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Gen 25:27-34(Esau sold his birth rights)
Gen 27:1-40
Gen 32:22-32

Guiding questions
What lesson do you learn from the story?
How significant is this scripture today?
thus Esau despised his birth rights (Gen 25:34). The best way to appreciate God
for any blessing or opportunity is by receiving it with thanksgiving.
When you despisewhat God has given you, literally you dont want him to take you to the next

Its always good to make the most of every opportunity granted to us by God. Jacob did when he
wrestled with God and won the match that God even God called him Israel.
Note that Jacob is note mightier than God yet his life was spared I have seen God
face to face yet my life has been spared (Gen 32:30).Its therefore the determination God was
checking out.

When God is to bless, its between him and his will. he seeks the council of his will
and its therefore finished work on our side.
But we in most cases undermine/ despise his blessing just because we feel weve not put in any did not require Jacob to first excel in hunting before he could be blessed by Isaac.
Thats how God wanted it, if otherwise; he would have created Jacob a great hunter. No matter
your capabilities and inabilities, Jesus has qualified for all of Gods blessings, health, prosperity,
peace and joy, and many more.

Gods blessings are received and not earned

Because youve not earned it doesnt make it cheap, in fact its too precious to be earned. So
dont despise them
Whenever youfeel you cant make it to the next level, always remember how much you treasured
being where youre, and then you will realize that at one point you didnt deserve it but God
blessed you anyway.

I thank God am leading a good life in Kampala todayand this is how it will be
when I go abroad because the same God who did it will do it always and again.

Its not until you meet someone whose greatest desire is to be where you are, that you will realize
how good God has been to you.
And amazingly, there is someone who has shown contempt for that blessing you so much desire
to receive Emma just doesnt know, I wish I were like him. Youcant get where he is
because you are one of his kind. None of you has valued what God has done for you to where
you are.

This does not mean boasting though, being thankful does not mean to proud the fact that you did
not deserve.never look down on those whove not yet made it to where you are but rather
encourage them.
Consider the attitude of Jacob towards Esau

Do all things with out complaining and arguing (Phi 2:14-16
Let your conversation be without covetousness and be contented with such things as ye have. For
he has said I will never live thee nor forsake thee (Heb 13:5)
Rejoice evermore, pray without ceasing and in everything give thanks for this is the will of God
in Christ Jesus concerning you
And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the lord Jesus, giving thanks to God
and the father by him (col 3:17)

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