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May, 2010
Peter Jes Kohler
6207 Moore Hall Phone: 603-646-6476
Dartmouth College E-mail:
Hanover, NH 03755 Web:

Porter, K.B., G.P. Caplovitz, C.M. Ackerman, P.J. Kohler, P.U. Tse (2010). Rotational
and translational motion interact independently with form. (Under Review).
Kohler, P.J., G.P. Caplovitz, P.-J. Hsieh, J. Sun, & Tse, P.U. (2010). Motion fading is
driven by perceived, not actual angular velocity. In Vision Research, 50 (1086–
Kohler, P.J., G.P. Caplovitz & P.U. Tse (2009). The whole moves less than the spin of
its parts. In Attention, Perception & Psychophysics 71 (4) (675-679).
Mala, H., M.R. Castro, J. Knippel, P.J. Kohler, P. Lassen & J. Mogensen (2008).
Therapeutic effects of a restraint procedure on posttraumatic place learning in
fimbria-fornix transected rats. In Brain Research 1217 (221-231).

Kohler, P.J., S.V. Fogelson, E.A. Reavis, J.S. Guntupalli & P.U. Tse. The Relationship
Between Multivariate Pattern Classification Accuracy and Hemodynamic Response
Level in Visual Cortical Areas. At Vision Sciences Society Meeting 2010, Naples,
Kohler, P.J., G.P. Caplovitz & P.U. Tse. The whole moves less than the spin of its parts.
At Vision Sciences Society Meeting 2009, Naples, FL.

September 2008 -
Ph.D. – student at Psychology and Brain Sciences Department of Dartmouth
College, New Hampshire. Advisor: Peter U. Tse, Ph.D.
September 2007 – June 2008
Exchange visit at Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, taking classes towards my
Master’s degree in Psychology at the Department of Psychology, University of
September 2004 – July 2007
Bachelor’s degree in Psychology at the Department of Psychology, University of
Copenhagen. Grade Point Average 9.9.
June 2002
Mathematical graduate of Esbjerg Statsskole. Grade point average 9.8.
Work experience
January 2007 - June 2007
Student Instructor in Cognitive Psychology at the Department of Psychology,
University of Copenhagen.
Tutor at the Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen
October 2004 – October 2005
Translator for ’Familieværkstedet’, Esbjerg Kommune. Translation of texts by Michael
White, Barnett Pearce, Carey & Russell and others from English to Danish. In total I
have translated more than 250 pages.

Volunteer work
November 2005 – April 2006
Research Assistant at Unit for Cognitive Neuroscience, Department of Psychology,
University of Copenhagen. Approximately 28 hours per week (See
February 2005 -
Project assistant at Project Neuropilot.
October 2004 –
Member of the editorial staff at Indput – the magazine at Psychology. Editor from
June 2005.

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