How To Know Your Airbus From Boeing

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How to know your Airbus from Boeing | Arun Rajagopal

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Arun Rajagopal
Marketing, Social Media, Planes, Trains, Conversations & Life on a Blog.

How to know your Airbus from Boeing

August 12, 2010

Posted by Arun Rajagopal in Airlines, Aviation, Travel.

Tags: A300, A310, A318, A319, A320, A321, A330, A340, A350, A380, Airbus, Aviation, B737, B747, B747-8 Intercontinental, B757, B767,
B777, B787, Boeing, Dreamliner, Planespo*ing
Many of us admire airplanes for the graceful, elegant and sleek ying machines that they are.
How many of you have wondered about the type or kind of the aircraft that you are traveling in or ying over you in the sky? Is it
a Boeing or an Airbus? Is it an A330 or a B777?

How to know your plane?

First and the easy way out, look for the name of the aircraft type to be wri+en on the aircraft fuselage. Most airlines still retain it.
This should be easy if you are closer to the aircraft parked on the apron.
Now for the second part. For practical purposes, we will focus only on the big 2 giants of aviation Airbus and Boeing, and close
the gates on Lockheed, McDonnell Douglas, Antonov, Ilyushin, Bombardier, Embraer, Sukhoi etc.
We will also only consider airplanes that are currently ying around the world in large numbers, which means no clearance for707
or 727 to take o.

A quick 101 on the two giants:

Boeing is American and the largest global aircraft manufacturer by revenue, orders and deliveries. Airbus is European and a

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Airbus or Boeing A-Team vs. B-Team

Boeing B777 APU area sawed o.

Have a look at the APU Exhaust unit beneath the tail. Both Airbuses and Boeings have a circular outlet with the only exception
with B777 having a sawed o unit.
All Airbus wide-bodies apart from the 380 have a fuselage top that continues straight all the way to the APU exhaust. Boeingshave
a taper downwards. The end of Boeings are tapered and slope on the top and bo+om, whereas on Airbus the top is straight and
the bo+om is very sloped.

Narrow-body or Wide-body

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Ed Kaplanian from Future of Flight has more tips to dierentiate between A330s and B777s.

The A330 with 2 pairs of wheels on each main landing gear.

Wheels: The main landing gear on an A330 has two sets of wheels, what they call in the industry (a two wheel truck). The main
landing gear on a B777 has three sets of wheels, what they call in the industry (a three wheel truck).
B777 with sawed-o APU.

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A330 with conical APU.

Tail end: The APU (auxiliary power unit) exhaust outlet is mounted in the middle of the tail cone on an A330. The APU (auxiliary
power unit) exhaust outlet is mounted on the left side of the tail cone on the B777.
Wing tips: The A330 wing incorporates small wing tips on the wings. The B777 wing does not have wing tips.

The small birds A320s vs. B737s

In terms of capacity, this how the Airbus airplanes in the A320 family compete with the Boeing 737 family.
A318 vs. B737-600
A319 vs. B737-700
A320 vs. B737-800
A321 vs. B737-900
The B737-700 is on the left and the A320 is on the right. Note how the tail n of the B737 rises from the main body at a sharp angle.
The A320 is at top and the B737 is at the bo+om. The 320 fuselage is rounded at the front, pointed at the back. The 737 fuselage is
pointed at the front, rounded at the back.
Can you guess who is A320 and B737 in the above pic?
In each case, the Boeing version is lighter and seats more people. The Airbus version sits higher o the ground compared to

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Know your B737s

The B737s come in 9 versions: -100, -200, -300, -400, -500, -600, -700, -800, and 900ER. The 300, -400 and -500 fall into the category
of Classics while the last 4 are New Generation Boeings. The 300s are the shortest while the 900ER is the longest. The only
exception to the rule is 400, which is longer than the 300, -600 and 700 versions.
B737-100 classic.
B737-200 classic.
B737-300 classic.
B737-400 classic.

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Know your B747s

B747s come in ve versions 100, -SP, -200, -300, and -400. All versions are 70.6m long except the B747SP from the -100 family
which is around 15m shorter. There are a few sub-variants but we will primarily focus on the big 5.

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Know your B757s

B757s come in two versions 200 and the longer 300. The drooping dolphin shaped nose and thin, swept back wings of this
aircraft type is a distinct giveaway.

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How to know your Airbus from Boeing | Arun Rajagopal

Know your B767s

The B767 comes in 3 variants 200, 300 and 400 with respective Extended Range versions. The 200 is the shortest while 400 is
the longest.

The B767-300

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How to know your Airbus from Boeing | Arun Rajagopal

Know your B777s

The easiest way to identify a B777 is to look at its tail area for a blade-shaped tail cone. Also check out the main landing gear. Ifyou
spot 6 wheels on each landing gear, it is a 777. There are 4 passenger versions of the 777: B777-200, B777-200 ER (Extended Range),
B777-200LR (Longer Range), B777-300 and B777-300ER (Extended Range). These variants are distinguished on the basis of their
fuselage length and nautical range. The 300s are longer than 200s by over 10m.
Fuselage lengths:

B777-200 63.7m
B777-200ER 63.7m
B777-200LR 63.7m the worlds longest-range commercial airliner. Boeing named this aircraft the Worldliner, highlighting its
ability to connect almost any two airports in the world.

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B777-300 73.9m
B777-300ER 73.9m

Airbus Focus:
Know your A300s

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The A300 B4

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Know your A320s

The A320 family of jets includes the A318-100, A319-100, A320-200 and the A321-200.
In terms of fuselage length, the A318 is the shortest (aka Baby Bus) and the A321 is the longest.

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How to know your Airbus from Boeing | Arun Rajagopal

Know your A330s

The A330 comes in 2 passenger versions the A330-200 and A330-300. The 300 version is longer than the 200 version but has a
shorter tail height. The 300 carries more passengers but has a shorter range. Also, note the 4 wheels on each main landing gear
and the smoother curvature of the tail to distinguish it from a B777.
Fuselage lengths:

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How to know your Airbus from Boeing | Arun Rajagopal

Know your A340s

If it is single deck and has got 4 engines, you bet it is the A340. The A340 comes in 4 passenger versions the A340-200, A340-300,
A340-500 and A340-600.
The fuselage lengths should help you distinguish between them. The A340-600 is the second longest airplane in the world after the
B747-8 Intercontinental, currently under development. Both the 500 and 600 come in High Gross Weight (HGW) Versions, with
enhanced range, fuel capacity, weight amongst other features.
Fuselage lengths:

your suggestions and feedback as well as sharing it with the world.

Copyright/credits: Many thanks to Airliners.Net & its contributors whose images I have used in this post. They are the nestsource
of aviation images on the Net today.
I recommend you read through the comments as more readers suggest interesting ways to identify between Airbus & Boeing jets.
If you would like to connect with me on Twi*er (@arun4) for my aviation tweets, click here.

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How to know your Airbus from Boeing | Arun Rajagopal

1. Tweets that mention How to know your Airbus from Boeing Arun Rajagopal -- - August 12, 2010
[] This post was mentioned on Twi+er by Arun Rajagopal, Elias, Bibhu Prasad, Akash Kay Sajith, Sejal Thakkar and others.
Sejal Thakkar said: RT @arun4: My new blog post: How to know your Airbus from Boeing. h+p:// #planespo+ing
#aviation #guide @papasumit []
2. vadakkus - August 12, 2010

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How to know your Airbus from Boeing | Arun Rajagopal

Nice, very well wri+en and forma+ed, exhaustive. Me an aviation geek myself. Thank you and keep it up!
Also, A330 and A340 are the only Airbuses with pointed noses, I think. The A380 is ugly.
Abu Maryam - June 17, 2013
The Beluga is uglier, lol
Ruana - August 24, 2013
Oh come on, dont be mean, A380 is only a bit fat, but still cute :) On the other side, beluga is kinda ugly and funny at the
same time lol
3. Renjith P Sarada - August 12, 2010
Arun.. I have nothing to say except WoW!
Excellent homeworkExcellent R&D.
Being another aviation enthusiast, I am going treat this as a bible and send to my pilot friends!!
Best of Luck!
4. Meredith - August 12, 2010
What a joy! Thanks so much, I learned a few things I didnt know!
5. proxl - August 13, 2010
Two things Id add about understanding the dierences between the A320 family and the 737 family: All A320s have the
winglet fence that looks like a tiny winglet both above and below the wing edge (at least until AI certies its new sharklets).
For now, only 737s have the big blended winglets (though not all 737s have them. Another: on 737 Classics (-300 and newer)
and NGs, the leading edge of the vertical stablizer has a 110-degree (or so) angle about two thirds of the way down, whereas
the A320 series leading edge is a straight line from the top to the fuselage.
6. Paulo M - August 13, 2010
Im a fan of this post! Nice detail.
Just one thing gets to me although I understand why its done the Boeing 777 competes primarily with the Airbus A340. As
a rule of the thumb, each twinjet 777 is slightly bigger/seats more passengers, and slightly outreaches (than) the competing
7. Julio Thomaz - August 14, 2010
Great!! Thanks a lot!!
I would like never lose this page!
Could I make a personal backup on my les??
8. Laura Nathan - August 14, 2010
Congratulations on a wonderful job. I learnt so much from reading your blog. Keep sending us more. Its wonderful.
9. Kalpak S - August 15, 2010
Di b/w A&B [For advanced users only :) ]

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How to know your Airbus from Boeing | Arun Rajagopal

1) Main , Boeings sit lower than an Airbii .

2) Airbii are slightly more angular all in all, and that the cockpit window tends to be more predatory looking. [Alien Movie]
3) Boeing in general tends to have a sharper edge at the bo+om of their front windows,
4) Boeing tend to use tall wingtips, while Airbus use a triangular shape ones. If you see a Boeing take o, the main wheels are
ush with the fusalage . Airbus hide the wheels inside, leaving the fusalage smooth.
[wingtips dont always work as the 330/340 have the same shape as the 744 for example , Look at the shape of the ightdeck
windows in this case]
5) The end of Boeings are tapered and slope on the top and bo+om, whereas on Airbii the top is straight and the bo+om is
very sloped.
6) Airbus has small winglets above and below the wing line, Boeings are larger and only above the wing line.
Actually, therere no general rule across the entire Airbus families and the entire Boeing families.
The rule about Boeing si+ing lower than Airbus only applies for the 737 family vs A32x family as it is the other way around if
you compare 777 family with the 330/340 family.
The winglets/wingtip and landing gears rules also fail miserably as soon as U move across families.
Therere perhaps only 2 loose rules that set Boeing and Airbus currently still in production apart(Except 388s & 747s):
1. Viewing from the side, highest point of the engine on Boeings tend to be parallel or even higher than the top of the main
wing surface. Engine on Airbuses are ALWAYS set lower than the main wing.
2. The nose shape(Section 41) on Boeings are a bit sharper than on Airbuses. Though, 330/340 family are pre+y close to 767/777
family in terms of this sharpness.
Am tired.. :(
10. GABRA - August 31, 2010
I will never forgit ths page , coz i learn much I didnt know , nally i can compare between da airbus and boeing
11. A Great Guide on Telling the Dierence Between Airplanes | Airline Reporter | An airline blog on the airline industry November 19, 2010
[] who might not have every aircraft type down, but want to know them be+er, I found a pre+y slick guide on how to know
your Airbus and Boeing airplanes from each []
12. The airliners of the future from Airbus, Boeing & Comac Arun Rajagopal - November 20, 2010
[] B747-8F, B787, Boeing, C919, Comac, Dreamliner, Intercontinental trackback In a previous post comparing Airbus airliners
versus Boeing airplanes, I said we would talk more about airplanes that have been recently launched or currently under []
13. Sabih Khan - January 4, 2011
A340-200 and -300 series can also be distinguished by the no. of windows between the rst two exits. -200 series has 13 and
-300 series has 14.
-200/300 series have CFM International engines which have an absence of extended thrusters as compared to the -500/-600
series RR Trent engines with extended thrusters
14. Jaimon - March 17, 2011
Appreciate the eorts to explain. keep it up.
15. Shafalee Basu - May 9, 2011
Thanks arun.. Excellent work.. thanks for sharing wid us.
16. Julie Theriot - June 2, 2011
THE BESTowners manual for every Aviation Geek in the world!!!!!!!!!!!
17. Arvind - June 4, 2011
Thanks for the views. great work..

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18. Whiskey Charlie - July 12, 2011
Great article. Thanks
19. naeem shaihk - August 29, 2011
u doing a gr8 job mahn.helpd alot thnx..!kip it up !
20. Paulson Philip - August 30, 2011
Well said!!! We can identify the aircraft in the night as well by noticing the blink of Collision light. Boeing collision light will
blink only once and the air bus twice at the time of landing!!!
21. shaun - September 3, 2011
hello i have to say that it is awsome information about all of the types of airplanes! and its realy help me to know diferent of
airbus and boing! thank a lot.
22. Miracle - October 5, 2011
23. Mark - October 17, 2011
Nice work, I think the tapering at the back (Boeing top tapers, Airbus is straight) seems to be the most reliable?
24. willy - November 15, 2011
greatpiece of work. Very well down. I ll work on it to tell Airbus and boeings aparthere at CDG. Thanks a lot
25. fahad ansari - December 24, 2011
superb workthank you mehhhhhnnnnnn..
26. nurikkochan - January 9, 2012
Its awesome! Ive learnt quite a bit from this post; thank you for the detailed post.
27. Sammie - January 11, 2012
Very exhaustive! My problem is solved. No more straining to check the tinny wri+ings, often dwarfed by the cospicous
operator names, to identify the models. The airport headaches are gone Very informative. I like! Thanks.
28. d.das - January 21, 2012
Very Informative.
I have and still working in airport expansion projects across the middle east- but no one explained me the dierence so subtly.
29. Aircraft Identication - FlyerTalk Forums - February 12, 2012
[] h+p:// h+p://
h+p:// []
30. Ocean Ko - March 4, 2012
Just to let you know, the A380 and B747 has 2 sets of Landing gear under the fuseloge, but the A340 has only 1 set of landing
gears under the fuseloge.
31. ATC - March 7, 2012
AMAZING,,,,thank you

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32. Arun - April 1, 2012

I was having a tough time identifying the newer 777s in the air as they keep taking o over the horizon. But, now its clearer.
The other day I also noticed that one of the planes coming in for landing had its lights placed dierently. Is that a new trend?
Do they use HID? How do they handle lightning etc.,
Thanks for the excellent summary.
33. Arun - April 1, 2012
Embraer seems to be a new entrant in the short range segment. Any views?
34. Kathya - April 21, 2012
Helps a lot, Thank you very much!
35. Shashi Kant Agarwal - April 21, 2012
Excellent work/ compilation.
Keep it up
36. cribs for twins - April 26, 2012
Congratulations on a wonderful job. I learnt so much from reading your blog. Keep sending us more. Its wonderful.
37. FERSEY - April 27, 2012
38. Kurt - April 28, 2012
I always forget about the APU!!!
39. Paul Trayers - May 14, 2012
Great stu. What is the most elegant commercial airliner ying today?
bloremusicult - August 10, 2012
I think its the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. It combines the grace of the 1950s De Havilland Comet with the rened aesthetics of the
Paul Trayers - August 27, 2012
Thank you.
40. Haneefa - May 30, 2012
41. Mukhtar Jussa - June 6, 2012
Thanks Arun, I appreciate
42. Faith Jepkoech Lelmengit - June 7, 2012
Thanks a lot by the way for this.hope with type i ll continue to understand the they have any reason for there
gures why the use of 7 for the Boeing and 3 for airbus?
43. How can you tell the dierent variations of an aircraft? | Automotive news - July 6, 2012
[] h+p:// []

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44. Patrick - July 6, 2012

This is great stu! Thank you so much for pu+ing them together.
45. Prasath - July 31, 2012
Really it is a wonderful information. Thanks for sharing, and made my knowledge to grow more in aviation.
A appreciable job!!!
46. M K - August 1, 2012
appreciate your work. really helpful to dierentiate between boeing and airbus.
47. Top 7 Aviation News & Analysis Resources on the Web Vishal Mehra & Co. - August 7, 2012
[] Arun Rajagopals How to know your Airbus from Boeing []
48. Adil - August 10, 2012
Arun Your work is sheer genius. Surpasses every manual and guide I have ever read on the subject.
One of my observations on the Airbus A320 series the front landing gear holds the aircraft at a slight gradient over the rear
undercarriage, giving the impression that the front of the aircraft is at a higher angle to the ground than the rear. Im not sure if
this applies to all the variants though.
49. bloremusicult - August 10, 2012
Arun Your work is sheer genius. Youve surpassed every manual and guide I have ever read on the subject.
One of my observations on the Airbus A320 series the front landing gear holds the aircraft at a slight gradient over the rear
undercarriage, giving the impression that the front of the aircraft is at a higher angle to the ground than the rear. Im not sure if
this applies to all the variants though.
50. devendra - August 10, 2012
Good job done , do u have something on other a/c , ghters & small corporate a/cs . keep it up ,
happy landings
Capt Sachan
devendra - August 10, 2012
How to identify these a/cs at night time ? is it possible ? Both the companies use dierent kind of strobe lights & dierent
pa+ern of landing lights.
51. John Jay - August 26, 2012
All the Boeing aircraft seem to have long front landing gear doors.
All the Airbus aircraft seem to have tiny front landing gear doors.
Airbus aircraft must have landing gear doors that retract upwards before the gear lowers.
52. cherrio - August 26, 2012
thanxiX really helpful
53. John Jay - August 28, 2012
It also seems that on the Boeing aircraft the front landing gear is ahead of the rst cabin door, while on the Airbus aircraft the
front landing gear is underneath or behind the rst cabin door.
54. Jacob - September 5, 2012
Respect Arun ! Great Job keep it up
55. ed faigmane - September 8, 2012

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How to know your Airbus from Boeing | Arun Rajagopal

Great stu, many thanks for the comparisons/contrasts.

56. RAJ SHAH - September 9, 2012

57. farhan - September 25, 2012
i also learn lot of things nice
58. Loret - September 29, 2012
Wow! Awesomely interesting, now I too can partake in plane spo+ing as I have learned a lot from your blog :-) Thanks!
59. Frank Valle - October 21, 2012
Thank you. It did help me a lot although I work for an airlines.
60. bansod - October 31, 2012
61. priya singh - November 13, 2012
i only say lot of thanks
62. alisina - November 14, 2012
please explain ho can diagnosis airplanes when they are going up to sky from the earth?
and lot thanks for your good information and please answer me by
63. Kamal - November 19, 2012
Very well wri+en! Thank you for this. I have read this entire post while parked at IGI waiting for push back. Was trying to
google an anamoly. The Indigo 320s have a light similar to a landing light on the side of the aircraft. Just below the i in
Indigo. I have been a spo+er for long but had never noticed it. Any idea what thats for?
Thanks for this lovely and extensive read.
64. Sangeetha - November 26, 2012
Really good, When i started reading i found it is simple, but down the lane it was beyond reading still its a goodwork.&
hardwork . i can pass information to my son an aspiring pilot now 6 yrs,.
65. hassan alfatih elbadri - January 5, 2013

boeing & airbus .
very nice post
thank you for rich information
i am one of the people have a problem in discrimination between airbus and boeing
66. SAMEER KH - January 22, 2013
It is really worthy. A clear information of the both Airbus and Boeing.Expect the pictures of Cargo ights also. Thank you,
67. Bud - February 8, 2013
Nice job on the airplane dierences!

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How to know your Airbus from Boeing | Arun Rajagopal

68. elango - February 12, 2013
Arun Rajagopal
Very impressive informations to dierentiate boeing and airbus. I appreciate
69. Ajinkya - February 18, 2013
I have a question. How is the number 600 decided in A340-600? or 400 in 747-400?
70. Moussa - February 20, 2013
Thank you for this publication it really help me!! God job!!!
71. Time to break the radio silence Im back! Arun Rajagopal - February 22, 2013
[] my growth as a person and professional. I get very encouraging comments on my on this blog How to know your Airbus
from Boeing and I believe that my blog and your support will take me miles ahead on my journey to learn and []
72. mac - February 23, 2013
Woow..very good article
73. Robert Honey - March 1, 2013
Very good info. Just as aviation nerd info : The 757,, looked more like a Douglas plane, from the, 737 727 707 747, they all had
the same nose as the B 52 bomber. Never very sure why the change in face Also if you look at the nose of the A320 family,
they are very similar to the Lockheed P3 Orion nose !! Also there is the Russian 707/ A 340 ying around, the two 4 engine
imitations that looks just like a fat 707 or A 340.I think its I 96 . As a point in just liking to me the best looking planes ever made
: Boing 727 200 and the Super VC 10. Notice clean wings, all at the back, they looked like the sky was home.
74. meeee - March 5, 2013
nice! thanks for this.
75. Naveed - March 16, 2013
well donegreat work
76. sathish - March 24, 2013
Really valuable information about Airbus and Boeing as a aviation person this blog is going to be a dictionary. Keep it up Arun
update with more photos and news
77. Varun - March 27, 2013
This is succch a useful post. Ive been preparing for my cadet pilot program interview for cathay and identifying aircrafts has
always been quite challenging for me, since I dont come from an aviation family.
I feel a lot more condent now. Cant wait to go out and try identify a few aircrafts in the sky.
Thanks a lot Arun for spending time on making this happen.
78. Varun - March 27, 2013
This is succch a useful post. Ive been preparing for my cadet pilot program interview for cathay and identifying aircrafts has
always been quite challenging for me, since I dont come from an aviation family.
I feel a lot more condent now. Cant wait to go out and try identify a few aircrafts in the sky.
Thanks a lot Arun for spending time on making this happen.
79. iain - March 29, 2013
Excellent thank you very much for this!

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How to know your Airbus from Boeing | Arun Rajagopal

80. Cch nhn bit cc loi my bay thng mi | Kin Thc Bay - April 3, 2013
[] copyright 2013 Nguyn Bnh Long Permi+ed for non-commercial use Tham Kho: 1. Commercial Aircraft Identication.
2. How to know your Airbus from Boeing. []
81. varsha jain - April 3, 2013
learnt a lot.i always used to get confused bwn the now will never forget da dierence,,,,,,thanx a tone
82. arahman - April 25, 2013
thank you, your a life saver!! :D
83. yash.vithalani - April 28, 2013
hey arun this is a brilliant post and it is so beautifully explained that my friends who r in other elds have also developed great
taste for spo+ing aircraft thanks to u. i was wondering if u cud write an article which would cover how u distinguish aircraft
at night
84. amit - May 5, 2013
Hi Arun, thanx alot, it was such a great job ever done by anyone in aviation industry. I cant express my feelings how it helped
85. Yogvendra singh - May 7, 2013
Thanks for the best info. About airbus and boeing.
86. Vikas - May 15, 2013
Well done. This is a great reference for dierentiating between Airbus and Boeing planes.
87. Mac - May 23, 2013
Great site, dont forget the A300C4 cargo plane SAA had a few some years ago.
88. Tim - June 4, 2013
I have been looking for a web page that talks about distiguishing between airplane models for years. This is exactly what I
need. What an awesome page of information. I LOVE it! Thank you!
89. DA - June 15, 2013
Thank you. very useful for students who are aspiring to have a name in the Aviation industry. Thanks a ton
Sunil Satawlekar - July 20, 2013
This is great reference guide, Sir!
Thanks a lot.
90. Jeslie C - July 22, 2013
Very nice piece..waiting for the report on the 787
91. moossa - July 22, 2013
Thaks a lot for this great informatios
92. PHIL CROFTS - September 8, 2013

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93. joechin13 (@joechin13) - October 6, 2013
Great post! Any suggestion on visual clue, from a distance of 2-3km, to tell an A330-200 from an A321? Both have 4 doors in
each side.
JfK - May 29, 2014
I dont know if this will help you, but the A321 has the same landing gear as the A320 (2 front, 2 and 2 main gear). The A330
has 2 front, 4 and 4 main gear.
That will help you to tell the A330 from the A321, at least close to the airport.
94. James A - October 19, 2013
Thanks for this wonderful guide for identifying jumbo jets. The only suggestion I have is to point out the dierence in the
shape of the cockpit windows rst and foremost as this seems to be the easiest way to dierentiate between a Boeing and an
sent from DFW
95. Sahir Siddiqui - October 24, 2013
Great post. Now I have to sit and study this in earnest so I can nally answer my sons questions when we picnic near the
96. Zaidan - December 7, 2013
Thx bro.
97. santanu mondal - December 27, 2013
nice work.its totally helpfull for aviation guys.well done.
98. annie - December 30, 2013
Aaaaaw your the best! Your information is perfect and professional! I never had interest to know all about airline b4 bt the way
u prepared I was keep on reading ! God bless you
99. nchim - January 15, 2014
you are a geniusi love aircraft.yo Post is well explained..thanks alot. tell us something about ghter aircraft also.
Phil Crofts - February 8, 2014
Many Thanks for your Details on Aircraft still nd any aspect of Aviation Fun I Still Gaze into the sky at the sound of an
I have been retired from Aviation since 1985.
A Pilot from 1956, My rst Solo was in a De Haveland Chipmunk,
G-AORW and it is still ying.
My rst MULTI ENGINED was a Dragon Rapide G-AGJG
own from Birmingham Elmdon to Ronaldway Isle of Man
And again this air craft still ying and been Ammaculately
Good Luck
100. How to Identify a Boeing 767 | Daily Life - Popular Question & Answer - January 20, 2014
[] Helpful Resources How to know your Airbus from Boeing | Arun Rajagopal []

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How to know your Airbus from Boeing | Arun Rajagopal

101. JfK - May 29, 2014

It is easy to identify the Airbus A300-600 when you look at the distance between the rst two doors. This distance is very short,
I think Boeing planned that the airlines put the rst class in there. Economy passengers use the second door to get in.
102. monsieuroui - July 18, 2014
Reblogged this on A-Wee-A-Sean and commented:
Think all airliners look the same? Have a look at this incredibly detailed analysis on the dierences in aircraft from the two
103. Du - July 25, 2014
Great Info, thank u soo much
104. Vipin - August 12, 2014
Thanks, I learned many basic information about the aviation, gud blog
105. Rich - August 20, 2014
Great informative piece. Your post is what got me started as an aviation enthusiast, much to my GFs dismay!!! I saw a plane
landing at BHX and wondered whether it was an Airbus or a Boeing. There was no way I could tell. I thought maybe the
internet could tell me . . . and there you were! Thanks for explaining it all in simple terms too. Keep up the good work. PS,
Where can I nd the info that you promised about the B747-8I, the B787 and the A350?
106. Chris - August 26, 2014
Great article, but y-by-wire means there are no mechanical cables controlling the ight control surfaces, its all 1s and 0s
from ight control computers via electronic cabling to servos and cylinders and such. Other than that, GREAT read though.
107. legoboyvdlp - October 9, 2014
I love that 737-100. Looks like it would t in my pocket :D
108. sugenk - October 20, 2014
I would to know about the wing blinking light duration time of Airbus A320. Thank you.
109. dotancohenqqq - November 15, 2014
Beautiful page, thank you! I look forward to your followup post comparng the B787, B747-8, A350 and A380. It has been a
110. Frank - December 6, 2014
Very interesting reading. Interesting facts. When I was younger I had to learn about the dierence between a DC 10 and a
Lockheed L1011. Now I can follow this information and be be+er versed in todays conversations about airplanes. My next step
now is to try to narrow down the airlines that y these particular models
111. Michele - December 14, 2014
Thanks in support of sharing such a pleasant thinking, paragraph is good, thats why i have read it entirely
112. senthil velavan s - December 15, 2014
Your website is really superb.
113. EJK - April 19, 2015
please can you tell what a 340 has a single aixle mid rear under carriage and what a 340 not?
114. Sajid Abdullah - July 6, 2015

30 of 31

08/12/2015 7:40 PM

How to know your Airbus from Boeing | Arun Rajagopal

I have no words to thank you! As a aviation fantic, i had fascination for planes since my childhood.I had probelm in identifying
Boeing and Airbus aircrafts except the SuperJumbos 747 and A380s .Thanks Again! Have a wonderful day!
115. Sai - July 15, 2015
Well collected info HATS OFF!!!! but what about freighters ?How can we dierentiate between them
116. Kosi N. - August 1, 2015
Reblogged this on Thoughts of a Wandering Girl and commented:
Ive always wanted to know the dierences between the planes commercial airlines use and this post has an extensive
explanation of that! After a li+le while, I was able to at least tell the general dierences between Airbus and Boeing. Itll take me
a while to fully understand all the dierent classes and their names, but hey, baby steps!
117. Hans - August 1, 2015
i currently saw a A319 with two emergency exits over the wing.
How to dierentiate now?
118. - August 5, 2015
Appreciation to my father who stated to me about this
webpage, this blog is genuinely awesome.

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