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1. Alya Rahma Putri


2. Anita Kusumawati


3. Yeni Anjarwati


4. Mimi Jamilati



1.1. Background of Choosing the Subject

The Neoclassical era is nestled between the Renaissance and Romantic
periods of literature. It was written between 1660 and 1798. The word
neoclassicism has derived from Greek neos means new and Latin
classicus means relating to ancient Greek or Latin principles of the forms
of art. This was also the era of The Enlightenment, which emphasized logic
and reason. This time period is divided into three times, the Restoration period,
the Augustan period, and the Age of Johnson.
The Age of Johnson, often referred to as The Age of Sensibility, is the period
in English literature that ranged from the middle of the eighteenth century until
1798. Ending the Age of Johnson, the Romantic Period arrived in 1798 with
the publication of Lyrical Ballads by poets William Wordsworth and Samuel
Taylor Coleridge.
William Cowper is one of English poets in Age of Johnson era. He lived a
tortured life and was driven to the verge of madness. His poetry, much of which
is of autobiographical interest, describes the homely scenes and pleasures and
pains of simple humanitythe two important characteristics of romanticism.
His major works are Olney Hymns (collaboration with John Newton), John
Gilpin, The Task, Homers Iliad and Odyssey (translations frim the Greek).
While Light Shining out of Darkness is one of his poem. He wrote the poem in
1773 and first published in 1774 as a hymn in a book by his pastor, John
Newton, entitled Twenty-Six Letters on Religious Subjects; to Which Are Added

Hymns. This is Cowpers final Olney Hymns. It is a hymn of praise for God,
rather than a petition to be saved, like the earlier ones. As the final work, it
exemplifies a concluding confidence in Gods goodness, omnipotence, and
wondrous mystery.
Light Shining out of Darkness is based on the wonders of God, and his
magnanimity. Cowper's image of God is such a magnificent and regal one. It
is as if he is so amazed by this God, and his brilliance that he had to write this
poem to share it with the world. The title immediately says something about
his image of God.
1.2. Research Question
How does William Cowper depict God in the poetry titled Light Shining
Out of Darkness?
1.3. Theoretical Approach
In this paper, the researchers apply the expressive theory to answer the
research question of the study. Through expressive approach is the researcher
can analyze the topic from the work that connected to the author. The approach
underlies the authors perception, ideas and thought as the main consentration.
As a result, the researcher can show the relationship between the author and the
work. Based on M.H. Abrams (1999), he stated that expressive criticism defines
poetry as an expression, or overflow, or utterance of feelings, or as the product
of the poet's imagination operating on his or her perceptions, thoughts, and

feelings (p. 51-52). The quotation above shows that the work is reflection of
the author thought.
1.4. Method of Collecting and Analyzing the Data
The researcher use library research in this paper. The present writer finds
the data of the research by collecting articles, books, and data are related to the
subject of this paper. The researchers try to relate the author and the work. In
order to achieve the goal background informations of the author and his social
background are required to support the analysis.
In analyzing the data the researchers use Light Shining out of Darkness as
the primary data. The other data is dealing with author biographical which
related and ifluence the work. The researchers also uses the interenet service
for collecting informations that is relevant with the work.
1.5. Analysis
William Cowpers Life: Depression and Religiosity
William Cowpers life was full of personal anguish and he suffered from
severe depression. He lost his mother and was bullied when he was a child,
which made him a timid and sensitive person. Later, he was offered a
government position for which he would have to be examined. William was so
terrified of having to answer questions that he worked himself into a fit of
madness. At one point, he became so despondent that he attempted suicide. He
wrote about his depression attack:

(I was struck) with such a dejection of spirits, as none but they who have
felt the same, can have the least conception of. Day and night I was upon
the rack, lying down in horror, and rising up in despair. I presently lost all

relish for those studies, to which before I had been closely attached; the
classics had no longer any charms for me; I had need of something more
salutary than amusement, but I had not one to direct me where to find it.
William Cowper realized that at times he was beset by obsessions and
distrust of life. He thus turned to religion for some comfort. It was nevertheless
at that time that he discovered the two sources of pleasure which were to remain
with him all his life, his love for nature and his inclination for poetry. Although
he suffered from severe depression, his yearning for relief through religion did
not last. He tried very hard to find God through prayers and submission to His
will, but it was a passive attitude with no real meaning. Unfortunately, William
Cowper was haunted by religious preoccupations. His character was a strange
mixture of rationality and of a deep sense of sin, accompanied by self-distrust.
His reason made it impossible for him to be a true believer, but these different
components were in conflict with his sensitivity and his religious delusion, his
fear of Gods vengeance.
The poem Light Shining Out Of Darkness is written by William Cowper
to show his praise towards God. In this poem, William wanted to say that of all
the gifts God gives to the human beings, God, Himself, is the greatest. He also
realized that when he sank into his depression and there were repeated attempts
at suicide, each time God providentially prevented him.
Light Shining Out of Darkness
(1) God moves in a mysterious way,
(2) His wonders to perform;

(3) He plants his footsteps in the sea,

(4) And rides upon the storm.
The hymn God Moves in a Mysterious Way is a combination of assertions
about Gods goodness, sovereignty and wisdom along with commands to take
courage and trust in him. The hymn is a beautiful expression of the kind of faith
that sustained Cowper through long periods of darkness and despair. To
Cowpers surprise, he found himself on his own doorstep: God had sent the fog
to keep him from killing himself. Even in our blackest moments, God watches
over us.
Besides, Cowper builds the profile of God as so powerful and strong that
He rides upon the storm. We, as humans see storm as a powerful natural
hazard, which if strong enough can cause a lot of destruction. Yet God rides
upon the storm. This puts His splendor into perspective.
(5) Deep in unfathomable mines
(6) Of never-failing skill,
(7) He treasures up his bright designs,
(8) And works his sov'reign will.
In the second stanza, it talks about Gods ways of thinking, and how it is
superior to the brains of humans. God skill is so great that, for measly human to
understand, it would be like going into a maze of millions tunnels we would
just get lost and confused. Even though you may not understand what He does,
He fashions and executes His designs for humanity with "never failing skill".

In the line 7-8, again, Cowper shows how powerful God is. He states that
God is the only one who set everything in this magnificent place to all human
such as live, death, fate and every single accident in humans life that according
to the speaker himself its called a bright design. God has planned anything
in the world and his will is regal and supreme . In this stanza, it is clear that the
speaker describes God superiority can be compared by anything because God
has control over the this whole universe.
(9) Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take,
(10) The clould ye so much dread
(11) Are big with mercy, and shall break
(12) In blessings on your head
After some descriptions about Gods power in the first and the second
stanza, here Cowper begins to to persuade non-believers to believe in God and
worship him. He says that although life seems to be very hard, but anyone who
believe and worship God will be awarded with His mercy.
In this point, we can conclude that Theres no late for human to make his
life better, because God is so charitable. In the last line, ...In blessings on your
head.. shows that God will bless everyone who worship him and his follower
will gain such a reward. For Cowper himself as a Christian, he believes that the
religous people, will find all kindness in his life as it is promised in the bible.
Cowper found that God hears humans prayer. Cowper once finds some
difficulties in his life, for instance when he resigned the office of commisioner

of bankrupts. He finds his life is so poor and he relied upon the promise of God,
that bread should be given him and water should be sure. By this time, he just
poured out his soul to pray to God, and found that god always answers his
(13) Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,
(14) But trust him for his grace;
(15) Behind a frowning providence
(16) He hides a smiling face.
In the lines 13-16, Cowper tells the reader to believe in God. In his life when
he was merged into a group of evangelical Christianity, Cowper in his belief
found that God has his own way to control the mankind. We as human cannot
make our fate without the help of God. Therefore, Cowper instructs the reader
to believe that whenever we do something, God will always be there by our
The saying Behind a frowning providence, He hides a smiling face shows
that based on the speakers belief, no matter what we live the hard life, God
will lead us to the good ending. He believes that God wont make the mankind
suffer eternally because God is merciful. These lines 13-16 are based on
Cowpers despairing life that experienced an attack of insanity for several times
so that made him try to commit suicide. At that moment, he thought that God
punished him. But when he was recovered, he thought that God gave him a
miracle. Because of this, Cowper realized that God always protects him and
guides him to the better life.

(17) His purposes will ripen fast,

(18) Unfolding ev'ry hour;
(19) The bud may have a bitter taste,
(20) But sweet will be the flow'r.
In the fifth stanza, Cowper wants to say that Gods decision always work
out although sometimes people should suffer first. Cowper says that the evil
things in the world all takes place as a part of Gods providence. His plan makes
everything work out, and the bad has to happen in order to let the good prevail
in the end. Cowper thinks that all the hardships he has in his life is only a phase
and he believes that God has already planned miraculous thing to happen to
him at the end. Sometimes he feels he is in a crisis when depression strikes, but
God always lighten his life so at some times his life seems to be better.
(21) Blind unbelief is sure to err,
(22) And scan his work in vain;
(23) God is his own interpreter,
(24) And he will make it plain.
In the last stanza, Cowper shows that he knows the thoughts and points of
the Atheists. In line 21-22, Cowper says that people who do not have a belief
may view God mistakenly. He knows that it sounds unconvincing, that there is
a God of the world who no present day person has any proof for. He knows that
it is unbelievable that God could let this amount of wickedness happen in the
world, but he says that Gods ultimate plan is way too superior and sophisticated

for our human brains to understand. He knows and understands the points that
people bring up, and he says that it will all become clear in the end.
The poem Light Shining out of Darkness shows William Cowpers praise
towards God. Within this poem, he realizes if God is so powerful and strong, God
has his own way to control the mankind, so we as human cannot make our fate
without the help of God, God wont make the mankind suffer eternally because God
is merciful, God always protects and guides him to the better life, God is lighten his
life, and God has already planned miraculous thing to happen to him at the end,
even he has to be live in hardship first. It shows when he sank into his depression
and there were repeated attempts at suicide, each time God providentially prevented

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