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Qualitative Risk assessment

# Risk Description Concquences

1 Structure collapse Catastrophic
2 Exchange rate Moderate
3 Inflation Moderate
4 Design changes Major
5 Operation cost Minor
6 Maintenance Moderate
7 Procurement management Major
8 Regulatory aspects Minor
9 Completion acceptance Catastrophic
10 Resources shortage Moderate
11 Contract management Minor
12 Training Moderate
13 Market price increase Minor
14 Management control Catastrophic
15 Time overrun Moderate
16 Cost overrun Moderate
17 Emergency conditions Minor
18 Natural crisis Minor
19 Marketing Moderate
k assessment

Likelihood Risk priority

Rare Medium
Likely Medium
Almost certain High
Possible High
Likely Medium
Likely Medium
Likely High
Possible Medium
Almost Certain Extreme
Possible Medium
Possible Medium
Likely Medium
Possible Medium
Almost Certain Extreme
Possible Medium
Possible Medium
Unlikely Low
Rare Low
Likely Medium
Risks Treatment Resp
Ser No. RISK


2 Exchange rate MEDIUM

3 Inflation MEDIUM

4 Design changes HIGH

5 Operation cost LOW





ks Treatment Response

After Treatment
Risk Treatment Response

Risk transfer by Insurance policy, in addition to consultants' professional

Very Low
liability insurance as a contract requisite

Medium - Low
Risk Sharing as per contractual arrangements

Medium - Low
Risk Sharing as per contractual arrangements

Refer to enclosed Action plan

Risk Mitigation by: o Afford

professional operation staff

o Ensure a good maintenance program

Very Low

o Provide on job training for staff before official operation

o Provide staff training on emergency cases.

Risk Mitigation by proper planning to afford professional staff , choosing

a reliable material, systems and Equipment, using a professional & good
reputable contractors

Ensure a good maintenance program, Provide on job training for staff

before official operation, and Provide staff training on emergency cases.

Refer to enclosed Action plan

Risk Retention / Acceptance.

Refer to enclosed Action plan

Risk Mitigation, using a prequalification system for choosing best

resources, and using a good fair prices, and balanced contracts to Medium - Low
encourage professional resources to participate.
X Y Z " Project "
Risk Action Plan

Element: RISK

Construction Procurement Management

Likelihood Impact Agreed Risk Level

High High High

Risk Description:
•Ensure hiring the required professional level of staff, the aimed quality ma

equipment to ensure end results, quality and image.

•Availability of material in the market, and its life cycle cost is considered.

•Procurement plan and procedures should be followed.

Current Controls and
Plans: Apply Procurement management plan, using standard contract forms
Additional Actions
recommended: Use prequalification procedures to screen for the required professional level

Responsibility: Project Manager

Resources required: Project Manager, and Project Coordinator

Timing: Key milestones: All the project time, as needed

Closure: -

Reporting to : Top Management When:

Form to be used :
Short list

Tender Evaluation report

Procurement management plan

Procurement Procedures
X Y Z " Project "
Risk Action Plan

Element: RISK Risk Regis

Design Changes
Technical 4
Likelihood Impact Risk Level Inherent Ris

Almost Certain High High Repetiti

Risk Description: ·Applying fast track approach let us start tender and construction of contrac
design works is still in progress to some extent.

·Multi investors / owner with different back grounds, would make some diffe
may be reflected in designs.

·Starting with a P.M. on board, continuous coordination meetings, milestone

schedule for approvals and owner decisions to reduce its impact.

Current Controls and

Plans: Project master plan, design phase have milestones for design

approvals, coordination meetings for different parties to be info

discuss different point of view.

Additional Actions
recommended: Written approvals at different design stages milestones before p
Design Manager / Tech. coordinator to ensure send required informa

Project manager to get owner/s approvals, at the planned miles

Resources required: Management, and design team.

Timing: Key milestones At the end of each design stage

Closure At the end of design phase.

Reporting to: Project Manager When:

Design Manager / Tech. Coordinator

Form to be used: Design Change request form ( DCRQ )

Project time schedule - Detailed design phase schedule

Change management procedures


Risk Register No.

Inherent Risk Level


staff, the aimed quality material, labors and


cycle cost is considered.


ndard contract forms

uired professional level

When: after selection


Risk Register No.

Inherent Risk Level


and construction of contracts packages while

ds, would make some different point of view, that

ination meetings, milestones on design

to reduce its impact.

have milestones for designs owner

r different parties to be informed and

nt point of view.

stages milestones before progressing

ensure send required information on time

provals, at the planned milestones

nd design team.

end of each design stage

nd of design phase.


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