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Strategic HRM
Assignment Briefing

Assessment Briefing
Case study approach, your chosen
organisation will provide the context for
answering the questions.
Demonstration of knowledge acquired,
understanding, application and critique of
that knowledge.
Three [3] tasks, two worth 25% each and
one worth 50%
Submission via JIRA or Turnitin as notified
by module leader/tutor/administration office.

Academic writing
Do not use first person but the author, the writer
Remember to include an introduction at the beginning and
also a conclusion at the end
Work must be logically structured and supported
throughout by appropriate academic references, do not
use websites that lack academic credibility, for example
wikipedia; tutor2u or businessballs.
You must acknowledge the work of others by citing the
Respond to the tasks: not enough to describe the details of
what you have found but you need to compare,
contrast, discuss, evaluate essentially do what you
have been asked to do!

Getting started:
Understand the task.
Understand the command words.
Mind-mapping is a good technique to use in
the beginning.
Gather key information...this means you will
need to locate an organisation, gather
information and read so that you can
support your work appropriately.

Introduction Strong Example

XXX based in the UK will be the sole subject
and organisation for the following report in
which the author will critically assess,
evaluate and review the existing HRM
practices with appropriate
recommendations proposed from the
This provides a clear introduction for the

Introduction Weak Example

Africa, North America and Europe are the
new extensions being catered by the
company xxx.
A confusing introduction: What is the focus
of the work?

Task 1
Organisation and context
Critically analyse the internal and external environment for
your chosen organisation, making reference to appropriate
literature sources.
Here the focus is on introducing the organisation and
providing context for the sections that will follow.
You may use a range of strategic management tools here such
as PESTEL, STEEPLE, SWOT or Porters Five Forces to consider
the external environment.
You can look at Life Cycle or Schuler and Jackson to try and
examine and analyse links between internal and external
Alternatively you could consider the use of Harvard model of
HRM which includes both internal and external contexts.

Task 2
Using appropriate concepts and models of SHRM critically
evaluate a variety of human resource policies and procedures.
In this task you are exploring the SHRM approach, RBV, Best
Fit, Best-Practice or Ad-Hoc.
You should evaluate a number of policies and practices, a
minimum of two, appropriate literature should be used to
support your analysis.
No right or wrong answer here but the strength of discussion
and support for your discussion that matters and your ability
to link this to the first task.

Task 3
Making recommendations
Make recommendations relating to the attraction and
retention of talent to support future performances of your
chosen organisation. This might be the adoption of new
approaches to SHRM or new methods in managing human
resources. In this section you should also demonstrate
awareness of barriers to implementation which may include
cultural differences, different working practices and/or
In this section you are following from the preceding work.
What is the organisational strategy, the HRM strategy, the
findings from your evaluation making sure that the links
between strategy, findings and recommendations are explicit.


The word count is 3000 words [+10%], not including any appendices.
A single word-processed document, use font size 12 for headings and subheadings and font size 11 for the substantive report.
The document should be properly structured as a report:

Cover page which includes your name, student number, module title and word count. [not included
in word count]
Executive summary [not included in word count]
Findings and Conclusion [Task 1 and Task 2]
Recommendations [Task 3]
Reference/Bibliography [not included in word count]
Appendices [not included in word count]

Produce clear, specific reasoning and support to justify answers.

Work containing viruses, or work that cannot be run directly, will result in a fail
grade being awarded for this assessment.
The document should be submitted via JIRA/Turnitin as indicated by tutor or
assessment brief.
It is advisable to retain a copy of your assignment for you own records.
Your mark and feedback will be made available to you electronically once the
internal moderation process has taken place, you should note that at this stage
marks are still subject to external examiner and academic board approval.

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