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Create a login page for student website

with 3 fields
designation (admin/faculty/student)
if for an email and pswd is crct
depending upon the designation
admin /faculty/student page should be displayed.
There should be option for sign up/create new user,you can use your roll no as student id
These 3 pages for admin/faculty/student should be different.
There should be logout button in all 3 pages.
Upon logout ..login page should be displayed
note:- using db is compulsory
Hint: use session management
Create a book management system with options
a) search book using book name(eg. Display books staring with java..)
b) add a book in a database
c) delete a book using book id
d) search a book using author's name
book id will be a unique id assign to each book
Design the database and simple yet efficent web based book management system
Create a web based telephone directory
directory will contain
name,contact no,email,date of telephone connection,connection_name(say bsnl,airtel,telecom,mtnl)
An online User should have following features
a)given a tele connection date say 12-03-20013,it should display all user registered on or before 12
b)list all user for a given connection_name
c)search contact no for a given name
d) search for user details by providing contact no
note: name cannot be unique,however email,contact no should be treated as unique.
Also design the database for an efficent system
4.Create a website for song collection.With following options
a)list songs for an artist
b) list all songs given an album
c) add songs
d) search songs containing some keyword
note: you dont have to store songs in a db,just store the song title,artist,albums etc
5.CreateMovie ticket booking system
Total seats should be 30
All seats are empty
##### ** #####
# ## # # * * # # # # #
##### * * #####
Fig. 5.1

where * means gap

and # means blank seat
and @ means filled seat.
After booking
##### ** #####
# @@ # # * * # # # # #
##### * * #####
Fig. 5.2
Assume only one movie is shown on a single day .Booking can be done on the same day ,no
advance booking is allowed.
Web page should display the seat stats as shown in above fig 5.1
user will enter seat coordinate ,name and press submit
If seat is already booked
dsiplay a regret msg.
If seat is not occupied
display booked.
Maintain a db to store information as per your use.Also update the stats to be displayed
6. Create Bus-ticket booking system for a single one way bus i.e from nagpur to pune
Total seats should be 30
Initial stat to be displayed
## ** ###
# # * * # ##
## * * ###
## * * ###
## * * ###
## * * ###
Fig. 6.1
where * means gap
and # means blank seat
and @ means filled seat.
After booking
## ** ###
# # * * # @@
## * * ###
## * * ###
#@ * * ###
## * * ###
Fig. 6.2
Booking can be done on the same day ,no advance booking is allowed.
user will enter seat coordinate ,name and press submit
If seat is already booked

dsiplay a regret msg.

If seat is not occupied
display booked.
Web page should display the seat stats as shown in above fig 6.2 after booking
user will enter seat coordinate ,name and press submit
If seat is already booked
dsiplay a regret msg.
If seat is not occupied
display booked.
Maintain a db to store information as per your use
7. Design a small part of simple e- PDS (public distribution system ) , for fruits and vegetables.
Home page will list all fruits and vegetables along with their quantity(kgs/gms/dozen)
vegetable price :2 Rs per Kg
Fruits price:10 pieces for 1 Re
Initially all fruits and vegetables has stock of 10 kg or 10 dozen
Website sells banana,grapes,potatoes and tomatoes only.
User cannot order more than 1kg/1 dozen fruits or 2 kg vegetables at a given moment.However he
can again order the same items again.
User will give
fruit name,quantity as input and click order button upon which a msg of order placed should be
displayed please pay the amount X Rs .And database should be updated.
Donot store user information.
8. File Your Income tax return
Create a Web based application to allow user which will take input as salary and pancard no and
save sal,pan no,income tax in database
If user is admin then she/he should be able to view the records
note:- donot create login page
9.My mini bank
Design a web based banking system where, user will provide account no(unique id),name,amount to
be deposited.
You have to store simple interest of the amount deposited.
Simple interest and amount both should be updated if user deposits some amount
Bank-manager should be able to view all the details.
Assumptions:- 1)Account is created when user gives(account no,name,amount)
10.Aadhar card generation.
Design a simpleweb based application which allow user to register for aadhar card
registration details include: name,address,phone no,sign,photo,uniqueid
Admin should be allowed to download aadhar card by giving unique id.
Note: donot create any login page,important is upload and download .
On downloading user should be able to view all the details including photo and signature.

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