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May 17th, 2016

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday Noon
May 24, 2016
Soda Center, SMC
PROGRAM: Mike Toy, Customer
Greeter and Invocator Herb Wehmeyer

Angelo Costanza spun the wheel for his

recent two week vacation in Hawaii. To
add to his enjoyment, Angelo attended a
makeup meeting during his trip.
Kevin Reneau also spun the wheel for
his daughters graduation from TCU. She
graduated Magna Cum Laude
Gary Irwin offered a High $5 for the
clubs support of last weekends
Community Faire.


*May 31 Club Assembly re: 16-17 Club Budget

*June 7 Dave Luebkeman of Plant with Purpose
**June 14th Gary and Carol Irwin, In Search of WhalesAntarctica
* June 21 Hafiz Haideri Flying Kites in Kabul
*Regular Noon Meeting

** Second Tuesday Evening

President Roger opened the meeting.
Our invocation, some memorable advice
from graduation addressses, was
provided by Frank May, who also lead us
in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Guests this week included:
Diane Hardy Director of Project
Management, St. Marys College
and one of our speakers today.
Tim Farley Director of
Community and Government
Relations, St. Marys College and
also one of our speakers today.
Diego Rios Graduating Senior,
St. Marys College

Herb Wehmeyer tithed $10 for his golf

earnings this week.
Gary Irwin was happy a second time for
his success on the golf course. He also
thanked Barb Bruner for the loan of her
van for the Community Faire.
Barbara Bruner is happy about her
daughters recovery from surgery.
Announcements and Other Business
Rotary Field Day 2016
Tony Schoemehl announced that 324
students participated in our field day this
year. He indicated that next year he
plans to add a trophy for the school with
the most medals.
Tony thanked everyone that helped. A
copy of his detailed results may be found
at the end of this newsletter.

~Paul Harris Fellow Award Presented

to Tim Farley~

the Grant Request as the President

Elect was A nice touch.

A surprised Tim Farley from St. Marys

College received a Paul Harris Fellow
award today from Moraga Rotary. The
award was presented to him by Angelo
Costanza. Tim has worked with our club
for many years providing facilities and
support for our efforts!! Congratulations,
Tim, on this well deserved award.

~Some Thank You Notes~

Dustin Espinoza, a current student at St.
Marys sent the club the following thank
you note for receiving this years St.
Marys Rotary Scholarship.

Angelo Costanza, Tim Farley and President Raj.

~FAB 5 Presidents Meeting~

An update from President Raj:
Last Thursday there was a joint
meeting of the Fab Five Rotary Club
Presidents and PEs at Mark Roberts,
the Assistant Governors home. Ken
Courville the District 5160 Governor
showed up and in a side conversation
with Kevin Reneau and I he said our All
Abilities Playground Grant Request was
received and was very well written. He
led us to believe it would likely be
approved. Kudos to Kevin our
spearhead and District Grant writer!
Incidently, Ken said that having Cliff sign

President Roger also passed around an

email thank you message from
Shelterbox thanking the club for our
recent $2000 donation to suuport their
efforts in Ecuador.
~District 5160 Spring Assembly~
Here is an update from President Roger
concerning the assembly held in Benecia
this past weekend.
The Rotary District 5160 Spring District
Assembly also this past Saturday was
well attended. I believe there were about
250 District 5160 Rotarians there at the
Benicia High School. The high school

was a new venue for the conference

and Id call it bare bones. Seating was
stools in the cafeteria and there was no
Wi-Fi but the rental was only $100. The
previous venue at Solano Community
College used to be free but a new, nonRotarian administrator elevated the fee
to $4000 for the half day event. I
attended one hour sessions on Club
Boards, Club Secretary duties and
Grants & Projects. A lot of attention was
given to the fact that next year marks
the 100th anniversary of the Rotary
Roger also mentioned that Dan Dahlen,
Past President of Moraga Rotary who
passed away recently, was honored in a
tribute to Rotarians we have lost during
the past year.
Diego Rios addressed the club
thanking everyone for all of their support
during his four years at St. Marys
Diego graduates from St.
Marys this weekend. Best of luck going
forward, Diego!!

~Other Announcements~
Kevin Reneau offered an update on
Ron Julian who has been hospitalized
for a pulminory condition. He is back
home now and improving. He continues
to need home care.
Ballots were handed out and turned in
with our member votes for Rotarian of
the Year 2016. The award winner will be
announced at the Demotion Dinner next
Debbie Roessler and Dave Kruegel
are representing Moraga Rotary at the
Rotary International Convention in
Seoul, Korea and Debbie will also tour
Japan and China. We wish them an
enjoyable trip and Give Our regards
to Seoul. We hope Lou, who stayed at
home, is dusting and vacuuming and
working on his car.
This Thursday at 7:00 pm we will present
our Moraga Rotary Scholarships to two
students. The Mary Elena Dochterman,
$1500 award goes to Andrew Kondrich
and the Club scholarship, $1000, goes to
Hope Leng.
President Raj is looking for a volunteer
host for the TGIF Social for May. Give
Raj a call if you can open up your home
to the club. on May 27th.
~Moraga Community Faire~
A tremendous thank you to all Rotarians
who helped make our booth at last
Saturdays Community Faire a big

Diego Rios Thanking the Club

Here is a list of volunteers - Sorry if I left

anyone out: Gary Irwin, Herb
Wehmeyer, John Erickson, Tony
Schoemehl, Kevin Reneau, Debbie
Roessler, Louise Schopke, Evie
Michon, and Frank May.

friends and neighbors and handing out a

lot of free popcorn.

Debbie Roessler and Frank May at the Community Faire

Louise at the Community Faire

We were also joined by Dave Kemnitz

from Clayton/Concord Rotary talking about
our Clunkers4Charity program. They
talked to a lot of folks and handed out
cards advertising our new website to
donate vehicles.

On Saturday, June 18th the District

Bocce Ball Tournament is scheduled
at the Martinez Bocce Courts. Captain
Angelo reports we have 4 teams this
year. A practice session is scheduled
on Wednesday June 8th at 9AM.
Contact Angelo Costanza if you have
any questions or would like to compete
for Moraga Rotary.


Our speakers today were Tim Farley and
Diane Hardy from St. Marys College
talking about the College Master Plan.
Tim and Diane were introduced by
President Raj.

Debbie and Evie Talking to Faire Attendee

A special thank you to event chair, Gary

Irwin. We had a great time greeting our

Phase 2 projects include:

Baseball stadium
Current stadium upgrade
Theatrical academy
Chapel green roundabout.

More information can be found on the St.

Marys website at

Diane and Tim After Their Presentation

Diane started by indicating that the plan

included both new projects and facilities
as well as modernizing existing space.
The plan is made of two phases. The first
is scheduled to complete by 2023 with
Phase 2 going through 2030. Phase 1
projects are more completely defined at
this point.
Phase 1 Projects Include:
New library and collaborative
learning center
Parking deck
Re-purpose the old library
A renovated basketball facility
A secondary ingress/egress from
the campus
Residential improvements
The old Madigan athletic facility
A new student center
Entry roundabout
Tennis court restoration.
The meeting ended with the raffle being
won by Angelo Costanza. The grand
prize eluded our bocce ball champ. He
went home with a $10 prize.
June 8 Bocce Ball Practice Session
June 18 District Bocce Ball Challenge
June 28 Demotion party dinner
Aug 5-7 OMPA swim meet food booth
Sep 21 Chamber of Commerce mixer (sponsor)
Mar 24-26, 2017 District Conference

Weekly Reminder
Someone asked me to join Rotary who
have I ever asked?


President.Roger Gregory
President-elect ..........Kevin Reneau
Past President.Debbie Roessler
Secretary.... .Kevin Reneau
Treasurer.... Lad Lynch
Community Service Chair......Barbara Bruner
New Generations... ...Rich Render
International Service Chair..Tony Schoemehl
Public Relations ...Gary Irwin
Membership........Frank May
Director at Large...John Erickson
Director at Large..Marv Ellenberg
Director at Large Cliff Dochterman
Director at Large ...Linda May
President, Rotary InternationalRavi Ravindran
District Governor.Ken Courville
Assistant District Governor..Mark Roberts
May Editor Frank May

Future Greeters/Invocators
May 24 Herb Wehmeyer

List of upcoming programs:

June 7th Dave Luebkeman of Plant with Purpose - noon at the Soda Center
June 14th evening at the Soda Center Gary & Carol Irwin In Search of Whales
- Antarctica
June 21st Hafiz Haideri Kite Flying in Kabul noon at the Soda Center
June 28th Evening, 6:00 pm at the Soda Center, Claeys Hall Demotion Dinner
Moraga Rotary Board meetings: (All Tuesdays @ 5:00 pm in the Trinity Center at the Serbian
Orthodox Church on School Street):
June 21st

July 19th

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