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[10 marks]
[Time suggested: 15 minutes]
Answer all questions in this paper
The text below is about a forest reserve
Question 1
Read the text below. There are grammatical errors in the text. The errors
have been underlined for you.
Write one word to correct the error in the space provided. An example
has been given. The correct word must not change the meaning of the
The Kota Damansara Community Forest Reserve is part
of the oldest
Forest reserve in peninsular Malaysia. This secondary
e.g. was
forest is gazetted
in 1989. However, it is later de-gazetted and part of it
developed so only
364.8 hectare of the forest reserve remains. The forest
has a lot of exotic
plants. It abundant flora and fauna makes it a popular
hiking destination
for city dwellers. Among the natural beauty for the forest
fascinates hiker include the giant-sized seeds, the oddly(e)
shaped leaves
but the beautifully-coloured insects. Some of the leaves
which have
fallen by the tall trees never fail to stop hikers in their
tracks. These
leaves are so large that hikers stop to taking a photograph (h)
holding one.
Large white mushrooms growing in tree trunks and the
(i) ___on___________
pretty red
Caterpillars are sights to beholded. There is only one trail, (j) ____behold_____
both for hikers
and mountain bikers, through the forest reserve.

( 10 marks)
[30 marks]
[Time suggested: 40 minutes]
Question 2
Read the following text. Then, answer question (a) (j).


on foot

on a river



kite flying
have a


Question 3


Read the brochure below. Then, answer questions (a) (j)

Question (a) (d): Based on the poster, state whether the following
statements are TRUE or
The AFamosa was built on a hill to defend Malacca against
the enemies from China
(1 mark)
The houses on Jalan Hang Jebat were mostly built in the 17th
(1 mark)
The largest Chinese cemetery in China is located in Bukit China
_FALSE___ (1 mark)

Tourist to D-paradise can stay at the resort, enjoy the serene
surrounding and taste the fruits grown there
__FALSE__ (1 mark)
Question (e) (i): Read the brochure carefully and answer the questions
Name the foreign country that once ruled Malacca, as mentioned
in the brochure.
____Portugal___________________________________________________ (1
(f) What can one see at the top of Bukit China?
_One can see many graves at the top of Bukit
China____________________ (1 mark)

Fill in the table with an appropriate word from the brochure.



(i) old objects that have historical and

commercial value
(ii) a huge building or place made to protect
against attacks

(1 mark)
(1 mark)

Why is Jonker Street a paradise for antique collectors and bargain
__Jonker Street is a paradise for antique collectors and bargain hunters
because it is where one can find many authentic artifacts, relics and
interesting collectibles_ (1 mark)
(i) According to the brochure, D-Paradise is unique and one of its kind.
Why is it known as such?
_D-Paradise is unique and one of its kind because it is the only place in
Malaysia that provides a tropical fruit plantation cum retreat setting for
tourists.___________ (1 mark)
(10 marks)

(j) Your friend, Ragupathy is history buff. He is visiting you at the end of
the year. You wish to bring him to visit Malacca during his month long
visit. In about 50 words, write an email to him about some historical
places that would interest him in Malacca.
In your email:
state your pleasure in being his host
talk about Malacca and the places of interest you intend to show
add other relevant information to make you writing interesting

Dear Ragu,
Im very pleased to hear that youre coming over
to Malaysia this December. My family and I are
more than happy to play host. I intend to bring
you to several places in Malacca, is perfect for a
history buff like you. We can visit A Famosa,
Bukit China and Jonker Street. I cant wait for you
to arrive. Take care and see you soon.

[20 marks]
[Time suggested: 20 minutes]
Question 2
Read the passage about the first two Malaysians to conquer Mount Everest.

Read the passage carefully and answer questions (a) (i).

Who were the first two Malaysians to climb Mount Everest
____M. Magendran, a teacher __________________________________
(1 mark)


__ N. Mohandas, an accountant teacher

__________________________ (1 mark)

How many Malaysians took part in the 1997 Everest expedition?
____Twenty______________________________________________________ (1
Besides thick snow, what other obstacles did the two men face
during their climb up Mount Everest?
____strong wind_____________________________________________ (1
____freezing temperatures_____________________________________
(1 mark)
What did the two heroes do after they reached the summit of
Mount Everest?
____They planted the Malaysia flag, the Jalur Gemilang on the mountain
top__ (1 mark)

Fill in the table with appropriate words/phrases from the passage



(i) both men

__the duo_____________
(1 mark)

(ii) the highest point of the mountain

(1 mark)
(iii) given awards

(1 mark)

(iv) die during the climb

(1 mark)

(f) What types of physical training must the mountain climbers undergo as
preparation to climb Mount Everest?
____Endurance and altitude training___________________________________
(1 mark)
How do the climbers ensure safety during the expedition?
____They use proper equipment and
gear_______________________________ (1 mark)

What does Datuk N. Mohandas want the young people to do?
____He wants the young people to go outdoors more to
exercise_____________ (1 mark)
(i) Name two places that young people can enjoy outdoor activities.
_parks, the beach__________________________________________________(2
Question 5
Read the poem below carefully. Then, answer question (a) (d).

What does the phrase energy crushed tell us about the poet?
____It tells us that the poet has lost all his
strength._______________________ (1 mark)
The poet is addressing sons of our ancestor. Who are they?
____They are the present generation __________________________________
(1 mark)
From the third stanza, we know that the poet believes in the
strength of unity. Which phrase tells us that?
____The phrase erect a wall of people________________________________
(1 mark)

State a lesson that you have learnt from the poets actions.


____(suggested answer) I learnt that sacrifices and suffering in life are

worth it if I am doing it for a great cause or to achieve something
priceless________________ (2 marks)

[5 marks]
[40 marks]
[Time suggested: 45 minutes]
Question 6
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.
You are a resident of Pekan Baru. With the help of the pictures and notes,
write an article for the newsletter of the Town Council in Pekan Baru on ways
to reduce pollution.


In your article, you should:

use all the notes given
elaborate on the notes to make it more interesting
give one other suggestion to reduce pollution
make sure your article is between 120 to 150 words



[30 marks]
Question 7


The following are the novels studied in the Literature Component is English
1. Around the World in 80 Days
2. How I Met Myself
3. The Railway Children

Jules Verne
David A. Hill
Edith Nesbitt (retold by John

Based on one of the novels above, write about a character you like.
Why do you like this character?
Support your answer with evidence from the novel.
Write your answer:
in not less than 50 words
in continuous writing (not in note form)
[10 marks]

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