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Camille Howard

5th Avenue New York City, New York 10118

T: (707)-328-1089

Camille Howard
I would like to be backstage of the Broadway musical, Hamilton, as a certified dietitian and physical
therapist, ensuring the performers are healthy and strong. A dietitian who remains backstage on the Hamilton
set will ensure that the cast members are receiving the nutrients they need in order to perform at their best.
When a cast member gets injured, a physical therapist will treat the problem, and show the performer how to
use their body properly to gain strength and prevent recurring injuries.

Starting off at the Tisch School of the Arts for two years, I had the opportunity to perform in various musicals
on Broadway. I later decided to become a registered dietitian at Steinhardt, and I received my DPT in
physical therapy. I have worked at hospitals, and a previous Broadway show as well. I am aware of the many
injuries that may occur while dancing, as well as what foods are the right foods for a performer. I studied
dance injury and medicine, so I am able to understand what movement performers should and should not be
doing in order to take care of their bodies.

Dietitian for Broadway Musical, Chicago
New York City, New York 2027-2028

Steinhardt Intern Abroad

Sydney, Australia 2023

General Internship at Harkness Center for Dance Injuries

New York City, New York 2018


DPT in physical therapy at Steinhardt at NYU

Minor in nutrition and dietetics at Steinhardt at NYU
MFA in dance at the Tisch School of the Arts at NYU
CME Certificate at Harkness Center for Dance Injuries

5th Avenue New York City, New York 10118

T: (707)-328-1089

Camille Howard

New York City, New York- 2018-2024

Can help restore function, improve mobility, relieve pain, and prevent or limit permanent physical
disabilities of patients.
Can teach a patient how to take care of themselves by showing them how to do exercises, and how to use
their body properly to gain strength and mobility and prevent recurring injury.
Can modify diets to treat or help to manage conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, overweight, cancer,
and food allergies.
Can develop a safe weight loss plan.
Can create meal plans for athletes, balancing carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.


Rachel Portnof-

Judith Gilbride-
Marijeanne Liederbach-
Lisa Sasson-
Leigh Schanfein-

5th Avenue New York City, New York 10118

T: (707)-328-1089

Camille Howard

5th Avenue New York City, New York 10118

T: (707)-328-1089

Camille Howard

5th Avenue New York City, New York 10118

T: (707)-328-1089

Camille Howard

5th Avenue New York City, New York 10118

T: (707)-328-1089

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