Digital Communication Strategy Manual For Nisaa Institute For Women's Development

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Digital Communication Strategy Manual

For Nisaa Institute for Womens

Created by:
Katie Monks, Claire Hoffert, Colin Wallace, and Nicole
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, VA, USA
May 2016

Digital Communication has become an important part

of any organization and communication strategy.
Managing internal digital information sources can be
critical in the communication efforts of an
organization. This manual is a quick guideline to
how to enhance digital communication platforms to
achieve maximum outreach and effectiveness.

Nisaa Manual 2

Table of Contents:
Facebook 4
1. How To 4
2. Things to Continue 5
Twitter 6
1. How To 6
2. Things to Continue 7
YouTube 8
1. How To 8
2. Things to Continue 9
Social Media Updates 10
Newsletter 11
1. Step by Step Guide 11-12
Videos 13
1. How to upload/shoot video from your phone 13
2. How to edit video 14
Funding Resources 15
1. Ideas for Funding 15-16
2. Sample Form Letter 17
Attachments 18
1. Consent form for Adults and Children 19

Nisaa Manual 3

Simply share things, make sure that you are posting content about NISAA. Something
as simple as a quote from one of the women, employees, or a Thankful for the
nice weather. Hopefully it will continue! #NISAAforWomen.
Just have hashtags as a status, you need to give context for the hashtag. You also want
to use the same hashtag over and over again. This means that when people click
on the hashtag, it will show them all of the stuff that NISAA is doing.
Try to keep the Facebook as professional as possible. Make sure that all of the stuff is
appropriate for all age groups i.e. no profanity.
Post current photos, the photos you have right now are really good. Even sharing one
of those twice a week would be good.
Keep using hashtags, this proves that you are current and up-to-date. We suggest using
#NISAAforWomen as the hashtag you put for all future posts. Make sure you use
the same ones consistently.
Comment on other pages things, this allows NISAA to stay relevant.
Respond to messages when you get them via Facebook. It shows that you care about
what people are saying, and that you care about them commenting on your stuff.
Create an event, but then you need to invite people to it. For example: create an event
for the upcoming book release party, and then invite people to attend it. This
shows that NISAA is doing different things, and proves what projects they are
Have all of the employees be sharing NISAAs posts. This would ensure that NISAA is
getting free publicity. It also allows a lot of people to recognize what NISAA is,
and how they operate.
A good idea for the Facebook is to have a featured employee every week. You can
post a headshot of the employee and then a short bio. This allows people to
understand the organization a little more.
Post something at least once a day. Preferably twice a day, once in the morning and
once at night.
How to Create an Event:
1. Log into Facebook as Nisaa
2. Hit the three dot button on the side of the page next to message.
3. Click Create event.
4. Fill out boxes to create the event
a. Name of the event
b. Location
c. Date and Time
d. A description of the event
5. Invite people to the event
6. Share the event on your personal Facebook and on Nisaa page to ensure
maximum outreach.
Nisaa Manual 4

Things to Continue:
Create an event for the upcoming Book Release with the information about the
release. This can include the flyer. Make sure you invite people to it.
Have everyone in the office like and be sharing the posts from Nisaa
Keep posting photos with a short explanation of what the photo is showing
Keep posting status updates with what is happening at Nisaa and what you guys
are accomplishing
Respond to Facebook messages and reviews of the page

Nisaa Manual 5

How To:
Retweet others content without specifying how it relates to Nisaa
Only use hashtags in the body of the tweet.
o Make sure that you put content in the tweet related to Nisaa, that is
enhanced with the use of hashtags. For example, "Today the women of
Nisaa crocheted in #skillsdevelopment workshop. #NisaaforWomen"
Posting Etiquette:
As with Facebook, hashtags should be used repeatedly.
o This way when people click on the hashtag (ex- "#NisaaforWomen), they
will be taken to a page with all of the tweets that have ever
used #NisaaforWomen in its post. They will then have access to much
more content about your organization.
Keep it clean and professional. No profanity, and make sure it is attractive to all
Keep posts current.
o Sample Post: Talking about it helps you. I dont know how to explain it.
It makes you feel that youre not the only one." ~Client at Nisaa.
o Sample Post: Judge Mabel Jansen:' 'In their [black] culture a woman is
there to pleasure them...a woman's consent is not required. This is
o See Social Media Updates on Page 10
Tweet about upcoming events, i.e.- the book release scheduled for June 3, 2016.
As with Facebook, have all of the employees share Nisaa's posts to ensure free
publicity. It also shows people how Nisaa runs as an organization, and what you
stand for.
When posting a photo, make sure that you have context for what the photo is. A
short blurb of what the photo is showing, who is in the photo, or the event the
photo was taken out is enough.
Post frequently. Preferably twice a day, once in the morning and once at night.
Outreach Suggestions:

Retweet other Women's Organizations with relevant information so that they will
retweet Nisaa's posts, and we will be more relevant
Respond to messages on Twitter when you get them.
o For example, you already have a message for Lawyers V Abuse in South
Africa wanting to connect with Nisaa. It is imperative that you respond to
these messages, as they could open up new doors and bring new resources
Nisaa Manual 6

to your organization. This includes financial donations and more

Continue to follow new organizations and people every month, so that you reach
as wide an audience as possible.
Things to Continue:
Post every day
Keep using consistent hashtags
Respond to follows, shares, and retweets
Follow 15-20 new people each week
o This will keep your Twitter up to date and relevant, also more people will
follow you back if you follow them first

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How to Login to Nisaa Youtube Channel:
1. Enter the username email and password. This is Sima's personal Gmail email and
password, so ask her for this information.
2. Once you are logged in, go to the top right corner and click on the profile picture
icon. There will be a drop box that shows options for "Sima Diar" or "Nisaa
Institute for Women's Development." Click on the Nisaa channel.
How to Upload Videos to Nisaa YouTube Channel:
1. After logging in, you will be taken to the Nisaa homepage. There you will see the
cover photo, with the menu bar below it.
2. Click on the fifth option from the right, "YouTube".
3. "Your YouTube videos" will appear below. Click on the blue words "YouTube
4. This will bring up a new window. In the top right corner click "Upload".
5. Here, there is a small white box where you can click "Private," "Public" or
"Unlisted," depending on what you want to do. (Most often, you will be choosing
"Public" so that you can share your message with a large audience of people.)
6. Click on "Select files to upload" and the files on your computer will pop-up.
7. Choose the video file you wish to upload, and wait for it to load. It takes time to
upload and process video. Meanwhile, you can add a title, description and tags for
your video. (Make sure you save the video as an ".mov" or ".mpeg"file on your
computer, as these are most reliable to work with).
Proper YouTube Etiquette:
Before you upload content with anyone, make sure that they have given you
consent to use their faces and voices in the video clip. (Use a consent form to
ensure accountability).
Aim for 2-3 minute long video clips.
Make sure that the videos are appropriate for all audiences--i.e, no profanity.
Watch the entire video after uploading to assure that sound and video quality are
Maximizing YouTube discoverability:
Create lots of content to extend your outreach as far as possible. This should be
easy--all you have to do is record testimonies from the women or current events
happening at Nisaa on your phone, and download the file onto your computer.
Make sure your title and description are compelling. Use keywords to reach
your target audience. Specify people, places, and background of the video.
Share the YouTube link on Twitter, Facebook, and with your friends. The more
coverage, the better.
Responsiveness is key. Make sure you respond to feedback by reading the
comments on your clips, and reaching out to those who have liked it.
Ask your viewers to subscribe to the Nisaa YouTube Channel

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Things to Continue:
Uploading video
Stay relevant by sharing the YouTube link on your Facebook and Twitter at least
once a month for new followers and subscribers
Encourage your organization to be watching, sharing, and uploading content to

Nisaa Manual 9

Social Media Updates

List of quotes from the interviews we have done with Nisaa clients to use on social media

I never actually felt at that time that I would actually be one of those women.
There is that worry behind you that you might fail. But if you stay positive, youll
never fail.
The ladies at the office - They encouraged me to say that its okay to be scared, its
okay to feel alone, its okay to be whatever you want to be. Theyll still help us no
matter what.
The support here is very good and I would really like to tell everybody about this
place and the help that you can get.
Thank you very much for saving my life Im very proud of Nisaa. If they werent
here for us, what would we do?
The day when I put my foot in that office, I felt a relief. I felt this heavy burden off
my shoulders.
Without Nisaa, we dont know where to go to. These people are very good, very
Im not alone. Theres somebody out there that has bigger problems than I do.
Being at Nisaa, I know what its like to have friends. My kids are even playing with
other kids.
It seems like I know everybody. Its like Ive been here forever. They really do
make you feel at home here.
If youre going to keep quiet, theyre going to just keep doing it.
If I have to stay in it, my daughter will think this is the way of living. Its fine. My
father did it to my mother, let my husband do it to me.
I decided enough is enough. Let me just get out.
I got a new family now.

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Step-by-Step directions for editing the Newsletter:
1. Go to
2. Click Log In in the right hand corner
3. The email is
The password is Nisaawomen
4. The page will open to Campaign Snapshot but click on campaigns in the left
hand corner.
5. Go to Quarterly Newsletter (copy) this is a copy of the original newsletter you
can edit and resend.
6. From the next page, Campaign Snapshot, you can change the name, edit the
newsletter, and add or remove recipients.
7. To change the newsletter click edit under the content header. The button is on
the right hand side.
8. The page that opens is your template. Most of this will remain the same from
quarter to quarter but some things need to change.
9. To edit This quarters newsletter (which should be changed every quarter) just
click on the box and you can delete the text and type. This should be an overview
of what is included in the newsletter.
10. The header pictures of each section should change every quarter as well. We will
leave you will some photos but you can use your own or take them from
Facebook. Try to make the picture relevant for the section.
11. To edit the picture, click on the picture and hit replace. Try to get pictures that
are the same size if they are next to each other (ie. Either horizontal or vertical).
12. Sometimes pictures of the same orientation will not be the same size. If you click
edit next to replace you can crop or resize photos. There are also other edits you
can make but are most likely unneeded.
13. Try to use high quality photos! And remember to not include faces unless the
women signed a consent form.
14. To edit the texts in each section, just click the box and type, like mentioned
15. To delete a whole section, click in the purple border on either side and a box
should appear with an arrow, a plus sign, and a trash can on the right side. To
delete the whole section click the trash.
16. To move a section up or down, click and drag the arrow.
17. To add another section that is identical, click the plus sign. This is the easiest way
to add another section with the same formatting, just change the text and pictures.
18. At the bottom there is also an add section button to add a section that is
formatted differently.
19. This can also be done with the add content bar on the left side. This content will
be added to the bottom of the section you last edited.
20. To delete anything, just click on it and click the trashcan.
21. If you want to edit anything, such as a link that a button connects to, just click on
the section and the customize bar on the left will pop up. Within this bar you
Nisaa Manual 11

can change colors, fonts, shapes, and links. It is very self explanatory and well
22. As you go along the webpage will automatically save your changes.
23. When you are done just click preview to see what it will look like in an email or
on a smartphone.
24. When satisfied, return to the campaign snapshot.
25. From here you can send yourself a test to make sure you like the newsletter before
sending it to everyone. Just click send test and enter the emails you want to
send the test to (this is free).
26. When it is time to send the newsletter to your email list, just select the existing
List Imported for Quarterly Newsletter which contains 162 recipients. This is
your base email list.
27. If you want to send it to the existing 162 and add more, just select edit and then
import new. From here you can import an excel document or type the emails.
28. To send the email list, click Schedule Delivery at the bottom of the page.
It is free to create and update the newsletter.
Each time you send it out it costs USD $5. There is an additional cost per
It is an additional one-cent per email that you wish to send it out to.
o For example, if you send it to 100 people, it will cost USD $5 plus 100
cents for 100 people for a total of USD $6.
o If you send it quarterly for a year for 100 people, it will be USD $24.


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How to upload/shoot video on your Phone:

Open up your phone.

Click on the camera icon.
Switch the shooting mode to video.
Hit the red button to start and stop recording.
Go to your photos app.
Click on the video.
Click on the button on the very left side of the bottom screen.
That button will give you a series of options. Click on the YouTube button.
Fill out the title and description boxes.
a. You can only upload the video to YouTube if you are signed into the
Nisaa YouTube account.
10. If you cannot upload it directly to YouTube, you can email the video to Sima or
whoever has access to upload the video to YouTube.
a. Follow the above steps until number 8.
b. Starting from number 7
i. That button will give you a series of options. Click on the mail
ii. Email it to appropriate person.
11. Follow the directions in the YouTube section to upload the video from the
Shooting a Video:
1. Make sure the background is visually appealing (normally a solid color
background is the best choice).
2. Have the person be sitting in a chair so that they are not moving around too much.
3. Shoot in a room that has a door that can close.
a. This ensures that there is no extra background noise, and the only thing
that can be heard is the person being interviewed.
4. Shoot a tiny clip (15-20 seconds) of the person talking.
a. This ensures that the sound is working, and the video will shoot properly.
Do this before you shoot the whole interview.
5. Get visual and verbal consent of the person being videotaped.
a. Is it okay that I videotape your face and your voice?
b. Do this in addition to getting a written consent form.
6. Ask relevant questions to the interviewing topic.
a. For example: what is your story? How has Nisaa helped you? Where
would you be if not for Nisaa? Is there anything else you would like to
7. Always say thank you for allowing them to be interviewed.
8. Upload and edit the video.

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How to Edit a Video:

1. Upload the video to the computer either by email or by plugging it in.
2. Download QuickTime Player 10 (it is free).
3. Open your video
a. In QuickTime Player 10, click File > Open File. Click Desktop on the left,
then select your video and click Open. Your clip will appear with a set of
controls towards the bottom. Lets start by trimming off either end of the
clip. Select Edit > Trim. A yellow bar appears at the bottom.
4. Trim your clip
a. Drag the left-hand end of the yellow bar to the right to trim the start of the
clip, and pull the other end to the left to cut off the end. As you work, click
the Play button on the far left to play back the clip as it will be once
youve trimmed it. Adjust the yellow bar to suit.
5. Add more footage
a. When youve got it just right, click Trim and the yellow bar will
disappear. If thats all you want to do, skip to step 7 to save and share your
video. But lets add a second clip to the video. Select Edit > Add Clip to
End. Find the video on your computer and click Choose media.
6. Rearrange things
a. Your original clip is the section on the left, and the one youve just added
is to the right. If this is the order youd like them in, click Done. But if
youd rather the second clip play first, drag it to the left, and the original
one will shift right. When youre happy, click Done.
7. More advanced edits
a. Once youve added multiple clips, you can rearrange, trim and split them
using View > Show Clips option. To trim a given clip, double-click it and
follow the instructions in steps 2 and 3. To add footage to the middle of a
clip, click it once to make a thin yellow line appear around it.
8. Export your video
9. Share it with friends
a. QuickTime Player also enables you to share video directly to a range of
websites or other apps on your computer. Youll find the options in the
Share menu, including Facebook and YouTube.

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Funding Resources:
This is a list of organizations that donate to organizations such as Nisaa. We
understand that there is a lot of competition for grants from these organizations. It is
for this reason that we listed several different ones that might be able to help Nisaa, or
put Nisaa in touch with other organizations that can help with funding. Hopefully,
Nisaa can get some money from one of these to help offset costs.
Tyler Moorhead is someone who works with NGOs in Cape Town. He focuses on
getting NGOs funding for various projects. He has offered his help. His contact
information is below:
+27 (79) 1087081
Below is a list of corporations and their international grant support programs
as compiled by
o Ciscos Cash Grants, Social Investments and Support for Nonprofits: It
has a Social Investment program that is implemented in partnerships
with NGOs to encourage socioeconomic gains in communities around
the world[more]
o IBMs Grants and Initiatives, Smarter Cities Challenge: The IBM
grant program is where the company provides direct grants to NGOs
and communities worldwide[more]
o Intel Foundations International Grants: Intels International Grants
offer support in education, environment and community. The
community site grants support additional programs that improve the
quality of life of communities[more]
o Microsoft Grants, Donations and Training to NGOs: The Microsoft
Grants for Nonprofits includes support such as software donations,
training and monetary grants and these are available both for small and
large NGOs around the world[more]
o Nestls Creating Shared Value to address Social and Environmental
Issues: Nestl Healthy Kids Global Programme that works in
partnership with NGOs is to raise nutrition, health and wellness
awareness of school-age children around the world[more]
o Nike, Inc.s Foundation focuses on improving the lives of Adolescent
Girls: The Nike Foundation was set up in 2004 by Nike, Inc. with a

Nisaa Manual 15


special focus on improving the lives of adolescent girls[more]

Swiss Res Corporate Responsibility and ReSource Award: Swiss Res
International ReSource Award for Sustainable Watershed Management
is one of the best examples to demonstrate its corporate responsibility
and also its dedication towards meeting out the challenges of climate
Starbucks Coffee Companys Starbucks Foundation: The Starbucks
Foundation has a focus on youths. It works to support the next
generation of change makers. It has set the community goals of
engaging 50,000 young people[more]
Toyota Motor Corporations Grants: Toyotas most prominent
grantmaking is through the Toyota Environmental Activities Grant
Program, which is announced annually[more]
ViiV Healthcares Positive Action Grants: ViiV Healthcares Positive
Action for Children Fund aims to provide support and deliver
prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) services,
which empower mothers and children across the globe[more]

Nisaa Manual 16

Form Letter to Send to Possible Donors

My name is ____. I am currently working with NISAA, a community based Nongovernmental organization that focuses on the prevention of gender violence and the
empowerment of women based in South Africa.
NISAA has been an ongoing non-profit working out of a suburb in Johannesburg, South
Africa for the past 21 years. The organization has helped over 100 women and children
out of abusive relationships and into stable living conditions. NISAA provides housing,
job training, counseling, and outreach programs for the women that come to the offices
for help.
NISAA now needs your help. In order to keep running, NISAA needs $75 a year to run
their website. Ideally, I would be able to get them more money than that to help offset the
cost of providing clothes, shelter, and food for the women in need. However, I understand
that it is not easy to promise a standing donation of more than a hundred dollars annually.
This is why it is our goal to raise enough money for NISAA to keep at least their website
If you have any questions, would like to learn more about NISAA, or would like to
subscribe to their newsletter list, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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Nisaa Manual 18

Nisaa Institute for Womens Development

Photography and Video Release Form
I, (print name) ___________________________________________, hereby grant
permission to Nisaa Institute for Womens Development and its representatives, to take
and use: photographs and/or digital images and videos and/or video stills of me for use in
news releases and/or promotional materials. These materials might include printed or
electronic publications, social media sites (ie. Twitter, Youtube, Facebook), web sites, or
other electronic communications. I authorize the use of these images and videos without
compensation to me.


(Signature of adult subject over age 18)


Release For Minor Children (Under the age of 18)

I, (print name) ________________________________________, parent or official
guardian of (print childs name) ________________________________________,
hereby grant permission to Nisaa Institute for Womens Development and its
representatives, to take and use: photographs and/or digital images and videos and/or
video stills of my child for use in news releases and/or promotional materials. These
materials might include printed or electronic publications, web sites, social media (ie.
Twitter, Facebook, Youtube), or other electronic communications. I authorize the use of
these images without compensation to me.


(Signature of Parent or Guardian)


Nisaa Manual 19

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