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A. Put the verbs in the Simple Present.

B. Give short answers.

Ben __________ (be) a 10-year-old boy and he

1. Is Ben in Year 6? Yes, he is.

__________ (be) in Year 6. He __________ (go)

2. Do his lessons start at 8?

to Trinity School. His lessons __________ (start)









__________ (get up) at 7. He __________ (take)

a shower and __________ (put on) his uniform.
He __________ (have) breakfast with his family.
He usually ________ (eat) a cheese sandwich and he
________ (drink) a glass of milk. After breakfast, he
_________ (make) his bed and __________ (tidy up) his
room. Then he _________ (brush) his teeth and _________
(comb) his hair. He __________ (leave) for school at 7:45,

but before that he __________ (kiss) his parents goodbye.

3. Does he get up late?

4. Does he have breakfast alone?

5. Does he make his bed?

C. dont or doesnt?
1. I ____________ eat too many lollipops.
2. She ____________ get up before 7:30.
3. They ____________ go to bed after 10.
4. He ____________ like school dinners.

D. do____________
or does?
6. What about you? Do you make your
1. What time _______ you leave for school?

bed? ______________________________

2. _______ she arrive home before noon?

7. Do you walk to school?
3. _______ they often go to the cinema?


5. Sue ____________ enjoy playing cards.

4. When _______ he play with his friends?

8. Are you in Year 7?
5. What _______ Sue do in the evening?

6. Sue and I ____________ want to go out.

6. _______ Ben and Sue have lunch together?

7. You ____________ know how to swim.

7. _______ you know how to make a cake?

8. The dog ____________ bark all day.

8. How often _______ Ben play badminton?

9. Ben and Sue ____________ share a room.

9. Where _______ your grandparents live?

10. Sues parents___________ let her go out at night.

10. _______ her teacher have a new car?

11. Her grandparents ____________ live nearby.

11. How much _______ a school dinner cost?

12. Sues brother ____________ go to her school.

12. Why _______ she always leave so early?

A. questions
Put the verbs
in answers.
the Simple Present.
E. Now ask
to the



B. Give short answers.

1. What time
Ben home
in Yearat6?
Yes, he is.
is (be) a 10-year-old boy and he is (be) in
2. How ________________________________________________?
go his
to school 8? Yes, they do.
Year 6. He goes (go) to Trinity School. His
3. How many
6 lessons.
start (start) at 8 oclock, so on
3. IDoes
get up late? No, he doesnt.
4. ___________________________________________?
I like my teachers.
weekdays he always gets (get up) at 7.Yes,
HeI do. 4.
Does he have breakfast alone? No, he
5 What about
Yes, he does.
a shower
and puts on (put on)


his uniform. He has (have) breakfast with his

6. What _______________________________________________________?
He goes to St. Martins School.
5. Does he make his bed? Yes, he does..
7. How many
____________________________________________________________? He has 6 subjects.
6. What about you? Do you make your bed?
cheese sandwich and he drinks
And you?
manya _____________________________________________________?
I have 8 subjects.
Yes, I do. / No, I dont.

a glass of milk. After breakfast, he makes (make)
9. ___________________________________________________?
No, I dont have lunch at the canteen.
7. Do you walk to school? Yes, I do. / No,
__________________________________________________________________? I have lunch at home.
(brush) his teeth and combs (comb) his hair. He leaves

I dont.

(leave) for school at 7:45, but before that he kisses (kiss)

8. Are you in Year 7? Yes, I do. / No, I

his parents goodbye.


D. do or does?

C. dont or doesnt?
1. I dont eat too many lollipops.

1. What time do you leave for school?

2. She doesnt get up before 7:30.

2. Does she arrive home before noon?

3. They dont go to bed after 10.

3. Do they often go to the cinema?

4. He doesnt like school dinners.

4. When does he play with his friends?

5. Sue doesnt enjoy playing cards.

5. What does Sue do in the evening?

6. Sue and I dont want to go out.

6. Do Ben and Sue have lunch together?

7. You dont know how to swim.

7. Do you know how to make a cake?

8. The dog doesnt bark all day.

8. How often does Ben play badminton?

9. Ben and Sue dont share a room.

9. Where do your grandparents live?

10. Sues parents dont let her go out at night.

10. Does her teacher have a new car?

11. Her grandparents dont live nearby.

11. How much does a school dinner cost?

12. Sues brother doesnt go to her school.

12. Why does she always leave so early?

E. Now ask questions to the answers.

1. What time do you leave home? I leave home at 8:15.
2. How do you go to school? I go to school by bus.
3. How many lessons (a day) do you have? I have 6 lessons.
4. Do you like your teachers? Yes, I do. I like my teachers.
5 What about your brother? Does he like his teachers? Yes, he does.
6. What school does he go to? He goes to St. Martins School.
7. How many subjects does he have? He has 6 subjects.
8. And you? How many subjects do you have? I have 8 subjects.
9. Do you have lunch at the school canteen? No, I dont have lunch at the canteen.
10. Where do you have lunch? I have lunch at home..

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