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Question No.1: Distinguish between training, education, learning and
development. Training is the vital domain of HRD. Discuss



1. Impart skills, impart skills, attitude adopt skills, Adopt skills, attitude
attitude and and knowledge for attitude and and knowledge for
knowledge for application to life knowledge that application to a future
direct application impacts future role.
to a task or job. behavior
2. Training is event Education is the Learning is a Development is a
specific, of short formal phase of behavioral process larger canvass which
term duration and learning described which is envisages
with focused above. It is a continuous from modification of
objectives. combination of both birth to death. It is behavior and
Example: training training and mostly informal, personality. For
for selling skills, development. The but there could be example we can have
training to operate texts we study, the formal phases as a project to develop
a specific assignments we well. From the leadership skills of
production system perform are part of learning to talk, a selected group of
or process etc. the formal training walk, run etc, to persons. This may
Training is phase, while the learning to operate involve formal
FORMAL. changes in our a computer, fly a training sessions also
attitudes, values, plane to learning to but is more expanded
behavior and culture socialize, to lead a and deeper than
are the informal, group, to move an training. Development
developmental part. idea....the list is is mostly INFORMAL
infinite and and at a behavioral
touches upon all plan.
that we acquire
from birth to

3. Training increases Education is growth Learning is a Development is a

knowledge and oriented and relatively broader term. Growth
skills for doing a complementary in permanent change oriented enabling the
particular job. nature. in behavior employees to attain
Bridges the gap Scope of training is brought about as a higher positions. IT is
between the limited by its result of some aimed at the senior
desired and the objectives. In experience. It is a level managers. A
actual knowledge, contrast education covert activity. continuous and
skills and behavior lacks the specificity ongoing process and
required to carry of training. the result of internal
out a job. job motivation
oriented and
vocational in
4. Training is Education, Learning is the Development is
concerned with the primarily, involves process of concerned with a
teaching of the presentation of acquiring broader subject
specific, factual, material by the knowledge or skill matter
narrow - scoped faculty to students through study, of a conceptual or
subject matter and who are learning experience or theoretical nature and
skills. It is a about the subject teaching. It is a the development
formal matter. The material process that of personal attitudes.
classroom learning being studied is depends on
activities. fundamentally well experience and
known material. leads to long-term
changes in
behavior potential.
5. Reid and According to Reid Development can Development is
Barrington (2001), and Barrington be considered the training people to
define training as a (2001) education forefront of what acquire new horizons,
planned process to aims at developing many now call the technologies, or
modify KSA in all aspects of Learning viewpoints. It enables
knowledge, skill life rather than a Organization. leaders to guide their
behavior or knowledge or skill organizations onto
attitudes (KSA) relating to only a new expectations by
through learning limited field of the being proactive rather
experience to activity. In a job than reactive. It
achieve effective situation education is enables workers to
performance in an training people to do create better products,
activity or a range a different job. It is faster services, and
of activities. Its often given to people more competitive
purpose in the who have been organizations.
work situation is to identified as being
develop the promotable, being
abilities of the considered for a new
individual and to job either lateral or
satisfy the current upward, or to
and future needs of increase their
the organization. potential.

Question No.2: Explain different methods of on-the-job training and off-the-

job training. Write advantages and disadvantages of each method. As an HR
manager, which training method would you employ for?
1. Accountant
2. Marketing manager
3. Production manager
4. Welder
5. Call Center Executive
6. Head- Sales
7. Personal secretary to President
8. Marketing executive
9. Makeup artist
10. Teaching assistant
11. Quality assurance manager
12. Bank Manager (10 years experience)


Method of on-the- job training:

The some of the following methods are:
 Coaching
 Job Rotation
 Special Project
 Committee Assignments

This is learning through on-the-job experience. Coaching involves direct personal
instruction and guidance usually with demonstration and continues critical evaluation and
correction. On-the-job coaching is given by a superior as he teaches job knowledge and skills to
The coaching method offers certain advantage:
 It provides an opportunity to a trainee to develop himself.
 It provides quick feedback to the trainee as well as trainer of what they lack and what
measures can be taken to overcome their shortcomings.

Job Rotation:
Job rotation is a mean for management development offer certain positive
contributions. It allows the manager to appreciate the intricacies involved in different jobs how
their own jobs are affected by such intricacies. Further, managers may be develop broader
horizon and prospective of generalist rather than the narrower of a specialist. The trainee is
periodically rotated from job to job so that he acquires a general background of different job.

Special Project:
Under this method, a trainee is assigned a project that closely related to the
objectives of his department. The trainee will study the problem and make recommendations
upon it.

Committee Assignments:
Under this method, an ad hoc committee is constituted and assigned a subject to
discuss and make recommendations. The committee will make a study of problem and present its
suggestions to the departmental head. The trainees have to work together and offer solutions to
the problem. This method helps trainee to solve an actual organizational problem.
The advantage of committee is to helps trainee develop team spirit and work together
towards common goals.

Off-the-job training:
Some of the off-job training methods are following:
 Role playing
 Case Study
 Conference Trainee
 Management Game
 T Group Training
 In-basket Exercise
 Syndicate method
 Multi-Management
 Special Courses

Role Playing:
Role playing as method of learning that involves human interaction in an imaginary
situation. In drama and play, actors play a various roles where in the assume themselves to be
person whose role they play. Similar is the case in role playing training where the trainee is given
a role to play.

Case Study:
Case study method of learning has the following objective:
 It introduces realism into formal instruction.
 It develops the decision making ability in trainee.
 Ti develops a cooperative approach and independent thinking in work related situations.
 It demonstrates various types of goal, fact and conditions obtained from real
organizational setting.

Conference Training:
In this method, the trainer delivers a lecture and involves the trainee in a discussion
so that doubts, if any, are clarified. The conference method is a group-centered approach where
there is clarification of ideas, communication of procedures and standard to the trainees. Trainee
as a member can learn from other.

Management Games:
A management game is class room exercise in which team of students compete
against each other to achieve common objectives. The Game designed to be a close
representation of real-life condition.

T Group Training:
It is an exercise of interpersonal relationships which result in change in feeling and
attitude towards oneself and others. In sensitive training, a small group of ten to twelve people is
assisted by a professional behavioral scientist who acts as a catalyst and trainee for the group.

In-basket Exercise:
Also called ‘In-tray’ method of training, it is built around the ‘incoming mail’ of
manager. In this method, the participant is given a number of business papers such a memoranda,
report and telephone message that would typically come manager’s desk. One method is to
present exercise to trainee and note his reaction.

Syndicate Method:
This method is refers to management development technique where in group of
trainees consisting 8-10 members in each group are involved in analysis of problem. Each group
given a brief about the problem. These are then evaluated by group members with the help of the
trainer. This enables the trainees to develop decision making skills.

Also known as ‘Junior-Board of executive’, it is system in which permanent
advisory committee are constituted to study problem of the organizations and made
recommendations to top level management. In multi-management, the constituted committee
discuss actual problem and offer alternative solutions. The recommendations are made based on
the best alternative.

Special Courses:
The executives may be required to attend special course, which formally organized
by enterprise with the help of experts from educational institutions.

On-the-job training required bodies:

1. Welder
2. Production manager
3. Marketing executive
4. Makeup artist
5. Accountant

Off-the-job training required bodies:

1. Marketing manager
2. Call Center Executive
3. Head- Sales
4. Personal secretary to President
5. Teaching assistant
6. Quality assurance manager
7. Bank Manager (10 years experience)

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