Art Summative Assessment

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Name: Timothy William Chew

Class: 8G
Date: 20/9/1
Teacher: Ms Tia

Ancient Greek

Praxiteles is the most known artist for his Attic sculpture in the 4 th Century
BC. He is the sculptor of the sculpture Aphrodite. He is the first sculptor
to make a life size statue of a nude female.
Aphrodite, she is the Greek goddess of Love, Beauty, pleasure and
It was built in the 4th century BC
The statue of Aphrodite is 158.8 cm in diameter.
The medium used in the statue is Marble and Stones
The colour for this statue is white as it is made from marble and stones.
The statue is very well detailed. You can see how the robe is made, he
managed to make the robe look like its creased.
This is a traditional Greek statue. The artist, Praxiteles used mostly marble
and stone to build this statue. This statue has gestured ambivalently, this
statues are also known as Venus pudica.


Donato di Niccol di Betto Bardi, also known as Donatello is one of the

best Italian sculptors ever born. He was the best before Michelangelo.
Saint Mark, hes a Christian. He has his own statue that is located in
Orsanmichele church in Florence.

The size of the statue is really big, it is 7 feet and 9 inches high.
The sculptor of Saint Mark is made everything from marble.
This sculptor is white in colour as it is made from marble, Donatello
indicated that white means peace.
He used small and precise lines, this is a traditional Italian style. The small
lines is to make it more realistic.
The original statue is in the church itself, the statue is still there. It is
maintained there since it was made in the church

Henry Moore

Henry Moore is an artist from England and is well known for his bronze
Draped Reclining is a bronze sculpture of a woman
It is created in 1956
The size of the Draped Reclining is 6 feet and 7 inches long.
The statue Draped Reclining is made from bronze. Everything is made
from bronze.
The colour of this statue is brown as it is all made from bronze.

Long lines are to make the body of the statue itself. The texture is half of
the statue is rough and has creases. Half of it is smooth.
This sculpture was made because of woman right during the World War 2.
The sculptures is made of bronze because all of his works are make in
bronze that is why the sculpture is brown.
The statue was made in edition of the six cast. (Draped Reclining is the 2 nd
among the six). He made 2 Draped reclining too, the 1 st one is was made
in 1952, the 2nd one was made in 1957.

Ancient Egypt

Thutmose was an ancient Egyptian artist that makes sculpture of

Nefertiti Bust is an ancient Egyptian artist for the royal family during that
time of period.
Sculptures of pharaohs are made 3330 years ago. Statues of pharaoh are
now put in the Egyptian Museum.
The statues are 48 cm tall. It is 20 kg
The statue was made by limestone and stucco
The colour of it is blackish brown. It is made from bronze, it became a little
bit black in colour as the statue had be here in the world for 3000 over
The texture when it is first made is rough, when time passed, the texture
slowly become smoother and smoother.
The statue itself is made from limestone and stucco, these rocks are rough
rocks, throughout the ages, and the statue slowly became smoother and

Ancient Greek and Donatello

Both of them are made from marble
Both of them are made in the olden days. In the past, the statues are not
Both of them use different styles of making but still very realistic.
The statue of Saint Mark is taller than the statue of Aphrodite
Donatello is an Italian artist; Praxiteles is a Greek artist
The statue has different culture, Saint Mark is Italian culture; Praxiteles is
Ancient Greek culture
Ancient Egypt and Henry Moore
Both of them are sculptor in the ancient time
Both of them are brown in colour
The height, Nefertiti Bust is 48 cm tall, Draped Reclining is 6 feet and 7
inches long

Draped Reclining is made in 1956; Nefertiti Bust is made 3300 years ago.
They used different mediums, Nefertiti Bust used limestone and stucco;
Draped Reclining used bronze

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