.makeObject
at org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool.borrowObject
at org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolingDataSource.getConnection(
at com.thinkdynamics.kanaha.datacentermodel.inprocess.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

When starting from a non-login shell, .TCprofile is not sourced and therefore LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not set

Resolving the problem

To make sure that the .TCprofile script is sourced on non-login shells, add the following lines to the
.bashrc file in the home directory for tioadmin (for example, /home/tioadmin/.bashrc). In the lines
below, you must replace /opt/ibm/tivoli/tpm/ with TIO_HOME on your system.
# The following three lines have been added by IBM Tivoli
if [ -f /opt/ibm/tivoli/tpm/.TCprofile ]; then
. /opt/ibm/tivoli/tpm/.TCprofile

To ensure that the .TCprofile script does not run twice, remove the above lines from the .bash_profile
and .profile files in the tioadmin home directory.

Remote connection to database hangs when database server is on a

multiprocessor computer
There might not be enough connection managers allocated from the database server. Provide additional
connection managers and take the number of processors into account when calculating the value of a
given computer.

When the database server is on a multiprocessor computer, the remote connection to the database might
hang. The database server then logs the following error in the db2diag.log file:
DIA3208E Error encountered in TCP/IP protocol support. TCP/IP function "accept".
Socket was "920". Errno was "10061".

Not enough connection managers are allocated from the database server.

Resolving the problem

1. Update the database registry DB2TCPCONNMGRS to enable the database server to provide additional
connection managers.
2. Considering that DB2TCPCONNMGRS takes values between 1 and 8, use the following formula to
determine the value of a given computer:
Calculate the square root of the number of processors and then round up to a maximum value of 8.
3. Run the following command to update the registry:
db2set DB2TCPCONNMGRS=<value_calculated>

4. After changing the registry value, restart DB2 as follows:

db2stop force

For more information, refer to the DB2 product documentation.

Java exceptions from incorrect SOAP parameters

Use the detailed error message from Tivoli Provisioning Manager to determine the cause of the problem.


Chapter 24. Other problems


When you submit an incorrect SOAP parameter from the command line, Tivoli Provisioning Manager
returns an error message. A detailed Java exception message is also displayed.

A SOAP client can be run on a computer other than the Tivoli Provisioning Manager server. In such a
scenario, the SOAP client is a thin client that has no message log available.

Resolving the problem

Tivoli Provisioning Manager presents the complete Java exception message as well, so you will have the
detailed feedback that you might need. This can be helpful if you build your own SOAP client based on
the Tivoli Provisioning Manager application programming interface.

Cannot import XML

Shut down Tivoli Provisioning Manager before you run an XML import, and then restart it when the
XML import is completed.

Tivoli Provisioning Manager does not function as you would expect when you run an XML import while
all the Tivoli Provisioning Manager processes are running.

Tivoli Provisioning Manager processes cache some information, and they depend on JMS messages for
notification when events occur (for example, when the system runs logical management operations and
workflows). However, an XML import does not send any notifications to the Tivoli Provisioning Manager
processes. It just loads the database.

Resolving the problem

Shut down Tivoli Provisioning Manager before you run an XML import, and then restart it when the
XML import is completed. Refer to the following topics for instructions on how to start and stop Tivoli
Provisioning Manager:



Starting and stopping the provisioning server on Windows


Starting or stopping the provisioning server on UNIX or Linux

Slow response time on Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition

The page file size might be too small if your operating system has 4 GB of physical memory.

You might experience slow response times when running Tivoli Provisioning Manager on Windows 2003
Enterprise Edition operating system environments with 4 GB of physical memory.

The page file size might be too small.

Resolving the problem


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

You can obtain better performance by increasing the page file size beyond the 4095 MB page file size
limit that Windows 2003 sets as default. To do this:
1. Set the /PAE flag in your boot.ini file. You can add the PAE switch as shown below:
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Windows Server 2003, Enterprise"
/noexecute=optout /fastdetect /PAE

Note: The c:\boot.ini file is a write-protected system file. You might have to change the file
permissions to edit it.
2. Open Windows Registry and change the key value of the registry key that controls the page file:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SessionManager\MemoryManagement. Set the
PagingFiles value to c:\pagefile.sys 3069 8192.
3. Restart your computer.

The information center for non-English languages is displayed in

The information center is English by default. Download a version of the information center that is in your
preferred non-English language.

When you click Information Center on the web interface, the information center displays in English,
even if the provisioning server was installed in a different language.

The information center is English by default.

Resolving the problem

Download a version of the information center that is in your preferred non-English language. To do this:
1. Set your browser to the locale for your language.
2. If not already in the information center from the Internet, go to the information center at
3. On the Welcome page, under the Documentation updates heading, click Tivoli documentation.
4. Select Downloads from the lower left of the Contents list.
5. Follow the instructions provided to update the information center included with the product.

Password policy is set to never expire during base services

The following message appears in the base services installation log files:
The password has been successfully set to NEVER EXPIRE
for user db_user on host_name machine

where db_user is the database runtime user. The default value is maximo.


Chapter 24. Other problems


The message indicates that the user is configured so that the account does not lock during the install
process. Thebase services installer did not change the password policy you configured.

Troubleshooting router and switch login failures

You will not be able to log in to Cisco routers and switches if you use the greater than symbol (>) or
number sign (#) characters in the router, or if you switch login prompts.

You are unable to log in to Cisco routers and switches if the routers or switches have the greater than
symbol (>) or the number sign (#) in them. You are also unable to log in if you switch login prompts.

Cisco routers and switches which use a greater than symbol (>) or a number sign (#) in the login banner
are not supported.

Object selection is cleared after searching for another object

You can either search for and add one object at a time, or use multiple search items in a field, separating
them with "and" symbols (&) or commas (,).

If you select an object in a dialog or a table, and then search for a different term, your original item
selection is cleared.

Only the last searched object (or objects) is displayed when searching.

Resolving the problem

You can either search for and add one object at a time, or use multiple search items in a field, separating
them with "and" symbols (&) or commas (,).

Default insert site configuration does not take effect or is not

persistent for the user
This can occur if the default insert site has not been configured. If it has been configured, then the
configuration might not have taken effect.

You receive the error BMXAA0012E - Cannot insert/update a record without a default insert site
when trying to do an action that requires a default insert site to be configured. This can occur even if you
do have a default insert site configured, but is not active.

This can occur if the default insert site has not been configured. If it has been configured, then the
configuration might not have taken effect (for example, you have not logged out of your sessions yet).


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Additionally, configuration and usage of sites in conjunction with the MAXADMIN user (that is, the user is
configured for mxe.adminuserid) could cause system problems because background sessions for that user
might be active frequently.

Resolving the problem

All of your sessions must be logged out in order for the default site configuration to take effect. If you
are not able to log out properly (for example, because of a disconnected network or because you closed
the browser without signing out), the configuration will take effect after all of your sessions have timed
out or after the server is restarted.
Note: We do not recommended that you use the MAXADMIN ID (mxe.adminuserid) in conjunction with any
configuration or operations requiring site configuration.

Error running the versionInfo command

The versionInfo command is not supported for Windows-64 bit computers.

An error occurs when you run the versionInfo command on a Windows 64bit computer.

This command is not supported for Windows-64 bit computers.

The network discovery fails

The network discovery fails because networking information is missing or not configured for an AIX

Running a network discovery fails with errors indicating that there are problems with the networking
configuration on an AIX WPAR target computer.

An AIX WPAR virtual server might be missing networking information, or the networking information is
not configured correctly.

Resolving the problem

Fix the networking configuration of the AIX WPAR and then run the network discovery again.

Logged errors after using the tio.cmd command

This is normal behavior that comes after running the above commands. Disregard the Failed to connect
to server errors.

After starting the provisioning server using the tio.cmd start command and then stopping the
provisioning server using the tio.cmd stop command, errors are found in the console.log and trace.log
Chapter 24. Other problems


This is normal behavior that comes after running the above commands.

Resolving the problem

Disregard the Failed to connect to server error messages.

Error messages are displayed in English while working in a

non-English locale
This is a localization issue. You need to change a setting in WebSphere Administrative Console to display
error messages in the language of your locale.

You are working in a non-English locale, and error messages are only being displayed in English.

This is a localization issue.

Resolving the problem

To resolve this issue:
1. Log on to the WebSphere Administrative Console
2. In the left panel, click Servers > Application Servers.
3. In the right panel, click MXServer > Java and Process Management > Process Definition -> Java
Virtual Machine.
4. Add your TIO_HOME/nls path into the class path field.
5. Click Apply > Save to save your change.
6. Return to the Application Server page, and select MXServer. Stop the server and then restart it.
All error messages must now be displayed in the language of your locale.

Editing text files changes permissions

Various factors can change permissions when editing text files.

Files in a UNIX or Cygwin environment have specific permissions for the owner of the file, the group for
the file, and other users.

There are various factors that can cause can change the permissions of a file. Consider the following
factors when editing text files:
v Default user permissions. Each user has default permissions for files that they create, and those
defaults can be changed with the umask command. This means that file permissions for the user who
created a file can be different than the permissions for another user. If you edit a file in Cygwin using
an editor such as vi, it is recommended that you log on as the owner of the file.
v If you are using a text editor that automatically creates file backups, your updated file might have
different permissions than the original file.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

You can check the current permissions of a file in Cygwin by typing the following command:
ls -l filename

where filename is the name of the file.

Resolving the problem

If you need to edit text files, ensure that the updated file retains the original file permissions.

COPCOM618E error for Windows computers configured with Federal

Desktop Core Configuration
If the target computers that you manage have Microsoft Windows XP or Microsoft Windows Vista
installed and are configured with Federal Desktop Core Configuration (FDCC), these computer cannot
communicate with the provisioning server.

The following message might be displayed in Status of my recent provisioning workflows in the Start
COPCOM618E The network discovery could not find any of the specified resources.

Resolving the problem

Microsoft Windows XP:
1. Run the following command:

2. Expand Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Network
Connections > Windows Firewall > Standard Profile.
3. Ensure that Windows Firewall: Do not allow exceptions is Not Configured.
4. Ensure that Windows Firewall: Allow file and printer sharing exception and Windows Firewall:
Allow local port exceptions are Enabled.
5. Expand Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings
> Local Policies > Security Options.
6. Ensure that Network security: LAN Manager authentication level is set to Send NTLMv2 response
7. Open Windows Firewall in the Control Panel.
8. Add the following port numbers. ClickExceptions > Add port.

Microsoft Windows Vista:

1. Run the following command:

2. Expand Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings
> Local Policies > Security Options.

Chapter 24. Other problems


3. Ensure that Network security: LAN Manager authentication level is set to Send NTLMv2 response
4. Ensure that User Account Control Admin Approval Mode for the Build-in Administrator account is
set to Disabled.
5. Expand Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings
> Windows Firewall with Advanced Security > Windows Firewall with Advanced Security - Local
Group Policy Object > Inbound Rules.
6. Create a new inbound File and Print Sharing rule, which will allow SMB inbound traffic.
7. Create a new inbound Protocol and Ports rule for following TCP ports:

Shell command error when running workflow

This problem only applies when Tivoli Provisioning Manager is installed on a Windows operating
system, and is caused when bash startup files are edited using a DOS-based editor.

A provisioning task or provisioning workflow fails with the following message:
-bash: $\r: command not found

This is an issue that only applies when Tivoli Provisioning Manager is installed on a Windows operating
system, and occurs when you manually start Cygwin. If you edited a bash startup file such as .bashrc or
/etc/profile with a DOS-based editor, then the line endings might have changed to CR/LF instead of LF,
which causes the error to occur.

Resolving the problem

To resolve this error, open the file that you edited using Vendor Independent Messaging (VIM), insert the
line :set ff=unix, and then save the file.
Alternatively, you can solve this problem by running the following lines in the command prompt:
dos2unix /etc/profile
dos2unx .bashrc

Manually restart the Cygwin shell to verify that the error has been solved.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 25. Messages

System events taking place within Tivoli Provisioning Manager are recorded as text messages in message
logs. This section lists and describes the messages and message logs.

Message logs
Message logs record Tivoli Provisioning Manager system events as text messages so they can be reviewed
later by customers or by IBM Tivoli Software Support. Typically, messages are used to provide
information about how the system or application is performing, and to alert the system administrator to
exceptional conditions when they occur. If an error occurs, you can check the message logs for
information about the error, the cause of the error, and possible resolutions for the error.
Message logs have the file name msg.log, and are stored in the subfolder for each software component.
Messages are localized based on the locale configured on the provisioning server. There are multiple
levels of message logs, and they can be filtered by message log level and software component.
Note: Variables in a message are represented by Value_n where n is a unique value within the message.

Message elements
Each message includes a message ID, message text, and explanation text. Some messages also include
action text when the user can take an action.
COPDEX101E: A security exception occurred while the system parsed the profile XML file:
Explanation: The ITM Obtain OS Profiles provisioning workflow generates an XML file that
contains the list of profiles installed in Tivoli Management Agent. This profile XML file is copied
to Tivoli Provisioning Manager and then it is parsed by the Profile XML Parser. The XML parser
cannot read the profile XML file because a security error occurred. This is a file permissions issue.
Either the parent directory of the profile XML file is missing appropriate file permissions, or the
profile XML file is missing the appropriate file permissions.
Operator response: Verify that the login user is assigned read and write access to the parent
directory of the ProfileXMLParser.
Message ID
String of 10 alphanumeric characters that uniquely identifies the message. In the preceding
example, the message ID is COPDEX101E.
Message text
Explains the reason for the message, what the message means, and possible causes of the
message with recommended steps you can take (for those messages that require some action on
your part). In the preceding example, the message text is: A security exception occurred while the
system parsed the profile XML file.
Contains additional information about the cause of the message, and describes the action that the
system took or will take. In the example, the explanation follows the label Explanation.
Describes what you must do to proceed, to recover from the error, or to prevent a problem from
occurring. Actions can include:

Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2011


Action title


System Action

Describes the reaction of the system to the condition that

caused it to display this message.

Operator Response

Describes what response you might be able to take.

Administrator Response

Describes what response a system administrator might

be able to take.

Programmer Response

Describes what response a system programmer might be

able to take.

In the example, the action follows the label Operator Response.

Note: Variables in a message are represented byValue_n where n is a unique value within the message.

Message ID format
The message ID consists of 10 alphanumeric characters that uniquely identify the message. Each message
ID includes:

A 3-character product identifier

A 3-character component or subsystem identifier
A 3-digit serial or message number
A 1-character type code indicating the severity of the message

The sequence of the alphanumeric characters in the message ID is COPYYY###Z where:

v COP is a three-character release-independent product identifier. The system uses this product identifier
to identify the relevant subdirectory that contains serviceability information when using the Tivoli
Common Directory.
v YYY is the subsystem code.
Table 24. Subsystem codes



Activity plan applet




Deployment engine




Group management




Job distribution service


J2EE. TheTivoli Provisioning Manager code that runs on

the WebSphere Application Server.


Network management


Patch management


Data model query language exception


Server management


Software deployment


Tivoli Common Agent


Automation package manager


Provisioning task management




IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

BTC1007E BTC1010E

v ### is 3-digit unique serial or message number.

v Z is the severity code indicator.
Table 25. Severity codes
Severity code


Informational message. The message provides

information or feedback about normal events that have
occurred or are occurring, but do not require you to take
action. The message might also request that you provide
information in instances where the outcome of the
information you provide will not be negative.

Warning message. The message indicates that potentially

undesirable conditions have occurred or could occur, but
the program can continue. Warning messages might ask
you to make a decision before processing continues.

Error message. The message indicates an error that

requires an intervention or correction before the program
can continue.

The section contains a list of possible messages that you might encounter while using the product. The
messages are listed according to the identifier of the product feature or component that produces the

This section lists the messages for the Tivoli Common Agent Services.

The system failed to access the

properties that are needed to perform
registration. Verify that the registration
properties exist in the file.


An error occurred when the common

agent registration service attempted to
access an important registration
parameter. The default value value will
be used.

Explanation: The common agent registration service

was unable to register the common agent because the
necessary properties could not be accessed. The file might be corrupted or missing.

Explanation: The common agent registration service

was unable to access an important registration
parameter. The file might be
corrupted or missing.

System action: If the common agent cannot register, it

will not be able to communicate with the agent
manager. The product subagent bundle will not be able
to provide data to its resource manager.

System action: The common agent registration service

will attempt to access the properties file again. If the
next attempt is unsuccessful, the service will use the
specified default value for this parameter.

Administrator response: Check the file to make sure that it is not
corrupted and that the properties it contains are correct
for your environment. If necessary, correct the
information in the properties file. Then stop and restart
the common agent on the machine.

Administrator response: Check the file to see if it is corrupted or
missing. If the parameters in the
file are correct, stop and restart the common agent. If
the error continues, contact customer support.

The common agent registration service

failed to obtain a certificate and key
pair from the agent manager.

Explanation: The common agent registration service

Chapter 25. Messages


BTC1011E BTC1032E
was unable to obtain the security certificate and key
pair from the agent manager.

properly, and other products will not be able to use its


System action: The common agent is unable to

initialize security credentials. If this continues, the
common agent will send a notification to the agent
recovery service.

System action: The common agent will not start.

Administrator response: Check the agent manager

logs to find information that might help you diagnose
the problem. Security issues should be resolved as soon
as possible.

A failure occurred while accessing the

key store. The common agent was
unable to store the certificate on the
local machine.

Explanation: The common agent registration service

was unable to store the security certificate on the
common agent machine. This might be caused by a
network problem, or the machine might be offline.
System action: The common agent will not be able to
make nor accept secure network connections. The
common agent will send a notification to the agent
recovery service.
Administrator response: Make sure the machine is
running and is reachable through the network.

Administrator response: Look for other messages in

the log that might be preventing the registration.
Review the common agent registration server log.
Resolve the problem with common agent registration
server. Then, restart the common agent.

Explanation: If existing credential are not valid, this is

an unrecoverable error. If existing credentials are valid,
the common agent will still be able to run.
System action: The common agent will fail if existing
credentials are not valid.
Administrator response: The certificates were not
renewed. Check the common agent registration server
logs to determine the cause of the credential renewal
failure. Resolve the problem. Then, if the common
agent has been stopped, restart it. If the common agent
is running, reissue the certificate renewal request.


The encryption algorithm was not

found. The JVM might not support
variable or variable . Changing JVMs or
JSSE providers might resolve this issue.

Explanation: The required encryption algorithm was

not found. The encryption algorithm is necessary for
proper security authentication.
System action: The common agent will not start
unless this problem is resolved.
Administrator response: Make sure the JVM that is
shipped with the common agent is being used.

The common agent registration failed. It

will wait number seconds before
attempting to register again.

Explanation: The common agent was not able to

register. It will wait, and try again.
Administrator response: No action required.

The common agent was unable to

register and obtain the necessary
security credentials. All possibilities
have been exhausted at host host_name ,
port number . This error is being sent to
the agent recovery service.

Explanation: The resource manager will not work


The common agent failed to renew

client credentials with the common
agent registration service name at port
number .

The common agent failed to update the

certificate revocation list because a
failure occurred when it tried to get the
trust managers from the trust certificate

Explanation: The trust certificate file might be missing

or corrupted.
System action: The certificate revocation list was not
updated. This can cause an SSL connection
handshaking failure.
Administrator response: Delete the trust certificate
store file, and then, attempt to register the common
agent. The trust certificate store file is automatically
created during registration.

An error occurred when the system

bundle attempted to regenerate the host
ID while resetting the common agent.

Explanation: The error occurred during the

regeneration of the host GUID.
System action: The new identity of the common agent
has not been completed. The registration has not been
Administrator response: To force re-registration,
delete the agentKeys.jks file, and then, restart the
common agent. It will obtain a new certificate. Check
the common agent to verify that it is still operational.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

BTC1045E BTC1048E

The security service failed to obtain the

common agent description.

Explanation: The registration is missing the common

agent description. The description is required. If the
description is missing, the registration will fail.
System action: The registration failed because the
common agent description is missing.
Administrator response: The agent_mgrclient bundle
might not be deployed correctly within the common
agent framework. Try to reinstall the common agent or
contact customer support.

The common agent failed to validate

security credentials.

Explanation: Either the credentials are currently not

valid, or the ID information in the credentials is
System action: Communication from the common
agent will fail.
Administrator response: Update the common agent
with valid credentials.

The common agent failed to renew its

security credentials.

Explanation: The common agent failed to renew its

certificate with the certificate authority of the agent
manager. This message appears if one of the following
conditions is met: The certificate renewal port of the
agent manager could not be reached, either because it
is not active, an error exists involving network
configuration, or the service location information stored
in the common agent properties file is incorrect. The
common agent does not trust the agent manager
certificate authority because the current certificate used
by the agent manager certificate authority does not
exist in the common agent truststore. The common
agent certificate is not valid. The operating system
GUID or the installation location of the common agent
has been modified since the initial registration. The
change is causing the client authentication that is
required for the certificate renewal to fail. The common
agent certificate has expired. This might have caused
the client authentication that is required for the
certificate renewal to fail. The common agent certificate
has been revoked. This might have caused the client
authentication that is required for the certificate
renewal to fail.
System action: The common agent will continue to
run with its existing credentials. Attempting to contact
the common agent might result in a failure, particularly
if its credentials are not valid.
Administrator response: Attempt to determine which
condition that was described in the explanation is met.
Check for exceptions and associated messages in the
trace output file, traceAgent.log, to help find the

problem. If the log indicates that the common agent

was not able to contact the certificate renewal port of
the agent manager, make sure the agent manager is up
and running, ensure that the location information
stored in the common agent properties file is correct,
verify that the agent manager can be reached from the
common agent using the host name specified in the
common agent properties file, and make another
attempt to renew its certificate. If the log indicates that
the SSL handshake between the common agent and the
agent manager failed, either the common agent does
not trust the agent manager, or the common agent
credentials are not valid. Attempt to resolve the
situation by completing the following steps: Shutdown
the common agent. Backup and delete the contents of
the cert directory. Place the agentTrust.jks file from the
agent manager in the empty cert directory. Start the
common agent. Since the cert/agentKeys.jks file does
not exist, the common agent will attempt to register
again. If the common agent has the correct registration
password, and the agent manager allows duplicate
registration, the common agent should register
successfully and receive a new certificate. If the
common agent does not have renewed or new
credentials after completing the steps above, contact
customer support.

The common agent failed to renew its

certificate revocation list.

Explanation: The common agent failed to renew its

certificate revocation list with the certificate authority
of the agent manager. One of the following reasons
might be the cause of the failure: The certificate
revocation list port of the agent manager cannot be
reached, either because the agent manager is not active,
an error exists in the network configuration, or the
service location information stored in the common
agent properties file is incorrect. An error occurred on
the agent manager while constructing a new certificate
revocation list.
System action: The common agent will continue to
run with its existing certificate revocation list. However,
various components, for example, resource managers
with revoked certificates will be able to successfully
contact the common agent and invoke operations on
the common agent.
Administrator response: Attempt to determine if the
certificate revocation list renewal failed because the
common agent was not able to reach the certificate
revocation list port of the agent manager. Check the
traceAgent.log file for exceptions and messages. If the
log indicates that the common agent was not able to
contact the certificate revocation list port of the agent
manager, do the following: Make sure the agent
manager is up and running. Make sure the location
information stored in the common agent properties file
is correct. Make sure the agent manager can be reached
from the common agent using the host name specified
in the common agent properties file. Make another
Chapter 25. Messages


BTC1049E BTC2202E
attempt to renew the certificate revocation list. If the
log indicates that a problem occurred on the agent
manager, check the agent manager log file for
associated exceptions and error messages. If the
problem persists, contact customer support.

The common agent failed to reset its

GUID and security credentials.

Explanation: The common agent failed to reset its

operating system GUID and register for a new
certificate. This message appears if one of the following
conditions is met: An error occurred while resetting the
operating system GUID. The registration port of the
agent manager could not be reached because either the
agent manager is not active, an error exists involving
network configuration, or the service location
information stored in the common agent properties file
is incorrect. The common agent does not trust the agent
manager certificate authority because the current
certificate used by the agent manager certificate
authority does not exist in the common agent
truststore. The common agent made another attempt to
register with the incorrect registration password.
System action: The common agent will continue to
run with its existing credentials. Depending on whether
or not the operating system GUID was successfully set,
those credentials might be not valid because the
identification information stored in the certificate might
not match the information of the common agent and its
underlying system. Credentials that are not valid will
not block components from successfully contacting the
common agent. However, the common agent will be
unable to invoke operations on the agent manager that
require client authentication For example, renewing
certificates and sending status updates will not be
Administrator response: Examine the traceAgent.log
trace output file and attempt to determine which one of
the conditions mentioned in the explanation invoked
the message. If the log indicates that the common agent
was not able to contact the registration port of the
agent manager, do the following: Make sure the agent
manager is up and running. Make sure the location
information stored in the common agent properties file
is correct. Make sure the agent manager can be reached
from the common agent using the host name specified
in the common agent properties file. Make another
attempt to register the common agent. If the log
indicates that the SSL handshake between the common
agent and agent manager failed because the common
agent did not trusting the agent manager, attempt to
resolve the problem by doing the following: Shutdown
the common agent. Backup and delete the contents of
the cert directory. Place the agentTrust.jks file from the
agent manager in the empty cert directory. Start the
common agent. Because the cert/agentKeys.jks file is
missing, it will attempt to register. If the common agent
has the correct registration password, the registration
should be successful, and the common agent should


receive a new certificate. If the agent manager rejected

the password supplied by the common agent, update
the Registration.Server.PW property in the common
agent properties file, and attempt to register again. If
resetting the GUID failed, or the problem persists,
contact customer support.

The common agent registered with the

agent manager, but the credentials are
not valid because the common agent
and the agent manager clocks are not

Explanation: The validation dates for the certificate

are set using the agent manager clock, but the clock on
the common agent has one of the following problems:
It is earlier than the not valid before date in the
certificate. It is later than the not valid after date, or
expiration date in the certificate.
System action: Without valid credentials, the common
agent will not function correctly. Local command-line
interface commands will not work. Resource managers
with clocks that are synchronized with the agent
manager will be unable to contact the common agent.
Direct interaction with the agent manager might also
Administrator response: To correct this problem:
Verify that the clock on the agent manager server is
correct. If necessary, update the clock and restart the
agent manager. Stop the agent. If the agentKeys.jks file
exists, delete it from the cert directory on the common
agent. Change the clock on the computer where the
common agent is installed to match the clock on the
agent manager server. Set the clocks to local time. Time
zones are not important because the values are
compared in coordinated universal time (UTC). Start
the agent. The agent will register again when it starts.

The system encountered an error while

reading the common agent configuration
properties. Verify that the file_name file
exists in the config directory on the
common agent.

Explanation: A required properties file does not exist.

System action: The common agent will be unable to
register or contact the agent manager.
Administrator response: Reinstall the common agent
or contact customer support.

The system was unable to retrieve the

host name for this common agent.

Explanation: The common agent failed to retrieve an

object representing the IP address of its underlying
System action: The common agent will continue to
run without any knowledge of the IP address of its

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

BTC2203E BTC3001E
underlying system. If the IP configuration of its
underlying system is incorrect, network
communications involving the common agent will not
Administrator response: Verify that the IP
configuration of the system on which the common
agent is installed is correct. If the problem persists,
contact customer support.

The port number stored in file is an
inappropriate number format. The
default port, port , will be used.

Explanation: The port number must be an integer.

System action: The port specified will not be used
because it is not in a valid format.
Administrator response: Make sure the port number
in the file is an integer.

The system failed to obtain an

installation date from file.

Explanation: The error occurred when the system

attempted to get the common agent description. The file might be corrupted.


The shutdown worker failed to sleep

while restarting the common agent.
Negligible stack traces might have been

Explanation: The shutdown worker failed to sleep

while restarting the common agent. Negligible stack
traces might have been thrown.
Administrator response: Verify that the common
agent was successfully restarted.

The system failed to obtain an endpoint

ID or system GUID.

Explanation: The GUID was not obtained. This might

mean that the GUID is not installed on the local
machine. The common agent invokes native code that
attempts to obtain the GUID. The GUID is required for
much of the common agent function to run.
System action: There is no GUID; therefore, invoking
clients might fail. The agent manager requires the
GUID. Therefore, security management functions might
not work properly.
Administrator response: Verify that the GUID was
successfully installed. If the GUID was not, install it
and restart the common agent.

System action: The common agent will be installed

but the agent manager will not be sent the installation


Administrator response: Attempt to reinstall the

common agent. If the problem continues, contact
customer support.

Explanation: The logging property information could

not be saved.


The system failed to retrieve the

certificate information from the file

Explanation: The common agent either failed to read

its certificate information from the file system because
of one of the following reasons: A disk error or a key
store error occurred, The cert/agentKeys.jks file was
not locked with the password specified by the
password stash file, cert/pwd. The key store was
System action: The common agent attempted to read
its certificate information from the file system for
inclusion in a description object that will be sent to the
agent manager. The common agent will continue to run
although the field in the description object associated
with its certificate will be empty.
Administrator response: Contact customer support.

The system encountered a problem

while saving the logging property
information to persistent storage.

System action: The logging property information was

not saved.
Administrator response: Verify that there is sufficient
free space on the file system where the common agent
is installed, and that the appropriate write privileges
are granted.

The JLog service (JLogService) was not


Explanation: The JLog service, which is required by

the log manager service to supply logging and tracing
capability, was not found.
Administrator response: Verify that all bundles
started successfully.

The system encountered an error while

creating the file_name file.

Explanation: The system cannot create the specified

file in OSGi storage.
System action: The bundle could not be created;
therefore, the installation or update has failed.

Chapter 25. Messages


BTC3002E BTC3010E
Administrator response: Verify that there is sufficient
disk space and that the user has the appropriate
authority to write to the file system.

The file_name file was not found.

Explanation: The system cannot find the specified file

in OSGi storage.
System action: The specified bundle name was not
found on the file system.
Administrator response: Verify that the bundle
location was specified correctly and that the user has
the appropriate authority to read the file.

The bundle_name bundle was not found.

Explanation: The system could not find the specified

bundle to install. The bundle might be missing or
System action: The bundle was not installed.
Administrator response: Verify that the specified
bundle exists at the specified location, the location is
accessible, and the user account has the appropriate
authority to read the file.

The update target file, bundle_name , was

not found.

Explanation: The specified update file was not found

in OSGi storage. The file might be missing or
corrupted, or the target bundle might be specified
System action: The bundle was not updated.
Administrator response: Verify that the specified
bundle exists at the specified location, the location is
accessible, and the user account has the appropriate
authority to read the file.

inaccessible, corrupted, or it might not contain the

necessary components.
System action: The bundle was not started.
Administrator response: Verify that the specified
bundle exists at the given location, the location is
accessible, and the user account has the appropriate
authority to read the file. If necessary, reinstall the

Explanation: The specified bundle was not found in

OSGi storage. The bundle might be missing,
inaccessible, corrupted, or it might not be running.
System action: The bundle was not stopped.
Administrator response: Verify that the specified
bundle exists at the given location, the location is
accessible, and the user account has the appropriate
authority to read the file. If necessary, reinstall the

The bundle_name bundle cannot be

uninstalled because the system cannot
find it in the OSGi storage.

Explanation: The specified bundle was not found in

the OSGi storage. The bundle might be missing,
inaccessible, corrupted, or it might not be installed.
System action: The specified bundle was not
Administrator response: Verify that the specified
bundle exists at the given location, the location is
accessible, and the user account has the appropriate
authority to read the file.


The bundle_name bundle cannot be

stopped because the system cannot find
it in the OSGi storage.

The update source file, bundle_name ,

was not found.

The bundle_name bundle cannot be

deleted because system cannot be found
in the OSGi storage.

Explanation: The source file for the update operation

was not found. The file might be missing, inaccessible,
or corrupted.

Explanation: The specified bundle was not found in

the OSGi storage. The bundle might be missing,
inaccessible, corrupted, or it might not be installed.

System action: The bundle was not updated.

System action: The specified bundle was not deleted.

Administrator response: Verify that the specified

bundle exists at the given location, the location is
accessible, and the user account has the appropriate
authority to read the file.

Administrator response: Verify that the specified

bundle exists at the given location, the location is
accessible, and the user account has the appropriate
authority to read the file.


The bundle_name bundle was not found;

therefore, it cannot be started.

Explanation: The specified bundle was not found in

OSGi storage. The bundle might be missing,



The installation of the bundle_name

bundle failed.

Explanation: Installation of the bundle failed. Verify

that the bundle location is accessible, the bundle is not
corrupted, and the bundle manifest is valid.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

BTC3011E BTC3116E
System action: The bundle was not installed.
Administrator response: Verify that the specified
bundle exists at the specified location, the location is
accessible, the bundle is not corrupted, and the bundle
manifest is valid.

System action: The bundle was not updated.

Administrator response: Verify that the specified
bundle exists at the given location, the location is
accessible, the bundle is not corrupted, and the bundle
manifest is valid.

System action: The bundle was not started.

Administrator response: Verify that the bundle is
installed, is not corrupted, and the bundle manifest is
valid. If necessary, install a new version of the bundle.
An error occurred while stopping the
bundle_name bundle failed.

Explanation: A error occurred while stopping the

bundle. Verify that the bundle is running.
System action: The bundle was not stopped.

The system cannot read or write to the

config/ file. Verify
that the agent configuration file is on
the file system.

Explanation: The config/ file does

not exist or the user account that runs the common
agent does not have the correct file permissions.
Administrator response: Verify that the file exists and
that the user account has the appropriate read and
write permission.

The attempt to start the bundle_name

bundle failed.

Explanation: The bundle failed to start. Verify that the

bundle is not corrupted, and the bundle manifest is
valid. The logic in the bundleActivator might not have
returned successfully.



Updating the bundle_name bundle failed.

Explanation: Updating the bundle failed. Verify that

the bundle location is accessible, the bundle is not
corrupted, and the bundle manifest is valid.


and is not in use. If necessary, stop the endpoint and

delete it manually.

The system encountered an error while

handling the subagent bundle count
variable in Make
sure it is stored in the correct numerical

Explanation: The subagent bundle count variable in

the config/ file could not be
System action: The number of subagent bundles that
are installed on the system might be misrepresented.
Administrator response: Verify that the
config/ file exists and that the user
account has the appropriate read/write permission.
Make sure that the subagent bundle count variable is
present in the file.

The post installation failed.

Explanation: The postInstall logic specified in the

bundle LifecycleActivator failed.

Administrator response: Verify that the bundle is

running and is not corrupted.

System action: The postInstall logic was not

completed successfully. The bundle might not be
installed correctly.


Administrator response: If you continue to

encountered problems with the bundle, attempt to
uninstall and reinstall the bundle.

An error occurred while uninstalling the

bundle_name bundle.

Explanation: An error occurred while uninstalling the

bundle. Verify that the bundle is installed.
System action: The bundle was not uninstalled.


The post activity update of the bundle


Administrator response: Verify that the bundle is


Explanation: postUpdate logic specified in the bundle

LifecycleActivator failed.


System action: The postUpdate logic was not

completed successfully. The bundle might not be
updated correctly.

An error occurred while deleting the

bundle_name bundle.

Explanation: The specified bundle cannot be deleted.

The bundle might not exist, or it might be in use.
System action: The bundle was not deleted.

Administrator response: If you continue to experience

problems with the bundle, try uninstalling and
reinstalling the bundle.

Administrator response: Verify that the bundle exists

Chapter 25. Messages


BTC3117E BTC4035E

The preupdate of the bundle,

bundle_name failed.

Explanation: The preUpdate logic specified in the

bundle LifecycleActivator failed.
System action: The preUpdate logic was not
completed successfully. The bundle might not be
updated correctly.
Administrator response: If you continue to experience
problems with the bundle, try uninstalling and
reinstalling the bundle.

The bundle was updated, but it cannot

be found.

Explanation: There was an error locating the newly

updated bundle.
System action: The bundle might not function
Administrator response: Verify that the bundle exists
in the specified bundle location, and make sure it is
valid bundle.

The instance of the bundle_name bundle

was not found; therefore, it cannot be

Explanation: The instance of the specified bundle to

start was not found in the OSGi storage. The bundle
might be missing or corrupted, or it might not contain
the necessary components.

while performing the configuration properties

operation for the registered bundle service: IOException
- if access to persistent storage fails. SecurityException if the caller does not have AdminPermission.
IllegalStateException - if this configuration has been
deleted. ServiceNotRegisteredException - if
ConfigurationAdmin is not registered.
DeployerException - Other errors in the deployer
System action: The configuration management bundle
is not working properly.
Administrator response: Make sure the configuration
management service bundle (cm.jar) is started and
active and the administrator has proper authority.

Explanation: The connector cannot list the OSGi

services. This might be caused by a problem that
occurred when the connector attempted to obtain
information from the OSGi container.
System action: This might cause a problem obtaining
information from the OSGi container.
Administrator response: Try to reinstall the common
agent. If the problem continues, contact customer

System action: The bundle was not started.

Administrator response: Verify that the bundle is in
the OSGi storage and that it has all of the necessary
components. If necessary, update the bundle in the
OSGi storage.

The deployer service failed to save the

installation status.

Explanation: The deployer service encountered a

problem while saving its properties to the local file
system. There might be a problem with the file system.
System action: The common agent was unable to
record the status of the bundle, which might affect
future processing of the bundle.
Administrator response: Verify that the local file
system has sufficient space and that the common agent
has the appropriate write privileges.

A problem occurred while performing

the configuration properties operation
for the registered bundle service,
operation . pid . cause .

The connector cannot list the OSGi

services properly.

The system is unable to set secure

socket properties. The keystore,
truststore, alias, and corresponding
password properties must be set in the file.

Explanation: This error occurs when the SSL

properties are not specified in properties file.
System action: This might cause common agent
registration failure.
Administrator response: Try to reinstall the common
agent. If the problem continues, contact customer

The attempt to invoke the method failed

because either the service, service_name ,
or the method, method_name , does not

Explanation: The attempt to invoke the method failed

because the service or method does not exist.
System action: The invocation to this service will fail.
The common agent cannot find this service in its
runtime environment.
Administrator response: Verify that the service name
and method name are accurate.

Explanation: One of the following problems occurred


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

BTC4036E BTC4045E

The source type, sType , is not valid.

Explanation: The component that attempted to

connect and invoke an operation on the common agent
is not a valid component. The common agent rejected
its request. This message indicates the component type
that is listed in the certificate of the component that
attempted to contact the common agent.
System action: After rejecting the connection from the
component of the specified type, the common agent
will begin listening for more incoming connections.
Administrator response: Communication between
multiple common agents is not supported.

The target type, tType , is not valid.

Explanation: The component type listed in the

common agent certificate is incorrect. The certificate
might have been replaced since the common agent
System action: The common agent will refuse any
incoming requests.


The command-line interface command

failed. A communication error occurred.
Verify that the common agent is
registered and active on port port_number

Explanation: This message is displayed when

command-line interface command invocation fails due
to a communication problem with the common agent.
The communication failure might be caused by one of
the following reasons: The common agent is not active.
The common agent does not have valid security
credentials. An attempt was made to contact the
common agent on an incorrect port. The connection
established with the common agent was terminated.
System action: If the common agent is running, it will
continue to run. It will continue to listen for incoming
connections and command-line interface requests.
Administrator response: Verify that the common
agent is both active and registered, and that the correct
port was specified for command-line interface
command invocation. If the problem persists, contact
customer support.

Administrator response: Contact customer support.


The HTTP headers are longer than the

maximum header length of length .

Explanation: The SOAP requests were sent to the

common agent via HTTP. The common agent received
a request in which the length of the HTTP header
exceeds the specified maximum allowable value.
System action: The common agent ignored the request
because it is not valid, and closed the socket on which
it was received. Then, the common agent returned to
listen for new incoming requests.
Administrator response: Contact customer support.

The command-line interface command

failed. The common agent configuration
could not be retrieved from the file_name

Explanation: This message is displayed when the

command-line interface command invocation fails due
to a problem that occurs while loading the common
agent configuration from the specified file.
System action: Because the common agent cannot be
contacted, it is not affected by the failure of the
command-line interface command.
Administrator response: Verify that the specified
properties file exists, and that it is populated with the
appropriate configuration information. If the
configuration information is correct, but the problem
persists, contact customer support.

The common agent port in the

properties file is not an integer. The
default port, port_number , will be used.

Explanation: The command-line interface attempts to

determine the port on which to contact the common
agent by reading the contents of its properties file. This
warning is displayed if the value associated with the
port property in the common agent properties file is
not an integer. The port must be an integer.
System action: The command-line interface will
attempt to contact the common agent on the specified
default common agent port.
Administrator response: Set the value associated with
the ep.port property in the common agent properties
file to the port on which the common agent runs.

The connection from IP_address was


Explanation: Another entity attempted to connect to

the common agent, but was rejected. The connection
was probably rejected because of one of the following
reasons: The common agent does not have valid
credentials, which might means it failed to register, or a
time synchronization issue exists between the common
agent and the agent manager. The entity that tried to
connect to the common agent does not have either a
valid resource manager or valid agent manager
credentials. Note: Communication between common
agents is not allowed. The entity that attempted to
connect to the common agent did not send the
information required to establish the connection. An
I/O error occurred.

Chapter 25. Messages


BTC5019E BTC5047E
System action: After rejecting the incoming
connection, the common agent returned began to
listening on the port specified in its properties file.
Administrator response: Verify that both the common
agent and the entity that is attempting to contact it, has
valid credentials. If the problem persists, contact
customer support.

The status report delivery failed for host

host_name , URI URI_name , and port
port_number .

Explanation: The specified status report was not

System action: The common agent will continue to
run but the agent manager will not know the status of
the common agent.
Administrator response: The agent manager probably
cannot be contacted for the common agent to send the
status update. Check the network connectivity to the
agent manager. Call customer support if necessary.

An error occurred while the common

agent was trying to compile status.


The common agent was unable to obtain

the client component for accessing the
agent manager. Status cannot be sent at
this time.

Explanation: The common agent failed to obtain and

initialize the client object that is used to send status
updates to the agent manager.
System action: The common agent will continue to
run. However, common agent status information will
not be sent to the agent manager. As a result, the agent
manager will not know the current state of the
common agent.
Administrator response: Contact customer support.

The agent manager returned an ID reset

exception. The common agent should
reset its ID, and then, try to register

Explanation: When the common agent tried to register

with the agent manager using its current ID, the agent
manager returned an ID reset exception. The common
agent should reset its ID, and then, try to register

Explanation: An error occurred while the common

agent was building a status report to send to the agent

System action: The common agent will generate a

new ID, and then, using the new ID, it will try to
register again.

System action: The common agent will continue to

run, but its status information will not be sent to the
agent manager. As a result, the agent manager will not
know the current of the common agent.

Administrator response: No action is required if this

is happening the first time the common agent is being
started. If this happens several times, you should check
the logs for other failures. Look for failures related to
ID generation.

Administrator response: Contact customer support.


The common agent was unable to obtain

the agent manager configuration.
Therefore, it cannot send an update to
the agent manager. The common agent
will try again when the next update

Explanation: The common agent was unable to send

update information to the agent manager, because it
was unable to get the necessary agent manager
System action: The common agent will continue to
run. At the next scheduled time for sending update
information to the agent manager, the common agent
will attempt to send status again.
Administrator response: Check the agent manager
configuration information to make sure the values are
set correctly.


An error occurred during the common

agent upgrade. Look in the
logs/upgradeAgentTrace.log and
logs/upgradeAgentMessage.log files for
information about the exception:

Explanation: An unexpected exception was caught

during the common agent upgrade.
System action: The upgrade of the common agent
stopped and the common agent version is unchanged.
Administrator response: Collect the common agent
log files and contact customer support.

The upgrade bundle cannot retrieve the

upgrade status from the
logs/install/epInstallStatus.log file. Look
in the logs/upgradeAgentTrace.log and
logs/upgradeAgentMessage.log files for
information about the exception:

Explanation: An exception was caught while reading

the epInstallStatus.log file, which contains the status of


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

BTC5048E BTC5051E
the upgrade. Possible exceptions include:
FileNotFoundException - The file does not exist or
cannot be opened for reading. IOException - An error
occurred while reading from the file.
NumberFormatException - The status value cannot be
parsed as an integer.
Administrator response: Make sure that the
logs/install/epInstallStatus.log file exists. Open the file
with a text editor to obtain the upgrade status.

The upgrade bundle cannot read the file from the
agent manager using the URL, url . Look
in the logs/upgradeAgentTrace.log and
logs/upgradeAgentMessage.log files for
information about the exception:

Explanation: An error occurred while reading the file from the agent manager
using the URL, url . Possible exceptions include:
MalformedURLException - The URL, url , specifies an
unknown protocol. FileNotFoundException - The file
does not exist or it cannot be opened for reading.
IOException - An error occurred while reading from the
System action: The upgrade of the common agent
stopped and the version of the common agent is
Administrator response: Perform these actions to
correct the problem: Make sure the agent manager is
running. If the agent manager is version 1.1 or version
1.2 with fix pack 1 or earlier, make sure that the
common agent upgrade instructions on the support
web site have been followed. The upgrade instructions
help you configures the agent manager to upgrade
common agents. Verify that the
file is accessible by performing these tests: On the agent
manager server, open the file.
The file is located under the $WAS_HOME directory, in
the directory for the AgentManager application. Using
a Web browser, access the URL, url . Start the upgrade
again. If the common agent upgraded continues to fail,
collect the common agent logs and contact customer

The upgrade bundle cannot retrieve the

value for the key key from file.

Explanation: The file contains

key/value pairs that provide platform-specific
information that is needed to upgrade the common
agent. The value for the required key was not found in
the file. This typically indicates a programming error or
that the file was changed after it was created.
System action: The upgrade of the common agent
stopped and the version of the common agent is

Administrator response: If the agent manager is

version 1.1 or version 1.2 with fix pack 1 or earlier,
completed the following steps: Repeat the steps in the
common agent upgrade instructions on the support
web site to reconfigure the agent manager to upgrade
common agents. Start the upgrade again. If the
upgrade still fails, or if the agent manager is already at
version 1.2 with fix pack 2 or greater, collect the
common agent log files and contact customer support.

The upgrade bundle cannot create a

response file to use with the installation
program. Look in the
logs/upgradeAgentTrace.log and
logs/upgradeAgentMessage.log files for
information about the exception:
exception .

Explanation: An error occurred while creating the

response file that is needed to drive the upgrade path
of the common agent installation. Possible exceptions
include: IOException - The response file cannot be
created or opened for writing, or an error occurred
when writing to the file.
System action: The upgrade of the common agent
stopped and the version of the common agent is
Administrator response: Look in the
logs/upgradeAgentTrace.log file for information about
the exception. The trace log contains information about
the error. Correct the problem, and then start the
upgrade again.

The upgrade bundle cannot unpack the

image at location into the data_directory
directory. Look in the
logs/upgradeAgentTrace.log and
logs/upgradeAgentMessage.log files for
information about the exception:

Explanation: An error occurred while unpacking the

installation image image into the data_directory
directory. Possible exceptions include:
MalformedURLException - The URL, location , specifies
an unknown protocol. ZipException - There was a
problem with the zipped image file. IOException - An
error occurred while reading from the zipped image file
or while creating the unpacked version of a file on the
local file system.
System action: The upgrade of the common agent
stopped and the version of the common agent has not
been changed.
Administrator response: Look in the
logs/upgradeAgentTrace.log and logs/
upgradeAgentMessage.log files to find details about the
error, and then, take corrective action. Possible actions
include: Making sure there is enough disk space on the
common agent machine to hold the uncompressed files.
Chapter 25. Messages


BTC5052E BTC5071E
Make sure the target directory, data_directory , is
writable. After you correct the problem, start the
upgrade again.

The upgrade bundle cannot copy the

image from location to relative_path /
file_name .

Explanation: Before the upgrade can occur, the

deployer service must copy the compressed image file
from location to the file_name file in the relative_path
directory on the common agent machine. This error
indicates that the copy was not successful.
System action: The upgrade of the common agent
stopped and the version of the common agent has not
been changed.
Administrator response: Perform these actions to
correct the problem: Make sure that the agent manager
is running. If the agent manager is version 1.1 or
version 1.2 with fix pack 1 or earlier, make sure the
common agent upgrade instructions on the support
Web site have been followed. The instructions help you
configure the agent manager to upgrade common
agents. Make sure that common agent has enough disk
space for the file. Make sure that the common agent
has write permission to the relative_path target
directory. This path is relative to the common agent
installation directory. After you correct the problem,
start the upgrade again.

The upgrade bundle cannot look up the

deployer service.

Explanation: The deployer service is used to copy the

image to the common agent. Because the deployer
service was not found, the upgrade cannot continue.
System action: The upgrade of the common agent
stopped and the version of the common agent has not
been changed.
Administrator response: Collect the common agent
logs and contact customer support.

The upgrade bundle cannot create the

URL for the agent manager context root.
The common agent configuration for the
agent manager contains the agent
manager host value of AM_host and the
agent manager public port number
AM_public_port . One or both of these
values is incorrect.

stopped and the version of the common agent has not

been changed.
Administrator response: Verify that the file has valid values for the and ARS.port.public keys. If
the values are correct, collect the common agent logs
and properties files, and then contact customer support.

The upgrade bundle cannot invoke the

system_command system command. Look
in the logs/upgradeAgentTrace.log and
logs/upgradeAgentMessage.log files for
information about the exception:

Explanation: A system command that is required for

the upgrade failed with the exception exception.
System action: The upgrade of the common agent
stops and the version of the common agent is
Administrator response: Collect the common agent
logs and contact customer support.

The upgrade status retrieved from the

logs/install/epInstallStatus.log file
contained the following unrecognized
value: unrecognized_status

Explanation: The value for the upgrade status was not

one of the defined values.
Administrator response: Collect the common agent
logs and properties files, and contact customer support.

The agent query can not be run because

there is a problem with the certificate or
because the common agent has not yet
registered with the agent manager.

Explanation: This message indicates a communication

problem between the common agent and the agent
manager. The communication failure might be caused
by one of the following reasons: The common agent
does not have valid security credentials. The common
agent has not yet registered with the agent manager.
System action: The common agent will continue to
run but cannot report status to the agent manager.
Administrator response: Verify that the common
agent is registered, and that it has valid security

Explanation: The upgrade bundle constructs an HTTP

URL in the form of http://AM_host:AM_public_port/
AgentMgr/... to download the needed information
from the agent manager. This error indicates that the
URL cannot be created because one of the AM_host or
AM_public_port values is null.
System action: The upgrade of the common agent


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

BTC5072E BTC7037E

The time interval for IP address polling

that is specified in the
ipaddress.poll.timeinterval key in the file is not a valid
positive integer. This value should be
within range min_value and max_value .
The value specified is value . The
default value of 300 seconds will be

Explanation: The ipaddress.poll.timeinterval key in

the file controls how often the
common agent checks the IP address of the common
agent for changes.
Administrator response: Correct the value in the
ipaddress.poll.timeinterval property and restart the
common agent. Specify the polling interval in seconds.
For example, to set the interval to 2 minutes, set the
property as follows: ipaddress.poll.timeinterval = 120

The common agent registration failed.

The failure was caused by exception:

Explanation: The common agent was not able to

register. It describes reason.


The system encountered an error while

storing the common agent configuration
properties. Verify that the file_name file
exists in the config directory on the
common agent.

Explanation: A required properties file does not exist.

System action: The common agent will not be able to
register or contact the agent manager.
Administrator response: Reinstall the common agent
or contact customer support.

The system encountered an error while

reading the configuration properties of
the common agent. Verify that the
file_name file exists in the config
directory on the common agent.

Explanation: A required properties file does not exist.

System action: The common agent will not be able to
register or contact the agent manager.
Administrator response: Reinstall the common agent
or contact customer support.

Administrator response: No action required.



Explanation: The agentcli command fails with the

provided arguments.

The requested bundle could not be


Explanation: The deployer could not localize the

bundle (by name, version or bundle location).

The update of the configuration

properties for the pid service cannot be
made persistent.

Explanation: One of the following problems occurred

while performing an update of the configuration
properties for an OSGi service: - if
the update cannot be made persistent
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the Dictionary
object contains invalid configuration types or case
variants of the same key name
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this configuration has
been deleted
System action: The configuration management bundle
is not working properly.
Administrator response: Make sure the configuration
management service bundle (ConfigurationAdmin
OSGi service) is started and active and that the
administrator has the proper authority.

The validation has failed.

System action: The agentcli command fails with the

provided arguments.
Administrator response: Verify whether the provided
arguments are correct and run the agentcli command

The system failed to obtain an endpoint

ID or system GUID.

Explanation: The GUID was not obtained. This might

mean that the GUID is not installed on the local
machine. The common agent invokes native code that
attempts to obtain the GUID. The GUID is required for
much of the common agent function to run.
System action: There is no GUID; therefore, invoking
clients might fail. The agent manager requires the
GUID. Therefore, security management functions might
not work properly.
Administrator response: Verify that the GUID was
successfully installed. If the GUID was not, install it
and restart the common agent.

The following illegal argument:

converter for class class_name was not

Explanation: The converter class was not found. The

converters are used to transform the string to the
Chapter 25. Messages


BTC7038E BTC7087W
converter type object. If the converter class was not
found then CLI is unable to get arguments to CLI
System action: The CLI command failed because the
converter class has not been found. The requested CLI
service has not been processed.
Administrator response: Verify that the arguments
passed to the requested CLI service. If there is no
converter class for the specified argument type, cast the
parameter to the java.lang.String type.


Explanation: An exception occurred while resetting

System action: The common agent cannot register
with the agent manager.
Administrator response: Verify the connection
between the common agent and the agent manager.


The argument value does not have the

appropriate format to be converted to
the type type.

Explanation: The passed command line argument

cannot be converted to the valid converter type.
System action: The CLIException is returned to the
client. The passed argument cannot be converted to the
valid converter type.
Administrator response: Verify that the arguments
passed to the requested CLI service.

The CredentialListener failed while

invoking the keyManagerAvailable
method due to error_message.

Explanation: An exception occurred while invoking

the keyManagerAvailable method on the
System action: The keyManagerAvailable method has
not been successfully performed by the

An error occurred during certificate


Explanation: An exception occurred while renewing

System action: The certificates are not renewed.
Administrator response: Verify the CredentialProvider
implementation correctness.

An error occurred while validating


Explanation: An exception occurred while validating

System action: The common agent might not process
incoming requests.
Administrator response: The credentials are not valid.
Verify the connection to the agent manager and force
the credentials renewal.


The time interval for the IP address

polling that is specified in the
ipaddress.poll.timeinterval key in the
configuration file of the common agent
is not a valid positive integer. This
value should be within the following
range: from min_value to max_value. The
value specified is value. The default
value of default_value seconds will be

Explanation: The ipaddress.poll.timeinterval key in

the file controls how often the
agent manager checks the IP address of the common
agent for changes.
Administrator response: Correct the value in the
ipaddress.poll.timeinterval property and restart the
common agent. Specify the polling interval in seconds.
For example, to set the interval to 2 minutes, set the
property as follows: ipaddress.poll.timeinterval = 120

Administrator response: Verify the the

CredentialListener interface implementation correctness.

The error occurred while resetting


The frequency of the status update of

the common agent that is specified in
the status.heartbeat.frequency key in the
configuration file of the common agent
is not a valid positive integer. The value
specified is value. The default value of
default_value minutes will be used.

Explanation: The status.heartbeat.frequency key in the file controls how often the common
agent reports its configuration to the agent manager.
Administrator response: Correct the value in the
status.heartbeat.frequency property. Specify the
frequency of status update in minutes. For example, to
set the frequency to 24 h (24 hours times 60 minutes
per hour), set the property as follows:
status.heartbeat.frequency = 1440

The reporting of the status updates of

the common agent is disabled. If you
want to enable it, change the value of
status.heartbeat.frequency key in the
common agent configuration file to a
positive integer. This value specifies in
minutes how often the status update is

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

BTC7088W BTC7110E

The common agent is unable to store

the current status data to the file_name
file due to detail_message.

Explanation: An exception occurred while storing the

current status of the common agent.
System action: The common agent is working
correctly and sending the status to the registered status
reporters, but the status cannot be stored on a disk.
Administrator response: The status cannot be stored
on a disk.

The current status data is null or the

output file is null.

Explanation: An exception occurred while storing the

current status of the common agent.
System action: The common agent is working
correctly and sending the status to the registered status
reporters, but the status cannot be stored on a disk.
Administrator response: The status cannot be stored
on a disk.

agent and the agent manager. The entity that tried to

connect to the common agent does not have either a
valid resource manager or valid agent manager
credentials. Note: Communication between common
agents is not allowed. The entity that attempted to
connect to the common agent did not send the
information required to establish the connection. An
I/O error occurred.
System action: After rejecting the incoming
connection, the common agent returned began to
listening on the port specified in its properties file.
Administrator response: Verify that both the common
agent and the entity that is attempting to contact it, has
valid credentials. If the problem persists, contact
customer support.

Explanation: Protocol handler attempted to handle the

path, but an error occurred.


The source type sType is not valid.

Explanation: The component that attempted to

connect and invoke an operation on the common agent
is not a valid component. The common agent rejected
its request. This message indicates the component type
that is listed in the certificate of the component that
attempted to contact the common agent.

While invoking path handling by the

protocol handler the following exception
occurred exception_message.

The SSL context could not be created

due to problems with obtaining key
manager or trust managers from the
credential provider.

System action: After rejecting the connection from the

component of the specified type, the common agent
will begin listening for more incoming connections.

Explanation: One of the following problems occurred

while creating SSL context in
NoSuchAlgorithmException - if the specified protocol is
not available in the default provider package or any of
the other provider packages that were searched.
KeyManagementException - if the operation of
initialization SSL context fails.

Administrator response: Communication between

multiple common agents is not supported.

System action: The connector service will not be

registered in OSGi. The detailed exception is logged.


The target type targetType is not valid.

Explanation: The component type listed in the

common agent certificate is incorrect. The certificate
might have been replaced since the common agent
System action: The common agent will refuse any
incoming requests.
Administrator response: Contact customer support.

The connection from IP_address was


Explanation: Another entity attempted to connect to

the common agent, but was rejected. The connection
was probably rejected because of one of the following
reasons: The common agent does not have valid
credentials, which might means it failed to register, or a
time synchronization issue exists between the common

Administrator response: Make sure the credential

provider service is registered in OSGi.

The common agent's listening port

specified in the ep.port key in the
common agent configuration file is not a
valid port number. The port must be a
number ranging from 1 to 65535. The
current specified value is value.

Explanation: The port number is not valid.

System action: The common agent will not be
listening on the specified port and will not be able to
process incoming requests.
Administrator response: Check the value of ep.port
property in the common agent configuration file. The
value must range from 1 to 65535.

Chapter 25. Messages


BTC7111E BTC7143E

RestrictedCertValidator validation
failed. The feature name from the caller
certificate could not be obtained.

Explanation: The caller is not allowed to execute the

operation on the requested service because the
validation of restricted certificate failed. The caller
certificate does not contain the feature name.
System action: The caller is not allowed to execute the
operation on the requested service.
Administrator response: Check the caller certificate
using tool if the
certificate is restricted. If it is, the feature name can be
retrieved from this certificate.

RestrictedCertValidator validation
failed. The service value is not registered
with the

Explanation: The service requested by the user is not

registered in OSGi with the property.
System action: The caller is not allowed to execute the
operation on the requested service because the
validation of the restricted certificate failed.
Administrator response: Check the registration
properties of the requested service. Verify whether it
has the
property equal to the feature name stored in the caller's

RestrictedCertValidator validation
failed. The following property
- list - does not contain the feature name
which is written in the certificate

Explanation: The property of
the requested service does not contain the feature name
which is written in the caller's certificate.
System action: The caller is not allowed to execute the
operation on the requested service because the
validation of the restricted certificate failed.
Administrator response: Check the registration
properties of the requested service. Verify whether it
has the
property equal to the feature name stored in the caller's



validation failed. The caller certificate
from the servlet request could not be

Explanation: The caller could not get the certificate

from the servlet request.
System action: The caller is not allowed to execute the
operation on the requested service as it could not get
the caller certificate from the servlet request.
Administrator response: Check the attribute in the servlet
request. If should be set to the chain of X.509
certificates that authenticates the client. It is only
available when SSL with client authentication is used.

The ConnectionListener failed to

process a ConnectionEvent due to

Explanation: An exception occurred while invoking

processing the connection event by the
Administrator response: Check if the implementation
of the ConnectionListener interface is correct.

Loading a new authorization checker

factory with the id factory_id and the
implementation class factory_id was not
possible. The class cannot be found.

Explanation: An instance of the executable extension

could not be created.
System action: The extended authorization checker
factory will not be used. The connector bundle will use
another. If no authorization checker factory is found
then it will use the default one.
Administrator response: Check the extension point of
the authorization checker factory with the specified

The configuration properties file from

the specified URL URL does not exist.

Explanation: The configuration properties file for an cannot be retrieved.
System action: The configuration specified by of is not
updated. The previous configuration remains or if there
was no such configuration then it is empty.
Administrator response: Verify whether there is a
properties file under the specified configuration URL.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

BTC7151E BTC7233E

The bundle_name bundle cannot be

uninstalled because the system cannot
find it in the OSGi storage.

specified file. Make sure the file is not locked by the

operating system.
System action: The file was not deleted.

Explanation: The specified bundle was not found in

the OSGi storage. The bundle might be missing,
inaccessible, corrupted, or it might not be installed.

Administrator response: Make sure the file is not

locked by the operating system.

System action: The specified bundle was not



The bundle with the symbolic name

bundle_symbolic_name and version
bundle_version already exists.

Administrator response: Verify that the specified

bundle exists at the given location, the location is
accessible, and the user account has the appropriate
authority to read the file.

Explanation: The specified bundle is already deployed

in OSGi.


Administrator response: Make sure if such a bundle

has been already deployed.

The attempt to start the bundle with

symbolic name bundle_symbolic_name and
version bundle_version failed due to

Explanation: The bundle failed to start. Verify that the

bundle is not corrupted, and the bundle manifest is
valid. The logic in the BundleActivator might not have
returned successfully.
System action: The bundle was not started.
Administrator response: Verify that the bundle is
installed, is not corrupted, and the bundle manifest is
valid. If necessary, install a new version of the bundle.

An error occurred while stopping the

bundle with symbolic name
bundle_symbolic_name and version
bundle_version failed due to error_message.

Explanation: A error occurred while stopping the

bundle. Verify that the bundle is running.
System action: The bundle was not stopped.
Administrator response: Verify that the bundle is
running and is not corrupted.

System action: The bundle was not deployed.


Explanation: The deployment configuration for a

bundle cannot be retrieved from the specified URL.
System action: The bundle was not deployed in OSGi.
Administrator response: Verify if the configuration
URL deployment is possible.

An error occurred while uninstalling the

bundle with the symbolic name
symbolic_name and the version version
due to error_message

The imported package package_name is


Explanation: The imported package is missing. The

bundle that exports this package does not exist.
System action: The target bundle was not resolved. It
remains in the INSTALLED state.
Administrator response: Verify if there is a bundle
exporting this package. If not, install such a bundle or
export this package from a bundle that has been
already deployed.


The properties from URL cannot be


The optionally required bundle

optional_required_bundle is missing.

Explanation: The optionally required bundle is


Explanation: An error occurred while uninstalling the

bundle. Verify that the bundle is installed.

System action: The target bundle was not resolved. It

remains in the INSTALLED state.

System action: The bundle was not uninstalled.

Administrator response: Install and start the

optionally required bundle with the help of the target
bundle to resolve this issue.

Administrator response: Verify that the bundle is



Scheduling the shell command

command_name for the file src_file due to
error_message is not possible.

Explanation: An error occurred while deleting the

The required bundle required_bundle is


Explanation: The required bundle is missing.

System action: The target bundle was not resolved. It
remains in INSTALLED state.

Chapter 25. Messages


BTC7234E BTC7264E
Administrator response: Install and start required
bundle with the help of the target bundle to resolve
this issue.

The host host is missing.

Explanation: The host bundle for the target fragment

bundle is missing.
System action: The target fragment bundle is not
attached to any host bundle.
Administrator response: Install and start the host
bundle to which the fragment bundle is to be attached.

Unable to connect to the agent manager.

Explanation: The client could not connect to the agent

manager due to a communication problem.

command-line interface command invocation fails due

to a communication problem with the common agent.
The communication failure might be caused by one of
the following reasons: The common agent is not active.
The common agent does not have valid security
credentials. An attempt was made to contact the
common agent on an incorrect port. The connection
established with the common agent was terminated.
System action: If the common agent is running, it will
continue to run. It will continue to listen for incoming
connections and command-line interface requests.
Administrator response: Verify that the common
agent is both active and registered, and that the correct
port was specified for command-line interface
command invocation. If the problem persists, contact
customer support.

System action: The client is not able to connect to the

agent manager.


Administrator response: Check whether the agent

manager is up and running. Check whether the agent
manager's host is reachable and if the firewall settings
allow to connect to the agent manager.

Explanation: The command-line interface attempts to

determine the port on which to contact the common
agent. This message is displayed if the value of the port
is not an integer or is lower than 0, or higher than
65535. The port must be an integer.


System action: The command-line interface will

attempt to contact the common agent on the specified
default common agent port.

Unable to find the configuration file

file_name when building the client.

Explanation: The configuration file was not found.

System action: The client's configuration file is not
available under the provided location.
Administrator response: Save the log files and contact
IBM Customer Support.

The command-line interface command

failed. The common agent configuration
could not be retrieved from the file.

Explanation: This message is displayed when the

command-line interface command invocation fails due
to a problem that occurs while loading the common
agent configuration from the specified file.
System action: Because the common agent cannot be
contacted, it is not affected by the failure of the
command-line interface command.
Administrator response: Verify that the specified
properties file exists, and that it is populated with the
appropriate configuration information. If the
configuration information is correct, but the problem
persists, contact customer support.

The command-line interface command

failed. A communication error occurred.
Verify that the common agent is
registered and active.


The common agent port is not an

integer or exceeds its scope.

The common agent hostname is blank.

Explanation: The command-line interface attempts to

determine the hostname on which the common agent is
installed. This message is displayed if the hostname is
System action: The command-line interface will
attempt to contact the common agent on the specified
default (localhost) common agent host.

The socket factory was not set.

Explanation: When establishing the connection, there

was an attempt to use the socket factory, which was not
set. In order to make this work correctly, the Configure
method must be called.
System action: When using the socket factory the
OSGIServiceSocketFactory or WebServiceProxyFactory
object was not initialized and SocketFactory was not
Programmer response: Call the Configure method on
OSGIServiceSocketFactory or WebServiceProxyFactory
objects, and provide the SocketFactory class before
using it.

Explanation: This message is displayed when the


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

BTC7265E BTC7275W

Unable to build a description of the

operating system - exception_cause

Explanation: An exception occurred when obtaining

the system information (operating system name and
version, computer system GUID and network
Administrator response: Check whether the GUID is
installed and it is working properly.

The certificate revocation list has not

been signed by a proper certificate

Explanation: The truststore is not consistent. It should

be refreshed.
System action: During the verification of the
certification revocation list, trust certificates are not
signed properly.
Administrator response: Renew the trust certificates.

The certificate revocation list could not

be stored.

Explanation: A problem occurred when storing the

certificate revocation list. It could have been caused by
the encoding of the X509Crl object or by writing it to
the hard drive.
System action: The client is trying to write to the hard
drive the certificate revocation list that has just been
Administrator response: Check whether there is
enough free space on the drive. If there is enough free
space, save the log files and contact IBM Customer

The configuration downloaded from the

agent manager was not consistent or

Explanation: A problem occurred when building a

URL array with the configuration downloaded from the
agent manager. The configuration data provided by the
agent manager was not correct and the array could not
be built.
System action: The configuration provided by the
agent manager during the configuration download
might be corrupt.
Administrator response: Save the log files and contact
IBM Customer Support.

The certificates could not be encoded

into a byte array.

Explanation: A problem occurred when sending the

certificates. They could not be encoded into byte array.
The communication is not possible.
System action: The client is not able to encode
certificates while sending the status information.
Administrator response: Save the log files and contact
IBM Customer Support.

A problem occurred when building the

network information about the client.

Explanation: The network information could not be

sent. Incorrect IP address provided by the status
System action: During sending status information the
client is not able to gather host information.
Administrator response: Save the log files and contact
IBM Customer Support.

The key pair could not be generated.

Explanation: An exception occurred when generating

the key pair. The algorithm provided by the
configuration was unknown.
Administrator response: Save the system environment
configuration and log files, and contact IBM Customer


The certificates could not be stored.

Explanation: A problem occurred when storing the

certificates. It could have been caused by issues of trust
or key store.
System action: The client is trying to write to the hard
drive the certificate that has just been downloaded.
Administrator response: Check whether there is
enough free space on the drive. If there is enough free
space, save the log files and contact IBM Customer


The configuration could not be stored.

Explanation: The downloaded configuration cannot be

stored on the hard drive due to lack of free space,
incorrect file name or incorrect configuration provided
by the agent manager.
System action: The client is not able to store its
Administrator response: Verify whether there is
enough free space and the configuration file name is set

The port argument used to run the

command was not valid. Using port
value from the properties file.

Chapter 25. Messages


BTC7276E BTC7401E

No CLI command values have been


Explanation: No CLI command parameters have been

Administrator response: Provide the appropriate
parameters and run agentcli command again.

A problem occurred during the

serialization of the parameter. The value
of the parameter was not correct.

Explanation: The information that identifies the

certificates to be revoked is not proper.
Administrator response: Provide the valid serial
number or GUID of the workstation, for which
certificates will be revoked.


The service for downloading the

certificate revocation list is not


The file could not be pushed.

Explanation: A communication problem occurred

while attempting to push the file.
System action: There is no connection between the
client and the common agent.
Administrator response: Check whether the agent is
up and running and the agent's host is reachable for
the client.

Unable to read or write the repository.

Explanation: The reregistration toolkit has not been

able to reregister. The repository is not valid or it does
not exist.
System action: A problem ocurred during accessing
the certificate repository. There is no store file, file
names are not correct or the content of the stores is not
Administrator response: Check whether the store files
exist and are readable. If the content is not correct,
renew the certificates.

Could not find a file to push.

Explanation: The provided source file path which is

pushed to the common agent is not correct.


System action: The provided source file path does not

exist or is not readable.

Explanation: The reregistration toolkit was not able to

reregister due to registration problems.

Administrator response: Provide the proper file

location in order to successfully push the file to the
common agent.

System action: There is a problem during

reregistration of the resource manager.


The obtained socket is null.

Unable to register with the agent


Administrator response: Check whether the agent

manager is up and running and if there are any
problems with accessing store files.

Explanation: There is no socket available to

communicate with the common agent. It is caused by
an internal error.


Administrator response: Save the log files and contact

IBM Customer Support.

Explanation: The reregistration toolkit was not able to

reregister due to communication problems.


System action: The agent manager is not reachable or

is down.

One of the parameters is null. The

hostname is: hostname The source file is:
src_file The target directory is: target_dir
The target file is: target_file .

Explanation: One of the provided parameters is null.

Administrator response: Verify the provided
parameters and try to perform the operation again.

The agent manager has thrown an


Explanation: The agent manager has thrown an

exception which causes the current operation to fail.

Unable to register with the agent


Administrator response: Check whether the agent

manager is up and running and its host is reachable.

Unable to report the status of the

common agent to the agent manager.

Explanation: The status of the common agent could

not be reported due to a communication problem.
System action: The problem has occurred during the
connection to the agent manager.
Administrator response: Check whether the agent
manager is up and running and if its host is available.

Administrator response: Save the log files and contact

IBM Customer Support.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

BTC7402E BTC7417E

The service provider is not available.

Explanation: The service provider cannot be verified.

Your registration might not be valid.
System action: The OSGi service which is required
during the communication with the agent manager is
not available.
Administrator response: Save the log files and contact
IBM Customer Support.

The client of the status reporter service

is not available.

Explanation: There is no connection to the agent

manager or the client is being initialized.
System action: The client is not able to build the
proxy connection to the agent manager status service.

has been stopped, no changes have been made on the

destination host. The values for the
beanUpgradeApproval.selection parameter must be ''1''
or ''2''. The beanUpgradeApproval.selection parameter
is converted into the CASInstall.InstallType parameter
in the following way: ''1'' value will be converted into
CASInstall.InstallType=''upgrade'' ''2'' value will be
converted into CASInstall.InstallType=''install''
Administrator response: Verify the value of the
property beanUpgradeApproval.selection in the
common agent installer response file. Correct this value
if necessary or comment the whole property if the
default value is acceptable. Save the response file and
restart the common agent installer.

Administrator response: Save the the log files and

contact IBM Customer Support.

The response file value in the

beanEPInfoPanel.EP_Port field contains
an unsupported value - value. The
beanEPInfoPanel.EP_Port value must be
entirely numeric and between 1 and
65531. The last five port numbers from
the port range are used, among other
things, for nonstop functionality.

Explanation: The value of the property

beanEPInfoPanel.EP_Port set in the response file which
is passed as an argument to the common agent installer
launcher is not correct. The common agent installer is
not able to proceed. The installation process has been
stopped, no changes have been made on the
destination host. The beanEPInfoPanel.EP_Port value
must be entirely numeric and between 1 and 65531.
The last five port numbers from the port range are
used, among other things, for nonstop functionality.
Administrator response: Verify the value of the
property beanEPInfoPanel.EP_Port in the common
agent installer response file. Correct this value if
necessary or comment the whole property if the default
value is acceptable. Save the response file and restart
the common agent installer.

The response file value in the

beanUpgradeApproval.selection field
contains an unsupported value - value.
The values for the
parameter must be ''1'' or ''2''.

Explanation: The value of the property

beanUpgradeApproval.selection set in the response file
which is passed as an argument to the common agent
installer launcher is not correct. The common agent
installer is not able to proceed. The installation process

The response file value in the

field contains an unsupported value value. The
is a Boolean-type parameter. Its value
must be either ''true'' or ''false''.

Explanation: The value of the property

beanRegSvrInfoPanel.DownloadTrustChoice set in the
response file which is passed as an argument to the
common agent installer launcher is not correct. The
common agent installer is not able to proceed. The
installation process has been stopped, no changes have
been made on the destination host. The
beanRegSvrInfoPanel.DownloadTrustChoice is a
Boolean-type parameter. Its value must be either ''true''
or ''false''. During the common agent installation this
parameter is converted into the
CASInstall.TruststoreType parameter in the following
way: ''true'' value will be converted into
CASInstall.TruststoreType=''download'' ''false'' value
will be converted into
CASInstall.TruststoreType=''demo'' or
CASInstall.TruststoreType=copy depending on the
value of the beanCopyCertOptionPanel.COPY_CERT
Administrator response: Verify the value of the
property beanRegSvrInfoPanel.DownloadTrustChoice in
the common agent installer response file. Correct this
value if necessary or comment the whole property if
the default value is acceptable. Save the response file
and restart the common agent installer.

The schedule synchronizer is still

working. Try to stop it before you
restart it.


The password field and the

confirmation field cannot be empty.

Explanation: The common agent installer cannot

proceed the installation flow - registration password
verification - due to either the password field or the
Chapter 25. Messages


BTC7418E BTC7467E
password confirmation field is empty. The registration
password is mandatory parameter in the configuration
of the common agent. Without this password the
common agent will not be able to register - obtain
certificates from the agent manager. The install
dialog/console masks the value which is entered into
the password fields. Because of this it is necessary to
type the password twice to make sure that a typing
error did not occur.

Administrator response: Check whether Recovery

service is up and running and whether Recovery
Service's host is reachable.

Administrator response: Fill in both the password

field and the password confirmation field.

The agent registration passwords do not

match. Type the same password in both
password fields.

Explanation: The common agent installer cannot

proceed the installation flow - registration password
verification - because the password field and its
confirmation field do not contain the same text. The
install dialog or console mask the value which is
entered into the password fields. Because of this it is
necessary to type the password twice to make sure that
a typing error did not occur.
Administrator response: Make sure the values typed
in the password field and in the password confirmation
field are identical.

Unable to retrieve job from storage. The

file might be damaged.


Job job_id does not exist in storage. The

file is damaged or has been deleted.


Unable to communicate with the agent

manager. Check your network
connection and certificates.


Unable to update the job status.


Unable to get new jobs from the agent



Unable to delete the jobs received from

the agent manager.


Unable to get the client class for the

schedule synchronizer.


Unable notify recovery service.

Explanation: Client is not able to send recovery

notification due to communication problem.
System action: Recovery service is down or is not


The response file value in the

field contains an unsupported value value.
is a Boolean-type parameter. Its value
must be either ''true'' or ''false''.

Explanation: The value of the property

beanCopyCertOptionPanel.COPY_CERT set in the
response file which is passed as an argument to the
common agent installer launcher is not correct. The
common agent installer is not able to proceed. The
installation process has been stopped, no changes have
been made on the destination host. The
beanCopyCertOptionPanel.COPY_CERT is a
Boolean-type parameter. Its value must be either ''true''
or ''false''. During the common agent installation this
parameter is converted into the
CASInstall.TruststoreType parameter in the following
way. The conversion take place only if the
beanRegSvrInfoPanel.DownloadTrustChoice property is
also set (true or false value). ''true'' value will be
converted into CASInstall.TruststoreType=''copy'' ''false''
value will be converted into
Administrator response: Verify the value of the
property beanCopyCertOptionPanel.COPY_CERT in the
common agent installer response file. Correct this value
if necessary or comment the whole property if the
default value is acceptable. Save the response file and
restart the common agent installer.

The response file value in the

IgnorePortConflicts field contains an
unsupported value - value.
IgnorePortConflicts is a Boolean-type
parameter. Its value must be either
''true'' or ''false''.

Explanation: The value of the property

CASInstall.IgnorePortConflicts set in the response file
which is passed as an argument to the common agent
installer launcher is not correct. The common agent
installer is not able to proceed. The installation process
has been stopped, no changes have been made on the
destination host. The CASInstall.IgnorePortConflicts is
a Boolean-type parameter. Its value must be either
''true'' or ''false''.
Administrator response: Verify the value of the
property CASInstall.IgnorePortConflicts in the common
agent installer response file. Correct this value if
necessary or comment the whole property if the default
value is acceptable. Save the response file and restart
the common agent installer.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

BTC7468E BTC7471E

The response file value in the

InstallType field contains an
unsupported value - value. The value
must be either ''install'' or ''upgrade''.

Explanation: The value of the property

CASInstall.InstallType set in the response file which is
passed as an argument to the common agent installer
launcher is not correct. The common agent installer is
not able to proceed. The installation process has been
stopped, no changes have been made on the
destination host. The value of the
CASInstall.InstallType parameter must be either
''install'' or ''upgrade''.
Administrator response: Verify the value of the
property CASInstall.InstallType in the common agent
installer response file. Correct this value if necessary or
comment the whole property if the default value is
acceptable. Save the response file and restart the
common agent installer.

The response file value in the

TruststoreType field contains an
unsupported value - value. The value
must be ''download'', ''demo'' or ''copy''.

Explanation: The value of the property

CASInstall.TruststoreType set in the response file which
is passed as an argument to the common agent installer
launcher is not correct. The common agent installer is
not able to proceed. The installation process has been
stopped, no changes have been made on the
destination host. The value of the
CASInstall.TruststoreType parameter must be
''download'', ''demo'' or ''copy''.
Administrator response: Verify the value of the
property CASInstall.TruststoreType in the common
agent installer response file. Correct this value if
necessary or comment the whole property if the default
value is acceptable. Save the response file and restart
the common agent installer.

Validation of the legacy response file

from the 1.2 version has failed.

Explanation: One or more values of the legacy

properties (used in installers of the common agent in
version 1.2.x) are not correct. These properties are set in
the response file which is passed as an argument to the
common agent installer launcher. The common agent
installer is not able to proceed. The installation process
has been stopped, no changes have been made on the
destination host.
Administrator response: Review the pre-installation
log file in order to find the property name that is not
valid. Depending on the stage of the installer the
pre-installation log file (epPreinstall.log) can be found
in two locations: $D(temp)/epPreinstall.log or

epPreinstall.log. ''$D(temp)'' is the local system

temporary directory. ''installLocation'' is the property
provided in the response file or specified on the
destination dialog in the installer wizard. In the initial
stage, the pre-installation log file is created and
appended in the temporary location. Then it is copied
from the temporary location to the product installation
directory that was selected in the Destination dialog. It
is done after unsuccessful pre-installation phase, just
before the end of the installation program, or after the
successful pre-installation phase before the installation
phase begins. A very rare situation can also occur when
the installer is not be able to copy the log file to the
destination directory. In this situation the log file is left
in the temporary location and the next installers run
will append the logs to that file. Verify the values of
the legacy properties in the common agent installer
response file. Correct these values if necessary or
comment the whole property if the default value is
acceptable. Save the response file and restart the
common agent installer.

Validation of the legacy response file

from the 1.3 version has failed.

Explanation: One or more values of the legacy

properties (used in installers of the common agent in
version 1.3.x) are not correct. These properties are set in
the response file which is passed as an argument to the
common agent installer launcher. The common agent
installer is not able to proceed. The installation process
has been stopped, no changes have been made on the
destination host.
Administrator response: Review the pre-installation
log file in order to find the particular property name
which value is not valid. Depending on the stage of the
installer the pre-installation log file (epPreinstall.log)
can be found in two locations: $D(temp)/
epPreinstall.log or installLocation/runtime/agent/logs/
install/epPreinstall.log. ''$D(temp)'' is the local system
temporary directory. ''installLocation'' is the property
provided in the response file or specified on the
destination dialog in the installer wizard. In the initial
stage, the pre-installation log file is created and
appended in the temporary location. Then it is copied
from the temporary location to the product installation
directory that was selected in the Destination dialog. It
is done after the unsuccessful pre-installation phase,
just before the end of the installation, or after successful
pre-installation phase before the installation phase
begins. A very rare situation can also occur in which
the installer is not be able to copy the log file to the
destination directory. In this situation the log file is left
in the temporary location and running next installers
will append the logs to that file. Verify the values of
the legacy properties in the common agent installer
response file. Correct these values if necessary or
comment the whole property if the default value is
acceptable. Save the response file and restart the
common agent installer.
Chapter 25. Messages


BTC7472E BTC7474E

The response file value in the

WindowsSpecifyUserAccount field
contains an unsupported value - value.
The WindowsSpecifyUserAccount is a
Boolean-type parameter. Its value must
be either ''true'' or ''false''.

Explanation: The value of the property

CASInstall.WindowsSpecifyUserAccount set in the
response file which is passed as an argument to the
common agent installer launcher is not correct. The
common agent installer is not able to proceed. The
installation process has been stopped, no changes have
been made on the destination host. The
CASInstall.WindowsSpecifyUserAccount is a
Boolean-type parameter. Its value must be either ''true''
or ''false''. During the common agent installation this
parameter is converted into the
CASInstall.WindowsAccountID parameter in the
following way:
CASInstall.WindowsSpecifyUserAccount=''true'' - the
value of the property CASInstall.WindowsAccountID
will not be changed
CASInstall.WindowsSpecifyUserAccount=''false'' - the
value of the property CASInstall.WindowsAccountID
will be null. After the conversion the internal value of
the property CASInstall.WindowsAccountID can be
overwritten with its counter part from the response file
because the legacy properties (such as
CASInstall.WindowsSpecifyUserAccount) are loaded
before the currently supported properties. Refer to the
response file template to verify which properties are
Administrator response: Verify the value of the
property CASInstall.WindowsSpecifyUserAccount in
the common agent installer response file. Correct this
value if necessary or comment the whole property if
the default value is acceptable. Save the response file
and restart the common agent installer.

The response file value in the

PortsConfiguration field contains an
unsupported value - value. The value
must be ''DISABLE_HTTP_'',

Explanation: The value of the property

CASInstall.PortsConfiguration set in the response file
which is passed as an argument to the common agent
installer launcher is not correct. The common agent
installer is not able to proceed. The installation process
has been stopped, no changes have been made on the
destination host. The value of the
CASInstall.PortsConfiguration parameter must be
common agent installation this parameter is converted
into the CASInstall.WebContainerPort and
CASInstall.WebContainerSSLPort parameter in the


following way: ''DISABLE_HTTP_'' value will be

converted into CASInstall.WebContainerPort=''-1''
''DISABLE_HTTPS'' value will be converted into
converted into CASInstall.WebContainerPort=''-1'' and
CASInstall.WebContainerSSLPort=''-1'' After the
conversion the internal value of the properties
CASInstall.WebContainerPort and
CASInstall.WebContainerSSLPort can be overwritten
with their counter parts from the response file because
the legacy properties (such as
CASInstall.PortsConfiguration) are loaded before the
currently supported properties. Refer to the response
file template to verify which properties are deprecated.
Administrator response: Verify the value of the
property CASInstall.PortsConfiguration in the common
agent installer response file. Correct this value if
necessary or comment the whole property if the default
value is acceptable. Save the response file and restart
the common agent installer.

Validation of the response file has


Explanation: One or more values of the installer

properties are not correct. These properties are set in
the response file which is passed as an argument to the
common agent installer launcher. The common agent
installer is not able to proceed. The installation process
has been stopped, no changes have been made on the
destination host.
Administrator response: Review the pre-installation
log file in order to find the particular property name
which value is not valid. Depending on the stage of the
installer the pre-installation log file (epPreinstall.log)
can be found in two locations: $D(temp)/
epPreinstall.log or installLocation/runtime/agent/logs/
install/epPreinstall.log. ''$D(temp)'' is the local system
temporary directory. ''installLocation'' is the property
provided in the response file or specified on the
destination dialog in the installer wizard. In the initial
stage the pre-installation log file is created and
appended in the temporary location. Then it is copied
from the temporary location to the product installation
directory that was selected in the Destination dialog. It
is done after the unsuccessful pre-installation phase,
just before the end of the installation, or after the
successful pre-installation phase before the installation
phase begins. A very rare situation can also occur in
which the installer is not able to copy the log file to the
destination directory. In this situation the log file is left
in the temporary location and running next installers
will append the logs to that file. Verify the values of
the properties in the common agent installer response
file. Correct these values if necessary or comment the
whole property if the default value is acceptable. Save
the response file and restart the common agent

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

BTC7475E BTC7484E

The specified URL does not have the

proper format.

Explanation: The common agent installer verifies the

subagent descriptor. Verification failed because the
location of the descriptor is not in the proper format of
Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
Administrator response: Make sure the specified
subagent descriptor location is a valid URL.

The specified URL does not point to a

zip file.

Explanation: The common agent installer verifies the

subagent descriptor. Verification failed because the
location of the descriptor does not end with .zip or .ZIP
Administrator response: Make sure the specified
subagent descriptor location points to a compressed zip

No URL has been selected for deletion.

Explanation: The selection of an subagent descriptor

location is required to delete this subagent from the list
of subagents to be installed.
Administrator response: Select the subagent from the
list to delete it.

The ZIP file specified by this URL is

not available. It is impossible to initiate
a ZIP input stream from it.

Explanation: The common agent installer verifies the

subagent descriptor. Verification failed because the
location of the descriptor is not physically accessible.
The probable cause for this problem is that the
specified subagent descriptor location is not accessible
over the network. The destination computer might be
shut down or the network connection might be broken.
Administrator response: Check the accessibility of the
host name for the specified subagent descriptor location
URL (e.g. ping host_name). If the host is accessible,
check if the subagent descriptor file does exist there.

InstallShield internal error. See the

installation logs for more details.

Explanation: Unexpected conditions occurred and the

common agent installer is not able to proceed. The
installation process has been stopped. All changes
which were made on the destination host until the
error conditions ocurred have been rolled back. The
problem can be related to the installer packaging or
local system environment. The log files should contain
more information about the error.
Administrator response: Review the installation log
file in order to find the problem cause. The installation
log file (epInstall.log) can be found in the common

agent installation directory: installLocation/runtime/

agent/logs/install/epInstall.log. ''installLocation'' is the
property provided in the response file or specified on
the destination dialog in the installer wizard. If
problem is related to the local system environment,
make necessary corrections and restart the common
agent installer. If the problem persists, gather all the log
files (installLocation/runtime/agent/logs/install
directory) and contact customer support.

The TivGUID installer has failed. See

the TivGuid installer's logs for more

Explanation: The TivGUID installer returned non zero

exit code which means that the installation of the
TivGUID component on the local system failed.
TivGUID component is a mandatory prerequisite for
the common agent and should be installed on the
system before the common agent is started. The
common agent installer is not able to proceed. The
installation process has been stopped. All changes
which were made on the destination host until the
error conditions occured have been rolled back. The
TivGUID installer's log file should contain more
information about the error and what could be the
cause of the error.
Administrator response: Review the TivGUID
installer's log files in order to find the problem cause.
These log files can be located in the common agent
installation directory: installLocation/runtime/agent/
logs/install. ''installLocation'' is the property provided
in the response file or specified on the destination
dialog in the installer wizard. There are two log files
for TivGUID installation command:
tivGuidInstallOut.log for the standard output and
tivGuidInstallErr.log for the standard error stream.
There is also additional log file for the Windows
platforms - winTivGuidInstall.log. Review the
installation log file as well (epInstall.log). The
installation log file can be also found in the common
agent installation directory. If problem is related to the
local system environment, make necessary corrections
and restart the common agent installer. If the problem
persists, gather all the log files (installLocation/
runtime/agent/logs/install directory) and contact
customer support.

An error occurred when retrieving the

system GUID. See the installer logs for
more details.

Explanation: Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) is

generated and read after successful TivGUID
component installation. TivGUID component is a
mandatory prerequisite for the common agent and is
installed along with the common agent. In order to
retrieve the system GUID, which is usually done by the
common agent during the registration, it is necessary to
create the suitable GUID on the local system. An error
Chapter 25. Messages


BTC7485E BTC7488E
occurred and the system GUID cannot be created. The
common agent installer is not able to proceed. The
installation process has been stopped. All changes
which were made on the destination host until the
error conditions ocurred have been rolled back. The
common agent installer's log file (epInstall.log) should
contain more information about the error and what
could be the cause of the error.

make sure that the port number is an integer and

proceed with the installation. In the silent mode verify
the value of the port property (specified in the error
message) in the common agent installer response file.
Set the value in a valid format or comment the whole
property if the default value is acceptable. Save the
response file and restart the common agent installer.

Administrator response: Review the installation log

file (epInstall.log) in order to find the problem cause.
This log file can be located in the common agent
installation directory: installLocation/runtime/agent/
logs/install. ''installLocation'' is the property provided
in the response file or specified on the destination
dialog in the installer wizard. If problem is related to
the local system environment, make necessary
corrections and restart the common agent installer. If
the problem persists, gather all the log files
(installLocation/runtime/agent/logs/install directory)
and contact customer support.



The fieldName field cannot be empty.

Explanation: The mandatory parameter's value was

not provided. This error condition can occur in the
installer GUI mode, console mode and in the silent
mode as well. In each mode the common agent installer
is not able to proceed. Additionally, in case of silent
mode, the installation process is stopped. No changes
are made on the destination host. In the GUI or console
mode one of the fields in the wizard dialog is empty. In
the silent mode one of the response file parameters is
set to empty value (CASInstall.Parameter=,
CASInstall.Parameter=null or CASInstall.Parameter= ).
Administrator response: In the GUI or console mode
enter the value to the field specified in the error
message and proceed with the installation. In the silent
mode verify the value of the property (specified in the
error message) in the common agent installer response
file. Set the value or comment the whole property if the
default value is acceptable. Save the response file and
restart the common agent installer.

The port number in the fieldName field

must be entirely numeric and between 1
and 65536.

Explanation: The specified port number is not in a

valid format. It must be entirely numeric and between
1 and 65536. This error condition can occur in the
installer GUI mode, console mode and in the silent
mode as well.
System action: The specified port will not be used
because it is not in a valid format. In each mode
(wizard or silent) the common agent installer is not
able to proceed. Additionally, in case of silent mode the
installation process is stopped. No changes are made
on the destination host.
Administrator response: In the GUI or console mode


The following ports are already in use:

list The port conflict might prevent the
common agent from starting or
operating correctly.

Explanation: The specified port number is already in

use on the local host. This error condition can occur in
the installer GUI mode, console mode and in the silent
mode as well.
System action: The specified port number will not be
used. In each mode (wizard, console, or silent) the
common agent installer is not able to proceed.
Additionally, in case of silent mode the installation
process is stopped. No changes are made on the
destination host.
Administrator response: In the GUI or console mode
change the port number or release occupied port on the
local system. After the changes proceed with the
installation. In the silent mode change the number of
the port property (specified in the error message) in the
common agent installer response file. Another
possibility is to release the occupied port on the local
system. After the applying the changes restart the
common agent installer.

The following port conflicts have been

detected: list

Explanation: The same port number has been

specified for different properties. Each property in the
common agent configuration, which defines port
number should have different value. These properties
are: the common agent port, two ports for nonstop
service, HTTP transport port and HTTPS transport
port. This error condition might occur in the installer
GUI mode, console mode and in the silent mode as
System action: In each mode (wizard or silent) the
common agent installer is not able to proceed.
Additionally, in case of silent mode the installation
process is stopped. No changes are made on the
destination host.
Administrator response: In GUI or console mode
make sure that the port numbers specified in the
common agent connection information dialog have the
unique values. After applying the necessary changes,
proceed with the installation. In silent mode verify the
port numbers in the common agent installer response
file. Check the values of the following properties:
CASInstall.AgentPort, CASInstall.NonstopPort1,
CASInstall.NonstopPort2, CASInstall.WebContainerPort,

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

BTC7490E BTC7498E
CASInstall.WebContainerSSLPort. Make the changes or
comment the whole properties. Save the response file
and restart the common agent installer.

The response file value in the

PortsConfigDisableHTTP field contains
an unsupported value - value.
PortsConfigDisableHTTP is a
Boolean-type parameter. Its value must
be either ''true'' or ''false''.

Explanation: The value of the property

CASInstall.PortsConfigDisableHTTP set in the response
file which is passed as an argument to the common
agent installer launcher is not correct. The common
agent installer is not able to proceed. The installation
process has been stopped, no changes have been made
on the destination host. The
CASInstall.PortsConfigDisableHTTP is a Boolean-type
parameter. Its value must be either ''true'' or ''false''.
Administrator response: Verify the value of the
property CASInstall.PortsConfigDisableHTTP in the
common agent installer response file. Correct this value
if necessary or comment the whole property if the
default value is acceptable. Save the response file and
restart the common agent installer.

The response file value in the

PortsConfigDisableHTTPS field
contains an unsupported value - value.
PortsConfigDisableHTTPS is a
Boolean-type parameter. Its value must
be either ''true'' or ''false''.

Explanation: The value of the property

CASInstall.PortsConfigDisableHTTPS set in the
response file which is passed as an argument to the
common agent installer launcher is not correct. The
common agent installer is not able to proceed. The
installation process has been stopped, no changes have
been made on the destination host. The
CASInstall.PortsConfigDisableHTTPS is a Boolean-type
parameter. Its value must be either ''true'' or ''false''.
Administrator response: Verify the value of the
property CASInstall.PortsConfigDisableHTTPS in the
common agent installer response file. Correct this value
if necessary or comment the whole property if the
default value is acceptable. Save the response file and
restart the common agent installer.

Exiting the installer. The error code is


Explanation: Unexpected conditions occurred and the

installer of the common agent is not able to proceed.
The installation process has been stopped, no changes
have been made on the destination host. Suitable error
code is returned. One of the possible causes of the error
can be the values of the installer properties are not
correct. These properties are set in the response file

which is passed as an argument to the common agent

installer launcher.
Administrator response: Review the pre-installation
log file (epPreinstall.log) in order to find the cause of
the error. Depending on the stage of the installer the
pre-installation log file can be found in two locations:
$D(temp)/epPreinstall.log or installLocation/runtime/
agent/logs/install/epPreinstall.log. ''$D(temp)'' is the
local system temporary directory. ''installLocation'' is
the property provided in the response file or specified
on the destination dialog in the installer wizard. In the
initial stage the pre-installation log file is created and
appended in the temporary location. Then it is copied
from the temporary location to the product installation
directory that was selected in the Destination dialog. It
is done after unsuccessful pre-installation phase, just
before the end of the installation program, or after
successful pre-installation phase before the installation
phase begins. A very rare situation can also occur in
which the installer program is not be able to copy the
log file to the destination directory. In this situation the
log file is left in the temporary location and running
next installers will append the logs to that file. Correct
the properties' values in the installer response file if
necessary. If problem is related to the local system
environment, make necessary corrections and restart
the common agent installer. If the problem persists,
gather all the log files (installLocation/runtime/agent/
logs/install directory) and contact customer support.

Unable to load the bundle registry:


Explanation: The uninstaller of the common agent is

not able to load two files: initialBundles.txt and
currentBundles.txt. These files are written in the
following location: CA_HOME/runtime/agent/config
(CA_HOME is the path to the root directory of the
common agent installation). They contain information
about products' bundles which were installed on the
common agent. These bundles should be uninstalled
prior to the common agent uninstallation. The files
cannot be loaded if they do not exist in the known
location or cannot be read.
Administrator response: If the
CASInstall.ForceUninstall=''true'' option was specified
the common agent uninstaller will proceed even if the
bundle registry files cannot be loaded. No action is
required in such case. If the common agent uninstaller
has stopped because of this error and it is necessary to
uninstall the agent, make sure that the subagents
(products' bundles) are already uninstalled or uninstall
them manually from the common agent. Restart the
common agent uninstallation with the
CASInstall.ForceUninstall=''true'' option specified.

Chapter 25. Messages


BTC7501E BTC7520E

An error occurred during the reneval of

the certificate revocation list.

Explanation: The ertificate revocation list could not be

renewed due to problems during communication or
System action: The client is not able to communicate
with the agent manager or the certificate revocation list
could not be stored.
Administrator response: Check whether the agent
manager is up and running and whether there is
enough free space on the hard drive.

The common agent did not find any

valid credentials that matched the agent

Explanation: The validation of the certificates failed

due to unknown identity found in the certificates or
there are no certificates.
System action: The validation of the certificates failed
due to unknown identity in the certificates or there are
no certificates.
Administrator response: Reregister the common

there is no connectivity between the common agent and

the agent manager.
Administrator response: Check whether the agent
manager is up and running and if there is enough free
space on the hard drive.

Explanation: The common agent is not able to build

trust managers using the truststore.
System action: There is no truststore or it is not valid.
Administrator response: Refresh the trust certificates
downloading them from the agent manager.

The common agent failed to update the

certificate revocation list.

Explanation: The common agent is not able to update

the certificate revocation list.
System action: The certificate revocation list could not
be stored or there is no connectivity between the
common agent and the agent manager.
Administrator response: Check whether the agent
manager is up and running and if there is enough free
space on the hard drive.

System action: There is no truststore or it is not valid.

Administrator response: Refresh the trust certificates
downloading them from the agent manager.

The common agent failed to reset


Explanation: The common agent is not able to reset

System action: The credentials could not be stored or
there is no connectivity between the common agent and
the agent manager.
Administrator response: Check whether the agent
manager is up and running and if there is enough free
space on the hard drive.

An error occurred during certificates


Explanation: The common agent is not able to renew

System action: Certificates could not be stored or
there is no connectivity between the common agent and
the agent manager.
Administrator response: Check whether the agent
manager is up and running and if there is enough free
space on the hard drive.


Verification of the common agent

truststore failed.

Explanation: The common agent is not able to verify

the truststore.


The common agent failed to obtain the

trust managers.

The notification exception has been


Explanation: The common agent is notifying the

credential listeners as one of them has thrown an
System action: During notification of the credential
listeners exception was thrown.
Administrator response: Gather log files and contact
IBM customer support.
Programmer response: Check whether any external
credential listeners implementations do not throw any

The common agent failed to renew


Explanation: The common agent is not able to renew

System action: The credentials could not be stored or


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

BTC7521E BTC7613E

An error occurred during credentials



An error occured while calling the

Common Agent Query Service

Explanation: Either the credentials are currently not

valid, or the ID information in the credentials is

Explanation: The invocation of Common Agent Query

Service failed.

System action: Communication from the common

agent will fail.

User response: Check the traceMigration.log file for

more information on the error.

Administrator response: Update the common agent

with valid credentials.



Unable to execute the requested

operation because the specified bundle
was not found in the OSGi registry.

Explanation: The bundle is not deployed in the OSGi

System action: No action on the specified bundle can
be taken.
Administrator response: Install the specified bundle.

Explanation: The migration tool failed to notify

common agents about changes in the agent manager
User response: Check the traceMigration.log file for
more information on reasons for the error.

The param_name parameter specified in

the command line is not valid.

Explanation: The parameter specified in the command

line is not valid and cannot be interpreted.
User response: Check the command line interface
with help parameter only and correct the invalid

The value param_value of the command

line parameter param_name is not valid.

Explanation: The value of the parameter specified in

the command line is not valid.
User response: Check the command line interface
with help parameter only and correct the invalid
parameter value.

The value for the command line

parameter param_name was not specified.

Explanation: No value was specified for the command

line parameter.
User response: Run the tool once again providing the
value of the parameter as described in the command
line help.

The command line parameter

param_name was not specified.

Explanation: The mandatory command line parameter

was not specified.

The migration tool could not notify the

common agent agent_id about the
changes in the agent manager

The the following parameters: os guid

operating system GUID, install_dir
installation directory of the common
agent located at ip_address IP address,
port_number port, do not match the
operating system GUID os_guid and the
installation directory install_dir obtained
from the agent manager.

Explanation: One of the reasons the paramteres do not

match is a change in the common agent IP address. The
migration tool is connected to an improper common
agent. Another reason is that there are two common
agents that report the same IP addresses and ports, but
they are located in different networks and the
connection can only be established to one of them.
Administrator response: Make sure the common
agent the tool tried to contact is running. Force it to
send its current status to the agent manager to refresh
the endpoint connection details. If the problem persists,
copy the migration tool to the network where the
common agent is located and run the tool once again.
The readme file for the tool contains an instruction how
to copy the tool onto another host.

The migration tool could not configure

the agent manager client using the
following configuration file file_path.

Explanation: The agent manager client cannot be

initialized using the configuration file.
User response: Check the traceMigration.log file for
more information on the errors.

User response: Run the tool once again providing at

least the required parameters and their values as
described in the command line help.
Chapter 25. Messages


BTC7614E BTC7820E

The migration tool could not connect to

the agent manager.

Explanation: The migration tool could not contact the

agent manager. Usually the path to this file is

already specified in the tool script. The present error
can occur when the file does not exist, when its content
is damaged or cannot be read. LWI_HOME is the
common agent installation directory file path.

User response: See the traceMigration.log and

msgMigration.log file for details.

Administrator response: Make sure that the file

LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/config/ exists and can be read. Review the
command line tool log file which is written in the
LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs directory. This log
file might contain more information about the cause of
the error. If the problem is related to the local system
environment, take the necessary corrections and restart
the command line tool. If the problem persists, gather
all the log files (LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs
directory) and contact customer support.



User response: Check whether the agent manager is

running. If it is, check the traceMigration.log file for
more information on the error.

A general error occured. The migration

tool could not be run.

Explanation: The migration tool could not be run.


The agent manager did not provide any

contact data for the common agent with
the following guid agent_id.
The migration tool could not uninstall
the bundle bundle_name for the common
agent with the following parameters:
guid agent_id, IP address ip_address, port

Explanation: The migration tool could not uninstall

the bundle using services exposed by the common
Administrator response: Uninstall the bundle and
delete the bundle file manually before the affected
common agent restarts.

The migration tool could not delete the

bundle bundle_file file for the common
agent with the following parameters:
guid agent_id, IP address ip_address, port

Explanation: The migration tool could not delete the

bundle using Web services exposed by the common
Administrator response: Delete the bundle file
manually from the affected common agent file system.

The delay parameter of the migration

tool was set to a negative number. The
tool is not waiting for the next common
agent query service call and exits after
the first loop.


The common agent configuration could

not be retrieved from the specified file.

Explanation: The command line tool need to read the

common agent configuration which is written in the


The port argument read from the

properties file is not valid.

Explanation: The command line tool need to read the

common agent port number which is written in the
LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/config/ file. The port number is set in the
''ep.port'' property. The value of this property must be
entirely numeric and between 1 and 65531. LWI_HOME
is the common agent installation directory file path.
Administrator response: Review the command line
tool log file (agentcli.log.x) which is written in the
LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs directory. This log
file might contain more information about the cause of
the error. Verify the value of the property ''ep.port'' in
the common agent configuration file. Correct this value
if necessary. Changes in the file can
influence the common agent state and you might need
to restart the common agent. Make necessary
corrections and restart the command line tool. If the
problem persists, gather all of the log files
(LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs directory) and
contact customer support.

The properties file does not contain the

port definition ep.port. Define it or
specify it as a command argument.

Explanation: The command line tool is not able to

read the common agent port number which is written
in the LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/config/ file. The port number should be set
in the ''ep.port'' property. If the property is missing, the
common agent state might be influenced. LWI_HOME
is the common agent installation directory file path.
Administrator response: Make sure that the property
''ep.port'' in specified in the common agent
configuration file. Set the property value if necessary.
Changes in the file can influence
the common agent state. You might need to restart the
common agent. After applying the necessary
corrections, restart the command line tool. If the

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

BTC7822E BTC7825E
problem persists gather all the log files
(LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs and
LWI_HOME/logs directories) and contact customer

Unable to initialize the AgentClient

component - security repository

Explanation: The command line tool is not able to

initialize the secure connection based on the certificates
of the common agent. This error condition can occur in
the following situations: The common agent does not
have certificates. For example it is not registered with
the agent manager. The certificates files are corrupted
or cannot be read or loaded. The certificates belong to
the other common agent. They were issued for another
common agent instance. It is also possible that the
GUID was changed (regenerated) on the specified host
and the common agent was not reregistered in order to
obtain new certificates based on the new identity. The
GUID cannot be read on the specified host and the
certificates cannot be verified. The GUID is provided by
TivGUID component which is installed along the
common agent.
Administrator response: Make sure the common
agent is registered with the agent manager and
contains certificate file. It is usually written in the
following location: LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/cert/
agentKeys.jks. Try to reregister the common agent in
order to obtain new certificates. After applying the
necessary corrections, restart the command line tool. If
the problem persists, gather all the log files
(LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs and
LWI_HOME/logs directories) and contact customer
support. LWI_HOME is the common agent installation
directory file path.

Unable to initialize the AgentClient

component - a communication

Explanation: The command line tool is not able to

proceed because an error occurred while
communicating with the remote service over secure
connection. The remote service runs on the common
agent or on the agent manager. There might be also a
problem with setting up the secure connection.
Administrator response: Make sure the remote part
(the common agent or the agent manager), with which
the communication is going to be set up is running.
Review the command line tool log file in order to find
the problem cause. This log file is written in the
LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs directory. It might
contain more information about the cause of the error.
LWI_HOME is the common agent installation directory
file path. If the problem is related with the local system
environment, make necessary corrections and restart
the command line tool. If the problem persists, gather
all the log files (LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs and

LWI_HOME/logs directories) and contact customer


The common agent service returned null


Explanation: The common agent service invoked by

the command line tool returned null result. Services
which are exposed through the command line service
should return information about the method execution
(success or failure) for each method. There might have
been error situation on the common agent side and the
method execution failed without any result.
Administrator response: Review the command line
tool log file (agentcli.log.x)in order to find the problem
cause. This log file is written in the
LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs directory. It might
contain more information about the cause of the error.
Review the common agent log files as well. They are
written in the LWI_HOME/logs directory. LWI_HOME
is the common agent installation directory file path. If
the problem is related with the local system
environment, make necessary corrections and restart
the command line tool. If the problem persists, gather
all the log files (LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs and
LWI_HOME/logs directories) and contact customer

A communication error has occurred.

Verify that the common agent is
registered and active.

Explanation: The command line tool is not able to

proceed because it is not able to retrieve the proxy
object to the
service. The secure connection with the common agent
has been established successfully, however the proxy
object is null.
Administrator response: Make sure the service is
active and registered in the common agent. Review the
command line tool log file (agentcli.log.x)in order to
find the problem cause. This log file is written in the
LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs directory. It might
contain more information about the cause of the error.
Review the common agent log files as well. They are
written in the LWI_HOME/logs directory. LWI_HOME
is the common agent installation directory file path. If
the problem is related with the local system
environment, make necessary corrections and restart
the command line tool. If the problem persists gather
all the log files (LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs and
LWI_HOME/logs directories) and contact customer

Chapter 25. Messages


BTC7826E BTC7837E

The status type passed to the tool is not


Explanation: The command line tool

updateAgentStatus.bat(sh) is not able to proceed. The
status type passed to the tool is not supported. The
following list contains the supported statuses: 5 started, 7 - stopped, 11 - uninstalled. The specified
status was not reported to the agent manager.
Administrator response: Specify the supported status
type to the updateAgentStatus.bat(sh) command line

The file containing information about

the version of the application_name
application was not found.

Explanation: The file with the version information

about the common agent was not found. This file
should exist in the common agent profile directory
LWI_HOME/runtime/agent. Its name starts with the
prefix ''BTCJ'' and has the extention ''.sys''. LWI_HOME
is the common agent installation directory file path.
Administrator response: Make sure the file
LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/BTCJ*.sys exists.

An error occurred while trying to read

the file containing the information
about the version of the application_name

Explanation: An IOException was caught while trying

to read the version information file for the common
agent. This file should exist in the common agent
profile directory LWI_HOME/runtime/agent. Its name
starts with the prefix ''BTCJ'' and has the extention
''.sys''. In the present error either the file does not exist
or it cannot be read. LWI_HOME is the common agent
installation directory file path.
Administrator response: Make sure the file
LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/BTCJ*.sys exists and can
be read. The user who is running the command line
tool should have the suitable permission to read this

Unable to initialize the AgentClient

component - certificate not yet valid.

Explanation: The command line tool agentcli.bat(sh) is

not able to initialize a secure connection based on the
certificates of the common agent. The certificates issued
by the agent manager are not yet valid. This error
condition can occur when the agent manager time
settings are not synchronized with the common agent
time. It might also occur when the time on the common
agent was turned back after the certificates were
received from the agent manager.

correct. Set the correct time or wait a few moments

until the certificates time period will be valid. If
necessary, try to reregister the common agent in order
to obtain new certificates. After applying the necessary
corrections, restart the command line tool. If the
problem persists, gather all the log files
(LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs and
LWI_HOME/logs directories) and contact customer
support. LWI_HOME is the common agent installation
directory file path.

The following ports are already in use:

list. The port conflict might prevent the
common agent from starting or
operating correctly.

Explanation: The specified port number is already in

use on the local host. The configuration tool
(configure.bat(sh)) is not able to proceed. The specified
port number cannot be used. The configuration process
has been stopped. Note that the post-install
configuration tool reads options from the command
line, from the specified properties file or from the
common agent installer response file. It also contains
default values for some properties. The value of a
specified property which is going to be applied to the
common agent configuration depends also on the order
of the options specified in the command line (for
example when the property is specified in the
command line and also in the properties file). The latest
property value is taken into consideration. If the
property is not specified at all, a default value is
applied to the configuration.
Administrator response: Specify the available port
number or release the occupied port on the local
system. Restart the common agent post-install
configuration tool.

The configuration parameter parameter

cannot be empty.

Explanation: The post-install configuration tool

(configure.bat(sh)) is not able to proceed. The
mandatory parameter value was not provided. The
configuration process has been stopped. Note that the
post-install configuration tool reads options from the
command line, from the specified properties file or
from the common agent installer response file. It also
contains default values for some properties. This error
condition can occur when the tool options are loaded
from the file.
Administrator response: Verify that the value of the
property (specified in the error message) in the
command options file. Set the value or comment the
whole property if the default value is acceptable. Save
the options file and restart the common agent
post-install configuration tool.

Administrator response: Make sure the time settings

on the common agent and on the agent manager are


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

BTC7838E BTC7846E

The port number in the configuration

parameter parameter must be entirely
numeric and between 1 and 65536.

Explanation: The specified port number is not in a

valid format. It must be entirely numeric and between
1 and 65536. The post-install configuration tool
(configure.bat(sh)) is not able to proceed. The specified
port number cannot be used. The configuration process
has been stopped. Note that the post-install
configuration tool reads options from the command
line, from the specified properties file or from the
common agent installer response file. It also contains
default values for some properties. The value of a
specified property which is going to be applied to the
common agent configuration depends also on the order
of the options specified in the command line (for
example when the property is specified in the
command line and also in the properties file). The latest
property value is taken into consideration. If the
property is not specified at all, the default value is
applied to the configuration.
Administrator response: Verify the value of the port
property (specified in the error message). Set the value
in a valid format or comment the whole property if the
default value is acceptable. Restart the common agent
post-install configuration tool.

The port number in the configuration

parameter parameter must be entirely
numeric and between 1 and 65536. The
value -1 is also allowed. It is used to
disable Web Container functionality.

Explanation: The specified port number is not in a

valid format. It must be entirely numeric and between
1 and 65536. The value -1 is also allowed. It is used to
disable the Web Container functionality. The post-install
configuration tool (configure.bat(sh)) is not able to
proceed. The port number specified cannot be used.
The configuration process has been stopped. Note that
the post-install configuration tool reads options from
the command line, from the specified properties file or
from the common agent installer response file. It also
contains default values for some properties. The value
of a specified property which is going to be applied to
the common agent configuration depends also on the
order of the options specified in the command line (for
example when the property is specified in the
command line and also in the properties file). The latest
property value is taken into consideration. If the
property is not specified at all, the default value is
applied to the configuration.
Administrator response: Verify the value of the port
property (specified in the error message). Set the value
in a valid format or comment the whole property if the
default value is acceptable. Restart the common agent
post-install configuration tool.


The following port conflicts have been

detected: list.

Explanation: The same port number has been

specified for different properties. Each property in the
common agent configuration, which defines port
number should have different value. These properties
are: the common agent port, two ports for nonstop
service, HTTP transport port and HTTPS transport
port. The post-install configuration tool
(configure.bat(sh)) is not able to proceed. The port
numbers specified cannot be used. The configuration
process has been stopped. HTTP transport port and
HTTPS transport port might have the same value (-1)
in case when they are going to be disabled. Note that
the post-install configuration tool reads options from
the command line, from the specified properties file or
from the common agent installer response file. It also
contains default values for some properties. The value
of a specified property which is going to be applied to
the common agent configuration depends also on the
order of the options specified in the command line (for
example when the property is specified in the
command line and also in the properties file). The latest
property value is taken into consideration. If the
property is not specified at all, the default value is
applied to the configuration.
Administrator response: Verify the value of the ports
properties (specified in the error message). Set the
unique values. Restart the common agent post-install
configuration tool.

An error while executing the command.

Review the log files of the command to
determine the problem cause.

Explanation: The common agent installer or the

post-install configuration tool (configure.bat(sh)) was
not able to execute the external process. To perform
some configuration tasks, the installer or
configure.bat(sh) tool invoke the following tools:
agentcli.bat(sh), endpoint.bat(sh), installnonstop.bat(sh),
lwistart.bat(sh), lwistatus.bat(sh), lwistop.bat(sh),
SetFileSecurity.exe, updateAgentStatus.bat(sh) and
InstallUtil.exe. These tools are called in a separate
processes. For each call two output files are created one for the standard output and one for the standard
error. These files are stored in the installer log directory
LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs/install or in the
post-install configuration tool log directory
LWI_HOME is the common agent installation directory
file path. If the common agent installer was not able to
proceed, the installation process has been stopped. All
changes which were made on the destination host until
the error conditions appeared have been rolled back. In
case of the post-install configuration tool the
configuration process has been stopped, however the
changes applied to the local system have not been
rolled back.
Chapter 25. Messages


BTC7847E BTC7848E
Administrator response: If you are running the
common agent installer, review the installation log files
in order to find the problem cause. The installation log
file (epInstall.log) can be found in the common agent
installation directory LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/
logs/install/epInstall.log. The pre-installation log file
(epPreInstall.log) and the external processes outputs
can be found in the same directory. If you are running
the post-install configuration tool, review the
configure.log.x file which is created in the
LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs/directory. The
external processes outputs can be found in the
LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs/configure directory.
If the problem is related to the local system
environment, make necessary corrections and restart
the common agent installer or the post-install
configuration tool. If the problem persists, gather all the
log files (LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs directory)
and contact customer support.

Unable to create a nonstop service.

Explanation: The common agent installer or the

post-install configuration tool (configure.bat(sh)) was
not able to create auto-start service for the common
agent. For Windows platform it is a suitable entry in
the system's registry. For Unix platforms the auto-start
service is defined in the rc.* files. The service is created
by an external process invocation installnonstop.bat(sh) script - with suitable parameters.
Two output files are created for this call - one for the
standard output and one for the standard error. These
files are stored in the installer logs directory
LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs/install or in the
post-install configuration tool logs directory
LWI_HOME is the common agent installation directory
file path. The common agent installer was not able to
proceed. The installation process has been stopped. All
changes which were made on the destination host until
the error conditions appeared have been rolled back. In
case of the post-install configuration tool the
configuration process has been stopped, however the
changes applied to the local system have not been
rolled back. The service is a prerequisite for starting the
common agent, so in that case the common agent was
not started.
Administrator response: If you are running the
common agent installer, review the installation log file
(epInstall.log), which can be found in the common
agent installation directory LWI_HOME/runtime/
agent/logs/install. If you are running the post-install
configuration tool, review the configure.log.x file which
is created in the LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs
directory. The external processes outputs can be found
in the LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs/configure
directory. The log file should contain an information
about the parameters values with which the command
was executed and also the names of the command
output files. The names should start with the following


prefixes ''InstallNonstopUtilOut.log'' and

''InstallNonstopUtilErr.log''. A timestamp information is
added to the name (same value to the stdout end the
stderr files) in order to differentiate outputs if the
command is invoked several times during the
installation or the configuration process. Review the
output files in order to find the problem cause. If the
problem is related to the local system environment,
make necessary corrections and restart the common
agent installer or the post-install configuration tool. If
the problem persists, gather all the log files
(LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs directory) and
contact customer support.

Unable to remove a nonstop service.

Explanation: The common agent uninstaller was not

able to remove the auto-start service for the common
agent. For Windows, it is a suitable entry in the system
registry. For Unix platforms the auto-start service is
defined in the rc.* files. The service is removed by an
external process invocation - installnonstop.bat(sh)
script - with a suitable parameter. Two output files are
created for this call - one for the standard output and
one for the standard error. These files are stored in the
installer logs directory LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/
logs/install or in the post-install configuration tool logs
directory LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs/configure.
LWI_HOME is the common agent installation directory
file path. The common agent uninstaller was not able to
proceed. The uninstallation process has been stopped.
The common agent was stopped, however it was not
uninstalled properly. Note that the service
uninstallation can take place also during the common
agent installation. It is invoked after the error condition
occurred, and the installation is rolled back.
Administrator response: Review the uninstallation log
file (epUninstall.log), which can be found in the
common agent installation directory
LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs/install. The log file
should contain information about the parameters with
which the command was executed and also the names
of the command output files. The names should start
with the following prefixes ''InstallNonstopUtilOut.log''
and ''InstallNonstopUtilErr.log''. A timestamp
information is added to the name (the same value to
the stdandard output and the standard error files) in
order to differentiate the outputs if the command is
invoked several times during the uninstallation. Review
the output files in order to find the problem cause. If
the problem is related to the local system environment,
make necessary corrections and restart the common
agent uninstaller. If the problem persists, gather all of
the log files (LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs
directory) and contact customer support.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

BTC7849E BTC7851E

Unable to start a nonstop service.

Explanation: The common agent installer or the

post-install configuration tool (configure.bat(sh)) was
not able to start the common agent. The common agent
is started through its service by means of the external
process invocation - installnonstop.bat(sh) script - with
a suitable parameter. Two output files are created for
this call - one for the standard output and one for the
standard error. These files are stored in the installer
logs directory LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs/install
or in the post-install configuration tool logs directory
LWI_HOME is the common agent installation directory
file path. The common agent installer was not able to
proceed. The installation process has been stopped. All
changes which were made on the destination host util
the error conditions appeared has been rolled back. In
case of the post-install configuration tool the
configuration process has been stopped, however the
changes applied to the local system have not been
rolled back. The common agent was configured,
however it was not started.
Administrator response: If you are running the
common agent installer, review the installation log file
(epInstall.log), which can be found in the common
agent installation directory LWI_HOME/runtime/
agent/logs/install. If you are running the post-install
configuration tool, review the configure.log.x file which
is created in the LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs
directory. The External processes outputs can be found
in the LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs/configure
directory. The log file should contain information about
the parameters with which the command was executed
and also the names of the command output files. The
names should start with the following prefixes
''InstallNonstopUtilOut.log'' and
''InstallNonstopUtilErr.log''. A timestamp information is
added to the name (the same value to the standard
output and the stdandard error files) in order to
differentiate the outputs if the command is invoked
several times during the installation or the
configuration process. Review the output files in order
to find the problem cause. If the problem is related to
the local system environment, make necessary
corrections and restart the common agent installer or
the post-install configuration tool. If the problem
persists, gather all the log files (LWI_HOME/runtime/
agent/logs directory) and contact customer support.

Unable to stop a nonstop service.

Explanation: The common agent uninstaller or the

post-install configuration tool (configure.bat(sh)) was
not able to stop the common agent. The common agent
is stopped through its service by means of the external
process invocation - installnonstop.bat(sh) script - with
suitable parameter. Two output files are created for this
call - one for the standard output and one for the
standard error. These files are stored in the installer

logs directory LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs/install

or in the post-install configuration tool logs directory
LWI_HOME is the common agent installation directory
file path. The common agent uninstaller was not able to
proceed. The uninstallation process has been stopped.
The common agent was not uninstalled properly. Note
that the common agent's service stop can take place
also during the common agent installation. It is
invoked after the error condition occurred and the
installation is rolled back. In case of the post-install
configuration tool, the common agent which is already
running must be stopped in order to apply the new
configuration. If the common agent is not stopped, it
might not work correctly. The common agent was
configured, however there might be some problems
with the registration of the common agent.
Administrator response: If you are running the
common agent uninstaller, review the uninstallation log
file (epUninstall.log), which can be found in the
common agent installation directory
LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs/install. If you are
running the post-install configuration tool, review the
configure.log.x file which is created in the
LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs directory. The
external processes outputs can be found in the
LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs/configure directory.
The log file should contain information about the
parameters with which the command was executed and
also the names of the command output files. The names
should start with the following prefixes
''InstallNonstopUtilOut.log'' and
''InstallNonstopUtilErr.log''. A timestamp information is
added to the name (the same value to the standard
output and the stdandard error files) in order to
differentiate the outputs if the command is invoked
several times during the installation, uninstallation or
the configuration processes. Review the output files in
order to find the problem cause. If the problem is
related to the local system environment, make
necessary corrections and restart the common agent
uninstaller or the post-install configuration tool. If the
problem persists, gather all the log files
(LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs directory) and
contact customer support.

Unable to set security configuration for

the following file: file_name.

Explanation: The common agent installer was not able

to set the security configuration for the specified file.
The security information is set by means of the external
process invocation - SetFileSecurity.exe - with a suitable
parameter. This tool is delivered with the common
agent installer. Two output files are created for this call
- one for the standard output and one for the standard
error. These files are stored in the installer logs
directory LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs/install.
LWI_HOME is the common agent installation directory
file path. The common agent installer was not able to
Chapter 25. Messages


BTC7852E BTC7853E
proceed. The installation process has been stopped. All
changes which were made on the destination host until
the error conditions appeared have been rolled back.
Administrator response: Review the installation log
file (epInstall.log), which can be found in the common
agent installation directory LWI_HOME/runtime/
agent/logs/install. The log file should contain the
information about the parameters, with which the
command was executed and also the names of the
command output files. The names should start with the
following prefixes ''SetFileSecurityOut.log'' and
''SetFileSecurityErr.log''. A timestamp information is
added to the name (the same value to the stdandard
output and the stdandard error files) in order to
differentiate the outputs if the command is invoked
several times during the installation. Review the output
files in order to find the problem cause. If the problem
is related to the local system environment, make
necessary corrections and restart the common agent
installer. If the problem persists, gather all the log files
(LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs directory) and
contact customer support.

Unable to update the status of the

common agent.

Explanation: The common agent uninstaller or the

post-install configuration tool (configure.bat(sh)) was
not able to update the uninstallation status of the
common agent in the agent manager registry. The
status update is done by means of the external process
invocation - updateAgentStauts.bat(sh) script - with
suitable parameter. Two output files are created for this
call - one for standard output and one for standard
error. These files are stored in the installer logs
directory LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs/install or in
the post-install configuration tool logs directory
LWI_HOME is the common agent installation directory
file path. The uninstallation process has not been
stopped. The common agent was not uninstalled
properly, however its status might not be accurate in
the agent manager registry. Note that the common
agent's uninstallation status update can take place also
during the common agent installation. It is invoked
after the error condition occurred and the installation is
being rolled back. In case of the post-install
configuration tool the common agent which is already
running must be stopped and deregistered in order to
apply the new configuration. The deregistration
consists of uninstallation status update and certificates
removal. The common agent was configured, however
its status might not be accurate in the agent manager
registry. The following list contains possible causes of
the status update failure. The common agent is not
registered with the agent manager. The connection to
agent manager failed due to the network connection
problems. The connection to the agent manager was
not set up correctly because the configuration file of the
common agent ( did not contain


the accurate data - information about the agent

Administrator response: If you are running the
common agent uninstaller, review the uninstallation log
file (epUninstall.log), which can be found in the
common agent installation directory
LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs/install. If you are
running the post-install configuration tool, review the
configure.log.x file which is created in the
LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs directory. The
external processes outputs can be found in the
LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs/configure directory.
The log file should contain the information about the
parameters with which the command was executed and
also the names of the command output files. The names
should start with the following prefixes
''UpdateAgentStautsOut.log'' and
''UpdateAgentStautsErr.log''. A timestamp information
is added to the name (the same value to the stdandard
output and the stdandard error files) in order to
differentiate the outputs if the command is invoked
several times during the installation, uninstallation or
the configuration processes. Review the output files in
order to find the problem cause. If the problem is
related to the local system environment, make
necessary corrections to prevent future error
occurrences. If the problem persists, gather all the log
files (LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs directory) and
contact customer support. It might be necessary to
update the agent manager registry manually.

Unable to create the user user_name.

Explanation: The common agent installer was not able

to create the user which was defined to be used during
the common agent auto-start service invocation. The
user is created by means of the external process
invocation - InstallUtil.exe - with a suitable parameter.
This tool is delivered with the common agent installer.
Two output files are created for this call - one for the
standard output and one for the standard error. These
files are stored in the installer logs directory
LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs/install. LWI_HOME
is the common agent installation directory file path.
The common agent installer was not able to proceed.
The installation process has been stopped. All changes
which were made on the destination host until the
error conditions appeared have been rolled back.
Administrator response: Review the installation log
file (epInstall.log), which can be found in the common
agent installation directory LWI_HOME/runtime/
agent/logs/install. The log file should contain the
information about the parameters with which the
command was executed and also the names of the
command output files. The names should start with the
following prefixes ''WindowsInstallUtilOut.log'' and
''WindowsInstallUtilErr.log''. A timestamp information
is added to the name (the same value to the stdandard
output and the stdandard error files) in order to
differentiate the outputs if the command is invoked

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

BTC7854E BTC7856E
several times during the installation. Review the output
files in order to find the problem cause. If the problem
is related to the local system environment or the user
account definition, make necessary corrections and
restart the common agent installer. If the problem
persists, gather all of the log files (LWI_HOME/
runtime/agent/logs directory) and contact customer

Unable to delete the user user_name.

Explanation: The common agent installer was not able

to delete the user which was defined to be used during
the common agent auto-start service invocation. The
installer deletes the created user during the installation
roll back after an error conditions occured. The user is
defined to be used during the common agent auto-start
service invocation. The user is deleted by means of the
external process invocation - InstallUtil.exe - with a
suitable parameter. This tool is delivered with the
common agent installer. Two output files are created for
this call - one for the standard output and one for the
standard error. These files are stored in the installer
logs directory LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs/install.
LWI_HOME is the common agent installation directory
file path. The common agent installer continued the roll
back the procedure, however the user account created
for the common agent service purposes, might have not
been deleted.
Administrator response: Review the installation log
file (epInstall.log), which can be found in the common
agent installation directory LWI_HOME/runtime/
agent/logs/install. The log file should contain the
information about the parameters with which the
command was executed and also the names of the
command output files. The names should start with the
following prefixes ''WindowsInstallUtilOut.log'' and
''WindowsInstallUtilErr.log''. A timestamp information
is added to the name (the same value to the stdandard
output and the stdandard error files) in order to
differentiate the outputs if the command is invoked
several times during the installation. Review the output
files in order to find the problem cause. If the problem
is related to the local system environment or the user
account definition, make necessary corrections.
Investigate and fix also the issue which was the cause
of the installer roll back. Restart the common agent
installer. If the problem persists, gather all the log files
(LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs directory) and
contact customer support.

Unable to grant administrator privileges

to the user user_name.

Explanation: The common agent installer was not able

to grant the administrators privileges to the created
user. The user is defined to be used during the
common agent auto-start service invocation. The user's
privileges are granted by means of the external process
invocation - InstallUtil.exe - with a suitable parameter.

This tool is delivered with the common agent installer.

Two output files are created for this call - one for the
standard output and one for the standard error. These
files are stored in the installer logs directory
LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs/install. LWI_HOME
is the common agent installation directory file path.
The common agent installer was not able to proceed.
The installation process has been stopped. All changes
which were made on the destination host until the
error conditions appeared have been rolled back.
Administrator response: Review the installation log
file (epInstall.log), which can be found in the common
agent installation directory LWI_HOME/runtime/
agent/logs/install. The log file should contain the
information about the parameters with which the
command was executed and also the names of the
command output files. The names should start with the
following prefixes ''WindowsInstallUtilOut.log'' and
''WindowsInstallUtilErr.log''. A timestamp information
is added to the name (the same value to the stdandard
output and the stdandard error files) in order to
differentiate the outputs if the command is invoked
several times during the installation. Review the output
files in order to find the problem cause. If the problem
is related to the local system environment or the user
account definition, make necessary corrections and
restart the common agent installer. If the problem
persists, gather all the log files (LWI_HOME/runtime/
agent/logs directory) and contact customer support.

Unable to restore legacy nonstop


Explanation: An error condition occurred and the

upgrade procedure performed by the common agent
installer is being rolled back. During this process the
legacy nonstop (auto-start) service is restored in the
local system environment. The installer is not able to
restore this service. The service restoration in done by
means of the external process invocation InstallUtil.exe - with a suitable parameter. This tool is
delivered with the common agent installer. Two output
files are created for this call - one for the standard
output and one for the standard error. These files are
stored in the installer logs directory
LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs/install. LWI_HOME
is the common agent installation directory file path.
The common agent installer continued the roll back
procedure, however the legacy service definition might
not have been restored properly.
Administrator response: Review the installation log
file (epInstall.log), which can be found in the common
agent installation directory LWI_HOME/runtime/
agent/logs/install. The log file should contain the
information about the parameters with which the
command was executed and also the names of the
command output files. The names should start with the
following prefixes ''WindowsInstallUtilOut.log'' and
''WindowsInstallUtilErr.log''. A timestamp information
is added to the name (the same value to the stdandard
Chapter 25. Messages


BTC7857E BTC7859E
output and the stdandard error files) in order to
differentiate the outputs if the command is invoked
several times during the installation. Review the output
files in order to find the problem cause. If the problem
is related to the local system environment, make
necessary corrections. Investigate and fix also the issue
which was the cause of the upgrade process roll back.
Restart the common agent installer. If the problem
persists, gather all the log files (LWI_HOME/runtime/
agent/logs directory) and contact customer support.

Unable to update nonstop service.

Explanation: The common agent installer was not able

to associate the user account with the common agent
auto-start service. This user account is used to run the
common agent. The update of the service definition is
done by means of the external process invocation InstallUtil.exe - with a suitable parameter. This tool is
delivered with the common agent installer. Two output
files are created for this call - one for the standard
output and one for the standard error. These files are
stored in the installer logs directory
LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs/install. LWI_HOME
is the common agent installation directory file path.
The common agent installer was not able to proceed.
The installation process has been stopped. All changes
which were made on the destination host until the
error conditions appeared have been rolled back.
Administrator response: Review the installation log
file (epInstall.log), which can be found in the common
agent installation directory LWI_HOME/runtime/
agent/logs/install. The log file should contain the
information about the parameters with which the
command was executed and also the names of the
command output files. The names should start with the
following prefixes ''WindowsInstallUtilOut.log'' and
''WindowsInstallUtilErr.log''. A timestamp information
is added to the name (the same value to the stdandard
output and the stdandard error files) in order to
differentiate the outputs if the command is invoked
several times during the installation. Review the output
files in order to find the problem cause. If the problem
is related to the local system environment or the user
account definition, make necessary corrections and
restart the common agent installer. If the problem
persists, gather all the log files (LWI_HOME/runtime/
agent/logs directory) and contact customer support.

Unable to start legacy nonstop service.

Explanation: An error condition occurred and the

upgrade procedure performed by the common agent
installer is being rolled back. During this process the
legacy nonstop (auto-start) service is restored in the
local system environment and started. The installer is
not able to start this service (and the legacy common
agent). The legacy service start in performed by means
of the external process invocation - InstallUtil.exe - with
a suitable parameter. This tool is delivered with the


common agent installer. Two output files are created for

this call - one for the standard output and one for the
standard error. These files are stored in the installer
logs directory LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs/install.
LWI_HOME is the common agent installation directory
file path. The common agent installer continued the roll
back procedure, however the legacy common agent
might not have been restored or started properly.
Administrator response: Review the installation log
file (epInstall.log), which can be found in the common
agent installation directory LWI_HOME/runtime/
agent/logs/install. The log file should contain the
information about the parameters with which the
command was executed and also the names of the
command output files. The names should start with the
following prefixes ''WindowsInstallUtilOut.log'' and
''WindowsInstallUtilErr.log''. A timestamp information
is added to the name (the same value to the stdandard
output and the stdandard error files) in order to
differentiate the outputs if the command is invoked
several times during the installation. Review the output
files in order to find the problem cause. If the problem
is related to the local system environment, make
necessary corrections. Investigate and fix also the issue
which was the cause of the upgrade process roll back.
Restart the common agent installer. If the problem
persists, gather all the log files (LWI_HOME/runtime/
agent/logs directory) and contact customer support.

Unable to stop legacy nonstop service.

Explanation: The common agent installer was not able

to stop the common agent during an upgrade process.
The legacy common agent is stopped through its
service by means of the external process invocation InstallUtil.exe - with a suitable parameter. Two output
files are created for this call - one for the standard
output and one for the standard error. These files are
stored in the installer logs directory
LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs/install or in the
post-install configuration tool logs directory
LWI_HOME is the common agent installation directory
file path. In case of the upgrade procedure the common
agent which is already running must be stopped in
order to apply new binaries and configuration. Failure
in this step might prevent the new common agent from
normal operation. If the installer completed
successfully, the common agent had been configured
properly, however there might be some problems with
the registration of the common agent.
Administrator response: Review the installation log
file (epInstall.log), which can be found in the common
agent installation directory LWI_HOME/runtime/
agent/logs/install. The log file should contain the
information about the parameters with which the
command was executed and also the names of the
command output files. The names should start with the
following prefixes ''WindowsInstallUtilOut.log'' and
''WindowsInstallUtilErr.log''. A timestamp information

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

BTC7862E BTC7879E
is added to the name (the same value to the stdandard
output and the stdandard error files) in order to
differentiate the outputs if the command is invoked
several times during the installation. Review the output
files in order to find the problem cause. If the installer
completed successfully, restart the common agent if it is
not registered properly. If the upgrade process
(installer) failed, stop the legacy common agent
manually. If the problem is related to the local system
environment, make necessary corrections and restart
the common agent installer. If the problem persists,
gather all the log files (LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/
logs directory) and contact customer support.

The common agent is already

configured (it contains certificates).

Explanation: The post-install configuration tool has

detected that the common agent which is going to be
configured is already registered. It contains the
certificates files. The configuration tool is able to
unregister the agent and reconfigure it to the other
agent manager, however unconscious usage of this tool
could destroy the operational common agent.
Administrator response: Specify the '-force' option to
reconfigure (unregister) this agent. This option confirms
intentions of the post-install configuration tool user.

An internal error occurred while reading

the password.

Explanation: The post-install configuration tool

(configure.bat(sh)) had prompted for password,
however an error occurred and password cannot be
read. The common agent uses this password to register
with the agent manager. The configuration tool is not
able to proceed. The configuration process has been
stopped. No changes have been applied to the common
agent configuration. The registration password can be
provided to the configuration tool in the following
ways: -prompt - option used to enable prompt for
password -passwd - option used to specify password as
a command line parameter the registration password
can be also provided in the properties file or in the
common agent installer response file. These files can be
used as an input to the configuration tool (-options
Administrator response: Review the configure.log.x
file which is created in the LWI_HOME/runtime/
agent/logs/directory. This file might contain more
information about the error cause. LWI_HOME is the
common agent installation directory file path. If the
problem is related to the local system environment,
make necessary corrections and restart the post-install
configuration tool. If the problem persists, gather all the
log files (LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/logs directory)
and contact customer support. As a workaround, you
can specify the registration password in the command
line -password or in the properties file specified with
the parameter -options.


No password provided.

Explanation: The post-install configuration tool cannot

proceed the configuration flow. The mandatory
parameter's value was not provided. The configuration
process has been stopped. No changes have been
applied to the common agent configuration. The
registration password is a mandatory parameter in the
configuration of the common agent. The common agent
is neither able to register without the password, nor
able to obtain certificates from the agent manager. The
configuration tool masks the value which is entered
into the password prompts. It is necessary to type the
password twice to make sure that a typing error did
not occur.
Administrator response: Restart the post-install
configuration tool. Fill in both: the password prompt
and the password confirmation prompt.

The common agent registration

passwords do not match. Type the same
password in both password fields.

Explanation: The post-install configuration tool cannot

proceed the configuration flow. The password field and
its confirmation field do not contain the same text. The
configuration process has been stopped. No changes
have been applied to the common agent configuration.
The configuration tool masks the value which is
entered into the password prompts. It is necessary to
type the password twice to make sure that a typing
error did not occur.
Administrator response: Restart the post-install
configuration tool. Make sure the values typed in the
password prompt and in the password confirmation
prompt are identical.

An error occurred. The configuration is

not valid:

Explanation: The post-install configuration tool cannot

proceed the configuration flow. The common agent
configuration passed to the tool is not valid. The
configuration process has been stopped. No changes
have been applied to the common agent configuration.
The configuration tool performs some basic data
validation: all mandatory fields should be specified, the
port numbers should be provided in numeric format
and should be available in the local system
environment. The connection to the agent manager and
the registration password is also verified.
Administrator response: Review the configure.log.x
file which is created in the LWI_HOME/runtime/
agent/logs/directory. This file should contain more
information about the validation error cause.
LWI_HOME is the path to the common agent
installation directory. Correct the common agent
settings which are provided to the tool and restart the
post-install configuration tool. If the problem persists,
Chapter 25. Messages


BTC7903E BTC8020W
gather all the log files (LWI_HOME/runtime/agent/
logs directory) and contact customer support.

The patchname patch download has

failed bacause of the following reason:

Explanation: The patchname patch download has

failed bacause of some external reason, probably due to
network connection error.
Administrator response: Check the network
connectivity between this host and the patch server.
Check if the patch being applied exists on the server.

The server returned code code: reason.

Explanation: The HTTP server proving the patch

returned the HTTP error code code.
Administrator response: Refer to the logs of the
server providing patches to determine the cause of the

The patch patchname was not found on

the server.

Explanation: The patchname patch that is to be

installed was not found on the server.
Administrator response: Check if the patch which is
being applied exists on the server. Check if the patch
name is spelled correctly.

Incorrect parameters were specified. See

the agentcli patchservice help for

Explanation: Command syntax is incorrect. Some of

the parameters are missing.
Administrator response: Check syntax of CLI
command. See the agentcli patchservice help for details.

The specified URL is not correct.

Provide the URL with the correct syntax.

Explanation: The syntax of the patch service URL is

not correct.
Administrator response: Check the URL for errors in
relation to spelling and syntax. Correct the URL and try

The patch patchname scheduled for

installation is already applied.

Explanation: Patch is applied already. There is no

need to install it again. Patch install operation is
Administrator response: This patch had beed applied


before. There is no need to install it again. Check patch

name and download URL.

The installation of the patchname patch

has failed.

Explanation: The patch cannot be installed because

the patch install script has failed.
Administrator response: Check the logs for details.
Check if patch operating system is correct.

Job job_id execution failed.

Explanation: The job throws an exception during the

execution. The scheduler will continue working.

Job job_id cannot be found.


Unable to initialize job storage in

directory job_storage_dir.

Explanation: The scheduler cannot write job file to

this directory. You might not have the permission to
access it, or your disk space might be insufficient.
System action: Check and correct access rights to the
job directory. Check if there is enough disk space for
this directory.

Unable to register a new job factory

with the name factory_name and
implementation in class factory_class. The
class cannot be found or initialized.

Explanation: The specified class does not exists in the

class path. The class either does not exist, its name is
not correct, the default constructor is unavailable, or it
throws an exception. The scheduler is able to continue
to work, but this type of job will not be available.
System action: Check the class name in the job factory
defined in the extension point of a bundle, and correct
it. Remember to export it into MANIFEST.MF file in
Export-Package section. Check if the default constructor
is available and does not throw an exception.

Unable to register a new clock factory

with the name factory_name and
implementation in class factory_class. The
class cannot be found.

Explanation: The specified class does not exists in the

class path. The class either does not exist, its name is
not correct, the default constructor is not available, or it
throws an exception. The scheduler is able to continue
to work, but this type of clock will be unavailable.
System action: Check the class name in the clock
factory defined in the extension point of a bundle and
correct it. Remember to export it into MANIFEST.MF
file in Export-Package section. Check if the default

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

BTC8115E BTC8123E
constructor is available and does not throw an

The file_name file cannot be


Explanation: The specified file cannot be

System action: An artifact related to the specified file
is not deployed.
Administrator response: Verify the correctness of the
compressed file.


Explanation: An exception occurred while executing

the verification process before the custom artifacts are
System action: The custom package is not deployed.
Administrator response: Verify the deployment logs
in the installable directory to find the cause why the
verification process failed.


The file file_name contains no properties

files. At least one properties file is

Explanation: The custom package provided to the

common agent installer must contain at least one
properties file.
System action: The custom package is not deployed.
Administrator response: Verify the correctness of the
compressed file.

The file file_name contains too many

executable files. The file cannot contain
more than one executable file for the
verification to be performed.

Explanation: The package cannot contain more than

one executable to perform the verification process.

The exception_name exception occurred

during the invocation of the method
method_name on interface_name.

A reference to the service service_name

cannot be obtained.

Explanation: There is no reference service in OSGi.

System action: The service is not available.
Administrator response: Verify if the bundle
providing this service is started. It means that it is in
the ACTIVE state.

The artifact value is missing or remains

empty in the file_name file.

Explanation: The artifact value in the custom

properties cannot be null or empty.
System action: The exoliter package was not
Administrator response: Set the artifact value to
feature or bundle.

System action: The custom package is not deployed.

Administrator response: Verify the correctness of the
package according to the common agent custom
package documentation.

The manifest file in the Java archives

placed in the classpath directory does
not contain the attribute attribute_name.

Explanation: The manifest of the Java archive file

stored in the classpath directory must contain the
PrereqsVerifier attribute. It defines the class name that
System action: The custom package is not deployed.
Administrator response: Verify whether the
PrereqVerifier attribute is set up in the JAR manifest
file. It should point to the class name implementing


The artifact value artifact in the file_name

file is not valid. The valid artifact
values are feature or bundle.

Explanation: The artifact value in the custom

properties must be valid.
System action: The exoliter package was not
Administrator response: Set the artifact value to
feature or bundle.

The bundle URL is missing or empty in

the file_name file.

Explanation: The bundle URL cannot be null or

System action: The bundle was not deployed.
Administrator response: Set the valid bundle URL in
the custom properties file.

Chapter 25. Messages


BTC8124E BTC8137E

The start level value start_level_value of

the bundle in the file_name file is not

Explanation: The bundle start level value must be in

range from 1 to the osgi.startLevel framework
property's value.
System action: The default start level is set for the
target bundle. The default start level is defined by the
osgi.bundles.defaultStartLevel framework property's
Administrator response: Set the bundle start level to
be in range 1 to the osgi.startLevel framework
property's value.

The URL address of the feature update

site is missing or empty in the file_name

Explanation: The Eclipse feature update site URL

cannot be null nor empty.


Explanation: The bundle URL is not valid.

System action: The bundle was not installed.
Administrator response: Verify the corectness of the
bundle URL in the deployment configuration file.


The feature update site update_site is not

valid in the file_name file.

Explanation: The Eclipse feature update site must be a

valid URL.

The following exception occurred

error_message while validating the
deployment configuration from the
file_name file.

Explanation: An exception occurred while validating

the deployment configuration file.
System action: An artifact was not installed.
Administrator response: Verify the logs in the
installable directory to find the cause of the problem.

System action: The Eclipse feature was not installed.

Administrator response: Set the update site URL for
the target feature in the deployment configuration file.

The bundle URL bundle_url is not valid

in the file_name file.

The error error_message occurred while

storing the deployment result to the
file_name file.

Explanation: The file with the deployment result was

not stored. An exception occurred while creating a new
file or saving it physically on a disk.
System action: The file with the deployment result
was not stored.
Administrator response: Verify the size of the disk.

System action: The Eclipse feature was not installed.

Administrator response: Set the update site URL for
the target feature in the deployment configuration file.

The feature name is missing or empty in

the file_name file.

Explanation: The Eclipse feature identifier is missing

in the deployment configuration file.
System action: The Eclipse feature was not installed.
Administrator response: Set the Eclipse feature
identifier in the deployment configuration file.

The feature version is missing or empty

in the file_name file.

Explanation: The Eclipse feature version is missing in

the deployment configuration file.


The file file_name does not exist.

Explanation: The target directory where the bundle

file should be stored does not exist.
System action: The target bundle is not deployed.
Administrator response: Verify if the specified
directory exist.

Unable to download the file from URL

due to error_message.

Explanation: The bundle cannot be copied from the

specified URL.
System action: The bundle was not deployed.
Administrator response: Verify whether the specified
URL points to a valid bundle file.

System action: The Eclipse feature was not installed.


Administrator response: Set the Eclipse feature

version in the deployment configuration file.

Explanation: The bundle file cannot be uncompressed.

Unable to extract the file file_name to the

directory dir_name due to error_message.

System action: The bundle was not deployed.

Administrator response: Verify the correctness of the
archived bundle file.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

BTC8138E BTC8207E

The exception occurred error_message

while parsing the manifest in the file

Explanation: The bundle manifest file does not

contain the BundleSymbolicName or BundleVersion
System action: The bundle was not deployed.
Administrator response: Make sure the bundle
manifest file has got the BundleSymbolicName or
BundleVersion header.

The exception occurred error_message

while relocating the file source_file_name
to target_file_name.

Explanation: An exception occurred while renaming

the file.
System action: The bundle was not deployed.
Administrator response: Make sure to rename the file.

The version old_version of the deployed

bundle bundle_symbolic_name is equal to
or older than the currently installed
version current_version.

Explanation: A later or equal bundle version is

already deployed.
System action: The target bundle was not deployed.
Administrator response: Uninstall the later or equal
version of the bundle to deploy the target bundle.

The common agent is already installed

at the specified location location. Modify
the response file to specify ''upgrade'' as
the InstallType option, or uninstall the
common agent.

Explanation: The installer of the common agent has

detected that an another instance of the common agent
is already installed at the specified location
(installLocation property). Because it is not an upgrade
- CASInstall.InstallType option is set to ''install'' value the installer cannot proceed. It has been stopped in
order to prevent damages to the existing common
agent. No changes have been made on the destination
Administrator response: Modify the response file to
specify ''upgrade'' as the CASInstall.InstallType option
in order to upgrade the existing common agent
instance or specify another install location. Save the
response file and restart the common agent installer.
Another option is to uninstall the existing common
agent and install the new instance of the common agent
into the same location.


The common agent is a shared runtime

environment. Some subagent bundles
are installed. Uninstalling the common
agent can damage other products.

Explanation: The uninstaller of the common agent has

detected that products' bundles are installed on the
common agent. These bundles should be uninstalled
prior to the agent uninstallation. Uninstalling the
common agent without products (and subagents)
uninstallation can damage these products. The
uninstaller is not able to proceed. No changes have
been made on the destination host.
Administrator response: Make sure that the products
(and products' bundles) are already uninstalled or
uninstall them manually from the local system. If it is
not possible to uninstall product and its bundles restart
the common agent uninstaller with the
CASInstall.ForceUninstall=''true'' option specified.
Existing subagents verification will be omitted in this

Unable to set the JAVA_HOME

parameter for lightweight runtime

Explanation: The lwiSetJavaHome.bat(sh) script

returned non zero exit code which means that the
JAVA_HOME parameter for lightweight runtime
environment was not set properly. This script is used to
persist information about the location of the JVM which
will be used by the lightweight runtime environment
and indirectly the common agent. The good result of
this script's run should be another script
(javaHome.bat(sh)) created in the installLocation/conf
System action: The installer of the common agent is
not able to proceed. The installation process has been
stopped. All changes which were made on the
destination host till the error conditions has been rolled
Administrator response: Review the
lwiSetJavaHome.bat(sh) script's run log files in order to
find the problem cause. These log files can be located
in the common agent installation directory:
''installLocation'' is the path to the root directory of the
common agent installation. There are two log files for
lwiSetJavaHome.bat(sh) command:
lwiJavaHomeOut.log for the standard output and
lwiJavaHomeErr.log for the standard error stream.
Review the installation log file as well (epInstall.log).
The installation log file can be also found in the
common agent installation directory. If the problem is
related to the local system environment, make
necessary corrections and restart the common agent
installer. If the problem persists, gather all the log files
(installLocation/runtime/agent/logs/install directory)
and contact customer support.
Chapter 25. Messages


BTC8208E BTC8222E

Unable to read JAVA_HOME.

Explanation: The installer is not able to determine

JAVA_HOME parameter value based on the JVM
packaged (bundled) along with the installer. The
common agent is installed along the JVM which is used
by this common agent. JAVA_HOME value is read from
the JVM bundle and persisted by means of the
lwiSetJavaHome.bat(sh). The good result of this script's
run is another script (javaHome.bat/sh) created in the
installLocation/conf directory.
System action: The common agent installer is not able
to proceed. The installation process has been stopped.
All changes which were made on the destination host
until the error conditions occurred have been rolled
Administrator response: This problem is related to the
common agent installer package, particularly with the
JVM bundled in it. Gather all the log files
(installLocation/runtime/agent/logs/install directory)
and contact customer support. ''installLocation'' is the
path to the root directory of the common agent

The response file value in the

ForceInstall field contains an
unsupported value - value. ForceInstall is
a Booelan-type parameter. Its value must
be either ''true'' or ''false''.

Explanation: The value of the property

CASInstall.ForceInstall set in the response file which is
passed as an argument to the common agent installer
launcher is not correct. The common agent installer is
not able to proceed. The installation process has been
stopped, no changes have been made on the
destination host. The CASInstall.ForceInstall is a
Boolean-type parameter. Its value must be either ''true''
or ''false''.
Administrator response: Verify the value of the
property CASInstall.ForceInstall in the common agent
installer response file. Correct this value if necessary or
comment the whole property if the default value is
acceptable. Save the response file and restart the
common agent installer.

The password field cannot be empty.

The confirmation field can be empty
only if the user already exists.

Explanation: The common agent installer cannot

proceed the installation flow. Validation of the
Windows account password has failed. Either the
password field or the password confirmation field are
empty. If it is necessary to run the common agent
service on Windows platform with non default user
account, the suitable Windows account ID and
password should be specified. The confirmation field
can be empty only if the user already exists. If a new


user account in going to be created it is mandatory to

specify the same value in both passwords' fields. The
install dialog or console masks the value which is
entered into the password fields. Because of this it is
necessary to type the password twice to make sure that
a typing error did not occur.
Administrator response: Fill in both the password
field and the password confirmation field.

The Windows account passwords do not

match. Type the same password in both
password fields.

Explanation: The common agent installer cannot

proceed the installation flow. Validation of the
Windows account password has failed. The password
field and its confirmation field do not contain the same
text. If it is necessary to run the common agent service
on Windows platform with non default user account,
the suitable windows account ID and password should
be specified. The confirmation field can be empty only
if the user already exists. If a new user account in
going to be created it is mandatory to specify the same
value in both passwords' fields. The install dialog or
console mask the value which is entered into the
password fields. Because of this it is necessary to type
the password twice to make sure that a typing error
did not occur.
Administrator response: Make sure the values typed
in the password field and in the password confirmation
field are identical.

The Windows account ID contains one

or more unsupported characters: '''',
''<'',''>'', ''^'', ''='', '';'', ''&'', ''|'', ''?'', '','', ''
'', ''/'', ''['', '']'', '':'', ''+'', ''*''.

Explanation: The common agent installer cannot

proceed the installation flow. Validation of the
Windows account ID has failed. The Windows account
ID cannot contain blanks or the characters: '''', ''<'',''>'',
''^'', ''='', '';'', ''&'', ''|'', ''?'', '','', ''/'', ''['', '']'', '':'', ''+'', ''*''.
This error condition can occur in the installer GUI
mode, console mode and in the silent mode as well. In
each mode the common agent installer is not able to
proceed. Additionally, in case of silent mode the
installation process is stopped. No changes are made
on the destination host. In the GUI or console mode the
field which specifies windows account ID contains
unsupported character. In the silent mode the response
file parameter CASInstall.WindowsAccountID is set to
a value with an unsupported character.
Administrator response: In the GUI or console mode
enter the account ID without the unsupported
characters and proceed with the installation. In the
silent mode verify the value of the property
CASInstall.WindowsAccountID in the common agent
installer response file. Set the correct value or comment
the whole property if the default value is acceptable.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

BTC8228E BTC8245E
Save the response file and restart the common agent

The agentTrust.jks file was not found in

the expected location directory. Verify
that the file exists in the location you

Explanation: ''Copy the file from a file system or other

media'' option in GUI or console mode was selected or
the CASInstall.TruststoreType=copy property was
specified in the silent mode through the installer's
response file. The common agent installer is going to
copy the truststore file from a file system or other
media. An error condition occurred because the
installer is not able to find the file with the truststore
(agentTrust.jks) in the specified location (suitable field
in the interactive mode or CASInstall.TruststoreLocation
property in silent mode). This error condition can occur
in the installer GUI mode, console mode and in the
silent mode as well. In each mode the common agent
installer is not able to proceed. Additionally, in case of
silent mode the installation process is stopped. No
changes are made on the destination host.
Administrator response: Make sure that the specified
directory contains the agentTrust.jks file. Copy the file
to this location if it does not exist. In the GUI or
console mode change the value in the location field if it
is not correct or change the way in which truststore
will be obtained and proceed with the installation. In
the silent mode verify the value of the property
CASInstall.TruststoreLocation in the common agent
installer response file. Change the value of this
property if it is not correct, save the response file and
restart the common agent installer.

Unable to find the directory specified in

the fieldName field.

Explanation: ''Copy the file from a file system or other

media'' option in GUI or console mode was selected or
the CASInstall.TruststoreType=copy property was
specified in the silent mode through the installer's
response file. The common agent installer is going to
copy the truststore file from a file system or other
media. An error condition occurred because the
installer is not able to find the specified directory
(suitable field in the interactive mode or
CASInstall.TruststoreLocation property in silent mode).
This error condition can occur in the installer GUI
mode, console mode and in the silent mode as well. In
each mode the common agent installer is not able to
proceed. Additionally, in case of silent mode the
installation process is stopped. No changes are made
on the destination host.
Administrator response: Make sure that the specified
directory exists and contains the agentTrust.jks file.
Create the necessary directory if it does not exist and
copy the truststore file to this location. In the GUI or
console mode change the value in the location field if it

is not correct or change the way in which truststore

will be obtained and proceed with the installation. In
the silent mode verify the value of the property
CASInstall.TruststoreLocation in the common agent
installer response file. Change the value of this
property if it is not correct, save the response file and
restart the common agent installer.

An error ocurred while waiting for

Service Location Protocol discovery
results: error.

Explanation: The agent manager discovery is done by

SLP engine which is run in a separate thread. The
common agent installer waits till the end of this thread.
An error condition occurred while waiting for the
discovery results.
Administrator response: Although the error ocurred,
the discovery of the agent managers might return some
results. They can be used to configure the connection
information to the agent manager. No action required
in this case. If no results were returned, the discovery
process can be restarted or the agent manager
connection information can entered manually.

An error ocurred while executing

Service Location Protocol discovery:

Explanation: The agent manager discovery is done by

SLP engine which reported an error condition. For
some reasons the SLP discovery cannot be performed
properly. The installation flow can be proceeded,
however the manual configuration of the information
about the agent manager is necessary.
Administrator response: Gather all the log files
(installLocation/runtime/agent/logs/install directory)
and contact customer support. As a workaround, the
agent manager connection information can be entered

The destination directory field cannot

be empty. Specify a directory name.

Explanation: The mandatory parameter's value - the

common agent destination directory - was not
provided. The common agent installer is not able to
Administrator response: Enter the value to the
destination directory field and proceed with the

The response file value in the

installLocation field contains an
unsupported value - value. Specify a
valid directory name.

Explanation: The mandatory parameter's value installLocation - was not provided. Response file, which
Chapter 25. Messages


BTC8246E BTC8269E
is passed as an argument to the common agent installer
launcher, contains empty value defined for the
installLocation parameter (installLocation=,
installLocation=null or installLocation= ). The common
agent installer is not able to proceed. The installation
process has been stopped. No changes were made on
the destination host.
Administrator response: Verify the value of the
property installLocation in the common agent installer
response file. Set the value or comment the whole
property if the default value is acceptable. Save the
response file and restart the common agent installer.

The specified destination directory

directory is not writable.

Explanation: The specified destination directory

(installLocation property value in the common agent
installer response file or ''Destination directory'' field in
the installer dialog) cannot be created. It could be
located on the disk partition (value) which is mounted
in read-only mode. Another possibility is that the user
which runs the installation program does not have
permission to create directories in the specified
location. This error condition can occur in the installer
GUI mode, console mode and in the silent mode as
well. In each mode the common agent installer is not
able to proceed. Additionally, in case of silent mode the
installation process is stopped. No changes are made
on the destination host.
Administrator response: Review the local system
settings: file system mounts and permissions. In the
GUI or console mode change the value in the
destination directory field and proceed with the
installation. In the silent mode modify the value of the
installLocation property in the common agent installer
response file. It is also possible to comment the whole
property if the default value is acceptable. Save the
response file and restart the common agent installer.

A nonupgradable version of the

common agent is already installed at the
specified location.

Explanation: The common agent installer has detected

that the version of the common agent which is going to
be upgraded is not supported by this installer. It is
lower than the version The installer is not able
to proceed. In case of silent mode the installation
process has been stopped. No changes were made on
the destination host.
Administrator response: A manual migration of the
common agent instance is necessary in this case.
Multiple common agent installations, including
different versions, are allowed but discouraged. So it is
also possible to install another (newer) common agent
instance in the other location.



A common agent with a later version is

already installed at the specified

Explanation: The common agent installer has detected

that the version of the common agent which is going to
be upgraded is newer than the version provided by this
installer. The common agent installer is not able to
proceed. In case of silent mode the installation process
has been stopped. No changes were made on the
destination host.
Administrator response: Multiple common agent
installations, including different versions, are allowed
but discouraged. So it is also possible to install another
(older) common agent instance in the other location.

The specified URL already exists on the


Explanation: The common agent installer verifies the

subagent descriptor. Verification failed because the
location of the descriptor is already present in the
subagents list to be installed. If the common agent
installer is running in silent mode, it is not able to
proceed. The installation process has been stopped. No
changes were made on the destination host.
Administrator response: Make sure the specified
subagent descriptor location is not misspelled. If the
common agent installer is run in the silent mode verify
and modify if necessary the value of the
CASInstall.ProductFeaturesURLx property in the
installer's response file. Save the response file and
restart the common agent installer.

The response file value in the

installLocation field contains
unsupported characters - value. Specify a
valid directory name.

Explanation: The parameter's value - installLocation contains unsupported characters (for example national
characters). The installation directory name should
consist of the characters from the ASCII set (name
should be based on the English alphabet). The common
agent installer is not able to proceed. The installation
process has been stopped. No changes were made on
the destination host.
Administrator response: Verify the value of the
installLocation property in the common agent installer
response file. Set the value, or comment the whole
property if the default value is acceptable. Save the
response file and restart the common agent installer.

The destination directory contains

unsupported characters (for example
national characters). The installation
directory name should consist of the
characters from the ASCII set. Specify
the valid directory name.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

BTC8275E BTC8281E
Explanation: The parameter's value - the common
agent destination directory - contains unsupported
characters (for example national characters). The
installation directory name should consist of the
characters from the ASCII set (the name should be
based on the English alphabet). The common agent
installer is not able to proceed.
Administrator response: Enter the correct value into
the destination directory field and proceed with the

No changes are made on the destination host.

Administrator response: Review the installation log
file in order to find which files are locked. The
installation log file (epInstall.log) can be found in the
common agent installation directory:
epInstall.log. ''installLocation'' is the path to the root
directory of the common agent installation. Stop the
locking process and start the upgrade again.


The installation has been rolled back

due to an error during a custom bundle
or feature installation. For more
information on the cause of the error,
see the log files.

Explanation: The common agent installer verifies

outputs from the custom bundles or features
installation. If an error is reported in these outputs and
the rollback option was selected, the installation process
is stopped. All the changes which were made on the
destination host are rolled back.
Administrator response: Review the installation log
file in order to find the problem cause. The installation
log file (epInstall.log) can be found in the common
agent installation directory: installLocation/runtime/
agent/logs/install/epInstall.log. ''installLocation'' is the
path to the root directory of the common agent
installation. This property is provided in the response
file or specified on the destination dialog in the
installer wizard. If the problem is related to the local
system environment, make necessary corrections and
restart the common agent installer. If the problem
persists, gather all the log files (installLocation/
runtime/agent/logs/install directory) and contact
customer support.

The installation process detected locked

common agent files. Stop the locking
process and start the upgrade again.

Explanation: In order to perform an upgrade on the

given instance of the common agent it is necessary to
remove some files, which are no longer used in the
newer version or replace some files with the latest
version. In initial stage of the upgrade process these
files are moved to the backup directory in order to
perform potential roll back in case of error. The
common agent installer verifies if all necessary files can
be moved to the backup directory. If not the present
error is reported. The common agent is stopped before
beginning of the upgrade process. So the agent's
processes should not lock any files. However it is
possible that an external product is running and have
exclusive lock on some files. This error condition can
occur in the installer GUI mode, console mode and in
the silent mode as well. In each mode the common
agent installer is not able to proceed. Additionally, in
case of silent mode the installation process is stopped.

The common agent cannot be upgraded

because locked files have been detected.
Stop the locking process and start the
upgrade again.

Explanation: In order to perform an upgrade on the

given instance of the common agent it is necessary to
remove some files, which are no longer used in the
newer version or replace some files with the latest
version. In the first stage of the upgrade process these
files are moved to the backup directory in order to
perform potential roll back in case of error. The
common agent installer verifies if all necessary files can
be moved to the backup directory. If not the present
error is reported. The common agent is stopped before
the beginning of the upgrade process. So the agent's
processes should not lock any files. However it is
possible that an external product is running and have
exclusive lock on some files. This error condition can
occur in the installer GUI mode, console mode and in
the silent mode as well. In each mode the common
agent installer is not able to proceed. Additionally, in
case of silent mode the installation process is stopped.
No changes are made on the destination host.
Administrator response: Review the installation log
file in order to find which files are locked. The
installation log file (epInstall.log) can be found in the
common agent installation directory:
epInstall.log. ''installLocation'' is the path to the root
directory of the common agent installation. Stop the
locking process and start the upgrade again.

Unable to create a backup directory for

the common agent profile.

Explanation: In order to perform an upgrade on the

given instance of the common agent it is necessary to
remove some files, which are no longer use in the
newer version or replace some files with the latest
version. In the first stage of the upgrade process these
files are moved to the backup directory in order to
perform potential roll back in case of error. In this
situation the common agent installer was not able to
create the backup directory for some reasons. One of
the possible causes of this issue can be the user who
runs the installer doe not have write permissions in the
common agent instance location. The common agent
installer is not able to proceed. The installation process
has been stopped. All the changes which were made on
Chapter 25. Messages


BTC8282E BTC8401E
the destination host have been rolled back.
Administrator response: Review the destination host
configuration: file systems mounts and permissions.
Review the installation log file (epInstall.log) which can
be found in the common agent installation directory:
epInstall.log. ''installLocation'' is the path to the root
directory of the common agent installation. If the
problem is related to the local system environment,
make necessary corrections and restart the common
agent installer.

Unable to back up the profile directory

of the common agent. An error occured
while relocating the file fileName.

Explanation: In order to perform an upgrade on the

given instance of the common agent it is necessary to
remove some files, which are no longer used in the
newer version or replace some files with the latest
version. In the initial stage of the upgrade process these
files are moved to the backup directory in order to
perform potential roll back in case of error. In this
situation, for some reasons the common agent installer
was not able to relocate the file from the common agent
profile directory to the backup directory. One of the
possible causes of this issue can be the user who runs
the installer doe not have write permissions in the
common agent instance location. Another possibility is
the file lock. The common agent is stopped before the
beginning of the upgrade process, so the common
agent's processes should not lock any files. However it
is possible that an external product is running and have
exclusive lock on some files. The common agent
installer is not able to proceed. The installation process
has been stopped. All the changes which were made on
the destination host have been rolled back.
Administrator response: Review the destination host
configuration: file systems mounts and permissions.
Review the installation log file in order to find which
file causes the problem. The installation log file
(epInstall.log) can be found in the common agent
installation directory: installLocation/runtime/agent/
logs/install/epInstall.log. ''installLocation'' is the path
to the root directory of the common agent installation.
If the file is locked, stop the locking process and start
the upgrade again. If the problem is related to the local
system environment, make necessary corrections and
restart the common agent installer.

Unable to read the resources range for

the product bean.

Explanation: Unexpected conditions occurred and the

common agent installer is not able to proceed. The
installation process has been stopped. All changes
which were made on the destination host till the error
conditions has been rolled back.
Administrator response: The problem is related to the


installer package. Gather all the log files

(installLocation/runtime/agent/logs/install directory)
and contact customer support.

Unable to find the component


Explanation: Unexpected conditions occurred and the

installer of the common agent is not able to proceed.
The installation process has been stopped. All changes
which were made on the destination host till the error
conditions have been rolled back.
Administrator response: The problem is related to the
installer package. Gather all the log files
(installLocation/runtime/agent/logs/install directory)
and contact customer support.

Unable to find the product bean


Explanation: Unexpected conditions occurred and the

common agent installer is not able to proceed. The
installation process has been stopped. All changes
which were made on the destination host till the error
conditions has been rolled back.
Administrator response: The problem is related to the
installer package. Gather all the log files
(installLocation/runtime/agent/logs/install directory)
and contact customer support.

Unable to read the ranges table for the

product bean beanName.

Explanation: Unexpected conditions occurred and the

common agent installer is not able to proceed. The
installation process has been stopped. All changes
which were made on the destination host till the error
conditions has been rolled back.
Administrator response: The problem is related to the
installer package. Gather all the log files
(installLocation/runtime/agent/logs/install directory)
and contact customer support.

The password does not match this user.

Explanation: Password for the Windows service

account is not correct. This account will be associated
with the common agent service. The service account
name is specified by the
CASInstall.WindowsAccountID parameter. Passwords
are case sensitive. This error condition can occur in the
installer GUI mode, console mode and in the silent
mode as well. In each mode (interactive or silent) the
common agent installer is not able to proceed.
Additionally, in case of silent mode the installation
process is stopped. No changes are made on the
destination host.
Administrator response: In the GUI or console mode
make sure that password defined on the ''Windows

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

BTC8402E BTC8418E
service definition'' dialog is correct and proceed with
the installation. In the silent mode verify the value of
the CASInstall.WindowsAccountPassword property in
the common agent installer response file. Set the correct
value, save the response file and restart the common
agent installer.

The user has not been granted the

requested logon type on this computer.

Explanation: Existing user account (specified by the

CASInstall.WindowsAccountID parameter) must be in
the Administrators group and have the following user
rights: act as part of the operating system, log on as a
service. This error condition can occur in the installer
GUI mode, console mode and in the silent mode as
well. In each mode (interactive or silent) the common
agent installer is not able to proceed. Additionally, in
case of silent mode the installation process is stopped.
No changes are made on the destination host.
Administrator response: Grant suitable privileges for
the user account which is going to be associated with
the common agent service. Another option is to choose
another account or default account (the local system
services account). Proceed with the installation in
interactive mode or start the common agent installer
again in the silent mode.

The response file field_name field

contains an unsupported value - value.
field_name is a Booelan-type parameter.
Its value must be either ''true'' or

Explanation: The value of the property in the common

agent response file is not correct. The common agent
installer is not able to proceed. The installation process
has been stopped, no changes have been made on the
destination host. The property is a Boolean-type
parameter. Its value must be either ''true'' or ''false''.
Administrator response: Verify the value of the
property reported in the error message in the common
agent installer response file. Correct this value if
necessary or comment the whole property if the default
value is acceptable. Save the response file and restart
the common agent installer.

The InstallMode field in the response

file contains an unsupported value value. The value must be ''advanced'',
''choose'' or ''typical''.

Explanation: The value of the property

CASInstall.InstallMode set in the response file which is
passed as an argument to the common agent installer
launcher is not correct. The common agent installer is
not able to proceed. The installation process has been
stopped, no changes have been made on the
destination host. The value of the

CASInstall.InstallMode parameter must be ''advanced'',

''choose'' or ''typical''.
Administrator response: Verify the value of the
property CASInstall.InstallMode in the common agent
installer response file. Correct this value if necessary or
comment the whole property if the default value is
acceptable. Save the response file and restart the
common agent installer.

The installation or upgrade of the

common agent failed. See the
installation logs: ''epPreInstall.log'' and
''epInstall.log'' which are located in the
directory_name directory for details about
the problem.

Explanation: Unexpected conditions occurred and the

installer of the common agent finished with the error.
The installation process has been stopped. All changes
which were made on the destination host till the error
conditions have been rolled back.
Administrator response: Review the installation log
file in order to find the problem cause. The installation
log file (epInstall.log) can be found in the common
agent installation directory: installLocation/runtime/
agent/logs/install/epInstall.log. Pre-installation log file
(epPreInstall.log) can be found in the same directory.
''installLocation'' is the property provided in the
response file or specified on the destination dialog in
the installer wizard. It is the root of the path to the
common agent installation directory. If the problem is
related to the local system environment, make
necessary corrections and restart the common agent
installer. If the problem persists, gather all the log files
(installLocation/runtime/agent/logs/install directory)
and contact customer support.

The common agent has been started but

it was not able to register within the
period of time specified.

Explanation: At the end of the installation process the

common agent installer verifies the registration of the
common agent to the agent manager. After successful
registration the common agent have certificates
necessary to expose secure communication socket. The
registration process can last few minutes. The common
agent installer checks periodically if the common agent
received its certificates and if the secure socked is
exposed. There is a check timeout defined which can be
customized in the installer advance mode. In typical
mode it is fixed to 600 seconds. The process of
verification the registration reached the timeout. There
are several reasons why the common agent was not
able to register within the period of time specified: The
registration password is not correct The connection
information about the agent manager is not correct The
agent manager is not available The timeout is too short
System action: The common agent is not fully
Chapter 25. Messages


BTC8423E BTC8426E
operational. There is no possibility to setup secure
connection with the common agent. Depending on the
user choice the non-registered common agent instance
might be left on the local system or rolled back.
Administrator response: If the installer is running in
the silent mode and the option
CASInstall.RollbackOnRegistrationFailure=true is
specified or if the suitable choice was made in the
interactive installer mode the instance of the common
agent is left on the local system. If the problem is
related to the local system environment after necessary
changes agent can be registered to the fully operational
state. The common agent should be restarted in this
case. It is also a good solution to leave the common
agent on the system if the timeout specified for the
registration's verification was too short. If the common
agent instance was rolled back it is possible, after
investigation of the problem cause, to install the
common agent again. The following list of some hints
might help find the solution of this issue: Review the
common agent log files. These log files can be found in
the installLocation/logs directory. ''installLocation'' is
the path to the root directory of the common agent
installation. Verify the agent manager connection
information provided to the common agent installer.
Make sure that the registration password is correct.
Make sure that the configuration of the agent manager
is correct (its services are not advertised on the
''localhost'' address). Check if the timeout for
registration verification is not too short (minimum 60
seconds). Look for other messages in the installation
log files that might be preventing the registration. The
main installation log file (epInstall.log) can be found in
the common agent installation directory:
epInstall.log. ''installLocation'' is the path to the root
directory of the common agent installation. Review the
common agent registration server log. There is also the
flag CASInstall.WaitForRegistration in the installer
response file and a suitable option in the interactive
mode which gives the possibility to skip the
registration verification after the installation.

The InstallShield Wizard was not able

to detect the installation directory of the
existing Java Runtime Environment
(JRE). The existing Java Runtime
Environmnet will not be deleted during
the upgrade of the common agent.

Explanation: The common agent installer is able to

remove the legacy Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
during the upgrade. There is the flag
CASInstall.RemoveExistingJRE in the installer response
file and a suitable option in the interactive mode which
allows to remove Java Runtime Environment. The
installer tries to find existing JRE directory. It checks
directories in specific locations: installLocation/jre,
installLocation/../jre. If these directories do not exist,
the installer tries to read the directory defined in the


installLocation/config/javaHome.bat(sh) script. If this

script exists and there is a directory defined in it, which
is placed under the ''installLocation'' directory, it is
trated as a JRE directory. The directory found by the
installer is removed only if the common agent has been
successfully upgraded. If the installer is not able to to
find the directory this error is reported as a warning in
the interactive installer mode. Whereas in silent mode
the common agent installer is not able to proceed. The
installation process is stopped. No changes are made
on the destination host.
Administrator response: In the GUI or console mode
the user is able to decide whether the installation
(upgrade) process should be continued without legacy
JRE removal. In silent mode it is necessary to disable
CASInstall.RemoveExistingJRE option in the response
file and restart the common agent installer.

The InstallShield Wizard was not able

to delete the installation directory of the
existing Java Runtime Environment
(JRE). You can manually delete it later.

Explanation: The common agent installer is able to

remove the legacy Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
during the upgrade. The flag
CASInstall.RemoveExistingJRE in the installer response
file and a suitable option in the interactive mode which
provides removal of the JRE functionality. The directory
found by the installer is removed only after the
successful common agent upgrade. If the installer is not
able to remove the directory the present error is
reported. The legacy JRE can be used by other products
which can lock the files in JRE directory.
Administrator response: The legacy JRE can be
deleted manually when the installation (upgrade)
process is completed. It is not used by the new instance
of the common agent.

This installation was started with the

master image parameter
(CASInstall.OEMInstall) set to ''true''
but a master image cannot be created on
this computer system because one or
more common agents are already
installed in the following locations:

Explanation: The master image of the common agent

can be created on the local system only if there are no
other common agents instances. During the master
image creation the TivGUID is reset to special value
which is regenerated during the first common agent
start. Due to TivGUID limitation only one common
agent instance can exist on the local system.
Administrator response: Change the value of the
CASInstall.OEMInstall parameter (set to ''false'') in the
common agent installer response file or comment the
whole property. Save the response file and restart the

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

BTC8427E BTC8467E
common agent installer. Another option is to uninstall
the existing common agents and to install a new
common agent with the CASInstall.OEMInstall=''true''
parameter specified.

This upgrade was started with the

master image parameter
(CASInstall.OEMInstall) set to ''true''.
That parameter cannot be used during
the upgrade of the common agent.

Explanation: The master image of the common agent

can be created on the local system as a fresh common
agent instance. The upgraded older version is not
suitable for this purpose. During the master image
creation the TivGUID is reset to special value which is
regenerated during the first agent start.
Administrator response: Change the value of the
CASInstall.OEMInstall parameter (set to ''false'') or the
value of the CASInstall.InstallType parameter (set to
''install'') in the common agent installer response file or
comment one of these properties. Save the response file
and restart the common agent installer. Another option
is to uninstall the existing common agents and to
install a new common agent with the
CASInstall.OEMInstall=''true'' and
CASInstall.InstallType=''install'' parameters specified.

The installation location path specified

in the installLocation property is not

Explanation: The installation location path specified in

the installLocation property is not valid. The common
agent installer is not able to proceed. At least one
directory is required. This directory is used as a
lightweight runtime environment instance name. The
installLocation parameter on OS/400 platform should
be set according to the following format
''LWI_instance_root'' directory can be omitted, however
it is not recommended. ''lwi'' subdirectory can be
Administrator response: Change the value of the
installLocation parameter in the common agent installer
response file. Save the response file and restart the
common agent installer.

Unable to resolve the specified path in

the installLocation property.

Explanation: The path specified in the installLocation

property cannot be resolved. The common agent
installer is not able to proceed. The lightweight runtime
environment instance name and instance root is
determined basing on this location. Because of that, the
installLocation property should not contain symbolic
links or path elements like ''..''. The installLocation
parameter on OS/400 platform should be set according
to the following format /<LWI_instance_root>/

<LWI_instance_name>/lwi. ''LWI_instance_root''
directory can be omitted, however it is not
recommended. ''lwi'' subdirectory can be omitted.
Administrator response: Change the value of the
installLocation parameter in the common agent installer
response file. Save the response file and restart the
common agent installer.

The library nativeLibraryName specified

in the CASInstall.NativesLibraryName
property already exists.

Explanation: The common agent installer has detected

that the specified library already exists on the current
OS/400 platform. The installer is not able to proceed.
Administrator response: Change the value of the
CASInstall.NativesLibraryName property in the
common agent installer response file. Save the response
file and restart the common agent installer. It is also
possible not to provide the library name. In this case
the installer determines the name based on the
lightweight runtime environment instance name and
the common agent ID (read from ep.reg).

The specified library name is too long

(up to 10 characters is allowed):

Explanation: The common agent installer has detected

that the specified library is not correct. The library
name consisting of maximum 10 characters is allowed
on OS/400 platform. The installer is not able to
Administrator response: Change the value of the
CASInstall.NativesLibraryName property in the
common agent installer response file. Save the response
file and restart the common agent installer. It is also
possible not to provide library name. Then the installer
determines the name based on the lightweight runtime
environment instance name and the common agent ID
(read from ep.reg).

The lightweight runtime environment

instance location installLocation, specified
in the installLocation property already

Explanation: The path specified in the installLocation

property already exists. The common agent installer is
not able to proceed.
Administrator response: Change the value of the
installLocation parameter in the common agent installer
response file. Save the response file and restart the
common agent installer.

Chapter 25. Messages


BTC8468E BTC8485E

The response file value in the

installLocation field contains
unsupported characters - value. Specify a
valid directory name.

Explanation: The value of the installLocation

parameter contains unsupported characters (for
example national characters). The installation directory
name should consist of the characters from the ASCII
set (name should be based on the English alphabet).
The common agent installer is not able to proceed. The
installation process has been stopped. No changes were
made on the destination host.
Administrator response: Verify the value of the
installLocation property in the common agent installer
response file. Set the value, or comment the whole
property if the default value is acceptable. Save the
response file and restart the common agent installer.

The destination directory name contains

unsupported characters (for example
national characters). The installation
directory name should consist of
characters from the ASCII set. Specify
the valid directory name.

Explanation: The value of the - the common agent

destination directory - parameetr contains unsupported
characters (for example national characters). The
installation directory name should consist of characters
from the ASCII set (the name should be based on the
English alphabet). The common agent installer is not
able to proceed.
Administrator response: Enter the correct value into
the destination directory field and proceed with the

start/restart process, all properties are read by the

common agent from the file. The problem is caused by
failing to read all properties.
Administrator response: Make sure the file exists, and the properties in the
file were not edited and changed. Review the log files
for information.

Explanation: An error occurred while removing the

entry in the Windows registry.
Administrator response: The files are locked by
running process which prevents the files from
removing. Reboot the operating system. Review the log
files for information.

Administrator response: Make sure the common

agent machine is able to communicate to the agent
manager machine. Review the log files for information.

Warning: The common agent has been

started and registered. However, the
common agent certificate is not yet
valid. It cannot be used before: value.
The date and time on the managed
system must be set within 24 hours of
the date and time on the agent manager
server for successful registration.


Error while reseting the GUID.

com.tivoli.srm.guid.TivGuid return code
is result

Unable to stop the common agent:

Administrator response: Review the log files for

Restarting the common agent failed. The
installation will be rolled back.

Explanation: The common agent encountered

problems and it did not restart within the specified
period of time.
Administrator response: Review the log files for

The common agent configuration has

failed. The installation will be rolled

Explanation: Configuration of the common agent is

stored in an file. During


The installation has been rolled back

because the common agent was not able
to register within the period of time
specified. For more information on the
cause of the error, see the common agent
log files.

Explanation: An error occured during the common

agent registration.

Explanation: A problem occurred when stopping the

common agent.


The installer is not able to remove the

Windows registry entry
PendingFileRenameOperations: value If
this key is not removed, the file will be
deleted next time the machine reboots,
and the common agent will be affected.

Explanation: An error occured while GUID reseting.

Administrator response: Review the log files for

An error occured while relocating the

file fileName.

Explanation: An error occured while relocating the


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

BTC8486E BTC8497E
Administrator response: Check if the file is not locked
by a process which prevents it from any relocation.
Review the log files for information.

Unable to create a backup directory for

lightweight runtime environment

Explanation: An error occured while creating a

backup directory.
Administrator response: Make sure the specified
location is valid and if the specified location is not
protected from write permission. Review the log files
for information.

An error occured while trying to

interrogate the Windows registry: value

Explanation: An error occured while trying to

interrogate the Windows registry.
Administrator response: Make sure whether the
specified Windows registry entry exists. Review the log
files for information.

Unable to read javaHome script:

Explanation: An error occured while reading

javaHome script.
Administrator response: Make sure whether specified
path for javaHome exists. Review the log files for

url - Subagent descriptor does not

contain any property file

Explanation: An error occured while retrieving any

property file from the subagent descriptor.
Administrator response: Review the log files

Error while updating ep.reg.

Explanation: An error occured while updating ep.reg.

Administrator response: Make sure whether specified
registry entry exists. Review the log files for

Invalid directory: directory

Explanation: An error occured while preparing

lightweight runtime environment for upgrade to 71
Administrator response: Make sure whether the
directory exists on the file system. Review the log files
for information.


Could not create the directory: directory

Explanation: An error occured while creating the

Administrator response: Make sure whether the
specified path for the directory is correct. Review the
log files for information.

Unable to move the file: oldDirectory to


Explanation: An error occured while moving the file

into a new location.
Administrator response: Make sure whether a
directory from which the file is moved from exists. If
yes, check whether the destination directory exsists.
Review the log files for information.

Unable to remove file: file

Explanation: An error occured while removing the

Administrator response: Make sure whether a file
path is correct and whether the file is not locked by
any processes which prevents the file from being
removed. Restart the operating system. Review the log
files for information.

The file file could not be loaded from

the class loader.

Explanation: An error occured while loading the file

from the class loader.
Administrator response: Review the log files for

An error occurred while reading the file

file from the class loader.

Explanation: An error occurred while reading the file

from the class loader.
Administrator response: Review the log files for

The installation in path has been

modified. Restore from backup and try

Explanation: An error occured while preparing the

lightweight runtime environment to upgrade to the 71
Administrator response: To upgrade the lightweight
runtime environment to release 71 release, remove any
redundant configuration files. Removing these modified
files was not successful. Make sure they are not locked
by other processes. Restart the operating system.
Review the log files for information.
Chapter 25. Messages


BTC8498E BTC8617E

The installation in path has not yet been


Explanation: An error occured while preparing the

lightweight runtime environment to upgrade to the 71
Administrator response: To upgrade the lightweight
runtime environment to release 71 release, remove any
redundant configuration files. Removing these files was
not successful. Review the log files for information.

An encryption cipher retrieving


Explanation: An error occured while decrypting a

Administrator response: Reinstall the common agent
and make sure it is installed using proper
FIPS-compliant or non-FIPS-compliant mode based on
the agent manager. Review the log files for information.

Could not retrieve absolute install

location from the product bean.

Explanation: An error occured while retrieving the

absolute install location from the product.
Administrator response: Make sure whether specified
location is correct. Review the log files for information.

Unable to get locked files list errorMessage

Explanation: An error occured while getting the files.

Administrator response: The files are locked by other
processes. Review the log files for information.

The file file_name specified in the

'-options' parameter is unknown. The
configuration will not be loaded from
that file.

Explanation: The post-install configuration tool

supports two types of files from which the
configuration of the common agent can be loaded.
.properties - Java properties file with the properties
extension. .rsp - InstallShield MultiPlatform response
file with the rsp extensiton. The file defined in the
'-options' parameter does not have the suitable
extension which might imply that it does not have the
suitable, known format. The post-install configuration
tool proceeded, however the configuration was not
loaded from the specified file.
Administrator response: Make sure the file specified
in the '-options' parameter is the Java properties file or
the InstallShield MultiPlatform response file.



The connection to the agent manager

has been established successfully, but
the trust certificate downloaded from
the certificate authority has expired.

Explanation: The agent manager is accessible only if

connectivity validator is able to connect to it and gather
trusted certificates which have not expired. They could
be not yet valid, but they could not be expired. The
verification of the the agent manager availability failed
in this case. Note that this error condition can occur
when the agent manager time settings are not
synchronized with the common agent time.
Administrator response: Make sure the time settings
on the common agent and on the agent manager are
correct. Set the correct time and try the connection
validation again. If the time settings are valid, renew
the agent manager trusted certificate and try the
connection validation again. Another option is to use
another agent manager to register with.

The connection to the agent manager

has been established successfully, but
the trust certificate downloaded from
the certificate authority is not yet valid.

Explanation: The agent manager is accessible only if

the connectivity validator is able to connect to it and
gather trusted certificates which have not expired. They
could be not yet valid, but they could not be expired.
The verification of the the agent manager availability
passed in this case. Note that this error condition can
occur when the agent manager time settings are not
synchronized with the common agent time.
Administrator response: Make sure the time settings
on the common agent and on the agent manager are
correct. Set the correct time or wait a few moments
until the trusted certificates time period will be valid.

The connection to the agent manager

has failed.

Explanation: There was an attempt to connect to the

agent manager and to download the trust certificates,
but the agent manager was not available. Possible
causes of this error are: The specified host name of the
agent manager is not correct. The specified host name
of the agent manager is not accessible over the
network. The workstation might be shut down or the
network connection might be broken. The specified
port number for the agent manager is not correct (the
default value is 9513). The specified context root for the
agent manager (the default value is /AgentMgr) is not
Administrator response: Verify the agent manager
parameters' values: host name, port number and
context root. Check the agent manager host accessibility
(e.g. ping the host).

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

BTC8618E BTC8753W

The password is not valid. The common

agent cannot register.

Explanation: There was an attempt to connect to the

agent manager and execute a fake registration with the
specified password. It is done in order to verify the
registration password. The connection to the agent
manager was established successfully, however the
registration password is not correct. The verification of
the registration with the agent manager did not pass.
Administrator response: Change the registration
password for the agent manager and try again.

The connection to the agent manager

has been established successfully, but
the download of the trust certificates
has failed - null certificates returned.

Explanation: The agent manager is accessible only if

the connectivity validator is able to connect to it and
gather trusted certificates which have not expired. They
could be not yet valid, but they could not be expired.
The verification of the the agent manager availability
failed in this situation because the agent manager did
not return trust certificates.
Administrator response: Review the agent manager
log files in order to find the problem cause. The
connection to the specified agent manager was
established successfully, however the remote request for
trusted cerificates has failed.

The validator of the connection to the

agent manager was not able to perform
the validation within the specified
amount of time.

Explanation: There was an attempt to connect to the

agent manager and to download of the trust
certificates, but the agent manager did not response
within the specified amount of time (50 seconds).
Possible causes of this error are: The specified host
name of the agent manager is not correct. The specified
host name of the agent manager is not accessible over
the network. The workstation might be shut down or
the network connection might be broken. The specified
port number for the agent manager is not correct (the
default value is 9513). The specified context root for the
agent manager (the default value is /AgentMgr) is not
Administrator response: Verify the agent manager
parameters' values: host name, port number and
context root. Check the agent manager host accessibility
(e.g. ping host).


Unable to back up the configuration


Explanation: An error occured during configuration

file backup process.
Administrator response: Contact IBM Customer

Unable to load the common agent


Explanation: An error occured while loading the

common agent certificate.
Administrator response: Contact IBM Customer

Unable to read the password for the

certificate store:

Explanation: An error occured while reading the

certificate store.
Administrator response: Contact IBM Customer

The SLP (Service Location Protocol)

advertiser was not able to obtain the
common agent's unique ID.

Explanation: The common agent advertises itself via

Service Location Protocol. The common agent's unique
ID is one of the advertised attributes and retrieving it
was not possible.

Initialization of a component
responsible for the SLP advertisment
has failed.

Explanation: Initialization of a component responsible

for the SLP advertisment has failed.
System action: The common agent is working
correctly but does not advertise itself and its service via
Service Location Protocol.

Format of the attribute advertised via

Service Location Protocol is not valid.

Explanation: One of the attributes values advertised

via Service Location Protocol mechanism violates the
Service Location Protocol rules.
System action: The common agent is working
correctly and the service is advertised via SLP
mechanisms, but the format of the attribute advertised
is not valid.

This section contains messages with the COPAPM identifier for activity plan applet messages for Tivoli
Provisioning Manager.
Chapter 25. Messages


COPAPM001E VALUE_0 was unable to start because
it is in VALUE_1 state.
COPAPM002E The task VALUE_0 failed to start.
COPAPM003E Activity plan engine cannot find any
task dispatcher to dispatch jobs.

COPAPM014E No target is specified.

COPAPM015E The activity VALUE_0 used in the
condition VALUE_1 of VALUE_2 does not
COPAPM016I The execution of activity plan
VALUE_0 (ID: VALUE_1) has started.

COPAPM004I The activity plan engine started


Explanation: The activity paln engine has begun to

process this task.

COPAPM005I Activity plan engine heart beat


COPAPM017I The execution of activity plan

VALUE_0 (ID: VALUE_1) has completed

COPAPM006E The system cannot transfer the

operation from VALUE_0 to VALUE_1

Explanation: The activity plan instance completed


COPAPM007E The system failed to schedule any

activity plans.
COPAPM008E The software package VALUE_0 was
not found.
COPAPM009E The activity plan VALUE_0 cannot be
run. VALUE_1
Explanation: This activity plan was migrated from a
TCM environment but some activities cannot be run in
provisioning server.
COPAPM010E The activity plan VALUE_0 contains
more than one final activity.
Explanation: Only one final activity is allowed in each
activity plan
COPAPM011E An error occurred loading the
operation mapping file.
Explanation: The operation mapping file is required to
map Tivoli Configuration Manager operations into
provisioning operations
COPAPM012E Error migrating activity plan
COPAPM013E Cannot specify targets at both the
plan level and the activity level. Plan:
VALUE_0, Activity: VALUE_1.


COPAPM018E The execution of activity plan

VALUE_0 (ID: VALUE_1) has failed.
Explanation: The activity plan instance failed.
COPAPM019W The activity plan VALUE_0 cannot be
migrated because of unsupported
operations or targets.
Explanation: The activity plan cannot be migrated
because it contains targets or operations that are not
supported in provisioning server.
COPAPM020E The discovery object VALUE_0 was
not found.
Explanation: The discovery specified in the activity
plan does not exist.
COPAPM021E The target computer task VALUE_0
was not found.
COPAPM022E The system cannot deploy the activity
COPAPM023E The group VALUE_0 cannot be found.
COPAPM024E The condition VALUE_0 specified in
the activity plan cannot be satisfied.
COPAPM025W In the plan VALUE_0 relative
expiration date VALUE_1 is not

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPAPM026E The activity VALUE_0 contains the
following unsupported targets type
COPAPM027E The activity VALUE_0 contains the
unsupported conditioning by depot
COPAPM028E The type VALUE_0 is not supported
by the activity VALUE_1.
COPAPM029W The following operation VALUE_0 is
no longer supported for activity
VALUE_1. The activity will be converted
to Not Supported Operation and the
plan must be modified before becoming

COPAPM037E The operation VALUE_0 is not found.

COPAPM038E The activity plan associated with the
activity plan instance VALUE_0 is not
COPAPM040E This activity plan cannot be deployed
because the plan does not allow a
repetitive schedule.
Explanation: The activity plan that you want to
deploy does not support a repetitive schedule. Remove
the repetitive schedule from the plan and submit again.

COPAPM030W For VALUE_0 operation in activity

VALUE_1 only simple transactional
option is supported. The activity will be
converted to Not Supported Operation
and the plan must be modified before
becoming executable.
COPAPM031W For VALUE_0 operation in activity
VALUE_1 no reboot options are
supported. The activity will be
converted to Not Supported Operation
and the plan must be modified before
becoming executable.
COPAPM032W In the activity VALUE_0 the use of
custom or built-in variables VALUE_1 is
not supported.
COPAPM033W In the activity VALUE_0 the option
VALUE_1 for target computation is not
COPAPM034W In the plan VALUE_0 the option
VALUE_1 for target resolution is not
COPAPM035W In the plan VALUE_0 the stop on
error option VALUE_1 is not supported.
COPAPM036E The target parameter for operation
VALUE_0 is not set.

This section contains messages with the COPCOM identifier for common subsystem messages for Tivoli
Provisioning Manager.
Chapter 25. Messages


COPCOM001E The system cannot delete the
VALUE_0 file.

COPCOM008E The system cannot open a Telnet

connection to VALUE_0.
Explanation: The user setting might be incorrect.

COPCOM002E The system cannot create the

VALUE_0 file. Message: VALUE_1.
COPCOM003E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
data center model policy.
COPCOM004E The software module VALUE_0 does
not have the required third party
software package.
Explanation: The uninstall process failed because the
provided software module did not have the required
third party software package. The third party software
package is required to provide the name and version of
the IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Software
User response: Verify that the provided software
resource references the correct software module.
Administrator response: The uninstall workflow
requires that the software resource specify a software
module that has a third party software package. Verify
that the software module was imported or created with
a third party software package.
COPCOM005E The SAP (id=VALUE_0) cannot be set
as default for device (id=VALUE_1)
because the device does not own it.
COPCOM006E The software resource with ID
VALUE_0 does not have a valid software
module ID.
Explanation: An error occurred when the workflow
received a software resource ID that does not contain a
valid software module ID. A valid software module ID
is required to identify which package will be
uninstalled from the specified system.
User response: Verify that the provided software
resource references the correct software module. Verify
that the package was installed on the specified system
using a workflow that implements

User response: Try to create the Telnet connection as

'userid' from the command line.
COPCOM009E The variable TMA.Label_propkey is
undefined in the server with ID
Explanation: An error occurred when the variable
TMA.Label_propkey was not defined on the server.
This property is needed because it identifies the IBM
Tivoli Management Agent in systems that have more
than one agent. The value of this property is the name
of a second property. The second property contains the
name of the IBM Tivoli Managed Agent label.
Administrator response: Verify that the server has a
variable named TMA.Label_propkey in the
COPCOM010E The third party software package
with ID VALUE_0 does not have the
required file name and file path.
Explanation: An error occurred during the registration
of the Software Package Block when the third party
software package did not have specify the name and
path of the Software Package Block.
User response: Verify that registration was performed
on the correct third party software package.
Administrator response: Verify that the third party
software package was defined using the correct file
name and path attributes.
COPCOM011E The discovery object VALUE_0 does
not have a valid filter string.
Explanation: The provided discovery object does not
have the required property, Those properties are used to
define which IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
resources will be imported into IBM Tivoli Provisioning
Manager. The defined filter value should be in the

COPCOM007E The software resource with ID

VALUE_0 does not have a valid server
Explanation: An error occurred when the workflow
received a software resource ID that does not contain a
valid server ID. A valid server ID is required to identify
the target system.

User response: Verify that the correct discovery object
was used. Verify that the discovery object has the
required filter string properties.

User response: Verify that the package was installed

on the specified system using a workflow that
implements SoftwareInstallable.Install.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPCOM012E The server VALUE_0 does not have a
locale value.

COPCOM020E The hostname command returned

empty string.

Explanation: An error occurred in the workflow

because the server specified has a locale value that is
null. The locale value is required to specify the locale
value of the items that will be imported into the IBM
Tivoli Provisioning Manager database.

COPCOM025E The system cannot connect to the

administration server because it cannot
update the password in LDAP.

Administrator response: Verify that the server object

does not have a null locale value.

COPCOM027E The system cannot create the file

because it cannot find the VALUE_0 file.

COPCOM013E The system cannot find the NIC for

network interface IP VALUE_0.
Explanation: This is a validation issue.

User response: Review the file permissions.

User response: Validate the NIC information.

COPCOM028E The system cannot create or write the

VALUE_0 file.

COPCOM014E The system cannot find the software

stack with ID: VALUE_0.

User response: Confirm that you have been assigned

write permission to the directory in which you want to
create the file.

Explanation: This is a validation issue.

User response: Validate the software stack
COPCOM015E The resource type VALUE_0 does not
COPCOM016E The directory VALUE_0 does not
Explanation: The directory that contains the scripts
that interact with IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
was not found. This directory contains the required
scripts,, and others. This
directory is usually $TIO_HOME/repository/tivoli/
Administrator response: Verify that script repository
directory exists. If this directory does not exist, it
should be created and the scripts stored in the itcm
automation package should be copied to this directory.
COPCOM017E The system cannot delete the spare
pool VALUE_0 with the ID VALUE_1,
because it is used by VALUE_2 clusters.
COPCOM018E The system cannot delete the spare
pool VALUE_0 with the ID VALUE_1,
because it contains VALUE_2 computers.
COPCOM019E The system cannot delete the
application protocol VALUE_0 with the
ID VALUE_1, because it is used by
VALUE_2 protocol endpoints.

COPCOM029E The system cannot determine the

attribute type and cannot update the
Websphere Application Server setting.
COPCOM030E An exception occurred while
performing a cryptographic operation.
The system cannot encrypt the
COPCOM031E The system cannot load the VALUE_0
file because it cannot read the file.
COPCOM032E The system cannot read the
user-factory.xml configuration because
the configuration file is not valid.
COPCOM034E An unexpected error occurred:
COPCOM035E An unexpected error:VALUE_0
occurred. To prevent concurrent access
to this object, this is considered an error.
Reacquire a released object before using
COPCOM036E An unexpected shell command error
returned null.

Chapter 25. Messages


COPCOM037E An unexpected shell command error
occurred and the system cannot create
the InputStreamHelper for the error

COPCOM050E Application VALUE_0 not found.

Explanation: The application does not exist. It might
need to be defined.
User response: Define the application.

COPCOM038E An unexpected shell command error

occurred and the system cannot create a
BufferedWriter for the input stream.
COPCOM039E An unexpected shell command error
occurred and the system cannot create
the InputStreamHelper for the
output/result stream.
COPCOM040E The system failed to load the
VALUE_0 XML file.
COPCOM041E The system failed to parse the
VALUE_0 XML file.
COPCOM042E The system cannot read the VALUE_0
XML file.
COPCOM043E The system cannot complete the
VALUE_0 SQL select query.
User response: Verify that the database is running.
COPCOM044E The system cannot access the
database session pool.

COPCOM051E A data integrity constraint was

COPCOM052E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
COPCOM054E The system cannot delete the
VALUE_0 (VALUE_1) software fix pack
because it is part of the VALUE_2 stack.
COPCOM055E The system cannot delete the
VALUE_0 (VALUE_1) software fix pack
because it is installed on the VALUE_2
COPCOM057E The system cannot delete the
application tier VALUE_0 because it
includes overflow servers.
COPCOM058E The system cannot find application
tier VALUE_0.
COPCOM061E The system cannot find customer

User response: Verify that the database is running.

COPCOM046E A parent object must be specified
when importing a new access rule.

COPCOM063E The system cannot find the data

center model object ID: VALUE_0.

User response: Verify that the access rule is defined

within the access control list in the XML file.

COPCOM064E The system cannot find the data

center model object type: VALUE_0.

COPCOM047E A parent object must be specified

when importing a new power outlet.

COPCOM066E The system cannot find device driver:


User response: Verify that the power outlet is defined

within the power unit in the XML file.
COPCOM048E A parent object must be specified
when importing a new server.
User response: Verify that the new server is defined
within the resource pool or application tier in the XML


COPCOM067E The system cannot find discovery:

Explanation: While it imported discovery information
from an XML file, the system could not locate the
discovery technology being associated or updated.
User response: Verify that the discovery technology
exists in the data center model and that it is spelled

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPCOM068E The system cannot find the interface
card port: VALUE_0.

COPCOM082E The system cannot find power outlet


COPCOM069E The system cannot find the

component: VALUE_0.

COPCOM083E The system cannot find power unit


COPCOM072E The system cannot find the

monitoring application: VALUE_0.

COPCOM084E The single row select statement

returned multiple records for data center
model object: VALUE_0.

Explanation: While it imported monitoring application

information from an XML file, the system could not
locate the monitoring application being associated.
User response: Verify that the monitoring application
exists in the data center model and that it is spelled
COPCOM073E The system cannot find the
monitoring configuration: VALUE_0.
Explanation: While it imported monitoring
configuration information from an XML file, the system
could not locate the monitoring configuration being
associated or updated.
User response: Verify that the monitoring
configuration exists in the data center model and that it
is spelled correctly.
COPCOM075E The system cannot find NIC:
COPCOM076E Too many database connections are
COPCOM077E The system cannot find discovered
by VALUE_0.
COPCOM078E The system cannot create discovered
by for discovery VALUE_0 and object ID
VALUE_1 because it already exists.

COPCOM085E The system cannot find the VALUE_0

COPCOM086E The system cannot find the property
that was discovered by VALUE_0.
COPCOM087E The system cannot create the
property discovered by for discovery
VALUE_0 and property ID VALUE_1
because it already exists.
COPCOM088E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
software product.
COPCOM089E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
software stack entry.
COPCOM090E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
software stack.
COPCOM091E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
software state.
COPCOM092E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
spare resource pool.
COPCOM093E The JDBC driver caused an SQL

COPCOM079E The system cannot find the requested

data center model object: VALUE_0.

User response: For more information, see the console

log located at $TIO_LOGS/de/console.log

COPCOM080E The system cannot find the required

data center model object. The object
either does not exist, or exists but is not
the expected object type (type VALUE_0,

COPCOM094E The [VALUE_0] target group cannot

be found in the data model.

COPCOM081E The system cannot find the requested

data center model object type

User response: Specify an existing target group

COPCOM095E The [VALUE_0] target computer
cannot be found in the data model.
User response: Specify an existing target computer

Chapter 25. Messages


COPCOM1000E There are no software modules in
the database that has boot server

COPCOM119E An exception occurred when

performing the cryptographic operation:

COPCOM1001E Select the boot server type.

COPCOM120E The Base64 value VALUE_0 is not


Explanation: Select the boot server type.

COPCOM1002E Select a target for installation.

COPCOM121E The encryption key length VALUE_0

is not valid.

Explanation: Select a target for installation.

COPCOM122E Null encryption key.
COPCOM1003E Specify a data directory.
Explanation: Specify a data directory.
COPCOM1005E There is no workflow that
implements this operation attached to
the boot server.
COPCOM1006E No software module with resource
templates defined.
COPCOM1007E Select an image for deployment.

COPCOM123E A shell command error

occurred:VALUE_0 Exit code=VALUE_1,
Error stream=VALUE_2, Output
Explanation: There is a problem running a command
or scriptlet on the command line of the managed
device. Ensure the command or script works on the
command line of the managed device and ensure you
have all the packages required for running the
command or scriptlets installed on your managed
User response: Verify the shell command.


VALUE_0 is not valid for VALUE_1.

User response: Ensure that the DCMObject type is an

application tier.

COPCOM124E A Telnet error occurred.

COPCOM125E An unexpected Telnet error occurred.

COPCOM108E A GUID generator exception

occurred: VALUE_0. The original error
message is VALUE_1.
COPCOM110E The file name VALUE_0 is not valid.
COPCOM113E The VALUE_0 XML file is not valid.
COPCOM114E The file does not include the
VALUE_0 XML element.
COPCOM115E There is not enough data to complete
the task.
COPCOM116E The operation timed out.
COPCOM117E The system cannot decrypt a string
that is empty or null.
COPCOM118E The system cannot encrypt a string
that is empty or null.


COPCOM126E The system cannot delete license key

VALUE_0 because it is being used.
COPCOM127E The system cannot delete the license
pool VALUE_0 because it is used by at
least one software stack definition.
User response: Detach the license pool from the stack
definition before you attempt to delete it.
COPCOM128E The system cannot delete all roles
from a user with IBM Directory Server.
At least one role is required. The first
group found that would become empty
is: VALUE_0.
COPCOM131E A user with this ID already exists.
Try a different user ID.
COPCOM132E An error occurred during the LDAP
operation: VALUE_0.
User response: Verify the LDAP server.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPCOM133E The monitoring configuration
VALUE_0 is already associated with
Explanation: A monitoring configuration with the
same name is already associated with the current
User response: Ensure that the monitoring
configuration is correct. If changes need to be made,
add an association with the appropriate monitoring
COPCOM134E The password that you are trying to
update cannot be null or empty for
username VALUE_0.

COPCOM151E This monitoring configuration is

being used by the VALUE_0 group.
Explanation: The group cannot be deleted because a
monitoring configuration is associated with it.
User response: Remove this monitoring configuration
from the group, and then try to delete it.
COPCOM152E This monitoring configuration is
being used by the VALUE_0 server.
Explanation: The resource cannot be deleted because a
monitoring configuration is associated with it.
User response: Remove the monitoring configuration
from the resource, and then try to delete it.

COPCOM135E The username that you are trying to

update cannot be null or empty.

COPCOM153E Delete the monitoring configurations

associated with the VALUE_0 monitoring

COPCOM136E The system cannot find error


Explanation: The monitoring application cannot be

deleted because it contains at least one monitoring

COPCOM137E The system cannot add a stack that

contains this stack.

User response: Delete the monitoring configuration

from the monitoring application, and try again.

COPCOM138E The system cannot complete the user

management operation. Try again. If the
problem continues, contact your system

COPCOM154E The system cannot find the VALUE_0

terminal server.

User response: Verify that the LDAP server is

COPCOM140E An unexpected error VALUE_0
COPCOM143E An unexpected shell command error
VALUE_0 occurred.

COPCOM155E The system cannot find the VALUE_0

boot server.
COPCOM156E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
software fix pack.
COPCOM157E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
software product category.

COPCOM146E The VALUE_0 attribute is missing.

COPCOM158E The system cannot find the VALUE_0

interface card.

COPCOM147E The VALUE_0 attribute includes an

incorrect value: VALUE_1.

COPCOM160E The system cannot find the VALUE_0

server template.

COPCOM148E The system does not support an

Insert action for the data center model
object: VALUE_0.

COPCOM161E The system cannot find the resource


COPCOM149E The system does not support update

for the VALUE_0 attribute.

COPCOM162E The system cannot find the VALUE_0

resource requirement.

Chapter 25. Messages


COPCOM163E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
password credentials.

COPCOM180E The system cannot find the VALUE_0

storage policy settings.

COPCOM164E The system cannot find the VALUE_0

RSA credentials.

COPCOM181E The system cannot find the VALUE_0

volume container settings.

COPCOM165E The system cannot find the VALUE_0

SNMP credentials.

COPCOM182E The system cannot find the VALUE_0

logical volume settings.

COPCOM166E The system cannot find the VALUE_0

protocol endpoint.

COPCOM183E The system cannot find the VALUE_0

file system settings.

COPCOM167E The system cannot find the VALUE_0

network interface.

COPCOM184E The system cannot find the VALUE_0

physical volume settings.

COPCOM168E The update function is not supported

for the data center model object

COPCOM185E The system cannot find the VALUE_0

disk partition settings.

COPCOM169E The delete function is not supported

for the data center model object:
COPCOM172E The data center model Object is not
current with respect to the database.
Explanation: Another user has updated the record and
the copy of the data is not current.
User response: Refresh the data and try again the
COPCOM173E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
file repository.
COPCOM175E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
storage multipath settings.
COPCOM176E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
data path settings.
COPCOM178E The system cannot find the volume
container settings VALUE_0 with volume
manager VALUE_1 and spare pool
COPCOM179E The system cannot find the volume
container settings VALUE_0 with volume
manager VALUE_1 and application tier


COPCOM186E The system cannot find the VALUE_0

file system mount settings.
COPCOM187E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
system storage capabilities settings.
COPCOM188E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
storage area network.
COPCOM189E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
storage area network administration
domain (fibre channel fabric).
COPCOM190E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
fibre channel switch.
COPCOM192E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
storage allocation pool.
COPCOM193E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
storage area network frame.
COPCOM194E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
storage volume.
COPCOM196E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
volume container.
COPCOM197E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
logical volume.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPCOM198E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
file system.
COPCOM199E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
physical volume.
COPCOM200E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
physical partition.
COPCOM201E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
system storage capabilities.
COPCOM202E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
fibre channel port with port number.
COPCOM203E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
data path.
COPCOM204E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
zone set.
COPCOM205E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
COPCOM206E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
zone membership data.
COPCOM207E A worldwide name is not defined for
the VALUE_0 fibre channel port.
COPCOM208E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
storage volume in the VALUE_1 storage
area network frame.
COPCOM209E The system cannot find the logical
volume VALUE_0 in the volume
container VALUE_1.
COPCOM210E The system cannot find the logical
volume settings VALUE_0 in the volume
container settings VALUE_1.
COPCOM211E The system cannot find the fibre
channel port with port number VALUE_0
in system VALUE_1.
COPCOM213E The system cannot find the zone
VALUE_0 in the fibre channel fabric

COPCOM215E The system cannot find the volume

container settings VALUE_0 with volume
manager VALUE_1 and storage template
COPCOM216E No file system settings are defined in
the logical volume settings VALUE_0 of
the VALUE_1 storage template.
COPCOM217E The system cannot create the output
file VALUE_0.
COPCOM218E The system cannot find the object
type VALUE_0 with the ID or name
COPCOM219E The database cannot complete the
COPCOM220E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
software requirement.
COPCOM221E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
software capability.
COPCOM222E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
software requirement name.
COPCOM223E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
software requirement type.
COPCOM224E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
software requirement value option.
COPCOM226E The VALUE_0 server template is not
COPCOM228E The system cannot delete the
VALUE_0 host platform because it
includes virtual servers.
COPCOM229E The system cannot delete the
VALUE_0 host platform because it is
installed as a software product.
COPCOM230E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
host platform.
COPCOM231E The system cannot find the VALUE_0

Chapter 25. Messages


COPCOM232E The system cannot delete the
resource VALUE_0 because it is part of
an allocation.
COPCOM233E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
license key.
COPCOM234E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
license broker.
COPCOM235E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
license pool.
COPCOM236E The system cannot find the
supported requirement type: VALUE_0.
COPCOM237E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
software module.
COPCOM238E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
resource allocation.
COPCOM239E The system cannot find the data
center model object ID for IP address
Explanation: The IP address is not valid.
User response: Provide the correct IP address of the
COPCOM240E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
signal descriptor.
COPCOM241E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
volume container access settings.
COPCOM242E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
storage volume on the port.
COPCOM244E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
software association.

COPCOM254E The system cannot find the VALUE_0

volume container access.
COPCOM255E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
port connection.
COPCOM256E The environment did not specify a
default log directory. Run the command,
and specify the log directory as the
COPCOM257E The input directory name VALUE_0 is
either not a directory, or it does not
COPCOM258E The application cannot write the
output file VALUE_0 to the file system.
Verify the write permission setting of
the directories and try again.
COPCOM259I The value of this attribute is
Explanation: The value is encrypted and it cannot be
COPCOM260I If a workflow fails, the system will
send the event to the Tivoli Enterprise
Explanation: The Tivoli Enterprise Console (TEC)
event notifications function is enabled. If a workflow
failure occurs, the event will be sent to the TEC.
COPCOM261E The system cannot send the events to
the Tivoli Enterprise Console.
Explanation: The system cannot send the events to the
Tivoli Enterprise Console.
Administrator response: Activate the logging function
in the Tivoli Enterprise Console Event Integration
Facility to determine the problem. To activate logging,
set the TraceFileName variable in the Tivoli Enterprise
Console configuration file.

COPCOM246E The system cannot find the VALUE_0

default protocol endpoint.

COPCOM262W The system cannot send the event to

the Tivoli Enterprise Console, but the
event has been buffered.

COPCOM253E The system cannot find the VALUE_0

license allocation.

Explanation: The system cannot send the event to the

Tivoli Enterprise Console, but the event has been
Administrator response: Activate the logging function
in the Tivoli Enterprise Console Event Integration
Facility to determine why the event was buffered. To
activate logging, set the TraceFileName variable in the
Tivoli Enterprise Console configuration file.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPCOM263E The Tivoli Enterprise Console (TEC)
cannot use VALUE_0 as the event class
COPCOM264E The system cannot generate the
Tivoli Enterprise Console (TEC) event
because no event class name was
Explanation: The Send TEC Event Java plug-in uses
the Tivoli Enterprise Console TECAgent code base to
send TEC events to the Tivoli Enterprise Console (TEC)
server. All TEC events sent by the Send TEC Event Java
plug-in must conform to the Tivoli Enterprise Console
standard. The TEC event class name that was provided
to the system does not conform to the standard.

COPCOM275E The system cannot find the

discovery-execution: VALUE_0.
Explanation: While it imported discovery information
from an XML file, the system could not locate the
discovery-execution entity being associated or updated.
User response: Verify that the discovery-execution
entity exists for the ID.
COPCOM277E Fibre channel port number VALUE_0
is out of range in the fibre channel
switch VALUE_1.
COPCOM278E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
storage manager.

User response: Verify that the name of the event class

contains only alphanumeric characters, and verify that
it does not contain any white space. Refer to the Tivoli
Enterprise Console product manual for more

COPCOM279E The active zone set already exists in

the VALUE_0 storage area network

COPCOM271E The system cannot find the VALUE_0


COPCOM281E The start port number VALUE_0 of

the fibre channel switch is greater than
the end port number VALUE_1.

COPCOM272E The system cannot find the

discovery-association: VALUE_0.

COPCOM282E Port VALUE_0 is already connected to

port VALUE_1.

Explanation: While it imported discovery information

from an XML file, the system could not locate the
discovery-association being associated or updated.

COPCOM283E The system cannot find the VALUE_0

file system mount.

User response: Verify that the discovery-association

exists in the data center model and that it is spelled

COPCOM284E The system cannot find the

endstation endpoint VALUE_0.

COPCOM273E The system cannot find the

config-drift: VALUE_0.
Explanation: While it imported discovery information
from an XML file, the system could not locate the
config-drift entity being associated or updated.
User response: Verify that the config-drift entity exists
in the data center model and that it is spelled correctly.
COPCOM274E The system cannot find the
discoverable: VALUE_0.
Explanation: While it imported discovery information
from an XML file, the system could not locate the
discoverable entity being associated or updated.
User response: Verify that the discoverable entity
exists and that it is spelled correctly.

COPCOM287E The parent with the ID VALUE_0 that

is provided for the data center model
insert is not valid.
COPCOM289E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
storage pool template.
COPCOM290E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
storage subsystem template.
COPCOM291E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
storage fibre adapter template.
COPCOM292E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
storage host bus adapter template.

Chapter 25. Messages


COPCOM293E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
storage manager template.

COPCOM310E The server VALUE_0 does not host a

software distribution application.

COPCOM294E The system cannot find the VALUE_0

direct access storage device template.

Explanation: The discovery of the IBM Tivoli

Configuration Management software packages failed
because the discovery object references a server that
does not host a software distribution application.

COPCOM295E The system cannot delete the data

center fragment VALUE_0 because it is
used by at least one network topology
COPCOM296E The system cannot delete the
network topology template VALUE_0
because it is used by at least one
application deployment template.
COPCOM297E The system cannot delete the logical
deployment template VALUE_0 because
it is used by at least one application
deployment template.
COPCOM298E The system cannot perform delete
operation. Remove all dependencies and
then try again.
COPCOM299E The system cannot delete the
application deployment template
VALUE_0 because it is used by at least
one application deployment.
COPCOM300E The input XML file VALUE_0 is not
encoded with UTF-8 encoding. Re-create
the input XML file with proper
encoding and try again.
COPCOM302E Port number VALUE_0 is not unique.

VALUE_0 already exists.

COPCOM307E The system cannot find the

deployment request parameter for the
parameter name VALUE_0.
COPCOM308E The deployment request parameter
value for the parameter name VALUE_0
is encrypted.
COPCOM309E The deployment request parameter
name cannot be null or empty.

User response: Ensure that the discovery object

references the correct server. Ensure that the correct
discovery object was used.
Administrator response: A software distribution
application construct should be created for the IBM
Tivoli Configuration Management server if one does
not exist.
COPCOM311E The values for data redundancy are
not valid. Make sure that the values are
greater than 0.
COPCOM312E The values for package redundancy
are not valid. Make sure that the
minimum redundancy, VALUE_0, is
smaller than or equal to the default
redundancy, VALUE_1 and is smaller
than or equal to the maximum
redundancy, VALUE_2.
COPCOM313E The values for package redundancy
are not valid. Make sure that the values
are not negative.
COPCOM315E The values for data redundancy are
not valid. Make sure that the minimum
redundancy, VALUE_0, is smaller than or
equal to the default redundancy,
VALUE_1, and is smaller than or equal
to the maximum redundancy, VALUE_2.
COPCOM316E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
boot server type.
COPCOM317E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
image type.
COPCOM321E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
COPCOM322E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
storage function type.
COPCOM323E The policy type VALUE_0 is not valid.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPCOM324E The value for other-storage-functiontype attribute is not specified.
COPCOM325E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
RAID redundancy mapping.
COPCOM326E The system cannot delete the default
VALUE_0 storage function type.
COPCOM327E The system cannot find the source
application tier resource VALUE_0.
COPCOM328E The system cannot find the target
application tier resource VALUE_0.
COPCOM329E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
storage template.
COPCOM330E The user VALUE_0 does not have
VALUE_1 permission on the VALUE_2
VALUE_3 with ID VALUE_4.
COPCOM331E The subscription with ID VALUE_0
cannot be canceled, because the
provision schedule task ID cannot be
found in its service instance with ID
COPCOM332E The subscription with ID VALUE_0
cannot be canceled, because it is not in
the pending state.
COPCOM333E The subscription with ID VALUE_0
cannot be deleted, because it is not in
the Inactive_Expiried, Inactive_Failed, or
Inactive_Terminated state.
COPCOM334E The subscription with ID VALUE_0
cannot be canceled or stopped, because
it is already in the Inactive state.
COPCOM335E The subscription with ID VALUE_0
cannot be re-subscribed, because its
service instance with ID VALUE_1 does
not contain a provision schedule task
COPCOM336E The subscription with ID VALUE_0
cannot be re-subscribed, because its
service instance with ID VALUE_1 is not
in the Provision_Error state.

COPCOM337E The subscription with ID VALUE_0

cannot be re-subscribed, because it is
not in the failed state.
COPCOM338E The subscription with ID VALUE_0
cannot be ended, because the
deprovision schedule task ID cannot be
found in its service instance with ID
COPCOM339E The subscription with ID VALUE_0
cannot be ended, because its service
instance with ID VALUE_1 is not in
provision_successful state.
COPCOM340E The subscription with ID VALUE_0
cannot be ended, because it is not in the
active state.
COPCOM341E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
restricted requirement.
COPCOM343E The system could not create the
offering document. Either the system
cannot find the offering template, or the
template is in the wrong format.
COPCOM344E The system cannot create the order
because the order document cannot be
created. The offering document could be
in the wrong format.
COPCOM345E The system cannot subscribe from
the order with ID VALUE_0 because its
order document is in the wrong format.
COPCOM346E The system cannot schedule the task
VALUE_0 to be run in the past.
COPCOM347E The dictionary key named VALUE_0
with ID VALUE_1 in class VALUE_2
cannot be added to the dictionary
because it conflicts with an existing
entry. The conflicting existing dictionary
entry has the name VALUE_3 and ID
Explanation: Dictionary entries must be unique.
Duplicate ID values or names are not allowed.
User response: This is an internal error. Contact your
IBM service representative for assistance.

Chapter 25. Messages


COPCOM348E The system cannot create the
offering, because an offering VALUE_0
already exists.
COPCOM349E The template VALUE_0 was not
COPCOM350E The template parameter VALUE_0
was not found.
COPCOM351E The application name VALUE_0
cannot be found for Service.
COPCOM352E The data center model object type
VALUE_0 is not supported for creation
of services.
COPCOM353E The service with ID VALUE_0 cannot
be found.
COPCOM354E The offering with ID VALUE_0
cannot be found.
COPCOM355E The scheduled task type VALUE_0 is
not valid.
COPCOM357E The Order of ID VALUE_0 cannot be
COPCOM358E The service with name VALUE_0
cannot be found.
COPCOM359E The service instance of ID VALUE_0
cannot be found.
COPCOM360E The subscription of ID VALUE_0
cannot be found.
COPCOM361E AgentManager has thrown an
exception. See the embedded exception
for details.
COPCOM362E An error occurred while registering
with Agent Manager at address
VALUE_0. See the embedded exception
for details.
COPCOM363E The system cannot find the file.

COPCOM364E Incompatible types. Cannot create

backup entry.
COPCOM365E VALUE_0 is not a managed system.
Cannot create a backup entry.
COPCOM366E The system cannot generate the offer
document. The nested exception is
COPCOM367E The system cannot modify the
subscription with ID VALUE_0, because
its current status is neither New,
Accepted, nor Active.
COPCOM368E The system cannot modify the
subscription with ID VALUE_0, because
its new start time is passed.
COPCOM369E The system cannot modify the
subscription with ID VALUE_0, because
its new start time is null.
COPCOM370E The system cannot modify the start
or end time of the subscription with ID
VALUE_0, because there is no provision
or deprovision schedule task ID in its
service instance with ID VALUE_1.
COPCOM371E The system cannot find the software
distribution application VALUE_0.
Explanation: The system cannot find the software
distribution application in the data center model.
User response: Verify that the software distribution
application exists and that it is spelled correctly.
COPCOM372E The system cannot find the last
fulfilled order for the subscription with
COPCOM373E The system cannot read the order
document from the order with ID
COPCOM374E The system cannot find the service
instance by subscription with ID
COPCOM375E The system cannot create the
Constraint with constraint type
Explanation: The system does not recognize the type


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

of the Constraint to be created. The constraint creation
User response: Verify the correct type of the new
Constraint to be created.
COPCOM376W The Constraint with the name
VALUE_0 is not added, because a
constraint with the same name already
Explanation: An existing Constraint with the same
name prevents the addition of the new constraint.
User response: Verify the correct name of the new
Constraint to be added.
COPCOM377E Internal Error: Null AgentGUID was
Explanation: The database does not have any agent
GUID for a server.
User response: Ensure that Common Agent is
installed on the server and the AgentID property has
the GUID of the agent.
COPCOM378E AgentManager did not find the
Agent ID VALUE_0.
Explanation: The AgentId property on the Server
might be incorrect.
User response: Ensure that the AgentId property
contains the correct GUID for Common Agent.
COPCOM379I Usage: dcmExport.cmd/sh [-d]
[outputFilename] Example:
dcmExport.cmd c:/myDirectory/
myOutput.xml (if outputFilename is not
specified, the default output file name
is dcmExport.xml in the current
directory). Use of option [-d] outputs
protected data in clear text (default is
COPCOM380E Incorrect command syntax. Usage:
XmlImport.cmd/sh file_URL [file_URL]*
Example: XmlImport.cmd
COPCOM381E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
software instance.
COPCOM382E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
software installation.

COPCOM383E The system cannot find the VALUE_0

software application data.
COPCOM384E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
software configuration.
COPCOM385E The system cannot find the report:
COPCOM386E The system cannot find the report
category VALUE_0.
COPCOM387E The import report category failed
with an exception.
COPCOM388E The device ID or port is null.
COPCOM389E Cannot ping agent.
Explanation: The provisioning server could not
connect to the Tivoli Common Agent on the configured
listening port (default 9510).
User response: Ensure that the agent on the target
computer is operational and that the provisioning
server is able to connect to the target computer on the
agent port (default 9510).
COPCOM390E A Boolean value that is not valid was
provided in the filter string.
Explanation: The Boolean include or exclude value in
the filter string is incorrect.
User response: Ensure that the Boolean include or
exclude value in the filter string is correct. For example,
PR=region-one,PM=profile-one,EP=,I=T; or
COPCOM391E The system cannot find the Third
Party Software Package ID VALUE_0.
Explanation: The system cannot find the Third Party
Software Package in the data center model.
User response: Verify that the Third Party Software
Package exists and the name is spelled correctly.
COPCOM392E The system cannot find the TCM
object for the Hostname: VALUE_0,
Type: VALUE_1, Object Label: VALUE_2.
Explanation: The object lookup failed for the given
Object Label.
User response: Ensure that the Object Label exists in
the TCM database.

Chapter 25. Messages


COPCOM393E The lookup results were ambiguous
for TCM object Hostname: VALUE_0,
Type: VALUE_1, Object Label: VALUE_2.
Explanation: The object lookup results are ambiguous
for the Object Label.

COPCOM399E The TCM Orb access was denied for

Hostname VALUE_0.
Explanation: The TCM Orb access was denied for the

User response: Ensure that the Object Label is unique

for the given type of the TCM database.

User response: Ensure that the TCM server is running

and that the specified username and password are

COPCOM394E The TCM object type VALUE_0 is not


COPCOM400E No TCM Gateways were found for

Hostname: VALUE_0.

Explanation: The object lookup was for a TCM object

type that is not valid.

Explanation: There are no gateways defined for the

given TCM server and its managed nodes.

User response: Ensure that the object is a valid TCM

object type.

User response: Ensure that the TCM server and

managed nodes are up and running and have defined

COPCOM395E The TCM object type VALUE_0 was

not found.
Explanation: The TCM object type was not found in
the TCM database.
User response: Ensure that the lookup is not based on
a non-existent object type.
COPCOM396E The filter format is not valid. Filter:

COPCOM401E The endpoint lookup returned null

for VALUE_0.
Explanation: The endpoint lookup for the given label
returned null or there are no valid subscriber endpoints
for the given Profile Manager.
User response: Ensure that the endpoint either exists
or is a valid subscriber to the given Profile Manager.

Explanation: The filter does not follow the format


COPCOM402W The system cannot find the device

driver VALUE_0 to associate with the
VALUE_1 named VALUE_2.

User response: Ensure that the specified filter is

consistent with specification. For example,
PR=region-one,PM=profile-one,EP=endpoint-one,I=T; or

Explanation: The wizard could not locate the device

driver to be associated with the discovery technology
or the software distribution application.

COPCOM397E The TCM connection for Hostname

VALUE_0 is uninitialized.
Explanation: The connection to the TCM server is
User response: Ensure that the TCM server is running.
COPCOM398E The TCM server connection
initialization failed for Hostname:
VALUE_0 with Username: VALUE_1.
Ensure that the TCM server is running
and that the specified username and
password are valid.
Explanation: The TCM server connection initialization
User response: Ensure that the TCM server is running
and that the specified username and password are

User response: Ensure that the device driver exists

and has been loaded into the data center model.
COPCOM403E The constructor called is not
Explanation: The constructor called is not instantiable.
COPCOM405E The Profile Manager is VALUE_0.
Explanation: The Profile Manager specified is not
User response: Ensure that the Profile Manager exists
in the TCM environment.
COPCOM407E Profile VALUE_0 is not a managed
Explanation: The creation of the profile failed because
it is not a managed profile.
User response: Ensure that the profile being created
for the software package is a managed profile.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPCOM408E The Endpoint subscriber: VALUE_0
does not exist.
Explanation: The Endpoint subscriber does not exist
in the TCM environment.
User response: Ensure that the Endpoint is a
subscriber to a Profile Manager.
COPCOM410E The filter VALUE_1 is a duplicate for
the filter list named VALUE_0.
Explanation: There are duplicate exclude filters in the
User response: Ensure that the filter definition does
not contain duplicate exclude filters.
COPCOM411E The filter VALUE_1 is a duplicate for
the filter list named VALUE_0.
Explanation: There are duplicate include filters in the
User response: Ensure that the filter definition does
not contain duplicate include filters.
COPCOM412E The filter VALUE_1 is in conflict with
other filters in the filter list named
Explanation: The filter conflicts with other filters in
the filter list.
User response: Ensure that there are no conflicts in
the filter list.

COPCOM416E The export operation failed.

Duplicate names were found for group
VALUE_0 in the data model.
Explanation: The group name must be unique for the
export operation to complete successfully.
User response: As the best practices, users should
define a unique group name in the data model. If a
group name is not unique, use name space to make the
group name unique in the data model.
COPCOM417E The filter VALUE_0 lacks a parent
Explanation: The filter container or leaf lacks a valid
parent component.
User response: Ensure that the filter definition is
valid. For example, PR=region-one,PM=profileone,EP=,I=T; or PR=region-two,PM=,SP=,I=F;
COPCOM418E The filter VALUE_0 lacks an include
Explanation: The filter defined does not contain a
valid Boolean value to indicate if it is an include or
exclude type filter.
User response: Ensure that the filter definition is
valid. For example, PR=region-one,PM=profileone,EP=,I=T; or PR=region-two,PM=,SP=,I=F;
COPCOM419E The filter defined for TCM server
VALUE_0 is null.
Explanation: The defined filter is empty.

COPCOM413E The TCM server connection failed or

was lost for hostname: VALUE_0. Ensure
that the TCM server is running and try
again to connect.
Explanation: The TCM server connection was lost.
The TCM server might have been restarted.
User response: Ensure that the TCM server is running
and try again to connect.
COPCOM415E The export operation failed.
Duplicate names were found for
computer VALUE_0 in the data model.
Explanation: The computer name must be unique for
the export operation to complete successfully.
User response: As the best practices, users should
define a unique computer name in the data model. If
the computer name is defined as a short name, change
it to the fully qualified hostname to make it unique.

User response: Ensure that the filter definition is

valid. For example, PR=region-one,PM=profileone,EP=,I=T; or PR=region-two,PM=,SP=,I=F;
COPCOM420E The filter with PolicyRegion:
VALUE_0 ProfileManager or Gateway:
VALUE_1 and Endpoint or Profile:
VALUE_2 is incomplete.
Explanation: The filter defined for the TCM
Discovered Object is incomplete and has some elements
User response: Ensure that the filter definition is
valid. For example, PR=region-one,PM=profileone,EP=endpoint-one,I=T; or PR=regiontwo,PM=profile-two,SP=profile-two,I=F;
COPCOM421I The deployment engine is started.

Chapter 25. Messages


COPCOM422I The deployment engine is not started.

COPCOM436E The system could not get the

endpoint proxy: VALUE_0.

COPCOM423I The policy engine is started.

Explanation: Make sure the endpoint can be pinged to

and that the agent is running on the endpoint.

COPCOM424I The policy engine is not started.

COPCOM425E Usage: VALUE_0.
COPCOM426E The Discovery Execution record is
not found for discovery-id VALUE_0 and
dcm-object-id VALUE_1.
Explanation: The discovery execution record was not
found to update.
User response: The workflow should catch the
exception and perform a DCMInsert for this discovery
execution data.
COPCOM427I The redefinition of Discovery name
VALUE_0 was ignored.
COPCOM428W The auditing that failed for
operation 'VALUE_0' has resulted in a
database problem.
COPCOM429E The script type VALUE_0 is not
COPCOM430E The instance permission VALUE_0 is

COPCOM437E The RIM object INV_QUERY could

not be found on the Tivoli
Configuration Manager server:
Explanation: The lookup of the RIM object
INV_QUERY in the Tivoli Configuration Manager
database failed because the exact object could not be
User response: Verify that the hostname was specified
for the IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager server.
Administrator response: The Tivoli Configuration
Manager database might need to be verified or the
INV_QUERY RIM object might not exist. Run the
command ckdb to fix any database errors. Run the
wrintest -l inv_query to test the rim object.
COPCOM438E A Tivoli Configuration Manager
object could not be found.
Explanation: An attempt to look up an object from the
Tivoli Configuration Manager database failed. This
failure could be due to errors in the database.
User response: The desired object might not be
entered correctly into the filter data. Verify that the
object name and type are correct.

COPCOM431E The instance access role VALUE_0 is


Administrator response: The Tivoli Configuration

Manager database might need to be verified. Run the
command ckdb to fix any database errors. This
command identifies and repairs errors.

COPCOM432E The access domain VALUE_0 is


COPCOM439E A connection to the RIM object

VALUE_0 could not be created.

COPCOM433E The domain role VALUE_0 is

COPCOM434E CommonAgent port is not configured
for the endpoint VALUE_0.
Explanation: Make sure the endpoint SAP is
configured properly, with the host set to true and that
the app-protocol is CommonAgent.
COPCOM435E The system could not register with
the AgentManager:VALUE_0.

Explanation: The RIM object provides all interactions

with the IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager database. A
failure to connect to the RIM object could be caused by
a faulty network connection or an error of the IBM
Tivoli Configuration Manager server.
User response: Verify that the hostname of the IBM
Tivoli Configuration Manager is correct and that a
connection to the server can be established.
Administrator response: Verify that the RIM object is
valid. This verification can be done by running the
command wrimtest -l inv at the IBM Tivoli
Configuration Server.

Explanation: Ensure that the have

the right AgentManager name and port.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPCOM440E The data returned from the RIM
object is not valid.
Explanation: The RIM object provides all the
interactions to the IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
database. A lookup of an item returned data that did
not conform to the proper type format.
Administrator response: Verify that the IBM Tivoli
Configuration Manager database has no errors by
running the ckdb. This command identifies and repairs
COPCOM441E A connection to the RIM object
VALUE_0 could not be closed.
Explanation: The RIM object provides all the
interactions to the IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
database. A failure to disconnect to the RIM object
could be caused by a network connection, an error with
the IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager server, or some
other error.
User response: Verify that the hostname of the IBM
Tivoli Configuration Manager is correct and that a
connection to the server can be established.
Administrator response: Verify that the RIM object is
valid. This can be done by running the command
wrimtest -l inv at the IBM Tivoli Configuration Server.
COPCOM442E The type VALUE_0 is not a valid filter
Explanation: The only valid hardware filter types are
Gateway and Subscribers.
User response: Verify that the type specified in the
TCM_Import_Filtered_Endpoints workflow is either
Gateway or Subscriber.
COPCOM443E The system cannot create the file
Explanation: The discovered IBM Tivoli Configuration
data is written to an XML file so that it can be
imported into the IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager
server. An error occurred while attempting to create
this XML file.
User response: Verify that the file VALUE_0 does not
already exist. Ensure that the file is not locked and has
write permissions.
COPCOM444E The user credentials provided for the
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
server are not valid or do not exist.
Explanation: The username password combination
that is specified in the SAP credentials for the IBM
Tivoli Configuration Manager values is incorrect or was
not specified.

User response: Verify that the credentials for the data

center model object VALUE_0 are correct. The SAP
name is ITCM_JCF_SAP, the default SAP operation
type is unknown, and the search-key is
COPCOM445E The user, VALUE_0, does not have
any of the following roles, VALUE_1, to
access the resource.
Explanation: The user does not have the appropriate
permission to access the resource.
User response: Verify the roles that the user has been
assigned. Assign another role to the user in order to
grant the user sufficient permissions for accessing the
COPCOM446E The software module VALUE_0 is not
an operating system.
COPCOM447I The password for VALUE_0 will be
COPCOM448I The password for VALUE_0 was
successfully changed.
COPCOM449I The system successfully reset the
password in LDAP for VALUE_0.
COPCOM450I The system successfully reset the
password in WebSphere Application
Server for VALUE_0.
COPCOM451E The system failed to update the
password for VALUE_0.
COPCOM452E The wasadmin password is not valid.
Enter a valid wasadmin password.
COPCOM453E Nesting role, VALUE_0, contains
cyclic relationship, VALUE_1.
COPCOM454E The file system size cannot be greater
than the logical volume size.
COPCOM455E No software module was found in
the data center model to install the
Common Agent for the VALUE_0
operating system.
Explanation: The system searched the software
modules that can install the Tivoli Common Agent
specific to the server operating system, but did not find
User response: Check the software catalog and ensure
Chapter 25. Messages


that there is a software module that can install Tivoli
Common Agent on the specified operating system.

User response: Check the SI package IUDD file, the

resource files and media file name and path.

COPCOM456E An unexpected event framework

system exception occurred. Exception:

COPCOM467E The system cannot find the SI image

resource VALUE_0.

COPCOM457E An unknown event type VALUE_0

COPCOM458E An unknown event consumer
VALUE_0 occurred.
COPCOM459E No software module was found in
the data center model to install the
Common Agent for the VALUE_0
operating system and the VALUE_1
Explanation: The system searched for a software
module that can install the Tivoli Common Agent
specific to the server operating system and hardware
platform, but could not locate one.
User response: Check the software catalog and ensure
that there is a software module that can install Tivoli
Common Agent on the specified operating system and
COPCOM460E A duplicated role name, VALUE_0,
was found; the role name must be
COPCOM461E The instance access role, VALUE_0,
cannot be deleted because it is being
used by the domain role.

Explanation: The system cannot find the resource file

in the SI package (zip image).
COPCOM468E The SI image resource VALUE_0
registered an error.
Explanation: Problems can occur during the SI
package (ZIP image) registration into Tivoli Intelligent
Orchestrator. Check the SI package format and file
User response: Check the SI package format and file
COPCOM469I Usage: tioStatus.cmd/sh
COPCOM470I USAGE: SIPackageRegister
Explanation: The SI image path is missing or the path
is not correct.
COPCOM471E The Software in SI image VALUE_0
already exists in the data center model.
Explanation: The software described in the SI package
already exists in the data center model.
COPCOM472E The TEC class name VALUE_0 is not

COPCOM462E Custom event handlers are not

supported. Event subscription ID:

COPCOM473E The LCF installation directory is not


COPCOM463E The system cannot find the External

Repository. Repository ID: VALUE_0.

COPCOM474E The operation could not be run on

the specified platform.

COPCOM464E The system cannot find the External

Repository Entry. Repository Entry ID:
COPCOM465E A Security Group with name
VALUE_0 already exists.

Explanation: The specified platform is not one of the

supported platforms.
User response: Refer to the product documentation
for the list of supported platforms.
COPCOM475E The endpoint label is not specified.
COPCOM476E The gateway port is not correct.

COPCOM466E Incorrect SI package image format

with VALUE_0.
Explanation: The SI package structure is not correct.
The system requirements might be missing.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPCOM477E The alternate gateway port is not

COPCOM491E The system cannot find a valid

software installable.

COPCOM478E The endpoint port is not correct.

User response: Validate software requirements, and

then try again.

COPCOM479E The alternate endpoint port is not


COPCOM492E The system cannot delete the current

user VALUE_0.

COPCOM480E The value for HTTP Disable must be

a 0, 1, 2 or 3.

User response: Log on as another which has the

proper privileges, and then try again.

COPCOM481E The value for Broadcast Disable must

be a 0 or 1.

COPCOM493E The end time entered for modifying

subscription with ID VALUE_0is not

COPCOM482E The Login Interval is not correct.

User response: Enter an end time that is later than the

start time and that is not in the past.

COPCOM483E The Host Name is not correct.

COPCOM494E Cannot connect to the endpoint using


COPCOM484E The computer VALUE_0 does not

have a management IP address.

Explanation: Ensure the username and password are

correct and that sshd or SMB is enabled on the

COPCOM484I The agent shell server is started.

COPCOM485E The hostname's DNS IP address:
VALUE_0 does not match computer's
management IP address.

COPCOM495E Error connecting to endpoint using

COPCOM496E Error executing command on
endpoint using RXA: VALUE_0.

COPCOM485I The agent shell server is not started.

COPCOM486E The Software Installable is already
used by another module.
COPCOM487E The resource group with ID:
VALUE_0 should only belong to one
cluster domain.
COPCOM489E The system cannot delete VALUE_0
access collection because users VALUE_1
are using it as the default access
User response: Make sure no user is using the
selected access collection as default access collection,
and then try again.
COPCOM490E The system cannot create the resource
group with name: VALUE_0, because
there already exists a resource group
with the same name in the same cluster
domain with ID: VALUE_1.

COPCOM497E Error copying file VALUE_0 to

endpoint using RXA: VALUE_1.
COPCOM498E Error copying file VALUE_0 from
endpoint using RXA: VALUE_1.
COPCOM499E Error copying file using RXA:
COPCOM500E Error creating directory VALUE_0 on
the endpoint using RXA: VALUE_1.
COPCOM501E Error converting path VALUE_0 to dos
style path on endpoint.
Explanation: Confirm that the cygpath command is
working properly on the endpoint.
COPCOM502E The system cannot create the
directory VALUE_0.

User response: Use a different resource group name,

and then try again.

Chapter 25. Messages


COPCOM503E Error converting path VALUE_0 to dos
style path.

COPCOM517E The date time format VALUE_0

passed in is not valid.

Explanation: Confirm that the cygpath command is

working properly on the local server.

Explanation: Make sure the timestamp passed in

using the following format yyyy-MMdd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'. For example, 2006-11-17T22:49:22Z.

COPCOM504E Error converting path VALUE_0 to dos

style path. Error message is: VALUE_1.
Explanation: Confirm the cygpath command is
working properly on the local server.

COPCOM518E Internal Error: SapAndCredential

object was null for Discovered Device:
Explanation: This is an internal code error.

COPCOM505E The VALUE_0 network interface is

not unique for device VALUE_1.
COPCOM508I Cannot interpret the scheme
COPCOM509I Cannot resolve URI VALUE_0.
COPCOM510I Property VALUE_0 is not defined in

COPCOM519E The IP Range is not valid. The start

IP: VALUE_0 must be less than or equal
to the end IP: VALUE_1.
COPCOM520E Cannot parse attribute: VALUE_0
from the XML config file: VALUE_1.
COPCOM521E Cannot read the XML config file:

COPCOM511E Circular inheritance relationship is

not permitted. VALUE_0.

COPCOM522E The MAC address VALUE_0 is not

valid. A MAC address must have 12 hex

COPCOM512E The data center model type VALUE_0

is not recognized for access collection
inheritance relationship.

COPCOM523E The template does not indicate the

software definition.

Explanation: The data center model type in the access

collection inheritance relationship is not recognized as
one of the predefined type names.
COPCOM513E The database url VALUE_0 for
database type VALUE_1 is not valid.
COPCOM514E The database sequence VALUE_0 does
not exist.
COPCOM515E The system could not run SCM
collectors. The nested exception is:
Explanation: Check scm.trace and scm.log on the end
target to find the problem.
COPCOM516E The system could not register the
SCM collector subagent with the
Explanation: Ensure the have the
correct AgentManager name and port.

COPCOM524E The property value position for a non

array property ID VALUE_0 on the
position VALUE_1 is not valid.
Explanation: If a property is a non-array property, it
cannot create a property value of more than 2. When
using createProperty or addPropertyValue to create a
new property and value, the position 1 will be always
used. Ensure that there is no property value before
adding a value entry for a non-array property.
COPCOM525E Cannot find the data center model
property ID VALUE_0.
Explanation: The DCM property ID does not exist.
COPCOM526E Property Value ID VALUE_0 does not
Explanation: The property value ID does not exist.
COPCOM527E Cannot delete property value ID
Explanation: The property value ID cannot be deleted
if it is not an array property.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPCOM528E Cannot add property value ID

COPCOM534E The Software Resource with the

ID=VALUE_0 has a null or empty name.

Explanation: The property value ID cannot be added

if it is not an array property.

Explanation: A software resource with a null or empty

name cannot be exported as part of an administrative
domain because the name is used to associate the
resource with the administrative domain if the XML file
is imported later.

COPCOM529E Dynamic IP addresses are not

supported because the VALUE_0 java
security property is set to VALUE_1. The
value must be '0' (zero).

User response: Provide a name to the software

resource specified.

Explanation: The IP address caching is enabled in the

JDK, so the system cannot resolve hostnames to IP
addresses correctly.

COPCOM535E The method VALUE_0 is not defined

for class VALUE_1.

User response: Change the value of the java security

property to '0' (zero) in the JDK
configuration file and restart the java process.

COPCOM536E The method VALUE_0 is not


COPCOM530E The software resource with the ID

VALUE_0 could not be found.
Explanation: There is no software resource with the
indicated ID or there is another object with the
indicated ID, but of a different type than a software
resource or its subtypes (such as Installation or
COPCOM531E There is no software resource with
the ID VALUE_0 that is a member of the
administrative domain with the ID
Explanation: There is no software resource with the
specified ID that is a member of the administrative
COPCOM532E The server VALUE_0 cannot be
accessed or updated.
Explanation: The MSAD server needs to be available
in local network and can be accessed from the
provisioning server.
User response: Check if MS active directory server is
available or custom search criteria are all correct.
COPCOM533E The data center model object
VALUE_0 cannot be updated.

Explanation: LWIOS User Factory does not support

the specified method.
COPCOM537I The task VALUE_0 (Task ID:
VALUE_1) has started.
Explanation: The deployment engine has begun to
process this task.
COPCOM538I The task VALUE_0 (Task ID:
VALUE_1) has completed successfully.
Explanation: The task was completed successfully.
COPCOM539E The task VALUE_0 (Task ID:
VALUE_1) has failed.
Explanation: The task failed.
COPCOM540E The task VALUE_0 (Task ID:
VALUE_1) has failed. Here is the error:
Explanation: The task failed, with an error log
COPCOM541E The system cannot delete the
VALUE_0 device driver because one or
more devices are using it.

Explanation: The data center model needs to be

updated based on MS Active directory discovery

COPCOM542E The task VALUE_0 (Task ID:

VALUE_1) has failed on the following
targets: VALUE_2.

User response: Ensure that the MS active directory

server is available and that any custom search criteria
are correct. Ensure that the data center model object is
in the correct state.

Explanation: The task failed on the list of failed


Chapter 25. Messages


COPCOM543E The system cannot find the interface
card type: VALUE_0.
COPCOM544E The file system size cannot be greater
than the physical volume size.
COPCOM545E Failed query the Active Directory
server with: VALUE_0.
COPCOM546I Report ran successfully.
COPCOM547I See attachment for the results.
COPCOM548E An unexpected error occurred: Class
VALUE_0 set in sourceClass attribute of
ka:search tag not found.
COPCOM549I The redefinition of Discovery name
VALUE_0 was ignored.
COPCOM550E The software resource template
definition VALUE_0 was not found.
COPCOM551E The software resource template
definition parameter VALUE_0 was not
COPCOM552E The software resource template
definition parameter value VALUE_0
was not found.
COPCOM553E The template parameter value
VALUE_0 was not found.
COPCOM554I Usage: packageLogs [log_directory]
[config_directory]\n log_directory The
directory where the log files.\n If it is
not specified, the default log directory
specified by the system environment
will be used.\n config_directory The
directory where the configuration
files.\n If it is not specified, the default
configuration directory specified by the
system environment will be used.\n
COPCOM555E Cannot delete server before deleting
the depot VALUE_0.

COPCOM557E The system cannot create a discovery

object VALUE_0, because it already
COPCOM558E Inventory scan failed for one of the
following reasons: 1. The system could
not find the endpoint proxy: VALUE_0.
2. Tivoli Common Agent was not
installed correctly on the endpoint.
COPCOM559E An image with name VALUE_0
already exists on boot server VALUE_1.
The image name must be unique.
COPCOM560E Role, VALUE_0, cannot be found.
COPCOM560I The activity plan engine is started.
COPCOM561E The device has a management
network interface already.
COPCOM561I The activity plan engine is not
COPCOM562E The agent is being modified and
cannot be discovered right now.
COPCOM563E The unique identifier VALUE_0 of
type VALUE_1 is already in use for
system VALUE_2.
COPCOM564E The software installable with ID
VALUE_0 does not have a valid file.
COPCOM565E The number of attempted IPs:
VALUE_0 is greater than the maximum
allowed: VALUE_1 . Either increase the
limit or reduce the number of attempted
IPs and then run the discovery again.
COPCOM570I Initial Discovery started.
COPCOM571I Initial Discovery ended.
COPCOM572I Initial Discovery canceled.
COPCOM573I Successful discovery.

COPCOM556E The list of IP addresses to be

discovered is empty.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPCOM574E Not valid credentials.
COPCOM575E The device is not supported.
COPCOM576E The IP address does not exists on the
COPCOM577E The service is not running on the
COPCOM578E The protocol used is wrong.
COPCOM579E The device is offline.
COPCOM580E The specified discovery configuration
is not an Initial Discovery.
COPCOM581E The Initial Discovery is already
COPCOM582I Successful ping.
COPCOM583E The user, VALUE_0, is not found in
the LDAP. However the user account has
already been created in the data model.
Explanation: This user does not exist in the LDAP
registry. If the user is in the registry, then IBM Tivoli
Provisioning Manager cannot find the user with the
specified filter in the user-factory.xml.
User response: Verify if the user is in the LDAP
registry, and the user filter specified in the
COPCOM584E LDAP registry cannot be connected.
Explanation: You Cannot connect to LDAP registry;
IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager uses the information
in the user-factory.xml to connect to LDAP.
User response: Check whether the LDAP registry is
operational. It might be necessary to check the
information of the LDAP specified in the
COPCOM585I The SOAP service is started.

User response: Verify the credentials that were used to

discover the device and then run the discovery again.
COPCOM587I The DMS Result Server is started.
COPCOM588I The DMS Result Server is not started.
COPCOM589I SOAP Service heart beat VALUE_0.
COPCOM590E The reason you specified to ignore
the unknown device is too long.
Explanation: The maximum length for the reason is
250 characters.
User response: Ensure that the reason you specify
contains less than 250
COPCOM591E The system cannot delete the
software module with the ID VALUE_0
as it is a member of the following
software stacks: VALUE_1. Remove the
software module from each software
stack before performing the deletion
COPCOM592E There are software installables
associated with this file repository. You
must delete these software installables
prior to deleting the file repository.
COPCOM593E The IP address VALUE_0 is not valid.
An IP address must be in the
nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format.
COPCOM594E Incorrect command syntax. Usage:
XmlConvert.cmd/sh -k key_File_Name
[-e export_File_Name] -i file_URL
Example: XmlConvert -k crypto.xml -i
COPCOM595E Incorrect command syntax. Usage:
[file_location] [custom (true|false)].
COPCOM596E Incorrect command syntax. Usage:
[ldap_datafile] [username]

COPCOM586I The SOAP service is not started.

COPCOM586W The device cannot be accessed but a
match exists in the database for its IP

COPCOM597E Incorrect command syntax. Usage:

[TIO_config] [new_hostname] [port]

Explanation: The device cannot be accessed but its IP

address already belongs to a known resource.
Chapter 25. Messages


COPCOM598E Non fibre channel port VALUE_0
cannot have logical connections.

COPCOM604E Cannot create a port with a

connection back to itself.

COPCOM599E The condition, [VALUE_0], cannot be

found. The condition update is

COPCOM605E The system cannot find the element

for object id VALUE_0 of type VALUE_1.

Explanation: The condition cannot be updated

because it cannot be found. The condition name for a
provisioning group has the following naming
convention: G[objectTypeId]_[ProvisioningGroupID].

COPCOM606E The system cannot find managed

VALUE_0 type hardware resource on
host platform VALUE_1

User response: Check if the condition and the

provisioning group exists.

COPCOM607E The engine status is not available

because of the following reason:

COPCOM600E The typed provisioning group,

[VALUE_0], does not have an object
Explanation: A typed provisioning group must be
associated with the object type that it contains.
User response: Associate the provisioning group with
an object type.
COPCOM601E There is an existing condition,
[VALUE_0], with the same query
definition has been defined.
Explanation: Two conditions with the same query
cannot be defined.
User response: Reuse the existing condition or
redefine one of the queries.
COPCOM602E There is an existing data restriction
with the same object type defined
within the same security group.
Explanation: Two data restrictions within the same
security group cannot have the same object type.
User response: Reuse the existing data restriction
definition. If a new condition must be added to the
existing data restriction, create a new condition and
merge the query of the two conditions into the new
condition. Associate the new condition to the existing
data restriction.
COPCOM603E The system cannot delete the
Customer VALUE_0 when applications
are still associated.
Explanation: A customer cannot be deleted when it
has one or more applications associated with it.
User response: Before deleting the customer, select the
customer and delete the associated applications.


COPCOM608E The command cannot be run because

of the following reason: VALUE_0.
COPCOM609E The system cannot find the
virtualization configuration.
Explanation: The most likely cause is the
virtualization.xml file does not exist in the config
User response: Make sure the virtualization.xml file is
in the config directory.
COPCOM610E The resource allocation howMany of
the virtual server (id: VALUE_0) must be
an integer. It is currently defined as
VALUE_1 in the XML string.
Explanation: The howMany value of the resource
allocation is not defined as an integer in the XML
User response: Change the howMany value of the
resource allocation so that it is defined as an integer in
the XML string.
COPCOM610W This device has been ignored
because it is a WPAR system.
COPCOM611E The resource allocation size of the
virtual server (id: VALUE_0) must be a
number. It is currently defined as
VALUE_1 in the XML string.
Explanation: The size value of the resource allocation
is not defined as a number in the XML string.
User response: Change the size value of the resource
allocation so that it is defined as a number in the XML

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPCOM613E The workflow VALUE_0 with
deployment request ID: VALUE_1) has

COPCOM625E The command syntax is not correct.

The correct syntax is: ccimport.cmd/sh -f
checks.xml [-p importCfg.prop]

COPCOM615E The system cannot create a discovery

wizard object VALUE_0, because it
already exists.

COPCOM626E The file [VALUE_0] does not exist.

COPCOM616E The system cannot create a discovery

activity object for the discovery wizard
VALUE_0, because other activities
already exist.
COPCOM617E The system cannot find discovery
wizard: VALUE_0.
COPCOM618E The network discovery could not find
any of the specified resources.
Explanation: The RXA network discovery was not
able to contact the specified resources.
User response: Verify that the resources in the
specified range can be reached by the provisioning
server on the specified ports.
COPCOM619E The system cannot find the
operational state: VALUE_0.
Explanation: While it imported server information
from an XML file, the system could not locate the
operational state of the server.

COPCOM627E The format of the [VALUE_0] import

configuration property file is not valid.
A syntax error occurred at line VALUE_1.
Explanation: The configuration property file contains
a syntax error at the specified line.
User response: User should fix the syntax error and
then run the ccimport command again.
COPCOM628E The compliance checks cannot be
imported. The compliance check
[VALUE_0] has a duplicate entry for the
target VALUE_1.
User response: User should remove the duplicate
entry for the target in the compliance check and then
import the compliance checks again.
COPCOM629E The import configuration property
file [VALUE_0] contains a duplicate
entry at line VALUE_1.
User response: User should remove the duplicate
entry from the configuration file and then import the
compliance checks again.

User response: Verify that the operational state name

exists in the data model and that it is spelled correctly.

COPCOM630E The file [VALUE_0] contains extra

entries. Only the server and
inventory-group entries are allowed.

COPCOM620E The IP address VALUE_0 does not

match the protocol interface type

User response: User should remove the extra entries

from the file and then import the compliance checks

COPCOM621E The IPv6 address VALUE_0 is not


COPCOM631E The [VALUE_0] setting belonging to

the [VALUE_1] compliance check of the
[VALUE_2] computer is not valid or its
value is out of range.

COPCOM622E The IPv6 address VALUE_0 cannot be

converted to IPv4 address.
COPCOM623E The configuration file VALUE_0 is
corrupted. Replace the file with the
original one.
COPCOM624E JVM is not configured for FIPS 140-2
compliance. Check the order of the
cryptographic providers in the configuration file and
ensure that the IBMJCEFIPS provider is
listed before the IBMJCE provider.

User response: User should correct the not valid

setting and then import the compliance checks again.
COPCOM632E The list of settings specified for the
[VALUE_0] compliance check of the
[VALUE_1] computer are not valid.
User response: User should correct the list of not
valid settings for the specified computer and then
import the compliance checks again.

Chapter 25. Messages


COPCOM633E The list of settings specified for the
[VALUE_0] compliance check of the
[VALUE_1] group are not valid.
User response: User should correct the list of not
valid settings for the specified group and then import
the compliance checks again.
COPCOM634E The import operation failed.
Duplicate names were found for the
VALUE_0 computer in the data model.
Explanation: The computer name must be unique for
the import operation to complete successfully.
User response: As the best practices, users should
define a unique computer name in the data model. If
the computer name is defined as a short name, change
it to the fully qualified hostname to make it unique.
COPCOM635E The import operation failed.
Duplicate names were found for the
VALUE_0 group in the data model.
Explanation: The group name must be unique for the
import operation to complete successfully.
User response: As the best practices, users should
define a unique group name in the data model. If a
group name is not unique, use name space to make the
group name unique in the data model.
COPCOM636E The [VALUE_0] setting belonging to
the [VALUE_1] compliance check of the
[VALUE_2] group is not valid or its
value is out of range.
User response: User should correct the not valid
setting and then import the compliance checks again.
COPCOM637E The system configuration file
VALUE_0 could not be read.
COPCOM638E The IP address VALUE_0 and the
IPv6 address VALUE_1 do not match the
protocol interface type VALUE_2.

COPCOM642E The packageLogs command syntax is

not valid. \n\nSyntax: \n\tpackageLogs
[-washome was_location] [-appsrvname
app_server_name] [-appsrvprofile
app_server_profile] [-start start_date]
[-end end_date] \n\nOptions:
\n\t-washome \n\t\tSpecifies the
home directory of the WebSphere
Application Server. \n\t\tA default
location will be used if this option is
not specified. \n\t-appsrvname
\n\t\tSpecifies the name of the base
services application server. \n\t\tA
default server name will be used if this
option is not specified.
\n\t-appsrvprofile \n\t\tSpecifies the
name of the base services application
server profile. \n\t\tA default profile
name will be used if this option is not
specified. \n\t-start \n\t\tExcludes log
files that were modified before this
date. \n\t\tLog entries dated before
this date will also be excluded.
\n\t\tAll configuration files will be
included. \n\t\tDate format is
yyyy-MM-dd. For example: 2009-01-01.
\n\t-end \n\t\tExcludes log entries
that were dated after this date.
\n\t\tAll configuration files will be
included. \n\t\tDate format is
yyyy-MM-dd. For example: 2009-01-30.
User response: Type the command again using the
correct syntax.
COPCOM643E The date used for the packageLogs
command is not valid.
Explanation: The start date must be before the end
date. Ensure that the date format is yyyy-MM-dd. For
example: 2009-01-30.
User response: Enter the date again using the correct
COPCOM644E The value is not valid. The value for
the consumable size cannot be negative.
User response: Enter 0 or a positive integer for the
consumable size value.
COPCOM645E The script VALUE_0 does not exist.
COPCOM651E The Maximo security group,
VALUE_0, is missing from the Maximo
table. A condition and data restriction
cannot be created in the Maximo group.
Explanation: No Maximo security group is found for
the condition and data restriction to be created when
migrating DCM.View and DCM.Update into the


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Maximo security framework.
User response: Ensure that the VMMSYNC has been
run and that the Maximo groups are added into the
Maximo table. After the problem is fixed, run the
workflow again.
COPCOM654E Errors were found during migraiton.
A summary of all the encountered
problems is shown as following.
COPCOM657E Migration of permission roles to
Maximo security group failed with error.
Check $TIO_LOG/console.log for
messages returned from the workflow.
COPCOM660E mapping DCM.View and
DCM.Update to Maximo Security
Restriction failed with error.
COPCOM661E The provisioning group for the access
security group, VALUE_0, cannot be

COPCOM664E The VALUE_0 group specified in the

target remapping file as source group is
not present in the file VALUE_1
Explanation: The target remapping file contains at
least one source group which is not defined in the file
that is being imported. For this reason the remapping
cannot be performed.
User response: Ensure that the target remapping file
contains source groups that are defined in the file that
is being imported. After the problem is fixed, run the
command again.
COPCOM671E An error has occurred while stopping
the policy engine. See
$TIO_LOGS/console.log for more
COPCOM672E An error has occurred while starting
the policy engine. See
$TIO_LOGS/console.log for more

Explanation: During the migration, access security

groups are migrated to provisioning groups. A
provisioning group was not found for this access
security group.

COPCOM673W The policy engine is shutting down.

See $TIO_LOGS/console.log for more

User response: Check the console.log for related

information of creating provisioning groups for access
security groups. Run the workflow again.

COPCOM674E Network interface VALUE_0 must

have a NIC specified because it is
marked as managed.

COPCOM662E The Maximo security group,

VALUE_0, is missing from the Maximo
table. The related information with the
Maximo groupid cannot be updated.

COPCOM700E Cause:

Explanation: During the migration, some permission

groups are migrated to Maximo security groups. The
above Maximo security group is expected.
User response: Ensure that the VMMSYNC has been
run and the Maximo groups are added into the
Maximo table. After the problem is fixed, run the
workflow again.
COPCOM663E The VALUE_0 computer specified in
the target remapping file as source
computer is not present in the file
Explanation: The target remapping file contains at
least one source computer which is not defined in the
file that is being imported. For this reason the
remapping cannot be performed.

Explanation: Look at the contained message

COPCOM701E Compilation errors.
COPCOM702E The Workflow is not compiled.
COPCOM705W Select at least one record to delete.
Explanation: Select at least one record to delete.
COPCOM711E The workflow is not editable. Enter a
different name.
COPCOM714E No Computers Selected.
COPCOM715E No Target Selected to Move

User response: Ensure that the target remapping file

contains source computers that are defined in the file
that is being imported. After the problem is fixed, run
the command again.
Chapter 25. Messages


COPCOM716E There are no boot servers that
support the operating system of the
selected computer.
COPCOM717E An image with name {0} already
exists on boot server {1}. The image
name must be unique.
COPCOM718E This functionality is not available
because no workflow that implements
the logical management operation {0} is
assigned to {1}.
Explanation: A workflow that implements the logical
management operation {0} is not assigned to {1}.
User response: To enable this functionality, click the
Workflow tab and assign a device driver or a workflow
to {1}. The workflow must implement the logical
management operation {0}.
COPCOM719E The system cannot find the software
COPCOM720E Type a name for the image capture
Explanation: Type a name for the image capture task.
COPCOM721E The timeout value is not valid.
COPCOM722E Select a source computer to capture
the image from.
COPCOM724E Select a source image to replicate.
COPCOM725E Type a name for the replicate image
COPCOM726E Type a name for the destination

Administrator response: Select a valid target

COPCOM731W Do you want to save your changes
before continuing?
COPCOM732W If you cancel the workflow
interaction you will lose any changes
made. Do you want to save your
changes before continuing?
COPCOM733W Do you want to cancel the workflow
COPCOM738E {0}
COPCOM739E Schedule the task to a time that is
later than the current time.
Explanation: Schedule the task to a time that is later
than the current time.
COPCOM740E Specify an "Until" date that is later
than the "Scheduled" date.
Explanation: Specify an "Until" date that is later than
the "Scheduled" date.
COPCOM741E Cannot find a parent OS deployment
boot server.
COPCOM744E The selected permission group cannot
be deleted because it has been assigned
to a security group.
User response: To delete the permission group, you
must first remove it from the security group that it is
assigned to.
COPCOM745E Specify an HTTP port.
COPCOM746E Specify an HTTPS port.

COPCOM728E The bandwidth limit value is not

Administrator response: Type a value for the
bandwidth limit that is greater than zero.
COPCOM729E Select a boot server.
COPCOM730E The target computer does not satisfy
the requirements for the configuration
User response: Select a valid target computer.

COPCOM747E Select a boot server to promote to

COPCOM748W Are you sure that you want to
promote the selected child boot server to
parent? Before you continue, ensure that
no boot server tasks are currently
Explanation: This task will switch the role of the boot
server from child to parent. All OS deployment boot
servers in your environment will be affected.
Administrator response: To verify that no tasks are


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

running, go to the Provisioning Task Tracking page and
verify that no boot server tasks are either scheduled to
run or currently running.
COPCOM749E The selected boot server cannot be
promoted to parent because it is not a
child boot server.

If you did not specify a value for the number of

computers to add to the application tier, this message is
also displayed. The correct message should be:
"Number of computers to add is a required field".
COPCOM763E Select one or more provisioning
workflows to assign items to.

User response: Select a child boot server.

COPCOM764E Add one or more Recipients.
COPCOM750E Select one or more computers or
provisioning groups to deploy the image

COPCOM765E Select one or more Events.

COPCOM751E Specify an array index between {0}

and {1}.

COPCOM772E Deployment requests that are in

progress cannot be deleted. Clear the
deployment requests that are in progress
to proceed with the deletion.

COPCOM752E The specified e-mail address {0} is

not valid. Type a valid e-mail address.

COPCOM780E The number of overflow computers

to be added must be greater than 0.

COPCOM753E This variable already exists.

Explanation: Variables must have a unique name for a
User response: Enter a new name or select a different
COPCOM754E The entered size is not in a valid
format. The size must consist of an
integer value and a unit value of 'K',
'M', 'G' or 'T'. If the size is in bytes, do
not enter any unit value.
COPCOM755E The LUN must be an integer in
decimal or hexadecimal format.
COPCOM756E The entered file size is greater than
the logical volume consumable size.
Explanation: The file size must be less than or equal
to the logical volume consumable size.
User response: Type a correct value for the size.
COPCOM758E The entered disk size is greater than
the physical volume size.

COPCOM781E No computers are selected for this

User response: Select at least one computer for the
COPCOM782W Do you want to delete the selected
COPCOM783E A storage volume with Volume ID {0}
already exists in storage subsystem {1}.
User response: Specify a different Volume ID for the
storage volume.
COPCOM784E No storage volumes are selected for
this action.
User response: Select at least one storage volume for
the action.
COPCOM785W Do you want to delete the selected
storage volumes?
COPCOM786E No ports are selected for this action.

Explanation: The disk size must be less than or equal

to the physical volume size.

User response: Select at least one port for the action.

User response: Type a correct value for the size.

COPCOM787E The port is already associated with

the storage volume.

COPCOM759I The system is processing the request

to add VALUE_0 computers to the
VALUE_1 application tier.

User response: Select a different port.

Explanation: The system is adding the specified

number of servers to the application tier.
Chapter 25. Messages


COPCOM788E The mail server is not configured
properly. To set up the mail server, click
Go To > Administration > Provisioning
> Provisioning Global Settings and click
the Notification tab. Specify the mail
server settings and save them.
COPCOM789W Do you want to delete the data path?
COPCOM790E The "Enable Password" and "Confirm
Enable Password" for Password
Credential with Search Key {0} for
Service Access Point {1} do not match.
Type the passwords again.
COPCOM791E The "Passphrase" and "Confirm
Passphrase" for RSA Credential with
Search Key {0} for Service Access Point
{1} do not match. Type the passphrases
COPCOM792E The "Private Key" and "Confirm
Private Key" for RSA Credential with
Search Key {0} for Service Access Point
{1} do not match. Type the private keys
COPCOM793E The "Password" and "Confirm
Password" for Password Credential with
Search Key {0} for Service Access Point
{1} do not match. Type the passwords

COPCOM799W Do you want to delete the selected

zone members?
COPCOM800W Do you want to delete the selected
COPCOM801E Select at least one cluster domain
node for the action.
COPCOM802W Do you want to delete the selected
cluster domain nodes?
COPCOM803E There is no default subnetwork
selected for the gateway {0}. Select an
existing subnetwork to mark it as the
default subnetwork
COPCOM804E An application protocol with the
name {0} already exists. Specify a
different name.
COPCOM805E A device driver category with the
name {0} already exists. Specify a
different name.
COPCOM806E A device driver with the name {0}
already exists. Specify a different name.
COPCOM807W Do you want to mask the storage

COPCOM794E The "Community" and "Confirm

Community" for SNMP Credential with
Search Key {0} for Service Access Point
{1} do not match. Type the community
values again.

COPCOM808W Do you want to unmask the storage


COPCOM795E Type a value in the E-mail Address


COPCOM811E There is no storage subsystem

associated for this storage pool "{0}".
Storage volume cannot be added to this
storage pool.

COPCOM796E A zone with name {0} already exists.

Specify a different name for the zone.
COPCOM797E No zones are selected for this action.
Specify a zone.
COPCOM798E No zone members are selected for
this action. Specify a zone member.


COPCOM809E Specify one or more data paths for

this action.

Explanation: Storage volume can only be added to the

storage pools which are associated with a storage
User response: Associate a storage subsystem to this
storage pool.
COPCOM816W Do you want to delete the selected
application tiers? If you click Yes, the
associated computers will also be

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide


This section contains messages with the COPDEX identifier for deployment subsystem messages for
Tivoli Provisioning Manager.
COPDEX001E The system cannot obtain a JNDI
COPDEX002E The system cannot use the VALUE_0
JMS destination.
COPDEX003E The system cannot perform the type
conversion for VALUE_0 because the
type information that was set has an
incorrect value. (Field argument type is
COPDEX004E The system cannot perform the type
conversion for VALUE_0 because the
type information was not set. (Field
argument type is null.)

COPDEX019E The condition VALUE_0 is not valid.

COPDEX020E The system requires the VALUE_0
COPDEX021E The system cannot find the field name
for the attribute: VALUE_0.
COPDEX022E The ID VALUE_0 is not an integer.
COPDEX023E The system cannot find the object that
owns the attribute VALUE_0.
COPDEX024E The VALUE_0 Java plug-in is
deprecated: VALUE_1

COPDEX005E The VALUE_0 logical operation does

not exist.

COPDEX025E No relationship exists between

VALUE_0 and VALUE_1.

COPDEX006E break cannot be used outside of a

while or foreach loop.

COPDEX026E The system cannot find the table

name for VALUE_0.

COPDEX007E break cannot be used outside of a

while or foreach loop.

COPDEX028E The relationship status VALUE_0 is not


COPDEX008E break cannot be used inside of a

finally block.

COPDEX029E The system cannot continue the

deployment request from a previous
deployment engine JVM session.

COPDEX009E The VALUE_0 condition is missing an

equal ( = ) sign.
COPDEX010E The system cannot add the VALUE_0
condition to the VALUE_1 table.
COPDEX012E The system cannot find the field for
the attribute VALUE_0.
COPDEX013E break cannot be used inside a finally

COPDEX030E The VALUE_0 workflow is deprecated:

COPDEX031E The system cannot evaluate a Jython
expression. Jython error message:
COPDEX032E The system cannot evaluate the
expression: VALUE_0.
COPDEX033E Error code for unit tests only.

COPDEX015E The system cannot save the VALUE_0

variable. The variable value is probably
longer than 4000 bytes.
COPDEX016E There is no default service access
point for the run command that is
associated with the device ID VALUE_0.

COPDEX034E The argument (VALUE_0=VALUE_1) is

not valid. Make sure that the parameter
is of the right type and that it is not
COPDEX035E The integer value VALUE_0 is not
Chapter 25. Messages


COPDEX036E An unassignable expression is bound
to output parameter VALUE_0.

COPDEX048E The VALUE_0 logical operation does

not exist.

COPDEX037E The VALUE_0 logical operation is

deprecated: VALUE_1

COPDEX049E The VALUE_0 operand does not exist

for instruction ID: VALUE_1.

COPDEX038E A database error occurred: VALUE_0.

COPDEX050E The VALUE_0 variable does not exist.

COPDEX039E An unexpected configuration error


COPDEX051E The VALUE_0 workflow does not exist.

COPDEX040E An unexpected deployment engine

exception occurred: VALUE_0.

COPDEX052E The workflow ID VALUE_0 does not


Explanation: An unexpected error occurred while

running the provisioning workflow and the
provisioning workflow is stopped.

COPDEX053E The operation timed out after

VALUE_0 seconds.

User response: Read the exception message to check

for details in the error message of the exception. If you
are a provisioning workflow developer, open the
provisioning workflow and go to the line indicated in
the error message that threw the exception for more

COPDEX054E The operand VALUE_0 is duplicated.

COPDEX041E An unexpected deployment error

occurred: VALUE_0.
Explanation: An unexpected error occurred while
running the provisioning workflow and the
provisioning workflow is stopped.
User response: Read the exception message to check
for details in the error message of the exception. If you
are a provisioning workflow developer, open the
provisioning workflow and go to the line indicated in
the error message that threw the exception for more

COPDEX055E The operation type VALUE_0 is not

COPDEX056E The system cannot process an
instruction operand that has no type.
COPDEX057E The system cannot find the file
COPDEX058E The VALUE_0 scriptlet type is not
COPDEX059E The system does not support the
VALUE_0 node.

COPDEX043E The VALUE_0 variable already exists.

COPDEX060E A workflow XML parser error

VALUE_0 occurred.

COPDEX044E An error occurred in the embedded

logical operation VALUE_0.

COPDEX061E The system expected a single value,

but it received multiple values.

COPDEX045E The operation code VALUE_0 is not


COPDEX064E The VALUE_0 field cannot be a special


COPDEX046E The deployment request ID VALUE_0

does not exist.

COPDEX065E The system cannot close the database

connection error: VALUE_0.

COPDEX047E The VALUE_0 Java plug-in does not


COPDEX066E The system cannot close the input

stream error: VALUE_0.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPDEX067E The system cannot parse the XML
data: VALUE_0.
COPDEX077E The system cannot delete a query that
begins with a VALUE_0 variable.
COPDEX087E The workflow expects a locale that is
different from the one that is specified.
The locale of the device VALUE_0 is set
to VALUE_1. The workflow expects the
locale to be: VALUE_2.
COPDEX092E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
workflow. The system cannot export the
execution logs for this workflow.
COPDEX093E The system cannot create the VALUE_0
output file. Verify the directory path
and try again.
COPDEX094E The system cannot recognize the
VALUE_0 command option. Valid
options are -n [workflow name] or -r
[request id], -i [input file name] and -f
[output file name].
COPDEX096E The property retrieval query VALUE_0
is not valid. Review the documentation
to find the recommended procedures.
COPDEX097E The discovery keys file VALUE_0 is
not valid.
Explanation: The system cannot read the
DiscoveryKeys.ini file because the file includes errors.
User response: Correct the errors in the
DiscoveryKeys.ini file located in the
TIO_HOME/config subdirectory.
COPDEX098E The system obtained an empty profile
XML file name.
Explanation: The ITM Obtain OS Profiles workflow
generates an XML file that contains the list of profiles
installed in Tivoli Management Agent. This profile
XML file is copied to the IBM Tivoli Provisioning
Manager and then it is parsed by the Profile XML
Parser. The system encountered a problem when the
name of the profile XML file was an empty string.
User response: Verify that the ITM Obtain OS Profiles
workflow specifies the correct path to the
ProfileXMLParser Java plug-in.

COPDEX099E An IO error occurred when the SAX

XML parser parsed the profile XML file.
Explanation: The ITM Obtain OS Profiles workflow
generates an XML file that contains the list of profiles
that are installed in the Tivoli Management Agent. This
profile XML file is copied to the IBM Tivoli
Provisioning Manager and then it is parsed by the
Profile XML Parser. The SAX XML parser cannot read
the profile XML file. An IO exception occurred because
the XML file could not be read.
User response: Verify that the ITM Obtain OS Profiles
workflow specifies the correct path to the
ProfileXMLParser Java plug-in. Verify that the system
correctly copied the XML file that contains the list of
profiles to the IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager server.
Verify that the parent directory of the XML file includes
the appropriate credentials.
COPDEX100E A parsing error occurred while the
system parsed the profile XML file.
Explanation: The ITM Obtain OS Profiles workflow
generates an XML file that contains the list of profiles
that are installed in Tivoli Management Agent. This
profile XML file is copied to the IBM Tivoli
Provisioning Manager and then it is parsed by the
Profile XML Parser. The XML parser cannot read the
profile XML file because it encountered a parsing error.
Typically this error is caused by the condition of the
XML file. The XML file might be damaged, or it might
not be valid, or it might include a character that is not
User response: Verify that the wdmlseng command is
working properly from the command line at the IBM
Tivoli Monitoring server.
COPDEX101E A security exception occurred while
the system parsed the profile XML file.
Explanation: The ITM Obtain OS Profiles workflow
generates an XML file that contains the list of profiles
installed in Tivoli Management Agent. This profile
XML file is copied to the IBM Tivoli Provisioning
Manager and then it is parsed by the Profile XML
Parser. The XML parser cannot read the profile XML
file because a security error occurred. Either the profile
XML file or the parent directory of the profile XML file
is missing appropriate file permissions.
User response: Verify that the login user is assigned
read and write access to the parent directory of the
COPDEX102E An error occurred when the DOM
parser returned an empty document.
Explanation: The XML parser did not produce a
parsed XML document. The jdom.jar file might be
damaged, or the XML file that contains the list of
Chapter 25. Messages


profiles was not transferred or generated correctly.
User response: Verify that the system successfully
processed the jdom.jar file, the XML data produced by
the wdmlseng command at the ITM server, and the file
transfer from the IBM Tivoli Monitoring server to the

not initialize correctly when it tried to send a TEC

User response: Verify that the TEC configuration file
exists, and verify that it is fully configured. Refer to the
Tivoli Enterprise Console product manual for more

COPDEX103E An error occurred when the DOM

parser returned an empty root XML

COPDEX109E The Tivoli Enterprise Console (TEC)

cannot use VALUE_0 as the event class

Explanation: The XML parser did not produce a

parsed XML document. The jdom.jar file might be
damaged, or the XML file that contains the list of
profiles was not transferred or generated correctly.

Explanation: The Send TEC Event Java plug-in uses

the Tivoli Enterprise Console TECAgent code base to
transmit TEC events to the Tivoli Enterprise Console
server. All TEC events sent by the Send TEC Event Java
plug-in must conform to the Tivoli Enterprise Console
standards. In this event, the TEC event class name did
not conform to these standards.

User response: Verify that the system successfully

processed the jdom.jar file, the XML data produced by
the wdmlseng command at the ITM server, and the file
transfer from the IBM Tivoli Monitoring server to the
COPDEX104E An IO error occurred while the system
tried to verify the profile XML file.
Explanation: The ITM Obtain OS Profiles workflow
generates an XML file that contains the list of profiles
that are installed in Tivoli Management Agent. This
profile XML file is copied to the IBM Tivoli
Provisioning Manager and then it is parsed by the
Profile XML Parser. The system verifies the consistency
of the file before it parses the file. An error occurred
while the system was verifying the profile XML file.
User response: Verify that no other process is trying
to access this XML file. Ensure that the profile XML file
on the local system is valid.
COPDEX106E The system could not find the
VALUE_0 Tivoli Enterprise Console
(TEC) configuration file.
Explanation: The Send TEC Event Java plug-in obtains
its configuration information from a fully configured
TEC configuration file. This file must be
User response: Verify that the TEC configuration file
exists and ensure that the file is fully configured. Refer
to the Tivoli Enterprise Console product manual for
more information.
COPDEX107E An error occurred while the system
initialized the Tivoli Enterprise Console
Explanation: The Send TEC Event Java plug-in uses
the Tivoli Enterprise Console TECAgent code base to
transmit TEC events to the Tivoli Enterprise Console
server. The TECAgent obtains its configuration
information from the TEC configuration file:
TIO_HOME/config/tivoli.send.conf. The TECAgent did


User response: Verify that the TEC event name

contains only alphanumeric characters and does not
contain any white space. Refer to the Tivoli Enterprise
Console product manual for more information.
COPDEX110E An internal error occurred when the
system tried to generate the name of the
Tivoli Enterprise Console (TEC)
configuration file.
Explanation: The Send TEC Event Java plug-in uses
the Tivoli Enterprise Console TECAgent code base to
transmit TEC events to the Tivoli Enterprise Console
server. The TECAgent failed to receive configuration
information from a TEC configuration file because the
system did not produce the internal file name.
User response: This is an internal error. Contact your
IBM service representative.
COPDEX111E An internal error occurred when the
system tried to open the VALUE_0 Tivoli
Enterprise Console (TEC) configuration
Explanation: The Send TEC Event Java plug-in uses
the Tivoli Enterprise Console TECAgent code base to
transmit TEC events to the Tivoli Enterprise Console
server. The TECAgent receives configuration
information from a TEC configuration file. An error
occurred when the TECAgent accessed the
configuration file.
User response: Verify that the configuration file exists
in the correct location. Ensure that the configuration file
is usable, and verify that it includes the appropriate
user permission. Refer to the Tivoli Enterprise Console
product manual for more information.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPDEX115E The system did not find the device ID
VALUE_0 in the data center model.
COPDEX116E The VALUE_0 is not locale sensitive. It
must include the LocaleInsensitive
COPDEX117E An error occurred when the system
tried to read the input file VALUE_0.
COPDEX118E An error occurred when the system
tried to export the workflow execution
log. The error is VALUE_0.

COPDEX132E The system is running a workflow

VALUE_0. No modifications can be made
to the workflow while the workflow is
COPDEX134E A logical operation must have at least
one parameter.
COPDEX135E invokeimplementation can be called
only from a logical operation.
COPDEX136E invokeimplementation can be called
only from a logical operation.

COPDEX119E No workflow is specified for export.

Use the command option or the input
file to specify the workflow names.

COPDEX137E There is no provisioning workflow

that implements the VALUE_0 logical
management operation associated with
object VALUE_1.

COPDEX120E The workflow VALUE_0 is sensitive to

locale, but it is qualified as

Explanation: The data model object is not associated

with any device driver that contains a provisioning
workflow that implements the logical management

COPDEX121E A workflow parser error occurred. The

error is VALUE_0.

User response: Go to the details page of the data

model object. Associate the data model object with a
device driver that contains a provisioning workflow
that implements the logical management operation that
you are trying to perform.

COPDEX123E A VALUE_0 exception occurred. The

exception was caused by the following
problem: VALUE_1.
Explanation: The workflow that is ran throw an
User response: If you are a provisioning workflow
developer, open the provisioning workflow and find
the line indicated in the error message for more details.
COPDEX127E The VALUE_0 variable is already
COPDEX128E The VALUE_0 variable does not exist.
COPDEX129E An unexpected workflow compiler
error occurred VALUE_0.
COPDEX130E The deployment request (id=VALUE_0)
was canceled.
COPDEX131E The workflow signature does not
match the logical operation that it

COPDEX138E The number of arguments required

VALUE_0 is inconsistent with the
number of arguments supplied
COPDEX139E The name of the argument that is
required VALUE_0 is inconsistent with
the name of argument supplied
COPDEX140E The deployment request VALUE_0 is
not found.
COPDEX141E The specified LDO VALUE_0 is not
COPDEX142E The specified workflow VALUE_0 is
not found.
COPDEX143E The previous task VALUE_0 with
deployment request ID VALUE_1 is still

Chapter 25. Messages


COPDEX144E The number of parameters is not
valid. The workflow/LDO/JavaPlugin:
VALUE_0 requires VALUE_1 variables
instead of VALUE_2.
COPDEX145E The number of parameters is not
valid. The workflow/LDO/JavaPlugin:
VALUE_0 requires VALUE_1 variables
instead of VALUE_2.

COPDEX157E The system cannot find the storage

volumes that satisfy the following
storage capabilities settings: VALUE_0.
COPDEX158E The deprovision operation cannot be
scheduled for the service instance with
ID VALUE_0. The service ID is

COPDEX146E The index VALUE_0 for array VALUE_1

is out of bound.

COPDEX159I The system received a request to

cancel the deployment request ID

COPDEX147E The command options VALUE_0,

VALUE_1, and VALUE_2 are mutually

COPDEX160I The system received a request to force

cancel the deployment request ID:

COPDEX148E The request ID parameter VALUE_0 is

not valid. An integer value is expected.

COPDEX161E The deployment request was


COPDEX149E No such parameter VALUE_0.

COPDEX162E The 'VALUE_0' expression language is

not valid.

COPDEX150E Unknown instance permission

COPDEX151E Duplicate permission VALUE_0 for
parameter VALUE_1.
COPDEX152E The system cannot specify the
permission for the output only
parameter VALUE_0.
COPDEX153E The size of input arrays are different.
Programmer response: Ensure that all of the input
arrays contain the same number of elements.
COPDEX154E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
COPDEX155E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
storage allocation pool.
Programmer response: Ensure that the storage
allocation pool ID is valid.
COPDEX156E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
storage capabilities settings.
Programmer response: Ensure that the storage
capabilities settings ID is valid.

COPDEX163E Java plug-ins do not support array

COPDEX164E The variable VALUE_0 is not an array
COPDEX165E The workflow signature does not
match the logical operation that it
implements. There is an 'array'
definition mismatch.
COPDEX166E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
fibre channel port.
COPDEX167E The worldwide name of VALUE_0
fibre channel port is not defined.
COPDEX168E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
fibre channel switch.
COPDEX170E The VALUE_0 Java plug-in does not
COPDEX171E The system cannot update the Service
Instance of ID VALUE_0 with status
Explanation: There might be a problem when
connecting to the database. Check the SQLException
message for further details about the problem.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPDEX172E The VALUE_0 variable is a single
value variable, cannot assign an array
value to it.
COPDEX173I Agent shell server heart beat
COPDEX174I Usage: workflowLogExport.cmd/sh
(-VALUE_0 [workflow name] or
-VALUE_1 [request id]) -VALUE_2
[output file name] -VALUE_3 [input file
name]. Example:
workflowLogExport.cmd -r 12345 -f
c:/myDirectory/myOutput.xml (if
outputFilename is not specified, the
default output file is: VALUE_4 ).
COPDEX175I The workflow logs are extracted in:
COPDEX176E The parameter VALUE_0 cannot be
COPDEX177E Usage: workflowdoc [-d
destinationdirectory] [-pd
packagedescriptor] [-p packagename]
[sourcefiles]\n -d destinationdirectory
The destination directory where the
generated files.\n If it is not specified,
the current directory will be used.\n -pd
packagedescriptor The file name of an
automation package descriptor file (that
is tc-driver.xml file).\n The
documentation will be generated for all
workflows specified in the descriptor
file.\n It cannot be used together with
the -p option or sourcefiles.\n -p
packagename The name of the
automation package for which the
documentation will be generated.\n If it
is not specified, only the workflow
documentation is generated.\n It cannot
be used together with the -pd option.\n
-todos Include @todo annotations in the
generated files.\n sourcefiles List of
workflow source file names separated
by spaces.\n The elements in this list
can contain paths. Wildcards are
allowed in file names, but not in path
names.\n If it is not specified, the
system will generate documentation for
all .wkf files in the current directory. It
cannot be used together with the -pd


COPDEX179E The invokeimplementation instruction
cannot be used in a conditional scope. It
can be used only at workflow, try or
finally scopes or a combination of these
COPDEX180E Usage: automationpackagedoc -pd
packagedescriptor\n -pd
packagedescriptor The file name of an
automation package descriptor file (that
is tc-driver.xml file).
COPDEX181I Cancel deployment requests finished
COPDEX182I Clean up deployment requests
finished successfully.
COPDEX184E VALUE_0 is not an automation
package directory. (Missing
TC-INF/tc-driver.xml file)
COPDEX185E VALUE_0/TC-INF/tc-driver.xml is not
COPDEX186E VALUE_0 is not an automation
package directory
COPDEX187E 'invokeimplementation' is missing
from LDO: VALUE_0
COPDEX188E VALUE_0 contains more than one
COPDEX189E The tc-driver.xml in VALUE_0 refers to
a workflow VALUE_1 that does not exist.
COPDEX190I Deployment engine heart beat
COPDEX191E The Java class VALUE_0 is not found.
COPDEX192E The method VALUE_0 with VALUE_1
parameters is not found.
COPDEX193E The system expected one or more
values, but it did not receive any value.

Chapter 25. Messages


COPDEX194E Unused javaimport VALUE_0.
COPDEX195E The instruction ID VALUE_0 does not
Explanation: The workflow execution cannot find the
next instruction.
User response: Verify that the workflow is not
compiled or deleted while while it is running.
COPDEX196E The system cannot resolve the value
of the parameter VALUE_0.
COPDEX197E The value for parameter VALUE_0 is
too large to be persisted into database.

COPDEX205E Enter a valid command and try

again.\n Usage: clean-up-deploymentrequests\n This utility cleans up all of
the deployment requests that are in
COPDEX206E The parameter VALUE_0 is a required
User response: Specify a valid value for the parameter
and run the workflow again.
COPDEX207E The VALUE_0 protocol cannot be used
for running scriptlets.
User response: Change the service access points to use
a different protocol for running remote commands and

COPDEX198E Discovery configuration internal error

COPDEX200E Usage: removeDeploymentRequests
[date]\n date The utility will delete all
of the deployment requests created
before the date supplied as argument.\n
The format of the date argument is

COPDEX208E The system failed to release the locks

for object IDs VALUE_0.

COPDEX201E Usage: compile.cmd/sh

COPDEX202E The system failed to generate the
workflow documentation.
COPDEX203E The system cannot find a command
execution credential for data model
object VALUE_0 with credentials key
Explanation: The target computer and the
Provisioning Server must have a matching command
execution credential with the specified key to run the
User response: Go to the details page of the computer
and ensure that there is a matching command
execution credential between the target computer and
the provisioning server. Add the missing credential
with the required key to both the target computer and
the provisioning server if they are missing.
COPDEX204E Enter a valid command and try
again.\n Usage: cancel-all-in-progress\n
This utility stops all of the running
provisioning workflows.\n


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide


This section contains messages with the COPDSC identifier for discovery messages for Tivoli
Provisioning Manager.
COPDSC001E The discovery {0} does not exists.
User response: Install the discovery {0}.
COPDSC002E The discovery method parameter is

COPDSC011E The specified subnetwork mask {0} is

not valid. Type a valid subnetwork
COPDSC012E The specified SMB port {0} is not
valid. Type a valid SMB port.

User response: Select the discovery method parameter.

COPDSC002W The discovery device model
parameter is missing.
Explanation: The discovery device model parameter is
User response: Select the discovery device model
COPDSC003E The time range provided is not valid.
Explanation: The time range provided is not valid.
User response: Select a valid time range.
COPDSC004E The selected resources belongs to
more than one discovery
Explanation: The selected resources belongs to more
than one discovery
User response: Select resources that have been
discovered by the same discovery instance
COPDSC005E The specified IP address {0} is not
valid. Type a valid IP address.
COPDSC006E The discovery name already exists.
Explanation: It is not possible to have two discoveries
with the same name.
User response: Change the discovery name and save
the discovery.
COPDSC007E Specify a value in the Provisioning
Task field.
COPDSC008E The specified SSH port {0} is not
valid. Type a valid SSH port.
COPDSC009E The specified timeout {0} is not valid.
Type a valid timeout.
COPDSC010E The specified gateway IP address {0}
is not valid. Type a valid IP address.

COPDSC013E The specified port number {0} is not

valid. Type a valid port number.
COPDSC014E The specified computer name {0} is
not valid. Type a valid computer name.
COPDSC015E The specified Credential Search Key
{0} is not valid. Type a valid Credential
Search Key.
COPDSC016E The discovery parameters are missing.
Type at least a valid IP address range, a
computer name, or a subnetwork
address and mask.
COPDSC017E The discovery parameters are missing.
Type at least a valid IP address range, or
a subnetwork address and mask.
COPDSC018E The discovery credentials are missing.
Type at least a valid user name and
COPDSC019E Select at least one target for discovery
to run.
COPDSC020E The file format is not valid. In the
file, make sure that IP addresses are
listed under #IPRANGES, host names
under #HOSTNAMES, subnetworks
under #SUBNETWORKS, and that the
format for these items is valid.
COPDSC021E The passwords for the user {0} do not
match. Type the passwords again.
COPDSC022E The discovery wizard name already
Explanation: You cannot have two discovery wizards
with the same name.
User response: Change the discovery wizard name
and save the discovery.
Chapter 25. Messages


COPDSC023E The discovery wizard does not contain
any action. Add one or more actions to
the wizard.
COPDSC024E The Start and End IP addresses in the
range do not use the same IP protocol.
Explanation: The IP addresses in the range must use
the same IP protocol. They must both be either IPv4 or

COPDSC025E The specified mask {0} is not valid.

Type a valid mask.
COPDSC026E Select one or more check boxes to
specify the scope of your discovery.
COPDSC027E You must specify an ending IP
address that is greater than the starting
IP address.

User response: Enter the Start and End IP addresses

again, ensuring that they use the same IP protocol.

This section contains messages with the COPDSE identifier for compliance messages.
COPDSE001E The system cannot update the
Windows Unauthorized Guest Access
compliance check with security
compliance check ID VALUE_0 because
the compliance check could not be
found in the data center model.

COPDSE009E The system cannot update the

Windows Power-On Password
compliance check because the
compliance check could not be found in
the data center model. Its security
compliance check ID is VALUE_0.

COPDSE002E The system cannot update the AIX

Remote Root Login compliance check
with security compliance check ID
VALUE_0 because the compliance check
could not be found in the data center

COPDSE010E The system cannot update the

Windows Hard Disk Password
compliance check because it could not
be found in the data center model. Its
security compliance check ID is

COPDSE003E The system cannot instantiate an

object of the class VALUE_0.

COPDSE011E The system cannot add a rule that is

not of type VALUE_0 to a compliance
check with the type VALUE_1.

COPDSE004E The system cannot update the

attribute because there is no field
named VALUE_0 in the class VALUE_1.
COPDSE005E The system cannot update the
attribute because there is no set method
named VALUE_0 in the class VALUE_1.
COPDSE006E The system cannot update the
attribute because the attribute value
VALUE_0 cannot be converted into the
type VALUE_1.
COPDSE007E The system cannot update the
attribute because no object with the
name VALUE_0 could be found.
COPDSE008E The property with the key value
VALUE_0 in the device with VALUE_1
ID is not defined.


COPDSE012E The system cannot remove the rule

with VALUE_0 ID from the compliance
check with VALUE_1 ID because the rule
does not belong to the given compliance
COPDSE013E The system cannot update the AIX
Activity Auditing compliance check
because it could not be found in the
data center model. Its compliance check
ID is VALUE_0.
COPDSE014E The system cannot update the Linux
System Logging compliance check
because it could not be found in the
data center model. Its compliance check
ID is VALUE_0.
COPDSE015E The value of the compliance check
setting that belongs to compliance check
(ID: VALUE_0; type: VALUE_1) cannot be

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPDSE016E The system cannot validate the
non-supported compliance check setting
type: VALUE_0.
COPDSE017E The system cannot delete the file with
VALUE_0 ID. There is an associated
VALUE_1 with VALUE_2 ID that must be
deleted first.
COPDSE018E The property with the key value of
VALUE_0 in the device with VALUE_1
ID is not defined.
COPDSE019E The system cannot update the given
Windows screen saver setting because
the user account it belongs to cannot be
found in the data center model. The
user name of the account is VALUE_0.
COPDSE020E The Message log file name setting for
the VALUE_0 facility is not defined in
VALUE_1 with VALUE_2 ID.
COPDSE021E The system cannot instantiate the
compliance check with type VALUE_0.
COPDSE022E An event cannot be fired because one
or more of the broker, event, or
eventType objects is null. Their values
are broker: VALUE_0, event: VALUE_1,
and eventType: VALUE_2.
COPDSE023E The system cannot update the given
user defined compliance check because
it cannot be found in the data center
model. Its compliance check ID is
COPDSE024E An unexpected error occurred when
trying to call the method VALUE_0 on
VALUE_1 with VALUE_2 ID.
COPDSE025E Only a single computer can be used as
the source of actual state information for
the purpose of creating compliance
COPDSE026E Only a computer or a provisioning
group can be the target of a compliance
check. The given device with VALUE_0
ID is neither a provisioning group nor a

COPDSE027E The system cannot convert the issue or

recommendation description to XML
format. The description message key is
not set.
COPDSE028E The system cannot convert the issue or
recommendation description to XML
format because of the exception:
COPDSE029E The system cannot convert the issue or
recommendation description from the
XML format string because of the
exception: VALUE_0.
COPDSE030E Incorrect selection of
COPDSE031E No software module is associated with
software installation of VALUE_0.
COPDSE032E The approve action is not allowed for
the recommendation with ID: VALUE_0
because it is not in a valid state for this
COPDSE033E The ignore action is not allowed for
the recommendation with ID: VALUE_0
because it is not in a valid state for this
COPDSE034E The close action is not allowed for the
recommendation with ID: VALUE_0
because it is not in a valid state for this
COPDSE035E The open action is not allowed for the
recommendation with ID: VALUE_0
because it is not in a valid state for this
COPDSE036E The run action is not allowed for the
recommendation with ID: VALUE_0
because it is not in a valid state for this
COPDSE037E The mark as implementing action is
not allowed for the recommendation
with ID: VALUE_0 because it is not in a
valid state for this action.

Chapter 25. Messages


COPDSE038E The system cannot perform the
selected action because there is no
recommendation being selected.
COPDSE039E The system cannot perform the
selected action because incompatible
recommendations have been selected for
multiple computers.
COPDSE040E The recommendation with ID:
VALUE_0 and target ID: VALUE_1 cannot
be added to the recommendation list
with target ID: VALUE_2.

COPDSE047E The system cannot create a software

stack recommendation using the
recommendation group with ID:
VALUE_0, because the associated
remediation workflows are not the
same. The recommendation with ID:
VALUE_1 associates workflow: VALUE_2,
which is different from other
remediation workflow: VALUE_3.

COPDSE041E The patch with ID: VALUE_0 does not

have a device driver defined.

COPDSE048E The system cannot perform the

remediation using the Run button for
the recommendation with ID: VALUE_0
because it recommends a patch
installation to the system (ID: VALUE_1
) that is distribution infrastructure
enabled. Use the Schedule button.

COPDSE042E Selected software have incompatible

operating systems: VALUE_0 and

COPDSE049E The system cannot find a discovery

profile using device driver name:

COPDSE043E The software recommendation with

ID: VALUE_0 has an incorrect software

COPDSE050E The system cannot find a properly

configured CIT discovery profile to run
a hardware and software signature scan.

COPDSE044E The software recommendation with

ID: VALUE_0 is not the valid software
install recommendation, since its
associated remediation workflow is

COPDSE051E The system cannot find a properly

configured CIT discovery profile to run
a software registry scan.

COPDSE045E The system cannot perform the

scheduled remediation for the selected
software recommendations because
there is no software or no target
computers defined. The number of
selected software is VALUE_0; the
number of selected computers is
COPDSE046E The system cannot perform the
scheduled remediation for the selected
software recommendations because all
of the selected software are not the same
type. All of selected software must be
the same type, either software patch,
software product, or software stack.

COPDSE052E The system cannot perform the

scheduled remediation for the selected
software recommendations because
Operating system (ID: VALUE_0)cannot
be installed using this recommendation.
COPDSE053E The system cannot perform the
scheduled remediation for the selected
software recommendations because
Operating system (ID: VALUE_0)cannot
be uninstalled using this
COPDSE054E The compliance check subcategory ID:
VALUE_0 is incorrect.
COPDSE055E The system cannot get compliance
COPDSE056E The system cannot find the
compliance check subcategory ID for the
compliance check with type: VALUE_0.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPDSE057E Incorrect Patch approval source Id:
VALUE_0 for OS Patch and Update
compliance check, it should be either
patch id or patch group id.
COPDSE058E The system cannot create the software
configuration template for installation
VALUE_0 because its configuration
parameters cannot be scanned.
COPDSE059E The system cannot create the software
configuration template for installation
VALUE_0 because it does not have
software resource template.
COPDSE060E The system cannot delete the
discovery VALUE_0, because it is used
by software configuration compliance
check for software VALUE_1 of group or
computer VALUE_2.
COPDSE061E The system cannot delete the software
definition VALUE_0, because it is used
by software configuration compliance
check of group or computer VALUE_1.
COPDSE062E The system cannot delete the
discovery VALUE_0, because it is used
by software configuration compliance
check template VALUE_1.
COPDSE063E The system cannot delete the software
definition VALUE_0, because it is used
by software configuration compliance
check template VALUE_1.
COPDSE064E The system cannot get remediation
COPDSE065E The system detected multiple
definitions for VALUE_0 in the
remediation configuration.
COPDSE066E The system cannot create a new
schedule to run compliance check or
compliance scan and check because
there is no compliance check defined for
the group or computer VALUE_0.
COPDSE067E The system cannot load Java class
with name: VALUE_0.

COPDSE068E The computer VALUE_0 is used as

golden computer in a number of
configuration templates. If you want to
delete the computer, you must delete the
COPDSE069E The computer VALUE_0 is used as
golden computer in a number of
Software Configuration Checks. These
checks are defined by the computer or
group VALUE_1. If you want to delete
the computer, you must delete all the
Software Configuration Checks that
refer to it.
COPDSE100E The planned start time VALUE_0 for
VALUE_0 must be no later than the
current time.
COPDSE101E The Maximum password age VALUE_0
must be equal to or greater than one
COPDSE102E The setting VALUE_0 value: VALUE_0
must be greater than or equal to zero.
COPDSE103E Each character in the permission string
VALUE_0 must be one of the following
-, r, w, x, or s.
COPDSE104E The compliance check name VALUE_0
should be no longer than 256 characters.
COPDSE105E The compliance check description
VALUE_0 should be no longer than 2000
COPDSE106E The service description VALUE_0
should be no longer than 2000
COPDSE107E The service name VALUE_0 should be
no longer than 256 characters.
COPDSE108E The expected protocol name VALUE_0
should be no longer than 20 characters.
COPDSE109E The length of the permission string
VALUE_0 should be no longer than 256

Chapter 25. Messages


COPDSE110E The specified software installation
state VALUE_0 is not supported.
COPDSE111E The specified group type VALUE_0 is
not supported.
COPDSE198I A compliance check of the computer
VALUE_0 has completed and one or
more noncompliant items was
identified. For details, refer to the
information on the Compliance tab for
this computer.
COPDSE199I A compliance check of the group
VALUE_0 has completed and one or
more noncompliant items were
identified. For details, refer to the
information on the Compliance tab for
this group.
COPDSE200I The compliant value for the AIX
Remote root login allowed setting is
VALUE_0 but the actual value is
COPDSE201I Change the value of the AIX Remote
root login allowed setting to VALUE_0
to match the compliant value.
COPDSE202I The compliant value for the Maximum
elapsed time setting is VALUE_0 hours,
but the actual value is VALUE_1 hours.
COPDSE203I Run an Windows antivirus scan.
COPDSE204I There is no supported antivirus
software installed.
COPDSE205I Install an antivirus software product,
such as Symantec AntiVirus, Trend
Micro Anti-Virus, McAfee VirusScan or
Sophos Anti-Virus.
COPDSE206I The compliant value of the Maximum
virus definition age setting is VALUE_0
days, but the actual value is VALUE_1

COPDSE208I The compliant value of the Auto

update schedule setting is VALUE_0, but
the actual value is VALUE_1.
COPDSE209I Change the value of the Auto update
schedule setting for VALUE_0 to match
the compliant schedule value: VALUE_1.
COPDSE210I The compliant value of the Windows
Power-on password required setting is
VALUE_0, but the actual value is
COPDSE211I Change the value of the Windows
Power-on password required setting to
COPDSE212I The compliant value of the Guest
account can only be a member of Guests
group setting is VALUE_0, but the actual
value is VALUE_1.
COPDSE213I Change the groups to which the Guest
user account belongs to match the
compliant value.
COPDSE214I The compliant value of the Guest
account must be active setting is
VALUE_0, but the actual value is
COPDSE215I Change the active state of the Guest
user account to match the compliant
COPDSE216I The compliant value of the Guest
account must be locked setting is
VALUE_0, but the actual value is
COPDSE217I Change the locked state of the Guest
user account to match the compliant
COPDSE218I The compliant value of the Windows
Hard disk password required setting is
VALUE_0, but the actual value is

COPDSE207I Update the virus definition file.

COPDSE219I Change the value of the Windows
Hard disk password required setting for
Windows hard disk VALUE_0 to match
the compliant value VALUE_1.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPDSE220I The compliant value of the Active
setting for user VALUE_0 is VALUE_1,
but the actual value is VALUE_2.

COPDSE233I Change the value of the Set user ID

logs setting to VALUE_0 to match the
compliant value.

COPDSE221I Change the value of the Active setting

on the system for user VALUE_0 to
match the compliant value.

COPDSE234I The compliant value for the Logon

failure logs setting is VALUE_0, but the
actual value is VALUE_1.

COPDSE222I The compliant value of the Password

protected setting for user VALUE_0 is
VALUE_1, but the actual value is

COPDSE235I Change the value of the Logon failure

logs setting to VALUE_0 to match the
compliant value.

COPDSE223I Set or remove the Windows screen

saver password for the user VALUE_0 in
order to match the compliant value.
COPDSE224I The compliant value of the Maximum
timeout value setting for user VALUE_0
is VALUE_1, but the actual value is
COPDSE225I Change the Maximum timeout value
setting for the user VALUE_0 to be less
than or equal to the maximum
compliant timeout value: VALUE_1.
COPDSE226I Required software VALUE_0 is not
COPDSE227I Install the required software VALUE_0.
COPDSE228I Prohibited software VALUE_0 is
COPDSE229I Uninstall the prohibited software
COPDSE230I The compliant value for the
Connection time logs setting is
VALUE_0, but the actual value is
COPDSE231I Change the value of the Connection
time logs setting to VALUE_0 to match
the compliant value.
COPDSE232I The compliant value for the Set user
ID logs setting is VALUE_0, but the
actual value is VALUE_1.

COPDSE236I The compliant value of the VALUE_0

service for the Port number setting is
VALUE_1, but the actual value is
COPDSE237I Change the value of the Port number
setting of the VALUE_0 service to
VALUE_1 to match the compliant value.
COPDSE238I The compliant value of the VALUE_0
service for the Protocol setting is
VALUE_1, but the actual value is
COPDSE239I Change the value of the Protocol
setting of the VALUE_0 service to
VALUE_1 to match the compliant value.
COPDSE240I The compliant value of the VALUE_0
service requires it to be present, but it is
COPDSE241I Change the value of the Service state
setting of the VALUE_0 service to
VALUE_1 to match the compliant value.
COPDSE242I The compliant value of the VALUE_0
service for the Startup mode setting is
VALUE_1, but the actual value is
COPDSE243I Change the value of the Startup mode
setting of the VALUE_0 service to
VALUE_1 to match the compliant value.
COPDSE244I The compliant value of the VALUE_0
service for the Running state setting is
VALUE_1, but the actual value is

Chapter 25. Messages


COPDSE245I Change the value of the Running state
setting of the VALUE_0 service to
VALUE_1 to match the compliant value.
COPDSE246I The compliant value of the VALUE_0
file for the Create Folders/Append Data
setting is VALUE_1, but the actual value
is VALUE_2.
COPDSE247I Change the value of the Create
Folders/Append Data setting for the
VALUE_0 file to VALUE_1 to match the
compliant value.
COPDSE248I The compliant value of the VALUE_0
file for the Delete Subfolders and Files
setting is VALUE_1, but the actual value
is VALUE_2.
COPDSE249I Change the value of the Delete
Subfolders and Files setting for the
VALUE_0 file to VALUE_1 to match the
compliant value.
COPDSE250I The compliant value of the VALUE_0
file for the Delete setting is VALUE_1,
but the actual value is VALUE_2.
COPDSE251I Change the value of the Delete setting
for the VALUE_0 file to VALUE_1 to
match the compliant value.
COPDSE252I The compliant value of the VALUE_0
file for the Traverse Folder/Execute File
setting is VALUE_1, but the actual value
is VALUE_2.
COPDSE253I Change the value of the Traverse
Folder/Execute File setting for the
VALUE_0 file to VALUE_1 to match the
compliant value.
COPDSE254I The compliant value of the VALUE_0
file for the Read Attributes setting is
VALUE_1, but the actual value is
COPDSE255I Change the value of the Read
Attributes setting for the VALUE_0 file
to VALUE_1 to match the compliant


COPDSE256I The compliant value of the VALUE_0

file for the Read Permissions setting is
VALUE_1, but the actual value is
COPDSE257I Change the value of the Read
Permissions setting for the VALUE_0
file to VALUE_1 to match the compliant
COPDSE258I The compliant value of the VALUE_0
file for the List Folder/Read Data setting
is VALUE_1, but the actual value is
COPDSE259I Change the value of the List
Folder/Read Data setting for the
VALUE_0 file to VALUE_1 to match the
compliant value.
COPDSE260I The compliant value of the VALUE_0
file for the Read Extended Attributes
setting is VALUE_1, but the actual value
is VALUE_2.
COPDSE261I Change the value of the Read
Extended Attributes setting for the
VALUE_0 file to VALUE_1 to match the
compliant value.
COPDSE262I The compliant value of the VALUE_0
file for the Synchronize setting is
VALUE_1, but the actual value is
COPDSE263I Change the value of the Synchronize
setting for the VALUE_0 file to
VALUE_1 to match the compliant value.
COPDSE264I The compliant value of the VALUE_0
file for the Write Attributes setting is
VALUE_1, but the actual value is
COPDSE265I Change the value of the Write
Attributes setting for the VALUE_0 file
to VALUE_1 to match the compliant
COPDSE266I The compliant value of the VALUE_0
file for the Change Permissions setting
is VALUE_1, but the actual value is

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPDSE267I Change the value of the Change
Permissions setting for the VALUE_0
file to VALUE_1 to match the compliant

COPDSE278I The compliant value of the VALUE_0

file for the Permissions setting is
VALUE_1, but the actual value is

COPDSE268I The compliant value of the VALUE_0

file for the Create Files/Write Data
setting is VALUE_1, but the actual value
is VALUE_2.

COPDSE279I Change the value of the Permissions

setting for the VALUE_0 file to
VALUE_1 to match the compliant value.

COPDSE269I Change the value of the Create

Files/Write Data setting for the
VALUE_0 file to VALUE_1 to match the
compliant value.
COPDSE270I The compliant value of the VALUE_0
file for the Write Extended Attributes
setting is VALUE_1, but the actual value
is VALUE_2.
COPDSE271I Change the value of the Write
Extended Attributes setting for the
VALUE_0 file to VALUE_1 to match the
compliant value.
COPDSE272I The compliant value of the VALUE_0
file for the Take Ownership setting is
VALUE_1, but the actual value is
COPDSE273I Change the value of the Take
Ownership setting for the VALUE_0 file
to VALUE_1 to match the compliant
COPDSE274I None of the software items in the
group VALUE_0 are installed. At least
one item in the group must be installed.
COPDSE275I Install one or more of the software
items VALUE_0 from the software group
COPDSE276I The compliant value of the VALUE_0
file for the Is directory setting is
VALUE_1, but the actual value is
COPDSE277I Change the value of the Is directory
setting for the VALUE_0 file to
VALUE_1 to match the compliant value.

COPDSE280I A compliant value for the file access

control list for the VALUE_0 file is
defined for the user VALUE_1, but no
file access control list for this user exists
on the computer.
COPDSE281I Add the user name VALUE_0 to the
access control list of the file VALUE_1
to match the compliant value.
COPDSE282I The compliant value of the Facility
setting is VALUE_0 but it is not defined
on the computer.
COPDSE283I Define the Facility setting in
syslog.conf file for VALUE_0 to match
the compliant value.
COPDSE284I The compliant value of the Priority
setting for the facility VALUE_0 is
VALUE_1, but the actual value is
COPDSE285I Change the Priority setting in
syslog.conf file for the facility VALUE_0
to an error level that is the same as the
compliant value: VALUE_1.
COPDSE286I The compliant value of the Destination
setting for facility: VALUE_0 with
priority: VALUE_1 is VALUE_2, but the
actual value is VALUE_3.
COPDSE287I Change the Destination setting in
syslog.conf file for facility: VALUE_0
with priority: VALUE_1 to match the
compliant value: VALUE_2.
COPDSE288I The compliant value of the Minimum
retention period of application data
setting is VALUE_0 days, but the actual
value is VALUE_1 days.

Chapter 25. Messages


COPDSE289I Change the Minimum retention period
of application data to be equal to or
greater than the compliant value:
VALUE_0 days.

COPDSE300I The compliant value of the Minimum

password reuse count setting is
VALUE_0, but the actual value is

COPDSE290I The compliant value of the Minimum

retention period of security data setting
is VALUE_0 days, but the actual value is
VALUE_1 days.

COPDSE301I Change the value of the Minimum

password reuse count setting to be
greater than or equal to the compliant
value VALUE_0.

COPDSE291I Change the Minimum retention period

of security data to be equal to or greater
than the compliant value: VALUE_0

COPDSE302I The compliant value of the Maximum

password age setting is VALUE_0, but
the actual value is VALUE_1.

COPDSE292I The compliant value of the Minimum

retention period of system data setting
is VALUE_0 days, but the actual value is
VALUE_1 days.
COPDSE293I Change the Minimum retention period
of system data to be equal to or greater
than the compliant value: VALUE_0
COPDSE294I The compliant value of the Minimum
value of the maximum application log
size setting is VALUE_0 MB, but the
actual value is VALUE_1 MB.
COPDSE295I Change the Minimum value of the
maximum application log size to be
equal to or greater than the compliant
value: VALUE_0 MB.
COPDSE296I The compliant value of the Minimum
value of the maximum security log size
setting is VALUE_0 MB, but the actual
value is VALUE_1 MB.
COPDSE297I Change the Minimum value of the
maximum security log size to be equal
to or greater than the compliant value:
COPDSE298I The compliant value of the Minimum
value of the maximum system log size
setting is VALUE_0 MB, but the actual
value is VALUE_1 MB.
COPDSE299I Change the Minimum value of the
maximum system log size to be equal to
or greater than the compliant value:


COPDSE303I Change the value of the Maximum

password age setting to be less than or
equal to the compliant value VALUE_0.
COPDSE304I The compliant value of the Minimum
password length setting is VALUE_0,
but the actual value is VALUE_1.
COPDSE305I Change the value of the Minimum
password length setting to be greater
than or equal to the compliant value
COPDSE306I The compliant value of the Track
traffic setting for the firewall software
VALUE_0 is VALUE_1, but the actual
value is VALUE_2.
COPDSE307I Change the value of the Track traffic
setting for the firewall software
VALUE_0 to match the compliant value
COPDSE308I The compliant value of the Activate
Windows Service setting for the firewall
software VALUE_0 is VALUE_1, but the
actual value is VALUE_2.
COPDSE309I Change the value of the Activate
Windows Service setting for the firewall
software VALUE_0 to match the
compliant value VALUE_1.
COPDSE310I The compliant value of the Windows
Service enabled to start automatically
setting for the firewall software
VALUE_0 is VALUE_1, but the actual
value is VALUE_2.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPDSE311I Change the value of the Windows
Service enabled to start automatically
setting for the firewall software
VALUE_0 to match the compliant value
COPDSE312I The compliant value of the Successful
system events setting is VALUE_0, but
the actual value is VALUE_1.
COPDSE313I Change the value of the Successful
system events setting to match the
compliant value VALUE_0.
COPDSE314I The compliant value of the Failed
system events setting is VALUE_0, but
the actual value is VALUE_1.
COPDSE315I Change the value of the Failed system
events setting to match the compliant
value VALUE_0.
COPDSE316I The compliant value of the Successful
logon events setting is VALUE_0, but
the actual value is VALUE_1.
COPDSE317I Change the value of the Successful
logon events setting to match the
compliant value VALUE_0.
COPDSE318I The compliant value of the Failed
logon events setting is VALUE_0, but
the actual value is VALUE_1.
COPDSE319I Change the value of the Failed logon
events setting to match the compliant
value VALUE_0.
COPDSE320I The compliant value of the Successful
object access setting is VALUE_0, but
the actual value is VALUE_1.
COPDSE321I Change the value of the Successful
object access setting to match the
compliant value VALUE_0.
COPDSE322I The compliant value of the Failed
object access setting is VALUE_0, but
the actual value is VALUE_1.

COPDSE323I Change the value of the Failed object

access setting to match the compliant
value VALUE_0.
COPDSE324I The compliant value of the Successful
user access rights setting is VALUE_0,
but the actual value is VALUE_1.
COPDSE325I Change the value of the Successful
user access rights setting to match the
compliant value VALUE_0.
COPDSE326I The compliant value of the Failed user
access rights setting is VALUE_0, but the
actual value is VALUE_1.
COPDSE327I Change the value of the Failed user
access rights setting to match the
compliant value VALUE_0.
COPDSE328I The compliant value of the Successful
process tracking setting is VALUE_0, but
the actual value is VALUE_1.
COPDSE329I Change the value of the Successful
process tracking setting to match the
compliant value VALUE_0.
COPDSE330I The compliant value of the Failed
process tracking setting is VALUE_0, but
the actual value is VALUE_1.
COPDSE331I Change the value of the Failed process
tracking setting to match the compliant
value VALUE_0.
COPDSE332I The compliant value of the Successful
policy change setting is VALUE_0, but
the actual value is VALUE_1.
COPDSE333I Change the value of the Successful
policy change setting to match the
compliant value VALUE_0.
COPDSE334I The compliant value of the Failed
policy change setting is VALUE_0, but
the actual value is VALUE_1.
COPDSE335I Change the value of the Failed policy
change setting to match the compliant
value VALUE_0.

Chapter 25. Messages


COPDSE336I The compliant value of the Successful
account management setting is
VALUE_0, but the actual value is
COPDSE337I Change the value of the Successful
account management setting to match
the compliant value VALUE_0.
COPDSE338I The compliant value of the Failed
account management setting is
VALUE_0, but the actual value is
COPDSE339I Change the value of the Failed account
management setting to match the
compliant value VALUE_0.
COPDSE340I The compliant value of the Successful
directory service access setting is
VALUE_0, but the actual value is
COPDSE341I Change the value of the Successful
directory service access setting to match
the compliant value VALUE_0.
COPDSE342I The compliant value of the Failed
directory service access setting is
VALUE_0, but the actual value is
COPDSE343I Change the value of the Failed
directory service access setting to match
the compliant value VALUE_0.

COPDSE348I The file permission settings for

VALUE_0 file are not correctly defined.
COPDSE349I Define the file permission settings on
the computer for the VALUE_0 file to
match the compliant value.
COPDSE350I It is not possible to determine if the
VALUE_0 setting is compliant for the
computer because no information about
this setting has been discovered.
COPDSE351I Run an inventory scan to discover
information about the VALUE_0 setting
for this computer.
COPDSE352I Not all the software products in the
required software stack VALUE_0 are
COPDSE353I Install the required software stack
COPDSE354I Some software items in the prohibited
software stack VALUE_0 are installed.
COPDSE355I Uninstall the prohibited software items
COPDSE356I All software items that are not listed as
required or optional have been
prohibited for this computer. The
installed software products VALUE_0
are not listed in software compliance
checks, so they are prohibited.

COPDSE344I The compliant value of the Successful

user logon events setting is VALUE_0,
but the actual value is VALUE_1.

COPDSE357I Uninstall the prohibited software


COPDSE345I Change the value of the Successful

user logon events setting to match the
compliant value VALUE_0.

COPDSE358I The compliant value of the VALUE_0

service requires that it must not be
present on the computer, but it has been

COPDSE346I The compliant value of the Failed user

logon events setting is VALUE_0, but
the actual value is VALUE_1.
COPDSE347I Change the value of the Failed user
logon events setting to match the
compliant value VALUE_0.


COPDSE359I Remove the prohibited service

VALUE_0 from the computer in order to
match the compliant value.
COPDSE360I It is not possible to determine if the
VALUE_0 setting is compliant for the
computer because a compliance check
for this setting has not been run.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPDSE361I Run a compliance check for this
computer to determine the compliance
status for the VALUE_0 setting.
COPDSE362I The compliant value for the Status
setting is VALUE_0, but the actual value
for the agent is VALUE_1.
COPDSE363I Execute agent commands as necessary
to make the agent's Status compliant
with the setting VALUE_0.
COPDSE364I The compliant value for the Maximum
elapsed time between contact setting is
VALUE_0 hours, but the actual value for
the agent is VALUE_1 hours.
COPDSE365I Change the value of the Maximum
elapsed time between contact setting to
be less than or equal to VALUE_0 hours.
COPDSE366I It is not possible to determine if the
VALUE_0 setting is compliant for the
computer because no compliance check
for this setting has been run.
COPDSE367I Run a compliance check to determine
the compliance status for the VALUE_0
setting for this computer.
COPDSE368I There is no supported firewall
software installed.
COPDSE369I Install a firewall software product,
such as Symantec Client Firewall,
McAfee Desktop Firewall, Windows
Native Firewall or Zone Alarms
Integrity Flex Firewall.
COPDSE370I Microsoft patch list or approved patch
list has changed since the last patch
scan, or the last patch scan was not
COPDSE371I Run patch discovery scan again.
COPDSE372I Patch VALUE_0 (id: VALUE_1) has no
software installable suitable for the
system VALUE_2 (id: VALUE_3).

COPDSE373I Reconfigure and run Microsoft update

discovery to get the missing installable,
and then run patch discovery scan
COPDSE380E Generating compliance
recommendations is not supported for
groups with member type VALUE_0
COPDSE400E The recommendation with ID: {0} is
not in a valid state for the approve
Explanation: The approve action is only allowed for
recommendations that are in the following states:
Opened, Approved, Failed, Ignored.
User response: Select another set of recommendations
for the specified operation or specify an operation that
is compatible with the states of the selected
COPDSE401E The recommendation with ID: {0} is
not in a valid state for the ignore action.
Explanation: The ignore action is only allowed for
recommendations that are in the following states:
Opened, Approved, Failed, Ignored.
User response: Select another set of recommendations
for the specified operation or specify an operation that
is compatible with the states of the selected
COPDSE402E The recommendation with ID: {0} is
not in a valid state for the close action.
Explanation: The close action is only allowed for
recommendations that are in the following states:
Approved, Failed, Implementing, Implemented.
User response: Select another set of recommendations
for the specified operation or specify an operation that
is compatible with the states of the selected
COPDSE403E The recommendation with ID: {0} is
not in a valid state for the open action.
Explanation: The open action is only allowed for
recommendations that are in the following states:
Approved, Ignored, Opened, Implementing.
User response: Select another set of recommendations
for the specified operation or specify an operation that
is compatible with the states of the selected

Chapter 25. Messages


COPDSE404E The recommendation with ID: {0} is
not in a valid state for the run action.
Explanation: The run action is only allowed for
recommendations that are in the following states:
Approved, Failed, Implementing, Implemented.
User response: Select another set of recommendations
for the specified operation or specify an operation that
is compatible with the states of the selected
COPDSE405W The number of selected targets
exceeds the maximum recommended
value, which might affect performance.
Do you want to continue?
COPDSE407E Cannot add more than one patch
Explanation: A Patch compliance check is already
defined for the current object. You cannot add more
than one patch compliance check.
COPDSE408W The template {0} is currently
referenced by a compliance check for a
computer or group. Are you sure you
want to delete it?

COPDSE559E No recommendation is selected.

Explanation: At least one recommendation must be
selected to perform the action.
User response: Select one or more recommendations
for the action.
COPDSE566W The selected compliance check or
checks are currently being deleted.
Explanation: The compliance check or checks are
being deleted asynchronously. Compliance checks will
continue to be displayed on the list until the deletion
task is completed
User response: Go to the Provisioning Task Tracking
page to monitor the status of the deletion task until the
task is completed.
COPDSE574E At least one compliance check must be
selected to perform this action.
User response: Select one or more compliance checks
in the Compliance tab.
COPDSE577E The recommendation ID is incorrect.

COPDSE427W The compliance check cannot be

deleted, because it is defined at the
group level.
Explanation: The compliance check is defined for the
group that this computer belongs to. You can delete it
only from the group.
User response: Go to the Provisioning Groups
application and delete the compliance check from the
appropriate group.
COPDSE557E You cannot run or schedule a
compliance scan or check because no
compliance checks have been added for
this computer or provisioning group.
User response: To add a compliance check for this
computer or group, click the All Configured Checks
tab, then click New Compliance Check and select the
appropriate option.
COPDSE558E You cannot run or schedule a
compliance scan or check because there
are no computers in this provisioning
User response: Add at least one computer to the
Members list in the Group tab for the action.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide


This section contains messages with the COPGRP identifier for group messages.
COPGRP001E Cannot add the object VALUE_0 with
type VALUE_1 to the group VALUE_2
with type VALUE_3 because their types
are incompatible.
Explanation: The object cannot be added to the group
because the type of the group and the type of the object
are not compatible.
COPGRP002E Cannot add the group VALUE_0 to the
group VALUE_1 because it would cause
a membership cycle.
Explanation: The source group cannot be added to the
target group because the target group is already a
member of the source group or another group that is a
member of the source group.
COPGRP003E An error occurred during XML import
processing. The group with object ID
VALUE_0 could not be updated because
it could not be found.
Explanation: An update operation for a group failed
because the group could not be found.
COPGRP004E An error occurred during XML import
processing. The group with object ID
VALUE_0 could not be deleted because
it could not be found.
Explanation: A delete operation for a group failed
because the group could not be found.
COPGRP005E An error occurred during XML import
processing. The group membership with
object ID VALUE_0 could not be
updated because it could not be found.
Explanation: An update operation for a group
membership failed because the group could not be
COPGRP006E An error occurred during XML import
processing. The group membership with
object ID VALUE_0 could not be deleted
because it could not be found.
Explanation: A delete operation for a group
membership failed because the group could not be

COPGRP007E An error occurred during XML import

processing. The group member with
name VALUE_0, type VALUE_1, and
object ID VALUE_2 could not be added
to the group with name VALUE_3 and
Explanation: An operation to add a member to a
group failed because the member is not a valid member
for the group.
COPGRP008E Cannot add the object VALUE_0 to the
group VALUE_1 because it is a dynamic
Explanation: The members of a dynamic group are
determined by a database query. It is not possible to
add members to a dynamic group.
COPGRP009E Cannot remove the object VALUE_0
from the group VALUE_1 because it is a
dynamic group.
Explanation: The members of a dynamic group are
determined by a database query. It is not possible to
remove individual members from a dynamic group.
COPGRP010E Cannot remove all the members from
the group VALUE_0 because it is a
dynamic group.
Explanation: The members of a dynamic group are
determined by a database query. It is not possible to
remove members from a dynamic group.
COPGRP011E The group VALUE_0 cannot become a
dynamic group because it already has
members in it.
Explanation: The members of a dynamic group are
determined by a database query. A group that already
has one or more members cannot become a dynamic
COPGRP012E The query VALUE_0 could not be
Explanation: A query was specified as an attribute of
a group but that query could not be found. The XML
import for the group failed.
COPGRP013E The VALUE_0 access domain
associated with the VALUE_1 group was
not found and so the import of the
group failed.

Chapter 25. Messages


COPGRP014E An access group cannot be created for
the VALUE_0 group because it is a
dynamic group. Access groups can only
be associated with static groups.
COPGRP015E The group VALUE_0 is empty and not
COPGRP016E No query was specified for the
<q></q>{0}<q></q> dynamic group.
Explanation: <p>An attempt was made to determine
the list of members for a dynamic group, but no query
has been specified for the group. The operation to get
the list of members failed.</p>
COPGRP100E The specified group name already
Explanation: The same group name cannot be used
for more than one group.
User response: Specify a different group name and
save the group.

COPGRP101E Select one or more items to assign to

the group.
Explanation: Select one or more items to assign to the
COPGRP102E Select one or more groups to assign
items to.
Explanation: Select one or more groups to assign
items to.
COPGRP103W One or more of the specified targets
have not been added to the group
because they are not valid. A possible
cause is that the target does not exist in
the data model or that the type of the
target is not compatible with the
member type. See the log file for details
about the targets that are not valid.
User response: Make sure that the file contains only
valid members.

This section contains messages with the COPINF identifier for infrastructure messages.


The JDML document does not respect

the syntax specified in the jdml.dtd.

Explanation: Failed to connect to CDS Management

server to manage a file because of an incorrect URL.


User response: Verify server object that represents

CDS Management server has valid fully qualified host

Job execution service failed with a

configuration error.


Administrator response: Managing a file with CDS

requires that a server has been created with valid
information for the CDS Management Center.

Job execution service remote

connection failure.


Software Resource Template with id

VALUE_0 not found.


Software Installable with id VALUE_0

not found.

Explanation: Failed to publish file to CDS depot



User response: Verify server object for CDS

Management Server has Service Access Point defined
with valid ports

Agent Id not found for DCM object



Error while parsing JDML document.


Error while parsing DMS job status.


Failed to create VALUE_0 with name



Failed to delete VALUE_0 with name



Failed to connect to CDS with URL:


Failed to publish file: VALUE_0 with

id VALUE_1 to CDS depot servers.

Administrator response: Publishing a file to CDS

depots requires that a server object for CDS
Management center has been defined correctly.


Failed to publish software product:

VALUE_0 with id VALUE_1 to CDS for
specified endpoints. VALUE_2

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide


Provisioning server is not configured

correctly to communicate with DMS.



No HTTPS Service Access Point

define for CDS Management Server

Explanation: The workflow execution to create the

discovery job for the infrastructure failed.


Failed to delete package VALUE_0

from CDS.

The system failed to run the workflow

VALUE_0 in order to process execution
through the infrastructure.

User response: View the workflow execution log for

the workflow named.

The specified operation is not found.


Failed to validate package VALUE_0

with CDS.


Duplicate variable name found in

JDML job descriptor: VALUE_0


Failed to get depots to publish for

VALUE_0 endpoints.


JDML job (name/applicationData

VALUE_0 ) does not contain work items.


Failed to update VALUE_0 with id



Failed to find CDS Management



Failed to list CDS packages for files

with name VALUE_0 .



Incorrect parameter(s) specified in the

JDML job description:\n VALUE_0 .


Failed to list CDS depots for

published file VALUE_0. VALUE_1

COPINF023I Job service results processor server heart

beat VALUE_0



Incorrect variable specified. VALUE_0 .

Incorrect variable name(s) specified:
Unresolved variable VALUE_0 .
The system cannot find the data center
model object that represents the CDS
management center. The object either
does not exist, or exists but is not the
expected object type (type VALUE_0 ).

Failed to find DMS Server.


Infrastructure does not support

workflow VALUE_0


Failed to find Discovery Results

Upload Server.


Discovery workflow VALUE_0 cannot

be found.


Infrastructure cannot process

installable VALUE_0


Failed retrieving job results.


Failed to get properties for VALUE_0

with name VALUE_1.


CDS_DynamicPublishEnable property
is false and Software Product VALUE_0
has not been pre published.


Failed to update the target list

VALUE_0 with VALUE_1 CDS depot
servers. VALUE_2


Failed to VALUE_0 target list with

name VALUE_1. VALUE_2

The system cannot find the workflow

VALUE_0 in order to process execution
through DMS.

Chapter 25. Messages



The user VALUE_0 could not be

authenticated. VALUE_1

COPINF100E An error occurred during the save of

an IP Range zone or a domain zone.
Check input parameters and try again.


Failed to VALUE_0 depot access with

zone VALUE_1 and target list VALUE_2.

Explanation: Check input parameters and try again.





Failed to VALUE_0 VALUE_1 VALUE_2.

Failed to retrieve published file
information from the dynamic content
delivery management center.
Failed to retrieve pending replication
file information from the dynamic
content delivery management center.

COPINF101E An error occurred during the delete of

an IP zone or a domain zone.
COPINF102E The discovery configuration does not
Explanation: The automation package that contains
the discovery configuration might not be installed.
User response: Install the specific automation package
for the discovery configuration.

Failed to retrieve depot traffic

statistics from the dynamic content
delivery management center.

COPINF114E No computer was selected to be added

as a blade server.

Failed to install software product

VALUE_0 with error: VALUE_1

User response: Select a Server to add.

Explanation: The software product failed to install on

the target system with the reason shown.
User response: Resolve the reason for the installation
failure and try the installation again.

User response: Check input parameters and try again.

Failed to install software product


Explanation: The software product failed to install on

the target system.
User response: Resolve the reason for the installation
failure and try the installation again.

Explanation: Select a computer to add.

COPINF115E The blade slot cannot be 0 or empty.

User response: Type a value that is greater than 0 for
the blade slot.
COPINF116E The Depot name field is a required
User response: Type a value into the Depot name
COPINF117E The Region name field is a required
User response: Select a valid region.


Failed to get a preferred upload depot


Explanation: There should be at least one preferred

upload depot server configured. Preferred upload
servers are selected before other depot servers to
receive published files.
User response: Define a preferred upload depot server
that is globally accessible. The preferred upload depot
server should not be in a zone that has the option
Minimize in and out traffic enabled.

The file cannot be published, because

another file publishing is already in
progress for this file.

COPINF118E The Computer name field is a required

User response: Select a valid computer.
COPINF119E The Computer name field is a required
User response: Type a value into the Computer name
COPINF120E The IP Address field is a required
User response: Type a value into the IP Address field.

User response: Wait for all file publishing tasks to

complete and try to publish the file again.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPINF121E The Fully Qualified Hostname field is
a required field.

COPINF131E The User name field is a required


User response: Type a value into the Fully Qualified

Hostname field.

User response: Type a value into the User name field.

COPINF132E The Password field is a required field.

COPINF122E The Port field is a required field.

User response: Type a value into the Password field.

User response: Type a value into the Port field.

COPINF123E The Data Directory field is a required
User response: Type a value into the Data Directory

COPINF133E The Confirm Password field is a

required field.
User response: Type a value into the Confirm
Password field.
COPINF134E Failed to save region {0}. {1}

COPINF124E The Data Directory Limit field is a

required field.

User response: Check input parameters and try again.

User response: Type a value into the Data Directory

Limit field.

COPINF135E Failed to save depot {0}. {1}

User response: Check input parameters and try again.

COPINF125E The Region name field is a required

User response: Type a value into the Region name
COPINF126E The Zone name field is a required

COPINF136E Failed to save zone {0}. {1}

User response: Check input parameters and try again.
COPINF139E Region {0} cannot be deleted. It is
currently being used by a depot or a

User response: Type a value into the Zone name field.

COPINF140E Select at least one file for the action.
COPINF127E The IP Range start field is a required
User response: Type a value into the IP Range start
COPINF128E The IP Range end field is a required
User response: Type a value into the IP Range end
COPINF129E The Domain name field is a required
User response: Type a value into the Domain name
COPINF130E The Max Connections field is a
required field.
User response: Type a value into the Max Connections

COPINF141W Do you want to delete the selected

COPINF142E Select at least one access rule for the
COPINF143W Do you want to delete the selected
access rules?
COPINF144E Select at least one access control list for
the action.
COPINF145W Do you want to delete the selected
access control lists?
COPINF146E The files {0} cannot be deleted, because
they are owned by either an installable
package or a software resource.
User response:

Chapter 25. Messages


COPINF147E Select at least one virtual IP address
for the action.
COPINF148W Do you want to delete the selected
virtual IP addresses?

COPINF151E The virtual IP addresses {0} cannot be

deleted, because there are real IP
addresses associated with them. Delete
the real IP addresses first.
User response:

COPINF149E Select at least one real IP address for

the action.

COPINF152E The file name and path already exists.

Type a different name or path for the

COPINF150W Do you want to delete the selected

real IP addresses?

User response:

This section contains messages with the COPJDS identifier for Job Distribution Service subsystem
COPJDS001E An incorrect value was specified for
parameter VALUE_0.

COPJDS003I The JDS job with ID [VALUE_0] and

description [VALUE_1] was removed.

COPJDS001I The JDS job with ID [VALUE_0] and

description [VALUE_1] was submitted.

COPJDS004E Cannot remove the job with ID


COPJDS002E Cannot submit the job with

description VALUE_0.

COPJDS005E Cannot find the job with ID VALUE_0.

COPJDS002I The JDS job with ID [VALUE_0] and

description [VALUE_1] was cancelled.
COPJDS003E Cannot cancel the job with ID

COPJDS006E Work item operation is not supported

or accessible by the endpoint.
COPJDS007E Work item binding is not supported by
the endpoint.

This section contains messages with the COPJEE identifier for J2EE subsystem messages.
COPJEE001E The system cannot generate the logical
deployment because it could not find
the application module VALUE_0.

COPJEE005E The network topology template node

definition: VALUE_0 of type: VALUE_1 is
not valid.

COPJEE002E The system could not map resources to

the data center fragment VALUE_0.

COPJEE006E The user factory VALUE_0 does not

feature customizable role support.

COPJEE003E The module VALUE_0has already been

COPJEE004E The software repository server cannot be
deployed because an incompatible data
center model object of the type
VALUE_0was chosen.
Explanation: The software repository server can be
hosted on the boot server or file repository. All other
DCM object types are incompatible.

Explanation: The user factory implementation that

you are using to manage users in your LDAP database
does not have the support for customizable roles. You
can either specify a different factory class name in
user-factory.xml or continue using pre-defined roles.
COPJEE007E The destination for a network
configuration item cannot be null.
COPJEE008E The source for a network configuration
item cannot be null.
COPJEE009E This feature is not supported.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPJEE010E The logical deployment template node
VALUE_0is not supported.
Explanation: The logical deployment template node
supports physical machine, virtual machine, application
tier, external, and load balancer. All other logical
deployment template node types are not compatible.
COPJEE011E The system tried to access a user
interface configuration instance before it
was initialized. Reload the page, wait
for the page to load completely, and
then proceed.
COPJEE013E The system cannot initialize the
deployment request VALUE_0.
COPJEE014E The deployment engine could not
complete the request. The request
domain VALUE_0 is missing EJB
interaction class information. The
ejbInteractionProxy attributes and the
ejbInteractionMethod attributes must be
COPJEE015E The application cannot find the host
system for ID VALUE_0.
COPJEE016E The system cannot find the license
broker for ID VALUE_0.
COPJEE017E There is not enough data to validate the
pool and application tier. Either the
application tier is not managed or the
application tier pool ID is null.
COPJEE018E There is not enough data to validate the
pool and application tier. The
application tier ID is null and the pool
ID is null.
COPJEE019E The system cannot find the software
product ID VALUE_0.
COPJEE020E An unexpected error occurred. The
unknown credentials type ID is
COPJEE025E An unexpected deployment engine
exception occurred. The lock manager
ID VALUE_0 is not valid.

COPJEE026E The subnetwork VALUE_0 cannot be

created in the database. Try to add the
subnetwork again. If the problem
continues, contact your database system
COPJEE027E The system cannot copy credentials ID
VALUE_0 specified in stack VALUE_1
and service access point VALUE_2.
COPJEE028E The system cannot identify credentials
ID VALUE_0 specified in VALUE_1 and
service access point VALUE_2.
COPJEE029E The relationship between the network
interface ID VALUE_0 and the router ID:
VALUE_1 is not valid.
COPJEE031E The system cannot find the required
data center model object. The object
either does not exist, or exists but is not
the expected object type (type VALUE_0,
COPJEE032E The system cannot recognize the
database type.
COPJEE033E The system cannot find the association
between the monitoring application ID
VALUE_0 and the resource ID VALUE_1.
Explanation: The system failed to update the status of
a monitoring configuration that is associated with a
User response: Verify that the resource is still
associated with the monitoring configuration, and then
try again.
COPJEE034E The system cannot find the password
credentials VALUE_0.
COPJEE035E The system cannot find the RSA
credentials VALUE_0.
COPJEE036E The system cannot find the SNMP
credentials VALUE_0.
COPJEE037E The system cannot find the software
association between the
software=VALUE_0, and the

Chapter 25. Messages


COPJEE038E The system cannot find the user
credentials VALUE_0.

COPJEE051E No default credentials are associated

with protocol endpoint VALUE_0.

COPJEE039E The argument (VALUE_0=VALUE_1) is

not valid. Make sure that the parameter
is of the right type and that it is not

COPJEE052E No additional servers are available in

the spare pool ID VALUE_0.

COPJEE040E The value of the variable VALUE_0 is

not specified.
COPJEE041E There is no workflow specified for the
logical management operation. The
logical operation is VALUE_0 and the
device is VALUE_1.
COPJEE042E A real IP with virtual IP ID VALUE_0
and network interface ID VALUE_1)
exists already.
COPJEE043E The system cannot add server VALUE_0
to application tier VALUE_1 because the
application tier already includes the
COPJEE044E The system cannot allocate a new IP
address for subnetwork VALUE_0 and
for the NIC ID VALUE_1.
COPJEE045E The system cannot resolve the protocol
endpoint located at device VALUE_0,
protocol VALUE_1,and port VALUE_2.
COPJEE046E The system cannot resolve credentials
from the default protocol endpoint
VALUE_0 and search key VALUE_1.
COPJEE047E The software license is unavailable
because all available licenses have
expired from resource pool VALUE_0.
Review the expiration dates.
COPJEE048E VALUE_0 is not an attribute for
VALUE_1 with ID VALUE_2.
COPJEE049E The operating mode VALUE_0 is not
COPJEE050E The specified resource pool VALUE_0 is
not valid.

COPJEE053E At least one NIC is required for device

COPJEE054E No operating system is installed and
operating on device ID VALUE_0.
COPJEE055E No software stack is associated with
COPJEE056E The requested object VALUE_0 is
already locked.
COPJEE057E The requested object VALUE_0 is not
locked, or the object is locked but the
wrong key is specified.
COPJEE058E The system cannot allocate VALUE_0
software licenses from license pool ID
VALUE_1 because the maximum number
of software licenses have been issued.
COPJEE059E The system cannot complete the EJB
call. See the EJB server logs for more
COPJEE060E Server: VALUE_0 was not removed from
the spare resource pool VALUE_1.
Explanation: A server can be dedicated to a
designated application tier, or it can be a part of the
spare resource pool. To remove a server from the spare
resource pool, the server must be dedicated to an
application tier or to another resource pool.
COPJEE061E The system cannot perform the specified
operation. The server VALUE_0 is
assigned to an application tier.
COPJEE062E The system cannot remove server
VALUE_0 from the application tier
because it is not in an application tier.
COPJEE063E Server VALUE_0 was not added to the
spare resource pool.
Explanation: To release a server to a spare resource
pool, the server must be a member of a defined
resource pool. If a server is dedicated to an application
tier, the server must first be deleted and then entered


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

back again as a resource pool server.
COPJEE064E The system has identified an exception
in the fault management integration
subsystem. See the nested exception for
more details.
COPJEE065E The system does not support manual
deployment when you operate in
VALUE_0 mode.
COPJEE068E The deployment request parameter
VALUE_0is missing.
COPJEE069E The NIC ID must be specified when the
device includes more than one NIC.
COPJEE070E The recommendation VALUE_0 is
obsolete and has been replaced.

COPJEE080E A record with this name already exists.

A record name must be unique.
COPJEE081E The system could not call EJB. Ask your
system administrator if the EJB server is
COPJEE082E The system cannot load datasource
Explanation: A database connection problem is the
most frequent cause of this failure. Ask your system
administrator to correct the database connection
problem and then restart the user interface.
COPJEE084E The system will not swap positions on
the software stack because it has
identified an incorrect position. Type a
position value that is greater than or
equal to zero.

COPJEE071E This request conflicts with application

reservation VALUE_0.

COPJEE085E The system will not be moved to a

VLAN because the system cannot find
managed system VALUE_0(VALUE_1).

COPJEE074E The system cannot delete category

VALUE_0 because it contains

COPJEE086E A monitoring configuration was not


COPJEE075E The system cannot delete category

VALUE_0 because it contains device
COPJEE076E The system cannot delete this network
interface because it is mapped to a real
IP. Remove this device from the load
balancer to release the real IP mapping.
COPJEE077E The system cannot delete this network
interface because one or more routes are
assigned to it. Review the routes on the
Routing page and delete them if
COPJEE079E The system cannot complete the
database operation. Try the operation
again. If the problem continues, contact
your database system administrator.
Explanation: An unexpected database error occurred.
Check the j2ee/console.log and consult with the
database administrator.
User response: An SQL exception was thrown from
the database access code. The most likely cause is a
constraint violation or a miscellaneous database error.
Inspecting the logs should help to localize the problem.

Explanation: A monitoring configuration must be

selected before it can be associated with the current
User response: Create at least one or more monitoring
COPJEE089E The managed system VALUE_1 of type
VALUE_0 is connected to VALUE_2
switch ports. Use the icon view to
precisely specify the port that will be
moved to a new VLAN.
COPJEE090E The VALUE_0 VALUE_1 is not connected
to any switch ports.
COPJEE092E The system cannot save a service access
point. An access point of type VALUE_0
is already defined for port VALUE_1.
COPJEE093E The specified position is already
COPJEE094E The device driver and the monitoring
application are already associated with
this resource.
Explanation: The list of associated monitoring
configurations already contains a monitoring
Chapter 25. Messages


configuration with the same device driver and
monitoring application for this resource.
User response: Ensure that the monitoring
configuration used for this discovery is correct. If
changes need to be made, add a discovery association
with the appropriate monitoring configuration.

COPJEE110E No workflow was selected.

COPJEE111E No workflow was retrieved.
COPJEE112E A power outlet already exists.

COPJEE095E The requested end time VALUE_0 is

earlier than or the same as the start time

COPJEE113E The specified IP address VALUE_0 is not

associated with a valid subnetwork

COPJEE096E The system cannot delete blade chassis

VALUE_0 when one or more servers are
installed in the chassis. Remove all
servers from the blade chassis and then
try again to delete it.

COPJEE114E The product VALUE_0 is already in this


COPJEE100E The system cannot connect the NIC to

port VALUE_0 because the port is being
used by another device.
COPJEE101E An unexpected user interface error
occurred VALUE_0.
Explanation: Consult the j2ee/console.log for more
User response: The user interface does not have
enough information about the error. Check the error
logs to help localize the problem.
COPJEE102E The system does not support object type
COPJEE103E An unexpected deployment engine
exception occurred: VALUE_0.
COPJEE105E An unexpected error VALUE_0 occurred.

COPJEE117I The fix pack rollout has started. This

action might take some time to
COPJEE118E One or more server access points are
associated with this device.
COPJEE121I The system is processing request ID:
VALUE_0 VALUE_1 to turn on the port.
COPJEE122I The system is processing request ID:
VALUE_0 VALUE_1 to turn off the port.
COPJEE123I The system is processing request ID:
VALUE_0 VALUE_1 to create the VLAN.
COPJEE124I The system is processing request ID:
VALUE_0 VALUE_1 to remove the
COPJEE125I The system is processing request ID:
VALUE_0 VALUE_1 to move the port to
the VLAN.

COPJEE106E The upgrade type is not valid.

COPJEE107E The object type is not valid.
Explanation: Patch installations are only supported by
cluster and application object types.
COPJEE108E Cannot remove the workflow
COPJEE109E Cannot add the workflow association.


COPJEE126I The system is processing request ID:

VALUE_0 VALUE_1 to create a virtual
COPJEE127I The system is processing request ID:
VALUE_0 VALUE_1 to remove a virtual
COPJEE128I The system is processing request ID:
VALUE_0 VALUE_1 to add a server to
the virtual IP.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPJEE129I The system is processing request ID:
VALUE_0 VALUE_1 to remove a server
from the virtual IP.
COPJEE130I The system is processing request ID:
VALUE_0 VALUE_1 to create a
COPJEE131I The system is processing request ID:
VALUE_0 VALUE_1 to remove a
COPJEE132I The system is processing the request to
create a connection between the two
COPJEE133I The system is processing the request to
remove an ACL.
COPJEE134I The system is processing the request to
enable an ACL.
COPJEE135I The system is processing the request to
disable an ACL.
COPJEE136I The system is processing request ID:
VALUE_0 VALUE_1 to reboot the device
COPJEE137I The system is processing request ID:
VALUE_0 VALUE_1 to reboot the device
COPJEE138I The system is processing request ID:
VALUE_0 VALUE_1 to initialize the
COPJEE141I The system is processing request ID:
COPJEE149E One or more service access points are
associated with this device.
COPJEE150E One or more serial cards are associated
with this device.
COPJEE151I The system has initiated data center
interaction ID: VALUE_0.

COPJEE152E The network interface card is either not

valid or it does not exist.
COPJEE153E The system denied the request because
cluster VALUE_0 is not managed.
COPJEE154E Not enough servers are available to
complete this task.
COPJEE155I The recommendation is approved.
COPJEE156I The recommendation is cancelled.
COPJEE157I The system is processing the request to
add VALUE_0 servers to the VALUE_1
application tier.
COPJEE158I The system is processing the request to
remove VALUE_0 servers from the
VALUE_1 application tier.
COPJEE159I The system removed server VALUE_0
from the VALUE_1 cluster.
COPJEE160E The system cannot delete the power unit
VALUE_0. Power outlets for this unit are
still being used by devices.
Explanation: Power outlets for this unit are still being
used by devices.
COPJEE162I The system has initiated the datacenter
interaction ID: VALUE_0.
COPJEE163E Service access points or credentials are
associated with this device.
COPJEE164I The system has processed request ID:
VALUE_1 to transfer the VALUE_0
COPJEE165I The system has processed request ID:
VALUE_0 to transfer the server.
COPJEE166I The system is processing request ID:
COPJEE167E The server ID is not valid.

Chapter 25. Messages


COPJEE176E This product has already been added. It
might be nested in other stacks.
COPJEE177E This stack has already been added.
Perhaps it is nested in other stacks.
COPJEE178E The system cannot delete the terminal
server because service access points or
credentials are associated with the
COPJEE179E The system cannot delete the terminal
server because NICs are associated with
the device.
COPJEE180I The system is processing request ID:
VALUE_0 VALUE_1 to add a virtual IP
to the load balancer.
COPJEE181E The system cannot add the virtual IP to
the load balancer because the load
balancer ID is not valid.
COPJEE182I The system is processing request ID:
VALUE_0 VALUE_1 to remove a virtual
IP from the load balancer.
COPJEE183E The system cannot process request ID:
VALUE_0 VALUE_1 to remove the virtual
IP from the load balancer because the
load balancer or the virtual IP are not
COPJEE189I The system is processing request ID:
VALUE_0 VALUE_1 to remove a real IP
from the load balancer.
COPJEE190E The system cannot remove the real IP
from the virtual IP because the virtual
IP, load balancer, or real IP ID is not
COPJEE191I The system is processing request ID:
VALUE_0 VALUE_1 to add a real IP to
the load balancer.
COPJEE192E The system cannot add a real IP to the
virtual IP because the virtual IP, load
balancer, or real IP ID is not valid.

COPJEE193E The system cannot delete the VLAN

because devices are associated with the
COPJEE199E The upgrade type is not valid.
COPJEE200E The system cannot create the ACL
because mapping for the selected
network interface already exists.
COPJEE201E Both objects must be of the type:
COPJEE202E The system cannot add the device. Try
to add the device again. If the problem
continues, contact your database system
COPJEE205E An unexpected software requirement
occurred. Verify the requirement name,
type, and value.
COPJEE206E The system cannot find the Tivoli Data
Warehouse file in the
config subdirectory.
Explanation: Either the system cannot find the Tivoli
Data Warehouse file in the config
subdirectory or the file is not configured correctly. The file contains the list of URLs that
point to the Tivoli Data Warehouse reports.
User response: Install Tivoli Data Warehouse 1.2 and
the Tivoli Data Warehouse enablement pack, and then
update the file in the config
subdirectory accordingly.
COPJEE207E A discovery technology was not
Explanation: A discovery technology must be selected
before it can be associated with the current resource.
User response: Create one or more discovery
technologies. On the 'Data center assets and resources'
tab, click Discovery and then click Edit --> Add
COPJEE208E The discovery technology is already
associated with this resource.
Explanation: The list of associated discovery
technologies for this resource already contains a
discovery technology with the same name.
User response: Ensure that the discovery method used
for this discovery is correct. If changes need to be
made, add a discovery association with the appropriate
discovery configuration.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPJEE209E The system cannot create the discovery
technology association with this
Explanation: The system failed to create a discovery
technology association due to an error.
User response: Try to create the discovery technology
association again. If the problem continues, contact
your data center database administrator.

COPJEE217E The registration of the application

topologies software failed. The system
cannot register the software product
based on software capabilities and
COPJEE219I The system has started a rebuild
operation workflow. Request ID:

COPJEE210E The system cannot delete the discovery

technology association with this

COPJEE220E The object VALUE_0 is not configured

for switching functionality.

Explanation: The system failed to delete the discovery

technology association due to an error.

COPJEE232E The VALUE_0 module type is not valid.

User response: Try to delete discovery technology

association again. If the problem continues, contact
your data center database administrator.

COPJEE235E No additional servers are available in

the application tier ID: VALUE_0.

COPJEE211E The system cannot validate the

application topology resource.
COPJEE212E The system cannot validate the logical
application structure template.
COPJEE213E The system cannot validate the
application logical deployment template.
COPJEE214E The system cannot find a corresponding
LDT Node for the application module
VALUE_0. The specified application
module must be hosted by an LDT
COPJEE215I The system has started a monitoring
workflow for the requested task.
Request ID:VALUE_0.
Explanation: The system ran a workflow to complete
the monitoring task.
User response: Use the displayed request ID to track
the workflow.
COPJEE216I The system has started a discovery
workflow for the requested task.
Request ID: VALUE_0.
Explanation: The system ran a workflow to complete
the discovery task.
User response: Use the displayed request ID to track
the workflow.

COPJEE236W WARNING: Do not modify these

settings unless you have been instructed
to do so by IBM Tivoli Software
COPJEE240E The system cannot create the
deployment plan.
COPJEE245E To create the deployment plan, include
at least one router.
COPJEE246E To create the deployment plan, include
at least one load balancer.
COPJEE257E No IP system can host module types:
COPJEE262E The system cannot delete the resource
pool with ID: VALUE_0. Servers are still
associated with this pool.
COPJEE263E The system cannot initialize with
configuration data from the database.
COPJEE264E The system cannot add the switch with
ID VALUE_0 to the DCF with ID
VALUE_1. The switch is already part of
the DCF.
COPJEE268E The system cannot add the DcmObject
with ID VALUE_0 to the DCF with ID
VALUE_1. The DcmObject is already a
part of the DCF.

Chapter 25. Messages


COPJEE269E The system cannot add the DcmObject
with ID VALUE_0 to the DCF with ID:
VALUE_1. The DcmObjectType is not
supported by the DCF.

COPJEE285E The system cannot add storage volume

ID VALUE_0 to host ID VALUE_1
because no fibre channel ports belong to
the storage volume.

COPJEE270E The system cannot add the DcmObject

with ID VALUE_0 to the DCF with ID
VALUE_1. Try to add the DcmObject
again. If the problem continues, contact
your database system administrator.

COPJEE286E The system cannot add storage volume

ID VALUE_0 to host ID VALUE_1
because no interface cards belong to the

COPJEE271E UI Exception: (Problem ID: UIVALUE_0,


COPJEE287E The system cannot add storage volume

ID VALUE_0 to host ID VALUE_1
because no fibre channel ports belong to
the host.

COPJEE272E (Problem ID: UIVALUE_0).

COPJEE275E The network interface [VALUE_0]
defined in the IP System [VALUE_1] is
not used in any subnet.
COPJEE276E The [VALUE_0] interface in the IP
System [VALUE_1] is not configured
COPJEE278E The system cannot delete the load
balancer with ID: VALUE_0 because it is
associated with the following data
center fragment IDs: VALUE_1.
COPJEE280E The system cannot delete the switch
with ID: VALUE_0 because it is
associated with following data center
fragment IDs: VALUE_1.
COPJEE281E The system cannot delete the resource
pool with ID: VALUE_0 because it is
associated with the following data
center fragment IDs: VALUE_1.
COPJEE282E The system cannot delete the server
with ID: VALUE_0 because is is
associated with the following data
center fragment IDs: VALUE_1.
COPJEE283E The system cannot find the object of
type VALUE_0 by VALUE_1.
COPJEE284E The system cannot find ID VALUE_0 in
the object of type VALUE_1 that has the


COPJEE288E The system cannot add zone members

for zone ID VALUE_0 because no fibre
channel ports are present.
COPJEE289E The deployment request ID VALUE_0
does not exist.
COPJEE290I The DCM object VALUE_0 is a switch,
not a router.
COPJEE291E The system cannot create the zone
because there is no active zone set for
the storage area network fabric with ID
COPJEE296E The system cannot perform LUN
masking because the given SAN port
with ID VALUE_0 does not belong to a
COPJEE299E The system cannot realize the
deployment plan.
COPJEE300E The LUN must be an integer in decimal
or hexadecimal format.
COPJEE301E The size must consist of an integer
value and an unit value in 'K', 'M', 'G'
or 'T'; if the size is in bytes, do not enter
any unit value.
COPJEE302E The stripe size must consist of an
integer value and an unit value in 'K',
'M', 'G' or 'T'; if the size is in bytes, do
not enter any unit value.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPJEE303E The consumable size must consist of an
integer value and an unit value in 'K',
'M', 'G' or 'T'; if the size is in bytes, do
not enter any unit value.
COPJEE304E The LUN VALUE_0 in fibre channel port
VALUE_1 is not available.
COPJEE305E Storage volume VALUE_0 in storage
subsystem VALUE_1 already exists.
COPJEE308E The HBA port or FA Port with ID
VALUE_0 does not have a WWN
COPJEE309E The fibre channel switch with ID
VALUE_0 does not have a domain ID
COPJEE310E The system cannot remove zone
members for a zone because no fibre
channel ports are present.
COPJEE311E The storage volume with ID VALUE_0
does not belong to the storage pool with
COPJEE312E The storage volume with ID VALUE_0
does not belong to the storage
subsystem with ID VALUE_1.
COPJEE313E The given SAN port with ID VALUE_0
does not belong to the SAN fabric with

COPJEE319E There are no data path settings defined

for storage multipath settings with ID
COPJEE320E The system cannot delete the Customer
VALUE_0 when applications are still
Explanation: A customer cannot be deleted when it
has one or more applications associated with it.
User response: Before deleting the customer, select the
customer and delete the associated applications.
COPJEE321I The VALUE_0 has been successfully
COPJEE322E The selected device does not have any
available serial port connections.
COPJEE324E A connection with the same parameters
already exists.
COPJEE325E Cannot create access rule, an identical
access rule already exists in this ACL.
COPJEE326E The system failed to delete deployment
COPJEE327E Fibre adapter port, with port ID
VALUE_0, does not belong to VALUE_1
storage subsystem.
COPJEE329E An error occurred while updating the
data center model. Status, VALUE_0, is
not valid.

COPJEE314E There is no matching disk partition

settings found for the given logical
volume settings with ID VALUE_0 and
the given physical volume with ID:

COPJEE330E The system cannot add VALUE_0 server

to VALUE_1 volume container because
VALUE_2 storage manager does not
manage remote volumes.

COPJEE315E The volume container with ID VALUE_0

does not belong to the storage manager
with ID VALUE_1.

COPJEE332E The system cannot cancel a finished

deployment request (deployment
request ID VALUE_0).

COPJEE316E The logical volume with ID VALUE_0

does not belong to the storage manager
with ID VALUE_1.

COPJEE333E The system cannot find DB driver


COPJEE317E The physical volume with ID VALUE_0

does not belong to the storage manager
with ID VALUE_1.

COPJEE334E The access to DB driver VALUE_0 is not


Chapter 25. Messages


COPJEE335E Instantiation of DB driver VALUE_0
COPJEE336E An SQL exception occurred while
executing the reporting SQL statement
VALUE_0 for report VALUE_1.

User response: Contact your system administrator.

COPJEE346E The provisioning server was not found
and is not defined in the data model.
Explanation: The provisioning server must be defined
in the data model before you can perform actions on
the server.

COPJEE337E Required inputs, VALUE_0, for report,

VALUE_1 is missing.

User response: Add the provisioning server to the

data model.

COPJEE338E The request to decrypt the database

password from dcm.xml failed.

COPJEE347E The operation VALUE_0 is not


COPJEE339E The system cannot create a logical

volume for VALUE_0 server in VALUE_1
volume container because the server
does not have access to the volume

COPJEE348E The system cannot complete the

database operation. Try the operation
again. If the problem continues, contact
your database system administrator.

COPJEE340E The specified server ID was not found.

COPJEE349E The system cannot find the required

resource object (type VALUE_0, ID

Explanation: A server was selected from a list but it

no longer exists.

COPJEE350E A data insert error VALUE_0 occurred.

COPJEE341E The user ID is not valid.
Explanation: The user ID entered is not valid.
User response: Re-enter the user ID using valid
COPJEE342E The system could not retrieve the
application protocol type.
Explanation: The application protocol type specified
could not be located.
User response: Contact your system administrator.
COPJEE343E Multiple protocol endpoints were
Explanation: The system contains multiple protocol
endpoints that have the same protocol type.
User response: Contact your system administrator.

COPJEE351E The system cannot process the data

update: VALUE_0.
COPJEE352E The system cannot delete the resource
VALUE_0 with the ID VALUE_1.
COPJEE353E An unexpected deployment engine
exception occurred: VALUE_0.
COPJEE354E The requested resource VALUE_0 is
already locked.
COPJEE355E The requested resource VALUE_0 is not
locked, or the resource is locked but the
wrong key is specified.
COPJEE356E An unexpected system error VALUE_0

COPJEE344E Multiple RSA credentials were returned.

Explanation: The system contains multiple RSA
credentials that have the same search key.
User response: Contact your system administrator.
COPJEE345E Multiple password credentials were

COPJEE357E The user must be registered to run the

report. The user does not exist in the
directory VALUE_0.
Explanation: The user is not found in the directory.
Only the registered user is allowed to run the report.

Explanation: The system contains multiple password

credentials that have the same search key.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPJEE358E The report cannot be found in the
database VALUE_0. Make sure the report
is registered and check whether the
report is in the REPORT database table.
Explanation: The report cannot be found in the
REPORT database table.
COPJEE359E The database connection failed to
commit when creating the user
specification for the report. Report:
VALUE_0, report ID: VALUE_1, User
specification name: VALUE_2, User ID:
Explanation: The database connection fails to commit.
COPJEE360E The database connection failed to
commit when creating the report.
Report: VALUE_0.
Explanation: The database connection fails to commit.
COPJEE361E The database connection failed to close
when creating the report. Report:
Explanation: The database connection fails to close.
COPJEE362E The JSP file was not created when using
report creator. JSP file: VALUE_0.
Explanation: This is a file IO exception.
COPJEE363E The JSP file path for the report already
exists. Path: VALUE_0.
Explanation: The file already exists.
COPJEE364E The report was not created when using
report creator. Report: VALUE_0.
Explanation: The database transaction failed.
COPJEE365E The report name is required to create
the user's report definition.
Explanation: The required input, report name, was not
COPJEE366E The user's report definition was not
created. Report: VALUE_0.
Explanation: This is an internal code error.

COPJEE367E Storage Volume VALUE_0 is already

mapped to port VALUE_0.
COPJEE368E The report VALUE_0 was not created in
the database. Check the database to
make sure it is operating properly and
check the database connection.
COPJEE369E A security exception occurred while
creating the directory, VALUE_0 . Check
the file system configuration.
COPJEE370E Directory VALUE_0 cannot be created in
the file system . Check the file system
COPJEE371E Directory VALUE_0 already exists in the
file system. The report creation stopped
because of duplication. Create the report
with a different name.
COPJEE372E The directory, VALUE_0 , is not a valid
directory. Make sure that the
tcEAR.home property in the
configuration file, report.xml, is correct.
COPJEE373E The VALUE_0 from the configuration
file, report.xml, is not configured
properly or is not loaded properly.
COPJEE374E The directory VALUE_0 is not a valid
directory. Make sure that the
property in the configuration file,
report.xml, is correct.
COPJEE375E The file system size cannot be greater
than the logical volume size.
COPJEE376E System VALUE_0 cannot be added to the
application tier domain VALUE_1. The
system VALUE_0 already exists in the
application tier domain VALUE_1.
COPJEE377E At least one template parameter has not
been given a value VALUE_0.
Explanation: The system cannot find values for all the
template parameters that are defined in the deployment
plan. All parameters defined in the deployment plan
must have values provided through a property
User response: As indicated in the error message, add
the missing properties in the property template by
supplying the values for the deployment plan.
Chapter 25. Messages


COPJEE378E Fibre channel port number VALUE_0 is
out of range in the fibre channel switch.
COPJEE379E The workflow was already added.
COPJEE380E An SQL exception occurred while
executing the scheduled
Group_Status_Updater snapshot task.
Explanation: The database failed to commit.
User response: Verify that the database is operating
COPJEE381E An unexpected user interface error
occurred. Wrong configuration for:
action=VALUE_0, objectType=VALUE_1.
Explanation: This happens when the requested page
item collection does not exist.
COPJEE383I The number of records returned by the
query : VALUE_0 is higher than the
maximum number of records expected:
Explanation: This happens when the query is too
User response: The query for recommendations needs
to be refined.
COPJEE384E You cannot delete the user-defined
report VALUE_0, because you are not its
COPJEE385E You cannot delete the report definition
VALUE_0, because you are not its owner.
COPJEE386E IP address VALUE_0 is already used by
other network interface of this system.
User response: Make sure the IP address specified is
not used by other network interface of the same
COPJEE387E The system cannot create the credential
because its search key VALUE_0 is
already used by other credential of this
access point.
User response: Make sure the search key of the
credential is not used by other credentials of the access

COPJEE388I The delete operation can not be

executed. The application VALUE_0
cannot be deleted from the system
because there is a service VALUE_1
associated with it.
COPJEE389E The report contains too many objects.
Try again with fewer selections.
COPJEE389W The computer VALUE_0 did not match
the requirements of the selected
Explanation: The last selected computer did not match
the requirements of selected software.
User response: Ensure that the last selected computer
satisfies all the pre-requisites for the selected software.
Administrator response: The capabilities of the last
selected computer do not match the requirements of
selected software. Software cannot be installed on
selected computer.
COPJEE390E The report contains more than VALUE_0
records. Try again with fewer selections.

Some computers in VALUE_0 group

are not compatible with the
requirements of the selected software.
To view the computers, select the group
name from the Selected Computers list.

Explanation: Some computers in the last selected

group did not match the requirements of the selected
User response: Ensure that all the computers in the
last selected group satisfy the pre-requisites for the
selected software. Some computers in the last selected
group did not satisfy the pre-requisites for the selected
software. Software will not be installed on such
Administrator response: The capabilities of some
computers in the last selected group do not match the
requirements of the selected software. Software will not
be installed on incompatible computers.
COPJEE391E You are not authorized to view this
report. Ask your administrator to assign
you to the appropriate access permission
group to be able to view the report.
COPJEE391W The VALUE_0 software cannot be
installed on selected computers.
Explanation: The last selected software cannot be
installed on selected computers.
User response: Ensure that all the pre-requisites for


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

the last selected software are available on the selected
Administrator response: The requirements of last
selected software cannot be matched by the capabilities
of any selected computers.
COPJEE392E The system cannot delete the software
module VALUE_0 when applications are
still associated.
Explanation: A software module cannot be deleted
when it has one or more applications associated with it.
User response: Before deleting the software module,
delete the associated applications.
COPJEE392W No computers in VALUE_0 group
matched the requirements of the
selected software.
Explanation: No computers in the last selected group
match the pre-requisites of the selected software.
User response: Ensure that the pre-requisites for the
selected software are met by the computers in the
selected group. Selected software cannot be installed on
any of the computers from the last selected group.
Administrator response: The capabilities of all
computers in the last selected group do not match the
requirements of the selected software.
COPJEE393E The system cannot create the
credentials, because the search key
VALUE_0 is not unique across the local
TIO server and this server for the same
credential type. Another credential type
on the local TIO server or this server is
already using the same search key.
Explanation: For proper communication, the search
key for the same credential type must match between
the local TIO server and this server.
User response: Ensure that the search key is not
already used on the local TIO server or by a different
credential type on this server .
COPJEE393W The VALUE_0 software is not installed
on any computer.
Explanation: The last selected software is not installed
on any computer.
User response: The last selected software is not
installed on any computer.
Administrator response: The last selected software is
not installed on any computer.

COPJEE394E The computer VALUE_0 does not contain

a hard disk with disk order VALUE_1 or
disk size is smaller than the minimum
required value of VALUE_2.
Explanation: A hard disk for the target computer must
exist for the disk order specified and it must satisfy the
minimum size requirements indicated.
User response: Check if a hard disk resource exists on
the target computer for the disk order specified and
that the disk size exceeds the size requirement.
COPJEE394W The VALUE_0 software is not installed
on all of the selected computers.
Explanation: The last selected software is not installed
on all of the selected computers.
User response: The last selected software is not
installed on all of the selected computers.
Administrator response: The last selected software is
not installed on all of the selected computers.
COPJEE395E A size overflow occurred.
Explanation: A size overflow occurred.
COPJEE395W The VALUE_0 software is not installed
on all the computers that matched the
previously selected software.
Explanation: The software is not installed on all the
computers that matched the previously selected
User response: The software is not installed on all the
computers that matched the previously selected
Administrator response: The software is not installed
on all the computers that matched the previously
selected software.
COPJEE396E VALUE_0 does not implement or
Explanation: Discovery configuration must contain a
workflow that implements or
COPJEE396W The file is not a valid report.
COPJEE397E No device driver is associated with the
data center model object VALUE_0.
Explanation: No device driver is associated with data
center model object.

Chapter 25. Messages


COPJEE397W Import operation failed.
COPJEE398W File VALUE_0 cannot be accessed.
Import operation failed.
COPJEE399W The category does not contain any
reports to export.
COPJEE400W The report could not be created.
COPJEE401W The report could not be deleted due to
IO errors.
COPJEE402W The VALUE_0 software cannot be
distributed on some computers.
Explanation: The last selected software cannot be
distributed on selected computers.Selected computers
do not match the pre-requisites of the selected software
User response: The pre-requisites of last selected
software cannot be satisfied by the selected computers.
Administrator response: The requirements of the last
selected software do not match the capabilities of the
selected computers.

COPJEE409W No computers in VALUE_0 pool

matched the requirements of the
selected software.
Explanation: No computers in the last selected pool
match the pre-requisites of the selected software.
User response: Ensure that the pre-requisites for the
selected software are met by the computers in the
selected pool. Selected software cannot be installed on
any of the computers from the last selected pool.
Administrator response: The capabilities of all
computers in the last selected pool do not match the
requirements of the selected software.
COPJEE410E The depot agent services cannot be
Explanation: One or more required setting on the
computer have not been completed.
User response: A management IP, run-command
credentials, and file-transfer credentials must be
defined on the computer.

COPJEE403W The report could not be run.

COPJEE404W No report selected.
COPJEE405W Search results limited to VALUE_0
records out of a possible VALUE_1
records. Refine the search criteria.
COPJEE406W The report could not be deleted due to
validation errors.
COPJEE407W Run the report at least once to view its
COPJEE408W No computers in VALUE_0 tier
matched the requirements of the
selected software.
Explanation: No computers in the last selected tier
match the pre-requisites of the selected software.
User response: Ensure that the pre-requisites for the
selected software are met by the computers in the
selected tier. Selected software cannot be installed on
any of the computers from the last selected tier.
Administrator response: The capabilities of all
computers in the last selected tier do not match the
requirements of the selected software.


Some computers in VALUE_0 tier are

not compatible with the requirements of
the selected software. To view the
computers, select the tier name from the
Selected Computers list.

Explanation: Some computers in the last selected tier

did not match the requirements of the selected
User response: Ensure that all the computers in the
last selected tier satisfy the pre-requisites for the
selected software. Some computers in the last selected
tier did not satisfy the pre-requisites for the selected
software. Software will not be installed on such
Administrator response: The capabilities of some
computers in the last selected tier do not match the
requirements of the selected software. Software will not
be installed on incompatible computers.
COPJEE411E No Management IP was found for
computer VALUE_0.
Explanation: A management IP is required.

Some computers in VALUE_0 pool are

not compatible with the requirements of
the selected software. To view the
computers, select the pool name from
the Selected Computers list.

Explanation: Some computers in the last selected pool

did not match the requirements of the selected

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

User response: Ensure that all the computers in the
last selected pool satisfy the pre-requisites for the
selected software. Some computers in the last selected
pool did not satisfy the pre-requisites for the selected
software. Software will not be installed on such
Administrator response: The capabilities of some
computers in the last selected pool do not match the
requirements of the selected software. Software will not
be installed on incompatible computers.
COPJEE412E No run-command credentials are
defined for computer VALUE_0.
Explanation: The run-command credentials are

Some of the selected groups did not

match the requirements of the selected

Explanation: Some of the computers from the selected

groups do not meet the pre-requisites of the the
selected software.
User response: Some of the computers from the
selected groups do not meet the pre-requisites of the
selected software.
Administrator response: Some computers from the
selected groups do not have the capability to match the
requirements of the selected software.
COPJEE413E No file-transfer credentials are defined
for computer VALUE_0.
Explanation: The file-transfer credentials are required.

None of the selected groups matched

the requirements of the selected

Explanation: No computers in the selected groups

meet the pre-requisites of the the selected software.
User response: Ensure that some computers in the
selected groups meet the pre-requisites of the selected
Administrator response: None of the computers from
the selected groups have the capability to match the
requirements of the selected software.
COPJEE414E The SRTDefinition Name must be
unique in the context used.
Explanation: All SRTDefinitions with no parent and
all children SRTDefinitions with the same parent must
have unique names.


Some of the selected tiers did not

match the requirements of the selected

Explanation: Some of the computers from the selected

tiers do not meet the pre-requisites of the the selected
User response: Some of the computers from the
selected tiers do not meet the pre-requisites of the
selected software.
Administrator response: Some computers from the
selected tiers do not have the capability to match the
requirements of the selected software.
COPJEE415E Wrong number of parameters for {0}
Explanation: The SQL operation does not accept this
number of parameters.

None of the selected tiers matched the

requirements of the selected software.

Explanation: No computers in the selected tiers meet

the pre-requisites of the the selected software.
User response: Ensure that some computers in the
selected tiers meet the pre-requisites of the selected
Administrator response: None of the computers from
the selected tiers have the capability to match the
requirements of the selected software.
COPJEE416E The system cannot save a service access
point. An access point of type VALUE_0
is already defined for port VALUE_1 for
targets - VALUE_2.

Some of the selected pools did not

match the requirements of the selected

Explanation: Some of the computers from the selected

pools do not meet the pre-requisites of the the selected
User response: Some of the computers from the
selected pools do not meet the pre-requisites of the
selected software.
Administrator response: Some computers from the
selected pool do not have the capability to match the
requirements of the selected software.
COPJEE417E Discovery Configuration VALUE_0 does
not exist.
Explanation: The required Discovery Configuration
does not exist in DCM.

Chapter 25. Messages


User response: Define the specified Discovery

None of the selected pools matched

the requirements of the selected

Explanation: No computers in the selected pools meet

the pre-requisites of the the selected software.
User response: Ensure that some computers in the
selected pools meet the pre-requisites of the selected
Administrator response: None of the computers from
the selected pools have the capability to match the
requirements of the selected software.
COPJEE418I Time Range provided is invalid
Explanation: From field is greater then To field

COPJEE421E Failed to obtain a chart blox for the

report with ID VALUE_0 failed.
COPJEE422E Failed to obtain a data blox for the
report with ID VALUE_0 failed.
COPJEE423E Failed to load data into report blox for
the report with ID VALUE_0 failed.
COPJEE424E Failed to obtain a report blox for the
report with ID VALUE_0 failed.
COPJEE425E Failed to render the report with ID
VALUE_0 failed from report blox.
COPJEE426E Failed to render the report with ID
VALUE_0 failed from chart blox.

User response: Define again time range


Some of the selected computers did

not match the requirements of the
selected software.

Explanation: Some of the computers do not meet the

pre-requisites of the the selected software.
User response: Some of the computers do not meet
the pre-requisites of the selected software.
Administrator response: Some computers do not have
the capability to match the requirements of the selected

COPJEE427E Failed to run query for the report with

ID VALUE_0 failed.
COPJEE428E Failed to get connection blox for the
report with ID VALUE_0 failed.
COPJEE429E DB2 Alphablox8.4 does not support
database type: VALUE_0 failed.
COPJEE430E Failed to create alphablox data source.
COPJEE431E Failed to get result set metadata.


None of the selected computers

matched the requirements of the
selected software.

COPJEE431W Query execution failed: VALUE_0

Explanation: None of the selected computers meet the

pre-requisites of the the selected software.

COPJEE432I Query ran successfully \n VALUE_0

record(s) selected.

User response: Ensure that some of the selected

computers meet the pre-requisites of the selected

COPJEE433W The computer VALUE_0 did not match

the requirements of the selected agent.

Administrator response: None of the selected

computers have the capability to match the
requirements of the selected software.
COPJEE420E Writing from PDFBlox for the report
with ID VALUE_0 failed.
COPJEE420W The Computer VALUE_0 has no
Service Access Point defined.


Explanation: The last selected computer did not match

the requirements of selected agent.
User response: Ensure that the last selected computer
satisfies all the pre-requisites for the selected agent.
Administrator response: The capabilities of the last
selected computer do not match the requirements of
selected agent. Agent cannot be installed on selected

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide


None of the selected computers

matched the requirements of the
selected agent.

Explanation: None of the selected computers meet the

pre-requisites of the the selected agent.


None of the selected groups matched

the requirements of the selected agent.

Explanation: No computers in the selected groups

meet the pre-requisites of the the selected agent.

User response: Ensure that some of the selected

computers meet the pre-requisites of the selected agent.

User response: Ensure that some computers in the

selected groups meet the pre-requisites of the selected

Administrator response: None of the selected

computers have the capability to match the
requirements of the selected agent.

Administrator response: None of the computers from

the selected groups have the capability to match the
requirements of the selected agent.



Some of the selected computers did

not match the requirements of the
selected agent.

Explanation: Some of the computers do not meet the

pre-requisites of the the selected agent.
User response: Some of the computers do not meet
the pre-requisites of the selected agent.
Administrator response: Some computers do not have
the capability to match the requirements of the selected
COPJEE436W No computers in VALUE_0 group
matched the requirements of the
selected agent.
Explanation: No computers in the last selected group
match the pre-requisites of the selected agent.
User response: Ensure that the pre-requisites for the
selected agent are met by the computers in the selected
group. Selected agent cannot be installed on any of the
computers from the last selected group.
Administrator response: The capabilities of all
computers in the last selected group do not match the
requirements of the selected agent.

Some computers in VALUE_0 group

are not compatible with the
requirements of the selected agent. To
view the computers, select the group
name from the Selected Computers list.

Some of the selected groups did not

match the requirements of the selected

Explanation: Some of the computers from the selected

groups do not meet the pre-requisites of the the
selected agent.
User response: Some of the computers from the
selected groups do not meet the pre-requisites of the
selected agent.
Administrator response: Some computers from the
selected groups do not have the capability to match the
requirements of the selected agent.
COPJEE440E ResultSet not closed after Report
COPJEE440W No computers in VALUE_0 tier
matched the requirements of the
selected agent.
Explanation: No computers in the last selected tier
match the pre-requisites of the selected agent.
User response: Ensure that the pre-requisites for the
selected agent are met by the computers in the selected
tier. Selected agent cannot be installed on any of the
computers from the last selected tier.
Administrator response: The capabilities of all
computers in the last selected tier do not match the
requirements of the selected agent.

Explanation: Some computers in the last selected

group did not match the requirements of the selected

COPJEE441E Failed to compare report metadata


User response: Ensure that all the computers in the

last selected group satisfy the pre-requisites for the
selected agent. Some computers in the last selected
group did not satisfy the pre-requisites for the selected
agent. Agent will not be installed on such computers.


Administrator response: The capabilities of some

computers in the last selected group do not match the
requirements of the selected agent. Agent will not be
installed on incompatible computers.

Explanation: Some computers in the last selected tier

did not match the requirements of the selected agent.

Some computers in VALUE_0 tier are

not compatible with the requirements of
the selected agent. To view the
computers, select the tier name from the
Selected Computers list.

User response: Ensure that all the computers in the

last selected tier satisfy the pre-requisites for the
Chapter 25. Messages


selected agent. Some computers in the last selected tier
did not satisfy the pre-requisites for the selected agent.
Agent will not be installed on such computers.
Administrator response: The capabilities of some
computers in the last selected tier do not match the
requirements of the selected agent. Agent will not be
installed on incompatible computers.
COPJEE442E Failed to print report metadata elements.

None of the selected tiers matched the

requirements of the selected agent.

Explanation: No computers in the selected tiers meet

the pre-requisites of the the selected agent.
User response: Ensure that some computers in the
selected tiers meet the pre-requisites of the selected
Administrator response: None of the computers from
the selected tiers have the capability to match the
requirements of the selected agent.
COPJEE443E Failed to write the report result to a file.

Some of the selected tiers did not

match the requirements of the selected

Explanation: Some of the computers from the selected

tiers do not meet the pre-requisites of the the selected
User response: Some of the computers from the
selected tiers do not meet the pre-requisites of the
selected agent.
Administrator response: Some computers from the
selected tiers do not have the capability to match the
requirements of the selected agent.
COPJEE444E Failed to get report field values.
COPJEE444W No computers in VALUE_0 pool
matched the requirements of the
selected agent.
Explanation: No computers in the last selected pool
match the pre-requisites of the selected agent.
User response: Ensure that the pre-requisites for the
selected agent are met by the computers in the selected
pool. Selected agent cannot be installed on any of the
computers from the last selected pool.
Administrator response: The capabilities of all
computers in the last selected pool do not match the
requirements of the selected agent.


COPJEE445E The string: VALUE_0 is not in xml


Some computers in VALUE_0 pool are

not compatible with the requirements of
the selected agent. To view the
computers, select the pool name from
the Selected Computers list.

Explanation: Some computers in the last selected pool

did not match the requirements of the selected agent.
User response: Ensure that all the computers in the
last selected pool satisfy the pre-requisites for the
selected agent. Some computers in the last selected pool
did not satisfy the pre-requisites for the selected agent.
Agent will not be installed on such computers.
Administrator response: The capabilities of some
computers in the last selected pool do not match the
requirements of the selected agent. Agent will not be
installed on incompatible computers.
COPJEE446E VALUE_0 rows cannot be rendered in
VALUE_1 format.
Explanation: Alphablox will run out of memory and
stop the server if too many rows are rendered
Administrator response: Increase JVM memory and
the maximum number of rows allowed in 'report.xml'

None of the selected pools matched

the requirements of the selected agent.

Explanation: No computers in the selected pools meet

the pre-requisites of the the selected agent.
User response: Ensure that some computers in the
selected pools meet the pre-requisites of the selected
Administrator response: None of the computers from
the selected pools have the capability to match the
requirements of the selected agent.
COPJEE447E Cannot delete configuration template
VALUE_0 because it is a default
template. To delete the template select
some other template as default template.

Some of the selected pools did not

match the requirements of the selected

Explanation: Some of the computers from the selected

pools do not meet the pre-requisites of the the selected
User response: Some of the computers from the
selected pools do not meet the pre-requisites of the
selected agent.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Administrator response: Some computers from the
selected pool do not have the capability to match the
requirements of the selected agent.
COPJEE448E The hub cannot be added because
VALUE_0 already exists.
Explanation: A hub cannot be added if one already
COPJEE448W No configuration templates for
software VALUE_0 matching all targets.
Reduce target selection and try again.
Explanation: None of the configuration templates for
a software matched all the selected targets
User response: Ensure that at least one of the
configuration template requirements for each selected
softwares matched the capabilities of the targets
Administrator response: Ensure that at least one of
the configuration template requirements for each
selected softwares matched the capabilities of the
targets selected.
COPJEE449E The VALUE_0 cannot be added because
the host name VALUE_1 is already
Explanation: A hub or spoke cannot be added if its
host name is already defined for another hub or spoke.
COPJEE449I A temporary report size limit of
VALUE_0 has been set.

COPJEE454E The system cannot find the core file for

the update with revision ID: VALUE_0.
COPJEE455E The system cannot add the missing
patch stack VALUE_0 to the
recommendation stack: VALUE_1 as a
stack entry.
COPJEE456E More Than one server element was
defined in the Microsoft WUA Scan
COPJEE457E The input patch status does not match
any predefined status for patch in the
data center model. A valid input is
either NEW, APPROVED or
COPJEE458E The report size limit must be a positive
integer. No limit has been set.
COPJEE459E The VALUE_0 cannot be added or edited
because the host name VALUE_1 is
already defined with database name
Explanation: A database or APM database cannot be
added or edited if its host name and database name are
already defined for another database or APM database.
COPJEE460E An operating system is already defined.

COPJEE450E The VALUE_0 cannot be edited because

the host name VALUE_1 is already
Explanation: A hub or spoke cannot be modified if its
new host name is already defined for another hub or

The computer VALUE_0 did not have

any software installation with
SoftwareResource.Upgrade LDO

Explanation: The selected computer do not meet the

pre-requisites of the selected software.
User response: The selected computer do not meet the
pre-requisites of the selected software.

COPJEE451E Cannot add Requirement Name

VALUE_0. A Requirement Name with
the same name already exists.

Administrator response: The selected computer did

not have any software installation with
SoftwareResource.Upgrade LDO associated.

COPJEE452E The system cannot find the localized

file for the update with revision ID:
VALUE_0 in locale: VALUE_1.


COPJEE453E The system cannot find the extended

file for the update with revision ID:

Some computers from the group

VALUE_0 did not have any software
installation with
SoftwareResource.Upgrade LDO

Explanation: The selected group do not meet the

pre-requisites of the selected software.
User response: The selected group do not meet the
pre-requisites of the selected software.

Chapter 25. Messages


Administrator response: Some computers from the
selected group did not have any software installation
with SoftwareResource.Upgrade LDO associated.

Some computers from the tier

VALUE_0 did not have any software
installation with
SoftwareResource.Upgrade LDO

Explanation: The selected tier do not meet the

pre-requisites of the selected software.
User response: The selected tier do not meet the
pre-requisites of the selected software.
Administrator response: Some computers from the
selected tier did not have any software installation with
SoftwareResource.Upgrade LDO associated.

Some computers from the pool

VALUE_0 did not have any software
installation with
SoftwareResource.Upgrade LDO

Explanation: The selected pool do not meet the

pre-requisites of the selected software.
User response: The selected pool do not meet the
pre-requisites of the selected software.
Administrator response: Some computers from the
selected pool did not have any software installation
with SoftwareResource.Upgrade LDO associated.

Some of the selected computers did

not have any software installation with
SoftwareResource.Upgrade LDO

Explanation: Some of the selected computers do not

meet the pre-requisites of the selected software.
User response: Some of the selected computers do not
meet the pre-requisites of the selected software.
Administrator response: Some of the selected
computers did not have any software installation with
SoftwareResource.Upgrade LDO associated.

Some of the selected groups did not

have any software installation with
SoftwareResource.Upgrade LDO

Explanation: Some of the selected groups do not meet

the pre-requisites of the selected software.
User response: Some of the selected groups do not
meet the pre-requisites of the selected software.

SoftwareResource.Upgrade LDO associated.


Some of the selected tiers did not

have any software installation with
SoftwareResource.Upgrade LDO

Explanation: Some of the selected tiers do not meet

the pre-requisites of the selected software.
User response: Some of the selected tiers do not meet
the pre-requisites of the selected software.
Administrator response: Some of the selected tiers did
not have any software installation with
SoftwareResource.Upgrade LDO associated.

Some of the selected pools did not

have any software installation with
SoftwareResource.Upgrade LDO

Explanation: Some of the selected pools do not meet

the pre-requisites of the selected software.
User response: Some of the selected pools do not meet
the pre-requisites of the selected software.
Administrator response: Some of the selected pools
did not have any software installation with
SoftwareResource.Upgrade LDO associated.

All of the selected computers did not

have any software installation with
SoftwareResource.Upgrade LDO

Explanation: All of the selected computers do not

meet the pre-requisites of the selected software.
User response: All of the selected computers do not
meet the pre-requisites of the selected software.
Administrator response: All of the selected computers
did not have any software installation with
SoftwareResource.Upgrade LDO associated.

All of the selected groups did not

have any software installation with
SoftwareResource.Upgrade LDO

Explanation: All of the selected groups do not meet

the pre-requisites of the selected software.
User response: All of the selected groups do not meet
the pre-requisites of the selected software.
Administrator response: All of the selected groups
did not have any software installation with
SoftwareResource.Upgrade LDO associated.

Administrator response: Some of the selected groups

did not have any software installation with


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide


All of the selected tiers did not have

any software installation with
SoftwareResource.Upgrade LDO

Explanation: All of the selected tiers do not meet the

pre-requisites of the selected software.
User response: All of the selected tiers do not meet
the pre-requisites of the selected software.
Administrator response: All of the selected tiers did
not have any software installation with
SoftwareResource.Upgrade LDO associated.

All of the selected pools did not have

any software installation with
SoftwareResource.Upgrade LDO

Explanation: All of the selected pools do not meet the

pre-requisites of the selected software.
User response: All of the selected pools do not meet
the pre-requisites of the selected software.
Administrator response: All of the selected pools did
not have any software installation with
SoftwareResource.Upgrade LDO associated.
COPJEE575I A duplicate name of VALUE_0 already
exists. To avoid confusion, it is
recommended to rename it.
COPJEE576E The provisioning server cannot be

This section contains messages with the COPNET identifier for networking messages.
COPNET001E There are multiple MPLS paths with
the name: VALUE_0.

COPNET010E The system cannot find the MPLS

path hop VALUE_0.

COPNET002E The system cannot delete the VALUE_0

MPLS path because it is the active
MPLS path for at least one MPLS

COPNET011E The system cannot find the

subnetwork VALUE_0.

COPNET003E The system cannot delete the

subnetwork with ID: VALUE_0 because
it is assigned to one or more access rules
or routes. Review these routes or access
rules and delete them if necessary.
COPNET004E The system cannot find the switch or
the endstation endpoint VALUE_0.
COPNET005E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
switch port.
COPNET006E The switch endpoint VALUE_0 is not
connected to a peer endpoint.
COPNET007E The system cannot find the switch
endpoint VALUE_0.
COPNET008E The system cannot find the MPLS
path VALUE_0.
COPNET009E The system cannot find the MPLS
tunnel VALUE_0.

COPNET012E The system cannot find the virtual IP:

COPNET013E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
COPNET014E The system cannot find the VLAN
COPNET015E The switch endpoint mode VALUE_0 is
not valid.
COPNET016E The switch endpoint encapsulation
VALUE_0 is not valid.
COPNET017E There is no association between the
VALUE_0 MPLS tunnel and the
VALUE_1 MPLS path.
COPNET018E The switch port VALUE_0 is already
COPNET019E The system cannot find the load
balancer VALUE_0.
COPNET020E The system cannot find the route
Chapter 25. Messages


COPNET021E The system cannot find the real IP
COPNET022E The system cannot find the load
balancer type VALUE_0.
COPNET023E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
COPNET024E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
access control list.
COPNET025 The system cannot find the address
space VALUE_0.
User response: Define the address space.

User response: Contact the IBM support reporting this

error message.
COPNET578W The device cannot be accessed via
RXA due to missing credentials.
Explanation: The RXA discovery has been configured
with empty credentials.
User response: Configure the device credentials and
then run the discovery again.
COPNET579W The device cannot be queried via
Explanation: The device is running an operating
system which is not supported by Tivoli Provisioning
User response: Not applicable.

COPNET026E The system cannot find the VALUE_0

access rule.
COPNET027E The system cannot find the dynamic
IP address range VALUE_0.
COPNET028E Not valid subnetwork netmask:
VALUE_0. A netmask must be in IP
format (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn) or netmask
length format (a number between 1 and
COPNET029E Not valid VLAN number: VALUE_0.
The VLAN number must be between 1
and 4095.
COPNET030E Not valid subnetwork:

COPNET580W The host cannot be queried via RXA.

Explanation: The device has been recognized as a
regular host but its details cannot be retrieved.
User response: Not applicable.
COPNET581W An RXA internal connection error has
Explanation: An internal error has occurred regarding
the RXA protocol.
User response: Contact the IBM support reporting this
error message.
COPNET582W An RXA internal I/O error has
Explanation: An internal error has occurred regarding
the RXA protocol.

COPNET031E The IP address VALUE_0 does not

match the VALUE_1 subnetwork.

User response: Contact the IBM support reporting this

error message.

COPNET576W The device cannot be accessed using

RXA due to wrong credentials.

COPNET583W An RXA internal configuration error

has occurred.

Explanation: The RXA discovery has been configured

with wrong credentials.

Explanation: An internal error has occurred regarding

the RXA protocol.

User response: Correct the configured credentials and

then run the discovery again.

User response: Contact the IBM support reporting this

error message.

COPNET577W The device cannot be accessed via


COPNET584W The device cannot be accessed via


Explanation: An internal error has prevented Tivoli

Provisioning Manager from creating an instance of the
RXA client.

Explanation: The device cannot be accessed because

its type, as defined in the MIB, is not supported.


User response: Not applicable

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPNET585W The device cannot be accessed due to
SNMP agent not running.
Explanation: The device is not SNMP enabled because
an SNMP agent is not running.
User response: Activate the SNMP agent on the
device and then run the discovery again.

COPNET586E The gateway value is not a valid IP

COPNET587E The prefix length VALUE_0 for the
subnetwork is not valid. The prefix
length must be between 1 and 128.

This section contains messages with the COPOSD identifier for OS deployment with the Tivoli
Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment boot server.
COPOSD001E Attribute VALUE_0 is not specified,
unable to load page.

COPOSD009E Unable to locate image on the OS

deployment server.

COPOSD002E Cannot find TPMfOSD Java API

Service Access Point for boot server

COPOSD010E Unable to start activity VALUE_0 on

the OS deployment server.

COPOSD003E Cannot find the OS deployment boot

server ID.
COPOSD004E Unable to communicate with OS
deployment boot server VALUE_0.
Explanation: The system cannot contact the OS
deployment boot server.
User response: Ensure the OS deployment boot server
is started correctly.
COPOSD005E Cannot find OS deployment API
Password for Service Access Point
Explanation: The system cannot find a password
credential for the Service Access Point.
User response: Ensure the OS deployment boot server
has a password specified in the TPMfOSD Java API
Service Access Point.
COPOSD006E Cannot find the provisioning
computer associated with boot server
COPOSD007E Cannot find the management IP
address for computer VALUE_0.

COPOSD011E Cannot find a valid operating system

on the target computer.
Explanation: Probing the target computer prior to
image capture did not return any image information.
User response: Ensure the target computer has an
operating system installed. Check the logs for more
COPOSD012E The activity did not complete within
the timeout.
Explanation: Timeout exceeded. Activity will be
User response: View the logs for more details or try
again with a longer timeout value.
COPOSD013E An error occurred getting activity
event status from the OS deployment
Explanation: OS deployment event monitoring thread
is no longer active.
User response: View the logs for more details.
COPOSD014E The OS deployment activity VALUE_0
User response: View the logs for more details.

COPOSD008E Unable to establish connection to OS

deployment boot server.

COPOSD015E Error getting results of the OS

deployment activity VALUE_0.

Explanation: The system cannot contact the OS

deployment boot server.

User response: View the logs for more details.

User response: Ensure the OS deployment boot server

is started correctly.

COPOSD016E Error finding OS deployment activity

User response: View the logs for more details.
Chapter 25. Messages


COPOSD017E Error cancelling OS deployment
activity VALUE_0.

COPOSD026E Unable to locate image VALUE_0 on

the OS deployment server.

User response: View the logs for more details.

User response: View the logs for more details.

COPOSD018E Unable to find the target computer

VALUE_0 on the OS deployment server.

COPOSD027E A System Resource Template must be

defined for image VALUE_0. Unable to

Explanation: The provisioning server was not able to

locate the host computer on the OS deployment server.
User response: Ensure the target computer in the
provisioning server has one of the following object
properties set correctly: computer.uuid,
computer.serialNumber. If at least one of those
properties is not set, a NIC must have the netboot
enabled flag set.
COPOSD019E Unexpected error from the parent OS
deployment server.
User response: Ensure the parent OS deployment
server is started correctly. View the logs for more

COPOSD028E The image VALUE_0 appears more

than once in the parent software stack.
Unable to continue.
User response: Duplicate images cannot be installed
when they are in the same software stack.
COPOSD029E Unexpected error from the OS
deployment server with boot server id:
User response: Ensure the OS deployment server is
started correctly. View the logs for more details.

COPOSD020E OS deployment software module with

description: VALUE_0 already exists.
COPOSD021E Probing for OS deployment software
module creation did not complete
successfully within the timeout.
User response: Check that the OS deployment Web
Interface Extension is running properly on your parent
OS deployment server.
COPOSD022E Unable to locate software module
VALUE_0 on the OS deployment server.
COPOSD023E Error creating binding rule for OS
deployment software module VALUE_0.
Software module creation aborted.
User response: View the logs for more details.
COPOSD024E Error finding parent OS deployment
Web Interface Extension.
User response: Check that the OS deployment Web
Interface Extension is running properly on your parent
OS deployment server and that it is running on the
management interface.
COPOSD025E Unable to delete image VALUE_0 from
the OS deployment server.
User response: View the logs for more details.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide


This section contains messages with the COPPCH identifier for patch management messages.
COPPCH001E Select one or more patches that you
want to uninstall.

COPPCH011E Type a name for the patch installation


COPPCH002E Select one or more computers or

provisioning groups to uninstall the
patches from.

COPPCH012E Select one or more computers or

provisioning groups to install the
patches on.

COPPCH003E Type a name for the patch

uninstallation task.

COPPCH013E Select one or more computers or

provisioning groups on which to install
Windows Update Agent.

COPPCH004E The selected patches cannot be

installed together.
Explanation: The selected patches probably include
patches for different operating systems.
User response: Change the selection to include
patches that can be installed in a single operation.

COPPCH014E The catalog already contains a patch

with the same name, version and
vendor. Specify a different name,
version or vendor for the patch.
COPPCH015E Select an operating system for the
patch discovery.

COPPCH005E No patches are selected.

Explanation: At least one patch must be selected for
User response: Select at least one patch for
COPPCH006E The specified WSUS server was not
Explanation: The WSUS server object does not exist.
User response: Identify an existing WSUS server
COPPCH007E No value has been specified for
satellite server.
User response: Specify a value for satellite server.
Administrator response: Satellite Server is a required
COPPCH008E You have not specified a download
location for AIX patch discovery.
User response: Specify a download location for the
AIX patch discovery.
COPPCH009E Select one or more patches that you
want to delete.
COPPCH010E Select one or more patches for which
you want to change the approval status.

COPPCH016E Select the infrastructure for the patch

COPPCH017E Select one or more patches that you
want to distribute.
COPPCH018E Select one or more computers or
provisioning groups to distribute the
patches to.
COPPCH019E Type a name for the patch distribution
COPPCH020E Select one or more patches that you
want to download.
COPPCH021E There are no patches to download.
Click "Refresh TL/SP Definitions" to
populate the list of patches so that you
can download them.
COPPCH025W {0} is not installed on one or more
selected computers.
Explanation: Some software products are not installed
on one or more selected computers.
Administrator response: Select only software that
already exists on the computers so that it can be

Chapter 25. Messages


COPPCH026E There are no patches to download.
Run the discovery to populate the list of
patches so that you can download them.
COPPCH027E There are no patches to select. Either
all available patches are selected
already, or there are no patches
User response: Verify that patches have been
published so that you can unpublish them.
COPPCH028E There are no depots to select. Either
all available depots are selected already,
or there are no patches selected.
User response: Select the patches that you want to
unpublish to a depot.
COPPCH029E Remove all depots that you have
selected, then select all patches that you
want to unpublish, and then select the
depots again.
COPPCH030E Type a name for the patch
unpublishing task.
COPPCH031E Select one or more patches to be
Explanation: At least one patch must be selected for
the patch unpublishing task.
COPPCH032E Select one or more depots for the
patch unpublishing task.
Explanation: At least one depot must be selected for
patch unpublishing task.
COPPCH034E Select one or more patches that you
want to publish.
COPPCH035E Select one or more depots to publish
the patches to.
COPPCH036E Type a name for the patch publishing
COPPCH039E Select one of the Patch Upgrade

COPPCH041W Some of the patches that you have

selected cannot be uninstalled because
there is no support for uninstalling
those patches. Do you want to
User response: Attach a valid workflow
implementation for Software.Uninstall
COPPCH045W This action changes the approval
status for all patches in this result
set.<br></br>Do you want to continue?
COPPCH046W This action assigns all patches in this
result set to a group.<br></br>Do you
want to continue?
COPPCH051E There are no patches to select. Either
all available patches are selected
already, or there are no patches
User response: Verify that patches are available so
that you can publish them.
COPPCH052E The scheduled time for installation
must be later than the scheduled time
for distribution.
User response: Verify that the date and time are
properly selected.
COPPCH053E Either specify that you want to install
now or schedule the installation task
later than the distribution task.
User response: Specify an installation time that is later
than the distribution time.
COPPCH054E There are no common depots for the
selected patches. Select patches that are
published on the same depots.
COPPCH055E The specified WSUS server or cab
extract command are not defined.
User response: For a configuration where the
provisioning server is installed on UNIX, set the WSUS
server name and the cabextract command.
COPPCH056E The Protocol field must have one of
the following values: SSH, HTTP,

COPPCH040E Select at least one patch to assign it to

a group.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPPCH057E Passwords typed do not match,
re-enter your passwords
Administrator response: Password and Confirm
Password should be same.
COPPCH059W Verify that WUA is downloaded in
the file repository before installing it. If
WUA has not been downloaded, go to
the Windows Update Agent Installation
page to download and install WUA.
User response: Verify that WUA is downloaded in the
file repository.
COPPCH062E There is no YUM file repository
configured. Use the File Repositories
page to configure a YUM file repository.

COPPCH068E Specify a value for the Root Path

COPPCH069E Specify a value for the IP Address
COPPCH070E The repository path already exists.
Specify different options to configure
the repository path or type a different
repository path.
COPPCH071E Either all products are already selected
or no product is available for the
selected product family.
User response: Select the product family first to get
products that belong to that product family.

COPPCH063E No Linux Bean found in scope

COPPCH072E Specify a value for the Port field.

COPPCH064E No YUM configuration paths are

defined. Set up the paths in the YUM
file repository.

COPPCH073E Either no patches are installed on the

computer, or the installation tasks do
not have a provisioning workflow
associated with them, which implements
the "SoftwareInstallation.Uninstall"
logical management operation.

COPPCH065E No YUM configuration paths were

selected. Select the YUM configuration
path to be used.
COPPCH066E The YUM configuration software
module is not defined properly.

User response: Associate a provisioning workflow

that implements the "SoftwareInstallation.Uninstall"
logical management operation with the patch
installation task.

User response: Define the software module for the

YUM repository.
COPPCH067E Specify a value for the File Repository

This section contains messages with the COPQLX identifier for data model query language execution
COPQLX001E The system cannot find the data center
model object VALUE_0.

COPQLX005E The system cannot run the query. A

run error occurred when the system ran
the VALUE_0.

COPQLX002E The system cannot resolve the variable


COPQLX006E A data insert error: VALUE_0 occurred.

COPQLX003E The system requires the token

VALUE_0 to be here VALUE_1.

COPQLX007E An XML data parsing error VALUE_0


COPQLX004E The system requires a VALUE_0 at the

beginning of the query.

COPQLX008E The system cannot resolve the query:


Chapter 25. Messages


COPQLX009E The system cannot process the data
update: VALUE_0.
COPQLX010E The variable name VALUE_0 is not
COPQLX011E The system requires an object here:
COPQLX012E The system requires an attribute here:
COPQLX013E The system requires an object or an
attribute here: VALUE_0.

COPQLX025E The system requires the token

VALUE_0 or the token VALUE_1 to be
here VALUE_2.
COPQLX026E The index VALUE_0 for array VALUE_1
is out of bounds.
COPQLX027E The index VALUE_0 for array VALUE_1
is not valid.
COPQLX028E Usage: dcmQueryCommand input_file
\nUse this command to query the data
model.\ninput_file The input file name,
with the entire path included.\n

COPQLX014E The system requires an object, an

attribute, or the end of the query here:
COPQLX015E The system expected a value here:
COPQLX016E The system cannot delete the object
VALUE_0 with the ID VALUE_1.
COPQLX017E The VALUE_0 query retrieved multiple
COPQLX018E The system cannot specify an input
COPQLX019E The system cannot find the input file
COPQLX020E The input file VALUE_0 is empty.
COPQLX021E The operation type VALUE_0 is not
COPQLX022E The system cannot locate the query on
the second line of the input file.
COPQLX023E The VALUE_0 dcmobject is deprecated.
Use VALUE_1 instead.
COPQLX024E DCM object VALUE_0 does not have
attribute VALUE_1.

This section contains messages with the COPSRV identifier for server management messages.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPSRV002W Credential creation failed.

COPSRV016W Are you sure you want to restart the

computer asynchronously?

COPSRV003E Application Tier field is blank.

Explanation: Application Tier field is required for this
User response: Application Tier field should not be
for this action.
COPSRV004E Incorrect cluster id.
Explanation: Valid cluster id is required for this
User response: Valid cluster id is required for this
COPSRV005E Cluster's mode is not manual.
Explanation: Cluster's mode should be manual for this

COPSRV017W Are you sure you want to restart the

computer synchronously?
COPSRV018W Are you sure you want to turn the
computer on?
COPSRV019W Are you sure you want to shut the
computer down?
COPSRV020W The {0} action is valid for a single
virtual server selection.<br></br>The
action will proceed with the first
selected virtual server.
User response: Select only one virtual server for this

User response: Cluster's mode should be manual for

this action.

COPSRV021E No workflow implementing the

logical management operation {0} is
found for {1}.

COPSRV009W Select one or more items to add

credentials pair.

Explanation: There is no workflow implementing

logical management operation {0} associated for this

Explanation: Select one or more items to add

credentials pair.
User response: Select one or more items.

User response: Go to workflow tab and assign a

device module or a workflow which implements logical
management operation {0} for this device.

COPSRV010W Discovery id is Empty

Explanation: Discovery id is empty or discovery not
COPSRV011E Save your changes before continuing.
COPSRV011W Child Template can not be created
COPSRV013E No computers are selected for this
Explanation: At least one computer must be selected
for the action.
User response: Select at least one computer for the
COPSRV014W Are you sure you want to restart the

COPSRV022W Are you sure you want to restart the

selected virtual servers?
COPSRV023W Are you sure you want to power on
the selected virtual servers?
COPSRV024W Are you sure you want to power off
the selected virtual servers?
COPSRV025E No virtual servers are selected for this
Explanation: At least one virtual server must be
selected for the action.
User response: Select at least one virtual server for the
COPSRV026W Are you sure that you want to
initialize the device?

COPSRV015W Are you sure you want to shut down

and restart the computer?

Chapter 25. Messages


COPSRV030W Host Platform id is empty
Explanation: The host platform is not selected or
User response: Select at least one host platform for the
COPSRV031W Are you sure you want to synchronize
the selected virtual servers?
COPSRV032W Are you sure you want to run
inventory scan?
COPSRV035E Virtual Server Name is a required
User response: Enter a valid name in Virtual Server
Name field.
COPSRV036E Name is a required field.
COPSRV040E No host platforms are selected for this
Explanation: At least one host platform must be
selected for the action.
User response: Select at least one host platform for the

COPSRV046W Are you sure you want to delete the

selected virtual servers?
COPSRV047E The private keys do not match. Enter
the private keys again.
User response: Enter the same private key in both
COPSRV048W Are you sure you want to clone the
selected virtual servers?
COPSRV049W Are you sure you want to move the
selected virtual servers?
COPSRV050W Are you sure you want to create a
virtual server?
COPSRV051E The Virtual Server Template field is
COPSRV052E Target Host Platform is required for
the action.
COPSRV053E Required field Source Computer is
COPSRV054E Required field Targets is blank.

COPSRV041E No additional computers are available

in the application tier.
COPSRV042E The port number provided is not
User response: Enter a port number in the range of 0
to 999999.

COPSRV055E Required field Search Key is blank.

COPSRV056E Required field User Name is blank.

COPSRV043E The community provided is not valid.

COPSRV057E The version format is not valid: {0}.

The version must contain only
alphanumeric characters separated by

User response: Enter a community of 1 to 25

alphanumeric characters.

User response: Make sure that the field contains only

numeric characters separated by dots.

COPSRV044E The communities do not match. Enter

the communities again.

COPSRV058E The file size format is not valid: {0}.

The file size must contains only
numeric characters.

User response: Enter the same community in both

COPSRV045E The passphrases do not match. Enter
the passphrases again.
User response: Enter the same passphrase in both


Administrator response: Make sure that the field

contains only numeric characters.
COPSRV059W Select only one virtual server for this

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPSRV060E Specify a value in the Software field.
COPSRV061E Specify a value in the Software
Version field.
COPSRV062E A service access point of type {0} is
already defined for port {0}.
Explanation: A service access point of type {0} for port
{0} cannot be defined because it already exists.
User response: Make sure that the port for which you
want to define a service access point is not used.
COPSRV063E An operating system is already
Explanation: An operating system is already installed
on the computer.You cannot add an operating system
for that computer.
COPSRV064E The interface that manages the NIC
resource is already defined. You can
only have one interface to manage the
NIC resource.

COPSRV071E The common agent is not installed on

the computer.
COPSRV072W Virtual Size or Host Platform Size
were not modified, saving changes to
database only.
COPSRV073E The "Discovery Scans Ending On" date
must be later than the "Discovery Scans
Starting From" date.
User response: Specify an ending date that is later
than the starting date.
COPSRV074W Do you want to remove the volume
container from the host?
COPSRV075W Do you want to remove the storage
volume from the host?
COPSRV076E The storage manager {0} is not
associated with this computer.
User response: Associate the storage manager with
this computer.

COPSRV065E Host Platform is a required field.

User response: Type a value in the Host Platform
COPSRV066W Are you sure you want to make these
changes in the resource allocation?
Explanation: These changes will take effect when the
provisioning workflow associated with the change is
run. The changed values are submitted as parameters
to the associated workflow.
COPSRV067W Are you sure you want to delete these
COPSRV069E The value for the variable {0} is not a
decimal number.

COPSRV077E The specified value must be between

{0} and {1}.
COPSRV078E The search key {0} is already used by
another credential of this access point.
Specify a different search key.
COPSRV080W A virtual server with the same name
already exists. The provisioning
workflow that creates the virtual server
can fail because of the duplicate name.
Do you want to continue?
COPSRV081E The password and confirm password
do not match.

User response: Type a decimal number in the field.

COPSRV070E The specified IP address {0} is
associated with the subnetwork {1},
which is not valid.
User response: Type the correct IP address and try

This section contains messages with the COPSWD identifier for software deployment messages.
Chapter 25. Messages


COPSWD002E Select at least one software for

COPSWD015E A target computer must be selected to

install the boot server on.

Explanation: At least one software must be selected

for deletion.

Explanation: Select a target computer.

User response: Select at least one software for


COPSWD016E Specify a data directory.

COPSWD003E Select at least one target for

Explanation: At least one target must be selected for

Explanation: Specify a data directory.

COPSWD017E There is no workflow that
implements this operation attached to
the boot server.

User response: Select at least one target for


COPSWD018E No software module with resource

templates defined.

COPSWD004E Operating System selection is


COPSWD019E Select an image for deployment.

COPSWD005E File Repository selection is required.

COPSWD021E Type a name for the software

installation task.

COPSWD006E File name is a required field.

Explanation: Type a name for the software installation


COPSWD007E Installation Method selection is


COPSWD023E Type a name for the stack

distribution task.

COPSWD008E LocalFileRepository file repository

object not found.

COPSWD024E Select at least one software stack for


COPSWD009E Hosting Environment is not

supported for HP-UX operating system.

COPSWD026E Select at least one file for distribution

COPSWD010E No value is specified for required

template parameter {0}.
User response: Specify a value for the parameter.
COPSWD011E The value for parameter {0} is
User response: Correct the value.
COPSWD012E Select at least one stack for cloning.
COPSWD013E There are no software modules in the
database that has boot server
COPSWD014E Select the boot server type.
Explanation: Select the boot server type.


COPSWD027E Type a name for the file distribution

COPSWD029E Select one or more software products
that you want to uninstall.
COPSWD030E Select one or more computers or
provisioning groups to uninstall the
software from.
COPSWD031E Type a name for the software
uninstallation task.
COPSWD032E Child template cannot be created
COPSWD036E There are no software to select. Either
all available softwares are selected
already, or there are no softwares

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPSWD037E Remove all depots that you have
selected, then select all softwares that
you want to unpublish, and then select
the depots again.
COPSWD038E Type a name for the software product
unpublishing task.
COPSWD039E Select one or more software products
to be unpublished.
Explanation: At least one software products must be
selected for the software unpublishing task.
COPSWD040E Select one or more depots for the
software unpublishing task.
Explanation: At least one depot must be selected for
software unpublishing task.
COPSWD041E Type a name for the software product
publishing task.
COPSWD042E Select one or more softwares to be
Explanation: At least one software must be selected
for the software publishing task.
COPSWD043E Select one or more depots for the
software publishing task.
Explanation: At least one depot must be selected for
software publishing task.
COPSWD044E There are no files to select. Either all
available files are selected already, or
there are no files published.
COPSWD046E Select one or more files that you want
to publish.
COPSWD047E Select one or more computers or
provisioning groups to publish the files
COPSWD048E Type a name for the file publish task.
COPSWD049E Select one or more files that you want
to UnPublish.

COPSWD050E Select one or more computers or

provisioning groups to UnPublish the
files on.
COPSWD051E Type a name for the File UnPublish
COPSWD052E There are no software modules that
can be upgraded.
COPSWD054E Select at least one target for upgrade
Explanation: At least one target must be selected.
COPSWD055E Type a name for the software upgrade
COPSWD056E Either no software is installed on the
computer, or the installations do not
have a provisioning workflow
associated with them, which implements
the "SoftwareInstallation.Uninstall"
logical management operation.
User response: Associate a provisioning workflow
that implements the "SoftwareInstallation.Uninstall"
logical management operation with the software
COPSWD057E Software Resource Templates is a
required field.
COPSWD058E Configuration Template Definition is
a required field.
COPSWD059E Type a valid value for the
requirement type.
COPSWD060E Type a valid value for the
COPSWD061E Type a valid value for the capability
COPSWD062E Type a valid value for the capability.
COPSWD063E An SRT with this name already
exists. Specify a different name.
COPSWD066E Select at least one software for
Explanation: At least one software must be selected
for installation.

Chapter 25. Messages


User response: Select at least one software for
COPSWD067E Installable Path is a required field.
COPSWD068E The software product does not have
any installables and cannot be installed.
COPSWD069E Some of the selected software
products cannot be installed.
COPSWD070E A module with the same name,
version, vendor, and build already
COPSWD071E The installable name already exists.
Type a different name for the
COPSWD072E From the selected software products,
one or more are not installed on any

COPSWD076W From the selected software products,

one or more software products cannot
be distributed. Possible causes are that
the software modules or associated
software installables do not have the
implementation of
SoftwareModule.DistributeInstallable or
SoftwareInstallable.Distribute or that
the target computer or computers {0} do
not have the default SAP for custom
operations set to SDI. If you click Yes,
these computers will be removed from
the selected targets. Do you want to
User response: If you want to distribute the software
products to the target computers {0}, go the the
Provisioning Computers page and set the default SAP
for custom operations to SDI, then distribute the
software again.
COPSWD078E There are no depots to select. Either
all available depots are selected already,
or there is no software selected.

User response: Select software products that are

installed on one or more computers.

COPSWD079E Select one or more software

installations to be uninstalled.

COPSWD073E One or more installations for selected

software product do not have a
provisioning workflow associated with
them, which implements the
"SoftwareInstallation.Uninstall" logical
management operation.

COPSWD080E The target computer {1} does not meet

the software resource template
requirements for the software module

User response: Select software which have

installations with a provisioning workflow associated,
which implements the "SoftwareInstallation.Uninstall"
logical management operation.
COPSWD074E One or more software products are
not published on any depot. Select
software products that are published on
a depot.

User response: Select computers that meet the

software resource template requirements for the
software module.
COPSWD081E One or more required parameters of
the software resource template for the
software module {0} is empty.
User response: Click the Advanced tab and enter the
required parameter values for the template.

User response: Select softwares which are published

on a depot.
COPSWD075W This operation might take a long
time to complete. If you decide to
proceed, do not close the browser
window until the download is
completed. Do you want to continue?

This section contains messages with the COPTCA identifier for common agent subsystem messages.
COPTCA001E Cannot get proxy for interface on
Agent: VALUE_0.


Explanation: The Agent Manager cannot communicate

properly with the agent. Verify that the Agent is

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

configured correctly and that the appropriate subagents
are installed.
COPTCA002E Unable to connect to the common
agent endpoint running on computer
VALUE_0 at IP port VALUE_1. Ensure
that the Tivoli Common Agent service is
started and available.
Explanation: The Agent Manager cannot communicate
properly with the agent. Verify that the Agent is
configured correctly and the appropriate subagents are
COPTCA003E The argument VALUE_0 is not valid.
Make sure that the parameter is of the
right type and that it is not empty.
COPTCA004E The subagent VALUE_0 failed to
install on the endpoint.
Explanation: For more information, check the log file
logs/msgAgent.log on the endpoint in the agent install
COPTCA005E The subagent VALUE_0 failed to start
on the endpoint.
Explanation: For more information, check the log file
logs/msgAgent.log on the endpoint in the agent install
COPTCA006E Error installing subagent VALUE_0 on
the endpoint: VALUE_1.
Explanation: For more information, check the log file
logs/msgAgent.log on the endpoint in the agent install
COPTCA007E The subagent VALUE_0 failed to
uninstall on the endpoint.
Explanation: For more information, check the log file
logs/msgAgent.log on the endpoint in the agent install
COPTCA008E Error uninstalling subagent VALUE_0
on the endpoint.
Explanation: For more information, check the log file
logs/msgAgent.log on the endpoint in the agent install
COPTCA009E Error Copying Subagent jar VALUE_0
to the endpoint.

COPTCA010E Error during Agent operation:

COPTCA011E Error during WGet from the CopyFile
Explanation: For more information, check the log file
logs/tioCopyFileTrace.log on the endpoint in the agent
install directory.
COPTCA012E File VALUE_0 not found on endpoint.
File copy or download failed.
COPTCA013E File VALUE_0 not found on endpoint.
COPTCA014E File VALUE_0 not found on local
COPTCA016E Error creating subdirectory for file
VALUE_0 on local server.
COPTCA017E Error executing command on
endpoint: VALUE_0
Explanation: For more information, check the log file
logs/tioExecuteCommandTrace.log on the endpoint in
the agent install directory.
COPTCA018E Error executing command on
endpoint: output is null.
Explanation: For more information, check the log file
logs/tioExecuteCommandTrace.log on the endpoint in
the agent install directory.
COPTCA020E Error during WGet from the CopyFile
subagent: VALUE_0.
COPTCA021E Error from the CopyFile subagent:
Explanation: For more information, check the log file
logs/tioCopyFileTrace.log on the endpoint in the agent
install directory.
COPTCA022E Java VM property not set: VALUE_0.
COPTCA023E Error loading agent config file
VALUE_0. Error message is: VALUE_1.
COPTCA024E Failed to discover agent on device
VALUE_0 with port VALUE_1.

Explanation: For more information, check the log file

logs/msgAgent.log on the endpoint in the agent install

Chapter 25. Messages


COPTCA025E Could not find the Discovery Results
Upload server.
Explanation: The global variable
Discovery.Upload.HostName is not defined correctly.

Discovery.Upload.HostName to a valid host name or IP

COPTCA026E IP Address VALUE_0 is not valid.

User response: Modify the global variable

This section contains messages with the COPTDM identifier for automation package manager subsystem
COPTDM001E The system does not support the
VALUE_0 operating system running
COPTDM002I Driver directory: VALUE_0.
COPTDM003E The application is not specified.
COPTDM003I Installing driver VALUE_0, force:
VALUE_1, installItems: VALUE_2.
COPTDM004E Authentication is required, but the
system cannot find the credentials for
SAP ID VALUE_0 and search key

COPTDM009E The system cannot copy the file

COPTDM009I Workflow VALUE_0 is not referenced.
It can be removed.
COPTDM010E The stack entry with parent ID
VALUE_0 and child stack ID VALUE_1
already exists.
COPTDM010I Java plug-in VALUE_0 is not
referenced. It can be removed.
COPTDM011I Installing driver item VALUE_0.
COPTDM012I Creating Device Model VALUE_0.

COPTDM004I Config directory: VALUE_0.

COPTDM005E The system cannot activate the server
on the load balancer.
COPTDM006E The system cannot add an inherited
stack ID VALUE_0 to another stack.
COPTDM006I Creating DCM_OBJECT entry for
TCDriver VALUE_0.
COPTDM007E The system cannot add the VALUE_0
server to VALUE_1 load balancer.
COPTDM007I Not all workflows or Java plug-ins in
the installed tcdriver exist in the new
version of tcdriver.
COPTDM008E The system cannot add new software
stack entry parent ID VALUE_0 and
child ID VALUE_1.
COPTDM008I The following workflows or Java
plug-ins are missing:


COPTDM013E The system cannot associate the

VALUE_0 stack with object ID VALUE_1.
COPTDM014E The system cannot deactivate the
server on the load balancer.
COPTDM014I Device model is already installed.
There is no need to install a new one.
COPTDM015E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
application protocol.
COPTDM015I Creating Property entry
component=VALUE_0, key=VALUE_1 ,
value=VALUE_2 for Device Model
COPTDM016E The system cannot find the service
access point for the VALUE_0 protocol.
COPTDM016I Creating the data center model object
properties template for Device Model

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPTDM017E The system cannot find the default
protocol endpoint for device ID
VALUE_0, operation VALUE_1.
COPTDM017I Associating workflow VALUE_0 with
Device Model VALUE_1.
COPTDM018E The system cannot find the device
operation type VALUE_0.
COPTDM018I Uninstalling driver item VALUE_0.
COPTDM019I Removing DCM_OBJECT entry for
TCDriver VALUE_0.
COPTDM020E The system cannot find the service
access point ID VALUE_0.
COPTDM020I Executing postinstallation workflow
for TCDriver VALUE_0.
COPTDM021E The system cannot find the server
with IP address VALUE_0.
COPTDM021I Deleting Device Model data for
COPTDM022E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
software product.
COPTDM022I Dissociating the device model data
from data center model object VALUE_0,
COPTDM023E The system cannot find the virtual IP
address VALUE_0.

COPTDM025I The system is processing folder

COPTDM026E The system cannot open the VALUE_0
COPTDM026I The system is processing file
COPTDM027E The system cannot remove the
VALUE_0 network interface.
COPTDM028E The system cannot remove the
VALUE_0 server from load balancer
COPTDM029E The system cannot retrieve the root
element from the XML file.
COPTDM030E The system cannot save the changes.
COPTDM032E The system cannot uninstall the
VALUE_0 software product. Review the
execution logs for more details.
COPTDM033E The system cannot uninstall the
VALUE_0 software stack. Review the
execution logs for more details.
COPTDM034E The system cannot update the status
for the VALUE_0 software.
COPTDM036E The system cannot remove the
VALUE_0 network interface. Remove the
real IP and then try again to remove the
network interface.



COPTDM037E The system cannot find the real IP

address with network interface ID

COPTDM024E The system cannot install the

VALUE_0 software product. Review the
execution logs for more details.

COPTDM038E The system cannot find the service

access point from device ID VALUE_0.



COPTDM039E The system cannot find the local

server in the data center model database
to perform the logical operation.

COPTDM025E The system cannot install the

VALUE_0 software stack. Review the
execution logs for more details.

COPTDM040E The system cannot uninstall the

application. The site name is null.

Chapter 25. Messages


COPTDM041E The left hand side string is null, but
the right hand side string is VALUE_0.
COPTDM042E The left hand side string is VALUE_0,
but the right hand side string is
COPTDM044E The argument is not valid. The
RuntimeParameters value is null.
COPTDM045E The argument is not valid because
the RuntimeParameters value cannot be
COPTDM051E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
software stack within VALUE_1.
COPTDM052E The system cannot look up the
software stack entry with parent ID
VALUE_0 and child stack ID VALUE_1.
COPTDM054E An unexpected error occurred. The
system cannot find the VALUE_0
COPTDM057E An unexpected driver error occurred.
The VALUE_0 server is already known
by the load balancer VALUE_1.
COPTDM059E The database connection is not
functioning properly.
COPTDM060E The JDBC driver caused an SQL
COPTDM061E The DCM object is not configured to
retrieve the packager information.
COPTDM062E The system cannot allocate the IP
COPTDM063E The system cannot allocate the server.
COPTDM064E The system cannot allocate virtual
server VALUE_0.
COPTDM065E The system cannot commit unknown
discovered devices from the NetView
dump file: VALUE_0.
Explanation: An error occurred while the system
attempted to commit the unknown devices to the
database from the Java plug-in


User response: Try running the NetView Discover
workflow again. If the problem continues, contact your
database system administrator.
COPTDM066E The system cannot configure
monitoring for the VALUE_0 resource
that uses the VALUE_1 monitoring
application. Request ID: VALUE_2.
Explanation: The system cannot configure monitoring
for the resource.
User response: Search the workflow execution history
for errors that use the request ID. Review all the
transitions and then try again.
COPTDM068E The layer 1 interface type is not valid
for switch port VALUE_0/VALUE_1 on
device ID VALUE_2.
COPTDM069E The system cannot find the access
control list by network interface ID
COPTDM070E The system cannot find the service
access point for device ID VALUE_0 with
protocol VALUE_1 and context VALUE_2.
COPTDM071E The system cannot find a service
access point for device ID VALUE_0 with
protocol VALUE_1 and credentials key
COPTDM072E The system cannot find the service
access point for device ID VALUE_0 with
protocol VALUE_1 on port VALUE_2 and
context VALUE_3.
COPTDM073E The system cannot find the VALUE_0
discovery keys file.
Explanation: The DiscoveryKeys.ini file might not be
located in the config subdirectory.
User response: Create the DiscoveryKeys.ini file and
copy it to the TIO_HOME/config subdirectory.
COPTDM074E The system cannot find the software
entity parameter for entry ID VALUE_0
named VALUE_1.
COPTDM075E The system cannot find the
management IP address for device ID

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPTDM076E There are no client credentials on
device ID VALUE_0 that are usable for
the host SAP ID VALUE_1. Review the
documentation for SAPs and credentials
and ensure your client and host
credentials match.
COPTDM077E The system cannot find the
monitoring application with ID
Explanation: The system cannot find the monitoring
application with the given ID.
User response: Provide a valid monitoring application
COPTDM078E The system cannot find the
netboot-enabled NIC for system ID
COPTDM079E The system cannot find the network
interface name for network interface ID
COPTDM080E The system cannot find the password
credentials VALUE_0.
COPTDM081E The system cannot find the software
product parameter for product ID
VALUE_0 named VALUE_1.
COPTDM082E The system cannot find the RSA
credentials VALUE_0.
COPTDM083E The system cannot find credentials
for the file copy with the SAP ID
VALUE_0 and credentials key VALUE_1.
COPTDM084E The system cannot find the SNMP
credentials VALUE_0.
COPTDM085E The system cannot find the
credentials for device ID VALUE_0 and
the SAP ID VALUE_1 with the
credentials key VALUE_2.
COPTDM087E The system cannot find the software
product ID VALUE_0.
COPTDM088E The subnetwork ID is not specified
and the system cannot derive the
subnetwork ID from the IP address.

COPTDM089E The system cannot find the switch

port ID VALUE_0.
COPTDM090E The system cannot find the user
credentials VALUE_0.
COPTDM091E The system cannot install the
application on VALUE_0.
COPTDM092E The system cannot install the
VALUE_0 software fix pack because it is
not approved.
COPTDM093E The system cannot process the live
upgrade for application tier ID:
VALUE_0 with the VALUE_1 software fix
pack because a server with an installed
fix pack cannot coexist in the same
application tier with servers that have
not installed the fix pack.
COPTDM094E The system cannot find the local
server VALUE_0 in the data center model
database for the performing operation.
COPTDM095E The system cannot locate the
VALUE_0 repository host property.
COPTDM096E The system cannot locate the
VALUE_0 repository server.
COPTDM097E The system cannot locate the
VALUE_0 software product in the
VALUE_1 stack.
COPTDM098E The system cannot move port
#VALUE_0 on switch VALUE_1.
COPTDM099E The system cannot reboot device ID
COPTDM100E The system cannot remove the
monitoring function for resource
VALUE_0 from the VALUE_1 monitoring
application. Request ID VALUE_2.
Explanation: The system cannot remove the
monitoring function for the resource.
User response: Search the workflow execution history
for errors that use the request ID. Review all the
transitions and then try again.

Chapter 25. Messages


COPTDM101E The system cannot start the
monitoring resource VALUE_0 using the
VALUE_1 monitoring application.
Request ID VALUE_2.
Explanation: The system cannot start monitoring the
User response: Search the workflow execution history
for errors that use the request ID. Review all the
transitions and then try again.
COPTDM102E The system cannot stop the
monitoring resource VALUE_0 using the
VALUE_1 monitoring application.
Request ID VALUE_2.
Explanation: The system cannot stop monitoring the
User response: Search the workflow execution history
for errors that use the request ID. Review all of the
transitions and then try again.
COPTDM103E The system cannot uninstall the
application on VALUE_0.
COPTDM104E The system detected an exception in
the Java Static Method Invocation
command driver
COPTDM105E An error occurred in the embedded
logical management operation.
COPTDM106E The system cannot find compatible
SAPs between device ID VALUE_0 and
VALUE_1 for operation VALUE_2.
COPTDM107E The argument (VALUE_0=VALUE_1) is
not valid. Make sure that the parameter
is of the right type and that it is not
COPTDM108E The integer value VALUE_0 is not
COPTDM109E The load balancing algorithm
VALUE_0 is not valid.
COPTDM110E The SNMP value
(VALUE_0=VALUE_1, type VALUE_2) is
not valid.


COPTDM111E The SSH path is not valid.

COPTDM112E The SSH user name VALUE_0 is not
COPTDM113E The value of the variable VALUE_0 is
not specified.
COPTDM114E The data center model object ID
VALUE_0 is locked in the same
deployment request (ID: VALUE_1).
COPTDM115E No device driver is associated with
resource VALUE_0.
COPTDM116E At least one power supply is required
for device ID VALUE_0.
COPTDM117E The system cannot unlock the data
center model object ID VALUE_0
because it is not locked.
COPTDM118E The VALUE_0 output file is not
Explanation: The output dump file or scan file from
the discovery technology has not been specified.
User response: Verify that the discovery workflows
specifies a valid file name.
COPTDM119E No device is associated with SAP ID:
COPTDM120E The system cannot reach IP address
COPTDM121E An unexpected driver error occurred.
COPTDM123E The SNMP type VALUE_0 is not
COPTDM124E The system cannot find the file
COPTDM126E For this operation, the credentials ID
VALUE_0 must be password credentials.
COPTDM128E Protocol type VALUE_0 is not valid.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPTDM129E For this operation, the credentials ID
VALUE_0 must be RSA credentials.
COPTDM130E For this operation, the credentials ID
VALUE_0 must be SNMP credentials.
COPTDM131E The SecureShell (SSH) configuration
is not valid.
COPTDM132E The credentials ID VALUE_0 must be
password credentials or RSA credentials.
COPTDM133E The timeout value
VALUE_0=VALUE_1 is not valid.
COPTDM134E The switch configuration for VLAN #
VALUE_0 is not correct.
COPTDM136E The IP address cannot be null.
COPTDM137E The load balancer reached its
maximum number of real servers.
COPTDM138E A default route must be specified for
the destination subnetwork.
COPTDM141E The PING failed.

COPTDM153E The VALUE_0 parameter from the

automation package item VALUE_1 is
COPTDM154E An error occurred while the system
uninstalled driver VALUE_0.
COPTDM155E An error occurred while the system
was executing the VALUE_0 workflow.
COPTDM157E The request timed out after VALUE_0
COPTDM158E The system cannot perform a live
upgrade of the software fix pack
VALUE_0 on the VALUE_1 application
COPTDM159E The system cannot find the sitename
in the VALUE_0 XML file.
COPTDM160E The system cannot locate the source
package path.
COPTDM161E An unexpected deployment engine
exception occurred: VALUE_0.
COPTDM162E An unexpected deployment error

COPTDM142E The protocol VALUE_0 is not valid.

COPTDM143E The root virtual directory must be

COPTDM165E An unexpected RemoteInstaller error

COPTDM166E The utility path must be specified.

COPTDM144E A VALUE_0 server already exists.

COPTDM167E VLAN VALUE_0 does not exist.
COPTDM148E The system cannot create the new
device driver VALUE_0 because it
already exists.
COPTDM150E An error occurred while the system
installed the driver VALUE_0.
COPTDM151E The format for the automation
package item VALUE_0 is not valid.
COPTDM152E The automation package VALUE_0 is
missing item VALUE_1.

COPTDM169E An error occurred when the system

installed the VALUE_0 driver. The driver
status must be VALUE_1.
COPTDM170E An error occurred when the system
installed the VALUE_0 driver because
the system cannot install a dependent
automation package.
COPTDM171E An error occurred when the system
installed the VALUE_0 driver because
the system cannot run a postinstallation
on a dependent automation package.

Chapter 25. Messages


COPTDM172E An error occurred when the system
uninstalled the VALUE_0driver because
the driver status must be VALUE_1.
COPTDM173E The configuration directory must be
specified in the tcdrivermanager.xml
COPTDM174E The driver directory must be
specified in the -Dkanaha.drivers= VM
COPTDM175E The format for the automation
package documentation item is not
valid. An exception occurred while the
system was reading the documentation
COPTDM176E An error occurred when the system
run the configureMonitoring logical
management operation for the VALUE_0
resource using the VALUE_1 monitoring
Explanation: An error occurred while the system run
the MonitoringApplication.ConfigMonitoring logical
management operation.
User response: Search for a workflow that implements
the MonitoringApplication.ConfigMonitoring logical
management operation. If the workflow exists, examine
the transitions in the workflow.

management operation. If the workflow exists, examine

the transitions of the workflow.
COPTDM179E An error while the system run the
stopMonitoring logical management
operation occurred for the VALUE_0
resource using the VALUE_1 monitoring
Explanation: An error occurred while the system run
the MonitoringApplication.StopMonitoring logical
management operation.
User response: Search for a workflow that implements
the MonitoringApplication.StopMonitoring logical
management operation. If the workflow exists, examine
the transitions of the workflow.
COPTDM181E The workflow VALUE_0 is already
installed in automation package
Explanation: Workflow name must be unique.
COPTDM182E The system cannot install the
software stack because the specified
software stack ID VALUE_0 does not
Explanation: The system cannot find the software
stack by using the specified software stack ID.
COPTDM183E The upgrade of the device driver
VALUE_0 is not permissible.

COPTDM177E An error occurred while the system

run the removeMonitoring logical
management operation for the VALUE_0
resource using the VALUE_1 monitoring

Explanation: If any removed workflows or Java

plug-ins are referenced by other system components,
then this device driver cannot be installed. Verify any
references prior to upgrading.

Explanation: An error occurred while the system run

the MonitoringApplication.RemoveMonitoring logical
management operation.

COPTDM184E Overwriting of file VALUE_0 is not


User response: Search for a workflow that implements

the MonitoringApplication.RemoveMonitoring logical
management operation. If the workflow exists, examine
the transitions of the workflow.

COPTDM185E The file VALUE_0 is already used by

automation package VALUE_1.

COPTDM178E An error occurred while the system

run the startMonitoring logical
management operation for the VALUE_0
resource that is using the VALUE_1
monitoring application.

COPTDM186E The device driver object VALUE_0:

VALUE_1 is still used by other data
center model objects.

Explanation: An error occurred while the system run

the MonitoringApplication.StartMonitoring logical
management operation.

Explanation: The device driver file cannot be

overwritten by a file from another device driver.

Explanation: Remove all references to the device

driver and try again. You can also try to force the

User response: Search for a workflow that implements

the MonitoringApplication.StartMonitoring logical


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPTDM187E The automation package VALUE_0 is
not found in the directory VALUE_1
specified by tcdrivermanager.xml in
your configuration directory.
COPTDM188E The installed automation package
VALUE_0 has a newer version. Installed
Version: VALUE_1 To be installed
version: VALUE_2.
COPTDM193E Multiple default values were set for
template property VALUE_0.
COPTDM194E No license is found for the device
driver VALUE_0.
COPTDM195E No driver information is found for
automation package VALUE_0.
COPTDM196E The argument is not valid. The
automation package cannot be null.
Explanation: The method for installing automation
package has been passed an incorrect argument.

COPTDM201E An unknown error occurred while

trying to connect or log on to the
TADDM server.
Explanation: Due to an unknown reason, the
connection to the TADDM server could not be
User response: Collect the necessary log files and then
contact the IBM support.
COPTDM202E Usage: entitlement.cmd/sh sign
COPTDM203E Usage: fixDriverAssembly.cmd/sh
COPTDM204E Usage: retrieveDetails [-i deviceID]+
\nUse this command to retrieve and
display a data center model object based
on the specified identifier(s).\n[-i
deviceId]+ One or more deviceID(s)
seperated by a space(e.g, -i deviceId1 -i
deviceId2 -i deviceId3).\n

User response: For more information, check the log

file $TIO_LOGS\tcdrivermanager\tcdrivermanager.log.
COPTDM197E The system cannot unlock the data
center model object ID VALUE_0
because it is locked by request ID
COPTDM198E Usage: tc-driver-manifest-generator
[tc_driver_directory] or
COPTDM199E An error occurred while trying to
connect to the TADDM server.
Explanation: The specified TADDM hostname or port
are incorrect or the TADDM server is not running.
User response: Ensure that the TADDM server is
running, and verify that the TADDM hostname and
port specified in the discovery configuration are correct,
then try again.
COPTDM200E An error occurred while trying to log
on to the TADDM server.
Explanation: The specified username and password
are incorrect.
User response: Enter a valid username and password,
then try again.

Chapter 25. Messages



This section contains messages with the COPTMF identifier for the Tivoli Management Framework
messages in Tivoli Provisioning Manager.

Object: VALUE_0 not found.

Job service results processor server

heart beat VALUE_0


Invalid targets: VALUE_0 .


Start Replication


The file: VALUE_0 is empty.



Last scan was done before this

endpoint was added

COPTMF011E Property: VALUE_0 is not valid for


Error reading the input file: VALUE_0


Input file: VALUE_0 not found.


Start APM plans replication

Activity plan VALUE_0 does not exist

in DCM. The system will create a new
activity plan.

COPTMF013E Failed to delete TPM VALUE_0 with

name VALUE_1 .

COPTMF006E The Command Option: VALUE_0 is

not valid.

Replicating depot name= VALUE_0

dcm-object-id= VALUE_1 depot-id=

COPTMF012E Server with Id: VALUE_0 is not a

valid TMF server.


Replicating policy region name=

VALUE_0 dcm-object-id= VALUE_1
policy-id= VALUE_2

Activity plan VALUE_0 already exists.

Its content is replaced.


Agent type: VALUE_0 is not valid


Finished APM plans replication.

Loading APM plan

COPTMF007E Usage: tcmReplicate

[parameters]\n\twhere parameters are:

COPTMF015E Object having ID: VALUE_0 is not a

valid TMF type object.


Replicating plan: VALUE_0



The list of targets is empty.

COPTMF016E Scan of TMF structure ended with



Plan Replicated

COPTMF009E Error scanning managed nodes on


Replicating endpoint name=

VALUE_0 dcm-object-id= VALUE_1
endpoint-id= VALUE_2



Output is sent to file:. VALUE_0 .

Plan replication not requested.

Finished replication in VALUE_0

minute(s) and VALUE_1 second(s).

COPTMF017E Initialization of security objects


Replicating ActivityPlan VALUE_0

COPTMF018E Type: VALUE_0 is an invalid server


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide


Replicating targets specification (plan

level). Target Specification Type for plan


Starting policy region VALUE_0


COPTMF019E The requested operation VALUE_0 is

not supported.

COPTMF027E Operation VALUE_0 cannot be

executed because the Base Package
specified for delta install does not exist.



Finished APM plans replication.

COPTMF020E No parameters have been specified

for operation VALUE_0

Replicate Activity VALUE_0

COPTMF021E No target list has been specified for

operation VALUE_0

Replicating targets specification

(activity level). Target Specification Type
is VALUE_0

COPTMF022E Mandatory parameter Software

Package name has not been specified.

The number of execution windows is



COPTMF028E Operation VALUE_0 cannot be

executed because the software package
for Data Moving does not exist.

Starting profile manager VALUE_0


COPTMF029E Operation VALUE_0 cannot be

executed because the requested
distribution mode does not apply to
built software packages.

Profile manager VALUE_0 replication

finished successfully.

COPTMF030E Operation VALUE_0 cannot be

executed because the specified software
package has not been imported.

Software Package name is not valid.



Policy region VALUE_0 replication

finished successfully.

The plan VALUE_0 was successfully

replicated to TPM database.

Starting software package VALUE_0


COPTMF024E Base Software Package name for
delta install is not valid.

Software package VALUE_0

replication finished successfully.

Replicating repeaters.

COPTMF025E The execution mode specified for

operation VALUE_0 is inconsistent with
the package attribute.


Invalid parameter.

Replicating repeater on managed

node VALUE_0 and region VALUE_1

COPTMF026E Operation VALUE_0 cannot be

executed because the specified software
package does not exist.

COPTMF032E Parameter VALUE_0 is not valid for

operation VALUE_1

Starting endpoint VALUE_0


COPTMF033E Values for Auto-commit,

Transactional and Reboot parameters are
not consistent.

Endpoint VALUE_0 replication

finished successfully.

Chapter 25. Messages


COPTMF034E Values for Auto-accept and Undo
parameters are not consistent.

COPTMF042E The value specified for the Notify

Interval Unit parameter is not valid.



Starting depot VALUE_0 replication.

Starting Tmr VALUE_0 replication.

COPTMF035E The value specified for the

Transactional parameter is no valid.

COPTMF043E The value specified for the Deadline

parameter is not valid.



Depot VALUE_0 replication finished


COPTMF036E The value of package attribute

undoable is inconsistent with the value
of the Transactional parameter.

Starting managed node VALUE_0


COPTMF037E The value specified for the Reboot

parameter is not valid.

Managed node VALUE_0 replication

finished successfully.

COPTMF038E The value specified for the Undo

parameter is not valid.

COPTMF044E The value specified for the Force

parameter is not valid.
COPTMF044W The system cannot find the
subscriber for the Hostname: VALUE_0,
Type: VALUE_1, Object Label: VALUE_2.
Explanation: The object lookup failed for the given
Object Label.
User response: Ensure that the Object Label exists in
the TMR object database. If the subscriber belongs to
another TMR check the link between TMRs
COPTMF045E The value specified for the Ignore
parameter is not valid.


Starting inventory profile VALUE_0


COPTMF039E The value specified for the

Distribution Mode parameter is not

Inventory profile VALUE_0

replication finished successfully.

Tmr VALUE_0 replication finished


At least one patch is being installed

on your computer \r\nand a reboot
might occur. Close all running

COPTMF046E The value specified for the Wake On

Lan parameter is not valid.
COPTMF046W Summary of the warnings that
occurred during the replication process:

COPTMF040E The value specified for the Priority

parameter is not valid.

COPTMF047E The value specified for the Roaming

EP parameter is not valid.


COPTMF047W When replicating the VALUE_0

named ''VALUE_1'' a problem was
encountered. The replication of this
resource might not be complete.

Starting software installation

VALUE_0 replication.

COPTMF041E The values specified for the Timeout

settings are not valid.


Software installation VALUE_0

replication finished successfully.

COPTMF048E The value specified for the From CD

parameter is not valid.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPTMF048W The replication process completed
successfully even if some no blocking
problems occurred. See the summary
above and the log file for more details.
COPTMF049E The value specified for the From
Fileserver parameter is not valid.
COPTMF049W When replicating VALUE_0 a
problem was encountered. The
replication of these resources might not
be complete.
COPTMF050E The value specified for the
Auto-accept parameter is not valid.
COPTMF051E The value specified for the
Auto-commit parameter is not valid.
COPTMF052E The value specified for the From
Depot parameter is not valid.
COPTMF053E The value specified for the
Disposable parameter is not valid.
COPTMF054E The parameters specified to execute
operation VALUE_0 are not valid.
COPTMF055E Operation VALUE_0 failed. See the
log files for more information.
COPTMF056E No target has been specified or the
specified type does not match the
operation requirements.

COPTMF061E None of the specified targets is valid

for the requested operation.
COPTMF062E The mandatory parameter Source
Host has not been specified.
COPTMF063E The combination of parameters From
Depot, Disposable, From FileServer,
FromCD is invalid.
COPTMF064E The value specified for the
Mandatory Date parameter is not valid.
COPTMF065E The value specified for the Escalate
Date parameter is not valid.
COPTMF066E The number of messages is different
from the number of the dates.
COPTMF067E The value specified for the
Dependency Check parameter is not
COPTMF068E The value specified for the Default
Deadline parameter is not valid.
COPTMF069E The value specified for the Force
Mandatory parameter is not valid.
COPTMF070E The user is not authorized to execute
the operation.
COPTMF071E The value specified for one or more
Mobile parameters is not valid.

COPTMF057E A Software Dependency has been

specified with a software package name
that is not valid.

COPTMF072E The value specified for the Mobile

Hidden parameter is not valid.

COPTMF058E The value specified for the Code

Page Translation parameter is not valid.

COPTMF073E You cannot specify both relative and

absolute deadlines. Only one value is

COPTMF059E The specified SourceHost Origin

Host is not defined or its type does not
match the type required by the
COPTMF060E The specified EndPoint source data is
not defined or its type does not match
the type required by the operation.

COPTMF074E Invalid Notification parameters have

been specified.
COPTMF075E The value specified for the Enable
Notification parameter is not valid.

Chapter 25. Messages


COPTMF076E The value specified for the Allow
Defer parameter is not valid.
COPTMF077E The value specified for the Allow
Reject parameter is not valid.
COPTMF078E The value specified for the Default
Action parameter is not valid.
COPTMF079E The value specified for the Default
Timeout parameter is not valid.
COPTMF080E The value specified for the Default
Timeout Unit parameter is not valid.
COPTMF081E The value specified for the Multicast
parameters is not valid.
COPTMF082E The requested operation is not
executed due to a validation failure.
COPTMF083E The value specified for the parameter
VALUE_0 is not valid.
COPTMF084E An error occurred while performing
database operations
COPTMF085E Software Package VALUE_0 does not
exist and it cannot be created on server
COPTMF086E Reference to object VALUE_0 of type
VALUE_1 is ambiguous: provide fully
qualified name.
COPTMF087E Unable to retrieve region name for
object VALUE_0
COPTMF089E File Repository VALUE_0 is not a
valid TMF server.
COPTMF090E Failed adding Policy Region:
VALUE_0 Label: VALUE_1 Object Id:
COPTMF091E Failed adding Gateway: VALUE_0
Label: VALUE_1 Object Id: VALUE_2


COPTMF092E Failed adding Sub Policy Region:

VALUE_0 Label: VALUE_1 Object Id:
COPTMF093E Failed adding Profile Manager:
VALUE_0 Label: VALUE_1 Object Id:

Replication policy region exception.


Replication administrator exception.

COPTMF096E Failed adding Sub Profile Manager:

VALUE_0 Label: VALUE_1 Object Id:
COPTMF097E Failed adding Software Package:
VALUE_0 Object Id: VALUE_1
COPTMF098E Failed adding Discovery: VALUE_0
Object Id: VALUE_1
COPTMF099E Error replicating software package:
COPTMF100E Failed adding endpoint: VALUE_0
Object Id: VALUE_1
COPTMF101E TmfPropertyException: oid not found
for VALUE_0

Failed to create TmfServer VALUE_0


Error replicating TMR: VALUE_0


Error replicating from: VALUE_0

COPTMF105E Replication failed. See the log file for

additional details.
COPTMF106E The plan VALUE_0 was not replicated
because containing unsupported targets
or operations.
COPTMF107E An exception VALUE_0 was raised
during the plan replication process.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPTMF108E An error occourred replicating a TMF

COPTMF117E The system failed to create the

software package block named

COPTMF109E The system found an error replicating

TMF Task: VALUE_0 .

Explanation: The system was not able to create the

specified software package block.

COPTMF110E The system cannot find

EndPointTask: VALUE_0 .

User response: Refer to the console.log file located in

the path $TIO_LOGS/deploymentengine for more
details about the cause of the error.

COPTMF111E An exception occurred when the

thread to perform the requested
ExecuteTask operation was started.

COPTMF118E The SoftwareModule or

SoftwareInstallation object with ID
''VALUE_0'' does not have a valid
''identity'' property.

COPTMF112E An unexpected exception occurred

while the ExecuteTask operation was
being performed.

Explanation: The specified SoftwareModule or

SoftwareInstallable does not have the required property
called ''identity''. The patch discovery did not work
correctly or the identity property has been manually
deleted from the object.

COPTMF113E Error accessing the Repeaters list

from: VALUE_0
COPTMF114E The system cannot find the
''VALUE_0'' file on the Tivoli
Provisioning Manager server.
Explanation: The file is not available on
the Tivoli Provisioning Manager server.
User response: Before running the operation,
download the file from the Microsft Web
COPTMF115E The system cannot find a valid
''VALUE_0'' Discovery object.
Explanation: The Windows_Initial_Patch_Scan
Discovery object is not present in the data model or is
not valid.
User response: Before running the operation, ensure
that you have replicated at least one Tivoli
Management Framework environment where the Patch
Management component is installed.
COPTMF116E The system failed to copy the
''VALUE_0'' file to the Tivoli
Management Framework environment.
Explanation: The system did not upload the specified
file to all the Tivoli servers of the environment.
User response: Ensure that your Tivoli Management
Framework environment is up and running.

User response: Run again the ''Microsoft Updates

Discovery'' configuration
COPTMF119E The connection to the Tivoli
management region server (Tivoli
server) failed or was lost for the Tivoli
server with OID: ''VALUE_0''. Ensure
that the Tivoli server is running and
retry the connection.
COPTMF120E The connection to the Tivoli
management region server (Tivoli
server) failed or was lost for the Tivoli
server: ''VALUE_0''. Ensure that the
Tivoli server is running and retry the
COPTMF121E The connection to the Tivoli
Configuration Manager database is not
functioning properly. Ensure that the
Tivoli Configuration Manager
database(s) is running and that you have
correctly run the tcmLink command.
COPTMF122E Either Tivoli encountered a problem
while running the task, or the task did
not complete before the timeout elapsed
COPTMF123E There is no appropriate executable
code defined for this machine type.

This section contains messages with the COPTSK identifier for task messages.
COPTASK001E Task definition not found: VALUE_0.

COPTASK002E Task definition VALUE_0 doesn't

have task job.
Chapter 25. Messages


COPTSK001E Task definition not found: VALUE_0.

COPTSK107E The Provisioning Workflow field is a

required field.

COPTSK002E Task definition VALUE_0 doesn't have

task job.

User response: Type a value in the Workflow field.

COPTSK003E Task condition VALUE_0 cannot be

satisfied in VALUE_1 years.
COPTSK004E Task job VALUE_0 does not have a
task job item for workflow VALUE_1.
COPTSK005E Task job item VALUE_0 does not have
a task parameter VALUE_1.
COPTSK102W You cannot delete the task because
the task is not completed. If you want to
delete the task, go to the Provisioning
Task Tracking page to cancel the task,
and then go to the Provisioning Task
Definitions page to delete the task.
COPTSK104W You have selected to delete {0}
tasks.<br></br>A number of {1} tasks
cannot be deleted because they are not
completed or are shared. The remaining
{2} tasks can be deleted.<br></br>If you
want to delete the remaining tasks, click
<b>Yes</b>. If you do not want to
delete any tasks, click
<b>No</b>.<br></br>If you also want
to delete the incomplete tasks, go to the
Provisioning Task Tracking page to
cancel these tasks, and then go to the
Provisioning Task Definitions page to
delete these tasks. Deleting a task will
also delete its history.
COPTSK105W The tasks cannot be deleted because
they are not completed or are
shared.<br></br>If you want to delete
the incomplete tasks, go to the
Provisioning Task Tracking page to
cancel the tasks, and then go to the
Provisioning Task Definitions page to
delete the tasks. Deleting a task will
also delete its history.
COPTSK106E The Provisioning Task field is a
required field.

COPTSK108E No target was specified for the

provisioning task.
User response: Specify a target for the provisioning
COPTSK109E The task contains a provisioning
workflow that is not valid.
User response: Delete the task and create a new task
with a valid provisioning workflow.
COPTSK110E The format of the "{0}" parameter is
not valid. This parameter is of array
type and must start with "[" and end
with "]". Array values must be separated
by ",".
User response: Type the parameter in the proper
COPTSK111E No file repository was specified.
User response: Specify a file repository.
COPTSK112E The file repository "{0}" could not be
User response: Specify a different file repository.
COPTSK115E The File Path field is a required field.
User response: Type a value in the File Path field.
COPTSK116E The Operating System field is a
required field.
User response: Type a value in the Operating System
COPTSK117E The File Repository field is a required
User response: Type a value in the Workflow field.
COPTSK118E The File field is a required field.
User response: Type a value in the File field.

User response: Type a value in the Task field.

COPTSK119E No associated file was specified for
the provisioning task.
User response: Specify an associated file for the
provisioning task.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPTSK121W This action affects all {0} tasks in this
result set.<br></br>Deleting a task will
also delete its history. Are you sure that
you want to delete the selected tasks?
COPTSK122W This action affects all {0} tasks in this
result set.<br></br>A number of {1}
tasks cannot be deleted because they are
not completed or are shared. The
remaining {2} tasks can be
deleted.<br></br>If you want to delete
the remaining tasks, click <b>Yes</b>.
If you do not want to delete any tasks,
click <b>No</b>.<br></br>If you also
want to delete the incomplete tasks, go
to the Provisioning Task Tracking page
to cancel these tasks, and then go to the
Provisioning Task Definitions page to
delete these tasks. Deleting a task will
also delete its history.
COPTSK123W This action affects all {0} tasks in this
result set.<br></br>You cannot delete
these tasks because they are not
completed or are shared. If you want to
delete the incomplete tasks, go to the
Provisioning Task Tracking page to
cancel the tasks, and then go to the
Provisioning Task Definitions page to
delete the tasks. Deleting a task will
also delete its history.
COPTSK125W You cannot delete the task because it
is not completed. If you want to delete
the task, cancel the task first.
COPTSK127W You have selected to delete {0} tasks.
A number of {1} tasks cannot be deleted
because they are not completed. The
remaining {2} tasks can be
deleted.<br></br> If you want to delete
the remaining tasks, click <b>Yes</b> .
If you do not want to delete any tasks,
click <b>No</b>. <br></br>If you also
want to delete the {1} tasks that are not
completed, cancel them first.
COPTSK128W The tasks that you want to delete are
not completed and cannot be deleted. If
you want to delete these tasks, cancel
them first.
COPTSK130W You cannot cancel the task because it
is completed.

COPTSK132W You have selected to cancel {0} tasks.

A number of {1} tasks cannot be
canceled because they are completed.
The remaining {2} tasks can be canceled.
<br></br>If you want to cancel the
remaining tasks, click <b>Yes</b>. If
you do not want to cancel any tasks,
click <b>No</b>.
COPTSK133W The tasks that you want to cancel are
completed and cannot be canceled.
User response: No action is required.
COPTSK135W You cannot run the task because it is
not completed.
User response: Wait for the task to complete or cancel
the task before running it again.
COPTSK136W You cannot edit the task because it is
running or completed.
Explanation: Tasks can only be edited before they are
User response: If you need to edit a task that is
running, cancel it and then edit it before rerunning.
COPTSK138W This action affects all {0} tasks in this
result set.<br></br>A number of {1}
tasks cannot be canceled because they
are completed. The remaining {2} tasks
can be canceled.<br></br>If you want to
cancel the remaining tasks, click
<b>Yes</b>. If you do not want to
cancel any tasks, click <b>No</b>.
COPTSK139W This action affects all {0} tasks in this
result set.<br></br>You cannot cancel
these tasks because they are completed.
User response: No action is required.
COPTSK141W This action affects all {0} tasks in this
result set.<br></br>A number of {1}
tasks cannot be deleted because they are
not completed. The remaining {2} tasks
can be deleted.<br></br>If you want to
delete the remaining tasks, click
<b>Yes</b>. If you do not want to
delete any tasks, click
<b>No</b>.<br></br>If you also want
to delete the {1} tasks that are not
completed, cancel them first.

Chapter 25. Messages


COPTSK142W This action affects all {0} tasks in this
result set.<br></br>You cannot delete
these tasks because they are not
completed. If you want to delete these
tasks, cancel them first.
COPTSK147W You cannot refresh the target list
because the task is either running or
COPTSK149W The target lists for selected tasks
cannot be refreshed, because the tasks
are either running or completed.
COPTSK151W This action affects all {0} tasks in this
result set.<br></br>You cannot refresh
any target lists because the tasks are
either running or completed.
COPTSK154W You have selected to delete {0}
tasks.<br></br> A number of {1} tasks
cannot be deleted because they are not
completed. The remaining {2} tasks can
be deleted and {3} of them are associated
with base services tasks.<br></br> If
you want to delete the remaining tasks,
click <b>Yes</b> . If you do not want to
delete any tasks, click <b>No</b>.
<br></br>If you also want to delete the
{1} tasks that are not completed, cancel
them first.
COPTSK156W This action affects all {0} tasks in this
result set.<br></br>A number of {1}
tasks cannot be deleted because they are
not completed. The remaining {2} tasks
can be deleted and {3} of them are
associated with base services
tasks.<br></br>If you want to delete the
remaining tasks, click <b>Yes</b>. If
you do not want to delete any tasks,
click <b>No</b>.<br></br>If you also
want to delete the {1} tasks that are not
completed, cancel them first.

COPTSK159W You have selected to delete {0}

tasks.<br></br>A number of {1} tasks
cannot be deleted because they are not
completed or are shared. The remaining
{2} tasks can be deleted and {3} of them
are associated with base services
tasks.<br></br> If you want to delete
the remaining tasks, click <b>Yes</b> .
If you do not want to delete any tasks,
click <b>No</b>. <br></br>If you also
want to delete the incomplete tasks, go
to the Provisioning Task Tracking page
to cancel these tasks, and then go to the
Provisioning Task Definitions page to
delete these tasks. Deleting a task will
also delete its history.
COPTSK161W This action affects all {0} tasks in this
result set.<br></br>A number of {1}
tasks cannot be deleted because they are
not completed or are shared. The
remaining {2} tasks can be deleted and
{3} of them are associated with base
services tasks.<br></br>If you want to
delete the remaining tasks, click
<b>Yes</b>. If you do not want to
delete any tasks, click
<b>No</b>.<br></br>If you also want
to delete the incomplete tasks, go to the
Provisioning Task Tracking page to
cancel these tasks, and then go to the
Provisioning Task Definitions page to
delete these tasks. Deleting a task will
also delete its history.
COPTSK201W Do you want to complete the action
before leaving this application? Click
Yes to return to the application, then
complete all fields and submit the task.
If you want to discard the changes, click
COPTSK210E Specify a value between 1 and {0} for
the task concurrency level.
COPTSK212E Select one or more provisioning
workflows to create a group.
COPTSK213E Select one or more target statuses to
create a group.
COPTSK214E No targets were found with the
selected provisioning workflows and
target status. Specify different options
and try again.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPTSK302W You cannot delete the task because it
is currently running. If you want to
delete the task, cancel the task first.
Explanation: See message.
User response: See message.
COPTSK304W You have selected to delete {0} tasks.
A number of {1} tasks cannot be deleted
because they are running. The
remaining {2} tasks can be
deleted.<br></br>If you want to delete
the remaining tasks, click <b>Yes</b>.
If you do not want to delete any tasks,
click <b>No</b>.<br></br>If you also
want to delete the {1} tasks that are
running, cancel them first.
Explanation: See message.
User response: See message.
COPTSK305W The tasks that you want to delete are
running and cannot be deleted. If you
want to delete these tasks, cancel them
Explanation: See message.
User response: See message.

COPTSK312W You cannot run the task because it is

not completed.
Explanation: See message.
User response: Wait for the task to complete or cancel
it before rerunning.
COPTSK313W You cannot edit the task because it is
running or completed.
Explanation: Tasks can only be edited before they are
User response: If you need to edit a task that is
running, cancel it and then edit it before rerunning.
COPTSK315W This action affects all {0} tasks in this
result set.<br></br>A number of {1}
tasks cannot be canceled because they
are not running. The remaining {2} tasks
can be canceled.<br></br>If you want to
cancel the remaining tasks, click
<b>Yes</b>. If you do not want to
cancel any tasks, click <b>No</b>.
Explanation: See message.
User response: See message.

COPTSK307W You cannot cancel the task because it

is not running.

COPTSK316W This action affects all {0} tasks in this

result set.<br></br>You cannot cancel
these tasks because they are not

Explanation: See message.

Explanation: See message.

User response: See message.

User response: No action is required.

COPTSK309W You have selected to cancel {0} tasks.

A number of {1} tasks cannot be
canceled because they are not running.
The remaining {2} tasks can be
canceled.<br></br>If you want to cancel
the remaining tasks, click <b>Yes</b>.
If you do not want to cancel any tasks,
click <b>No</b>.

COPTSK318W This action affects all {0} tasks in this

result set.<br></br>A number of {1}
tasks cannot be deleted because they are
running. The remaining {2} tasks can be
deleted.<br></br>If you want to delete
the remaining tasks, click <b>Yes</b>.
If you do not want to delete any tasks,
click <b>No</b>.<br></br>If you also
want to delete the {1} tasks that are
running, cancel them first.

Explanation: See message.

User response: See message.
COPTSK310W The tasks that you want to cancel are
not running and cannot be canceled.
Explanation: See message.
User response: No action is required.

Explanation: See message.

User response: See message.
COPTSK319W This action affects all {0} tasks in this
result set.<br></br>You cannot delete
these tasks because they are running. If
you want to delete these tasks, cancel
them first.
Explanation: See message.
User response: See message.
Chapter 25. Messages



This section contains messages with the COPUTL identifier from the utilities subsystem messages.
COPUTL001E An unexpected data migration system
exception occurred. Exception: VALUE_0.

COPUTL010E Usage: IDSPostCoexist userName

password hostname port SSL(true/false)
source-baseDN target-baseDN

COPUTL002E The VALUE_0 script caused an error.

COPUTL003E The VALUE_0 LDAP migration caused
an error.
COPUTL004E User Registry in LDAP already
migrated to VALUE_0
Explanation: No migration is needed.
COPUTL005E LDAP is not in the necessary state for
coexist migration.
Explanation: Coexist migration cannot be used. Select
another migration method to continue migration.
User response: Ensure that the LDAP is started. Make
sure the LDAP contains version 2.1 data before running
coexisting migration.
COPUTL006E LDAP is not in the necessary state for
creating a new ldap for V3.1.
Explanation: The new user registry for V3.1 cannot be
User response: Make sure that the LDAP is started.
Ensure that the LDAP does not contain version 2.1 user
registry data in the ldap.

COPUTL011E Usage: IDSNewMigration

Migration-path root-userName password
hostname port SSL(true/false)
COPUTL012E Usage: TransferMigration
Migration-path source-userName
source-password source-hostname
source-port source-SSL(true/false)
source-baseDN target-userName
target-password target-hostname
target-port target-SSL(true/false)
COPUTL013E Usage: MSADMigration
migration_homePath hostname
principalFullDN(for example,
password port ssl(true/false)
COPUTL014E Cannot create a JDOM document
object from the xml file VALUE_0.
COPUTL015E Try to obtain file VALUE_0 from

COPUTL007E LDAP is not in the necessary state for

transferring migrated data.

COPUTL016I Data migration beginning.

Explanation: The transfer of data between ldaps

cannot be started.

COPUTL017I Processing pre-migration ...

User response: Make sure that the LDAP is started.

Ensure that the LDAP does not contain version 2.1 user
registry data in the ldap.
COPUTL008E LDAP is not in the necessary state for
clean-up mode.

COPUTL018I Processing data migration ...

COPUTL019I Processing post-migration ...

Explanation: The clean-up mode cannot be started.

COPUTL020I Data migration was completed


User response: Ensure that the LDAP is started.

Clean-up mode can only be started after coexisting
migration or transfer of version 3.1 data is completed.

COPUTL023E Processing Migration Step: VALUE_0

COPUTL009E Usage: IDSCoexistMigration

Migration-path root-userName password
hostname port SSL(true/false)
source-baseDN target-baseDN


COPUTL024I Performing Java command: VALUE_0

COPUTL025I Performing SQL command: VALUE_0

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

COPUTL026I Begin validating migrated database ...

COPUTL049I New memberships for users are

assigned successfully.

COPUTL027I Validation completed successfully.

COPUTL050I Begin updating entries ...
COPUTL028I Validating table: VALUE_0
COPUTL029E Validation failed, the migrated db
does not contain the following entries:

COPUTL051I Update attibute VALUE_1 with value

VALUE_2 for dn VALUE_0.
COPUTL052I Updates of entries are completed

COPUTL033E Failed SQL Message: VALUE_0

COPUTL053I Begin modifying entry owner ...
COPUTL034I Begin IDS migration ...
COPUTL054I Setting entry owner as VALUE_0.
COPUTL035I IDS migration completed successfully.
COPUTL055I Entry owner modified successfully.
COPUTL036I Begin removing roles ...
COPUTL037I Removing roles: VALUE_0
COPUTL038I Roles are removed successfully.
COPUTL039I Begin creating groups ...

COPUTL056E LDAP migration failed. Check the log

for error messages.
COPUTL057E Cannot add group membership in
user. Message from LDAP: VALUE_0
COPUTL058E Cannot add user into group. Message
from LDAP: VALUE_0

COPUTL040I Creating groups: VALUE_0

COPUTL041I Groups are created successfully.
COPUTL042E Creating group VALUE_0 failed, but
process continue.

COPUTL059E Cannot remove group membership

from user. Message from LDAP:
COPUTL060E Cannot remove member from the
group. Message from LDAP: VALUE_0

COPUTL043E Error Message: VALUE_0

COPUTL044I Begin removing membership for users

COPUTL061I Begin applying post migration fix for

COPUTL062I Preparing application of locale fix.

COPUTL045I Removing membership VALUE_0 for

user VALUE_1.

COPUTL063I Locale fix is applied successfully.

COPUTL046I Removing membership for users

completed successfully.

COPUTL064I Locale fix for post migration has been

applied already. This fix will be

COPUTL047I Begin assigning new memberships for


COPUTL065I Database schema level VALUE_0.

COPUTL048I Adding membership VALUE_0 for user


COPUTL066E No search and replace patterns found

in file VALUE_0.

Chapter 25. Messages


COPUTL067E Pattern VALUE_0 is not a valid regular

COPUTL091E A required pre-defined value was not

changed from 'VMWare' to 'VMware'.

COPUTL068E Unable to read from VALUE_0.

Explanation: The VMware predefined value must be

spelled correctly.

COPUTL069E Unable to write to VALUE_0.

COPUTL070E Error in replacement text VALUE_0.
COPUTL071I Replacing VALUE_0 at position
VALUE_1 with VALUE_2.
COPUTL072W Found match VALUE_0 at position
COPUTL073I Processing workflow VALUE_0.
COPUTL074I Processing pattern VALUE_0.
COPUTL075W No replacement provided for pattern
VALUE_0. Matches will not be replaced.
COPUTL088E The migration failed during the
conversion of the size value for the
VALUE_0 property for the resource (id:
Explanation: The size value is not valid. The size
value must be a number.
User response: Enter a size value that is a valid byte
COPUTL090E The access domain, VALUE_0, does not
exist in the database.
Explanation: During the migration, the access domain
is registered for migration; but it is no longer available
in the database.

User response: After the migration, manually change

the pre-defined value from 'VMWare' to 'VMware'. To
make this change in the provisioning database, open a
database command window and run the command:
update requirement_predfn_value set value='VMware'
where value='VMWare'
COPUTL092W The migration of the iogroup
attribute for storage volumes has failed.
User response: After the migration, manually update
the iogroup attribute for the storage volumes. To make
this change in the provisioning database, open a
database command window and run the command:
update storage_volume set io_group=(select value from
properties where component_id=0 and and
COPUTL093E The migration of the local file
repository has failed.
User response: Verify that the file
TIO_HOME/config/tcdrivermanager.xml exists and
that it contains a valid repository value (specified as
the repository property).
COPUTL094W The migration of the software
resource requirements has failed.
Explanation: A database access exception has occurred
while creating the requirement type VALUE_0 and the
requirement name VALUE_1 .

User response: Ensure that the database is started and

running and no changes are made to the database other
than the migration operations.

User response: After the migration, manually create a

requirement type VALUE_0 and a requirement name
VALUE_1 under this type. To make this change in the
provisioning database, log into the Web interface and
run the application called Software Validation.

COPUTL090W The groups created by the discovery

scenarios could not be removed
automatically. Remove them manually.

COPUTL095E The compliance status description was

not changed from Critical to Not


Explanation: A compliance status description must not

be 'Critical'.

User response: Check the data migration logs to see

which groups could not be removed, and then remove
those groups manually.


User response: After the migration, manually change

the pre-defined value from 'Critical' to 'Not Compliant'.
To make this change in the provisioning database, open
a database command window and run the command:

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

DESCRIPTION='Not Compliant' where
COPUTL096W The migration of the common agent
requirements has failed.
Explanation: A database access exception has occurred
while creating a requirement name VALUE_0 with the
pre-defined value VALUE_2 under the requirement
type VALUE_1.
User response: After the migration, manually create a
requirement name VALUE_0 with the pre-defined value
VALUE_2 under the requirement type VALUE_1. To
make this change in the provisioning database, log into
the Web interface and run the application called
Software Validation.
COPUTL097W The activity plan instance VALUE_0,
id=VALUE_1 was not migrated.
User response: For details, check the datamigration
log, TIO_LOGS/migration/dataMigration.log.
Manually migrate the activity plan instance using the
steps documented in the Migration Guide.
COPUTL098W The favorite task VALUE_0,
id=VALUE_1 was not migrated.
User response: For details, check the datamigration
log, TIO_LOGS/migration/dataMigration.log.
Manually migrate the favorite task using the steps
documented in the Migration Guide.
COPUTL099W The scheduled task VALUE_0,
id=VALUE_1 was not migrated.
User response: For details, check the datamigration
log, TIO_LOGS/migration/dataMigration.log.
Manually migrate the scheduled task using the steps
documented in the Migration Guide.
COPUTL100W The endpoint task VALUE_0,
id=VALUE_1 was not migrated.

COPUTL101W The activity plan VALUE_0,

id=VALUE_1 was not migrated.
User response: For details, check the datamigration
log, TIO_LOGS/migration/dataMigration.log.
Manually migrate the activity plan using the steps
documented in the Migration Guide.
COPUTL102W The SQL script VALUE_0 failed.
User response: For details, check the datamigration
log, TIO_LOGS/migration/dataMigration.log.
Manually run the SQL script when the migration is
COPUTL103W The requirement type VALUE_0 was
not migrated.
User response: After the migration, manually create a
requirement type VALUE_0 with requirement name
VALUE_1 and the pre-defined values VALUE_2.
COPUTL104W The migration of the TADDM GUIDs
cannot be completed because the
migration has been run already. If the
migration has already been run, the
migrateTaddmGuidsFrom5112.ok' file
will exist.
User response: To force the migration tool to run,
delete the 'TIO_LOGS/
migrateTaddmGuidsFrom5112.ok' file and run the
migration tool again.
COPUTL200E Incorrect application configuration.
Explanation: The dialog cannot determine the target
table when using parent control instances and the
creating event.
Administrator response: Make sure the creating
button is located inside the table tab in the application.

User response: For details, check the datamigration
log, TIO_LOGS/migration/dataMigration.log.
Manually migrate the endpoint task using the steps
documented in the Migration Guide.

COPUTL201E No LDO implementation is available

Explanation: No LDO implementation is available.
User response: Provide a valid LDO implementation

Chapter 25. Messages


COPUTL202E Scheduled start time must be after the
current time.
Explanation: A start time in the past was selected for
the task.
User response: Select a start time in the future.
COPUTL203E Error uploading file : {0}
COPUTL204E Select a file to upload.

Explanation: At least one server must be selected for

the action.
User response: Select at least one server for the action.
COPUTL206E Select Records option is not checked.
Explanation: Select Records option must be selected
before selecting servers.
User response: Check Select Records option before
selecting servers.

COPUTL205E Select at least one server for this


This section contains messages with the COPVIR identifier for the virtualization messages.
COPVIR001E The system cannot delete the resource
pool with ID: VALUE_0 because there
are resource allocation settings that use

COPVIR003E The system cannot delete the virtual

system setting data with ID: VALUE_0
because there are associated virtual
system templates.

COPVIR002E The system cannot delete the resource

pool with ID: VALUE_0 because there
are resources associated with the pool.

This section contains messages with the CTGCFG identifier from the dynamic content delivery
CTGCFG001E Problem parsing parameters, no
command specified. Use '-?' or '-help' as
the first parameter for command usage
Explanation: No subcommand was specified for the
command requiring a subcommand.
Administrator response: Retry the operation
specifying a valid subcommand.
CTGCFG002E Problem parsing parameters,
unknown command specified: command.
Use '-?' or '-help' as the first parameter
for command usage information.
Explanation: Either no subcommand or an unknown
subcommand was specified.
Administrator response: Retry the operation
specifying a valid subcommand.
CTGCFG003E Problem parsing parameters, required
parameter parameter was not provided.
Use '-?' or '-help' as the first parameter
for command usage information.
Explanation: All required parameters for the specified
subcommand must be provided.


Administrator response: Retry the operation

specifying all the required parameters.
CTGCFG004E Problem parsing parameters,
unexpected parameter: parameter. Use '-?'
or '-help' as the first parameter for
command usage information.
Explanation: An unknown parameter was specified.
Administrator response: Retry the operation
specifying valid parameters.
CTGCFG005E The current JRE version is not
supported. The operation failed.
Explanation: An unsupported JRE was specified.
Administrator response: Use JRE 1.4.2 SR5, or newer.
Retry the operation specifying a valid JAVA_HOME.
CTGCFG006E The operation failed due to an
internal exception during configuration.
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Check the dcdconfig log file
for more information.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

CTGCFG007E A jar file with the same name already
exists in library path: parameter
Explanation: A jar file with the same name already
exists in library path.

Administrator response: Review log and trace files for

any exceptions that may provide information about the
error. Verify whether correct values for each of the
parameters was provided and run the command again.

Administrator response: Retry the operation after

properly handle the jar file in the library path.

CTGCFG014E An error occured while attempting to

change the keystore password.

CTGCFG008E An error occured while connecting to

the database.

Explanation: An unexpected error has occurred

during an attempt to modify the password of the
keystore that was retrieved from the Agent Manager.

Explanation: A proper connection to the database

could not be established.
Administrator response: Verify that all database
related parameters such as dbUser, dbPassword,
dbVendor and dbName were specified correctly.
CTGCFG010E An error occured while attempting to
register the Resource Manager.
Explanation: An unexpected error has occurred
during an attempt to register the Resource Manager.
Administrator response: Review log and trace files for
any exceptions that may provide information about the
error. Verify whether correct values for each of the
parameters was provided and run the command again.
CTGCFG011E An error occured while attempting to
create the sql script generated by this
Explanation: An unexpected error has occurred
during an attempt to generate the sql script used to
update the database with the various Resource
Manager related properties.

Administrator response: Review log and trace files for

any exceptions that may provide information about the
error. Verify whether correct values for each of the
parameters was provided and run the command again.
CTGCFG015E The -dbVendor value parameter is not a
supported database vendor.
Explanation: An unsupported database vendor name
was provided for the -dbVendor option.
Administrator response: Use the -? or -help option to
view the usage statement for the names of valid
database vendors.
CTGCFG016E The server parameter parameter is not a
valid application Server.
Explanation: The server name specified in the -server
option is not valid.
Administrator response: Use the -? or -help option to
view the usage statement for the name of a valid
application server.

This section contains messages with the CTGDEA identifier from the dynamic content delivery
CTGDEA001E Unable to get active deployments
from database.
Explanation: An error occurred when the distribution
agent attempted to retrieve the list of active
deployments from the database.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
determine why the DEPLOYMENT table could not be
read and fix the problem.
CTGDEA002E The deployment status for file file_id
on server server_name:server_port could
not be retrieved from the database.
Explanation: The status for the specified file could not
be retrieved from the database.

DEPLOYMENT_FEEDBACK table for the specified file

and fix the problem.
CTGDEA004E The attempt to mark the file, file_id,
on server server_name:server_port as
ACTIVE (ready for download) in the
database failed.
Explanation: The distribution agent attempted to set
the status of the specified file as ACTIVE. The attempt
to set the status as ACTIVE failed. The file cannot be
downloaded until its status is changed to ACTIVE.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
determine why the status for the specified file could
not be set to ACTIVE in the REGISTRATION_MAP
table and fix the problem.

Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to

determine why the status could not be read from the
Chapter 25. Messages


CTGDEA005E The attempt to cancel the deployment
of file file_id to server
server_name:server_port failed.
Explanation: The distribution agent could not remove
the specified file and server information from the
database. Removing this information cancels the
deployment of the specified file to the specified server.
Because the information could not be removed, the file
will be deployed the next time the distribution agent
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the
DEPLOYMENT table in the database to determine why
the specified file could not be deleted and fix the
CTGDEA006W Deployment of file package_id to
depot server server_name:server_port has
taken longer than max_deployment_time
minutes. The deployment will be
canceled and another deployment will
be started.
Explanation: An error occurred during the
deployment of the specified file, or the specified depot
server cannot contact the management center with the
deployment results.
Administrator response: The transfer rate might be
too slow, causing the deployment to time out. Make
sure that the specified server is running and there are
no communication problems between it and the
management center. If the server is reachable, edit the
CONFIGURATION table in the database to change the
following values: DA_MIN_DEPLOY_SPEED_KBPS This represents the assumed minimum deployment
speed, in Kbps. It is used to calculate the maximum
time to allow for a file of a given size to be replicated.
The default value is 30 Kbps. Try decreasing this value,
or increasing the DA_MIN_DEPLOY_TIME_MIN value,
or both. DA_MIN_DEPLOY_TIME_MIN - This is the
minimum time to wait for a deployment (replication) to
complete before starting. The default time is 5 minutes.
CTGDEA007E The deployment of the file file_id, to
depot server server_name:server_port
Explanation: The specified depot server was unable to
receive the specified file. This deployment of this file
will be canceled and another deployment will be
Administrator response: Examine the depot server
logs and use the logged information to troubleshoot the

CTGDEA008E Unable to delete

Explanation: The processed deployment feedback
entries could not be deleted from the database.
Administrator response: DEPLOYMENT_FEEDBACK
table entries for a given deployment are deleted from
the database when a deployment has successfully
returned a status. A database error prevented the
entries from being removed from the database.
Troubleshoot the database to determine the reason that
entries are not being deleted.
CTGDEA009E Unable to retrieve
Explanation: The distribution agent attempted to
retrieve information about packages that need their
distribution reconsidered from the
ADJUST_DISTRIBUTION table in the database, but the
attempt failed.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
determine why the database table entries could not be
CTGDEA010W No servers in target list for file
Explanation: A CLI, GUI, or API call attempted to
publish or redeploy the specified file. The operation did
not contain one or more target lists or its target lists
did not specify any registered depot servers.
Administrator response: Edit the package properties
to add target lists or make sure that any target list
specified actually contains depot servers.
CTGDEA011E Could not retrieve target servers from
database. Troubleshoot the database to
resolve this problem.
Explanation: A database error occurred when the
distribution agent attempted to retrieve target servers
for a file from the database.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
determine why the target lists could not be read from
the TARGET_SERVER table in the database and fix the
CTGDEA012E Could not determine which servers
have file: file_id. Troubleshoot the
database to resolve this problem.
Explanation: An attempt was made to update the
replication of a file. A database error occurred when the
distribution agent tried to discover which depot servers
contain copies of the specified file.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

determine why the distribution agent could not retrieve
information from the REGISTRATION_MAP table in
the database.

CTGDEA018W Could not determine the available

space on server_name.

CTGDEA013E Could not delete file: file_id from list

of servers. Troubleshoot the database to
resolve this problem.

Explanation: The distribution agent attempted to

determine if the specified server has enough space to
receive a file. The server was unavailable. The
distribution on that server cannot be attempted until
the server can be reached and it can be verified that it
has enough space to store the file.

Explanation: An attempt was made to delete the

specified file. The attempt failed because the
distribution agent could not update the status of the
file in the database.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database
and find out why the distribution agent could not
update the REGISTRATION_MAP table in the database.
CTGDEA014E Could not determine how many
servers have the file: file_id.
Troubleshoot the database to resolve
this problem.
Explanation: An attempt was made to determine how
many servers have the specified file. A database error
occurred that prevented the retrieval of this
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
determine why the distribution agent could not retrieve
this information from the REGISTRATION_MAP table.

Administrator response: Determine why the specified

server is not responding to pings from the distribution
manager and correct the problem.
CTGDEA020W Servers in targetlist_name target list do
not meet replication requirements of
file: package_id.
Explanation: The servers in the specified target list do
not meet the replication requirements for the specified
Administrator response: Make sure the target list
contains registered depot servers. Free up space on the
servers to make room for the specified file, or deploy
the file to another target list.
CTGDEA021E Could not determine potential servers
for the targetlist_name target list and the
file: package_id.

CTGDEA015E The attempt to retrieve the number of

active and queued deployments for file
file_id to a list of servers failed.

Explanation: An error occurred when the distribution

agent attempted to find servers in the specified target
list that meet the replication requirements for the
specified file.

Explanation: An attempt was made to determine how

many active and queued deployments there are for the
specified file, to a list of servers. A database error
occurred that prevented the retrieval of this

Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to

determine why the information for this target list and
file could not be read from the DEPOT_SERVER table
in the database.

Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to

determine why the distribution agent could not retrieve
this information from the DEPLOYMENT database
CTGDEA016E Unable to remove processed entries
table in the database.
Explanation: The deployment of a file was
reconsidered. A database error occurred when the
distribution agent attempted to delete information from
the ADJUST_DISTRIBUTION database table for files
that have been successfully processed.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
determine why the distribution agent could not delete
rows from the ADJUST_DISTRIBUTION database table.

CTGDEA024E An attempt to queue a deployment for

file file_id failed.
Explanation: The distribution agent attempted to add
queued deployment entries to the DEPLOYMENT
database table and the attempt failed.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
determine why the DEPLOYMENT table entries could
not be inserted.
CTGDEA027E Could not delete file_id on server
Explanation: The specified file could not be deleted
from the named depot server.
Administrator response: Make sure that the specified
server is reachable (ping it, for example) from the
management center. If the server does not respond to
pings, it is likely that the server will need to be
Chapter 25. Messages


CTGDEA028E The attempt to delete the file, file_id,
from server server_name:server_port failed.

CTGDEA034E Unable to determine how many

copies of the file, file_id, are deployed.

Explanation: Before files can be deleted from a server,

a proxy (an X509 certificate) must be obtained from the
management center to authorize the deletion of the file.
This message indicates that the proxy returned by the
management center was empty.

Explanation: A request to deploy a file was received

but the distribution manager could not determine how
many copies of the file have previously been deployed.

Programmer response: Design your application such

that it ensures that the management center returns a
valid proxy, or create an exception indicating why the
deletion proxy could not be generated.
CTGDEA029E Unable to clean up database entries
after deleting the file, file_id, from server
Explanation: The specified file was deleted from the
named server. An attempt was made to delete table
entries for this file from the REGISTRATION_MAP
table in the database, but the attempt failed.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
determine why the REGISTRATION_MAP entries for
this file could not be deleted.
CTGDEA030E Unable to retrieve the list of files to
be deleted.
Explanation: An attempt was made to retrieve a list of
files that are to be deleted from the
REGISTRATION_MAP table in the database, but the
attempt failed.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
determine why the list of files could not be retrieved
and fix the problem.
CTGDEA031E Unable to retrieve target lists.
Explanation: The distribution agent attempted to
retrieve target lists from the TARGETLIST table in the
database; the attempt failed.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
determine why the TARGETLIST table entries could
not be obtained and fix the problem.
CTGDEA033E Unable to get list of queued
Explanation: The distribution manager attempted to
retrieve a list of queued deployments (files that are not
yet replicated to depot servers) from the database but
an error prevented the information from being read.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the
DEPLOYMENT table in the database to determine the
cause of the error and fix the problem.


Administrator response: Troubleshoot the

REGISTRATION_MAP table in the database to
determine the cause of the error and fix the problem.
CTGDEA035E Unable to set status to ACTIVE for
deployment of file, file_id, to server
Explanation: A database error occurred, which
prevented the status for the specified file from being set
to ACTIVE in the DEPLOYMENT table in the database.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
determine the cause of the error and fix the problem.
CTGDEA037E Deployment of file, file_id, to server
server_name:server_port failed.
Explanation: The specified file could not be deployed
to the named server. The named server might be down
or inaccessible.
Administrator response: Determine whether the
named server is down, or experiencing network
connectivity problems and correct the situation. This
server must be reachable from the management center.
CTGDEA038W Unable to deploy package_id:
package_name; no copies available.
Explanation: The distribution agent was unable to
deploy the specified file because it could not find a
copy of it on a depot server.
Administrator response: The server containing the
specified file is probably down or otherwise offline.
Examine the DEPOT_SERVER table in the database to
verify that the server is marked as ACTIVE. If it is
INACTIVE, activate the server so the file can be
CTGDEA040W Cannot deploy package_id to server
server_name. The file size is package_size
bytes and server server_name only has
available_space bytes of space available.
Explanation: The specified server does not have
enough disk space free to accept the named file.
Deployment of this file to this server is not possible
unless additional disk space is available.
Administrator response: Add or free up additional
disk space on the named server in order for it to
participate in the deployment of files of the size

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

CTGDEA041E The entry for package_id could not be
added to the database so that the
distribution agent can process it again at
its next cycle.
Explanation: The ADJUST_DISTRIBUTION table in
the database could not be updated with the specified
package ID. This package will not be deployed.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
determine why the ADJUST_DISTRIBUTION table
could not be written to and correct the problem.
CTGDEA042E Unable to release the registration
entry for file_id and server
server_name:server_port from the database.
Explanation: The entry for the specified file could not
be updated in the REGISTRATION_MAP table in the
database. The file will not be deleted from the specified
server by any other distribution agent instance since it
is locked.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
determine the reason the table could not be updated
and fix the problem. Manually set DIST_AGENT_ID to
null in the REGISTRATION_MAP entry if possible.
CTGDEA043E Unable to release locked queued
Explanation: A database error prevented queued
deployment information from being unlocked, making
the records unavailable by other distribution agents.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the
DEPLOYMENT table in the database to determine why
the queued deployments could not be released, and fix
the problem. Manually set DIST_AGENT_ID to null in
the DEPLOYMENT entry if possible.
CTGDEA044E Unable to release locked file entries
that need deployment.
Explanation: A database error prevented file
deployment information from being unlocked, making
the records unavailable by other distribution agents.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the
ADJUST_DISTRIBUTION table in the database to
determine why the queued deployments could not be
released, and fix the problem. Manually set
DIST_AGENT_ID to null in the
ADJUST_DISTRIBUTION entry if possible.
CTGDEA046E Unable to retrieve the record time for
the deployment adjustment entry of file
package_id from the database.

determine why the record time could not be retrieved

from the ADJUST_DISTRIBUTION table and fix the
CTGDEA047W Cannot delete file, file_id, from depot
servers that are not part of its target
Explanation: The specified file could not be deleted
because it does not exist on any other active depot
servers. When the file is deployed to a server that is in
its target lists, the file will be deleted off depot servers
not a part of its target lists.
Administrator response: In order for the file to be
deleted off depot servers not part of the target lists of
the file, the file must exist at least in 1 active depot
server elsewhere. The deletion will be retried until the
file becomes available.
CTGDEA048E Unable to determine how many times
the file, file_id, is found on active depot
servers in the target lists of the file.
Explanation: A database error prevented the
distribution agent from determining the number of
times the file is found on active depot servers.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
determine why the REGISTRATION_MAP table could
not be read and fix the problem.
CTGDEA049E Could not delete queued deployments
for file: file_id from list of servers.
Troubleshoot the database to resolve
this problem.
Explanation: An attempt was made to delete the
specified file off a list of depot servers but the
distribution agent could not delete the queued
deployments for this file.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database
and find out why the distribution agent could not
update the DEPLOYMENT table in the database.
CTGDEA050E Could not delete file file_id on depot
server server_name:server_port because the
depot server has reached its maximum
number of connections. The file will be
deleted later.
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: To prevent this error from
occurring, increase the maximum number of
connections on the depot server or increase the number
of depot servers.

Explanation: A database error prevented the record

time from being retrieved for the specified file.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
Chapter 25. Messages


CTGDEA051E Could not delete file file_id on depot
server server_name:server_port. Check the
depot server log files for more
Explanation: The management center attempted to
delete the file from the depot server, but the depot
server was unable to process the delete command.
Administrator response: Check the depot server log
files to determine why the depot server was unable to
process the delete command.
CTGDEA052E File file_id could not be replicated to
depot server server_name:server_port
because the depot server has reached its
maximum number of connections. The
file will be replicated to this depot
server later.
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: To prevent this error from
occurring, increase the maximum number of
connections on the depot server or increase the number
of depot servers.
CTGDEA053E File file_id could not be replicated to
depot server server_name:server_port.
Check the depot server log files for
more information.
Explanation: The management center attempted to
replicate the file to the depot server but an error
occurred. The management center was unable to
determine the cause of the replication error.
Administrator response: Check the depot server log
files to determine why the depot server could not
receive the file.
CTGDEA054E Unable to replicate file file_id to depot
server server_name:server_port after
number_of_attempts attempts. Another
attempt will be made in approximately
number_of_minutes minutes. The
replication failed because either the
depot server cannot communicate with
the management center or the depot
server cannot download the file. To
troubleshoot this problem, make sure
the depot server can contact the
management center. Make sure the
depot server can download the file
successfully. Check the depot server logs
for more information. If the the depot
server cannot download the file, check
out the download report for the depot
server in the administration GUI.


CTGDEA055W File package_id was not deployed

because none of the targeted depot
servers are available. Check the depot
servers to make sure that they are
started and have enough disk space.
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Check the depot servers to
which you deployed the file. Ensure that the depot
servers are started and have enough disk space for the
CTGDEA056E File package_id could not be published
because of a database error.
Troubleshoot the database to resolve the
Explanation: The management center attempted to
query the database for information about depot servers,
but a database error occurred. Therefore, the file could
not be published.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
determine why data could not be read from the
DEPOT_SERVER table in the database. The publish
operation will retry automatically, so after the database
problem is resolved, the file will automatically be
CTGDEA057E Could not delete file file_id on depot
server server_name:server_port because the
authentication failed. Make sure the
depot server can contact the
management center to obtain its
authentication certificate. Check the
depot server log files for more
Explanation: The management center attempted to
delete the file from the depot server, but the depot
server could not authenticate the command.
Administrator response: Check the depot server log
files to determine why the depot server was unable to
authenticate the delete command. Make sure the depot
server can contact the management center to obtain its
authentication certificate.
CTGDEA058E The deletion of file file_id on depot
server server_name:server_port could not
be confirmed. The depot server returned
an unknown response. Check the depot
server log files for more information.
Explanation: The management center attempted to
delete the file from the depot server, but the depot
server returned an unknown response.
Administrator response: Check the depot server log
files to determine why the depot server was unable to
process the delete command.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Programmer response: Add any other possible return
codes to the processing logic.
CTGDEA059E File file_id could not be replicated to
depot server server_name:server_port
because the authentication failed. Make
sure the depot server can contact the
management center to obtain its
authentication certificate. Check the
depot server log files for more
Explanation: The management center attempted to
replicate the file to the depot server, but the depot
server could not authenticate the command.
Administrator response: Check the depot server log
files to determine why the depot server was unable to
authenticate the replication command. Make sure the
depot server can contact the management center to

obtain its authentication certificate.

CTGDEA060E The replication command sent to
depot server server_name:server_port for
file file_id might not have been
processed. The depot server returned an
unknown response. Check the depot
server log files for more information.
Explanation: The management center attempted to
replicate the file to the depot server, but the depot
server returned an unknown response.
Administrator response: Check the depot server log
files to determine why the depot server was unable to
process the replication command.
Programmer response: Add any other possible return
codes to the processing logic.

This section contains messages with the CTGDED identifier from the dynamic content delivery
CTGDED001W An attempt to roll back database
changes could not be completed.
Troubleshoot the database to repair the
Explanation: The database could not be restored after
part of a transaction failed. The problem might be the
same problem that caused the need to roll back the
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
determine why the rollback attempt failed. You might
need to manually repair inconsistencies left from an
incomplete transaction.
CTGDED002W An attempt to close a prepared
statement has failed. Troubleshoot the
database to resolve this error.
Explanation: An attempt to close a prepared statement
has failed. This error could be the result of a database
problem or because the prepared statement is null.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database.
Programmer response: Make sure the prepared
statement is not null.
CTGDED003W An attempt to close a result set has
failed. Troubleshoot the database to
resolve this error.

Programmer response: Make sure the result set is not

CTGDED004E The file was not registered because
no properties were provided. To register
a file, you must specify properties.
Explanation: See message.
Programmer response: Specify properties for the file.
CTGDED005E File file_name was not registered
because the file size property is set to a
value that is less than zero. The file size
property must be greater than or equal
to zero in order to be registered.
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Specify a file size greater
than or equal to zero.
Programmer response: Make sure the file size
calculation is not incorrectly setting the file size to less
than zero.
CTGDED006E The attempt to register file file_name
failed because of a database error.
Troubleshoot the database to resolve
this error.
Explanation: See message.

Explanation: An attempt to close a result set has

failed. This error could be the result of a database
problem or because the result set is null.

Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to

determine why the error occurred.

Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database.

Programmer response: Make sure that the SQL

statement for this operation is valid.
Chapter 25. Messages


CTGDED008E The attempt to add file file_id to
server server_name:server_port failed
because of a database error.
Troubleshoot the database to resolve
this error.
Explanation: See message.

CTGDED019E The attempt to download private file

file_id failed. User user_id is not
authorized to download this file.
Explanation: The mode for this file is private;
therefore, only an authorized user can download it. The
specified user is not authorized to download the file.

Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to

resolve this error.

User response: Provide a valid user ID.

Programmer response: Make sure that the SQL

statement for this operation is valid.

CTGDED021E The attempt to download private file

file_id failed because of a database error.
Troubleshoot the database to resolve
this error.

CTGDED009E The attempt to list all files failed

because of a database error.
Troubleshoot the database to resolve
this error.
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
resolve this error.
Programmer response: Make sure that the SQL
statement for this operation is valid.
CTGDED015E Could not get the mode for file
file_id. File file_id does not exist. Specify
a valid file ID.
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Specify a valid file ID.
CTGDED017E The attempt to get the mode for file
file_id failed because of a database error.
Troubleshoot the database to resolve
this error.
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
determine why the error occurred.
Programmer response: Review the SQL statement that
is used to get the mode for a file to ensure that it is

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
resolve this error.
Programmer response: Make sure that the SQL
statement for this operation is valid. Determine why
the attempt to insert a token into the database failed.
CTGDED025E A database error occurred during the
search for matching files. Troubleshoot
the database to resolve this error.
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
resolve this error.
Programmer response: Make sure that the SQL
statement for this operation is valid.
CTGDED026E A database error occurred during the
attempt to retrieve the properties of file
file_id. Troubleshoot the database to
resolve this error.
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
resolve this error.
Programmer response: Make sure that the SQL
statement for this operation is valid.

CTGDED018E The attempt to download file file_id

failed because the file does not exist.
Specify a valid a file ID.

CTGDED028E The attempt to download file file_id

failed because the file does not exist.
Specify a valid file ID.

Explanation: The file does not exist.

Explanation: The file does not exist.

User response: Provide a valid file ID.

User response: Provide a valid file ID.

Programmer response: If the file does exist, determine

why the attempt to get a token for the file failed.

Programmer response: If the file does exist, determine

why the attempt to get the mode of the file failed.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

CTGDED029W The token token for file file_id and
user user_id was not found.
Explanation: The specified user could not be
authorized to download the specified private file. The
token was not found in the database.
CTGDED030E An error occurred during the attempt
by user user_id to download file file_id.
Could not verify token token because of
a database error. Troubleshoot the
database to resolve this error.
Explanation: When a user attempts to download a file
with a mode of private, a token is used to verify that
the user is authorized to download the file. The token
could not be verified because of a database error.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
resolve this error.
Programmer response: Make sure that the SQL
statement for this operation is valid.

CTGDED037E A database error occurred during an

attempt to insert final feedback for plan
ID plan_id. Troubleshoot the database to
resolve this error.
Explanation: When a download completes, feedback
about download is added to the database. The
management center uses this feedback when it creates
download plans. The feedback for the specified
download plan could not be recorded because of a
database error.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
resolve this error.
Programmer response: Make sure that the SQL
statement for this operation is valid.
CTGDED040E Could not get the file ID for package
package_id because of a database error.
Troubleshoot the database to resolve
this error.
Explanation: See message.

CTGDED033E The attempt to create an optimized

plan to download a sub-file of file file_id
failed. The file is encrypted (it has a
mode of private). Change the mode of
the file to public.
Explanation: An optimized plan for a sub-file could
not be created because the file is encrypted.
Administrator response: Change the mode of the file
to public.
CTGDED034E Could not create an optimized plan
to download a sub-file of file file_id. The
file is not a zip file. Format the file as a
zip file.

Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to

resolve this error.
Programmer response: Make sure that the SQL
statement for this operation is valid.
CTGDED042E The file, file_id, could not be
unregistered with the management
Explanation: The upload servlet was unable to invoke
the unRegisterPackage web service call on the
management center.
Administrator response: Make sure that the
management center is up and running and is reachable
from the upload servlet.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: Format the file as a zip file.

CTGDED043E The file, file_name, could not be

registered with the management center.

CTGDED035E Could not insert feedback from user

user_id because of a database error.
Troubleshoot the database to resolve
this error.

Explanation: The upload servlet was unable to invoke

the registerPackage web service call on the
management center.

Explanation: If a download fails, the client sends

failure feedback to the management center. This error
occurred because a database error prevented the failure
feedback from being inserted into the database.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
resolve the error.
Programmer response: Make sure that the SQL
statement for this operation is valid.

Administrator response: Make sure the management

center is up and running and reachable from the
upload servlet.
CTGDED045E Database error. Unable to unregister
file ID, file_id, in the database.
Explanation: An attempt was made to delete the
specified file entry from the database. Troubleshoot the
database to determine and fix the source of the error.

Chapter 25. Messages


CTGDED047W No region was found for client
ip_address. The operation to choose
potential upload servers will try to
continue. Please update the ip
ranges/domains to ensure optimal
CTGDED052E Cannot upload file, file_id, from
ip_address. No upload servers match the
specified criteria.
Explanation: The specified client attempted to upload
the specified file, but no depot servers were found
matching the upload criteria.
Administrator response: Make sure there is at least 1
depot server registered with the management center.
Examine the upload criteria to ensure that the available
depot servers have attributes that match the criteria
requested (server type, region, unrestricted ip
ranges/domains and so on).
CTGDED053W Found potential depot server
server_name:server_port but it doesn't have
enough space to host a file of size
file_size bytes. The free space determined
is free_space bytes.
CTGDED054E Unable to update status in database
for file file_id.
Explanation: An attempt was made to update the
status of the specified file in the database. A database
error prevented the status update.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
determine the cause of the error and fix it. Statuses for
files are in the PACKAGE and FILE_TABLE tables.
CTGDED055E Unable to delete file file_id from the
Explanation: An attempt was made to delete the
specified file from the FILE_TABLE table in the
database. A database error occurred which prevented
the removal of the file information.

CTGDED057E Unable to update properties for file

file_name. Properties specified are not
Explanation: An attempt to update the properties of
the specified file failed because no properties were
Administrator response: Retry the operation and
make sure you specify valid properties for the specified
file (description, OS, version, and so on).
CTGDED059W The client with IP address IP_address
is not in a recognized zone (IP range or
domain). The client is considered
unclassified and its IP address has been
recorded in the database.
Explanation: A zone is an IP range or domain.
Regions are composed of one or more zones. The client
with the specified IP address is not within a recognized
zone and is considered unclassified. An unclassified
client can download files but it might not be used as a
peer server by other clients.
Administrator response: To view a list of unclassified
clients, click Network -> Show Unclassified Clients on
the administration GUI. If you want to create a new
zone, click Network -> Show All Zones -> Create Zone
on the administration GUI.
CTGDED060E Unable to retrieve public certificate or
private key.
Explanation: A database error prevented the
management center from obtaining a copy of its public
certificate or private key.
Administrator response: Verify that the management
center can access its certificate file in the database in
the CERTIFICATE table.
CTGDED061W Could not determine the available
space on server_name:server_port.

Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to

determine why the specified file could no be deleted
from the FILE_TABLE table and fix the problem.

Explanation: The management center attempted to

determine if the specified server has enough space to
receive a file. The server was unavailable. An upload
on that server cannot be attempted until the server can
be reached and it can be verified that it has enough
space to store the file.

CTGDED056E Unable to create a unique file ID for


Administrator response: Determine why the specified

server is not responding to pings from the management
center and correct the problem.

Explanation: An attempt was made to publish the file,

but a unique ID for the file could not be generated and
added to the database. The file is not available for
downloads by clients.
Administrator response: Try uploading the file again.
If the problem persists, examine the management center
logs to try to determine the cause of the error.


CTGDED062E The attempt to get encryption

information about file file_id failed. User
user_id is not authorized to access this
Explanation: See message.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

User response: Request access to the file, or log on as
a user who is authorized to access the file.

Administrator response: Specify another name for the


CTGDED063E File package_id could not be replaced

because an error occurred during
upload. The original file could not be
restored because it has been deleted.

CTGDED069E Could not delete group group_name. A

Database error occurred.

Explanation: The following scenario is one possible

cause of this error: An attempt is made to upload a
newer version of a file. The upload fails, so an attempt
is made to restore the previous version of the file.
However, the previous version of the file has already
been deleted.
Administrator response: Verify that you specified a
valid file ID. Manually restore an earlier version of the
CTGDED064E The attempt to access file file_id
failed. User user_id is not authorized to
access this file.
Explanation: See message.
User response: Request access to the file, or log on as
a user who is authorized to access the file.
CTGDED065E The attempt to access file file_id failed
because file file_id does not exist.
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Specify a valid file ID and
then retry the operation.
CTGDED066E The operation could not be
completed because the specified group,
group_name, does not exist. Specify a
valid group name and then retry the
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Specify a valid group name
and then retry the operation.

Explanation: A database error occurred during the

attempt to delete the specified group. The group was
not deleted.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
determine the cause of the error.
CTGDED070E Could not delete group group_name.
The group does not exist.
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Verify that the correct group
name was used.
CTGDED071E Could not rename group
original_group_name to new_group_name. A
group with the name new_group_name
already exists.
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Verify that the correct group
name was used.
CTGDED072E Could not rename group group_name
to new_group_name. A Database error
Explanation: A database error occurred during the
attempt to rename the specified group. The group was
not renamed.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
determine the cause of the error.
CTGDED073E Could not rename group group_name
to new_group_name. The group
group_name does not exist.
Explanation: See message.

CTGDED067E Could not create group group_name. A

database error occurred.
Explanation: A database error occurred during the
attempt to create the specified group. The group was
not created.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
determine the cause of the error.
CTGDED068E Could not create group group_name. A
group with the name group_name already
Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: Verify that the correct group

name was used.
CTGDED074W The notification entry for the tag
named tag could not be found.
Notification will not be sent for files
having this tag.
Explanation: There was either no intent for a message
to be sent for the specified tag, or, there is no
notification entry for the specified tag. If there was no
intent to send a message, this error can be ignored.
Administrator response: Determine whether
messaging is enabled. Check the setting of
Chapter 25. Messages


MC_DEPOT_NOTIFICATION in the management
center database. Determine if messages are to be sent
for this particular tag, and if so, create a notification
entry for this tag.
CTGDED075E A Java Messaging Service error
occurred while attempting to publish a
message for the tag named: tag. The JMS
configuration for the Topic Connection
Factory tcf or Topic topic related to the
notification entry for the application tag
tag could be incorrect or there may be a
communication problem with the
management center and the messaging
server hosting the topic.
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Verify that the JMS Topic
Connection Factory and Topic are configured correctly
and that a message can successfully be sent from the
Management Center to the given topic.
CTGDED076E The Management Center could not
find either the JMS Topic Connection
Factory tcf or the JMS Topic topic for the
application tag tag with the context
factory of ctxFactory and initial URL of
Explanation: The JMS Topic Connection Factory or
JMS Topic could not be obtained from JNDI.
Administrator response: Make sure that the Topic
Connection Factory and Topic exist and that the correct
context factory and initial URL were specified in the
notification entry for the specified application tag.
CTGDED077E The Management Center could not
obtain the information needed to
publish a message for the server ID
server and file ID file.
Explanation: The notification entry could not be
obtained from the Management Center database.
Administrator response: Verify that the connection to
the database is working and that the specified server
and file are valid.
CTGDED078E Data used when trying to update
target list information for a package is
Explanation: The append target list service
(ddssAppendTargetList) was invoked with corrupt or
incorrect input.

CTGDED079E A target list could not be created

(createTargetList) because a target list,
having the same name, already exists.
Retry the operation using a unique
target list name.
CTGDED080W When using dynamic depot server
selection, depot servers could not be
obtained for the endpoint clients.
Explanation: There were no depot servers accessible
for the endpoint client list, or, if the operation being
attempted was an append operation (ddssPublish,
ddssAppendTargetList, ddssGetDepotServers), no depot
servers are needed.
Programmer response: If you are publishing using
dynamic depot server selection, make sure there are
depot servers available that can satisfy the list of
clients. If this is an append operation, this message can
be ignored.
CTGDED081E One or more client targets or
endpoints must be specified to publish
files using a dynamic or static
replication level.
Explanation: Publishing a file using dynamic depot
server selection requires a list of potential clients that
might download the file.
Programmer response: Retry the operation
(ddssPublish, ddssAppendTargetList,
ddssGetDepotServers) and specify one or more target
CTGDED082E A package ID is required for an
append operation
(ddssAppendTargetList). Specify a
package ID and retry.
CTGDED083W When using an append operation
(ddssAppendTargetList) and dynamic
depot server selection, the replication
level for the package named pkgID
cannot be set to ALL.
CTGDED084E The package ID pkgID was not found
when attempting an append operation
(ddssAppendTargetList) using dynamic
depot server selection. The specified
package ID does not exist. Retry the
operation using a valid package ID.

Programmer response: Ensure that the call to append

target list service has correct input data.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

CTGDED085E Data used to obtain depot servers,
using dynamic depot server selection,
was corrupt or otherwise not valid.
Retry the operation (ddssPublish,
ddssGetDepotServers) using correct
input data.
CTGDED086E The package identified by the
package ID pkgID is not an active
package in the management center
database. The package might have been
Explanation: The file associated with the specified
package ID might have been deleted from the
management center database but the package metadata
has been preserved.
Administrator response: Package status is set in the
STATUS column in the management center database in
the CDSSCHEMA.PACKAGE table. Check the status
entry for the specified package ID. The status must be
ACTIVE for the package to be considered deployable.
The file must be republished before it can be deployed.

specific target lists or regions.

Explanation: When file publish access control is
enabled, publishing to all servers is disabled for
publisher roles.
Administrator response: To allow publishing to all
servers, disable file publish access control in the
administration GUI. Alternatively, specify individual
target lists or regions as file publish targets.
CTGDED088E User userID is not allowed to publish
to the region or target list target name.
Try publishing again with different
target lists or regions.
Explanation: When file publish access control is
enabled, publishing to certain target lists or regions
requires the user's group name be granted permission.
Administrator response: To allow publishing to this
target list, ensure the user's group name is selected
when configuring target list or region publish access
control. Alternatively, disable file publish access control
in the administration GUI.

CTGDED087E User userID is not allowed to publish

to all servers. Try publishing again with

This section contains messages with the CTGDEE identifier from the dynamic content delivery
CTGDEE001W Administrator adminname has created
account username.
Explanation: A new account was created by the
specified Administrator.
Administrator response: Review the details in the
event about the change and verify whether the event
was unexpected.
CTGDEE002W Depot server depot_server is running
low on available incoming connections.
Explanation: The depot server exceeded its threshold
of active connections. For example, if the depot is
configured with 30 connections and the overload
threshold is set at 80%, then 24 simultaneous
connections would trigger this event.
Administrator response: Try increasing the number of
connections configured for this depot, increasing the
number of depots providing this file (by increasing the
replication percentage or adding more depots), or
manage the number of simultaneous download
requests that are occurring.

CTGDEE003E Depot server hostname:port does not

have enough space to replicate file
filename (File ID: file_id) of size filesize
Explanation: The depot server does not have sufficient
space to store a copy of the file. The depot server is a
required target server.
Administrator response: Increase the depot server
available space or modify the replication settings of the
CTGDEE004E Depot server hostname:port timed out
in the attempt to receive the replication
of file filename (File ID: file_id).
Explanation: Feedback from the depot server has not
been received during the allotted time after the
replication started. The transfer rate might be too slow,
causing the deployment to time out.
Administrator response: Make sure that the specified
server is running and there are no communication
problems between the server and the management
center. If the server is reachable, edit the
CONFIGURATION table in the database to change the
following values: DA_MIN_DEPLOY_SPEED_KBPS Chapter 25. Messages


this represents the assumed minimum deployment
speed, in Kbps. It is used to calculate the maximum
time to allow for a file of a given size to be replicated.
The default value is 30 Kbps. Try decreasing this value,
or increasing the DA_MIN_DEPLOY_TIME_MIN value,
or both. DA_MIN_DEPLOY_TIME_MIN - this is the
minimum time to wait for a deployment (replication) to
complete before starting. The default time is 5 minutes.
CTGDEE005E Depot server hostname:port failed to
replicate file filename (File ID: file_id).
Explanation: The attempt of the depot server to
download the file failed.
Administrator response: Check out the depot server
logs to find possible problems with the download. The
download reports may also contain information about
the failures.
CTGDEE006W The replication of file filename (File
ID: file_id) of size filesize MB cannot be
fulfilled due to insufficient available
depot servers with enough space.
Explanation: There are not sufficient depot servers
with status of STARTED and that have enough space to
hold the file in order to fulfill the replication level.
Administrator response: Make sure the depot servers
are in STARTED state and have enough space to hold
the file or modify the replication settings.
CTGDEE007W Administrator adminname has deleted
account username.
Explanation: A user account was deleted by the
specified Administrator.
Administrator response: Review the details in the
event about the change and verify whether the event
was unexpected.
CTGDEE008W Administrator adminname has
updated account username.
Explanation: A user account was modified by the
specified Administrator.
Administrator response: Review the details in the
event about the change and verify whether the event
was unexpected.
CTGDEE013W Administrator adminname has deleted
target list tlname.
Explanation: A target list was deleted by the specified
Administrator response: Review the details in the
event about the target list deletion and verify whether
this was an unexpected change.


CTGDEE017W Administrator adminname has

updated the management center security
Explanation: The Management Center Security Policy
settings were modified by the specified Administrator.
Administrator response: Review the details in the
event and verify whether this was an unexpected
CTGDEE018W Administrator adminname has
updated the client configuration policy
Explanation: The Client Configuration Policy settings
were modified by the specified Administrator.
Administrator response: Review the details in the
event and verify whether this was an unexpected
CTGDEE019W Administrator adminname has
updated the management center
Explanation: The Management Center settings were
modified by the specified Administrator.
Administrator response: Review the details in the
event and verify whether this was an unexpected
CTGDEE022W Administrator adminname has deleted
region regionname.
Explanation: A region was deleted by the specified
Administrator response: Review the details in the
event about the region deletion and verify whether this
was an unexpected change.
CTGDEE023W Administrator adminname has
updated region regionname.
Explanation: A region was modified by the specified
Administrator response: Review the details in the
event about the region modification and verify whether
this was an unexpected change.
CTGDEE024W Administrator adminname has
updated the internal configuration
setting csName with the value csValue.
Explanation: An internal configuration setting was
modified by the specified Administrator.
Administrator response: Review the details in the
event about the configuration setting modification and
verify whether this was an unexpected change.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

CTGDEE029W User adminname has deleted one or
more files.
Explanation: One or more files have been deleted by
the specified user.
Administrator response: Review the details in the
event about what file was deleted and verify that this
was not an unexpected removal of a file.
CTGDEE033W Administrator adminname has
unregistered depot server servername.
Explanation: A depot server was unregistered by the
specified Administrator.
Administrator response: Review the details in the
event about what depot server was unregistered and
verify that this was not an unexpected removal of the
depot server.
CTGDEE034W Administrator adminname has
uninstalled depot server servername.
Explanation: A depot server was uninstalled by the
specified Administrator.
Administrator response: Review the details in the
event about what depot server was uninstalled and
verify that this was not an unexpected removal of the
depot server.
CTGDEE038W Depot server depot_server was unable
to initialize cache controller number
cache_number with cache partition
location cache_location.
Explanation: On depot startup there was a problem
initializing a cache controller. If other cache controllers
are available, the depot will still run with those.
Administrator response: Check the depot server log
for more details about why the cache controller could
not be initialized.
CTGDEE039W The replication of file filename (File
ID: file_id) cannot be processed because
it does not have any target servers.
Explanation: This might happen if the file has been
published to a target list that has been deleted or
modified to not include any depot servers. The file
cannot be deployed in this condition.
Administrator response: Add target servers to the file
so that it can be deployed accordingly.
CTGDEE040E The last copy of file filename (File ID:
file_id) has been deleted off depot server
server_name:server_port due to a depot
server storage error.

identified the file to exist on the depot, but the depot

server reported the file as missing or corrupted. This
was the last or only copy of the file in the system.
Administrator response: Publish the file again and
check the depot server logs for errors.
CTGDEE043W Administrator adminname has deleted
the domain domainname.
Explanation: A domain was deleted by the specified
Administrator response: Review the details in the
event about the domain deletion and verify whether
this was an unexpected change.
CTGDEE046W Administrator adminname has deleted
the IP range iprangename.
Explanation: An IP range was deleted by the specified
Administrator response: Review the details in the
event about the IP range deletion and verify whether
this was an unexpected change.
CTGDEE050W Administrator adminname has deleted
depot access from fromname to the target
list targetlistname.
Explanation: Depot access was deleted for the given
target list by the specified Administrator.
Administrator response: Review the details in the
event about the access removal and verify whether this
was an unexpected change.
CTGDEE056W Administrator adminname has deleted
region regionname. The region contained
one or more zones that were also
deleted. Check the details on the event.
Explanation: A region was deleted by the specified
Administrator. All the zones in the region were also
Administrator response: Review the details in the
event about the region deletion and verify whether this
was an unexpected change.
CTGDEE058W Administrator adminname has deleted
depot link from zone or region
zone_or_region_id to the target list
Explanation: Depot link was deleted for the given
target list by the specified Administrator.
Administrator response: Review the details in the
event about the link removal and verify whether this
was an unexpected change.

Explanation: The management center inventory had

Chapter 25. Messages



This section contains messages with the CTGDEG identifier from the dynamic content delivery
CTGDEG001E An unexpected error has occurred.
Check the GUI log file for more
information. detailedException

CTGDEG010W A GUI window has been blocked.

Disable pop-up blocking software and
then retry the operation.

Explanation: This message is displayed when an

unexpected error such as a Java exception occurs.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: Check the log files to

determine the cause of the error.
CTGDEG002E The user cannot be logged in. An
error occurred while attempting to
contact the management center. Check
the log files for more information.
Explanation: A user tried to log in, but the login
information could not be verified because the
management center could not be contacted.
Administrator response: Verify that the management
center is running. Check the port settings of the
management center. Check the management center log
files for more information.
CTGDEG003E The current user does not have the
permissions necessary to perform that
operation. Contact an administrator or
log in as a user with the correct
Explanation: A user did not have the correct
permissions to access the GUI window. For example, a
user with the Publisher role attempted to access a
window that is restricted to users with the
Administrator role.
User response: Contact an administrator.
Administrator response: Provide the user with the
role needed to access the window.
CTGDEG004E Your browser session might have
timed out. Log in again with a valid
user ID and password.
Explanation: See message.
User response: Log off and then log back in.
CTGDEG005E The specified username or password
is incorrect.
Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: Disable pop-up blocking

software and then retry the operation.
CTGDEG011E The Java applet has failed to load
properly. Check your settings, ensure
that the browser supports Java plug-ins
at a level of 1.5 or higher, and restart the
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Install a Java plug-in for the
browser that supports Java 1.5 or higher.
CTGDEG019E An error occurred during installation
of a depot server on system server.
Check the system and then retry the
installation. detailed error message from
another common component
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Check the system and retry
the installation. Check the management center log files
for more information.
CTGDEG021E A connection cannot be made to the
management center database. Verify that
the management center database is
running. If required, source the database
profile before starting the management
Explanation: A JDBC connection to the management
center database could not be obtained. The
management center database is either not running or its
profile has not been sourced. On certain platforms,
such as Linux, you must source the database profile
before starting the management center.
Administrator response: Verify that the management
center database is running. If required, source the
database profile before starting the management center.
After the database has been sourced, stop and restart
the management center. If the message persists after the
database has been started and sourced, check the
management center logs for more information.

User response: Log in again specifying a valid user ID

and password.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

CTGDEG023E The depot server could not be
uninstalled. If the problem persists after
troubleshooting, you can uninstall the
depot server manually and unregister
the depot server by clearing the login
credentials and retrying this operation.
Explanation: An attempt to uninstall the depot server
was unsuccessful. This error can occur because of
problems with the network connection. This error can
also occur as a result of expired login credentials. For
example, if the ID or password of the root user on the
depot server is changed, this information no longer
matches the login credentials for the depot server that
are stored in the management center.
Administrator response: If a problem exists with the
network connection, troubleshoot the connection and
then retry the operation. If the login credentials for the
depot server have expired, update them and then retry
the operation. If you cannot resolve this problem, you
can uninstall the depot server manually. When you
uninstall a depot server manually, you must also
unregister the depot server (delete its data from the
management center) using the administration GUI.
CTGDEG024E The file_id parameter is missing
from the URL. The file could not be
Explanation: There is an error in the URL that is used
to launch the download applet. This URL must include
the string file_id=<fileid>, where <fileid> is the ID of
the file to be downloaded.
User response: Notify your system administrator of
the problem with the URL.
Administrator response: Correct the URL.
CTGDEG025E The file_id parameter specified does
not refer to a valid file. The file could
not be downloaded.
Explanation: There is an error in the URL that is used
to launch the download applet. This URL must include

the string file_id=<fileid>, where <fileid> is the ID of

the file to be downloaded. The value specified for
<fileid> is incorrect or the file has been deleted.
User response: Notify your system administrator of
the problem with the URL.
Administrator response: Correct the URL.

The group name given is not valid.

Explanation: Group names are checked to see whether

they are valid or not before being saved.
User response: Enter a valid group name.
Administrator response: Enter a valid group name.
CTGDEG027E Required information is missing or is
not valid. Enter a valid value and retry
the operation.
Explanation: See message.
User response: Check any highlighted text boxes.
Ensure that all required values are provided and are
CTGDEG028E The depot server images need to be
installed on the management center
before depot servers can be installed
Explanation: See message.
User response: Install the depot server images on the
management center using the depot bundle installer.
CTGDEG029E Depot server images for the operating
system operating system were not found
on the management center.
Explanation: See message.
User response: Install the depot server images for this
interp onto the management center using the depot
bundle installer and retry the operation.

This section contains messages with the CTGDEI identifier from the dynamic content delivery

The JDBC path cannot be empty.

Specify the location of the JDBC driver.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

The database name cannot be empty.

Specify the name of the management
center database instance.

Administrator response: See message.


The database administrative password

cannot be empty. Specify the
administrative password for the
management center database.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

Explanation: See message.

Chapter 25. Messages



The database administrator's user

name (User ID) cannot be empty.
Specify the account name of the
database administrator.

Explanation: See message.


The management center's truststore

file name cannot be empty. Specify the
location of the truststore file.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

Administrator response: See message.


The host name cannot be empty.

Specify the fully qualified host name of
the local machine.

The management center's truststore

password cannot be empty. Specify the
password used to access the truststore

Explanation: See message.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

Administrator response: See message.



The management center's HTTP port

number cannot be empty. Specify the
management center's HTTP port

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

The management center's HTTPS port

number cannot be empty. Specify the
management center's HTTPS port

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

The management center's keystore file

name cannot be empty. Specify the
location of the keystore file.

Explanation: See message.

Unable to locate WebSphere in the

specified directory.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

The directory specified for the

WebSphere Application server cannot be
empty. Specify the location of the
WebSphere Application server files.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

An error occurred when creating the

management center's installation
directory, {0}. The installation process
was halted.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

Administrator response: See message.


The management center's keystore

password cannot be empty. Specify the
password used to access the keystore

Explanation: See message.

The installer failed to get the fully

qualified host name for the local
machine, {0}. Specify a fully qualified
host name.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

Administrator response: See message.


You have selected to use the default

SSL files, however you have provided
the parameter for {0}, with value {1}. The
installation will be performed using
default value for {0} instead of your
provided value.

The management center host name

specified, {0}, is not a fully qualified
host name. Specify a fully qualified
host name.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide


The value, {0}, is not valid for the



Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

The value for

be empty. Specify the location of the
SSL keyfile.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.


The value, {0}, is not valid for the

CDS_SKIP_DB_SETUP parameter.


Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

The value for

be empty. Specify the SSL keyfile

Explanation: See message.


The value, {0}, is not a valid type for

the CDS_DB_TYPE parameter.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.


Administrator response: See message.


The value for CDS_MC_HOSTNAME

cannot be empty. Specify the IP address
or fully qualified host name of the local

Explanation: See message.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

Administrator response: See message.


The value for CDS_MC_PORT cannot

be empty. Specify the management
center's HTTP port number.

Explanation: See message.

The value for CDS_MC_PORT_SSL

cannot be empty. Specify the
management center's HTTPS port

Explanation: See message.

The value for

cannot be empty. Specify the SSL
trustfile password.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

Administrator response: See message.


The value for

empty. Specify the SSL trustfile name.

The value for CDS_DB_NAME cannot

be empty. Specify the instance name for
the management center database.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

The value for CDS_DB_USERID

cannot be empty. Specify the user ID of
the CDS_DB_NAME administrator.

Explanation: See message.


The value for CDS_WAS_HOME

cannot be empty. Specify the location of
the WebSphere Application server files.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

Administrator response: See message.


The value for CDS_DB_PASSWORD

cannot be empty. Specify the password
for the CDS_DB_NAME administrator.

Explanation: See message.


Unable to find {0}. The value for

CDS_WAS_HOME must match the
WAS_HOME environment variable

Administrator response: See message.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.
Chapter 25. Messages



The value for CDS_DB2_JDBC_PATH

cannot be empty. Specify the location of
the JDBC driver.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

You must run setup with an

Administrator account.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

The value specified, {0}, for

CDS_MC_HOSTNAME is not a fully
qualified host name. Specify the IP
address or fully qualified host name of
the local machine.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

The installer failed to get the fully

qualified host name for
CDS_MC_HOSTNAME for the local
machine, {0}. Specify a fully qualified
host name.

to connect to the management center using the

supplied host name and port number. The installer
cannot continue until the management center can be
Administrator response: The client uses Java WebStart
to download updated jar file from the management
center. The installer cannot connect to the management
center using the host name and port supplied by the
user. Either the host name or port number is incorrect,
or it is possible that the management center is not
functioning. Verify that the management center is
operational. Examine the management center
configuration details and supply the user with a valid
host name and HTTP or HTTPS port number.

The URL created from the supplied

host name and port could not be
opened. Unable to contact the
management center.

Explanation: The management center must be

contacted for the installer program to complete. The
URL that was constructed from the user-supplied input
could not be opened.
Administrator response: Verify that the host name
and port specified by the user are valid and that the
management center is operational.

Explanation: See message.


Administrator response: See message.

Explanation: A required port number was not

provided. The installer cannot continue until a port
number is specified.


The management center host name is


Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

You must be logged in as root or as a

member of the Administrators group to
install a depot server.

A port number is required.

Administrator response: If a user gets this message

from the client installer, it is likely that the HTTP or
HTTPS port number was omitted. Supply the user with
the management center's HTTP or HTTPS port number.
If this message is displayed when installing a depot
server, the management center port number or the
depot server port number were not specified. The
installer cannot continue until both port numbers are

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

An error occurred when trying to

access the management center. The
response code is:


You must be logged in as root or as a

member of the Administrators group to
install a client.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.



Explanation: See message.

Cannot install client. Unable to

contact the management center using the
specified host name and port. Specify a
valid host name and port number.

The port number must be greater than


Administrator response: See message.

Explanation: The client installer program was unable


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide


The port number must has to be an



Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

Unable to find the management center


Explanation: The management center could not be

Administrator response: Verify that the host name
specified is a valid host name and that the server is
online and configured as a management center

The value for CDS_CAS_RM_PORT

cannot be empty. Specify the port of the
Resource Manager on the management

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

The value for

empty. Specify the Agent Manager host

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.


There was an error while trying to set

up the database.\n \n Examine the
MC-DB-install.* files in the Tivoli
common directory. Click Next to
continue. The installation of the
management center should complete
successfully but the database might
need to be manually created. Click
Cancel to exit without continuing the


The value for CDS_CAS_AM_PORT

cannot be empty. Specify the Agent
Manager port.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

The value for

empty. Specify the Agent Manager
Registration userid.

Explanation: See message.


There was an error while trying to

configure the WebSphere Application
Server.\n \n Click Next to continue the
installation or click Cancel to exit
without continuing the installation.
Examine the MC-WAS-install-* files in
the Tivoli common log directory.

Administrator response: See message.


The value for

empty. Specify the Agent Manager
Registration password.

Explanation: See message.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

Administrator response: See message.



The value, {0}, is not a valid type for

the CDS_CAS_ENABLED parameter.\n
\n This value will be ignored and
CDS_CAS_ENABLED will be set to

Explanation: See message.

The Agent Manager host name cannot

be empty. Specify the Agent Manager
host name.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

Administrator response: See message.



Explanation: See message.

The value, {0}, is not a valid type for

the CDS_CAS_ENABLED parameter.

Explanation: See message.

The Agent Manager Port cannot be

empty. Specify the Agent Manager port.

Administrator response: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

Chapter 25. Messages



The Agent Manager Registration

Userid cannot be empty. Specify the
Agent Manager registration userid.


Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

The Agent Manager Registration

Password cannot be empty. Specify the
Agent Manager registration password.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

There was an error while trying to

register as a Resource Manager with the
Agent Manager.\n \n An error occurred
when attempting to register the resource
manager with the agent manager.
Examine the MC-CAS-install* files to
determine the cause of the error. If you
click Next to continue, the resource
manager cannot be registered with the
agent manager. Clients running as CAS
sub-agents cannot communicate with the
management center.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.


The value, {0}, is not a valid type for

the CDS_CAS_RM_PORT parameter.
This value will be ignored.


Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

The value, {0}, is not a valid type for

parameter when the value for
CDS_CAS_ENABLED=false.\n \n This
value will be ignored.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

The management center's resource

manager port number cannot be empty.
Specify the management center's
resource manager port number.

The WebSphere Application Server

Profile name cannot be empty. Specify
the WebSphere Application Server
Profile name.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.


The value, {0}, is not a valid type for

the CDS_CAS_AM_PORT parameter
when the value for
CDS_CAS_ENABLED=false.\n \n This
value will be ignored.


Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

The value, {0}, is not a valid type for

the CDS_CAS_AM_USERID parameter
when the value for
CDS_CAS_ENABLED=false.\n \n This
value will be ignored.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

The value, {0}, is not a valid type for

parameter when the value for
CDS_CAS_ENABLED=false.\n \n This
value will be ignored.

Explanation: See message.

An error occurred during an attempt

to get the profile directory from the
WebSphere Application Server profile.
Ensure that the WebSphere Application
Server profile is pointing to a valid
directory. WebSphere Application Server
returned the following information
while trying to retrieve the profile path:

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

There was an unrecoverable error

running the
(wasprofile.bat on Windows) command
located in WebSphere Application
Server home directory. Make sure you
are running on a supported version of

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

Administrator response: See message.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide


Unable to run a database command.

You must source the database before
starting the management center
installation. To source the profile from a
command window or shell prompt, type
. ~db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

An error occurred while connecting to

the database. Retry the operation using
a valid database name, user name, or

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

The JDBC driver file, {0}, was not

found. Verify the JDBC path. It should
contain the JDBC driver file.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

An error prevented the management

center property files from being
successfully configured.


Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See trace_cdsinst.log for
more details.

User response: Enter the port number with a value

between 1 and 65536.

User response:

The management center's HTTP port

number is not valid. It must be an
integer between 1 and 65535.


The management center's HTTPS port

number is not valid. It must be an
integer between 1 and 65535.


The Agent Manager port is not valid.

It must be an integer between 1 and


The Resource Manager port is not

valid. It must be an integer between 1
and 65535.


The value for CDS_MC_PORT is not

valid. It must be an integer between 1
and 65535.


The value for CDS_MC_PORT_SSL is

not valid. It must be an integer between
1 and 65535.


The value for CDS_CAS_RM_PORT is

not valid. It must be an integer between
1 and 65535.

An error prevented the management

center database from being successfully

Administrator response: See trace_cdsinst.log for

more details.

An error prevented the management

center SSL files from being successfully

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See trace_cdsinst.log for
more details.

An error prevented the management

center Resource Manager Registration
from being successfully configured.

The option for

set to true.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See trace_cdsinst.log for

more details.

Explanation: See message.

The specified port number,

PortNumber, is not valid. Specify a value
between 1 and 65536.

Explanation: See message.

Explanation: See message.


An error prevented the management

center JNDI objects from being
successfully configured.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See trace_cdsinst.log for
more details.

Chapter 25. Messages



The value for CDS_CAS_AM_PORT

is not valid. It must be an integer
between 1 and 65535.


The client peer server's port number

cannot be empty. Specify the client peer
server's port number.


The value for

CDS_CLIENT_CAPI_PORT is not valid.
It must be an integer between 1 and


This patch cannot update the

currently installed management center
which is at version {0}. Only versions {1}
and greater can be updated by this


There was an error while trying to

install the {0} bundle into the
WebSphere Application Server.\n \n
Click Next to continue the installation
or click Cancel to exit without
continuing the installation. Examine the
MC-Bundle-* files in the Tivoli common
log directory.

The client peer server port number is

not valid. It must be an integer between
1 and 65535.


The client RMI port number cannot

be empty. Specify the client RMI port


The client RMI port number is not

valid. It must be an integer between 1
and 65535.



The client C API port number cannot

be empty. Specify the C API port


The client C API port number is not

valid. It must be an integer between 1
and 65535.


The value for

empty. Specify the client peer server
port number.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.


The value for

CDS_CLIENT_PEER_PORT is not valid.
It must be an integer between 1 and


The value for

empty. Specify the client RMI port


The value for

CDS_CLIENT_RMI_PORT is not valid.
It must be an integer between 1 and


The value for

empty. Specify the client C API port


There was an error while trying to

stop the application server.\n \n Click
Next to continue the installation or click
Cancel to exit without continuing the
installation. Examine the
MC-Bundle-stopServer* files in the
Tivoli common log directory.

There was an error while trying to

start the application server.\n \n Click
Next to continue the installation or click
Cancel to exit without continuing the
installation. Examine the
MC-Bundle-startServer* files in the
Tivoli common log directory.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

There is a previously installed client

at this location.\n \n A client is already
installed on this machine at this
location. Change the location of this
installation or uninstall the client
located at this location and try the
install again.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide


There is a previously installed client

service.\n \n A client has already been
installed on this machine that uses the
service name {0}. Change the application
ID or uninstall the client using this
application ID and retry the installation.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

An application ID must be specified.

Specify the application ID for this client
and retry the installation.


Install script {0} returned with error

code = {1}.\n \n Examine the install log
directory for more information of the

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

The parameter CDSC_PORT must be

either set to HTTP or HTTPS.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

The value for

empty. Specify the maximum size of the
thread pool.

The database host name cannot be

empty. Specify the name of the
management center database server.


The database port cannot be empty.

Specify the number of the management
center database port.


The value for CDS_DB_HOSTNAME

cannot be empty. Specify the host name
for the management center database.

The maximum size of the Web

Container thread pool is not valid. It
must be an integer greater than 0.


The value for CDS_DB_PORT cannot

be empty. Specify the port number for
the management center database.

The data source maximum

connections cannot be empty. Specify
the maximum data source connections.


The value for CDS_DB_PORT is not

valid. It must be an integer between 1
and 65535.

The data source maximum

connections is not valid. It must be an
integer greater than 0.


The management center's database

port number is not valid. It must be an
integer between 1 and 65535.

The value for

cannot be empty. Specify the maximum
data source connections.



Administrator response: See message.




Explanation: See message.

This IFIX version {0} cannot be used

to update the currently installed
management center, which is at IFIX
version {1}.Only an IFIX with the same
or later version than the IFIX version
currently on the management center can
be applied. Apply an IFIX at the
required version.

The value for

CDS_MC_MAX_THREADS is not valid.
It must be an integer greater than 0.


An error occurred when creating the

clients's installation directory, {0}. The
installation process was halted.




The value for

is not valid. It must be an integer
greater than 0.
The maximum size of the Web
Container thread pool cannot be empty.
Specify the maximum size of the thread

Chapter 25. Messages



Unable to get a database connection

because the specified database host
name is not correct. The database
hostname is the machine on which the
database resides. Contact your database
administrator for the correct hostname.
Specify the correct machine name with
fully qualified domain name and retry.


The value {0} is not a valid type for

the CDS_WAS_CLUSTER parameter.\n
\n This value will be ignored and
CDS_WAS_CLUSTER will be set to

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

Unable to get a database connection

because the specified database port is
not correct. The default ports for DB2
are 50000, 60000, or 3700. The default
port for Oracle is 1521. Contact the
database administrator to find the
specific port your database uses. Specify
the correct port and retry.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

An error occurred while connecting to

the database. Retry the operation using
a valid user name or password.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

An error occurred while connecting to

the database. Retry the operation using
a valid database name.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

An error occurred while connecting to

the database. Check the
MC-DB-Check.err in the log file
directory for further information.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.

The Cluster Name cannot be empty.

Specify the name of the cluster to install

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: See message.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide


This section contains messages with the CTGDEJ identifier from the dynamic content delivery
CTGDEJ001E CDSClient() called but a management
center URL was not specified or the
client service is not installed.
Explanation: An application called a CDSClient()
constructor, but either the client is not installed or the
constructor did not contain the URL of the
management center.
Programmer response: If this message is received on a
machine that is not running the CDS client, verify that
your application includes a valid URL for a
management center in the constructor call. If this
message is received on a machine that is running the
CDS client, reinstall the client using the ISMP installer
program that is appropriate for the operating system
on the client machine.
CTGDEJ002E Cannot find properties for file:
Explanation: The CDS client attempted to update or
download the specified file, but the properties
associated with the file could not be found in the
management center database.
Administrator response: Use the administrative GUI
to ensure that the file (and its associated properties)
exists and retry the operation.

Explanation: An application attempted to update the

properties of the specified file. The update failed
because the properties specified in the method call are
not valid properties.
Programmer response: Ensure that your application
specifies valid properties on CDSClient update() calls.
CTGDEJ006E The client attempted to make a web
service call to the management center,
but the call failed.
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Check the client log files for
more information.
CTGDEJ007E Problem with management center
specification: detailed_exception.
Explanation: The URL provided by the user has a
formatting error or the URL generated, based on the
hostname and other data provided by the user, has a
formatting error.
Administrator response: Verify the URL and then
retry the operation.
CTGDEJ008E Problem with connection to
management center: detailed_exception.

CTGDEJ003E Client service not running; unable to

get status.

Explanation: There is a problem with the connection

to the management center.

Explanation: A method in class ICDSStatusMonitor

was called but the method failed because the client
service was not running.

Administrator response: Verify that the supplied

management center information is correct, the
management center is available, and the network is
functioning properly.

Programmer response: If the client has not been

installed, install the client using the ISMP installer that
is appropriate for the operating system. If the client is
installed but is not running, start the client using the
operating system-specific script (startClient.bat or On Windows systems, it can also be
started by using the control panel.
CTGDEJ004E Update of properties failed. A package
ID is required.
Explanation: An application attempted to update the
properties of a package but the package ID was not
specified on the API call.
Programmer response: Verify that your application
includes a package ID when calling the CDSClient
update() method.
CTGDEJ005E Properties not valid for file package_id.
Update failed.

CTGDEJ009E Required management center

parameter not provided.
Explanation: The management center parameter is
required and must be specified.
Administrator response: Retry the operation
specifying either the management center hostname or
the management center URL.
CTGDEJ010E Problem parsing parameters, no
command given. Use '-?' or '-help' as the
first parameter for command usage
Explanation: No subcommand was specified for the
command requiring a subcommand.
Administrator response: Retry the operation
specifying a valid subcommand.
Chapter 25. Messages


CTGDEJ011E Problem parsing parameters, unknown
command given: command. Use '-?' or
'-help' as the first parameter for
command usage information.



CTGDEJ018E Delete failed

Explanation: Either no subcommand or an unknown

subcommand was specified.

CTGDEJ019E Download failed

Administrator response: Retry the operation

specifying a valid subcommand.

CTGDEJ020E Delete failed because level

CTGDEJ012E Problem parsing parameters, required

parameter, parameter_name, for
subcommand sub_command was not
provided. Use '-?' or '-help' as the first
parameter for command usage
Explanation: All required parameters for the specified
subcommand must be provided.
Administrator response: Retry the operation
specifying all the required parameters.
CTGDEJ013E Problem parsing parameters,
unexpected parameter: parameter. Use '-?'
or '-help' as the first parameter for
command usage information.
Explanation: An unknown parameter was specified.
Administrator response: Retry the operation
specifying valid parameters.
CTGDEJ014W Ignoring unrecognized line #
line_number: line
Explanation: There is an error in the specified line of
the import file. Parsing will continue with the next line.
Administrator response: If the referenced line was
meant to be imported, correct it and import it again,
ideally without the other lines of the file as those were
already imported.
CTGDEJ015E Problem reading import file: detail.
Explanation: An exception occurred while reading the
import file. The detail is in the message from the
system exception that occurred.
Administrator response: Verify that the filename is
correct and the file is accessible.
CTGDEJ016E WARNING -- JRE version is not
supported. Please upgrade to Java 1.4.1+

CTGDEJ021E Copy of packageID failed because of

file corruption
CTGDEJ022E Copy of packageID cancelled
CTGDEJ023E Copy of packageID paused
CTGDEJ024E Unable to copy packageID to destination
CTGDEJ025E Invalid status value parameter_name was
provided. Value must be one of ANY,
CTGDEJ026E Problem reading configuration file
Explanation: There is a system error reading the
configuration file.
Administrator response: Verify that the filename is
correct and the file is accessible.
CTGDEJ027E Problem parsing parameters, the
number of dataDir and dataDirSize
options provided do not match. Use '-?'
or '-help' as the first parameter for
command usage information.
Explanation: The dataDir and dataDirSize options
must be provided in equal numbers.
Administrator response: Retry the operation
specifying appropriate dataDir and dataDirSize options.
CTGDEJ028E Problem parsing parameters, the depot
port is specified both directly and
indirectly with different values. Use '-?'
or '-help' as the first parameter for
command usage information.
Explanation: The depot port can be specified directly
as an option or indirectly as part of the depot host
name. It should not be specified both ways.
Administrator response: Retry the operation
specifying the depot port only once.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

CTGDEJ029E The replication level is not valid. The
value must be an integer number,
integer percentage, or ALL.
Explanation: The replication level is not valid. The
value must be an integer, either the number of servers
or the percentage of servers, or the value ALL.

Programmer response: Update the URL to use HTTPS.

CTGDEJ035E The user, user_name, could not be
Explanation: The supplied username and password
could not be authenticated.

Administrator response: Retry the operation using a

valid value for the replication level.

Administrator response: Verify that the username and

password supplied are correct.

CTGDEJ030E The status value parameter_name is not

valid. The value must be one of ALL,

CTGDEJ036E The configuration file file_name cannot

be read.

Explanation: The status value for the dcdlist

command is not valid. The value must be either ALL or

Administrator response: Verify that server.conf exists

and is in the proper format.

Administrator response: Retry the command using a

valid value for the status.

Explanation: The configuration file cannot be read.

CTGDEJ037E The configuration file file_name cannot

be renamed.

CTGDEJ031E The user, user_name, is not authorized

to download file_name.

Explanation: The configuration file cannot be


Explanation: The supplied username does not have

access to the specified file.

Administrator response: Verify that server.conf exists

and is not open by any application.

Administrator response: Logon as an authorized user

and retry the command.
CTGDEJ032E The file file_name is no longer
available, it has been deleted.
Explanation: The specified file has been deleted and is
no longer available.
Administrator response: Verify the status of the file in
the management center, ensure that the status is
CTGDEJ033E The peer server could not be
instantiated because the installation
directory specified in the constructor is
null or empty.
Explanation: An application called the peer server
constructor with an illegal value for the installation
directory property. The peer server cannot be started, or
installed, until a valid installation directory value is
Programmer response: Fix the call to the constructor
such that a valid installation directory is passed in.
CTGDEJ034E An unsupported URL protocol was
Explanation: A URL was provided for connecting to
the management center but it specified an unsupported
protocol. HTTPS is the only supported URL protocol.
The URL may have been provided directly to the
command or in a configuration file.

CTGDEJ038E The configuration file file_name cannot

be created because a previous version
Explanation: The new configuration file cannot be
created because a previous version of server.conf
already exists.
Administrator response: Make sure the process has
write access to the server.conf file.
CTGDEJ039E The depot data directory directory_name
does not exist.
Explanation: The depot data directory does not exist
or cannot be accessed. It cannot be deleted.
Administrator response: Check if the data directory
listed in server.conf exists, then remove it manually if
needed. The data directories are separated by |. If an
absolute path is not specified, look for the directory
under the depot install directory.
CTGDEJ040E The parameter parameter needed for
depot registration does not exist.
Explanation: The parameter is needed for depot
registration. It cannot be found in server.conf.
Administrator response: Use the administration GUI
to complete the depot registration.

Chapter 25. Messages


CTGDEJ041E The region name regionName used by
the -register option does not exist in the
new management center.

CTGDEJ047E An error occurred during the

operation: throwable.

Explanation: The specified region name must exist on

the new management center in order to register this
depot server.

CTGDEJ048E Unable to get a download plan from

the management center.

Administrator response: Check the available region

names on the new management center and then use the
administration GUI or dcddepotregister CLI to
complete the depot registration.
CTGDEJ042E The depot hostname does not exist in
Explanation: The specified depot hostname must exist
in the server.conf file in order to migrate this depot

Explanation: The request for a download plan was not

successful. A possible cause is a problem
communicating with the management center.
Administrator response: Examine the trace log for
more details.
CTGDEJ049E File file_id is not available at this time.
There are no servers in the download

Administrator response: Update the server.conf file

with the depot host name and retry the operation.

Explanation: The download plan did not contain any

servers from which to download the file. The file might
not be fully deployed yet or there may be no servers
accessible from this client that have the file.

CTGDEJ043E The depot port does not exist in

server.conf or was not specified on the
CLI using the -port option.

Administrator response: Check the status of the file

deployment in the management center. Additional
detail might be available in the management center
trace log.

Explanation: The specified depot port must exist in

the server.conf file or must be specified on the
dcddepotregister CLI using the -port option in order to
migrate this depot server.

CTGDEJ050E An exception occurred while checking

the integrity of the downloaded file:
exception. The download has failed.

Administrator response: Retry the operation

specifying the -port option.

Explanation: While attempting to check the integrity

of the file, an exception occurred that prevented the
check from completing. The download is unsuccessful.

CTGDEJ044E The depot depot already exists on the

new management center.

Administrator response: Examine the exception for

more information about the failure.

Explanation: The specified depot name and port

already exists on the new management center.
Administrator response: Change depot port and then
use the administration GUI or the dcddepotregister CLI
to complete the depot registration.
CTGDEJ045E The depot failed to register with the
new management center.
Explanation: The depot failed to register with the new
management center.
Administrator response: Use the administration GUI
or dcddepotregister CLI to register the depot.
CTGDEJ046E An error occurred when converting the
specified depot port depot_port to a
numeric value.
Explanation: The depot port specified with the -port
option cannot be converted to a numeric value.

CTGDEJ051E The downloaded file is the wrong size.

The download plan specifies
download_plan_file_size bytes while the
size of the downloaded file is file_size
Explanation: The file might be corrupt on one of the
servers used or a corruption might have occurred
during the transfer.
Administrator response: Check the status of the file
on the servers.
CTGDEJ052E The downloaded file is corrupt, it will
be deleted. The download has failed.
Explanation: The file might be corrupt on one of the
servers used or a corruption might have occurred
during the transfer.
Administrator response: Check the status of the file
on the servers.

Administrator response: Retry the operation

specifying a numeric value for the -port option.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

CTGDEJ053E An exception occurred while
decrypting the downloaded file:
exception. The download has failed.
Explanation: While attempting to decrypt of the file,
an exception occurred that prevented the decryption
from completing.
Administrator response: Examine the exception for
more information about the failure.
CTGDEJ054E An exception occurred while copying
the downloaded file: exception. The
download has failed.
Explanation: While attempting to copy the file, an
exception occurred that prevented the copy from
Administrator response: Examine the exception for
more information about the failure.
CTGDEJ055E The download has failed. The file was
not successfully retrieved from the
servers provided in the download plan.
There might be additional automatic
retries of this download.
Explanation: The attempts to download the file from
each of the servers in the download plan were
Administrator response: Examine the trace log for
more details.
CTGDEJ056E The download failure is final -- there
are no more automatic retries available.
Explanation: The previously reported download
failure is final since all automatic retries have been
Administrator response: Examine the trace log for
more details.

Explanation: The value provided for the adaptive

bandwidth control trace file setting is not a valid
Administrator response: Provide a valid filename for
the adaptive bandwidth control trace file setting.
CTGDEJ059E The adaptive bandwidth control trace
file maximum size setting is not valid.
Explanation: The value provided for the adaptive
bandwidth control trace file maximum size setting is
not a valid value. The value must specify the size as a
positive integer.
Administrator response: Provide a valid value for the
adaptive bandwidth control trace file maximum size
CTGDEJ060E The adaptive bandwidth control trace
file level setting is not valid.
Explanation: The value provided for the adaptive
bandwidth control trace file level setting is not a valid
value. Valid values are 0 (for off), 1 (for low), 2 (for
medium), and 3 (for high).
Administrator response: Provide a valid value for the
adaptive bandwidth control trace file level setting.
CTGDEJ061E The value specified for the publish
retry window length is not valid.
Explanation: The value specifies the length of the time
window within which the publish operation can be
attempted again, in the event a publish attempt is
unsuccessful. Valid values include positive integers in
units of seconds.
Administrator response: Provide a valid value for the
publish retry window length in seconds.
CTGDEJ062E The value specified for the publish
retry interval length is not valid.

Explanation: The value provided for the adaptive

bandwidth control priority does not match an expected
value. Valid values are 1 (for low priority), 2 (for
medium priority), and 3 (for high priority).

Explanation: The value specifies the maximum length

of the time interval that a given upload plan is reused
while a publish operation, to servers in the upload
plan, must be attempted again. A new upload plan will
be obtained after the time elapses, specified by this
interval. Valid values include positive integers in units
of seconds.

Administrator response: Provide a valid value for the

adaptive bandwidth control priority setting.

Administrator response: Provide a valid value for the

publish retry interval length in seconds.

CTGDEJ057E The adaptive bandwidth control

priority specified is not valid.

CTGDEJ058E The adaptive bandwidth control trace

file setting is not valid.

This section contains messages with the CTGDEM identifier from the dynamic content delivery
Chapter 25. Messages


CTGDEM003W The depot server
server_name:server_port cannot be pinged
from the monitoring agent. An attempt
will be made to restart it remotely.

Administrator response: Ask the database

administrator to examine the database to determine
why information about corrupted downloads cannot be
read from the PLAN_DESCRIPTION table in the
database and fix the error.

Explanation: The specified depot server is not

responding to pings issued by the monitoring agent.
The monitoring agent will attempt to restart the depot

CTGDEM011E Unable to process corruption reports.

CTGDEM005W Depot server server_name could not

be restarted.
Explanation: The monitoring agent could not restart
the specified depot server. This depot server will not be
available for downloads until it is restarted and
accessible by the monitoring agent.
CTGDEM006E Unable to update depot server status
in the database.
Explanation: The monitoring agent could not update
the status for one or more depot servers in the
Administrator response: Ask the database
administrator to examine the database to determine
why the DEPOT_SERVER table cannot be updated and
fix the problem
CTGDEM007E Unable to update action taken in the
Explanation: The monitoring agent was unable to
update the action-taken records for one or more depot
servers in the database.
Administrator response: Ask the database
administrator to examine the database to determine
why the SERVER_RECOVERY table cannot be updated
and fix the problem.
CTGDEM008E Unable to retrieve information about
failed depot servers from the database.
Explanation: The monitoring agent attempted to
retrieve failure information for one or more depot
servers from the database.
Administrator response: Ask the database
administrator to examine the database to determine
why failure records cannot be retrieved from the
SERVER_RECOVERY table in the database and fix the
CTGDEM010E Unable to retrieve information about
corrupted downloads from the database.
Explanation: The monitoring agent was unable to read
information from the database about downloads that
failed the file integrity check.


Explanation: A client downloaded a corrupted file.

PLAN_DESCRIPTION records were updated to indicate
that the client downloaded a corrupted file. The
monitoring agent attempted to mark
attempt to mark the records as processed failed.
Administrator response: Ask the database
administrator to examine the database to determine
why the PLAN_DESCRIPTION table could not be
CTGDEM013E Unable to retrieve depot servers with
status of UNKNOWN from database.
Explanation: The monitoring agent was unable to
retrieve the list of depot servers having a status of
Administrator response: Ask the database
administrator to examine the database and determine
why the depot server information cannot be retrieved
from the DEPOT_SERVER table and fix the problem.
CTGDEM014W Depot server server_name:server_port
is not accessible. The monitoring agent
attempted to restart this server at
timestamp, but that attempt failed.
Another attempt will be made in
approximately retry_interval minutes.
Explanation: See Message.
CTGDEM015W The following message [body_text]
would have been emailed to the
administrator but no email address was
Explanation: Use the administration GUI to configure
an email address of an administrator who is to be
notified when alerts are generated.
CTGDEM017E Unable to get administrator's email
address from database
Explanation: The monitoring agent generated an alert
and attempted to notify the administrator by email.
However, the information about the administrator's
email address could not be read from the database.
Administrator response: Ask the database
administrator to examine the database to determine
why it cannot be read. The ADMINEMAIL record in
the DEPOT_SERVER table specifies the email address

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

to which alerts are to be sent.
CTGDEM022E Unable to update last restart attempt
Explanation: The monitoring agent attempted to
update the RESTART_ATTEMPT timestamp in the
SERVER_RECOVERY table, but failed.
Administrator response: Ask the database
administrator to examine the database to discover why
the database could not be updated and fix the problem.
CTGDEM023E Unable to unlock entries in the
DEPOT_SERVER table. Troubleshoot
the database to resolve this problem.
Explanation: An attempt to unlock one or more
entries in the DEPOT_SERVER table failed.
Administrator response: Ask the database
administrator to determine why the MON_AGENT_ID
column in the DEPOT_SERVER table could not be
updated and fix the problem.
CTGDEM024E Unable to determine the time of the
most recent alert concerning corrupted
Explanation: An attempt was made to retrieve the
timestamp for the last corrupt file alert from the
database, but the attempt failed.

CTGDEM032W Could not create a unique ID for the

monitoring agent instance. The default
ID will be used.
Explanation: When the product is installed in a
clustered environment, unique IDs are generated for
each instance of the monitoring agent. An attempt to
create a unique ID failed.
Administrator response: Restart the management
center and then retry the operation.
CTGDEM034W Database records indicate that file_id
is stored on depot server
server_name:server_port, but the file was
not found on the depot server. The
database records will be corrected.
Explanation: Database records indicate that the
specified file is stored on the depot server. However,
the file was not found on the depot server. This can
happen when a file is manually deleted from a depot
server. The database records for the depot server will
be updated. If the file has already been published to
the depot server, the file will be replicated to the depot
server again automatically.
Administrator response: If the file is stored on the
depot server and you still receive this message, check
the depot server log files for more information.

Administrator response: Ask the database

administrator to determine why the timestamp could
not be retrieved from the CONFIGURATION table and
fix the problem.

CTGDEM035E A database record incorrectly

indicates that file file_id is stored on
depot server server_name:server_port. A
database error prevented this record
from being deleted.

CTGDEM030E An error occurred during an attempt

to retrieve information about download
errors from the database. Troubleshoot
the database to resolve this error.

Explanation: A database record indicates that the

specified file is stored on the depot server. However,
the file was not stored on the depot server. Because of a
database error, this incorrect record could not be

Explanation: Each time a client attempts to download

a file from a depot server, but the file does not exist on
the depot server, a record of the error is stored in the
database. The management center attempted to retrieve
these records, but a database error occurred.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
resolve this error.
CTGDEM031E Unable to unlock entries in the
SERVER_SYNC table. Troubleshoot the
database to resolve this error.
Explanation: An attempt to unlock one or more
entries in the SERVER_SYNC table failed.
Administrator response: Ask the database
administrator to determine why the MON_AGENT_ID
column in the SERVER_SYNC table could not be
updated and fix the problem.

Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to

correct this problem.
CTGDEM036E Depot server server_name:server_port
could not process the request for the
checksum value of file file_id.
Explanation: The management center sent a request to
the depot server for the checksum value of the
specified file. However, the depot server was unable to
process the request. The depot server might be at an
earlier version than the management center, or there
could be a problem with authentication.
Administrator response: If necessary, upgrade the
depot server to a version that is compatible with the
management center. Ensure that the depot server has
the correct authentication certificates.

Chapter 25. Messages


CTGDEM037E The checksum value of file file_id on
depot server server_name:server_port is
incorrect. The file appears to be
damaged. The file will be deleted from
the depot server.
Explanation: The checksum value of the specified file
on the depot server does not match the checksum value
stored in the database. The file on the depot server
appears to be damaged. The file will be deleted off the
depot server and redeployed if necessary.
Administrator response: An attempt to delete the file
from the depot server will be made automatically. If the
problem persists, contact IBM Support.
CTGDEM039E An attempt to delete an entry from
the SERVER_SYNC table referring to
depot server server_name:server_port and
file file_id has failed. Troubleshoot the
database to correct this error.
Explanation: This database record indicates that the
depot server reported not having the specified file. The
database record has been processed, but the record
could not be deleted.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
correct this error.
CTGDEM040W Unable to remotely start depot server
server_name:server_port because no
credentials (user ID and password) were
provided. Use the administration GUI to
provide the user ID and password of a
user with root privileges.
CTGDEM041W Unable to remotely start depot server
server_name:server_port because it is
running in the common agent.
CTGDEM044E Depot server server_name:server_port is
reporting a hostname different from the
one it was registered with on the
management center. It is not able to
validate upload and download requests
until this error is corrected.
Explanation: The hostname reported from the depot
server must match the hostname the depot server is
registered with. This can happen if the depot server is
not configured to report its fully qualified hostname

correctly. The monitoring agent tried to correct this

problem automatically by instructing the depot server
to update its hostname, but this command failed.
Administrator response: To correct this problem, the
depot server administrator can manually edit the
HOSTNAME property in the server.conf file on the
depot server installation directory and restart the depot
CTGDEM045E Depot server server_name:server_port is
reporting to a different management
center. This management center will not
attempt to manage it.
Explanation: The depot server has been configured to
report to a different management center. If the depot
server was installed manually, it is possible that the
management center hostname was entered incorrectly.
Administrator response: To correct the management
center the depot server reports to, edit the
MANAGER_HOSTPORT property in the depot server
configuration file (server.conf) located in the depot
server installation directory. The fully qualified
hostname of the management center must be specified
along with the HTTPS port.
CTGDEM046W Depot server server_name:server_port
is unable to reach the management
center. The depot server cannot receive
uploads or replicate files until this
network issue is corrected.
Explanation: The depot server cannot initiate a
connection to the management center most probable
due to firewall configuration.
Administrator response: Fix network configuration to
allow the depot server to initiate communication with
the management center if desired.
CTGDEM047W Depot server server_name:server_port
is overloaded with requests. The server
has reached its maximum allotted
Explanation: The depot server cannot respond to any
additional requests at this moment.
Administrator response: The maximum allotted
connections for the depot server can be increased if

This section contains messages with the CTGDEQ identifier from the dynamic content delivery


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

management center log file for more information.

CTGDEQ001E The DataSource object for the

management center database could not
be initialized. Ensure that you have
created a JNDI registration for
DataSource object jdbc/downloadgrid.

CTGDEQ005E The database could not commit a

transaction. Check the management
center log file for more information.

Explanation: No connection can be made to the

database because the DataSource object for the
management center database cannot be initialized.

Explanation: The database could not commit a

transaction. The database might be offline or full, or
another error condition might be present.

Administrator response: Ensure that you have created

a JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface)
registration for the DataSource object
jdbc/downloadgrid. Ensure that the JNDI registration
references the management center database using a
valid user ID and password.

User response: Check the management center log file

for more information and then contact your database

CTGDEQ002E Unable to connect to the database.

Check the management center log file
for more information.
Explanation: A database connection could not be
established. The database might be offline or unable to
service any more connections.

Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to

determine why the error occurred. Check the
management center log file for more information. You
might need to manually repair inconsistencies that
remain from an incomplete transaction.
CTGDEQ006E A row was inserted into the database,
but that row could not be selected.
Check the management center log file
for more information.

Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to

determine why the error occurred. Check the
management center log file for more information.

Explanation: A row was inserted into the database,

but that row could not be selected. The database might
be offline or full, or another error condition might be

CTGDEQ003E A database error occurred. Check the

management center log file for more

User response: Check the management center log file

for more information and then contact your database

Explanation: An unknown database error has

occurred. The database might be offline or full, or
another error condition might be present.

Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to

determine why the error occurred. Check the
management center log file for more information. You
might need to manually repair inconsistencies that
remain from an incomplete transaction.

User response: Check the management center log file

for more information and then contact your database
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
determine why the error occurred. Check the
management center log file for more information.
CTGDEQ004E A database transaction failed. The
database could not be restored to its
state before the transaction. Check the
management center log file for more
Explanation: An error occurred during a database
transaction. An attempt was made to restore the
database to its state before the transaction, but the
attempt failed. The problem that prevented the
database from being restored might be the same
problem that caused the transaction failure.

CTGDEQ007E A required parameter is missing or

not valid.
Explanation: A set of parameters has been entered (for
example, using the GUI or command line interface).
One or more of the parameters is missing or not valid.
User response: Re-enter the parameters, ensuring that
all required parameters are present and valid.
CTGDEQ008E The specified administrator
(parameter_name) already exists. Specify a
unique name for the administrator.
Explanation: See message.
User response: Specify a unique name for the

User response: Check the management center log file

for more information and then contact your database
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
determine why the error occurred. Check the
Chapter 25. Messages


CTGDEQ009E The specified administrator
(parameter_name) does not exist. Specify
the name of an existing administrator.
Explanation: See message.
User response: Specify the name of an existing

User response: Specify the name of an existing

CTGDEQ015E The specified domain
(parameter_name) is not in a valid format.
Enter a fully qualified domain name, for
Explanation: See message.

CTGDEQ010E The specified configuration

parameter (parameter_name) is null or not
valid. Specify a valid configuration
Explanation: An attempt was made to enter a
configuration parameter and value. However, the
specified configuration parameter was null or not valid.
The specified configuration parameter must exist in the
CONFIGURATION table in the management center
User response: Specify a valid configuration
CTGDEQ011E The depot server specified by the
name (parameter_1) and port parameter_2
already exists. Specify a unique name or
port number for the depot server.
Explanation: The name and port number of the
specified depot server already exist in the management
center database. Either the name or the port number
must be unique. For example, you can register two
depot servers with the same host name, but the port
numbers for those depot servers must be unique.
User response: Specify a different name or port
number for the depot server.
CTGDEQ012E The specified depot server
(parameter_name) does not exist. Specify
the name of an existing depot server.
Explanation: See message.
User response: Specify the name of an existing depot
CTGDEQ013E The specified domain
(parameter_name) already exists. Specify a
unique name for the domain.
Explanation: See message.
User response: Specify a unique name for the domain.
CTGDEQ014E The specified domain
(parameter_name) does not exist. Specify
the name of an existing domain.
Explanation: See message.

User response: Verify that you have entered a fully

qualified domain name in a valid format, for example:
CTGDEQ016E The specified IP address
(parameter_name) is not a valid format.
Enter an IP address in IPv4 or IPv6
Explanation: See message.
User response: Verify that you have entered an IP
address in a valid IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4) or
IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) format.
CTGDEQ017E The specified IP range (IP start
parameter_1 and IP end parameter_2)
already exists. Specify a unique IP
Explanation: See message.
User response: Verify that you have entered an IP
address in IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4) or IPv6
(Internet Protocol version 6) format.
CTGDEQ018E The specified IP range
(parameter_name) does not exist. Specify
an existing IP range.
Explanation: See message.
User response: Verify that you have entered an
existing IP range.
CTGDEQ019E The specified IP address
(parameter_name) already exists. Specify a
unique IP address.
Explanation: See message.
User response: Verify that you have entered a unique
IP address.
CTGDEQ020E The specified IP range (IP start
parameter_1 and IP end parameter_2) is
not valid. Either the ending IP address
is lower than the starting IP address, or
the IP range overlaps with an existing
IP range.
Explanation: See message.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

User response: Verify that you have entered a valid IP
range. Verify that the IP range you entered does not
overlap with an existing IP range.
CTGDEQ021E The specified file ID (parameter_name)
already exists. Specify a unique ID for
the file.
Explanation: See message.
User response: Verify that you have entered a unique
ID for the file.
CTGDEQ022E The specified file ID (parameter_name)
does not exist. Specify an existing file
Explanation: See message.
User response: Verify that you have entered an
existing file ID.
CTGDEQ023E The specified file ID (parameter_name)
already exists. Specify a unique ID for
the file.
Explanation: See message.
User response: Verify that you have entered a unique
ID for the file.
CTGDEQ024E The specified file ID (parameter_name)
does not exist. Specify an existing file
Explanation: See message.
User response: Verify that you have entered an
existing file ID.
CTGDEQ025E The specified region name
(parameter_name) already exists. Specify a
unique name for the region.
Explanation: See message.
User response: Verify that you have entered a unique
name for the region.
CTGDEQ026E The specified region (parameter_name)
does not exist. Specify an existing
Explanation: See message.
User response: Verify that you have entered the name
of an existing region.

CTGDEQ027E The specified region (parameter_name)

is not empty. To delete this region, you
must first remove all depot servers from
the server list of this region.
Explanation: See message.
User response: Remove all depot servers from the
server list of this region and then delete the region.
CTGDEQ028E The specified target list
(parameter_name) already exists. Specify a
unique name for this target list.
Explanation: See message.
User response: Verify that you have entered a unique
name for the target list.
CTGDEQ029E The specified target list
(parameter_name) does not exist. Specify
an existing target list.
Explanation: See message.
User response: Verify that you have entered the name
of an existing target list.
CTGDEQ030E Unable to register depot server (
parameter_1:parameter_2); no such host
name in DNS.
Explanation: The specified depot server could not be
registered in the management center database because
the domain naming service could not find the host
Administrator response: Verify that the host name is
correct, that the server is registered in DNS, and that
the named server is reachable from the management
center. A ping should verify its reachability. Use the
management center administrative GUI and try
installing the server again. Click Depot Servers, Install
a Depot Server. If you installed this depot server using
the standalone depot server installer, verify the host
name and reachability and click Depot Servers, Register
a Depot Server to retry the registration operation.
CTGDEQ031E Multiple depot server instances exist
on host parm1. Specify the host name
and port number for the depot server in
the format hostname:port
Explanation: Because multiple depot server instances
exist on the specified host, you must specify the port
number for the depot server as well the host name.
Administrator response: Specify the host name and
port number for the depot server in the format

Chapter 25. Messages


CTGDEQ032W Could not create a target list for
depot server {parm1:parm2} with ID
parm3. Some product features might not
be available.

User response: Log in as a user that has the necessary

privileges to perform the attempted action or contact a
system administrator.
Administrator response: Provide the user with access
to the file.

Explanation: When a depot server is registered, a

target list is automatically created for the depot server.
However, the attempt to create a target list failed for
the specified depot server. The depot server can still
function, but product features that use the target list
will not be available.

CTGDEQ038E The specified depot access

(parameter_name1, parameter_name2)
already exists. Specify unique 'from' and
'targetlist' identifiers.

Administrator response: Call IBM Software Support.

Explanation: See message.

CTGDEQ033E The application ID (parm1) already

exists. Re-enter the information using a
unique application ID.
Explanation: An attempt was made to register Java
Message Service (JMS) information. This information is
stored in the database under an application ID.
However, the specified application ID already exists.
Administrator response: Re-enter the information
using a unique application ID.
CTGDEQ034E No notification information exists for
the application (parm1). Register
notification information for the
Explanation: No Java Message Service (JMS)
information is registered in the database for the
specified application.
Administrator response: Register notification
information for the application.

User response: Specify unique 'from' and 'targetlist'

identifiers for a new depot access.
CTGDEQ039E The specified depot access
(parameter_name1, parameter_name2) does
not exist. Specify the 'from' and
'targetlist' identifiers of an existing
depot access.
Explanation: See message.
User response: Specify the 'from' and 'targetlist'
identifiers of an existing depot access.
CTGDEQ040W A trim historical data or
DeleteHistory service process is already
Explanation: A request to trim historical data, either
from the management center administration GUI or
from the automated DeleteHistory service, is already
running. To prevent database deadlocks, only a single
trim historical data process is allowed run at any one

CTGDEQ035E The specified group ID

(parameter_name) already exists. Specify a
unique name for the group.

Administrator response: Retry the operation after the

currently running process is finished.

Explanation: See message.

CTGDEQ041E The operation failed because one of

the values passed in was too long.

User response: Specify a unique name for the group.

CTGDEQ036E The specified group ID
(parameter_name) does not exist. Specify
the name of an existing group ID.
Explanation: See message.
User response: Specify the name of an existing group
CTGDEQ037E The file that you attempted to access
is restricted. Log in as an authorized
user or contact a system administrator.
Explanation: Access to files can be limited to certain
users or groups. The user currently logged in does not
have the necessary privileges to perform the attempted


Explanation: The maximum allowable sizes for

variable length character strings was exceeded.
Administrator response: Retry the operation with a
shorter length character string value. See log file for
more information. Retry the operation after the
currently running process is finished.
CTGDEQ042E The specified IP zone (zone_id) does
not exist. Specify an existing IP zone.
Explanation: See message.
User response: Verify that you have entered an
existing IP zone.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

CTGDEQ043E An IP zone with the name
(zone_name) already exists. Specify a
unique name for the zone.
Explanation: See message.
User response: Zone names must be unique.
CTGDEQ044E The IP range (IP start ip_start and IP
end ip_end) conflicts with existing IP
zone [zone_details]. Specify an IP range
that does not overlap or includes an
existing IP zone.
Explanation: An attempt was made to create or
update an IP range but the range conflicts with an
existing IP zone.

only allows the update of single IP range zones, but the

specified zone contains multiple IP ranges.
CTGDEQ046E The client does not have enough free
space to download the file (parm1) with
a size of (parm2) bytes. The client has
(parm3) bytes free.
Explanation: See message.
User response: Increase the amount of free space
available on the client.
CTGDEQ047E The specified data tracker with name
(parameter_name) already exists.
Explanation: See message.

User response: IP ranges cannot overlap with one


User response: Specify a unique set of attributes when

creating the data tracker.

CTGDEQ045E The IP zone cannot be edited via this

deprecated updateIPRange() method.
The IP zone contains multiple IP ranges
and this method only supports single IP
range zones.

CTGDEQ048E The specified data tracker with name

(parameter_name) does not exist.

Explanation: An attempt was made to update an IP

range zone using a deprecated method call. That call

Explanation: See message.

User response: Specify the name of an existing data

This section contains messages with the CTGDES identifier from the dynamic content delivery
CTGDES001E The installed version of the JRE is
not compatible. Upgrade to the IBM
Runtime Environment for Java, version
1.4.1 or later.
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Upgrade to the IBM Runtime
Environment for Java, version 1.4.1 or later.
CTGDES002E The attempt to get the fully qualified
host name for the depot server failed.
Check the server configuration to
resolve this error.
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Ensure that the server.conf
file exists. Ensure that the HOSTNAME entry in the
server.conf file lists the correct fully qualified name for
the server.
CTGDES003E The attempt to get a directory name
and directory space from the
configuration file failed. Troubleshoot
the server.conf configuration file to
resolve this error.

Explanation: The attempted action failed because

either a DATA_DIRECTORY value or a
SPACE_DIRECTORY value is missing from the the
server.conf configuration file.
Administrator response: Ensure that the server.conf
file exists. Ensure that there are no missing
the file. There must be a DATA_DIRECTORY value and
a SPACE_DIRECTORY value for each directory listed in
the file.
CTGDES004E The attempt to write to directory
dir_name failed. Ensure that the specified
path is a directory and not a file, that
the specified directory exists, and that
the directory is not write-protected.
Explanation: A file could not be written to the
specified directory. This message might occur if a file is
specified instead of a directory, if the directory does not
exist, or if the directory is write-protected.
Administrator response: Ensure that the specified
path is a directory and not a file. Ensure that the
specified directory exists and is not write-protected.
You can specify a different directory using the GUI or
parameters in the server conf.file.
Chapter 25. Messages


CTGDES005E The attempt to upload file file_name
failed due to a database error. The file
has not been uploaded. Troubleshoot
the database to resolve this error.

Administrator response: Contact IBM Software

Programmer response: Troubleshoot the dynamic
bandwidth code and the NICE libraries to resolve the

Explanation: When you upload a file to a depot

server, information about the file is written to the
database. This error occurs when file data cannot be
written to the database due to a database problem.
Because the file data cannot be stored in the database,
the upload attempt is canceled and the file is not

CTGDES009E The attempt to read configuration

parameters from configuration file
file_name failed. The file was not found.

Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to

resolve this error.

Administrator response: Contact IBM Software


CTGDES006E The file was transferred, but the file

appears to be incomplete or damaged.
Expected size = expected_size. Received
size = received_size. Expected hash =
expected_hash. Received hash =
received_hash. The file value was renamed
Explanation: The attempt to transfer the file has
completed, but the size or the checksum value of the
transferred file does not match the original file. This
error indicates that the file is incomplete or damaged.
Administrator response: Contact IBM Software
Programmer response: Troubleshoot the file transfer
CTGDES007E The command command was sent to
this depot server and was denied
service. Either the command was not
recognized or the requesting component
did not have the correct access.
Explanation: The depot server was unable to interact
with the component (such as a manager or client) that
sent a command to the depot server. One possible
cause of this error is that the depot server and the
component that sent the command are not at the same
software version.
Administrator response: Contact IBM Software
Programmer response: Troubleshoot the command.
CTGDES008E The NICE libraries could not be
loaded. The depot server was not
Explanation: An attempt to load the NICE libraries
failed during the startup of the depot server. These
libraries are used by the adaptive bandwidth feature.
Because the libraries could not be loaded, the depot
server was not started.


Explanation: See message.

Programmer response: Troubleshoot the installation

process to ensure that the configuration file is installed
CTGDES010E The attempt to read the server port
number from the configuration file
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Make sure that the PORT
parameter exists in the server.conf file.
CTGDES011E The attempt to read the server's
maximum bandwidth from the
configuration file failed.
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Make sure that the
MAX_BANDWIDTH parameter exists in the server.conf
CTGDES012E The attempt to read the server's
maximum number of connections from
the configuration file failed.
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Make sure the
MAX_CONNECTIONS parameter exists in the
server.conf file.
CTGDES013E The attempt to read configuration
infomation for Depot Server
ID=server_id Hostname=hostname
Port=port failed from the Management
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Make sure Management
Center and Network are up.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

CTGDES014E Depot Server ID=server_id
Hostname=hostname Port=port was not
found in the Management Center

CTGDES019E Depot Server could not contact the

Management Center to obtain
configuration information - using local
configuration file to continue startup.

Explanation: See message.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: Make sure you have

registered the Depot Server with the Management

Administrator response: Check connectivity from

Depot Server to the Management Center.
Programmer response: None.

Programmer response:
CTGDES015E Depot Server ID=server_id
Hostname=hostname Port=port was not
unique within the Management Center
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Contact IBM Software
Programmer response: There are multiple records in
the database which have the attributes which were sent
to query on.
CTGDES016E Depot Server ID=server_id
Hostname=hostname Port=port caused
database failure during query of the
Management Center database.
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Troubleshoot the database to
resolve this error.
Programmer response: Check the stack trace for a
SQL database error.
CTGDES017E Depot Server could not obtain the
Management Center hostname and port
information from the server
configuration file.
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Ensure there is a server.conf
Programmer response: Ensure there is a server.conf
CTGDES018E Depot Server could not obtain the
Server ID=server_id from the server
configuration file.
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Ensure there is a server.conf
Programmer response: Ensure there is a server.conf

CTGDES020E Depot Server could not obtain the

KEY=key_value from the local
configuration file.
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Start the Depot Server at a
time that it can contact the Management Center to
obtain configuration data.
Programmer response: None.
CTGDES021E Server is configured to enable
Dynamic Bandwidth - however, one or
more of the required libraries for
Dynamic Bandwidth is not available.
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Check log during server
startup to locate the missing DLL.

Depot Server failed to start.

Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: Check log during Depot
Server startup for errors.
CTGDES023E Unable to initialize the cache
manager; depot server is shutting down.
Explanation: A configuration property that is required
by the cache manager has not been set or has become
corrupt. The depot server cannot function until the property is properly set.
Administrator response: Set the property to point to the
directory in which the depot server software is
installed, then shutdown and restart the depot server.
CTGDES024E The cache controller controllerName
with the cache partition location
partitionLocation could not be registered
with the cache manager.
Explanation: The depot server is not installed or
configured correctly. Contact the depot server
Administrator response: Use the management center
Chapter 25. Messages


administrative GUI to examine the depot server
settings to determine why the cache controller is not
properly registering. Click Depot Servers, Manage
Depot Servers. Select a depot server and view the
settings, particularly those having to do with cache
management and the data directory. Make sure that all
directories in the list of data directories are configured
to be both readable and writeable.
CTGDES025E Cache manager error; depot server is
shutting down.
Explanation: The depot server cannot communicate
with the cache manager. The depot server cannot
receive file uploads or download files to clients.
Administrator response: Restart the depot server. If
the problem persists, contact Level 3 support.
CTGDES026W The maximum number of
connections ( max_value ) allowed for
this server has been reached.
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: If this server reaches its
limits frequently under normal conditions, consider
increasing the maximimum number of connections for
the server. If the server is experiencing an unusually
high number of connections, check the network and
other servers for problems. Check the log file on the
management center for more information.
CTGDES027W The server could not load one or
more of the libraries required for the
proper operation of Adaptive
Bandwidth Control. Transfers will
proceed without using bandwidth
Explanation: See message.
Administrator response: Verify whether Adaptive
Bandwidth Control is supported on the operating
system platform. On platforms where Adaptive
Bandwidth is supported, increase the logging level to
DEBUG_MAX, restart the failing component and check
for an exception in the trace log. The exception can
show what library file could not be loaded. On
platforms where Adaptive Bandwidth is not supported,
the transfers will proceed without using bandwidth
Programmer response: Check the trace log to locate
the missing library file. Verify whether the file was
properly installed.
CTGDES038E The logging directory could not be
created. Check the output.log file for
more information.


Explanation: See message.

Administrator response: Check the output.log file to
determine the cause of the problem. Resolve the
problem and then try again to create the directory.
CTGDES039W You have stopped a depot server
using the command. The
management center will automatically
attempt to restart this depot server. To
prevent the management center from
attempting to restart this depot server,
use the management center
administration GUI to stop this server.
CTGDES041E A depot server with hostname
hostname and port port is not registered
in the management center database. An
attempt was made to perform a lookup
using the remote host name, hostname,
but that lookup failed as well.
Explanation: A depot server sent an HTTP request to
the management center to get its configuration
information, but the hostname that was specified in the
request is not registered in the management center
database. This situation can occur if the depot server
has an additional network interface such as a virtual
private network (VPN) interface. In this situation, the
management center attempts to identify the depot
server using the host name of the network interface
listed in the HTTP header of the request.
Administrator response: Add the host name to the
depot server's server.conf file to allow the depot server
to be located by that name during lookups. This file is
in the \Program Files or \opt directory, under
\IBM\Tivoli\DCD\Depot. Edit the file and add the
hostname to the HOSTNAME= key. The hostname set
must match the hostname of the registered depot
CTGDES042E No cache controllers could be
registered with the cache manager.
Explanation: The depot server is not installed or
configured correctly.
Administrator response: Contact the depot server
administrator or use the management center
administrative GUI to examine the depot server
settings to determine why the cache controller is not
properly registering. Click Depot Servers, Manage
Depot Servers. Select a depot server and view the
settings, particularly those having to do with cache
management and the data directory. Make sure that all
directories in the list of data directories are configured
to be both readable and writeable.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide


This section contains messages with the CTGEM identifier from the Agent Manager messages for Tivoli
Provisioning Manager.
CTGEM0000E An error occurred while loading
information from the agent manager
configuration file:
Explanation: An error occurred while loading
information on the agent manager configuration from
the file.
System action: Agent manager initialization stops. The
agent manager is not operational.
Administrator response: Make sure that the agent
manager configuration file (
is in the correct location, and then restart the agent
manager. If the problem continues, contact IBM
Customer Support.
CTGEM0001E The listener for agent certificate
requests was not loaded. The listener
class name is listener_class_name.
Explanation: An error occurred while loading the
listener specified by listener_class_name. The agent
certificate request listener was not loaded.
System action: The function provided by the specified
listener for agent certificate requests is not available.
The absence of the listener for certificate requests can
result in the rejection of all agent registration attempts.
Administrator response: Check the WebSphere
application server message and trace files. Look at the
log information that is generated with this error to
determine the name of the exception. The name of the
exception typically indicates the problem. If tracing is
not turned on, turn it on and restart the application
server. If the exception indicates an I/O error
(IOException), try to restart the application server. If
the problem continues, it may indicate a problem with
the file system permissions or a disk failure. For other
errors, contact IBM Customer Support.
Programmer response: If the exception indicates that
the class was not found (ClassNotFoundException),
make sure that the name of the class is spelled correctly
in the Registration.Listeners.Agent.Request property of
the agent manager configuration file
( If the name of the class is
correct, make sure that the class is in the class path of
the agent manager. If the exception is
ClassCastException, the specified class does not
implement the appropriate interface and is not a valid
listener for agent certificattion requests. Modify the
program and try again.
CTGEM0002E The listener for manager certificate
requests was not loaded. The listener

class name is listener_class_name.

Explanation: An error occurred while loading the
listener specified by listener_class_name. The listener
for manager certificate requests was not loaded.
System action: The function provided by the specified
listener for manager certificate requests is not available.
The absence of the listener can result in the rejection of
all attempts at resource manager registration .
Administrator response: Check the application server
log and trace files. Look at the log information that is
generated with this error to determine the name of the
exception. The name of the exception typically indicates
the problem. If tracing is not turned on, turn it on and
restart the application server. If the exception indicates
an I/O error (IOException), try to restart the
application server. If the problem continues, it may
indicate a problem with the file system permissions or
a disk failure. For other errors, contact IBM Customer
Programmer response: If the exception indicates that
the class was not found (ClassNotFoundException),
make sure that the name of the class is spelled correctly
in the Registration.Listeners.Manager.Request property
of the agent manager configuration file
( If the name of the class is
correct, make sure that the class is in the class path of
the agent manager. If the exception is
ClassCastException, the specified class does not
implement the appropriate interface and is not a valid
listener for manager certificate requests. Modify the
program and try again.
CTGEM0003E A listener for issued manager
certificates was not loaded. The listener
class name is listener_class_name.
Explanation: An error occurred while loading the
listener specified by listener_class_name. The listener
for issued manager certificates was not loaded.
System action: The function provided by the specified
listener for issued manager certificate is not available.
Administrator response: Check the application server
log and trace files. Look at the log information that is
generated with this error to determine the name of the
exception. The name of the exception typically indicates
the problem. If tracing is not turned on, turn it on and
restart the application server. If the exception indicates
an I/O error (IOException), try to restart the
application server. If the problem continues, it may
indicate a problem with the file system permissions or
a disk failure. For other errors, contact IBM Customer
Programmer response: If the exception indicates that
Chapter 25. Messages


the class was not found (ClassNotFoundException),
make sure that the name of the class is spelled correctly
in the Registration.Listeners.Manager.Issue property of
the agent manager configuration file
( If the name of the class is
correct, make sure that the class is in the class path of
the agent manager. If the exception is
ClassCastException, the specified class does not
implement the appropriate interface, and is not a valid
listener for issued manager certificates. Modify the
program and try again.
CTGEM0004E The listener for issued agent
certificates was not loaded. The listener
class name is listener_class_name.
Explanation: An error occurred while loading the
listener for issued agent certificates specified by
System action: The function provided by the specified
listener for issued agent certificates is not available.
Administrator response: Check the application server
log and trace files. Look at the log information that is
generated with this error to determine the name of the
exception. The name of the exception typically indicates
the problem. If tracing is not turned on, turn it on and
restart the application server. If the exception indicates
an I/O error (IOException), try to restart the
application server. If the problem continues, it may
indicate a problem with the file system permissions or
a disk failure. For other errors, contact IBM Customer
Programmer response: If the exception indicates that
the class was not found (ClassNotFoundException),
make sure that the name of the class is spelled correctly
in the Registration.Listeners.Agent.Issue property of the
agent manager configuration file
( If the name of the class is
correct, make sure that the class is in the class path of
the agent manager. If the exception is
ClassCastException, the specified class does not
implement the appropriate interface, and is not a valid
listener for issued agent certificates. Modify the
program and try again.
CTGEM0005E A configuration update listener was
not loaded. The listener class name is
Explanation: The listener specified by
listener_class_name was not loaded as a configuration
update listener.
System action: The function provided by the specified
configuration update listener is not available.
Administrator response: Check the application server
log and trace files. Look at the log information that is
generated with this error to determine the name of the
exception. The name of the exception typically indicates


the problem. If tracing is not turned on, turn it on and

restart the application server. If the exception indicates
an I/O error (IOException), try to restart the
application server. If the problem continues, it may
indicate a problem with the file system permissions or
a disk failure. For other errors, contact IBM Customer
Programmer response: If the exception indicates that
the class was not found (ClassNotFoundException),
make sure that the name of the class is spelled correctly
in the Config.Listener.Agent and
Config.Listener.Manager properties of the agent
manager configuration file (
If the name of the class is correct, make sure that the
class is in the class path of the agent manager. If the
exception is ClassCastException, the specified class
does not implement the appropriate interface, and is
not a valid configuration update listener. Modify the
program and try again.
CTGEM0006E The renewal of a certificate was
rejected because a certificate was
revoked in its chain of trust. The
distinguished name (DN) of the rejected
certificate is rejected_distinguished_name.
The distinguished name of the revoked
certificate is revoked_distinguished_name.
Explanation: A certificate cannot be renewed if a
certificate in its chain of trust has been revoked.
System action: In addition to logging this message in
the agent manager message and trace files, the agent
manager throws an exception to notify the calling
program about the problem.
Administrator response: Identify the computer system
that is trying to renew its certificate and determine
whether it should be allowed to reregister. If you want
to allow the computer system to register as an agent,
ask for agent recovery. If you do not want it to
reregister, no action is required.
CTGEM0007E The renewal of a certificate was
rejected because a valid trust path to the
certificate authority was not found. The
distinguished name (DN) of the rejected
certificate is rejected_distinguished_name.
Explanation: A certificate cannot be renewed without
a trust path to the certificate authority. The certificate
that was submitted for renewal might have been
generated by a different certificate authority. For
example, you typically use a different certificate
authority in a test environment than you do in your
production environment. This message appears if you
create an agent in a test environment and do not
reconfigure it completely for a production environment.
In addition to logging this message in the agent
manager message and trace files, the agent manager

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

throws an exception to notify the calling program about
the problem.
Administrator response: Make sure that all of the
certificates for this agent manager or resource manager
are issued by the certificate authority for your
environment, or force it to reregister.
CTGEM0008W A certificate was renewed even
though the associated information was
not in the agent registry. The
distinguished name (DN) of the
renewed certificate is
Explanation: The certificate to be renewed is signed
and valid, but is not listed in the agent registry. The
certificate is renewed and its information is added to
the registry.
CTGEM0009E The agent manager cannot create the
public / private key pair of the
following type key_pair_type using the
algorithm key_pair_algorithm.
Explanation: The agent manager is unable to create a
public / private key pair of the following type
key_pair_type using the algorithm key_pair_algorithm.

initialized. The certificate authority cannot generate and

renew certificates so registration requests cannot be
Administrator response: Check the agent manager log
and trace files for error messages and exception traces
that were generated during the initialization of the
agent manager. If the messages do not suggest a
solution, contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0012E The certificate authority did not get a
block of serial numbers from the serial
number table in the agent registry.
Explanation: The serial number table in the agent
registry is a locked table. To improve performance
when assigning serial numbers to certificates, the
certificate authority does not lock the serial number
table for each serial number. Instead, it gets a block of
numbers and assigns new serial numbers from the
block. This message indicates that the certificate
authority was unable to get a block of serial numbers
from the table.
System action: The certificate authority cannot
generate and renew certificates so registration requests
cannot be processed.

CTGEM0010E The agent manager cannot open the

private key for the root certificate
associated with the certificate authority.

Administrator response: Verify that the agent registry

database is available. If it is not in a local database,
make sure that you can connect to it from the agent
manager server. Look in the WebSphere trace log for
the SQL error associated with this problem for
additional information. If tracing is not turned on, turn
it on and restart the agent manager. If the problem
continues, contact IBM Customer Support.

Explanation: The private key for the root certificate of

the certificate authority cannot be opened. This means
that the key store, the password stash file, or both
those items are missing or damaged.

CTGEM0013E The following Web Services

Description Language (WSDL) file was
not found: file_name.

Administrator response: Contact IBM Customer


System action: The certificate authority is not

initialized. The certificate authority cannot generate and
renew certificates, so registration requests cannot be
Administrator response: Check the
and properties in the agent
manager configuration file,
Make sure that the file specified by each property is in
the directory specified by the property. If
both files are present, restart the agent manager. If the
problem continues, or if either file is missing, contact
IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0011E The certificate authority was not
Explanation: An error occurred while initializing the
certificate authority. As a result, the certificate authority
is not operational.
System action: The certificate authority was not

Explanation: The WSDL file specified by file_name

was not found.
System action: The Web service port implementation
associated with the file_name WSDL file was not
initialized. The function it provides is not available.
Administrator response: Collect the message and
trace files and contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0014E The following Web Services
Description Language (WSDL) file
cannot be loaded: file_name.
Explanation: An error occurred while loading the
WSDL file.
System action: The Web service port implementation
associated with the file_name WSDL file was not
initialized so the function it provides is not available.
Administrator response: Collect the message and
trace files and contact IBM Customer Support.
Chapter 25. Messages


CTGEM0015E A client program attempted to use a
TCP/IP port that is not secure to invoke
an operation that requires a secure
connection. Use a secure connection
(HTTPS) for this request.
Explanation: A client program attempted to use a
TCP/IP port that is not secure to invoke an operation
that requires a secure connection. This typically
indicates one of the following problems: The client
program is using the wrong port for this request. The
port numbers in the agent configuration file were
modified after the agent was installed. The agent
manager was originally configured to run in non-secure
mode, but has been partially reconfigured for secure
System action: In addition to logging this message in
the agent manager message and trace files, the agent
manager throws an exception to notify the calling
program about the problem.
Administrator response: Collect the message and
trace files and contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0016E The parameter_name parameter cannot
be NULL.
Explanation: A client program specified NULL for the
parameter_name parameter. This parameter must have
a non-NULL value.
System action: In addition to logging this message in
the agent manager message and trace files, the agent
manager throws an exception to notify the calling
program about the problem.
Administrator response: Make sure that the agent
configuration file ( lists the
correct port numbers for each agent manager request
type. If the configuration file is correct, collect the
message and trace files and contact IBM Customer
CTGEM0017E Client authentication is required to
process the request.
Explanation: A client program issued a request to
perform an action that requires authentication, but did
not supply a certificate with the request. This can
indicate that the agent is not correctly configured or
that the program is sending the request to the wrong
TCP/IP port.
System action: In addition to logging this message in
the agent manager message and trace files, the agent
manager throws an exception to notify the calling
program about the problem.
Administrator response: Collect the message and
trace files and contact IBM Customer Support.


CTGEM0018E An internal HTTP or application

server error prevented a request from
being fulfilled.
Explanation: An internal HTTP or application server
error prevented the request from being fulfilled. Look
at the exception information in the agent manager trace
log to determine the problem.
Administrator response: Check the agent manager
message and trace files. If you cannot find a solution to
the problem, contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0019E The agent with the operating system
GUID operating_system_GUID and
component ID component_ID is already
registered, but duplicate registration is
not enabled. The registration is not
Explanation: An agent with the same identification is
already registered, but the agent manager is configured
to prevent duplicate registration. The component ID
component_ID identifies the specific instance of the
agent on a computer system by using the root
configuration directory, or installation directory, of the
System action: In addition to logging this message in
the agent manager message and trace files, the agent
manager throws an exception to notify the calling
program about the problem.
Administrator response: If you want to allow
duplicate registration, change the value of the
Registration.Agent.Reregistration.Policy property in the
agent manager configuration file, To allow a specific agent to
reregister, delete the certificates for that agent from the
registry. If the Registration.Agent.Reregistration.Policy
setting allows reregistration, delete the certificates for
all agents running the same operating system on the
target agent.
CTGEM0020E An agent registration request from
IP_address was rejected because the
password is not correct. The password
that was specified is password.
Explanation: Agent registration was blocked because
the password submitted was incorrect.
Administrator response: Configure the agent to
provide the correct password.
CTGEM0021E The agent manager instance cannot
be retrieved.
Explanation: An error occurred while running the
agent manager getInstance() method to retrieve the
instance of the agent manager with the AgentManager
class. To determine the original point of failure,
examine the trace log file for the series of exception

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

traces related with this failure.
System action: The agent manager is not operational.
Administrator response: Collect the message and
trace files and contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0022E The agent manager cannot connect to
the agent registry.
Explanation: A database error occurred while
connecting to the agent registry.
System action: Information gathered by the agent
manager is not written to the agent registry. However,
the agent manager continues to run.
Administrator response: Verify that the agent registry
database is operational. If it is not running locally,
make sure that you can connect to it from the agent
manager server. If tracing is not turned on, turn it on
and restart the agent manager. If the problem
continues, contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0023E The agent manager cannot store
information about the agent with the
operating system GUID
operating_system_GUID and component
ID component_ID in the agent registry.
Explanation: The agent manager cannot store
information about the specified agent in the agent
registry. This indicates a possible problem with the
database or with the agent manager. The agent
manager or the resource manager that called the agent
manager is not affected by this problem. The
component ID component_ID identifies the specific
instance of the agent on a computer system by using
the root configuration directory, or installation
directory, of the agent.
Administrator response: Verify that the agent registry
database is operational. If it is not running locally,
verify that you can connect to it from the agent
manager server. If tracing is not turned on, turn it on
and restart the agent manager. If the problem
continues, contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0024E The agent manager cannot store
information about the certificate with
the serial number serial_number and
distinguished name (DN)
distinguished_name in the agent registry.
Explanation: The agent manager cannot store
information about a certificate in the agent registry.
This indicates a possible problem with the database or
with the agent manager. The agent manager or the
resource manager that called the agent manager is not
affected by this problem, because it receives the
certificate even though the certificate is not stored in
the registry. The next time the agent or resource
manager contacts the agent manager, the agent

manager authenticates the caller using the certificate

that is presented at that time.
System action: The agent manager logs the exception
in its trace log file. No exception is thrown for the
calling program.
Administrator response: Verify that the agent registry
database is operational. If it is not running locally,
verify that you can connect to it from the agent
manager server. After correcting any database access
problem, turn on agent manager tracing (if it is not
already on), and restart the agent manager. If the
problem continues, contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0025E The client certificate has an
unrecognized format: class_name.
Explanation: The client certificate specified by the
class_name class has an unrecognized format.
Administrator response: Collect the message and
trace files and contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0026E The agent manager cannot store the
information that is provided in a
configuration update into the agent
Explanation: The information in a configuration
update cannot be stored in the agent registry.
Administrator response: Verify that the agent registry
database is operational. If it is not running locally,
make sure that you can connect to it from the agent
manager server. Turn on agent manager tracing (if it is
not already on), and restart the agent manager. If the
problem continues, contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0027E The agent manager cannot load the
root certificate for the certificate
authority that uses the following alias:
Explanation: The agent manager cannot load its root
System action: The certificate authority is not
initialized. Certificate generation and renewal cannot
occur, so registration requests cannot be processed.
Administrator response: Collect the agent manager
and trace files and contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0028E The identification information in the
certificate request is incomplete. Both
the operating system GUID and the
component ID must be specified.
Explanation: An agent or a resource manager
submitted a certificate request that does not contain
complete identification information. The calling

Chapter 25. Messages


program must provide both an operating system GUID
and a component ID.
System action: In addition to logging this message in
the agent manager message and trace files, the agent
manager throws an exception to notify the calling
program about the problem.
Administrator response: This message indicates a
programming problem. Collect the agent manager
message and trace files and contact IBM Customer
Programmer response: Modify the calling program to
provide complete information for the certificate request.
CTGEM0029E A Web service port implementation
with the class specified by class_name
cannot be loaded.
Explanation: An error occurred while loading the Web
service port implementation with the class specified by
System action: The function provided by the specified
Web service port implementation is not available.
Administrator response: Check the WebSphere
application server log and trace files. Look at the log
information that is generated with this error to
determine the name of the exception. The name of the
exception typically indicates the problem. If tracing is
not turned on, turn it on and restart the application
server. If the exception indicates an I/O error
(IOException), try to restart the application server. If
the problem continues, it may indicate a problem with
file system permissions or a disk failure.
Programmer response: For a ClassNotFoundException
exception, make sure that the name of the class is
spelled correctly in the WSDL.Ports.Impl property in
the agent manager configuration file
( If the name of the class is
correct, make sure that the class is in the class path of
the agent manager. If the exception is
ClassCastException, the specified class does not
implement the appropriate interface and is not a valid
Web service port implementation.
CTGEM0030E The agent manager cannot initialize
the authorization validation listener
Explanation: The agent manager cannot initialize the
authorization validation listener
System action: The agent manager continues to run.
However, all resource manager registration requests are
Administrator response: Check the WebSphere
application server log and trace files for more
information. This message is associated with an
additional message (CTGEM0031E, CTGEM0032E, or


CTGEM0033E) that gives more detail about the

CTGEM0031E The initialization of the authorization
validation listener
(AuthorizationValidator) failed because
it could not reference the agent manager
Explanation: The initialization of the authorization
validation listener failed because it cannot reference the
agent manager instance.
System action: The agent manager continues to run.
However, all resource manager registration attempts are
Administrator response: Collect the WebSphere
application server message and trace logs and contact
IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0032E The initialization of the authorization
validation listener
(AuthorizationValidator) failed because
the file_name file does not exist.
Explanation: The initialization of the authorization
validation listener failed because it could not find the
XML configuration file specified by file_name.
System action: The agent manager continues to run.
However, all resource manager registration attempts are
Administrator response: Check the
Registration.Manager.Authorization.Config property in
the agent manager configuration file, Make sure that the file that it
points to, specified by file_name, is in the correct
directory. The location of the file is related to the
directory specified by the property.
When the information in the configuration file is
correct, restart the agent manager. If the problem
continues, contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0033E The initialization of the authorization
validation listener
(AuthorizationValidator) failed because
an error was detected while parsing the
agent manager configuration file,
Explanation: The initialization of the authorization
validation listener failed because an error occurred
while parsing agent manager configuration file,
System action: The agent manager continues to run.
However, all resource manager registration attempts are
Administrator response: This error might be caused
by an error in the configuration file. Verify that the
syntax of the file is correct and then restart the agent

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

manager. If the problem continues, contact IBM
Customer Support.
CTGEM0034W The agent manager cannot write the
agent manager ID to the file_name file.
Explanation: An error occurred while writing the
agent manager ID to the file system.
System action: The agent manager can run even if the
agent manager ID is not saved to the file system. The
next time the agent manager needs to use its ID, it
creates a new one. If the operating system GUID has
not been changed, the new agent manager ID is the
same as the original one. Creating a new agent
manager ID is a problem only when both of the
following conditions are met: The agent manager ID is
changed because an administrator requested a new
GUID. The client program uses the agent manager ID
to verify that it is talking to the same agent manager as
in previous requests, and therefore compares the new
agent manager ID to a saved copy of the original ID.
Administrator response: Make sure that the directory
to which the agent manager ID file was to be written
exists. If the directory exists, verify that the base
directory specified by the property in the
agent manager configuration file
( is correct. If it is, check its
associated permissions, verify that the user running the
agent manager has the necessary authorization to write
to the directory, and restart the agent manager. If the
problem continues, contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0035E An agent registration was rejected
because no agent registration password
is defined for the agent manager.
Explanation: The agent provided an agent registration
password with a request for registration, but the agent
manager is not configured to require an agent
registration password.
System action: The agent manager continues to run.
However, without an agent registration password, all
agent registration attempts are rejected.
Administrator response: Configure the agent to
provide the correct password. Make sure that the
Registration.Agent.Access.Password property in the
agent manager configuration file,, contains the agent
registration password and then restart the agent
manager. If the problem continues, contact IBM
Customer Support.
CTGEM0036E The resource manager with the
component ID resource_manager_ID
cannot register because it did not
specify a manager type.

manager type. The resource manager ID uses the

context URL, or an installation directory, of the resource
manager to uniquely identify the resource manager
System action: In addition to logging this message in
the agent manager message and trace files, the agent
manager throws an exception to notify the calling
program about the problem.
CTGEM0037E The resource manager with the
component ID resource_manager_ID
cannot register because the combination
of the registration ID, password, and
manager type is not correct. The
registration ID is registration_ID. The
password is password. The manager type
is manager_type.
Explanation: A resource manager cannot register
because it provided incorrect authentication or
authorization information. The resource manager ID
uses the context URL, or an installation directory, of the
resource manager to uniquely identify the resource
manager instance.
System action: In addition to logging this message in
the agent manager message and trace files, the agent
manager throws an exception to notify the calling
program about the problem.
CTGEM0043E The agent manager received the
exception exception while attempting to
run the query query with a desired
Detail Level of detail.
Explanation: An error occurred while running a query
against the registry.
System action: No common agents are returned from
a failed query attempt. The caller of the query will not
be able to display or process any results.
Administrator response: Check the WebSphere
application server message and trace files. Look at the
log information that is generated with this error to
determine the name of the exception. The name of the
exception typically indicates the problem. If tracing is
not turned on, turn it on, restart the application server,
and rerun the query. Gather the log files and contact
IBM Customer Support.
Programmer response: A query may consist of SQL
provided by the agent manager itself, or written by a
resource manager using the agent manager. Failing
resource manager queries should be examined to verify
that the generated SQL is valid, by attempting to run
an identical query directly against the database.
Failures which occur when running SQL provided by
the agent manager should be reported to the agent
manager development team.

Explanation: A resource manager registration request

was rejected because the request did not specify the
Chapter 25. Messages


CTGEM0046E Information cannot be loaded from
the agent manager configuration file,
Explanation: An error occurred while loading the
configuration information from the
Administrator response: Make sure that the file is in the
WEB-INF/classes/resources directory of the
AgentManager.war file and that the file is readable.
When the file is available and readable, retry the
operation. If the problem continues, contact IBM
Customer Support.
CTGEM0047E The keystore file for registration
encryption cannot be accessed because
the following exception occurred:
Explanation: The specified exception occurred while
attempting to read the keystore file for registration
encryption. The location of this file is specified by the property in the file The location is relative to the
directory specified by the property in the
same file.
Administrator response: Follow these steps to verify
that the information needed to locate the registration
encryption keystore file is available: Ensure that the
agent manager properties file
( is in the
WEB-INF/classes/resources directory of the
AgentManager.war file and that the file is readable.
Ensure that the directory pointed to by the property in the
file exists and is readable. Ensure that the value of the property in the file points to a readable
registration encryption keystore file. The location of this
file is relative to the directory specified by Ensure that the
file contains an encrypted string for the value of the
Registration.Agent.Access.Password property. When the
files and properties are correct, retry the operation that
failed. If the problem continues, regenerate the
registration encryption keystore file and retry the
operation that failed. Instructions for regenerating the
keystore file are located in the agent manager
documentation. If the problem continues after
regenerating the keystore file, contact IBM Customer
CTGEM0048E The agent registration password
cannot be updated in the agent manager
configuration file
( because the
following exception occurred: exception
Explanation: The specified exception occurred while


attempting to update the agent registration password in

the Registration.Agent.Access.Password property in the file. The password was not
Administrator response: Follow these steps to verify
that the information needed to encrypt and update
passwords is available: Ensure that the agent manager
configuration file ( is in the
WEB-INF/classes/resources directory of the
AgentManager.war file and that the file is readable by
the user who encountered the problem. Ensure that the
directory pointed to by the property in
the file exists and is readable.
Ensure that the value of the
property in the file is the
name of the registration encryption keystore file,
relative to the location. When the files
and properties are correct, retry the operation that
failed. If the problem continues, regenerate the
registration encryption keystore file and retry the
operation that failed. Instructions for regenerating the
keystore file are located in the agent manager
documentation. If the problem continues after
regenerating the keystore file, contact IBM Customer
CTGEM0049E An error occurred while trying to
encrypt the passed value. The exception
is: exception
Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to
encrypt the passed value.
System action: The command-line utility will attempt
to encrypt the value passed according to the previously
saved key and display the encrypted string to the user.
Administrator response: Follow these steps to verify
that the information needed to encrypt and compare
passwords is available: Ensure that the agent manager
configuration file ( is in the
WEB-INF/classes/resources directory of the
AgentManager.war file and that the file is readable by
the current user. Ensure that the directory pointed to by
the property in the file exists and is readable.
Ensure that the value of the
property in the file is the
name of the registration encryption keystore file,
relative to the location, and that the file
is readable. Ensure that the
file contains an encrypted string for the value of the
Registration.Agent.Access.Password property. When the
files and properties are correct, retry the operation that
failed. If the problem continues, regenerate the
registration encryption keystore file and retry the
operation that failed. Instructions for regenerating the
keystore file are located in the agent manager
documentation. If the problem continues after
regenerating the keystore file, contact IBM Customer

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

CTGEM0050E The Authorization.xml file cannot be
upgraded because the following
exception occurred: exception
Explanation: In version 1.1 of the agent manager,
passwords in the Authorization.xml file were saved as
readable, unencrypted text. The current version stores
passwords as encrypted text. When the agent manager
is upgraded from version 1.1, the existing passwords
are encrypted. This message indicates that an exception
occurred while the passwords in the original
Authorization.xml file were being encrypted or
updated in the file. The file is not unchanged.
System action: The upgrade continues. The passwords
in the Authorization.xml file are not encrypted. The
agent manager will not be able to register resource
managers until the passwords in the file are encrypted.
Administrator response: Follow these steps to encrypt
the passwords: Make sure that you have the authority
to write the Authorization.xml file and then open it in a
text editor. To locate Authorization.xml, use the
Registration.Manager.Authorization.Config property in
agent manager configuration file
( The location is related to
the directory specified in the property.
The file is in the
WEB-INF/classes/resources directory of the
AgentManager.war file. Use the EncryptPW command
to encrypt the password for each user in the
Authorization.xml file. The EncryptPW command
writes the encrypted password to standard output.
Copy and paste the output string into the password=
attribute of the <user> element. Save the file. If you
cannot encrypt the passwords using the EncryptPW
command, contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0051E A resource manager user ID cannot
be added to the Authorization.xml file
because the following exception
occurred: exception
Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to
add a resource manager user ID to the
Authorization.xml file.
Administrator response: Follow these steps to verify
that the information needed to locate files and to
encrypt passwords is available: Ensure that the agent
manager configuration file (
is in the WEB-INF/classes/resources directory of the
AgentManager.war file and that the file is readable by
the current user. Ensure that the directory pointed to by
the property in the file exists and is readable by
the current user. Ensure that the value of the property in the file is the name of the
registration encryption keystore file, relative to the location. Ensure that the
Authorization.xml file exists and is readable. The

Registration.Manager.Authorization.Config property in
the file points to the
Authorization.xml file, relative to the
location. When the files and properties are correct, retry
the operation that failed. If the problem continues,
regenerate the registration encryption keystore file and
retry the operation that failed. Instructions for
regenerating the keystore file are located in the agent
manager documentation. If the problem continues after
regenerating the keystore file, contact IBM Customer
CTGEM0052E A resource manager user ID cannot
be removed from the Authorization.xml
file because the following exception
occurred: exception
Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to
remove a resource manager user from the
Authorization.xml file.
Administrator response: Follow these steps to verify
that the information needed to locate files and to
encrypt passwords is available: Ensure that the agent
manager configuration file (
is in the WEB-INF/classes/resources directory of the
AgentManager.war file and that the file is readable by
the current user. Ensure that the directory pointed to by
the property in the file exists and is readable by
the current user. Ensure that the value of the property in the file is the name of the
registration encryption keystore file, relative to the location. Ensure that the
Authorization.xml file exists and is readable. The
Registration.Manager.Authorization.Config property in
the file points to the
Authorization.xml file, relative to the
location. When the files and properties are correct, retry
the operation that failed. If the problem continues,
contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0053E The UpdatePW program encountered
an error while performing the command
command. The exception was exception.
Explanation: UpdatePW is a Java application that
provides functions made available to users by the
EncryptPW, EncryptAMProps, AuthXMLAddUser,
AuthXMLRemoveUser and AuthXMLRemoveAuthType
commands. UpdatePW should be invoked only by one
of those commands. This message indicates that the
specified exception occurred while running the
UpdatePW program. The variable command identifies
the function that UpdatePW was attempting to
perform. It is possible to get a null pointer exception
that specifies the command null.
Administrator response: Follow these steps to verify
that the information needed to locate files and encrypt
passwords is available: Ensure that the agent manager
Chapter 25. Messages


configuration file ( is in the
WEB-INF/classes/resources directory of the
AgentManager.war file and that the file is readable by
the current user. Ensure that the directory pointed to by
the property in the file exists and is readable.
Ensure that the value of the
property in the file is the
name of the registration encryption keystore file,
relative to the location. Ensure that the
file is readable. Ensure that the file contains an encrypted
string for the value of the
Registration.Agent.Access.Password property. Ensure
that the Registration.Manager.Authorization.Config
property specifies the Authorization.xml file and that
the current user can read this file. It is possible to use a
different file name, so check the contents of the file
pointed to by this property. When the files and
properties are correct, retry the operation that failed. If
the problem continues, regenerate the registration
encryption keystore file and retry the operation that
failed. Instructions for regenerating the keystore file are
located in the agent manager documentation. If the
problem continues after regenerating the keystore file,
contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0054E The UpdatePW program received
incorrect input arguments.
Explanation: UpdatePW is the Java application that
provides the functions made available to users by the
EncryptPW, EncryptAMProps, AuthXMLAddUser,
AuthXMLRemoveUser and AuthXMLRemoveAuthType
commands. UpdatePW should be invoked only by one
of those commands. This error might indicate that an
unauthorized program called the UpdatePW program
or that there is a programming error in one of the
authorized commands.
Administrator response: If there is an error in the
authorized commands, contact IBM Customer Support.
If UpdatePW was called by an unauthorized program,
change the unauthorized program to use one of the
authorized commands. The purpose and syntax of the
authorized commands is as follows: EncryptPW
password Encrypts password and writes the resulting
string to standard output. This allows you to either
verify or manually update an encrypted password.
EncryptAMProps password Changes the value of the
Registration.Agent.Access.Password parameter in the
agent manager configuration file
( with the encrypted form of
the specified password. AuthXMLAddUser user_ID
password type_name [type_name ...] Creates a resource
manager user ID in the Authorization.xml file, sets its
password to the encrypted form of the password
specified, and adds the user to the user list (userList=)
of the specified authorization types. If the user is listed
in the userList attribute of any of the <authType>
elements that were not listed in the command, it is


removed. When the userList of an authType is empty,

the authType is deleted. AuthXMLRemoveUser user_ID
Removes the user identified by user_ID from the
Authorization.xml file. When the last user is removed
from a userList attribute of an authorization type
(authType), that authType element is removed.
AuthXMLRemoveAuthType type_name Removes the
authorization type identified by type_name from the
Authorization.xml file.
CTGEM0055E The EncryptPW command received
incorrect input arguments. This
command takes a single argument,
which is the string you want to encrypt.
CTGEM0056E The EncryptAMProps command
received incorrect input arguments. This
command takes a single argument,
which is the unencrypted password to
be used for agent registration.
CTGEM0057E The AuthXMLAddUser command
received incorrect input arguments. This
command takes the following positional
arguments: the resource manager ID that
you want to add, the unencrypted
password to be used for that ID, and
one or more authorization types which
the user will be allowed to access. All
arguments are separated by one or more
space characters.
CTGEM0058E The AuthXMLRemoveUser command
received incorrect input arguments. This
command takes a single argument,
which is the ID of the resource manager
user ID that you want to remove.
CTGEM0059E An error occurred while attempting to
retrieve the key used to encrypt resource
manager passwords. The exception is:
Explanation: The specified exception appeared while
trying to retrieve the previously saved encryption key
that is used during registration. Existing resource
manager passwords cannot be validated and new
resource manager passwords cannot be created.
Administrator response: Follow these steps to verify
that the information needed to encrypt and compare
passwords is available: Ensure that the agent manager
configuration file ( is in the
WEB-INF/classes/resources directory of the
AgentManager.war file and that the file is readable by
the current user. Ensure that the directory pointed to by
the property in the file exists and is readable.
Ensure that the value of the

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

property in the file is the
name of the registration encryption keystore file,
relative to the location. When the files
and properties are correct, retry the operation that
failed. If the problem continues, regenerate the
registration encryption keystore file and retry the
operation that failed. Instructions for regenerating the
keystore file are located in the agent manager
documentation. If the problem continues after
regenerating the keystore file, contact IBM Customer
CTGEM0060E An error occurred while attempting to
encrypt the resource manager
registration password. The exception is:
Explanation: The specified exception was caught
while trying to encrypt the resource manager password
so that it can be compared to the previously saved
encrypted password. The resource manager registration
password cannot be validated, so the operation that
requires password validation cannot take place.
Administrator response: Follow these steps to verify
that the information needed to encrypt and compare
passwords is available: Ensure that the agent manager
configuration file ( is in the
WEB-INF/classes/resources directory of the
AgentManager.war file and that the file is readable by
the current user. Ensure that the directory pointed to by
the property in the file exists and is readable.
Ensure that the value of the
property in the file is the
name of the registration encryption keystore file,
relative to the location. When the files
and properties are correct, retry the operation that
failed. If the problem continues, regenerate the
registration encryption keystore file and retry the
operation that failed. Instructions for regenerating the
keystore file are located in the agent manager
documentation. If the problem continues after
regenerating the keystore file, contact IBM Customer
CTGEM0061E An error occurred while attempting to
encrypt the agent registration password.
The exception is: exception
Explanation: The specified exception appeared while
encrypting the agent registration password, so that it
could be compared to the previously saved encrypted
password. The agent registration password cannot be
validated, so the operation that required password
validation cannot take place.
Administrator response: Follow these steps to verify
that the information needed to encrypt and compare
passwords is available: Ensure that the agent manager
configuration file ( is in the
WEB-INF/classes/resources directory of the

AgentManager.war file and that the file is readable.

Ensure that the directory pointed to by the property in the
file exists and is readable. Ensure that the value of the property in the file is the name of the
registration encryption keystore file, relative to the location. When the files and properties
are correct, retry the operation that failed. If the
problem continues, regenerate the registration
encryption keystore file and retry the operation that
failed. Instructions for regenerating the keystore file are
located in the agent manager documentation. If the
problem continues after regenerating the keystore file,
contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0062E The AuthXMLRemoveAuthType
command received incorrect input
arguments. This command takes a single
argument, which is the ID of the
resource manager user that you want to
CTGEM0063E A resource manager authorization
type cannot be removed from the
Authorization.xml file because the
following exception occurred: exception
Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to
remove a resource manager authorization type from the
Authorization.xml file.
Administrator response: Follow these steps to verify
that the information needed to locate files and to
encrypt passwords is available: Ensure that the agent
manager configuration file (
is in the WEB-INF/classes/resources directory of the
AgentManager.war file and that the file is readable by
the current user. Ensure that the directory pointed to by
the property in the file exists and is readable by
the current user. Ensure that the value of the property in the file is the name of the
registration encryption keystore file, relative to the location. Ensure that the
Authorization.xml file exists and is readable. The
Registration.Manager.Authorization.Config property in
the file points to the
Authorization.xml file, relative to the
location. When the files and properties are correct, retry
the operation that failed. If the problem continues,
contact IBM Customer Support.

Exception: class errorMessage

Explanation: Unexpected exception was thrown.

Administrator response: Review the log files for
information. Contact IBM Customer Support.

Chapter 25. Messages



Invalid operation.

Explanation: Invalid operation name was provided to

be invoked.
Administrator response: Review the log files for
information. Contact IBM Customer Support.

Administrator response: Review the log files for

The port number is not valid.

Explanation: The operation could not proceed as the

provided port number is not valid.
Administrator response: Review the log files for
CTGEM0071E The common agent was not
Explanation: An error occured while generating new
Administrator response: The encryption algorithm
that was used to generate new certificates was not
correct. Contact IBM Customer Support.

No certificates were generated.

Explanation: No certificates were generated during

the install process.
Administrator response: Contact IBM Customer

A client already exists on host hostId

Explanation: An error occured while the common

agent installation process.
Administrator response: Change the port number
during installation of the common agent in order to
allow the installation process to proceed. If it does not
fix the problem, contact IBM Customer Support.

Explanation: An error occurred while loading the

properties file.
Administrator response: Check msgBackup.log and
traceBackup.log files to get the error details.

The host name is null.

Explanation: The operation could not proceed as the

provided host name is null.


CTGEM0201E The following properties file cannot

be loaded: file_name .

The file was not found: file_name .

Explanation: The properties file specified by file_name

was not found.
Administrator response: Save msgBackup.log and
traceBackup.log files and contact IBM Customer

CTGEM0202E The specified command command

cannot be executed.
Explanation: An error occurred while executing the
Administrator response: Check msgBackup.log and
traceBackup.log files to get the error details.
CTGEM0203E The output of the command command
cannot be read.
Explanation: An error occurred while reading the
standard output of the command command .
Administrator response: Check msgBackup.log and
traceBackup.log files to get the error details.
CTGEM0204E A SAX exception message occured
while parsing the file fileName .
Explanation: An error occurred while parsing the file
fileName .
Administrator response: Check msgBackup.log and
traceBackup.log files to get the error details.
CTGEM0205E There is no default node in the file
fileName .
Explanation: The specified node could not be found in
the container configuration.
Administrator response: Check msgBackup.log and
traceBackup.log files to get the error details.

The fileName file cannot be read.

Explanation: An error occurred while reading the file

fileName .
Administrator response: Make sure the required file
exists and the user has proper permissions to read it.
Check msgBackup.log and traceBackup.log files to get
the error details.
CTGEM0208E Writing the backup information in
backupFile file is not allowed.
Explanation: The path defined as a backup file
already exists and is not a regular file.
User response: Make sure that permissions to the
specified file allow the application to write to it. Make
sure that the disk is not full. Make sure that the path


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

provided as a backup file is not a directory.
CTGEM0213E The temporary directory for the
database data export could not be
created in the following path tmpPath
Explanation: The required directory already exists or
the user does not have proper permissions to create it.

CTGEM0301E The system attempted to write the

result of the backup adaptation, but the
file fileName could not be written.
Explanation: The transformation file could not be

User response: Make sure that the user has been

granted the proper permissions to create the required

User response: Make sure that permissions to the

specified file allow the application to write to it. Make
sure that the disk is not full. Make sure that the path
provided as the adaptation result path is an existing

CTGEM0217E The backup file backupPackFile could

not be written.

CTGEM0302E The backup pack was not found at

the location backupPackPath.

Explanation: The tool could not write the specified

backup file.

Explanation: The backup pack to be adapted was not


User response: Check msgBackup.log and

traceBackup.log files to get the error details.

User response: Make sure that the specified file exists

and the user has been granted read permissions.

CTGEM0218E Database user or password was not


CTGEM0303E The backup configuration file, which

is the part of the backup pack, has
icorrect format and could not be parsed.

Explanation: Database credentials must be provided

when trying to connect to the common agent registry.
User response: Provide the proper database
CTGEM0219E The agent manager configuration
could not be scanned.
Explanation: An error occurred while trying to read
the system configuration.

Explanation: The backup configuration file is not a

valid XML file.
User response: Save configuration-backup.xml
included in the backup pack and contact IBM Customer
CTGEM0307E The backup pack is not a proper zip

User response: Check msgBackup.log and

traceBackup.log files to get the error details.

Explanation: The agent manager backup tool uses the

zip format for compressing the backup pack. The file
provided is not a proper zip file.

CTGEM0221E This tool is for local use only. It must

be invoked on the machine where the
agent manager is running.

User response: If the agent manager for which the

backup pack was created is still in use, create another
backup pack and run the adapter tool once again with
the new backup pack.

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to read

the system configuration.
User response: Check msgBackup.log and
traceBackup.log files to get the error details.
CTGEM0300E The backup configuration could not
be transformed.
Explanation: The adapter tool could not transform the
backup configuration.
User response: Save msgBackupAdapter.log and
traceBackupAdapter.log files and contact IBM Customer

CTGEM0308E The backup pack file backupPackFile

could not be read.
Explanation: The backup pack stored as a directory is
not proper.
User response: If the agent manager for which the
backup pack was created is still in use, create another
backup pack and run the adapter tool that uses it. If
the problem persists, compress the backup pack
directory, save it and contact IBM Customer Support.

An error occurred during processing.

Explanation: When the error occurs during the

database export or import, the log file includes the
error details.

Chapter 25. Messages


User response: Save the log file and contact the IBM
Customer Support.
CTGEM0501E An exception occured while installing
the AgentRegistry database.
Explanation: It is a general exception that appears in
case of any unrecognized runtime problems.
Administrator response: Review the runtime log to
find the reason of this problem.
CTGEM0502E The SQL exception occured while
installing the AgentRegistry database.
Explanation: The SQL exception appeared while
invoking the SQL command.
Administrator response: Review the runtime log to
find the reason of this problem.
CTGEM0504W The database configuration
operation not supported.
CTGEM0505W Creating the common agent services
constraints operation not supported.
CTGEM0506W Creating the relation registry
constraints operation not supported.
CTGEM0511E An error occured while creating the
database db_name.
Explanation: The problem appeared while creating a
database object.
Administrator response: Review the runtime log to
find the reason of this problem.
CTGEM0516E An error occured while creating the
relational registry schema.
Explanation: The problem appeared while creating the
relational registry schema.
Administrator response: Review the runtime log to
find the reason of this problem.
CTGEM0520E An error occured while creating the
common agent services schema.
Explanation: The problem appeared while creating the
common agent services schema.
Administrator response: Review the runtime log to
find the reason of this problem.

CTGEM0523E An error occured while importing the

Explanation: The problem appeared while loading the
data into the schema. It could have been caused by the
data inconsistence or breaking the database constraints.
Administrator response: Review the runtime log to
find the reason of this problem.
CTGEM0526E An error occured while establishing
the connection to the database db_name.
Explanation: The problem appeared while establishing
the connection to a specified database. It could have
been caused by the incorrect host name, port number,
database name or user credentials.
Administrator response: Review the runtime log to
verify the correctness of a connection string. Verify the
host name, port number, database name, user
credentials. Check if the routing exists (firewall issues)
and if the database listner is active.
CTGEM0530E An error occured while creating the
relational registry constraints.
Explanation: The problem appeared while creating
relational registry constraints.
Administrator response: Review the runtime log to
find the reason of this problem.
CTGEM0534E An error occured while creating the
common agent services constraints.
Explanation: The problem appeared while creating
common agent services constraints.
Administrator response: Review the runtime log to
find the reason of this problem
CTGEM0538E An error occured while adding the
AGNT_FIXPACK_NUM column to the
CDB.AGENT table.
Explanation: The problem appeared while adding the
Administrator response: Review the runtime log to
find the reason of this problem. It could have been
caused by the fact that the CDB.AGENT table is
missing or that the AGNT_FIXPACK_NUM column
already exists.
CTGEM0542E An error occured while creating an
index on the X509_CERT table with
Explanation: The problem appeared while creating the


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Administrator response: Review the runtime log to
find the reason of this problem. It could have been
caused by the fact that the X509_CERT table is missing
or that the CERT_EXPIRATION_DT index already
CTGEM0546E An error occured while creating the
column column_name on the table
Explanation: The problem appeared while creating the
column on a specified table.
Administrator response: Review the runtime log to
find the reason of this problem. It could have been
caused by the fact that the table is missing or that the
column already exists.
CTGEM0550E An error occurred while creating the
columns IB_FIXPACK_NUM and

CTGEM0562E An error occurred while creating

database table database_table_name .
Explanation: The datastore installer is unable to create
a new table.
System action: Verify the database structure and
CTGEM0566E The execution of the custom SQL file
file_name failed.
Explanation: The problem occured while executing the
custom SQL file.
Administrator response: Review the custom SQL file
and the runtime log to find the reason of the problem.

Failed to schedule relocation job.

Explanation: The datastore installer is unable to

schedule jobs that will change the agent's configuration.
System action: Verify the database structure and

Explanation: The problem appeared while creating the

columns IB_FIXPACK_NUM and


Administrator response: Review the runtime log to

find the reason of this problem. It could have been
caused by the fact that the INSTALLED_BUNDLE table
is missing or that the columns IB_FIXPACK_NUM and
IB_SYMBOLIC_NAME already exist.

Administrator response: Review the runtime log file

to find the reason of the problem.

CTGEM0554E An error occurred while creating the


CTGEM0577E The following SQL exception

occured: SQLException.

Explanation: The problem appeared while creating the


Explanation: This is a general message for the SQL


Administrator response: Review the runtime log to

find the reason of this problem. It could have been
caused by the fact that the table

Administrator response: Review the runtime log file

to find the reason of the problem.


could not be changed to DEFAULT
Explanation: The problem occured while changing the
constraint on the AGENT.AGNT_FIXPACK_NUM
Administrator response: Review the runtime log to
find the reason of this problem.

Constraints and indexes drop failed.

Explanation: The problem occured while dropping

constraints and indexes.

CTGEM0576W The following SQL exception

occured: SQLException.


column to the X509_CERT and
X509_REVOKED_CERT tables failed.
CTGEM0584W Updating the CA_INSTANCE_ID
column failed.
CTGEM0602E The client certificate has an
unrecognized format: property_name
Explanation: An error occured as the client certificate
has an unrecognized format.
Administrator response: Review the log files for

Chapter 25. Messages


CTGEM0603E Error: Could not get connection using
DataSource datasource
Explanation: An error occured while attempting to get
the database connection using the specified datasource.
Administrator response: Review the log files
CTGEM0604E Error: An exception occurred while
attempting to retrieve the connection
Explanation: An error occured while attempting to
retrieve the database connection.
Administrator response: Review the log files for
CTGEM0605E Error: The database type dbType is not
supported for the driverNumber type
Explanation: An error occured to get the database
connection using the specified database type driver.
Administrator response: Review the log files for
CTGEM0606E Error: Could not get the connection to
dbType database at class (dbClass) using
the URL (dbUrl). Verify the host name,
port number and database name;
Explanation: An error occured while attempting to get
the database connection.
Administrator response: Review the log files for
CTGEM0801W The status delta descriptor
determines that the following part of
data part_of_data should be updated, but
it is missing. The update of this part of
data will be skipped.
CTGEM0804E An error occurred while querying the
product list: exception_message
Explanation: An agent manager could not retrieve the
list of registered products.
Administrator response: Check if the database is
running and if the connection to the database host can
be established. If the problem keeps recurring contact
IBM Customer Support.

CTGEM0805E An error occured while obtaining the

list: exception_message
CTGEM0806E An error occurred while unregistering
the following product: exception_message
Explanation: The agent manager could not unregister
the specified product.
Administrator response: Check if the database is
running and if the connection to the database host can
be established. If the problem keeps recurring contact
IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0808E An error occurred while revoking
certificates: exception_message
CTGEM0809W The following database entry is
missing: entry_type identified by entry_id.
CTGEM0810E The following database entry is
missing: entry_type identified by entry_id.
Explanation: The agent manager could not update the
specified data since they were not found in the
Administrator response: If the problem keeps
recurring contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0812E An exception occured while storing
the database entry entry_type identified
by entry_id.
Explanation: The agent manager could not modify the
data stored in the database.
Administrator response: Check if the database is
running and if the connection to the database host can
be established. If the problem keeps recurring contact
IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0813E The agent manager ssl password
could not be retrieved from the agent
manager database.
Explanation: The agent manager could not read the
agent manager password from the database.
Administrator response: Check if the database is
running and if the connection to the database host can
be established. If the problem keeps recurring contact
IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0815E The toolkit registration failed. The
given password does not match the
agent manager ssl password retrieved
from the database.
Explanation: The specified toolkit registration
password is invalid.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Administrator response: Run the registration process
with the proper toolkit registration password.
CTGEM0816E The authentication type cannot
reserve the value: auth_value
Explanation: It was not possible to add the user with
the reserved authorization type.
Administrator response: Do not use the reserved
authorization type when registering users. Change the
authorization type and run the process again.
CTGEM0819E An error occurred while running the
notification engine. The error message is
Explanation: The notification engine encountered an
error while trying to notify common agents about their
Administrator response: See the agent manager logs
for the error details and contact IBM Customer Support
if necessary.
CTGEM0820E An exception occured while quering
for agents.
Explanation: The process of retrieving agents from the
agent manager database failed.
Administrator response: See the agent manager logs
for the error details and contact IBM Customer Support
if necessary.
CTGEM0821E An exception occured during the
database connection or the certificates
Explanation: Some operations on the agent manager
database failed during the uninstallation or agents
removal or the certificates revocation process.
Administrator response: See the agent manager logs
for the error details and contact IBM Customer Support
if necessary.
CTGEM0822E The response file URL parameter
must come with the installation image
location URL parameter.
Explanation: If you provide the file URL response,
you also have to provide the installation image location
Administrator response: Provide the proper set of

CTGEM1002E Servlet servlet_name could not be

Explanation: While the servlet is initializing, some
external initializers are run. It is likely that a critical
problem has occurred in one of them.
User response: Review the container logs to find the
reason for the problem with the controller initialization.
CTGEM1004W There is no service registered with
the URI request_uri
CTGEM1006E Access to service service_uri
forbidden. It has been blocked by
security handler security_handler_name
Explanation: The requester does not have the proper
security certificate to access this service.
System action: The system blocked the access to this
CTGEM1010E A problem occured while handling
the request service_uri with the request
handler request_handler_name. The
exception class: exception_class , message:
Explanation: The request handler indicated an internal
User response: Review the container logs to find the
reason of the problem.

The service URI is missing.

CTGEM1013W Missing identifier for the service

with the URI service_uri
CTGEM1016E Class service_configurator_class_name is
Explanation: The container classpath does not contain
a configurator class.
Administrator response: Review container classpath
CTGEM1017E An exception occurred when
instantiating class
Explanation: There was a problem with class
Administrator response: Review the container trace
log to find the reason for this problem

Chapter 25. Messages


CTGEM1018E Access to class
service_configurator_class_name is illegal.
Explanation: The instantiated class does not contain
the proper constructor.
Administrator response: Review instantiated class
CTGEM1019E A problem has occured when
initializing security handler
Explanation: The instantiated class does not contain
the proper constructor.
Administrator response: Review instantiated class
CTGEM1023E The operation operation_name could
not be found.
Explanation: There is no operation registered under
the specified name.
Administrator response: Review the container logs to
check if the operation was spelled correctly or if there
are no internal problems with registering operation.
CTGEM1024E The following exception occured:
exception_class_name. The exception
message is: exception_message.
Explanation: It is a general exception that occurs in
case of any unregognized runtime problem.
Administrator response: Review the container trace
log to find the reason of this problem.
CTGEM1057E DataSource object not found under
JNDI name jndi_name
Explanation: There is no JDBC DataSource object
registered in the local JNDI directory with the specified
JNDI name.
User response: Review your JDBC provider settings in
the container configuration
CTGEM1203E The notification engine could not run
the notification task for the common
agent identified by agent id because of
the following error: error message.
Explanation: The notification engine could not run a
worker thread responsible for the common agent
Administrator response: If the tracing mechanism is
enabled, save the proper trace file and contact IBM
Customer Support.


CTGEM1205E The notification engine task thread

name could not notify the common agent
identified by agent id because the
following error occurred: error message.
Explanation: The notification engine failed to notify
the common agent.
Administrator response: If the tracing mechanism is
enabled, save the proper trace file and contact IBM
Customer Support.
CTGEM1208W The notification engine task thread
name could not establish a network
connection to the common agent
identified by agent id using the IP
address IP address and port TCP/IP port.
Explanation: One of the reasons why the engine could
not establish a network connection is a change in the
common agent IP address or port.
Administrator response: If the common agent is not
uninstalled, make sure it is running. Force it to send its
status to the agent manager, so the endpoint connection
details will be refreshed. Run the notification engine
once again.
CTGEM1209E The notification engine task thread
name has connected to another common
agent identified by agent id using the IP
address IP address and port TCP/IP port.
The the following parameters: operating
system id os GUID, installation directory
agent installation directory of the common
agent obtained directly from the
common agent are different from those
obtained from the agent manager:
operating system id os GUID,installation
directory agent installation directory.
Explanation: One of the reasons the paramteres do not
match is a change in the common agent IP address. The
notification engine is connected to an improper
common agent. Another reason is that there are two
common agents that report the same IP addresses and
ports, but they are located in different networks and
the connection can only be established to one of them.
Administrator response: Make sure the common
agent the tool tried to contact is running. Force it to
send its current status to the agent manager to refresh
the endpoint IP addresses. If the problem persists, run
the notification engine on the host in the same network
as the common agent.
CTGEM1213E The notification engine task thread
name could not establish a connection to
the common agent identified by agent id
because of the following error: error

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Explanation: The notification engine could not
establish a network connection to the specified common
agent because a fatal error occurred.
Administrator response: If the tracing mechanism is
enabled, save the proper trace file and contact IBM
Customer Support.
CTGEM1214E The notification engine task thread
name could not establish a connection to
the common agent identified by agent id
using all its known IP addresses and
Explanation: The notification engine could not
establish a network connection to the specified common
agent using the TCP/IP addresses and port reported by
the common agent.
Administrator response: Check if the common agent
is running and if it is possible to establish a connection
between the notification engine and common agent
hosts using TCP/IP ports reported by the common
CTGEM1216E The notification engine task thread
name could not find a job executor for
the job with id job id and type job type
for the common agent identified by
agent id and version
Explanation: The notification engine could not find a
proper job executor.
Programmer response: Make sure the proper job
executor for the job type and the common agent
version is registered within JobExecutorRegistry.
CTGEM1217E The notification engine task thread
name could not execute the job with id
job id on the common agent identified
by agent id because of the following
error: error message.
Explanation: An error occurred while executing the
job on the common agent.
Administrator response: If the tracing mechanism is
enabled, save the proper trace file and contact IBM
Customer Support.
CTGEM1218E The notification engine task thread
name could not set job statuses to
FINISHED for the common agent
identified by agent id because of the
following error: error message.
Explanation: Although the execution of some jobs
succeeded, their status cannot be updated. These jobs
will be executed until the status update succeeds.
Administrator response: If the engine is run from a

stand-alone tool, check if the agent manager is running

and a network connection to the agent manager host
can be established. If the tracing mechanism is enabled,
save the proper trace file and contact IBM Customer
CTGEM2000E The agent manager cannot find the
requested message. The message key is
message_key . The message bundle is
message_bundle .
Explanation: The agent manager attempted to log the
message identified by message key message_key , but
the message is not in the message bundle. Probable
causes for this problem are: The message bundle file,
message_bundle , does not exist. The message bundle
was found but does not contain the specified message
key. The message bundle is in the wrong directory.
Administrator response: Collect the message and
trace files and contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM2001E The GetAMInfo command
encountered an error while accessing the
version information for application_name .
Explanation: The GetAMInfo command cannot read
the version information for the application_name
application because of an unspecified error. The
variable application_name specifies one of the
following applications: AgentManager: The agent
manager application. AgentRecoveryService: The agent
recovery service. This message is displayed when
GetAMInfo encounters an error that is not covered by
messages CTGEM2121E or CTGEM2122E. Possible
causes for this error are that the application is not
installed, the version information file has been deleted,
or the user does not have permission to access the
version information file.
Administrator response: Use the WebSphere
Administrative Console to verify that the
application_name application is installed and is
readable. If the application is installed, verify that the
version information file exists and that the user has
permission to read the file. The file is located in the
following directory: installedApps/ node /
application_name .ear/ application_name
.war/WEB-INF The name of the version information
file for the agent manager application is CTGEMAM
vvrrmm .sys, where vvrrmm is the version information.
The name of the file for the agent recovery service
application is CTGEMREC vvrrmm .sys.
CTGEM2002E The version information file for the
application_name application was not
Explanation: The GetAMInfo command cannot locate
the version information file for the application_name
application. The variable application_name specifies
one of the following applications: AgentManager: The
Chapter 25. Messages


agent manager application. AgentRecoveryService: The
agent recovery service. Possible causes for this error are
that the application is not installed or that the version
information file has been deleted.
Administrator response: Use the WebSphere
Administrative Console to verify that the application
named application_name is installed. If the application
is installed, verify that the version information file
exists and that the user has permission to read the file.
The file is located in the following directory:
installedApps/ node / application_name .ear/
application_name .war/WEB-INF The name of the
version information file for the agent manager
application is CTGEMAM vvrrmm .sys, where vvrrmm
is the version information. The name of the file for the
agent recovery service application is CTGEMREC
vvrrmm .sys.
CTGEM2003E An error occurred while trying to
read the version information file for the
application_name .
Explanation: An IOException was caught while trying
to read the version information file for
application_name . The variable application_name
specifies one of the following applications:
AgentManager: The agent manager application.
AgentRecoveryService: The agent recovery service.
Administrator response: Use the WebSphere
Administrative Console to verify that the application
named application_name is installed. If the application
is installed, verify that the version information file
exists and that the user has permission to read the file.
The file is located in the following directory:
installedApps/ node / application_name .ear/
application_name .war/WEB-INF The name of the
version information file for the agent manager
application is CTGEMAM vvrrmm .sys, where vvrrmm
is the version information. The name of the file for the
agent recovery service application is CTGEMREC
vvrrmm .sys. If the file exists and the user has
permission to read the file, retry the GetAMInfo
command again. If the problem persists, either the file
system or the version information file is damaged. If
possible, locate the version information file and contact
IBM Customer Support.

CTGEM2007E Instantiation exception. The classname

tool cannot be created.
Explanation: This error occurred during the
instantiation of the class provided as a command line
System action: The constructor of the provided class
is not accessible.
CTGEM2008E Illegal access exception. The classname
tool cannot be created.
Explanation: The instantiation of the class has failed
during the attempt to reflectively create an instance
(other than an array), set or get a field, or invoke a
method. The currently executed method does not have
an access to the definition of the specified class, field,
method or constructor.
System action: During the instantation of the class the
definitions of the specified class, field, method or
constructor are not available.
CTGEM2009E The class classname was not found.
Make sure the class path contains the
appropriate location.
Explanation: The class could not be loaded by calling
its string.
System action: An error ocurred while loading the
CTGEM2010E A class cast exception. The launched
class must be the CommandLineToolClass
Explanation: The provided class is not the subclass of
System action: The provided class must be the
subclass of the
CTGEM2011E The command line tool cannot be
created. No class name has been

CTGEM2006E The HTTP headers are longer than

the maximum header length of length .

Explanation: During the execution of the command

line tool the class parameter was not provided.

Explanation: The SOAP requests were sent to the

common agent via HTTP. The common agent received
a request in which the length of the HTTP header
exceeds the specified maximum allowable value.

System action: The command line tool cannot be

created. No class name has been provided.

System action: The common agent ignored the request

because it is not valid, and closed the socket on which
it was received. Then, the common agent returned to
listen for new incoming requests.
Administrator response: Contact customer support.


CTGEM2012E The command line cannot be parsed

because of the unknown argument:
currentArgument .
Explanation: The command line arguments could not
be parsed, because the unknown argument was

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

System action: The command line arguments could
not be parsed, because the unknown argument was
CTGEM2013E The parameter value currentArgument
cannot be converted to the declared type
currentType .
Explanation: The command argument could not be
converted to the declared type of this argument during
System action: The command argument could not be
converted to the declared type of this argument during

The command execution has failed.

Explanation: The command failed due to incorrect

parameters or the command line tool could not be
System action: The execution of the command has
failed due to incorrect parameters.
Administrator response: Check the parameters
provided with the command and execute the command


Unable to create the KeyFactory.

Explanation: The KeyFactory could not be created

because the algorithm was not recognized.
System action: The KeyFactory could not be created
using RSA or Digital Signature Algorithm algorithms,
because they were not recognized.
CTGEM2032E The value for the parameter
parameter_name specified in the
command line is not set.
Explanation: The parameter name was provided, but
there is no parameter value.
System action: The value of the parameter was not
provided during the execution of the command.
CTGEM2033E The RuntimeException error_message
occurred while executing a task in the
work queue.
Explanation: During the execution of the
asynchronous task, a runtime exception was thrown.
System action: During the execution of the
asynchronous test using the thread pool, the task threw
a runtime exception.

CTGEM2015E The mandatory parameter

parameterName is not set.


Explanation: The mandatory parameter was not set

during the execution of the command.

Explanation: An error occured as not supported locale

was passed.

System action: The execution of the command has

failed because the mandatory parameter was not set.

System action: An exception was thrown as not

supported locale was passed.

Administrator response: Check the parameters

provided with the command and execute the command

CTGEM2036E Unable to read the specified property


CTGEM2016E The configuration cannot be

populated with the parsed parameter
Explanation: The configuration could not be
populated with parameter values.
System action: An exception was thrown during
populating the configuration provided with the
CTGEM2028E Parsing URL url port error: error
Explanation: The provided URL is corrupt due to the
port parsing problems.
System action: The port value is not an integer value.

Unknown locale.

Explanation: An error occured as the specified file

does not exist, cannot be read, or it is a directory.
System action: An exception was thrown while
reading the property file.

Unknown type.

Explanation: An error occured because the passed

class is not valid.
System action: An exception was thrown because an
invalid class was specified.
CTGEM2102E The WebSphere configuration script
script_name completed with the
following error: error.
Explanation: The WebSphere configuration script
script_name completed but returned the error identified
by error. This can indicate a programming error.
Administrator response: Save the message and trace
Chapter 25. Messages


files (msg_EPM_Install.log and trace_EPM_Install.log),
and contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM2103E The required property property is
Explanation: The property property is required but
was not supplied. To find out which script failed, see
the text of the message with the following ID:
Administrator response: Save the message and trace
files (msg_EPM_Install.log and trace_EPM_Install.log),
and contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM2104E The action specified by the action
argument is not accepted by this script.
The action must be either action_1 or
Explanation: The command-line argument action is
not accepted by this script. To find out which script
failed, see the text of the message with the following
Administrator response: Save the message and trace
files (msg_EPM_Install.log and trace_EPM_Install.log),
and then contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM2105E The installation program cannot get
the ID for the object specified by the
search string search_string.
Explanation: The internal identifier for the WebSphere
configuration object specified by the search string
search_string was not found. This typically happens
when you provide incorrect input to the installation
program (for example, if you misspell the name of the
WebSphere cell).
Administrator response: Start the installation again,
providing the correct data in all input fields.
CTGEM2110E The installation program cannot load
the resource bundle resource_bundle for
the current locale, current_locale.
Explanation: The installation program cannot locate
the resource bundle resource_bundle in the current
locale, current_locale. This indicates a problem in the
files used by the installation program. This error does
not occur if you start the installation in a locale that is
not supported by the agent manager component. In
that situation, the installation uses the resource bundle
for the default locale.
Administrator response: If possible, obtain a new
copy of the installation media and start the installation
again. If you get the same message again, save the
message and trace files (msg_EPM_Install.log and
trace_EPM_Install.log), and contact IBM Customer


Programmer response: This error can be caused by

one of the following problems: The install.jar file is not
in the correct directory. The -wsadmin_classpath
parameter does not point to the location of the
install.jar file. Make sure that the installation image
contains the jar file in the correct directory, and that the
program passes the correct value for the
-wsadmin_classpath parameter.
CTGEM2113E A WebSphere configuration script
cannot complete because the properties
file properties_file_name was not found.
Explanation: The installation program creates the
properties file to pass configuration information to the
scripts that configure the agent manager in WebSphere
Application Server. Because the configuration script
cannot locate the properties file, the configuration
cannot be performed and the agent manager
installation cannot complete. To find out which script
failed, read the text of the message CTGEM2100I.
Administrator response: This message typically
indicates a problem in the installation program. Save
the message and trace files (msg_EPM_Install.log and
trace_EPM_Install.log), and contact IBM Customer
CTGEM2114E A WebSphere configuration script
cannot complete because it cannot read
the installation properties file
properties_file_name. The error
information is: error_information
Explanation: The installation program creates the
properties file to pass configuration information to the
scripts that configure the agent manager in WebSphere
Application Server. Because the configuration script
cannot read the properties file, the configuration cannot
be performed and the agent manager installation
cannot complete. To find out which script failed, read
the text of the message CTGEM2100I.
Administrator response: This message typically
indicates a problem in the installation program. Save
the message and trace files (msg_EPM_Install.log and
trace_EPM_Install.log), and contact IBM Customer
CTGEM2115E The value of the property property in
the properties file is incorrect. The value
is: value
Explanation: The installation program creates the
properties file to pass configuration information to the
scripts that configure the agent manager in WebSphere
Application Server. Because the property property in
this file is required but does not contain an acceptable
value, the configuration cannot be performed. To find
out which script failed, read the text of the message

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Administrator response: This message typically
indicates a problem in the installation program. Save
the message and trace files (msg_EPM_Install.log and
trace_EPM_Install.log), and contact IBM Customer

CTGEM2139W The following agent manager

application server: VALUE_0 already
exists. The agent manager configuration
will continue for this server.

CTGEM2120E One or more required WebSphere

parameters was not specified.

CTGEM2146E The certificate authority passwords do

not match. Type the same password in
both password fields.

Explanation: The information about the WebSphere

server must be provided either in a response file or as
command-line parameters when invoking the agent
manager installation program. To find out which script
failed, read the text of the message CTGEM2100I.
Administrator response: Correct the error and then
start the installation again. If you did not start the
agent manager wizard manually, the error might
indicate a programming problem in the application that
starts the wizard.
CTGEM2121E The following messages describe each
CTGEM2122E The WebSphere location directory (
-W CASInstall.wasLocation ) was not
specified. This information is required.
CTGEM2123E The WebSphere profile location
directory ( -W
CASInstall.wasProfileLocation ) was not
specified. This information is required.
CTGEM2124E The WebSphere cell name ( -W
CASInstall.wasCellName ) was not
specified. This information is required.
CTGEM2125E The WebSphere node name ( -W
CASInstall.wasNodeName ) was not
specified. This information is required.
CTGEM2126E The adapter tool could not run.
CTGEM2128E The following prerequisite problems
were detected.
CTGEM2130E The installation program cannot locate
the specified application server. The
agent manager installation cannot
CTGEM2135W The agent manager supports
WebSphere Application Server 6.1 and
higher versions of 6.x.

CTGEM2147E The agent registration passwords do

not match. Type the same password in
both password fields.
CTGEM2148E The agent manager passwords do not
match. Type the same password in both
password fields.
CTGEM2151W Port VALUE_0 is already in use. If it
is used by another program, the port
conflict might prevent the agent
manager from starting or operating
CTGEM2152E Click Back to change the port
numbers to ports that are not in use.
You can also ignore the port conflict and
continue the installation by clicking
Next. If you continue, the agent
manager might not start.
CTGEM2153W One or more ports that are required
by the agent manager application server
are already configured in the
etc/services file on this computer
system. Although the ports are not
currently in use, they might be required
by an application other than the agent
manager, which will cause a port
conflict in the future. Check the
etc/services file to verify that the port
numbers you specified for the agent
manager do not conflict with existing
port assignments.
CTGEM2154E The agent manager installation cannot
continue because some of the
configured ports are not available.
CTGEM2161E The agent manager registry database
cannot be updated with agent manager
tables. The agent manager installation
cannot continue.

Chapter 25. Messages


CTGEM2162E <p>The database server for VALUE_0
on VALUE_1 does not respond.
<p>Possible causes for this problem
include: the database user ID or
password is not correct, the database
server is not installed in the specified
location, or the database server was not
running when the agent manager
installation was started. The agent
manager installation cannot continue.
CTGEM2164E A problem occurred while creating the
agent manager registry database. The
return value was VALUE_0. Check the
db_stdout.log and db_stderr.log files in
the VALUE_1 directory for information
about the problem.
CTGEM2170W The installation program cannot add
the agent manager Windows service to
the Windows Services list.
CTGEM2171W The installation program cannot start
the Windows service for the agent
manager. You can start the Windows
services manually.
CTGEM2176E The installation program cannot
contact the computer with the host name
VALUE_0. This is the host name that the
common agents use to contact the agent
manager. The host name should be a
fully qualified host name or IP address.
The agent manager installation cannot
CTGEM2177E The agent manager VALUE_0
parameter is required but was not
specified. The agent manager
installation cannot continue.
CTGEM2190W Some of the files and folders that
were created during the agent manager
installation could not be deleted while
uninstalling. See the agent manager
installation documentation for
instructions for recovering from an
incomplete uninstallation of the agent
CTGEM2191W The embedded version of IBM
WebSphere Application Server delivered
with the agent manager installer.


CTGEM2192W During the uninstallation, the agent

manager or the agent recovery service
applications (AgentManager.war or
AgentRecoveryService.war) could not be
removed from the following application
server: VALUE_0.
CTGEM2193W During the uninstallation, the Java
Database Connectivity provider for the
agent manager could not be removed
from the following application server:
CTGEM2194W During the uninstallation, the Secure
Sockets Layer configuration for the
agent manager could not be removed
from the following application
CTGEM2195W During the uninstallation, the virtual
host for the agent manager could not be
removed from the following application
CTGEM2196W During the uninstallation, the agent
manager-specific tables could not be
removed from the following agent
manager registry database:VALUE_0.
CTGEM2197W During the uninstallation, the
Windows service for the agent manager
could not be removed from the
Windows Services list. Use the
WebSphere WASService command to
manually remove the service from the
Windows Services list.
CTGEM2198W During the uninstallation, the
following agent manager application
server:VALUE_0 was not deleted from
WebSphere Application Server because
the server name was not AgentManager.
Other WebSphere applications might be
using the server. If no other applications
are using this application server, you
can use the WebSphere Administrative
Console to manually delete this
application server.
CTGEM2199E See the agent manager installation
documentation for instructions for
recovering from an incomplete
uninstallation of the agent manager.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

CTGEM2205E The agent manager installation did
not complete successfully.
CTGEM2209E Agent manager upgrade processing
was not successful because the agent
manager application did not install into
WebSphere Application Server. Check
the amApp_out.log, amApp_err.log, and
wsadmin.traceout.amApp files in the
VALUE_0 directory for information
about the problem. Click Finish to exit
the upgrade.

CTGEM2211W Do you want to use the value

<b>VALUE_0</b> for the agent manager
server? <br><br>Common agents and
resource managers use the value of this
field to connect to the agent manager
services. <br><br>The preferred value
for this field is a network alias for the
host name. The alias allows common
agents and resource managers to use a
host name that is defined on the
Domain Name System server and will
not change even if the agent manager is
moved to a different IP address or host.
<br><br>If you specify an IP address,
the computer systems will not be able to
contact the agent manager if its IP
address changes. This can occur in a
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
(DHCP) environment, where dynamic IP
addresses are assigned and a computer
system might acquire a new address
periodically, or after rebooting.
<br><br>If you specify a short host
name, the computer systems outside the
agent manager''s subnet must be
configured to resolve addresses in the
agent manager subnet. If they are not
correctly configured, a common agent or
resource manager on those systems
cannot contact the agent manager.
Therefore, use a short host name only if
your environment contains a single IP
domain, or if all the computer systems
are configured with the correct domain
search information. <br><br>If the
default value for the agent manager host
name in the wizard window was an IP
address instead of a fully qualified host
name, then the computer on which you
are installing the agent manager is not
configured with the correct domain
search information.<br><br>Click Back
to specify a host name alias or a fully
qualified host name. <br><br>Click
Next to accept the current value and
continue, although common agents and
resource managers might not be able to
connect to the agent manager.
CTGEM2215E A problem occurred while installing
the Tivoli globally unique identifier
(TivGUID) application. The return value
was VALUE_0. Check the
guid_stdout.log and guid_stderr.log files
in the VALUE_1 directory for
information about the problem.

Chapter 25. Messages


CTGEM2216E A problem occurred while configuring
the agent manager virtual host in
WebSphere Application Server. A
probable cause of this error is that the
specified cell name was not recognized
by WebSphere Application Server. The
return value was VALUE_0. Check the
virHost_out.log and virHost_err.log files
in the VALUE_1 directory for
information about the problem.
CTGEM2217E A problem occurred while configuring
SSL Security in WebSphere Application
Server. The return value was VALUE_0.
Check the ssl_out.log and ssl_err.log
files in the VALUE_1 directory for
information about the problem.
CTGEM2218E A problem occurred while configuring
SSL Security with Client Authentication
in WebSphere Application Server. The
return value was VALUE_0. Check the
sslca_out.log and sslca_err.log files in
the VALUE_1 directory for information
about the problem.
CTGEM2219E A problem occurred while creating the
agent manager application server. The
EPMAppServer.jacl script returned the
value VALUE_0. A probable cause of this
error is that the specified application
server name was not found by
WebSphere Application Server. Check
the appServer_out.log and
appServer_err.log files in the VALUE_1
directory for information about the
problem. The application server name
was VALUE_2.
CTGEM2220E A problem occurred while configuring
a Java Database Connectivity provider
for the registry database. A probable
cause of this error is that the specified
cell name, node name, security context,
or application server name was not
found by WebSphere Application
Server. The EPMJdbcProvider.jacl script
returned the value VALUE_0. Check the
jdbc_out.log and jdbc_err.log files in the
VALUE_1 directory for information
about the problem. The database type
was VALUE_2.


CTGEM2221E A problem occurred while installing

the agent manager or agent recovery
service applications (AgentManager.war
or AgentRecoveryService.war). The
EPMInstallApp.jacl script returned the
value VALUE_0. A probable cause of this
error is that the specified cell name,
node name, virtual host, or application
server name was not found by
WebSphere Application Server. Check
the amApp_out.log and amApp_err.log
files in the VALUE_1 directory for
information about the problem.
CTGEM2222E The agent manager is already installed
on this system. However, this
installation was started using a response
file that specifies a new installation
rather than an upgrade of an existing
installation. If you want to use this
response file to upgrade the agent
manager, change the
CASInstall.installType=install statement
in the response file to
CASInstall.installType=upgrade. If you
want to perform a new installation,
uninstall the agent manager and restart
the installation.
CTGEM2223E A problem occurred while creating the
agent manager security certificates. The
GenerateCertificates script returned the
value VALUE_0. A probable cause of this
error is that the specified cell name was
not recognized by WebSphere
Application Server. Check the
certGen_stdout.log and
certGen_stderr.log files in the VALUE_1
directory for more information about the
CTGEM2225E A problem occurred while starting the
agent manager application server. The
return value was VALUE_0. Check the
startserver_stdout.log and
startserver_stderr.log files in the
VALUE_1 directory for more information
about the problem.
CTGEM2226E The agent manager is already installed
on this system, but the installation
program cannot locate the necessary
prerequisites. Run the uninstallation
wizard to uninstall the agent manager
and start the installation again.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

CTGEM2227E Incorrect values were detected in the
user input. Correct the following
problems and try again:
CTGEM2228E A problem occurred while validating
the directory name VALUE_0. Probable
causes of this error are that the directory
name contains characters that are not
allowed, or the user does not have the
sufficient authority to write to the file
system. Check the am_install.log log file
in the VALUE_1 directory for more
information about the problem.

CTGEM2234E A problem occurred while encrypting

passwords in the Authorization.xml file.
The return value was VALUE_0. Check
the auth_stdout.log and auth_stderr.log
files in the VALUE_1 directory for more
information about the problem.
CTGEM2235E A problem occurred while validating
the WebSphere cell name. The return
value was VALUE_0. Check the
checkcell_out.log and checkcell_err.log
files in the VALUE_1 directory for more
information about the problem.

CTGEM2229E A problem occurred while validating

the WebSphere cell name VALUE_0. The
probable cause of this error is that the
cell name does not exist, or has been
specified using the wrong case. Check
the VALUE_1 log file for more
information about the problem.

CTGEM2236E A problem occurred while validating

the WebSphere node name. The return
value was VALUE_0. Check the
checknode_out.log and
checknode_err.log files in the VALUE_1
directory for more information about the

CTGEM2230E A problem occurred while validating

the WebSphere node name VALUE_0.
The probable cause of this error is that
the node name does not exist, or has
been specified using the wrong case.
Check the VALUE_1 log file for more
information about the problem.

CTGEM2259E The relocation directory for the agent

manager was not found. The relocation
archive, <b></b>,
must be uncompressed into the root
directory of the agent manager
installation media, VALUE_0 before
starting the installation. If the
installation media is on a compact disc
or other read-only media, you might
need to copy it to a writeable location in
the file system before you can write the
relocation directory there.

CTGEM2231E <p>The <b>WebSphere profile

directory</b> VALUE_0 does not exist.
You must create the WebSphere profile
before installing the agent
manager.<p>Explanation: The
WebSphere profile defines the runtime
environment for an application server.
The profile must exist before the agent
manager can create an application server
or install files into an existing
application server.
CTGEM2233E A problem occurred while encrypting
passwords in the agent manager
properties file, The return
value was VALUE_0. Check the
encrypt_stdout.log and
encrypt_stderr.log files in the VALUE_1
directory for more information about the

CTGEM2262E The alias for the database VALUE_0

does not exist. It will be created for you.
Specify the connection information for
the database server.
CTGEM2306E The agent manager is in an
inconsistent state and cannot be
upgraded. Run the log collector utility
to collect files for problem
determination and contact customer
CTGEM2307E The agent manager cannot be
upgraded until you have installed
WebSphere Application Server version 6
and migrated the agent manager
configuration to run on version 6.

Chapter 25. Messages


CTGEM2310E Application server archive error. The
problem is related to the archive of
embedded version of the IBM
WebSphere Application Server. Possible
causes: the archive format might not be
correct, there could be no executable to
handle the archive in your system, the
amount of free space in the temporary
directory might be too small. See the
installation logs for more details.
Explanation: The problem is related to the archive of
embedded version of the IBM WebSphere Application
Server. Possible causes: the archive format might not be
correct, there could be no executable to handle the
archive in your system, the amount of free space in the
temporary directory may be too small.
Administrator response: See the installation logs for
more details.

CTGEM2338E The response file value in the

<b>VALUE_0</b> field contains the
unsupported value VALUE_1. The value
must be local, remote or alias.
CTGEM2339E The response file value in the
<b>VALUE_0</b> field contains the
unsupported value VALUE_1. The value
must be db2, or oracle.
CTGEM2340E The response file value in the
<b>VALUE_0</b> field contains the
unsupported value VALUE_1. The value
must be new or demo.
CTGEM2341E The response file value in the
<b>VALUE_0</b> field contains the
unsupported value VALUE_1. The value
must be install, upgrade or relocate.

VALUE_0 (VALUE_1) does not exist.

CTGEM2315E Incorrect value specified in the field:


CTGEM2342E The response file value in the

<b>VALUE_0</b> field contains the
unsupported value VALUE_1. The value
must be true or false.

CTGEM2330E Input validation failures prevented

the agent manager installation program
from running. Correct the incorrect
values and try again.

CTGEM2343E The password value in the

<b>VALUE_0</b> field cannot be blank.

CTGEM2333E Incorrect characters were detected in

the <b>VALUE_0</b> parameter:
CTGEM2334E <br><br>The database name in the
<b>VALUE_0</b> field cannot be longer
than eight characters: VALUE_1
CTGEM2335E The database location in the
<b>VALUE_0</b> field indicates that the
VALUE_1 file should exist, but it does
CTGEM2336E The response file value in the
<b>VALUE_0</b> field indicates that the
following directory must exist, but it
does not: VALUE_1
CTGEM2337E The response file value in the
<b>VALUE_0</b> field cannot contain
an empty string.


CTGEM2344E The password value in the VALUE_0

field cannot be blank.
CTGEM2345E The password value in the
<b>VALUE_0</b> field contains the
following unsupported characters:
CTGEM2400E The following exception occured
while running the program: exception .
Explanation: It is a general error which occurs during
the toolkit invocation.
Administrator response: Check the log files and trace
the files for detailed information or contact the support
team for help.
CTGEM2404E The following exception occured
while running the program: exception .
Explanation: It is a general exception which occurs
during reading or writing (from files of streams).
Administrator response: Check the log files and trace
the files for detailed information or contact the support
team for help.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

CTGEM2417E The agent manager certificate
(certs/toolkitTrust.jks file) was not
found or is not valid. The toolkit pack
might not be registered yet. If so,
register it using RegistrationTool.
Explanation: The program could not find the local
toolkit truststore. The most probable cause of this
problem is that the toolkit pack is not registered.
Administrator response: Try to register the toolkit
pack using RegistrationTool. Contact the support team
for help if necessary.
CTGEM2418E The certificate for the toolkit
(certs/toolkitKeys.jks file) was not found
or is not valid. The toolkit pack might
not be registered yet. If so, register it
using RegistrationTool.
Explanation: The program could not find the local
toolkit keystore. The most probable cause of this
problem is that the toolkit pack is not registered.
Administrator response: Try to register the toolkit
pack using RegistrationTool. Contact the support team
for help if necessary.


A remote exception occured.

Explanation: The general remote error occured during

the toolkit invocation.
Administrator response: Check the log files for
detailed information or contact the support team for

Running the tool has failed.

Explanation: The tool had some problems during

while running and terminated with an error.
Administrator response: Check the log files for
detailed information or contact the support team for
CTGEM2425E This tool is for local use only. It must
be invoked from the machine where the
agent manager is running.
Explanation: The tool is a local tool and it is possible
to start it only from the same machine on which the
agent manager is installed.
Administrator response: Check the log files for
detailed information or contact the support team for

The configuration file was not found.

Explanation: The general configuration error occured

during the toolkit invocation.

CTGEM2427E A server side issue occured while

quering agents.

Administrator response: Check the log files for

detailed information or contact the support team for

Explanation: The Common Agent Query Web service

has failed. It allows to query agents from the agent
manager database based on various criteria.

CTGEM2420E The specified keystore password is

not correct or there is an I/O or a format
problem with the keystore data.
Explanation: The most probable cause of such an
exception is that the program could not open the local
toolkit keystore with the specified password. The
password might not be correct.
Administrator response: Repeat the tool invocation
with the correct toolkit password. If it does not solve
the problem, check the log files for detailed information
or contact the support team for help.

A communication exception occured.

Explanation: The general communication error

occured during the toolkit invocation.
Administrator response: Check the log files for
detailed information or contact the support team for

Administrator response: Check the log files for

detailed information or contact the support team for
CTGEM2428E The process of removing uninstalled
common agents has failed.
Explanation: This process completely deletes the
common agents previously marked for deletion from
the agent manager database.
Administrator response: Check the log files for
detailed information or contact the support team for
CTGEM2429E Uninstalling the common agents
Explanation: This process marks the common agents
as deleted in the agent manager database.
Administrator response: Check the log files for
detailed information, or contact the support team for

Chapter 25. Messages



The patch request failed.

Explanation: The patch tool calls Web services of the

agent manager. Failure of patch request is usually
related to communication problems.

CTGEM2443E Reading the the agent IDs from the

input file is not possible.
Explanation: The tool is unable to read the data from
the input file.

Administrator response: Check the log files for

detailed information or contact the support team for

Administrator response: Check the log files for

detailed information or contact the support team for

CTGEM2431E The input file cannot be read


CTGEM2444E There is inconsistent data in the

input file.

Explanation: The problem occured while accessing or

parsing the input file name. This file name is provided
as an argument to the patch tool call.

Explanation: There is inconsistent data in the input


Administrator response: Check the log files for

detailed information or contact the support team for

The upgrade request failed.

Administrator response: Check the log files and trace

the files for detailed information or contact the support
team for help.
CTGEM2445E The scheduleClock is without the
clockType attribute.

Explanation: The upgrade tool calls Web services of

the agent manager. The failure of an upgrade request is
usually related to communication problems.

Explanation: If you include the scheduleClock tag in

your request then you have to specify both the
clockType and clockData attributes.

Administrator response: Check the log files for

detailed information or contact the support team for

Administrator response: Check the log files and trace

the files for detailed information or contact the support
team for help.


CTGEM2446E The scheduleClock is without the

clockData attribute.

The scheduler call failed.

Explanation: The scheduler tool calls Web services of

the agent manager. The failure of an upgrade request is
usually related to communication problems.
Administrator response: Check the log files for
detailed information or contact the support team for
CTGEM2437E The schedule request failed. A wrong
method name was given.
CTGEM2441E Reading the upgrade list from the
input file is not possible.
Explanation: The tool is unable to read the data from
the input file.
Administrator response: Check the log files for
detailed information or contact the support team for
CTGEM2442E Reading the patch list from the input
file is not possible.
Explanation: The tool is unable to read the data from
the input file.
Administrator response: Check the log files for
detailed information, or contact the support team for


Explanation: If you include schedule clock in your

request then you have to specify both the clockType
and clockData attributes.
Administrator response: Check the log files and trace
the files for detailed information or contact the support
team for help.
CTGEM2447E The scheduleTime is without the date
Explanation: If you include schedule time in your
request then you have to specify both the date and
timeInterval parameters.
Administrator response: Check the log files and trace
the files for detailed information or contact the support
team for help.
CTGEM2448E The scheduleTime is without the
timeInterval attribute.
Explanation: If you include the schedule time in your
request then you have to specify both the date and
timeInterval parameters.
Administrator response: Check the log files and trace
the files for detailed information or contact the support
team for help.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

CTGEM2449E Parsing the schedule date is not
Explanation: There is inconsistent data in the input
Administrator response: Check the log files and trace
the files for detailed information or contact the support
team for help.

merge mode of the agent manager installer.

Administrator response: To run the upgrade or
merging process for the agent manager, modify the
configuration of the agent manager by running the
migration/merging closure tool.
CTGEM2471E The HealthCheck was unable to
verify the agent manager installation.

CTGEM2454W Migration or merging process is

already closed.

Explanation: The Common Agent Query Web serviece

failed. It allows to query agents from the agent
manager database based on varionus criteria.

Explanation: Migration or merging process is already

closed. Proxy ports are inactive and all common agents
communicate directly with the agent manager. There is
no need to run this tool.

Administrator response: Check the log files and trace

the files for detailed information or contact the support
team for help.

Administrator response: Migration or merging

process is already closed. There is no need to use this
tool. If some agents are not yet reconfigured follow the
manual reconfiguration process (see documentation).
CTGEM2455E Closing the mode is not possible
because there are still some common
agents that are not reconfigured.
Explanation: Some of the common agents are not
reconfigured to communicate directly with the agent
manager; they are using proxy server. If you try to
close the migration or merging process, proxy ports
will be closed, and the common agent will not be able
to communicate with the agent manager. You can
override this behaviour by using the -force flag.
Administrator response: There are still some agents
that are using proxy ports. After closing the migration
or merging mode, they will not be able to communicate
with the agent manager. If you are sure that you will
no longer need this agents, the -force option can be
CTGEM2467E The version of the provided backup
file is not supported by the merge mode
of the agent manager installer.
Explanation: The only version supported by the
merge mode of the agent manager installer is the
version of the target agent manager.
Administrator response: To merge the agent manager
for which the backup file was created, upgrade it to the
version of the target agent manager and then start the
merging process again.
CTGEM2468E The runtime mode runtime_mode of
the installed agent manager is not
supported by the upgrade and merge
mode of the agent manager installer.


Unknown host: host

Explanation: The program reads the host name from

the toolkit configuration file in configuration
Administrator response: Change the host name in the
configuration propeties file and try again. If it does not
help, check the log files and trace the files for detailed
information or contact the support team for help.
CTGEM2473E Connection to Oracle remote database
Explanation: The connection could have failed due to
settings of database connection provided by the user
such as: user name, password, database server host and
port, database driver directory, database name that
might not be correct. Possible causes also include:
restrictive firewall rules, no database process launched
on the database hosting server.
Administrator response: Check the database settings
and enter the correct values. If the values are correct,
check the firewall settings and the database server
CTGEM2474E Connection to local Oracle database
failed. Check the database settings and
enter the correct values.
Explanation: The connection could have failed due to
settings of database connection provided by the user
such as: user name, password, database installation
directory, database name that might not be correct.
Administrator response: Check the database settings
and enter the correct values. If the values are correct,
check the database server sanity.

Explanation: The runtime mode runtime_mode is not

supported because it is different from the normal value
which is the only one supported by the upgrade and
Chapter 25. Messages


CTGEM2475E Connection to the local alias of DB2
database failed.
Explanation: The connection could have failed due to
settings of database connection provided by the user
such as: user name, password, database installation
directory, database name that might not be correct.
Administrator response: Check the database settings
and enter the correct values. If the values are correct,
check the database server sanity.
CTGEM2476E Connection to local DB2 database
Explanation: The connection could have failed due to
settings of database connection provided by the user
such as: user name, password, database installation
directory, database name that might not be correct.
Administrator response: Check the database settings
and enter the correct values. If the values are correct,
check the database server sanity.
CTGEM2477E Authorization script failed. The
exception message is the following:

Administrator response: You can upgrade the current

configuration using the relocation tool.
CTGEM2495E An error occured while checking for
products using this agent manager.
Explanation: The agent manager uninstaller was not
able to perform a detection of the products using this
instance of the agent manager due to an error. The
uninstallation process will continue. However, there
might still be products using this instance of the agent
Administrator response: If you want to perform the
product lookup anyway, refer to the documentation on
how to do this manually.
CTGEM2500E The agent manager merging mode is
only avaiable for the agent manager
version 1.4.
Explanation: The agent manager merging mode is
only avaiable for the agent manager version 1.4. The
currently installed version is an older one.

Explanation: This exception occurs when both tools

operating on the authorization schema fail.

Administrator response: The agent manager merging

mode is only avaiable for the agent manager version
1.4. The currently installed version is an older one.
Upgrade the agent manager to version 1.4 and then run
the merging mode again.

Administrator response: Check the log files and trace

the files for detailed information or contact the support
team for help.

CTGEM2504E The application server archive file

was not found..


Database location not valid.

Explanation: The Oracle database location you

provided is not valid.
Administrator response: Check the data and enter the
correct values.

Database location not valid.

Explanation: The DB2 database location you provided

is not valid.

Explanation: The archive file of IBM Embedded

WebSphere Application Server was not found in the
current directory.
Administrator response: Put the archive file in current
working directory and continue installation. Consult
the manual for the instructions concering obtaining the
archive file.
CTGEM2505E The agent manager uninstaller
detected products using this instance of
the agent manager.

Administrator response: Check the data and enter the

correct values.

Explanation: The agent manager uninstaller detected

products using this instance of the agent manager. This
prevents the agent manager from uninstalling.

CTGEM2492E The version of the agent manager

currently installed on this computer
cannot be automaticly updated. Click
Cancel to stop the installation.

Administrator response: If the product is installed,

refer to the documentation for instructions on how to
uninstall the agent manager manually.

Explanation: The automatic upgrade supports the

following configurations: - agent manager 1.2.x,
embedded Websphere Application Server 5, - agent
manager 1.3.2, embedded Websphere Application
Server 6.1 - agent manager 1.3.2, Websphere
Application Server 6.1 The current configuration is not

CTGEM2506E No installed copy of the agent

manager was found on this workstation.


Explanation: No installed copy of the agent manager

was found on this workstation.
Administrator response: If the product is installed,
refer to the documentation for instructions on how to

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

uninstall the agent manager manually.
CTGEM2507E The application server could not be
stopped. The uninstallation cannot
Explanation: The script that stops the WebSphere
Application Server returned an error.
Administrator response: See the installation logs for
more details.
CTGEM2508E Removing the agent manager
applications has failed.
Explanation: Removing the agent manager and the
agent manager recovery service configuration from
WebSphere Application Server failed due to an
unrecoverable error.
Administrator response: See the installation logs for
more details.

CTGEM2513E Removing the Windows service of

the agent manager has failed.
Explanation: Removing the agent manager Windows
service was not successful due to an unrecoverable
Administrator response: See the installation logs for
more details. You can try to remove the service
CTGEM2514E Creating of the Windows service of
the agent manager has failed. The
installation will stop.
Explanation: Adding the agent manager to Windows
services was not successful due to an unrecoverable
Administrator response: See the installation logs for
more details.

CTGEM2509E Removing Java Database

Connectivity provider has failed.

CTGEM2515E Creating UNIX autostart entries of

the agent manager failed. The
installation will stop.

Explanation: Removing the Java Database

Connectivity provider configuration from WebSphere
Application Server failed due to an unrecoverable error.

Explanation: Adding the automatic start entries to

system configuration files was not successful due to an
unrecoverable error.

Administrator response: See the installation logs for

more details.

Administrator response: See the installation logs for

more details and try to install again.

CTGEM2510E Removing the application server

instance has failed.

CTGEM2516E The AuthXMLUpgrade script could

not run. The installation will stop.

Explanation: Removing the the application server

instance configuration from WebSphere Application
Server failed due to an unrecoverable error.

Explanation: AuthXMLUpgrade script encrypts the

password attributes contained in the Authorization.xml
file. The script call has failed due to an unrecoverable

Administrator response: See the installation logs for

more details.
CTGEM2511E Removing the Secure Sockets Layer
configuration has failed.
Explanation: Removing the the Secure Sockets Layer
configuration from WebSphere Application Server failed
due to an unrecoverable error.
Administrator response: See the installation logs for
more details.

Administrator response: See the installation logs for

more details and try to install again.
CTGEM2517E Encryption of the property file
has failed. The installation will stop.
Explanation: An error ocurred while encrypting the
password property in the file.
Administrator response: See the installation logs for
more details and try to install again.

Removing the virtual host has failed.

Explanation: Removing the virtual host configuration

from WebSphere Application Server failed due to an
unrecoverable error.
Administrator response: See the installation logs for
more details.

CTGEM2518E Certificate generation has failed. The

installation will stop.
Explanation: The agent manager security certificates
were not generated due to an unrecoverable error.
Administrator response: See the installation logs for
more details and try to install the agent manager again.

Chapter 25. Messages


CTGEM2519E Installation of the agent manager
applications on the application server
has failed.
Explanation: Installation of the agent manager and the
agent manager recovery applications on WebSphere
Application Server failed due to an unrecoverable error.
Administrator response: See the installation logs for
more details and try to install the agent manager again.
CTGEM2520E Creating the Java Database
Connectivity provider has failed.
Explanation: The configuration of Java Database
Connectivity provider on WebSphere Application
Server has failed due to an unrecoverable error.
Administrator response: See the installation logs for
more details and try to install again.
CTGEM2521E Creation of the application server
instance has failed.
Explanation: The configuration of the application
server instance on WebSphere Application Server failed
due to an unrecoverable error.
Administrator response: See the installation logs for
more details and try to install again.
CTGEM2522E Creating the Secure Sockets Layer
configuration of the virtual host has
Explanation: Configuration of Secure Sockets Layer on
WebSphere Application Server failed due to an
unrecoverable error.
Administrator response: See the installation logs for
more details and try to install again.
CTGEM2523E Creating the the virtual host has
Explanation: Configuration of the virtual host on
WebSphere Application Server failed due to an
unrecoverable error.
Administrator response: See the installation logs for
more details and try to install again.

CTGEM2525E Installation of the GUID toolkit has

Explanation: Installation of the GUID failed due to an
unrecoverable error.
Administrator response: See the installation logs for
more details and try to install again.
CTGEM2526E Installation of the embedded version
of IBM WebSphere Application Server
has failed.
Explanation: Installation of the embedded version of
IBM WebSphere Application Server failed due to an
unrecoverable error.
Administrator response: See the installation logs for
more details and try to install again.
CTGEM2527E The version of the agent manager
currently installed on this computer is
running on Embedded WebSphere
Application Server version 5.x. The
agent manager can be upgraded only
with the upgrade of the embedded
version of IBM WebSphere Application
Server 6.x. The installer could not find
the installation file of Embedded IBM
WebSphere Application Server 6.x. Click
Cancel to stop the installation.
Explanation: The current configuration (agent
manager 1.2.x, Embedded Websphere Application
Server 5) needs additional installation image of the
embedded version of IBM WebSphere Application
Server 6.x.
Administrator response: To run the upgrade,
download the image of the embedded version of IBM
WebSphere Application Server 6.x and put it in the
installation directory.
CTGEM2529E Incorrect keystore (keystore) password
Explanation: The keystore file could not be opened
with the specified password.
Administrator response: Provide a valid password.

Database location is not valid.

CTGEM2524E Installation of the agent registry


Explanation: The Oracle database location you

provided is not valid.

Explanation: Installation of the agent registry failed

due to an unrecoverable error.

Administrator response: Check the data and enter the

correct values.

Administrator response: See the installation logs for

more details and try to install again.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

CTGEM2534E Connection to Microsoft SQL Server
remote database has failed.
Explanation: The connection could have failed due to
settings of database connection provided by the user
such as: user name, password, database server host and
port, database driver directory, database name that
might not be correct. Possible causes also include: lack
of SQL CONNECT privilege for either administrative
or runtime user whose credentials you provided,
restrictive firewall rules, no database process launched
on the database hosting server.
Administrator response: Check the database settings
and enter the correct values. If the values are correct,
check the firewall settings and the database server
CTGEM2536E Insufficient privileges of
administrative user.
Explanation: The user whose credentials you provided
(either administrator if you selected that option or
runtime user if administrator was not selected) does
not have sufficient privileges to perform database
schema modification tasks of the agent manager
installation process.
Administrator response: Refrer to the manual to
obtain information about privileges required for
Microsoft SQL Server database user and how to grant
them or contact your database administarator.
CTGEM2537E Insufficient privileges of
administrative user.

CTGEM2539E Insufficient privileges of runtime

user. The user does not have sufficient
privileges to write data to the database.
Explanation: The runtime user whose credentials you
provided does not have sufficient privileges to write
data to the database.
Administrator response: Refer to the manual to obtain
information about privileges required for Microsoft
SQL Server database user and how to grant them or
contact your database administarator.
CTGEM2540E Insufficient privileges of runtime
Explanation: The runtime user whose credentials you
provided does not have sufficient privileges to write
data to the database.
Administrator response: Refer to the manual to obtain
information about privileges required for Oracle
database user and how to grant them or contact your
database administarator.
CTGEM2552E Registration of the toolkit pack has
failed. The installation will stop.
Explanation: An error ocurred while registering the
toolkit pack.
Administrator response: See the installation logs for
more details and try to install again.

Explanation: The user whose credentials you provided

(either administrator if you selected that option or
runtime user if administrator was not selected) does
not have sufficient privileges to perform database
schema modification tasks of the agent manager
installation process.

CTGEM2553E A problem occurred while registering

the toolkit pack in the agent manager.
The RegistrationTool script returned the
value VALUE_0. Check the
toolkit_register_stdout.log and
toolkit_register_stderr.log files in the
VALUE_1 directory for more information
about the problem.

Administrator response: Refer to the manual to obtain

information about privileges required for Oracle
database user and how to grant them or contact your
database administarator.

CTGEM2556E The toolkit passwords do not match.

Type the same password in both
password fields.

CTGEM2538E Insufficient privileges of database

Explanation: The user whose credentials you provided
does not have sufficient privileges to connect to the
Oracle database (CREATE SESSION privilege).
Administrator response: Refer to the manual to obtain
information about privileges required for Oracle
database user and how to grant them or contact your
database administarator.

Chapter 25. Messages


CTGEM2557W Warning: The installer is unable to
remove the copy of the embedded
version of IBM WebSphere Application
Server from your workstation. You need
to perform the manual uninstallation of
the embedded version of IBM
WebSphere Application Server in the
following way: Stop the WebSphere
server either by issuing command: sc
stop was_service_name or by ending the
process tree of WebSphere including
java.exe process which was used to
launch the server. Remove the contents
of the directory: was_directory_name
Delete the WebSphere service from your
system by issuing the command: sc
delete was_service_name
Explanation: The agent manager installer is unable to
remove the embedded version of IBM WebSphere
Application Server.

installation destination location.

Explanation: The installer discovered that the amount
of disk space for embedded WebSphere installation is
not sufficient.
Administrator response: Check the amount of free
space on the partition containing the installation
destination path.
CTGEM2559E In the temporary directory, there is no
space to extract the image of the
embedded version of IBM WebSphere
Application Server.
Explanation: The installer discovered that the amount
of disk space for embedded WebSphere installation is
not sufficient.
Administrator response: Check the amount of free
space on the partition containing the temporary storage
path specified for installation.

Administrator response: Perform the manual

uninstallation of the WebSphere Application Server.
CTGEM2558E There is no space to install the
embedded version of IBM WebSphere
Application Server in the selected

This section contains messages with the CTGRI identifier from the Remote Execution and Access (RXA)
messages in Tivoli Provisioning Manager.
CTGRI0000E Could not establish a connection to the
target machine with the authorization
credentials that were provided.
Explanation: A connection to the target machine was
denied. This is probably due to improper authorization
credentials being specified.
Programmer response: Verify that the login name and
password are valid for the target machine. For SSH
logins, also verify that the key store name and
passphrase are correctly specified. Retry the connection.

Programmer response: Call the beginSession() method

before calling other remote methods.
CTGRI0003E The remote pathname specified could
not be found: pathname.
Explanation: The remote file or directory specified
does not exist or cannot be accessed.
Programmer response: Verify that the path you
specified exists and that it is accessible by remote
operations with the proper ACLs.

CTGRI0001E The application could not establish a

connection to machine hostname.

CTGRI0004E An error occurred when reading from

the local file: pathname.

Explanation: A connection to the target machine is not

possible because the hostname specified is not a valid
hostname, or because of problems with the network.

Explanation: The application could not successfully

read the specified file from the local filesystem.

Programmer response: Verify the specified hostname

is valid and that the network connection to the target is
active and retry the connection.
CTGRI0002E Session not established.
Explanation: An attempt was made to perform a
remote operation before a session has been established
with the target.


Programmer response: Verify that the local file

specified exists and is readable.
CTGRI0005E An error occurred when writing to the
local file: pathname.
Explanation: The application could not successfully
write the specified file to the local filesystem. The file
might be read-only, in use, or there might be
insufficient space on the local machine.

IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Programmer response: Verify that the local file
specified is not open or in read-only mode, and that it
exists. Also verify that enough space is available on the
target system.
CTGRI0006E An error occurred when writing to the
remote file: pathname.
Explanation: The specified file might be read-only, in
use, or there might be insufficient space on the target.
Programmer response: Ensure that the remote file
specified is not open or in read-only mode, and that
enough space is available on the target system.
CTGRI0007E An error occurred when reading the
remote file: pathname.

that the credentials your application is submitting have

sufficient privileges on the target to perform remote
registry operations.
CTGRI0012E The requested registry key does not
exist on the target machine.
Explanation: The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry
key specified does not exist on the target machine.
Programmer response: Verify the syntax of the
registry entry and retry the operation. If the syntax is
valid, the key does not exist in the target.
CTGRI0013E The target machine's service list cannot
be retrieved.

Explanation: The application could not successfully

read the specified file from the target filesystem.

Explanation: An error occurred when trying to access

the remote machine's service control manager to
retrieve the service list.

Programmer response: Verify that the file named on

the target exists and is readable.

Programmer response: Ensure that remote

administration is enabled on the target.

CTGRI0008E A unique directory could not be created.

CTGRI0014E A unique service name cannot be found

on the target machine.

Explanation: The application could not successfully

create a uniquely-named directory on the remote
system when a mkRandomDirectory method was
Programmer response: Remove unneeded ~CSRI*
directories in the remote machine's temporary directory.

Explanation: An attempt was made to use a run()

method but a uniquely-named Windows service could
not be created on the remote machine.
Programmer response: All current service names are
in use. Stop any unneeded services named trisvc# on
the target machine.

CTGRI0009E pathname cannot be removed.

Explanation: The application could not remove the
specified file or directory.
Programmer response: Use the recursive flag on
rmdir() to recursively remove directories, or use the
force flag for files.
CTGRI0010E An error occurred when accessing the
remote filesystem.
Explanation: The application encountered an error
when accessing the remote filesystem.
Programmer response: Ensure that that the remote
machine is available and can be remotely accessed.
CTGRI0011E An error occurred when accessing the
remote registry or service control
Explanation: Access to the remote machine's remote
registry access or service control might not be enabled
or the specified login may not have the authorization to
perform such actions.
Programmer response: Have the remote machine's
administrator enable remote registry access and verify

CTGRI0015E The native Windows service binary

cannot be read.
Explanation: The application cannot find the native
Windows binary, which is used to run remote
applications, anywhere in the classpath.
Programmer response: The trisvc.exe binary, which is
normally located in an IBM Tivoli Remote Execution
and Access JAR file, cannot be located. Verify that the
TRIsvc.exe file is in the JAR file.
CTGRI0016E The target machine's remote service
could not be started.
Explanation: The application could not start the native
Windows service binary (trisvc.exe) on the remote
Programmer response: Ensure that the trisvc.exe
binary has been copied to the target machine.
CTGRI0017E An error occurred in RCP
Explanation: A remote copy (rcp) operation failed.
Programmer response: Ensure that the rsh/rexec
Chapter 25. Messages


remote protocols are enabled on the target.
CTGRI0018E An error occurred in SCP
Explanation: A secure copy (SCP) operation failed.
Programmer response: Ensure that the SSH remote
protocol is enabled on the target.
CTGRI0019E RSH could not bind to any local
privileged port.
Explanation: An RSH operation was attempted but
failed because RSH could not bind to a privileged port.
Programmer response: Ensure that the local machine
has administrative privileges to open restricted ports.
CTGRI0020E Could not find the remote user
Explanation: The specified remote username could not
be found.
Programmer response: Verify that the specified
username exists on the target machine.
CTGRI0021E The charset_name character set is not

CTGRI0024E Access to Resource is denied.

Explanation: The operation failed because access to a
resource has been denied. This could be due to a
permission problem or a sharing violation.
Programmer response: Verify that the user has
sufficient authority to perform the operation and that
the resource being accessed is not locked.
CTGRI0025E The file File is not a valid SSH key.
Explanation: The format of the specified SSH key file
is not valid or not supported.
Programmer response: Verify that the file is a valid
SSH key and that the format is supported.
CTGRI0026E A connection could not be completed to
target during the specified timeout
Explanation: The connection process is taking longer
than the specified time interval. This may be due to
slow network connections, or because a problem is
preventing completion of the connection process.
Programmer response: Verify that there isn't a
problem preventing completion of the connection
process or specify a longer connection timeout interval.

Explanation: This exception is thrown when no

support is available for a requested charset.
Programmer response: Verify that the specified
codeset is valid and any additional support JAR files
are included in the CLASS_PATH.
CTGRI0022E RemoteUser is not authorized to run
Explanation: This exception is thrown when
shutdown is attempted from a non-privileged account.
Programmer response: Run shutdown as a privileged
CTGRI0023E An error occurred when executing the
command: command.
Explanation: The remote command returned a non 0
return code, indicating a failure. This could be a
permissions, syntax or path problem.
Programmer response: Verify the remote command is
in the current path, the user has permissions to execute
the command, and that the command syntax is correct.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

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IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Tivoli Provisioning Manager Problem Determination and

Troubleshooting Guide
This guide provides information to help you identify and resolve problems that you encounter when
using Tivoli Provisioning Manager.

Identify and resolve problems that might occur when you are using the product.
Problem determination, or troubleshooting, is a process of determining why a product is not functioning
in the expected manner. This guide provides information to help you identify and resolve problems that
you encounter when using Tivoli Provisioning Manager.
There are a number of options available for problem determination, and they are described in this
section. The options include:
v Obtaining support to help identify your problem.
v Consulting the overall product overview.
v Using the log files for troubleshooting.

Installation and upgrade problems

This section describes how to recover from Tivoli Provisioning Manager installation problems.

Logging on or logging off problems

This section describes how to recover from Tivoli Provisioning Manager logon problems.

Web interface problems

This section describes how to recover from web interface problems.

Security problems
This section describes how to recover from security problems.

Discovery problems
This section describes how to recover from Tivoli Provisioning Manager discovery problems.

OS management problems
This section describes how to recover from OS management problems.

Software distribution and installation problems

This section describes how to recover from software distribution and installation problems.

Compliance problems
This section contains known limitations regarding compliance checks and compliance recommendations.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2011


On the Compliance tab of the Provisioning Computers application, the filter of the Compliance Checks
field is disabled.
On the Recommendations tab of the Provisioning Computers application, the filter of the Compliance
Recommendations field enables you to filter the recommendations only by Recommendation ID. This
limited filtering option is due to the following behavior of the base services: the base services
infrastructure does not allow you to filter non persistent objects.

Patch management problems

This section describes how to recover from patch management problems.

Virtualization problems
This section describes how to recover from virtualization management problems.

Provisioning task problems

This section describes how to recover from provisioning task problems.

Provisioning workflow problems

This section describes how to recover from provisioning workflow problems.

Reporting problems
This section describes how to recover from reporting problems.

Software Package Editor troubleshooting

This section will help with troubleshooting Software Package Editor problems.

Activity Plan Editor troubleshooting

This section will help with troubleshooting Activity Plan Editor problems.

Agent Manager troubleshooting

This section will help you resolve problems with the agent manager.

Common agent problems

If you encounter problems with the common agent, use the information provided in this documentation
to diagnose and troubleshoot the problems.

Dynamic content delivery troubleshooting

This section will help you resolve problems with the dynamic content delivery.

Device manager service troubleshooting

This section will help you resolve problems with the device manager service.


IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Remote Execution and Access (RXA) troubleshooting

This section will help you resolve problems with Remote Execution and Access (RXA).

Administrative console troubleshooting

This section will help you resolve problems with the administrative console.

Other problems
This section describes how to recover from miscellaneous Tivoli Provisioning Manager problems.

System events taking place within Tivoli Provisioning Manager are recorded as text messages in message
logs. This section lists and describes the messages and message logs.

Troubleshooting Guide



IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Version 7.1.1 Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide

Printed in USA

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