03 Maths 164-267

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The objective of teaching Mathematics is to acquire skills of collecting, receiving, managing and
processing data and to obtain meaningful information through analysis, argument and manipulations.
. The focus is on observing, correlation, logic and ability to measure and estimate. This is done in
a conducive learning environment and through a facilitative pedagogy so that there is no stress in
learning Mathematics. The pedagogy in mathematics is learner friendly and related to real time
situations in life.
Broad objectives of Teaching Mathematics


The students will develop ability to:

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Read and write numbers using place value

Perform basic mathematical operations and use their symbols to explain the given
mathematical problem

Acquire a range of mathematical skills for carrying out calculations.

Acquire the skills to use appropriate methods-mental and written to solve given problems.

Use specific mathematical operations to solve problems ,using one or more operations

Solve mathematical problems based on organizing, presenting, analyzing and interpreting

the data given in the form of, tables, diagrams, tally charts, pictograms and bar charts,
using ICT where appropriate.

Solve mathematical problems and puzzles, recognize and explain patterns and relationships,
generalize and predict

Convert general statements about numbers and mathematical operations and generalize in
to mathematical form and solve the problem.

Estimate, measure, weigh and compare objects by choosing and using suitable

Standard units and measuring instruments, hence appreciating the use of standard units in
our daily life

Use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement

Make and describe geometrical shapes, pictures and patterns

Formulate and create variety of problems and find their solutions

Appreciate the use of mathematics in our day to day life


Curricular Expectations and Learning Indicators in Mathematics for Class I-III

Curricular Expectations

Count numbers and understand the numeration system;

Learn the conventions needed for understanding of Mathematical techniques

such as the use of base ten system to represent numbers;

Perform simple mathematical computations in her/his own way up to three

-digit (4 digit for grade IV) numbers and apply these to their day to day
activities in different situations contexts;

Understand and use standard algorithms to perform operations of addition,

subtraction & multiplication on numbers up to two digits;

Develope the vocabulary to extend her/his understanding of space and spatial


Identify simple patterns starting from repeating shapes to patterns in numbers;

and collect, represent and interpret simple data/information in her/his daily
life activities.



During the learning of Mathematics in Class I - III the child is expected to:

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Pedagogical Processes



Classifies and sorts objects on the basis of a

common property.

Displays understanding of spatial

relationships (top- bottom, inside-outside;
above-below; big-small; near-far; thin- thick;
before-after; above-below ,etc.) in the given
situations and uses the vocabulary to describe
the relationship.

Learning outcomes

Conduct activities on the finding/identifying similarities Names some basic shapes like square,triangle,
and differences in shapes/objects that child sees daily in the cube, cuboid, sphere, etc
classroom, at home, play ground,etc. it enable the children
conclude that some objects roll, some slide, some have corners
and some do not have edges ,etc.

Familiarises with spatial relationships Interaction is to be done with children for introducing the
like top- bottom; on under; inside- new vocabulary of spatial terms, by telling small stories/poems
outside; ,etc.
having the vocabulary related to spatial terms.Utilising childs
experiences outside the classroom
Sorts, classifies and describes the
objects in her/his vicinity on the basis of
shape and other observable properties Organizing games within groups of children by providing
clues on spatial terms like on the top of the table but below the
book, fish inside the jar,etc



Grade - 1

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Pedagogical Processes

Finds ways of collecting and counting the

given number of objects like pebbles, seeds,
leaves, etc from her/his immediate environment
and expresses the number as per her/his own

Learning outcomes


Solves problems using addition and/or

subtraction method.

Finds the strategies to reach unknown from

the known.

Analyses and describes the problems in

mathematical terms and finds the given and
unknown data.

Place of digits in a number using Involving children in reading numbers written on a number
chart and other places inside and outside the classroom.
Able to read and write any given number
(up to 99) and associates a given collection of
Adds and subtracts two digit numbers. Activities and games aimed at associating a spoken or written objects with a number and vice-versa.
number with appropriate number of objects, drawn from a
Adds & subtracts two digit numbers collection of objects.
Demonstrates strategies of comparing two
using number line .
numbers, e.g. matching one to one, using
Organising group activities to compare number of objects sequential order of numbers, using size of a
Solves problems using addition and in two collections by one to-one correspondence. Children number, etc.
subtraction of two digit numbers.
should be encouraged to find their own ways of comparing the
collections, e.g. using the sequential order of numbers
Describes ways of combining two collections
to find the sum of numbers.
Involve children in reading the given problems and discussing
what is given, what is to be found. Let children work out their Demonstrates her/his ways of finding
strategies to find the unknown from the known.
difference between two numbers.

Engaging children in activities targeted at manipulation of
concrete objects (locally available) to develop pre-number
Counts, reads and writes numbers up concepts like sorting, classification, sequencing and one-to one
to 200.

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Pedagogical Processes



Idea of length and distance


Attempts to make small amount of play

currency notes by using notes of different
denominations in different ways.

Demonstrates the use of numbers in

identifying and making play currency notes of
different denominations.

Learning outcomes

Devises ways of making units for measuring


Organising discussions among children focusing on need to Describes and justifies length and distance of
measure various things, including lengths and distances and common objects in her/his own language.
other quantities.
Attempts to resolve conflicts on lengths/
distances by using body parts like hand span,
etc.(non-standard units).

Using childs vocabulary and understanding of money from

Identifies currency notes and coins home and out of school experiences.
(Indian and U A E)
Involving children in groups and/or individually to make play
currency notes of different denominations. A set of such actual
notes can be shown to them for the activities
Creating simple selling and buying situations in classroom
and let children play with their play money.


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Pedagogical Processes

Learning outcomes


Creating situations where children get opportunities to Estimates capacities of different containers
Idea of more/less capacity of different measure the volume in their own way and resolve conflicts, if and tries to arrange them as per their capacities.
any, due to the use of non-standard units.
Idea of more/less capacity of different
Common/simple methods of measuring volume like containers
measuring cylinder,beaker,flask etc.
Shows the ability to compare the capacities of
different containers in terms of non-standard
units (like mugs, spoons ,etc.)


Describes ways of comparing and measuring

Compares objects on the basis of their Providing hints during discussions so that children can mass (es) of common objects.
weight like heavy, light, etc.
appreciate that a unit is required for measuring anything.
Uses simple balance to compare weights of
Appreciates need for standard unit of Comparing weights of objects using simple balance.
common objects.
measuring mass
Identifying weights of different denominations like Uses non-standard units like small stones
100,200,500gms, 1kg,2kg,5 kg etc
and other such objects available in the childs
vicinity to measure/compare the weight of
Understands that objects having different
shapes and sizes may have same weight.


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Pedagogical Processes

Learning outcomes


Observes and extends patterns in In the learning of Mathematics, recognition of patterns is Identifies simple patterns In objects at school
sequence of shapes and numbers
essentially required and used. However, children come across and at home, recognizes patterns in numbers
many interesting patterns in daily life experiences.
and shapes
Identifies patterns
showing pattern in shapes in the objects available in the
Creates simple patterns
Showing pattern in numbers eg:table of 2,3 etc.


Organising activities and providing opportunities to record Attempts to record information in her/his
Collects, represents and interprets information in numbers and to draw inferences or out of it.
own way.
simple data.
Participates in discussions with others to draw
inferences from the recorded information.

Data Handling

Narrates the sequence of events in a Creating situations where children are encouraged to describe
Shows the understanding of shorter
their experiences in terms of routine activities from waking up and longer duration of different activities
in the morning till sleeping in the night.
performed or to be performed.
.Read & write time in hours.
Describes the names of days of a week and
months in a year.

Attempts to narrate the activities of a day in

Gets familiar with the days of the week Organising discussions and telling short stories on time and sequence, distinguishing time of events using
and months of the year
her/his own vocabulary for earlier and later.


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Pedagogical Processes

Learning outcomes

Understands the idea of multiplication

using skip counting(2,5,&10)


Shows difficulty in expressing repeated

Understands the idea of multiplication Encouraging children to discover some other method of addition and appreciates the use of
of numbers as repeated addition.
writing repeated addition.
multiplication for repeated addition


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Pedagogical Processes

Learning Indicators

Sorts, classifies and describes 2-D and Identifying various shapes (2- D and 3-D) available in the
3-D shapes.
surroundings discussing their characteristics identification of
Identifies basic 3-D shapes such as
cuboid, cube, cylinder, cone, sphere by Conducting individual and group activities on sorting out
their name.
things from the given collection of objects (from NCERT

Mathematics kit, or by taking different things from the childs

vicinity). The sorting can be done on the basis of observable

properties like nature of surface, shapes or size etc.

Drawing childrens attention towards various similarities and
differences in two and three dimensional shapes while they are
sorting and classifying them. This will help them in associating
various shapes with names like squares, rectangles, triangles,
cube, cuboid, cone, cylinder, sphere, etc.

Indicates understanding of 2-D shapes on the

basis of number of sides, corners and diagonals,
straight and curved edges, etc.
Demonstrates shapes like book, glass, bottle,
chalk box, ball as 3-D shapes and gradually
attempts to associate them with standard
names like cuboid, sphere, cone, cylinder, etc.
Explores observable Characteristics of 3-D
shapes like flat and curved surface, edges,
corners, etc.
Groups objects on the basis of shapes
(cones, cylinders, cubes, balls, etc.) and other
observable Characteristics.
Demonstrates her/his ability to differentiate
between 2-D shapes (square, rectangle, etc.)
and 3-D shapes (cone, cylinder, sphere, etc.)

Shows understanding by naming 2-D shapes

like square, rectangle, triangle and circle, and
also discovers their observable Characteristics.

SPATIAL Conducting plays and games with children on identification Displays understanding of 3-D shapes
and classification of shapes around them like round objects around her/his on the basis of their physical
Classifies shapes on the basis of
rolls flat that slide etc.
their properties.

Concept Area

Grade - 2

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Concept Area

Pedagogical Processes

Learning Indicators


Engaging children in making scenery, pictures and drawings,

focusing on shapes having straight and curved lines.

Understands the concept of straight Children see a lot of straight lines in their surroundings. Classifies lines as slanting, sleeping and
and curved lines. ( 3-D objects will Conduct group activities to classify lines as sleeping ( standing.
either roll or slide on a flat surface)
horizontal), slanting (oblique) and standing (vertical) lines.
Children actually draw such lines in their drawings note book. Cites different examples to show the
understanding of difference between straight
Giving idea of straight and curved lines from the objects like and curved lines.
edge of a tumbler, edge of a book/notebook, table, etc.
Makes free-hand drawings of horizontal,
Conducting activities involving children in drawing straight vertical slant and curved lines.
and curved lines by tracing the edges of various objects.

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Concept Area

Pedagogical Processes



Recognises patterns in numbers

and shapes.

Understands zero as a place holder

and as a number.

Understands place and face value

of digits in a number.

Attempts to read and write any given number

(up to 1000) and associates a given collection
(arranged in hundreds, tens and ones) with a
number and vice-versa.

Learning Indicators

Appreciates the place value system as a system

of grouping objects while counting
Describes her/his understanding about value
of digits in a given 3 digit number.
Devises ways of writing a number when a
group (tens or ones) is missing.
Conducting group activities in the class so that children are Answers questions like what happens when a
involved in breaking a number in Hundreds, tens and ones like number is subtracted from itself? When some
in 217, the digit 2 shows 200, 1 shows 10 and 7 shows one so items are consumed one after the other, how
217=200 +10+7; 20 has two tens and the zero units.
many are left when the last is also consumed?
Attempts to show that zero is the number
representing absence of some item in a

Engaging the children in counting large number of objects

from their surroundings. Children will be encourage to make
equal groups while counting. After building an adequate
understanding of grouping objects in tens and ones they will be
asked to write involve them in writing the number.

Demonstrates strategies of comparing two

numbers, either by matching one to one, using
Organising group activities to compare number of objects in sequential order of numbers or using size of a
two collections by one-to-one correspondence. Children will be number, etc.
encouraged to find their own ways of comparing two numbers,
e.g. using the sequential order of number/number of hundreds,
tens and ones in them, etc.

Involving children in reading numbers written on a number

chart and other places in side and outside the classroom.
Organising activities and games aimed at associating a spoken
or written number with appropriate number of objects, drawn
Counts, recognises, reads and writes from a collectionOf objects. The students
numbers up to 1000
Will be able to tell the numbers of hundreds, tens and ones in
the given number


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Concept Area

Pedagogical Processes

Adds and subtracts two-digit numbers in

daily life situations

Uses different algorithms to add and subtract


Develops her/his strategies to add and/or

subtract a number from a two-digit /3 digit

Devises her/his own ways to add two 2-digit

/ 3 digit numbers. Later on uses algorithms for
addition of numbers.

Writes a number in expanded form in her/

his own ways like 53 can be 50+3 or 3+50 or
40+10+3, etc.
Uses concrete material like ice cream sticks
for grouping numbers in tens and ones , tens
and hundreds etc.

Learning Indicators


Creating situations where children can use alternative Solve problems based on addition and
algorithms to find sum and difference of numbers.
subtraction of two digit and three digit
numbers from daily life.

Conducting discussions with children so that they explore

their own ways of addition and subtraction and they will be able
to develop their algorithms. Avoid any unnecessary emphasis
on mechanical application of standard algorithms for these

Adds and subtracts two and three digit Engaging children in exploring the situations where addition
numbers (with and without regrouping). and subtraction of numbers is required viz, combining two
groups, enlarging a given group by adding some more items,
etc. There are a lot of situations in thechilds daily life where
addition of numbers happens. Children will be Involves in
problem solving activities on addition and subtraction of

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Concept Area

Pedagogical Processes


Learning Indicators


Uses estimation in verification of sum and

difference of two-digit and 3 digit numbers.

Encouraging children to use alternative strategies for finding

total and balance without using pen and paper.
Durelopes meaningful problems and solves
Encourage children to develop questions/ problems on
addition and subtraction of two-digit and 3 digit numbers.
Games will be played within groups of children where one
group designs questions and the other solves the questions/

Organising selling-buying situation in the classroom where

lot of addition and subtraction of money is involved.

Solves problems using addition and/or

subtraction with and without regrouping.

Solves problems involving addition Involving children in reading given problems and discussing Analyses and describes a problem involving
and subtraction of two and three -digit what is given, what is to be found. Children will be able to work addition and/or subtraction in terms of
out their own strategies to find the unknown from the known. mathematical terms and finds the given and
unknown data.
Creating situations where addition and/or subtraction of two- Finds the strategies to reach unknown from
digit and three digit numbers is involved in solving a problem. the known.

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Concept Area

Identifies currency notes and coins.

Understands the idea of multiplication

of numbers as repeated addition.
Multiplies vertically 2 and 3 digit
numbers by 1 digit with and without
Solves word problem involving

Understands the idea of division as
equal sharing and grouping.
Identifies the relation with
multiplication fact by writing its
corresponding division fact.
Solves the division word problem
(writes division fact) .

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Learning Indicators


Using childs understanding about money from the experience Demonstrates use of numbers in identifying
at home and school discussion on the money transaction will and making play currency notes of different
be to purchase things.

Encouraging children to explore ways of equal distribution

and understand the division fact.

Creating situations of equal sharing/grouping of objects and

exploring ways of describing these in mathematical terms.

Creating situations where a number is added repeatedly eg. Shows difficulty in expressing repeated
there are five rows and in each row six children are sitting; 2 addition and appreciates the use of
cookies to be given to each of 7 friends, etc.
multiplication for repeated addition.
Explores ways of equal grouping/sharing/
Encouraging children to discover some other method of distribution.
writing repeated addition.
Understands division as another way
Providing hints to reach to make the child understand
of equal /distribution.
that 2+2+2+2 can also be called as 4 times 2.
Solves problems based on multiplication and
Activities to write multiplication facts (times tables) by division from real life situation.
repeated addition and later on by observing patterns.

Pedagogical Processes

Concept Area

Appreciates the use of money in day-to-day

buying and selling situations.

Learning Indicators

Involving children in groups and/or individual

activities to make play currency notes of different denominations. Is able to handle money by using play notes
A set of such actual notes will be shown to them for these of different denominations in different ways for
buying and selling things.

Pedagogical Processes


Encouraging children to be critical observers of money
transactions while they accompany parents and others for

Discussions will be held within and across the groups to find

out the ways to refine their estimates.

Creating simple selling and buying situations in classroom

and allowing children play with their play currency notes.
Describes ways to find balance amount out of
a given amount after the purchase of all items.
Transact a sum of money using Play Providing hints to solve problems of transacting money and
currency notes.
finding balances.
Estimates/approximates the money required
and money obtained as balance in simple
Encouraging children to make estimates of how much money buying situations.
will be required and, what will be left , etc. and then to actually
verify their estimates.

Adds and subtracts small amount

of money mentally.

Puts together amounts of money

not exceeding

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Concept Area

Pedagogical Processes


Involving children in to compare the weight of objects + Describes ways of comparing mass(es) of
classify them as light or heavy.
common objects
Designs and uses simple balance to compare
Appreciates need for a simple balance Using a simple lean balance to compare weight of two objects. weights of common objects Uses non-standard
and uses it to compare weight of given
units like small stones and othersuch objects
objects using standard units. (Kg and g) find the weight of an object by using a lean balance by using a available in her/his vicinity to measure mass/
standard weight viz kg,gm,etc
weight of small objects.
Understands that objects with different
shapes and sizes may have same weights.
Uses standard weights to find the mass of an
object by using a lean balance.

Compares objects by their weight.

Relates centimetre and metre.

Uses a ruler.

Able to resolve conflicts on length /

distances by using body parts like hand span,
etc.(non standard units).

Understands the concept of length and

distances of common objects in her/his own

Learning Indicators

identifies meter as a standard unit of

Showing a ruler with marking in centimeter and millimeter measuring length
Using a ruler to measure length of various objects in the able to use a ruler to measure the length of
objects in centimeter and meter.
understands the relation between meter and

Organising discussions among children to showcase their
Appreciates the need for a standard understanding about measuring various things, including
lengths and distances providing hints during discussions so that
children can appreciate that a unit is required for measuring
Measures length using appropriate anything.
standard units of length by choosing
between centimetres and metres.
Creating situations where children get opportunities to
measure in their own ways and resolve conflicts, if any, aroused
due to use of non-standard units.


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Concept Area

Pedagogical Processes

Learning Indicators

Organising discussions and telling short stories to the children

about days in a week and names of months.
Creating situations where children are encouraged to describe
their experiences in terms of routine activities like from waking
up in the morning till sleeping in the night.
Encouraging children to tell the time elapsed, time required
to complete a task, etc. in terms of their own units like number
of claps.
Making a time clock with hour hand and minute hand.
Reading a clock in hours and minutes(half past and quarter
Reads time correct to the hours(half past)
past and quarter past).
Writing time in hours and minutes.
Showing the given time on a clock in hours and minutes.

Gets familiar with the days of the week
and months of the year
Gets a feel for sequence of events
during a day.
Sequence the events occurring over
longer periods of time
Reads a calendar to find a particular
day and date.

Attempts to narrate the activities of a day in

sequence, distinguishing time of events using
her/his own experience
Shows the understanding of shorter and longer
duration of different activities performed or to
be performed, for example, the time spent in
school is shorter than the time spent at home,
Tell time elapsed or time required to complete
a task in her/his own ways like I can hold my
breath while I count i to 20
Able to read the time in a clock. Connect to
half past and quarter past.
Is able to show the given time in a clock

Conducting activities within classroom so that children get

opportunity to compare the quantity of liquid in two or more Estimates capacities of different containers
Measures and compares the capacity containers and then arranging these containers in ascending or and tries to arrange them as per their capacities.
of different containers using standard descending order of their capacities
Shows the ability to compare the capacities of
units (Litre and millilitre) .
different containers in terms of non-standard
Using standard units(litre+ml) to measure the volume
units (like mugs, spoons, etc.) Uses standard
unit(litre+ml) to measure the volume of flude


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Concept Area

Observes and extends patterns in

sequence of shapes and numbers
Identifies patterns
Creates simple patterns by stamping,
thumb-prints, leaf prints, beads, etc.


Collects, represents and interprets

simple data.
Collects & represents simple data in
Tabular and Pictograph form .
Interprets simple data

Data Handing

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Participates in discussions with others to draw

inferences from the recorded information.

Attempts to record information in her/his

own way like number of different types of fruits
required for the picnic.

Learning Indicators


Creating situations such that child uses her/his ways to record Devises ways to present the recorded
and present the information in a meaningful manner.
information in such a way that its interpretation
can be made simpler.

Giving opportunities to children for exploring ways of
recording and presenting data and draw the inferences from
the data.
Observing and recognize the patterns which children come Identifies simple patterns right from school
across in daily life experiences.
activities to home patterns in numbers and
Identifying pattern in shapes and numbers.
shapes, 2g patterns in tiles and designs, etc.

Organising activities and providing opportunities to record

information in numbers and to draw inferences or For example,
in organising a New Year party, how many pieces coloured
paper of different types would be required for class decoration?

Involving children in discussion to highlight the importance
of recording of information.

Pedagogical Processes

Grade - 3

theme / concepts


Pedagogical Processes


Discussing concept of line segment and ray through examples.

Identifies parallel and intersecting

Discussing closed and open figures.
Distinguishes between closed and Discussing concept of area . Area of a rectangle and square.
open figures.
Discussing problems based on area of rectangle and square.
Tiles a given area using tiles of given Word problems based on tiling/ grassing/ fencing/ paving on
shape and size.
whole or part of a given area by using the formulae for area.

Discussing parallel and intersecting lines using the above

shapes and other examples.

Draws diagonal to square and Drawing shapes like rectangle and square and diagonal to
these shapes.

Identifies line, line segment and ray

Conducting individual and group activities on paper folding

there by creating shapes of various types. Children identify and
Creates shapes through paper folding discuss the shapes and also the figures formedon opening the
and paper cutting.
paper folding.


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Child identifies rectangles, triangles and

other rectilinear shapes formed by the crease of
paper on crease of paper on making the paper
Indicates understanding of line, line segment
and ray.
Demonstrates his/her abilityto draw the
rectangle and square . Identifies vertices , sides
and diagonals of different figures
Explores observable properties of line, line
segment and ray.
Demonstrates her/his ability to differentiate
between 2-D shapes (like square, rectangle,
etc.) and 3-D shapes (cone, cylinder, sphere,
Uses different ways of drawing straight line
by paper folding, straight edge, straight string
with free hand and free ruler.
Cites different examples to show the
understanding of difference between open and
closed figures.
Makes free-hand drawing of parallel and
intersecting lines.
Calculates area of rectangle and square by
using the formula.
Solves word problems based on the above

Learning outcomes


Pedagogical Processes

Attempts to
identify the number of
hundreds ,tens and ones in the given number
and write the number in expanded form

Write a four digit number in words and vice


Attempts to read and write any given number

(up to 9999) and associates a given collection
with a number and vice-versa.

Learning outcomes


Solves word problems. based on Engaging child in adding and/or subtracting two numbers Attempts to add and/or subtract two numbers
addition and subtraction of four digit written vertically or horizontally. Let the children devise their and solv
own ways of addition by using their understanding of addition
on 3-digit numbers.

Attempts to identify smaller and bigger

number by counting the number of hundreds
Forms greatest and smallest up to four Organising group activities to develop understanding of ,tens and ones .
digit numbers using given digits
before ,after and in between numbers.
Attempts to write before ,after and in between
Writes a four digit numeral in words Organising activities using abacus or any other method to number
and vice versa
form greatest and smallest four digit numbers
using the
given digits. Engaging children in writing the numbers in Attempts to write the greater and smaller
Adds and/ or subtracts two numbers. words and viceversa.
number using given digits.

NUMBER Involving children in reading four digit numbers writtenon a

number chart and other places inside and outside.
Engaging children in activities of counting large number
Reads and write four-digit numbers. of objects from her/his surroundings. Encouraging themto
make equal groups while counting. After building an adequate
Writes a number in expanded form understanding of grouping objects in hundreds, tens and ones,
using place value.
involve them in writing the number.
Organising group activities to compare the number of objects
Counts forwards and backwards in two collections (having groups of hundreds tens and ones)
starting from any number
by one to one correspondence. Children will be encouraged
to find their own ways of comparing the collections ,e.g using
Compares numbers. Can write before, the sequential order of numbers or by comparing the hundreds
after, and in between numbers
,tens and ones.

Key concepts


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Key concepts

Pedagogical Processes


Adds and subtracts 4-digit numbers by using

different strategies like using the concrete
objects in bundles of thousands, hundreds,
tens and ones or by standard algorithm or by
her/his own algorithm.

Learning outcomes

Analyses and describes a problem in

Organising selling-buying situation in classroom where lot mathematical terms and finds the given and
of addition and subtraction of money is involved using play unknown data.
currency notes up to Rs. 1000
Finds the strategies to reach unknown from
Encouraging children to use alternative strategies for finding the known.
total and balance without using pen and paper
Solves problems using addition and/or
Conducting individual and group activities among the subtraction with and without regrouping.
students to practice addition/subtraction of four digit numbers
using number games/cards
Uses estimation in verification of sum and
difference of four digit numbers.

Adds and subtracts four digit numbers

(with and without regrouping).
Involving children to write the given numbers vertically and
add/subtract without regrouping.
Solves problems based on addition
and subtractions
Involving children in reading the given problem and
discussing what is given, what is to be found. Children well
work out their strategies to find the unknown from the known.

Addition and subtraction

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Key concepts

Pedagogical Processes

Learning outcomes

Explores the multiplication facts of 6,7,8,9

and 10 by different ways like repeated addition,
skip counting, identifying and observing


Solving word problems on multiplication of two digit and Attempt to solve word problems based on two
three digit numbers
digit and three digit numbers.

Develops different algorithms to multiply two

Engaging the children in activities to explore ways of and three-digit numbers.
multiplying two-digit and three digit numbers. Children will
devise their own ways of multiplying first the ones and then Finds product of a three-digit number and a
two-digit/three digit numbers

Understands concept of multiplication Engaging the children in activities to write multiplication facts
(times tables) by repeated addition and later on by observing
Applies multiplication to solve patterns.
conceptual (daily life) problems.

Multiplies two numbers using standard Providing small hints to reach to the situation where child Appreciates the use of multiplication In place
algorithm and lattice multiplication says 2+2+2+2+2 can also be called as 5 times 2.
of repeated addition.


1 23

Key concepts

Pedagogical Processes


Meaning of mathematical terms

Involving children in discovering their own ways to solve a
Viz divisor, dividend , quotient and problem related to division of two-digit and three digit numbers.
Explaining the terms divisor , dividend , quotient and
Division of two and three digit remainder
numbers by one and two digit numbers
to find the quotient and remainder.
Conducting practice problems to help children master
algorithms and appreciate the standard algorithms given
Word problems and division facts on division of two and three digit numbers by one/two digit
from daily life.
numbers to find quotient and remainder.

Meaning of division in terms of equal Creating situations of equal sharing/grouping of objects and
sharing and grouping of objects.
exploring ways of describing them mathematically to explain
the meaning of division.

Division facts as inverse of

multiplication and repeated subtraction. Conducting activities to explore division facts in different
ways like repeated subtraction, inverse of multiplication, etc.
Division by grouping and using
multiplication tables.
Division by using multiplication tables.


1 23


Solves word problems on division of two and

three digit numbers from daily life.

Finds quotient and remainder in the two digit


Shows her/his understanding of division of

two-digit /three digit numbers to find quotient
and remainder

Writes divisor , dividend , quotient and

remainder in division sums

Performs division by using multiplication


Understands division as equal grouping/

sharing /distribution of objects.

Explores ways of equal Sharing/

groupingdistribution of objects to understand
the meaning of division.

Learning outcomes


Key concepts

Pedagogical Processes

Learning outcomes


Practice in making bills for purchase /sell of items.

Prepares bill for the sale or purchase of items.

Understands and solves word problems

Discussing and solving problems on addition and subtraction
involving money transactions.
of money from daily life.

Involving children in groups and/or individual activities to Demonstrates the use of numbers in
make play currency notes and coins of different denominations. identifying and making currency notes and
Recognizes currency notes of various A set of such actual notes and coins will be shown to them for coins of different denominations.
the activities.
Appreciates the use of money in day Converts rupee to paise using play Creating simple selling and buying situations in classroom today life for buying and selling of items
money (currency notes and coins) of and let children play with their play money using play currency attempts to solve problems based on addition
different denominations.
notes and coins.
and subtraction of money in rupees and
paise using column addition and subtraction
Adds and subtracts Rupees and paise Providing small hints to solve situations of transacting money method.
using column addition and subtraction and finding balances. Encouraging children to make estimates
without regrouping.
of how much moneys required, what will be left ,etc. and then Describe ways to find balance of a given
to actually verify their estimates. Discussions will be held amount after the purchase of about 100 rupees
Solves word problems on addition within and across the groups to find out the ways to refine their ( in rupees and paise)
and subtraction of money.
Establishes relationship between rupee and
paise and converts rupee into paise and vice Makes rate chart and bill.
Encouraging children to be critical observers of money versa.
transactions while they accompany parents and other/for Devises ways of adding and subtracting
Money (rupees & paise ) in daily life activities.
Estimates/approximates the money required
Addition and subtraction on rupees and paise by using column and money obtained as balance in simple
addition and subtraction method without regrouping.
buying situations.


1 23

Key concepts

Pedagogical Processes


Uses a ruler to measure the length of various

objects in cm & metres.

Understands metre & cm as standard units

of length

Attempts to resolve conflicts on lengths/distances by using body parts and other non-uniform units like hand span, etc.(non-standard

Learning outcomes


Understand the correct method of Conducting activities to make the children draw line segreading the length on a ruler.
ment of given length.
Conversion of metre into cm and viceversa.
Explaining to the children the correct method of reading the
length on a ruler to avoid the error of parallax

Converts metres into cm and cm into mm

Understands correct method of measuring

length using a ruler to avoid the error of parallax.

Draws line segment of given length using


Uses a ruler for measurement of length Explaining metre and cm as standard units of length and use Demonstrates ways of measuring smaller
Relates centimetre and metre and mil- of ruler to measure the length of an object by using a ruler / distances using a metre scale. ( in cm & mm )
limeter and centimeter
metre scale in cm
Appreciates the division of one metre into
Draws a line or line segment of given Measure various objects so that children can understand cen- 100 centimetres 1 cm into 10mm to measure
length by using ruler
timetre and metre relation between cm & metre.
relatively smaller lengths.

Appreciates the need for a standard Organising discussions among children to showcase their ununit for measuring length and distance derstanding of measuring various things, including lengths and
distances in different ways using non uniforms and standard
Measures length using appropriate methods.
standard units of length in centimetres
and metres.
Creating situations where children get opportunities to measure in their own way and resolve conflicts, if any, aroused due to
Estimate the length of given object in use of non uniform units/methods for measurement of length
standard units and verifies it by measur- so that children can appreciate that a unit is required for measing.
uring anything.

Measurement: Length

1 23


Key concepts

Learning outcomes

Discussing in the class the standard units of measurement of Describes ways of comparing and quantifying
mass viz kg and gms.
mass(es) of common objects.

Pedagogical Processes


Understands ltr and ml as standard units of

Explaining the children the standard units of volume viz litre volume.
Estimates capacities of different containers
Measures and compares the capacity and mililitres.
of different containers using nonin ltrs and tries to order them as per their
Using measuring cylinder to find the vol of given liquid in litre capacities.
standard units.
and mililitres.
Shows the ability to compare the capacities of
Appreciates the conservation of
different containers in terms of standard units
Explaining relationship between litre and mililitres
Uses measuring measuring cylinder to find
[1 ltr =1000ml]
the volume of liquids.
Relates litre and millilitre
Understans relation between ltr and ml


Converting kg into gms.

Relation between kg and gms.

Use of beam balance to weigh an object

Use of beam balance to explain the measure of the weight of Uses simple balance to compare weights of
using standard weights.
various objects using standard weights.
common objects.
Relation between kg and gram.
Comparing weights by using beam balance and digital Kg and gms as standard units of mass.
Converting kg into gms.
Attempts to convert kilogram into gram and
Expressing weight in kg and gms.
vice versa

Kg and gm as standard units of mass


1 23

Key concepts

Pedagogical Processes


Appreciates the conversion of litre into
millilitre and vice versa.

Appreciates the conservation of volume

like same amount of liquid seems to be more
and less on pouring into narrow and wide
containers respectively but is the same in

Learning outcomes

Showing the given time on a clock.

Reading time in hrs and mins in a clock.

Reads a calendar to find a particular Organising discussions and short stories on the time and Shows the understanding of shorter and longer
day and date.
duration of different activities performed or to
be performed during a day.
Reads time correct to the hours and Encouraging children to tell the time elapsed, time required Uses her/his experiences and talk of the
to complete a task, etc.
people around him to express time in hours
and minutes.
Shows the time in hours and minutes Conducting group/individual activities to introduce the Attempts to read the clock and tells the time
on a clock using hour and minute hand. idea of measuring a day in hours, months in days, and year in correct to hours and minutes.
Demonstrates the skill of reading the calendar
Understand AM and PM.
Providing opportunities for reading a clock and a calendar.
to find a particular day and date i.e. finds the
[12 hr time scale]
day corresponding to date from the calendar.
Initiating discussion in the classroom and encouraging Understand relation between hours and mins
Relation between hrs and mins.
children to find different ways of measuring time in 12 and 24 Demonstrate skill to show the time in hours
hr time scale
and mins.


1 23


Key concepts

Pedagogical Processes

Learning outcomes


Giving opportunities to children for exploring ways of Devices pictorial ways of representing
representing the data in terms of pictograph using appropriate information like pictograms and bar graphs.
Participates in discussions with others to draw
Explaining the conclusions /finding from the pictograph.
inferences from the recorded information.

Organising activities and providing opportunities to collects

Collects records data using tally marks. on record data by using tally marks.
Attempts to record information in her/his
own ways.
Records data and represents it in terms Involving children in a discussion to highlight the importance
of pictograph choosing appropriate of recording of data and analyzing the same
Describes problems in interpretation of
Draws conclusions from the data by Creating situations wherein child uses her/his own ways to
discussing with the teacher/ parents.
analyze and present the information in a meaningful manner Devises ways of representing information to
like number of students present on different days of a week, make it more clear and easy to understand and
number of family members each of her/his friends have, number interpret e.g. uses tally marks to record large
of children whose name starts with particular letters, etc.
number of data.

Data Handling

1 23

Key concepts

Pedagogical Processes


Identifies simple patterns right from school

activities to home e.g. pattern in coming to
school to going back, patterns in numbers and
shapes and patterns in tiles and designs, etc.

Learning outcomes


Understands the patterns of even and odd

numbers, commutativity of addition and
multiplication of numbers, multiplication of
numbers by 1, adding 1 to numbers ,etc.

Identifies patterns in the numerals for Organising group activities where in children will create Identifies numbers as even and odd nos.
odd and even numbers and in adding and discuss patterns. Group discussions could be followed by
odd and even numbers.
presentation of the patterns to the whole class.

Identifies simple symmetrical shapes Involving children in recognition and extension of patterns
and patterns in her/his surroundings
they come across in daily life experiences. These are required
to be recorded and interpreted. For example different number
Makes patterns and designs from patterns like 2,4,6,, 10,20,30,40, and patterns of shapes
straight lines and other geometrical found on tiles and border designs on sarees, shawls, etc.


1 23

Curricular Expectations and Learning Indicators in Mathematics for Class IV

Develops a connect between the functioning of daily life and logical thinking
and reasoning.

Understands shapes and articulates their characteristics as similarities and

dissimilarities between them.

Develops own methods of performing operations on numbers in daily life

(addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).

Develops language and symbolic notations with standard algorithms for

performing number operations.

Estimates outcome of operation on numbers and use it in daily life activities.

Learns to represent part of whole as a fraction and understanding simple


Collects, represents and interprets simple data and uses it in everyday life.

Identifies and explain simple patterns in shapes and numbers



Curricular Expectations

1 23

Pedagogical Processes


Attempts to calculate perimeter and area of

different shapes available in the surroundings
(farms, parks, etc) for different purposes.

Shows understanding of terms related to circle

like centre, radius, diameter and boundary of
the circle.

Learning outcomes


Draws different views of an object as it looks

from top, side and front

Calculates area and perimeter of these


Asking children to look at a solid shape from different Explores symmetry in figures formed by ink/
positions and draw the way it looks from the top, side, front, etc colour blots on a paper.

Explores the area and perimetre of Taking empty chalk boxes and cutting their one face or two
simple shapes.
faces to cut open the same to make a plan (flat )shape. The Attempts to make different objects using a
children will explore the flat shapes that can make a 6, 5 or 4 given net.
Makes 4, 5 or 6 faced objects from a
faced objects. Later on the children will be encouraged to draw
given net.
an appropriate net on a paper sheet.
Makes different shapes with the help of easily
available material ,e.g. match\ sticks, ice-cream
Draws elevation and side view of Constructing regular rectangle, pentagon and hectagon
sticks, etc.
simple objects.
Finding area and perimeter of these polygons.
Draws rectangle, pentagon and hexagon.

Identifies centre, radius and diameter Utilising childs experience of drawing a circle by using a
of a circle. Constructs circles using rope, fixing one end and moving the other, keeping the rope
stretched. The children who do not have such experience can
be involved in groups with other students for drawing circular
Makes different types of polygons upto boundary in the playground. Identifying centre, radius and
diameter of the circle




Grade - 4

1 23



Pedagogical Processes

Attempts to read and write any

given number and associates a given
collection with a number and vice-versa.

Expresses any large number in expands form

using place value method

Attempts to read and write large numbers.

Learning outcomes


Demonstrates strategies of comparing two

numbers using sequential order of numbers,
size of a number, place values of
Organising group activities to compare the number of objects digits, etc.
in two collections (having groups of thousands, hundreds tens
and ones) by one to- one correspondence. Children will be Devises ways of writing a number when a
encouraged to find their own ways of comparing the collections, group (thousands hundreds, tens or ones) is
e.g. using the sequential order of numbers or by comparing the missing
number of thousands, hundreds tens and ones.
writes greatest and smallest number using the
Writing greatest and smallest number using the given digits. given digits
Word problems on large numbers from daily life.
solves word problems based on greatest and
Writing a large numeral in words and vice versa.
smallest numbers
Writing Roman numerals from I to X and then extending the writes any large number in words and vice
Reorganises roman numerals upto X

Reads and write large numbers.

Involving children in reading numbers written on a number
Expresses a number using place value chart and other places inside and outside classroom.
Engaging children in activities of countinglarge number
Counts in different ways- starting of objects from her/his surroundings. Encouraging them to
from any number.
make equal groups while counting. After building an adequate
Compares numbers.
understanding of grouping objects inThousands, hundreds,
Forms greatest and smallest numbers tens and ones, involve them in writing the number.
using given digits. Read and writes
roman numerals ( 1- 40)
Writing any large number in expanded form using place value



1 23


Pedagogical Processes


Multiplication and Division

Providing opportunities to children to write down addition

facts of a number repeated given number of times eg: if number
5 is repeated 2,3,4 times, it will form table of five.form
Writes multiplication tables up to 10 multiplication table
Writes addition facts of numbers Conducting activities with children to explore the
repeated given number of times
multiplication facts through patterns and skip counting.
Encouraging children to develop algorithm for multiplication
Multiplies two-or three-digit numbers of numbers and facilitate to decide the best algorithm
with lattice and standard algorithms.
Providing opportunities to children to try out different ways
of multiplication, for example to multiply 257 by 34, some child
may develop a strategy to first multiply hundreds by 34 and
Divides a given number by another then tens and ones. Some other/his child may decide to first
given number in various ways eg.
multiply ones 34 times and then tens and hundreds
By using equal distributial group by
using multiplication tables.
Extending the idea of division of numbers in variety of ways
like using equal distribution, as inverse process of multiplication
Frames word problems and solves using multiplication tables.
using multiplication tables and by using
standard algorithms
Facilitating children to develop their own algorithms for
dividing numbers and then to decide the best one. Activities

fundamental for equal distribution of money number of persons will help in
mathematical operations to solve development of algorithms for division of numbers.
problems and on daily life situations.
Creating and exploring situations from childs daily life to
apply number operations in solving problems.

1 23


Writes multiplication tables up to 10.

Creatively writes tables of relatively higher
number (say 7) using tables of smaller numbers
(say 2 and 5) and also of two digit numbers by
using the expanded form of multiplicative digit
number in ones and tens
Explores different ways of multiplying twoor three-digit numbers (e.g. using individual
digits using place value concept, etc.)
Demonstrates understanding of division by
dividing a given number by another number in
a variety of ways, such as by grouping, repeated
subtraction, using inverse of multiplication
facts, etc.
Attempts to develop a word problem using
her/his own experiences and solving it by using
Four fundamental operations.
Freely uses four fundamental operations
(addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division) in day to day activities

Learning outcomes


Pedagogical Processes

Learning outcomes


Conducting group/individual activities in the class to provide Attempts to write the given distribution of a
opportunities to the children to divide a given object into two/ whole as a fraction.
Identifies , and As part of a three/four parts and writing each part as fraction of a whole
like 1/3, etc.
Understands fraction as a part of a whole.
Writes algorithms for fractions (equal &
Appreciates equivalence of 2/4 and . Conducting activities in the class to provide opportunities to equivalent fractions)
the children to correlate fraction as part of a whole from real
life situation.
Identifies fraction and writes equivalent
fraction of given fractions.


Fraction as a part of a whole.


1 23


Pedagogical Processes


Converts rupees to paise and vice Conducting activities in the class by using play currency notes
and coins to provide opportunity to the children to convert
Rupees to Paise and vice versa
Performs addition and subtraction of
Rupees and Paise using column
Providing opportunity to children to plan a shopping and
addition and subtraction.
make estimates of money required in different denominations
for shopping and the balance left after shopping.
Performs multiplication and division
of money (Rupees and Paise) by a given The children while playing shopkeepers will learn to receive
exact amount of money by using different play notes and coins
and will keep a record of the sales in the form of a ledger.
Solves problems based on money
transactions from daily life by using Conducting discussion in the class to know how do the
four fundamental operations.
shopkeepers make quick calculations for money transactions
and keep a record of sale of goods and money received


1 23


Understands to keep a record of money spent

in day to day purchase and balance left.
Learns help a record of sale of goods and
money received

Performs activities of buying and selling

role-play and uses her/his understanding in
transacting money.

Attempts multiplication and division facts to

find out total cost on the basis of unit cost and

Uses addition and subtraction facts mentally

for day to- day purchase (vegetables, milk, etc.)
from the market.

Shows understanding of the total amount of

money required for shopping and balance left
after the shopping.

Calculates rupees for given number of paise

and paise for given number of rupees.

Learning outcomes



Pedagogical Processes

Learning outcomes

Determines sums and dierences

of weights.

Weighs objects using balance and

standard units.



Initiating discussion on weights of different objects like

weight of children in the class in order to explore various ways
of measuring weight and having idea of its units.
Using childs exposure of listening to standard unit of weight
like kilogram and gram to relate them. Conduct activities
related to observing empty pouches/boxes where weights in
kilograms and grams are marked.
Involving children in estimating weights of different objects
and to reach to the conclusion that bigger objects are to
measured in kilograms and smaller objects in grams.
Conducting activities to obtain weight of two or more objects
by adding the number of kilograms/grams in the objects.
Relating the understanding of weights with money and
activities of selling and buying situations

Tries to differentiate between the heavy and

light weight objects and calculates the total
weight of two different objects (addition)
and difference in their weights (subtraction).
Out of some given amount some amount, is
consumed, what left?

Attempts to estimate weight of an object and

then verifies it with balance and standard units
of weight (grams, kilograms, etc)

Converts metre into centimeter and Conducting activities related to measuring lengths of different Relates commonly used larger and smaller
vice versa.
objects by using a metre scale or a tape.
units of length (metre, centimeter) and
converts one to another.
Solves problem involving lengths and
Involving learners in discussions for the need of writing bigger Attempts to calculate length of particular
Estimates lengths and distances in
units into smaller (metre to centimetre) and smaller into bigger objects (a rod, a piece of cloth, etc) and finds
metres and centimeters.
(centimetre to metre) by using their understanding of decimal total length of two or more objects.
Estimates distance between two places
(school to home, own home to friend`s home.


1 23


Pedagogical Processes


Learning outcomes


Involving children in comparison of volume/capacity of two Estimates volume of a solid object by inforobjects and finding the difference by subtraction and
mal measurement intuitively
total volume by addition

Conducting activities to fill a given container by using differ- Makes one litre by adding several quantities
ent shapes like cubes, cuboid, spheres, prisms, etc. and encour- expressed in milliliters.
Performs addition and subtraction of age children to decide which shapes can completely fill a given
Devises her/his ways to differentiate between
more and less volumes of liquids and calculates
Discussing with children why unit cube is taken as unit of difference in volumes.
measuring space/volume
Involving children in measuring volume by counting the Applies her/his understanding of addition to
number of unit cubes that can completely fill a given space.
find total weight of two or more objects

Estimates volume of a solid object.

Measures volumes of liquids with the Relating childs experience of units of measuring capacity Attempts to estimate volume of liquids and
help of a container marked with the like quantity of liquid in a water bottle, soft drink pack, oil ,etc. then verifies it using container marked with the
standard units.
where child sees the units like litre and milliliter.
standard units.


1 23



Pedagogical Processes


Conducting activities to compute number of days in year by

Computes number of weeks and days adding number of days in each month.
in a year, and correlates to thenumber
of days in a year with number of days in Explaining with for measurement of time viz.
each month.
1 day = 24 hours, 1hr = 60 min, 1 min = 60 sec
Reads clock time in hours and minutes
and expresses time in a.m. and p.m.
Will explore their own ways of finding number of days between two dates and to decide the method of finding number of
Measures time in hours and minutes. days in a given month of a year.
Converts hours into minutes and viceversa
Enabling the child to read clock in hours and minutes. the
child will learn the ways of reading different types of clocks
Finds the time intervals in simple cas- with the help of other children and express time in a.m and p.m.
es by using forward counting and using
addition and subtraction of hours and Find up the time lapsed in two between events by forward
counting and by addition and subtraction. child will realize that
operations on time are different from the operations on numbers.


1 23

Explores ways (mental addition and subtraction) of finding time intervals between two
events and computes number of days between
two dates

Shows interest in reading the clock time

hours and minutes and expresses the time using the terms a.m. and p.m.

Attempts to showcase the concept of week,

month and year on the basis of number of days
and uses this understanding to compute number of weeks in a year.

Learning outcomes


Pedagogical Processes


There are many such patterns in the Mathematics which
child has learnt up till now. children will explore, extend and
generalise these patterns

Asking children to explore similar patterns in multiplication

facts of other numbers.

Identifies patterns in multiplication Providing opportunities to children to explore patterns in
and division : multiples of 9.
designs and geometrical shapes available in their vicinity and to
find ways of expresses them creatively
Multiplies and divides by 10, 100 etc
by using the patterns.
Asking children to explore patterns in numbers and
multiplication facts like in multiples of 9 the sum of digits is
Identifies geometrical pattern based also multiple of nine, (table is formed by writing 9, 8, 7, 6..0
on symmetry
in ones place and 0, 1, 2, 9 in tens place respectively)

Collects quantitative data represents Collecting information in numerical form and representing it
it in the tabular form then express it as as tabular form by conducting group activities in the class.
pictograph/ bar graph.
Expressing the data in the form of bar graph or pictograph to
draw useful inference on key points
Draws inferences with the help of the .
bar graph/pictograph to understand the
key points
Involving children in collecting the data given in various
newspapers and magazines. Helping them draw out meaningful
inferences out of the data given.

Data Handling

1 23
Identifies geometrical and creates these
patterns on sarees, clothes and walls to.

Explore patterns in multiplication facts of

numbers other than 9.

Identifies patterns in multiples of 9 and

extends them to find more multiplication facts.

Attempts to understand the key points

emerging from the represented data and draws
useful inferences

Express the data on a bar graph/pictograph

Attempts to represent the data collected in

tabular form.

Learning outcomes

Curricular Expectations and Learning Indicators in Mathematics for Classes V to VIII

Curricular Expectations

Develops a creation between the activities of daily life and that of mathematical thinking
and logical reasoning.

Understands shapes and articulates their observable characteristics as similarities and

differences between them.

Develops methods of performing mathematical operations on numbers in daily life

(addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).

Write statements symbolic notations with standard algorithms for performing

mathematics operations.

Estimates outcome of mathematical operation on two or more numbers and uses it in

daily life activities.

Learns to represent part of whole as a fraction, orders simple fractions and learns addition
of fractions.

Develops formulae and notations for perimeter , area and volume of various shapes and
uses them to solve problems of every day life.

Collects, represents and interprets simple data and uses it in everyday life.

Identifies and extends simple patterns in shapes and numbers.



During the learning of Mathematics from Classes V to VIII, a child:

1 23

Pedagogical Processes


Learning outcomes


Reflection and rotational symmetry in Asking children to compare the angles they see in their vicinity
familiar 2-D and 3-D shapes.
compare the viz, furnitures, towns, doors and world over and to
describe whether the angle is smaller/bigger/equal to the angle
at the corner of a book or a notebook.
Makes the shapes of cubes, cuboid,
cylinders and cones by their respective
Involve children to explore angles in different shapes and to
classify them as acute, obtuse and right angle.

Demonstrates to differentiate between angles

of different types, acute, obtuse and right

Identifies different types of angles existing in

the environment around the child.

Draws and represents angles and

Interacting with the children on their earlier understanding Indicates understanding of making angles
classifies them into right, acute and of angles and encouraging them to describe what an angle is. of different types using the things easily
obtuse angles.
Children Will be able to identify angles with reference to angles available to the child.
at the corners of a book, notebook, etc.




Grade - 5

1 23


1 23


Learning outcomes


organizing group/individual activities in the class where

children make different shapes with the help of their nets.

Allowing the children to work with different shapes so that

children can hypothesize that on rotation some shapes look the
same like a circle, a rectangle, an equilateral triangle, etc. will
some shapes look the same only after a complete rotation.

Makes different shapes with the help of

Children will be asked to fold a sheet of paper and cut a shape their nets.
on its fold. On opening, these find a shape which is symmetric
about the line drawn along the fold.
Explores symmetry in various objects having
3-D shapes.
Providing opportunities to children to reach to the conclusion
that a line is said to be a line of symmetry of a shape when on Explores reflection and rotational symmetry
folding the shape along that line one part completely overlaps in 2-D shapes.
the other part on placing a mirror on the line, the image and the
visible part of the shape make thecomplete shape.

Introduceing protractor as an instrument to measure angle

and conduct activities for its use.

Pedagogical Processes


Pedagogical Processes


Creating and exploring situations from childs daily life to
apply in solving problems.

Providing the concept of factors through division of numbers

and multiples.

Explains concept of factors and Creating the idea of multiples of a number through its
multiplication facts, skip counting using number grid and
number line.

Divides a given number by another

given number using standard division Encouraging child to develop her/his own algorithms for
division of numbers and facilitating them to decide her/his best

Understands the role of place value Organizing and conducting group/individual activities in the
in algorithms for four fundamental class for the children to write algorithms for multiplication and
mathematical operations.
division facts and understands the role of place value in writing

Numbers and Operations

1 23
Demonstrates understanding of division by
dividing a given number by another number in
a variety of ways, such as by grouping, repeated
subtraction, using multiplication facts, etc.
Attempts to develop a word problem
onmultiplication and division of numbers
using her/his own experiences.
Participates actively in activities organized in
the class for explaining concepts of multiples
and factors.
Attempts to write the multiples of any given
Writes the factors of a given number by using
division facts.
Freely uses four fundamental operations
(addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division) in day to- day activities.

Learning outcomes



Pedagogical Processes


Involving children in activities related to dividing a whole in

equal parts by using paper folding, dividing a given shape like
Represents part of a whole as a fraction. square, rectangle, circle, etc In 2,3,4,. Equal parts and write
each part as fractions of a whole.
Using childs understanding of half, one third,etc. to
develop the whole.
Understands fraction as a number.
Providing opportunities to represent a given fraction by
shading/colouring parts of a whole.
Conducting activities targeting to counting the shaded parts
Compares fractions as equal to/greater/ corresponding to given fractions to add them and to recognize
smaller fractions.
and generalise a pattern.
Conducting activities targeted at cutting and removing parts
of a whole corresponding to a fraction and counting the parts
remained to recognize and generalize the remainder as a
Adds and subtracts like fractions.
Letting the children explore the length, price, etc. of objects on
various items, like wrappers of packaged objects. to understand
that a decimal point differentiates number of wholes them
part of a whole. Children will be able to write fractions with
denominators 10 and 100 and write a given fraction in decimal.
Conducting activities in the class where children learn to shade
the two given fractions and then read and write the combined
fractions as the sum of two fractions.
Uses decimal fraction in the context of Conducting activities in the class where children cut/move
unit of length and money.
a part of a fraction and then read and write the remaining


1 23

Adds and subtracts two like fractions

bycolouring/shading corresponding parts of a
Generalises the pattern of adding
andsubtracting fractions and develops her/his
Describes the decimal point used in units of
length, mass and price as a point and divides
the number into two parts, wholes and parts of
the whole.
Uses decimal fractions to solve problems on
lengths, mass and money.
Converts decimal fractions into ..
and vice-versa

Appreciates that a part of a whole can be

represented by more than one fraction called
equivalent fractions.

Attempts to observe the shaded part of figure

and write it as a fraction.

Demonstrates understanding of fractions by

colouring the require portion of the figure.

Learning outcomes



Converts metre into kilometre and

Solves problems involving length and
Converts larger units into smaller
Relates numbers with shapes in terms
of perimeter, area and volume and uses
them to solve every day life problems.
Solves problems based on addition,
subtraction , multiplication and division

4.1 Measurement: Length

multiplication and division uses four
fundamental operations to solve
problems in day-to-day life activities on


1 23
Conducting activities related to measuring the lengths of
different objects by using a metre scale or a tape. Then involve
children in finding total length, length of
the piece remained after cutting a small piece from a given rope,
thread/cloth, etc.
Involving learners in discussions for the need of writing
bigger units into smaller (metre to centimetres) and smaller
into bigger (centimetre to metre) by using their understanding
of decimal fractions.
Solving problems based on addition and subtraction of length/
distance from daily life by using column method.
Solving problems based on multiplication and division of
lengths ,word problems
from daily life.

Providing opportunity to children to plan a shopping and to

make estimates of money required in different denominations
and the balance left after shopping.
The children playing shopkeepers will calculate exact amount
of bill by using different operations they will also keep a record
of the sale in the form of a ledger.

Pedagogical Processes


Estimates distance between two places

(school to home, own house to friend`s house)
and verifies by either actual measurement (in
case of small distances) or from other sources
like sign boards, maps, etc.
Attempts to use four fundamental operations
to solve daily life problems related to
measurement of length/distance.

Relates commonly used larger and smaller

units of length (metre, centimetre) and
converts one into another.
Measures the length of objects like her/his
bed, desk, classroom,etc.

Attempts multiplication and division to

find out total cost on the basis of unit cost
and vice-versa.

Uses the concepts of addition and subtraction

mentally for making calculations of small dayto-day purchases (vegetables, milk, etc.) from

Shows understanding of addition and

subtraction of money using columns to
rupees and paise through their application in
daily life.

Learning outcomes



Pedagogical Processes

Tries to differentiate between more and

less volumes of liquids and calculates difference
in volumes by using containers marks in
standard units.

Attempts to estimate volume of liquids and

then verifies it using container marked
with the standard units.

Relates larger and smaller units of weight

and converts one to another.
Demonstrates her/his ways of finding
weight of different objects using actual
Solves problems based on addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division of
weights by column method.
Solve problems on weights from daily life.

Learning outcomes


Perform addition and subtraction of volume

in litres and ml by column method.
Solves word problems based on daily life.

Estimates volume of a solid object by

Performs addition and subtraction of Involving children in comparison of volume/capacity of two using container marked in standard unit
objects and finding the difference by subtraction.
Finds volumes of objects like cubes, cuboids,
etc. by using various methods

Discussing with children why unit cube is taken as unit of

Conversion of litre into ml and vice- measuring space/volume.
Involving children in measuring volume by counting the
Measuring volume o liquid by using a number of unit cubes that can completely fill a given space.
measuring cylinder.
Cunducting Activities targeting to exploration by children to
Estimates volume of a solid object.
derive their formulae to find volume of a cuboid.

Litre and ml as units of volume.

4.3 Measurement: Volume

Conducting activities to obtain total weight of two or more

objects by adding the number of kilogramsandgrams.
4.2 Measurement: Weight/Mass
Addition subtraction multiplication of Relating the understanding of weight with money and activities
of wieghts in solving daily life problems. of selling and buying situations and encouraging children to
find the required amount by using operations on weight and

1 23


Pedagogical Processes


Interprets simple graphs given in newspapers

and draws inferences.

Explores ways (mental addition and

subtraction) of finding time intervals between
different familiar events and computes number
of days between two dates, number of minute
and hours between two times, etc.

Learning outcomes

Collects quantitative data on two The collection of information and making out meaningful Engages her/himself in organizing the
variables and represents it through table inferences out of it, is an activity being done by every child in twodimensional data in the form of tables,
and bar graph and pie-chart.
daily life. Utilizing this experience, involve children in devising Pie chart and bar graphs.
ways of presenting data in different pictorial forms.
Attempts to understand the key points
Involving children in reading data given in various pictures/ emerging from the represented data.
diagrams from newspapers and magazines.

Data Handling

Uses addition and subtraction in Providing exposure to find the time lapsed in two events by
finding the time intervals in simple addition and subtraction. Let the child realize that operations
on time are different than the operations on numbers being
done by using place value system. For example, when sum of
months becomes 12 or more, it is converted into years, when
sum of minutes becomes 60 or more, it is converted into hours,

Measurement: Time

1 23




Pedagogical Processes

Learning outcomes


Attempts to creatively develop patterns for

border strips and tiling by using stamps
Makes border strips and tiling patterns. There are many such patterns in the Mathematics which made by wood, vegetables, bottle caps,
child has learnt up till now. Let children explore, extend and etc.
generalise these patterns.

Relates sequence of odd numbers Triangular numbers

between consecutive square numbers.
Ask the children to explore similar patterns.

Identifies patterns in numbers arranged in a

square and triangular numbers.

Identifies patterns in square numbers Asking children to explore patterns in numbers while doing Observes patterns printed on dress material,
and triangular numbers.
various operations and to generalise them.
tiles on a floor and wall or other objects
available in surroundings.


1 23

Curricular Expectations and Learning Indicators in Mathematics for Classes VI to VIII

Curricular Expectations


During the learning of Mathematics from Classes VI to VIII, a child:

1 23

Moves from number sense to number patterns;

Identifies relationships between numbers and looks for patterns in numbers.

Gains proficiency in solving problems based on variable expressions, equations,

identies etc;

Uses arithmetic and algebra to solve real life problems and pose meaning problems;

Discovers symmetries and acquire sense of aesthetics by looking around regular shapes
like triangles, circles, quadrilaterals, etc;

Comprehends the idea of space as area enclosed within boundaries of a shape;

Understands mathematical terms like perimeter , area and volume and uses them to solve
every day life problems;

Learns to provide reasoning and convincing arguments to justify her/his own conclusions
in Mathematics.

Collects, represents (graphically and in tables) and interprets data/information from her/
his experiences.



Pedagogical Processes

Learning outcomes


Understands the significance of HCF their properties like even, odd, Prime, co prime etc
and LCM and finds them.
Encouraging children to create number patterns and through Understands the significance of multipl;es
these HCF and LCM will be discussed.
and factors
Applies prime factorization to find
Attempts to find the LCM & HCF of given
HCF and LCM of numbers.
Explanation and practice on multiples and factors
Identifies patterns in numbers and formulates
By observing patterns, identifies and
Idea of HCF and LCM of numbers will be explained.
rules for the whole number patterns
formulates rules for whole numbers.

Can write in numerals and words large

Consolidates the concept of numbers Activities will be conducted for the children to compare numbers upto 5 digits
up to 5 digits.
numbers up to 5-digits like cost of two houses, number of
Learns to write large numbers upto 8 digits in
Gets familiar with large numbers up to spectators present in two cricket matches, etc.
numerals and words
8 digits.
Number patterns will be used to extend numbers up to 8-digits
Solves word problems on large number. and then daily life situations involving 8-digit numbers could Through situations like money transactions,
measuring of height budget, etc. Child uses
Estimates sum, difference, product be discussed e.g. cost of a property.
larger numbers and thus appreciates their
and quotients and verifies using
Involving children in solving daily life problems involving importance.
more than one mathematical operation.
Understands the divisibility
Understands the importance of
brackets and other symbols like =,>,< Divisibility rules will be introduced using patterns, and then
Formulates divisibility rules of 2, 3, 4, different division problems will be discussed to explain their Rules of 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11 etc and applies
5,6, 8 ,9, 10,11 and uses them as and application. children form multiplication tables of different them to solve problems
numbers like 2, 3, 4, etc and then from the multiplication facts,
when required.
identify the pattern (like multiple of 3 has sum its digits divisible Classifies numbers even, odd, prime,
Appreciates the classification of by 3, multiple of 5 has either 5 or zero in its ones place, etc.)
composite, co-prime, etc.
numbers as even, odd, prime, co prime
Involving children in classification of numbers on the basis of Uses divisibility rules to find factors of



Grade - 6

1 23


Pedagogical Processes


Learning outcomes


Encourage children to look at the pictures showingsum and

difference of like fractions and togeneralize.
Comparing fractions, adding and subtracting fraction
Proper improper and mixed fractions Children evolve that to add or subtract two unlike fractions
- comparison of fractions addition and it is required to convert them into equivalent fractions of same
substraction of fractions.
denominators (like fractions).
Conversion of a fraction in to decimal, Children evolve that to convert a fraction into a decimal
fraction and vice versa.
fraction . The are required to convert it into an equivalent
fraction with denominator

Represents fractions and decimals

on number line.

Attempts to concert a given fraction into a

decimal fraction and vice versa

Reduces fractions involving larger numbers

to simplest ( lowest) forms in order to handle
the fraction for matheatical operations,
comparison and other purposes.

Makes his/her own strategies of ordering,

adding and subtracting integers.

Explaining and evolving common properties of whole

numbers like closure, commutative, associative Distributive,
multiplication etc.
Develops understanding of common
Introducing idea of integers and extending the idea to properties of whole numbers.
represent negative inters and number line and perform addition
Negative numbrs, representing and subtraction of negative integers on a number line.
Devises her/his strategies to identify
negative numbers on number line
appropriate situations to use the concepts of
Daily life situations and pictures will be presented to introduce HCF and LCM.
Ordering of integers, and their fractions and decimals like representing part of a whole a
representation on number line, addition faction, a dot mark placed to separate rupees and paise, metre Creates daily life situations where opposites
and subtraction of integers, on number and centimetre, kilometre and metre, litre and millilitre,etc.
are involved and represents such quantities by
Developing concept of proper, improper and mixed fraction positive and negative numbers.

Evolves the properties of whole

numbers like commutative, associative,
distributive, additive and multiplicative
identity, etc.

1 23



Understands how the comparison

of two quantities through ratio is
different from comparisons done
Understands the meaning of
Knows how ratio and proportion
are related to unitary method.
Solves problems related to daily
life using unitary method.

Ratio and Proportion

Understands variables through

Classifies quantities as variable
and constant

of arithmetic


1 23


Discussions may be held to show different methods of

comparison of quantities like by taking difference, division and
then ratio.
Children may be encouraged to create examples to show the
difference between ways of comparison of quantities done
through operation of subtraction and that through ratio
Examples could be discussed to show the difference between
ratio and proportion and to relate them. Daily life problems
related to unitary method could be discussed such as shopping
finding the rate etc.

Situations may be presented before the children that would

prompt them to form patterns and feel the need for a symbol
in place of number.
Involve children in genralisation of patterns by using letters
as for numbers called variable or unknown.
Children should be asked to write/describe various daily life
situations in mathematical terms using letters and numbers.
This will help them in generation of expressions and equations

Pedagogical Processes

Attempt to compare quantities using ratio

Demonstrates her understanding of the
concept of proportion by constructing
While solving problems on unitary
method child tries to understand unit of which
quantity is to be found.
Finds rate and the total amount in
related context using unitary method.

Tries to identify and extend a pattern

Attempts to formulate the pattern identified
by her and tries to suggest a symbol for a
general term of the pattern and then describes
a general term of the pattern

Learning outcomes


Pedagogical Processes



Describes vertices, sides, angles,

interior and exterior, altitude and
median of a triangle.

Differentiates between different Activities will be performed in which students will be shown
geometrical figures on the basis of their models and pictures of different geometrical shapes. Students
observable properties.
will be involved in activities related to identifying lines, angles,
triangles and quadrilaterals and nets.
Classifies figures as Open and closed
Explaining diffrent types of angles like acute, obtuse, right,
straight, zero etc. and their elements like vertices, arms etc.
Identifies interior and exterior of
closed figures.
Explaining triangles diffrent types, like congruent and similar
Describes line, line segment, ray,
curvilinear and linear boundaries.
Explaining quadrilaterals of diffrent types like rectangles ,
parallelograms, square, rhombus and their vertices or sides,
Classifies angles into different types
angles, diagonals, adjacent and opposite sides etc.
on the basis of their measurement and
describes elements of angle like
After discussing the drawing of 60 angle using compasses, the
vertices, arms, interior and exterior.
construction of other angles like 30, 120, etc. can be discussed
with the children.
Understands the difference between
different types of triangles and the basis
on which they are classified.


1 23
Observes the reflection of objects in mirror
and then attempts to formulate rules about the
symmetry of the object.

Observes the objects and makes strategies

to decide the lines of symmetry of the

Attempts to construct 3D objects using their


Generalises that a closed figure divides

the surface in to three parts.

Draws different types of triangles and

quadrilaterals using her understanding about
the shapes.

Classifies quadrilaterals in to different

types on the basis of their properties.

Classifies triangles in to different types on the

basis of their angles and sides.

Learning outcomes



Discussing reflection symmetry in 2D objects with the help of

mirror images of objects.

Preparing nets of various 3D figures.

Different geometrical figures will be given to draw which involve angles of various measures, line segments, etc.
Describes the elements of a 3-D shape like its
edges, corners, sides etc.
Identifying 3-D shapes like cubes, coboids, cylinder, sphere,
cone, prism, pyramid etc. and identifying their faces edges and Identifies perpendicular lines, parallel lives
and intersecting lines.

Understands circle and its components

like centre, radius, diametre, arc, sector,
chord, segment, semicircle, circumference, interior and exterior etc.
Identifies 2-D shapes and their
elements measure of line segment
mesure of angle intersecting, perpenticular and parallel lives.
Identifies 3-D shapes like sphere cone
prism pyramed etc.
Identifying faces edges, vertices of 3D
Preparing nets for cube, cuboids, cylinders, cones etc.

Attempt to draw nets of diffrent 3D objects.

After learning to draw an angle of certain

measure, child tries to device ways to draw
other related angles.

Attempts to draw an angle of certain measure

using geometrical instruments like compasses.

Children will be given a feel of dividing a circle into equal segments that corresponds to an angle. For example, a circle will
be divided into six equal parts by the chords of length equal to
radius of the circle and this actually forms 1/6th of complete
angle i.e. 60 at the centre.

Classifies quadrilaterals as trapezium,

parallelogram, rectangle, square, rhombus etc., understand sides vertices, angles, diagonals adjasent and opposit
sides etc.

Learning outcomes

Pedagogical Processes


1 23


Pedagogical Processes


Learning outcomes


Understands the use of organizing


Children will be asked to explore their own ways of representing

the data in picture and in a table of numbers.
Child is able to identify daily life situations
in which the information is required to be
Using the table of numbers the children will be given the properly arranged in terms of tables.
Uses tally marks to organise data.
practice to draw pictograph and bar graph.
Child tries to explore different ways to
Represents data through pictograph
organise and represent data as pictures, graphs,
and bar graph.

Data Handling

Different shapes will be shown to the students and through Child demonstrates ways to calculate the
the notion of boundary, the concept of perimetre be discussed. perimetre of different shapes given. She/he
Understands the concept of perimetre
tries to formulate the perimetre of shapes like
and area of a shape.
Discussion will be held about boundary and region,which can rectangle, square, etc.
lead to the concept of area.
Deals with special case when a Daily life situations involving area perimeter will be discussed Child demonstrates her ways and strategies to
rectangle is a square.
with the students.
calculate the areas of rectangle and square by
dividing them into appropriate smaller units.
Derives general formulae to find
She/he attempts to use such smaller units.
perimetre and area of rectangles.


1 23


Pedagogical Processes

Multiplies and divides fractions

Mathematical operations on Rational



Rational Numbers - representation on Rational numbers - their repreentation on number line and as
number line
a decimal fraction.
Explaining commutative, associative and distributuive
Representation of rational number as a properties of addition and multiplication of integrs.
decimal fraction.
Solving problems based on mathematical operation on
rational numbers
Word problems as rational numbers.

performs Involving children in the discussion to find their ways of
multiplication and division of integers multiplying integers. Use of patterns in multiplying a negative
integer by another negative integer why product of two negative
Evolves identities for addition integers is positive. Similarly, encouraging children to explore
and multiplication of indivitual using the concept of dividing a natural number by another
and number.
Develope own rule like +ve-ve = -ve, -ve +ve= -ve and
Word problems on integers.



Grade - 7

1 23

Finds rules to divide fractions by using

patterns/visualisation/picture and generalize
to forms rules.

Multiplies fractions by using patterns/paper

folding/pictures and generalises the rules

Evolves methods and algorithms to divide

two integers by using patterns and forms rules
to perform division of integers.

Demonstrates strategies to multiply two

integers by using patterns and generalises the
rules to multiply a positive integer by a negative
integer, a negative integer by a positive integer,
and two negative integers.

Learning outcomes


Pedagogical Processes


Describing multiplication of fractions as operator of

and explaining by paper folding, shading parts of whole,
Understands mixed fractions
Multiplies and divides decimal etc.
Converts units of length and mass
from smaller to larger and vice-versa
Children will do a lot of such sums and observe the
pattern that in all cases the product of fractions can be
obtained by multiplying their numerators and their
Solves problem using operations
on rational numbers and decimal Similerly children will observe pattern and find their
own ways of dividing a fraction by another fraction.

1 23


Provides reasoning to how divisibility

rules work.

Demonstrates strategies to multiply two

integers by using patterns and generalises
the rules to multiply a positive integer by
a negative integer, a negative integer by a
positive integer, and two negative integers.
Evolves methods and algorithms to divide
two integers by using patterns and forms
rules to perform division in integers.
Multiplies fractions by using patterns/
paper folding/pictures and generalises the
Finds rules to divide fractions by using
patterns/visualisation/picture and forms
Develops her own definition of rational
numbers as extension of fractions and
Attempts to form rules to add, subtract,
multiply and divide rational numbers
by using the operations on fractions and
Represents a rational number as decimal
fraction and attempts to form rules for
operations on decimal fractions.

Learning outcomes



Defines exponents and their laws

viz am x an = am+n
am x an = am+n
aman = am-n
(am)n = amn


1 23

Learning outcomes


Observes patterns in multiplication

tables and forms divisibility rules.

Discussing power of natiural number as repeated multiplica- Defines exponents and its laws.
Explaining the laws of exponents with the help of examples Uses exponential form and rules to
and also bye observing patterns to generalize the rules.
solve problems related to repeated

Pedagogical Processes

Conceptual Area

Generates algebraic expressions

Identifies constants, coefficient, powers,
like and unlike terms and degree of an
Adds and subtracts algebraic expressions
Forms and solves simple linear equations in one
variable (in contextual problems) with two operations.
Use child s context and encourage them to generate
algebraic expressions by proper choice of variable/
unknown and operations.
Child s daily life experiences like
adding/subtracting a group of 2 notebooks and 5
pencils to/from another group of 3 notebooks and 8
pencils, etc. Let children form their own rule that like
terms can only be added or subtracted.
Involve children in groups of three or four to explore
situations which can be expressed by simple equations
and solve them. Textbooks have many such examples
Forms algebraic expressions
involving one or two
variables/unknowns from daily life
Attempts to add and subtract
algebraic expressions.
Expresses real life situations in
simple linear equations and solves

Concept of constants and variables.

1 23


Learning outcomes

Explaining through simple examples the

meaning of coefficient and power of a variable
and degree of an algebraic expression.
Childs daily life experiences like
adding /subtracting a group of 2 notebooks
and 5 pencils to/from another group of 3
notebooks and 8 pencils, etc. Let children
form their own rule that like terms can only be
added or subtracted.
Involve children in groups of three or four to
explore situations which can be expressed by
simple equations and solve them. Textbooks
have many such examples.

Forms algebraic expressions

involving one or two
variables/unknowns from daily life
Attempts to add and subtract
algebraic expressions.
Expresses real life situations in
simple linear equations and solves

Conducting group and individual activities to Understands the meaning of constants and
make the children understand constants and variables.
Generates algebraic expressions in one and two

Pedagogical Processes



Conceptual Area

Pedagogical Processes


Knowledge of Ratio and proportion Utilizing Children knowledge about many ways of comparing
and Unitary method.
quantities to conclude that ratio is another way of comparing
Understands percentage as a fraction
with denominator 100.
Understanding of percentage of fraction with denominator
Converts fractions and decimals into
percentage and vice-versa.
Conversion of fraction and decimal fraction into percentage
and vice versa.
Understands profit and loss (single
transaction only).
Through buying and selling activity chiildren will develope
the understanding of the concept of SP, CP profit loss etc.
Understands simple interest (time
period in complete years).
T`hrough simpe eg. concept simple intrest will be explained

Ratio and Proportion

1 23

Finds simple interest given time in complete

years and rate of interest per annum.

Derives formula to find simple interest using

unitary method.

Applies knowledge of ratio and proportion to

solve problems related to profit and loss

Describes ratios as percentage and forms

formulae for profit/loss and simple interest
using unitary method.

Learning outcomes

Conceptual Area

Pedagogical Processes


Describes pairs of angles as linear, Through diagrams and mathematics kit the children will be
complementary, able to visualize the relationship between various pairs of angles
adjacent & vertically opposite angles.
when `a transversal cuts two lines (parallel and non parallel),
angles of triangle and relationship among its sides.
Evolves properties of parallel lines
with a transversal concept of alternate, By providing set of any three triangles on a sheet to each child
exterior . Ask him/her to measure the angles of the triangle and helping
them to reach the conclusion that sum of the angles of the
triangles is 180 in each case.
Properties of triangles:
Encouraging discussion in the class to generalise the above
Explores angle sum property and property of triangles. Similarly the activities will be conducted
exterior angle property of a triangle.
in the class room to explore the exterior angle property of
Concludes that sum of two sides of a
triangle is greater than third side of a Using the right angled triangle the children will measure the
length of its sides and develop the Pythagorean relation among
the sides
States and uses Pythagoras Theorem
(Verification only).

Understanding shapes:

1 23


Attempts to state and use pythagoras theorem

Verifies angle sum and other properties of

triangles and uses these properties to find
unknown elements of a triangle.

Hypothesize the relationship between pairs

of angles out of eight angles formed by a
transversal with parallel lines.

Identifies pairs of angles like linear,

supplementary, complementary, adjacent and
vertically opposite and finds the one when
other is given.

Learning outcomes


Conceptual Area

Pedagogical Processes

Learning outcomes

Evolves criteria of congruence (SSS,


Extends congruence to simple

geometrical shapes e.g. triangles, circles.

Examines congruence through



Conducting activities with children viz (paper folding and Appreciates the reflection symmetry of
observing diagrams) to visualize symmetry and criterion for various shapes and figures.
Recalls reflection symmetry
rotational symmetry of various shapes.
Identifies axis of symmetry in simple 2D
Develops idea of reflection symmetry, Identifying the axis of symmetry of using the concept of shapes
& simple 2-D objects.
mirror reflection
Identifies axis of symmetry
Reads simple maps and draws his / her own
Providing the children a number of objects of same shape & maps.
Representing 3-D in 2-D:
size , the concept of congruence will be explained.
Establishes congruence criterion for triangles
Identifies and counts vertices, edges, They will be encouraged to extend the idea of congruence and circles.
faces and nets (for cubes cuboids, and to simple geometrical shapes like triangles, circles etc
cylinders, cones).
Appreciates that only three elements of two
triangles are sufficient to find their congruency
Draws maps of the space around


1 23

Conceptual Area

Pedagogical Processes


Learning outcomes


Constructing a line parallel to a given line from a point Constructs simple triangles when three out
outside it.
of six elements are given (like three sides, two
sides and included angle, a side and two angles,
Constructs a line parallel to a given Constructing simple triangle when
line from a point outside it
Three sides are given.
Constructs simple triangles by using (ii)
Two angles and one side is given.
ruler and a pair of compasses
Two angles and angle between them is given

1 23



Conceptual Area
Extending the understanding of perimeter of a rectangle to
the circumference of a circle.

Pedagogical Processes

Learning outcomes

Constructs bar graphs.

Gets a feel of probability using data.

Finds mean , mode and median of the given

ungrouped data.

Represents data by simple bar graphs and

interprets them.


Involving children in drawing inferences for future events Develops the concept of probability using the
from the existing data bar graphs.

Collects and organises data for a The data is collected using childs daily life experiences and
hypothesis testing.
contextual problems it is organized to develop a hypothesis
for using finding mean, median and mode of ungrouped data.
Finds mean, median and mode of
Starting with small sets of numbers to visualize and represent
ungrouped data
it by bar graphs.

Data Handling

Revision of perimeter and idea of Involving children in activities targeted at measurement Measures area of simple, regular and irregular
circumference of circle
of region enclosed by closed figures on a plane surface and closed shapes by using unit square grid sheet.
encouraging them to come to the conclusion that a unit is
required to measure the area enclosed.
Develops formulae to find area of the region
enclosed in a rectangle and a square as a better
Conducting activities related to measuring/counting the way of counting the number of units, squares
Develops concept of measurement number of unit squares within a figure drawn on a square grid. that fill them completely.
using a basic unit of area of a square,
rectangle, triangle, parallelogram and


1 23

Conceptual Area

Pedagogical Processes



Solves word problems using rational


Describes properties of rational Involving children in writing general form of rational

numbers.(including identities). Using numbers. The operations on general form of expressions will
general form of expression to describe help in describing properties of rational numbers.
Involving children in representing rational numbers on the
Applies mathematical operations on number line.
rational numbers.
Encouraging children to understand that half of the sum
Represents rational numbers on the of two rational numbers lies between the numbers and thus a
number line .
rational number can be obtained between any two rational
numbers. Providing hints to the children to reach the conclusion
Understands that between any two that the process of finding a rational number between any
rational numbers there lies another two numbers never stops and thus there lie infinite rational
rational number.
numbers between two rational numbers.

Rational Numbers:

Number System

1 23
Reaches to the conclusion that between any
two rational numbers there lies infinite rational

Attempts to find a rational number between

the two rational numbers.

Performs mathematical operations on

rational numbers.

Can draw a number line and represent given

rational number as the number line.

Describes properties of rational numbers

and expresses them in general form.

Learning outcomes


Conceptual Area

Pedagogical Processes

Learning outcomes

Deduces the divisibility test rules of

2, 3, 5, 9, 10 for a two or three-digit
number expressed in the general form.

Creates and solves problems and

puzzles based on numbers


Making the children write a two and three digit number in

Writes and understands a two and generalized form.
three digit number in generalised form
(100a + 10b + c, where a, b, c can be Allowing the children to play with numbers and deduce the
only digit 0-9) and solves various divisibility test rules of 2 , 3 , 5 , 9 , 10 etc for 2 and 3 digit
puzzles based as the above
numbers expressed in generalized form

Playing with numbers

Provide logic and valid reasoning

divisibility tests of 2, 3, 5, 9 and 10.


Write a two and three digit number in

generalized form

Making children realize that if we take two rational numbers

Describes laws of exponents with then unlike for whole numbers, we can keep finding more
integers as exponents
and rational numbers that lie between them.
Making children observe patterns in square of numbers and
Finds square and square roots using to form their rules for perfect square and square roots of given
factor method and division method for number
Finds square, square root, cube and cube root
numbers containing
Likewise children will observe patterns in perfect cube of of numbers using different methods.
(a) no more than total 4 digits and
numbers and form rule for cube and cube root of numbers
Viz division method and factor method.
(b) no more than 2 decimal places.
Allowing children to play with numbers to find square roots
Finds cubes and cube roots (only and cube roots using prime factorisation.
factor method for numbers containing
at the most 3 digits).
Children will practice the division method to find square roots
of numbers.
Estimates square root and cube root.


1 23

Conceptual Area


Learning outcomes

Attempts multiplication and divisions

of algebraic expressions with integers as
The multiplication and divisions of algebraic expressions coefficients
based upon the distributive property of multiplication over
addition and subtraction of numbers.
Factorizes an algebraic expression using
conducting group activities in the class to verify identities
Verifies identities
Continuing the idea of numerical coefficient and factors of (a b)2= a2 2ab + b2
a term to evolve methods of writing an expression in terms a2 b2 = (a+b) (a-b)
of product of two or more expressions. This will lead to the and uses this for factorization of algebraic
factorisation of algebraic expressions.

the children will be involved in carrying out

Pedagogical Processes


Solves linear equations in one variable Give up special emphasis to common errors that children Solves linear equations in one variable word
involving multiplication and
commit while learning algebra like 2 + x = 2x, 7x + y =7xy, etc problems on linear equations in one variable
Solving linear equation in one variable using multiplication
Solves word problems based on linear and division
equations in one variable.

Explores and verifies identities

(a+b)2 = a2+2ab+b2
a2 b2 = (a-b) (a+b)
factorization of algebraic expressions of
the following types
a (x + y), (x+y)2 , a2 b2,(x +a)
(x + b)

Multiplies and divides algebraic

expressions having integers as coefficient

Algebraic Expressions

1 23


Pedagogical Processes

Learning outcomes

Involving children in the revision of the concept of percentage

, profit and loss etc and solving simple problems related to
percentages, profit and loss
and simple interest to help
Solves problems involving applications learners in recapitulation of the basic ideas of these concepts Applies the concept of percentage, profit
of percentages, profit and loss, overhead and algorithms/formula.
loss and simple and compound interest to
expenses, discount, and taxes.
solve advanced, problems
Through examples explaining the difference between simple
Differentiates between Simple and and compound interest and dividing formula for compound Differentiates between simple and compound
compound interest (compounded annually or half yearly.
interest and calculates compound interest using
yearly up to 3 years or half-yearly up to
the formula where interest is compounded
3 steps only.
Conducting group activities in the class to explain the concept annually or half yearly
of direct variation & inverse variation using two variables from
Understands direct and inverse real life situations when one variable increase of the other it Derives rules to solve problems related to
is direct variation and if on increasing one variable the other direct and inverse variations.
variable decreases .then it called inverse variation.
Solves simple and direct word
Solves problems related to time and work.
problems based on direct and inverse Creating problems based on direct and inverse variation &
solving them.

Conceptual Area


Solves problems based on time and Discussing the concept of work and time to create problems on
time &work

Ratio and Proportion

1 23

Conceptual Area

Properties of parallelogram (By

(i) Opposite sides of a parallelogram are
equal, (ii) Opposite angles of a parallelogram
are equal, (iii)Diagonals of a parallelogram
bisect each other. (iv) Diagonals of a
rectangle are equal and bisect each other. (v)
Diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other at
right angles. (vi) Diagonals of a square are
equal and bisect each other at right angles.

Properties of quadrilaterals Angle sum

Property of quadrilaterals Sum of angles is
equal to3600


1 23


Children will be involved in activities of measuring angles and sides

of shapes like quadrilaterals and parallelograms rhombus and square
to identify patterns in the relationship among them children make
their hypothesis on the basis of the generalisation of the patterns and
later verify the same.

Pedagogical Processes


Verifies properties between the angles and sides of

parallelogram , rhombus , rectangle etc

Understands that the sum of angles of a

quadrilateral is equal to 3600

Learning outcomes


Conceptual Area

Two adjacent sides and three angles.

Three sides and two included angles.

Three sides and two diagonals.

Four sides and one diagonal.

Constructs Quadrilaterals given:

Identifies and matches pictures with

objects [nested, joint 2-D and 3-D
shapes (not more than 2) ].
Draws 2-D representation of 3-D
objects (Continued and extended)
Counts vertices, edges and faces
and verifies Eulers relation for 3-D
figures with flat faces (cubes, cuboids,
tetrahedrons, prisms and pyramids).

Representing shapes 2D and 3D

1 23

Learning outcomes


Two adjacent sides and three angles

Constructs quadrilaterals using compasses

Children will enjoy constructing various figures by using and straight edge given
compasses and a straight edge. But it is also important to
involve children to argue why a particular step is required. For Four sides and one diagonal
example, on drawing an arc using compasses, we find all those
points that are at the given distance from the point where the Three sides and two diagonals
metal end of the compasses were placed
Three sides and two included

Identifies relationship among number of

edges, vertices and surfaces in various 3-D
shapes and generalises it to Verifying Eulers

Children will make nets of various shapes like cuboids, cubes,

pyramids, prisms, etc. Again from nets they will make the Represents 3-D shapes on a plane surface
shapes and count vertices, edges and surfaces. Through these like paper, board, wall, etc.
pattern they will reach to Eulers relation, for 3D figures with
flat faces
Makes nets of prisms and pyramids, and
forms shapes from the nets.

Pedagogical Processes

Conceptual Area

Pedagogical Processes


Children will be involved them in activities of filling a given
space and to measure it by counting the unit spaces that fill
it completely. This will also help them inunderstanding why a
cube is taken as a unit of measuring volume.

Calculates area of a trapezium and a Children already know the method of finding area of a rectangle.
Let children will discuss in groups to convert trapezium and
parallelograms into rectangles of equal area. This will help
Finds surface area of a cube, cuboids, them in formation of formulae to find the area of trapezium
and a polygon
Understands concept of volume, To finding surface area of cubes and cuboids children will be
measurement of volume using a basic involved in opening such surfaces to understand that all these
unit, volume of a cube, cuboid and surfaces are made up of rectangles and squares only. The rest
of the job of finding total surface area will only be to add these
Volume and capacity (measurement Children understand the method of measuring volume and
of capacity.
capacity through their daily life experiences


1 23
Finds surface areas of cuboids and cubes
through their nets and later on by using
appropriate formulae.

Forms formula to find volume of a cube

Cuboid and cylinder by observing and
generalizing patterns of counting units cubes
that completely fill these surfaces cuboids.

Finds area of trapezium and polygons by

using square grid and also by using formulae.

Learning outcomes


Conceptual Area
Children will be helped to arrange the ungrouped data into
groups and then represent the grouped data through bar graphs
Conduct and interprets the same activities related to throwing
of a large number of identical dice/coins together and aggregating the result of the throws to get large number of individual
events. children will be involved in making their assumption
for the occurrence of future events on the basis of the above
data. Observing the aggregate result numbers over a large
number of repeated events also help in forecasting the chances
of future events.

Pedagogical Processes

Attempts to arrange the data into groups and

uses the grouped data to construct bar graphs ,
pie charts etc and interprets the same

Makes hypothesis on chances of occurancy

of events on the basis of its earlier occurrences like after repeated throws of dice and

Learning outcomes

Reading the graphs.

Eg. reading of distance v/s time graph


Plotting of points on the graph for different situations

Drawing cartoon character using graph paper.

Introduction to Cartesian plane Conducting activities (such as locating the position of school, Find the method to locate a point in the CarX axis and Y axis
house, park etc ) on the graph.
tesian plane
Plotting points for different kind of
Locating places from Map.
To interpret the given graph.

Introduction to Graph

Introducing Cartesian plane with X axis and Y axis

Consolidates and generalises the notion of chance in events like tossing of Comparing with the data for a coin. Observing strings of
coins, dice, etc. relating it to chance in throws will help children in developing
life events.
Drawing simple pie charts using the grouped data

Draws simple pie charts with reasonable data as numbers.

Arranges ungrouped data into

groups, representation of grouped data
through bar-graphs, constructing and
interpreting bar-graphs.

Data handling

1 23




Recapitulates positional directions

up and down in and out, far and near.


Identifies the basic 3-D shapes such

as cuboids, cylinder, cone, sphere by
their names and properties.

Observes objects in the environment and gets a qualitative feel for

their geometrical attributes.

Sorts, classifies and describes 2-D

and 3-D shapes.

Classifies shapes on the basis of

their properties.




Observes and identifies these 2-D

Traces the 2-D outlines of shapes.
3-D objects.
Identifies and makes straight lines
Observes and identifies 2-D shapes. by folding, straight edged objects,
stretched strings and draws free hand
Identifies 2-D shapes viz., rectan- and with a ruler.
gle, square, triangle, circle by their
Distinguishes between straight and
curved lines.
Describes intuitively the properties
of these 2-D shapes.
Understands the concept of straight
and curved lines. (3-D objects will
roll or slide on a flat surface)

Recapitulates positional directions Talks about the most important atup and down in and out, far and near. tributes of some common shapes.
Collects objects from the surroundings having different sizes and shapes
Solve 3-6 pieces puzzles.
like pebbles, boxes, balls, cones,
pipes, etc.
Responds to put it beside or put it
under, instructions begins to build
Sorts, Classifies and describes the
mental maps and solves three-six
objects on the basis of shapes, and
pieces puzzle.
other observable properties.

Develops and uses vocabulary of
spatial relationship (Top, Bottom,
On, Under, Inside, Outside, Above,
Below, Near, Far, Before, After)




Identifies and sort objects on the Explore identifies and names severbasis of the attribute
al 2D shapes. Relate shapes to real life
objects from his/her environment.
Explores geometric shapes and relates shapes to real life objects from Recognises and name 3D shapes
their environment two dimension- .Identifies the attributes in different
al shapes.


1 23






Sorts 2 - D shapes such as flat

objects made of card etc.

Observes and describes the way

shapes affect movements like rolling
and sliding.

Draws horizontal, vertical and slant

lines (free hand).



Locates numbers on the number

Counts by imitation and by rote.
Counts number in groups of AND
Orally count number 1-10 10.Qualifies the numbers using
recognises, represents and writes pictures.
NUMBERS FROM(50 - 100)
number 1.
Observes object and makes
Separate 2 digit numbers.
collections of objects.
Shows and understanding
of numbers by counting and Qualifies the bundles digits and lose Arranges the collection of objects in
representing a collection of 1-5 items sticks digit.
order by
begins to understand that the last
Matching and
counting word tells how many.
Identifies the place value of 10
One to one correspondence
Counts the number of objects in a
Recognise represents and writes Comprehends the concept and collection.
number 2 and 3.
write the numbers that comes before
(after) between .
Makes collection of objects
Recognises, represents and write
corresponding to a specific number.
number 2 and 3.
Compares whole numbers using
the words more than ,less than and Forms Number sequence from 50
Recognises, represents and writes the same as well as symbols.(>,< or to 100.
number 4 and 5
Counts objects using these numbers.

Orally count numbers 1-10.


1 23

Arranges numbers up to thousands

in ascending and descending order.

Understands place and face value

of digits in a number
Counts in various ways:
Starting from any number.
Group counting etc.

Uses the concept of place value in

the comparison of numbers.

Counts and regroups objects into

hundreds, tens and ones.

Expands a number with respect to

place values.

Counts, recognizes , reads and

writes numerals for numbers up








Orally counts numbers up to 50.

Writes numbers 1-10.

Shows and understanding of Counting up to 100

numbers by naming, counting and
representing a collection of 1-10 Identifies the value of each digit.

Groups a number orally into

hundreds, tens and ones.

Draws representation for groups of

hundreds, ten and ones.

Groups objects into hundreds, tens

and ones.

Counts, recognise, read and write

numerals for numbers up to 200.


Compares numbers upto 100.

Writes the numerals and number

names for fifty to hundred.

Counts the number of tens and

ones in a given number.

Groups objects into a group of 1s Forms the greatest and the smallest
Recognises, represents and writes Counts by 1s, 10s and 5s
and 10s.
three digit numbers without
number 6, 7, 8 and 9.
repetition of given digits.
Shows an understanding of Develops the vocabulary of group
Introduce 0.
numbers by counting,
of tens and ones.
Indicates and identifies the position
of an object in a line.
Recognise, represent and write sequencing and representing Shows the group of tens and ones
number 10
numbers up to 50.
by drawing.

1 23







Write number sentences using the

symbol and =

Writes number sentences using the

symbol + and =.

Describes orally the situations that

correspond to the given addition and
subtraction facts.

Understands the concept of one Adds and subtracts two digit Adds and subtracts three digit
more and one less.
numbers without regrouping.
numbers by drawing representations
of hundreds, tens and ones without
Locates numbers on the number Solves problems using addition and and with regrouping.
subtraction of two digit numbers.
Adds zero to a number and subtracts
Finds one more and one less than a Adds & subtracts two digit numbers zero from a number.
number up to 20.
using number line.
Observes the commutative property
Uses the symbol + to add numbers
of addition through patterns.
whose sum does not exceed 10.
Solves addition, subtraction
Add small numbers with the help
problems presented through pictures
of objects.
and verbal description.

Relates subtraction to take away.

Relates subtraction take away one
1-10 with objects
Uses the symbol - to take away
smaller collection from a bigger
collection containing up to 10 objects

Adds one more with the help of


Finds one more and one less than a

number up to 10.

Shows and understanding of

numbers by naming, counting and
representing a collection of 1-10

One more than adding one more

to a number of objects.

Counts by imitation and by rote.

(2 digit numbers)

1 23

1 23





Solves the division word problem

(using only division fact) .

Identifies the relation with

multiplication fact by writing its
corresponding division fact.

Activities of making equal groups.

Solves word problem involving


Multiplies vertically 3 digit numbers

without regrouping.

Understands the idea of DIVISION
multiplication of numbers as
repeated addition.
Discussion of situations involving
repeated addition and situations
of involving equal sharing.
multiplication using skip counting
Multiplies vertically 2 digit
numbers by 1 digit with and without





1 23






Transacts an amount using 3-4


Solves word problems related to

money transaction.

Adds and subtracts small

amounts of money mentally.

Puts together small amounts of Puts together amounts of money

not exceeding Rupees 999.

Identifies common currency Identifies currency - notes and

notes and coins.





Relates centimetre and metre.

Measures lengths & distances along

short & long paths using uniform
(non-standard) units, extends to
longer lengths.



Compares and orders containers in

terms of internal volume(capacity).
Orders given containers as per their
capacities on the basis of perception
& verifies by pouring out etc.
Related litre and millilitre.


Compares two or more objects by

their weight.
Compares between heavy and light Appreciates the need for a simple
Compares weights of given objects
using simple balance.
Relates kilogram and gram.

Measures and demonstrates Distinguishes between near, far,

understanding of pre number thin, thick, longer/taller, shorter,
concepts by using standard and non high, low.
standard measuring tool.
Seriates objects by comparing their
Shows and understanding of use length. Measures short lengths in
of comparative words. For eg more terms of non-uniform units.
than /less than.
Estimates distance and length, and
Compare the length, weight; verifies using non uniform units (e.g.
capacity eg.which object is shorter, hand span etc.)
longer, taller, lighter, heavier hold
more ,less.



Measures and demonstrates

understanding of pre number
concepts by using non standard
measuring tools-more/less and tall/
short, compares length long and
short, full empty and concept of





1 23


1 23





Reads time correct to the hours

(half past and quarter past).

Uses conventional terms of meas- Distinguishes between events oc- Gets familiar with the days of the
uring of time with some accuracy curring in time using terms -earlier week and months of the year.
(Days of the week).
and later.
Gets a feel for sequence of seasons
Demonstrate and understands con- Gets the qualitative feel of long & (varying locally).
cepts of time.(eg morning,afternoon short duration, of school days v/s
,evening,night,today,yesterday,tomor holidays.
Sequences the events occurring
row,week,year and tools that measure
over longer periods in terms of dates/
time (eg clock, calendar)
Narrates the sequence of events in days.
a day.
Reads a calendar to find a particular
day and date.



1 23



Data Handling


Interprets simple data and data

using scale ( 2, 5, 10)

Collects & represents simple data

in Tabular and Pictograph form .

Draws inferences from the data at

the appropriate level

Collects and presents the data on


Collects, represents and interprets Collects data through measurement.

simple data such as measuring the
arm length or circumference of the Represents the data followed by
head using a paper strip
discussion (e.g. heights
of children).

Data Handling








Identifies, recreates and extends Describes sequences of simple

Identifies, recreates and extends patterns.
patterns found in shapes in the
simple patterns.
surroundings and in numbers, e.g.
Creates own pattern.
stamping activity using fingers sticks
and thumb.
They count compare describe
and sort objects and develop sense Completes a given sequence of
properties and patterns.
simple patterns found in shapes in
the surroundings and in numbers.


1 23

Identifies patterns

Creates patterns of regular shapes

by stamping.

Creates simple patterns by
stamping, thumb-prints, leaf prints,
beads, etc.

Observes and extends patterns in

sequence of shapes and numbers



1 23






Adds two digit and single digit Adds and subtracts multiples of ten

Adds two single digit numbers Adds and subtracts single digit
numbers mentally.







Identifies right angles in the environment.

Gets the feel of an angle through observation and

paper folding.

Gets the feel of perspective while drawing a 3-D

object in 2-D.



Distinguishes between closed and open figures.


Classifies angles into right, acute and obtuse

Makes 4-faced, 5-faced and 6-faced cubes from angles.
given nets especially designed for the same.
Tiles a given region using a tile of a given shape.
Represents right angle, acute angle and obtuse
Explores intuitively the reflections through angle by drawing and tracing.
Makes shapes on the dot-grid using straight lines inkblots, paper cutting and paper folding.
and curves.
Explores intuitively rotations and reflections of
Reads and draws 3-D objects, making use of the familiar 2-D shapes.
Distinguishes between shapes that tile and that familiarity with the conventions used in this.
do not tile.
Explores intuitively symmetry in familiar 3-D
Draws intuitively the plan, elevation and side shapes.
view of simple objects.
Makes the shapes of cubes, cylinders and cones
Make different types of polygons upto hexagon.
using nets especially designed for this purpose

Creates shapes through paper folding, paper Draws a circle free hand and with compass.
Identifies centre, radius and diameter of a circle.
Identifies line, line segment and ray
Uses Tangrams to create different shapes.
Draws diagonal to square and rectangle.
Explores intuitively the area and perimeter of
Identifies parallel and intersecting lines.
simple shapes.


1 23

Expands a number using place value.

Expands a number using place value.

Compares numbers.

Uses informal and standard division algorithms.

Appreciates the role of place value in addition,

subtraction and multiplication algorithms.

Finds place value in numbers beyond 10,000.



Applies the four operations to life situations

Adds and subtracts four digit numbers (with and Read and write roman numerals ( 1- 40)
without regrouping).
Adds and subtracts large numbers (with and
without regrouping).
Solves problems using addition and subtractions.
Solves problems using addition and subtractions.
Multiplies (3 x 1 , 4 x 1, 2 x 2 , 3 x 2 digits
) numbers using standard algorithm and lattice Writes multiplication facts.
multiplication algorithm.
Multiplies large numbers by two digit numbers
Understands concept of division.
using lattice algorithm and the standard (column)
Long division ( 2 by1 , 3 by 1 and 4 by 1 )
Divides a given number by a two digit number by
Applies multiplication and/or division to solve Long division method.
conceptual (daily life) problems
Verify division using division algorithm.

Forms greatest and smallest up to four digit Forms greatest and smallest numbers using Explains the meaning of factors and multiples.
numbers using given digits.
given digits.

Compares numbers.

Counts in different ways- starting from any Counts in different ways- starting from any

Reads and write large numbers.

Reads and write four-digit numbers.





1 23




Uses four fundamental operations in day to day

transactions .

Makes rate charts and bills.


Adds and subtracts amounts using column

addition, and subtraction without regrouping.
Estimates roughly the totals and total cost.

Adds and subtracts amounts using column Applies the four operations in solving problems
addition and subtraction with regrouping.
involving money.

Converts Rupee to Paise using play money.


Identifies half, one fourth and three- fourths of Finds the fractional part of a collection.
a whole.
Compares fractions.
Identifies the symbols 1/2 , 1/4 , of a whole.
Identifies equivalent fractions.
Explains the meaning of 1/2, 1/4 and 3/4
Uses decimal fractions in the context of units of
Appreciates equivalence of 2/4 and 1/ 2 ; and of length and money.
2/2, 3/3, 4/4 and 1.
Expresses a given fraction in decimal notation
Appreciates cross multiplication for checking the and vice versa.
equivalence of fractions.






1 23


Weighs objects using non- standard Units.

Weighs objects using balance and standard units. VOLUME
Appreciates the conservation of weight.
Weighs objects using non-standard units
Measures volumes of given liquid using
Relates gram and kilogram
containers marked with standard units.
Determines sums and differences of volumes.
Estimates the volume of a liquid contained in a
vessel and verifies by measuring
Measures and compares the capacity of different Performs addition and subtraction of
containers in terms of non-standard units.
Appreciates the conservation of volume
Solves problem involving weight.
Relates litre and millilitre.


Applies the four operations in solving problems

involving length, weight and volume.


Performs addition and subtraction of


Estimates volume of a solid object.

Appreciates volume of a solid body: intuitively

and also by informal measurement.

Applies simple fractions to quantities.

Converts fractional larger unit into complete
smaller units.

Determines sums and differences of weights.

Estimates the weight of an object and verifies Relates commonly used larger and smaller units
using a balance.
of length, weight and volume and converts one to
Solves problem involving weight.
the other.

Determines area and perimeter of simple

geometrical figures. Relates numbers with shapes
in terms of perimeter , area and volume and uses
them to solve every day life problems.

Converts kilometre into metre and vice versa.

Determines sums and differences of length.
Solves problem involving lengths and



Appreciates the need for a standard unit.

Measures length using appropriate
standard units of length by choosing between
centimetres and metres.
Estimates the length of given object in standard
units and verifies by measuring.
Uses a ruler
Relates centimetre and metre.





1 23






Finds the time intervals in simple cases by

using forward counting and using addition and

Computes number of weeks and days in a year, and

correlates number of days in a year with number
of days in each month.

Computes the number of days between two


Finds approximate time elapsed by (to the nearest

hour) forward counting.

Reads a calendar to find a particular day and Justifies the reason for the need of a leap year.
Expresses time, using the terms, a.m. and p.m.
Reads time correct to the hours and minutes.
Estimates the duration of familiar events.

Reads a calendar to find a particular day and Computes the number of weeks in a year.
Uses addition and subtraction in finding time
intervals in simple cases.
Correlates the number of days in a year with the
Sequences the events chronologically.
number of days in each month.


1 23




Makes patterns and designs from straight lines Multiplies and divides by 10s, 100s.
Relates sequences of odd numbers between
and other geometrical shapes.
consecutive square numbers.
Identifies geometrical patterns based on
Identifies patterns in the numerals for odd symmetry
Makes border strip and tiling patterns.
and even numbers and in adding odd and even
Identifies patterns in multiplication and division :
multiples of 9.
Partitions a number in different ways.
Identifies patterns in multiplication with, and Multiplies and divides by 10, 100 etc by using the
dividing by 10s.

Identifies simple symmetrical shapes and Identifies patterns in multiplication and division: Identifies patterns in square numbers, triangular
multiples of 9,


Collects data and represents in terms of

pictograph choosing appropriate scale and unit Draws Inferences by discussing with the teacher. Collects quantitative data on two variables and
for display through pictographs.
represents it through table and bar graph and pieInterprets bargraph.
Draw conclusions from the data by discussing
with the teacher/ parents.

Collects data and represents in the form of bar Collects two-dimensional quantitative data.
Represents the data in the form of a table.

Data Handling


Records data using tally marks.

Data Handling



Data Handling

1 23




Doubles two digit numbers mentally (result not

exceeding two digits).


Adds and subtracts single digit numbers and two Adds and subtracts multiples of 10 and 100,
digit numbers mentally.


1 23


(i) Rational Numbers:

Number System


Properties of rational numbers.

(including identities). Using general form of
Multiplication and division of integers (through expression to describe properties
Consolidation of operations on rational numbers.
Division by zero is meaningless
Representation of rational numbers on the
Properties of integers (including identities number line
for addition & multiplication, commutative,
associative, distributive) (through patterns). These Between any two rational numbers there lies
would include examples from whole numbers another rational number (Making children see
as well. Involve expressing commutative and that if we take two rational numbers then unlike
associative properties in a general
for whole numbers, in this case you can keep
form. Construction of counterexamples, including finding more and more numbers that lie between
some by children. Counter examples like them.)
subtraction is not commutative.
Word problem (higher logic, two operations,
Word problems including integers (all operations) including ideas like area)


(i) Knowing our Numbers.

(i) Knowing our Numbers: Consolidating the

sense of numberness up to 5 digits, Size, estimation
of numbers, identifying smaller, larger, etc. Place
value (recapitulation and extension), connectives:
use of symbols =, <, > and use of brackets, word
problems on number operations involving large
numbers up to a maximum of 5 digits in the answer
after aloperations. This would include conversions
of units of length & mass (from the larger to the
smaller units), estimation of outcome of number
operations. Introduction to a sense of the largeness
of, and initial familiarity with, large numbers up
to 8 digits and approximation of large numbers
conversions of units of length & mass (from the
larger to the smaller units), estimation of outcome
of number operations. Introduction to a sense of
the largeness of, and initial familiarity with, large
numbers up to 8 digits and approximation of large

Number System



Number System

1 23




Word problems involving mixed

Introduction to rational numbers (with
representation on number line)
Operations on rational numbers (all operations)
Division of fractions
Representation of rational number as a decimal.
Word problems on rational numbers (all
Multiplication and division of decimal fractions
Conversion of units (length & mass)
Word problems (including all operations)

Properties of integers (including identities

for addition & multiplication, commutative,

(ii) Fractions and rational numbers:

(ii) Powers
Multiplication of fractions
Integers as exponents.
Fraction as an operator
Laws of exponents with integral powers
Reciprocal of a fraction.
Multiplication and division of integers (through
Division by zero is meaningless

Number System


(ii) Playing with Numbers: Simplification of

brackets, Multiples and factors, divisibility rule
of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11. (All these through
observing patterns. Children would be helped in
deducing some and then asked to derive some
that are a combination of the basic patterns of
divisibility.) Even/odd and prime/composite
numbers, Co-prime numbers, prime factorisation,
every number can be written as products of prime
factors. HCF and LCM, prime factorization and
division method for HCF and LCM, the property
LCM HCF = product of two numbers. All this is
to be embedded in contexts that bring out the
significance and provide motivation to the child
for learning these ideas.

Number System


Number System

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2)am /an=am-n, where (m- n )

Estimating square roots and cube roots. Learning

the process of moving nearer to the
required number.

Cubes and cubes roots (only factor method for

numbers containing at most 3 digits)

Exponents only natural numbers.

Square and Square roots
Laws of exponents (through observing patterns
to arrive at generalisation.)
Square roots using factor method and division
method for numbers containing (a) no more than
1)am an=am+n
total 4 digits and (b) no more than 2 decimal places

(iii) Squares, Square roots, Cubes, Cube roots.

(iii) Powers:

(iii) Whole numbers

Natural numbers, whole numbers, properties of
numbers (commutative, associative, distributive,
addi tive identity, factorisation, every number can
be written as products of prime factors. HCF and
LCM, prime factorization and division method
for HCF and LCM, the property LCM HCF =
product of two numbers. All this is to be embedded
in contexts that bring out the significance and
provide motivation to the child for learning these
ideas. identity, multiplicative identity),
number line. Seeing patterns, identifying and
formulating rules to be done by children. (As
familiarity with algebra grows, the child can
express the generic pattern.)

Number System

Number System



Number System

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Deducing the divisibility test rules of 2, 3, 5, 9, 10

for a two or three-digit number expressed in the
general form.

Number puzzles and games

Writing and understanding a 2 and 3 digit number

in generalized form (100a + 10b + c , where a, b,
c can be only digit 0-9) an engaging with various
puzzles concerning this. (Like finding the missing
numerals represented by alphabets in sums
involving any of the four operations.) Children to
solve and create problems and puzzles.

(iv) Playing with numbers


(iv) Negative Numbers and Integers

How negative numbers arise, models of negative
numbers, connection to daily life, ordering of
negative numbers, representation of negative
numbers on number line. Children to see patterns,
identify and formulate rules. What are integers,
identification of integers on the number line,
operation of addition and subtraction of integers,
showing the operations on the number line
(addition of negative integer reduces the value of
the number) comparison of integers, ordering of
(v) Fractions:
Revision of what a fraction is, Fraction as a part of
whole, Representation of fractions
(pictorially and on number line), fraction as a
division, proper, improper & mixed fractions,
equivalent fractions, comparison of fractions,
addition and subtraction of fractions (Avoid large
and complicated unnecessary tasks).(Moving
towards abstraction in fractions)
Review of the idea of a decimal fraction, place
value in the context of decimal fraction, inter
conversion of fractions and decimal fractions
(avoid recurring decimals at this stage), word
problems involving addition and subtraction of
decimals (two operations together on money,
mass, length and temperature)

Number System


Number System

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(i) Algebraic Expressions



Addition, subtraction of algebraic expressions Factorisation (simple cases only)

(coefficients should be integers).
as examples the following types
a(x + y), (x y)
Simple linear equations in one variable (in (x + a).(x + b) Solving linear equations in one
contextual problems) with two operations (avoid variable in contextual problems involving
complicated coefficients)
multiplication and division (word problems)
(avoid complex coefficient in the equations)

Introduction to unknowns through examples Like and unlike terms, degree of expressions e.g., Identities (a b)2= a2( +-)2ab+b2
with simple contexts (single operations)
x2 y etc (exponent 3, number of variables )
a2-b2 = (a b) (a + b)

Introduction to variable through patterns

Multiplication and division of algebraic exp.
and through appropriate word problems and Generate algebraic expressions (simple) involving (Coefficient should be integers)
generalisations (example 5 1 = 5 etc.)
one or two variables
Some common errors (e.g. 2 + x 2x, 7x + y
Generate such patterns with more examples.
Identifying constants, coefficient, powers
7xy )


1 23


Ratio and Proportion



Application to simple interest (time period in Time & work problems Simple and direct word
complete years)

Application to profit and loss (single transaction Inverse variation Simple and direct word

Converting fractions and decimals into Direct variation Simple and direct word
percentage and vice-versa.

Slightly advanced problems involving

applications on percentages, profit & loss, overhead
Proportion as equality of two ratios
Unitary method continued, consolidation, expenses, Discount, tax.
general expression.
Unitary method (with only direct variation
Difference between simple and compound
Percentage- an introduction.
interest (compounded yearly up to 3 years or halfyearly up to 3 steps only), Arriving at the formula
Word problems
Understanding percentage as a fraction with for compound interest through patterns and using
denominator 100
it for simple problems.

Ratio and proportion (revision)

Concept of Ratio

Ratio and Proportion


Ratio and Proportion

1 23

(i) Understanding shapes:




Circle Centre, radius, diameter, arc, sector,

chord, segment, semicircle, circumference,
interior and exterior

Properties of parallel lines with transversal (i) Opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal,
(alternate, corresponding, interior, exterior angles)
Interior and exterior of closed figures.
(ii) Opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal,
(ii) Properties of triangles:
Curvilinear and linear boundaries
Angle sum property (with notions of proof & (iii) Diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.
verification through paper folding, proofs using [Why (iv), (v) and (vi) follow from (ii)]
Angle Vertex, arm, interior and exterior,
property of parallel lines, difference between proof
and verification.)
(iv) Diagonals of a rectangle are equal and bisect
Triangle vertices, sides, angles, interior and Exterior angle property
each other.
exterior, altitude and median
Sum of two sides of a triangle is greater than (v) Diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other at
Quadrilateral Sides, vertices, angles, diagonals, its third side.
right angles.
adjacent sides and opposite sides (only convex
quadrilateral are to be discussed), interior and Pythagoras Theorem (Verification only)
(vi) Diagonals of a square are equal and bisect
exterior of a quadrilateral.
each other at right angles.

Open and closed figures.

Introduction to geometry. Its linkage with and Pairs of angles (linear, supplementary, Properties of quadrilaterals Sum of angles of a
reflection in everyday experience.
complementary, adjacent, vertically opposite)
quadrilateral is equal to 360o (By verification)
(verification and simple proof of vertically
Line, line segment, ray.
opposite angles)
Properties of parallelogram (By verification)

(i) Understanding shapes:

(i) Basic geometrical ideas (2 -D):





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Nets for cube, cuboids, cylinders, cones and


Elements of 3-D figures. (Faces, Edges and


Identification of 3-D shapes: Cubes, Cuboids,

cylinder, sphere, cone prism (triangular), pyramid
(triangular and square)
Identification and locating in the surroundings

Measure of Line segment

Measure of angles
Pair of lines
Intersecting and perpendicular lines
Parallel lines
Types of angles- acute, obtuse, right, straight,
reflex, complete and zero angle
Classification of triangles (on the basis of sides,
and of angles)
Types of
quadrilaterals Trapezium,
parallelogram, rectangle, square, rhombus.
Simple polygons (introduction) (Upto octagons
regulars as well as non regular).


Counting vertices, edges & faces & verifying

Eulers relation for 3-D figures with flat faces
(cubes, cuboids, tetrahedrons, prisms and

Drawing 2-D representation of 3-D objects

(Continued and extended)

Identify and Match pictures with objects [more

complicated e.g. nested, joint 2-D and 3-D shapes
(not more than 2)].

(ii) Representing 3-D in 2-D


(ii) Understanding Elementary Shapes (2-D and





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Symmetry: (reflection)



Recognising reflection symmetry

(identifying axes)

Extend congruence to simple

(examplesblades, stamps, etc.)


Mapping the space around approximately

through visual estimation.

Recognising reflection symmetry

(identifying axes)

Operation of reflection (taking mirror images) of Operation of reflection (taking mirror images) of
simple 2-D objects
simple 2-D objects

Observation and identification of 2-D Observation and identification of 2-D

symmetrical objects for reflection symmetry
symmetrical objects for reflection symmetry

Symmetry: (reflection)

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Drawing a line perpendicular to a given line

from a point a) on the line b) outside the line.

Angle equal to a given angle

(using compass)

Angle bisector- making angles of 30, 45, 90

etc. (using compasses)

Angle 60, 120 (Using Compasses)


Like given three sides, given a side and two angles Two adjacent sides and three Angles
on it, given two sides and the angle between them.

Construction of angles (using protractor)

Three sides and two included angles

Construction of simple triangles.

Construction of circle

Perpendicular bisector

Construction of Quadrilaterals


Construction of a line parallel to a given line Given four sides and one diagonal
from a point outside it.(Simple proof as remark
with the reasoning of alternate angles)
Three sides and two diagonals


protractor, (using Scale, protractor, compasses)


Drawing of a line segment



(using Straight

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Revision of perimeter, Idea of , Circumference of (i) Area of a trapezium and a polygon.

Circle Area
(ii) Concept of volume, measurement of volume
Concept of measurement using a basic unit area using a basic unit, volume of a cube, cuboid and
of a square, rectangle, triangle, parallelogram cylinder
and circle, area between two rectangles and two
concentric circles.
(iii) Volume and capacity
Perimeter of a rectangle and its special case a
(measurement of capacity)
square. Deducing the formula of the perimeter for
a rectangle and then a square through
(iv) Surface area of a cube, cuboid, Cylinder.
pattern and generalisation.

Introduction and general understanding of

perimeter using many shapes. Shapes of different
kinds with the same perimeter. Concept of area,
Area of a rectangle and a square Counter examples
to different misconcepts related to perimeter and




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Data handling

Data handling



Comparing with the data for a coin. Observing

strings of throws, notion of randomness.

Observing the aggregating numbers over a large

number of repeated events.

(i) What is data - choosing data to examine a (i) Collection and organisation of data choosing (i) Reading bar-graphs, ungrouped data, arranging
the data to collect for a hypothesis testing.
it into groups, representation of grouped data
through bar-graphs, constructing and interpreting
(ii) Collection and organisation of data - examples (ii) Mean, median and mode of ungrouped data bar-graphs.
of organising it in tally bars and a table.
understanding what they represent.
(ii) Simple Pie charts with reasonable data numbers
(iii) Pictograph- Need for scaling in pictographs (iii) Constructing bargraphs
interpretation & construction.
(iii) Consolidating and generalising the notion of
(iv) Feel of probability using data through chance in events like tossing coins, dice etc.
(iv) Making bar graphs for given data interpreting experiments. Notion of chance in events like Relating it to chance in life events. Visual
bar graphs+.
tossing coins, dice etc. Tabulating and counting representation of frequency outcomes of repeated
occurrences of 1 through 6 in anumber of throws of the same kind of coins or dice.
throws. Comparing the observation with that for
a coin. Observing strings of throws, notion of Throwing a large number of identical dice/coins
together and aggregating the result of the throws
to get large number of individual events.

Data handling

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Reading of distance vs time graph.

Reading of linear graphs

(iii) Reading off from the graphs

(ii) Plotting points for different kind of situations

(perimeter vs length for squares, area as a function
of side of a square, plotting of multiples of different
numbers, simple
interest vs number of years etc.)

(i) Axes (Same units), Cartesian Plane

Introduction to graphs (15 hrs)



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