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Integrated Communications Bureau

A Day-long Leadership Master Class

An action-packed workshop designed with interventional psychometric tool kit

Excelling with

June 03, 2016 | Institute of Policy Studies F-6 | Islamabad | 9 am 5 pm

Business is not just a numbers affairs. Ive never been particularly

good at numbers but Im convinced that its feelings that account
for the success of the Virgin brand in all of its myriad forms.
Richard Branson
CEO Virgin

Research shows convincingly EQ is more important than IQ in

almost every role and many times more accentuated as we move
from the control philosophy of the industrial age to an
empowering release philosophy of the knowledge worker age.
Stephen R. Covey
Renowned Author

It is not the strongest of the spcieis that survives nor the most
intelligent its he one that is the most adaptable to change.
Charles Darwin
Naturalist, Paradigm Changer

A transformational learning experience based on ground

breaking constructs, application & practice of


W H AT ?


The Challenge

The Workshop Design

Emotional Intelligence is an emerging

paradigm of personal and professional
growth backed by ground breaking
research insights.

The learning will be based on selfdiagnostic exercises for personal and

interpersonal effectiveness through a
Learning Journal.

Currently, no authentic learning

management program based on
Emotional Intelligence is in place to
help individuals and organizations to
make the most of the practical
dividends of this knowledge enterprise.

The application of Emotional Capital

Model will enable participants to
develop 10 Competencies to be
exercised in real-life scenarios on an
evaluative-prescriptive continuum.


The master-class is designed for:

Experienced executives who want to
achieve the next level of effectiveness
in leading individuals, teams and large
groups to their highest level of
sustained performance
Senior Leaders and managers from
profit and not-for-profit sectors who
are spearheading new initiatives or
changing strategies in their
Individuals who believe in self
fulfilling existence by acquiring life
skills and competencies for an
augmented level of personal

A prognostic approach will be

orchestrated among the participants
to harness following personal &
professional attributes:
Effective Personal Presence
Leading Self & others at the edge
Resilience under pressure
Stress & Conflict management
Passion & Growth-mindedness
Inter/Intra personal
Communication & negotiation skills

Follow-up Coaching
1-2 individual in-person or
telephonic coaching session with
MYMACOM Consultants !!!

Yasir Masood Afaq

CEO - MYMACOM , Workshop Facilitator

As a life coach, trainer and mentor, Afaqs personal and professional missions
converge into value creation through economies of knowledge. As a critically
acclaimed trainer and academic, he augments youthful curiosity with intellectual
and experiential mentoring. He professes enterprising thought leadership for an
impactful and self-fulfilling existence, on personal and professional grounds.
In his training workshops, he solely focuses on Action Learning through Activity
Based Competency Development (ABCD) Approach and heuristics. His sessions
are entertaining and educative (introducing concept of edutainment),
participative and intensive to ensure lasting learning trajectories.
Afaq holds a master degree in Organizational Psychology with a distinction from
National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad and MS in
Clinical Psychology from Intternational Islamic University, Islamabad.

Regular Fee: Rs. 11000/(The Fee includes lunch, tea, course material, certificates, personal learning journal,
certificates & follow-up coaching sessions).

Group Discount: 15%

on 3 or more nominations from the same organization and special discount for students

For Registration & Information, Contact:

Khawar Sultan

Learning, Excellence & Development Program of Insititutue of Police Studies (IPS LEAD )

Cell: +92-333-5515596 Ph: +92-51-8438391-3 (EXT. 139)
1, Street # 8, F-6/3, Islamabad

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