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Weekly newsletter of


Telephone: 5985 2864

Issue 14 19th May,

Email Address:



BOOK FAIR Friday 20TH 26TH MAY 2016

Friday 20th May
Saturday 28th May
Friday 10th June
Monday 13th June

Education Week Activities as per below

Tootgarook Market 2B + 2J rostered
Curriculum Day
Queens Birthday Public Holiday

Education Week Activities Tomorrow

Friday 20th May - 8am Lions Club Sausage Sizzle for parents and

National Walk to School Day

Meet Miss Daley @ 8am Truemans Rd Reserve or
Miss McGhee at Capel Sound Foreshore Car Park at 8.15am and
Walk To School as a group parents are also welcome to walk with their

Open Morning 9-11am

Parents, Grandparents, visitors, and community members
are invited to visit the classrooms during the morning.

Autumn Theme Day Grade Prep One + Two

12.45- Prep Information and Tour

What is team teaching?

Team teaching is an approach to program delivery where two of more educators share teaching
responsibilities within a classroom setting. Both teachers interact with all children at different times.
Team teaching benefits your child by creating a sense of belonging to a larger group whilst still
maintaining individuality, enables greater development of friendships, provides more peer models,
allows teachers to work more independently with your child. This provides your child with two
teachers who have complimentary styles and expertise to benefit from and enables teachers to plan
a more rigorous curriculum program for your child. The challenges teachers face with team teaching
may include building trust and commitment between each other and a greater need to plan co-operatively and
collaboratively. It also can be difficult to implement successfully if administrative support and scheduling has not been
carefully considered. This year we scheduled common planning time during the day, provided low teacher to student
ratios, had time to set student expectations at the beginning of the year and plan to evaluate the model by using feedback
surveys with the teachers, students and parents. Adjustments have been made to best meet the needs of the children in
the class.

Why are we team teaching?

Individual student needs can be catered for more easily and effectively with two adults in the room working with the
diverse needs of children. Teachers observe, discuss and devise a best fit program for your child. It also lowers the
student/ teacher ratio and expands your teachers professional expertise. Team teaching also lowers the disparity
between curriculum expectations. This ultimately benefits your childs developmental progress. Having more children to
choose to work with also allows them to feel more connected to their peers, develop deeper friendship networks and
study with others of similar ability.
There is no one size fits all model of team teaching. What works at one school may not be relevant for your childs needs.
Whilst we can visit other schools, read and observe best practice of team teaching, teachers really need to work with
yourself and your child to develop best practice that benefits all of us. This model will provide better outcomes for your
child through being actively engaged in their learning and feeling connected to each other.

How does team teaching work?

There are a few different models of team teaching and more than one model may be carried out within the one day. These
One teacher giving whole class instructions whilst the other working with one child, or working with a small
focus group. Small focus groups could be enrichment, pre teaching, re teaching, interest groups, special
projects, extra support or assessment.
One teacher working with a small focus group, the other roving and providing 1: 1 conferences with children.
The class divided in half with both teachers teaching the same lesson simultaneously.
Both teachers delivering same instruction at the same time to both groups.
Teachers divide instructional content into several segments and present the content in two or more separate
stations around the classroom. Teachers work with one group of children and then switch groups.

Will the class be noisy?

Teachers will not work in an environment that is not conducive to learning. Your child should always be actively
engaged in their cognitive, emotional and social learning. Teachers always instruct students to learn within an
acceptable working level of noise. This changes depending upon the activity and objective of the task. For
example during literacy activities, where we encourage your child to practice their oral language development
this would have a noisier element than an independent writing activity. Teachers also use a variety of tools and
strategies to train children to work collaboratively within an acceptable noise level.

Will my child get lost in the classroom?

As with any new classroom, individual children may take more transitional time than others. If your child is feeling
overwhelmed, you need to communicate with your teacher immediately, so we can identify ways to help your
child. This year generally, we found that children were initially very excited by the classroom design, but soon
adapted quickly to the organisational set up of the room and allocated resources.
For further reading go to:

ROAD SAFETY As parents are aware we have areas around the school designated for

Kiss & Go

parking and non parking.

There are innovative signs to display the school parking zones, aimed at improving Road Safety
around our school.

Kiss & Go:

Replaces the traditional 2 minute pick up and drop off zones, the line marking is painted red to match the
sign. The idea is not to get out of the car, but have your children on the kerbside of the car, kiss them let them out
and move on freeing up the space for others.

Wait A While:

This zone you will notice has the orange line marking matching the sign. There is just enough time to walk in to school
and back, if you need to collect your child. There is a 10 minute limit so you might want to walk briskly.

Stop & Chat:

Replaces the traditional all day parking and has green line marking painted to match the sign. This is
where you can park if you are helping out in the classroom or meeting your friends for a walk.
Remember our children expect us to keep them safe, so we should not risk their lives just getting
them to and from school. Please be aware there are a number of children riding bikes to school and
also parents walking their children to school in the morning and afternoons so please adhere to the
School Zone of 40 mph.
The shires parking officers will be in the area enforcing these signs are adhered to.
If you have any questions or need any more info please ask in the front office for a pamphlet that shows the layout
and explains the workings, or you can contact the shire care of the details below.
Traffic & Road Safety Team
Private Bag 1000
Besgrove Street
Phone: 03 5950 1030
Fax: 03 5950 1254


The Pushcart raffle raised $495.50 to go towards our RACV

Challenge teams competing in Maryborough in November the
lucky winner was Tarni Blewett in Grade 3W Congratulations.

Friday 20th May - Thursday 26th May
The fair will open after school tomorrow ( Friday 20th May) and continue
before and after school 8:45 - 9:00 and 3:00 - 4:00pm until next Thursday 26th
thank you for your continued support.

Student of the Week

Students will be presented with certificates at next Thursday afternoons assembly.
Prep R Mrs Read Tess Gathercole for your fabulous input during Mathematics, keep up the great work!!
Prep S Miss Staley Rhiannon Finn - You have been doing such a great job of showing the 6L's and taking
care with your work. Keep smiling and keep up the terrific effort Rhiannon!
1A Miss Arnold Sienna Kelly- Arena- for working incredibly hard this week to learn some of the high
frequency words. Sienna has been using rhyme to help read and spell more than 10 new words. Fantastic Job
1P Miss Perkins Ella Carver- for using wonderful information in her cold write. Ella tried really hard to
persuade her teachers to buy a pet goldfish for the class and gave many interesting facts. Well Done Ella!
2B Mrs Baird Willis Golding for his diligent efforts towards all classroom learning tasks and for his
improved personal skills. Willis makes a positive contribution to all Maths lessons.

Tom Holberry he always does his best to complete all tasks accurately and on time. Tom is becoming
more confident when sharing his ideas.

2J - Mrs Johnstone Layla White for being a helpful class member who is trying her best to demonstrate
Integrity as a learner.
3B Mrs Bos Daizy Grinter Its a pleasure to have Daizy in our class, she always has a happy, smiling and
positive attitude about her. Daizy is also a very reliable and punctual monitor for our daily timetable.
3W Ms Walton Tarni Blewett for her persistence when doing multiplication equations. What a success!
4B Miss Broomfield
4F Miss Kain Lachlan George - For always improving and having a smile on his face. Youre doing a good job
Lachlan. Keep it up!
4/5K Mr Kitchin Holly Newman You are a positive member of 4/5K and such a hard worker! Your
improvement and growth is so impressive. Keep up the good work.
5/6M Miss McGhee + 5/6Q Miss Quintin Sophie Papadopoulos + Charli Kelly - You both put in an
exceptional effort at the District Cross County on Wednesday. You supported one another and ran side by side all the
way to the finish line! Well done on running your little hearts out girls!
Music - Mrs Young Rhiannon Silvester 1A your piano lessons progress so fast because you practise at
home. You learn quick and you remember what you are taught. Well Done Rhiannon!
P.E. Miss Daley Jarvis Swaby 5/6Q For working really hard to improve his long jump technique. He showed
great form and also worked well to improve his behaviour this week. Fantastic effort Jarvis!

National 'Walk to School Day' is on Friday 20th May. Meet Miss Daley @
8am Truemans Rd Reserve or Miss McGhee at Capel Sound Foreshore Car Park
at 8.15am and Walk To School as a group parents are also welcome to walk
with their child. Active Kids are Smarter Kids. All students will receive a
sticker if they have walked to school that day.


Sacramental Classes- Government Children 2016
Preparation Classes for the Sacrament of First Eucharist (Communion) will commence in Term 3 for
any baptised Catholic school child in Grade 4 at a Government school in our area, at the following

Wednesday 20th July 3.45 4.45pm


Wednesday 27th July 3.45 4.45pm


Wednesday 3rd August 3.45 4.45pm


Wednesday 10th August 3.45 4.45pm


Wednesday 17th August 3.45 4.30pm (Parent with child) Rehearsal in Church


To register your child, please phone St Marys Star of the Sea on 59844374 between 9-4pm TuesdaysFridays and leave your name, phone number, childs name and state First Communion

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