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Paper 3
This question paper consists of three questions. Question 1 and Question 2
Kertas soalan ini mengandungi tiga soalan. Soalan 1 dan Soalan 2.
1.Diagram below shows the apparatus set up in an experiment to determine the heat of displacement of copper by
magnesium and zinc, and thermometer readings. The steps of experiment are as follows:
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan susunan radas untuk menentukan haba penyesaran kuprum oleh magnesium dan
zink dan bacaan termometer. Langkah-langkah di dalam eksperimen adalah seperti berikut:
Step 1: 50 cm3 of 0.2 mol dm3 copper(II) sulphate solution are poured into each of two plastic cups.
50 cm3 0.2 mol dm3 larutan kuprum(II) sulfat dituangkan ke dalam dua cawan plastik masing-masing.
Step 2: The temperatures of the copper(II) sulphate solutions in the cups are recorded after 2 minutes.
Suhu awal larutan kuprum(II) sulfat di dalam cawan direkodkan selepas 2 minit.
Step 3: 2 g of magnesium powder and zinc powder are weighed and added into the plastic cups containing
copper(II) sulphate solution.
2 g ditambahkan ke dalam cawan plastik mengandungi kuprum(II) larutan sulfat.
Step 4: The mixture is stirred gently and the highest temperature of the mixture is recorded.
Campuran dikacau perlahan-lahan dan suhu tertinggi campuran direkodkan.

Diagram 1/Rajah1

(a) Besides temperature, state three other observations in Set I.

Selain suhu, nyatakan tiga pemerhatian lain di dalam Set 1.
[3 marks/markah]
(b) Based on Diagram above, record the temperatures in the table.
Berdasarkan Rajah di atas, rekodkan suhu di dalam jadual.
[3 marks/markah]
(c) Construct a table to record all the data and the temperature changes.
Bina jadual untuk merekodkan kesemua data dan perubahan suhu .

[3 marks/markah]
(d) State the variables involved in this experiment.
Nyatakan pemboleh ubah yang terlibat di dalam eksperimen ini.
(i) Manipulated variable
Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan
(ii) Responding variable
Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas
(iii)Constant variable
Pemboleh ubah ditetapkan
[3 marks/markah]
(e) Calculate the number of moles of...
Hitungkan bilangan mol bagi
[Relative atomic mass: Mg, 24; Zn, 65]
[Jisim atom relatif Mg,24;Zn,65]
(i) copper(II) ions.
ion kuprum(II).
(ii) magnesium.


[3 marks/markah]
(f) Write ionic equations to represent the reactions in Set I and Set II.
Tulis persamaan untuk mewakili tindak balas di dalam set I dan set II.

[4 marks/markah]
(g) Calculate the heat of displacement of copper by...
Hitungkan haba penyesaran kuprum oleh.
[Heat capacity = 4.2 J g1C1, density of solution =1 .0 g cm3]
[Muatan haba = 4.2 J g1C1, ketumpatan larutan = 1.0 g cm3]
(i) magnesium.

(ii) zinc.

[4 marks/markah]
(h) Based on Set I, give the operation definition for the reaction that takes place.
Berdasarkan Set 1, berikan definisi operasi bagi tindak balas yang berlaku.
[3 marks/markah]
(i) Give three assumptions that are made in the calculation of the heat of displacement in the experiments.
Berikan tiga anggapan yang dibuat di dalam penghitungan haba penyesaran di dalam eksperimen.
[3 marks/markah]
(j) Draw energy diagrams for Set I and Set II.
Lukiskan gambar rajah tenaga bagi Set I dan set II.

[4 marks/markah]


Lithium, sodium and potassium are three alkali metals in Group 1 of the periodic table. Plan a laboratory
experiment to compare the reactivity of the elements in Group 1. Your explanation must include the following:
Litium, natrium dan kalium merupakan tiga unsur logam alkali daripada Kumpulan 1 Jadual Berkala.
Rancangkan satu eksperimen makmal untuk membandingkan kereaktifan tindak balas air pada unsur unsur
Kumpulan 1. Penerangan anda mesti mempunyai perkara-perkara berikut:
(a) Problem statement
Penyataan masalah
(b) All the variables involved
Semua pemboleh ubah yang terlibat
(c) List of apparatus and materials
Senarai bahan dan radas
(d) Experiment procedures
Prosedur eksperimen
(e) Tabulation of data
Penjadualan data
[17 marks/17 markah]


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