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Prepared by
Priyanka Thakur
Roll No: - 2012108
Post Graduate Diploma in Management
Batch: - 2012-14

Company Guide
Senior Manager (HR)

Faculty Guide
MS.Vijayalaxmi Tripathi





Prepared by
Priyanka Thakur
A report

submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the course

Post Graduate Diploma in Management

(Session: 2012-2014)

Company Guide
Senior Manager (HR)

Faculty Guide
MS.Vijayalaxmi Tripathi


This is to certify that Summer Project Report on Recruitment and Selection Procedure for
Executive Trainee at NTPC" prepared by Ms. Priyanka Thakur, Roll No.2012/108 of PGDBM
2012-2014 batch is her genuine effort under my guidance and supervision.

Signatures of the Faculty Guide:

Signatures of the Student:

Name of the Faculty Guide

Name of the Student

MS.Vijayalaxmi Tripathi

Priyanka Thakur

"Acknowledgement is an art, one can write glib stanzas without meaning a
word, on the other hand one can make a simple expression of gratitude"
An understanding study like this is never an outcome of the efforts of a single person. I would like
to express my gratitude to all those who have been instrumental in the preparation of my project
I am thankful to the organization NTPC Ltd. for providing me the opportunity to undertake this
internship study and allowing me to carry out my project.
Firstly, I would like to thank Mr.S.R.Sahoo, Deputy Manager (HR), for giving me the wonderful
opportunity to undertake this project at NTPC. His expert guidance and suggestion helped me to
make this project a successful one. I am thankful to him for his continuous support, advice and
words of encouragement.
I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Ashish Verma, Senior Manager, ET(HR) and Mr. Muneesh
Sharma, Manager, ET(HR) for their guidance and support throughout the internship.
I am deeply grateful to my college mentor, Ms. Vijayalaxmi Tripathi, who guided me to take this
project and helped me bring to conclusion.
Last but not the least, I feel indebted to all those all those persons in the organization who have
provided their directly or indirectly in successful completion of this project.
Finally, here are many more people whose contribution to this endeavor cannot be overlooked.
I express my sincere thanks to all the employees of NTPC who directly or indirectly, contributed
through their time, energy and knowledge to this effort.

Priyanka Thakur


The project report explains the Recruitment and selection procedure for executive trainee at
NTPC. The methodology used for the research is based on the collection of primary data and
secondary data, the sampling technique used for methodology is cluster sampling. The samples
are collected from the candidates (Mechanical, Instrumentation, Electronics, Civil and Electrical)
who came for their Group discussion and interview. The study was analyzed on the basis of the
questionnaire distributed at the time of interview along with feedback forms given to the
candidates during the recruitment procedure. The Project has been divided into various segments
starting from the organizational profile, HR at NTPC. A comprehensive research facilitated in
depth conceptual understanding of recruitment and selection procedure at NTPC to the trainee.
My project aims to find out the efficacy of recruitment process in NTPC meeting the manpower
requirement of various internal customer of the company and to study the degree of involvement
of various departments in the process and their satisfaction from the present recruitment.
During the course of my project I was able to interact face to face with the candidates and their
responses were the basis of analysis for evaluation of NTPC,s recruitment process from the
perspective of new entrants so that HR recruitment group can incorporate the changes

Table of Contents













Company Profile



Recruitment and Selection process at NTPC



Literature Review



Objectives of the Study



Research Methodology



Data analysis and Results



Research Findings



Limitation of the Study















Reference and Bibliography




Recruitment and selection are two of the most important functions of personnel management.
Recruitment precedes selection and helps in selecting a right candidate.
Recruitment is a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirement of the
staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate
numbers to facilitate effective selection of efficient personnel.
Staffing is one basic function of management. All managers have responsibility of staffing
function by selecting the chief executive and even the foreman and supervisors have a staffing
responsibility when they select the rank and file workers. However, the personnel manager and his
personnel department is concerned with the staffing function.
Every organization needs to look after recruitment and selection in the initial period and thereafter
as and when additional manpower is required due to expansion

and development of business

'Right person for the right job' is the basic principle in recruitment and selection'. Ever
organization should give attention to the selection of its manpower, especially its manager. The
operative manpower is equally important and essential for the orderly working of an enterprise.
In today's rapidly changing business environment, organizations have to respond quickly to
requirements for people. Hence, it is important to have a well-defined recruitment policy in place,
which can be executed effectively to get the best fits for the vacant positions. Selecting the wrong
candidate or rejecting the right candidate could turn out to be costly mistakes for the organization.
A focus on recruitment and retention of staff is essential today for all companies. Human capital
management now sits alongside business strategy so companies can be certain they have the right
people, in the right place at the right time as companies are aware that competitiveness is devised
from talent



Recruitment means to estimate the available vacancies and to make suitable arrangements for
their selection and appointment. Recruitment is understood as the process of searching for and
obtaining applicants for the jobs, among whom the right people can be selected.
A formal definition states, it is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for the
employment". The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applicants
are submitted. The result is a pool of applicants from which new employees are selected. In this,
the available vacancies are given wide publicity and suitable candidates are encouraged to submit
applications to submit applications so as to have a pool of eligible candidates for scientific
In recruitment, information is collected from interested candidates. For this different source such
as newspaper advertisement, employment exchanges, internal promotion, etc are used.
In the recruitment, a pool of eligible and interested candidates is created for selection of most
suitable candidates. Recruitment represents the first contact that a company makes with potential
According to EDWIN FLIPPO, "Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective
employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization."

1.1.1: Need for recruitment

The need for recruitment may be due to the following reasons / situation.
Vacancies due to promotion, transfer, retirement, termination, permanent disability, death and
labor turnover.
Creation of new vacancies due to growth, expansion and diversification of business activities of
an enterprise, in addition, new vacancies are possible due to job specification.

1.1.2: Purpose and importance of Recruitment

Determine the present and future requirements of the organization on conjunction with its
personnel-planning and job analysis activities.

Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.

Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of visibly
under qualified or overqualified job applicants.

Meet the organization's legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its work

Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate

Increase organizational and individual effectiveness in the short term and long term.

Evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all types of job

Recruitment is a positive function in which publicity is given to the jobs available in the
organization and interested candidates are encouraged to submit applications for the
purpose of selection.
Recruitment represents the first contact that a company makes with potential employees. It
is through recruitment that many individuals will come to know a company and eventually
decided whether they wish to work for it. A well planned and well-managed recruiting
effort will result in high quality applicants, whereas, a haphazard efforts will result in
mediocre ones.

1.1.3: Factors affecting Recruitment

All organizations, whether large or small, do engage in recruiting activity, though not to the same
extent. This differs with:

The size of the organization.

The employment conditions in the community where the organization is located.

The effects of past recruiting efforts which show the organizations ability to located and
keep good performing people.

Working conditions and salary and benefit packages offered by the organization, this may
influence turnover, and necessitate future recruiting.

The rate of growth of organization.

The level of seasonality of operations and future expansion and production programmes.

Cultural, economic and legal factors, etc.


The recruitment industry has four main types of agencies.

Employment agencies (recruitment websites and job search agencies).

Headhunters (for executive and professional recruitment, and niche agencies which
specialize in a particular area of staffing).

Employer branding - Strategy and in-house recruitment instead of agencies.

Recruitment-related functions are generally carried out by an organization's human
resource staff.


The stages in recruitment include sourcing candidates by advertising or other methods,

screening potential candidates using tests and/or interview, and on-boarding to ensure the
candidate their new role effectively.
Agency type:The recruitment industry is based on the goal of providing a candidate to a client for a price .On
one end of the spectrum there are agencies that are paid only if they deliver a candidate that
successfully stays with the client beyond the agreed probationary period .On the other end of the
spectrum there are agencies that are paid retainer to focus on client's needs and achieve milestones
in the search for the right candidate, and then again are paid a percentage of the candidate's salary
when a candidate is placed and stays with the organization beyond the probationary period. Here
is five types of typical agencies:

Traditional agency


Niche recruiters

The alternatives to agencies

In-house recruitment

Traditional agency
Also know as employment agencies, recruitment agencies have historically had a physical
location. A candidate visits a local branch for a short interview and an assessment before being
taken onto the agency's books. Recruitment consultants then work to match their pool of
candidates to their client's open positions. Suitable candidates are short-listed and put forward for
an interview with potential employers on a contract or direct basis.

A contingency fee paid by the company when a recommended candidates accepts a job
with the clients company(typically 20%-30% based and calculated on the candidates first
year salary though fees as low 12.5% can be found online ,and which usually has some
form of guarantee

(30 to90 days standard), should the candidate fail to perform and is terminated within a set
period of time refundable fully or prorated).

An advance payment that serves as a retainer, also paid by the company, non refundable
paid in full depending on outcome and success (e.g. 40% up front, 30% in 90 days and the
reminder once a search is completed). This form of compensation is generally reserved for
high level executive search/headhunters.

Hourly compensation for temporary workers and projects. A pre-negotiated hourly fee, in
which the agency is paid and pays the applicants as a consultant to transition to a full time
status upon completion of a certain number of hours with or without a conversion fee.

Head hunters:A head hunter is an industry term for a third-party recruiter who seeks out candidates often when
normal recruitment efforts have failed. Headhunters are generally considered more aggressive
than in-house recruiters or may have pre-existing industry experience and contacts. They may use
advanced sales techniques such as initially posing as clients to gather employee contacts as well
as visiting candidate offices. They may use advanced sales techniques such as initially posing as
clients to gather employee contacts as well as visiting candidate offices. They may also purchase
expensive lists of names and job titles but more often will generate their own lists. They may
arrange a meeting or a formal interview between their client and will usually and the candidate
and will usually prepare the candidate for the interview, help negotiate the salary and conduct
closure to the search.
Head hunters are typically small operations that make high margins on candidate placements
(some time more than 30% of the candidates annual compensation). Due to their higher cost,
head hunters are usually employed to fill senior management and executive level roles.
Niche recruiter:Specialization recruiters exist to seek staff with a very narrow specialty. Because of their focus,
these firms can very often produce superior results due to their ability to channel all of their
resources into networking for a very specific skill set. This specialization in staffing allows them
to offer more jobs for their specific demographic which in turn attract more specialized candidate
from that specific demographic over time building large propriety database. These niches firms
tend to be more focused on building large propriety database. These niches firms tend to be more
focused on building ongoing relationships with their candidates as is very common the same
candidate are placed many times throughout their candidates as is very common the same
candidate are placed many times throughout their careers.
The alternatives to agencies
(1) Lower recruitment budgets and frustration with substandard agency practices are
encouraging companies to develop new approaches to the challenge of finding and
retaining talented staff.

(2) A popular alternative to using recruitment agencies putting in place an employee referral
program. This is a system where existing employees recommend people for vacancies and
if the recommendation results in a successful hire, the employee receives a cash bonus.
The growing popularity of social media as a way to communicate with staff has seen a
handful of companies use custom, in- house platforms to facilitate employee referrals.
In- house Recruitment:Under pressure to reduce costs, both large- and medium- sized employers tend to undertake their
own in house recruitment, using their human resources department, front-line hiring managers
and recruitment personnel who handle targeted functions and populations. In addition to
coordinating with the agencies mentioned above, in house recruiters may advertise job vacancies
on their own websites, coordinate internal employee referrals, work with external associations,
trade groups and focus on campus graduate recruitment. Some large employers choose to source
all or some of their recruitment process (recruitment process outsourcing) however much more
common approach is for employers to introduce referral schemes where employees are
encouraged to source new staff from within their own network.
Passive candidate research firms and sourcing firms
These firms are the new hybrid firms in the recruitment world able to combine the research
aspects (discovering passive candidates) of recruiting and combine them with the ability to make
hires for their clients. These firms provide competitive passive candidate intelligence to support
companies recruiting efforts. Normally they will generate varying degrees of candidate
information from those people currently engaged in the position a company is looking to fill.
These firms usually charge a per hour fee or by candidate lead. Many times this uncovers names
that cannot be found with other methods and will allow internal recruiters the ability to focus their
efforts solely on recruiting.

1.1.5: Recruitment Process

Recruitment refers to the process of identifying and attracting job seekers so as to build a pool of
qualified job applicants. The process comprises five interrelated stages, viz.


Strategy development



Evaluation and control


The ideal recruitment programmed is the one that attracts a relatively larger number of qualified
applicants who will survive the screening process and accept positions with the organization,
when offered. Recruitment programmed can miss the ideal many ways i.e. by failing to attract an
adequate applicant pool, by under/over selling the organization or by inadequate screening
applicants before they enter the selection process. Thus, to approach the ideal, individuals
responsible for the recruitment process must know how many and what types of employees are
needed, where and how to look for the individuals with the appropriate qualifications and
interests, what inducement to use for various types of applicants, how to distinguish applicants
who are qualified from those who have a reasonable chance of success and how to evaluate their
The first stage in the recruitment process is planning. Planning involves the translation of likely
job vacancies and information about the nature of these jobs into set of objectives or target that
specify the (1) Numbers and (2) Types of applicants to be contacted.
(1) Numbers of contact:
Organization always plans to attract more applicants than they will hire. Some of those contacted
will be uninterested, unqualified or both. Each time recruitment programmed is contemplated; one
task is to estimate the number of applicants necessary to fill all vacancies with the qualified
(2) Types of contacts:
It is basically concerned with the types of people to be informed about job openings. The type of
people depends on the tasks and responsibilities and the qualification and experience expected.
These details are available through job description and job specification.
When it is estimated that was types of recruitment and how many are required then one has
concentrated in (1). Make or Buy employees. (2). Technological sophistication of recruitment and
selection devices. (3). Geographical distribution of labor markets comprising job seekers. (4)
Sources of recruitment. (5). Sequencing the activities in the recruitment process.
Make or Buy:
Organization must decide whether to hire le skilled employees and invest on training and
education programmed, or they can hire skilled employees and invest on training and education
programmed, or they can hire skilled labor and professional, essentially, this is the make or buy
decision. Organizations, which hire skilled and professionals shall have to pay more these

Technological Sophistication:
The second decision in strategy development relates to the methods used in recruitment and
selection. This decision is mainly influenced by the available technology. The advent of
computers has made it possible for employers to scan national and international applicant
qualification. Although impersonal, computers have given employers and ob seekers a wider
scope of options in the initial screening stage.
Where to look:
In order to reduce the costs, organization looks in to labor markets most likely to offer the
required job seekers. Generally, companies look in to the national market for managerial and
professional employees, regional or local markets for technical employees and local markets for
the clerical and blue- collar employees.
When to look
An effective recruiting strategy must determine when to look- decide on the timings of events
besides knowing where and how to look for job applicants.
Once a recruitment plan and strategy are worked out, the search process can begin. Search
involves two steps
A). Source activation and
B). Selling
A). Source Activation:
Typically, sources and search methods are activated by the issuance of an employee
requisition. This means that no actual recruiting takes place until lone managers have verified that
vacancy does exist or will exist.
If the organization has planned well and done a good job of developing its sources and
search methods, activation soon results in a flood of applications and/or resumes.
The application received must be screened. Those who pass have to be contacted and invited
for interview. Unsuccessful applicants must be sent letter of regret.
B). Selling:
A second issue to be addressed in the searching process concerns communications. Here,
organization walks tightrope. On one hand, they want to do whatever they can to attract desirable
applicants. On the other hand, they must resist the temptation of overselling their virtues.
In selling the organization, both the message and the media deserve attention. Message refers to
the employment advertisement. With regards to media, it may be stated that effectiveness of any

recruiting message depends on the media. Media are several- some have low credibility, while
others enjoy high credibility. Selection of medium or media needs to be done with a lot of care.
Screening of applicants can be regarded as an integral part of the recruiting process, though many
view it as the first step in the selection process. Even the definition on recruitment, we quoted in
the beginning of this chapter, excludes screening from its scope. However, we have included
screening in recruitment for valid reasons. The selection process will begin after the application
has been scrutinized and short listed. Hiring of professors in a university is a typical situation.
Application received in response to advertisements is screened and only eligible applicants are
called for an interview. A selection committee comprising the Vice-chancellor, Registrar and
subject experts conducts interview. Here, the recruitment process extends up to screening the
applications. The selection process commences only later.
Purpose of screening
The purpose of screening is to remove from the recruitment process, at an early stage, those
applicants who are visible unqualified for the job. Effective screening can save a great deal of
time and money. Care must be exercised, however, to assure that potentially good employees are
not rejected without justification.
In screening clear job specifications are invaluable. It is both good practice and a legal necessity
that applicants qualification is judged on the basis of their knowledge, skills, abilities and interest
required to do the job.
The techniques used to screen applicants vary depending on the candidate sources and recruiting
methods used. Interview and application blanks may be used to screen walk-ins. Campus
recruiters and agency representatives use interviews and resumes. Reference checks are also
useful in screening.
Evaluation and control is necessary as considerable costs are incurred in the recruitment process.
The costs generally incurred are:

Salaries for recruitment.

Management and professional time spent on preparing job description, job specification,
advertisements, agency liaison and so forth.

The cost of advertisements or other recruitment methods, that is, agency fees.

Recruitment overhead and administrative expenses.

Costs of overtime and outsourcing while the vacancies remain unfilled.


Cost of recruitment unsuitable candidates for the selection process.

Recruitment Process
1.1.6: Evaluation of Recruitment Process
The recruitment has the objective of searching for and obtaining applications for job seekers in
sufficient number and quality. Keeping this objective in the mind, the evaluation might include:

Return rate application sent out.

Number of suitable candidates for selection.

Retention and performance of the candidates selected.

Cost of the recruitment process

Time lapsed data

Comments on image projected.

1.1.7: Sources of Recruitment Process:Before an organization activity begins of recruiting applicants, it should consider the most likely
source of the type of employee it needs. Some companies try to develop new sources, while most
only try to tackle the existing sources they have. These sources, accordingly, may be termed as
internal and external.


Various types of recruitment process

1.1.8: Factors affecting Recruitment Process
The internal factors:

Recruiting policy of the organization;

Human resource planning strategy of the company;

Size of the organization and the number of employees employed;

Cost involved in recruiting employees, and finally;

Growth and expansion plans of the organization.

The external factors:

Supply and demand of specific skills in the labor market;

Political and legal considerations such as reservation of jobs for SCs, STs, and so on.

Companys image-perception of the job seekers about the company.

The traditional factors:


Employee Leasing




The diagram showing recruitment process

1.2. SELECTION:Selection is defined as the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify (and
hire) those with a greater likelihood of success in a job.
Selection is basically picking an applicant from (a pool of applicants) who has the appropriate
qualification and competency to do the job.
The difference between recruitment and selection:
Recruitment is identifying n encouraging prospective employees to apply for a job and
Selection is selecting the right candidate from the pool of applicants.

1.2.1:-SELECTION PROCESS:Selection is a long process, commencing from the preliminary interview of the applicants and
ending with the contract of employment.
The following chart gives an idea about selection process: -


External Environment


Internal Environment

Preliminary Interview

Selection Tests

Employment Interview

Reference and Background

Selection Decision

Physical Examination

Job Offer

Employment Contract



Environment factor affecting selection: Selection is influenced by several factors. More prominent among them are supply and demand of
specific skills in the labor market, unemployment rate, labor- market conditions, legal and
political considerations, companys image, companys policy, human resources planning and cost
of hiring. The last three constitute the internal environment and the remaining form the external
environment of selection process.
The applicants received from job seekers would be subject to scrutiny so as to eliminate
unqualified applicants. This is usually followed by a preliminary interview the purpose of which
is more or less the same as scrutiny of application, that is, eliminate of unqualified applicants.
Scrutiny enables the HR specialists to eliminate unqualified jobseekers based on the information
supplied in their application forms. Preliminary interview, on the other hand, helps reject misfits
for reason, which did not appear in the application forms.
Besides, preliminary interview, often called courtesy interview, is a good public relation
Job seekers who pass the screening and the preliminary interview are called for tests.
Different types of tests may be administered, depending on the job and the company.
Generally, tests are used to determine the applicants ability, aptitude and personality.
The following are the type of tests taken:
1). Ability tests: Assist in determining how well an individual can perform tasks related to the job. An excellent
illustration of this is the typing tests given to a prospective employer for secretarial job. Also
called as ACHEIVEMENT TESTS. It is concerned with what one has accomplished. When
applicant claims to know something, an achievement test is taken to measure how well they know
2). Aptitude test: Aptitude tests measure whether an individuals has the capacity or latent ability to learn a given
job if given adequate training. The use of aptitude test is advisable when an applicant has had little
or no experience along the line of the job opening. Aptitudes tests help determine a persons
potential to learn in a given area. An example of such test is the general management aptitude
tests (GMAT), which many business students take prior to gaining admission to a graduate
business school programme.

Aptitude test indicates the ability or fitness of an individual to engage successfully in any number
of specialized activities. They cover such areas clerical aptitude, numerical aptitude, mechanical
aptitude, motor co-ordination, finger dexterity and manual dexterity. These tests help to detect
positive negative points in a persons sensory or intellectual ability. They focus attention on a
particular type of talent such as learning or reasoning in respect of a particular field of work.
Forms of aptitude test:
Mental or intelligence tests: They measure the overall intellectual ability of a person and enable to
know whether the person has the mental ability to deal with certain problems Mechanical aptitude
tests: They measure the ability of a person to learn a particular type of mechanical work. These
tests helps to measure specialized technical knowledge and problem solving abilities if the
candidate. They are useful in selection of mechanics, maintenance workers, etc. Psychomotor or
skills tests: They are those, which measure a persons ability to do a specific job. Such tests are
conducted in respect of semi- skilled and repetitive jobs such as packing, testing and inspection,
3). Intelligence test:
This test helps to evaluate traits of intelligence. Mental ability, presence of mind (alertness),
numerical ability, memory and such other aspects can be measured. The intelligence is probably
the most widely administered standardized test in industry. It is taken to judge numerical, skills,
reasoning, memory and such other abilities.
4). Interest Test:
This is conducted to find out likes and dislikes of candidates towards occupations, hobbies, etc.
such tests indicate which occupations are more in line with a persons interest. Such tests also
enable the company to provide vocational guidance to the selected candidates and even to the
existing employees. These tests are used to measure an individuals activity preferences. These
tests are particularly useful for students considering many careers or employees deciding upon
career changes.
5). Personality Test:
The importance of personality to job success is undeniable. Often an individual who possesses the
intelligence, aptitude and experience for certain has failed because of inability to get along with
and motivate other people.
It is conducted to judge maturity, social or interpersonal skills, behaviour under stress and strain,
etc. this test is very much essential on case of selection of sales force, public relation staff, etc.
where personality plays an important role. Personality tests are similar to interest tests in that they,
also, involve a serious problem of obtaining an honest answer.

6). Projective Test:

This test requires interpretation of problems or situations. For example, a photograph or a picture
can be shown to the candidates and they are asked to give their views, and opinions about the
7). General knowledge Test:
Now a days G.K. Tests are very common to find general awareness of the candidates in the field
of sports, politics, world affairs, current affairs.
8). Perception Test:
At times perception tests can be conducted to find out beliefs, attitudes, and mental sharpness.etc.
9). Graphology Test:
It is designed to analyze the handwriting of individual. It has been said that an individuals
handwriting can suggest the degree of energy, inhibition and spontaneity, as well as disclose the
idiosyncrasies and elements of balance and control. For example, big letters and emphasis on
capital letters indicate a tendency towards domination and competitiveness. A slant to the right,
moderate pressure and good legibility show leadership potential.
10). Polygraph Test:
Polygraph is a lie detector, which is designed to ensure accuracy of the information given in the
applications. Department store, banks, treasury offices and jewellery shops, that is, those highly
vulnerable to theft or swindling may find polygraph tests useful.
11). Medical Test:
It reveals physical fitness of a candidate. With the development of technology, medical tests have
become diversified. Medical servicing helps measure and monitor a candidates physical
resilience upon exposure to hazardous chemicals.
Choosing Tests:
The test must be chosen in the criteria of reliability, validity, objectivity and standardization. They
are: 1. Reliability: It refers to standardization of the procedure of administering and scoring the test results. A person
who takes tests one day and makes a certain score should be able to take the same test the next
day or the next week and make more or less the same score. An individuals intelligence, for
example, is generally a stable characteristic. So if we administer an intelligence test, a person who
scores 110 in March would score close to 110 if tested in July. Tests, which produce wide
variations in results, serve little purpose in selection.
2. Validity: It is a test, which helps predict whether a person will be successful in a given job. A test that has
been validated can be helpful in differentiating between prospective employees who will be able


to perform the job well and those who will not. Naturally, no test will be 100% accurate in
predicting job success. A validated test increases possibility of success
There are three ways of validating a test. They are as follows: 1). Concurrent Validity: - this involves determining the factors that are characteristics of
successful employees and then using these factors as the yardsticks.
2). Predictive Validity: - it involves using a selection test during the selection process and then
identifying the successful candidates. The characteristics of both successful and less successful
candidates are then identified.
3). Synthetic Validity: - it involves taking parts of several similar jobs rather than one complete
job to validate the selection test.
3. Objectivity: When two or more people can interpret the result of the same test and derive the same
conclusion(s), the test is said to be objective. Otherwise, the test evaluators subjective
Opinions may render the test useless.
4. Standardization: A test that is standardized is administered under standard condition to a large group of person who
are representatives of the individuals for whom it is intended. The purpose of standardization is to
obtain norms or standard, so that a specific test score can be meaningful when compared to other
score in the group.
The next step in the selection process is an interview. Interview is formal, in-depth conversation
conducted to evaluate the applicants acceptability. It is considered to be excellent selection
device. It is face-to-face exchange of view, ideas and opinion between the candidates and
interviewers. Basically, interview is nothing but an oral examination of candidates. Interview can
be adapted to unskilled, skilled, managerial and profession employees.
Types of interview: Interviews can be of different types. There interviews employed by the companies.
Following are the various types of interview: Informal Interview:
An informal interview is an oral interview and may take place anywhere. The employee or the
manager or the personnel manager may ask a few almost inconsequential questions like name,
place of birth, names of relatives etc. either in their respective offices or anywhere outside the
plant of company. It id not planned and nobody prepares for it. This is used widely when the
labour market is tight and when you need workers badly.


Formal Interview:
Formal interviews may be held in the employment office by the employment office in a more
formal atmosphere, with the help of well structured questions, the time and place of the interview
will be stipulated by the employment office.
Non-directive Interview:
Non-directive interview or unstructured interview is designed to let the interviewee speak his
mind freely. The interviewer has no formal or directive questions, but his all attention is to the
candidate. He encourages the candidate to talk by a little prodding whenever he is silent e.g. Mr.
Ray, please tell us about yourself after you graduated from high school.
Depth Interview:
It is designed to intensely examine the candidates background and thinking and to go into
considerable detail on particular subjects of an important nature and of special interest to the
candidates. For example, if the candidate says that he is interested in tennis, a series of questions
may be asked to test the depth of understanding and interest of the candidate. These probing
questions must be asked with tact and through exhaustive analysis; it is possible to get a good
picture of the candidate.
Stress Interview:
It is designed to test the candidate and his conduct and behaviour by him under conditions of
stress and strain. The interviewer may start with Mr. Joseph, we do not think your qualifications
and experience are adequate for this position, and watch the reaction of the candidates. A good
candidates will not yield, on the contrary he may substantiate why he is qualified to handle the
job. This type of interview is borrowed from the Military organisation and this is very useful
to test behaviour of individuals when they are faced with disagreeable and trying situations.
Group Interview:
It is designed to save busy executives time and to see how the candidates may be brought
together in the employment office and they may be interviewed.
Panel Interview:
A panel or interviewing board or selection committee may interview the candidate, usually in the
case of supervisory and managerial positions. This type of interview pools the collective judgment
and wisdom of the panel in the assessment of the candidate and also in questioning the faculties of
the candidate.


Sequential Interview:
The sequential interview takes the one-to-one a step further and involves a series of interview,
usually utilizing the strength and knowledgebase of each interviewer, so that each interviewer can
ask questions in relation to his or her subject area of each candidate, as the candidate moves from
room to room.
Structures Interview:
In a structured interview, the interviewer uses preset standardized questions, which are put to all
the interviewees. This interview is also called as Guided or Patterned interview. It is useful
for valid results, especially when dealing with the large number of applicants.
Unstructured Interview:
It is also known as Unpatterned interview, the interview is largely unplanned and the
interviewee does most of the talking. Unguided interview is advantageous in as much as it leads to
a friendly conversation between the interviewer and the interviewee and in the process, the later
reveals more of his or her desire and problems. But the unpatterned interview lacks uniformity
and worse, this approach may overlook key areas of the applicants skills or background. It is
useful when the interviewer tries to probe personal details of the candidate it analyse why they are
not right for the job.
STEP 4: -REFERENCE CHECK:Many employers request names, addresses, and telephone numbers of references for the purpose
of verifying information and perhaps, gaining additional background information on an applicant.
Although listed on the application form, references are not usually checked until an applicant has
successfully reached the fourth stage of a sequential selection process. When the labour market is
very tight, organisations sometimes hire applicants before checking references.


Previous employers, known as public figures, university professors, neighbours or friends can act
as references. Previous employers are preferable because they are already aware of the applicants
performance. But, the problem with this reference is the tendency on the part of the previous
employers to over-rate the applicants performance just to get rid of the person.
Organisations normally seek letters of reference or telephone references. The latter is
advantageous because of its accuracy and low cost. The telephone reference also has the
advantage of soliciting immediate, relatively candid comments and attitude can sometimes be
inferred from hesitations and inflections in speech.
STEP 5: SELECTION DECISION:After obtaining information through the preceding steps, selection decision- the most critical of all
the steps- must be made. The other stages in the selection process have been used to narrow the
number of the candidates. The final decision has to be made the pool of individuals who pas the
tests, interviews and reference checks.
The view of the line manager will be generally considered in the final selection because it is
he/she who is responsible for the performance of the new employee. The HR manager plays a
crucial role in the final selection.
STEP 6: - PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: After the selection decision and before the job offer is made, the candidate is required to undergo
a physical fitness test. A job offer is, often, contingent upon the candidate being declared fit after
the physical examination. The results of the medical fitness test are recorded in a statement and
are preserved in the personnel records. There are several objectives behind a physical test.
Obviously, one reason for a physical test is to detect if the individual carries any infectious
disease. Secondly, the test assists in determining whether an applicant is physically fit to perform
the work. Thirdly, the physical examination information can be used to determine if there are
certain physical capabilities, which differentiate successful and less successful employees. Fourth,
medical check-up protects applicants with health defects from undertaking work that could be
detrimental to them or might otherwise endanger the employers property.
Finally, such an examination will protect the employer from workers compensation claims that are
not valid because the injuries or illness were present when the employee was hired.
STEP 7: - JOB OFFER: The next step in the selection process is job offer to those applicants who have crossed all the
previous hurdles. Job offer is made through a letter of appointed. Such a letter generally contains a
date by which the appointee must report on duty. The appointee must be given reasonable time for
reporting. Thos is particularly necessary when he or she is already in employment, in which case
the appointee is required to obtain a relieving certificate from the previous employer. Again, a

new job may require movement to another city, which means considerable preparation, and
movement of property.
The company may also want the individual to delay the date of reporting on duty. If the new
employees first job upon joining the company is to go on company until perhaps a week before
such training begins. Naturally, this practice cannot be abused, especially if the individual is
unemployed and does not have sufficient finances.
Decency demands that the rejected applicants be informed about their non-selection. Their
applicants may be preserved for future use, if any. It needs no emphasis that the applications of
selected candidates must also be preserved for the future references.
STEP 8: -CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT: There is also a need for preparing a contract of employment. The basic information that should be
included in a written contract of employment will vary according to the level of the job, but the
following checklist sets out the typical headings:

Job title

Duties, including a parse such as The employee will perform such duties and will
be responsible to such a person, as the company may from time to time direct.

Date when continuous employment starts and the basis for calculating service.

Rate of pay, allowance, overtime and shift rates, method of payments.

Hours of work including lunch break and overtime and shift arrangements.

Holiday arrangements:

Paid holidays per year.

Public holidays.

Length of notice due to and from employee.

Grievances procedure (or reference to it).

o Disciplinary procedure (or any reference to it).
o Work rules (or any reference to them).
o Arrangements for terminating employment.
o Arrangements for union membership (if applicable).

Special terms relating to rights to patent s and designs, confidential information and
restraints on trade after termination of employment.

Employers right to vary terms of the contract subject to proper notification being given.


The drawback with the contracts is that it is almost to enforce them. A determined employee is
bound to leave the organisation, contract or no contract. The employee is prepared to pay the
penalty for breaching the agreement or the new employer will provide compensations. It is the
reason that several companies have scrapped the contracts altogether.
STEP 9: -CONCLUDING THE SELECTION PROCESS: Contrary to popular perception, the selection process will not end with executing the employment
contract. There is another step amore sensitive one reassuring those candidates who have not
selected, not because of any serious deficiencies in their personality, but because their profile did
not match the requirement of the organisation. They must be told that those who were selected
were done purely on relative merit.
STEP 10: -EVALUATION OF SELECTION PROGRAMME: The broad test of the effectiveness of the selection process is the quality of the personnel hired. An
organisation must have competent and committed personnel. The selection process, if properly
done, will ensure availability of such employees. How to evaluate the effectiveness of a selection
programme? A periodic audit is the answer.

1.2.2:-Four Approaches to Selection:

1). Ethnocentric Selection:
In this approach, staffing decisions are made at the organizations headquarters.
Subsidiaries have limited autonomy, and the employees from the headquarters at home and abroad
fill key jobs. Nationals from the parent country dominate the organisations at home and abroad.
2). Polycentric Selection:
In polycentric selection, each subsidiary is treated as a distinct national entity with local control
key financial targets and investment decisions. Local citizens manage subsidiaries, but the key
jobs remain with staff from the parent country. This is the approach, which is largely practiced in
our country.
3). Regiocentric Selection: Here, control within the group and the movements of staff are managed on a regional basis,
reflecting the particular disposition of business and operations within the group. Regional
managers have greater discretion in decision. Movement of staff is largely restricted to specific
geographical regions and promotions to the jobs continue to be dominated by managers from the
parents company.
4). Geocentric Staffing: In this case, business strategy is integrated thoroughly on global basis. Staff development and
promotion are based on ability, not nationality. The broad and other parts of the top management


structure are thoroughly international in composition. Needless to say, such organisations are

1.2.3:-PROBLEMS IN EFFECTIVE SELECTION: The main objective of selection is to hire people having competence and commitment.
This objective s often defeated because of certain barriers. The impediments, which check
effectiveness of selection, are perception, fairness, validity, reliability and pressure.

Perception: -Our inability to understand others accurately is probably the most

fundamental barrier to selecting the right candidate.

Selection demands an individual or a group of people to assess and compare the respective
competencies of others, with the aim of choosing the right persons for the jobs. But our
views are highly personalized.

Fairness in selection requires that no individual should be discriminated against on the

basis of religion, region, race or gender. But the low numbers of women and other less
privileged sections of the society in middle and senior management positions and open
discrimination on the basis of age in job advertisements and in the selection process would
suggest that all the efforts to minimize inequity have not been effective.

Validity, as explained earlier, is a test that helps predict job performance of an incumbent.
A test that has been validated can differentiate between the employees who perform well
and those who will not. However, a validated test does not predict job success accurately.
It can only increase possibility of success.

Reliability: -A reliable method is one, which will produce consistent results when repeated
in similar situations. Like validated test, a reliable test may fail to predict job performance
with precision.

Pressure: - Pressure is brought on the selectors by politicians, bureaucrats, relatives,

friends and peers to select particular candidates. Candidates selected because of
compulsions are obviously not the right ones. Appointments to public sectors undertakings
generally take place under such pressures.






NTPC, India's largest power company, was set up in 1975 to accelerate power development in
India. It is emerging as an Integrated Power Major, with a significant presence in the entire
value chain of power generation business. NTPC has been ranked 337th in the 2012, Forbes
Global 2000 ranking of the Worlds biggest companies. With a current generating capacity of
41,184 MW, NTPC plans to become a 128,000 MW company by 2032. In May 19, 2010, the
company was granted the coveted status of 'Maha Ratna' by the Govt. of India.


Vision statement

world class integrated power major, powering Indias growth, with increasing global
Mission statement


"Develop and provide reliable power, related products and services at competitive prices,
integrating multiple energy sources with innovative and eco friendly technologies and contribute
to society.
Core values

Business Ethics

Customer Focus

Organizational & professional Pride


Mutual Respect and Trust

Innovation and Speed

Total Quality for Excellence

NTPC's core business is engineering, construction and operation of power generating plants. It
also provides consultancy in the area of power plant constructions and power generation to
companies in India and abroad. The total installed capacity of the company is 41,184 MW
(including JVs) with 16 coal based and 7 gas based stations, located across the country. In
addition under JVs, 7 stations are coal based & another station uses naphtha/LNG as fuel and 2
renewable energy projects. The company has set a target to have an installed power generating
capacity of 1, 28,000 MW by the year 2032. The capacity will have a diversified fuel mix
comprising 56% coal, 16% Gas, 11% Nuclear and 17% Renewable Energy Sources(RES)
including hydro. By 2032, non fossil fuel based generation capacity shall make up nearly 28% of
NTPCs portfolio. NTPC has been operating its plants at high efficiency levels. Although the
company has 17.75% of the total national capacity, it contributes 27.40% of total power
generation due to its focus on high efficiency.

NTPC Installed Capacity & Generation

In October 2004, NTPC launched its Initial Public Offering (IPO) consisting of 5.25% as fresh
issue and 5.25% as offer for sale by Government of India. NTPC thus became a listed company in
November 2004 with the Government holding 89.5% of the equity share capital. In February
2010, the Shareholding of Government of India was reduced from 89.5% to 84.5% through
Further Public Offer. The rest is held by Institutional Investors and the Public.


NTPC has set new benchmarks for the power industry both in the area of power plant construction
and operations. It is providing power at the cheapest average tariff in the country.

NTPCs contribution towards nations total power generation

NTPC is committed to the environment, generating power at minimal environmental cost and
preserving the ecology in the vicinity of the plants. NTPC is making constant efforts to improve
the socio-economic status of the people affected by its projects.
Human Resources in NTPC
'People before PLF (Plant Load Factor)' is the guiding philosophy behind the entire gamut of HR
policies at NTPC. We are strongly committed to the development and growth of all our employees
as individuals and not just as employees. We currently employ approximately 26,000 people at


NTPC. Competence building, Commitment building, Culture building and Systems building are
the four building blocks on which our HR systems are based.
HR Vision Statement
Enabling the employees to be a family of committed world class professionals making NTPC as
learning organization.
To induct talent and groom them into a dedicated cadre of power professionals "Executive
Trainee" Scheme was introduced in the year 1977 for recruitment in the disciplines of
Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Control & Instrumentation and now encompasses Computer
Science, Chemistry, HR and Finance disciplines also.
In order to realize the HR Vision of making NTPC a learning Organization by providing
opportunities to continually learn new capabilities a number of initiatives have been taken. NTPC
Open Competition for Executive Talent (NOCET) is organized every year in which teams of
executives compete annually through oral and written presentation on a topical theme. Similarly
"Professional Circles" have been formed department-wise where Executives of the department
meet every fortnight to share their knowledge and experiences and discuss topical issues. In order
to tap the latent talent among non-executives and make use of their potential for creativity and
innovation, Quality Circles have been set up in various units/offices in NTPC. Besides a
management journal called "Horizon" is published quarterly to enable employees to share their
ideas and experiences across the organization.
NTPC offers best quality-of-life through beautiful townships with all amenities such as
educational, medical and recreational opportunities for employees and their family members. The
motivation to perform and excel is further enhanced through a comprehensive NTPC Rewards and
Recognition system. NTPC has institutionalized "Development Centers" in the company to
systematically diagnose the current and potential competency requirements of the employees with
the objective of enhancing their development in a planned manner. These Centers give a good
insight to the employees about their strengths and weaknesses, the gaps in their competencies,
which they can bridge through suitable support from company. Due to innovative people
management practices there is a high level of pride and commitment amongst employees as
reflected in the various external surveys including Great Places to Work for in India in which
NTPC was rated third Great Place to work for in the country in 2005.



To further consolidate NTPCs position as the leading thermal power generation company
in India and establish a presence in hydro power segment.

To broad base the generation mix by evaluating conventional and non conventional
sources of energy to ensure long run competitiveness and mitigate fuel risks.

To diversify across the power value chain in India by considering backward and forward
integration into areas such as power trading, transmission, distribution, coal mining, coal
beneficiation, etc.

To establish a strong services brand in the domestic and international markets.


To foster a collaborative style of working with customers, growing to be a preferred brand

for supply of quality power.

To expand the relationship with existing customers by offering a bouquet of services in

addition to supply of power e.g. trading, energy consulting, distribution consulting,
management practices.

To expand the future customer portfolio through profitable diversification into

downstream businesses, retail distribution and direct supply.

To ensure rapid commercial decision making, using customer specific information, with
adequate concern for the interests of the customer.


To ensure effectiveness in business decisions and responsiveness to changes in the

business environment by:

Adopting a portfolio approach to new business development.

Continuous and co-ordinate assessment of the business environments to

identify and respond to opportunities and threats.

To develop a learning organization having knowledge- based competitive edge

in current and future business.

To effectively leverage Information Technology to ensure speedy decision

making across the organization.



To continuously improve on project execution time and cost in order to sustain long
run competitiveness in generation.

To operate & maintain NTPC stations at par with the best-run utilities in the world
with respect to availability, reliability, efficiency, productivity and costs.

To effectively leverage information technology to drive process efficiencies.

To aim for the performance excellence in the diversification businesses.

To embed quality in all systems and processes.


To enhance organizational performance by institutionalizing an objective and open

performance management system.

To align individual and organizational needs and develop business leaders by

implementing a career development system.

To enhance commitment of employees by recognizing and rewarding high


To build and sustain a learning organization of competent world-class professionals.

To institutionalize core values and create a culture of team-building, empowerment,

equity, innovation and openness which would motivate employees and enable
achievement of strategic objectives.


To maintain and improve the financial soundness of NTPC by prudent management of

the financial resources.

To continuously strive to reduce the cost of capital through prudent management of

deployed funds, leveraging opportunities in domestic and international financial

To develop appropriate commercial policies and processes this would ensure

remunerative tariffs and minimize receivables.

To continuously strive for reduction in cost of power generation by improving

operating practices.



To contribute to sustainable power development by discharging corporate social


To lead the sector in the areas of resettlement and rehabilitation and environment
protection including effective ash-utilization, peripheral development and energy
conservation practices.

To lead developmental efforts in the Indian power through efforts at policy advocacy,
assisting customers in reform, disseminating best practices in the operations and
management of power plants etc.


To pioneer the adoption of reliable, efficient and cost-effective technologies by

carrying out fundamental and applied research in alternate fuels and technologies.

To carry out research and development of breakthrough techniques in power plant

construction and operation that can lead to more efficient, reliable and environment
friendly operation of power plants in the country.

To disseminate the technologies to other players in the sector and in the long run
generating revenue through proprietary technologies.






Manpower Planning and Budgeting:

In all Divisions and Projects of the company, before the end of August every year, each
department will review the adequacy or otherwise of the available manpower with reference to
the tasks and targets and determine the additional requirements of manpower in qualitative
and quantitative terms for the immediately following financial year.

Based on the requirements of the additional manpower of the individual department the
detailed manpower plan for the financial year will be prepared jointly by Industrial
Engineering Department for the Division as a whole giving specific details of each post and
this manpower plan containing details of expenditure involved will form a part of the overall
Manpower Budget of the Division.

Annual manpower plans for all the divisions or projects will be consolidated into an integrated
company manpower plan which will form a part of the annual budget to be submitted for
approval of the board of directors.

On approval by the board, these manpower plans will form the general basis of recruitment
during the financial year.
Job titles, Job specification and Pay scale:-

Job specifications indicating the eligibility requirements in terms of minimum education and
or professional qualifications, length, nature of quality of experience, upper age limit etc. and
a general outline of the role and the responsibilities will be laid down in respect of each job
title along with the pay scale.

To ensure uniformity and consistency, job titles, job specifications and role outlines together
with the pay scale applicable in respect of all categories of posts will be issued by the
corporate center from time to time with the approval of the Chairman and Managing Director.

Sources and Mode of Recruitment:

All recruitment of the executive cadres for all divisions and projects of the company will be
done in the corporate centre and will be dealt by the corporate HR division.

In respect of all other non executive personnel, recruitment will be done by the HR
department of the division/ project concerned.

External Recruitment:For recruitment in the executive cadre selection will be made on an all India basis and for this
purpose, the post to be filled will be duly notified through press advertisement and company
notice board and or circulars issued to government department and public sector undertaking
where suitable candidates of the required expertise are expected to be available. In addition to the
above induction of the executive and specialist non-executive personnel maybe made as deemed
necessary and appropriate by the authority competent to recruit from one or more of the following
a) Deputation from Central or State government or Electricity Board and Public Sector
organizations where suitable personnel on terms offered by the company may not be available
at the right time from other sources or where the time and cost involved in processing
recruitments through open advertisements may not be justified in view of the number or
nature of posts to be filled.
b) Campus interview and executive trainees from reputed engineering or management
institutions to be specified.
c) Candidates located through personal contacts and talent survey.
Internal Recruitment:While filling job openings by selection from within the internal candidates who fulfill all
eligibility requirements may be considered along with other candidates. Applications of all
internal candidates will be forwarded to the HR Department by the Head of the Department
who should give in his forwarding statement:

Comments on the suitability of the candidates for the post applied for.


Assessment of the performance of the candidate.

(c) Remarks whether or not candidate can be released in case he is selected without
detriment to the job currently being handled by him.
Selection Procedure:For Engineers:

For short listing the candidates for the GDPI round, the organization requires the GATE Score of
the candidates.
For HR and Finance Candidates:
There is a written test i.e. All India Selection Test for the candidates to be selected in GDPI
Written Test:For the selection of ETs a two hour long All India Selection Test is held in various cities.

It is an objective type test which has 170 multiple-choice questions with four alternatives
against each.

The test is administered both in Hindi and English i.e. the test booklets will be bilingual.

The test has two parts:

a) Technical knowledge test: It consist of questions specific to the discipline for
which the candidate has applied.
b) Executive aptitude test: It has questions based on vocabulary, verbal
comprehension, abstract reasoning, data interpretation and inferential reasoning.

Evaluation and Short listing for Interview:The merit lists are drawn discipline wise and cut-off scores are marked for the test to determine
the number of candidates to be called for interview.

All questions carry equal marks. The weight age given to the answers is as follows:

1. No answer

2. Correct answer

3. Wrong answer


4. Multiple answers

- 1/3

Generally, three candidates are called against each identified vacancy for the
different trainee schemes.

Those securing less than 40% in the technical knowledge test and 30% in
executive aptitude test are eliminated from the zone of consideration for

interview, for SC/ST candidates this criterion is relaxed to the tune of 25%
relative to that for general category candidates.

Constitution of Central Selection Board:Constitution of the Central Selection Board (CSB) for the interviews will be as follows:

Chairman: An eminent person of the level of Ex- Chairman of Public Sector

Undertaking, Ex-Secretary to Govt. of India or Ex-Director of NTPC.

Members: Two internal experts in the relevant discipline i.e. one HR representative and
one SC/ST representative.

The CSB specifically allots marks for individual personality traits and the total aggregate
constitute the marks obtained by a candidate. The total marks allotted to the interview are 30.
The traits identified for ETs are as under:
1. Effective Intelligence: The capacity to handle practical situations, it consists of: (a)
Analytical Ability - The ability to grasp the essentials to formulate effective plan of action.
(b) Resourcefulness - The capacity to innovate and improvise in unforeseen situations.
(c) Planning - The capacity to anticipate situations and develop effective action.
2. Social/Team Building: It comprises of:
(a) Networking ability with colleagues
(b) Ability to influence and direct the activities of the team towards achievement of the goal.
(c) Ability to form a purposeful and cohesive team
(d) Ability to develop and encourage team members
3. Communication: Ability to put across one's ideas adequately with ease and clarity. It comprises
of logical presentation of ideas and capacity to put across ideas precisely and convincingly.


4. Initiative: Ability to originate action of one's own. It includes anticipation of exigencies and
initiating appropriate action without being prompted.
5. Learning Capabilities: Ability to gather information from a wide variety of sources i.e.
identifying and actively looking for relevant data for a work situation.

6. Physical Agility:
(a) Willingness to exert physically in the interest of work instead of resorting to shortcuts.
(b) Physical and mental stamina to withstand long and monotonous working hours.
Issuance of Offers:The numbers of offers of appointment that are issued bear a relationship to the past years figures
regarding acceptance of offers and final joining status. The final place of posting after successful
completion of training will be mentioned in the offer of appointment based on the vacancies at
various projects given by the Industrial Engineering group of Corporate Center.
Along with the offers of appointment, the service agreement bond will be sent with detailed
guidelines on how to fill up the bond.
Medical Examination:Nobody will be appointed to any post in the organization unless he is declared physically fit
as per the medical fitness standards prescribed for the post after a medical examination by the
authorized medical officers at the time of appointment.
Joining Formalities:Employees on the first appointment to the Company's service will furnish to the Executive
Trainee Group copies of documents and other details and particulars which include:
i) Joining report
ii) A written undertaking regarding his:
a) Marital Status
b) Home town

c) Immovable property
d) Employment of spouse in any embassy or foreign mission.
iii) Medical fitness certificate
iv) Attested copies of bio-data
v) Attested copies of certificates and testimonials
vi) A character certificate from a gazetted officer
vii) Release and pay certificates in case if employees from Government/ Public Sector
viii) Attestation Forms for verification of the antecedents.
Those appointed as Trainees will be required to execute and furnish bonds, undertaking to
complete the training course and thereafter to serve the Company for a minimum period as laid
down in the bond.
Personal files for each trainee will be created by the Executive Trainee Group with the original
bio-data form seen by the Central Selection Board and other forms including attestation form
submitted by them at the time of joining.
The personal files of the trainees issued appointment order will be passed on to the Training
Group at Power Management Institute (PMI)
Induction:After completing all the recruitment formalities, the trainees report at PMI and on joining they are
given a detailed briefing about the training plan. Training Kits, ties/scarves are also distributed.
The entire training program is for a year.
The training programme commences with a formal inauguration by the Honorable Minister of
Power followed by one week of Induction and Orientation module at Corporate Center to acquaint
the trainees about the Corporation's aims, objectives, plans and functions of various departments.
On completion of Induction and Orientation programme, trainees are divided in small groups
based on the total joined to undergo further training at various Project Training Institutes like


Singrauli, Farraka, Korba, Vindhyachal and PMI which are fully equipped with necessary
infrastructure for training.
Lateral Recruitment:Lateral recruitment refers to that form of recruitment in which only candidates with prior work
experience can apply. In other words freshers are not eligible for this form of recruitment.
The recruitment process of lateral is almost same as the recruitment process of executive trainees.
The main difference between the two is that in case of lateral recruitment an all India written test
does not take place. The selection process consists of various types of test and interview and
sometimes even a group discussion takes place.
Another point of difference is that all tasks relating to lateral recruitment are done by the HR
recruitment group and not the executive trainee group.
Also in case of lateral recruitment the employees do not have a training period of one year. After
induction these employees can join their respective departments.

Recruitment Cycle of NTPC

The recruitment cycle of NTPC is given below:STEP 1- Release of advertisement
The recruitment cycle at NTPC begins with the release of advertisement in various newspapers
and in the Internet. At NTPC, recruitment takes place both internally and externally.
STEP 2- Inviting candidates
Internal recruitment takes place when selection is done from amongst the employees of the
Organization. At NTPC, ex-employees i.e. people who have resigned can also apply. The
company also goes for campus and further (Executive Trainee) recruitment.
STEP 3- Receiving applications from candidates
Once the advertisement has been released, the next step is the receipt of application from
prospective candidates.
STEP 4-Screening of applications by HR department


Screening of application forms vis--vis eligibility by HR Department follows this. At this stage,
the documents, along with other details of the candidates are verified. Candidates who do not fall
within the eligibility criteria are disqualified.
STEP 5- Screening of applications by respective department
Once the HR Department has done the screening of application forms the applications are sent to
the concerned department for further scrutiny.
STEP 6- Interview Stage
If the ratio of post and suitable candidates is less than 1:5, then the candidates directly enter the
interview stage, but if the ratio is greater than 1:5, then the candidates appear for a written test
prior to interviews. This helps in further short-listing the candidates, the results of the written test
are declared in 2-3 weeks and depending on the number of candidates, the interviews last between
1-3 days.
STEP7- Selection Panel
Once the interview stage is over, the selection panel is made where in candidates who have been
finally selected are ranked according to the marks scored by them in the interview, candidates are
judged on various parameters on a scale of 10 points, the candidates who scores the maximum is
ranked the highest.
STEP 8- Sending the offer
Once the selection panel has been made, the offer letters are dispatched to the candidates. They
are given about a weeks time to send in their acceptance or rejection of the offer to the company.
If the candidate fails to do so, a reminder is sent to him asking him to submit the same failing,
which the offer would be passed on to the next candidate in the panel.
STEP 9- Post-offer queries and negotiations
Once the candidate has accepts the offer, the next stage deals with handling the queries of the
candidate and negotiating with him about the place of posting, grade, pay scale etc.
STEP 10- Medical Examination
After the queries have been dealt with and the candidate has finally decided to join the
Organization, he/she undergoes a medical examination, which is compulsory for all the candidates

who join the organization. If the medical examination is found to be OK, and the candidate joins
the Organization, then he/she is sent for induction program then sent either for training or direct
on job. In case the medical examination shows the candidate not OK then the offer is made to the
next candidate in the selection panel.
NTPC subscribes to the belief that efficiency, effectiveness and success of the organization
depends largely on the skills, abilities and commitment of the employees who constitute the most
important asset of the organization.
The aim of NTPC is therefore to attract the right talent for the jobs and make it available at the
right time and in the right number with the ultimate objective of ensuring optimum and effective
utilization of the human resources in a climate of satisfaction, development and growth.

Recruitment Process followed in NTPC

of Advt.

Receipt of

Screening Vis a
Vis Eligibility by
HR Department

Screening for
suitability by


Call Letter

If Post: Suitable

Further Tighter
Screening or

n Panel


Post Offer
Required Place,
Grade, Pay


Not Join

Medically OK
Or Not OK

Not OK

Another Offer from

Selection Panel



on Job


The magnitude of Executive Manpower requirements along with the technical and
professional know-how pioneered and utilized by NTPC necessitates induction of fresh
graduate engineers, post graduates in different disciplines in response to the existing and
emerging needs of different functional areas on a long-term basis.
It is felt that in areas where the experienced personnel from other organizations meeting the
needs of potential assignments on the job cannot be recruited, the company will initiate its
own ET Scheme.
First Division students are hired through nation wide open competitive examinations and
campus recruitments. Hiring is followed by 52 weeks of fully paid induction training.
NTPC subscribes to the belief that personnel selection program combining the different types
of tests, group discussion along with personal interviews will go a long way in strengthening
the objectivity and fairness of recruitment efforts.
The Company has got three broad training schemes -:

Engineering Executive Trainees

Finance Trainees and

HR Trainees

Advertisement:Advertisement for ET Schemes is released by ET Recruitment Group of the Corporate HR

Division. The Advertisement is issued in major National Dailies covering all the Regions of
the country for wide circulation. Along with this, to attract more talent ET Group approaches
colleges of repute in relevant fields to display advertisement prominently in their campus. The
ET advertisement is also sent to SC/ST agencies also so as to enlist a large response from
candidates belonging to SC/ST categories.
A detailed description of the advertisement given by NTPC for new recruitment of
Executive Trainee is given below:-



Qualifications:Full time Bachelor's Degree in Engineering or Technology/AMIE with not less than 65% marks,
taking average of all the Semesters/Years, irrespective of the weightage given to any particular
semester/year by the Institute/University. Final year/semester students are also eligible, however,
they have to obtain at least 65% marks in their engineering degree. A candidate with the
prescribed degree identified for the discipline (as given below) can only apply for the post of
EETs in the respective disciplines:

Prescribed full time degrees in Engineering

Electrical Engg

Electrical / Electrical & Electronics / Electrical, Instrumentation &

Control /Power Systems & High Voltage / Power Electronics / Power

Mechanical Engg

Mechanical / Production / Industrial Engg/ Production & Industrial

Engg/Thermal / Mechanical & Automation / Power Engineering

Civil Engg

Civil Engineering


Electronics & Instrumentation / Instrumentation & Control


Electronics Engg

Electronics / Electronics & Telecommunication / Electronics & Power/

Electronics/ Electronics & Communication/ Electrical & Electronics

Age limit:Upper Age limit is 27 years as on 01.01.2013 i.e. candidates born before 01.01.86 need not apply.
Selection process:Eligible candidates will have to appear for Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)2013.Based on the GATE-2013 MARKS and requirement; candidates will be short listed for
Group Discussion and Personal Interview. Candidates NEED to secure minimum qualifying
marks in GD &Interview. Candidates are required to appear for GATE-2013 paper as detailed
Engineering Disciplines as advertised by Corresponding GATE-2013
(Including Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering (Including
Mechanical & Automation, Power
Engineering, Production Engg, Thermal
Engg, Industrial Engineering, Production
&Industrial Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering

Paper Code



Instrumentation Engineering (Including

Electronics & Instrumentation Engg,
Instrumentation & Control Engg.

Instrumentation Engineering


Electronics Engineering (Including

Electronics, Electronics
Telecommunication, Electronics & Power,

Electronics Engineering

Power Electronics, Electronics

&Communication and Electrical &


Compensation package:NTPC Ltd. offers one of the best pay packages in the industry. Selected candidates will be placed
in the pay scale of Rs. 24900-3%-50500 at the basic pay of Rs. 24900/- during one-year training.
These candidates will be absorbed after successful completion of training as Assistant Manager in
the pay scale of Rs. 24900-3%-50500 at a basic pay of Rs. 25650/-.
Besides basic pay candidates will also be paid Dearness Allowance and will also be entitled for
other perquisites & allowances under cafeteria approach. Benefits such as leave, medical
treatment, Provident Fund, Gratuity, etc will be admissible as per company rules in force from
time to time during training / after absorption.
Placement:The selected candidates shall undergo one year training at various places. The region in which the
selected candidates will be posted will be decided at the time of joining, however final place of
posting in that region will be allocated only after successful completion of training based on the
performance during the training and requirement at each location. Candidates can be placed,
across the country, in any of the functions at projects/ stations or offices including joint ventures
&subsidiary companies of NTPC.
Reservation and Relaxation:01:-Reservations and relaxations for SC / ST / OBC (non-creamy layer) / PWD (degree of
disability 40% or above) candidates will be provided as per Government guidelines.
02:-Disabilities identified for various disciplines are as follows:
Disciplines Type of Disability Legend
Electrical OL, PD, OL: One Leg,
OA: One Arm
BL: Both Legs
PD: Partially Deaf
Mechanical OA*, OL, PD*
Civil OL, OA, PD
Instrumentation OL, PD
Electronics OL, PD
* Only if enrolled in the relevant course prior to 18.1.2007.
03:- Category (SC / ST /OBC/ PWD) once filled in the online application form will not be
changed and no benefit of other category will be admissible later on. The reserved category

candidates are required to submit requisite certificate in the prescribed format of Government of
India, issued by the competent authority, at the time of interview, if called for.
04:-No registration fee will be charged from SC/ST/PWD candidates during online registration in
05:-SC, ST and PWD candidates with at least 55% marks in qualifying examination are eligible to
apply for the post.
06:- The upper age limit is relaxed by 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)
candidates. It is relaxed by 10 years for PWD-General, 13 years for PWD-OBC and 15 years for
PWD-SC/ST candidates.
07:- The OBC candidates who belong to Creamy Layer are not entitled for concession
admissible to OBC category and such candidates have to indicate their category as General. The
OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) candidates are required to submit requisite certificate in prescribed
format of Government of India, from a competent authority issued in the current year. Further,
OBC (NCL) candidates will have to give a self-undertaking indicating that they belong to OBC
(Non creamy Layer) category also at the time of GD &\Interview if called for.
08:-Upper age is relaxed by 5 years for the candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the
state of Jammu & Kashmir from 01.01.80 to 31.12.89.
Service bond agreement:The selected candidates who belong to General and OBC categories will be required to execute a
service agreement bond of Rs. 2,50,000/- (Rs. 1,25,000/- for candidates belonging to SC, ST
categories and PWDs) to serve the company for at least 3 years after successful completion of the
Health:The candidate should have sound health. Before joining, candidates will have to undergo medical
examination by the NTPC Medical Board and the decision of the board will be final and binding.
No relaxation in health standards is allowed. Detailed medical norms are available on the website
How to apply:01:- For detailed information on GATE-2013, interested candidates may log on to 2013 or websites of other IITs and Indian Institute of Science (IISc),
02:- Candidates need to apply Online for GATE as per the information provided on the websites.
They should wait for the admit card to get the GATE registration number.


03:- The candidates will receive their GATE-2013 Registration Number printed on their admit
card. On receipt of GATE registration number, the candidates need to apply On-line for NTPC
ET- 2013 on the website from December 10th to December 31st, 2012.
04:-Candidate belonging to General/OBC category is required to pay a non-refundable
registration fee of Rs. 150/-. The SC / ST / PWD category candidate need not pay the registration
05:- State Bank of India has been authorized to collect the registration fee, in a specially opened
account (No. 30987919993) at CAG branch, New Delhi, on behalf of NTPC. Candidate has to
approach the nearby SBI branch with a printout of the pay-in-slip which is available on the
application registration portal. The pay-in-slip printed from the portal should only be used for
depositing the fee for proper crediting of amount in the allocated account. On receipt of the
money, the bank will issue a unique Journal Number and a Branch Code of the bank collecting the
money. This journal number and the branch code are to be filled up by the candidate during online
registration. NTPC will not be responsible in case the candidate deposits the fee in a wrong
account. There will not be any other mode of payment of registration fee.
06:- Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates are therefore
requested to verify their eligibility before paying the registration fee.
07 :-While applying Online, candidate should keep the scanned copy of their passport size color
photograph, their signature and SC, ST and Disability certificate (if applicable) in JPEG format
not exceeding 500 KB size each.
08:- Read the instructions carefully and fill-in the On-line application form giving accurate
information including the GATE-2013 registration number and payment details. After successful
registration, system will generate a Unique Application Number. Candidates are required to keep
the printout of the Application slip which will be generated by the system after successful
09:- Please ensure that the GATE registration number, which is mentioned on your GATE Admit
card, is filled up correctly. Name should also be filled up as appearing in GATE Admit card. No
request with respect to the change in any data entered by the candidate will be entertained once
the application is submitted successfully.
General information and instructions:01:- Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.
02:- The candidate should ensure that he / she fulfills the eligibility criteria and other norms
mentioned in this advertisement as well as on the web site

03:- All qualifications should be from an Indian University / Institute recognized by AICTE
/appropriate statutory authority.
04:-No manual / paper application will be entertained.
05:- Candidature of a registered candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment
process or after recruitment or joining if any information provided by the candidate is false or is
not found to be in conformity with eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement.
06:- For queries candidates may visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section on the
07:- The E-mail ID entered in the online application form must remain valid for at least next one
year. No change in the E-mail ID will be allowed, once entered. All future correspondence would
be sent via E-mail only.
08:- Candidates, if shortlisted for Group Discussion and Personal Interview, are required to bring
their original GATE 2013 score card as received from the IIT, at the time of Interview.
09:- Candidates employed with Government Departments / PSUs / Autonomous Bodies have to
produce NOC at the time of Interview essentially without which they would not be allowed to
appear for the same.
10:- NTPC reserves the right to cancel / restrict / enlarge/ modify / alter the recruitment process, if
need so arises, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason whatsoever.
11:- Legal jurisdictions will be of NCT of Delhi in case of any cause / dispute.





Most employers recognize the fact that their staff is their greatest asset, and the right recruitment

and induction processes are vital in ensuring that the new employee becomes effective in the
shortest time. The success of an organization depends on having the right number of staff, with the
right skills and abilities. Organizations may have a dedicated personnel/human resource function
overseeing this process, or they may devolve these responsibilities to line managers and
supervisors. Many people may be involved, and all should be aware of the principles of good
practice. Even it is essential to involve others in the task of recruitment and induction.
Ms. Ambika Verma(2009) in their survey research on the use of technologies in recruiting,
screening, and selection processes for job candidates conducted in Dimension group found that
most organizations implemented technology based recruitment and selection tools to improve
efficiency, reduce costs, and expand the applicant pool.
The meta-analysis of the research conducted by Chapman, Uggersler, Carroll, Piasentin &
Jones (2005) concluded that timely responses from HR managers were linked to greater applicant
attraction to a job with an organization.
According to Robins, in his study revealed that, The ideal recruitment effort will attract a large
number of qualified applicants who will take the job if it is offered. So recruiting is a process of
discovering the potential candidates for actual organizational vacancies.
Robert (2005), in his study titled, Strategic HR Review, 2004, states that successful recruitment
and selection can improve organization performance.
Bowen, et al (1991), in his study examined that integrated recruitment and selection process
helps recruiters to choose the candidates to fit the characteristics of an organization culture
Beardwell, et al (2003) in his study examined that, Selection is carried out by organizations as a
means of candidates potential and actual performance and the intake of employees will make the
most appropriate contribution to organization-now and in future.




The objective of the report is to study Recruitment and Section Process of the organization and to
measure the satisfaction level of the candidates with respect to the Recruitment Process in NTPC
The main objectives of the report are given below:
To study the various sources of recruitment followed in NTPC Ltd.
To study the effectiveness of recruitment and selection process.
To measure the satisfaction level of the candidates with respect to the recruitment process in
To study the recruitment process and policies of HR Department of NTPC Ltd.

Research Methodology is a systematic method of discovering new facts or verifying old facts,
their sequence, inter-relationship, casual explanation and the natural laws which governs them.
The research methodology employed in the research is as given by Philip Kotler.

Developing the problems and research objective

Developing the information sources.

Collecting and analyzing the information

Presenting the information

6.1: Research objective:Research work has been carried out to find the importance of Recruitment and Selection Process
at NTPC Ltd.

6.2: Research Design:Research Design is a series of advanced decisions that taken together comprise a master plan or
model for the conduct of an investigation. So research design provides a framework of plan for
study, which guides the collection, measurement, analysis, and interpretation of the data. The
research carried out here is descriptive in nature. Descriptive research provides data about the
population or universe being studied. It can describe 5 Ws and 1H i.e. what, when, why, who,
where, and how.

6.3: Sample Design and Size:6.3.1: Sample Plan:Sample is the process of selecting a sufficient number of elements from the candidates so that a
study of the sample and the understanding of its properties or characteristics would make it
possible for us to generalize such properties or characteristics to the element. In a sample survey,
only part of the total candidates is approached for data. Write with respect to the current research
6.3.2: Sampling Technique:Cluster sampling, where the entire candidates are divided into groups, or clusters and a random
sample of these clusters are selected.

6.3.3: Sample Size:Since the sample size was 100, samples were randomly selected and each of them responded.
Sample consists of candidates who came for their interview and GDPI.

6.4: Method of Data Collection:The fourth step of research methodology is data collection. It can be done through primary or
secondary techniques. In this study both the techniques are used to collect the data.
Primary Data:
For achieving the objective the survey was conducted among the executive trainees who came
for their interview and GDPI. The questionnaire was given to executive trainees who came
through the interviews and the responses were collected by them. The questionnaire consisted
two sections. The first section consist the personal information of the candidates and the second
section consist the 24 questions which were framed on the basis of recruitment process in NTPC
Ltd. The questionnaire was constructed with the close ended questions and was designed to get
the opinion of the executive trainees.
Secondary Data:
To find out the necessary data, information and facts, search of the relevant material in NTPC Ltd
library was done. Some books were referred to collect the information. Online search engines
really help me out in collecting the necessary information. The data which is stored in the
organization and provide by the HR people are also secondary data. The various information is
taken out regarding that subject as well other subject from various sources and stored. The last
year data stored can also be secondary data. This data is kept for the internal use of the
organization. The HR manual is for the internal use of the organization they are secondary data
which help people to gain information.

6.5: Scaling Technique:Scaling techniques is used in this survey, for understanding the relation and importance of
recruitment and selection process and the answers of the respondents are elucidated by asking
them to indicate their level of agreement on a given five point like scale with values ranging from
1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).





For the survey of the Recruitment and Selection Procedure at NTPC, the sample size of 100
candidates was taken. Cluster sampling is used for survey.

7.1: Information about candidates:(7.1.1)Gender of Applicants:-

It can be seen from the above pie graph that male representation out of the selected sample is 96%
which is comparatively more than female representation i.e., only 4%. These are the percentage of


candidates appeared for GD and interview and filled feedback forms relating to recruitment and
selection procedure in NTPC.
Actually in NTPC recruitment of all engineers are done through GATE scores and only less
number of females qualify through GATE. GATE Result is shared with NTPC under a MOU.
Another reason for less female candidates is the issue of initial place of job posting was not
according to their preference or may be remote areas like Unchahar etc.
(7.1.2) AGE GROUP:-

Above bar graph illustrates the different age groups to which the candidates belong and a
considerably a large percentage of candidates which is 92% represents =< 25 years that indicates
more of youngsters in recent times are opting

for PSUS instead of private jobs because of

various reasons such as job security , post retirement benefits and other lucrative perks. Another
age group is 25-27 which amounts to 6%, yet another range of age is 27 to 30 and >30 which
equally represents 1%each. 30years is the upper limit to apply in PSUS for all except
SC/ST/OBC. 1% from the sample representing >30 are candidates who belong to SC/ST/OBC.
(7.1.3) CATEGORY:-


On going through the data it was found that among the selected sample, applicants representation
from different categories as most of the candidates among the selected applicants were
GENERAL and OBC-NCL category which are 34% and 33% respectively. Others represent SC20%, ST-10%, PH-5%. These percentages are of candidates from different categories who
qualified GATE and appeared for GD and interview This reflects upon NTPC recruitment policy
of giving equal opportunity to candidate belonging to different categories to showcase their
candidature but according to their merit and NTPC recruitment norms only. This would help in
alleviating backward classes in terms of their employment.

(7.1.4) DISCIPLINE:-

On analyzing the above pie chart it is clear that most of the applicants having discipline as
electrical which is 41% and representation of other disciplines are as follows mechanical-36% the
second majority, then followed by electronics- 10%, then civil-9% and lastly instrumentation-4%
as per the no of post advertised in the advertisement in each respective disciplines and the no of
applicants shortlisted for GD and interview were naturally more against the actual vacancies

7.2: Feedback form filled by candidates:Results of the analysis of the feedback form filled by Candidates during interview/group
Discussion regarding the interview conducted by NTPC are discussed below (Enclosed AnnexureI).


On account of above data analysis it was found that 50% of applicants strongly agree that
submission of online applications forms was hassle free. 37% of applicants agreed that it was
hassle free but 3% of applicants strongly disagree and disagree that online submission was hassle
free. Most of the applicants found filling up and downloading the form very easy reveals that the
company has developed a good and easy way to apply online, and is easily accessible. That is the
reason why NTPC get a huge no of applications online rather than by post and courier.

Upon analysis of the given data 59% of the applicants are strongly agreeable that they found the
site user friendly with proper connectivity. 33% agree and favored that the statement holds true.
2% strongly disagreed that the site was user friendly and 4% are not in position to comment
whether the site was user friendly or not. This data analysis reveals that the company has
developed a good and easy way to apply online and connectivity was smoothly managed without
any technical glitches or server problem.


Upon analysis of the given pie graph it can be inferred that 42% strongly agreed that availability
of internet near my residence was not an issue and they could access net as and when needed. Still
37% agreed the same that net was easily accessible near their residence. Only 4% of the
applicants strongly disagree with the present statement and rest 10% of applicants are not sure
whether to agree or disagree with the statement. This shows that applicants were able to
communicate their candidature through constant net connectivity which was the primary channel
of NTPCs recruitment and selection procedure and they were not devoid of this online portal.

It can be seen from the results, produced after analyzing the data that short listing of candidates
through GATE is much appropriate than conducting NTPCs own test as it is clearly visible
through the pie graph that 52% of the applicants have strongly agreed with the aforesaid statement
and also there is good percentage (34%) of applicants who agree with the statement that short
listing of candidates through gate is better. What can be extracted from above analysis is that its
all the more convenient for the candidates to prepare for only one examination at a time enabling
them to bag a chance to qualify for PSUs including Maharatna company NTPC. GATE
appropriate test to recruit engineers, in this way applicants have to focus on one exam.




It can be seen from the results, 47% applicants strongly agree that the topic of group discussion
was interesting &thought provoking, similarly 40% also agree with the statement in question and
only 4% disagree and think that topic was not interesting. Group discussion is one of the method
of short listing candidates on the basis of their debating competence and whether they are able to
put across their views confidently. Thus topics given was interesting as per majority from the
sample opined that.


It can be seen from the results, 46% of applicants strongly agree that group discussion was
participative and they could contribute their views on the subject, 46% agree with this and only
3% disagrees with the statement in question

It is clear from the outcome of the analysis that 77% of the applicants agreed that their interview
matched their expectations level. Only 5% of applicants disagree that their interview was not
according to their expectations and it was not proven to be favorable for them. Which means
majority of candidates were happy with the interview process of NTPC.

From the analysis of the feedback forms filled in by the candidates its quite evident that majority
of applicants agree that they would prefer to pay registration amount online as its much more
convenient for them and time saving , almost 91% of applicants have given their consent for
online payment is appropriate mode of payment. Only 5% disagreed from the given statement for
their own reasons.


As NTPC is well known for its work culture and the hr recruitment group is very approachable
and friendly. In the light of analysis done on the above sample which can approve the aforesaid
statement, almost 70% of the applicants strongly agree that hr team at NTPC was very
cooperative and helpful to them. They were satisfied with services which they get during the
process. Only 3% disagree for their own reasons. But 70% is quite a good percentage which
showcase that hr team at NTPC is doing a great job in assisting or working with prospective



On analyzing the data we found that 34% of applicants believe that it was theoretical knowledge
aspect which was mostly discussed during the interview, seems interview board kept in mind
applicants point of view that they will be more comfortable answering questions related to their
discipline as its all fresh as recently graduated. 33% of applicants think that it was to a large
extent discussion in the interview revolved around theoretical knowledge. Still there were
applicants who think only to some extent focus of discussion was theoretical knowledge. But still
there were applicants who believed that theoretical knowledge was not at all discussed during the
interview but they are just 2%.


On going through the data it was found that 38% think it was application of technical knowledge
which was discussed to a large extent during the interview. Again 46% said technical knowledge
was mostly discussed during the interview, there are 15% applicants who said that technical
aspect was discussed to some extent only and lastly still 1% thinks that no focus of discussion
during the interview was not at all technical knowledge.
Accordingly this data show that interviewers were focusing equally on both theoretical knowledge
and technical knowledge as theory alone would not suffice the purpose. Candidates should know
the technical aspects to be implemented and should know the working of machines they have to
work with in future. So its all the more imperative for engineering student belonging to whichever
discipline should strike a balance between theoretical and technical knowledge.



On analyzing the above pie graph it was found that in case of 46% applicants general awareness
was discussed to some extent, in case of 32% general awareness was not at all asked, then in case
of only 17% applicants it was discussed to large extent and in case of only 5% applicants said
general awareness was mostly discussed during the interview. Thus this shows that the board was
not following any kind of readymade pattern to every applicant in the interview but asking
questions as it comes from each sections ranging from theoretical, technical knowledge, general
awareness, hobbies etc.

On going through the data it is found that in case of 23% of applicants hobbies and area of
interests and personality traits were discussed to a large extent. 37% applicant said it was
discussed to some extent, 29% applicants believed that it was not at all discussed during the
interview. Discussion on applicants hobbies and area of interest & personality traits, after
exhaustive questions on theory and technical would ease the atmosphere for the applicant and will
speak about himself with confidence. This is to know the level of self awareness of the candidates.


According to most of the applicants that is 40% said they were asked about any project work done
during graduation/post graduation during the interview to a large extent. 14% said mostly they
were asked about it. 23% of applicants said that only to some extent project work related
discussion another 23% of applicants said that in their case project related discussion was not at
all discussed. If candidates have undertaken some project work during graduation then, it shows
that they have done research or got some hands on experience though considered fresher only.

On analyzing the above data it is found that only 6% of the sample wants to suggest some changes
in online registration forms but majority of them that is 61% are satisfied with the existing format
and doesnt want to suggest any changes. Rest 33% of applicants are not sure whether they want
to suggest any changes or not. Overall the online registration form of NTPC was proved to be user
friendly for the applicants.


On analyzing the pie chart it is quite evident that candidates were happy with the arrangements for
interview because 52% of the candidates which amounts to half of the total sample, marked it as
good and only 1% candidates considered the arrangements as unsatisfactory. 34% percent of
candidates felt that the arrangements were excellent which means they were extremely pleased
with the arrangements done for interviews by NTPC. Rest of the 10% rated as average and
another 3% as satisfactory. Thus we got variety in feedback but majority treated arrangements as
good and excellent and were satisfied.

According to the data 66% of the total applicants have observed that interview board was very
cooperative and 22% of applicants opined that board was reasonably good and only 1% has said
that board was non-cooperative. As majority of applicants suggested that interview board was
very cooperative towards the interviewee and the hr recruitment group at NTPC always keeps in
mind the applicants perspective.



Along with feedback forms applicants were given a questionnaire to fill in and another analysis is
conducted on questionnaire which intends to know the personal interest of the candidates in
relation to recruitment procedure of NTPC.
7.4.1. What are the top 10 companies you look for as your dream company?


SAIL; 5%
NTPC; 30%
IOCL; 15%


HPCL; 14%

NHPC; 3%
ONGC; 13%


GAIL; 13%


Upon analysis of the following data it was found that top 10 companies they look for as their
dream companies are NTPC, NHPC, ONGC, GAIL, HPCL, IOCL, SAIL, PGCIL, BHEL.
Among which majority that is 30% ranked NTPC first as dream company. Followed by IOCL
with 15% vote ,then HPCL 14% ,GAIL &ONGC 13% each and 3% of the applicants think that
other than above mentioned companies there are some others also which according to them should
come under top ten category. It can be observed that most of the candidates have marked NTPC
on first because they thought that they are bound to do so if they are appearing for its interview.

7.4.2. Name 5 companies that are / were visiting your institute every year?

PGCIL; 3% others; 2%
NTPC; 32%
IOCL; 33%


ONGC; 11%


HPCL; 19%

On analyzing the data we found that the 5 companies visiting applicants institute every year are
from PSU sector and 32% of applicants told that NTPC visited their institute for campus
placement and this 32% constitute mainly IITS, NIITS, and BITS PILANI in search for Indias

finest engineer. After NTPC, applicants said that IOCL visited every year their institute followed
by HPCL 19% & ONGC 11%.
7.4.3. What are the factors for which you join any organization? (Mark in order of
preference I most to 8least)




17% &


Upon analysis of the aforesaid data it was found that among the 8 factors of joining any
organization it was brand image of the company according to 23% of the applicants, followed by
perks and remunerations with 20% of applicants ranked.
7.4.4. During the initial few years, what can make you stay in the organization? (List in the
order of preference 1 most 4 least)











On analyzing the above data it is quite evident that during the initial few years, learning and
development opportunity is the important driving factor for staying in the organization as NTPC
have rigorous 1 year training period which adds value to the individuals and equip them with

required set of skills thus developing their personality. According to the statistics it can be seen
that 40% of applicants have taken learning and development opportunity as their first preference,
followed by 30% to place of posting as their first preference, according to 20% of applicants have
given first preference to culture of the organization and we found out that only 10% of applicants
gave their first preference to good pay & perks. It seems that respondents being diplomatic in
answering the question regarding good pay and packages.

7.4.5. How can NTPC increase its brand image in pre-final and final year students? (List in
order of preference 1 most 5 least)







On analysis of the above data it was found that most of the applicants have given their first
preference to offering flexible place of posting after one year of training but to the constraint of
NTPC its not practical to fulfill each candidates wishes regarding place of posting. Then 27% of
applicants have given 1stpreference to sponsoring national level cricket and hockey matches.
According to 19% of applicants 1st preference given to increasing the entry level monetary
compensations and lastly only 6% of applicants have opted for publishing NTPCs achievements
in national newspaper as their 1st preference. In the nutshell the analysis reveals that for
increasing NTPCs brand image in pre final and final year applicants have given first preference
to offering flexible place of posting.
7.4.6. How can NTPC select the best available talent through its selection process? (List in
the order of preference 1 most -4 least)







Upon analysis of the data it was found that 41% of applicants given first preference to
introduction of psychometric tests, 30% of applicants given 1st preference to introduction of
subjective problem based questions instead of speed test, 20% of applicants have given preference
to increasing questions on aptitude and only 10% of applicants have chosen making stringent
eligibility criteria for selecting the best available talent through its selection process.

Most of the candidates found that the submission of the online application was hassle
Candidates also found the site user friendly with proper connectivity.
There was an availability of internet near to their residence.
Most of the candidates strongly agreed that Short listing for GD and Interview through
GATE is better than conducting NTPCs own test.
Most of the candidates agreed that the topic of GD was interesting and thought
Most of the candidates agreed that the GD was participative and they could contribute
their views on the subject.
Most of the candidates strongly agreed that the interview matched their expectation.
Most of the candidates agreed that they would prefer to pay registration amount.
Most of the candidates strongly agreed that behavior of the HR team was upto their
expectations, helpful and friendly.
Most of the candidates felt that interview panel has asked theoretical knowledge to a large
Most of the candidates felt that interview panel has not asked any practical questions that
applies technical knowledge.
Most of the candidates felt that the interview panel has not asked any general awareness
Candidates felt that the interview panel has asked them about their hobbies and area of
interest and personality trait.

Most of the candidates also felt that the interview panel has not asked about their project

work done during graduation/post graduation.

Candidates felt that interview board was co-operative.
Candidates felt that the arrangements for interview were good.
Most candidates dream company is NTPC.
Candidates felt brand image of the company is the important factor for joining any

Most Candidates impress about NTPC for its flexible place of posting after 1 year
Candidates suggest NTPC could select the talent through its selection process by
introducing psychometric tests.
Percentage of female candidates appearing for interview is quite less than male

9.0: LIMITATION OF THE STUDY:As the research is based on a sample, therefore findings may not reveal the factual information
about the research problem, though an utmost care was taken to select the truly representative
sample. Carrying this survey was a great learning experience for me but I faced some problems,
which are listed below:
1. There is small sample size of the study due to organizational constraints.
2. Many of the respondents have not given proper response that makes the data collection vague
to certain extent.
3. The information that is provided by the individual may be biased.
4. Time constraint is the major constraint of the study.
5. Generally the respondents were busy in their interview and were not interested in responding
6. Respondents were reluctant to disclose complete and correct information about themselves.
7. Due to lack of awareness it is difficult to get proper data from the trainees.
8. The most important point that survey was carried through Questionnaire and the Questions
were based on perception.



The human element of organization is the most crucial asset of an organization. Taking a closer
perspective -it is the very quality of this asset that sets an organization apart from the others, the
very element that brings the organizations vision into fruition. Thus, one can grasp the strategic

implications that the manpower of an organization has in shaping the fortunes of an organization.
This is where the complementary roles of Recruitment and Selection come in. The role of these
aspects in the contemporary organization is a subject on which the experts have pondered,
deliberated and studied, considering the vital role that they obviously play.
The essence of recruitment can be summed up as the philosophy of attracting as many applicants
as possible for given jobs. The face value of this definition is what guided recruitment activities
in the past. These days, however, the emphasis is on aligning the organizations objectives with
that of the individuals. By making this a priority, an organization safeguards its interests and
standing. After all, a satisfied workforce is a stable workforce which also ensures that an
organization has credible and reliable performance. Ina bid to underscore this subtle point, the
project examines the various processes and nuances one of the most critical activities of an
EXECUTIVE TRAINEE OF NTPC, I learned that Recruitment Process is a linking function
joining together those with the jobs to fill and those seeking jobs. The basic purpose of
recruitment is to develop a group of potentially qualified people and to meet the needs of
the organization. One of the main features of the recruitment process should be to get
right person for the particular post.
Therefore recruitment in this regard becomes an important function. The organization must
constantly improvise in its recruitment process so that it is able to attract the best from
the industry in order to serve the best. Thus, the organization must look out for methods
that can enable it to adopt best recruitment practices.
Recruitment process of NTPC is handled very professionally and efficiently. Most of the
candidates who have gone through this process have expressed their satisfaction with the entire
process. However, little recommendations as noted above may be considered by NTPC
management to facilitate the candidates.

11. RECOMMENDATIONS:To improve the present Recruitment and Selection Process of NTPC Ltd the following
recommendations have been suggested:
1. During the selection process not only the experienced candidates but also the fresh
candidate should be selected so as to avail the innovation and enthusiasm of new
candidates. Special attention should be given for female candidates.

2. Brand image of the company can be improved by giving flexible posting to new joining
3. Inform candidates about their interview date, time and venue through SMS as candidates find
this method more accessible. There must be proper communication regarding job profile,
salary, and location etc between the Interviewer and the Interviewee at the time of interview.
4. Information about how to reach the venue of interview along with location map should be
given especially to those candidates who are not the residence of Delhi/NCR region.
5. Online payment system for registration is also important factor.
6. Selection process should be based on psychometric tests to get the new talents.
7. Company should follow all the steps of recruitment and selection for the selection of the
8. Evaluation and control of recruitment and selection should be done fair judgment.
9. Methods used for selection of candidates should be done carefully and systematically.
10. The attainment of goals and objective of any organization depend on the type and quality of its
manpower. To have right type of men at right job and at right time, the recruitment and
selection procedure should be fair and impartial.
11. In the organization where summer training facility prevailing then such kind of practices
must be adopted so that the student can learn and again from their practical views.
12. This is indeed an important suggestion and authorities concerned should immediately look into
it and try to implement it.



Being self disciplined
Every work needs to be done with same commitment and enthusiasm and
there something to learn in every work assigned.


Handled the Recruitment and selection process of new executives of NTPC LTD
for two months. This gave me a practical implementation of Recruitment and

Selection process in HR.

2. Compiled the feedback form for Recruitment and selection process conducted to
know whether the recruitment process was successful or not.
3. Got to know how the recruitment and selection process is conducted.
4. Got a firsthand experience in how the previous records are important in
enhancing the recruitment and selection process.

1. Got to know the profession code of conduct followed in the corporate
2. Learned to be more punctual and sincere at work.
3. Learned to finish the work according to the instructions i.e. clarity and
transparency in work done.





Date: ____/____/2013

Name (Optional): .
Last College Attended: ....
In which state is your college:
What was / is your rank in your class/ branch?
GATE 2013 Rank: ..

Q. What are the top 10 companies you look for as your dream company?
1. .
2. .
3. .
4. .
5. .
10. .
Q. Name 5 companies that are/ were visiting your institute every year?



2. .
. 4. .
Q. What are the factors for which you join any organization? (Mark in
order of preference 1most to 8least)

Brand image of the company


Offering higher responsibilities

Learning & development opportunity

Career growth & learning opportunity

Perks &

Social status
Job security

Other facilities:
Company culture
Q. During the initial few years, what can make you stay in the
organization? (List in the order of preference 1 most- 4 least)

Place of posting

Culture of the organization

Good pay & perks
Q. How can NTPC increase its brand image in pre-final and final year
students? (List in the order of preference 1 most -5 least)

By offering flexible place of posting after 1 year training

By sponsoring national level events like cricket and hockey matches
By increasing the entry level monetary compensations
By providing world class facilities during training period

By publishing NTPCs achievements in national newspapers

Q. How can NTPC select the best available talent through its selection
process? (List in the order of preference 1 most -4 least)

By introducing psychometric tests

By introducing subjective & problem based questions instead of speed
test (MCQS)

By increasing questions on aptitude

By making stringent eligibility criteria
Thank you for your time !




Personnel management by K.V Mishra, Aditya publishing house Madras, 1992.
CHHABRA T.N, Principles & practices of management, Dhanpat Rai and co. (p) Ltd,
Delhi, 2000.
Prasad, L.M , Organizational Behaviour, New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, 2008

Journals and Magazines


NTPC manuals, New Delhi

Employee Handbook, NTPC


*******THANK YOU*****



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