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Teaching notes for

photocopiable activities
Unit 01:
My space

Unit 02:
My week

You will need: one worksheet per student.

Give each student a worksheet. Tell them they will need to
find ten things in the house in the word search. Ask students
to close their books and turn the worksheet upside down.
Elicit as many things in the house as they can remember from
the unit and write them on the board.
Students work individually to complete the word search and
find the ten things.
Fast finishers could create a free time activity puzzle of their
own, for example using an online puzzle generator.

You will need: one worksheet per student.

Give each student a worksheet.
Try to elicit the first question. (What time do you get up?)
Drill it chorally and write it on the board. Tell students to
write it down.
Do the same with the next question. (What time do you have
breakfast?) Again, tell students to write it down.
Put students into pairs. Tell them to work together to create
the rest of the questions and write them down.
If students struggle to make the questions, do them all as a
whole class, eliciting them and writing them on the board
before they write them down.
Check students have the correct questions. Chorally drill
them all.
Students fill in the Me column about themselves. They dont
need to write whole sentences for this task.
Tell students they need to fill in the Teacher column.
Nominate students to ask you the questions, and make sure
they all write your answers correctly. Again, they dont need
to write full sentences for this.
Students ask their partner the questions, and write down
their partners answers.

Unit 03:
Wild animals



You will need: one worksheet per student.

Put students into pairs.
Give each student a worksheet and check they understand
who their partner is.
Read through the sentences with students and tell them that
they are going to guess their partners answers and write
them down without talking to their partner first.
Tell students to turn their worksheets over.
Elicit the first two questions from students and write them
on the board. (How often do you get up before 10.00 on
Sundays? How often do you swim?) Tell students to copy them
down in their notebooks.
Tell students to write the rest of the questions down. Each
question should start How often do you . . . ? Monitor to
provide encouragement and assistance if needed.
Conduct class feedback of the questions.
Tell students to work with their partner and ask and answer
the questions. They should tick () or cross (x) the last
column and compare their answers with their partners.


Unit 04:
Around town

Unit 06:
Fantastic food

You will need: one worksheet (A or B) per student.

Give each student a letter, A or B.
Cut up the worksheets and give each student A a worksheet
A, and each student B a worksheet B.
Tell all student As to look at their first question. Elicit the
question from them (Can you say the alphabet backwards?)
and elicit possible answers (Yes, I can./No, I cant.).
Tell all student Bs to look at their first question. Elicit the
question from them (Can you count from thirty to one in
English?) and again elicit possible answers (Yes, I can./No, I
Check that students all understand their questions. Students
walk around the class and ask each other their questions.
They should write down the names of the students who
answer Yes, I can. They should have a different name for
each answer.
Monitor while students ask their questions to check that
everyone in the class is included in the activity.
When students have finished and have a different name for
each answer, tell them to sit down and write their results
down in sentences, e.g. Juan can sing. Erika can dance.

You will need: one board and one set of dice per pair of students.
Organise students into pairs.
Give each pair a game board and a set of dice. Tell them to
find a counter each (possibly a pen top or a rubber).
Students take it in turns to throw the dice. When they land
on a square, they have to say the correct word to complete
the sentence or question on that square.
If they say the correct word, they stay on the square. If they
cant say the correct word, they move back to the square
they were on before and their partner gets an extra turn.
The first person to finish is the winner.

Unit 05:
Media magic
You will need: one worksheet per pair of students.
Organise students into pairs and give each pair a worksheet.
Tell students that, for each puzzle, they will need to
unscramble the words in the puzzle to make a sentence.
Then they will need to use the letter above each number to
write the weather word.
Students work together to complete the puzzles.
Students check their answers in pairs and then with the
whole class.
1 Sentence: Today it is windy and cloudy.
Weather word: snowy
2 Sentence: My favourite season is winter.
Weather word: sunny


Gold Experience

Unit 07:
Life in the past
You will need: one worksheet per student.
On the board, draw three columns Write: In, On and at
the top of each one. Elicit time phrases that go in each
column (in 2013, on Monday, yesterday, etc.) and write them
on the board.
Give each student a worksheet and tell them to fill in the first
column about themselves.
Put students into pairs and nominate one student in each
pair A and one student B.
Elicit the first question (When did you last brush your hair?)
and chorally drill it.
All student As turn their worksheets upside down. Student
Bs ask them the questions and write their answers down.
When they finish, student Bs turn their worksheets over and
student As ask them the questions.
Fast finishers could write another question for their partner.

Unit 08:
Young people,
big ideas!
You will need: one set of cards per pair of students.
Cut up all the questions and answers and mix up the pieces
of paper.
Put students into pairs.
Give each pair of students a set of cards.
Tell students that they have to try to match the questions
with the answers.
Ask students to look at the questions and turn over all the
answers and try to remember them. Partners can test each
Tell students to look at the answers and turn over all the
questions and try to remember them. Again, partners can
test each other.

Unit 10:
Summers here
You will need: one set of cards for each pair of students.
Before the class, cut out and mix up one set of cards for
each pair of students.
Put students into pairs. Give each pair a set of cards and ask
them to arrange them face down in a pile on the table.
Tell students they will need to take it in turns to lift a card
from the top of the pile and read it out to their partner.
Their partner has thirty seconds to one minute to tell them
about the subject. Encourage them to use a timer (e.g. on
their mobile phones) or set a timer yourself (e.g. using
an online stopwatch). Students continue until they have
answered all the cards in the pile.
During class feedback, students report back on what they
have learnt about their partners.

Unit 09:
Head to toe
You will need: one board and one set of dice per pair of students.
Put students into pairs.
Give each pair a game board and a set of dice. Tell them to
find a counter each (possibly a pen top or a rubber).
Students take it in turns to throw the dice. When they land
on a square, they have to say the correct word to complete
the sentence or question on that square.
If they answer the question correctly, they stay on the
square. If they cant answer the question correctly, they
move back to the square they were on before and their
partner gets an extra turn. The first person to finish is the


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