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What is Sin?

Sin is missing the mark or standard set by God. Romans 3:23. God is the creator
of all things and has a standard for life of human beings. He has a standard for
marriage. A godly marriage. A marriage that fears and glorifies God. A
marriage that brings heaven to earth. A marriage that fellowship with God all
day long. Genesis 3 vs 8. Marriage where God has a say in the choice of
partners. Marriage is one of the institution set by God. Divorce does not exist in
the vocabulary of God. Whatever God has joined together let no man put
asunder Matthew 19 vs 6. Marriage is a foundation of civilization.

God has also a standard for the ministry. A ministry that is accompanied by
signs and wonders Mark 16 vs 17 – 18. A ministry that prepares people to go to
heaven, a ministry that believes and practices holiness. A ministry that shows
people they way of salvation.

There is a standard for Christian living. A Christian is a disciple for Christ.

Someone who lives a Christ like life in prayers, giving, sacrifice, evangelism
humbleness and holyness.

Sin is disobeying Gods words, Gods words are recorded in the bible. The bible
is made up of 66 books. 39 books are found in the old testament while 27 are
found in the new testament. The words of the bible are inspired by the Holy
spirit 2 Timothy 3 vs 16. The bible is an instruction book for godly living.

Sin is worst enemy of man. It made man a tyrant.

Sin is saying say Yes to the devil and No to God. Sin is to chase God away in
your life. Every time we sin we are slapping God in the face. Devil sinned
against God and was cast down to earth Revelation 12 vs 2 .

He continues to fight God through man . He entices man to sin to grieve God .
God created man as free moral agent. He can choose to obey God or devil, the
choice is his. God is a gentleman and he does not force or impose himself on
man. Sin is open invitation to the devil to torment ones life.

Immediately after Adam and Eve sinned, they attracted curses in their lives
Genesis 3 vs 17. Sin is joining forces with devil to fight God. Sin is a power
that shortens the hand of God to help man Isaiah 59 vs 1.

God is omnipotent, omniscience and omnipresent. Sin ties the hand of God to
intervene in the affairs of man. God has all ability to help. Sin is a destroyer. It
destroys all good things God has created . Isaiah 24 vs 3 – 6 .

Sin is to reject Christ and to accept Barabbas Luke 23 vs 18.

That is to choose to be identified with evil. Sin is the door that the devil uses to
come into one’s life Matthew 12 vs 43 – 45.

Sin is an agent of death. Immediately man sinned, death sentence was

pronounced on him. Sin is to dine with pigs in far country than to be in your
heavenly father’s home rejoicing Luke 15 vs 11 – 32.

Sin is to ask your heavenly father to give you your portion and squander it in a
far country. Sin is great mathematician. It adds sorrow to your life and deducts
God’s glory Genesis 3 vs 8 – 24.

Sin is the mighty weapon in satanic hands. He uses it to destroy lives, destinies,
families and nations.

Sin is the gospel of the devil to take the mankind into destruction. Sin is the
language of the devil John 8 vs 44.


It is the end result of doing something evil. It is chastening of sin Hebrews 12

vs 5 – 8. It is the prize you get from being involved in an evil activity. For
example if a student absents himself/ herself from class the end result could be
failure and disgrace. It is punishment for wrong doing.

David killed Uriah after committing adultery with the wife of Uriah. David
received a punishment in form of a curse 2 Samuel 12 vs 9 – 14. The result of
the curse was immorality in the house of David.

Consequences is evil harvest. Every evil thought , every evil action and every
evil word by man are like time bombs which will explode in the life of man
after germination. It is reaping the sin that you sowed in your flesh Galatians 6
vs 7.

Life is like a field, every evil deed sowed in the flesh will surely come forth.
Ananias and Sapphira his wife sowed in the flesh by cheating and lying to the
apostles Acts 5 vs 1 – 11.

The result of that act was death and end of their ministry. Consequence is wages
you receive from following and listening to the devil. Judas Iscariot listened to
the devil to betray Jesus. It is an evil act you get from association with the devil
Genesis 4 vs 15.

Cain get the mark of sin after killing his brother Abel. Consequence is a sad end
of a good story. Samson started his ministry on a good note but ended sadly. He
died with his enemies Judges 16 vs 27 – 31. It is a pay day for sinners for all
sins committed by them Matthew 13 vs 36 – 43.

Consequences is when God arises to fight your enemies 2 Chronicles vs 1 – 30.

Jehoshaphat and Judah were in trouble. The enemy had surrounded their
territory. God fought for them after they praised him, it is the penalty of sin
Romans 6 vs 23.

Consequence is when the cup of iniquity is full and God is ready to act. Genesis
15 vs 16. It is the benefits you get from associating with the devil.


God never created sin. He is not the author of it. All good things comes from
him James 1 vs 14. The character of God is love, joy, peace long suffering,
gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance Galatians 5 vs 22.

There is no evil in God. When God created the earth and heavens, everything in
it, He declared that everything was good. It means that everything was perfect
Genesis 1 vs 25. Gods ways, thoughts are good Jeremiah 29 vs 11.

Lucifer created sin when he rebelled against God . He turned himself into
Satan. When God created Lucifer as one of the angels he was faultless until
iniquity was found in him. The name Lucifer means son of morning. Satan is
the embodiment of evil. He is the source of evil. He founded the kingdom of
darkness after being expelled from the heaven. He is the prince of darkness in
Isaiah 14 vs 12.

The origin of sin started when Lucifer had an ambition to be like God. He no
longer wanted to serve God nor take instructions from God. He never
appreciated for all God had done for him.

Lucifer thought he could compete with God. He become proud . God gave
Lucifer the life, music ministry and the beauty Isaiah 14 vs 12 – 15.

Sin was introduced to human kind after Satan deceived Adam and Eve in the
garden of Eden. The first man and women to be created by God was Adam and
Eve. They were innocent until they met Satan. Sin has been passed to the whole
generation by Adam Romans 3 vs 23.


Day dreaming - not knowing what is going on. Not being in prayer and not with
God. When one is wrapped up in other things , the enemy has taken captive of
him / her. Proverbs 4 vs 23.

Anger – flaring up violently when one is irritated by maybe disobedient

children or shouting at people Ephesians 4 vs 27.

Unwillingness to suffer - Luke 14 vs 27. Avoiding to be identified with Jesus in

his suffering. Unwilling to sacrifice for Jesus for the sake of the kingdom.

Irritability – being annoyed. Being offended when people say or do things that
do not suit you Matthew 15 vs 12.

Busyness - doing Gods work apart from abiding In Jesus John 15 vs 15. Only
what we do in union with Jesus has divine life.

Cowardice – To be afraid. To show no allegiance when it costs something.

Some people fail to confess Jesus in public or in the home for fear of being
persecuted Revelation 14 vs 10

Judging – it is the manifestation of pride, thinking you are better than the others.

Desire for attention – no longer interested in being respected by God. You want
to attract the attention of man. You want people to notice you.

Disobedience – To mistrust God. Failing to take him at his word.

Pride – To think you are self made, no man has ever added anything to your
life. Proverbs 16 vs 18

Rebellion – To have no regard for God’s government. To fail to receive and
obey orders from those above you.

Worry – To say that God cannot help you and that you can takecare of yourself.

Lust – To have a strong desire of something outside the limits God has set.


The first couple was chased from garden of Eden because of sin. They drew the
wrath of God. God hates sin with perfect hatred. They lost the glory of God in
there lives.

God used to visit and fellowship with them before they fell. Sin separated them
from their maker, Sin made them to be naked, naked in the spiritual realm
means poverty in ideas, physical poverty and also defenseless. There boldness
was removed.

Sin also made them to be afraid of their God, they hid themselves. Gods favour
on them was removed. They left the garden in disgrace God never wanted the
garden to be defiled by sin.

Sin made Adam and Eve to fall from the highest position to the ground. Sin
introduced sickness and diseases in the life of Adam and Eve.

Sin also brought curses in their lives. Sin caused Adam and Eve to lose
dominion over all creation. Adam was one who named all creatures.

Sin made them to miss God’s agenda for there lives. The agenda was for Adam
and Eve to take care of the garden. Sin made all creation to fight Adam and
Eve. Sin made Adam and Eve to be friends of the enemy of God (Satan).

Sin brought death and suffering to Adam and Eve, the ground was cursed, and
also the labour of their hands.

Sin introduced murder and hate in the lives of their two children Cain and Abel,
Cain killed Abel out of jealousy. Sin made Cain a wanderer. Sin introduced
witch craft in their family.


• Give your life to Jesus. Jesus is the only remedy to sin. Make him to be
your best friend. Ask him to control your life. Share secretes with Jesus.
Jesus is the saviour from sin Matthew 1 vs 21. The reason he came into
this world is to save us from sin and its consequences. All other ways of
dealing with sin outside Jesus will not work. Jesus is the perfect sacrifice
of sin.

• Dedicate your whole life, your possession and your family to Jesus.
Discover through prayer. The work God has called you to do in this life.
Do only what he tells you to do.

• Pray everyday. Pray in tongues, in understanding at least 1 hour every

day. 1 Thessalonians 5 vs 17.

• Read the bible every day. Be a bible student, search the scriptures,
discover Jesus in both the New and Old Testament. Memorize scriptures,
learn to prepare short sermons messages which you can use in your home
cell. 2 Timothy 2 vs 15

• Join a good church, a church where undiluted word of God is being

preached. Avoid going to prophets or prophetess for prayer. Be involved
in your church Hebrews 10 vs 25 support your church.

• Repent from all sins, flee from all appearance of sin. Hate sin with perfect
hatred, do not look at anything evil, guard your eyes and ears and mind
places you visit. 1 Thessalonians 5 vs 22

• Avoid bad friends, choose carefully your friends. They should be people
who also hate sin as you are. Avoid jobs that encourage lying and
anything that is against the word of God.

• Deal with generation sin. Uproot it from your life through violent prayers
and blood of Jesus.

• Make restitution. All stolen goods should be returned, all sinful goods
should be destroyed.


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