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Some may want to take their Reiki, Pranic Healing, etc., to the next level. Thats
the purpose of this document. How to integrate vibrational/energy healing with
Also, some may wish to use parts but not all of what is presented here. Thats
perfectly fine. Matter of fact, as you read through this document please do not
think, if you find something you are not inclined toward, might as well trash the
whole document. :-) Rather, its perfectly fine to scroll past what you are not
drawn to and continue on - to locate something you may be more inclined

* HOW TO SET UP A HOME ALTAR: Introduction and understanding what goes
on behind it all. Details, pictures, mantras, altar paraphernalia you can make (or
easily obtain), from simple to complex, according to your desire or facility.
* HOW TO USE YOUR HOME ALTAR: (Several sections to this as listed
directly below.) Various uses, how to's, offering incense, etc.
CHANTING & MANTRAS: Mantras and prana, chakra info, Japa beads &
how to string your own.
SANSKRIT and ENGLIGH: Short but sweet, with a prayer.
KARMA-FREE EATTING: Foods which hold a higher healing / pranic
vibration is explained here from a spiritual perspective.
the "how to's."
* ENGAGEMENT IN PRACTICAL SERVICE: Understanding why we wish to

* THE SERVICE OF REIKI OR ENERGY HEALING: Details on how to use your

home altar for Healing. It can be performed anywhere, any time, even at work or
a van. Includes healing the soul.


Creating an altar within your home can significantly increase ones healing
abilities, as it increases spiritual advancement due to creating an even more
powerful connection.
By so doing it means actually inviting God/Krishna and His pure devotee (Srila
Prabhupada) into your home as your honored guests. Really, their presence will
exist. It is not imaginary. Even materially, if someone calls our name or talks to
us, or invites us over, we pay attention. Oh, you called me? Certainly if we can
hear, God can understand and perceive us both when we speak aloud as well as
quietly or subtly within.
Some do not fully understand this concept of God as a Transcendental Person,
simultaneously being the most powerful, Supreme God. Much of our
misunderstanding stems from our material experiences, as we have only
identified person as one who is material, plus has a material body. We have had
no sublime experience with those in spiritual bodies. And our own, limited body
has brought illness or problems at times. So, an important word here is
transcendental. God does not have a body like ours, rather Gods body is 100%
transcendental. Starting with a Gita verse where Krishna is speaking,
Prabhupada explains this further:
"If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower,
fruit, or water, I will accept it." (Bg. 9.26) If God does not
have senses, how can He accept and eat the offerings
that are presented to Him? According to ritual, we are
offering Krsna food daily, and we can see that the taste of
this food is immediately changed. This is a practical
example. God eats, but because He is full, He does not
eat like us. If I offer you a plate of food, you will eat it, and
it will be finished. God is not hungry, but He eats, and at
the same time, He leaves the food as it is, and thus it is
transformed into prasada, His mercy. Purnasya purnam
adaya purnam evavasisyate. God is full, yet He accepts
all the food that we offer. Still, the food remains as it is.

He can eat with His eyes. As stated in Brahma-samhita,

angani yasya sakalendriya-vrttimanti: "Every sense of the
Lords body has all the potencies of the other senses."
Although we can see with our eyes, we cannot eat with
our eyes. The senses of God, however, being infinite, are
different. Simply by looking at the food that is offered to
Him, He eats it." POY, Ch 3, Pt. 1
Next, wheres a good place to set up the altar? Well, where would you seat any
respected guest? An excellent spot would be clean, draft-free, good lighting, with
little to no household disturbances. Naturally, your guest could do with a
comfortable chair. However, for the picture of Krishna, a mantelpiece, (nice)
ledge, corner table, or a bookcases top shelf is doable for those who cant make
an entire altar. We can still be practical. Now make that place special, just for
this purpose and nothing else.
Of course, you wouldn't seat a guest in your home and then pay them no
attention; you'd supply a place for yourself to sit as well, where you could sit at
ease and face him, and appreciate his company. Similarly don't position your
altar (or space) out-of-the-way or hard to get to. It is your place to go for peace,
for meditation, yours to connect with God. And when working on serving others
who are ill (on any level), its your place to request Krishna for His Divine
What do you need to set up your altar? Here are the essentials:
1.A picture of Srila Prabhupada.
2.A picture of Lord Caitanya and Nityananda (Most merciful Krishna Incarnate).
3.A picture of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna.
Actually, I have uploaded some of these. Feel free to print them and use them for
your altar. Now theres special computer paper just for photographs. If you wish
you can use it for that type of print. Or some may prefer the more natural type of
paper. Whatever is your preference is fine, even regular computer paper if you
want. Simply, I am trying my best to make this easy for you. Prior to printing, size
adjustment may be needed. Also, you can frame them so they will look especially
nice on your home altar..
Here is a very encouraging quote from Srila Prabhupada:
"Without much bother, if one simply keeps a picture
of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu at home and chants
Hare Krsna, then one will realize God. Anyone can
adopt this simple method. There is no expenditure,
there is no tax, nor is there any need to build a very
big church or temple. Anyone, anywhere, can sit

down on the road or beneath a tree and chant the

Hare Krsna mantra and worship God. Therefore it is
a great opportunity." Science of Self-Realization,
How wonderful! Lord Krishna and His pure devotee are so kind that they allow us
to worship even through pictures. It's something like mailing a letter: You can't
mail a letter by placing it in just any box; you must use the mailbox authorized by
the Postal Services. Similarly, we cannot imagine or make-up an image or picture
of God and worship that, but we can worship the picture of God which is very
specifically described in Vedic literatures. No golden calves here. God is telling
us what He looks like through His ancient Vedic texts, originally spoken by
Krishna Himself. He also explains that He accepts worship through that bona fide
1. The first direction a prayer or offering is given to, is the pure devotee spiritual
master. This is key pure devotee. Not to be misunderstood as the Anglo-Saxon
or English puritanical sense of the word; instead one who is fully free of all
materialist desires, unaffected by the material world, and completely conscious of
Krishna at every moment. So the guru who is not afraid of death, the guru who
can (genuinely) talk to God and connect with God in a variety of ways, and who,
according to Vedic explanation, fits all the qualifications of one who can be a
spiritual master. Only such an exceptionally pure and realized soul can give
sufficient help.
Before accepting a guru, a person must take responsibility to learn/memorize the
specific Vedic scriptural qualifications for a guru. Only then can we be sure of a
pure devotee as our guru helper. Only than can we make the full connection to
Krishna, through the mercy of one who can talk to Him! I wont get into all the
details of how to recognize a pure spiritual guru here, but will give a couple of the
most important basic scriptural info. If you want more, you can do independent
A) "A sober person who can tolerate the urge to speak,
the minds demands, the actions of anger and the urges
of the tongue, belly and genitals is qualified to make
disciples all over the world." Nectar of Instruction, text
B) "In his prayers to the spiritual master, Srila
Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura confirms that all the
revealed scriptures accept the spiritual master to be
identical with the Personality of Godhead because he
is a very dear and confidential servant of the Lord.
Gaudiya Vaisnavas therefore worship Srila Gurudeva
(the spiritual master) in the light of his being the

servitor of the Personality of Godhead. In all the

ancient scriptures of devotional service and in the more
recent songs of Srila Narottama dasa Thakura, Srila
Bhaktivinoda Thakura and other unalloyed Vaisnavas,
the spiritual master is always considered either one
of the confidential associates of Srimati Radharani or
a manifested representation of Srila Nityananda
Prabhu." ~ C.C., Adi-Lila, 1.46
UPDATE: I made a little web page. It explains how to recognize a pure devotee
to accept as guru. Now it is not complete, then again, there will always be more
to add. :) However, it has enough to make the point. Clearly enough. Matter of
fact, you can start your research here:
Moving on. Because we offer incense or even prayer to the spiritual master,
some are under the misconception that he is being accepted as God. This is not
so. The spiritual master is never to be confused as God. Only God is God.
Because the spiritual master is Krishnas dear-most servant, Krishna has
empowered him. Therefore he is worthy of reverence, as is the link that will
connect us to God/Krishna eternally.
Often we do not understand what is going on behind the transcendental scene.
For example, once a devotee wrote about his experience with Prabhupada. This
devotee was new, a Hindu gentleman yet cautious. Everyone was singing whats
known as Prayers to the Spiritual Master. This new devotee said, How come
Prabhupada is singing along? Wondering if Prabhupada was glorifying himself.
Another, older devotee explained, Its because he is saying prayers to HIS
spiritual master. A pure devotee like Srila Prabhupada does not accept such
praise but immediately passes it on to his (pure) guru, and in turn his guru
passes it on to his, etc, all the way up until it reaches Krishna/God. This is the
nature of a qualified spiritual master, that he accepts no praise for himself.
Needless to say, after hearing this, that devotee was delighted!
Prabhupadas departure from India in 1965 is evidence that he was willing to
leave his homeland as well as the many Holy Places there, to come to the West
and spread Bhakti Yoga when hardly anyone else would, not even his
godbrothers. He withstood two heart attacks on a ship to the West, and took
many risks, living poorly or simply, often not knowing how things were going to
fall into place thou he was sure that they would due to following the
instruction of his spiritual master. It seems that very few if any, cared enough
about us in the West to take such personal risks. Only the pure devotee could
handle such a thing or care that deeply. And only a pure devotee could achieve

such success! After all, a few tried but their accomplishments have been small at
So prior to Prabhupada, maybe a handful came here, possibly starting one or two
small temple or even some Impersonalist groups. However, no one clarified it is
Krishna who is the One God everyone worships (knowingly - often unknowingly).
And no one made devotees of Krishna Personified. We in the West were still left
in the dark about Who God is. It wasn't until Srila Prabhupada that people
became Krishna bhaktas (devotees), rekindling their dormant relationship with
In time Prabhupada opened very many temples worldwide. This is due to
empowerment of Krishna, and to the mercy of the pure devotee. Its even said
that Prabhupada was sent by God to fulfill the prophecy of Lord Caitanya, Who
foretold that one day a pure devotee would spread the Holy Names of Lord
Krishna all over the world. No other Vaisnava has done this. We are fortunate to
be born at a time when Prabhupada traveled West!
2. Next, the second picture placement upon your altar should be that of Lord
Caitanya and Lord Nityananda - incarnations of Krishna). First Id like to address
this concept of expansions and incarnations of God. Some do not understand
how we can believe there is only one God, yet believe in expansions and
incarnations. This needs to be cleared up, as well as our material, linear beliefs
kept out of the way as much as possible.
The Lord has multifarious other forms, and all of them are identical with the
original fountainhead form of the Lord, Sri Krsna. In the Bhagavad-gita it has
been proven the original transcendental and eternal form of the Lord is Sri
Krsna, the Absolute Personality of Godhead. By His inconceivable internal
potency, atma-maya, He can expand Himself by multifarious forms and
incarnations simultaneously, without being diminished in His full potency. He is
complete. Although innumerable complete forms emanate from Him, He is still
complete, without any loss. That is His spiritual or internal potency.
For those hearing it for the first time this may take a bit to process, yet makes
sense. After all, if we truly believe God is God, then He can do anything He
wants. Even things beyond our (material) understanding. Feel free to email me
with any questions.
Anyhow, Lord Chaitanya is Krishna Himself, appeared in the form of His own
devotee in order to teach us how to be a devotee. He specifically advented to
spread the once secret knowledge of the chanting of the Maha Mantra, and
performing some various other activities of bhakti-yoga. Lord Caitanya is the
most merciful incarnation with Lord Nityananda even more merciful. They
overlook offenses and make it easy for anyone to attain love of God through the
chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra which They made public to all. At one time

this was considered a mantra only for the priestly caste. However, They quickly
spread it to everyone so all could benefit! You may say, But Ive heard of it
before. Exactly! Thanks for making my point. :-)
3. A persons altar should obviously, contain a picture of the Supreme Personality
of Godhead Krishna, one which includes His eternal consort Srimati Radharani
(or Radha). She is also God (an expansion). Some have trouble initially
understanding this. Wondering either how can She be an expansion if God is
One (though thats all ready been touched on, above). OR how can a female be
God?! Actually, it is explained in ancient Vedic literatures that in the beginning,
Radha and Krishna were One. For the purpose of enjoyment, They separated, as
Radha is known as the pleasure potency. She is Krishna's internal, spiritual
energy. Radha is devotional service personified, and devotees always take
shelter of Her to learn how to serve Krishna. One may also consider, how could
there be females here in this world, if that energy did not originally exist within
God? With a little thought, realization comes, and it begins to make sense that
God be Radharani too. :-) Anyway, think about it, and again, feel free to email
me with any questions if you have them.
Now to make all this practical and easy, simply arrange pictures from left to
right, with the picture of Srila Prabhupada on your left (when you face the altar).
Then the picture of Lord Caitanya and Nityananda is next or in the middle. Lastly,
the picture of Radha and Krsna at the far end or right. This is also the order you
offer incense, flowers, prayers, etc.
Or you can make it a bit fancier if you keep in mind the order. In that case, start
with Srila Prabhupada on the left, but the picture of Radha and Krsna on a small
raised platform slightly behind (3 D) and centered. OR, Their picture can be put
up on the wall above the altar (also center). Lastly, the picture of Lord Caitanya
and His associates on your far right.
Anyhow, if forgetful, or for convenience, then placing them left to right keeps it
practical. You see, Vedically you first pray to spiritual teacher, then to Lord
Caitanya because He ignores mistakes or offenses and only sees the good in all;
lastly to Krishna, as by that time we have come to the best consciousness we
can, thereby better able to make our prayer or offering, etc.
In most cases I do not recommend home Deity worship, though actually thats an
entirely different topic. Summed up, if you ever decide you want to get involved in
Deity worship at home, go for GourNitai (Lord Caitanya / Nityananda) Deities, as
Prabhupada said anyone can have Them, even mleccas.
Moving on, or back.
In addition, some items you may want (or if you one day wish to increase), you
can add ~

an altar cloth,
water cups (one for each picture),
candles with holders,
a special plate for offering food,
a small bell, incense,
an incense holder,
and fresh flowers, which you may offer in vases or simply place before each
a special place or plate or wooden something-or-other to hold a piece of paper
with name, location, and basic need of anyone you are praying (etc) for.
This can be put away when not in use and just taken out for the times you
perform this. And actually, some dont even require this & can simply do it from
memory this is therefore, especially optional.
Every morning following your shower or bath, clean the altar. Cleanliness is
important because its not limited to the outside like some misunderstand, rather
as we clean the outside we are starting to unpeel our layers and working toward
cleaning the inside too. Besides, we wouldn't disregard cleaning the room of a
respected guest spending the night. Once you establish an altar you have invited
Krsna and His pure devotees to dwell in your home as the most exalted guests.
Now dont get paranoid ha, it doesnt require something difficult, just conscious.
If for your altar you have special water cups, rinse them daily fill with fresh water
daily. (Save a separate dish washing cloth for altar paraphernalia only.) Then
place the cups conveniently close to the pictures. After all, you dont want your
transcendental Guest to have to stretch too far to get a drink, or have to get up to
go get it, etc. :-)
For flowers, as soon as flowers start to wilt take them out of vases (considering
you have access to adequate flowers).
Try to offer fresh incense daily, though not limited to only once. Its easy and fun
to offer and described below.
Be it incense or candles, be careful (full of care), and be conscious! Do not start
a fire! Use your intelligence here. Be responsible.
With that said. the above will create a wonderful, most inspiring and auspicious
mood! It will help you with healings coupled with personal spiritual advancement.
It takes more to write all this then to do. Its really quite simple once you get the
hang of it.
Many of these are optional too. Dont let them stand in the way of starting simply
because you havent got everything. If you sincerely try to love God, you'll

gradually (or quickly!) realize how much He loves you! That's the essence of this
How fortunate we are.


A home altar actually has many purposes, there are many things you can use it
for, and that is its beauty! In this section we will discuss its use along with any
type of healing practice at all. Therefore, no need to get into exactly what
method you employing for healing, simply this is to show what can pleasantly be
added, and how.
Since an altar is a meditative place of peace, a sanctuary for you, and a place to
make your spiritual connections, it can also be utilized as an area to practice any
healing method you are drawn to.
If you are inclined to first offer your beautiful pictures of the Lord some incense,
etc (recommended), heres how:
Standing to the right side of the altar (your left), you can make circles with the
incense around Their entire Transcendental picture. OR, if you want to get a little
more detailed over time, just make three little circles starting at their feet, then 3
to the waist, then 3 to the head, lastly 1 3 times around entire picture. (If you
want to also offer a flower individually, its done the same way.) Simultaneously
chanting, which is described below.
Water can be offered just by setting the cups in front of Them and then saying
mantras or prayers. (Below.)
All of this sets the mood, supercharging the atmosphere (and you!) with higher
vibrations of spiritual energy. Though it is not always necessary, just that this
option exists.
Next, regarding healing, one generally starts with some simple relaxation if
desired; then prayer or mantra. This is not some mere ritual or wishful thinking.
Vedic prayer has power. Even from a basic understanding, and something many
do not know, is that mantra carries prana. So either way you win. :)
Therefore by sitting cross legged (but really any method of sitting or even
standing is fine) in front of your altar, in your special place of peace, then
chanting with sincerity, thus a Vedic prayer/mantra can increase your abilities to
heal self and others, on any level.


We can look at mantra chanting from various points of view. They work on every
level so I will briefly touch on those, and wish to state I myself am interested in
the spiritual aspect. Yet, the following is interesting.
From the more material scientific point - to pronounce a word creates various
types of vibrational frequency. This is a scientific fact. The frequency of the
word vibrates in the brain within the cerebral cortex. When that sound is spiritual,
even materially it has benefits and has been found to form whats known as a
feedback loop while the brain is producing such sound, and the brain listens to it,
next responding with a deeper level of awareness and personal empowerment.
Even we notice, an opera singer can break glass with the mere sound vibration
of their voice, the decibels of an airplane too loud has punctures ear drugs as
has some rock music, etc. Matter of fact, scientific studies have shown that
plants exposed to hard rock music for significant periods of time withered and
eventually died, whereas plants exposed to classical music thrived! Certainly
sound vibration has power! We merely need to use it rightly.
And form the subtle material auric body point - mantra is a mystical formula
composed of the original Sanskrit language of the mystical Spiritual Sky. Now, in
relationship to chakras, speech originates in the Muladhara Chakra. Then
through desire it moves upward and crosses the navel or Svadhisthana Chakra,
continuing on up to the Solar Plexus or Manipura Chakra, on further to the heart
or Anahata Chakra. Here it transforms into Pasyanti and Madhyama to finally
reach the throat or Visuddha Chakra. This causes it to take audible form of sound
vibration called vaikhari. This vaikhari has been categorized into 50 alphabets of
Sanskrit starting from a(A) and ending with ksh(xa). Everything, even our
physical body, starts from the more subtle auric body (which includes chakras).
If we get sick, it first hits our auric body only to later move through into the
physical. Though later could be anywhere from a few minutes to years,
accordingly. However, it still must first meet up with, and transfer through, the
chakras and auric body. Therefore, healing will also start there, and sound
vibration that has been known since time immemorial by the great sages and
yogis of India to definitely effect these different chakras and our aura, will
therefore be healing to body/mind/soul when used. However, memorizing the
details of how it all functions and unfolds is all very complex and not really
necessary. It works whether you are paying attention to it or not, just as your
heart keeps beating whether you understand the physiological details of how it
does its job or dont understand it. Its so much easier to just chant from a
spiritual perspective which takes care of everything in the first place.
So the most important is the spiritual point, as when our body ultimately passes
over we will not need any of the other, therefore they will also eventually die

away. However, the effects and benefits regarding the spiritual potency of a
mantra will never go away. Its beneficial eternally. Though its not necessary to
move into an ashrama to learn this. Anyone can practice the Yoga of Mantra
Meditation within the peaceful realms of their home. Spiritual life, like anything
else, means practical activity. The key is to accept the guidance of
scripture/shastra and the pure jagat guru Srila Prabhupada.
Spiritual knowledge empowers us. We actually become strong on many levels,
including psychologically, and with achievement of our desires. This is also why
we need to become humble. The power we get from a real and genuine
connection with the Supreme Being is more potent than any can even begin to
imagine. Not to worry, God isnt about to send you jumping on a bandwagon. Ha
But we also are expected to remain sincere and try to be humble. With that said,
we can do much good for the world and ourselves as we engage in ancient,
divine, Vedic mantra chanting.
Mantra Meditation actually directs us in all aspects of life, healing the heart,
healing the body (various levels) and healing the soul. Thus, bringing much
peace, happiness, and the opportunity to never take birth again but instead -rejoin Krishna in the Spiritual Sky.
So we can put some real effort into organizing our lives in such a way as to follow
Krishna's teachings as far as possible, gradually, gently aiming for increase on a
practical level. Simply we try to do our best. Then it will be possible for us to rise
to the transcendental plane even while living in the material world. We can be in
the world, but not of the world, though this often takes time, yet is achievable. It
will also help to empower any healing methods someone may desire to use
The first principle of chanting is to understand, and use, the transcendental
vibration of the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra. Others may be added after this one
is used, as Maha translates as "great;" mantra translate as "sound that liberates
the mind from ignorance." There is no mantra as great or as powerful as this
Maha Mantra:
Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.
There are no restriction, no hard and fast rules. You dont have to become an
initiated disciple. You can just chant these holy names of the Lord anywhere, any
Although there is additional benefit to set a specific time of the day to regularly
chant. Early morning hours are ideal as they are astrologically as well as
spiritually considered to be auspicious and blocking of malefics. However,

anytime of day will offer powerful benefits, as it is more in accord with heart and
sincere endeavor.
Now chanting the Maha Mantra can be done in two ways:
1. A. Singing the mantra, called kirtana (aloud)
B. singing the mantra as a bhajana (aloud but more quietly)
Both of these both are usually done in a group though not limited to that.
2. Chanting or saying the mantra to oneself, called japa (which literally means "to
speak softly").
Focus on hearing the sounds of the holy names. Dont try too hard, or too little.
Just stick with it and remain aware. While chanting, enunciate it clearly,
approaching Krsna in a prayerful spirit. If your mind roams, dont beat yourself
up, simply draw it back to the resonance of the Lord's divine names. Chanting
this Maha Mantra is a prayer to Krsna. It means:
"O energy of the Lord, O all-attractive Lord Krishna O Supreme Enjoyer,
please engage me in Your service."
The more you are focused and genuine as chant Hare Krishna, the more spiritual
growth you will build.
Because Krishna is forgiving, loving, and kind, thoughtfully He has made
returning Home extremely e-a-s-y
in this age of Kali-yuga, that we may get out of the material world in one birth (it
was considerably more complicated in previous ages) simply by enjoying the
pleasure of chanting His names. All of His powers are within them, because He
IS the mantra. (In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God.) Merely,
invisible to our material eyes. Its simply a matter of realization. "There is no
difference between chanting the Hare Krsna mantra and meeting Krsna eye
to eye, face to face. Simply one has to realize." - Prabhupada lecture, 1-1273, Bombay, India)
Thus we (surprisingly!) begin to understand that the names of God and God
Himself are one and the same. Accordingly, we are directly associating with God
and receiving purity when chanting Hare Krishna and Rama. Endeavor to chant
in a humble state of mind, a meditative mood, and with devotion. According to
ancient Vedic literature, Lord Krishna is personally dancing on your tongue when
you chant His holy name. How wonderfully blissful! :-)
Whilst chanting unaccompanied (though can be done with others desirous to do
the same), and you wish to chant more than just a few mantras, use a strand of
108 small beads. These are called japa beads and highly recommended. They

help to maintain a tally of how many mantras you chanted, as well as increases
the ability to focus our attention on the sound vibration of these sacred Names.
Theres 108 gradated beads plus one big bead known as the head bead. Start
chanting on a bead next to the head bead, rolling it gently between thumb and
middle finger of right hand while simultaneously chanting the complete Hare
Krsna mantra (16 syllables). Then shift to the following bead and do again. Like
this, blissfully chant on all of the 108 beads till you arrive at the head bead once
more. This is called one round of japa. After that, and avoiding chanting on the
head bead, turn the beads around and begin your second round upon the last
bead you chanted on. The time line for one round generally averages between 57 minutes, but time is really not so important, just a guide. Take however long
you need.
Now, once a devotee receives spiritual initiation then they vow before God and
Guru to chant a minimum sixteen rounds Hare Krsna mantra daily. Of course
more can be added on any particular day you feel enlivened, a holiday, etc.
Simply the initiated need to be sure and maintain sixteen.
For the uninitiated, even if you can chant only one round per day, the idea is
commit to chanting that round, finish it every day. After some practice or time (or
sooner) you may feel you could chant more than one etc round, then add to the
number you were chanting daily. Again and for anyone, on days of inspiration its
perfectly ok and even a good idea to chant more than your selected number, due
to enthused feelings, returning next day to lesser number of rounds, as long as
we do so consciously.
What if we slip and have trouble maintaining a certain amount of chanting?
Again, dont beat yourself up, just do what you can and keep on keepin on. :)
Returning next day (etc) to the number of japa you have set for yourself.
Beads are holy so don't let them touch ground or put anywhere unhygienic. If it
accidentally happens, relax. Just touch them to your forehead with a sincere
apologetic mood, and a Hare Krishna. :-) That beads can be kept clean it's
good to carry them inside a particular pouch called a bead bag. Someday Ill
have to figure out how to describe a sewing pattern for that, but beads can be
used without one. Just be conscious and take care of them.
You can string your own beads. Just purchase 109 graded wooden beads and
some strong string or rope or some have used fishing line. String 108 of them.
This next point is important. In between each beads place a knot. Every time.
This signifies Personalism. Anyway, just string all your beads bringing the almost
finished product together at the top, taking both cords, and string them thru the
head bead. Your now have your own set of japa beads!

While the Maha mantra is the most potent of all mantras ever, you can add other
mantras for various, specified purposes. You can find some of these other
mantras, for healing and/or protection at the sidebar of this e-group under the
files section or: They are
always effective, especially since they are Vishnu mantras, nevertheless the
Maha-Mantra is most important and increases the potency of everything. Both
can easily be used. Just for the record, beads should be saved and revered for
use of the Maha Mantra.
Aside from japa beads, you can also SING the Maha Mantra in kirtana. While its
perfectly fine to sing alone, and recommended as the insects even benefit (!),
therefore what to speak of you!. But kirtana is generally performed with others. A
melodious kirtana with family or friends is sure to enliven everyone. Devotees
use traditional melodies and instruments, especially in the temple, but you can
chant to any melody as for example was done by George Harrison and others,
using any musical instruments to accompany your chanting. As Lord Caitanya
said, "There are no hard and fast rules for chanting Hare Krishna."
If you would like to experience some of these various forms of singing
(transcendental sound vibration in song form), in a moment I will give a good link
that offers a variety of musical downloads. Once you get there, look at the very
top of the page. You will see a drop-down box. Click on that and it gives the
following choices:
Hare Krishna Mantra 1966 Hit Record.
Western Style Hare Krishna Mantra.
Explanation of Hare Krishna Mantra (not music but very interesting!)
Govinda [produced by George Harrison]
Sanskrit song about the Spiritual Master
Sanskrit song about Radha and Krishna.
Chanting on beads (not music)
Go to Real Audio web page.
Lots of choices! Enjoy your spiritual senses. :-) Heres the URL:
Often a person discovers japa and kirtana, when performed in front of an altar, a
special place, are more personal plus boosts efficiency. Simultaneously, there are
no hard and fast rules, singing is fun! Sing the Maha Mantra to the walls, to the
wind, to the cat outside your window or goldfish in a bowl. What if some cant
hear? Ahhhh but the soul always hears. Let yourself go, and experience the bliss
of singing the Maha Mantra! When I lived in the ashrama I was told to even sing
it to the walls, ha, as some bacteria or something will benefit. :) And once again,
so will the singer.


Now, if you are drawn to learning and chanting the more complex Sanskrit
mantras, I have put some above, as well as in the files AND links sections
located on this e-groups sidebar. For those who want a simple healing prayer,
here is one in plain English that can be reverently spoken in front of the home
altar. Yes, Sanskrit holds a special pranic and spiritual power, but God knows
English too. Thus, no one need feel left out the pranic healers or those who
"My Dear Srila Prabhupada, Lord Caitanya, Sri Krishna, All Incarnations,
Expansions, and ParamAtma in the heart of all,
Please hear my request. I can do nothing without You, but with you the
entire Universe can be moved. If I may do some humble service kindly grant me
permission to be used as Your instrument and send healing/protection, if You so
desire or allow, to <insert persons name and location if you know it>. Also would
You kindly direct this recipient to find You, and would You please enter their life.
With harm to none and benefit to all, Hare Krishna. Your servant (your name) "
This is just a guideline or to give some idea. Feel free to modify, simplify, or
create your own.
In addition to the prana carried by mantra, the power of these most
transcendental pictures should not be minimized in the mind. While to us, these
look like any other very nice photo or painting, we should not be under the
illusion that our material senses see all and know all. These transcendental
photographs are more potent than most realize. And that is part of it realization.
Prabhupada has said they are windows into the Spiritual Sky. Thus, what we may
not immediately have realization of spiritually, we can at least use our intellect to
gain philosophical realization of within our brains. We can understand though
basic intelligence that whether we feel it or not, whether we experience it or not,
God IS present in these pictures. He doesnt need our belief to be there. Like
gravity, He exists with or without our belief. :)
Through Gods sublime power and transcendental energies, Krishna can change
matter to spirit. By placing
an iron rod into fire, we all know that soon the rod becomes as hot, acting like the
fire. Similarly, food prepared for Krishna, then offered to Him with sincere love
and devotion, will become spiritualized. Such food is known as Krishna
prasadam (pronounced praa-sHad-aam). Meaning: "the mercy of Lord Krishna."
To eat prasadam is a basic part of bhakti yoga. In other types of yoga one must

unnaturally suppress the senses, whereas in bhakti-yogi one can engage his or
her senses in a variety of enjoyable spiritual activities, such as the taste of
delectable food offered to Lord Krishna. Like this, ones senses gently and
progressively get spiritualized, thus a person can experience increasing
transcendental pleasure through engagement in devotional service. These
spiritual delights undoubtedly exceed any material experience.
Quote via Lord Caitanya: "Everyone has tasted these foods before. However,
now that they have been prepared for Krishna and offered to Him with devotion,
these foods have acquired extraordinary tastes and uncommon fragrances. Just
taste them and see the difference in the experience! Apart from the taste, even
the fragrance pleases the mind and makes one forget any other fragrance.
Therefore one should know that the spiritual nectar of Krsna's lips must have
touched these ordinary foods and imparted to them all their transcendental
The perfection of vegetarianism. Is to eat only that which is offered to Lord
Krishna. Oh, its nice to be a vegetarian, and it is pious. Please consider there is
still some degree of life, even within a vegetable, that must die for us to eat and
survive. What to do? There is an easy, spiritual solution. By offering our
vegetarian food to Krishna with mantra, we free ourselves from any karmic
reaction of taking the life of even a plant. Furthermore, because we offered it
with love, we can now experience an arousing of our soul's original rapport with
God, Lord Sri Krishna. Details on how to do that, follows.
Purchasing & Preparing Food
Upon walking the aisles of a grocery store, trying to pick foods to offer to God, it
can be difficult to recognize what can be offered and what cannot.
"If one offers Me (Krishna) with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit, or water,
I will accept it." ~ Bhagavad-gita:
We now have a code and it states not to offer meat, fish, and eggs, as these are
all living entities of various types. But do offer God sattvic/pure foods prepared
from vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, and milk products. This action of offering, will
increase our love and devotion as well as connection to Him.
Both coffee and caffeinated tea are not acceptable as these contain drugs.
However some very much like the flavor of such beverages so if you still want to
drink them, simple just buy the caffeine-free coffee (or Postum) and herbal

teas. Or do a net search for Coffee Substitutes. Theres always a solution

when we want a solution. :)
You may wish to know that many companies insert meat, fish, and egg products
to foods youd never expect contained them. Not all that appear vegetarian, are
vegetarian. So you need to become a bit of a label reader in this age of kali.
Example: A number of yogurt and sour cream companies include gelatin, which is
made out of hooves, horns, even bones from animals who have been
slaughtered. Additionally, unless the package states otherwise, cheese often
contains rennet which is an enzyme extracted from the stomach tissues of
slaughtered calves. However, there are rennetless cheeses, usually in health
food stores. Not all in those stores are rennetless either, so ask. They dont mind.
Attempt as much as would be doable, trying to use fresh, natural, (veggie)
organic ingredients.
Its important to be very hygienic when preparing food to offer to God. Maintain a
clean kitchen, wash your hands complexly and as soon as you go into your
kitchen. Now during the preparation process, we do not taste. The meal is not for
us but for the pleasure of God, so we keep it free of bacteria that comes from the
mouth, hands, etc. However, know that what we offer God, God gives back. So
we can partake of His remnants. He is so kind that he leaves it all for us, merely
it becomes spiritualized.
Next, position portions of the food on special plates and cups kept particularly for
this function. They can be small and only need small portions placed on them.
Simply, they are only for the Lord and no one else is to eat from them. They are
His. :-) Now, if you don't have a special plate or plates, just do your best. :) Heck,
go to the dollar store for starters. Tho over time hope you will get so into it that
you will want, and be able to afford, some nice silver or at lest stainless steel
plates and cups for the Lord.
Offering food has an invisible, mystical and spiritual effect. It may be invisible to
us, but on a spiritual level the food has changed. It has been accepted by the
Supreme Lord, due to a persons love and sincere effort. Therefore we receive
great benefit! How does one do this?
A basic method to offer food is a simple prayer, with folded hands or on knees.
Example: "Dear Lord Shri Krsna, please accept this foodstuff," plus chant the
Hare Krishna mantra 1 or 3 times.
If you want to take it further, learn and chant each of the Sanskrit prayers one or
three times. (You don't need to chant the English too, but it is good to learn what
it meansgradually is fine) Some have taken these mantra's/prayers along with

them on paper while making their offering, learned it that way. Dont make it a
difficult or stressful thing, but fun! Because it is.
You can add the ringing of a bell if you like.
1. Prayer to Srila Prabhupada:
nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhutale
Srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti nomine
"I offer my respectful obeisances unto His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta
Swami Prabhupada, who is very dear to Lord Krsna, having taken shelter at His
lotus feet.
namas te sarasvate deve, gaura-vani-pracarine
nirvesesa-synyavadi- pascyatya-desha tarine
Our respectful obeisances are unto you, O spiritual master, servant of
Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami. You are kindly preaching the message of
Lord Caitanya deva and delivering the Western countries, which are filled with
impersonalism and voidism."
2. Prayer to Lord Caitanya:
namo maha-vadanyaya, krsna-prema-pradaya te, krsnaya krsna-caitanya,
namne gaura-tvise namah
"O most munificent incarnation! You are Krishna Himself appearing as Sri Krsna
Caitanya Mahaprabhu. You have assumed the golden color of Srimati Radharani.
and You are widely distributing pure love of Krsna. We offer our respectful
obeisances unto You."
3. Prayer to Lord Krsna:
namo brahmanya-devaya, go-brahmana-hitaya ca, jagad-hitaya krsnaya,
govindaya namo namah
"I offer my respectful obeisances unto Lord Krsna, who is the worshipable Deity
for all brahmanas the well-wisher of the cows and the brahmanas and the
benefactor of the whole world. I offer my repeated obeisances to the Personality
of Godhead, known as Krsna and Govinda."

Its a good idea to wait a few minutes after offering, to give the Lord time to
partake. Simply as one who raised children, and having friends with little kids, no
child should be in the background waiting out of hunger. In such cases, or other
times when waiting is impractical, simple rise and transfer the maha or the
Lords food from His plates to a large serving container (not a persons eating
plate). Wash with special cloth, the Lords plates and put them away. Now, what
was removed directly from the altar is especially potent. Its all prasadam. The
portion in the pots, salad bowls, etc. - all prasadam. But foods directly from the
Lord plate is called maha pradsad and is extra potent.
Be practical, just be sincere of heart and stay focused while making the offering.
Thats why it can (sometimes) be better to do a short, simple offering if we are
less likely to be interrupted, or our minds less likely to wander - than to do
something fancy with our mind off to Hawaii or thinking about the laundry, that
annoying person at work, something else. Or Sundays could be a day to do it
bigger. Mix it up, just come to a clear decision before starting the week, month,
even the day.
The purpose of preparing and offering food to Krishna is to express your love and
appreciation of Him. Krsna accepts your devotion, not the mechanical aspect of
an offering. However, that doesn't mean we shouldn't make offerings etc at times
were not overflowing with love, No. Remember, love is a verb. We offer, sing, etc
regardless of how we feel or dont feel. Actually this is the way we will become
elevated and will feel it. And that we should do so sincerely to the best of our
ability for that day or time, as its to our advantage. The Supreme Personality of
Godhead, Krishna, is complete in and of Himself--He doesn't require one thing-but out of His enormous love He lets us offer Him food in order for use to develop
our love and connection with Him, thus it becomes reciprocal.
Once the food has been offered and transferred from Gods special dinnerware,
His dishes and utensils (with separate cloth other than those used for humans
dirty dishes), if you wish you can invite visitors or family to honor/consume the
prasadam!! :-) Because Krsna accepts it, it is non-different from Him, and for that
reason by eating it youll automatically become purified. This may be a hard
concept for some to understand. Keep in mind, it is spiritual - very different from
out average comprehensions.
All which you offer up to Krishna on your home altar becomes prasadam - mercy
of the Lord. Incense, flowers, water, food, even cloth upon the altarall you offer
for Krishnas joy becomes spiritualized. As we offer the Lord something with
authentic love and devotion, He returns it, and we can enjoy it as prasadam! :)
Also, He enters into the offering making the remnants non-different from Himself.
You can deeply respect the things you've offered, and can share them with others
too. Giving out of prasadam is a wonderful activity!
For a free online veggie cookbook click here---->> on The Higher Taste ---->>


It is nature to work; in most cases it cant be avoided. Maybe a few who are
wealthy have avoided, but really, upon closer examination we will see that while it
may be different, they too must work. This is the nature of the material word as
well as the nature of the spirit soul, as even the soul desires to do something.
People will either serve themselves or they will serve others including God, but it
is natural to want to serve.
If that work is for self alone, then one must next accept karmic reactions (good
included) of that work. Even good work causes us to return to the material world
to reap its rewards. Oh we should still be good :-), simply we need to increase
and become transcendental. Lord Krsna explains: "Work done as a sacrifice for
Vishnu [Krsna] has to be performed. Otherwise work binds one to the material
world." Bhagavad-gita 3.9. So now we see this as true according to Gods own
words. Who wants rebirth? To be 13 years old was NOT fun and I dont want to
go through that again. ha. Solution? Chant Hare Krishna and serve His
transcendental picture on our Home Altar. Its fun, its easy, and increases your
own inner sense of peace too. God, being nondifferent from His name and
transcendental form, is there in that lovely photo on your home altar. Its simply a
matter of realization, which will come in time.
One does not have to change employment, unless you're occupied in a negative
karmic job like a cook of meat products, or a bartender/waitress at a bar, etc.
Aside from things like this, if you're an artist, draw for Krsna; if you're a writer,
write about Krsna. Even if one can't do this directly, at least when we go to our
jobs we can think of Krishna. That is a form of meditation too.
Taking to spiritual life doesnt mean becoming irresponsible, rather to do things
with right consciousness. The example is there that one person may be mowing
the lawn and the Krishna-devotee is also mowing his lawn. But one is freeing
their self of karma by the activity while the other is binding himself. Why? The
man (in this case) is grumbling, angry because he has to mow this stupid grass.
The devotee on the other hand is chanting or thinking "Hare Krishna," pleasantly
singing this beautiful song to himself - or thinking of the beautiful, transcendental
form of Krishna - in that way freeing himself. The outward appearance may look
the same, but what is going on within, the type of consciousness that is there,
makes a vast difference.
The purpose of spiritual knowledge is to bring us closer to God, or Krsna.
bhaktya mam abhijanati: "I can be known only by devotional service."
(Bhagavad-gita (18.55). Knowledge guides us in correct action. Spiritual

knowledge directs us to satisfy the desires of Krsna and our soul through
practical engagements in His loving service. Without practical application,
theoretical knowledge is insufficient.
So we first serve God in front of our Home Altar, then chant some japa and/or
sing the Maha Mantra. We may also wish to read something inspiring by
Prabhupada. If time is limited, or for other reasons, we can make it as short as
necessary, I believe in being practical. :-) Simply, dont leave God/Krishna out of
the equation if you want to get the best results.


After understanding the above, next we can add the service of PRANIC
HEALING, REIKI, PRAYER, MANTRA, or whatever it is you are drawn to.
Some like to make it more Vedic by:
* Write the individuals name & basic locale (if known) on paper, & their healing
* Then place it on the home altar in front of one of the spiritual pictures.
* Offer of incense, flowers, mantras etc to God/Krishna.
* Lastly, after incense etc is offered to all of the photos on the altar, it can then be
offered to that jiva soul (person) who is in need of healing.
How do you offer it to the jiva? A simple example would be, as you wave incense
before Vishnu to smell a few times, simply wave it in front of the persons picture
(or else written name) a few times. If you gently wave a fresh flower toward each
picture for God to sniff, when Hes done, simply offer it to the person to sniff.
However please make sure to first offer to each pic in order, and then to the
individual. That is the way they get benefit anyhow. Why? Read on.
While initially this may sound like the same type of offering, its not. Allow me to
After something is offered to God, it invisibly transforms and becomes
prasadam. So by first offering it to God, you are next offering the person what
God has kindly left behind for us. (He doesnt need it, He dose all this out of love
for us.)
Therefore you are offering that individual transcendental prasadam of the scent
of incense, (spiritually quenching) thirst for water, of hunger for food.

These are some ways they can be thought of, but not limited to them. We can
actually just offer Gods remnants to the person with no concept in mind other
than their healing request (plus asking God/Krishna to enter their life for their
highest good). All on its own, prasadam has revealed itself via changing lives (for
the better!). I have actually seen this, repeatedly! As have many of my devotee
friends over the years. Such a simple thing, prasadam, can actually turn folks
lives around! Thus, to distribute prasadam is not only humanitarian work, its
transcendental work!
One can do healing work anyplace: From their home, office, in a shelter, out of a
van, inside a coffee shop or quaint bookstore (if all agree), so on and so forth.
Theres no restriction. If anything, its very freeing!
Whats important is to first become spiritually energized yourself. This is a
purpose of the home altar (simple version can be created to use for most
anyplace), coupled with Maha Mantra Meditation. Ive known many who traveled,
yet kept a simplified photo-altar in their bus. And it worked! As long as they
honored it regularly, they saw it work. In other words, use it. Thats how youll
receive the benefits.
So first get these things together for yourself. Become centered, strong; then you
will be able to offer more of yourself in service to others. Whether it be by prayer
or mantra or arotika ceremony in front of the home altar plus a request for a
recipients personal benefit etc. etc. etc. this is a most unique Vedic process.
When adding healing to it, it can empower folks more than many expect!
Now, healing of soul is the most important of all healing work. This is why I
always add a request to Lord Krishna for the spiritual life of the recipient.
Prabhupada explains:
Now Krsna is giving a practical way of understanding
the presence of soul. He says, yena sarvam idam tatam:
One thing, which is spread all over the body, that is
avinasi. That means immortal. So what is that which is
spread all over the body? It is not the skin, not the... This
is also spread over the body. The skin, the bone, the
marrow, the blood -- they are also spread over the body,
but Krsna is not meaning this material things. The actual
active principle within this body is the spirit soul. Now, in
medical science, bones are being replaced; flesh also
being replaced; blood is also being replaced by injection.
So everything can be replaced materially by scientific
improvement. But when that things which is immortal,

that is gone, it cannot be replaced. Even nowadays

the heart is being replaced, but no medical science or
any science has ever been able to replace the life. So
he's giving the example that that presence of the soul is
perceived by consciousness. So the flesh is there, the
bone is there, the blood is also there, but when the
consciousness is not there, that means it is finished.
Because the consciousness is there, therefore any part
of the body, if we pinch, we can feel pains and pleasure.
And when the consciousness is not there, when the man
is dead, the flesh is there, the blood is there and other
ingredients are there, but there is no more life because it
is useless now. Therefore Krsna says that avinasi tu tad
viddhi yena sarvam idam tatam. The tatam means
spread. The consciousness is spread. If we pinch in this
part, by consciousness you'll feel pain, or this part or any
part of the body, because the consciousness is there,
you feel pains and pleasure. SP lecture, Bhagavad-gita
2.17 -- Mexico, February 17, 1975
Prana may be replaced periodically, be it through energy healing or herbs or
right diet, exercise, or something else -- but there ultimately comes a point where
the individual is meant to pass over, to move on. So real healing means spiritual
healing, healing the soul, and helping others find their way out of this material
world and to the Spiritual Sky where they can live in peace, harmony, bliss of
association with Lord Sri Krishna, Srila Prabhupada and many other fully realized
pure souls. Who wouldnt want a ticket to go there? :-) This ticket cant be
physically purchased with money or falsehoods. But we have that ticket, which is
the sincere chanting of the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra!
"Simply by chanting one holy name of Hari, a sinful
man can counteract the reactions to more sins
than he is able to commit." S.B. 6.2.7 P
"The chanting of the holy name of Lord Visnu is
the best process of atonement for a thief of gold or
other valuables, for a drunkard, for one who
betrays a friend or relative, for one who kills a
brahmana, or for one who indulges in sex with the
wife of his guru or another superior. It is also the
best method of atonement for one who murders
women, the king or his father, for one who
slaughters cows, and for all other sinful men.
Simply by chanting the holy name of Lord Visnu,
such sinful persons may attract the attention of the
Supreme Lord, who therefore considers, "Because

this man has chanted My holy name, My duty is to

give him protection." S.B. 6.2.9-10
"Even if he be distressed or degraded, any person
who chants the holy name of the Lord, having
heard it from a bona fide spiritual master, is
immediately purified. Even if he chants the Lord's
name jokingly or by chance, he and anyone who
hears him are freed from all sins. " S.B. 5-25-11
Even if one chants the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
offensively, one can avoid offenses by
continuously chanting without deviation. One who
becomes accustomed to this practice will always
remain in a pure transcendental position,
untouchable by sinful reactions. " - SrimadBhagavatam 6.3.32
From the above quoted various perspectives, all bases are covered. What more
can we ask for? Weve got it all. Of course, one can not misuse it. A person cant
intentionally commit an offense, create some bad karma with intent, then think
they will simply chant Hare Krishna and it will all be washed away. Thats not how
it works. Matter of fact, that can backfire. Rather, one must be honest and
sincere; then all benefits will come to them.
There are many more practices that will help increase your spiritual energy. Here
are two vital ones:
1-Studying original editions of Srila Prabhupadas books. First, one may
wonder Whats the big deal with original vs. other versions since then? Thats
something I myself do not feel like getting into repeatedly, but you can read about
it here:
Moving on, Prabhupada committed so much time to translate these ancient
literatures so that we could understand these ancient Vedic text and be able read
them. (They are in Sanskrit, he translated them into English.) Theyre filled with
transcendental sound vibration, liberating pastimes. Books such as the
Bhagavad-gita, Sri Isopanisad (Mantras), Nectar of Instruction (Mantras), Krishna
Book & Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhaktirasamrta Sindu (Nectar of Devotion),
Chaitanya Charitamrta, etc. To read the writings of the cent per cent fully
realized pure devotee guru is indispensable for significant spiritual advancement.
By reading Prabhupadas unchanged books a person can come to their own
conclusions about his teachings. Try to schedule in time regularly to read such

shastra, even if it is just five or ten minutes. See links at e-groups sidebar to
connect you with many of his books free and online!
2-Associate with devotees of Prabhupada and Krishna. Whomever we
associate with, we become like. Srila Prabhupada taught association is large
percentage of our advancement. So reach out. Even online, try to get to know
and develop friendships specifically with devotees of Lord Sri Krishna and
followers of Prabhupada! :)
Recommended so one can gain a sense of devotees feelings who had
Prabhupadas association back in the day.
(Wonderful stories of devotees personal experiences with him!)
3-And by the way, feel free to contribute/post to this e-group! Its a great place
to make devotee friends on all levels, exchange healing and spiritual stories,
inquire, etc. Dont be afraid you might ask something foolish; we all did, and do!
Join the club. ha Its always a learning process. No one is above a blunder,
myself included. Kindness and heart are the spiritual qualities to focus on. We
learn by doing, by sharing.
The beauty of all that has been presented here is that you can take as much as
you like or leave what you dont, or come back later and see if anything has
modified, or not. Krsna Himself promises in the Bhagavad-gita (2.40), "There is
no loss or diminution in this endeavor, and even a little advancement on this path
protects one from the most fearful type of danger." That fear is the repeated cycle
of birth and death. So bring Krsna into your daily life, and guaranteed, you will
feel the benefit!.
Chant Hare Krishna and Be Happy! :-) [George Harrison Interview.]
YS, Priitaa devi dasi


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