Guns & Ammo - February 2015 - 20

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f e b r u a ry 2 0 1 5 | G u n r o o m


about a vintage frearm? Email

Garry at, or send a description with detailed photos to
Gun room, Guns & Ammo, 2
news Plaza, 3rd Floor, Peoria,
IL 61614. Please include your
name and state of residence.
Due to the volume of requests
each month, personal replies
are not possible. The most
interesting or unusual queries
are answered in Guns & Ammo

other places I mentioned.

That should clinch it. The
Remington Rider was made
in a .31 percussion version
from about 1860 to 1873,
when .32 cartridge conversions appeared. They were
made until 1888. Your piece,
if it is a true Remington and
hasnt been refnished, with
the original box of ammo,
is worth in the $1,500 to
$1,750 range.

DAN WESSON, NIB: $1,000+

Q: I paid $200 for this
nickel-plated Colt .25 ACP.
I would say that is has no
wear and is in 95 percent
condition with the original
grips. Could you give me a
C.J., email

Shooters Bible Guide to
Extreme Iron, by Stan
Skinner, Skyhorse Publishing Inc., New York, NY.
Paperback, 147 pages.
Written by veteran frearms
scribe Stan Skinner, Extreme Iron is an enjoyable,
informative book that, as
its subtitle explains, is An
Illustrated Reference to
Some of the Worlds Most
Powerful Weapons, from
Hand Cannons to Field
Artillery. Skinner has put
together a fun, well-thoughtout compendium copiously
illustrated in color that
includes a look at such
things as submachine guns,
Gatlings, various .50-caliber
contrivances, howdah
pistols and the like, many of
which the average shooter
will never have a chance to
shoot, but we can enjoy their
delights vicariously through
Skinners lively reportage.
Guns & Ammos Garry
James supplied a number of
featured guns to Skinner, so
youll see some of his arms
in action. Price is $19.95
plus S&H from Skyhorse
Publishing, 212-643-6816,

A: From your photo, its

easy to tell you have a Colt
Model 1908 Vest Pocket
.25 auto. The Rampant Colt
hard-rubber grips indicate that its a fairly early
incarnation of this excellent
little auto, and though the
picture is somewhat blurry,
condition seems to be pretty good. Assuming 95 percent condition, according to
the Thirty-Fifth Anniversary
Edition Blue Book of Gun
Values (,
its worth $850. These little
hammerless repeaters were
made from 1908 to 1946
and were versions of an
earlier John Browning gun
manufactured at Fabrique

Q: While I am not an
expert on Dan Wesson gun
values, I am a member of
the DW forum and watch
DW prices on gunbroker.
com constantly. A new,

unfred pistol pak would

probably start at $1,000
and may go to $1,500 if
it was stainless or had a
heavy lug under the barrel.
Your sample picture is of a
standard profle, where the
lug ends just beyond the
ejector. If your reader has
a 12-inch barrel as part of
the kit, it alone is worth the
$1,000 or so. After buying
a DW and fnding out how
much fun it is to shoot, I
fnd myself with a bad case
of what I call DWAS, or
Dan Wesson Acquisition
Syndrome. Its only cure is
more DWs.
W.E., email
A: Many thanks for the
added info regarding a
readers previous question
about a Dan Wesson multibarrel setup. For what you
are getting, that sounds
like a pretty reasonable
price. I must admit, from
my research, prices on the

whole seem to be all over

the board.


Q: I have a 6mm singleshot, bolt-action rife that
I can fnd no info on at all.
on the top of the barrel is
1927. on the left side of
the barrel is what appears
to be ama followed by
a u lying on its left side,
the serial number 28XX
and a large o with an
upside-down peace sign
with the letters KLZ inside. on top of the breech
is stamped ALFA, then
what appears to be an infnity sign separated in the
center by a large X, then
EXTrA. The metal has
no rust or pitting; the bore
is as new. Any info you can
supply would be greatly
K.N., Capac, MI

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