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his photo was probably published in order to

American people were probably extremely shocked by
what was daily published in the press/the photos whichthey saw everyday.
It explains their growing protest/disgust/why they began
to feel revolted by that terrible war.
The magazine covers probably struck the American
public, that is the reason why they started demonstrating
and protesting against the war.
Since Life was a widely-read magazine, people in
America and abroad got to know more about the harsh/ brutal reality of the wa
faire dcrire les photos puis le demander ce quil connaisse de la guerre du Vietnam.
demander au lves de regarder le tableau de statistiques ainsi que la biograhie de Dr
Benjamin Spock
Donner le titre du document ainsi que retro projeter le document :
the sender probably disapproves of the Vietnam war/Probably opposed because he/She
doesnt understand it.
read the letter once and say what you understood from the letter:

Nature of document:
Sender :
recipient /addresse :
topic/main information:
she was opposed to sending/disapprove of /disagree with/rise up against/condemn/decry.
pick out words or expressions which are related to :
-personal information about the writer:
-her feelings about the Vietnam war
- her reasons for having such feelings about the war
motivation for writing to Dr Spock:
she feels very frustrated because she cant tell anybody

She knows she cannot voice her own protest.

She thinks famous and respected people like Dr Spock
can be her spokesman, and the spokesman of many
people who share her feelings.
She hopes that Dr Spock will encourage people tospeak up against the Vietnam War.
She thinks that Dr Spock could be an example formany Americans.
vocabulary des chansons:
Masters of War : protest song
give the title of the song and say what issues you think Masters of warmay evoke:
who might be these masters of war?
Perhaps these masters of war are people who sell guns.
It could be soldiers who are fightinh and killing people.
The masters of war could be politicians and the government who decide to go to war.
1/first and second listening of the song:
concentrer sur le rhythme de la chanson et le ton du chanteur /Mots quil est possible
TONE : a very serious tone, keep the song at a constant,mellow sincere tone.The
background music helps to create a grim atmosphere.Repetitive guitat melody to help the
listener focus on the lyrics.At the end of the song,the tone escalates into a more
aggressive manner.
the singer sounds angry and revolted and the rhythm is slow and regular.

steady, calmer, background folk music in opposition to the words the

singer uses.
There many repetitions in the song which stress the singer revolt
the singer addresses the masters of war and accuses them of lying.
2 /CE: demander aux lves de lire uniquement la 1re et dernire
who are the masters of war ?
They are the arm makers/business man who produces arms/weapons ad bombs and stay
away from the conflict ;they work in offices,they control the war and they lie to people.

The singer wishes they were dead.When they died,he wants to follow them to their
graves to be certain they are dead.
3/Travail en groups:
stanza 1: Dylan is saying that political leaders are hiding in the safety of their offices as
they send the US soldiers out to risk their lives and do their dirty work.
POLITICIANS are characterized as greedy and coward.
Stanza 2: The men in charge of the war act as if war was a game.This explains when
Dylan says you play with my world like.Dylan views the war as a matter which has to
be taken very seriously .He thinks military leaders should be more cautious with the lives
of their soldiers.
Stanza 3: the leaders in charge of our military try to feed us with lies=politicians as
distrustful .Began to evoke emotions from listener.
Stanza 4: leaders are not hurt by the decisions they are making ,the soldiers are. SITTING
back and watching as their troops are murdered .
Stanza 5: your actions are unforgivable/thoughtless
Stanza 6: money cant buy forgiveness .Leaders have made immoral corrupt decisions in
order to help only themselves and make money .Dylan is telling them that money cant
buy forgiveness for the horrible things they have done.
Stanza 7: Dylan concludes the song with as strong and straightforward ending .He shows
his hatred for the leaders who are making corrupt decisions by saying I hope
that youll die

ob Dylan compares the Masters of War to Judas because

they betray the population and send it to its death
ob Dylan accuses them of making the world an unsure
place and of instilling fear into peoples minds. He alsoblames them for making money over peoples deaths

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