Dreamspell Genesis

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Foundation for the Law of Time - Lawoftime.


[Timeship Earth 2013]

Long Count and Dreamspell

by Valum Votan
The Dreamspell is a description of the synchronic order. The Long
Count is the sacred count of days. Both use the same harmonic
standard - the Tzolkin or Harmonic Module. For Dreamspell, the
Harmonic Module is an absolute fourth-dimensional referencing matrix
and synchronic gauge. For the Long Count, it is an ever-recurring 260day count beginning at 4 Ahau, 8 Cumhu August 13 BC 3113 (3114),
and which establishes endless cycles of vinals, tuns, katuns, and
The Dreamspell is a new dispensation. Its count is calibrated to 8
Wizard, July 26, 1987. It utilizes the reformed 13 moon 28 + 1 day Tun
Uk and Haab 365-day counts as its measure. Since its purpose is
twofold - to displace the artificial and irregular Gregorian calendar, and
to establish the synchronic order and the Law of Time as a new basis of
knowledge and the reformulation of the human mind as a purely fourth
dimensional knowing, it operates in perfect 52-year solar-galactic
cycles. It does not recognize leap day and so maintains the perfection
of the synchronic order - a purely fourth- dimensional order in which
the irregularity of leap day does not occur. As long as the Gregorian
calendar is still in use as a point of reference, leap day, February 29, is
counted as 0.0 Hunab Ku.
When the human is harmonized in the supermental order of the Law of
Time, and the Gregorian calendar is no longer known or recognized, we
will be able to telepathically stabilize the Earths rotation at a perfect
365 days and the leap day will be eliminated.
There is no conflict between Dreamspell and the Long Count. They are
merely two different standards that serve two different purposes, both
operating with different applications of the same system. The
synchronic order harmonizes all timing systems, including the Long
Count, all lunar calendars, etc. Currently, between February 29, 2004
and February 28, 2008, the difference between the Dreamspell and the
Long Count is 49 days. Between 2008 and 2012, the difference will be
48 days, and after February 29, 2012, it will be 47 days. Hence today,

Kin 196 Dreamspell, is Kin 147 Long Count. (Northern) Winter solstice
2012 will be Kin 207 Dreamspell and Kin 160 Long Count.
People who believe that there is a conflict between the two systems
are still immersed in dualism and are fixated on being right. The future
spiritual-mental evolution depends on holding multiple views
simultaneously, of seeing the inherent harmony in all forms of order
whatsoever, and of experiencing non-dual unification of self and other.
Ah Yum Hunab Ku Evam Maya Eh Ma Ho!
Sarvam Mangalam
May all beings be well and happy!
Mitakuye Oyasin
All my relations!

- 4 Seed Year (2010) Foundation for the Law of Time -

{Dreamspell Genesis}
The Dreamspell Genesis is a psychomythic description of the
migration from the lost worlds to the present world on Planet Earth. It
is the journey of time travelers who become space-traveling amnesiacs
only to be awakened by a return to the correct time

The Journey of Timeship Earth 2013
Dreamspell Genesis
Timeship Earth 2013
Born of the Dragon
Taught by the Monkey
Set in flight by the Moon
Just as the falcon entering its gyre henceforth spins without turning back, so once a
planetary kin has entered the Magnetic Dragon gate of the Castle of Turning, there is
no turning back, only turning and turning again through the endless and infinite
castle spires of the mighty Timeship Earth 2013.
Timeship Earth. Five majestic castles of fathomless splendor bound into one by the
spiraling gyre-like path of the Dreamspell Genesis. Not once, not twice, but thrice was
this genesis originated.
By the Dragon born, the twenty solar tribes of the planetary kin appeared on
Timeship Earth. By the Monkey taught, the planetary kin learned the magic of the
Thirteen Moons that guide Timeship Earth. Set in flight by the Moon, the destiny of
the planetary kin is the galactic launching of Timeship Earth.
Timeship Earth. Five castles ever revolving together in the Dreamspell Genesis of
time. A red castle to the east, a white castle to the north, a blue castle to the west, a
yellow castle to the south, and a green enchanted castle in the center. Each castle is
entered by four magnetic gates.
For each castle a red magnetic gate unlocks the eastern castle quarter; a white
magnetic gate unlocks the northern castle quarter; a blue magnetic gate unlocks the
western castle quarter; a yellow magnetic gate unlocks the southern castle quarter.
Each castle quarter is a wavespell of thirteen steps. Each castle wavespell is formed
by two gates, two towers, and nine chambers. Five castles of four wavespells each,
twenty wavespells in all.

Each of the twenty wavespells of the mighty Timeship Earth accounts for thirteen
centuries by human reckoning. Four magnetic gates, four wavespells in all, each
castle accounts for fifty-two steps or fifty-two Dreamspell centuries.
Dreamspell, the return of the twenty solar tribes following the thirteen moons
through Timeship Earth 2013. Three Dreamspell geneses. Five castles. Twenty
wavespells. 260 steps. 260 Dreamspell centuries cast.
So it was almost 260 centuries, 26,000 years ago, that Timeship Earth entered its
first genesis, the Dragon Genesis of the primal Dreamspell. Woven by the Dragon into
the Earth, the human Dreamspell journey had begun. The Red Eastern Castle of
turning had been entered. The first of the mighty wavespells was cast.
First came the thirteen century Dragon wavespell, followed by the thirteen century
Wizard wavespell. Though much of the Earth was covered in snow and ice, the
Dragon nurtured all, gave to everyone a place of kin within the Dragon wavespell
dome of birth.
The Dragon wavespell cast, Wizard appeared and enchanted all. Within the Red
Castle of Turning everyone grew in power and timelessness. From Wizards
enchantment came the knowing that opens the third magnetic gate. The Hand
wavespell cast the power of healing, a shadow blaze of burning blue upon the walls
of the Dreamspell Castle of Turning.
Then from the healing knowledge of the Hand wavespell, arrived the fourth magnetic
gate of the Castle of Turning. The Sun wavespell came to be known in all its might. At
last was cast the wavespell of universal fire that the hearts of all might know the
source of heat and life.
Despite the ice age mantle worn by planet earth, with the Sun wavespell, the Eastern
Castle of Turning was complete. Fifty-two centuries of the primal Dreamspell had
passed, now the time had come to enter the Northern Castle of Crossing.
While the Castle of Turning glows with a warm, liquid, dawn red aura, the Castle of
Crossing rises white, austere, majestic beyond belief. To complete its ice age journey,
Timeship Earth now had to travel to galactic north, and there construct the Castle of
To prepare for the crossing, Skywalker came first to cast the fifth wavespell of space
unbound, where all the kin are free to explore. Then arrived World-bridger, the
deathless one, casting the wavespell that crosses all from death to the enchanted
Having established the wavespell of space and the wavespell of death, next was cast
the burning blue wavespell of Storm, creating a universal storehouse of selfgeneration.
When the first three magnetic gates of the Castle of Crossing were completed, then
came the fourth gate. Human arrived casting the wavespell of free will. So were
completed the next fifty-two steps of Timeship Earth, fifty-two centuries in which
were created the four great universal storehouses of space, death, self-generation
and free will. Even unto this time no warrior journey can occur without safe passage
through the Northern White Castle of Crossing.

Two castles had been completed, one hundred four steps, one hundred four
Dreamspell centuries, ten thousand four hundred earth years had gone by. The ice
age waning, her cargo of planetary kin growing in mutual love, knowledge and power,
the mighty Timeship Earth was now ready to receive the Western Blue Castle of
Burning. Equipped with the first two castle powers of birth and death, the castle
power of magic was readied for Timeship Earth.
To prepare for the magic, first Serpent cast the wavespell of life force. For thirteen
steps the life force climbed its way through the first quarter of the Castle of Burning.
Then arrived Mirror casting its perfect wavespell of endlessness. And in the
shimmering white gate of the Cosmic Dog, the thirteenth step of the Mirror
wavespell, the Dragon Genesis fulfilled itself.
There in the middle of the Castle of Burning, the power of magic struck with a
thunderous force. One hundred thirty steps, one hundred thirty Dreamspell centuries,
thirteen thousand earth years had passed. Shattered and gone was the primal
Dreamspell Dragon Genesis. Arising just as suddenly was the Matrix Dreamspell of
magic, six wavespells, seventy-eight steps, seventy-eight Dreamspell centuries of the
Monkey Genesis.
Gone was the ice age. Equipped with the power of ten wavespells, the planetary kin
opened the gates to the eleventh wavespell of magic and inaugurated the Monkey
Genesis. Through the thirteen steps of the Monkey wavespell the kin of Timeship
Earth learned the weaving of the Thirteen Moons that create the Dreamspell Garden.
Then through the fourth gate of the Blue Castle of Burning arrived the Seed
wavespell casting the power of flowering. The magic brilliance of the thirteen moons
wove its Monkey Genesis spell across the human garden.
Complete now were the fifty-two steps of the Blue Western Castle of Burning. The
power of magic fulfilled itself in transforming the Dragon Genesis into the Monkey
Genesis. Three castles, one hundred fifty-six steps, one hundred fifty-six Dreamspell
centuries completed, the journey of Timeship Earth now turned toward galactic south
for the continuation of the fourth castle, the radiant Yellow Castle of Giving.
Just as the planetary kin received the powers of birth, death and magic from passage
through the first three castles, so the fourth would bestow on them the Warrior power
of intelligence.
Now came the first magnetic gate of the Castle of Giving, the thirteenth wavespell,
the Earth wavespell casting the power of navigation. Mighty were the kin on entering
this gate, powerful were they in navigating the magic of the thirteen.
Now came the Dog wavespell opening the power of heart. Following the thirteen
steps of the Dog wavespell, the kin became rich in love and loyalty, all in preparation
for the wavespell of Night. Thirteen steps through the burning Blue Night wavespell
allowed the dream power of the kin to ripen in unparalleled abundance. Finally
completing the Yellow Southern Castle of Giving, the magnetic gate of the Warrior
presented itself.
Through casting the Warrior wavespell of intelligence, the kin increased their
fearlessness of magical giving. Full blown was the capacity of the planetary kin to
share in their gifts. Equal to each other were they in their ability to give themselves
to each other according to the needs of whatever adventure might arise.

Four castles had been completed, sixteen wavespells cast, two hundred eight steps
climbed, two hundred eight Dreamspell centuries passed. Spiraling up through the
Dragon Genesis, spiraling again through the Monkey Genesis, the planetary kin were
prepared for the third and final genesis of Timeship Earth, the Moon Genesis, the
genesis of magic flight. Only fifty-two steps, fifty-two centuries through the Green
Central Castle of Enchantment and the incredible voyage of Timeship Earth 2013
would be complete.
Having demonstrated the powers of the Thirteen Moons in weaving together the
Dreamspell Garden of Magic during the six wavespells of the Monkey Genesis, the
planetary kin of the mighty Timeship Earth awaited transfer to the Green Central
Castle of Enchantment. However, in the magic flight from the two hundred eighth
step, Cosmic Star, to the two hundred ninth step, Magnetic Moon, initiating the Moon
Genesis, a theft occurred.
Impostors, male priests and warriors usurped the power of the Thirteen Moons. They
hid the power of the thirteen among themselves and attempted to banish all memory
of the Matrix Dreamspell of Magic.
The Moon Genesis was to bestow the gift of the 13:260 ratio upon the planetary kin
of Timeship Earth. The 13:260 ratio unlocks the vast powers of magical flight held by
the Central Castle of Enchantment. Instead, the planetary kin had imposed upon
them the diminishing power ratio of 12:60. No longer the magic of Thirteen Moons
but a twelve month calendar of uncertain meaning. No longer the timeless gyre of
magical flight, but a sixty minute hour to earn ones bread.
Time was compressed into a flat circle. The power of the twenty solar tribes of the
planetary kin was reduced to the power of five instead of twenty. Slowly the kin gave
their power away to the priests, while the priests of the calendar cast the Dreamspell
of History.
Despite the male priest corporate takeover of the third-dimensional Earth, the fourthdimensional Timeship continued to be woven. However, the fifty-two steps of the
Central Castle of Enchantment came to be covered with an increasingly dense
overlay, the Dreamspell of History.
During the opening Moon wavespell of the Castle of Enchantment, the priests
successfully diverted the power of universal water and established civilization
through irrigation, writing, warfare and the calendar of twelve. Through the second
wavespell of Wind, the power of spirit was channeled through metallurgy, horse and
chariot warfare, and the building of imperial cities. The domain of the warrior priests
was extended. Twenty-six centuries of the Castle of Enchantment captured by the
male priesthood.
The power of Timeship Earth persisted. During the third wavespell of the Moon
Genesis, Eagle cast the wavespell of vision. Teachers, philosophers and visionary
sons of the ancient time called for a recollection of the original order of Timeship
Earth. But the minds and memory of the planetary kin had already become dim and
were growing dimmer.
Finally came the twentieth wavespell, the wavespell of the Star. Casting the power of
elegance, the Star wavespell beckoned the journey of the last thirteen steps, the last
thirteen Dreamspell centuries of the two-hundred-sixty-step fortress of Timeship
Earth, the completion of the Moon Genesis of magic flight.

The power of the male priests continued to navigate its own course. The 12:60 ratio
spread around the planet in mechanized victory. Yet, the secret dreamers of the
Timeship continued without ceasing to weave the true vision of time according to the
invisible demands of Timeship Earth.
Now blind and without coherent recollection, the human crew of third dimensional
planet Earth steers its ship of civilization into the self created walls of its own
It is as if a man climbing a spiraling staircase of two-hundred-sixty steps arrives at
the last few, and having forgotten his purpose, stumbles at the very last step. Will the
man fall and all the effort be for naught? Or will something happen in that fleeting
instant of stumbling? Perhaps a deja vu, a fleeting recollection of the whole
adventure. Such could be enough to bring the man back to himself and set him aright
to complete successfully the two hundred sixtieth step.
So it has happened that the Dreamspell of History completed itself AD 1987, 16
August by the calendar of twelve. A five year deja vu is now occurring whereby all
may awaken to the Dreamspell. All may have again the opportunity of receiving at
last the gift of magical flight, the 13:260 ratio, restoring the magic of the planetary
kin to what it was at the dawn of the Moon Genesis.
From the Dreamspell ending of history, AD 1987, to the intended Dreamspell
launching of Timeship Earth, AD 2013, there are only twenty-six years. Five years to
unravel the Dreamspell of History. Eight years to recover the Dreamspell of Magic.
Thirteen years to test drive the mighty Timeship Earth through the Green Central
Castle of Enchantment. Then on to the Timeship Earth launching point 2013.
The Galactic Dreamspell has hardly begun. The tale of Timeship Earth is poised at
this moment to release the gift, the galactic tones of the Thirteen Moons, the
calendar wavespell that unlocks all wavespells.


The Journey of Timeship Earth
The Gift

Time Shift 1992

The time of the gift
One wavespell maps the adventure
That unlocks all wavespells
Charting the Dreamspell journey
Of Timeship Earth 2013

From the time of the Monkey Genesis in the middle of the Blue Western Castle of
Burning, the planetary kin lived by following and practicing the magic of the Thirteen
Moons. Descended from the twenty solar tribes, each planetary kin possesses twenty
fingers and toes. In this way the planetary kin of the Monkey Genesis Dreamspell of
Magic lived according to the lunar:solar ratio of 13:20.
The 13:20 ratio is the base operating cycle of Timeship Earth. Thirteen moons, twenty
solar tribes living in harmony sustain Timeship Earth in its orbit around the sun.
Then came the time for the planetary kin to complete the Monkey Genesis and enter
the Moon Genesis. According to the Dreamspell code of the castles, upon leaving the
Southern Yellow Castle of Giving and entering the Green Castle of Enchantment, the
planetary kin were to receive the gift of the increased 13:260 Timeship Earth
operating ratio.
In the profound space between the Monkey Genesis ending and the Moon Genesis
beginning of the Enchanted Castle a trick was played, a theft occurred, power was
usurped. How? And why?
The current Dreamspell of Timeship Earth is now approaching its twenty six thousand
year finale. This Dreamspell is only the most recent Dreamspell cast in the planetary
system of the Sun. Numerous times before on different planets within the local star
system had Dreamspells been cast. Not all of these Dreamspells ended well.
One planet was destroyed, Maldek, the fifth planet out from the Sun, is now known as
the asteroid belt. Its history lost, the debris of its Dreamspell still holds Maldek's
orbital position.
Catastrophic disturbances also occurred on Mars, the fourth planet out. The power
that once animated Maldek and Mars was now absorbed and appropriated by Jupiter,
the sixth planet, and held in check by Saturn, the seventh.
Jealous of their increased power, forces on Jupiter and Saturn conspired against the
planetary kin receiving the gift of the 13:260 ratio. This gift would have given Earth
equal power and would have established a direct connection between Earth and
Uranus, the eighth planet.
For just as Earth is the third planet out from the Sun, so is Uranus the third planet in
from the galaxy. Together Earth and Uranus hold the orbital balance of the solar

Both Earth and Uranus have two planetary orbits on either side of them. As long as
Jupiter and Saturn held the power of Maldek and Mars, the channel between Earth
and Uranus was closed. Instead of the 13:260 ratio already stored deep within the
crystal core of Timeship Earth, the planetary kin received the 12:60 ratio, the dark
Dreamspell of History. The promise of Galactic Time Magic and Cosmic Selfhood was
stolen from the planetary kin.
The purpose of the twelve was to erase all memory of the Monkey Genesis when the
planetary kin, men and women equal in their magic powers, lived by the Thirteen
Moons. So the thirteenth moon was dismembered and added on as extra days to the
calendar of twelve.
This absorption of the thirteen into the twelve was called an improvement by the
male impostor priests hypnotized by the combined powers of Jupiter and Saturn. It
takes twelve years for Jupiter to orbit once around the Sun. It takes sixty years for
Jupiter and Saturn to be conjunct.
Twelve times five equals sixty, one sixth of the flat three hundred sixty degree circle.
The difference between twelve and five is seven. While the priests of the calendar of
ancient babylon banished the power of the Thirteen Moons, they replaced that power
with the power of seven.
While the twelve diminished the power of thirteen by one, the sixty raised the power
of twenty by three. A seeming increase in power occurred, but an increase only on
the flat plane of third dimensional time to which the planetary kin were now
With the banishment of the Thirteen Moons, the fourth-dimensional time magic of the
planetary kin became the property of the priest class. Setting up religions and
governments to maintain the kin within the third dimension, the priests were assured
that anyone having fourth-dimensional experiences either be appropriated by religion
and government or else be destroyed.
From the outset, once the 12:60 ratio became the standard of the Dreamspell of
History, the planetary kin were placed increasingly out of phase with Timeship Earth
which still operated on the base 13:20 ratio.
Only in Central America and Mexico, far from the priests of Babylon, did the calendar
of thirteen flourish during the Dreamspell of History. Despite their own corruption, the
priests called Maya kept both the calendar of thirteen and the memory of Venus, the
cosmic starlight initiating the Moon Genesis. In this way the 13:20 operating ratio of
Timeship Earth continued to be maintained far into the Central Enchanted Castle of
the Moon Genesis.
Even so, five hundred years ago, did the priests and warriors of the 12:60 ratio venge
and destroy as much as they could of the knowledge and memory of the Mayan
13:20 ratio. This accomplished, the mission of Timeship Earth went into hibernation.
The 12:60 ratio was now triumphant over all the planet. Third-dimensional time could
now be mechanized. While offering the magically dispossessed planetary kin
increased material wealth, comfort, and power through application of the template
"time is money," the male priesthood now confounded all memory of the thirteen
with ignorance and superstition.

Despite the sinister materialism of the male priesthood, the subtle power of the
Castle of Enchantment continued to move forward. The Dreamspell of History paved
its own shortsighted path over the last few steps of the twentieth wavespell. All the
while, saints, martyrs, poets, and visionaries of every kind beckoned to humanity
with their glimpses of the Timeship and its glorious destiny.
Operating in disregard of the natural 13:20 ratio of Timeship Earth, the civilization of
the Dreamspell of History increasingly took on the quality of a time warp.
Fourth-dimensional time is radial, shooting out in every direction simultaneously from
the ever-present now. The radial simultaneity of fourth-dimensional time creates a
holosphere of ever more complex orders of synchronicity.
Operating exclusively by its own power, third-dimensional time is flat. Like a
phonograph record, the time warp of the third dimension is but a thin slice of the
total holosphere of fourth-dimensional time.
Like a phonograph record, the time warp is limited in size and duration. No more than
fifty-two hundred years are available to be recorded in the grooves of the record, and
then no more can be recorded. Naturally the priests of third-dimensional time are
blind to the limits of the record upon which they are recording and being recorded.
So it was that on August 16, 1987, the recording of the 12:60 ratio came to its end.
The needle is now skipping wildly over the record as the priests try to continue the
recording. Strange sounds, dissonances, deja vus occur with wild insistence. The
great awakening has already begun.
The Dreamspell of History shattering, the Time of the Gift of the 13:260 ratio has
returned once again. That time is the Time Shift, July 26, 1992, when the reactivated
Timeship Earth will arise everywhere within the midst of the shattered flatland record
of the third dimension.
The gift for leaving the 12:60 ratio and entering the 13:260 ratio is the Thirteen Moon
calendar for casting the Planetary Service Wavespell. Keyed to the Dreamspell
Journey Board, the Thirteen Moon wavespell unlocks all castle wavespells and opens
the two hundred sixty galactic gateways of Timeship Earth.
Thirteen perfect moons of twenty-eight days each. Each moon a perfect reflection of
every other moon. In sequence, each of the thirteen moons carries one of thirteen
galactic tones.
Thirteen perfect moons, one perfect wavespell. The thirteen moon wavespell, a
perfect reflection of the castle wavespell.
The first moon is the Magnetic gate. The next three moons are the first three
chambers of the wavespell. The fifth moon is the Overtone tower. The next three
moons are the next three chambers. The ninth moon is the Solar tower followed by
the last three chambers of the wavespell. The thirteenth moon is the Cosmic gate.
Magic flight occurs on the free Green Day between the last day of the thirteenth
Cosmic moon and the first day of the first Magnetic moon. The free Green Day
synchronizes with July 25 on the present solar calendar. The first day of the Magnetic
moon is July 26.

The purpose of the Thirteen Moon calendar is to gather together the service of the
planetary kin on behalf of Timeship Earth. Like any wavespell, the Planetary Service
Wavespell of the Thirteen Moon calendar follows the same template of adventure and
time magic as the castle wavespells.
All twenty wavespells of the 13:260 ratio are mapped on the Dreamspell Journey
Board. While the Thirteen Moon wavespell serves to convert third to fourth
dimensional time, the twenty wavespells of the Journey Board map all of the radial
overtones of fourth-dimensional time.
By surrendering the 12:60 ratio and accepting the wavespell perfection of the
Thirteen Moon calendar, all planetary kin will discover their own galactic gateways.
Following the Time Shift, July 26, 1992, the planetary kin can take advantage of the
stored power of the Castle of Enchantment.
Through application of the overtone magic of galactic time, within twenty years the
planetary kin can complete the Journey of Timeship Earth 2013.
With nothing left to lose and nowhere else to go, it is time for all planetary kin to
enter the adventure of Timeship Earth.

The Earth shall prevail

The garden shall be renewed
The magical power of the kin shall be restored
The time tunnel between Earth and Uranus
Shall be opened
The Moon Genesis of magic flight shall be fulfilled
The Galactic Dreamspell shall be
Successfully entered at last


Dreamspell Oracle of Destiny:

The Oracle of Galactic Time
The Dreamspell Mission on Timeship Earth


Humans: time travelers lost on experimental third-dimensional colony.

Earth: third-dimensional anchor of lost Timeship.
Original mission: land Timeship 2013 on Earth and take action to keep Earth from
being third planet in succession to blow out within local star system.
Target of original mission: Galactic Synchronization, AD 2013.
Cause of planetary blow-outs: memory virus affecting third-dimensional space
Result of virus: genetic flaw in space suits causing amnesia of third-to-fourth
dimensional connect and of sensory/environmental hook-up.
Origin of virus: double-agent time bandits on Jupiter and Saturn wanting to take
over local star system project 12:60 ratio beam toward Earth to keep time colonists in
third dimension.

Mission protagonists:






Function: star surveillance and planet development for purpose of seeding fifth
force, power of galactic self-creation.
History of mission: through many galactic spins there had been surveillance of the
system, Kinich Ahau, a single star system with ten orbital wings. Because of its ten
orbital wings, Kinich Ahau was deemed perfect for anchoring the fifth force. Once the
fifth force was anchored on the star Kinich Ahau, its ten orbits became charged and
Once a stars planetary orbits are charged and activated, colonization becomes
necessary. A tedious and lengthy process, initially the colonization proceeded
routinely. The major point of engagement was to establish a time tunnel between the
planets holding the third and the eighth orbits. This meant that, first of all, the orbits
on either side of the third and eighth planets had to be stabilized.
Trouble broke out when the mission on the fifth orbit, held by the planet called
Maldek, blew up so badly that the planet became an asteroid belt. A second mission
on the fourth planet out, called Mars, also self-destructed leaving an uninhabitable
red planet. The situation of Kinich Ahau was grave.
The source of the trouble came from counter-agents who had taken over the planets
Jupiter and Saturn, holding the sixth and seventh orbits. These counter-agents now
held the two largest planets of the Kinich Ahau system and formed an effective block
between the third and eighth orbits, rendering the construction of the time tunnel

Although Kinich Ahau is a solitary star system rotating around the Pleiadian cluster,
when fully operative it contributes to the sounding of a cosmic fifth force chord in this
remote sector of the galaxy. Because of this, the Timeship Earth mission was decided
as a last ditch ploy to salvage Kinich Ahau.
Following the Pleiadian timing of Kinich Ahau, the Dreamspell mission of Timeship
2013 was implanted on Earth at -23,987 Dreamspell years. Utilizing the code of the
four cosmic root races, the galactic time travelers entered their third-dimensional
space suits. For 26,000 Dreamspell years the time colony would utilize the genetic
programming of the third-dimensional space suits and remain incarnate on planet
During the Dragon Genesis the time colony enriched itself on memory nodes
unlocking the cause and cure of the disruptions on Kinich Ahau. Then, despite the
precaution of cultivating the magic and wisdom of the Thirteen Moons during the
Monkey Genesis, the memory virus struck.
At -3187 Dreamspell years the time bandits of the sixth and seventh orbits pulsed
their beam. The 12:60 frequency of the memory virus took immediate effect on the
third-dimensional space suits.
The planetary colonists experienced the virus initially as a dimness of memory
concerning their fourth-dimensional hook up and then, as weakened sense
perceptions. Counter-agents on Earth disguised as priests told the colonists that in
order to make up for their weakened senses, civilization should be developed. To
account for their weakened fourth-dimensional memory, described as "lost soul,"
religion would be needed.
The Dreamspell of History was cast. A wedge was driven between the ego of the
third-dimensional space suits and the fourth-dimensional holons of the galactic
Result: the last 20 percent of the mission was aborted. Instead of creating a spectral
continuum connecting the third and eighth planetsEarth and Uranusthe colonists
entered the amnesia and recreated the Maldek-Mars effect, also known as Atlantis.
As the wedge between the third-dimensional space suit and the fourth-dimensional
holon grew, the colonists experienced greater and greater dissynchronization. The
colonists were now lost in time.
As the dissynchronization increased, the planet attracted more and more lost time
travelers from other parts of the galaxy. By the time of the Age of Transformation, AD
1754-2013, the dissynchronous attraction of lost galactic time travelers grew to epic
proportions. The human population of Earth expanded enormously, growing from 0.5
billion in 1754 to 5.2 billion in 1990. Material civilization exploded in direct proportion
to this exponential growth.
The memory virus was now epidemic. Not wanting to see Kinich Ahau grow dim in the
sounding of the cosmic chord, the galactic fifth force has developed, at the last
possible moment, an inoculation for the memory virus: Dreamspell.
The Dreamspell cures the memory virus while restoring your fourth-dimensional
memory circuits. Through use of the Dreamspell, you can dial up your galactic
gateway, reenter the original mission state, and destructure the illusion of the
memory virus.

The Time Shift, July 26, 1992, is the first step readying the Timeship for completion of
its mission. By restoring the power of thirteen through implementation of the
Thirteen Moon calendar the Saturn power of seven will be checked.
This buys time and gives you eight years to clean up the mess. Through the pole
shift, AD 2000, you will regain the power of time travel and the time tunnels will be
reopened. Between 2000 and 2013, you will be able to pin point the source of the
memory virus on Saturn and Jupiter. By 2013, you will meet Galactic Synchronization.
Kinich Ahau will be stabilized.

4 Seed Year (2010) Foundation for the Law of Time

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