Minutes 2010 - 03 - 17

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Bradford Conservation Commission Meeting

March 17, 2010 Minutes

Members Present: Ed Wendell, Gary Tillotson, Monique Priestley, Sandy Price,

Barbara Kulzyck, Nancy Jones, Tom Gray, Brent Bartlett, Dick Bolander
Ad Hoc – Nikki Darling

Meeting called to order at 18:40 by Nancy Jones

Minutes of April 4 meeting were approved as written
Action Items Review: See updated summary appended with new items

The following bills were presented by Treasurer, Ed Wendell for payment:

Payable to Amount For Payable from Action

River Bend Culinary Tech. Ctr. $25.00 Vendor booth at Taste of the Bend Compost Account Approved

• Motion to give compost and containers remaining from “Taste of the Bend” to
Patty Valley for plants to be given to the Senior Center and the Community
Gardens program. Passed
• Motion to provide up to $50 from Compost Account to Community Gardens
program. Passed
• Motion to commit $55 from Friends of Wrights Mtn. Fund for BCC to become a
member of the Cohase Chamber of Commerce as a non-profit. Passed
• Motion to spend balance of funds remaining after purchase of projector & lamp
to acquire portable projection screen (est. $119). Passed
• Motion to allocate up to $60 for registering 3 persons to attend the AVCC Annual
meeting at VTC on 4/17. Passed
• Motion to allocate funds (no dollar value assigned) for 2 registrants and mileage
reimbursement to Wellborn Ecology Conference at Kimball Academy on 3/26.

Conservation Fund
Update on Burgess and Thomas lands –
• Burgess property: Appraisal has been submitted to VHCB
• Thomas property: awaiting appraisal results
Bulk Mail letter –
• Recommendations were made on layout and content to be implemented by
Nancy and Monique
• Motion to spend up to $450 for printing and postage for bulk mailing of annual
fund raising letter. Passed

Energy Committee –

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• BA Energy Audit Follow-up: Energy Committee to meet on Wed., Mar. 24 6:30 PM
to discuss the Charge from the Selectboard and response.
• Possible Elizabeth's Park Energy Audit: Dick advised that he had informal
discussions with Jon Haehnel about the energy efficiency of the building at
Elizabeth's Park and the possibility of an energy audit. Jon estimated approx.
$400 to conduct the audit (chargeable to Parks & Rec.) with some volunteers
from the BA Audit Team. No commitments made to date.
NE Kingdom Energy Fair: Flyers to be posted at Hill's
Bradford & Newbury Energy Challenge: to be held April 24 at the BA concerning
installation of solar hot water systems. Nancy to funds from banks for ads and
request representatives who can discuss financing, rebates, etc. Nancy will also
seek vendors who would be present.

Brush Burn on Wrights Mtn.: Gary and Tom reported they accomplished the
burning of brush on Wrights Mtn. on March 13.

Update on Recycling Depot: Dick provided input on current status and first
scheduled meeting of the Recycling Advisory Committee (Apr. 14, 6:30 PM at BA)
formed by the Selectboard and the membership (Dick, Barbara and Brent from the
BCC, Peg Coutemarsh and Gerhard Postpischil). Further info as available. Motion
was made to construct a letter to the Selectboard to enlarge the size of the
recycling depot. Passed Need to emphasize to community that brush pile cannot
accept manufactured wood.
Green-up Day – Barbara reported posters are available for Green-up Day. Steve
Rogers will accept refuse. Barbara is pursuing companies that would handle
recycling of tires. Preference would be to accumulate tires at recycling depot for
pickup. Barbara will provide Letter to the Editor and list-serve notices on Green-Up
Day. Barbara reported that some funds may be available to support Green-Up
Day. Dick to inquire if gate to Recycling Depot could be left open April 29 & 30 for
early drop off of tires.

Maps / Brochure – Since the maps will be updated in the near future, it was
decided to print only 500 copies at this time. Motion for Monique cause printing of
a maximum of 500 maps/brochures at Whitmans. Passed

Update on Film Series: Nancy has arranged with The Colatina Exit to have the
following presentations in the upstairs room (max. 32 people). Refreshments will
be available for purchase.


04/05/10 King Korn
05/03/10 TBD
06/07/10 Food, Inc.

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07/05/10 Blue Gold
08/02/10 Who Killed the Electric Car ?
Monique will produce a poster for the series and place on web site. Nancy will get
the posters printed and distributed. Barbara to place info on list-serve.
Movie “Fresh” may have some constraints on showing and purchase costs. Motion
was made to allocate up to $100 to acquire showing rights to “Fresh”. Passed
Monique to get particulars.
Motion to allocate up to $300 from Energy Fund to advertise the Film Series.

Update on Speaker Series: Sandy and Ed reported the following tentative speakers
in our series:


04/06/10 Redstart / Waits River Presentation – Bradford Academy
04/22/10 Earth Day / Sandy Price - Bradford Public Library
05/20/10 ? Permaculture
07/01/10 ? Woman Speaking from Randolph

1) UVLT is planning to hold its annual meeting at the BA on June 2, 2010. Lunch will
feature local foods and products. Stay tuned...

Meeting Closed at 21:00

Respectfully submitted,

Richard Bolander, Secretary

Upcoming Events
March 24 – Legislative Day rescheduled
March 26 – Wellborn Ecology Conference, Kimball Academy
April 5 – First Monday Movie in the Series
April 6 - Redstart Presentation to Bradford Boards
April 7 - BCC Meeting
April 13 – Town Officers Education Conf. Lake Morey
April 20 – AVCC Annual Meeting
June 2 – UVLT Annual Meeting

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Action Item Summary
# Description Assignee Planned Status Actual Completion
8 Fact find “Beaver “Baffles Nancy Jones 02/04/10 Open
15 Contact railroad about Sweet property Nancy Jones 02/04/10 Open
16 Review available Selectboard Dick Bolander 02/04/10 Selectboard
documentation on recycling depot closure Committee
20 Arrange for Redstart to brief Town Boards Nancy Jones 04/06/10 Closed
25 Reserve space at BA for 3/9 joint mtg Ed Closed
30 Plans burn on WM Gary, Tom Closed
31 Ask Paul Sachs to contribute for map Sandy New
32 Contact John Loschiavo re access from Nancy 3/5 Closed
Route 25
33 Get printing estimates from 4 diff. printers Monique 3/17 Closed
34 Secure merchant ads; have them send Nikki 3/17 Ongoing
ads to Monique
35 Edit, make needed changes to brochure Monique, Nancy Open
36 Get final map from Amber at UVLT Nancy Open
37 Have press-ready map/brochure ready for Monique 4/7 Ongoing
review at BCC mtg.
38 Develop list for how film series will be Sandy, Monique, Open
publicized Nancy
39 Contact BPL re: presentation Sandy, Nikki Ongoing
40 Contact potential speaker on CHP Ed Closed
41 Put “Public Forum” on agenda for meeting Ed Closed
with Newbury Energy Committee
Possible trip follow-up: Cookeville
42 Compost Nancy Open
43 Possible trip follow-up: Materials Recovery Barbara Open
44 Possible trip follow-up: Bird Walk on Sandy will ask John ? Open
Conserved Lands
45 Possible trip follow-up: Vernal Pool Field Nancy Open
46 Possible trip follow-up: Identifying Spring Nancy Ongoing
Wildflowers on Conserved Lands
47 Possible trip follow-up: Wind Farm Ed Ongoing
48 Possible trip follow-up: Canoe/Kayak at Nancy Ongoing
confluence of Waits & Conn. Rivers
49 Possible trip follow-up: Natural History Nancy Ongoing
Tour of 45-acre Thomas land
50 Possible trip follow-up: “Cow Power” Tom Ongoing
51 Place announcement of Redstart briefing Barbara 03/20/10 New
on list-serve
52 Place announcement of Redstart briefing Monique 03/20/10 New
on Facebook
53 Attend Legislative Day 3/24 Nancy, Monique, 03/24/10 New
Nikki, Ed, ???

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# Description Assignee Planned Status Actual Completion
54 Possible trip follow-up: Coventry Landfill - Ed New
55 Update bulk mailing letter Nancy, Monique 04/01/10 New
56 Seek funds and reps. from banks for Nancy 04/24/10 New
Energy Challenge
57 Seek vendors for Energy Challenge ??? 04/24/10 New
58 Letter to Selectboard to enlarge Recycling Nancy 04/01/10 New
59 Provide letter on brush pile to papers & Dick 04/29/10 New
60 Provide info on Green-Up to papers & list- Barbara 04/29/10 New
61 See if Depot gate can be left open 4/29- Dick 04/29/10 New
62 Print 500 copies of Maps/brochure Monique 04/07/10 New
Design poster for film series Monique
Print and distribute posters for film series Nancy
Post film series info on list-serve Barbara
Research issues and costs on showing Monique

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