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Fashion of Moldova

mature - it has gone

from cutting and
sewing services to its
own brands.
Brands manufactured in Moldova have in
recent years become a very strong market,
demand is increasingly competitive local
designers and demand - growing.
From the heart brands Moldova
proved to be a slogan with a strong impact
among fashion lovers, because collections
extravagant fabrics and tailoring quality,
modern strategies of marketing and fashion
show, all bearing the mark "Made in Moldova
With the support of Competitiveness
Enhancement and Enterprise Development II
(CEED II), funded by US Agency for
International Development (USAID),
Moldovan producers have switched from
supply of cut and sewn to create its own
product orientation toward the end

With the birth of their own brands of clothing

and textile industry in our country has
reached a new level of development,
entering into a close competition with import
Clothing and textile sector is vital for
economic and social development of
Moldova, generating exports, creating jobs
for women and changing the perception of
the quality of products manufactured in
Moldova abroad.
In our country, there are about 400
enterprises of textile, footwear and
accessories, providing jobs for over 23,000
people in almost all regions, of which 90%
are women. Clothing industry is one of the
few industries able to maintain a positive
trade balance.

In 2014, Moldovan light industry made

exports worth over 430 mln. US dollars,
which constitutes over 18% of the country's
total export value.

CEED II program has sought to stimulate and

support domestic producers to shift
production schemes with low added value
(cut and sewn) schemes with high added
value (own brand). And, in order to preserve
jobs, increase incomes of producers to
stimulate investment in new technologies,
research and product development and to
ensure long-term competitiveness of
industry. Thus, in 2005 and 2014, the share
of cutting and sewing services was reduced
from 95% to 80%.

Vision fashion sector development in

Moldova was oriented towards increasing

exports and revitalizing the internal market,

increasing product quality and productivity.
And these goals were achieved by organizing
trainings on design and creation of new
brands, through assistance in establishing
marketing strategies by initiating the use of
technologies for computer aided design and
partnerships by participating in fairs and
trade exhibitions .

Today, Moldovan producers develop and

produce their own clothing lines, which talks
about the maturity of the industry. With the
support and CEED CEED II were launched over
70 new brands that make sales today under
his own name brands and is a model for
future development of the fashion industry in

In recent years, campaigns and efforts promoted

by CEED II project, we managed to change the face
of the textile industry in Moldova. Moreover, we
managed to change the perception of people
towards this industry and to convince them that
Moldova may have created a quality brand that can
compete on an equal footing with those abroad. By
launching the campaign "From branduri of
Moldova" we managed not only to promote the
image of domestic manufacturers, but also to
determine our consumers appreciate the value of
the local textile industry. Brands like Sekana,
Crme Brulee, L'me de Femme, Ionel, Georgette,
MNatali have become brands whose value is
appreciated both at home and abroad.
Dr. Sergiu Botezatu, USAID Project Director, Project
Manager CEED II

Local market launches proved to be successful due

to a policy visions producers improved product

design processes, brand image and logo and

collection structure. Over 700 specialists from light
industry, of which 80% were women, participated
in trainings designed to increase work efficiency
and product quality. In this context, an important
role was played by international designers come to
Moldova, the UK and Italy, to help domestic brands
and fashion trends to understand that the market
demands. As a result, companies have increased
their share of sales to 70% of their collections.

The heart is an unprecedented promotional campaign in

Moldova has radically changed consumer attitudes and
are proud today when clothing is manufactured in
Moldova. Even politicians, public and celebrities
promoting local designers outfits. I always knew that we
have talent and creativity beyond manufacturing. From a
simple idea to promote joint, heartfelt reached today a
brand and a national icon and practically reborn Moldovan
Doina Nistor, CEED Project Manager II

However, domestic brands have

experienced competitiveness in the local
market with known foreign brands, but
also with consumers skeptical about the
quality of clothes, shoes and accessories
produced in Moldova. Also, the ability of
domestic producers were limited
promotion, as well as marketing

Thus, in 2012, CEED II launched a

campaign to attract Moldovan
consumers, appointed brands heart
Moldova. The campaign was developed
with the Light Industry Employers'
Association and has proven to be very
successful, managing to improve the
perception of domestic products by
consumers. The campaign offered
heartfelt domestic manufacturers and
designers opportunities to promote low-

cost and with maximum effectiveness,

including through website an online platform to promote the
sharing of local brands - and fashion
shows on sustained investment Image
public persons.

Launching a brand is a part of the coin, the other

side is investing in the promotion and maintenance
market. In this respect local producers needed a
vision and guidance in the difficult production and
marketing of fashion items under its own brand.
Thus, CEED II project supported the creation and
development of domestic brands dozens of us who
can successfully compete with imported ones.
Although there was a 20% share of production
under its own brand, it is still quite small. For this
process to be irreversible, it is necessary that the

share of private label manufacturing enterprises to

grow continuously to reach at least 50%. To this
end it requires sustained efforts, including by the
State in respect of the VAT on import of raw
Maria Gheorghe, manager Textile CEED II

Moldova has a new generation of designers

who have personality, but are connected to
international trends and making them
cosmopolitans and original at the same time.
And because talent and creativity are not
enough to build a successful brand, the
project CEED CEED II offered producers and
local designers valuable information, clear
directions and a recipe of success that they
had to follow to make items to plate. Wearing
domestic brands, we can contribute to the

development of entrepreneurs in Moldova

and not in the end, it is a national pride.
Diana Lazar, Vice Project

In the first campaign of the heart have

been involved 12 companies, which have
generated a keen interest in local media
and consumers and boost sales
companies. Thus, each dollar spent on
promotional sales brought $ 65.
Following initial successes, another 10
companies have joined the campaign
next and it has become a biannual
editions Spring and Autumn. In the last
edition, more than 60 domestic brands
participated in the campaign of the
heart and showed their collections at
fashion shows on the season. Companies
participating at heartfelt contributes
more than 70% of the promotional
budget. Following this extensive
promotional campaigns locally and
supported CEED II brands recorded sales
increases of about 34% in three years,
which reached 7.4 mln. US dollars only in
domestic sales.

Fashion show organized branded sites in

the heart, which in time became a
biannual tradition, were a solid and
modern platform to promote local
producers. An important role, as proof of
quality clothing collections, they played
public figures and local celebrities who
were present on the catwalks fashion
shows and brand from the heart as

Collaboration of Light Industry Employers'

Association and USAID CEED II had a major
positive impact on the entire sector of light
industry and can say with certainty that
history was written Moldovan successful
brands! Domestic companies have gone

through an incredible transformation in these

years of support and advice from CEED II
project, a transformation that translated into
competitiveness, increased responsiveness
on the part of local brands to local
consumers and positioning in international
Eliza brother, Executive Director of the Light
Industry Employers' Association (APIUS)

CEED II project has brought for the first time

in Moldova designers and specialists from
abroad that have opened my eyes. By CEED
II, local brands have not had many
opportunities to learn and not even he
realized it would require training. I had a
revelation in the trainings organized by CEED

II project. They made us understand that we

must totally change "creative workshops"
and approaches in business management and
Natalia Coulean, Ponti

Campaigning heartfelt BRIO brand has

offered numerous benefits, from reducing
costs for promotion, for example on
billboards, on television and in magazines,
and organizing seminars with experts in the
field of fashion abroad. Another unique
opportunity is certainly exit ramp and
Fashion show from the heart, a large-scale
event and a very good image impact.

Cristina Culish, domestic brand designer


I am pleased that this project has spawned fashion

made in Moldova in the full sense of the word there have been many names, I discovered people
who do their job with passion and she deserves to
be appreciated by shopping. Many manufacturing
companies and designers have managed to
significantly evolve and approach the international
fashion trends. I would like a wider public to afford
to attend the shows fashion brand from the heart
of the future and as models paraded and simple
people who are loyal buyers of domestic brands,
not just public figures. It is a show whose success
is due both producers and organizers and models,
media and public.
Lilu Ojovan

With great pleasure and respectfully accept the

invitation to scroll to local brands in the fashion
shows and heartfelt. I like creative people and
touching upon the human emotions that create. All
respect to those who work and try to make a good
life in the country. I can not say about the great
prospects in the world, but locally believe in the
Moldovan fashion and I wish successes to develop.
We have a rich history, where we inspire us and
there is huge potential for development.
Everything must be done to increase as more
professional and giving heart and success will soon
Lucia Berdos

Some companies have managed to establish

themselves internationally, including Georgette,
Creme Brulee, Arilux, Ju bijoux, Lia Fia, Oldcom and
Dona premiere. These exports own brand in
Romania, Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan, where
brands made in Moldova have opportunities to
succeed. First participation at Kazakhstan Fashion
Expo in spring 2015 generated dozens of business
contacts. Some brands, such as georgette, and the
first orders already received.
A garment quality starts from a quality fabric.
Moldova has unfortunately its own textile and
leather. In the last two years, several designers
were supported by CEED II project to participate in
famous international exhibition of fabrics and
accessories. As a result, designers of Moldova have
learned how to select fabrics for new collections.
The companies have established partnerships with
suppliers in Lithuania, Germany, Romania, Italy,
Belgium and other countries able to provide
quality fabrics, leather and accessories.

During the project CEED II, dozens of local

companies participated in international exhibitions
and fairs. They were translated into attracting
customers and conclude contracts, which
generated US $ 16 million of new sales. The most
important result of the participation of local
companies was likely to attract orders for more
complex services with a higher added value
compared to services Lohn (cut and sewn) that
they provide in the past. Thus, companies that

provide more complex services (development

patterns, fabrics and accessories procurement)
have increased their value added by 2-3 times,
became able to pay higher salaries, to acquire its
own resources to implement new techniques and
technologies which contributes to the development
of future business.

Campaign heartfelt managed to reach the

hearts of many Moldovans and that local
producers needed most - the trust and
support of local consumers. Fashion shows
on the mark from the Heart will be held after
the project CEED II and I'm sure "noise" that
we managed to generate in these events will
be maintained by more powerful voices that

continue to appear in the international

fashion Moldova.
Otilia Dragutanu heartfelt fashion show

Moldovan fashion industry should

continue to require the regional and
international level as a country offers for
manufacture of high value added, which
will allow them to demand higher prices.
Companies need to increase the skills of
design, product development and
selection of fabrics. In many countries in
the world, development patterns and the
cutting are totally computerized, while
in Moldova only companies are in the
process of adopting IT solutions.

To fill the gap in the industry with

educational, business acceleration
services and modern technologies, this
summer will be released Acceleration
Center of Education and Technology in
Fashion and Moldova. In this center,

students, industry specialists and young

designers will develop their creativity,
skills, engineering and technology, will
be supported to develop their collections
and launch their own business. The
supply relies on light industry with
competitive human capital.

Mallen joined the campaign shortly from the

heart, but I managed to attend the fashion
show in the spring, where we had the
opportunity to launch and promote the
spring-summer collection. Also, I was offered
the opportunity to open a trading point in the
domestic producers of Dawn store, where
sales are going very well. From the autumn,
will give me the opportunity to appear on

billboards in the city. From the heart of

reunited brands and offers the opportunity to
promote more efficient and cheaper.
Elena Grosu, domestic brand designer Mallen

Because textiles and accessories and

has proven significant contribution in
generating exports, local producers by
increasing sales and by supporting local
innovation and launching quality
products, we can only count to increase
the industry's contribution to the
national economy. Considering that the
domestic market, domestic producers
gained ground and is successful, a
current challenge remains
internationalization and entering the
competition with global network of

USAID Competitiveness Enhancement

and Enterprise Development II (CEED II)
2010-2015 helps Moldovan enterprises
in target sectors (apparel, footwear and

accessories, information technology and

communication, tourism and wine) to
increase competitiveness by increasing
productivity and intensifying trade
investment, and streamlining publicprivate dialogue to improve the business

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