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University of Tirana

Faculty of Foreign Language

Department of English






School introduction

The “Petro Nini Luarasi” school is placed on the South-Eastern part of

Tirana, on the “Sami Frasheri” street. It was built during the academic
year 1959-1960 to be an 11-year high school. The first headmaster of this
school was Riza Hajro (1959-1966) and then Kristaq Papapavli (1966-
1967); Ylvi Basha (1967-1968), Manol Mucko (1968-1969) Rudolf Paparisto
(1970-1986), Jetmir Alicka (1986-1989), Violeta Qirjazi (1989-1992), Gjergj
Konomi (1992-2002) and the actual headmaster is Kostandina Çollaku. At
its beginning the school had 1000 students from all the cycles, with 30
classes and it accepted to enroll pupils from these junior high schools: “11
January” (Edith Durham), “Emin Duraku”, “Vasil Shanto”, “Luigj Gurakuqi”,
“Alqi Kondi”, “Kostandin Kristoforidhi”, “Labinoti” etc.

The "Petro Nini Luarasi" school

The achievements of the school during the years Riza Hajro led the school,
induced the Ministry for Education to proclaim the “Petro Nini Luarasi”
School as a pilot (experimental) for the opening of the advanced
experience of those years. To improve the educative course, after the
year 1968 were built laboratories, the best sports and military field in the
whole republic, pedagogic emulation, the esthetic perfection of the
surroundings. In the ’80-’90-s the school paid a lot of attention to the
research, scientific and pedagogic one to rise the level of the pedagogic
staff, the quality of the instructive and assimilative process, to relate life
at school and the life out of school. During 1986-1990 there were done a
lot of improvements for example: the capital reconstruction of the school,
the building of an appendix, the construction of the fences surrounding
the school, the placement of the terracotta on the face of the building, the
planting of 40 decorative trees, the buildings of the contemporary
laboratoires of chemistry, foreign languages, the building of 2 new gyms
of aerobics and strength.
In 2001-2002 there was done another internal reconstruction of the
school, and the old computer laboratory was substituted with a new one.

The school has always been noticed for the high number of students with
the average mark above 8. The number of the students who have finished
the high school at “Petro Nini Luarasi” and who have been admitted at
university as well as the number of students, who have won competitions
and have been placed very well in many activities, is remarkable. At this
school were taught many important personalities of the politics, governing
and culture for instance: the prime minister - Vilson Ahmeti, Albert Brojka
(the mayor of Tirana during 1996-2000), Skender Gjinushi - the chairman
of the parliament (1997-2001), Faruk Sejdini (the trainer of Dinamo - one
of the football teams of Tirana), Valbona Selimllari (the first Miss Albania),
Gisela Bramo (Miss Tirana 2000), Bujar Kapexhiu (actor), Elsa Lila (singer).
From this school had beginning the first group of singers “Matura ‘72”, the
“Ritfolk” group, “2 Farm”, etc. The school has its own newspaper as a
mean of dealing with the problems of students at school. In 2001 began
the capital reconstruction of the school which assures us comfortable
conditions to proceed with the educational process.
Now I like to tell everything that have to do with my practice teachining
English as foreign language to Petro Nini Luarasi school.First day I have
meet director of School After I discuss with director I decided to teach
4the years school all 4th years .And later I meet prof Fambila
Kamenica.The first day Techer introduce me and my friend in all class ,and
she explain that this are Candidates ,and will teach you for two weeks
,because 2 other weeks this are observer .In first week I was observer
which I take notes in all class.And I take some special notes that have to
do with mos problematic pupil ,I written there name in my notebook,and I
think what is wrong with this pupil,and next week is the same with notes .

And third week is special because is the first time that I gave lesson ,first
thing that I have do,it was that all wa before the pupil in class with
headmaster book.I ask pupil what is going well-bad ,I expected all pupils
for books of each desk have books I called there name,I decided
absence .Not pupils coming in class after me .And I star the lesson with
some question that have to o directly will lesson day,Ex:Fashion ,shopping
I organize in form of brainstorming .And later I illustrated with some new
extra information all lesson theme .And other minutes with other part of
lesson .And I tray to finished the lesson before the time is over because
when the time is over the live class.And something that I like to add is
that when I find mistake If someone correct me I say ok,sorry,if not When I
go home I correct my self I see again my mistake.In relation with pupils
mistake I gave them chance to correct there mistake and I can get a
better idea of their real level .In others I have made the exercise in way
that pupil answering the question orally.

An in the end I think about for student level rally they were so calver and
pretty pupil ,they where all time fixed in lesson .Well prepared and
organized all time ask what why ?????.And they try to do everything in
class that have to do with lesson .
Now I like to give some suggestion of being good
teacher .

First thing the I like to suggest is the to be a good teacher you want to be
flexible teacher.

Take control of the class

Get silence before you start teaching class

Take Register when you go to your class

Be intelligent to your class

Give clear instructions

Be well prepared for your lesson day

Find some other lesson plane A/B/C

Be psychology to your class

Don’t interrupt people when the speak

Develop an effective question technique

Clarify and insist on standards

Use most of the methods that you have learn in methodology

Encourage peoples

Be smile (not all time)

Be serious in some situation

When you decide good mark don’t be so strict because mark are for
people not for teacher.

The most powerful single factor that enhances achievement is feedback –

positive, encouraging, clearly targeted.

The setting of appropriate, specific and challenging goals is critical.

Effective teachers make purpose and content explicit, plan carefully, use
systematic assessment and feedback, make connections, encourage
children to think about thinking and model what they want the children to

The teacher Candidate

The teacher Candidate is n active of the three students team working in a

school based setting.As e teacher Candidate I was expiated to

Adapt homework for the students in your caseload: Homework can be a

real sticking point for general education teachers. Be sure that you remind
a general education teacher what the purpose of homework is: to practice
skills already taught. You may also want to negotiate how much
homework your students do. Ask a teacher how long they expect a
student to work on their class each night. If they say 20 minutes, create
alternate assignments that review the skill but will only take that student
20 minutes.

Celebrate Successes: When your students succeed in the general

education classroom, make sure you let the teacher know the depth of
your appreciation. Take a picture of the child with the teacher and the
project, the math paper, the spelling test, then print it and hang it near
your desk: give one to the teacher and the student (I love my digital

The contract should be written with the student and teacher -

collaboration. It would be wise to involve the parent under certain
circumstances. The contract should include the following:

The goal. (Will not speak out, will keep hands to him/herself, will remain
on task, etc.)

How will the student receive the reward? (Become the teacher's monitor
after completing 5 assignments on time etc.)

What is the consequence should the child not adhere to the behavior
described in the contract?

Time should be clearly stated in the contract. You may choose a half day,
a full day, a week etc.
Define who and how the behavior will be monitored. (teacher initials,
stickers, check mark system etc.)

Set a date for reviewing the contract

It is important to involve the student in the writing of the contract. Ask the
student to make suggestions for reinforcement and consequence for
failure to comply. Contracts should name specific behaviors to be
changed. Focus on 1 or 2 behaviors at a time. Consequences and
reinforcers need to be thought out clearly. You can include tangible
reinforcers, social or activity based reinforcers, curtailment of an activity,
tokens that can be cashed in for a specific activity etc. NOTE: A minor
problem with behavior contracts is that the focus is on controlling a
student's behavior rather than helping the child make wise choices. Keep
this in mind when developing behavior contracts. Behavior contracts don't
often work right away, be patient and consistent, you should see results.
Know when it's time to review and revise. When the contract is not
working well, be sure to include the student when making revisions.

Some Successful Reinforcers/Rewards

Teacher Helper

Caring for Class Pet

5-10 Minute Free Choice Activity

Happy Note to Mom

Tell the Class a Joke or Read a Text Selection

Listen to a taped story

Provide Office Help

Leading the Group

Helping In Another Classroom

Once again, a little patience goes a long way. It is critical for the student
to know that you like them and that you're only disappointed in their
behavior. Be sure to let the student know that you share their goals, you
both want what's best for the student. Praise goes a long way. I have been
working with special education (behavioral) students for a long time, these
strategies have never failed me

Motivation may be achieved in any of three ways.

The pupil’s natural interest intrinsic satisfaction

Motivation by the teacher extrinsic rewards

Success in the task satisfaction and reward

What makes a good teacher ,and what I have try to do ?

Teachers are important and make a difference. The quality of teaching is

a crucial factor in promoting effective learning in schools. Effective
teaching requires individuals who are academically able and who care
about the well-being of children and youth.

Points Arising from Research

The most powerful single factor that enhances achievement is feedback

– positive, encouraging, clearly targeted.

The setting of appropriate, specific and challenging goals is critical.

Effective teachers make purpose and content explicit, plan carefully, use
systematic assessment and feedback, make connections, encourage
children to think about thinking and model what they want the children
to do.

Research detailing the direct effect of good teaching on pupils is difficult

to assess, as relating ‘good teaching’ directly to higher attainment in
pupils is almost impossible to verify. However there are many attempts
to analyse what constitutes a ‘good teacher’. The following points are
generally agreed to have an impact on pupils:

Highly knowledgeable and up to date in their subject area, but do not

pretend to know it all, willing to learn from pupils

Teachers’ repertoires of best practices

Provide learner with clear tasks, goals, and requirement and inform
them of progress made. A key skill in teaching is the ability to explain
and describe things clearly

Encourage pupils to think, to make connections, to practise and

reinforce, to learn from other learners and to feel that if they make
mistakes they will not be ridiculed or treated negatively

Promote pupil participation through problem solving, questioning,

discussion and “buzz group” activities
Treat all pupil questions seriously and do not intimidate or ridicule

Use regular informal assessment strategies including a range of types of

questioning, observation and listening in

Understand that, since individuals learn at different rates and in different

ways, we need to provide a variety of activities, tasks and pace of work,
and monitor and evaluate children’s progress

Use breaks and activities to engage pupils’ thinking and interest

Turn to reading and research for fresh insights and relating these to their
classroom and school

Work in a shared and collegial way with other staff

Personal qualities

Demonstrate an empathy with pupil thinking, anticipate misconceptions

and allow pupils to develop understanding in a variety of ways

Observe pupils in class for signs that they are failing to keep up, are
bored, or are not understanding

Show flexibility in responding to pupil needs

Genuinely want pupils to learn, understand and develop critical thinking

abilities, as well as master content or learn skills

Encourage pupils to take an active role in working through difficulties

and take time to work through concepts in detail with those who have

Teachers who show enthusiasm for subject, professional area and

teaching role motivate pupils as they look forward to coming to that

Highly effective teachers are viewed as “easy going”, “relaxed”, with an

“open” manner. This brings a relaxed atmosphere to the classroom

Communicate effectively

Are resourceful and positive and adopt a problem-solving approach

Are creative and imaginative and have an open attitude to change

Are systematic and well organised, focused, determined and


Demonstrate empathy and fairness, are caring and approachable

The reflective Practitioner give me great knowledge and chance ,to
practice my knowledge for English language ,and to see how prepared
am how I will manage my class how sure I am when I explain
should be I good psychology when my student will have problem how I will
manage my class when the play in the time lesson .how I get control. And
give me possibility to use some different methods ,in class lesson ,and to
select which is the best method for different class.because is not the same
method for all class because different class have different personality. An
with discipline I finde some rule with my class that I decide together
ect… .

What have reflective practice done for me ?

Make me an effective manager

Use planning terminology consistently

Be clear about the lesson purpose

Ensure pupils have the necessary study skills to complete tasks


Assess, through what pupils say, write or do, the extent to which the
learning objectives have been achieved

Development is influenced by teacher-pupil relationships

Make good use of unplanned opportunities

Promote rights and responsibilities

Explore moral issues openly

Foster a co-operative climate

Take account of cultural diversit

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