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Detailed Lesson Plan in English IV

I. Objectives: At the end of the session, the students are expected to:
A. listen to others reactions as regards the movie clip;
B. express thoughts related to the movie clip;
C. define what infinitive is;
D. identify the uses of infinitive; and
E. give sentences with infinitives through natural resources preservation advocacy
advertisement, social issue role play, or empowering song.
II. Subject Matter: The Most by William Zabka
A. Language Focus: Infinitive and Infinitive Phrase
B. Reference(s):
Gorgon, Eugenia, et. al. English Expressways IV. Quezon City: SD Publications
Inc., 2007. pages 60-62.
The Most. Retrieved on Dec. 7, 2011 from
Key words: The Bridgemaster, The Most
C. Materials: strips of cartolina, overhead projector, computer, speaker, movie clip
III. Procedure
Teachers Activities

Students Activities

A. Preliminaries
1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
4. Rush Clean-up
3. Drill
This morning, we will have first a
game before we start our new lesson.
This game is called Decode Me. I will
divide the class into five teams. Your
concern is to decode the numbers that I
will present. Use the legend below the
puzzle for you to get the correct answer.
The team that can finish the task first will
be declared as the winner.
Am I understood, class?
Okay, are you ready?
Lets start the game.

Yes, you are, sir!

Yes, sir!

9 - 13 - 4 - 5 - 2 - 10 - 6 - 8 - 1

i c

4. Review




gerund. What is gerund anyway?

A gerund is a verb form that

ends in ing and is used as noun.

Very good
Now answer this:
Directions: Pick out the gerund phrase in each of the sentences and tell its function.

Becoming a brother to all is his wish. (subject)

Constructing your own ideas while talking is a bit difficult. (subject)
They apologize for being late. (object of the preposition)
Some students dislike copying long assignment. (object of the verb)
His priority, attaining global unity and peace, seems to be an elusive dream.

B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
experienced sacrificing the life of
someone just for the sake of the
Can you tell us a bit of that
2. Presentation
Today, class,
watch a video
some scenes of
Most by William

we are going to
clip, containing
the movie The

a. Setting of Standards
Before we proceed, what
should good students do while a
teacher is discussing in front?
What else?

listen attentively, sir!

behave, sir!

b. Unlocking of Difficulties
Anyway, let us get acquainted
first with the words found in the
movie, so it will be easy for us to
understand the lines.
Directions: Match the items in Column A to the items in Column B.
Column A
1. lever
2. bridgemaster
3. railroad
Answers: 1. c, 2. a, 3. b.
3. Discussion

Column B
a. controller of bridge
b. a line of track providing a runway for
c. a rigid bar pivoted about a fulcrum

a. Viewing of the Video Clip

b. Comprehension Check
What is the job of the father in the
movie clip?
What is the conflict of the story?

Whom would you blame on the

childs fate?

Why do you think he chose to

sacrifice his son?

If you were the father of the child,

would you do the same thing he did?

bridgemaster, sir!
man vs. nature, sir!
The incidental falling of the
child resulted to a dilemma, that is,
the father of the child struggled in
deciding on whos to be sacrificed.
I would blame the father
himself on the childs fate. If he did
not bring his son to his workplace,
the child would have not died.
Whether he instructed the child to
stay at the riverbank or not, it is a
childs natural tendency to do what
he/she likes.
The man wanted to save the
lives of the many instead of that of
his son. He considered the feeling of
the many instead of his.
(answers vary)

c. Valuing
How would the world be without
unselfishness or unselfish people?

d. Language Focus
I have here sentences, some of
which are taken from the movie clip.
Please read them.

The world would be at its

worst, because no one would care for
others, and I guess no one would last
in this world.


His son loved to watch the trains.

To operate a bridge is his job.
Reaching out to others is to build bridges.
A gift aside from money, to sacrifice for others, is what all of us can
give even if we are poor.
5. A mans mistake is a lesson to learn.
6. The director made the movie to show what sacrifice means.
In sentence 1, what is the subject?
What is the predicate?
What is loved by his son?
How is to watch the trains used in
the sentence?

his son
loved to watch the trains
to watch the trains

(as the teacher asks how an infinitive

phrase is used, the said phrase will be
In sentence 2, what is the subject?
What is the predicate?
How is to operate a bridge used in
the sentence?

to operate a bridge
is his job

In sentence 3, what is the subject?

What is the predicate?
How is to build bridges used in the

reaching out to others

is to build bridges

In sentence 4, what is the subject?

What is the predicate?
How is to sacrifice for others used
in the sentence?
In sentence 5, what is the subject?
What is the predicate?
What part of speech is lesson?
What does to learn do with the word
What do we call a word that modifies
a noun?
In sentence 6, what is the subject?
What is the predicate?
What part of speech is made?
What does to show what sacrifice
means do with the word made?
What do we call a word that modifies
Now, let me ask you again. What can
the uses of the underlined words be?
How do the underlined words start?
How are the starting words formed?
So, what do we call the word that is
formed by adding the main form of the
verb to the word to and is used as noun,
adjective or adverb?
What is an infinitive?


a gift aside from money, to
sacrifice for others,
is what all of us can do even if
we are poor
a mans mistake
is a lesson to learn
modify or describe the word
the director
made the movie to show what
sacrifice means
modifies or describes made

Their uses can be noun,

adjective or adverb.
They start with to + base
form of the verb.
by adding the main/base
form of the verb to the word to
(to + base form of the

An infinitive is a verb form
made up of two words to and the
base form of the verb. An
infinitive functions as noun, an

What do we call the phrases that start

with infinitives?
Lets go back to sentences 1, 2, 3,
and 4. How are their underlined words
In sentence 1, what word comes
before the line/infinitive phrase to watch
the trains?
What part of speech is loved?
What kind of verb is it?
So, what is the function of an
infinitive as a noun if a transitive verb
comes before it?
In sentence 2, what word comes after
to operate a bridge?
What part of speech is is?
What kind of verb is is?
So, what is the function of an
infinitive as a noun if a linking verb comes
after it?
In sentence 3, what word comes
before to build bridges?
What part of speech is is?
What kind of verb is is?
So, what is the function of an
infinitive as a noun if a linking verb comes
before it?
In sentence 4, what words come
before to sacrifice?
How is this line used?
So, what is the function of an
infinitive as a noun if a noun comes before

adjective, or an adverb.
An infinitive, its modifiers and
its complement form an infinitive

transitive verb
object of the verb
linking verb
linking verb
subject complement
a gift aside from money
object of the verb, subject,
subject complement, or appositive

Now, what can be the functions of an

infinitive if it is used as a noun?
C. Concluding Activities
1. Generalization
What have we discussed all
about today?
Tell me everything you learned
today about infinitives.

We have discussed today all

about infinitive and infinitive
An infinitive is a verb form
made up of two words to and the
base form of the verb. An
infinitive functions as noun, an
adjective, or an adverb.

2. Application

An infinitive, its modifiers and

its complement form an infinitive

Directions: Choose any of the following activities and use at least three
infinitives or infinitive phrases of different uses. Before the presentation, submit
a copy of the three sentences with infinitives or infinitive phrases.
a. Natural
[(approximately 1-2 minute(s)]
b. any empowering song [(approximately 1-2 minute(s)]
c. role play about social issues [(approximately 1-2 minute(s)]
Performance level 5 points
Correct Usage
5 points
10 points
IV. Evaluation
Directions: Answer the following directly on a sheet of paper. Encircle the
infinitive and underline the infinitive phrase in each sentence. Then,
identify its function.
1. The purpose of the director is to remind that love must be present in our
2. He wants to emphasize this point.
3. To be a brother to all is a great act of love.
4. It is a sad fact that people love to build walls instead of bridges.
5. There is one sure way of being acceptable in the world market to produce
the best outputs.
6. She loves to play tennis.
7. To leave early is what we intend to do.
8. I have a paper to write before class.
9. Phil agreed to give me a ride.
10. I am ready to play.
V. Assignment

Directions: Cut out a news article and paste it on a bond paper. Then,
encircle all the infinitives and underline the infinitive phrases in
it. Lastly, identify the use of each infinitive.
-------------------------------------------------------------------Evaluation Answers:
1. The purpose of the director is to remind that love must be present in our hearts. ( subject
2. He wants to emphasize this point. (object of the verb)

3. To be a brother to all is a great act of love. (subject)

4. It is a sad fact that people love to build walls instead of bridges. (object of the verb)
5. There is one sure way of being acceptable in the world market to produce the best
( appositive)
6. She loves to play tennis. (object of the verb)
7. To leave early is what we intent to do. (subject)
8. I have a paper to write before class. ( adjective)
9. Phil agreed to give me a ride. ( object of the verb)
10. I am ready to play. (adverb)
To God be the glory!

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