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Gmail - dNPY financing request for assistance 193 I68&view=pt&q=Wy..

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dNPV financing request for assistance

3 messages

M <> Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 2:28 PM

To: "Gautreaux, Mary (Wyden)" <>

Bec: "Berick, Dave (Wyden)" <>,, . . . . . .

• E'

Mary Gautreaux- Deputy Director, Senator Wyden


This link is from April 2009 during the townhall where you and I met face to face for the first time, though I had
been in contact with you and your staff previously.!watch?v=BNu240PjnT9

As you know, you and I were supposed to get directly on this issue back when CREBs were available in 2009.
Senator Wyden is on record supporting the proposal but asking us to work it up. ----- what happened to this
forward momentum?

I visited Senator Wyden's office while I was in Washington DC in August 2009 because at the time I was
representing another municipality with a pending ZESC (Holly Springs, MS). However, on the strength of
Senator Wyden's promise, Councilor Hartmann of Troutdale also visited Washington DC during the same period
in tandem with a business trip. Mr. Berick assured Councilor Hartmann of Senator's Wyden's support and
particularly the willingness of Senator Wyden to work with our conservative Senator to achieve standard energy
financing treatment (bi-partisan cooperation). The conservative Senator from Mississippi (Senator Wicker)
performed. Then, as you witnessed, Mary, I again traveled to meet Senator Wyden (eastern Oregon) and
placed both of the conservative Senator's iletters directly into Senator Wyden's hands.

We are looking for the bi-partisan cooperation your team promised us all in Washington.

As you know from the 3-track financing plan (1st attached, provided to you five months ago), the object wasn't
only to finance the facilities (we had mechanisms in many directions to do that) but to also create a sustainable
economic system - renewable energy is no more sustainable than fossil energy if the revenues are drained
from the local economy rather than allowing a portion of revenues to return.

As your team has tracked the progress of our proposals through the DOE, the Treasury and now the USDA and
know that the proposals are now in negotiation at the level of the Federal Financing Bank and the officials above
the Federal Programs (your team was copied), I am asking when Senator Wyden will be able to perform and
provide the Oregon facility (see second attached) with his endorsement for standard energy (dNPV
financing) treatment which, in turn, will allow some revenues to return to the people. According to our 3
track plan, there are many ways to return revenues to the people, but your team has not forwarded those
mechanisms yet and each opportunity closes in time. Mr. Berick's team in Washington stated that Senator
Wyden's Washington DC office had prepared but did not execute the endorsement letter, though the Oregon
City's LOI was provided exactly as Mr. Berick requested (third attached), and so CREBs were not awarded.
Mr. Berick was aware that the engineering certificate came with support from our nation's top physicist from our
nation's top military laboratory (your team, again, was copied, on those communications with the USDA and the
2007 DOE hearing transcripts). The lack of CREB-award causes the opportunities for revenue for the
municipalities to constrict (one of the 3 tracks, shot). Without your assistance, the City of Wood Village will

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Gmail - dNPV financing request for assistance 193168&view=pt&q=Wy..

obtain the jobs which is good, but what about the opportunity to obtain a portion of net-revenues? What about
the Reynolds school children who are looking to obtain funds from this source as well (4th attached),
remembering, that the school district directly asked for the Senator's help (5th and 6th attached)? Why hasn't
your office responded to Councilor Hartmann's direct request for immediate contact (forwarded email)?

What the municipalities/district will not readily understand unless explicitly clarified is that a reverse repurchase
transaction upon 3rd party assets (Which has been agreed) is not dNPV financing (what we were asking for),
secured though they both are. Neither transaction involves federal program funds and neither uses public
bonds. If the Senator doesn't request standard energy (dNPV financing) treatment. the facility will stiO finance
the other way and employment, industry and energy will have their boost, but the public/school children will get
comparatively little/nothing and the ZESC's goal to inject certain net-revenue assignments back into the
community will be largely voided.

My responsibility is to demonstrate to the parties that I hav~ consistently requested the Senator's already­
negotiated performance and done all in my power to honor the original proposal to send revenues back to the
public/school children.

The Senator asked me to work with you, Mary, and I believe the record is now long-established that
demonstrates that I have approached in every reasonable way_ I have written short drafts, long drafts, working
drafts and I have sent them in and walked them in. Your staff will certainly vouch that every approach was
friendly, professional and efficient. So, my question today is to ask your office to please tell me how you would
like to provide the Senator's endorsement of standard energy (dNPV financing) treatment so that the public can
obtain certain revenues in the manner proposed by the ZESC?

Senator Wyden is on the record supporting all that we are asking for and promising to help me, the investors,
and the people. I see this as a small staff communication breakdown that can be easily fixed. I know we all
want good things for the community.


Marni Zollinger

On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 6:35 PM, David Hartmann <dhartmann@ci.troutdale.or us> wrote:
Dear Senator Wyden (and staff)

As a representative of Troutdale, I have a duty to represent the growing economic and development needs of
our community. These needs run deep into our community, and have not changed since I last visited your
office last summer. In fact, Troutdale is facing evermore depleting revenue streams than a year ago, and
more jobs are at stake for our staff. This means fewer services can be provided to meet the continued basic
safety and infrastructure needs.

Over the past year, developers, and particularly Wind and ZESC developers have courted our city.
Additionally compounding is the recent departure of solar manufacturer XsunX from Wood Village, who spent
two years struggling to get the needed funding, just to find out they were denied, and as a result closed their
Wood Village operations and the anticipated/ needed jobs were lost. In spirit of survival during these
challenging times, program applications have been sent, letters of intent have been issued, and growing
community support has continued the call for representation. With this understanding and in the absence of
full BTU Parity, I need the assistance promised in April 2009 to ensure performance of our federal agencies in
the success of these technology developers; these developers represent the future of America, and can help
to provide operational revenues, educational opportunities, and provide environmental stewardship/cleanup
within our region.

Troutdale has support from five members of my council, including the voice of the Mayor, from a vote three
months ago to acquire your support. I also have an Endorsement made up of the majority of ·council in
support of BTU Parity as they understand the problem renewable developers face in obtaining the necessary
investors. I attached the necessary records of the LOI, BTU Parity Endorsement, and local communications

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from developers and regional partners who need your support and will benefit from your representation of

Three different projects stand to benefit from your BTU Parity and active endorsement and as you know, there
isn't any job in America that isn't affected by energy prices. Many businesses are failing each day that could
be rescued by more affordable energy costs, and proper funding of energy projects. We cannot move too
quickly to correct this situation.

Your commitment last April was the inspiration and basis for my hundreds of hours of community work
towards assisting the challenges facing renewables. The knowledge we have and the concerns we face can
only be met with matched conviction by local and federal leaders for BTU Parity - I will continue to build this

I cannot emphasize how important it is for your staff to call me to discuss your earliest meeting times
to support these opportunities. A year has passed since you committed and Troutdale began the
journey to assist the developers through Washington's agencies. Our community's success
depends on your support.

One final note; testimonial support for BTU Parity at City Council last Tuesday included a presented by a retired
resident offering a dollar to combat the Lobby Money of the energy industry that continues monopoly-like control
through disparate federal tax and financing treatment. She called her dollar People Money. If I could send you
your part of that dollar as an attachment, I would! The People are still stronger than the lobbies when we join
forces, we have an opportunity to show that and restore constituents' faith in government - with a dollar.

Please, we must answer the American call for energy independence and for jobs with your demonstration of
open access. It will be an honor to work together on this for our developers, local sustainability, regional
environmental stewardship, and work opportunities for college graduates of Mount Hood Community College
and PSU.

I await the call to arrange this meeting.

Warmest regards,

Councilor David Hartmann

(971) 570-3021 direct

6 attachments

;""'1 OR_Wyden_3trackfinancingdescription.pdf
u 55K
"'''' OR_WoodVillage_WelcomesZESC.pdf
:.-J 890K



""-.. OR_Reynolds_Request2Hartmann4$Assistance.pdf
-.J 33K

",'I OR_Wyden_requestparity2.pdf
':-J 628K

[11"1 OR_Wyden_December14request.pdf
u 75K

M <> Tue, Mar 23,2010 at 11:18 AM

To:, . . . . .

30f6 5/12/2010 8:35 p~

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