FOIA 2016-61 - Affadavit of Gabriel S. Joseph III

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The undersigned, Gabriel S. Joseph III, hereby affirms and states:


I am oflawful age and a resident of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

2. I am the President of AIC Communications, LLC, which operates an enterprise known as

3. ccAdvertising is a d/b/a of AIC Communications, LLC.
4., Inc. is a corporation that owns the preferred stock in AIC
Communications, LLC, but does not operate ccAdvertising.
5. Americans in Contact PAC is a non-connected PAC, not authorized by any candidate or
candidate's committee.
6. Americans in Contact PAC paid ccAdvertising for email to text messages sent to voters
urging them to vote against President Obama's re-election.
7. For all purposes related to the FEC Complaint filed by CREW, only ccAdvertising and
Americans in Contact PAC were involved: the PAC as the source of payment for the
expenditures and ccAdvertising as the vendor paid by the PAC to implement the
independent expenditures messages.
8., Inc. is merely a corporate holding company and not involved in day-to-day
operations of ccAdvertising.
9. I serve as Treasurer of Americans in Contact PAC and President of ccAdvertising.
10. It is my understanding that an email to text message, because of its small size, would not
be required to include a disclaimer such as that on printed materials, because it is
impracticable to include all the verbiage required for such a disclaimer on an email to text
message sent to a wireless telephone.
11. Legal counsel advised the PAC in 2002, over ten years ago, that the FEC had ruled that
messages sent to wireless phones did not require a disclaimer.
12. As treasurer of the PAC, I hired a professional FEC Compliance vendor to prepare and
file all FEC reports for the PAC.
13. The independent expenditures at issue in the Complaint were reported by the PAC to the
FEC in two reports: one on October 31, 2012 reflecting an independent expenditure of
$5,943.67 and on November 2, 2012 reflecting an independent expenditure of $3,562.50.
14. The total independent expenditures against the Obama reelection for this effort were
$9,506.17, as reported to the FEC.

15. Americans in Contact PAC, as a non-connected PAC, pays for its administrative
overhead, as well as the fundraising and other costs of the PAC, from federally regulated
16. The fact that Americans in Contact PAC has paid to ccAdvertising amounts to cover
fundraising and other costs ofthe PAC and its programs underscores that the PAC is nonconnected and has paid its own way since it was established in 2008.
17. Americans in Contact PAC is not affiliated with any other federal political committee.
18. The above and foregoing statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and

Further Affiant Sayeth Not.

Before me this 3rd day of October, 2013, GabrielS. Joseph, III appeared and swore under
penalty of perjury that the above statements are true and correct to the best of his knowledge and

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