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User Guide for Student

Table of Contents

Login .............................................................................................................................................. 2


Change Password ........................................................................................................................... 3


Homepage ..................................................................................................................................... 3


My Modules ................................................................................................................................... 4


Downloading Course Materials....................................................................................................... 5


Submission of project ..................................................................................................................... 6


Forum ...........................................................................................................................................11

Moodle 2.4 - User Guide for Student V1

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Enter Moodle address:
To login to Moodle:

Enter Username (NRIC/Passport/Fin No.) and password provided by your Programme

Executive. Click Login (Figure 1.1 ).

Figure 1.1


Upon your first login, you will be prompted to change your password (Figure 1.2). Enter
your current password and your new password. Click Save changes

Figure 1.2

If you forget your password:


Click Forgotten your username or password on the login page (Figure 1.1). You will be
directed to lost password page. Enter either your username or email address, then click
Search (Figure 1.3).

Figure 1.3


A notification will appear. Click Continue to proceed. An email with instruction to reset
your password will be send to you.

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Change Password
To change password:

Go to Settings block on the left of the Homepage, click My profile settings then Change
password (Figure 2.1).

Figure 2.1


Enter your current password and your new password. Click Save changes (Figure 1.2).

Announcement, information and useful links can be found on the Homepage (Figure 3.1).

Figure 3.1

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My Modules
From My Modules block on the left of Homepage, you will see the list of modules you are
enrolled in (Figure 4.1). Click on the module you wish to view and you will be directed to the
Module page.

Figure 4.1

Alternatively, from the Navigation block, click My Home or My Modules (Figure 4.2).

Figure 4.2

All your modules will be listed under Course overview (Figure 4.3).
Activities such as assignments and quizzes that are due will be displayed as well.

Figure 4.3

Click on the module that you wish to view and you will be directed to the Module page.

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Downloading Course Materials

To download Course Materials:
Go to the Module page, click on the folder (Figure 5.1) which contain the materials.

Figure 5.1


Click on the file you wish to download (Figure 5.2).

Figure 5.2

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Submission of project
To submit project on Moodle via Turnitin:
At the Module page, click Group Project Assignment(Figure 6.1)

Figure 6.1


Click Submit to continue (Figure 6.2)

Note: For group project, only the group leader is required to submit the soft copy of the report to Turnitin and
obtain the Originality Report

Figure 6.2


Turnitin User Agreement will open up, click I Agree -- Continue" to proceed (Figure 6.3).

Figure 6.3

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Click Submit (Figure 6.4).

Figure 6.4


Enter the Submission title (Figure 6.5)

Figure 6.5

Click Choose File or Browse (Figure 6.6). Select the file for uploading.

(Note: Submissions of Content Page and Title Page are not necessary.)

Figure 6.6

Click on Upload to upload your file.

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Preview the paper you have uploaded and click Submit (Figure 6.7)

Figure 6.7


You will see the confirmation that your submission is successful.

Click Go to Portfolio (Figure 6.8)

Figure 6.8


Click on Resubmit if you wish to resubmit the paper (Figure 6.9).

(Note: Originality Reports for the first submission will generate within ten minutes, but Originality Reports for
resubmissions can take up to 24 hours to generate)

Figure 6.9

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Click on the percentage indicator (Figure 6.10) to open the Originality Report.

(Note: Do not click on Download as that is the paper you have uploaded without the Originality Report.)

Figure 6.10


A new window will open. Ensure that the Originality button on the top left is in Red and
Match Overview is displayed on the right of the screen. If not, click on Originality (Figure

Figure 6.11


Click on the Print/Download button on the bottom left of the screen (Figure 6.12).

Figure 6.12

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Click Download PDF of current view for printing (Figure 6.13).

Figure 6.13


Open the PDF file you have downloaded. The Originality Report is on the last page. It shows
the similarity Index and the primary sources (Figure 6.14).

Figure 6.14

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To enter the forum:

Click on Discussion Forum or Group Discussion Forum (if applicable) (Figure 7.1).

(Note: All students from the class can view the discussion in General Discussion Forum, but only students in the
same group can view the discussion in Group Discussion Forum. This feature may not be available to all classes.)

Figure 7.1


Read the Discussion Forum Disclaimer and Rules and click Proceed (Figure 7.2).

Figure 7.2

To create a new discussion topic:


Click on Add a new discussion topic (Figure 7.3).

Figure 7.3

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Enter the Subject and Message (Figure 7.4)

Figure 7.4


To attach a file, simply drag and drop the files (available for certain browsers only).
Alternatively, click Add (Figure 7.5) and a new window will open.

Figure 7.5

Click Upload a file on the left of screen (Figure 7.6).

Locate your document on your computer, and click Upload this file.

Figure 7.6


Click on Post to forum to post your new discussion topic (Figure 7.7).

Figure 7.7
(Note: You have 30 mins to edit it if you want to make any changes. You cannot delete your post if others have
replied to it.)
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To view, reply or edit a post


Click on the discussion topic (Figure 7.8) you wish to view.

Figure 7.8


Click Reply if you wish to reply to a post (Figure 7.9)

Figure 7.9


Type your reply in the Message box and click Post to forum (Figure 7.10)

Figure 7.10


Click on Edit or Delete if you wish to edit or delete your post (Figure 7.11)

(Note: You have 30 mins to edit it if you want to make any changes to your reply. You cannot delete your post if
others have replied to it.)

Figure 7.11
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