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Web Based HR Systems

Dr. Mohammed Abou El Nasser

Individual Assignment 1
Lecture 2 - 14 / 11 / 2015
Represented by: Nada Samir Omar

What are the future jobs in HR?

According to the New Talent Times Magazine experts predict that the HR department of 2020 will move toward a
more strategic in-house HR, which would be based mainly on HR systems to operate.

Independent workers will be the majority of the workforce were companies relying far less on full time salaried /
benefitted employees and far more on people who can fulfil skills gaps and are hired for specific outcome, which will
result in the rise of Resource Procurement Professional; a new breed of recruiter that will hire individuals to fulfill
a specific task over a set period of time, rather than fill full-time positions.
HR will need to appoint a member of staff to ensure companies arent neglecting to promote in-house talent which
will result in the rise of Internal Mobility Director; will be responsible for ensuring a certain percentage of
employees are considered for open positions in other divisions of the organization, and given the opportunity to
develop skills with 'on-the-job' projects, were to increase loyalty and reduce turnover, younger employees need to
know their efforts will be rewarded with new opportunities, Employers will start to look at how they can redirect
energy back into the organization and make it as easy to move internally as it is to find a job outside of the

To engage employees corporate culture is a key ingredient, fundamental shift has occurred in what people look for in
an employer, were in order to impress and retain employees, companies have to go above and beyond. Fostering a
strong and rewarding culture is a way to do that, will result in rise of Cultural Coordination.

Big data is becoming more and more important in HR, using data that is already available, HR Data analysis could
help companies better understand factors contributing to things such as high employee retention, great sales
performance, or even determine which current employees might be great fits for leadership positions down the line,
which will result in the rise of HR Analyst.
As changes to health care go into effect, therefore an on-staff Wellness Coordinator will become one of HRs future
roles. Employers will be scrambling to fully understand the legal ramifications of the Affordable Care Act, were a
wellness coordinator to help navigate these changes, but also work to improve the overall health of the organization,
he would also set up a company wellness plan encompassing biometric screenings, fitness classes, smoking cessation
programs and more. Ultimately, companies will be looking to minimize health care costs.

What are HR Department Functions in the

According to the New Talent Times Magazine , there is no viable future for the HR function, and HR professionals
will inevitably be replaced by software, software is changing how HR functions.

Prediction 1: In-house HR will downsize and outsourcing will increase.

A shift to smaller HR departments will be caused by new technologies and increased employee participation in HR
processes. Many businesses are going to get a lot of capability done by better technology, more self-service and the
employee doing a lot on their own. For instance, employees will increasingly input their own data into self-service
Prediction 2: Strategic thinking will become in-house HRs new core competence.
The leaner version of HR that remains will need to reposition itself as a strategic partner within the business, HR
needs to increase its strategic value to the business which includes the ability to make accurate projections based on
understanding the goals of the business and using metrics that describe more than lagging indicators, such as how long
it takes to fill a job or the per-employee training spend.

Prediction 3: The pendulum will swing back to the specialist.

The paradigm of the independent contributor/specialist to the generalist practitioner, in a generalist mode the
pendulum may be swinging back toward the specialist. This to be the case as the employment landscape becomes
more complex with changing regulations around employment law and benefit compliance with the Affordable Care

Prediction 4: HR will increasingly utilize analytics and big data to augment its value to the firm.
In-house HR professionals will need to embrace analytics and big data'' often included in talent management software
suites to become strategic leaders in their companies. The current trends in big data will provide new ways for HR to
prove its value, so expect HR departments to want to add people who can analyze and make projections using these
tools, and people who can drive positive change using the information derived from the analysis.

Prediction 5: Managing a remote workforce will be the new norm.

HR will increasingly have to tackle the challenge of managing a remote workforce. They will need to leverage
employees where and when they are most productive and impactful, even if that means theyre halfway around the
world. The trend toward remote workers is a growing challenge to managers who are not effective in managing people
at a distance. New technologies will be used to analyze the work production instead of the working time. Results will
become more important and business will expect HR to be producing more result-driven performance analysis.

Prediction 6: HR will need to become more like Marketing.

Recruiting is going to become more like marketing, were identifying specific micro-segments of either job seekers or
job holders that you want to target to bring into your firm, just like a marketing firm would. HR will evolve the
internal marketing role to include social marketing coordination and brand ownership, that is, outside talent buying

into the brandthe companyto potentially work in the organization

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