The Spektator Issue 10

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THE Spektator №10 May 2010

Your monthly guide to what’s happening in and around Bishkek

Diary of a
The Rubies of
. .
Tourist Map What’s On Restaurant Guide
0312 66 40 79
Boulevard Erkindik 27

ContentsThe Spektator Magazine

The Rubies of Badakshan
A mild winter has allowed for early
travel to and around the Pamir region of
Tajikistan - a once in a lifetime chance
that no visitor to Central Asia should

pass up.

Editor-in-Chief: Tom Wellings

Diary of a Revolution 18
Tom Wellings chronicles the series of
Managing Editor: Chris Rickleton events across the country that led to
( the ouster of Kyrgyzstan’s former presi-
dent Kurmanbek Bakiev. Features a
Staff writers: Alex Ward (alexward@ post-coup White House rummage with, Robert Marks Patrick Barrow.
Andreas Hedfors, Natalya Wells,
Patrick Barrow, Pavel Kropotkin This Month
Anthony Butts (anthonybutts@ News and Views
Trawling the ruins of a revolution, we bring 4
Guest Contributor: Ethan Zuckerman you all the latest news from Kyrgyzstan.

Design: Alena Krivyh The Bakievs of Bloomfield Road

Chris Rickleton on the paper trail of a 8
deposed clan, and their bizarre link with a
Advertising Manager: Irina Kasymova second-rate English football club.

Out & About

Grab the Goat
A Hemingway-esque look at a sport well
known all over the formerly nomadic
steppe lands of Central Asia: buzkashi.
Ethan Zuckerman reports on the rise and
rise of local citizen media portal

The Guide
Restaurants, Bars, Clubs
All the best bars and clubs in town.
City Map
Don’t get lost. 25
Want to contribute as a freelance
What’s On
The pick of the entertainment listings.
writer? Please contact: Adverts
Beat rival goat-grabbers to a pulp by
putting your name in the Spektator.

ON THE COVER: Chopendoz compete over a

decapitated goat in a game of buzkashi (C.Wetham)
The Spektator Magazine is available at locations throughout Bishkek, including: (Travel Agencies) Adventure Seller, Ak-Sai Travel, Carlson Wagonlit, Celestial Mountains, Ecotour, Glavtour,Kyrgyz Concept,
Kyrgyz Travel, Muza, NoviNomad (Bars & Restaurants) Cowboy, Hollywood, Metro, New York Pizza, No1, 2x2, Boulevard, Coffeehouse, Doka, Fatboy’s, Four Seasons, Live Bar, Lounge Bar,
Meri, Navigator, Stary Edgar’s Veranda, Adriatico, Cyclone, Dolce Vita, Santa Maria, Golden Bull (Casinos) Europa, Golden Dragon, XO (Hotels) Dostuk, Hyatt, Golden Dragon, Holiday,

Alpinist (Embassies and Organisations) The UN building, The American base, The German Embassy, The Dutch Consulate, CAMP Ala-too, NCCR, The Bishkek Opera & Ballet Society.
The Spektator is now online at
4 This Month
In the wake of looting, the disabled sieze an opportunity
BISHKEK, 22 Apr (Eurasianet) - Not too long ago
the vaulted, shiny red roofs were the object of both
envy and scorn. It is widely believed that they be-
longed to Maxim Bakiev, the wealthy son of Kyr-
gyzstan’s recently ousted leader, Kurmanbek Bak-
iev. An angry mob ransacked the home on April 7,
looting the property before setting part of it ablaze.
But now, two weeks later, the house is the scene of a
grassroots experiment in social justice.
As the provisional government tries to foster
stability following the early April upheaval that
brought down the Bakiev administration, Maxim’s
compound, once the subject of folkloric tales of
decadence, has become home to a group of disa-
bled squatters. They harbor aspirations of turning
the property into a shelter and work center. A spray-
painted sign across the makeshift gate reads, “Disa-
bled Against Marauding.”
A handful of civil society organizations, includ- Above Disabled squatters on Maxim Bakiev’s front lawn (photo Dalton Bennett)
ing the Kyrgyz Republic Society of Disabled Persons
and the Union of Young Disabled of Chui Oblast, Despite widespread community support, the squatters from using the current instability to claim
seized control of the property the morning after the occupation is illegal under Kyrgyz law. And amid property. But it has also called the future of Maxim’s
president fled. Maxim was out of the country when the ongoing lawlessness, some question the sei- house and the disabled center into question.
the unrest erupted and has not returned. He is now zure. Across the street, one bystander, requesting “This house has come under the power of the
wanted in Kyrgyzstan for suspected money laun- anonymity, said; “I never supported Bakiev, but he people. If we unite, our future lives as disabled citi-
dering and fraud. [For background see the Eurasia legally bought this home over 10 years ago. No zens will be easier. Together, time is on our side,” said
Insight archive]. matter who they are, if the government gives them volunteer Daniyar Aidaraliev, who is crutch-bound
In Kyrgyzstan, individuals with disabilities often the property, it is breaking Kyrgyz law.” because of a childhood battle with polio.
struggle to find work. Monthly pensions of roughly Because of property disputes resulting from As they wait, the clotheslines stretching across
$15 leave many unable to keep pace with the in- the power vacuum following Bakiev’s exodus, on the perfectly manicured lawn indicate that these
crease in the cost of living. “If we get this land, we April 12 the interim government placed a morato- new occupants do not intend to leave the property
want to create not just a shelter for the disabled, but rium on the transfer of private property until June anytime soon.
a place of work for the handicapped who struggle 1. The decree was aimed at stopping looters and
to find jobs,” said Muratbek Saparbekov from the
Union of Young Disabled. Saparbekov lost his legs in
an electrical accident and now assists handicapped
Bakiev in brief
children to find education and employment.
“A life unemployed and homeless left us with
no future. We went to Kurmanbek Bakiev but the
Kurmanbek’s new calling? Bakiev blames the Russians
government ignored us. They always promised MOSCOW, April 23 (Interfax) - Kyrgyzstan’s Ex- MINSK, Apr 23 (Al Jazeera) - Kurmanbek Bak-
things, but we never got anything. After trying for president Kurmanbek Bakiev said he does not iev has said that Russian anger at his decision
five years, we took what is ours,” said Amantur Ilikbe- want to be president any more, and plans to to extend the lease on a US air base was a factor
kov, a wheelchair-bound man from Sokuluk. settle in a former Soviet republic and start a toy in his overthrow. Speaking from the Belarussian
Over 200 members of the disabled community business. capital of Minsk, where he is in exile, Bakiev said
in Bishkek have gathered to assist with securing and “To be honest, I feel very tired after all that he had annoyed Russia by allowing the air base
cleaning up the property, removing the smashed has happened. Even if I were dragged into the to continue operating. Recalling a conversation
vodka bottles and other refuse left by looters. The presidential chair I would say: “I’ve had enough, he had had with Putin and Medvedev, Bakiev
occupants of the house have collected a list of 362 guys. Bring in fresh people and fresh blood,” said: “They told me ‘this annoys us.’”
individuals who would benefit from the transfer of Bakiev said in an interview with Ruskiy Reporter
the property and its conversion into a work center
and shelter.
magazine, posted on its website.
The former Kyrgyz president said he does
Rare animals discovered in
Since they took control of the property, on not want to lecture students at universities, like ex-president’s private zoo
any given day 20 to 30 handicapped individuals Askar Akayev did after he was removed from
office by Bakiyev supporters in 2005. However, BISHKEK, Apr 24 (BBC) - A pair of snow leop-
call it home. Within one garage, eight beds for the
Bakiev went on to claim: “I am a very energetic ards and two bear cubs were among the ex-
disabled homeless line the walls. In another area, a
person and I can’t just sit back doing nothing. otic animals found in the private zoo of ousted
makeshift kitchen stocked with donated foodstuff
Thank God, I am in good health. So I hope I will Kyrgyzstan President Kurmanbek Bakiev.
serves warm meals including soups and rice.
find a fitting job. Production is something that A golden eagle, two falcons, four African
On a recent, sunny day, as curious onlookers
appeals to me. I am a creator. I love making peacocks, an African ostrich and several In-
walked in and out to catch a glimpse of the ousted
things and hate crushing and destroying them. dian ducks were also found in the zoo at the
president’s son’s house, volunteers in wheelchairs
I will probably start a business and make con- family home in the southern Jalalabad region.
collected signatures on a petition seeking the trans-
sumer goods,” Bakiev said. Investigators found the collection when
fer of property rights. So far, more than 1,500 indi-
“Toys, for instance. Toys will make chil- they raided the estate after Mr Bakiev fled the
viduals have signed the petition.
dren happy. I could make non-hazardous country. He is now in Belarus.
“I don’t mind if they take Maxim’s property. The
toys that would develop their intellect and “The prosecutors are considering meas-
money he took from the country could have been
bring smiles to their faces” the former Kyrgyz ures to evacuate those animals for their pro-
spent on helping these people,” a supporter calling
president said. tection,” the prosecutor general’s office said.
himself Alexei told

May 2010 The Spektator

This Month 5
Kyrgyz leaders struggle with land wars Kyrgyz film to be shown at
ASYL OSMONALIEVA Cannes Film Festival
BISHKEK, Apr 22 (IWPR) - The new government in the violence, assisted by the “Patriots”, a volunteer
BISHKEK, Apr 26 ( - Svet-Ake or The
Kyrgyzstan is under pressure to restore law and or- civilian force, and arrested more than 100 people.
Light Thief by Kyrgyz director Aktan Arym Kubat
der after violent clashes over land near the capital They say order has now been restored.
is to be shown at the 63rd Cannes Film Festival,
Bishkek. The following day, April 20, there was another
which will run from 12 to 23 May.
Although the land invasions are an anarchic outbreak of land seizures, but this time the action
The film will be shown in Russian during
free-for-all driven by genuine grievances, some went off peacefully. A group of people, including
Directors’ Fortnight, a section of the festival
analysts suspect there is a degree of coordination, families with children and elderly people, marked
with an international flavour that runs parallel
possibly by diehard opponents of the new regime. out plots of land with ropes, and set up tents to
to the main competition. According to Gulbara
The Kyrgyz interior ministry said five people underline their intention to stay. No violence was
Tolomusheva, a Kyrgyz film critic, the appear-
died and 40 were injured on April 19 as police bat- reported.
ance of Arym Kubat’s film at the festival will be a
tled several hundred people who had seized land Mayor Omurkulov told IWPR that the area
cultural event for Kyrgyzstan.
around the village of Mayevka, on the northern claimed by the would-be settlers was greenbelt
Film-makers Cedomir Kolar from Slovenia
outskirts of Bishkek. land, but that the authorities planned to develop it
and Karl Baumgartner from Germany, also par-
Such land grabs, generally by migrant popula- and build affordable, multi-storey apartments.
ticipated in the film’s production. Kolar was the
tions seeking a better life close to the capital, have
winner of the category “Best Foreign Film” for his
been a recurring feature of post-independence Authorities pledge firm action
picture No Man’s Land (2001) and collaborated
Kyrgyzstan, especially at moments of political tur- The day after the violence in Mayevka, interim
with Arym Kubat during the filming of Beshkem-
bulence. The latest wave was set off by the mass prime minister Roza Otunbaeva issued a state-
pir (1998) and Miamil (2001). Baumgartner has
protests in Bishkek on April 6-7 when President ment saying that law-enforcement agencies had
made pictures with Emir Kusturica, Kim Ki Doek
Kurmanbek Bakiev was toppled and the opposi- orders to ensure public security, protect lives and
and Sergei Bodrov.
tion took over to form a new interim government. prevent attacks on homes and other private prop-
The film’s protagonist is an electrician who
Thousands of people marked out pieces of erty, as well as on facilities such as military bases.
locals call the ‘The Light Thief’. The hero connects
land they wanted to take over in areas around the She warned that police were under instructions to
electricity in the homes of villagers, who have
capital, despite warnings from the new govern- open fire on anyone committing such offences.
had it turned off during the course of a crisis.
ment that action would be taken to stop them. Interior ministry spokesman Rahmatullo
Seeing the plight of the villagers, the Light Thief
In Mayevka, incomers staked out plots and Ahmedov said investigations were under way to
deliberately alters the counters, reducing the
then set off en masse towards the centre of Bishkek establish the causes and circumstances of the vio-
amount villagers have to pay for their electricity.
to demand recognition for their claims. lence, and to identify and detain ringleaders and
In her review of the film, Tolomusheva said:
Acting city mayor Isa Omurkulov, who went other participants.
“The director has masterfully recreated the cur-
to meet the marchers, said afterwards that he had Following the removal of Bakiev from power,
rent difficult situation in Kyrgyzstan. The main
promised them only that the land issue would the Kyrgyz police appeared to waver in their loyal-
character embodies all the best features of the
be discussed by municipal officials. He told IWPR, ties, especially with the appointment of a new in-
Kyrgyz people: honesty, integrity, hard work,
“There is no free land within the city perimeter. As terior minister.
ingenuity and the rejection of evil, injustice, tyr-
for private property and agricultural land, we won’t Hinting at this, Bishkek’s mayor insisted that
anny. These people, the ’salt of the earth’ as the
allow anyone to grab it.” “the law enforcement agencies that were demoral-
Light Thief calls them, are the main reason our
When the would-be squatters returned to ised during the events of April are now capable of
country is not slipping into the abyss.”
Mayevka, violence erupted between them and the protecting the public”.
In an interview with the newspaper Vecher-
village’s residents, who were alarmed at the inva- Residents of Leninskoye, a village near Mayev-
ney Bishkek director Arym Kubat said: “The idea
sion of their home territory. ka, were less convinced that the police would come
was to make a film without a script. The concept
The village, several kilometres outside Bishkek, to their aid in the event of a land invasion, and set
of the film was designed by the famous literary
is home to ethnic Kyrgyz, Russians and Meskhetian up their own self-defence units after spotting some
and screenwriter Talipov Ibraimov. This story
Turks, a community which Stalin deported from the people in their fields.
should not be taken literally. It’s is about a man
Caucasus to Central Asia during the Second World “We will not let them take our land,” said a
who brings light into the world in a philosophi-
War. resident, who did not wish to be named, adding
cal sense. I think the country today needs light
An IWPR reporter who visited Mayevka after that Leninskoye was relying on its own resources
not only in the sense of electricity, but in the
the violence saw smoke still hanging over the vil- as police had only arrived in Mayevka late in the
spiritual sense – a glow to guide people in their
lage, burnt-out houses and outbuildings, and cars day.
relationships with each other, to bring bright-
gutted by fire.
ness and kindness to each other.”
One resident, a Turkish woman whose house A hidden hand at work?
According to co-producer Altynai Koichu-
was among those attacked by the raiders, said they In Jalalabad in the south of the country, Bakiev
manova, after debuting in France, the film will be
justified their actions by claiming they had been supporters who invaded local government offices
released for viewing in Bishkek.
part of the protests that ousted Bakiev, and now and a television station earlier in the week again
More English news at
they wanted payback. clashed with police on April 21. There are some sus-
She recalled that they said of the new admin- picions that the land invasions have been covertly
istration, “We gave you the White House [seat of
government] – now you give us land!”
encouraged and even coordinated by opponents
of the new government. A month of cold showers
Like this woman, other villagers interviewed by
IWPR were still in a state of shock. While the invad-
“The actions of those who are grabbing land
are being skilfully coordinated,” said Omurkulov.
ahead for many Bishkekers
ers were ethnic Kyrgyz, the residents believed they “If that were not so, ordinary people coming from
BISHKEK, Apr 29 (Spektator) - The hot water
were targeted indiscriminately, regardless of their outside Bishkek would not be aware of where land
supply will be cut off for about one month
ethnicity. plots exist.”
from May 11. The traditional shutdown that
“I’m not scared of living among Kyrgyz people,” One of the volunteers from the Patriot force
allows maintenence work to be carried out
said one Russian from the village. “We have lived which went into Mayevka to support the police
will reduce those without boilers to bracing
peaceably for many years. But I am now filled with said that while the land claims were based on gen-
splash-baths in cold water, or lengthy waits for
apprehension about living in Kyrgyzstan.” uine hardship, someone seemed to be organising
saucepans of hot water.
Police were sent in the same evening to quell those involved. May 2010 The Spektator

6 This Month
“The land raiders are mainly young people
aged between 15 and 25. We managed to talk to
them, and many of them had come from other
places and are working in the city. They really don’t
have homes of their own - they either rent accom-
modation or live with relatives,” said the volunteer,
Erlan Jusupov. “But some of the young people told
us they wouldn’t have resorted to such extreme
measures if their actions hadn’t been organised.
“The land grab is being managed by certain
individuals. They [protesters] are being fed and
given alcohol; we could see many of them were
intoxicated. I believe that this confrontation has
been organised so as to provoke a forceful re-
sponse and to suggest that the new authorities
are not in control of the situation, and also that
they’re capable of spilling blood [as the Bakiev ad-
ministration is accused of doing]. The ethnic factor
is an additional thing, once again designed to at-
tract attention.”

Ethnic politics a dangerous game

Tatiana Vygovskaya, a conflict studies expert and
director of an NGO called Égalité, said the land
clashes were really about economics, despite the Above A gutted house after the rioting in Mayevka (Asyl Osmonalieva)
“ethnic colouring” they had acquired.
of parliament, said the history of illegal land
“There is no such thing as ethnic conflict per
se,” she said. “Conflicts are always centred around grabs dates back to around 1990, shortly before Crossed wires
wealth that’s in short supply. The main motiva- the country became independent. Whispers and rumours from the corridors of
tion for those who went off to smash up homes “It’s become a bad tradition to grab land af- power:
was this – ‘You have everything, we have noth- ter every change of regime,” he said. Energy bills may be falling but difficult questions
ing. There’s been a revolution so now we’re going Apart from the legal issues, Masaliev sees concerning inadequate infrastructure remain.
to take it all.’ Ethnicity comes into play only when the growth of squatter settlements as the wrong Uzbekistan has now achieved the capability of
there’s a public perception that one ethnic group direction, as in his view urban centres should supplying its own energy on its own grid, al-
has more wealth than another.” grow upwards with more high-rise blocks, rath- lowing President Karimov to back out of the
News headlines about ethnic strife present a er than outwards. Central Asian power grid. Worryingly, an Uzbek
real challenge to the new government as it strug- “Hastily-built settlements aggravate the withdrawal could leave Osh and Batken oblasts,
problems of poverty and crime, as the condi- whose electricity is channelled through an Uzbek
gles to win credibility abroad as well at home.
tions in which people live in these new settle- substation, in the dark. In Bishkek, civil society
The day after the Mayevka clashes, Russian
bodies have been exerting strong pressure on
president Dmitry Medvedev – who has been ments are appalling – no roads, no communica-
the new government, securing their choice of
generally supportive of Kyrgyzstan’s new rulers tions, and no running water,” he explained.
Elections Committee Chairman and getting more
- ordered his defense minister to protect Russian Gulnura Abazbekova, from the human candidates on the board than the political parties.
citizens and property in the Central Asian state. It rights ombudsman’s office, agreed that giving in The state TV and Radio KTR fortress is hurriedly
was unclear precisely from his statement precisely and parcelling out more land to squatters would changing its name to OTRK (Public TV and Radio).
what steps the Russian military – which has an air- be wrong. The key question is who will get on the Supervi-
base in Kyrgyzstan – might take. “This is barbaric – the land raiders have il- sory Board that controls OTRK’s management,
Although the Meskhetian Turks do not origi- legally seized the property and agricultural land and if they will have the guts to keep interfering
nate from Turkey, that country has also indicated of others, and it needs to be stopped resolutely,” politicians at bay. The interim government has
its concern for their safety. Ambassador Nejat Ak- she said. “Most of them are young people with mended the doors and windows of the Jogorku
cal visited Mayevka, and his embassy is to provide no stable income. Even if they were given land, Kenesh, but chaos continues. Professional-
humanitarian aid to the village. they wouldn’t be able to build anything on it, looking Russian Kalashnikov-wielding guards in
they don’t have the funds. There’s no electricity the service of Minister Atambayev were outside,
Chaos theory or road there, and the city cannot shoulder this while the government’s official guards were wear-
burden.” ing trainers and seemed to have been recruited
Despite allegations of covert political backing for
Vygovskaya agreed that the new authorities from a local judo club. Inside, a circus of chanc-
the land invasions, local analysts agree that the
ers with business proposals have been rubbing
fundamental issues are real. should take stern measures to suppress such
shoulders with international envoys, whilst NGOs
A young man who was among those who in- behaviour. “The mob needs to know there’s a
say the government will need management con-
vaded Mayevka told IWPR their actions were justi- deterrent,” she added. sultants just to keep effective schedules. Ameri-
fied. She predicts more unrest of a similar nature can Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan, Tatiana Gfoeller,
“It’s really simple – all they have to do is give in the months to come. has been scolded by the US State Department
people land plots and the conflict will be over. We “Any violent change of regime entails law- who claim she had not made enough effort to
don’t understand why they won’t give us land,” he lessness, violence and aggression,” she said. foster contacts with the opposition during Bak-
said. “Since the situation basically isn’t entirely iev’s reign – this of course was likely a conscious
He argued that similar land seizures that fol- under the authorities’ control, outbreaks of con- decision to keep feathers unruffled and preserve
lowed the 2005 “Tulip Revolution”, which brought flict like the one in Mayevka may continue for a the lease on Manas. Ex-president Akaev could
Bakiev to power, had proved a success for those long time. Over the next six months, they will soon be strolling the streets of Bishkek again after
who carried them out. “Since the land plots that break out in one place or another all the time. the interim government hinted it would not be
were seized after 2005 were later made legal, that But of course, Bishkek is the main target for land impossible for him to return. His politically ambi-
means our land will become legal as well, anyway,” seizures, because people think that everyone in tious daughter has already been spotted in town.
he said. Bishkek is well-off, and the mere fact of living Finally, May 17 is being whispered as the date for
there makes life better.” a counter-revolution demonstration, although
The head of Kyrgyzstan’s Communist Party
nobody is holding their breath…
Iskhak Masaliev, who has been appointed speaker More news in English at:
May 2010 The Spektator
8 This Month
The Bakievs of Bloomfield Road

BISHKEK, Apr 27 (Spektator) - When a revolution has remained in tact, aside from a potential glut of every mobile network provider in the country and
unseats a government, the economic recovery is ‘unofficial’ avenues, it reveals itself in the peculiar it was widely held, although never proven, that the
seldom swift. To begin with, there are the days of form of a stake in second tier English football club money went straight into Maxim Bakiev’s pocket.
business lost to the turbulence itself, the poten- Blackpool F.C. Even more so than in 2005, the stripped shells of
tial cost of repairing damaged shop fronts and That investment is hardly befitting to a collec- ‘Narodni’ stores all over the capital reflected the
replacing shattered windows. Then, as customers tive who had monarchic aspirations. When oligarch character of the outgoing regime - it was a smash
gingerly trickle back, the creditors arrive, asking Roman Abramovic bought Chelsea F.C, seeking in and grab presidency.
for their money. But there is nothing with which to part to shield himself from a Russian government In politics, however, the art of calculation is in-
pay them so debts are renegotiated, perhaps with busy hounding the beneficiaries of post-Soviet tegral, and as much as the ruling family understood
added interest, and costs are cut to pay for this. Yet ‘privatization’, he bought a blue chip, Champions the concept of profit, they never grasped that of
when a revolution unseats a clan, especially one League outfit and immediately announced his in- margins. ‘The patience of the people is not without
that had come to regard themselves as owners tention to take on the world in one mind-boggling, limits’ read one of the less defamatory slogans on
rather than governors of the country, the effect on free-spending summer. Blackpool, by contrast, are display outside the White House on that fateful,
the financial sector is cataclysmic. Suddenly, sev- nicknamed ‘the Seasiders’, their heyday was in the airless afternoon of Wednesday April 7. As predict-
ered fingers are discovered in every pie. The depth 1950s and their stadium, Bloomfield Road, isn’t ful- able as they were in hindsight, the events of that
and extent of the rumoured corruption becomes ly enclosed. The gulf between the two clubs serves evening and the days that followed on from it took
fact, transparent and repulsive. to highlight Kyrgyzstan’s comparative obscurity, its the Bakievs completely by surprise. They had been
The ruling family sank its teeth into every suc- busy making plans for future extortions.
cessful enterprise, thus many such enterprises are “The stripped shells of ‘Narodni’ It is said that power’s light blinds, and that
deemed contaminated and closed, pending ‘inves- once cast out of its glare there is only eternal night.
tigation.’ A new commercial elite moves in with its
stores all over the capital re- At least the ex-president’s predecessor Akaev had
political cousins, and businesses that enjoyed pa- flected the character of the out- a Physics phD - he takes refuge in books, reads lec-
tronage under the old order are either discarded going regime - it was a smash tures and immerses himself in the familiarity of aca-
or expropriated. That process takes time, and in demic life. But what could Bakiev lecture? He was at
the chaos of the intervening period, money simply and grab presidency­” best a smart thug, born for the cut and thrust of the
disappears. Kyrgyz political scene. And now he has been thrust.
Asia Universal Bank (AUB) has taken a giant hit, poverty of resources, that even when embezzled Yet if he can content himself with one thought, as
having previously enjoyed presidential privileges comprehensively, can’t buy a decent football club. he lives the life of a guest in a country that would
and a role as conduit for most of Kyrgyzstan’s in- Yet if the vampire state the Bakievs were build- probably rather be without him, it will surely be
vestments from overseas. Many of their staff are on ing in some small way benefited British football, it that at least in distant north-west England he has a
standby for the sack, and talk of a run on the bank did nothing for citizens trying to make their way place where he would still be made welcome - the
has set nerves on edge across the capital. underneath them. While the more refined former directors’ box at Bloomfield Road.
MGN, a conglomerate owned chiefly by Yev- president Askar Akaev was content to sit primly
genni Gurevich, whose close ties to the former atop of the whole rotting edifice, skimming money Author’s note: At the time the Spektator went to
president’s son Maxim Bakiev were well known, off big business and flogging parts of Lake Issyk Kul press, several of the businesses associated with
appears to have withdrawn from the country com- to the Kazakhs and Chinese, the Bakievs wanted MGN and Maxim Bakiev had begun working again.
pletely. Their chain of classy entertainment ven- fifty percent of anything with a pulse. Restau- Moreover, Kurmanbek Bakiev had announced his
ues closed down overnight and the management rants, nightclubs, Internet cafes and hotels were all intention to quit politics and set up a factory in a CIS
weren’t available for comment. One of these ven- brought into the fold during a five year marathon country making “non-hazardous children’s toys” -
ues, popular evening hangout Da Vinci, was half of greed. Then the common people were targeted. see ‘Bakiev’s Balls’, page 26.
atomized over the course of the riots that began Bills for utilities such as electricity and hot wa-
on April 7. ter were raised massively in January 2010. A 60 tiyin Above Bloomfield Road, home to Blackpool
But if one vestige of the outgoing elite’s wealth charge for successful connection was applied by F.C and part of Maxim Bakiev’s trust fund

May 2010 The Spektator

Visa Services Weekend Excursions Hospitality
Maps and Postcards Accommodation Transport
Nomadic Life Tours Torugart Pass Crossing

28 T. Moldo St, Bishkek

Phone: +996 512 622581
10 Out & About
Right & far right Scenes from a buzkashi match
in Tajikistan. Buzkashi is popular all over Cen-
tral Asia (Photos by Leah Jamele)

Below Ernest Hemingway, a great aficionado

of the bull fight, wasn’t fussed about buzkashi

Like all good games, buzkashi (usually N THE WEST, THE MOST shocking sight on There are several schools of thought on the
known as kok boru in Kyrgyzstan) is based a sports field is the occasional middle-aged ideal carcass. Some prefer the more mobile frame
streaker; stampeding horses, headless live- of the goat, although it is prone to disintegration
upon a simple concept and requires little
stock, and Kalashnikov wielding supporters during a long bout, others prefer the more dura-
equipment to enjoy: gather together your are far from our sporting consciousness. In ble, but weightier, body of a calf.
horse, a headless goat, some friends, and Central Asia however, such wild scenes are part
you are ready to rumble... and parcel of the region’s most popular game: Old lady: I see. Have the players experimented
buzkashi - a rip roaring reverberation of ancient with other creatures? Dogs perhaps?
traditions of the steppe.
Roughly translating as goat grabbing, buzkashi No madam, although there are reports from long
combines the quintessential skills of the Central ago that suggest animal carcasses were some-
Asian male - horsemanship, bravery and stealing - times substituted for prisoners of war.
and has been played since ancient times to hone
the skills of great warriors and to transform mere Old lady: Good gosh! A practice that has been dis-
horses into devastating weapons of war. What’s continued?
more, dear readers, the goat grabbing season is
almost upon us! As spring breaks, and the gentle For the time being, madam, I believe so. Returning
sound of leather upon willow echoes across the to the particulars of the carcass, allow me to elabo-
English countryside, the Central Asian steppe will rate a little on its preparation for it is a rather inter-
be alive with the whinnying of wild eyed stallions, esting topic. The body of the animal is beheaded,
the guttural roars of bearded rivals, and the dull, its four legs are cut off from the knee, and its in-
satisfying thud of goat on mud. sides are emptied. Occasionally, sand is packed
Your correspondent long ago had the honour inside for extra bulk, depending on the tastes of
of attending a goat grabbing festival in a far off the players. Once the carcass has been thus pre-
land, and now, with the intention of introducing pared it is known as the boz in the language of the
the game to the novice buzkashi-watcher, he shall Turkoman.
recall a dialogue that possibly took place between
himself and a fellow spectator... Old lady: It sounds like a ghastly business. May we
Old lady: I have heard that a goat will be used in-
stead of a ball in today’s game. Sadly, madam, today’s goat has already been pre-
pared. The carcass must be soaked in cold water
Yes, madam. Today’s match will be fought over a for twenty-four hours before the game in order to
goat carcass. You may be thinking of the sport of toughen it up and ensure it remains more or less
‘horseball’, the rather gutlessly named, sanitized intact. An unsoaked goat may be torn to pieces by
half-cousin of buzkashi that is gaining popular- the chopendoz.
ity amongst well-to-do horse-loving circles in
Europe. In buzkashi, the equipment is somewhat Old lady: Chopendoz? I believe am unfamiliar with
more natural. that term. Please explain, sir.

May 2010 The Spektator

Out & About 11

Certainly madam. Chopendoz is the name given strive to win at any cost. Buzkashi is a game in the horse halts and waits for his horseman to re-
to the buzkashi players - the horsemen. Whilst which the end justifies the means and all means mount. Once the boz is in the clutches of the rider,
in competition they are a sight to behold, tradi- are utilized. When horsemen are carried away the horse will gallop with unbridled speed back
tionally attired in high leather boots, a quilted,by their excitement, they are liable to ride their to the hallal. Those who train buzkashi horses feed
padded jacket over a long chapan, and a fur hat horses into the crowd to evade their opponents, them eggs and butter at regular intervals along
traditionally made of fox or wolf skin. To aid them
but they are still chased by other riders. If the with their normal feed of oats and barley - a diet
during the game they carry short whips which are game is played near a river, chopendoz have even often better than that of the average Afghan peas-
made of a handle attached to a piece of wood, been known to conspire to have their opponents ant. If the horse gets too fat, the trainer will per-
about one foot long and encased in leather. The drowned. form the kantar, which means standing the horse
chopendoz hold an esteemed position in Afghan You may also be interested to learn, madam, in the sun for many hours every day for weeks on
society. that in centuries past, the distance between the end. The sun not only burns away the fat but also
posts was many miles, and the game would be- teaches the horse patience. An excellent buzkashi
Old lady: Are you able to shed some light on gin at daybreak and continue till sundown. The horse can sell for upwards of 15,000 USD.
the rules as I must admit I am quite lost when it distance these days may be shorter, but the fierce
comes to the laws of the game? struggle to win remains. Old lady The chopendoz cut rather fine figures
Do not fear, madam. Although the basic precepts Old lady: Most interesting, sir, but it appears that
of buzkashi are consistent, there are many varia- our game has already commenced! Yes madam. They are a tough breed of men, re-
tions of the rules which can be most confusing to markable horsemen, and frenzied competitors.
the novice enthusiast. For today’s game, a pit has So it has, madam. See how the chopendoz with Broken bones do not stop a chopendoz. The cho-
been dug and the boz will be placed into it so thatthe boz is being attacked by the others riders. pendoz will stop just long enough to bandage the
the top of the boz is level with the ground. A large
They are using their whips not only on their own break and then remount his horse and continue
circle has been drawn around the pit as you can horses, but also on the other chopendoz! In days the game. Smashed noses, wrenched shoulders,
see. This circle is called the hallal, which means gone by, the whips were made of balls of lead on and shattered thigh bones are not at all uncom-
“circle of justice”. Far to the right of the hallal is
strings tied to a wooden handle. The chopendoz mon.
a post, and far to the left is another. The chopen-of old also carried a knife and sometimes stabbed I would very much like to introduce you to
doz horsemen will encircle the hallal containing an opponent’s horse or even its rider when at- a chopendoz at the end of the game so that we
the boz, and on a given signal, compete to grab tempting to steal the boz. It was not unknown for may have a thorough discussion of tactics; alas
it and gallop away around one post and then the chopendoz to be killed in a fiercely competitive I cannot, as you are a woman and by rights you
other before returning and throwing the boz back game. Nowadays, play is a little more civilized, shouldn’t even be here.
into the hallal. The other riders try to prevent that
but riders still get hurt.
by attacking the rider and trying to steal the boz Old lady: Now I feel most uncomfortable.
away. The chopendoz who returns the boz into Old lady: Yes, it’s a frightfully vicious spectacle ...
the hallal is considered the winner, even if the and most enjoyable to watch! And the horses are Cutting my dialogue short for want of space, I now
boz was stolen only a few meters from the hallal. such fine beasts! recommend inspecting our website for forthcom-
ing Kyrgyz goat-grabbing dates and wish you a
Old lady: It sounds like a very Machiavellian con- Indeed. The buzkashi horses are bred specially for spring full of traditional sporting enjoyment. As
test! the game and possess unique qualities. When a Rambo may have said whilst playing buzkashi in
You are quite correct madam. The chopendoz chopendoz falls off his horse during the game, Rambo III: “Let the games begin!” May 2010 The Spektator

12 Out & About

Having braved Bishkek’s thug-infested NE OF THE FIRST things Bektour there’s a lot to be said for “just the facts, ma’am” in
streets to post independent coverage of Iskender, co-founder of Kyrgyz blog- countries where soviet propaganda shaped many
ging community, said when journalists’ early conceptions of themselves. An
this April’s events, are busy driv- we met was, “I read your book.” That early success story is Timur Toktonaliyev, discovered
ing Kyrgyzstan’s citizen media revolution. surprised me, as I haven’t written any as a sixteen year old, who has been reporting on the
Ethan Zuckerman reports. books. But then I realized he was talking about a national Jorgorku Kenesh Parliament for four years
guide I’d written about anonymous blogging. He now, and who is alsd a paid freelancer working for
went on: “I was translating that guide at the same an international news agency.
time as David Sasaki’s book on citizen media, so the The long-term plan for Kloop is to achieve sus-
two of you tend to blur in my head.” As we talked tainability by teaching classes in journalism and new

Get in the
about how Bektour got interested in citizen media, media. Bektour outlines a curriculum for involving
he mentioned a transformative trip he’d taken to classes that will help NGOs use social media, as well
Prague to study with Evgeny Morozov at Transitions as training bloggers and journalists in media ethics
Online. and offering workshops on basic programming for
As we sat in Porter Exchange in Cambridge yes-
social media users (customizing stylesheets, install-
terday, I realized I was having dinner with the next
ing Wordpress, etc.) Tutors for these workshops will
generation. Friends like Evgeny, David and I have likely come from outside Kyrgyzstan initially, but
* Kloop was developed in late 2005 by Bektour been working since 2004 to ensure that citizen me- over time, the goal is to train a set of social media ex-
Iskender and Renat Tuhvatshin. In July 2006 dia is a revolution that doesn’t just include Northperts who can help spread social media throughout
the Kloop project was presented to the Dutch- Americans and Western Europeans. Here, slurping the region. It makes sense for Kyrgyzstan to act as a
based Hivos Foundation, which agreed to sup- noodle soup with me, was a blogger trained by my hub for social media as the media climate is more
port it. The website was started in June 2007. generation of bloggers, who’d read the guides we’d free in Kyrgyzstan than in any of the other Central
put out into the world and was now busily cultivat-Asian nations.
* The two main sections of the website are the ing another generation of bloggers. The idea of Kyrgyz bloggers supporting their
news and blogs sections. All articles at Kloop. What made it especially cool was discovering bretheren in Uzbekistan isn’t as strange as it might
kg are written by young journalists aged 15 to just how impressive Kloop’s success has been so sound. Bektour tells me that much of the success
25, according to the educational program of the far. In a country where internet access is expensive
Kloop has had so far has come from the broader
Kloop Media Foundation. and doesn’t extend far outside the capital, Bishkek,
community of former Soviet states. Bektour was
Kloop now hosts more than 1100 blogs on an instal- one of the active participants at a BarCamp New
* Currently there are more than 1500 blogs on lation of Wordpress MU. Kloop provides these blogs Media event in Riga, Latvia last February. Much of
Kloop, which makes it one of the two biggest for free, and they’re “freer” than blogs provided by
the technical support for Kloop comes from people
blogging platforms in Kyrgyzstan, sharing the LiveJournal or other international blogging plat- he met at the BarCamp, and Bektour points to col-
top spot with blogs at Blogs on forms, as Kyrgyz bandwidth is so expensive that laborations happening between bloggers in Central
Kloop have their own system of ratings. some cybercafes and ISPs charge more for access- Asia and the Baltics.
ing international sites than local ones. Kloop also Most of Kloop’s blogs are in Russian, but the
* In cooperation with the Bishkek Children’s Me- maintains a citizen media portal, an edited news site
Chess photoblog, maintained by a filmmaker, is a
dia Centre, Kloop staff hold regular free journal- that draws on contributions from Kloop bloggers. nice introduction to those of us who don’t read the
ism workshops for the youth of Bishkek. In the That site has become increasingly important in the language. As of April 2010, Kloop have developed
future, Kloop plans to hold similar workshops Kyrgyz media space – Bektour tells me that Kloop an English translation of their citizen media portal,
in smaller towns outside the capital that have reporters wrote many of the most linked stories on meaning that the latest news regarding Kyrgyz
poorer access to the Internet. a Kazakhstan block of LiveJournal in 2007 and 2008.politics, sport and culture can now be accessed at
Kloop is developing a track record for training
*In January 2008 Timur Rayimkulov – a Kloop- young journalists in what Bektour refers to as “the
based blogger – was announced the “Best Cen- Anglo-American model of journalism,” a style that
tral Asian Blogger” in a contest held by media focuses on facts rather than opinions. I think this
platform neweurasia, while anonymous Kloop must be the dying Anglo-American model, perhaps For other Ethan Zuckerman articles visit
blogger Real Uzbekistan took third place. killed off by Jan Moir, but Bektour reassures me that

May 2010 The Spektator

14 Focus

The Rubies of
Tajikistan’s Autonomous Oblast of Gorno ULUNKUL, A MOUNTAIN hamlet more although undoubtedly the product of a shrinking
Badakshan (GBAO) is a world unto itself, than 4,000 metres above sea level, is Pamir gene pool, is beautiful. The eyes differ slight-
legendary for its mountain lakes and well the embodiment of Pamir isolation, ly in colour and size, the cheeks are burnished red,
concealed rubies. However, as discov- lying stark and pure under a pale sun. and her nose is long and delicate.
ered Chris Rickleton on a springtime trip The snow that piles wholesale into the “See my ring? I bought it in Dushanbe.” She
valleys below is rarely more than a dusting here, displays a tenuous connection to the national
through the region, its true treasures are whirled around by the same, ceaseless wind of capital on a ruddy index finger. It is simple and sil-
found in the diversity and hospitality of which Marco Polo wrote with deep foreboding. ver. “They look at me as if I’m mud there, I barely
the unique Pamir people. In snapshots, life on such a precipice might seem understand their dialect.” Muobab’s own dialect,
poetic. Near the pasture’s edge, bony goats ford part of a Farsi sub-grouping that splinters into a
a glacial stream in nervous couplets, while at the myriad of mini-tongues across the Pamir range,
heart of the hamlet, boys with uncertain futures is soft and mellifluous. Kneeling by our driver at
beat a football between stout, stone and mortar the low table where we are sitting, she is at once
houses. From this soaring upland, Peak Karl Marx is warm and unfathomable, the plov - of which she
no longer so formidable, peering softly over lesser is modest - superior to any I would taste in neigh-
peaks at a hardy civilization of herders, milkers, bouring Uzbekistan. Drinking viscous chai derived
mothers and infants. Yet ideas of Marx the person, from yak’s butter, their conversation slips into our
the Soviet Union, or even Emomali Rakhmon’s brit- consciousness like a whispered lullaby, meaning-
tle national government in Dushanbe have long less and soothing, guiding us gently towards the
ago vanished into mountain air, if ever they oc- edges of an alien slumber.
curred at all. We left Bulunkul as if departing from another
Since independence, Tajikistan has been a universe. Our hostess proudly cradled her cousin’s
country of fragments, its ethnic, religious and clan- child beneath a light blue sky as we bought out-
based jigsaw suffering obliteration during the civil landishly thick Pamiri socks, souvenirs we knew
war which started in 1991, before being put pain- would be redundant in any other climate. The
fully back together by a United Nations brokered winter, an elder woman said, would be hard as al-
peace six years later. At least 60,000 people lost ways. No stray tourists to supplement a pastoralist
their lives in the conflict, with a further 1,200,000 income, and the passes would be cut by mid-Octo-
becoming refugees or internally displaced per- ber. It was May now and the deluge had only just
sons. started to clear.
“Of course we heard the guns, and often there On the long descent down into the valley we
were shortages. But our men didn’t fight. Why stopped at a hill overlooking Yashil Kul, an aque-
would they? Who would come up here to find ous ‘green’ lake which streaks across a tan, scrub
Above The Pamir highway is flanked by lakes us?” Muobab, proprietor of an ACTED sponsored landscape, shimmering and saline as it recedes
which inspire and amaze with their solitude home stay in the village, speaks to us through the from the fringes of the surrounding desert. Like
(All photos Ryan Erickson) translations of our driver, a dark Kyrgyz from near many lakes in Central Asia, it is shrinking, although
Murghab, the administrative capital of Tajikistan’s this is not because of irrigation as the Pamir plains
Right The lumpen youth of the Wakhan Valley Autonomous Oblast of Gorno Badakshan. Her face, are too lofty for crops to take root. Instead, our

May 2010 The Spektator

Focus 15

His Highness
driver Salimbek shares, its diminishment is a result for instance, there are rubies…” Of course, Badak-
of a new, saltier sort of air, which sucks up mois- shan’s famous rubies. They were on everyone’s
ture and denies the clouds a chance to replenish. lips, yet no-one had actually touched or even seen

The Aga Khan

Looking back from the lake’s shores at our strand- one. Even more so than the region they inhabited,
ed jeep, perched on the hill and etched against a their beauty and abundance seemed remote and
skyline of jostling peaks, it was impossible not to cruelly inaccessible. Everywhere we went people
be overcome by a sense of loneliness. The land, ex- gestured upwards towards the likely locations of The Ismailis have come a long way from the
quisite and impossible in equal measure, sprawled these precious stones, until eventually their fingers meditative, hash smoking Alamut-based com-
skyward like a prone hostage, helpless to prevent pointed to places so high that thoughts of excava- munity that spawned the infamous ‘assassin’
the steady mutations occurring from its own cold, tion were nothing more than a fantasy. There were sect. Now there are modest Ismaili diasporas in
dry extremes. mines, for sure, but who worked there and who around 25 countries across the world, and their
But Salimbek’s honest, entrepreneurial nature owned them nobody appeared to know. relations outside of the Imamat (body of Ismailis)
railed against any such notion of pessimism. Never It is an understatement to say that Tajikistan’s are characterized by peaceful respect and strict
mind if the earth didn’t grow anything, he said. government, still composed largely of ex-com- neutrality on political issues.
People here have always munists, couldn’t give a Their leader, His Highness the Aga Khan, is the
herded. No matter how hang for the people of religion’s 49th hereditary Imam, a direct de-
arid, there would always be
“The Tajik population is Gorno-Badakshan. Local scendant of the Prophet Muhammad through
a patch of green to graze. growing more rapidly than leaders declared de facto his cousin and son-in-law, Ali, the first Imam, and
The goat and cattle here any other in Central Asia. For independence in 1992, his wife Fatima, the Prophet’s daughter. Having
were tougher than else- and put their weight be- assumed responsibility for the Imamat in 1957,
where, built for the chal- the six adults we met at this hind the rebel side in the the Aga Khan Karim has continued a recent fam-
lenge of subsistence. Wakhan stopover we could national civil war, two er- ily tradition of service in international affairs
“I won’t be a taxi again,” that saw his grandfather made President of the
he promised. “That old jeep
count almost forty children” roneous decisions that
lead to the region see- League of Nations and his uncle the UN High
is too much hassle. In sum- ing some of the worst of Commissioner for Refugees.
mer I take foreigners hunting, mainly Germans the violence that subsequently unfolded. Even In addition to various ambassadorial roles, His
and Americans. They pay $600 to kill one Marco amongst the ranks of the medley opposition, Highness Karim heads the Aga Khan Develop-
Polo sheep.” But aren’t those sheep endangered? the Badakshanis were an awkward fit. They are ment Network, a multi-branched charity that
“They’re not endangered.” He waved away the sug- Ismaili rather than Sunni Muslims, and thus, by helps relieve poverty in at least 35 different de-
gestion. “There are thousands of them. People just the standards of the Islamic Renaissance Party veloping nations. Administering the Ismaili Im-
don’t know where they live. Only Kyrgyz know.” at the forefront of the rebellion, dangerous, mis- mamat is also no small challenge. In 1972 he per-
He talked warmly of his sons, at university in guided heretics. To the northerners prosecuting sonally ensured that Ismailis and thousands of
Dushanbe, and also of his wife, but mainly through the counter-offensive, Badakshan was seen as other Asians were safely re-housed having been
the proxy of his father-in-law, whose blessing of a hiding ground for the wild and warlike Garmi kicked out of post-colonial Uganda by dictator
the marriage had made him the richest cattle clan, and as late as December 1993, at which Idi Amin. During the conflict in Tajikistan the aid
herder in his village. “Its possible to make money point pro-government superiority had been his network sent kept Pamiris alive, and for this,
from cattle - we have eighty now, fit and strong - largely reasserted, planes from Dushanbe were much of the population accords him the title ’our
plus the land is rich with other things. Over there strafing Pamir villages. God in Switzerland who sends us food.’ May 2010 The Spektator

16 Focus

Above Children in Bulunkul By mid-afternoon we were rattling along less village where she had friends, providing her, us
dirt paths ridging sheer cliff faces, hunks of rock and the overheating jeep with a vital night’s rest.
Right An Afghan caravan by the Pamir river bumping up against the chassis of the jeep before There was no telling whether we had arrived
plummeting noiselessly off the fragile track, down in an infected paradise or a beautiful purgatory.
onto the plain below. Salimbek grinned as we jolt- A brook with a series of mini-waterfalls tumbled

Pamir Packlist
ed around, terrified. The slightest slip from him and idyllically through the settlement. The local chil-
we would be ashes, incinerated in a mess of metal dren were playful but far from clean, inhabiting
and glass on the narrow, rugged delta of the Pamir the bowl of a region which doesn’t see hot water
Toothbrush, toothpaste and vodka to rinse. river. That very river seemed to define the sur- all year round. Their mothers were noble and at-
Whilst the last of these is available at points rounding territory, dividing Tajik Badakshanis from tractive with Iranian features and colourful dress,
along the Pamir Highway, asking for it in kiosks their Afghan relations on the other side. It was a flu- while the man of the house welcomed us hand
can cause embarrassment and sometimes of- id, restless border marking the south-eastern limit on heart, with gracious Wakhan hospitality. Yet the
fence - the Pamir population as a whole is deep- of Imperial Russian conquest, a separation (for the place swarmed with flies and beneath the veneer
ly conservative. Avoid cans of fizzy drinks as main part) of Ismaili Muslims from the Sunni bulk, of innocence, the infants’ games were tainted by a
they can explode over the sky scraping passes, and the watershed between post-Soviet and pre- slapstick nastiness
and keep a ready supply of still bottled water modern destinies. On its opposite bank, a herd of While we waited for plov in a plain, single-
as this is also hard to find. buffalo milled along a trail that looked overgrazed room, five pillared house - symbolizing the five
Bring basic foodstuffs too. Although and sparse, led by men in baggy cotton trousers, central prophets of Islam - the youths offered us a
Muobab - the beauty of Bulunkul - will treat you waistcoats and turbans; the unmistakable compo- metal can full of water to quench our thirst. Aware
to an excellent plov, other home stays offer only nents of the Afghan national dress. that they had taken it from the nearby stream, I
bread and butter, a dish that grates on the alti- Yet on the Pamir highway a few miles can make wet my mouth, but my friend Rory drank deeply.
tude-weary traveller by the second or third day a world of difference. Soon we were thundering Less than an hour later, the children were jumping
of the journey. If you’re travelling in the months through a new land, green with promise and op- gleefully on top of a tin-roofed outdoor toilet as he
either side of peak season (June - August), a portunity, warmer and muggier than anywhere we squatted below, emptying his bowels into the long,
thermal sleeping bag is also recommended, had been since our original point of departure in unforgiving night. We forgave them this horrid trick
along with the usual winter gear. Osh. The Wakhan Valley is the most fertile part of and an extortionate tour around the village’s ‘petro-
Lastly but most importantly, remember Tajik Badakshan, and fruit sellers hawking tasty glyphs’ - read rock graffiti - because they were poor
your GBAO travel permit, which in addition to watermelons lined the roads and bunched at the in the extreme, too far from school to be bothered
the visa for Tajikistan can be obtained at any Tajik checkpoints. We had new passengers too - a hag- by it and too numerous to be cared for to any real
embassy. Together these documents should not gish old woman and her nephew, who wanted to extent. The Tajik population is growing more rap-
cost over $100. If travelling in a party of three collect and sell a sheep somewhere further down idly than any other in Central Asia. For the six adults
or more, you should certainly see change from a the track. From the boot she spat out statements we met in this Wakhan stopover we could count
budget of $400 for the whole trip. of international unison in coarsely reproduced Rus- almost forty children - the boisterous, unwashed
For information about the first leg of the sian, punctuating a longer dialogue with her neph- representatives of an untenable nationwide trend.
Pamir Highway (Osh-Murghab), see issue 3 of ew in Pamiri, a language which now sounded rasp- We dropped the hag and her nephew off in Je-
the Spektator ’Ride the Pamir Highway’. ing and conspiratorial. In exchange for the lift, the landy, where we bathed in hot springs and enjoyed
old woman set us up with a home-stay in a name- sweeping views of the emergent Hindu Kush.

May 2010 The Spektator

Focus 17

The hag had grown increasingly haughty, em- proached us honourably, toasting our health with Now we were heading in the opposite direction to
boldened by her friends’ kindness to our troupe, a vodka of his own and apologizing for the antics the drug, towards the madness, and once deep in
finally advising us not to trust the “dirty Kyrgyz” of a regular, alcoholic customer. “People here have the guts of a war torn nation, we would long for the
driver we had already trusted with our lives several nothing, so they drink,” he explained. “How is it pos- gentle peace of Tajik Ishkashim, a town where bro-
times over. Along with racist sentiment, however, sible to live like this, without farms and industry?” ken Russian was still of some currency, and where a
she had provided some dotted insights into Is- “But you have rubies,” I suggested, parroting a re- cold bottle of lager could still be found.
mailism, a religion which by now had me wrapped frain I had heard a hundred times during the five Malik, the fourteen-year-old son of our hosts,
with an unabating fascination. day journey down. He smiled sceptically, but said crouched with us on a giant boulder in the middle
Ismailis, she said, prayed not in mosques but in nothing. We asked him some questions about Af- of the khaki Panj river which rumbles through the
simple rooms and community halls. Women with ghanistan, and whether he could confirm or deny village. With a skull cap positioned lightly atop his
uncovered faces sat opposite men in silence, or lis- the existence of ‘the three mullahs’, turbaned men, head and heavy brows knitted sternly above bullet
tening to passages from the Koran read by a khalifa who, according to traveller’s rumour, sat near the eyes, he had the look of an ancient Aryan philoso-
religious leader. In soviet times, she said, khalifas of- pher, straining at some eternal problem. When he
ten doubled up as village communist party bosses, spoke, he did so in English, a language he preferred
a combination of roles I found bafflingly contradic-
“Badakshan’s famous rubies. to Russian - “its more useful” - yet his eyes moved
tory. The figurehead of the Ismaili religion is the Aga They were on everyone’s lips, periodically away from us and latched themselves
Khan, a man whose lineage, traced to the Prophet yet no one had actually touched onto the Pamir horizon, back to the problem. Oc-
Muhammad, coupled with an unending generosity casionally our questions caused him to break out
towards Pamiris, has led to him being confused as a or even seen one... their beauty in youthful bashfulness, but apart from these fleet-
God by much of the local population. For conserva- and abundance seemed remote ing moments, I had the sense that we were talking
tive Muslims in other parts of the country this is the to someone much older and more world-weary. At
final infidelity, effectively severing Ismailis from the
and cruelly inaccessible” times he spoke with an unsettling solemnity.
Ummah, or body of Islam. But for me the religion “My passion is mathematics. Algebra. I have a
seemed beautiful in its vagueness, like a sort of Is- border all day long picking off tourists with auto- talent for this.” He flinched at questions about reli-
lamic Quakerism, which had peacefully embraced matic weapons. “It isn’t dangerous there,” he insist- gion, resisting our attempts to place him. “Of course
the world’s diversity instead of posturing against it ed, “but they are richer than us. There, at least, they I have faith. How can you not? Its…faith. But when I
critically. have heroin. That is something.” study mathematics,” he smiled passively, basking in
Khorog provides a chance to become ac- Ishkashim, a town of Afghan and Tajik halves, the logic of a soulless doctrine, “everything makes
quainted with the Aga Khan via his university, foun- is one of several starting points along the ‘smack sense. Its…perfect.” Once off the boulder, Malik fell
dation and hundreds of portraits tacked to walls in route’ that weaves its insidious path from Afghani- into typical Central Asian roles; the dutiful son, the
shops and restaurants all over town. It also provides stan’s poppy laden south into Russia and Europe, doting older brother, the joyful friend. Yet even as
modern comforts such as the Internet and bottled via the same lanes as the old Silk Road. Despite the he waved us off with his mother and younger sister,
water, and even in winter its climate is temperate. contrary claims of international organizations and away into a land of uncertainty, I saw him as a bud-
The last stop on the Pamir Highway, it was here that NATO forces based in the country, this trade is still ding Omar Khayyam, the 12th century Persian poet,
we ate shashlyk and sunbathed at a café near the flourishing, and when we eventually crossed the astrologer, philosopher and mathematician, who
Afghan consular, sipping frozen beer as we waited border we would hear stories from locals of World from the distant metropolis of Samarkand imagined
for our visas to be processed. The café owner ap- Food Program vehicles stuffed with kilos of opium. “mountains of rubies, red like drops of wine.” May 2010 The Spektator

18 Focus

of the April Revolution runs from the Tuesday 6th April, 17:00-24:00

of a
disturbances in Talas on April 6th to the Five helicopters and two planes with about 100
first funerals outside Bishkek on April riot police arrive in the city. During the evening

10th. It has been pieced together from the riot police storm and retake the local admin-
first-hand experiences, eye witness accounts and istration building. However, a short while later
local news reports. the protesters return - visibly more aggressive
after the use of force by the police. Protesters sur-
Talas round and beat up a group of riot police before
Tuesday 6th April, 10:00-13:00 torching the administration building. Looters
Although many had predicted a new sea- Authorities detain Bolot Sherniyazov, deputy raid the building throughout the night before the
son of anti-government protests, the scale, head of Omurbek Tekebaev’s Ata Mekin Party, crowd disperses in the early hours.
speed and brutality of the April uprising who had arrived in the city to participate in a
caught many by surprise. Tom Wellings gathering planned for the following day.
looks at the chronology of events that left Talas Wednesday 7th April, 06:00-14:00
85 dead and Kyrgyzstan teetering on the Tuesday 6th April, 13:00-17:00 A crowd of up to 15,000 forms outside the local
edge of disaster. Sherniyazov’s supporters march to the local admin- police station as unrest continues.
istration headquarters. A fight breaks out at around
2pm when the local governor attempts to address Bishkek
the gathered crowd. Now numbering more than Wednesday 7th April, 09:00-11:00
500, protesters seize control of the building. Others Prime Minister Daniyar Usenov claims at a press
join the protesters throughout the afternoon until conference that the situation in Talas is under
they number close to 1000. control.
Meanwhile, opposition activists, civil rights
campaigners and journalists gather at the head-
Bishkek quarters of the Social Democratic Party near the
Tuesday 6th April, 16:00-22:00 Almatinskaya-Gorkova intersection to attend an
Top left Flowers threaded through the bullet Tensions rise in the capital as news of violence in announced press conference. Police deny most
holes that pepper the south east gates of the Talas filters in. Several opposition figures are ar- people entry to the building.
White House (all photos by Tom Wellings un- rested including Omurbek Tekebaev and former
less stated otherwise) presidential candidate Almazbek Atambaev who Bishkek
voluntarily gives himself up to authorities after a Wednesday 7th April, 11:00-13:30
Top Right April 7th, outside the White House stand-off at his home between supporters and Police encircle a group of protesters and attempt
(copyright Impact images 2010) police. Internet access goes down across the city. to take them away to waiting buses. The protest-

May 2010 The Spektator

Focus 19

Into the White House

ers, who according to witnesses had been peaceful wards Ala-Too Square and the White House. The
until this point, break out of the cordon and begin first attacks on the White House are reported at
pelting the police with stones. Police respond with approximately 14:00. At 14:25 a hijacked army

Patrick Barrow
tear gas, smoke grenades and rubber bullets. The transport truck is driven into the gates of the White
police quickly lose control of the situation, how- House, provoking intense gunfire from inside the
ever, and are overwhelmed by the crowd who take compound.
two armoured vehicles and numerous automatic Pitched battles take place on Ala-Too square
weapons. Nearby Madina Bazaar on Almatinskaya and in the vicinity of the White House. Witnesses re- I returned to the White House at 9am on the
Street is set alight. port bloody violence and bodies lying in the street. morning of Thursday 8th. During the night
Police use stun grenades and tear gas to attempt to the building had been taken, and Bakiev had
Naryn disperse the crowd. Protesters ram other vehicles vanished.
Wednesday 7th April, 12:00-15:00 at the White House perimeter fence in an attempt The mood was one of disbelief, excitement
Reports of unrest in Naryn city reach Bishkek. to gain entrance. Automatic fire intensifies and and freedom. There was a friendly chaos in the
snipers on the roof of the White House (and report- air and it was infectious. Attempting to enter
Issyk-Kul Oblast edly on the roofs of buildings on Kievskaya street) by the front door, I found it jammed by the
Wednesday 7th April, 12:00-15:00 fire into the crowd. gathering crowd, so I scouted the perimeter for
Reports of demonstrations in both Karakol and alternatives. Around the back I lifted myself up
Cholpon Ata reach Bishkek. All the northern oblasts Bishkek to a smashed window at shoulder level. Stand-
now seem to be in revolt. Wednesday 7th April, 15:00-18:00 ing on the sill, I hauled up about five other
At around 3pm, Askar Sarbashev, a 49-year-old Kyrgyz students into a ransacked office. Upon
Talas lawyer, climbs into an armoured personnel carrier entering, the students immediately began ar-
Wednesday 7th April, 14:00-21:00 under the control of protesters and returns fire on guing among themselves for the right to pos-
Protesters charge the local police station. Police the White House until the vehicle’s gun jams. Hos- sess a Kygryz flag that lay in the room, while I
open fire with rubber bullets and use tear gas pitals start receiving large numbers of wounded, stepped past them into a pitch black corridor.
and stun grenades but are quickly overrun by the mainly the victims of gunshots. Rumours circu- The first room I stepped past was smashed;
crowd who throw Molotov cocktails. Interior Minis- late that Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan have closed the door off the hinge, tables, shelves and safes
ter Moldomulsa Kongatiyev, who had arrived that their borders with Kyrgyzstan. overturned, books and documents scattered;
morning, is among several people captured by then the next and the next. Even the doors to
the crowd and severely beaten. False reports of his Bishkek the toilets and storage rooms had been kicked
death are widely circulated in Bishkek. Wednesday 7th April, 18:00-21:00 in. A giant safe was flipped over in one room
Gun fire continues around the White House. Tele- with a hat rack still jammed in it, the door of the
Bishkek vision stations, previously off air, start broadcast- safe half bent off its hinges. The tools of bureauc-
Wednesday 7th April, 13:30-15:00 ing scenes of the day’s violence. Guns captured racy - computers, chairs, books and documents
Protesters, now numbering between three to five from retreating security services are disseminat- - could be seen scattered all around, thrown into
thousand march from Almatinskaya Street to- ed amongst the crowd as violence continues. celebratory heaps like wedding confetti. May 2010 The Spektator

20 Focus

mally only the untouchable elite were allowed The prosecutor’s office near Ala-Too Square, is
(Continued) I kept going. People were walk-
to tread – in only twenty-four hours it had been set on fire at approximately 20:00. Legal records
ing everywhere. Most looked fresh, as if they’d
overturned, now theirs, a people’s parliament. rain down on the street as looters ransack the build-
slept and just come into the centre first thing,
There was a feeling of common ownership, a ing. Shortly after, protesters take the Parliament
as I had. Students, young women in heels with
right to take whatever they could, whatever they building several blocks to the north. The headquar-
hand bags, and old men in kalpaks were roam-
wanted, to seize compensation from a stifling, ters of both the National Security (SNB) and Inte-
ing through the wreckage in pairs or small
ousted government. rior Ministry headquarters soon fall to protesters. It
groups with mouths agape, taking pictures
In a large auditorium with a few padded min- seems it is all over for President Kurmanbek Bakiev.
with mobile phones and sifting through post-
revolution debris for trophies. Occasionally ister’s chairs facing hundreds of empty seats, a
youth was pretending to make a speech. A teen- Bishkek
someone rough would pass; eyes sunken, and
age boy sat in the head chair behind him, clap- Wednesday 7th April, 21:00-00:00
wearing a ‘Don’t mess with me’ glare.
ping with ministerial ruckus and smashing his fist Bakiev flees Bishkek in his presidential jet. Reports
I walked past some toppled pot plants to a
on the table; his parliamentary college was giving alleging his intended destination as America or Eu-
window. Outside in the grounds people were
a fine and agreeable address. A dozen onlookers, rope prove false and he lands in Osh. In the capital,
doing the same; inspecting the aftermath, rifling
young and old, clapped and laughed. I sat in a a night of looting and destruction begins. Many
for souvenirs and trying to piece together the
minister’s chair, facing the auditorium. The four or key retail centres, supermarkets and stores are at-
night’s events. I headed upwards. Past the gov-
so chairs beside me quickly filled with old Kyrgyz tacked by hordes of marauders. Observers note
ernment canteen and more ransacked offices
men, a couple in kalpaks, and a new democratic that many of the looters are drunk.
and found myself in the government barber’s;
bench had been formed. We sat laughing like un- Roza Otunbaeva emerges as the head of
the mirror smashed, hair and shavers all over
parented children, shaking hands, sealing deals a proposed interim government, backed by a
the floor. In other offices I picked up the books
and posing for mobile phone pictures. clutch of familiar opposition faces, some only just
and personal diaries abandoned by disappeared
A guy in a kalpak, draped in a Kyrgyz flag and released from jail. Key figures include Almazbek
staff, traipsed through piles of papers to inspect
carrying a flagpole walked into the room, a fat Atambaev, Timur Sariev and Omurbek Tekebaev.
every corner and see what had been demol-
old man trotting after him with a wooden pole, At some point in the early hours, the White House
ished around the next. People flowed in and out
yelling. Then another man started shouting and is abandoned to the protesters.
of every room; some people still turning things
over, but mostly now for fun or treasure hunting. rounding people up to get out. There had been
enough looting. Some wiser heads had begun Bishkek
All portraits of Bakiev had been torn from the
to realise that they’d be needing a functioning Thursday 8th April, 08:00-12:00
walls and ripped to shreds. One man sat at an of-
building in which to install a new government, Ala-Too Square and the White House region see
ficial’s desk, vigorously polishing his shoes - still
and that repairing it would cost money. Sens- large crowds that have come to inspect the dam-
with a keen eye to priorities. People everywhere
ing the possibility of a shift in mood, I made my age. The White House is unguarded and open to
were smiling, in awe and overcome by where
exit. Nearly an hour after climbing into the White looters who roam freely throughout the building.
they stood - inside the main and biggest build-
House I walked back out into the morning sun. Attempts to remove looters and restore order in
ing in their country, a prided place where nor-
the building begins at around midday.
May 2010 The Spektator
Focus 21

Bishkek Manas Above: Two lines of freshly dug graves at the

Thursday 8th April, 12:00-18:00 Thursday 8th April ‘Graves of our Fathers’ hillside cemetery
The streets are quiet but tense. Sporadic gunfire All flights through the Manas Transit Centre are sus-
occasionally disturbs the calm. People leave flow- pended, as the American military begins to worry Top left The White House bears its scars
ers, photographs of the dead, signs and messages about the long term future of the base.
on the fence of the White House as an impromptu Below A memorial to those who died set up
memorial grows quickly. Bishkek at the gates of the White House, April 8th
Friday 9th April
Jalalabad Friday and Saturday are declared national days
Thursday 8th April 16:00-22:00 of mourning. An uneasy calm continues in the
Bakiev resurfaces in his home city of Jalalabad in capital.
Kyrgyzstan’s south-west. In interviews with interna-
tional media, Bakiev states rather bizarrely that he Tokmok
has no real power, but refuses to resign. He accuses Friday 9th April
the opposition of having blood on their hands. Unrest reportedly escalates into inter-ethnic
clashes in the northern town of Tokmok with the
Bishkek Dungan and Uighur minorities bearing the brunt
Thursday 8th April, 18:00-24:00 of attacks. Eleven are reported hospitalised, five
The newly formed interim government declares with gunshot wounds.
it is in control of the country, has dissolved parlia-
ment, and will rule for six months. People’s militias Ata-Beiit (Graves of our Fathers)
are formed to prevent the widespread looting that Saturday 10th April
occurred the previous night. Small bands of citizens Several miles outside of Bishkek, at the Graves of
wearing red or white arm bands sit on the corners our Fathers hillside cemetery, sixteen victims of
of city blocks, hoping to keep the peace. The volun- the violence are laid to rest. Many more funerals
teer militias battle looters throughout the night as will follow.
marauders head for the suburbs. Kyrgyzstan’s latest revolution is over and recent
history dampens any optimism for the future. How-
Moscow ever, a second, bloodier warning has been issued
Thursday 8th April that if national leaders fail the people once again,
The Russian government denies it is behind the un- they will suffer the same inglorious end as Askar
rest in Kyrgyzstan, however, an anonymous official Akaev and his successor Kurmanbek Bakiev. A hope
comments off the record that there is only room for remains that this time round, somehow, Kyrgyzstan
one foreign military base in Kyrgyzstan. will manage to get things right. May 2010 The Spektator

Bishkek life
Chuchuara Hoga (117, Chui) International
With this Chinese restaurant, a little out of the way
and rarely visited by tourists, you really feel you 2x2* (Isanova/Chui)

restaurants are getting the real deal. Request a хого (your own
personal Chinese boiling-pot) and randomly select
Trendy drinking hole with a circular bar and
friendly staff. A good place for knocking back a
few pre-nightclub cocktails. Slouch into one of the
There’s a fine line between ‘bar’ and ‘restaurant’ in a variety of unusual Chinese delicacies to throw in.
comfy lounge seats and try to look cool. $$$
Bishkek. Places more suitable for drinking sessions Beware, the ‘spicy’ sauce, although delicious, may
are marked with a star * leave delicate stomachs in some distress several
hours later - consider the ‘not-spicy’ sauce as a suit- Bacardi (Togolok Moldo 17/1)
Price Guide (main course and a garnish) able alternative $$ Elite lounge bar affair with separate rooms for din-
$ - Expect change from 150 som ing, dancing and whiling the night away smoking
$$ - A little over 250 should do the trick Frunze hukkah pipes. Urban grooves played at a reason-
$$$ - Expect to pay in the region of 350 (Chui/Pravda) able volume and a full menu that includes a range
$$$$ - A crisp 500 (or more) needed in this joint Free semechki is one of many reasons to check out of tasty platters. $$$$
this lively hangout, rammed with Chinese at lunch
Blonder Pub (Pravda/Kulatova
American and dinner time. The menu is encyclopediac in
terms of scope, but if you’re feeling bewildered, Blonder Pub is the new brewery-restaurant to try
Cowboy* (Toktogul/Orozbekova) just point to something tasty-looking on a neigh- out. Cavernous yet cosy inside, there’s decent blues
Bishkek’s all-American restaurant-cum-dance club bouring table, like we did. $$ every night, live Premiership football, Eurogrub
has now gone a little more up-market, but wild and a good selection of ales. In regard to the latter
Peking Duck I & II we recommend ‘Datski Shnaffer’. $$$$
nights are still to be had. Dig in to a kilo of chicken
(Soviet/Druzhba & Chui/Tog. Mol.)
wings and then hit the dance floor. $$$ Beatles Bar* (Gorky/Sovietskaya)
Huge portions to feed even the biggest of glut-
tons and an English language menu that provides A Beatles themed bar to make Bishkek scousers feel
Hollywood*(Druzhba/Sovietskaya) at home. Huge screen outside for sporting events.
plenty of amusing translations. $$
As you would probably guess, decorated with Shashlyk and cool beer. $$
movie posters, photos of cinema icons and a bunch Shaolin (Zhibek Zholu/Prospect Mir)
of American kitsch. Hollywood is popular with a This tidy looking restaurant sticks out for its sheer Buddha Bar (Sovietskaya/Akhunbayeva)
younger crowd and is usually packed from mid- range of oriental dishes and its large, round tables Buddha bar offers a taste of the East inside a tastefully
evening onwards. A fun place for a few drinks before that make it ideal for extended gatherings. $$ constructed zen log cabin. The sushi is excellent, and
heading off to the clubs. $$ for those on a budget, the stir-fry noodle dishes make
Metro* (133, Chui)
Dungan an excellent lunch. Recommended! $$$$
In the impressive location of a former theatre, Metro Hui Min (Relocated to the Hotel Dostuk) Captain Nemo’s (14, Togolok Moldo)
remains the première drinking hole for ex-pats. A A former favourite, we have been told that Hui Min Small nautically themed restaurant with a selection
high ceiling, a long bar and friendly staff compli- has now relocated to the Hotel Dostuk. Apparently of evocatively named dishes including ‘Fish from the
ment a good Tex-Mex menu and a wide selection the menu has been revamped and the prices in- ship’s boy’ and ‘Tongue from the boatswain’s wife’.
of drinks. Metro is one of the best bets for catch- creased. The Spektator will be checking it out soon. Cosy wooden interior and porthole style windows
ing sporting events on TV, although thanks to the We hope they still serve the special Dungan tea, as create an underwater log cabin experience. Spirits,
hideously late kickoff times for Champions League it’s rather good. cocktails and a good business lunch. $$$
football matches, don’t count on the staff waiting up
Coffee House (9, Manas & Togolok Moldo/Ryskulova)
unless it’s a big one. $$$
Georgian Treat yourself to some of the finest coffee and
New York Pizza (177, Kievskaya) Mimino (27, Kievskaya) cakes Bishkek has to offer at the imaginatively
Decorated with pictures of the Big Apple and serv- Mimino is nice, cosy and serves up bowl-fulls of steam- named ‘Coffee House’, a cosy boutique café with a
ing a fine selection of steaks and other American- ing, hearty Georgian fare with pomegranate seeds European flavour. Curl up and read a book, or just
themed dishes, NYP is sure to get New Yorkers think- a-plenty. We recommend the kjadjapuri, khinkali and drop in for a caffeine hit and a chocolate fix. $$$
ing of home. For home delivery ring (0312) 909909. anything that’s served in a pot. Watch out for Uncle Joe
Concord (Alatoo Square)
$$$ at the door. $$$$ Waiting staff dressed as airline stewards and an in-
terior featuring some aeronautical paraphernalia
Armenian German attempt to lend a little glamour to this small diner
Landau (Manas/Gorky) Steinbrau* (5, Gerzena) just off Ala-too Square. Good, cheap food and fur-
Fancy something a little different? If you can tol- Don your beer drinking trousers and head down ther deals for lunch during midweek make this a
erate the arthritic service, Landau isn’t a bad spot to Bishkek’s take on a Bavarian-style beer hall. They popular spot during the daytime. $$
for a pork steak or some other Armenian culinary brew their own stuff - such a relief from the insipid Cosmo Bar* (Sovietska/Toktogul)
goodies. Also, treat yourself to some decent Arme- bilge that’s normally sold as lager. Compliment your Board the sweet smelling elevator, ascend to the
nian conjac whilst your here, you’ll never go near pint with a plate of German sausage with sauerkraut. top-floor Cosmo Bar and splash the cash with your
Bishkek conjac again. Ever. $$$ $$$ fellow free-spending cosmonauts. Elegant interior,
plush sofas, fancy drinks and pretty waitresses.
Chinese Uighur Huzzah! $$$$

Ak-Bata (108, Ibraimova) Karavan (Almatinkskoya/Chui) Crostini (191, Abdrahmanova)

This place must serve up pretty authentic dishes Excellent little stolvya (canteen) full of the timeless Situated inside the Hyatt, this is a joint to be re-
as it’s always full of Chinese playing mah-jong and regional favourites. Being an Uighur restaurant its gero served for a business lunch or marriage proposal
waving their chopsticks about. Smoky and stuffy, lagman or lagman pa Uighurski particularly stand out. only. Chef Taner Erdemir serves up mouth-water-
but in a nice way. $ No smoking, sit, eat and leave. $ ing international cusine, but at a price. $$$$$

May 2010 The Spektator

Bars, Restaurants & Clubs 23
Dillinger* (Gorky/Tynystanova) Meri (33, Gorkova) Cyclone (136, Chui)
Glamorous VIP complex including a restaurant, bar In the summer months, Meri has one of the prettiest Smart Italian restaurant with plush interior, efficient,
and casino. A decedantly decorated and perculiarly dining areas in Bishkek. International cuisine served 24 polite serving staff and a warm atmosphere to al-
endearing homage to the notorious bank robber - hours a day, more lively nights see jiving on the dance leviate Bishkek’s winter chills. Pasta dishes stand out
we’re sure he would appreciate it. $$$$ floor to all your favourite Kyrgyz pop tunes. $$$ among a menu of traditional Italian favourites. $$$

Fatboy’s* (Chui/Tynystanova) Navigator (103, Moskovskaya) Dolce Vita (116a, Akhunbaeva)

Civilized, friendly cafe bang in the middle of town and A pricy, but pleasant place to while away an after- Cosy Italian restaurant with smiling waitresses serv-
a popular ex-pat meeting point. Sensible spot for con- noon. Sit in the bar area over a beer or lounge in the ing excellent pizza. Also serves salads and European
versation, but if you’re alone there’s a mini-library to pe- cuisine. Small terrace outside for summertime din-
airy non-smoking conservatory. Attentive service
ruse (although literary classics are thin on the ground). ing. $$
Check out the American pancakes for breakfast, top and a refreshing selection of salads, a good place
for a light, healthy lunch when fat and grease are
marks. $$$
getting you down. $$$$ Japanese
Four Seasons (116a, Tynystanova)
Stary Edgar’s* (15, Panfilova)
One of the poshest places to eat out in Bishkek. El- Aoyama (93, Toktogula)
The concrete monstrosity of the Russian Theatre con-
egant, yet modern interior and polite service. Great Elegant sushi joint frequented by serious looking
place to splash out on a special occasion or just for suited-types concluding their latest dodgy deals.
ceals one of Bishkek’s finest attempts at a cosy base-
the hell of it. $$$$ The food’s excellent though - if you can scrape to-
ment bar. Friendly staff, a decent menu and a collection
gether enough soms. $$$$
of old bits and bobs decorating the walls make Edgar’s
Foyer (27, Erkindik ) Watari (Shevchenko, Frunze)
an attractive alternative to the city’s mainstream cafés.
Run by a friendly young couple, Foyer is an excel- A small Japanese-owned restaurant that serves su-
A blues band plays most nights and a pianist adds a ro-
lent place to enjoy an evening cocktail or check shi as well as dishes with a more indian flavour. The
your inbox with a cup of coffee. Free Wi-Fi, good mantic ambience on some Sunday evenings. $$$ refined atmosphere makes it ideal for a business
deserts and live music on Wednesday and Saturday. meeting or just a sophisticated night out $$$
Recommended! $$$$ U Mazaya (Behind ‘Zaks’ on Sovietskaya)
Possibly Central Asia’s only rabbit themed restaurant.
Griffon (Microregion 7) Descend into this underground warren and tuck in. Korean
A cosy log-cabin affair with a large meat-roasting Also check out the fairy-light adorned flagship sister-
central fireplace. On one disturbing occasion the rabbit-restaurant in Asenbai micro region. $$$ Petel (52, Zhykeeva Pudovkin)
waiting staff were about as plesant as a bunch of Operating in the back room of a Korean family’s
chavs, but hopefully that was a passing phase. $$$ Vavilon (Microregion 7) house, this is Korean style home-cooking at its most
Finely presented dishes, reasonably priced beer (60 personal. Closed on Sunday. Ring: 0543 922539 $$
Do you want to play som) genuinely friendly and attentive service and a

music playlist that mixes up a bit of soul, jazz, swing Santa Maria (217, Chui)
and classical tracks played at just the right volume. Plush Korean restaurant offering Eastern favourites,
We want to get a team together including exciting Korean barbecues where you get
Live music from 8-ish on most evenings. Definitely
for weekly five-a-side kick to cook your own dinner, plus an extensive Euro-
worth the trek out to the suburbs ( tell your taxi driver
arounds. If you’re interested pean menu. $$$
to turn left at the yuzhniy vorota and head towards
Asenbai for about 1.5km) $$$
Jam* (179, Toktogula) Indian Beirut (Shevchenko/Frunze)
An underground oasis of cool. Jam is a cafe with a Now in a new location, Beirut continues to serve en-
full menu, kalians (shisha pipes) and a lounge bar The Host (Sovietskaya, opposite the Hyatt) ticing Lebanese goodies including falaffle, humus,
atmosphere, open till 3am . $$$$ A varied and interesting menu including fine Indian and tasty little meat pie things. $$$
food make this place a real treat. On midweek days
Jumanji (Behind the circus) there are also several excellent business lunch deals
It’s strange. This place is decorated with fake jungle offering a soup, salad, main course and dessert for Moldovan
foliage and is based on a crap kids’ film yet still sort 250-350 som. A real stand out and a Spektator fa-
of works. You also get to roll a pair of Jumanji dice vourite! $$$$ Moldova Restaurant (Kievskaya/Turusbekova)
before you order for the chance to win a special se- If it’s been a while since you last went out for a
cret prize - we like this. $$$ Italian Moldovan, this wooden paneled, sturdy-tabled ea-
tery may be the answer to your prayers. Also, the
Live Bar* (Kulatova/Pravda - near Ibiza club ) Adriatico (219, Chui) Moldovan Embassy is next door should you care
Twenty-four hour sports bar with live music at Reportedly suffering following the departure of to learn more about the world’s favourite budget-
weekends. Plenty of leather couches provide the its Italian chef, Walter, although we have been told wine exporting country. $$$
ideal place to sip cocktails whilst watching the that the soup is still excellent. $$$$
Champions league at three in the morning. $$$$ Regional/Central Asian
Bella Italia (Chui/Maladaya Gvardia)
Lounge Bar* (338a, Frunze) Adriatico’s former Italian chef, Walter, has moved Arabica* (Mederova/Tynastanova)
One of our favourite places to drink in the Summer- homes and is now serving a practically identical range This formerly sophisticated laid back shisha pipe)
time, when we can afford it. Outdoor balcony-cum- of dishes at this spot just behind October cinema. bar has moved to a new location and, by the looks
terrace high above the street with slouch-couches Enjoy the best pizza in town, gnocci and other typi- of the bath in the toilets, may still be under devel-
and fine views of the circus - which you can some- cal Italian numbers, washed down with a palatable opment. Three floors, VIP rooms, kaliyans aplenty.
times smell in hot weather. Nice. $$$ house red (600 soms/litre) $$$$ $$$

Find the best bars in town with the Spektator and May 2010 The Spektator

24 Bars, Restaurants & Clubs
Arzu-II (Sovietskaya/Lev Tolstoy bridge) Zaporyzhia (9, Prospect Mira) Apple (28, Manas)
Twenty-four hour joint that’s a godsend for those Recently opened, Zaporyzhia is a cossack fla- Fat, old, lecherous foreigners not welcome, this
who get cravings for lagman or manti at four in voured restauraunt in a varnish-scented log cab- place is for a younger cooler crowd. Multiple bars,
the morning. Sometimes smoking isn’t allowed, in. Hearty rustic dishes and a homely atmosphere. large dance floor, friendly atmosphere. Thursday
sometimes it is, however the food and prices are The medovukha is recommended! $$$ usually a big night. (Entrance charge 100-300 som)
constantly pretty good. Comfy booth style seats to
dig yourself into after a heavy night. $$ Turkish Arbat (9, Karl Marks)
Ajar (On Erkindik between Moskovskaya, Toktogula) Tel. 512094; 512087
Arzu-I (Togolok Moldo, next to the stadium) Smart ‘elite’ club popular with a slightly older
Offers a hearty selection of Kyrgyz and European Technically an ‘Azerbaijanian’, but don’t let this fact crowd. Strip bar and restaurant in same building.
dishes and a homely atmosphere. It might yet be a ruin the best value kebabs in town. The menu is (Entrance charge 200/350 som midweek, 350/450
little too chilly for al fresco dining, but there’s also a limited and if your Russian is too, just say ‘kebab’ and som Fri/Sat. Strip bar 700 som)
great outdoor terrace. $$ something cheap and tasty will arrive. $
City Club (85/1, Zhukeyeva-Pudovkina)
Derevyashka* (Ryskulova, behind Dvorets Sporta) Carlson (166, Sovietskaya) Tel. 511513; 510581
Atmospheric drinking cabin that serves a range of A good outdoor terrace and some hearty food, but So exclusive it makes the Spektator crowd feel like
Central Asian and Russian cuisine, as well as cheap- the Karaoke style crooners who provide evening cheap scum bags, City Club is one of the posh-
as-chips Arpa on tap. Well worth it on football entertainment are an acquired taste. $$ est clubs in town. Get past the ‘face control’ (ugly
nights, when the locals are rather rowdy. $ people beware) and spend your evening with gang-
Huzur (Kievskaya/Togoluk Moldo,)
Faiza (Jibek Jolu/Prospect Mira) Convivial proprietor Ali claims to have Steven Ger- ster types, lecherous diplomats, Kazakh business-
Possibly the best place to munch traditional grub rard’s 2005 Champion’s League winning Liverpool men and a posse of young rich kids who all seem to
in town. Their fried pelmeni and manti are so good shirt. If you don’t believe that, belive in free lipyosh- have studied in London. (Entrance charge: girls 200/
that they have often run out by supper-time. Save ka and good, affordable Turkish cuisine. $$ boys 300, Fri/Sat girls 300/boys 500
an appetite and go early. $$ Golden Bull (Chui/Togolok Moldo)
Konak (Sovietskaya/Gorkova)
Forel (Vorentsovka village) This Turkish joint used to be ‘Restaurant Camelot’ Tel. 620131
Twenty minutes outside of Bishkek, Forel is a fish- hence the incongruous suits of armour in the back A Bishkek institution. Full of ex-pats and tourists liter-
based ‘relaxation centre’ set amongst babbling room, and the rather crappy castle facade. However, ally every night of the week. Long bar, friendly staff,
streams and offering fine veiws of the mountains. Fish the food is often great, the salads are large and fresh, cheapish beer, everyone’s happy. (Entrance charge
your own trout out of a pool and have it deep fat fried and the staff are always pleasant. Recommended! [girls/boys] free/400 midweek, 150/400 Fri/Sat. ‘For-
for your pleasure. Only salads, bread, tea and juice are (And now open 24 hours a day) $$ eigners’ free.)
sold on site but you are welcome to bring any booze
Retro Metro (24, Mira)
or garnish you desire, it’s also possible to rent a BBQ.
To get there take a taxi to Vorentsovka village and, if

Bright, happy, 80’s kitsch bar, the DJ spins his rec-
your taxi driver doesn’t know the exact location, ask a
ords from inside the front of a VW camper van. One
friendly villager. Trout is 800som/kilo $$$
of the most popular places for post-2am partying.
Jalalabad (Togolok Moldo/Kievskaya) (Entrance charge: 200/300 som midweek, 350/450
Basically the cheapest food (that won’t give you gut There are some Bishkek old-hands who say that som Fri/Sat. Reserve for 200 som)
rot) in the centre of town. While it should stand out things aren’t what they used to be when it comes to
for its fresh lagman, Jalalabad is sometimes over- nightlife in Bishkek. They talk of legendary nights of Live Music
looked. Probably at its best in summer, when the carnage, vomit, and debauchery - delights that con-
shashlyk masters flanking the entrance offer their temporary Bishkek struggles to offer. Promzona (16, Cholpon-Atinskaya)
creations straight to guests sitting at Eastern-style Not so, we say. Take your pick from the list below and
tables – cross your legs and see how long you can we’re sure there’s still enough carnage, vomit and Promzona’s far-flung location sadly means a taxi
last before cramp sets in. $ debauchery in town to keep everyone happy. ride or a long walk home are in order at the end
of a night. Nevertheless, this trendy live music
venue has a lot going for it: good bands, an exten-
Advertise with sive menu, and a hip industrial interior featuring,

the Spektator
Heaven (Frunze/Pravda - in the Hotel Dostuk) strangely, a wind tunnel fan, make this one of the
As Heaven is found inside a hotel it is surprisingly best nights out in Bishkek. Tuesday is Jazz night.
unseedy. In fact it stands out for being a bastion of Rock or blues bands normally play at the week-
Rates from 1500 som per page. the well-dressed (if one is generous). Turn up in tatty ends. (Music charge 200-350 som)
jeans and a t-shirt and you may feel a little out of Tequila Blues (Turesbekova/Engels)
place; then again, you may not give a shit. Tables by A possible misnomer, the tequila is just fine but the dancefloor cost 1000 som but include drinks up the blues is non-existent. Russian studenty types
to this value. (Entrance charge 200-400 som) mosh away the nights to Rock bands in an at-
mospheric underground bunker. (Music charge
Russian/Ukrainian Fire & Ice (Tynystanova/Erkindik) 150 som)
A slightly grittier version of Golden Bull. Again, for-
Pirogoff-Vodkin (Kievskaya/Togolok Moldo) eigners can often get in for free. Popular throughout Sweet Sixties (Molodaya Gvardia/Kievskaya)
Classy restaurant with a turn of the 20th century the week. (Entrance ‘foreigners’ free) Live cover bands most nights. Full menu, popular
atmosphere serving Russian specialities. Have your with a younger crowd. $$
tea in a giant samovar. $$$ Pharoah (East side of the Philharmonic)
An underground lair packed with eyecatching nods Zeppelin (43, Chui)
Khutoryanka (Sovietskaya/Lev Tolstoy bridge)
to Ancient Egypt. Foreigners can sometimes negoti- Zeppelin is in the same vein as the old Tequila
Unassuming, to put it mildly, on the outside, this
ate cheaper or free entry, but be prepared for the big Blues but not quite so spit and sawdust. On the
place is a revelation on the inside. Delicious food,
sting inside - beer costs the best part of 200som. nights we’ve visited, there’s been a line up of young
reasonable service, Ukrainian brass band music
Charge ( 400-500 som) rock or punk bands strutting their stuff, heavier
on the cd player. We love it! $$$
beats seem to go down best with the young Rus-
Taras Bulba (Near the Yuzhniy Vorota on Sovietskaya) Platinum (East side of the Philharmonic) sian crowd. Full restaurant menu.
Like all the Ukrainian restaurants we’ve tried in Take a seat at the snazzy 360 degree bar and do bat- (Entrance charge 100-150 som)
Bishkek, Taras Bulba serves great food. We liked the tle with some of Kyrgyzstan’s most convivial ‘elite’ for
potato pancakes with caviar, the delicious soups gold-digging temptresses. (Entrance charge 400- Live music also common at Stary Edgar’s, Beatles
and fresh salads. $$$ 500 som)
Bar, Foyer and Blonder Pub (see ‘restaurants’)

May 2010 The Spektator

Map 25
vardia a Gvardia
Mol o d aya G Moloday


Lva Tolstogo

1 2 13
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va May 2010 The Spektator

26 What’s On
Pinta Pub Opening Trekking Union Dates for May Entertainment Directory
8th May 8th May The Puppet Theatre
Frunze 418 (Manas intersection) Paintballing Sovietskaya/Michurina
Everyone’s favourite draught beer shop opens a Show off your trigger-happy leadership qualities Performances on Sundays at 11:00am.
new pub on the street behind the Kyrgyz State in an adrenaline pumping game of paintball just
Philharmonic. The Spektator will be there in full outside the city. Same day return to Bishkek.
Russian Drama Theatre
force - pop down to sample dried fish snacks
Tynystanova, 122 (Situated in Oak Park)
and a range of tasty, locally brewed beers. Call 9th May
Tel.: 662032, 621571
proprietor Azamat (0555 903838) for directions. Trekking expedition to the Sokoluk Gorge
Hours: Mon-Sun, 10:00-18:00
Open air picnic and hike. Same day return to
Tickets 30-100 som
Victory Day - May 9th Bishkek.
A range of local and international plays in Rus-
This is one of the main holidays in the national 15th-16th May sian.
calendar, celebrating victory in the Great Pa- Trekking expedition to Lake Kek Moinok
triotic War (World War II to non-Russians) and First day: visit and hike along the Tyuk Issyk Ata The Conservatory
festivities will take place in Ala-Too square as gorge. Stay overnight in Viktorina mountain Jantosheva, 115
usual. A horse festival featuring Kok Boru had house. Second day: trek to Kek Moinok (2713m). Tel: 479542
also been planned at the city Hippodrome but Picnic and return to Bishkek in the afternoon. Concerts by students and professors.
may have been cancelled due to April’s political
upheavals. Check our website for updates. 22nd May Kyrgyz State Philharmonic
Paintballing Chui Prospect, 253
Dates for May Show off your trigger-happy leadership qualitiesTel: 212262, 212235
in an adrenaline pumping game of paintball just Hours: 17:00-19:00 in summer
7th May outside the city. Same day return to Bishkek. Tickets: 70-100 som (sometimes much more for
The Motherland (World War II themed) special performances)
Play written by Chingiz Aitmatov 23rd May There are two concert halls featuring classical,
5:00pm Tickets from 300 soms Trek in Birbuylak and Chongerchuck Gorges traditional Kyrgyz, and pop concerts and a variety
Opera Ballet Theatre Cross the 2400m pass, hike to a local waterfall of shows.
Tel: 66 15 48 and return via the Chongerchuck Gorge. Same
day return to Bishkek. Opera Ballet Theatre
13th May
Lady’s Day 29th May
Tel: 66 15 48
50% off entry (500 som) for women Trekking around the Issyk-Ata Gorge
Hours: 17:00-19:00
Platinum Nightclub Trek along the left bank of the Issyk Ata river to
Tickets: 150-600 som
Mt Botvev (4008m). Open air picnic. Return back
14th May Tickets for performances sell out very quickly and
along the opposite bank and visit a local water-
Evening Dance Competition fall. Same day return to Bishkek. it is necessary to book a seat in advance.
Gloss Lounge Bar
Manas, 24 30th May Live updates
Rafting season begins!
15th-16th May Boom gorge region, Chui River (Rafting category For all the Bishkek opera, ballet and concert listings,
Finals of KVN Kyrgyzstan 2-3) Distance: 25 km. Estimated time 2-2.5 hours. check our frequently updated What’s On listings at:
Comedy Contest
KVN is a tradition in former Soviet countries. Typical Prices for one day equipment hire
This two-day contest sees the cream of the Tent sleeping 2-3 people: 160 soms
Kyrgyz comic crop compete for a chance to
crack jokes in Moscow. Begins at 18:00.
Thermal Sleeping bag 100 soms Bakiev’s Balls
Skis: 500 soms
Palace of Sports (Frunze/Togolok Moldo) Cross-country skis: 300 soms “Production is something that appeals to me. I am a
Tel: 62 51 77 Coats: from 50 soms creator. I love making things and I hate crushing and de-
Pans and Teapots: 30 soms stroying them. I will probably start a business and make
21st May consumer goods. Toys, for instance. Toys will make chil-
Evening Dance Competition Groups meet the Thursday before the weekend of dren happy. I could make non-hazardous toys that would
Gloss Lounge Bar develop their intellect and bring smiles to their faces.”
departure. Call (0312) 906 115 or email us at trek@
Manas, 24 (As quoted in an interview with ‘Ruski Reporter’ 23/04/10) Website:

Trekking Union of Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, Chui av. 4A, Office A4
Tel.: +996 (312) 90 61 15, 90 61 39

Map: Location guide 7. Beta Stores Supermarket 14. New York Pizza 21. Stary Edgars
1. Tequila Blues 8. Derevyashka 15. Cowboy 22. TSUM Department Store
2. Metro Bar (American Pub) 9. Cyclone 16. National Museum 23. Jam
3. Watari 10. Coffee House (II) 17. Navigator 24. Mimino
4. Zaporyzhian Nights 11. Adriatico 18. Sky Bar 25. Arabica
5. Coffe House (I) 12. Santa Maria 19. Foyer 26. Konak
6. 2x2 Bar 13. Faiza 20. Fatboy’s 27. VEFA shopping Centre (RIP)

May 2010 The Spektator

l Asia’s only
Cen Mex
ic an
c i ng


t r

Happy Ho
Mon - Th
urs 5-7
60 som M
60 som S
60 som D
raft Beer
Always fre
e chips

158 Chui and salsa!

50m from Beta Stores

11:30– 22:00 Daily

312 61 08 23
 Homemade tortillas and tortilla chips from hand-
processed masa harina corn dough
 Tacos, burritos, enchiladas, fajitas, taco salad, quesadil-
las, Mex-pizza, pesoli, and menudo from 150-300 som
 Six yummy vegetarian options
 Free chips and salsa
 Non-smoking dining hall
 Friday & Saturday American Grill specials
 Delivery (100 som charge)*
Slightly higher for distant locations

Coming in Summer:

Student Art Gallery

Most pieces under 2000 s
The American
Cupcake Factory

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