Make Any Woman Squirt

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M a k e A n y Wo m a n S q u i r t t a l l u l a h @ p e r s o n a l l i f e m e d i a . c o m h t t p : / / m a k e a n y w o m a n s q u i r t . c o m

Table of Contents

Ge-ng Started

How To Make Any Woman Squirt

My Story

How Do I Introduce Female EjaculaEon To Her?

The Goal of This Book

Couples Exercise

What Exactly Is Female EjaculaEon?

Where Does It Come From?

What Is This Fluid Made Of?

Why Female EjaculaEon Is Not Pee!

All Women Have The Capacity To Ejaculate

She Might Already Be EjaculaEng But Just Doesn't Know It


She Thinks She Has To Pee But It's Really....


Explore Her History and PerspecEves


Give Her Permission And Encouragement


Chapter 2


Pussy Anatomy Quickie Guide


The Clit


The Clitoral Hood


The Inner Labia (Labia Minora)


M a k e A n y Wo m a n S q u i r t!

Personal Life Media

The Outer Labia (Labia Majora)


The Pubic Mound/Bone




Urethral Sponge


Paraurethral Glands


The G-Spot


The Language Of Her Pussy


Chapter 3


Why Does SEmulaEng Her G-Spot Make Her Ejaculate?


Breakdown Of Myths And MisconcepEons


Some Dierent Kinds of Orgasms Women Can Have


To Squirt Or Not To Squirt...That Is The QuesEon


Ge-ng Her To Be More Orgasmic Through Intercourse and Beyond....


Finding Her G-Spot


The G-Spot Is The Heart Of Her PussyIt Can Get EmoEonal Down There


Holding Space Means Providing A Safe Place For Her To Really Let Go


Awakening SensaEon In Her G-Spot


The Most SensiEve Areas Of The G-Spot


G-Spot Toys


Cum Hither


IncorporaEng The Front Of The Sponge


If She Feels Like She Has To Pee


Don't Forget The Clit


Do the Clit/G-Spot Dance


Dierent Ways to SEmulate Her G-Spot


M a k e A n y Wo m a n S q u i r t!

Personal Life Media

Chapter 4


The PC MusclesProfound PC Pleasure PulsaEons And Pumping It UP


Why Are These Muscles Important When Learning About Orgasm And EjaculaEon?


Fear Of Pushing Out


For Exercises And Further Understanding Of The PC Muscles....


Chapter 5


Giving Birth To Her Orgasm


Let It GO


The Dance Between Force and Surrender


When Should She Push Out?


Chapter 6


General Tips For EjaculaEng


Don't Block The Urethral Opening


Making Her Squirt Through Intercourse




Yoni (Vaginal) Massage Sessions


Pu-ng It All Together - Couples Exercise


Prepare To Rock Her World Forever!


M a k e A n y Wo m a n S q u i r t!

Personal Life Media Started
How To Make Any Woman Squirt
Does women's sexuality seem like a mysterious labyrinth at Emes? Yes, women are sexually
complex. This olen leaves men baed and amazed. The good news is that you don't have to
gure her out. You just have to:
1) Be present with her and emoEonally available
2) Get educated about women's sexuality and anatomy
3) Know some good techniques with which you can innovate

These three keys are ones which appeal to her on an emoAonal, mental, and physi-
cal level. When you really engage her sexually on ALL three levels, you will be WAY
above the bar and stand out as a superior lover--you can take her to places she's
NEVER been before sexually.

One of the most amazing things you can do that will set you WAY apart from the rest is to: Make
Her Squirt.
Let me tell youI will never forget the lover I had who
taught me how to squirt years ago. My sex life has never
been the same and I will forever be grateful to him for
giving me such a unique gil.

In this eBook you will learn several Eps and techniques to
make any woman squirt in total ecstasy and abandon.
Female EjaculaEon is thrilling and pleasurable, a deep
release, and can bring you closer together and keep her
coming back for more and more. You don't want to pass
this opportunity byso learn how to take her sexually to
a whole new level. Her pleasure is your pleasure, so the
more sexually fullled and amazed she is with you, the
more overowing with energy and super hot she will be
for you.

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M a k e A n y Wo m a n S q u i r t!

My Story
So how did female ejaculaEon become my lifes mission?
I actually learned how to ejaculate and did not start o as a natural.
I had a powerful and transformaEve sexual awakening with a partner several years ago.
He had taught a few women how to ejaculate and he told me that he thought I would be able to
learn just like they did. I thought it was a circus act or a parlor trick, but was intrigued nonethe-
less. I hadnt thought too much of it, but one eve-
ning when he was sEmulaEng me manually, I was
super aroused and had a big orgasm. He had
been sEmulaEng my G-Spot and my clit simulta-
neously when this happened. I remember le-ng
go in a deeper way than I had before and ended
up ejaculaEng a Eny bit.
He said, There you did it!!
I was so ecstaEc and amazed that I was capable of
doing something that I didnt think was possible.
From that point on, the oodgates were open and
I was so excited to learn about something that felt
so powerful and exhilaraEng. It was a high like no
other for him and for me. As I explored it more
and more, I found I was able go from ejaculaEng
just a Eny bit, to we-ng an enEre bed and squirt-
ing across the room. From then on I made it my
mission to learn from the experts and make it my
career to help other women and men learn about
this mysterious and capEvaEng experience.
I have been on an incredible journey ever since and it has been a serious and amazing mission
on a personal level as well as an educaEonal one. I have traveled all over the country teaching
workshops and working one on one with men and women. I see it as an empowering experi-
ence that everyone should be informed about. I have seen how its power and magnicence
opens up and transforms women who experience it as well as their partners and builds pro-
found inEmacy and heightened pleasure never before imagined. I am so grateful that this is my
lifes work and I appreciate your interest in learning more about this.

Copyright 2010 Personal Life Media All Rights Reserved

M a k e A n y Wo m a n S q u i r t!

How Do I Introduce Female EjaculaAon To Her?

Depending on where she is with her sexual openness and where you are with your level of inE-
macy and communicaEon, you might be met with stead-fast resistance or excitement and
curiosity. Here are few pointers and suggesEons for you to help her feel more recepEve to
learning and experiencing this with you:

Frame the conversaEon as something "we" can learn together as an experiment, adventure, and
something spice you BOTH can enjoy together. That way the emphasis is not just on her per-
forming or feeling pressure from you.

Use ME as a resource for her. I have an enEre online informaEon product designed exclusively
for women to learn how to ejaculate that is empowering and heartelt called "Squirt Your Heart
Out!" Tell her you stumbled into this and would love to get this program for her. Find out what
she thinks about it and if it is something she would like to try with you.

Be honest and transparent about your intenEons and desires around this. (If this is the case.) Let
her know that this is something that you think would be empowering and exciEng for her and a
big turn-on for you. Perhaps you can share that you are worried that she would feel pressure
from you but that is not your intenEon. Let her know that you are curious about it and not at-
tached to any outcome or goal. In the process of learning about this together, this will help you
get to know her sexually even beuer and that you are wanEng to give her the ulEmate pleasure
and deepen your connecEon with her.

Buy her some G-Spot toys (I provide a fabulous Toy Resource Guide at Female Liquid Orgasm.)
and sexy gils that make her feel sexy. She can try out the toys by herself at rst and then you
can work your magic on her with them too.

Lastly, you can choose not to say anything at all. You can try your new moves on her and see
how she likes them and what happens. Most of the techniques and informaEon I share will be
more eecEve if she's on-board too. I invite you to be fully disclosing and honest, study up, and
prepare to be her ulEmate Sex God.
The Goal of This Book
The following guided pracEce is your goal aler reading Make Any Woman Squirt. You will see
below that this is a thorough explanaEon of a stroking session that, over Eme, if not right away,
will help her release her womanly nectar.
When you read it next, its going to sound a liule like a foreign language to you. Thats because
you need ALL the informaEon in this book for it to start to make sense. Nonetheless, this is the
culminaEon of this whole book - this one exercise. Its the procedure that will get her warmed
up and releasing her uid.
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I cant encourage you enough to take your Eme to pracEce this. So read through it, then think
back to this as you are reading the rest of the book, knowing that at the end, this is what I want
you to try.
Couples Exercise
Trim your ngernails very short. Use an emery board to smooth the edges. Wash your hands
two Emes with very good soap. Wear a tee shirt so you are not sEnky to her as you may get a
liule sweaty. Get water for both of you, and put on some music or light candles or do what ever
sets a nice space for her maximum comfort.
Lay a few thicknesses of towels down on the bed or a waterproof sheet under your bedding. Lay
her down, prop her legs with pillows beneath her. Put a pillow beneath her head. Give her a
wrap she can drape across her chest if she gets cold.
Sit down beside her, on her right side, so you can posiEon your self perpendicularly to her and
see her genitals. Put one leg across her and one under her legs so you can get your hands easily
on her clit and vagina.
First I want you to do a Yoni Massage. This will get both of you warmed up to the touch and feel
of her genitals. Print the pages in the book out that go over all of the dierent parts of her
anatomy. Then slowly nd and touch each spot as you tell her which spot you are touching. You
will essenEally do an inventory of her anatomy, so she can feel where each of these places are
as you touch them.
If shes embarrassed, keep the lights low at rst and feel your way as much as see your way
around. Its also great to have a hand mirror and prop her up so she can see her pussy. Tell her
the things you like about it. I love the dusky pink of your inner lips. I love how your clit is just
peeking out a liule from under the hood. Your thighs look so beauEful as they lead up to your
Then as you locate each spot, rub it in a few dierent ways and ask her which feels best to her.
Try strokes, circles, swipes, more pressure, less pressure. From this, youll get a good idea of
what kind of strokes and pressure she likes in what areas.
Then as shes sEll laying down, completely relaxed, ask her to do nothing but give you any feed-
back, posiEve or negaEve, about what shes experiencing as youre giving her a genital massage.
Start with organic oil. Sweet Almond or Coconut are nice. You want something at rst thats a
liule tackier, sEcker than lube. Oil works well on the outside areas of her genitals.
Rub her outer lips, inner lips, clitoral area, urethral area, slowly work your way into her G-Area,
very delicately, just to locate the zones. Feel around in there ( just with one nger and very gen-
tly) and stroke what brings you pleasure as well as her.
Take about 30 minutes or longer if shes really enjoying it.
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You can stop there, or proceed to this next level of sEmulaEon.

Once shes warmed up and very responsive to your touch, you want to move to a lube thats
beuer for internal touch. Sliquid Silk or Swiss Navy Silicone (not water based), something thats
more slippery. Make sure what you use does not contain Parabens, as theyve been thought to
be carcinogenic. Theres no research that proves it, it could be an urban legend. But why chance
it when there are great lubes that are Paraben-free?
Warm up lube on your lel hand, spread it around and put it onto your pointer and index ngers
on your right hand. These are what you will slip inside her.
Then set up a gentle, light, even, rhythmic stroke on her clitoris, using lube, with your lel
pointer nger. Then slowly start to work your pointer nger on your right hand around the en-
trance to her vagina. Mirror the stroke on her clit with the stroke of your index nger, using a
small, come hither stroke as you are working your nger into her G-Spot. Take at least a minute
or two to slowly work it in.
Then start to do windshield wiper stroke with your nger across her G-Spot for about 30 sec-
onds. Next, slowly transiEon to a come hither stroke across her G-Spot for about 30 more sec-
onds. EssenEally youre giving her one rhythmic stroke per second, le-ng her get into the feel-
ing. Alternate between those two. Try a barrel roll, gently with the same rhythm, 1 per second.
A barrel roll is where you take your nger Ep(s) and do a big circle. At the top, its like a come
hither but your ngers are straight. Press against the G-Spot, arEculaEng your ngers inside her
pussy and doing a big, circular sweep all around the inside of her vagina. Some gals like it faster,
some slower. Start with the basics. 1 nger windshield wiper across her G-Spot, 1 nger come
hither across her G-Spot, 1 nger barrel roll around the inside of her whole vaginal cavity. Al-
ternate two sets of 1 come hither, 1 windshield wiper, 1 come hither, 1 windshield wiper fol-
lowed by a single barrel roll.
Do that with just pointer for 3-5 minutes. Then slowly pull out. Tell her in advance that you are
going to pull out and put on more lube. Put on more lube. Squirt it on your lel hand, rub it in
your palm to warm it, then sEck your two ngers out from your right hand (pointer and index)
and roll those ngers all around in he lube so the lube covers your enEre ngers, on all sides.
These the ngers youre going to slip inside her.
Keep one hand or your arm touching her as you do this. Its good at rst to report all the moves
you are making to her. Shell feel more condent if she understands what you are doing every
step of the way during this intense learning process. Check in with her as you go. See what she
liked, more than others and if theres anything that didnt give her pleasure. Accept all her
feedback, no mauer what and dont expect her to be polite. Just ask her to blurt out what ever
she is feeling. Remember, it can get a liule intense down there for women in the beginning. Ac-
cept everything she says and respond each Eme simply with, thank you.
This is a nice liule break for her. Now you can start again.
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First, tell her you are going to slowly work in your other nger. SomeEmes its nice to tease her a
liule and build some anEcipaEon. But rst start again with one nger. Go back to the 1 nger
come hither stroke. Do that for 30 seconds. You are back on her clit again matching the rhythm.
Then do a long curing stroke with smooth, even pressure, pulling it out of her vagina, running it
up to her clit and then pause it there. Pauses are hot. They expand her energy, not delete it. She
will strive to keep the sensaEon going herself, even when you are paused, which will turn her on
This is the transiEon to two ngers. Slowly run that pointer nger back down, keeping in contact
with her clit unEl the last minute, then merge your index nger alongside your pointer and
slowly circle the opening to her vagina at the same rate, 1 circle per second. Then add your lel
pointer nger back to her clit, keeping that stroke steady. As you circle the outside of her vaginal
opening you begin to work your way in, just a fracEon of an inch per stroke. Mini come hither
strokes, each second, as you go a liule further in with each stroke will feel really good to her.
Take a deep breath yourself now. Youve already been working hard. Consciously relax your
Then when you get to the point where you have two knuckles in, thats going to be right about
on her G-Spot. All women are dierent, but having her G-Spot be about where you are when
you are two knuckles in is preuy typical.
Now do light come hither stroke for 30 strokes, then windshield wiper for 30 strokes, then bar-
rel role for 5-10 strokes. Do that for a couple of minutes, then work your ngers in to the next
knuckle. At this point, your ngers are preuy much all the way in. Then start with more pressure
doing come hither, sEck with the come hither and make bigger, draggier, strokes with more
pressure, so the pads of your ngerEps are making pressing contact across her G-Spot area. Use
medium to medium rm pressure as you make contact.
So now, you added a lot more sensaEon. Its Eme for a down stroke, which doesnt bring her
down, it actually gives her a peak. Remove the clit stroking lel nger. Slowly follow the curve of
her body, as you remove your ngers from her vagina. Slide them out slowly and curving, like
your ngers dont want to let go.
Then as youre sliding out, make contact with her clit as you slide up. Then pause there, on her
clit. That gives her a break.
If you need to, place the palm of your lel hand on her pussy and press down slightly.
Then go all the way back in, slowly, because shes more warmed up.
Put your lel nger on her clit. You are sEll doing the 1 second strokes. Now focus a minute of
come hither, then 30 seconds of windshield wiper, then a barrel stroke.

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As she gets more turned on, you can speed it up a liule. Maybe two stokes per second, double
Eme. Use medium rm pressure again.
The way you can tell when its Eme to speed it up, her G-Spot will start to swell up like a bal-
loon. You can feel it pushing down on your ngers. When that happens, you can add pressure an
d speed. If thats not happening, dont add speed or pressure. Just be paEent. It may not hap-
pen the rst few sessions. You are sEll waking up her pussy and creaEng new neural pathways.
When you feel that G-Spot swelling up like a balloon, she should be moaning, you should feel
her pussy contracEng around your ngers. If you are ge-ng those signals that shes really
turned on, hook your ngers even more around her pubic bone its the come hither with
your ngers curled even more.
If youre ge-ng contracEons, she may be ready to squirt. Dont whale on her pussy unless you
are ge-ng a balloon and contracEons. Youll feel her pussy grabbing your ngers. Youll feel her
PC muscles. Thats why its important for her to do the PC exercises. Shell have more sensaEon
as shes able to control those muscles.
When it feels like you can only move your ngerEps inside her, because her pussy is clamping
down and her G-Spot is pressing against your ngers, then you can slide your ngers in and out
while youre doing the come hither.
Do it as a rocking and curving moEon so that youre nishing the stroke and when youre mak-
ing the last bit of curve, think about making contact with the legs of her clitoris as they curve
around inside her vagina. Keep contact with those clit legs that run inside her vagaina. When
you do that curve, its like a sliding scoop, also pressing with the back of your knuckles on the
lower part of the scoop, which hits her lower back part of her vagina, inside, closest to her rec-
You may increase the speed or pressure, as long as her G-Spot is sEll swollen and she conEnues
to give you posiEve feedback. Remember, you are sEll stroking her clit, now speeding that up to
2-3 strokes a second. Match the clit stroke with the nger strokes inside her.
This is a good place for a check in. If her contracEons start to back o, you may sEll keep the
fast, light strokes on her clit but really slow down to the 1 second strokes inside her pussy. Go
back to a lighter pressure, slower draggy stroke, not the big curving, pressure strokes.
This is a good Eme to do a full down strokes. SLOWLY transiEon your ngers out of her, then
press down on her big outer lips. Stroke down a few Emes. Get more lube.
Slow the escalaEon, but ramp back up more quickly than last Eme. Do the system: come hither,
windshield wiper, barrel, scooping, stronger curve strokes, if shes giving you posiEve feedback
that she desires it.

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How do you know when shes ready to squirt? ContracEons and G-Spot swelling are the signals.
If shes not squirEng when youre doing the scooping, back o. If she is, then keep that pace up
during her squirEng Eme. She can squirt in cycles. Bring her up. Squirt. Down strokes. Bring her
up. Squirt. Down strokes. At rst, she will be able to tell theres squirEng, but you may not. It
slowly builds up to a bigger amount of ejaculate release.
SomeEme it just doesnt work. Dont push her too hard. Dont upset her. Just take a break and
do it again another day. Make sure that the whole Eme, no mauer what, shes enjoyed the
stroking. Try not to be goal oriented. Its hard. But try.
Do this many Emes before you will both feel like shes ready and you can keep the strokes.
She cant clamp up, she needs to be opening her pussy, pushing out. If she doesnt open up and
push, its not going to happen. She has to want to push out. See if she feels like shes going to
Thats why its important someEmes to do the escalaEon up to the scooping stroke, and then if
shes not ready, back o. Do 3-4 cycles of the slow escalaEon. If she hasnt squirted by now. Give
her a break. Slowly bring her down. Give her a break and see if she wants to go again or call it a
Give her a towel stroke. Take a hand towel and lay it on her genitals. Put gentle pressure on the
outside so the capillary acEon removes the lube. Dont rub her with the towel. Sit her up. Tell
her what an amazing experience that was for you in as much detail as you can conjure. Ask her
for any feedback that she can give you and just say, thank you for each piece of informaEon
she can oer.
Do this as frequently as you both like and soon she will be squirEng!
Now on to all the detailed background material that will really help to achieve success in this

What Exactly Is Female EjaculaAon?

Quite simply: Female ejaculaEon is a clear uid which is released from the urethra during sexual
arousal and sEmulaEon. And no, it is not pee! The amount of ejaculate can vary from a couple
drops to drenching an enEre bed. It can come out as a squirt, a drizzle, a gush, a projecEle
rocket-launch, or a discreet wet spot on the bed. EjaculaEon can occur completely separate
from an orgasm, right before, or with an orgasm. Women can ejaculate one Eme during a sex-
ual experience or mulEple Emes.

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Where Does It Come From?

There are those who are of the theory that the ejaculate comes from the female prostate (also
known as the G-Spot), and specically from the Skene's glands. The Skene's glands are located
inside the G-Spot which surround the urethra. Those glands ll with ejaculate during arousal
and sEmulaEon, and empty into the urethral canal when she pushes out or releases it.

What Is This Fluid Made Of?

Female ejaculaEon has high levels of prostaEc uid: (PSA) prostate-specic anEgens and (PSAP)
prostate-specic acid phosphatase. These proteins are also found in male ejaculate which
originate in the male prostate. Because female ejaculate contains prostaEc uid, this reveals
that women also have a prostate where these proteins are produced. The female prostate is
also called, "The G-Spot"-named aler Dr. Grafenburg who discovered its existence in 1950. We
will be discussing the G-Spot in depth in the following chapter. Female ejaculate also contains
glucose, creaEnine, and trace amounts of urea. It is a clear, watery uid which is not slippery
like female lubricaEon. It varies greatly in taste, Some say it is sweet, salty, biuer, buuery,
earthy, etc. The taste can also vary depending on diet and where a woman is at in her men-
strual cycle.

Why Female EjaculaAon Is Not Pee!

We can dierenEate urine from ejaculate because of the presence of prostaEc uid and
glucose. Urine has a very disEnct taste and smell as well as color. Urine is generally more yel-
low in color while ejaculate is clear. Even without documented scienEc evidence, a simple,
smell, taste and observaEon of the uid will show you that they are disEnctly two dierent
uids. It is actually very dicult to pee during an aroused state and chances are that the urge
to pee during arousal is really the urge to ejaculate.

All Women Have The Capacity To Ejaculate

Every woman has the capacity to ejaculate because every woman has the anatomy to do so. I
learned how to ejaculate and have taught many women how to do so through my workshops,
DVD, and coaching sessions. I have witnessed women learning how to do this. I know it is pos-
sible for every woman. There are many reasons why women don't ejaculate and the number
one being that women don't even know that female ejaculaEon is possible or even exists. It is
simply a mauer of ge-ng informed, building awareness, and ge-ng to know her body even
deeper than before.

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M a k e A n y Wo m a n S q u i r t!

Female ejaculaEon is one of the most pleasurable things women can possibly learn! This will be
the start of an amazing journey for you and your partner. Begin with an open mind, knowing
what's possible, and the courage to experiment and learn about her unique and amazing body
which has UNLIMITED sexual potenEal. Yes it is possible for every woman to Squirt...and you
will have so much fun helping guide her into new realms of ecstasy.

She Might Already Be EjaculaAng But Just Doesn't Know It

With many women they are already ejaculaEng, but because they dob't know that it's even pos-
sible or exists, they chalk it up to ge-ng really wet (lubricated) during sex or arousal or being
inconEnent. Chances are, if there is any kind of wet spot on the bed aler sex or
masturbaEon....she ejaculated!

She Thinks She Has To Pee But It's Really....

Awareness alone can help women give themselves permission to ejaculate and release their ec-
staEc juices freely and without inhibiEon. Olen Emes during sex or masturbaEon, women will
feel an overwhelming urge to pee. I've spoken to many women who have interrupted sex be-
cause of this, and had done so several Emes. have you ever been with a woman who got up to
pee during sex--several Emes even in one session? Most likely it was not because she actually
had to pee, but because she had the overwhelming urge to ejaculate. What if she was given
permission to just let it go? If only there was more informaEon and awareness, more women
would know that olen Emes the urge to pee during sex is really the urge to ejaculate. They feel
similar because they both come from the urethra. How do you know which is which? One easy
way to nd out is to push on the bladder. She will feel a full feeling and know that she has to
pee--but with ejaculaEon, the feeling of needing to pee is more localized around the urethra. If
more woman could take a chance and let go by giving themselves permission--then a beauEful
orgasmic release or gush of ejaculate might ecstaEcally result. I also recommend reminding her
to empty her bladder beforehand to avoid worrying about it.

Explore Her History and PerspecAves

One of the rst things you can do with her is check in about her past experiences and
awareness. Has she ever ejaculated before? Has there ever been a wet-spot? Does she have a
lot of shame around her sexuality, le-ng go, or being inhibited? It is very important to check in
with her to get a sense of where she's at. It also shows you care about her and helps build a
feeling of safety. She will know that you are sensiEve to where she is at and care deeper than
just simply ge-ng her o. You want to help her have an experience and build inEmacy.
Women's sexuality is very interconnected to her emoEons as well as her thoughts. This might
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M a k e A n y Wo m a n S q u i r t!


not sound like a "sexy" conversaEon, but believe it or not, that closeness that she will feel with
you aler will help her feel more safe with you and therefore more turned on.

Give Her Permission And Encouragement

This is one of the #1 things that you can do to make any woman squirt. Some women are wor-
ried about making mess. Some women are worried that they might pee accidentally. Some
women have body issues and are concerned about the taste, look, and smell of their pussy.
Some woman are afraid to let go and surrender to their pleasure. Some women are holding
back because they are worried about emoEonal issues coming up and if you are going to judge
them. Whatever is holding her back from enjoying her sexuality with you full-throule, giving her
permission and encouragement is one of the best things you can do. SomeEmes it is about
sussing out something that is holding her back and then giving her verbal as well as non-verbal
permission to truly let go. When she can feel vulnerable while not being judged she will be able
to access deeper and more wild parts of her sexuality that she has been perhaps suppressing for
years. There might be parts of her that she never felt safe enough to express with anyone. Why
don't you be the FIRST person she can truly share all of herself sexually with because she
KNOWS deeply within herself that you support her and give her permission to be her authenEc
sexual self in whatever way that looks like. If you want to learn more about how to hold space
and give her verbal and non-verbal permission and encouragement, I discuss this further in my
in-depth online membership site, Female Liquid Orgasm.

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Chapter 2

"I am a woman in my mid 40's and I've always felt like there was something
wrong with my vagina. I have somewhat large inner lips and have always been
worried that I don't look normal. Whenever my ex-husband would tell me that I
was beau@ful, I always rolled my eyes and thought he was just saying that be-
cause I really didn't believe it. I never wanted oral sex because I thought he would
see it up close and would know that there was something wrong with it. I went to
see "The Vagina Monologues" with some friends and realized that I wasn't the
only one who was worried about what my vagina looked like. AIerwards I looked
at her in the mirror again but saw her with dierent eyes. I started crying when I
realized that I didn't even know what "normal" looked like. There wasn't anything
wrong with me--I just had to change my percep@on. I even called my ex-husband
and asked him if he really meant it when he said my vagina was beau@ful and he
said, 'Of course dear, I meant it with all my heart."--SN, CA

Pussy Anatomy Quickie Guide

It helps to have a good understanding of her anatomy rst so you can have an eroEc map of
what you're touching, sEmulaEng and looking at. Since you both are exploring together, you
can choose to get out a hand mirror and explore her anatomy together. There is a strong possi-
bility that she will not be enErely familiar with her anatomy. many women do not sit and study
it and olenEmes women can have a lot of insecuriEes about the way their pussies look. This
might be a great Eme to check in with her to nd out how she feels about her pussy. Taking the
Eme to do this kind of check-in will bring you closer together and result in knowing how to en-
courage her in the right ways as we discussed earlier. She will be impressed with your level of
sensiEvity towards her and this will help her feel more vulnerable with you.

I am giving you an abbreviated anatomy lesson because I want you to have the basics that you'll
need, but if you really want to expand your knowledge and blow her away with your pussy wis-
dom and prowess, you can nd the complete guide with arousing techniques for each part of
her anatomy at the Female Liquid Orgasm membership site.

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The Clit

This cute pack of nerve endings peaking out of its hood is like a mini-penis quipped with the
same amount of nerve endings as the penis in its enErety! Some women like direct sEmulaEon
of the clit while others prefer indirect or only sEmulaEon on the clitoral hood. The most sensi-
Eve part of the clit for most women is at 2 o'clock if you are facing it and observing it as if it
were a clock. Always use lots of lube or saliva when sEmulaEng the clit and her pussy in
general. Pussies love lubricaEon!

The Clitoral Hood

The hood protects her sweet lit-
tle clit and can be directly sEmu-
lated or pulled back for more
direct sEmulaEon of her clit.

The Inner Labia (Labia Minora)

Some of them are shaped like
buuery wings, some are small
and thin, and some hang past
the outer lips. Regardless of
what size or shape, these gor-
geous ower petals can be gen-
tly massaged, licked, sucked,
pulled and rubbed.

The Outer Labia (Labia Majora)

Varying in sizes as well--these
outer petals are as sweet as can
e. Pulling on them can feel
heavenly as well as massaging
them in circles with your index
nger and thumb.

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The Pubic Mound/Bone

The pubic mound is that cushy part covering the pubic bone. Pressing down rmly behind the
pubic bone during sEmulaEon can feel amazing and is also called the "backdoor to the G-Spot."
Also, cupping her pubic mound aler her orgasm or before sEmulaEon can feel like her pussy is
being held or cradled. Put one hand on her pubic mound and the other hand on her heart. Add
some enhanced inEmacy by gazing into her eyes so you can connect deeply with her before and
aler you are sexual with her. Just this one simple technique can bring incredible results.


Many women do not know where their urethras are. They are dicult to nd because the hole
can be very small. SomeEmes the urethra is located right above the vaginal entrance and other
Emes it is a bit higher. In Female Liquid Orgasm I talk about very specic secrets and tech-
niques you can pracEce with her in regards to sEmulaEng her urethral opening. There are many
nerve endings right at the urethra and sEmulaEng it in parEcular ways can induce female ejacu-
laEon and get her squirEng in no Eme. These special urethral sEmulaEon techniques are unique
to my teaching and extremely eecEve.

Urethral Sponge

The urethral sponge surrounds the urethra. The urethral sponge is near the opening and the
top of the vaginal wall. It is a spongy mound with ridges and feels like the roof of your mouth.
You can feel guuers running along either side of the sponge. The sponge gets engorged with
blood during arousal. There is erecEle Essue in the urethral sponge which why it gets engorged.
The urethral sponge will be your best friend in terms of helping her to ejaculate. Pay auenEon
as much as you can to it to build up her ejaculate and make her feel really turned on. You can
use strong to rigorous pressure on the urethral sponge. Make sure you check in with her every
step of the way if you do go for more rigorous pressure. The most direct way to sEmulate the
urethral opening is with your ngers by hooking them behind the sponge and using the "come
hither" moEon. Always hook your ngers up when you put them inside of her and you will feel
her spongy mound and know you are ge-ng her G-Spot. You will literally be "milking" her ure-
thral sponge. This is where the juicy magic starts to happen.

Paraurethral Glands

The paraurethral glands, also known as the Skene's glands ll with ejaculate during arousal and
secrete their uid into the urethral canal and is either expelled by the Pelvic Floor or PC Muscles
(discussed below) out of the urethra or goes retrograde back into the bladder. You will olen be
able to hear the ejaculate sloshing around inside of her before it is released.
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The G-Spot

Also known as the female prostate. The G-Spot is a way to speak about the whole package
deal: The urethra, the urethral sponge, the paraurethral glands/Skene's glands, AND (most im-
portantly in my humble opinion) the orgasmic and pleasurable sensaEon therein. I will speak in
further detail on this beauEful gem, of which you might or might not be aware of its amazing
potenEal and vital role in female ejaculaEon.

"I am a total nerd because I need to study things scien@cally before I can really
believe in them. I have read and studied books about sexuality and anatomy be-
fore and then came across female ejacula@on. It wasn't un@l I saw the chemical
make-up and where it comes from anatomically that I actually believed that it ex-
isted and that I could do it. It was great to experiment with my body and conrm
that it exists. I even did one experiment where I ate asparagus (which makes your
pee smell horrible) and tried ejacula@ng to see if it smelled even remotely like
asparagus. To my nerdy delight, I found that my ejaculate did not smell like as-
paragus at all. I peed aIerward and that DEFINITELY smelled like asparagus. I can
conrm that it is not urine beyond a shadow of a doubt. It passed the asparagus

The Language Of Her Pussy

Most of the Eme, women are not ge-ng what they want in bed with their partner because they
simply don't give themselves permission to express it and some simply just don't know how.
The language of the pussy can be tricky, but chances are if her partner is not a mind reader, or a
pussy whisperer, they might not get it. Also what she wants in one session could be dierent in
another. The pussy can be ckle and changer her mind olen. She can be picky, parEcular,
moody, shy, or gluEnous. Once you're more in communicaEon with her and her pussy through
your fabulous conversaEons and check-ins which you are now familiar with, the more she can
experience the ulEmate pleasure and be encouraged to ask for what she'd like. This might take
some pracEce if she is not used to this. If you encourage her olen and ask her repeatedly what
she needs, this will open the pathways to her pleasure and you will get in sync with her needs a
lot more readily and with ease. This doesn't have to be guess-work. Remember----she is the

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Chapter 3

"My ex-girlfriend would actually say or scream, 'I'm coming!' and that was ex-
tremely helpful to know when she was having an orgasm. she would some@mes
order me to touch her this way or that. I loved how direct she was and it made it
easier to feel more condent about my lovemaking techniques and feel exhilarated
when she would come and in turn, I'm sure she was happy that I was following di-
rec@on well! AIer that rela@onship ended, I started seeing a woman who was al-
most the opposite. I had NO idea when she was coming--if she was coming, and
only a vague idea if she was actually enjoying herself. I realized how spoiled I was
in my prior rela@onship and it felt like I went from being a top notch lover to being
very second rate. I think guys like myself REALLY appreciate guidance. Women are
very complex and as much as I'd like to think I could get it right every @me, I ap-
preciate direc@on from a woman who really knows how she likes it."--CR, ID

Why Does SAmulaAng Her G-Spot Make Her Ejaculate?

Okay so what does the G-Spot have to do with squirEng? It is possible for her to ejaculate by
other means but in more cases than not, female ejaculaEon occurs when the G-Spot is being
sEmulated along with clitoral sEmulaEon. Since ejaculate is said to come from the Skene's
glands which are inside the G-Spot, it would make sense that sEmulaEng her G-Spot would
arouse those glands enough to produce the ejaculate. Don't forget that the G-Spot is another
name for the female prostate. Ejaculate is composed of prostaEc uid. Arousal plus sEmulaEon
leads to ejaculaEon. Therefore the G-Spot is a vital component of female ejaculaEon and sEmu-
laEon of it can be extremely arousing and lead to explosive liquid orgasms for her. Listen Up!

Breakdown Of Myths And MisconcepAons
Myth: Not every woman has a G-Spot.
Truth: Every woman has a G-Spot. It is part of the female anatomy just like her clitoris.

Myth: Women don't ejaculate. They are just peeing.
Truth: Women can ejaculate and scienEc studies have proven this uid to be prostaEc uid
which comes from the female prostate.

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Myth: The G-Spot doesn't exist

Truth: The G-Spot does exist and is in fact the female prostate. Men have a prostate and so do
women. Both produce ejaculate.

Myth: The G-Spot is hard to nd and deep within the vaginal canal.
Truth: The G-Spot is actually right near the vaginal opening and with some women it can actu-
ally be seen when she pushes out and bears down. Since it is connected to the urethra and is
part of the urethral sponge it would have to be close to the vaginal opening connected to the
urethra. The spot that feels most pleasurable for many women which is behind the sponge and
therefore a liule further in but not hard to nd once you locate the sponge.

Myth: If her G-Spot doesn't feel pleasurable when you rst sAmulate it, then she won't be
able to ejaculate.
Truth: I will explain in further depth below that if a woman doesn't feel pleasure in her G-Spot
right away, sensaEon in it can be awakened and a numb or painful G-Spot can become sensi-
Ezed over Eme and she will be able to ejaculate when the uid builds up in her G-Spot when it
is sEmulated.

Some Dierent Kinds of Orgasms Women Can Have
Women experience a tremendous range of orgasmic sensaEons. Most common is clitoral, as
thats where she most olen strokes to masturbate and where her lover most olen strokes. The
good news is that your woman can wake up her genitalia to an amazing array of feelings and
pleasurable orgasmic experiences including:

Vaginal or G-Spot Orgasms
G-Spot/Clitoral Blended Orgasm
Anal Orgasms
Uterine/Cervical Orgasms
Full-Body EnergeAc Orgasms
Ejaculatory Orgasms

The G-Spot/Clitoral Blended Orgasm is one that I focus on because it is the most common way
that women ejaculate and can do so mulEple Emes. This kind of orgasm is a blend of Clit and G-
Spot sEmulaEon simultaneously....and it feels absolutely incredible for her.

*Please note that female ejaculaEon can happen separately from an orgasm. It can happen
right before or during an orgasm and it can also happen completely separate from an orgasm.
Many women feel like the ejaculaEon itself is orgasmic and I am not one to deny women of
their orgasmic experiences! So here it is--the ejaculatory orgasm--one in which a woman drips,
drizzles, squirts, gushes, leaks, explodes, projects, launches, spurts...etc. You get my drip:)

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To Squirt Or Not To Squirt...That Is The QuesAon

When I use the word "Squirt" its actually quite decepEve. In an eort not to confuse you or
delude you or her, I would like to point out something very important. Since female ejaculaEon
is not always projecEle in the air, many women and their partners to not consider it ejaculaEon.
They have a picture in their head of it looking a very parEcular way and if it doesn't exactly look
like that then she is not given credit where credit is due. SomeEmes she might squirt projecEle
into the air. Other Emes it might be just a few drops that she nor you even noEce. There are
other Emes when it is more of a gush and sEll others where it drizzles out discretely. Whatever
the case, be prepared for it to look many dierent ways. The amount and whether it catches air
or not depends on her level of arousal, the posiEon, her pelvic oor muscle strength and the
type of sEmulaEon. So be prepared for female ejaculaEon to take on many forms. The most
explosive ones are always a thrill, but a discreet gush can feel just as rewarding. Encourage her
if it is a Eny bit or if it drenches you and the enEre bed. The more you encourage her olen
Emes, the more she will ejaculate. Her To Be More Orgasmic Through Intercourse and Beyond....

Since female ejaculaEon is dependent on her ge-ng intensely aroused, it certainly helps if she
is more orgasmic. Orgasms open her body up and help her surrender to her sexy juices. While
this is not a requirement to ejaculaEng, I have found that a lot of the tools that you and her
would use together to help her be orgasmic also go hand in hand with helping her oodgates
open. In the membership site, Female Liquid Orgasm, I highlight the houest Eps and tech-
niques that you can share with her and pracEce on her to help her to be not only more orgasmic
but mulE-orgasmic too. I included them I highly recommend stepping up your game to help
her be more orgasmic and learn to coach her into more and more orgasms unEl she's at the
point of no return.

Finding Her G-Spot

Trust me, she has one. And it's right there! Some women have big G-Spots that are close to the
vaginal opening and others have G-Spots that are a liule further back. In the workshops I have
taught, there have been several women who are convinced that they simply don't have one.
Aler further inspecEon it became clear that their G-Spots were right there. Big, juicy and hard
to miss, once you know what you're looking for. Rest assured that there has not been a single
woman ever in the history of my workshops who has not lel knowing how to nd her G-Spot.

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The best way to nd her G-Spot is through touch, arousal, and knowing what to feel for. The
best way to locate it is when she is aroused. Because there is erecEle Essue in the G-Spot, it is
more visible and harder to miss when it is nice and plump. You can actually see her G-Spot
when she pushes out (with most women) because it is so close to the vaginal opening. You'll
see a ridgy mound emerge from the top of the vaginal opening If her G-Spot is deeper, you
might not be able to see it, but around 70% of women have G-Spots that are closer to the vagi-
nal entrance and can therefore be pushed out and made visible.

The G-Spot Is The Heart Of Her PussyIt Can Get EmoAonal Down There

Prepare yourself for the possibility of an emoEonal response from her when you start sEmulat-
ing her G-Spot. It is a place that hold a lot emoEon and even trauma. Because the G-Spot is sur-
rounded by muscles and packed with nerve endings, it can be a vortex for deep-seated
emoEons. Some of them could be related to sexual experiences that were traumaEc or it could
be related to stress at work.

If she feels a wave of emoEonal energy coming through when you are sEmulaEng her G-Spot or
during an orgasm- encourage her not to hold back, repress, and shut down because of fear.
Those emoEons need to come up and get released for that reason. Tell her you give her per-
mission to express herself fully. If she needs a good cryshe can let it all outshe will be just
ne and perhaps she might even feel light on her feet aler, This is totally natural and part of
being a sexual woman. You might be surprised or feel panic-stricken seeing her cry or have an
emoEonal outburst or traumaEc memory. Don't try to stop her from emoEng. Just allow her to
feel what she is feeling and simply be present and loving with her. You don't even have to say
much. Perhaps you might even want to encourage her to let it all go if she is feeling

Holding Space Means Providing A Safe Place For Her To Really Let Go

If she knows that you can hold space for her wherever she is at then this will create a profound
level of trust and surrender between the two of you. She will feel so grateful that you stood
strong and were compassionate and loving and look up to the way you were truly there for her.
Women have various issues sexually whether it was religious up-bringing that taught her that
her sexual feelings were sinful, maybe a dicult and painful experience at the gynecologist,
maybe she was molested or raped, or maybe she feels totally shut down aler having her heart
broken before. These experiences make us who we are, and as dicult as it is, allowing them to
come up and be healed by acknowledging them will be a transformaEve experience and help
you deepen your connecEon with her and she with her own sexuality. She will learn a lot about
herself through you and start to see you as someone who is catalyzing sexually awakening expe-
riences deep within her.

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"I am an incest survivor and as you might imagine, sex has been a very challeng-
ing and even painful experience for me. I really didn't think that I would ever truly
enjoy sex and that it was just not for me. I would feel totally overwhelmed some-
@mes during sex and all of my painful memories and trauma would come rushing
back. I went to see a woman who specialized in sexual healing work and she rec-
ommended G-Spot healing. I had no idea what that was but I thought it was
worth a try. She told me that applying pressure and s@mula@ng the G-Spot can
help release stuck and blocked energy. Midway into our session I started trem-
bling and let out a huge sob that shook my whole body. I felt all of this light re-
leasing out the top of my head and it felt like something huge was released that I
had been holding onto for years. The next days aIer that I felt totally radiant and
very hopeful that I could actually have a healthy sex life. I know that I have a lot
more work to do, but this experience has forever changed my life." JM, Vancouver

Awakening SensaAon In Her G-Spot

This might sound strange, but you can actually awaken sensaEon in her G-Spot! Even if her G-
Spot feels good and can feel even beuer. You can sensiEze any part of her body by
giving it auenEon and sEmulaEon. You are literally creaEng new neural pathways to the pleas-
ure centers of her brain by focusing touch and arousal in dierent places of her body--especially
her G-Spot.
Some of the sensaEons she might feel are:
Feeling Like She Has To Pee
Feeling Unfamiliar Pressure
Feeling Orgasmic and Pleasurable SensaEons

If she is feeling like she has to pee that is actually a very good sign. It is a sign that you are
sEmulaEng her Skene's glands to produce the ejaculate and that if she surrenders to that feeling
then it could lead to a gush or an explosive squirt!
If she is experiencing some of the other sensaEons menEoned above, I highly recommend that
you check out Female Liquid Orgasm to get more informaEon about how to work with those
sensaEons successfully.

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The Most SensiAve Areas Of The G-Spot

My caveat in revealing this informaEon is that you must nd what works uniquely for her. When
it come to the G-Spot, ge-ng to know all of its dimensions and awakening sensaEon are key.
Here are 2 most highly sensiEve parts of the G-Spot:

Behind The Sponge

Now that you've located that spongy mound with ridgesyou can feel its dimensions
from the guuers running along either side as well as the back of the sponge which tapers
o. One of the most highly sensiEve parts of the G-Spot for many women is the spot
right behind the G-Spot which olen aligns behind the clit internally. The best way to
nd this highly sensiEve spot is to use your nger so you know how far in you are when
you reach it. Every woman's anatomy is lightly dierent in regards to this, so her special
spot might be a liule further back or slightly to the right or lel. When you use rm pres-
sure on the spot right behind the sponge, reworks might not necessarily go o. In fact,
she might be thinking, "Is this what all the fuss is about?" Keep at it. As I said earlier,
the sensiEvity of the G-Spot can be awakened and might not feel pleasurable in the
beginning. On the other hand, she might experience pleasure never before imagined.
Even though everyone is dierent, you can count on the fact that pleasure is a possible
experience of her G-Spot just like her clit, and it is only a mauer of Eme before she
awakens to her orgasmic potenEal.

In Front Of The Sponge

Another EEllaEng and juicy hot spot which I share super successful Eps at Female Liquid
Orgasm about is the front of the urethral sponge along with the urethral opening. The
front of the sponge is easier to nd because it is where the urethral opening is. The ure-
thra is a highly sensiEve place which has erecEle Essue and several nerve endings sur-
rounding it. Rubbing and tapping this spot is highly pleasurable and can lead to some
explosive ejaculaEon.

G-Spot Toys

Manually sEmulaEng her G-Spot can be uncomfortable for your wrist for extended periods of
Eme. G-Spot toys can be extremely eecEve in sEmulaEng her G-Spot and exploring new ways
to G-Spot pleasure and orgasm. I highly recommend adding a vibrator alongside the G-Spot toy
for greatly enhance pleasure. G-Spot toys are usually notable because of their hooked shape.
They have the hooked shape to sEmulate that juicy spot behind the G-Spot that I just men-
Eoned and delightully pull at the sponge while building up the ejaculate.
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I recommend buying her a fun G-Spot toy or even a couple to try out. You can look online to-
gether and she can get excited about her new toys. Type G-Spot into the search box HERE
and check out the array of toys. More expensive does not always mean more pleasurable. Re-
member that vibraEon is good for the clit, but not necessarily for the G-Spot. Her G-Spot toy
does not have to vibrate. The G-Spot does well with rm pressure and a solid material like py-
rex or glass as well as the infamous "come hither" type of sEmulaEon.

Cum Hither

One of the best ways to sEmulate the G-Spot is the "Come Hither" approach. Since you now
know that behind the urethral sponge is the most sensiEve and pleasurable part of the G-Spot,
then sEmulaEng it with the "Come Hither" moEon is most eecEve in building up the ejaculate
as well as building up orgasmic sensaEon. By doing this you are essenEally milking the G-Spot
by ge-ng her nice and engorged, erect, and lled with uid. Start by taking two ngers---one
to start, and sEmulaEng from behind the sponge forward with rm pressure. Do this over and
over again with variaEons of speed and pressure. NoEce how engorged her G-Spot gets when
you do this. You might even hear the ejaculate sloshing around. I recommend starEng o with
lighter pressure and increasing it as much as possible as she gets more and more aroused. You
might also want to start out with slow, luscious "cum hither" moEons while le-ng her be your
guide. Trust your insEncts and explore as much as you can with her, checking in conEnuously.

IncorporaAng The Front Of The Sponge

Once you've got her G-Spot nice and juiced up, complete with sloshing sounds of the ejaculate,
you will know that you are o to a great start. Perhaps it might be Eme to incorporate the ure-
thra or the front of the urethral sponge as I had menEoned earlier. This is a very sensiEve part
of the G-Spot, and running your nger near the opening of the vaginal canal in combinaEon
with the deep rm pressure and "come hither" moEon is a great way to really get her juices
owing. Near the entrance of the vaginal canal is where her urethra is, and now is an opportu-
nity to explore this yummy area.

See how the front of her urethral sponge feels when you rub it (gently at rst) and then alter-
nate with deeper and rm pressure behind the sponge with the "come hither" moEon. You can
also try taking the at of your hand and tapping or lightly slapping the urethral opening. This
might sound painful, but not that you are not doing it hard and you can control how hard you
are tapping and slapping. There is something about this moEon that gets the ejaculate to squirt
forth. But there are some other vital components to actually ejaculaEng and orgasming that I
will share with you below.

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If She Feels Like She Has To Pee

She might feel as you are rubbing her urethra that she has to pee or that she might accidentally
pee. This is a normal sensaEon, and over Eme she will come to associate it with ejaculaEng.
Just reassure her that this normal and to just feel free to let go even if she is convinced that it is
pee. Tell her that it is okay if she pees too. This reassurance can make or break the experience
and determine if she ejaculates or not. In my experience teaching women, this is one of the
hardest things for women to overcome. The more she feels totally free, the more she will let go
and ejaculate. Remind her that it is okay to make a mess and that there are plenty of towels
down so she has nothing to worry about. Let her know that you nd it sexy when she feels to-
tally free and uninhibited and lets herself go. Have her pee before you start your session with
her so she doesn't have to worry that she might be peeing if she feels that sensaEon.

Don't Forget The Clit

While all of this G-Spot exploraEon is happening, I highly recommend simultaneously sEmulat-
ing her clit. It's important in the beginning for her to understand the sensaEons in her G-Spot
rst without other types of sEmulaEon so she can really feel what's happening there. The more
she focuses her energy on the G-Spot sensaEons, the more she can really understand and sen-
siEze that area. The G-Spot and clit are very complimentary with one another. If sEmulaEng
her G-Spot feels spectacular, and sEmulaEng her clit feels heavenly--put them together and you
have the perfect recipe for mulEple blended orgasms and juicy ejaculatory orgasm. SomeEmes
when G-Spot sEmulaEon alone feels strange, I recommend incorporaEng clitoral sEmulaEon to
help get her more aroused. If clitoral orgasm or sEmulaEon is very familiar to her---start with
what she knows and is comfortable rst and weave in the unknown so her body has an oppor-
tunity to blend the familiar with the unfamiliar. Over Eme, knowing that more is possible, she
will crave both and you will learn how to work with both the G-Spot and clit together.

Do the Clit/G-Spot Dance

Remember that the blended orgasm consisEng of both clitoral and G-Spot orgasm is the num-
ber on way that women ejaculate and have mulEple orgasms. I also highly recommend ge-ng
her to the edge of a clitoral orgasm and then sEmulaEng her G-Spot without clitoral sEmulaEon
for a while. Build up the arousal in her G-Spot and then switch to her clit again when she is
ready. Try working them back and forth and then pu-ng them together. Playing with both to-
gether is a great way to get totally aroused and very juicy.

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Dierent Ways to SAmulate Her G-Spot

There are many dierent ways to sEmulate the G-Spot. On my membership site, Female Liquid
Orgasm, I explain in detail how you can do so in each way. Here are some of them:

Manually (With Your Fingers)
G-Spot Toy

Every woman will have her preferences. Its your job to create that safe haven where shell feel
comfortable exploring with you what she likes best. Go slowly and create a partnership for
pleasure where you can both nd exciEng techniques that allow her to release her beauEful wa-

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Chapter 4

"My beloved would do this amazing thing with his dick where he would angle it

up towards my G-Spot and rub fairly vigorously while taking himself inside and out
while I rubbed my clitoris. Some@mes when he took his dick out he would rub it on
my clitoris and put it back in again-angle it towards my G-Spot and take it out with
rm pressure. This really got me super juicy and to the point where I would squirt
when he took it out. it was almost like the act of taking it out helped me to release
the ejaculate. Some@mes if I was on top he would let hold his dick and rub it on
my clit and angle it towards my G-Spot. He loved the sensa@on of my ejaculate
dripping down his balls and down his sides. I would get really really wet and we
were both so amazed at how much liquid there was."--CP, CA
The PC MusclesProfound PC Pleasure PulsaAons And Pumping It UP

The Pubo-Coccyges muscles or PC muscles are a very complex network of muscles running
throughout the enEre pelvic oor from her clit to her anus and deep into the vaginal canal.
There are 3 main secEons of PC muscles. The ones right at the urethral opening start and stop
the ow of urine. There is a second set inside the vaginal canal which are also connected to the
anus, and a third set that are deeper within the vaginal canal and near the cervix. These "sets"
of musculature are not separate, but a connected network. I refer to them as sets so you can
visualize these three parts when you are teaching her about doing PC exercises, Therefore, the
PC muscles are the muscles that start and stop the ow of urine as well as allow her to give
birth and push a baby out as well as enhancing her orgasmic energy and the muscles she will
use to ejaculate.

Why Are These Muscles Important When Learning About Orgasm And EjaculaAon?

The PC Muscles and their strength are connected to:

Releasing female ejaculate
Pumping orgasmic energy through her body
Having powerful orgasms and more of them them
Enhancing pleasure for you
Enhancing sensaEon for you both during intercourse
GeneraEng blood ow and vaginal health
Enhancing the sEmulaEon of her clit, G-Spot and cervix
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Fear Of Pushing Out

You will be having her pracEce squeezing in those muscles in each Eer as well as pushing out.
PracEce with her! This is great for your orgasmic management too. The squeezing in is some-
thing women are more familiar with and easy for her to do. Pushing out on the other hand can
be a bit scary because she might feel like she has to pee when she pushes out. Pushing out
might also release any gas she might have, much to her un-ladylike dismay, but the more you
give her permission to let go and accept the possible embarrassment, it will be worth the pleas-
ure tenfold. Have a laugh--it happens.

For Exercises And Further Understanding Of The PC Muscles....
At Female Liquid Orgasm, I breakdown all of the benets of the PC muscles and how she can
strengthen her muscles as well as various exercises she can do with you or just about
anywhere. Once her PC muscles are in shape and strong, she will have an enhanced sexual ex-
perience with you and you will also experience the benets menEoned earlier. To recap--she is
using these muscles to push out the ejaculate as well as pump orgasmic energy through her
body and sEmulate her G-Spot. You should denitely research this more to help both of you

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Chapter 5
Giving Birth To Her Orgasm

One of the main secrets to ejaculaEng that I have been coaching women for years to do its:
Give birth to their orgasm. For many women, this enErely shiled their perspecEve and opened
up a whole new realm of orgasmic possibility. Most women hold their orgasms inside. "Inside"
meaning that their orgasm energeEcally moves inward and or inward and upward, This is a to-
tally acceptable way to orgasm and is usually what most women are comfortable with. Women
who ejaculate olen "give birth to their orgasm" by pushing out the orgasm and the ejaculate
out with it. So instead of the orgasmic energy moving inward and up, their energy is moving out
and they are bearing down just as they would to give birth (except not as hard!) This might take
some pracEce for her especially if she is used to orgasming in a certain way. Her body simply
has to get comfortable and familiar with pushing out/bearing down. She will be pushing out or
bearing down during an orgasm and right before one in order to release the ejaculate and "give
birth to her orgasm." You can also have her push out when you are sEmulaEng her and nding
that her G-Spot is very engorged or you hear the sloshing sounds, indicaEng that there is ejacu-
late that needs to be released.

Let It GO

A lot of women use their PC muscles NOT to ejaculate because they are afraid they are going to
pee, so what if they used those same PC muscles to actually let go and push out the ejaculate?
Since the fear of le-ng go is a big one, it requires an element of surrender which could result in
a trickle, a drip, a gush, or a huge catharEc release. She has to be willing to trust her body and
let go. Since I have been guiding you about how to create a safe and comfortable space for her
to feel free and uninhibited as well as a space for her to feel super juicy and turned on, this is
the perfect recipe for her to start squirEng. You both will feel the incredible thrill of her sexy
juices spurEng, gushing, drizzling, dripping, and exploding. There is truly nothing like it!

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The Dance Between Force and Surrender

Giving birth is one of the most powerful experiences for a woman. How amazing is it that our
bodies have this power? Whether she has already given birth or not, you can have her visualize
the symbolic experience--normally associated with pain, and replace it with profound pleasure
and power. If she visualizes herself bearing down as if she were giving birth but instead visual-
izes herself giving birth to an orgasm or ecstaEc energy, then you might nd her ejaculaEng right
then and there!
EjaculaEon does not always require that she push out. SomeEmes it can come forth involuntar-
ily or without pushing it out. But it certainly helps, especially in in the beginning for her to push
out. The other aspect of ejaculaEon is that you don't want to her hold it back. If she is afraid to
go over the edge or let go because she is nervous she might pee, make a mess, or is scared
about the intensity of the experience, tell her to visualize herself opening the oodgates and
removing the dam that is holding back her waters and ulEmately her pleasure.
Note: When I say "pushing" or "bearing down," I don't mean that she should push hard or force
it Ell she turns blue in the face. She is using the same kind of force as she would when squeez-
ing in, but pushing out instead. As her muscles get stronger too from doing her PC muscle exer-
cises, this will feel like a very free and sexy experience for her. Please note that while she is
pushing out, there is also an aspect of releasing. So it is a beauEful dance between force and
surrender which you can work with her to pracEce and discover where her edges are and where
she experiences the most pleasure.

When Should She Push Out?

The best Eme to push out is:

When she is highly aroused
You hear and feel a sloshing noise indicaEng there might be ejaculate building up in her G-
She says she is feeling the pressure of the ejaculate building up or like she has to pee
When she is just about to Orgasm
While she is Orgasming

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Chapter 6

General Tips For EjaculaAng

Remove any object that might be blocking the urethra when she is close to orgasm or
trying to release the ejaculate.

Encourage her to drink lots of water and be well hydrated before your session.

Remind her to empty her bladder beforehand so she doesn't have to worry about if
she's peeing or not.

Use G-Spot toys or pay special auenEon to rmly sEmulaEng the G-Spot through inter-

Ask her to push out when she seems highly aroused or near orgasm.

SEmulate her clit and G-Spot at the same Eme.

Coach her around releasing fears about peeing or making a mess and give her lots of
permission to let go.

Put lots of towels or rubber sheets down so you and your partner don't have to worry
about making a mess.

Remind her to pump and uElize her PC muscles during arousal to help generate orgasmic
energy and release the ejaculate.

Experiment to nd out what works uniquely for her.

Create a loving and comfortable space for her so she feels emoEonally connected and
therefore able to release her inhibiEons and totally open up into her wild juicy self.

Extended lovemaking sessions help to open up her body and build up her juices. Some-
Emes it takes a while for the oodgates to open.

**Remember that it takes women signicantly longer to get warmed up sexually depending on
the woman. The longer you are at it with her, the more likely she will get juicier and juicier.

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Don't Block The Urethral Opening

It is very important to note that someEmes ejaculate will not come out if you are blocking the
urethral/vaginal opening. If you have a dildo, ngers, or a penis inside of her while she is push-
ing out or orgasming, try taking it out in order to allow the ejaculate to come out.
For some women this is more important than others. Olen Emes simply the act of taking the
object (whatever it may be) out, will prompt the ejaculate to squirt out. This is something that
you can pracEce in terms of Eming and see what feels right for her and helps her to ejaculate.
You will olen know that it is a good Eme to take out your ngers, toy or penis when you feel her
pushing out or if she gives you a signal or tells you.
When you take out whatever it is that is inside her, you will want to do so quickly and with pres-
sure towards her G-Spot to help prompt her to ejaculate. Make sure when you take whatever is
inside of her out, that you stay close at hand because most likely she will want you to put it back
in right aler she ejaculates and or orgasms.

An addiEonal trick is to take your ngers, toy or penis out when she is ge-ng close to ejaculat-
ing or orgasming and rub it vigorously around the opening of her vagina where her urethral
opening is. You can also try variaEons of tapping and rubbing. You can use a lot of pressure and
intensity olen Emes with the G-Spot. Always make sure to check in with her and get to know
the kind of pressure that feels comfortable on her G-Spot.

"As a guy who has go_en many women to squirt, I have to say that one of the
major techniques I learned is to take out my ngers or my cock when I feel her
star@ng to push. That's usually when she's just about to ejaculate, and I no@ce
that if I take whatever is inside of her out right when I feel that push, then usually
this will be followed by a squirt. Then I'll put my cock or ngers back in almost
immediately aIer she ejaculates and then s@mulate her some more and wait un@l
I feel her push out again. We can do this over and over again throughout a session
and I'm amazed at how many women can just keep coming and coming and ejacu-
la@ng more and more. If I don't take my ngers or cock out I nd that she is less
likely to ejaculate for some reason. Not sure why but I know what works."--MN,

Making Her Squirt Through Intercourse

I outline several hot posiEons you can try that will get her super turned on, aroused and ejacu-
laEng everywhere in my home study course at Female Liquid Orgasm. I also talk in depth about
how you can use your penis as a way to help her ejaculate. These are more advanced tech-
niques and they are very fun to try with her.
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Teamwork is a great way for her to be more orgasmic and add more juice to your lovemaking.
Whether through ngering, toy play, or intercoursesEmulate her G-Spot while she sEmulates
her clit. SomeEmes trying to sEmulate both at the same Eme feels like rubbing your head and
pa-ng your stomach. It's dicult and can get complicated for some. If you focus on a team
eort where she rubs her clit and your sEmulate her G-Spot, you are on your way to giving her
mulEple blended orgasms with a sure-re recipe for success and even ejaculaEon. If you are
penetraEng her, and she has a free hand, encourage her to start rubbing her clit. If you are us-
ing a G-Spot toy on her or ngers, you can work the toy while she works her vibrator or manu-
ally sEmulates her clit. Start o slowly so she can really take in and savor the sensaEons of her
G-Spot. Really draw out the G-Spot strokes in juicy slow moEon moves that will have her writh-
ing around and begging for more. If your partner tells you that she can't orgasm during inter-
course, then if you invite her to rub her clit, then you might have a rst Eme intercourse or-
gasmer on your handsnot to menEon a rst-Eme squirter!

Also explain the logisEcs of it to her if there is hesitaEon: If you can really focus and dedicate
your energy to sEmulaEng her G-Spot, and she focuses her energy on sEmulaEng her clit, then
as a team you can signicantly enhance her pleasure. You can also have her rub her clit for
short periods of Eme in the beginning and encourage her to do it more and more unEl she feels
comfortable. You can also tease her by starEng to sEmulate her clit and G-Spot simultaneously
and get her really worked up to the point of no return. Then let up on her clit and just focus on
her G-Spot. Tell her to rub her clit when she is super juicy and chances are, some of her earlier
inhibiEons will be gone as she is close to the point of no return.
Women have very mixed responses with sEmulaEng themselves in front of their partner. As al-
ways, I will emphasize that you should not pressure her or be manipulaEve. Encourage and re-
assure her but do not go overboard and annoy her. It is a delicate dance that you will learn to-

Yoni (Vaginal) Massage Sessions

SomeEmes se-ng aside Eme where you can enjoy a session dedicated just for her that is sepa-
rate from your lovemaking can be very helpful. These sessions are ones in which you give her a
full body massage while also massaging her inner and outer labia, taking your Eme to get to
know her body, to explore her inside and out with your ngers and tongue, to worship her and
bask in her ecstasy. If you have an exploratory a-tude and one of honor, these sessions can be
incredible for her and you, she can also do the same for you so you can take Eme to fully re-
ceive from her.

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"I have found that I cannot ejaculate when I am with a partner who I don't feel
totally safe or comfortable with. I have men@oned to some guys that I have been
known to squirt from @me to @me, and with some guys it feels like it's their goal to
make me ejaculate and then I feel pressure and performance anxiety whereas the
guys that were sweet and happy if it happened or not were the ones I would ejacu-
late with. I had one partner who was like a cheerleader and said in a very sexy
way, "give it to me baby" or "there you go--that a girl!" "you got some more for
me?" etc. That really got me going. Then there was this guy who I could not ejacu-
late with even if I wanted to who seemed rather frightened by the whole idea. I
don't think he would have enjoyed it and was more of a selsh lover anyways. It
amazes me though how temperamental ejacula@ng really is--from partner to
partner or dierent moods I'm in. I no@ce the common denominator really is feel-
ing safe with my partner. -- AS, El Cerrito, CA It All Together - Couples Exercise

OK, this is it. You have the knowledge you need to bring her to ejaculatory orgasm now. Re-
member to trim your ngernails very short. Use an emery board to smooth the edges. Her in-
ternal Essue is very delicate! Wash your hands two Emes with very good soap. Wear a tee shirt.
Get water for both of you, and put on some music or light candles or do what ever sets a nice
space for her maximum comfort.
Lay a few thicknesses of towels down on the bed or a waterproof sheet under your bedding. Lay
her down, prop her legs with pillows beneath her. Put a pillow beneath her head. Give her a
wrap she can drape across her chest if she gets cold.
Sit down beside her, on her right side, so you can posiEon your self perpendicularly to her and
see her genitals. Put one leg across her and one under her legs so you can get your hands easily
on her clit and vagina.
First I want you to do a Yoni Massage. This will get both of you warmed up to the touch and feel
of her genitals. Print the pages in the book out that go over all of the dierent parts of her
anatomy. Then slowly nd and touch each spot as you tell her which spot you are touching. You
will essenEally do an inventory of her anatomy, so she can feel where each of these places are
as you touch them.
If shes embarrassed, keep the lights low at rst and feel your way as much as see your way
around. Its also great to have a hand mirror and prop her up so she can see her pussy. Tell her
the things you like about it. I love the dusky pink of your inner lips. I love how your clit is just
peeking out a liule from under the hood. Your thighs look so beauEful as they lead up to your
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Then as you locate each spot, rub it in a few dierent ways and ask her which feels best to her.
Try strokes, circles, swipes, more pressure, less pressure. From this, youll get a good idea of
what kind of strokes and pressure she likes in what areas.
Then as shes sEll laying down, completely relaxed, ask her to do nothing but give you any feed-
back, posiEve or negaEve, about what shes experiencing as youre giving her a genital massage.
Start with organic oil. Sweet Almond or Coconut are nice. You want something at rst thats a
liule tackier, sEcker than lube. Oil works well on the outside areas of her genitals.
Rub her outer lips, inner lips, clitoral area, urethral area, slowly work your way into her G-Area,
very delicately, just to locate the zones. Feel around in there ( just with one nger and very gen-
tly) and stroke what brings you pleasure as well as her.
Take about 30 minutes or longer if shes really enjoying it.
You can stop there, or proceed to this next level of sEmulaEon.
Once shes warmed up and very responsive to your touch, you want to move to a lube thats
beuer for internal touch. Sliquid Silk or Swiss Navy, something thats more slippery. Make sure
what you use does not contain Parabens, as theyve been thought to be carcinogenic. Theres no
research that proves it, it could be an urban legend. But why chance it when there are great lu-
bes that are Paraben-free?
Warm up lube on your lel hand, spread it around and put it onto your pointer and index ngers
on your right hand. These are what you will slip inside her.
Then set up a gentle, light, even, rhythmic stroke on her clitoris, using lube, with your lel
pointer nger. Then slowly start to work your pointer nger on your right hand around the en-
trance to her vagina. Mirror the stroke on her clit with the stroke of your index nger, using a
small, come hither stroke as you are working your nger into her G-Spot. Take at least a minute
or two to slowly work it in.
Then start to do windshield wiper stroke with your nger across her G-Spot for about 30 sec-
onds. Next, slowly transiEon to a come hither stroke across her G-Spot for about 30 more sec-
onds. EssenEally youre giving her one rhythmic stroke per second, le-ng her get into the feel-
ing. Alternate between those two. Try a barrel roll, gently with the same rhythm, 1 per second.
A barrel roll is where you take your nger Ep(s) and do a big circle. At the top, its like a come
hither but your ngers are straight. Press against the G-Spot, arEculaEng your ngers inside her
pussy and doing a big, circular sweep all around the inside of her vagina. Some gals like it faster,
some slower. Start with the basics. 1 nger windshield wiper across her G-Spoot, 1 nger come
hither across her G-Spot, 1 nger barrel roll around the inside of her whole vaginal cavity. Al-
ternate two sets of 1 come hither, 1 windshield wiper, 1 come hither, 1 windshield wiper fol-
lowed by a single barrel roll.

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Do that with just pointer for 3-5 minutes. Then slowly pull out. Tell her in advance that you are
going to pull out and put on more lube. Put on more lube. Squirt it on your lel hand, rub it in
your palm to warm it, then sEck your two ngers out from your right hand (pointer and index)
and roll those ngers all around in he lube so the lube covers your enEre ngers, on all sides.
These the ngers youre going to slip inside her.
Keep one hand or your arm touching her as you do this. Its good at rst to report all the moves
you are making to her. Shell feel more condent if she understands what you are doing every
step of the way during this intense learning process. Check in with her as you go. See what she
liked, more than others and if theres anything that didnt give her pleasure. Accept all her
feedback, no mauer what and dont expect her to be polite. Just ask her to blurt out what ever
she is feeling. Remember, it can get a liule intense down there for women in the beginning. Ac-
cept everything she says and respond each Eme simply with, thank you.
This is a nice liule break for her. Now you can start again.
First, tell her you are going to slowly work in your other nger. SomeEmes its nice to tease her a
liule and build some anEcipaEon. But rst start again with one nger. Go back to the 1 nger
come hither stroke. Do that for 30 seconds. You are back on her clit again matching the rhythm.
Then do a long curing stroke with smooth, even pressure, pulling it out of her vagina, running it
up to her clit and then pause it there. Pauses are hot. They expand her energy, not delete it. She
will strive to keep the sensaEon going herself, even when you are paused, which will turn her on
This is the transiEon to two ngers. Slowly run that pointer nger back down, keeping in contact
with her clit unEl the last minute, then merge your index nger alongside your pointer and
slowly circle the opening to her vagina at the same rate, 1 circle per second. Then add your lel
pointer nger back to her clit, keeping that stroke steady. As you circle the outside of her vaginal
opening you begin to work your way in, just a fracEon of an inch per stroke. Mini come hither
strokes, each second, as you go a liule further in with each stroke will feel really good to her.
Take a deep breath yourself now. Youve already been working hard. Consciously relax your
Then when you get to the point where you have two knuckles in, thats going to be right about
on her G-Spot. All women are dierent, but having her G-Spot be about where you are when
you are two knuckles in is preuy typical.
Now do light come hither stroke for 30 strokes, then windshield wiper for 30 strokes, then bar-
rel role for 5-10 strokes. Do that for a couple of minutes, then work your ngers in to the next
knuckle. At this point, your ngers are preuy much all the way in. Then start with more pressure
doing come hither, sEck with the come hither and make bigger, draggier, strokes with more
pressure, so the pads of your ngerEps are making pressing contact across her G-Spot area. Use
medium to medium rm pressure as you make contact.
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So now, you added a lot more sensaEon. Its Eme for a down stroke, which doesnt bring her
down, it actually gives her a peak. Remove the clit stroking lel nger. Slowly follow the curve of
her body, as you remove your ngers from her vagina. Slide them out slowly and curving, like
your ngers dont want to let go.
Then as youre sliding out, make contact with her clit as you slide up. Then pause there, on her
clit. That gives her a break.
If you need to, place the palm of your lel hand on her pussy and press down slightly.
Then go all the way back in, slowly, because shes more warmed up.
Put your lel nger on her clit. You are sEll doing the 1 second strokes. Now focus a minute of
come hither, then 30 seconds of windshield wiper, then a barrel stroke.
As she gets more turned on, you can speed it up a liule. Maybe two stokes per second, double
Eme. Use medium rm pressure again.
The way you can tell when its Eme to speed it up, her G-Spot will start to swell up like a bal-
loon. You can feel it pushing down on your ngers. When that happens, you can add pressure an
d speed. If thats not happening, dont add speed or pressure. Just be paEent. It may not hap-
pen the rst few sessions. You are sEll waking up her pussy and creaEng new neural pathways.
When you feel that G-Spot swelling up like a balloon, she should be moaning, you should feel
her pussy contracEng around your ngers. If you are ge-ng those signals that shes really
turned on, hook your ngers even more around her pubic bone its the come hither with
your ngers curled even more.
If youre ge-ng contracEons, she may be ready to squirt. Dont whale on her pussy unless you
are ge-ng a balloon and contracEons. Youll feel her pussy grabbing your ngers. Youll feel her
PC muscles. Thats why its important for her to do the PC exercises. Shell have more sensaEon
as shes able to control those muscles.
When it feels like you can only move your ngerEps inside her, because her pussy is clamping
down and her G-Spot is pressing against your ngers, then you can slide your ngers in and out
while youre doing the come hither.
Do it as a rocking and curving moEon so that youre nishing the stroke and when youre mak-
ing the last bit of curve, think about making contact with the legs of her clitoris as they curve
around inside her vagina. Keep contact with those clit legs that run inside her vagaina. When
you do that curve, its like a sliding scoop, also pressing with the back of your knuckles on the
lower part of the scoop, which hits her lower back part of her vagina, inside, closest to her rec-

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You may increase the speed or pressure, as long as her G-Spot is sEll swollen and she conEnues
to give you posiEve feedback. Remember, you are sEll stroking her clit, now speeding that up to
2-3 strokes a second. Match the clit stroke with the nger strokes inside her.
This is a good place for a check in. If her contracEons start to back o, you may sEll keep the
fast, light strokes on her clit but really slow down to the 1 second strokes inside her pussy. Go
back to a lighter pressure, slower draggy stroke, not the big curving, pressure strokes.
This is a good Eme to do a full down strokes. SLOWLY transiEon your ngers out of her, then
press down on her big outer lips. Stroke down a few Emes. Get more lube.
Slow the escalaEon, but ramp back up more quickly than last Eme. Do the system: come hither,
windshield wiper, barrel, scooping, stronger curve strokes, if shes giving you posiEve feedback
that she desires it.
How do you know when shes ready to squirt? ContracEons and G-Spot swelling are the signals.
If shes not squirEng when youre doing the scooping, back o. If she is, then keep that pace up
during her squirEng Eme. She can squirt in cycles. Bring her up. Squirt. Down strokes. Bring her
up. Squirt. Down strokes. At rst, she will be able to tell theres squirEng, but you may not. It
slowly builds up to a bigger amount of ejaculate release.
SomeEme it just doesnt work. Dont push her too hard. Dont upset her. Just take a break and
do it again another day. Make sure that the whole Eme, no mauer what, shes enjoyed the
stroking. Try not to be goal oriented. Its hard. But try.
Do this many Emes before you will both feel like shes ready and you can keep the strokes.
She cant clamp up, she needs to be opening her pussy, pushing out. If she doesnt open up and
push, its not going to happen. She has to want to push out. See if she feels like shes going to
Thats why its important someEmes to do the escalaEon up to the scooping stroke, and then if
shes not ready, back o. Do 3-4 cycles of the slow escalaEon. If she hasnt squirted by now. Give
her a break. Slowly bring her down. Give her a break and see if she wants to go again or call it a
Give her a towel stroke. Take a hand towel and lay it on her genitals. Put gentle pressure on the
outside so the capillary acEon removes the lube. Dont rub her with the towel. Sit her up. Tell
her what an amazing experience that was for you in as much detail as you can conjure. Ask her
for any feedback that she can give you and just say, thank you for each piece of informaEon
she can oer.
Do this as frequently as you both like and soon she will be squirEng!

Copyright 2010 Personal Life Media All Rights Reserved

M a k e A n y Wo m a n S q u i r t!


Prepare To Rock Her World Forever!

There is nothing more thrilling then ge-ng your woman to an orgasmic and juicy place. There
is nothing more thrilling than having her think of you as her Master and Sex God in bed. There is
nothing more thrilling than "making her squirt" and give her a new experience that she has
NEVER had before. I have given you a wealth of inside knowledge and wisdom about women
and what makes them Eck and...squirt. Most men have not been given this informaEon so you
are way above the bar on this one.
Trust me, she will be in TOTAL AWE of your skills and deep wisdom of her body as well as your
techniques and expert space holding. She will be able to let go and surrender into total ecstasy
like never before. Get ready for a wet and wild ride that will have her hooked and coming and
coming again and again! Good luck. You are well on your way.
If you want to accelerate your learning from here, I also of-
fer even more advanced content at my deeply detailed on-
line membership site called Female Liquid Orgasm.
I have compiled many of the most sophisEcated secrets I
have learned over the years including video clips so you can
actually see several dierent women ejacula@ng. I also oer
audio journeys and tutorials there. The videos are riveEng
and will help you and your lover see exactly how regular
women and couples just like you are having amazing ejacula-
tory orgasms.

Trust me, it pays to know as much as you can about women's sexuality and literally turn her on
to experiences she didn't think were possible. Making her squirt is one of those unique things
that will catapult you into a whole new sexual dimension with her. I invite you to read through
this eBook and see if I have wet your appeEte to learn more and advance your skills.
I urge you to join my membership site, Female Liquid Orgasm for more advanced and detailed
techniques. This site has six of my guided audio journeys, my Toy Resource Guide, eight taste-
ful, yet explicit video tutorials that show dierent women ejaculaEng so you and your woman
can see for yourself what real women (not porn stars) look like having ejaculatory orgasms.
Copyright 2010 Personal Life Media All Rights Reserved

M a k e A n y Wo m a n S q u i r t!


I have also interviewed other famous sexperts about female ejaculaEon and to me, the best
part is that you can post your quesEons and either I or other of our members will give you
amazing answers. Now that youve read this ebook, you might want much more detail and its
all waiEng there for you, so cmon and join us on this amazing journey.

Another really great advanced sexual mastery product

published by Personal Life Media is Expand Her Orgasm
Tonight, by Dr. Pa- Taylor.
Dr. Pa- teaches couples how to give the woman ex-
panded, mulEple orgasms.
She oers 21 EroEc Play Dates that teach you and your
woman about extended orgasm. You may have heard it
called, the 30 minute orgasm. Its a fantasEc accompa-
niment to my female ejaculaEon training.

Her membership site is here.

Check it out!
I have simply given you a taste in this eBook, but there is more....there is always more:) Please
let me know if I can assist you further.

Juicy Blessings to You and Yours,

Copyright 2010 Personal Life Media All Rights Reserved
Please do not copy, pirate, forward or in any way unscrupulously use this material. I have spent
years accumulaEng this informaEon and deserve to be paid for it. Have a heart. If you have re-
ceived this from someone else, please go to Make Any Woman Squirt and purchase it fairly.
Thank you.
Copyright 2010 Personal Life Media All Rights Reserved

M a k e A n y Wo m a n S q u i r t!


See More Products From Personal Life Media


Copyright 2010 Personal Life Media All Rights Reserved

Please do not copy, pirate, forward or in any way unscrupulously use this material. I have spent
years accumulaEng this informaEon and deserve to be paid for it. Have a heart. If you have re-
ceived this from someone else, please go to Make Any Woman Squirt and purchase it fairly.
Thank you.
Copyright 2010 Personal Life Media All Rights Reserved

M a k e A n y Wo m a n S q u i r t!


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